A practical exploration on the feasibility of Integrative Multidisciplinary research from a broad ecohealth perspective in

Elize S van Eeden Subject Group History North-West University South Africa [email protected]

Abstract and community development.

This discussion is a deliberation on the progress towards the Because regional (and local) history (the discipline I am familiar possibility of carrying out feasible research according to an with) covers a variety of themes in which human involvement Integrative Multidisciplinary (IMD) research methodology and human interaction, specifically with and in the environment, 4 (theoretically and practically). To explore the IMD research is stressed, my research interest necessarily expanded to multi- 5 methodology, a group of researchers from several disciplines disciplinary level. Therefore the discussion to follow is a started discussions from early February 2011 to plan a pilot deliberation on the progress that has been made towards the research process in the Bekkersdal Township of the municipal possibility of doing feasible research according to an Integrative region of (, South Africa). It was decided Multidisciplinary (IMD) research methodology (theoretically that the focus of research would be on searching for a broad and practically). To explore the IMD research methodology a definition of ecohealth to accommodate several disciplines and group of researchers from several disciplines started discussions to attempt to produce a “package” of research results from many in early February 2011 to plan a pilot research process in the disciplinary angles. These results will eventually be discussed Bekkersdal Township of the municipal region of Westonaria and refined through interdisciplinary (ID) and transdisciplinary (Gauteng, South Africa). The focus of research that was decided (TD) research phases to “contain” consolidated reflections of the on was the exploration of a broad definition of ecohealth to status of the well-being of the Bekkersdal community. However, accommodate several disciplines interested and at random. The the primary research question remains: whether it is possible to general thinking in the first discussion was to mainly attempt to do research using IMD methodology, and whether this proposed produce a “package” of research results from many disciplinary methodology is more promising and constructive as an aid to angles that‟s ecohealth related. As our discussions matured the understanding and disseminating research from various call for a “multi-effort” research developed towards the disciplinary angles than other methodologies. Although the pilot disseminating of results that should eventually be discussed and study of Bekkersdal has not yet been completed, progress so far refined through clear defineable interdisciplinary (ID) and has been very satisfactory and should bring about revitalised transdisciplinary (TD) research phases that include consolidated methodological insights in the near future. reflections on the status of the well-being of the Bekkersdal community. However, the primary research question remains: Keywords: Integrative Multidisciplinary research; ecohealth; whether it is possible to do research using the newly formulated Bekkersdal township; Westonaria; Gauteng; South Africa, IMD methodology, and whether this proposed methodology is environment; humanities; social sciences. more promising and constructive as an aid to understanding and disseminating research from various disciplinary angles than other methodologies. 1. INTRODUCTION

Interdisciplinary (ID) and transdisciplinary (TD) research co- 2. UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT operations in South Africa within the humanities and social “INTEGRATIVE MULTIDISCIPLINARY ” (IMD) sciences over the past decades can be traced through intervals of time up to 2011.1 However, ID cooperation is more common in RESEARCH IN A “ BROAD ECOHEALTH” the natural, medical and agricultural sciences. Educational RESEARCH THEME changes in the country since the mid-1990s supported a debate on the status and value of integrated forms of research by Past and recent ideas and debates for integrative research in 2 disciplines in the humanities and the social sciences. South literature are dynamic which require a separate discussion. This Africa‟s Higher Education White Paper of 1997 also endorses an dialogue is an additional angle to be considered as part of the 3 integrative disciplinary approach to research as suggested in ongoing deliberations on multidisciplinary research IMD research: cooperations.6

