19J3 Srpi'LY. CHAP. 60

CHAPTER 60. i An Act for granting certain Sums of Money for the I Public Service of the Province of British Columbia. ;i % [Cth Match, IUI.J.]

MOST Uiuciors SOVKREKJN :— YI""IIEREAS it appears by Message from His Honour Frank rroambic Vf Stillman Barnard, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of t British Columbia, and the Estimates accompanying the same, thar i " 3 the sums mentioned are required to defray certain expenses of the Public Service of the Province for the dates therein stated, includ­ ing certain expenses of Civil Government of the Province, of the Public Service thereof for the fiscal years ending thirty-first March. 191." and 1916, respectively: May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, as follows:—

1. From*and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of this $U.»GI,8K4 S_> T» ., . ,i , i , ,.-..,• appropriate for Province there shall and may be paid and applied for the purposes the iiwui inn „,,,, . rndlnK :Uit Mnrih, act forth in the Schedule hereto, viz.:— ioin ami 1010 A sum not exceeding in the whole seven hundred and ninety eight thousand eight hundred and,twenty-eight dollars and seventy» no cents, to supplement the amount granted by the '• Supply Act, 1!)14," for the fiscal year ending thirty-first March, 1915. A sum not exceeding in the whole eleven million one hundred and sixty-three thousand and fifty-six dollars and eleven cents, for defray­ ing the several charges and expenses of the Civil Government of this Province for the fiscal year ending thirty-first March, 1910. "•? Provided always that any appropriation made by this Act which shall be unexpended at the termination of the fiscal year for which it is made shall become void and of no effect. J 299 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 (JEO. 3

Detailed accounts 2. Account» in detail of all moneys expended under this Act, and to be laid before to; Leflalature. a statement of all moneys received at the Treasury on account of this Province, shall be laid before the Legislative Assembly at its next session, in accordance with the provisions of the " Revenue Act."

Application 3. The said aids and supplies shall not be issued or applied to «oppy. anv nge intent, or purpose other than those before mentioned.

Account to 4. The due application of all moneys expended under the authority • e»tr. 0j jjjjg j^ct gjjjjji ke accou„te(j for t0 ijjs Majesty.

300 Mil 5 SfPI'LY. CHAP. 60


FOR THE Fiscal Year ending 31st March, 1916.


Dominion of Canada :— Annual payment of Interest (& 5 per cent J 29,151 06 Do." Sulwidy to Government and Legislature 180.000 00 Do. Grant per capita ™ 392,480 313,984 00, $ 723,135 06 I)o. for lands conveyed 100,000 001 Do. ••B. H. A. Act, 1007" 100,100 00J Land Sale* 950,000 00 Land Revenue 150,000 00 Survey Fee* 15,000 0« Rents (exclusive of Land) 200 00 Timber Licences 1,360,006 00 Timber Leases 75,000 IK» Timber Royalty 400,000 00 Timber .Sales 45,000 00 I»£ scaling Fees 1Q,500 00 Water Revenue, Rentals 30,000 00 Water Revenue, Records 20,0!» 00 Real Property Tax 400,000 00 Personal Property Tax 200,000 (» Land Taxes—Wild Land, Coal, ami Tinilier l^mla 5UO.000 00 Income Tax 300,000 00 Mineral Tax 100,000 00 Tax on unworked Crown-granted Mineral Claims 40,000 00 Coal and Coke Tax ] (10,000 oo Tax Sale Deeds 500 00 Trade and Liquor Licences 80,000 00 (iame Licence» 80,000 OO Marriage Licence* 15,000 00 Fishery and Cannery Licences... 30.000 00 Licences, Taxes, and Fees under " Fire Insurance Act " 70,000 00 Fees under "Joint Stock Companies Act " 45,000 00 Foes under " Motor-traffic Regulation Act" 80,000 OO Hoiler Inspection and Kiamination Fees 23,000 00 Fee» under " Moving Pictures Act" 18,000 00 Free Miners' Certificates 50,000 00 Mining Receipts, (Jeneral 50,000 00 Fines and Foes of Court 40.000 00 l'rol>ate Fees 50.000 00 Succession Duty '. 2(0,000 00 Law Stamps 82.700 00 Registry Fees 335,000 0t> Reimbursement» for Keep of Priaonnra 5,000 00 Interest on Investment of Sinking Funds 90,000 00 Interest, Miscellaneous 75,(00 00 Revenue Service Refuuds 500 00 Printing Office 35,000 00 Bureau of Mines 1,500 (X> Mental Hospital 36,500 00 Provincial Home 3,500 00 " Dyking Aneument Act, 1905 " (Interest on fixed capital) 19,080 07 Sale of Government Property 1,500 00 Traffic Tolls, New Westminster Bridge 25,000 00 Miscellaneous Receipt* 65,000 IO

Total »7,034,615 13 CH*P. eo SUPPLY. 5 GKO. 5




Estimated Expenditure for the Fiscal Year ending 31st March, 1£>16.

Service. Amount.

A I. i Public Debt «1,152,37« 61 B II. ,'Civil Government (.•Salaries) 1,709..">GT> 03 c III. ! Administration of Justice (Sabine-,) G«,HiO

X. XI. • Revenue ScrviYc* .W.OMi «1

M XII. 'Public Worka- I Work* and Kiiililin^o S ."07.000 00 • . Roads, Streets, Hridgcs, and H l,anci -2,4.iil,(KjO l»l Subsidies tn Steamboats, Keriie», and I?i nlgen 73,81.i 00, : Contingencies 27,.100 00 • j ' 3,067,31.-) ("> t K XIII. MJucftllaiicniifc ,. 2,J28,7.V.> 42

Total $11,163,006 11

ao2 1915 SUPI'M-. CHAP. 60


OF THE PROVINCE OP BRITISH COLUMBIA FOR TIIK Fiscal Year ending 31st March, 1910.


To l>e Voted per Statement (A) §1,152,376.61

! f>l;m»in! for No. of | Sen ice endirjr , Total. Vote. 31st Mar., 191C

1 Inter»t i* 779,262 .53 ; Sinking Fund ! 360,254 OS .1 Premium and Kxchange . 6,000 00 4 Discount and Commission 6,S60 00 .?1,1.-.2,376 61

To \>e now- SKRVICK. Total. Voted.

I. — I'lriiUC DEBT.



"L(V ACT, 1887."— I- months' Interest, (a 4J per cent, on Dtbenturcs of £78,600, pA\able in l^iuiou, Kngland, 3, lS99«nd 1902.' — 12 mo.it IIB' Interest (a 3 ]wr cent, on the amount of Inscribed Stock, viz., £2.04.»,760, payable in lyondon, Kngland, 30th .Tune and 31st Decemlicr, 191". = £61,37. Hi* 207, 6."iS OS I 'bus ACT, 1914.''—12 months' Interest (a 4\ per cent, on the amount ot Inscriliod .Stock, \iz., £1,.'»00,000, payable in London, Kngland. 1st i April and 1st October, 1913-£67,.*i00 P27 ,37."! no I TKEIM-RV IJlt.w. —12 months' Interest (« 4J per cent, on amount of Treasury Hills i^nied 31st Decemlicr, 1914. viz., 52,700,000, payable in Xe» York, i 30th .Tunc and 31st Decemlicr, 1915 121 ,."»00 Di KIMI DEMCNTI'MSH 12 months' Interest on S44."i.0O0 0i 3J per cent, payable oo ; in Victoria, 1st July, 1915, and 1st .January, 1916 l.'i,,.»". » oo «779,262 .'.3 VOTE NO. 2,—SI.NKINU Krsn.

" IXIAX ACT, 1887."—-i per cent, per annum on £78,600. payable in London, Kngland, 30tb June and 31st December, I9I5-=£I,76S ItM 8,fi77 22 "LOAN ACTS, 1891, 1893, 189.r., 1899 and 1902"—1 per cent, per annum on Inacrilied Stock, £2,04,1,760, payable in London, Kngland, 30th June and 3Ut December, ]gi.ri-i:20,4.'>7 12« 99,219 36 "LOAN ACT, 1914."'—2 per cent, per annum on Inserilx'd Stock, £1,.1(10,0110,' payalile in London, Kngiand, 1st April, 191.» -t'30,(XK) 14.-|,.r>00 00 Investment of Dividends on alwve Loans ! 90,000 00 DYKIXO DKBKNTI'RKS :— InvMlment of Accrued Dividend* lfi.9.r»7 .50 360,2.54 08

Carried forttard .j$l.139,1.10 01 303 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 GEO. 5

I.- PUBLIC DEBT.—Concluded.

To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total

Brought foncari $1,139.OI6G/

VOTE NO. 3.— PREMIUM A.VD EXCEAXOE. On Drafts for Interest and Sinking Fund remittances (approximate) $6,000 00 6,f»« 00 VOTB No. 4.—DISCOCXT AND COMMISSION. 1 per cent. Commission for payment of Interest on Loan of 1887 (approximate). 180 00 i per cent. Commission to Loan Trnstees on snms annnally invested (approximate) 1,800 00 Annual Commission for inscribing and paying Interest on Inscribed Stock, £800 3,830 00 Stamps on Dividend Warrants, Postages, etc 200 00 Brokerage in London on Sinking Fund Investments (approximate) 800 00 6,860 00

$i,I.V>,376 61

304 1915 SUPI'LY. CHAP. 60


To be Voted per Statement (B) ? 1,709,566.0*

Estimate1 for No. of B Service enJiitf: Total. .Vote. Slst JUr., 191«

Lieutenant-Governor's Office $ 2,100 00 Premier'. Office 7,664 00 » ovincul Secretary's Department 262,560 00 8 iJepartment of Mines 46,564 00 9 Department of Finance and Agriculture 148,631 87 III Department of Lands 300,210 21 11 Department of Public Works 119,364 00 12 Department of Railways 7,192 00 13 Attorney-General's Department 569.624 00 14 'Government Agencies 245,656 00 SI, 7( 19,566 08 To be now SERVICE. Total. Voted.


VoTK No. .).—LlKCTKXANT GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. Private Secretary 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (5 $175 00 «2,100 00 VOTE No. 6.—PREMIER'S OFFICE.

Annual allowance to Premier 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916 . 3.000 Secretary to Premier 12 ,, „ (a $216 66 2,600 Clerk and Stenographer 12 „ ,, 107 00 1,284 Junior Clerk 12 „ ,, 65 00 78(1 7.664 00 VOTE No. -PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT.

Provincial Secretary 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1016,

Seereiarv 12 months to 3I.-I Mar., lillti, (? $350 00 4.200 Bacteriologist and Epidemiologist 12 200 00 2,400 Sanitary Inspector 12 175 00 2,100 Assistant do 12 115 00 1,38(1 Two Assistant Sanitarv Inspectors... 12 each 100 00 2,400 School Nurse ." 12 00 00 1,080 Dep. Registrar Rirtlis, Deaths, ft Mar. 12 112 00 1,344 Clerk 12 »6 0(1 1,152 Do 12 90 00 1,080 Do 12 87 00 1,044 Junior Clerk 12 65 00 780 Stenographer 12 65 00 789 Total, $19,740 PROVINCIAL MTSKUM.

Director 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, <&> $182 6« 2,192 Taxidermist 12 131 00 1,572 Assistant Taxidermist. 12 109 00 1,308 Stenographer 12 65 00 780 Atteudaut 12 75 00 900 Janitor 12 80 00 960 Total, $7,712

Carried forward • 44,204 764 00 305 20 CHAP. 80 SUPPLY. 5 GEO. 5


To be now SERVICE. Voted.

Brought joricnri . £14,204



Superintendent 12 month», to 31st Mar., 191C, @ $90 00 1,080 Matron 12 „ „ 60 00 720 Narse and Attendant 12 „ „ 70 00 840 Orderley 12 „ „ 05 00 780 Da 12 „ „ 60 00 720 Cook 12 „ ,, 70 00 840 Day Engineer 12 ,, ,, 75 00 900 Night Engineer 12 „ „ 65 00 780 Nightwatchman 12 „ ,, 60 00 720 Total, $7,380 PRINTING OFTICE.

King's Printer St. Cont'r of Stationery. 12 mouths, to3IatMar. , 1916, (6.5218 33 2,620 Chief Clerk 12 16000 1,920 Clerk 12 123 00 1,536 Do 12 90 00 1,080 Do 12 85 00 1.02» Proof-reader 12 130 00 1,560 Assistant Proof-reader 12 116 00 1,392 Copy-holder 12 68 00 816 Store-keeper 12 122 00 1,464 Mail Clerk 12 107 00 1,284 Packer 12 80 00 !)60 Foreman of Composing-room 12 155 00 1,860 Chief Linotype Operator 12 132 50 1,590 Four Linotype Operators 12 aach 122 50 5,880 Machinist 12 135 00 1,620 Job Printer 12 122 50 1,470 Two Compositors 12 each 122 50 2,940 Two do 12 „ 120 50 2,892 Five do 12 „ 115 50 6,930 Apprentice 12 105 00 1,260 Do 12 60 00 720 Foreman of Press-roOin 12 155 00 1,860 Two Pressmen 12 each 118 00 2,832 Four do 12 „ 112 50 5,4(H) Apprentice 12 85 00 1,020 Folder and Stitcher 12 55 00 660 Do. do 12 50 00 600 Total, $55,186 Book binding Branch Foreman of Bindery 12 months, lo Slat Mar., 1916, @ 815.) 00 1,860 Finishe- • - r 12 11-"0 00 1,320 Paper-ruler 12 107 00 1,284 Nine Forwarders 12 each 100 00 10,800 SUwk-ciitter 12 100 00 1,200 Apprentice 12 70 00 840 Forewoman 12 75 00 900 Assistant Forewoman 12 65 oo| 780 Kight Folders and Sewers 12 each 50 00i , 4,800 Two do. do 12 45 00| 1,080 Total, $24,864

Carried foncard • M31.834 30(5 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60


To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total.

