Anah’s Mini-Bike Unit Brings Home Three Trophies from NESA! Monthly Messenger of ANAH SHRINERS A Chapter of Shriners InternationalJULY 2011 OCTOBER 2011

The Unit was awarded First Place in Drill, Slow Ride and Obstacle Course for Two-wheeled Vehicles. Photo provided by Mini-Bike Unit

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You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.

“LET’S DOUBLE OUR FUN IN DOUBLE ONE” The Anahgram Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners A Chapter of Shriners International P.O. Box 735, Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Website: www.Anahshriners.com - email: [email protected] Volume 79 Number 10 OCTOBER 2011 Gerald L. Harvey - Editor/Advertising Manager

WINNER OF SIX DROMEDARY AWARDS Kitchen Party. . . KITCHEN PARTY, a fun and unique eve- ning honoring Lady Carol Hersom who recently retired from the Anah Shrine of- fice. Potentate Bill and his Divan got the eve- ning started with an hour of relaxation fol- lowed by a nice meal served up by Ryan Otis and his staff from Rollie’s Bar & Grill. When people finished their meal Po- tentate Bill gave welcoming remarks and presented guest of honor, Carol Hersom, to the gathering, who in turn introduced her husband, Noble Myron Hersom to the group. Trevor Knowles, Carol’s brother- in-law took the mike to sing one of Carol’s favorite songs. Carol’s son, Darin, took a turn at the mike to sing a song for her, by name “Take this Job and Shove It”. Ev- eryone got a big kick out of the selection as many would like to tell their bosses the same thing. Carol took the mike and pro- ceeded to tell all concerned about what she described as the “wonderful years” of working with the Nobles and Ladies of Lady Carol Hersom, at the mike, is relating some of her experiences working with Anah Shriners for 23 years. She specifi- the Nobles and Ladies of Anah Shriners over the years. She also took time to intro- cally mentioned Potentate Bill Dawson, duce her family who were guests for the evening. Shown with Carol are L-R Poten- Recorder Sonny Crocker, Treasurer Ju- tate Bill Dawson, Lady Lauri, Carol with mike and her husband Noble Myron Her- lian White and Building Caretaker George som. Photo by Imperial Photographer Noble Dick Kilton. McLeod, for all their help over the years as well as all the Potentates, Divan mem- took to the dance floor and got everyone bers, the general Nobility and their Ladies up and dancing for the remainder of the Anah Past Potentate she has been exposed to over the years. evening. Carol introduced her family, her brother Somewhere during the evening there was Honored at Imperial in law, Trevor Knowles and his wife, Barb, a 50/50 drawing held that was won by Session Tom & Susan Foresman of Kentucky, son, Noble Jim Stanhope and Imperial Photog- Darin and daughter-in-law Jen, son Myron rapher Noble Dick Kilton presented Lady Anah P. P. Edward Pellon was and his wife Sue, Myron’s Sister Mary and Lauri with a photo album containing pic- presented with a plaque at the husband Lewis Seekins and granddaugh- tures of luncheons she had hosted during Imperial Council session in Den- ter Chrissy Tripp. Potentate Bill asked D. the year. ver in July in recognition of his J. Dana Wilson for some music. Everyone many years of service to the Im- was invited to take a turn on the stage and Deadline for the NOVEMBER issue perial Council. Thanks to Orien- sing a little karaoke. There were not a lot will be WEDNESDAY October 5. tal Guide Jesse Thomas for the of takers but it did make the evening very (please note change in deadline date) Please be on time as it will help getting information. interesting. D. J. Dana Wilson then pro- it to our readers on time Jerry, vided music for dancing. Carol and Myron

YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Rodney S. Pinkham, Box 8 East Holden, ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital 1-800-255-1916

You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. 2 THE ANAHGRAM SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY

COMING EVENTS FOR... 1 Second Section Noble of the Year OCTOBER 2011 event

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Aroostook S C Provost Guard Northern Washington Second Section Meeting Meeting Penobscot S C County S C Meeting Meeting Ladies night Hancock S C Meeting

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sunshine Club Waldo County Pote’s Reception Meeting 6:30 p.m S C Meeting Car/Cash Waldo S C Joint Chanters Raffle Drawilng w/Mid Coast Club Rehearsal