The accountability processes that flow from the Integrative multidisciplinary (IMD) research changing nature of the research enterprise are much wider than those associated with traditional research in By integrative multidisciplinary (IMD) research, the conceptual the higher education system. The outcomes of research understanding is that it is research that transcends the boundary are not only measured by traditional tools such as peer of being only disciplinary, or of relying only on traditional ways reviews, but also by a broader range of indicators such of dealing with multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and/or as national development needs, industrial innovation transdisciplinary research opportunities.7 The ideal with IMD research is to structure a research project in approach that, for example, includes environmental impact which several disciplines participate in formalised phases that assessments10 as well as social science impact assessments, are progresses from the disciplinary to the interdisciplinary, and not defined in the EHIA guideline. As a result the research then the transdisciplinary phase. The core activities in each of process and methodology of inclusively involving the the phases (See diagram 1) include some basic features of an humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences in actually more defined understanding of the specific research research projects are limited and even ignored. phase in the context in which it is used. In IMD research the academic roots, epistemological backgrounds and research tools As far as health research and specifically the humanities are of each research participant is embraced and acknowledged from concerned, John Eyeles, Susan Elliott, Jacques Grondin, Karen the D-phase, to the ID and the TD phase (See diagram 1). Smoyer, Ralph Matthews and Dan Krewski reported in “New directions – New dimensions for environmental health research After a group of disciplines in a research project have identified in Canada”11 that the meaning of “health” has evolved from the their core focus and locus (including the core research absence of disease to a broader, more complete concept questions), research can commence by making use of an IMD incorporating physical, social and emotional factors. This has set approach. The IMD approach can be visualised as follows (see the stage for revisiting the biomedical paradigm and developing Diagram 1):8 new models of health and well-being. These pioneering Canadian models emphasise the numerous determinants of What it means to broaden the ecohealth concept health (physical, social, cultural, political and economic). The Canadian Institute of Environmental Health Research (CIEHR) Conducting research into ecohealth-related matters, and has also developed a useful heuristic tool for understanding the reporting on this kind of research according to ID and TD role of the social sciences and humanities in environmental and research methodologies, are relatively new in South Africa and health research which could be considered for inclusion in an thus not yet well explored. Therefore these methodologies IMD research project. appear to be totally absent in IMD research, especially in the humanities and social sciences. An IMD research assessment on the health12 status of a specific local area should thus depart from the scope of a broader health According to the South African Department of Health‟s model as suggested by the Canadians. So far in existing research Environmental Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) Guideline of and assessment this suggested focus appears very limited. As 2010, environmental health can be defined as comprising:9 recently as May 2011 Morgan reported that:13 The existing emphasis on environmental health and health ...those aspects of human health, including quality of life, protection looked increasingly inadequate to meet the needs that are determined by physical, biological, social and of those looking for more complex analyses of health psychosocial factors in the environment. It is also related to impacts in terms of social (and other) determinants. the theory and practice of assessing, correcting, controlling, and preventing those factors in the environment that can Also recent international research reports refer to an IMD-like potentially affect the health of present and future combination of research according to approaches dealing with generations... human health and well-being as Sustainable Livelihoods (SL) or Ecosystem Health (ESH).14 So if a broader ecohealth research Though this definition appears all-inclusive, it has not yet been could be done inclusively by disciplines across the spectrum (in used in an integrative way in research efforts in South Africa. for example IMD research), then well-thought-through results, The importance therefore of considering an IMD research as a consequence of extensive deliberations, could and should lead to solutions or more appropriate local and regional DIAGRAM 1: A suggested research approach to Integrative environmental management that may provide constructive Multidisciplinary (IMD) research for progressing from the positive outcomes. Disciplinary (D) to the Interdisciplinary (ID) and the Transdisciplinary (TD) phases: 3. THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT/AREA AND IMD RESEARCH IN ECOHEALTH From the late 1970s to the early 1980s, local history research in South Africa developed alongside the ideas of the methodological approach of “History from below”,15 constructed by the History Workshop Group of the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). In essence, the research approach by this Group was to emphasise a history from below, which meant that the role, input and knowledge of communities in certain environments and/or activities should be utilised and/or acknowledged in the scientific research process. In many ways this is partly what integrative research is all about if practiced within a broader IMD approach to research. (see discussion below on a pilot study in progress in the Bekkersdal area).

Views on contemporary ID and TD16 research methodologies external research needs. In extraordinary circumstances could to a greater or lesser extent be associated with some of the researchers may pioneer new research ideas. This could happen, historiographical trends of the Wits History Workshop.17 and is more likely to happen, in research environments where Historians, archaeologists, educators, political scientists, research needs are identified by the researchers themselves (for geographers and sociologists were key professionals associated example in South Africa through the funding structures of the with the academic activities of the Wits History Workshop National Research Foundation (NRF). Group. To develop or explore new pathways for integrative research As is the case with disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, methodologies, the researchers involved should lead the research the TD research methodology requires fundamental and focus by observing, creating and revitalising current research structured research inputs to develop towards a representative thinking. The IMD research is intended to be a “revitalised” and holistic, as well as useable, form of research reporting. In methodological framework (outlined in the previous sections). for example the contribution of health historian Virginia The aim was therefore that the identified IMD pilot project on Berridge,18 she debated the impact of history in public the broader ecohealth status of informal and formal settlements discussion and policy making, with a specific emphasis on in the Bekkersdal (Westonaria) municipal region of South Africa health policy. It was revealed that the research reports that health would be financially motivated by the need of researchers from history historians have produced were used on government and various disciplines to explore a marginalised local area for the other podiums without their actual presence or influence. In this feasibility of IMD research. regard it was found and suggested that:  Policy makers have a need for clear narratives in many fields of communities (which historians do well according to the respondents Berridge has approached).  Informal networks (such as in the case of social scientists who often deal with governing bodies) should be used; seminars (or forums) bring different networks together and therefore should be organised.  By utilising a rational model in the development of formal mechanisms:19 …History should begin to find its place in the health industry of systematic review, which is part of the rational model of research and policy making and the evidence-based movement…