Brought forfard . 3131,634 S9.764 00


MENTAL HOSPITAIS. 2?fw Westminster. 1st Assistant Medical Superintendent. 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ $200 00 2,400 :2nd do. do. .12 „ „ 150 00 1,860 Bursar 12 „ „ 110 00 1,320 Assistant Bursar 12 „ „ 90 00 1,080 Junior Clerk 12 „ „ 80 oo 960 ToUl, $7,560 Eiuonilalt. 1 Medical Superintendent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ $250 00 3",000 Assistaut Medical Superintendent... 12 ,, ,, 150 00 1,800 Bursar 12 ,, „ 169 00 2,028 Assistant Bursar 12 ,, ,, 100 00 1,200 -Clerk 12 „ „ 80 00 960 Total, $8,988 KorCATios DEPARTMENT.

Education OJUct. Superintendent of Education 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ $318 33 3,820 -Chief Clerk 12 191 33 2,332 Clerk 12 96 00 1,152 Junior Clerk 12 40 00! 480 Stenographer 12 75 no' 900 Do. 12 65 00' 780 Do 12 60 no 720 Do 12 40 00 480

Fret Text-book iimnrh. \ Officer in Charge 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $230 00 2,760 Assistant do 12 „ ,, 102 (10 1,224 Stenographer 12 „ ,, 65 00 780 Jnditrtrial Education. Assistant to the Superintendent of Kducation and Supervisor <>f Technical Education 12 months, to 3Nt Mar., 1916, (« $260 00 3,120 I\.ertor of Agricultural Education. 12 ,, 250 (X) 3,000 Organiser of Industrial and Technical Education 12 ,, 225 00 2,700 Manual Training Instructor b ,, 150 00 1,200 Two Manual Training Instructors 4 ,. each 150 On 1,200 Manual Training Instructor 4 ,, 82 50 330 Three Domestic Science Mistresses .. 4 ,, each 125 00 1,500 Domestic Science Mistress 8 ,, 123 (XI 1,000 Inspection of Schoo/x. Inspoctor of High Schools 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ $225 00 2,700 " n Inspector of Schools 12 „ ,, 22166 2,060 Do. do 12 „ „ 216 66 2,600 Do. do 12 „ „ 211 66 2,540 Do. do 12 „ ,, 203 33 2,440 Three Inspectors of Schools 12 ,, ,, each 195 00 7,020 Five do. 12 ,, „ „ 185 00' 11,100 'Three do. 12 „ „ „ 175 00, 6,300 Carried fomard 8215,020 $»,7


To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total.

Brought Joricari $213,020 S1I.764 Oft VOTE No. 7.—PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT.- -Concluded.

KDPCATION DEPARTMENT.—Concluded. Botanical Office, . Botanist 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $160 00 1,920 Assistant Botanist 12 „ „ 100 00 1,200 Stenographer 12 ,, 65 00 780 Provincial Xormal School, Vancouver. Principal 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, % $250 00 3,000 Assistant Master 12 „ ,. 243 33 2,920 Do. 12 „ „ 233 33 2.800 Do. 12 ,, ,, 20(, 00 2,400 Drawing Master 12 ,, ,, 175 00 2,100 Manual Training Instructor 12 ,, ,, 150 00 1,800 Assistant Mistress 12 ,, ,, 145 00 1,740 Domestic Science Mistress 12 ,, ,, 130 0(1 1,560 Music Mistress 12 ,, „ 115 00 1,380 Engineer and Janitor 12 ,, ,, 75 00 900 Assistant Janitor 12 ,, ,, 7<» 00 840 Librarian and Stenographer 12 ,, ,, 60 00 720 Gardener 12 „ ,, 75 00 900 Assistant Gardener 12 „ „ 60 00 720

Provincial Xormul School, Victoria. Principal 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $250 00 3,000 Assistant Master 12 ,, ,, 233 33 2,800 Do. 12 ,, ,, 200 00 2,400 Drawing Master ft Technical Iustruc'r. 12 ,, .. 206 06 2,480 Domestic Science Mistress 12 ,, ,, 130 00 1,560 Music Mistress ) Z ,, .. 115 00 1,380 Principal, Model School 12 „ „ 175 00 2,100 Teacher, do 12 ,, ,, 100(H) 1,200 Engineer 12 ,, ,, 100 00 1,900 Assistant Engineer .12 ,, ., 75 00 900 Janitor 12 ,, 70 00 840 Total, $114,378 262,560 00 VOTE No. 8. — DEPARTMENT OK MINKS.

Minister of Mines \i months, to 31st Mar., 91(1, ^$500 0(1 6,000 Deputy Minister of Mines 12 285 00 3,420 Mineralogist and Provincial Assayor . 12 343 33 4,120 Assistant Assayer and Public Analyst. 12 160 66 1.928 Assistant Mineralogist 12 158 33 I 1,900 Chief Clerk and Gold Commissioner . 12 190 00 2,280 Clerk 12 122 00 1,464 Do 12 86 00 1,032 Junior Clerk 12 30 00 1 600 Caretaker and Janitor 12 95 00 1 1,140 Chief Inspector of Metalliferous ami Coal-mines t 12 355 00 4,260 Inspector of Metallifeious and Coal­ mines 12 210 00 2,520 Two Inspectors do. 12 each 195 00 4.680 Inspeotor do. 12 175 00 2,100 Do. do. 12 160 00 1,920 Two Inspectors, do. 12 each 150 00 3,600 Two Instructors and Caretakers Mine- rescue and Training Stations .... 12 „ 100 00 2,400 Instruotorof First Aid work at Mines. 12 100 00 1,200 46,564 00-

Carried Joricnrd $318,888 09- 308 1915 SuPf'LV. CHAP. 60



Brought foricard .



Minister of Finance and Agriculture.. 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ $500 00 $6,000 Deputy Minister of Fiuance 12 ,, 297 50 3,570 Inspector of Trust Companies 12 ,, 220 00 2,640 Stenographer to do. 12 ,, 60 00 720 Chief Clerk 12 175 Of» 2,100 Clerk 12 200 00 2,400 Do 12 „ 147 00 1,764 Do. 12 107 00 1,284 FourClcrks 12 each 96 00 4,608 Clerk 12 86 00 1,032 Stenographer 12 ,, 55 00 660 Total, .?26,778 DEPARTMENT or INSURANCE.

f 2$ months (if $395 84 989 60 Superintendent of Insurance \ «J ,, to.llst Mar., 1910, 416 66 3,958 27 Clerk 12 ,, „ 90 00 1.080 00 Stenographer 12 „ 60 00 720 Total, 56,747 87 AUDIT OFFICE.

Auditor-tJptieral...... 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (to $329 16 3,950 Chief Clerk .. .. 12 ,, „ 170 00 2,040 Clerk .. 12 „ ,, 173 33 2,080 Do .. 12 ,, „ 128 00 1,536 U< ...12 ,, ,, 127 00 1,524 Do ..12 ,, ,, 117 00 1,404 Do .. 12 „ ., 96 00 1,152 Two Clerks 12 each 90 00 2,160 Junior Clerk 12 30 IKI 360 Stenographer 12 60 00 720 Travelling Auditor 12 210 00 2,520 Do. 135 00 1,620 Total, $21,066


Surveyor and Inspector 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, rw $270 00 3 ''40 Clerk 12 „ ,, 101 00 1,21V Assessor, Vancouver Island 12 ,, ,, 187 66 2,252 Do. Kootenay 12 „ „ 18166 2,180 Total, $8,884 A.tsKSNOu's OFFICE, VICTORIA.

Assessor 12 montlm, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a) $180 06 2,168 Clerk 12 ,. „ 122 00 1,464 Do 12 „ „ 81 00 972 Do 12 „ „ 75 00 900 Junior Clerk 12 ,, ,. 35 00 420 Total, $5,924 BUREAU OF INFORMATION. Sscrstary to Bureau 12 months, to 31«t Mar., 1916, (a) $250 00 3,000 Clsrk... 12 „ „ 121 00 1,452 Do 12 „ „ 96 00 1,152 Stenographer 13 „ „ 55 00 660 Junior Clork 12 ,, ,, 45 00 •M0 Total, $6,804

Carried /oncarrf , $70,203 87 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 GEO. 5


To b< now SERVICE. Voted. Total.

Brought forward $76,203 87 $318,888 00 VOTE NO. 9.—D«rABTMUNT OF FINANCE AKD AOBICULTCRK.- -Concluded.

AGBICITLTCRAL BRANCH. Deputy Minister of Agriculture 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ $260 00 3,120 Statistician and Secretary 12 150 33, 1,804 Assistant Statistician ... -. 12 127 00 1,524 Live Stock Commissioner 12 200 00 2,400 Assistant Live Stock Commissioner .. 12 125 oo; 1,500 Provincial Horticulturist 12 200 i» 2,400 Five Assistant Horticulturists 12 each 136 66 8,200 Assistant Horticulturist 12 133 33 1,600 Do. 12 125 00 1,500 Vegetable Expert 12 125 00 1,500 Instructor in Poultry-raising 12 143 33 1,720 Assistant Instructor in Poultry-raising 12 125 00 1,500 Inspector of Fruit Pests 12 210 00 2,520 Assistant Inspector of Fruit Pests 12 151 66 1,820 Da do 12 132 66 1,592 Three Do. do 12 each 100 00 3,600 Exhibition Commissioner 12 175 00 2,100 Cold Storage* Precooling Investigator 12 128 33 1,540 Veterinary Inspector 12 lf>3 33 1,840 Three Assistant Veterinary Inspectors. 12 each 148 33 5,340 Dairy Instructor and Inspector 12 143 33 1,720 Assistant do. do. 12 128 33 1,540 Plant Pathologist and Entomologist . 12 180 on 2,160 Agriculturist 12 133 33 1,600 Soils and Crops Instructor 12 128 33, 1,540 Clerk 12 133 00 1,596 Do 12 106 00 1,272 Two Clerks 12 each 96 00 2,304 Two do 12 „ »0 00 2,160 Clerk and Typist 12 86 00 1,032 Junior Clerk 12 63 00 780 Do 12 30 00 360 Clsrk and Typist, Vancouver 12 92 00 1,104 Stenographer 12 65 00 780 Three Stenographers 12 each 60 00 2,160 General Assistant 12 100 00 1,200 Total, $72,428 148,(131 87 VOTK No. 10.—DKPARTMKNT or LANDS.

LANDS BRANCH. Minister of Lands 12 months, to 31st Mnr., 1916, @ $500 00 6,000 Clerk to do. 12 147 00 1,764 Deputy Minister of Lands 12 298 33 3,580 Secretary to Department 12 165 00 1.98T Statistician 12 183 33 2,200 Supervisor of Inspection Branch . ... 12 245 00 2,940 Inspector of Pre-emptions 12 123 66 1,484 Book-keeper .12 136 00 1,632 Clerk .12 lbO 33 1,924 Do .12 ISA 00 1,620 Do .12 134 00 1,608 Do .12 128 00 1,636 Do .12 112 00 1,344 Do .12 106 00 1,272 Do .12 108 00 1,260 Do. .12 102 00 1,224 Two Clerks 12 each 96 00 2,304 Carded forward , $35,672 $467,619 87 310 1915 ScPl'LV. CHAP. 60


To be now SERVICK. Voted. Total.

Brought Jortcard 835,672 |467,519 87 Vo-ii No. 10.—DEPARTMENT or LANDS.—Conlinutd. LANDS BRANCH.—Concluded. Clerk 12 months, to 31ct Mar., 1916, (5 86 00 1,032 Do 12 80 00 960 Do 12 75 00 900 Three Junior Clerks 12 ,, ,, each 65 00 2,340 Junior Clerk 12 50 00 600 Stenographer 12 „ 60 00 720 Do 12 50 00 600 Total $42,S24 FoKEST BRANCH. Slaf. Chief Forester 12 months, to 3lst Mar. , 1916, (a $285 00 .3,420 Two Assistant Foresters 12 ,," each 266 66 6,400 Assistant Forester 12 ,, 226 66 2,720 Do. 12 225 00 2,700 Acting Assistant Forester 12 ,, 191 33 2,296 Do. do. 12 166 66 2,00i) Do. do. ...:."..... 12 150 00 1,800 District Forester 12 ,, 210 00 2,520 Do. 12 175 00 2,100 Do. 12 150 00 1,800 Do 12 „ 141 66 1,700 Five District Foresters 12 ,, each 133 33 8,000 District Forester 1'2 ,, 125 00 1,500 Deputy District Forester 12 ,, 150 00 1,800 Do. do. 12 141 66 1,700 Four Forest Assistants and Cruisers.. 12 ,, each 133 33 6,400 Forest Assistant and Cruiser 12 „ 125 00 1,500 Three Foiest Assistants and Cruisers .12 ,, each 116 66 4,200 Forest Assistant and Cruiser 12 ,, 108 33 1,300 Two Forest Assistants and Cruisers .. 12 ,, each 102 00 2,448 Three do. do. 12 96 "0 3,456 Assistant Cruiser 12 ,, 100 00 1,200 Do 12 96 00 1,152 Supervisor of Sealers 12 „ 166 66 2,000 Assistant Supervisor of Scalers 12 ., 148 33 1,780 Nine Scalers 12 ,, each 132 00 14,256 Two do 12 „ 117 00 2,808 (Scaler 12 ,, 107 00 1,284 Two Scalers 12 each 100 00 2,400 Check Scaler 12 125 00 1,500 Do. .12 100 00' 1,200 Clerk .12 182 68 2,192 Do. .12 161 33, 1,936 Do. • 12 140 00 1,680 Do. .12 121 00 1,452 4,896 Four Clerks 12 each 102 00 2,424 Two do 12 ,' 101 00 t 4,608 96 00 Four do 12 ,, 1,140 95 00 Clerk 12 4,320 Four Clerks 12 each 90 GO 80 00 960 Clark 12 „ each 75 00 9,000 TenClerkB 12 45 00 540 Clerk 12 „ 35 00 420 Messenger 12 ,, 116 00 1,392 DrauffUuimMi 12 each 100 00 2,400 Two Drftnahtsmoii 12 „ 75 00 900 Stenographer 12 ,, each 65 00 3,120 Four Stenographers 12 „ 60 00 1,440 Two da 12 „ Carried /oncord , $178,084 $467,519 87 311 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 GEO. 5


To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total.

