ARTICLES The Relationship between El Nin˜ o and the Duration and Frequency of the Santa Ana of Southern

Jason Finley and Marilyn Raphael University of California,

This study examines the variability of the duration and frequency of Santa Ana winds due to El Nin˜ o over a thirty-three-year period. Daily Weather Maps and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis were used to study large-scale upper-level and surface circulation patterns during events. A Student’s t-test was used to determine statistically significant changes in the winds during March of El Nin˜ o winters. A significant decrease in the duration and frequency of wind events was found in March during El Nin˜ o. This can be attributed to the decrease in strength and frequency of the Great Basin high pressure and the increase in wintertime cyclones in . Key Words: California, El Nin˜ o, Santa Ana winds.

anta Ana winds are dry, downsloping, north- combination of the Santa Ana winds’ low rela- Seasterly winds that warm adiabatically as tive and high wind speeds produces they descend in the lee of a mountain between one of the most extreme fire dangers in the September and early May in southern Califor- world (Fosberg, O’Dell, and Schroeder 1966). nia. These winds are similar to those observed Several studies have analyzed the synoptic- in the lee of Colorado’s Front Range and in the scale circulation conducive to the development Inn Valley of Austria (Fosberg, O’Dell, and of Santa Ana winds. Older studies, such as that Schroeder 1966). of Fosberg, O’Dell, and Schroeder (1966), The Santa Ana event frequency is relatively found the synoptic aspects of Santa Ana winds low in September but peaks in December with a to include a surface low pressure trough off- monthly average of 3.5 events (Raphael 2003). shore near central or southern California and an The monthly frequency then consistently de- in the Great Basin (see Figure 1A). creases over the winter and early spring months. Sommers (1978) used the Limited Fine Mesh No event is found between June and August due model to better understand the synoptic-scale to the dominant Pacific high pressure patterns conditions during Santa Ana winds for fore- situated west of California and the associated casting techniques. The combination of the westerly flows that move into the region and in- north-south to west-northwest–east-southeast hibit northeasterly winds in southern California. orientation of the southern California moun- The timing of these winds following the typ- tains and the crucial lee of the mountains on the ical dry summers of California’s Mediterranean west necessitates a well-developed, meridional climate can also create a serious fire hazard. component of the midtropospheric systems to National forest fire data reveal that most large provide moderate winds perpendicular to the fire outbreaks are sparked by strong north- mountains (Sommers 1978). Strong windward easterly Santa Ana winds between September static stability and an upstream inversion also and April (Minnich 1983). Fire behavior is appear to be associated with Santa Ana winds, affected by many meteorological elements, which is consistent with Klemp and Lilly’s including wind speed and relative humidity (1975) findings. The duration of the Santa Ana (Fosberg, O’Dell, and Schroeder 1966). Rela- winds depends strongly on the duration of the tive humidity during Santa Ana wind events has 500-mb ridge/trough (R/T) pattern over the been observed to decrease to less than 5 percent western United States. The R/T pattern repre- in a period of four hours (Sommers 1978). This sents a strong ridge over the west coast and a

The Professional Geographer, 59(2) 2007, pages 184–192 r Copyright 2007 by Association of American Geographers. Initial submission, June 2005; revised submissions, March and July 2006; final acceptance, July 2006. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, and 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, U.K. Relationship between El Nin˜o and the Santa Ana Winds of Southern California 185