16 Past Masters 17 18 19 20 21 22 Meeting Tri-County Waldo County Bangor/Brewer Daughters of the Shrine Club Shrine Club Shrine Club Nile, Stated Dance Pancake Breakfast at Applebees

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Keystone Kops Acadamecians Meeting meeting Schoodic Shrine Club at St. Stephen 30 HALLOWEEN31

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 BE AN ANAHGRAM Hancock County Second Section Sunshine Club Shrine Club Meeting Holiday Market BOOSTER SEE PAGE 6 Meeting Place

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Aroostook S C Election Day Waldo County S Veteran’rs Day Special Ceremonial Meeting C Lobster Dinner CANCELLED Indy Cars Meeting Chanters Potentates Thank Rehearsal You Party

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Tri-County Shrine Bangor/Brewer Club Guilford Shrine Club Schoodic Shrine Club

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Past Masters Have a great Meeting Thanksgiving Daughters of the Nile, Stated/ Ceremonial 27 28 29 30 20 COMING EVENTS FOR... NOVEMBER 2011 Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 15th of the month prior to publication. Editor OCTOBER 2011 3 Ladies have a personal invitation to join us that evening as well. We are looking for a huge crowd. The cost is only $5.00 per person with a buffet dinner and libations included, plus dancing to music by D. J. Dana Wilson and the evening is designed for Lady Lauri and me to say thank you to Greetings Nobles and Ladies of Anah! all you for doubling our fun in double one. Finally, I want to thank all of the many The many Nobles and Ladies who trav- Nobles and Ladies who traveled to the eled to the Northeast Field Days on Cape Shrine Center on September 10 for the Cod will not forget this weekend anytime Anah Kitchen Party. The outpouring of William “Bill” Dawson soon. Hurricane Irene seems to dominate support for Carol Hersom from all of our Potentate the story. “Are they closing the bridge?” units, Nobles and Ladies was overwhelm- plaque for Best in Parade Clown Unit. That seemed be THE question of the ing and greatly deserved. My special thanks goes out to Buster and weekend. Despite the hurricane, Anah’s Until next month, remember, “Shriners Jiggs for that one. I especially want to tip Nobles and Ladies enjoyed tons of fun having fun and helping kids is what we my Pote’s Fez to Tom Vanchieri, a/k/a and fellowship in Hyannis. The Parade live by.” “Piggy” the Clown, for his First Place Tro- was a wet one and my heartfelt thanks phy. The Anah Go-Karts won two second goes out to every Noble who braved the Yours in the Faith place trophies, and Noble Dave and the hurricane so (Anah could march proudly boys are looking forward to next year’s in the NESA parade. The Anah Highland- competition in Bangor with a vengeance. ers (including Drum Major Tom Sawyer), Congratulations to the Anah Wheelers for Noble Steven Stiles and his volunteer their Third Place in the kingpin obstacle corps of Pote’s chariot pullers, the Anah William L. Dawson, Jr. course competition! Most excitedly, let’s Divan, the Anah Clowns, the Anah Mini- Potentate all tip our Fezzes to the Anah Mini-Bikes Bikes, the Anah Wheelers, and of course for winning three gigantic First Place the always faithful Go-Karts. Trophies in Hyannis!!! Awards!!! Awards!!! Anah traveled Invite a fellow The Pote’s Thank-You Party is sched- home from Hyannis with lots of new Mason to uled on November 12 at the Shrine Cen- “hardware” and our units should stand enjoy mem- ter and I look forward to seeing all of proud because of their hard work and bership in these trophies and plaques on display that dedication! The Anah Clowns won two Anah Shriners evening. All of our new Nobles and their first place trophies, plus a nice third place