Brought forward $178,984 $467,.->19 87 VOTE NO. 10.—DEPARTMENT OF LANDS —Concluded. FORKST BRAMCH.—Concluded. Staff. —Concluded. Inspector 12 months, to 31st Mai'. 1916, («$140 33 1,684 Seven Bangers 7 each 116 66 5,716 62 Ranger 7 114 00 798 Twenty-three Rangers 7 each 108 33 17,441 59 Seven Rangers 7 „ 100 00 4,9(X) Ranger 7 90 00 630 lolal $167,330 21 SlKVKyoK-(rKNERALS BK INCH. General StOjff. Surveyor-General 12 months, to 31st Mar. 1916, (ft 8366 66 4,100 Chief Draughtsman 12 260 (X) 3,120 Draughtsman 12 183 33 2,200 Do 12 164 66 1,976 Do 12 !56 33 1,876 Do 12 141 00 1,692 Six Draughtsmen 12 each 131 00 9,432 Draughtsman 12 126 00 1,512 Three Draughtsmen 12 each 121 00 4,356 Three do. 12 111 00 3,996 Three do. 12 101 (Kt 3,636 Draughtsman 12 96 Of) 1,152 Two Draughtsmen 12 each 86 00 2,064 Three do. 12 ar) 00 2,340 Accountant 12 130 00 1,560 Clerk 12 111 00 1,332 Two Clerks 12 each 106 00 2,544 Clerk 12 96 00 1,152 Do 12 86 00 1,032 75 00 900 Do 12 r Junior Clork 12 7.> 00 900 Do 12 60 00 720 Stenographer 12 60 00 720 ilajrrittg Staff. Chief Geographer 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (ft $210 00 2,520 Draughtsman 12 ,, ,, 139 33 1,672 Do 12 ,, ,, 137 «6 1,652 Do. .... 12 „ ,. 131 00 1,572 Do 12 „ „ 121)33 1,552 Do 12 „ ,, 10« 00 1,272 Two Draughtsmen 12 „ ,, each 101 00 2,424 Draughtsman 12 ,, „ 81 'X) 972 Total $68,248 WATKH RuiHTS HKASCH. Chief Clork 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, ftf «161 33 1,936 Clerk 12 122 00 1,464 Do 12 107 00 1,284 Five Clerks 12 each 102 00 6,120 Two do 12 »6

Carritd for vara •767,730 f» 312 3015 SUPPU'. CII.U-. 60


To be now SERVICE. Total. Voted.

lit ought Joricard . $707,730 OS


Minister of Public Work» 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ $500 00 $6,000 Clerk to Minister 12 „ 100 00 1,200 Deputy Minister of Public Works and Publio Works Engineer 12 2S0 00 3,360 Assistant Public Works Engineer 12 220 00 2,640 Four Assistant Engineers 12 each 210 00 10,080 Supervising Architect 12 210 00 2,520 Draughtsman 12 191 66 2,300 Do 12 163 66 1,964 Do 12 148 33 1,780 Do 12 143 33 1,720 Chief Clerk and Accountant 12 210 00 2.520 Assistant Accountant 12 134 00 1,608 Clerk 12 134 00 1,608 Do '12 123 Of) 1,476 Two Clerks 12 each 107 00 2,568 Three do 12 96 00 3,456 Clerk 13 90 01)! 1,080 Junior Clerk 12 63 001 780 Do 12 55 001 660 Do 12 30 00 360 Stenographer 12 75 00 900 Two Stenographers 12 each 63 00 1,560 Two do 12 53 00 1,320 otal, $33,460 STKAM BOII.KR I.NSI'KCTICIN.

•Chief Inspector 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a. $240 00 j 2,880 Stenographer 12 „ 70 oo! 840 Three Stenographers 12 ,, each 60 (Ml' 2,160 Inspector 12 ,, 195 00 2.340 Two Inspectors 12 ,, each 190 00 4,560 Inspector 12 ,, 1.S5 00 2,220 Two Inspectors 12 ,, each 180 00 4,320 Two do 12 175 00 4,200 Two do. . 12 170 00 4,080 Throe do 12 ,, 155 00 5,580 Total, $33,1 HO WlIAKK, I'lUNf'K Rt'l'KRT.

Superintendent 12 month», to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $150 00 1,800 Accountant 12 ,, ,, 123 00 1,500 Checker 12 ,, ,, 85 00 1.020 Watchman 12 ,, „ 75 00 900 Total, $5,220 PAKUAMKNT 1-i'n.DiNuH ATTKNIUNTS.

Chief Janitor and Messenger 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (8 $130 (X) 1,560 Five Janitors 12 each 85 00 5,100 Three do 12 80 00 2,880 Two do 12 75 00 1,800 Twelve do 12 65 00 9,3(10 Engineer 12 125 00 1,500 Fireman 12 80 00 060 •0»rnenter 12 115 00 1,380 Nightwatchman 12 77 00 924 Watchman (ouUide) 12 80 00 960 Ushor 12 90 00 1,080 Total, «27,504 119,364 TO

Carried /orirorrf «887,094 08 313 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 GEO. 5


To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total.

Brought ioruard $8S7.«!M 08

TOTE NO. 12.—DETABTHEXT OF RAILWATSL Chief Engineer 12 months to 31st Mt ., 1916, 00 4,020 Inspector of Legal Offices 12 ,, 303 33 3,640 Departmental Solicitor 12 ,, 290 00 3,480 Official Guardian 12 „ 100 00 1,200 Stenographer to Official Guardian 12 ,. 60 00 720 Chief Clerk .. . .• 12 1.55 00 1,860 Three Clerks 12 each It» 00 3,888 Tiro Junior Clerks 12 „ „ 65 00 1,560 Junior Clerk 12 55 0« 660 Total, S27.02R

JolNT-STOCh. «-OMPAME3* BRANCH. Regiatrar. . 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a *2So 00 3,420 Clerk 12 116 66 1,400 Junior Clerk 12 30 00 360 Stenographer 12 70 00 840 Do. 12 60 00 720 Total, 86,740

LAND REGISTRY Urno*. Kamloojm. Regiatrar 12 months K31st Mar., 1916, «L #260 00 3,120 Surveyor 12 ., 1<*S 33 1,300 Sorrevor 12 ,, f 100 00 1,200 Chief'Clerk 12 .» 125 00 1,500 Clerk 12 128 00 1,536 Do 12 107 00 1.284 Do 12 „ 100 00 1.200 Two Clerks 12 each 96 00 2,304 Seven Clerks 12 ,, (f 90 OC 7,560 Clerk r 80 00 960 •Stenographer 1A ,, 65 00 780 Four do 12 ,, »» »» 60 00 2,880 -V^ron. tn 31st Alar. 1916, (ffi «200 00 3,120 Ch.ef Clerk 12 125 00 1,500 Surveyor 12 ti 108 33 1,300 Ec 12 100 00 1,200 Clerk 12 112 00 1,344 Do 12 96 00 1,152 Three Clerk» 12 each 90 00 3,240 Stenographer 12 70 00 840 Janitor 12 tt 75 00 900

Carried forward $73,988 $804,286 05 314 I'll 5 SUPI'LY. CHAP. 60


To be now- SERVICE. Voted. Total.

llrougkt Joricard $73,988 $894,286 08 VoTK No. 13.—ATTOKSEr-'iEXEJUL's DEPARTMENT.—Cniltinutd.


Xeur We^iminMer.

Registrar 12 moi. ths, to 31st Mar., 1915, (a. $260 00 3,120 Two Surrevor» 12 each 108 33 2.600 Chief Clerk 12 163 33 1,960 Clerk 12 123 00 1,500 Do 12 110 00 1,320 Do 12 107 00 1,284 Three Clerks 12 each 102 00 3,672 Clerk 12 100 00 1,200 Seven Clerk* 12 „ 96 00 8,064 Seven do 12 ., 90 00 7.560 Clerk 12 87 00 I.044 Five Stenographers 12 each 60 00 3,600 Janitor 12 65 00 780

J'rinrt Kuperi Registrar 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $200 00 2,400 Chief Clerk 12 „ ,, 125 00 1,500 Clerk 12 „ .. 90 00 1.080 Stenographer 12 „ „ 80 00 960

Vawoitfr. Registrar 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a MOO 00 4,S(I0 Chief Uierk 12 21« 33 2,4411 Surveyor 12 ,, 108 33 1,300 IK. 12 100 00 1,200 Clerk 12 147 00 1.764 Two Clerks 12 each 135 (X) 3.240 Clerk 12 129 00 1,548 Ifci 12 121 Of» 1,452 Kmir Clerks 12 each 117 00 5,616 Clerk 12 114 00 1,368 Do 12 112 00 1,344 I», 12 107 00 1,284 Do 12 1112 00 1,224 Kight Clerks 12 each 96 00 9,216 Clerk 12 91 00 1.092 Nine Clerk* 12 each 90 00 9,721» Clerk. 12 81 00 972 Junir, 12 80 00 960 Do. .12 65 00 780 Stenographer 12 80 00 960 Do. .12 70 00 840 Do. .12 65 00 780 Do. .12 60 00 720

Victoria. Registrar-General 12 month», to 31st Mar., 1916, (a, 1260 00 3,120 Two Surveyor* 12 „ ,. each 108 33 2,600 Four do 12 ,, „ „ 100 00 4,800 Chief Clerk 12 „ ,, 203 33 2,440 Clerk 12 „ ,. 158 33 1,900 Clerk and Book-keeper 12 „ „ 146 00 1,752 Three Clerks 12 „ „ each 123 00 4,428 Two do. 12 ,. „ „ 12100 2,904 Carrlrd forward $196,190 $894,286 08 315 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 GEO. 5


To be now SKRVJCK. Voted. Total.

Brought forward $196,196 $894,2Sfi 08


LAND REGISTRY OFFICES.—Concixtded. Victoria. —Concluded. Four Clerks 12 mo.,, (o3lstM«r., 1916,Cr each $120 00. 5,760 Clerk 12 *» »t 108 00 1,296 Do. 12 »t »t 102 00 1,224 TwoClerks 12 .. each 100 00 2,4oO Eight da 12 *» »» „ 96 0» 9,216 Eleven do 12 „ 90 00 11,880 Junior Clerk 12 60 00 720 Stenographer 12 75 00 900 Tiro Stenographers 12 each 65 00 1,560 Stenographer 12 »t 60 00 720 Total, $198,104 SrpREMK AND Cbcvrv COCKTS. Official Stenographer*. Two Stenographers 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, each (S $112 Oil 2,688

Chilliintct. Registrar, County Court . . ... 12 montls. to 31st Mar., 1916, (a. $ 50 00 600 Janitor 12 ,, „ 40 00 480


Deputy Registrar 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $ 25 00 300


Deputy Registrar 12 months, to 31


Registrar, Supreme A County Courts.12 months, to.llst Mar., 1916, (a $176 33 2,116 Stenographer 12 ,, ,, 55 0(1 660

Xeic Westminster. '

Registrar, Supreme A County Court*. 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916,


To 1« now SERVICE. Total. Voted.

Brought joruard $280,440 $894,286 08


SCPKKMK AND CursTT Coi'BTS.—Concluded.


Registrar, Supreme Court 12 month?, to 31st Mar., 1916, <£ $237 00 2,844 Registrar, County Court I 181 66 2, ISO Clerk for Judges 12 117 00 1,404 Three Clerks 12 each 96 00 3,456 Two Clerks 12 „ 90 00 2,1C0 Clerk 12 SO 00 960 Usher and Janitor 12 loo on 1,200 Assistant Janitor 12 70 on 840 Two Assistant Janitors 12 each 65 00 1,560 Fireman 12 75 00 900 Total, «66,072 LEGISLATIVE LlHRARV.

Librarian !2 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a «210 00 2,520 Cataloguer 12 127 («• 1.524 Assistant Cataloguer 12 96 00 1.152 Do. do 12 81 00 972 Do. do 12 65 00 780 Clerk 12 107 00 1,284 I*. 12 96 00 1,152 Junior Clerk 12 60 00 720 D, 12 50 00 600 l)o 12 45 00 .540 Stenographer 12 55 00 660 Total. $11.904 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT.

Assistant to Commissioner of Fisheries. 12 months, to .'{1st Mar., 1916, (c $285 00 3,420 Deputv Commissioner of Fisheries.... 12 ., ,, 260 00 3.120 Inspector of Fisheries 12 . „ US 33 1.420 Junior Clerk 12 45 00 540 Total. $8.500


Inspector 12 month*, to 31st Mar., 1916, f« $251 66 3,020 Assistant Inspector 12 „ ,. 135 00 1,620 Total, $4,640 KAITORIKS A

Inspector 12 months, lo31.it Mar., 1916, (f $185 (Hi 2,220 MoVINO l'KTfKB» A(T. Censor 12 months, toSlst Mar., 1916, (a *170 00 2,040 Assistant Censor 12 ,, ,, 125 00 1,5(10 Do. 12 ,, ,, 125 00 1,500 Do 12 „ „ 100 00 1,200 Operator 12 ,, ,, 100 00 1,200 Clerk 12 ,, „ 90 00 1,080 Total, $8,520

Carried forirari 1338,408 ' »894,386 08 317 CHAP. 60 Scppf.v. 5 GEO. 5


To be now ', SKRVICE. Voted. ' ToUI.