Apart from the value of History when it comes to local environmental health research dissemination (the plea by Berridge), extensive debate and structured thinking about Source: feasible research methodologies in integrative research contexts http://www.routes.co.za/maps/gp/westonaria/westonaria.jpg are still required in the early part of the 21st century. This applies to all disciplines locally and world-wide. The efforts of The outcome so far from the Bekkersdal pilot study, which was the organisers of the 2012 IREPS conference could certainly launched in February 2011, was that two research questions and count as an initiative from which all interested in integrative two aims were developed to form the core focus for the team of research, could benefit. disciplines involved. Baseline information about Bekkersdal was made available to all the research participants on an internal repository link of the North-West University‟s website. From 4. ORGANISING A RESEARCH PROJECT FOR the core questions and aims, more explicit research objectives INTEGRATIVE MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH had to be developed from a disciplinary angle which should (IMD) ... OR DOES RESEARCH “NORMALLY” eventually be absorbed or transformed into the ID and TD BECOME A NEED FROM THE BOTTOM phases (see Diagram 1). The core questions and aims for the UPWARDS? IMD Bekkersdal pilot study as finally determined by June 2011 are the following: Starting somewhere Research questions: Normally, in semi-parastatal research contexts, research needs are provided and any research done appears to be based on the i) Is it possible to do Integrative Multidisciplinary needs of communities. In this regard, research done for local research on ecohealth issues from a governments by the Council for Scientific and Industrial multidisciplinary perspective (which would Research (CSIR) or higher educational research institutions are include the humanities and the social sciences)? typical examples. The outcome of this research is either ii) What could be the broader ecohealth status of the informative, the purpose of which is to develop national/internal Bekkersdal community in Westonaria, as policies to amend or develop acts, or it simply records some researched on the structural basis of the IMD specifics in a particular environment or area. In this case research methodology (namely progressing from researchers rely on existing models and theories to guide them in the D to the ID and then the TD)?

With the intention that the research aims will compliment the to record IMD research so as to allow all the research research questions, all disciplines involved (9 fields which participants to depart from the same entry level of research presents in total 23 disciplinary experts), has each developed a background while all being fairly unfamiliar or uninformed research objective from the two core research questions and with this specific environment. This approach and the newness aims. Research partners from a broad disciplinary spectrum in of modelling the IMD in an equally unexplored theme ecohealth South Africa (but for the disciplinary and interdisciplinary phase provided the opportunity for experts in several disciplines to mostly recruited from the North-West University) were invited apply their skills and knowledge obtained from research in other to participate in the Bekkersdal pilot study. After a one-day regions/areas to make their first phase contribution to this workshop in early June 2011 with all near Bekkersdal, this specific area study (see Diagrams 1-2). group decided, among other things, to devote more time to deliberating on their role in the process of integrating research Therefore the research support and input of the IMD research knowledge and to address the specific disciplinary-based participants in the pilot study of Bekkersdal will include, for research objective(s) they have decided on. example research objectives related to determining the community‟s economic status, the environmental pollution Currently most of the disciplines/groups involved view status, and the possible health effects of the visible acid mine themselves as disciplines dealing with aspects of ecohealth in an drainage in this and surrounding areas that may affect locals. indirect way which represents the broader understanding of Also foci such as how to improve the well-being of the ecohealth. It was therefore considered important to involve community in a destructed environment and/or an economic additional research participants from disciplines/groups in 2012 environment that has enhanced the creation of a destructed, that will be able to add value to the Bekkersdal pilot study due helpless and perhaps futureless community, form part and parcel to their direct involvement with ecohealth matters and from their of the broader research focus. In this regard it is foreseen that, respective angles of research. (see Diagram 2 the suggestions after such a pilot research, more in-depth studies on aspects of made of including disciplines/groups in the outer green circle in the broader research focus will or could be selected to steer the yellow). Disciplines in the health sciences and the natural IMD research to specific research needs as a result of the pilot sciences will be approached as the pilot study progresses and the study outcomes. On a larger scale of research (eventually the need to do so is suggested by the Bekkersdal research post-pilot phase), more qualitative and quantitative research on participants in the interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary phases. It the broader environmental health status of communities could may be that absences or gaps in the TD research report surface, and the IMD research methodology that was eventually information/data might require another round of disciplinary developed to observe its feasibility in the Bekkersdal pilot study, research input by some or all of the participants, and new could be further refined and applied in researching other areas. disciplines or groups need to be involved (also see the research flow indications in Diagram 1):

Bekkersdal’s history as backbone in identifying the disciplinary research objectives on broader health concerns

In the previous section some of the micro research foci, transformed objectives, as part of the core research questions, were shared. To understand this selection the history of Bekkersdal serves as important background.