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A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, “I’ll serve you, but don’t start anything.” 4 THE ANAHGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS club, please contact Peggy Kaufman at tabs in one pound. They need to be 924-6610 or Norine Holt at 862-3457. cleaned and sorted to maximize their re- Academicians...... 21 HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE cycling value and then they are taken to a Aroostook S C...... 15 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2011 recycler, weighed, and sold. Athletics...... ANAH SHRINE CENTER I wanted to share this very profitable pull- Band...... 15 This is our major fundraiser for the year tab collection program with you because Bangor-Brewer S C...... to support our primary purpose to provide it is so easy to save the tabs and they are Boosters...... 6 transportation to our Shrine Hospitals for such a wonderful benefit for the hospitals. Calendar...... 2 Chanters...... 7 Children. Sue Black is our Chairperson Circus...... for this very special event and if you can Clowns (Bangor)...... 10 help in any way, please give her a call at Clowns (Aroostook)...... 338-4142. Convertibles...... 22 Did you know that pull tabs from bev- Daughters of the Nile...... erage cans makes money for the Shrine Drum & Bugle...... 13 Hospitals? Saving pull tabs for recycling Editor...... is a very interesting program. Pull tabs Flag Unit...... 24 or “pop tops” from beverage cans can be Funster Unit...... 23 saved and donated to Shrine Hospitals for Go-Karts Unit...... 25 Hancock County S C...... 19 Children. The tabs are sold to a recycling Thursday October 20 Highlanders...... 16 company and the money collected is used Lasagna Dinner Hospital News...... 21 to purchase non-medical items. Some of Indy Cars...... 25 the things purchased are educational com- Kampers Klub...... puter programs and games, arts and crafts Kanteen Corps...... materials, books, videos and playroom THE ANAHGRAM Keystone Kops...... 28 equipment. All of these items benefit the Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Lobster Boat Unit...... 18 children at the hospitals. Bangor, Maine Looking Back...... The tab top on a can is the only part that Office of Publication NASCARS...... 28 is pure aluminum and has a recycling P.O. Box 735 Membership...... Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Mini-Car Unit...... value, the can itself can be returned for Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Mini-Bikes...... 12 deposit in states that have the bottle and can deposit law. Mystery Person...... Email: [email protected] Northern Penobscot S C ...... 11 Tabs are collected by individuals, church- Website: http://www.Anahshriners.com Obituaries...... 26 groups, youth groups, schools, businesses Past Masters Unit...... and any group who wishes to save them. Available by subscription $12.00 per year. Patrol...... Tabs can be dropped off at a Shrine Hos- EDITOR Photo Unit...... 5 pital at any time or the Anah Shrine Cen- ADVERTISING MANAGER Potentate...... 3 ter during business hours. If you cannot Gerald L. Harvey Provost Guard...... 586 Main Street, P.O. Box 735 Public Relations...... deliver the tabs, call the Volunteer Servic- es Department at the hospitals and they Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Second Section...... 14 Tel. (H) 991-9708 Schoodic Shrine Club...... will arrange to pick up the tabs. There are approximately 1,200 to 1,400 Email: [email protected] Sunshine Club...... 4 Fax: (H)-989-7931 Tri-County S C...... 6 DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Waldo County S C ...... 23 Dennis Bryant Washington County S C...... 24 1036 Ayers Jct. Rd Wheelers...... 20 Charlotte ME 04666 4x4 Unit...... 17 Home Tel: 454-3514 Cel.:214-6522 Dennis Bryant ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Bob Hodgkins Home Tel: 938-3864 Bonnie Turner Reporting Cel: 341-0866 Please come to the Shrine Center and THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly Deadline is the 15th of the month preceding join us for our next meeting on TUES- publication unless advertised otherwise in the DAY, OCTOBER 11, 20ll at 6:30p.m. previous issue. We would love to see all of you. If you THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept would like more information about the or refuse any item for publication.