Brought jorxard . $338,408 *894,2So 03


Inspector of Municipalities 12 months, to 31st Mar., 191C, (a 9250 00 3,000 Clerk 12 „ „ 125 00 1,500 Stenographer 12 „ „ 60 00 720 Total, »5,220 GAME ACT.

•Game Warden 12 months, u» 31st Mar., 191fi, (& $-301 66 2,420 Two Clerk» 12 each 90 00 2,160 Clerk 12 SO 00 960 Junior Clerk 12 45 00 540 Kight Deputy Game Wardens 12 each 9-5 00 9,120 Deputy Game Warden 12 90 00 1,080 Sit Deputy Game Wardens 12 each 85 00 6,120 Twenty-two do. 12 75 00 19,800 Total, $42,200


SuperiuUndtnt\i O/ffc.

Superintendent 12 months, to 3l:-t M ar., 1916, (a §220 Of) 2,640 Inspector 12 168 33 2,020 Assistant Inspector 12 150 00 1.800 Chief Detective 12 120 00 1,440 Clerk or Detective 12 75 00 900 Clerk and Constable 12 141 00 1,692 Two Clerks 12 each 91 00 2,184 Junior Clerk 12 75 00 900 Do 12 70 00 840 Constable !2 85 00 1,020 Two Constables 12 ,, each SO 00 1,920

Bowiilary Polii-t Uiilrirl.

Chief Constable, Greenwood 12 months, io 31 it Mar., Ifllfi, d £102 00 1,224 Constable, do 12 „ „ 75 00 900 IV.. Grand Forks 12 „ „ 85 00 1,020 Do. Hedby 12 „ ,, 88 00 1,056 Do. Ksremeos 12 ,, „ 85 00 1,020 Do. Midway 12 ,, „ 85 00 1.020 Do. Phunix 12 ., „ 85 00 1.020 Do. Princeton 12 ,, ,, 80 00 900

Fori GcOryr f'olirc Diulrirl.

Chief Constable, South Fort George. ..12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, f$f 1330 00 1,560 Xenior Constable, do. ...VI 90 no 1,080 Three Constables, d<>. ...12 each 75 00 2,700 Two Coustahles, Prince George 12 85 00 2,040 Cons'ablc, Central Fort George 12 80 00 960 Do. Fort Fraaer 12 80 00 960 Do. Willow River 12 75 00 900

Carried fortiard $421,60 4 $894,286 08 ;us 1915 StPi'i.y. ("HAI\ 60


To lie now SERVICE. Total. Voted.

Drought lorirari $421,604 S894.2S6 OS



Fort St. John Police DiMrict.

Chief Constable, Fort St. John 12 months, to3lst.Mar, 1916, (& §115 Oo 1.3S0 Constable, Huds^./s Hope 12 „ ., 90 00 l,i>80 1,0811 l)o. Ponce Coupe 12 „ ,, 90 Oil

/lazellon Police District. 1,560 Chief Constable, Hazclton 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ §130 001 1,800 Two Constables, do 12 ,, ,, each 75 00' 1,11211 Constable, Aldermere 12 ,, „ 83 00 1,020 IX). Endako 12 ., ., 85 00 900 Do. New Hazel tyii 12 ., „ 80 00 !»60 Do. Smithers 12 ., „ 60 00 Xam/oops Police DUtrirt.

Chief Cons'ablc, Kam loops 12 months, to 31st Mar., 916, (a $108 00 1,296 Constable, do 12 ,, ,, So 00 1,020 Two Constables, do 12 ,, ,, each 75 00 l.SOO Do. Chase 12 .. ,, SO OO 900*i Do. Shuswap 12 ,, ,. 75 00

Kootcnny (Xorth-Eti»tJ Police /Jiitrirt.

Chief Constable, Golden 12 months, to 31st Mar., 191«, (a $10(1 Oil 1,21*0 Constable, do. 12 ,, ,, 75 (HI !KKI 1 Jo. Arrowhead 12 ., ,, SO (HI ".«ill IKI. Athnliner 12 ,, ., SO 00 9011 Do. do 12 7.-. 00 900 Do. Field 12 75 00 !XKI l>o. (Jlacier 12 ,, ., 75 00 900 Do. Kevelstoke 12 85 IK) 1,1120

Koolenay (South-Eml) Police Ditttirt.

Chief Constable, Fernio 12 months, to31 si .Mar., 7016, (» ?ion oo 1.20O Constable do 12 8(1 oo !«)() Do. Hull Riv;r 12 75 00 900 Do. Canal Flntn 12 80 (HI 960 IV.. Coal Creek . . .12 S.'i 00 1,020 Do. 12 85 00 1.020 Do. 12 85 00 1,020 Da Klko 12 85 0(1 1,020 Do. 12 85 00 1,020 Do. 12 SO 00 %0

Carried laniard . $462,860 ' $894,286 08 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. •"> <>EO. 5-


To be now SERVICE. Voted.

Brought Jortcard $462,860



Koolenay (SouthEast) Police District.—Concluded.

Conatable, Micbel 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, ft $75 00 900 Do. Moyie 12 „ ,, 85 00 Do. Natal 12 „ ,, 80 00 Do. Wardner 12 ,, „ 75 Of)! Do. Waldo 12 „ „ 75 00; 900

Koolenay ( Wert) Police District.

Chief Constable, Nelson 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (o $106 00 1,272 Constable, do 12 80 0(1 960 Do. Creston 12 85 00 1,020 Do. Kaalo 12 80 00 960 Do. Nakusp 12 85 00 1,020 Do. New Denver 12 85 00 1,020 Do. Salmo. : 12 85 00 1,020 Do. Silverton .... 12 85 00 1.020 Do. Trail 12 75 00 900

Lillooet Police Uiitiicl.

Chief Constable, Clinton 12 months. to:ilst Mar. 1916, (a S102 00 1,224 Constable, do 12 75 (Kl 900 Do. Hancer ille 12 ,, 7ft (Kl 9IKI Do. Ijllooet 12 80 (Ml 960 Do. 150-Mile House 12 85 Of» 1,020 Do. 12 ,, 85 00 1,020 Do. do 12 80 00 960 Do. 12 90 00 1,080

Xanaimo- West Cocwt Police Pixtrict.

Chief Constable, Nanaimo. 12 month», 1o3Nt M 1916.fr ?122 00 1.464 Constable, do 12 80 00 960 Do. do 12 75 00 900 Do. Alberni 12 80 00 960 Do. Clayoqnot 12 85 00 1,020 Do. Courtenay 12 85 00 1,020 Do. Cumberland 12 80 00 960 Do. Ladysmilli 12 80 00 960 Do. Quatsino 12 80 00 960 Do. Ucluelet 12 30 00 360

NkeenaAllin Police District,

Chief Constable, Prince Rupert 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (fit $135 00 1,620 Constable, do. 12 ,, „ 75 00 900 Do Avansh 12 „ „ 80 00 »60 Do. Atlin 12 „ ,, 95 00 1,140 IX). Bella Coola 12 „ ,, 85 00 1,020

Carried forward $500,000 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60


To be now SKRVICE. Voted.

Brought foricard ?500,000



Skeena-Aflin Police District.— Concluded.

Constable, (Jranby Bay 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a. $85 00 1,020 l)o. Jedway 12 „ ,, 85 00 1,020 Do. Maaset 12 „ „ 80 00 960 Do. Port Kssington 12 „ „ 80 Of) 960 Do. Port Simpson 12 „ ,, 8.» 00 1,020 Do. Queen City 12 ,, „ 85 00 1,020 Do. Terrace 12 „ „ 80 00 960

Tete Jaune Cache Police District.

Chief Constable, Tete Jaune Cache.. 12 nionth.s, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $125 00 1,500 Constable, do. ... 12 „ „ 80 00 960 Two Constables, do. ...12 ,, .. each 75 00 1,800 Constable, Lucerne 12 ,, .. 75 00 900 Two Constables, Mcfiride 12 ,, ,, each 75 00 1,800 Constable, Mile 145 12 ,. „ 80 00 960 Do. Thompson Crossing 12 ,, „ 75 00 900

Vancouver- Westminster Police District.

Chief Constable, Vancouver 12 nonths, to 31st Mar., 191(5. (a $130 00 1,560 Senior Constable, do. 12 91 00 1,092 Clerk and Constable tlo 12 ,, ., 91 0» 1,092 Clerk, do 12 9! «HI 1,092 Constable, do. 12 &">

Vernon Police Dittriel.

Chief Constable, Vernon 12 month», to Slst Mar., 1910, (

Carried forward $542,420 $894,286 08 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 GEO. 5


To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total.

Brought Joricard $542,420 $894,286 08


PROVINCIAL POLICK.—Concluded. Victoria Police District. Constable, Duncan 12 mo.-.ths, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $87 00 1,044 Do. Ganges 12 „ „ 80 00 90O Do. Sidney 12 „ „ 80 00 960 Yale Police District. ,

Chief Constable, Ashcroft 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (g, $10088 0000 1,296 Two Constable», do 12 each 80 00 1,920 Constable, Hope 12 85 00 1,020 Do. do. 12 75 00 900 Do. Lytton 12 85 00 •1,020 Do. Merritt 12 80 00 960 Do. Nicola 12 80 00 960 Do. North Bend 12 85 00 1,020 Do. Spenoes Bridge 12 80 00 960 Total, $169,612


Superintendent 12 months, to 31st Marar.. , 1910, (a $115 00 1,380 Gardener and Farm Instructor 12 67 00 804 School Teacher 12 82 00 911 Tailor and 1st Assistant 12 71 00 852 Shoemaker and 2nd Assistant 12 69 00 8-.'8 Carpenter and 3rd Assistant 12 67 00 804 4th Assistant 12 52 00 624 5th Assistant 12 52 00 624 Cook 12 67 00 804 Matron and Housekeeper 12 35 00 420 Nightwatchuian 12 65 00 780 Tutal, $8,904


Superintendent 12 months, to 31st Mnr , 1910, (5 $] 10 00 1,320 1st Assistant 12 50 0(1 600 Needlewoman 12 40 00 480 Matron and Housekeeper 12 25 00 300 Cook 12 40 00 480 Engineer and Janitor 12 100 00 1,200 Gardener 12 75 00 900 Total, $5,280 509,624 110

CarricA forirard $1,463,910 08

322 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60


To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total.

Brought Joricard $1,463,910 08


ALBERNI AGKNCY. Government Agent A Deputy Assessor. 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a, §196 66 $2,360 Clerk 12 „ „ 117 00 1,404 Do 12 90 00 1,080 Junior Clerk 12 15 00 900 Stenographer 12 60 00 720 Janitor 12 40 00 480 Total, §6,944 CARIBOO DISTRICT AUKNCIES. Barterrille (Sub-Agency ). Gold Com. and Mining Recorder 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, <£ $143 33 1,720 720 Stenographer 12 ,, ,, 60 00 Fort (leorye. 2,000 Government Agent 12 months, to31st Mar., 1916, (a $166 66 1,524 Clerk and Mining Recorder 12 ,, ,, 127 00 1,272 Clerk 12 „ ,, 106 00 ),I;->2 Do 12 „ „ 96 00 150-Mile Home. Govt. Agent, Recorderifc Dep. Assessor, 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $134 00 1,608 Clerk .'. 12 ,, „ 90 00 1,080 Qntxntl. Government Agent 12 months, to 3iat Mar., 1916, (a $16.") 00 1,980 Clerk , uid Deputy Mining Recorder ..12 ,, „ 100 DO 1,200 Clerk ' 12 ,, „ 9000 1.0M) Stenographer 12 ,, ,, till (Ml 720 Assessor and Collector 12 ,, ,, INI 66 2,180 Clerk 12 ,, „ 11."i Oil 1.380 Two Clerks 12 ., ,, each 96 IKI 2,304 Four Clerk.. 12 ,, „ ,, 90 00 4,320 Total, $26,240

CASSIA» AOENCIKN. Atlin. 2,400 Government Agent, (iold Com., etc... 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $200 00 1,660 Clerk 12 ,, ,, 18x33 1,032 Stenographer 12 ,, ,, 80 00

Telegraph Creel: 1,320 Government Agent, Gold Com., etc... 12 months, to 3lst Mar,, 1916, (a SI 10 00 Total, $6,412 Ct'MnKRI.ANI) AdKNf'Y. 2,060 Government Agont ADeputy Assessor, 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $171 66 1,320 Clerk :.. 12 „ „ 110 (HI 1,080 Do 12 ,, ,. 90 (10 Total, $4,460 DPNCAN AUKNCY. Government Agent & Dcputv Assessor, 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1910, (a $!.">.r> 33 1,864


To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total.

Brought foricard $47,060 j$l,463,910<»




Government Agent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ $163 33 1,960 Deputy Assessor and Collector 12 ,, ,, 114 00 1,368 Clerk and Registrar 12 „ „ 138 00 1,656 Two Clerks 12 ., „ each 95 00 2,304 Clerk 12 „ „ 91 00 1,092 Two Clerks 12 „ „ each 90 00 2,160 Stenographer 12 „ „ 65 00 780 Janitor 12 „ „ 75 00 900 Fernie. Government Agent 12 months, to3lBtMar., 1916, (a, S166 2.000 Clerk and Registrar 12 „ ,, 90 00 1,080 Clerk, Deputy Assessor and Collector. 12 ,, „ 90 00 1,080 Stenographer 12 „ „ .To 00 660 Janitor 12 „ ,, 75 00 900 (•'olden. Government Agent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a. $1.">0 00 1,800 Mining Recorder & Dep. Assessor 12 ,, „ 141)00 1,680 Clerk 12 ,, ,, 141 00 1,692 Wilmer (Sub-Agtney),

Mining Recorder, Registrar, etc 12 month*, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $147 00 1,764 Total, 824,876

FAIKVIEW AGENCY. 2,060 Government Agent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (if $171 6fi 1,320 Mining Recorder and Assessor 12 „ „ 110 00 1,416 Clerk 12 ,, ,, 118 00 Total, 84,790 Four KKASKK AOENCY.