Figure 1 Large-scale circulation patterns of the Santa Ana wind event on 15 November 2005 at 4 a.m. PST. The diagram at the left (A) is the synoptic-scale sea-level pressure pattern of the coupled high and low pressure patterns. The diagram at the right (B) is the 500-mb geopotential height pattern that shows the strong ridge over the west coast of North America and the trough that digs southward toward Arizona and New Mexico. This pattern is an example of the ridge/trough (R/T) pattern typically found during Santa Ana wind events. trough that digs southward toward Arizona and Santa Ana event frequency may exist. Her initial New Mexico (see Figure 1B). These patterns are statistical analysis of the Santa Ana events dur- carefully examined since the wind events end ing the warm phase of ENSO (El Nin˜ o) re- when the 500-mb flow becomes more zonal or vealed a temporal decrease in the number of when a new trough position becomes estab- events but an increasing number of days per lished west of California (Sommers 1978). event. Comparison of the Southern Oscillation Although extensive studies (Fosberg, O’Dell, index (SOI) with the monthly and seasonal fre- and Schroeder 1966; Scheetz, Henz, and quency of the Santa Ana winds revealed a cor- Maddox 1976; Sommers 1978) have provided relation mostly in February and March well-documented descriptions of the nature and (Raphael 2003). importance of the synoptic-scale meteorologic- El Nin˜o is characterized by an increase in the al conditions that produce the Santa Ana winds, sea surface temperatures (SST) in the tropical there has been little research on the variability of waters of the eastern and central Pacific Ocean the frequency of events on interannual and every two to seven years. It is linked to the longer time scales. Raphael (2003) calculated negative phase of the Southern Oscillation, the average duration and frequency of Santa Ana when lower surface atmospheric pressure is ob- events per year from Daily Weather Maps (1968– served off the coast of South America due to 2000; data set details are given in the following warmer waters and higher atmospheric pressure section). She noted that there exists a substantial is observed near Australia and Indonesia (Gou- interannual variation in the frequency and du- die 2001). The global impacts of El Nin˜ o can ration of events and that a relationship between include droughts in southern India and Indo- El Nin˜o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and nesia, flooding in Peru, and heavy precipitation 186 Volume 59, Number 2, May 2007 in the southeastern United States and California has on the duration and frequency of the wind (Ropelewski and Halpert 1987). The cold phase events. The study examines the spatial and of ENSO, known as La Nin˜ a, is characterized temporal variations of the large-scale surface by cooler than normal SST in the eastern Pa- and 500-mb flow patterns among El Nin˜o cific, and its global atmospheric/oceanic effects and non–El Nin˜o years in the western United are generally opposite to those of El Nin˜ o. States. La Nin˜ a years are included in the non–El However, since the east-west scale of rainfall Nin˜ o category. We focus on El Nin˜ o years be- anomalies in the tropical Pacific is reduced cause the atmospheric dynamics associated with compared to El Nin˜ o, the changes to the El Nin˜ o appear to have clearer consequences for global climate (and to the climate in southern the duration and frequency of Santa Ana events. California) are not as dramatic compared to However, the influence of La Nin˜ a on the Santa those observed during El Nin˜ o (Fedorov and Ana winds could be the subject of further study. Philander 2000). El Nin˜ o influences three primary components of the midtropospheric circulation during Data and Methods winter in the northern hemisphere. One is a The first data set used in this study is Raphael’s fairly stationary Pacific–North American wave (2003) tabulated collection of Santa Ana days. (Livezey et al. 1997) extending from tropical to This data set was used for determining averages subtropical latitudes across the eastern Pacific of duration and frequency of Santa Ana events and the southern United States. Another is a (see Table 1), and was the basis for determining more intensified and expansive Aleutian Low which days to analyze the surface and 500-mb connected to the development of the stationary circulation patterns. Raphael’s collection is Pacific–North American pattern (Schonher and based on analyzing synoptic weather maps that Nicholson 1989). The third component is the were extracted from the Daily Weather Maps strengthening of the subtropical flow persist- (1968–2000). These daily maps represent the ently located across the southern United States. weather patterns at 4 a.m. PST ( Pacific Stand- The amplification of this flow is related to an ard Time) when the Santa Ana wind is not hin- increased northward flux of angular momentum, dered by the opposing sea breeze circulation (cf. resulting from the enhanced Hadley circulation Figure 1A). The land breeze is typically much in the eastern Pacific Ocean during El Nin˜o weaker that the sea breeze in this region; how- (Schonher and Nicholson 1989). Since the ever, for this particular study, the strength of the Aleutian Low extends toward the California coast and the midlatitude storm track extends farther south toward the southern United States, Table 1 Frequency (events/month), duration intense winter storms in southern California are (days/events), and mean number of days for each more frequent during El Nin˜o winters (Raphael month for the Santa Ana winds and the associated and Mills 1996). The higher frequency of strong ridge/trough patterns surface-to-midlevel onshore flow associated Month El Nin˜ o Non–El Nin˜ oElNin˜ o Non–El Nin˜ o with these winter storms can modify the mean Santa Ana frequency Ridge/trough frequency synoptic-scale patterns over the