Illustrious Potentate...... William L. Dawson, Jr.. Chief Rabban Anthony V. Bowers Asst. Rabban F. Lee Kaufman. High Priest & Prophet...... Thomas Clukey Oriental Guide...... Donald “Jesse” Thomas Treasurer...... Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder...... Harold W. Crocker, P.P SHRINER’S PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent OCTOBER 2011 5 reach the counter to order: They may name a breakfast sandwich after him. “the little LL” Birthday for October: Chet Davis, have a happy one. No trips to the alter this month. A personal note to Lady Carol Hersom NOBLES, PLEASE TAKE NOTE. from this old Reporter. It has been a sin- THIS MONTH’S MEETING IS AT cere pleasure to have worked with you all THE AMERICAN LEGION HALL IN these years and have a great fun-filled CORINNA. WE WILL NOT BE MEET- time in your retirement. ING AT THE K-C HALL IN DEXTER. Well in another week it will be time to THE TIMES AND DATE WILL STILL hang up the fish poles and get the guns BE THE SAME. JUST THE LOCATION ready. HAS CHANGED. Now for my article. As Till later that’s all from downtown Hart- our Summer Bash was reported in the Sep- land. tember issue, this will be short and sweet. The Flashbulb. Dues notices will be going out shortly. If you are three years arrear in dues, you will be dropped from Tri-County’s Ros- ter. What this means is, if you don’t have at least a 2009 or more recent dues card, you will be dropped from all mailings and Tri-County Membership. We will be electing new officers and directors at the Annual Meeting in December. All Tri- County Officer positions are up for vote. If you would like to serve on the Directors Staff, please contact the Secretary. I will see that your info gets into the right hands. Secretary and Treasurer are also positions that are open, not that the present officers are getting done, but if you are interested please let the Secretary know. Finally got the address labels back into working order. If you didn’t receive either an email or card, let the Secretary know. Don’t want anybody to miss out. Have an enjoyable fall, you know what is coming. ALWAYS WORK ON MEMBERSHIP, YOUR LOCAL BLUE LODGE AND SHRINE CENTER ALWAYS NEEDS NEW BLOOD. That’s all for now. PHOTO UNIT Noble Bob Hodgkins Reporter Happy October to the unit members. I hope you had a great summer and I hope you have the wood box filled, the snow- plow ready, and the cider in the cellar in the large wood barrel. It will be good with the deer meat this fall. The Director said he attended the “Kitchen Party” that honored Carol Her- som. He further stated he will be on line look- ing for attendance at the Oct. 15th Poten- tate’s party. He will be in Vegas on vaca- tion: Hopefully we will not have to bail him out and send him a ticket home. This Reporter was at the Harmony Fair where the 4x4s and clowns were in the parade. I ran into Lloyd Day at Bangor Mac- donald’s one morning: and yes he could