Government Agent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916. (a 8176 66 2,120 (lover Clerk and Mining Recorder 12 ,, „ 122 (HI 1,404 Total, $3,,->84 Jttnini


Government Agi-nt 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a, $1.'>0 33 1,804 rierk 12 ,, „ 96 (M) 1,1.>2 Janitor 12 „ ,, 70 00 840 Total, $3,706


Oovernmcnt Agents Mining Recorder. 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ #145 33 1,744 Clerk and Janitor 12 „ ,, 11100 1,332 Tot*!, $3,076

Harried forward $87,188 $1,463,91008 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60


SERVICE. To be now Voted. Total.

Brought fortrard $87,188 $1,463,910 08



Gorerninent Agent 12 month», to 31st Mar., 1916, @ §168 33 2,020 Mining Recorder and Registrar 12 „ ,, 1)7 00 1,404 Assessor and Collector 12 „ „ 143 33 1,720 Clerk !2 ,. „ 96 00 1,132 ThreeClerks 12 „ „ each 90 00 3.240 Stenographer 12 ,, ,, SO 00 960 Total, S10.496


Clinton. i Government Agent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a Sl.">.> 33 1,864 Clerk 12 „ „ 102 00 1,224 1.132 Do 12 „ ,, % 00 Litlooe/ (Sub-A'/ruci/). 1,800 Assessor and Mining Recorder 12 months, to Slat Mar., 1910, (a $150 00 1,1..2 Clerk 12 .. .. 96 00 Total. §7,192

NANAIMO AliKNCY. 2,0011 1,132 Government Agent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 191«, (a $lfi(> Cli 780 Clark 12 ,, „ 96 (XI 1,900 Stenographer 12 ,, ,. 03 00 900 Deputy Assessor and Collector 12 ,, ,, 138 33 Janitor ami Messenger 12 ,, ,, 73 00 NICOLA ACKMY. Total, tf(>,732 Government Agent and Assessor. 12 months, to 31st Max., 1910, (« .$106 ti6 2,000 Clerk ..12 ,. ,, 9G 00 1,152 Total, $3,132


(iovermnent Agent, Assessoi etc 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $154 00 1,848 Junior Clerk 12 ,, ,, SO 00 960 Total 82,«OS


I'riiife Rupert. Government Agent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a, $171 0(1 2,060 Assessor and Collector 12 „ ,, 163 33 1,960 I Clerk 12 „ ,, 127 00 1,524 I Do 12 „ „ 101 00 1,212 | 1,152 i Do 12 i( ,, sm 00 Sour Clerks 12 „ „ each 90 00 4,320 900 Janitor 12 „ ,, 75 00

Carried /orirard . f 130,690 1*1,463,910 08 325 CHAP. 60 SUPFLY. 5 GEO. 5


To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total.

Brought forward $130,696 11,463,91008


SKKENA AGKNCIES.—Concluded. Staean (Sub-Agency). i Mining Recorder, etc 12 mouths, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ $154 00, 1,848 j Queen Charlotte Inlands.

Government Agent, Gold Com., etc... 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $147 00 1,764 i Total, §16,740 VKKNON ACK.NCV.

Government Agent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916. & SI7I 66 2,060 Clerk 12 „ „ 10100 1,212 Mining Recorder and Assessor i2 ,, ,, 162 66 l,9.->2 Clerk 12 ,, ,, 96 00 1,1.52 Stenographer 12 ,, ,, 65 00 780 Engineer and Fireman 12 ,, ,, 7") 00 900 Janitor 12 „ „ 7."» 00 900 Total, .?8,956 "Viar K.OOTKNAY AfiBNflKS.

Ka»lo. Government Agent 12 months, t.i 31st Mar., 1916, (« $1(W 33 2,020 Mining Recorder and Deputy Assessor. 1.2 ,, ,, 127 00 1 524 Clerk '. 12 ,, ,, 96 00 1,152 Do 12 ., ,, 8fi 00 1.032 Stenographer 12 „ „ 80 00 960 900 Janitor 12 ,, ,, 7-5 00 Sew Denvrr (Sub-Agency J. 1,536 Mining Recorder 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a §128 00 Trout Lake (Sub-AgtneyJ. 1,080 Mining Recorder 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, <« S90 00 Xe/non. 2,168 GovernmenMining Recordcramt Agent l Deputy Assessor, 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (K $180 66 1,900 ------Two Clerks - -1-2 , _ - ,S8 33 2,448 Clerk 12 „ each 102 00 1,080 Junior Clerk 12 , 90 00 720 Stenographer ,.12 , 60 00 720 Janitor 12 , 60 00 900 75 00 Itenlx/oke.

Government Agent 12 month», to 31st Mar., i916, @$180 66 2,168 Mining Recorder 12 „ ,, 100 00 1,200 Deputy Assessor and Collector 12 146 00 1,752 Clerk 12 90 00 1,080 Stenographer 12 55 00 660 Janitor 12 75 00 900

Carried forward $171,164 $1,403,9100! 326 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60


To be now SERVICE. Total. Voted.

Brought forward S171.164 $1,463,910 08




Govt. Agent and Depntv Assessor 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, @ $IG3 33 1,960 Clerk .* 12 ,, „ 140 00 1,680 Do 12 „ „ 96 00 1,152 Janitor 12 „ ,. 75 00 90O Total, $33,592 WESTMINSTER DISTRICT AHKNCIKR.

Xetr if'eil'mintler.

Government Agent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a, $191 66 2,300 Clerk 12 „ ,, 131 00 1.572 Junior Clerk 12 „ ,, 65 00 780 Assessor and Collector 12 ,, ,, 173 66 2,084 Assistant do 12 ., „ 154 00 1,848 Clerk 12 „ ,, 112 00 1.344 Do 12 ,, ,, 75 00 900 Janitor and Messenger 12 ,, ,, 85 00 1,020


(io\ eniment Agent 12 months to 31st Mai., 1916, (a \ !186 «6 2,240 Clerk and -Mining Recorder 12 13!» 00 1,668 T«o Clerks 12 each 90 00 2,304 Cleik 12 9" 00 1,080 Junior Clerk 12 65 (HI 780 Two Stenographers 12 ,, each (iO 00 1,440 Assessor and Collector 12 200 Oil 2,400 C'lirk 12 H7 00 1,764 Ho 12 135 00 1.620 Do 12 117 00 i 1,404 Do 12 107 00 1,284 Do 12 07 00 1,164 Four Clerks 12 each 90 00 4,320 Stenographer 12 CO 00 720

( Court-home. A ttemlmU.-.)

Engineer for Courthouse 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (« $125 00 1.500 Fireman 12 SO 00 960 Klevator attendant 12 70 00 840 Do. 12 65 00 780 Chief Janitor 12 100 00 1,200 Night Fireman and Janitor 12 SO 00 960 Janitor and Gardener 12 75 00 »00 Six Janitors 12 ,, each 75 00 5.400 Janitor 12 70 00 840 Four Janitors 12 ,, each 65 00 3,120 Carnontor 12 90 00 1.080 Niglitwatchman 12 65 00 780 Usher 12 64 00 768 Total, $55,'0I YAI.K DISTRICT AISKNCIKS. Ai/irroft. Covernment Agent and Assessor 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1910, («'$173 06 2,084 | Junior Clerk 12 ,, ,, 60-00 720 |

Carried forward $234,824 1*1,463,910 08 327 CHAP. 60 SCPPLY. 3 GEO. O


To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total

I Brought joncari I «234.824 $1,463,911'us




Government Agent 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, Co $186 66 2,240 Mining Recorder an J Assessor 12 „ „ 149 00 1,788 Clerk 12 ., .. 1180ft 1,416 Do. 12 „ „ 9600 1,152 Do. 12 ., ,, 9000 1,080 Stenographer 12 ., „ 63 01» 780 Janitor 12 ,, ,, 73 0" 900 Yale (Sub-Agency).

Mining Recorder and Collector 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, & $123 «J- 1.476 Total, ?I3,636 24."),ti5<> 0»

«1 ,709,.ViC IIS


1^ oe Voted per Statement'C) • • 56^,100.00

I Kxtiniau-i) for No. of >^r*ti-e endin;.* Total Vote. .list Mar, ;mi.

15 jStipeniliary Magistrates. $ 3.01X1 HO 16 [County Gaols li."i,10l) I*) SJiS.lm 0» To l>e non- .SERVICE. Voted. Total.


VOTE NO. 15.—STIPKNDIARV MAOISTRATRS. Additional to salary paid by the Dominion Government to one appointee as County Court Judge, viz. :— Stipendiary Magistrate, Nelson 12 months, to 31st Mar , 1916, (a $41 66 500 Stipendiary Magistral*-* (provisional). .12 ,, ,, 1,500 $ 3,000 00 VOTE No. 16.—CorxTY GAOLS

Kandoop* Gaol.

Warden 12 mouths, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a $110 00 ,320 Throe Gaoler* 12 ,, „ each 86(H) 096 Gaoler 12 „ ,, 80 00 960 Convict Guard 12 „ „ 86 00 ,032 Do 12 „ ,, 80 00 960 Matron 12 „ „ 50 00 000 Total, $7,968 Carried forward »7,968 ' #3,000 00 328 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60


To be now SERVICE. Voted. Total.

Brought forward J7,96S S3.0U0 00

VOTE NO. 18.- CorSTY GAOLS.—Concluded.

-Vf/«OH 'iW.

Warden 12 months, to 31st Mar., 1916, (a. SI 15 00 1,380 Gaoler 12 «I 00 1.080 Two Gaolers 12 ,, each 86 00 2,064 Convict Guard 12 ,, .So 00 I,02n Do 12 To 00 900 Total, 56,444 Xtir tf'eitmin*ttr tlaot.

Warden 12 months, to 31st Mar.. 191G, (t Si 10 00 1,320 Gaoler 12 „ ,. S6 00 1.032 Do 12 ,. „ 85 HO 1,1«) Convict Guard 12 ., ,, St) Oil 1.032 Four Convict Guards 12 ,, ,, each NO 00 3,840 Convict Guard 12 ,. ., 75 00 9110 Matron 12 ,, ,. 50 Oil 600 Total, $9,744 Oubilla Prison Farm.

Warden . 12 months t.. 31- t Mar.. 1916,'o S 14

Warden ... .12 month*, to 31st Mar., MU6. (a $120 00 1.440 Two Gaoler* 12 cadi 90 Ul 2,160 Gaoler 12 SlJ Oil 1,032 Do 12 85 00 1,020 Do 12 V» («I !»00 Com ict Guard 12 •HI (Id 1.080 Do 12 .so mi 1.032 Km Convict Guard» 12 cacli S5 oo 5,100 Convict Guard 12 so on 960 Special Ginnl 12 75 I HI 900 Kii^'inccr 12 KM mi 1,200 Avottnnt Kngiuecr » 12 75 00 9n<) Total, SI7.7S4 65,10(1 00

.«68.10(1 00

:i2!> CHAP. 60 SlJPPLT. 5 GEO. 5


To be Voied per Statement (D) «89,820.00

No. of' Estimate! for Serricc eodinp Total. Vote. 31st M»r., 1916

LEGISLATION. DETAILS. ' Mr. Speaker Seasional, to 31st Mar., Ii>16, $1,800 | Deputy Speaker „ „ 500 I Clerk of the House ,. „ 1,200 i Law Clerk ,, 600 17 •' Sergeant-at-Anns ,, ,, 400 J5.420 Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms ,, „ 2»JO' Doorkeeper „ „ 200 Messenger „ „ 200 »Page» (@ »40) „ ,, 320 18 Indemnity to Members (42ft $1.6(10). ,. 67,200 19 Mileage ,, ,, 7.200 20 Registration of Voters .1,000 21 Expenses of Elections 1,000 Contingent Fund 6.000 $S«I.S20 IK)


To be Voted per Statement i'E) S467.42fi.00

No. of K>tinutftJ for Vn it* ernJin^ Tol.ll. Vote. 3lit Mar., 101«

23 Bureau of M *• .J $ 10,000 24 Mine-rescue Stations H.ono 25 Fisheries 26 Mental Hospital, Kssondale . . .. 13fi,79K 27 Colony Farm, Kssomlalc 39,493 28 Nursery, Esaondalc 7,860 2» Mental Hospital. New Westminster. 107, «70 30 Printing Office, Victoria 31 Provincial Home, Komloop* 17,900 32 Provincial Museum 4,000 33 Industrial School for Boys. . . .. l.">,000 34 Industrial School for Girls ,">,000 $467,4:.'l> 00

To be now Total. SKRVICK. Voted.


VOTK No. 23.—BUREAU or MINES. Maintena wt.

Plant, material, ami incidental expenses 12 months, to 31st March, 1916 $4,000 6,000 Temporary parties in tha field (including salaries and travelling expenses) $10,000 00

VOTE NO. 24,—MINK-KBSCUK STATIONS. 8,000 Supplies, apparatus, repair*, and incidental expenses 8,000 00 Oerriti forward , |18,0O0 00 330 1015 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60


To lie now SERVICE. Total. V..|ed.

Brought Joraari $1S,000 00


Administration, in.estimation, and niainlenance of fisheries and hatehrry (in­ cluding salaries, workmen's wages, & travelling exp.), 12 mo. to 31st Mar. 1916] 330,000 30,000 l»i VOTE NO. 26.—MENTAL HOSPITAL, KSSONOALK.

Salaries of employees. 51,045 Maintenance S5.7.53 I3(i,79S Ul VOTK Xo. 27.—COUINV FAI:M, ESSONKALE.