In the Bekkersdal area four mining houses serve the area (Goldfields Ltd as Kloof Goldmine, Harmony Gold, South Deep and First Uranium). This is the most important economic activity. The local community relies heavily on the goldmines to boost the local economy. However, declining production and retrenchments have recently negatively impacted on the well- being of the broader Westonaria community, especially the Bekkersdal inhabitants, of whom some former mineworkers are now jobless while living under environmentally polluted conditions for which the industry and the Bekkersdal people themselves should be accountable.

DIAGRAM 2: Disciplines involved in broad When the Western Areas Limited Gold Mine was active in this ecohealth research objectives according to the particular environment in the 1930s they managed, as part of IMD model –Bekkersdal Pilot Study, 2011–201420 their obligations to their employees, the administration of the area. With the Peri-Urban Health Board active at the time and

health committees being founded all over the area, Western

Areas Limited applied for a health committee to take over the Why Bekkersdal? control of the Westonaria management. For some unknown The locality of Bekkersdal (in the Westonaria municipal region reason the Town Council took exception to this, so of South Africa was specifically chosen as the pilot study focus

the application was delayed. After a petition and re-application, a health committee for the area was approved in 1942.21 Under In the Bekkersdal pilot study the PA team (five research the supervision of the initially small health commission, sewage participants selected as leaders from the original group of works and black townships were established such as Bekkersdal. 25 research participants) have also suggested that the IMD Very limited local service delivery concerns are recorded. pilot study group should create a virtual archive in which Among others there is the bucket system in use for decades up to any information about Bekkersdal is deposited in one 1987, after which sewage works were built in Bekkersdal worth central “repository” on the NWU website known as R18 million. A health clinic only operated from 1991 – many Bekkersdal Home. It is intended that all research years after Bekkersdal became a town. Since 1991 malnutrition participants should use this information in their respective was seen as the most serious condition treated by the personnel disciplinary research objective(s) and also themselves make of the health clinic.22 Recently air pollution concerns have been research inputs into the Bekkersdal Home website which all mentioned.23 research participants could explore. Tolerance, encouragement and patience are part of the package in research of any integrative nature. In this regard It is speculated that, with many temporary inhabitants from other researchers, especially in the humanities, can feel very countries in southern Africa working on the mines, the uncomfortable as they are accustomed to feeling, and act Bekkersdal area was only seen as a temporary area to maintain. “alone”27 when doing research. So of the 820 formal houses initially built all were owned by the Westonaria Local Municipality. As reflected in the population An obvious obstacle that researchers want to overcome in a statistics, the Bekkersdal community actually outnumbered the project of this nature is funding. Some substantial time and rest of the population of Westonaria. The dire need for housing fund application proposals were made to be able to caused informal settlements to expand in a disorderly way. sufficiently invest in research of this nature with the Housing development was also affected by the geological intention to expand as well as refine the current research composition of the area (it is dolomite area with the tendency to vision. form sinkholes due to dewatering caused by mining activity). Population growth has put a heavy burden on the provision of What may every discipline as a research participant water. For example, in the 1980s one tap for every 100–150 grapple with? families was provided. Recent sources in the literature also Each discipline, represented by a research participant or a speculate on the possible effects of acid mine drainage decanting number of research participants, may have to scrutinise their on Bekkersdal in close-by areas.24 The inhabitants are also close own disciplinary environment for historiographical, theoretical to the Donaldson Dam25 (a source of the and methodological directions or ideas on how to deal with local which is a tributary to the Vaal River system), which is known ecohealth research from a disciplinary or broader context.28 for its high radioactivity levels in the sediment. People from the Bekkersdal community use this dam extensively for baptising As for the discipline of history (the discipline represented by the their children and catching fish to eat which they should not author), it appears that very few contributions to ecohealth exist, actually do. They sell food close by, and allow animals to drink especially from a local point of view. Whereas historical studies from the dam.26 internationally on public health and some health histories (globally and nationally) feature prominently as a baseline for How will the research reporting and methodology departure in research of this nature, ecohealth-related look? contributions by historians range from limited to absent.29 Apart from heavily relying on Diagram 1 (while being willing to refine the various research phases if required) to progress with So far contributions by historians of South Africa to the an IMD research approach, a few decisions were made in the country‟s health history, according to health historian Howard past twelve months: Phillips, have revolved around disease, the patient and the  A group requires a project leader and a project advisor healer.30 Health histories in the wider context as embedded in (a key research role player from each of the disciplines themes such as poverty, death demographics, urbanisation and that participate). the impact of environmental pollution on humans have not yet  Most research participants (representing researchers been explored with health as the focus.31 However, local from all the disciplines involved) will operate as field histories, with the multidisciplinary possibilities of their team members. Because the researchers will initially methodology, do sometimes cover health histories from the operate from a disciplinary viewpoint, no research perspective of town development due to rapidly increasing methodology differences among disciplines will have economic activity. None of these contributions32 to local history to be discussed in Phase 1 of the research process. were developed specifically to record deteriorating This may have to be discussed in Phases 2 and 3 (see environments, which cause crises in the ecohealth status of Diagram One). From Phase 2, the research approach environments, and impact on communities. should be to integrate, as far as possible, the research A lack of sufficient research on the socio-economic and local method of each discipline or group of disciplines. histories of South Africa, which also incorporate environment Monthly communication between the project leader and health histories rather than an over-emphasis on political and project advisor is seen as an inevitable and history, has after many decades allowed a serious knowledge necessary requirement to ensure dissemination of gap to develop, for example in local environmental health information on the project further along to the field histories. The South African Historical Journal (SAHJ)33 and the team. national historical journal Historia have published a few articles