Two peanuts walk into a bar and one was a salted. 6 THE ANAHGRAM ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Dick & Laura Adams 7/12 Roger & Julie Grindle 9/12 Richard N. Averill 7/13 Charles C.W. Hackney 8/13 Ed & Elizabeth Roberts, Jr. P/12 I M O C. Alton Bagley 4/12 I M O Edwin W. Hadley 10/12 I M O Ed Rogers 1/12 I M O Dick Bagley P.P. 9/12 I M O Jim Halkett 7/12 I M O Sumner Rogers 2/12 Clifton P. Barker 7/12 Gene & Pamela Hamm 6/12 Al & Amy Ross I M O Perry T. Barker 7/12 Ed & Bonnie Hamm 9/12 Heath & Karen Savage 8/12 Jim & Gloria Bennett 2/12 I M O Elbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 6/12 Spike Savage 8/12 Albert “Bucky” & Norma Bishop Gladys Hardy 2/12 I M O Clifton R. Scoville Neil E. Bishop Willard Hardy 2/12 Todd C. Scoville 6/12 Mike Blake 7/12 I M O Tom Harper 7/13 I M O Avon O. Severance 4/13 I M O David Blood 5/12 Obed & Faith Hart Marty & Joan Shaw 9/12 Blinn & Joan Boone 6/12 Steven & Marilee Hartley 7/12 Amasa “Stubby” & Joyce Sherman 6/12 I M O Arland Bowen 2/12 Jerry & Lorraine Harvey10/12 Shane & Barbara Sherman 6/12 John & Anna Bradford 2/12 I M O Mike Haskell 4/12 I M O John Simpson 1/12 Tom Breitweg Dwight & Estelle Haslam 5/12 Carole & Geddes Simpson, Jr. Fred & Jennifer Brown 1/12 Chet & Fay Hawkins I M O Donald W. Small, Jr. Blair & Judy Bubar 4/12 Richard P. Hawkins Sandy & Colleen Smith 12/11 Dick & Kim Carlow 5/12 Larry & Libby Hersom 4/12 I M O Ken Smith 3/12 Charlie & Shirley Caron 6/12 Ralph & Maggie Hill 10/12 Roger & Pat Smith6/12 Bob Chandler 9/13 Gerald & Regina Jackson 5/12 Bob & Polly Snow I M O Arthur W. Chandler 9/13 C. Ray & Loretta Jones 2/12 I M O Cedric A. Somerville I M O Maynard K. Chipman 4/12 F. Lee & Peggy Kaufman 2/12 Daniel L. Tarr 6/12 I M O Kenny Cirone Alton & Ellen Kenney 2/12 I M O Betty L. Tarr 6/12 Michael A. Clark 7/12 I M O Ernest “Bud” Larson 2/12 Michael & Mary Tenedios 6/12 Melvin & Helen Cleaves Larry & Gail Larson 7/12 I M O Alexander Theodore 12/11 I M O Rodney M. Clewley 12/16 Charles & Selma Larson 9/12 Jesse & Brenda Thomas 9/12 I M O Gregory L. Clifford 6/12 Gordon & Connie Lawrence 9/1/2013 William A. Thomas 9/12 I M O Earle F. Collins 7/12 Skip Lenfest, Jr. 7/12 Paul & Joyce Thornton 1/12 I M O Clinton Condon Skip Lenfest, Sr. 7/12 Inez & Reginald Toothaker 2/12 John & Jan Conti 4/12 I M O Paul Libby 4/12 I M O John Tracy 2/12 Ron & Evelyn Cook 3/12 Janice & Elwood “Woody” Littlefield Diddy & Judy Trecartin Bud & Fran Costigan 2/12 Mike & Bonnie London 9/12 Ivan O. Wakefield 4/12 Sonny & Marilyn Crocker 3/12 I M O Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Lunt, Sr. P.P. Hank & Gloria Waldron 4/12 Stephen & Christine Cummings Sr. 5/12 Dee Dee & Polly Lyons 9/12 I M O Houston Wardwell 7/12 Stephen & Sarah Cummings, Jr. 5/12 Bob & Meghan MacDonald 12/11 I M O Phyllis Wardwell 7/12 I M O Norman P. Dalbeck 5/12 Winston & Frances Mackay 6/12 Dave & Leni Weaver 2/12 Wayne & Tanya Darling 2/12 Harold “Pete” Martin Burt & Jackie Weed 9/12 John H. Davidson 2/12 I M O G. Urial Martin 4/12 Buddy & Caryll Wheeler 12/11 I M O Elmer C. Davis 10/12 Douglas A. & Donna McCafferty 10/12 I M O Wayne Wheeler 8/12 June A. Davis 10/12 Douglas K. & Candee McCafferty 10/12 I M O James S. Wiggin 12/11 Alton Deering I M O Edward Sr. & Evelyn McCafferty 4/12 Paul & Phyllis Wilbur 10/11 Larry Doughty 9/12 I M O Terral A. McCafferty 9/12 Lloyd & Jay Willey Mark Doughty 9/12 Welman & Natalie McFarland 3/12 Sid & Lillian Winchester 10/11 Tyler C. Dunning 9/12 Ed & Nancy McGraw 7/12 Bob & Norma Winglass 6/12 I M O Dryden C. Dutch, P.P 7/12 I M O Herschel McIntosh 2/12 Don & Felicia Wiswell 10/11 Robert Emerson 2/12 Joseph Megquier 6/12 Don & Carolyn Wright 4/12 I M O Lewis E. Fenlason 7/12 Jerry & Cindy Merritlhew 5/12 Duane “Div-it” & Karen Young 5/12 Wallace & Lorena Fenlason 7/13 Dick & Joan Meserve 7/12 Larry & Alice Zimmerman 5/11 Thomas & Carroll Fernald Don & Betty Mitchell John & Betty Fernald 3/13 John & Dottie Monohon 2/12 ATTENTION Merle & Betty Finley 4/13 Dick & Betty Nevers 12/13 BOOSTERS & SPONSORS Phil & Sandy Finley 4/13 Phil Newbury 2/12 Starting last month The Anahgram I M O Lewis R. Fitts, Jr., Band 4/12 Harold & Connie Newman 12/11 Booster list is showing the expiration Wes & Bonnie Ford 4/12 Fred & Althea Newman 2/12 Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 9/12 I M O William P. Newman 2/12 date after the persons name. The first I M O Hugo Frati 9/12 Norris Nickerson 4/12 number is the MONTH, the second I M O Peter Friend P.P. 9/12 I M O Bill Oliver number is the YEAR of expiration. Clinton & Sandra Fulton 2/12 Warren & Velma Orcutt 2/12 Letters will no longer be sent which will Don & Pat Gallupe 2/12 Circus Spot Lite Crew P I 6/12 I M O Clifford Gallupe 2/12 Bob “Boomer” & Julianna Palmer 5/12 be a cost savings to The Anahgram and Dick & Margaret Gardner 2/12 Jim & Linda Parent 9/12 boosters will no longer have to keep Greg Geagan 2/12 Ernie & Liz Park 4/12 track of the reminder letter. Occasion- Paul & Diana Giles Herman & Kate Peabody 4/12 ally there will be an omission or a mis- Goody & Roz Gilman 6/12 P.P. Ed & Esther Pellon 8/12 Patricia Ann Goode 2/12 James & Frances Pinkham 4/13 print in the booster listing. Please call I M O Harry F. Gordon 10/12 Rod & Joyce Pinkham 6/12 The Editor at 991-9708 or e-mail him at Ralph & Phyllis Goss 7/12 Al & Charity Richards 9/12 [email protected]. Dwynal & Karen Grass Chuck & Sally Ridlon 10/11 W. Louis & Judi A. Greenier 6/12 Gary & Glenna Robbins 10/12 I M O Keith B. Roberts 9/13