Salaries of employees (including branch farm i. 17,408 Maintenance (including hranch farm) 22.OO0 39,493 («I VOTE XO. 28.—XVKSEKY, KS.SOM>AI.I-

Salarics of employee*. .~>.4fi0 .Maintenance 2.4'HJ ,Sl» 00 VOTE XO. 29.- MENTAL HOSI-ITU., XEW \VKST.MIN*-TEK.

Salaries of employee* 49.20" Maintenance .V*.l>70 I07>7'i i»l VOTE XO. 30.--1'I:I\TIN<; OEMIE, VICTORIA.


Kxtra assistance, Printing Otfice and Hook -hinding Hr.mci>, including srM.si'>nal «oik and allowance tor o\ertimc 2").IHNI I'rinting pa|«r, material, and incidental.*. On.OiMl Xcw machinery and plant .Too S.">..VHI Oil \ OTE N'o. 31. — PKOVIVI.U. HOME. KAMLOOI-S.


Maintenance (including transport) 17,000 17,9110 IX) VOTE KO. 32. — PROVINCIAL Mi*.trM.


Purchase of Natural History Specimens, incidents! and travelling expenses ". 12 months, to 31 at March, lOMi l,00T I 4,000


Maintenance (including temporary assistance) ."),()0(i i,0(l(l 00

$467,420 00

:m CHAP. 60 SlJPI'LV. 5 O&v..


To be Vot«l per Statement (F) $374,100.00

Estimated for j No. of,. i Service emline ! Total. Vote. ! |31«t Mir., 1»:C !

HOSPITALS AND CHARITIES. ! DETAILS. ' 35 Grant* to Hospitals 12 months $260,000 36 Grants to Refuge Homes, Aid Societies, etc. (subject to j Government Inspection) ,, 18,000 37 .In aid of Resident Physician, Alert Bay ,, 500 38 Do Atlin 500 39 Do Bella Coola 300 40 Do Campbell River 3U0 41 Do Chiluotin 300 42 Do Clayoquot 300 43 Do Clinton 3110 44 Do Fraser Lake 300 45 Do Gibson's Landing and Kquamish 30(1 46 Do Kitwanga 300 47 Do Lillooet 300 48 Do Masset 500 49 Do Nakusp 300 50 Do Nobles 300 51 Do 150-Mile House an» 52 Do Parksville 300 53 Do Pender Island »K) 54 Do Port .Simpson 300 55 Do Quatsino 500 56 Do Queen Charlotte Islands . 5i)0 57 Do (Juesnei *<0 58 Do Rock Bay 300 59 Do Salmon River 3011 60 Do ^altspriug Island . . . 500 61 Do Telegraph Creek •100 6-2 i Do Ten-ace 300 63 ' Do Vananda 500 64 1 Do Vanderhoof 300 65 Do West Coast (Ucluelctj. . .. soo 66 < Do Windermere District. 300 67 'Contingencies 2,000 68 Children's Protection Act 7,500 69 In aid of destitute poor and sick 60,000 70 Assistance r-Milding Hospitals.. 10.000 $374,1«« Oil

332 1915 SUPl'I.Y. CHAP. 60

V1I.—ADMINISTRATI0N OF JUSTICE (OTHER THAN SALARIES). To be Voted per Statement (G) - . £378,000 00

Estimated for No. of | Sen ice ending Vote. ' 31st Mar., 1»1U Total.



i Summoning and paying Witnesses $39,000 Paying Graml and Petit Jurors 26.000 73 Prosecution and Interpreters 35,000 74 Expenses of Inquests 10,000 75 Rewards 1,000 76 Keep of Prisoners 60,000 77 Special Constables W 1,000 7

VIII.—EDUCATION. To l>e Voted per Statement (H) 1,")34,600.00

EMimat«*l for No. of , Sen ire endinir Total. Vote. H Hlet .Mar., 1Q1<:.

S4 Education Office S 16,600 8ft r .-ee Text-book Branch ri5,l*K> H6 1 -ection of Schools 20.000 ST I Provincial NOIIIIKI Schools !K50t) ss | Education of Deaf and Dumb and Wind lo.OOtl sa (Agricultural and Industrial Education <>\S,O00 !HJ Per CapitA (irant to t'ity, Municipality, and Rural School Distritis . .. 1. (Ho. 000 '•I Salaries of Teachers in Assisted Schools 2S( 1,000 !«2 [Salaries of Teachere of Schools in Escjvtimalt and Naiuinno Railway Hilt. S2.IXHI »3 tirant to Libraries 2,500 M4 (Conveying children to Central School 3,.TO0 Manual Training Equipment 7.500 •Hi Botanical Office, Vancouver 2.500 i)7 Contingencies 7.51 Hi I$1.5!)4.(i00 Of» To be now Totiil. SERVICE. Voted.


PKTAILS. YOTK No. 84. — EnrcATiox OrncK. Kvpenscs of office S 600 Hoard of Examii.era of Public School Tcachcn, and expenses . I0.IHK) Examiners of High School entrance examination papers (i,IHH) $l(i,000 (to VOTK No. 85,— FHKK TBXT-IMIOK IJJUM H.

Text-books, maps, globes, etc t>5,000 00

Carried font aid SHI.600


To be now SERVICE. Total. Votod.

Broui,:tt fortcard $81,600 <«i




Travelling expenses $20,000 20,000 00


Books, apparatus, and incidental expenses, Vancouver. 1,500 Do. do. Victoria... 1,500 Mileage for Students 6,500 9,500 00 VOTE No. 88.—EDUCATION OF DKAF AND DI'MB AND BLIND.

Tuition, maintenance, and travelling expenses, 12 months, to 31st March, 191C . 1.1.000 15,000 00 VOTE NO. 89.—AISRICILTIRAI. AND INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION.


Cities 12 months, to 31st March, 1916 5.10,000 Municipalities 12 ,, ,. ,, 340,000 Rural School Districts 12 ,, ,, ,, 12.1,000 1,01.1,(KM)

I2 months, to 31st March, 1916 280.000 •280,000 00 VOTE NO. 92.—SALARIES OK*TK\CHERS OK SCHOOLS I>- K. k N. H MIAVAY BELT.

12 r.iuntha, to 31st March, 1916 82,000 82,000 IKi VOTE NO. 93.—CRANT TO LIIIRARIKS.

Orant to Libraries 2,,100 2,51 K) 00 VOTE NO. 94.—CONYEYIN» CIIILIMKN TO CENTRAL SCHOOL.

Conveying children to Central School 3..100 3.500 iHi VOTE NO. IK».—MANUAL TRAIMMJ EQUIPMENT.

n aid 7,500 ,500 (X) VOTE NO. 96.- BOTANICAL OFFICE, VANCOUVER.

Office expenses, supplies, and travelling expenses 2,500 2,500 00 VOTE NO. 97.— CONTINGENCIES.

Unforeseen requirements, routs, incidental expenses, etc ! 7,500 ,500 00

$1,594,600 00 334 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60



Twelve Moa. Monthly School. Salary. Salary.

$ 076 «73 j Albert Canyon 12 months to 31st March, 1916 720 60 Albert Head 12 1,080 90 . Alexandria 12 960 80 Alice Siding 12 780 65 Allen Grove 12 900 75 I Anarchist Mountain 12 900 75 j Annable 12 900 75 l Appledale 12 900 75 (Arrow Park, West 12 876 73 i Aihton Creek 12 900 75 'Aspen Grove 12 1,080 90 'Athalmer 12 960 80 .Balfour 12 900 75 i Ballenas Island 12 840 70 {Balmoral 12 720 60 Bambcrton 12 840 70 iBamfield 12 1.140 95 Barkerville 12 876 73 1 Barnes Creek 12 780 65 Barnston Island 12 900 75 • Baniere River 12 91IO 75 Barriere Valley 12 780 65 ' Bear Creek 12 91)0 75 Beaton 12 900 /0 Bclford 12 960 80 Bella Coola 12 960 80 Do. Lower 12 S40 70 .Berlin 12 900 lO lierr vdale 12 1,080 90 Big Bar 12 1,080 90 i Do. Upper 12 900 75 ;BigB»v 12 1,020 85 Big Creek 12 936 78 Big Eddy 12 780 65 Blind Bay 12 900 75 Bonaparte Valley 12 '.»00 15 'Koswcll '. 12 900 ».» i Boundary Falls 12 S40 70 I Boundary Valley 12 68 1 Bowen Island 12 75 • Box Lake 12 75 Bridcsville 12 100 Brilliant 12 85 Brisco 12 80 Britannia Beach 12 60 Do 2nd divisim 12 65 Britannia Half-way 12 65 lllritannia Mine 12 80 Bull River Bridge 12 75 Bull RiVer Kails 12 73 Campbell Crock, South 12 70 Campbell Range 12 80 Cape Scott 12 75 Carlin Hiding 12 90 Oartier 12 75 Castlednle 12 80 Castlogar 12 80 Chilco 12 85 Chimney Creek 12 70 Chinook Cove 12 75 Chu Clnift 12 6« Olo-ooso 12 75 Coalmrmt 12 Columbia Park 12 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 GEO, 5



Twelve Mo». Salary. School.

t 900 $75 Comaplix 12 months to31ct March, 1916 780 63 Commonage 12 ,, „ 780 63 Concord 12 ,, ,, 1,140 95 Copper City 12 900 75 iCopper Creek 12 ,, ,, 900 75 (CorUs Island 12 810 70 Craigellachie 12 ,, „ 840 70 j Cranberry Marsh 12 „ „ 900 75 Crawford Creek 12 780 65 Criss Creek 12 „ 780 65 |Cultus Lake 12 900 75 .Gurzon 12 ,, „ 840 70 Darcy Mountain 12 ,, ,, 840 70 iDeadwood 12 ,, ,, 780 65 , Deep Creek 12 ,, ,, 900 75 Deer Park 12 „ 900 "5 Demars, West 12 ,, „ 1,080 90 Dragon Lake 12 ,, 900 75 Duhamel 12 „ 900 75 Edgewood 12 „ ,, 900 75 Edwards Creek 12 900 75 Eholt 12 960 80 ElkBridge 12 960 SO |Elk Prairie 12 „ 1,020 85 I Empire Valley 12 ,, ,, 960 80 jEndako ." 12 ,, 900 Erie 12 900 IFairview 12 ,, ,, 900 • Falconer 12 ,, ,, 900 |Falkland 12 900 75 [ Fauquier 12 ,, ,, 936 78 Ferguson 12 ,, ,, 9(10 75 jFife 12 900 75 'Fire Valley 12 840 70 'Fish Lake 12 ,, ,, 996 S3 ; Flagstone 12 ,, ,, 1,200 100 Flirt Fraser ,li 1,500 125 Fort George, Principal 12 1,200 100 Do. 2nd division 12 1,200 100 Do. 3rd do 12 1,500 125 Do. South, Piincipal 12 1,200 1(H) Do. do. 2nd division 12 900 75 Fosters Bar , .: 12 1,020 85 Galena 12 900 75 Galena Bay 12 780 B."> Galiano 12 900 75 Galloway 12 780 ti.') Ganiliier Island 12 720 «0 (ianges 12 SlfiO 80 Georgetown 12 900 75 Gerrard 12 876 73 GilIisBny 12 876 73 780 Gilpin ..' 12 65 (i li-nrosa 12 1,140 95 840 (Iranhy Bay 12 70 Granite Bay 12 840 70 840 (i ray Croek 12 70 Green Valley 12 900 75 OOO 75 Hall's Landing 12 1,17« (18 Hnrhlodown Island 12 BOO 75 Harper's Camp 12 900 75 Harrop 12 BOO 75 Hat Croek 12 Haysport 12 336 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60



Twelve Mos.! Monthly School. Salary. 1 Salary.

$1,260 | $105 Hazelton 12 months to 31st March, 1916 1,200 100 , Do. New 12 „ „ 900 ' 75 'Heffley Creek 12 900 i 75 jHeriot Bay 12 ,, „ 780 65 I Hidden Lake 12 780 65 iHighluid 12 900 ; 75 Hilltop 12 „ ;, 816 i 68 Hilton 12 960 80 Holberg 12 „ ,, 780 65 Hope Station 12 ,, ,, 780 65 Hornby Island 12 „ „ 1,020 J 85 Horse Creek 12 ,, ,, 1,020 85 Hosmer 12 „ ,, 720 60 Hupel 12 „ 900 75 Hurlingham 12 ,, ,, 960 80 Huscroft 12 ,, ,, 900 75 Ingram Mountain 12 „ ,, 1,020 85 Invermere 12 ., ,, 1,020 85 Inverness 12 ,, ,, 720 60 loco 12 „ ,, 816 68 Isabella Point 12 ,, ,, 780 65 Jordan River 12 ,, ., 900 /.i Kaleva 12 ,, ,, 816 68 Kedleston 12 „ ,, 780 65 Keefcra 12 „ ,, 840 70 Kelowna, Kast 12 ,, ,, -il6 68 Koch iSiding 12 ,, ,, 960 80 Kundis 12 ,, ,, 780 So Lake Buntzen 12 ,, ,, •too 75 Lancaster 12 ,, ,, h40 70 Lasqueti Island 12 ,, ,, 960 80 Little Fort 12 „ ,, 816 68 iLytton, North 12 „ ,, 816 68 IMabelLake 12 1,21» ]0O ' Malcolm Island, Principal 12 „ ,, !K)0 75 1 Do. 2nd division 12 ,, ,, 1,140 95 'Mapes 12 ,, ,, 840 70 jMarslmll 12 900 75 ! Meadow Spur 12 ,, ,, 1,020 85 Meldrum Creek 12 „ ,, 1,080 90 Mctlakatla 12 720 60 MillCreek 12 900 75 Mirror Lake 12 ,, ,, 960 80 Molierly 12 ,, ,, 840 70 Morriney 12 ,, ,, 900 75 Mount Iiigeraoll 12 ,, ,, 780 65 Moyose 12 ,, ,, 900 75 Myers Flat 12 900 7ft Mynoaater 12 ,, ,, 1,020 85 Maoaliater 12 ,, ,, 1,200 100 Mcliride 12 900 75 MoGuirc 12 ,, ,. »60 80 'MacKsnzie 12 ,, ,, 900 76 Needle. 12 840 70 Nickel Plate Mine 12 „ 840 70 Nimpkish 12 ,, ,, 810 68 Okanogan Centr» — 12 ,, M7 22 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 GEO. 5



Twelve Mos. Monthly School. Salary. Salary.