on environmental themes. Perhaps the very first article on local Impressions on its progress so far were discussed. The 2012- environmental health (although still from a narrow angle) which stage of the pilot study will include formal feedback discussions mainly looked at the health impacts of disease, water provision according to the structure of all the phases as set out in Diagram and racial trends, was by a Finnish researcher, Harri Mäki, 1. What is worth mentioning in general at this point of the pilot entitled: “Comparing developments in water supply, sanitation research process is that it was realised that integrative forms of and environmental health in four South African cities, 1840– research (from the disciplinary to the interdisciplinary and 1920”.34 It may be of some value to produce dissertations and transdisciplinary) cannot exist automatically, nor all at once. theses on the health status in certain regions, but it is my opinion Also both the ID and TD approaches to research are not possible that historians dealing with ecohealth research issues still have a without solid disciplinary research. It also appears that an IMD long way to go in South Africa to effectively contribute to IMD- way of thinking about research will rather emerge from a longer focused discussions. process of planning for implementation to be accomplished in phases, than being put into practice in short-term or hot-spot Many years ago South Africa, in groundbreaking ways, research. Research should eventually also include the insights pioneered epidemiological studies in public health research and approval of the community on which the research is being when the Department of Health (DPH) in the 1940s done (which is defined as a requirenment in phase 3 in Diagram experimented with clinics as a health service in impoverished 1 only). The inputs and distribution of the final report should areas. For example, an epidemiological study was carried out in ensure progress towards an integrated form of scientific the Pholela reserve in KwaZulu-Natal with the aim of dissemination that will be a longer-term investment. The IMD determining how infectious diseases such as syphilis could be research approach in the pilot study in Bekkersdal (to be prevented. In this epidemiological study the focus was on the completed by 2014) will probably transform as a project having social, economic and cultural dimensions of disease causation. progressed from a pilot study towards more in-depth research Close monitoring of family health by trained black health needs in future. The Model could serve as a research framework assistants became a system, and was key to addressing the health example to be applied elsewhere in South Africa, and even needs of a community such as Pholela. These needs included internationally as part of current debates.37 health education, monitoring of the state of health of families, administering their health progress and providing first aid. This was the vision of Dr Sidney Kark and his wife Emily, who took [1] Compare A. Goebel et al., “Transdisciplinarity in urban responsibility for the Pholela “health experiment”. They worked South Africa”, Futures, doi:10.1016/j.futures. 2009.11.032, pp. towards a scenario where people would take responsibility for 35 1-9; E.S. van Eeden, Impressions on conducting and their own health. The then young World Health Organisation reporting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary learned much from the Pholela experiment, but South Africa did environmental research in South Africa – a historian’s not. A lack of funding, economic dreams, ideologies and racial perspective (Inaugural lecture 07/2010, Platinum Press, NWU, preferences had always been hurdles to overcome in efficiently Vaal Triangle Campus (ISBN: 978-1-86822-588-3), March carrying out public health research, which should include 2010; E.S. van Eeden, Environmental history within a several disciplines supporting an all-inclusive view for revitalised integrative research methodology for today and sustainable actions, among others the need for epidemiological 36 tomorrow”, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol 36, No. 4, studies in communities. Historian Alan Jeeves stated that by 2011, pp. 314-329. 2001 South Africa barely had any health districts with access to [2] Compare EJ Hollingsworth, “A multidisciplinary review of useable or sufficient data on their communities. The health the study of innovation ....”, A transdisciplinary research history of the Bekkersdal community reveals that, apart from a Program for the Twenty-First Century, Public, South Africa, lack of adequate health services since 1945, the dominant July 7. 1995; Also see eb.mit.edu/annualreports/pres08/2008. economic activity at the time, namely the surrounding 03.00.pdf; CSD, Human Sciences Research Council, Report, goldmines, did not take great care of employees and families “Social Science research methodology teaching at South African who were socio-economically and culturally disrupted. The tertiary institutions” (compiled by A. Tothill & C. Crothers), present-day impact and possible effects of polluted November 1997, pp. 4-6, 9, 33-34; E.S. van Eeden, Didactical environments on the health status of the Bekkersdal inhabitants guidelines for teaching History in a changing South Africa, can also be added to the list of ecohealth concerns from a November 1999, (Keurkopie, Potchefstroom, 1999), Chapters 8- broader angle. 10; E.S. van Eeden, The value and way forward of History – a motivational discourse from a 21st century perspective, New Conclusion Contree, 51, May 2006, pp. 25-54. [3] CSD, Human Sciences Research Council, Report, “Social The purpose of sharing information in this discussion was to Science research methodology teaching at South African tertiary provide, among others, methodological direction to a broader institutions” (compiled by A Tothill and C Crothers), November academic community (especially the human and social sciences) 1997, p. 35. on a possible ways to do integrative multidisciplinary research. [4] This trend of regional history‟s value has also been observed This possibility, developed by NWU academics as a self- some time ago by historians in the USA, dealing with The New formulated theoretical research framework (but inclusive of Western History. See S.H. Armitage, “From inside out: ideas obtained from a solid research in international literature) is Rewriting regional history”, Frontiers – A Journal of currently practically contested. The practical part (as case study Women’s Studies, Vol. 22, 2001. and as part of the pilot study which started in February 2011), [5] E.S. van Eeden, “The 21st value of History and the history with ecohealth as theme in a broadly defined context, takes educator revised – a motivational discourse”, New Contree, place in the Bekkersdal Township in the Gauteng, South Africa. Vol. 51, May 2006; E.S. van Eeden, “History as silent formative