BOOSTER RATES 09/11 One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s on I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one separate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of year. Enclosed is my check in the amount $20 for one year. Send check with name as it is to appear to: YES! of $_____Name(s) ______ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS, P.O. Box 735, If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor. Bangor ME 04402-0735

If you are not an “Anahgram Booster” use the coupon above. OCTOBER 2011 7

Photo at left, Anah members attend the NESA Business Meeting in Hyannis MA during the NESA Field Days.Photo by Imperial Photographer Noble Dick Kilton.

ATTENTION REPORTERS, PHOTOGRAPHERS and others submitting copy to the suming out meetings at 7:00 on the Anahgram CHANTERS second Thursdays. We look forward to another season of good companionship Over the years there has been a problem and good music. getting The Anahgram delivered by the I’m late but want to mention Jim Leigh- first of the month of issue and many times ton’s birthday in August, Eileen announcements of events got to the read- Noble Carl Stewart - Reporter Phillip’s in September and Orland Sho- ers too late to be useful. Greetings Brother Nobles: rey’s in October. Also Alma and Charlie Your Divan has approved a move of It’s hard to believe that summer is over Johnston’s anniversary in August. Con- the deadline from the 15th of the month already. It’s so hard that I must gratulations! preceding publication to the 5th of the confess that I forgot and didn’t make it to month preceding publication. This will our September meeting. After taking allow The Anahgram to be produced and the summer off the Chanters will be re- FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE delivered to the Post Office earlier so the Visa and Mastercard readers will receive it closer to the first of ANAH CAR RAFFLE are accepted the month. at the Recorder’s Office This change will be taking place with the NOVEMBER issue, making the dead- SAMPLE line for November OCTOBER 5th. Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______

Phone: ______

Seller’s Name ______ANAH SHRINERS A.A.O.N.M.S. P.O. Box 735, Bangor, ME 04402-0735 ANAH SHRINERS 2011 CAR RAFFLE Grand Prize Choice of 2011 Camaro or 2011 Chevrolet 4x4 Truck Proud Supporters of or $10,000 Cash Second Prize: $1500.00 the Anah Shriners Third Prize: $1,000.00 TICKETS: $1.00 Donation Per Ticket Proceeds for ANAH SHRINERS ACTIVITIES Payments are not deductible as Charitable Donations. Now Open at Drawing will be held at the Shrine Center 57 Western Ave. in Hampden! Saturday,DRAWING OctoberSATURDAY OCTOBER15, 2011 15 during Potentate’s Reception. Vehicle Supplied by www.katahdintrust.com Dutch Chevrolet / Buick Ashland • Bangor • Caribou • Eagle Lake • Easton • Fort Fairfield • Hampden • Houlton • Island Falls • Limestone Belfast, Maine Mars Hill • Oakfield • Patten • Presque Isle • Van Buren • Washburn • Commercial Loan Offices: Bangor & Scarborough Doing Business The Right Way Since 1926