southwestern November 3.14 3.46 2.00 1.58 United States. The increase in storms may December 3.85 3.42 2.00 1.67 inhibit the formation and possibly reduce the January 3.43 3.17 1.85 1.58 February 2.72 2.79 1.42 1.17 longevity of strong high-pressure systems in the March 1.14 2.00 0.57 0.88 Great Basin and disrupt the coupling of the high Santa Ana duration Ridge/trough duration and low pressure patterns across the region, November 2.09 1.88 1.18 1.28 December 2.14 2.10 1.73 1.39 thereby influencing the strength and/or fre- January 2.12 2.37 1.45 1.57 quency of the Santa Ana winds. Based on this and February 1.43 1.52 1.24 1.35 previous research, we believe that a relationship March 1.35 1.64 1.31 1.56 between El Nin˜ o and the frequency of winter Santa Ana days Ridge/trough days November 6.56 6.50 2.36 2.02 season events exists. December 8.24 7.18 3.46 2.32 The goal of this study is to examine further January 7.27 7.51 2.68 2.48 the interannual variability of the Santa February 3.89 4.24 1.76 1.58 March 1.54 3.28 0.75 1.37 Ana winds by focusing on the influence El Nin˜o Relationship between El Nin˜o and the Santa Ana Winds of Southern California 187 land/sea breeze should have no influence on the associated vertical velocity data (omega) were duration and frequency of the Santa Ana event. extracted to diagnose rising and sinking (sub- Raphael’s criteria for selecting Santa Ana days siding) air between the surface and the 500-mb included the simultaneous existence of a Great pressure level. Subsidence is important in ana- Basin high and a California coastal low as well as lyzing the Great Basin high pressure as it typ- a prevailing wind in the northeastern quadrant ically occurs downstream of the 500-mb ridge, at Los Angeles. The pressure distribution was approximately above the surface high pressure. examined carefully to determine which days met Rising air typically occurs upstream of the ridge the above criteria. These patterns resulted in above the coastal low pressure. Changes in positive central pressure differences ranging omega are linked to changes in surface pressure. from 4 to 28 mb between the Great Basin high Positive (negative) values of omega represent pressure and the offshore low pressure systems. subsidence (rising motion) at the 500-mb level, Days in which these systems did not exist in associated with an increase (decrease) in sea tandem were not considered Santa Ana days. level pressure. This data set was created qualitatively due to the The geopotential height fields are strongly often vague boundaries of the high and low constrained by the assimilation of the observed pressure systems that can result when using ob- data and are in the most reliable class of vari- jective methods (Raphael 2003). ables in the Reanalysis. Other variables, such as The NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data set omega, are more dependent on model analysis (Kalnay et al. 1996) was then used to extract and less on observational data (Kalnay et al. large-scale surface and 500-mb spatially-refer- 1996). Caution may be needed in analyzing enced data representing the circulation patterns omega since model data are constructed using during each Santa Ana event recorded from parameterizations and other assumptions that November to March in the above data set. are not as reliable as direct observational data. In These data sets do not include data during non– addition, the sea level pressure data in the Re- Santa Ana days. The Reanalysis products, cre- analysis does not consistently show boundaries ated to avoid perceived climate changes that of high and low pressure centers due to the result from many changes in the Global As- relatively coarse resolution. similation System over the past two decades, use The mean of each Reanalysis variable at each a frozen, state-of-the-art analysis/forecast sys- grid point within the defined spatial extent was tem. This allows for easy and flexible mapping plotted for each month during El Nin˜ o and of one variable at a time, as opposed to tradi- non–El Nin˜ o winters. The El Nin˜ o winters are tional daily weather maps that combine several defined as November–March of the following variables on one map, hindering easy differen- years: 1969–1970, 1972–1973, 1976–1977, tiation. The system also performs data assimi- 1982–1983, 1986–1987, 1991–1992, and lation of daily averages and four daily 1997–1998 (Legler 1998). Legler chose these observations (4 p.m., 10 p.m., 4 a.m., 10 a.m. years using an index-based on the SST of the PST) of a wide array of pressure level and sur- Nin˜ o 3 region. The index is a five-month run- face data variables. The output of the Reanalysis ning mean of SSTanomalies averaged spatially data is on 2.5 Â 2.5 latitude-longitude grid over the tropical Pacific: 41 S–41 N, 1501 W–901 covering the entire globe (Kalnay et al. 1996). W. The period of October of one year to For this study, the spatial and temporal domain September of the following year was categor- was 1101–1301 Wand 201–501 N in twelve-hour ized as an El Nin˜ o year if the index value for intervals. six consecutive months (including Oct.–Dec.) The 500-mb geopotential height data of the exceeded 0.51C. R/T pattern within the spatial domain (de- A Student’s t-test with a 95 percent confi- scribed above and noted in Sommers’s 1978 dence interval was used to determine the stat- research) were obtained from the Reanalysis istical significance of the meteorological during each wind event. Averages of duration changes in the wind events throughout the and frequency of these R/T patterns are given in Santa Ana season during El Nin˜o. The t-test Table 1. Sea-level pressure data showing the assumed that the data were spatially autocorre- coupled high and low pressure patterns during lated and that the two samples (El Nin˜o and the wind events were also obtained, and the non–El Nin˜ o) have the same population 188 Volume 59, Number 2, May 2007