force in all careers with specific reference to history training and [15] Compare for example this approach to History with P.J. its career receptiveness”, New Contree, November 1997. Blok, “Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche Volk” [seven [6 ]As recent examples of the debate as mentioned see J.S. volumes] as discussed in his inaugural lecture in 1894 in Leiden Arnold & M. Fernandez-Gimenez, Building social capital titled: De Geschiedenis als Sociale Wetenschap. Blok through participatory research: An analysis of collaboration on interpreted the Social History as:. "de geschiedenis der Tohono O‟odham tribal rangelands in Arizona”, menschelijke maatschappij". As quoted in FA van Jaarsveld, Society&Natural Resources, Vol. 20 No.6, 2007, pp. 481-495; “Oor die onderrig van sosiale geskiedenis en riglyne vir sy JF Silver, “Weighing in on scale: Synthesizing disciplinary metodiek”, Historia, 17(2), 1972, p. 119. approaches to scale the context of building interdisciplinary [16] A conceptual discussion on the Interdisciplinary and resource management”, Society& Natural Resources, 21(10), Transdisciplinary research methodologies is not covered in this pp. 921-929; J.L. Thompson, C.B. Forster, C. Werner & T.R. discussion. For a conversation and references related to these Peterson, “Mediated modelling: Using collaborative processes to concepts see E.S. van Eeden, Impressions on conducting and integrate scientist and stakeholder knowledge about Greenhouse reporting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary environmental Gas Emissions in an urban ecosystem”, Society&Natural research… (Inaugural lecture 07/2010, Platinum Press, NWU, Resources, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2010, pp. 742-757. Vaal Triangle Campus (ISBN: 978-1-86822-588-3), March [7] Compare with the views in E.S. van Eeden, Environmental 2010; R.H. Roberts and J.M.M. Good (Eds.), The recovery of history within a revitalised integrative research methodology for rhetoric. Persuasive discourse and disciplinarity in the today and tomorrow”, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 36(4), Human Sciences (Bristol Classical Press, London, 1993), pp. 1- December 2011, pp. 314-329; GH Hadorn, H Hoffmann-Riem, 22. These authors , amongst others, discuss the territorial S Biber-Klemm, W Grossenbacher-Mansuy, D Joye, C Pohl, U boundaries and rhetorics of interdisciplinarity. Wiesmann, E Zemp (Eds.), Handbook of transdisciplinary [17] K Smith, The changing past. Trends in South African research (Springer. Austria, 2008); JT Klein, W Grossenbacher- historical writing (Johannesburg, Southern Book Publishers, Mansuy, R. Häberli, A. Bill, RW. Scholz, M. Welti (Eds.), 1988), pp. 165-167; 185-187; E.S. van Eeden, “The 21st value of Transdisciplinarity: Joint problem solving among science, History and the history educator revised – a motivational technology and society. An effective way of managing discourse”, New Contree, 51, May, 2006. complexity (Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2001); A Hornborg, [18] V Berridge, “History matters? History‟s role in health policy “Introduction: Environmental history as political ecology”, in A. making”, Journal for Medical History, Vol. 52, No 3, July Hornborg, J.R. McNeill and J Martinez-Alier, Rethinking 2008, pp. 311-326. environmental history. World-system history and global 19 V Berridge, “History matters? History‟s role in health policy environmental change (AltaMira Press, United Kingdom, 2007), making”, Journal for Medical History, 52(3), July 2008, p. pp. 1-2. 