A dyslexic man walked into a bra. (bar) 8 THE ANAHGRAM ANNUAL POTENTATE’S RECEPTION

Saturday, October 15 At the Anah Shrine Center Honoring Illustrious Sir William “Bill” Dawson Anah’s Potentate 2011

NOBLES: This is the event that honors our Potentate as he nears the end of ten years of service as a Divan member. Come and spend this special evening with Bill and his Lady Lauri and fellow Divan members.

SOCIAL HOUR: 5:00P.M.-6:00P.M.

INTRODUCTIONS: 6:00P.M. Dinner immediately following

Prime Rib au Jus or Roast Baked Chicken Breast $28.00 per person (includes bar)

Program and Dancing until 11:00 p.m. with Anah’s own D.J. Eric Lunt


Net proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and payments are not deductible as charitable contributions. OCTOBER 2011 9 Who is it ??? KAUFMAN MOTORS 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Used Vehicles Lee & Peggy Kaufman

Pancake Breakfast To Benefit No one identified the September “Who is it” person as Noble Charlie Colburn. If Shriners Children’s Hospitals you know this month’s entrant, or think you do, call Recorder Sonny Crocker at 942-2254 or email the Editor with your At Applebee’s Bar & Grill answer at [email protected]. First one to call gets the free booster listing. More photos are needed to keep this Hogan Rd., Bangor piece working. If you have a photo you think would be of interest email, mail to On Sunday or drop it at the Recorder’s Office for fu- ture use. The photo should not show the Noble in his Fez or other Shrine regalia as October 16th, 2011 it might make it too easy to be recognized. There is no guarantee your photo will be *There will be 2 seatings returned. If you have a photo you think would be of interest email, mail to or drop *Tickets are $5.00 per person it at the Recorder’s Office for future use. The photo should not show the Noble in Donations Gladly Accepted his Fez or other Shrine regalia as it might make it too easy to be recognized. There *7:30 a.m. – Red Ticket is no guarantee your photo will be re- turned. *8:30 a.m. – Blue Ticket Have you *Breakfast includes 2 pancakes, 3 sausages. and choice of purchased your tickets in the Coffee, tea, milk, orange juice, or soda 100% of proceeds to benefit BIG Shriners Children’s Hospitals Car / Cash Raffle? Drawing is October 15th ! Shriners Hospitals treat An average 128,000 children per year ATTENTION REPORTERS & PHOTOGRAPHERS Over the years there has been a problem get- ting The Anahgram delivered by the first of Tickets Must Be Purchased in advance the month of issue and many times announce- ments of events got to the readers too late to be At The Shrine Center useful. Your Divan has approved a move of the dead- or line from the 15th of the month preceding pub- lication to the 5th of the month preceding pub- Applebee’s on the Hogan Road in Bangor lication. This will allow The Anahgram to be produced and delivered to the Post Office ear- Come bring the family & enjoy a great breakfast & lier so the readers will receive it closer to the first of the month. Deadline for November will be Oct 5.