Figure 2 Mean geopotential height (gpm) during the Santa Ana wind events in March for (A) El Nin˜o winters and (B) non–El Nin˜o winters. Map C plots the dif- ference between El Nin˜o and non–El Nin˜o winters, and the shaded areas in C denote the sta- tistically significant differences (ao0.05). The rectangle is the general proximity of the Great Basin, and the thick, gray lines are the 500-mb ridge axes.

variance. The areas of statistically significant a steady decline in the frequency and mean differences were superimposed onto the differ- duration of the Santa Ana events and of the R/T ence plots (e.g., Figures 2–4). patterns from December to March, with a sharp drop in frequency of both variables in March. The differences between the means for El Nin˜o Results and non–El Nin˜ o winters for November through February in Table 1 are small and in- Monthly Difference of Means consistent for both the wind events and the R/T Table 1 consists of a set of statistics for the av- patterns. These results may be a superposition erage frequency, the average duration, and the of noise not physically linked to El Nin˜ o. How- total number of days (product of frequency and ever, there is a connection between the Santa duration) of the Santa Ana wind events and R/T Ana events and El Nin˜ o during March, as both patterns calculated separately for El Nin˜ o and the duration and frequency values of the Santa non–El Nin˜ o winters for each month. It reveals Ana winds during El Nin˜ o are smaller than Relationship between El Nin˜o and the Santa Ana Winds of Southern California 189

Figure 3 Mean sea level pres- sure (mb) during the Santa Ana wind events in March for (A) El Nin˜o winters and (B) non–El Nin˜o winters. Map C plots the differ- ence between El Nin˜o and non–El Nin˜o winters, and the shaded ar- eas in C denote the statistically significant differences (ao0.05). The rectangle is the general prox- imity of the Great Basin, and the thick, gray lines are the 500-mb ridge axes).

those during non–El Nin˜ o winters. For exam- November through February (in Table 1), the ple, the mean number of Santa Ana days during focus of the spatial analysis is on March. During non–El Nin˜ o winters for March is 3.28. The El Nin˜o winters, a more eastward displacement number of days per month for March during El of the R/Taxis is shown in Figure 2A when com- Nin˜ o was reduced by 53 percent to only 1.54 pared to the non–El Nin˜o March pattern in days. These results are consistent with Raphael’s Figure 2B. A statistically significant decrease in (2003) preliminary analysis that suggested (but geopotential height is found over the north- did not examine in detail) a decrease in fre- western United States (Figure 2C), indicating a quency of events during late winter and a further further eastward advancement of the ridge. A decrease during El Nin˜ o. new trough appears to enter the northwestern- United States and the region east of the ridge Spatial Statistical Analysis quickly after the onset of the Santa Ana winds. Due to the lack of significant differences between During March of non–El Nin˜o winters, the ridge means for El Nin˜o and non–El Nin˜o winters for appears to dominate much of the western United 190 Volume 59, Number 2, May 2007

Figure 4 Vertical velocity data (omega; mb/s) during the Santa Ana wind events in March for (A) El Nin˜o winters and (B) non–El Nin˜o winters. Map C plots the dif- ference between El Nin˜o and non–El Nin˜o winters, and the shaded areas in C denote the sta- tistically significant differences (ao0.05). The rectangle is the general proximity of the Great Basin, and the thick, gray lines are the 500-mb ridge axes.

States throughout the wind events. This differ- and expansion of the Aleutian Low toward the ence may represent a reduction in the duration of west coast of the United States (Schonher and the ridge over the western United States during Nicholson 1989). However, statistically signif- El Nin˜o as a new trough begins to dominate. icant changes in surface pressure in the Great This would shorten the duration of the associ- Basin and in the pressure gradient over the ated Great Basin high pressure and the accom- southwestern United States during El Nin˜o panying Santa Ana wind events. winters are not confirmed. This could be a result Figure 3B (non–El Nin˜ o winters) exhibits a of the relatively coarse resolution of the surface decrease in sea level pressure in the northeastern pressure centers in the Reanalysis. Pacific and a small decrease in sea level pressure The El Nin˜ o patterns in March (Figure 4A) well west of California compared to Figure 3A show weaker downward motion over part of the (El Nin˜ o winters). The decrease in the north- Great Basin compared to the patterns for non– eastern Pacific is statistically significant (Figure El Nin˜ o winters (Figure 4B), which is statisti- 3C) and is most likely a result of the deepening cally significant within the Great Basin region Relationship between El Nin˜o and the Santa Ana Winds of Southern California 191