324. [8] For a more complete explanation of the research concepts D, [20] The skeleton structure for this visual was borrowed from the ID and TD see for example E.S. van Eeden, Environmental discussion by cira.ornl.gov, “Human health risk assessment history within a revitalised integrative research methodology for (HHRA)”, Oak Ridge national laboratory (as accessed on today and tomorrow”, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol. http://cira.ornl.gov/hhra.html on 23 June 2011). 36, No. 4, December 2011, pp. 314-329. 21 A history by the University of Johannesburg is very [9] Republic of South Africa, Department of Health, disappointing and loaded with factual errors. See Westonaria, Environmental Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) in South 1948–1992. PREFACE: This project on the history of Africa, Guidelines, May 2010, p. 6. Westonaria has as its starting point, the initiative taken by the [10] Environmental health impact assessments are seen as a Westonaria town council, ... multidisciplinary activity, crossing boundaries of disciplines www.westonaria.gov.za/gbWrite.asp?WriteContent=Y&rid...19 such as Public Health, Healthcare, Environment, the Social 95, Chapter one. Sciences and in some contexts History, Law and Psychology (as [22] See Westonaria, 1948 - 1992. PREFACE: This project on part of the Humanities). The Social Sciences include: Business the history of Westonaria has as its starting point, the initiative Administration; Economics; Education; Geography; Political taken by the Westonaria town council, ... Science; Sociology; Linguistics; International Relations; www.westonaria.gov.za/gbWrite.asp?WriteContent=Y&rid...19 Communication; Anthropology; Archaeology and Criminology. 95, Chapter nine. See Department of Health, Environmental Health Impact [23] The Westonaria Municipal report, 2009-2010. Assessment (EHIA) in South Africa, Guidelines, May 2010, pp. [24] See www.environment.co.za on “Radio-active rivers – The 8-9. Brenk Report – Environment South Africa, 22 May 2010. [11 ]See this article refered to in Ecohealth, October 1999, [25] The Donaldson Dam receives polluted decant water from the pp.11-18. Canadadian researchers are regarded as leaders in Cook construction of Rand Uranium. considering health assessment in impact assessment criteria. [26] Compare NNR Report – TR-RRD-07-0006 – “Radiological [12] Canada is regarded as a leader in considering health Impacts of the Mining Activities to the Public in the assessment in impact assessments. Wonderfonteinspruit Catchment Area.” 12 July 2007 as [13] R.K. Morgan, “Health and impact assessment: Are we obtained in Federation for a Sustainable Environment, Hearings, seeing closer integration?”, Environmental Impact Assessment 21-22 June 2011: Environmental reliability, pp. 7-8. Review, 31, 2011, pp. 405-406. [27] Compare J. Holmes, A. Lehman, E. Hade, A. Ferketich, S. [14] Compare this intentional research with recent research foci Gehlert, G. Rauscher, J. Abrams and C. Bird, “Challenges for abroad such as Editorial, EcoHealth, 8 January 2011, pp. 1-3. multilevel health disparaties research in a transdisciplinary