$ 924 $ 77 Olalla 12 months to 31st March, 1916 780 65 OlsenLake !2 900 75 Pachelqua 12 ,, ,, 780 65 Parks Siding 12 ,, ,, 900 75 Pateraon 12 900 (O Pavilion 12 780 65 Paxton Valley 12 780 65 Pemberton Range 12 ,, ,, 900 75 Perry Siding 12 720 60 Pitt Lake 12 1,020 85 Porcher Island 12 ., ,, 1,020 85 Port Clements 12 960 80 Port Hardy 12 1,200 100 Pouee Coupe 12 1,200 100 Powell River, Principal 12 ., ,, 1,020 85 Do. 2nd division 12 ,. ,, 900 75 Do. 3rd do 12 1,500 125 Prince George, Principal 12 ., ,, 1,200 100 Do. 2nd division 12 1,200 100 Do. 3rd do 12 1,080 90 Do. 4th do 12 960 80 Quatsino 12 780 65 Reiswig 12 ,. ,. 900 lO Renata 12 720 60 Retreat Co-e 12 780 05 Richland 12 840 70 Riondcl 12 900 75 Roberts Creek 12 ,, 840 70 RoekBav 12 900 75 Rock Creek 12 900 75 Roe Lake 12 900 75 Rogers Pass 12 ,, ,, 960 80 Roosvillc 12 900 75 Roselwry 12 ,, ,, 780 65 Saint KInio 12 840 70 filnion River 12 900 75 Salmon Valley 12 ,, ,, 840 70 Sand Creek 12 1,080 90 Sand Spit 12 720 60 Savary Island 12 ,, 960 80 Say ward 12 ,, 900 75 Sea Otter Cove 12 7S0 65 Scchelt 12 876 73 Soton Lake Creek 12 ,, 900 75 Seymour Arm 12 ,, 7 HO 65 Shuswap Palls 12 ,, ,, 8Ifi 68 Shuswap, North 12 ,, ,, 840 70 Shulty Bench 12 ,, ,, «40 70 Sicamous 12 ,, ,, 840 70 Silver Crcok 12 1,020 85 Silverton 12 ,. ,. 900 80 Similkameen 12 ,, 980 80 Sirdar 12 ,, ,, 1,0*20 85 Skidegato 12 ,, ,, 900 75 Sloan 12 1.200 100 Smith«r«, Principal 12 ,, ,, 960 80 Do, 2nd division 12 ,, ,, 1,140 95 Soda Creek 12 ,, ,, 840 70 Solsqua 12 ,, i, 876 73 Sorrento 12 „ ,, 1,020 85 Sparkling Crook 12 ,, ., 960 80 Sr-uamiah, Lower, Principal 12 ,, ,, 720 60 Do. 2nd diviilon 12 ,, ,, 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60



Twelve Mos. School. Salary.

$ 960 $80 Stellaco 12 Li^'tl.. to 31st March, 1916 1,320 110 Stewart 12 1,020 85 Strandby 12 876 73 Sullivan Valley 12 ,, goo 75 Summit Lake 12 ,, 780 65 Sunnybrae 12 ,. 780 65 Sunnyaide 12 ,, 900 75 Syringa Creek 12 ,, 840 70 Taft 12 780 65 Tappen Valley 12 ,. 1,260 105 Telegraph Creek 12 ,, 900 75 Three Forks 12 900 75 ThreeValley 12 1,020 85 Thrum», Principal 12 ,, 840 70 Do. 2nd division 12 ,. 900 75 Thurlow 12 840 70 I'ranquille 12 ,, 780 65 Trapp Lake 12 720 60 Trinity Valley 12 780 65 Trout Creek, Upper 12 960 SO Trout Lake 12 936 78 Tulameen 12 ,, 840 70 Turtle Valley 12 936 78 Ucluelet 12 900 75 Ucluelet Arm 12 900 75 Ucluelet, East 12 900 75 Valdet Island 12 ,, 900 80 Vanderhoof 12 ,, S40 70 Vuights Camp 12 ,, 7811 85 Walhachin 12 1,020 85 Wapta 12 1,020 85 \Va»a 12 816 68 Watmore 12 ,, 9011 75 Whaletown 12 ,, 1,200 100 Whatchan 12 "80 65 Wheeler Mountain 12


720 5 60 jUiimlxirton 12 months to 31st Mar ch, 191 780 65 Beaufort 12 840 70 | Beaver Cr«ek 12 900 75 | Bench 12 ,200 10O iBrechin, Principal 12 960 80 Do. 2nd

  • VIII.—EDUCATION.—Continued.


    Twelve Mos. School. Salary.

    * 780 $ 65 Cedar, North, 2nd division 12 months to 31st March, 1916. 936 78 Do. South 12 1,080 90 Chase River, Principal 12 900 75 Do. 2nd division 12 780 65 Do. 3rd do. 12 780 65 Cherry Creek Valley 12 780 65 Cobble Hill '. 12 960 80 Comox, Principal 12 780 65 Do. 2nd division 12 1,080 90 Courtenay, Principal 12 900 75 Do. 2nd division 12 780 65 Do. 3rd do 12 960 80 Cowichan, Principal 12 780 65 Do. 2nd division 12 780 65 Cowichan Lake 12 900 75 Departure Bay 12 960 80 Dia.nond Crossing, Principal 12 780 65 Do. 2nd division 12 ',140 95 Extension, Principal 12 91» 75 Do. 2nd division 12 780 65 Do. 3rd do 12 840 70 Fanny Bay 12 876 73 French Creek 12 936 78 Gill 12 840 70 Glenora .12 840 70 Grantham 12 1,200 100 Barewood, Principal 12 1,080 90 Do. 2nd division 12 960 80 Do. 3rd do. 12 840 70 Do. 4th do. (Chinese) 12 780 65 Do. 5th do. 12 780 65 Do. 6th do. 12 780 65 Do. 7th do. 12 780 65 Headquarters 12 780 65 Hillier 12 840 70 Koksilah 12 900 75 Lazo 12 900 75 Malahat 12 1,020 85 Minto, Principal 12 840 70 Do. 2nd division 12 816 68 Montrose 12 900 75 Mountain 12 1,080 90 Nanaimo Bay, Principal 12 900 75 Do. 2nd division 12 780 65 Do. 3rd do 12 816 68 Nanoose Bay 12 840 70 Nob Hill 12 1,020 85 Northfield. Principal 12 840 70 Do. 2nd division 12 1,020 85 Number 7 Mine, Principal 12 840 70 Do. 2nd division 12 1,020 85 Number 8 Mine, Principal 12 840 70 Do. 2nd division 12 876 73 Oyster 12 816 68 Do. Ea»t 12 960 80 Do. North, Principal 12 840 70 Do. do. 2nd division 12 840 70 Parksville 12 960 80 Qualiouir Jeach 12 720 60 T J. 2nd division 12 840 70 Qualicum, Little 12 780 65 Royston 12 780 65 Sahtlam 12 960 80 Sand wick 12 340 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60

    VIII.—EDUCATION— Concluded.


    Twelve Mos | Monthly School. Salary. Salary.

    $ 900 $ 75 Shawnigan 12 months to 31st March, 1916 1,056 i 88 Union Bay, Principal 12 816 i 68 Do. 2nd division 12 720 60 Waterloo 12 1,056 88 Wellington, Principal 12 780 i 65 Do. 2nd division 12 1,200 100 Do. South, Principal 12 Do. do. 2nd division 12 1,080 90 1 9611 80 Do- do. 3rd do 12 840 70 I Do. do. 4th do 12 780 63 ! Do. do. 5th do 12

    341 CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 (IEO. 5


    To be Voted per Statement (J) $83,000.00.

    Estimated (or So. of Service coding Tota' Vote. ' 31st Mar., IMS

    TRANSPORT. DETAILS. 98 Charges on Remittances * 3,000 W 99 Travelling Expenses of Ofli-ers on duty (not other» ise provided for).. 80,000 «• SS-VO GO


    To lie Voted per Statement (|_) . . $50,000.00.

    j KaticutcJ for No. of | Serrjce ending Vote. 31»t Mar., lalf. Total I J


    DETMLR. I l 100 Commission, Courts of Apjieal, Travelling Expenses and Miscellaneous. ! $5


    To lie Voted per Statement (M) $3,067,315.00.

    No. of Kf-timatol for >«n >~e ei«lit>£ Tut i Vote. M Slit Mar , l'JU.

    101-119 I Works and Buildinp. S .VI7, 19M57 (Roads, Streets, Bridge*, and Wharves.. . . 2,-»r>7 31.". 00

    No. of J Katmiatad lor ! SERVICE. Total. Vote. Sen iif imtinK ! .(1st Mar . lDlr. '


    WORKS AND Brii.DiNns.

    101 Court-house, New Westminster, addition (completion) Mo.ooo 001 102 Furniture, Government Offices, throughout the Province 20,000 00 103 Caols and Lock-ups throughout the Province (maintenance and repairs) 20,000 00 KM (»<»eminent Buildings, Duncan (rc-votc) 25,000 00 105 Do. Prince Rupert, (ro-vote) 25,000 00 106 Prison Farm, Oakalia 10,000 00 107 Do. Kaanich 20,000 00 108 Improvement of Government Grounds, Victoria 15,000 00 109 Improvement of Government Grounds throughout the Province 10,000 00

    Carried forward , »194,000 00 342 1J»I5 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60

    Eatiiuaicd for No. of SKRVICK. S*rriee ending Total. Vote. 3ltt Mar., I9i«.

    Brought fortcard #194,000 00


    WORKS AND BriLDiscs.—CoHcliultd. 110 Mental Hospital, Kswndalc— General repairs .*4.(K)0 (Ml trading .O.iMjO 00 Furniture 2,«W (Ml 11,000 00 111 Colour Farm, Kssonda'.e— "General repair» $4.000 00 Breaking new land .">,000 0l> 9,000 00 11-2 Mental Hospital, New Westminster— General repairs $7.0**) 00 Furniture 2.000 i) (x) 113 Provincial Government Buildings, London, England 30,000 (Ml 114 Provincial Normal School, Vancouver (maintenance) 1,000 00 11.-> Provincial Normal School, Victoria (maintenance) S,0«Ni Oil 111'. Public Schools throughout the Province 200,000 OH 117 Repa'rs to rmildir.gs, furniture, fuel, light, etc., Government Houue Victoria (including upkeep of garden) 15.0011 00 IIS Repair* to Government Buildings throughout the Province •20,000 00 11'.) Rejwirs to Parliament Building» 10,000 00 •*.~>07,i«">00 ROADS. STREETS, BKIIM;K.-;, AMI WHARVES.

    12" Alhcmi District, .">3,.i0u 00 121 Atlin do. . 18,000 00 122 Cariboo d<». . l23,(MMI Oil 123 Chilliwack do. . 33,300 IKI 124 Columbia do. . 3t>,000 00 I2.r. Comox do. . .V.i,."i(IO 0<> I2fi :Cowichan do. . 33,300 00 127 Cranbrook do. . 41,1100 Oil !2S Delta do. . •22..VXI (Ml 120 Dewdney do. . t>S..')00 00 I3n Ksquimalt do. . 30,000 00 !3l \ Fernic do. . 41,000 IMI i:e Grand Forks do. . •2S,8ftO 000 00, I S3 'Protection of River-lianks 9,500 (Ml r>4 : Road Machinery 7.2

    No. of Estimated for SKRVICK. Sarvk* auditi; Total. Vote. ,31.E liir., 1818.

    Brought foneard *2,9ti«,(XJii (JO XII.— PUBLIC WORKS.—Continued.


    I FEKXIES. j Bulkley River, Barret Lake Siding to Morice River aettlement $ 300 00 bulkley River, South Hazelton 2,300 00 Canoe River 600 00 Columbia River, Coldstream 300 00 Do. Waterloo. 500 00 Fraaer River at Alexandria 1,100 00 Do. Agaasiz 3,500 00 Da Big Bar 900 00 Do. Chilliwack-Harrison 800 00 Do. Fort George 1,470 00 Do. High Bar 600 00 Do. Hope 1,200 00 Do. Lytton (above) 880 00 Do. Mission 6,000 00 Do. Quesnel 1,700 00 Do. Ruby Creek 600 00 Do. Soda Creek 1,100 00 Do. Twenty-mile Post, above Lillooet. 500 00 Do. Ladner-Woodward 13,000 00 East Summerlaod 1,000 00 Hall'» Landing 47."> 00 Kelowna 1,000 00 Kootenay River, Reclamation Farm. 900 00 Nechako River, Fraser Lake 1,100 00 Do. Fort George 1,600 00 Do. Milne's Landing 1,100 IN) North Thompson River, Bester, Mosquito Flat. 600 00 Do. Jones 600 00 Do. Little Fort 1,000 00 Do. Upper Crossing 1,910 00, Shuswap Lake, Sorrento, Scotch Creek 1,580 00 South Thompson, Ihicks 650 00 Do. Fritchard 1,100 00 Stewart Lake 6(10 00 Skeena River, Bracken ridge 1,020 OOj Do. Copper City 1,300 UO1 Do. Hazelton 750 00' Da Kitwanga 1,300 00| Do. Terrace i.sso oo; Do. Uak. 1,300 001 West Arm, Kootenay Lake, at Nelson . 3,600 00

    BRIIMII TENDERS. Athalmer 300 00 Canoe Pass 720 00 Kburne 840 00 Kamloopa. ... 540 00 Spillimacheen . 360 00

    STEAMBOATS. Columbia River, above Revelatoke 3,000 00 Dog Lake, Similkamoon 1,250 00 Shuswap Lake (conditional) 4,000 00 73,81.') (XI

    Can-Jed forward «3,030,815 00 344 1915 Supi't-v. CIIAI'. 60

    Eouruted for No. of SERVICE. •Sen ice ending Total. Vote. 31«t M»r.. 191«.