(Figure 4C). This weaker downward motion winter wind events in Raphael’s (2003) study, can in turn weaken the northeast-to-southwest signals of strong El Nin˜ o winters typically in- surface pressure gradient in the southwestern fluence the entire winter season, which is de- United States and shorten the Santa Ana events. fined by Su, Neelin, and Chou (2001) and In addition, stronger upward motion southwest Monteverdi and Null (1997) as January through of the southern California coast is evident dur- March. Perhaps the differences in extratropical ing El Nin˜ o in Figure 4A. This is statistically responses to El Nin˜ o among specific events play significant over a large area of the offshore a role in the results, and this variability among region during the events. The stronger uplift El Nin˜ o events, as noted in Schonher and may be due to the increase of winter cyclones Nicholson’s (1989) and Fu, Diaz, and Fletcher’s in southern California during El Nin˜ o winters, (1986) research, may create inconsistent results which, in turn, would shorten existing Santa for some winter months during the seven El Ana events and hinder the formation of Nin˜ o winters used in this study. Schonher and new events. Nicholson classified El Nin˜ o events as wet, normal, and dry because El Nin˜ o produced Summary and Conclusions varying amounts of precipitation from one event to another. Therefore, El Nin˜ o events Two main methods of analysis were used in may elicit different responses from the atmos- examining the relationship between El Nin˜o pheric circulation, and these different responses and the duration and frequency of the Santa may make an average of only seven El Nin˜o Ana winds. The difference of means analysis events not the optimal data set. Despite the between El Nin˜ o and non–El Nin˜ o winters in limitations of the data, the results do show that Table 1 and the spatial analyses in Figures 2–4 the effect of El Nin˜ o is to decrease the duration suggest a statistically significant decrease in the and frequency of events in March. The large- duration and frequency of the wind events in scale circulation patterns that contribute to this March during El Nin˜ o. reduction seem clear, but a larger sample size This damping of the March wind events dur- may provide statistically significant results for ing El Nin˜ o winters can be attributed to a faster the entire winter season. In addition, as the data progression of the R/T pattern over the western set lengthens in the future, research should United States due to the strengthening of up- consider Schonher and Nicholson’s (1989) clas- per-level westerly flow and the deepening and sifications of various El Nin˜ o types and the cor- expansion of the Aleutian Low. The R/T pat- responding responses of the Santa Ana winds.’ terns may not form as frequently during El Nin˜ o, and those that do form may evolve and progress more quickly than during non–El Literature Cited Nin˜ o winters (Schonher and Nicholson 1989). The faster speed of movement of the ridge does Daily Weather Maps, 1968-2000, NCDC Cooperative not allow time for the surface high-pressure Station Data. National Climate Data Center, CD- ROM. system to develop as strongly and as frequently Fedorov, A. V., and S. G. Philander. 2000. Is El Nin˜ o to sustain the Santa Ana winds. Also, the pres- changing? Science 288:1997–2001. ence of stronger uplift near the coast of southern Fosberg, M. A., C. A. O’Dell, and M. J. Schroeder. California in the omega analysis of El Nin˜ois 1966. Some characteristics of the three–dimensional most likely a signature of an increase in winter structure of Santa Ana winds. U.S. Forest Service cyclones in the southwestern United States Research Paper PSW–30, Pacific Southwest Forest compared to non–El Nin˜ o winters. The south- and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, CA, 26 eastern quadrant of the stronger and more ex- pp. pansive Aleutian Low during El Nin˜ o often Fu, C., H. F. Diaz, and J. O. Fletcher. 1986. Charac- produces more cyclones that pass through teristics of the response of SST in the central Pacific associated with warm episodes of the Southern Os- southern California during winter (Raphael cillation. Monthly Weather Review 114:1716–38. and Mills 1996), which can hinder the Santa Goudie, A. S. 2001. Environmental change and human Ana wind development. society. New York: Oxford University Press. Although the major findings in March cor- Kalnay, E., M. Kanamitsu, R. Kistler, W. Collins, D. respond to the decrease in frequency of the late- Deaven, L. Gandin, M. Iredell, et al. 1996. The 192 Volume 59, Number 2, May 2007

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