environment”, American Journal of Preventative Medicine, Journal,Vol. 40, May 1999, pp. 130- 153; T. Maloka, “„White Vol.35, No. 2, Supplement 1, August 2008, pp. S182-S192. death‟ and „Africa disease‟: Silicosis on the Witwatersrand gold [28] Compare J. Eyeles, S. Elliott, J. Grondin, K. Smoyer, R. mines”, South African Historical Journal, Vol. 34 (May Matthews and D. Krewski, Report: “New directions – New 1996), pp. 249-254. Only once did this author refer to the health dimensions for environmental health research in Canada”, of the mineworkers, so the economic impacts was emphasised October 1999, pp. 1-38 . This research was research funded by much more than the health. the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council as well as [33] To make this statement exemplary by pointing out the the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. In this South African Historical Journal (Spontaneously regarded to research the Canadian group strongly suggested comparative be the leading historical journal in South Africa) a total of only and historical humanities investigations. See p. 13; L.M. 31 articles from the SAHJ was traced that directly or indirectly Anderson, SC Scrimshaw and JE Fielding, “The community cover health histories of South Africa since the foundation of the guide‟s model for linking the social environment to health”, journal in the 1960‟s. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 24(3S), 2003, [34] See H. Mäki, “Comparing developments in water supply, pp. 12-20. sanitation and environmental health in four South African cities, [29] Compare A Yankauer, “Public health then and now”, 1840–1920”, Historia, 55(1), Mei/May 2010, pp. 90-109. American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 69, No. 2, 1979, p. [35] A. Jeeves, “Public health in the era of South Africa‟s 122; V Berridge and M Gorsky, “The importance of the past in syphilis epidemic of the 1930‟s and 1940‟s”, South African public health”, Journal of Epidemiol Community Health, 58, Historical Journal,Vol. 45, No. 1, 2001, p. 92. 2004, p. 728; V Berridge, “Teaching History in a medical [36] A. Jeeves, “Public health in the era of South Africa‟s school”, Wellcome History, 1997, pp. 23-35; G.J. Andrews & syphilis epidemic of the 1930‟s and 1940‟s”, South African R.A. Kearns, “Everyday health histories and the making of Historical Journal, 45(1), 2001, pp. 79-102. place: the case of an English coastal town”, Social Science & [37] See sources referenced later on in the proposal and RJ Medicine, Vol. 60, 2005, pp. 2697-2713; G. Rosen, A history Quigly and L.C. Taylor, “Evaluating health impact assessment”, of public health, Expanded edition, (John Hopkins University Public Health, 118, 2004, pp. 544-552; D. Porter, “Being fit to Press, Baltimore and London), 1993, pp. 1-530; D Porter, live in the twenty-first century: health bodies and somatic Health, civilization and the state. A history of public health maps”, in Health, civilization and the state. A history of from ancient to modern times (Routledge, New York), 1999, public health from ancient to modern times (Routledge, pp. 1-365. London, 1999), pp. 147-196; 281-313; G.J. Andrews & R.A. [30] H. Phillips, “Report on health”, Manuscript prepared for the Kearns, “Everyday health histories and the making of place: the Cambridge History of South Africa, ca 2011, p.3. Also see the case of an English coastal town”, Social Science & Medicine, following for some early examples of the health histories as Vol. 60, 2005, pp. 2697-2713. mentioned by Phillips: D.J. van Zyl, “Phylloxera Vastatrix in die Kaapkolonie, 1886-1900: Voorkoms, verspreiding en ekonomiese gevolge”, South African Historical Journal, Vol. 16, 1984, pp. 26-49; N. Etherington, “Missionary doctors and African healers in mid-Victorian South Africa”, South African Historical Journal, Vol. 19, 1987. pp. 77-91;H.J. van Aswegen, “Myntering en die goudmynwerkers aan die Witwatersrand 1886-1920”, South African Historical Journal, Vol. 21, 1989, pp. 55-71; E. van Heyningen, “Poverty, self-help and community: The survival of the poor in Cape Town, 1880- 1910”, South African Historical Journal, Vol. 24, 1991, pp. 128-143 and E. van Heyningen, “Recent research on the Social history of medicine in South Africa”, South African Historical Journal, 45(1), 2001, pp. 178-190. [31] See for example J. Mathew, “Environment and empire‟, South African Historical Journal,Vol. 61, No.3 2009, pp. 639- 654, that focuses only on the environment with no health aspects referred to. A typical narrow definition of health by the government of the day is accentuated in Susanne Klausen‟s, “„Poor whiteism‟, white maternal mortality, and the promotion of Public Health in South Africa: The Department of Public Health‟s endorsement of contraceptive services, 1930-1938”, South African Historical Journal, Vol. 45, November 2001, pp. 53-78. [32] Compare for example J. Nauright, “„An experiment in Native self-government‟: The Alexandra Health Committee, the State and local politics, 1916-1933”, South African Historical Journal, 43, November, 2000, pp. 223-243; G.H. Vahed, “A „Public health nuisance‟: The Victoria street early morning squatters market, 1910-1934”, South African Historical