    83,039,815 00

    XII.—PL'BLIC WORKS.—Conelw'eJ.


    207 Boiler Inspection (maintenance, wages, repairs, etc., launch '' Adanoc ") ? 2,500 W -i •Sit 20,000 00 209 Garage, Victoria (chauffeurs' wages and expenses, bupplies and repairs;. 5,000 00 27,500 00 «,067,315 00

    34 r> CIIAP. 60 SUPPLY. O

    XIII.—MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURE. To be Voted per Statement (N) . . . $2,128,752.42

    J i No. of I Eitimfttal for ? Total. Vote. ! Sen ice «ndinff N [Slat Mar., 1910.!


    PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT. 210 Advertising fW.OOO 00 211 Burial of Indigent Persons. 6,000 00 212 Civil .Service Com., Examiners and Registrar, under "Public Service Act' 1,200 00 213 Collecting Archives 8,000 00 214 Postage 30,000 00 215 Provincial Board of Health (other than salaries) 25.120 00 216 Premiums on Guarantee Bonds 2,000 00 217 Royal Commissions 50,000 00 218 Stationery 55,000 00 219 •Subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals 2,000 00 VOTE NO. 220.—SCPKRANXCATION. C. H. F. Blake 12 months t<> 31st Mar., 191«,

    Carried fortcard I $253,826 00 340 1915 SUPPLY. CHAP. 60

    Brought foricard. S2.-I3.H26 (til|

    X1U. —MISCELLANEOUS. -Coidinved. I PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT.—Concluded. ! 221 Grant to B.C. Regiments 5.00(1 (XI' Grant to City of Greenwo-nl 2.500 001 223 Grant to City of Ph>enix \ 4.(100 001 224 Grant to City of Rowland 2,000 00 Grant in aid of communication with Remote Settlements, Alert Bay to Kingcome Inlet 300 00 226 Grant in aid of Kilimat mail service 3(>0 Oil 227 Grant towards purchase of Observatory Site 10,000 00 228 Grant to Joint Committee of Vancouver and Victoria Boards of Trade, in furtherance of trade relations with Central and South America and the West Indies 3,000 00 22!» Grant to Vancouver Exhibition Association 5,000 00 230 Grant to Governors of the University of British Columbia (conditional) 175.000 00 DEPARTMENT OP MINES. 231 Coal Miners' Examinations (allowances to Examiners and Secretaries).. 4,000 001 232 Compensation to Free Miners (John McLennar, Daniel McPhee, and Samuel Smith) for claims assumed—from imperfect Departmental Maps—to lie on vacant Crown Wnds, hut subsequently lound io be within the E. k V. Railway Belt 4.823 25| ATTORSKV-GESKKAL'S DEPARTMENT.

    233 Destruction of Wolves, Cougars, Coyotes, etc. (bounties and salaries)... 25.000 (HI 234 Game Protection (including temporary salaries, travelling expenses, and, I incidentals) i 31,050 00 23.1 Departmental Libraries 1.50" 001 23fi Legislative Library IS.iiOO 001 237 Travelling Libraries 1 2.000 (Hi! 23» Motor Traffic Regulation (plates, badges, express, etc i (5,000 00! DEPARTMENT OK LAM». t I Fortxt Branch. 23!) Determination of lumWi values under " R ivalty Act," and in\ estignliou of timber measurement (salaries and travelling expenses}. 5,IH)(i 00 241) In aid of encouraging water-borne lumber trade (including salaries, I travelling expenses, and purchase of materia!) 50,000 (H)! 241 Forest Products Investigations (salaries and travelling expenses) 10.000 00 2r2 Forest Protection Fund KiO.OOO do 243 Miscellaneous (including transport, salaries of temporary stall, upkeep of boats, incidental expenses, etc.) 9S.IKHI (HI Total, $32!I,IHK) Land* /trmirh. 244 Dry lands investigations and experiments ]0,(KH) 00 245 Inspection of Pre-emptions and i>ands (including salaries and expenses). Ki.lHH) 00 Total, S2ti,()CO Surrtyor-Gtntral't /iraiich. 240 Maps (including lithographing, printing, and purchase of non-depart­ mental maps) .* \500 00 247 Photo-topographical surveys io,(HX) no] 24H Surveys throughout the Province 1(HI,000 00 249 Temporary assistance 5,(HKI (Hl| Total, $123,500 Waltr Right* llranch. 250 Board of Investigation (including salaries and travelling expenses) .... 10.IKJO 00 251 B.C. Hydrographic survey 5,(HHI (HI 252 Collecting rainfall and climate statistics (including observers' salaries).. l.(HNI 00 253 iSxpert assistance 7,5(H) 00 2.H Public, irrigation corporations—surveys and investigations (including salaries and travelling expenses) 10,000 00 255 Surveys (general) 35.(KHI 0(1 256 Temporary assistance (including salaries, office engineers ft draughtsmen) I5,(KHI 00 Total, $83,500

    Carried forward S 1,125,299 251 •Ml CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 GEO. 5

    No. of Estimated for SERVICE. Bert ice ending Total. Vote. Slot Mar., 1916.

    Brought forward . $1,125,299 25 XIII.—MISCELLANEOUS.—Concluded.


    257 Administration and Outside Service (including agricultural products for Departmental exhibition room and miscellaneous expenditure) , 20,000 00 258 Board of Horticulture—expenses of members attending meetings 500 00 259 Compensation to owners of cattle slaughtered for tuberculosis 25,000 00! 260 Crop competit'ona in commercial fruits and vegetables, and garden and vacant .ot competitions and demonstrations 2,000 Ool 261 Demonstration orchards and experimental trees 2,000 00 262 Demonstration spraying 1,500 00 263 Fruit-handling, cold-storage, and prccooling investigation work 2,000 00 264 Fruit-packing Schools 2,000 00. 265 Government Exhibit, Panama Pacific Exposition 8,000 00 266 In aid of Agricultural Associations 50,000 00 267 In aid of B.C. Dairymen's Association 3,000 00 268 In aid of B.C. Entomological Society 250 00 269 In aid of B.C. Fruit-growers' Association 5,000 00 270 In aid f B.C. Poultry Association 3,000 00 271 In aid oi B.C. Stock-breeders' Association 3,000 00 272 In aid of Flockmasters' Association 250 00 273 In aid of Farmers' Institute* (including educational work) 22,500 00 274 In aid of Women's Institutes (including educational work) 5,000 00 275 In aid of Poultry Shows 4,000 00 276 Inspection of Nursery-stock, trees, plants, etc 20,000 00' 277 Suppression of diseases affecting fruits, vegetables, plants, etc 15,000 00 278 Suppression of noxious weeds 5,000 00 279 Travelling expenses of officers on duty 30,000 00 Total, $229,000 DEPARTMENT OK RAILWAYS. 280 Cross-section books 453 17 281 Bridge, New Westminster (salaries, maintenance, ami repair*) 26,001) 00 282 Songhees Indian Reserve improvements 200,000 00 Total, §226,453.17 AGKNT-GKNERAL'S OFFICE, LONDON'. 283 Salary of Agent-General, including clerical assistance, rent of office, advertising, etc., 12 months, to 31st March, 1916 30,000 00 IMMIGRATION AND PUBLICITY. 284 Miscellaneous requirements 25,000 00 GKNKRAL. 285 Advance to Minister of Finance and Agriculture for administration pur­ poses on account of Dominion Trust Company (in liquidation) as recited in bonds—unpaid a*, thi» date—of:— London Guarantee and Accident Co., Ltd $ 50,000 Railway Passengers Assurance Company 200,000 250,000 00 286 Compensation to North Pacific Lumber Company, Ltd., re Tinilwr Lease Lot 439, Group 2, New Westminster Distrilt 25,000 00 287 Freight, express, and cartage 18,000 00 288 Fuel, light, power, and water 41,000 00 289 Interest on Suitors' Fund Deposits ... 7,000 00 29» Refunds 5,000 00 291 Rent» 7,500 00 292 Telegrams 17,00») 00 293 Telephone Service 22,500 00 294 Temporary Assistance 25,000 00 295 Miscellaneous, not detailed in Estimates 75,000 00 $2,128,752 42 #2,128,752 42 348 1915 SrPi'i.Y CIIAP. 60


    Estimated ' for Service No. of Total. Vote. ending 31st March, 1915.



    " LOAN' ACT, 1914."—6 months' Interest, (a 4J per cent, per annum on j the amount of Itiscribed Stock, viz., €1,500,000, paid in London, J England, 1st October, 1H14-1"33,750

    1 Premium (- .139) on Exchange on £8,750 remitted to London, Eng., | 28th Sept., 1914, as part payment of Interest on B.C. Loan, 1914 1,216 2.1


    Discount and Commission, etc., on Loan of t'l,000,000, floated in London, England, 1st April, 1914 241,47.") 82 [Discount on $2,700,000 Treasury ISills issued 31st December, 1914 34,508 22 4A I VOTE XO. 4A.—IXI'IPENTAI. EXPENSES. I [Incidental expenses re flotation of lit'. Loan, 1914 8,565 2H i $449,453 0" i




    Additional salary of Engineer and Janitor 4 months t« £2*) 10000 10(1 OO



    Stipendiary Magistrates, provisional (additional to 83,550 voted) 600 00 j 600 0O . |


    Registration of Voters (additional to $3,000 voted) .r)(K) 00 | 500 00 , 'I- Carried forward , ! $450,653 07 34!) CHAP. 60 SUPPLY. 5 (>Eu. 5

    Estimated No. of for Service Vote. SKRVICK. ending 31st Total. March, 1915. . S450,6,").'( 07



    1,550 00 1,350 00

    30 VOTE NO. 30,—MENTAL HOSPITAL, NEW WESTMINSTER. 8,700 00 11,200 00 22,S< 10 (>0


    69 In aid o£ destitute poor and tick (additional to 830,000 voted and Special Warrant for §1-2,000) 17,000 110 17,Oi«i 0"


    87 VOTE No. 87.—EDUCATION OF PKAF AND DIMIS AMI BLIND. Tuition, maintenance, and travelling expenses (additional to $7,500 l.tHH) 00


    2,500 (HI

    99 VOTE NO. 99.-CONTIM.KM IES. Unforeseen requirement, rents, incidental expenses, etc. (ailditional to $5,000 voted) 1,000 00 4,500 UO


    WORKS AND Brii.oiNos.

    113 Mental Hospital, Essondale, Oener.il repairs (additional to $5,000 NIK) 00 116 Parliament Buildings (oxtension, completion and furnishing) (additional to $315,000 voted) 73,500 00 117 Prison Farm, Oakalla (completion) (additional to $206,000voted).... !I,IHHI IK) 119 1,100 00 122 Provincial Normal School, Victoria (completion and furnishing) (additional to $245,000 voted) 6,700 00


    142 Tho Islands District (additional to $30,000 voted) 1,200 (X) 149 5,000 00 161 Location of Roads (additional to $10,000 voted) 1,600 00

    $98,900 00 $494,953 (17 350 1915 SUPI'LY. CHAP. 60

    Estimated for Service No. of SERVICE. Total. Vote. ending 31st March, 1915.

    ! Brought foru ard 98,900 ««J $491,953 07

    i XII.—PUBLIC WORKS.— Concluded.


    ' FERRIES.

    170 Celesta, Little River (additional to $1,500 voted) 600 00 173 Fraser River at Alexandria (additional to 5720 voted) 75 00 1S4 Do. Soda Creek (additional to S90O voted) 75 00 186 Do. Woodwaitl'a Lauding (additional to •$25,000 voted| 4,200 00 197 , North Thompson River, Jones (includinc; repairs) (additional to JtRM 1 voted) 85 00 «11 West Arm, Kootenay Lake, Nelson (additional to $3,000 voted; l)IM) 00 104,535 00


    252 Compensation to owners of cattle slaughtered for tuberculosis (additional to 340,000 voted) 10,000 00 254 Destruction of Wolves, Cougars, Coyotes, etc. (bounties and salaries) (additional to §20,000 voted) 4,000 00 •270 Interest on Suitors' Fund Deposits (additional to $5,000 voted) •2,000 00 290A Expenses in connection with B.C. Government Exhibit at Calgarv, October, 1914 9+0 00 290R Purchase of Canned Salmon, presented as a gift to the Imperial Government (Additional to Special Warrants for $100,000 and §2,000 respectively) 246 04 290r Gratuity to the daughter of the late W. L. Fagan, 3 mouths salary.. tiOO 00 •290o Gratuity to the widow of the late J. H. McCann. 3 months salary 330 1X1 290E Grant U> Governor» of the University of British Columbia (conditional) 109,524 IK) 290I Advance to Citv of Nanaimo for relief work 111,(10(1 00 .'ii;i Eraser River Bridge, New Westminster (maintenance and icpairs, including salaries) (additional to $51,750 voted) l,7lKI (XI 199.340 04

    S79S.V2S 7!

    VICTORIA, B.C.: I'rlnlcd by Wiill.iM II. d l.l.ix, Printer I" HIP Uinf'j, MiV Kvellmil M.ijoly. 1015.