Cling Stone Peach – One who holds onto the diamond ring after the engagement is broken. 10 THE ANAHGRAM mental gum. ways by placing first in the one clown skit Noble John Hometown clown, Wow-e hosted Coota, competition which also earned him Master “Flip-Flop” Piggy, Jappo, Div-It, Gizmo, and Hot-Rod Clown designation at the upcoming North- Kidder in Mariaville on August 20 for the town’s east Clown Institute in Plymouth, Massa- Reporter 175th celebration parade. chusetts in January, 2012. Piggy, Jappo, Sweet-P made folks happy along the Wow-e, Babycakes, and Gizmo took sec- parade route in Hampden for their an- ond place honors in the multi-clown skit We are as busy clowning around with nual Children’s Day parade and festival. competition. Jappo, Babycakes, Piggy, weekend events this fall as we were Squiggles, Deana, Colby, and Callie host- Busta, Jiggs, and Gizmo also received throughout the summer, but that is good ed a summer outing at their camp for the third place honors in parade ability. It was as it keeps us out of mischief and less in- clown family that weekend where every- another great winning weekend for Anah volved with the long “honey-do” list that one had a great time. Clowns. Congratulations to all! seems to accompany each change of sea- Not even Hurricane Irene could keep The September 3 Home Depot Children’s sons. Anah Clowns Jappo, Wow-e, Piggy, Workshop was well and capably attended On August 19, Jiggs entertained at the Babycakes, Gizmo, Busta, and Jiggs and by Div-It, Fou, Jappo, Petals, Patches, and Machias Blueberry Festival Parade. their Ladies from attending and compet- Wow-e. This would be a great place to roll Violet ing at Northeast Shrine Association Field The September 5th Labor Day Parade Beauregard of Willy Wonka fame down Days in Hyannis, Massachusetts hosted in Sherman had Diggah, Jappo, Sweet-P, the parade route after she turned into a by Aleppo Shriners on the weekend of Au- Clipper, and County Klown Jeb with two giant blueberry from chewing that experi- gust 26-28. Piggy continued his winning Continued on page 11 POTE’S Thank-YOU


Potentate Bill and Lady Lauri invite all of Anah’s Nobles and Ladies to join them at the Pote’s Thank-You Party on November 12 so they can express their gratitude for a truly wonderful year. The support from Anah’s Nobles and Ladies throughout 2011 has more than doubled Bill and Lauri’s fun in double one!

Saturday November 12

!SOCIAL HOUR: 6-7:00 p.m. !BUFFET DINNER: 7:30 p.m. !THANK YOU: A few words from the “Pote” !DANCING: 8:00–11:00 p.m. (featuring D.J. Dana Wilson) !Photo’s of 2011 on Display !Shuttle Busses will be available from 5:30 until 11:00 from Bangor Pipe and the Fireside Inn

•Come welcome all the new Nobles and their Ladies!! •$5.00 per person. Tickets available at the Recorder’s Office. To assist with planning, tickets must be purchased by November 7.

Proceeds are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions.

Gentleman – A term used by women to describe any man whom they don’t know very well. OCTOBER 2011 11 Continued from page 10 new apprentice clowns Disco and Bon- Bon entertaining the crowds along the parade route. I understand that our very own Chief Rabban Tony Bowers got in the act by driving an Indy Car in the parade- --whoever said that funeral directors aren’t fun obviously never met Tony! That same day, Gizmo, Bo-Bo, Babycakes, Slug- gah, Petals, and Coota -- cheered on by Boxcar on the sidelines-- paraded in Har- mony. I’m sure that Coota’s dad, Barney, was driving his farm tractor in heaven that day as well as he always took part in this Harmony Labor Day Parade. Coota and Phyllis hosted a cookout at their place af- ter the parade that was well attended by the clowns that paraded joined by Sweet-P and family, a couple of 4x4 guys and their Hurricane Irene may hav dampened the Cape Cod area but it didn’t prevent the Ladies, and Coota and Philly’s daughter, Ladies and Nobles shown above from having a good time at the Northeast Shrine As- son-in-law, and three grandchildren. Ev- sociations Fall Field Days at Hyannis, MA. Photo by Imperial Photographer Noble eryone enjoyed lots of food and fun and Dick Kilton. the antics of Boss Clown Gizmo who demonstrated to the kids and adults that Secretary , over all it has been a wonder- no one should ever totally grow up and ful experience with a few “ I didn’t mean get stuffy. for it to come out that way”- which I ‘am Slapshot entertained those that have sorry for. proudly served our country at the kickoff Noble Don Copeland, Reporter Also I feel the Secretary should take over to Residential Care Week at the Maine It is with mixed emotions I prepare and as Reporter .That was also an enjoyable Veterans’ Home in Bangor on September send in this report. experience-- Thank You Jerry 10. That same day, Coota, Diggah, Fou, After about 15 years it is time I retire as Thanks to All Don Copeland and Jasper entertained kids by twisting balloons for 3 + hours at the Annual In- ternational Seaplane Fly-In on Moosehead Lake in Greenville. Coota told me that they met a young girl in Greenville that was a burn patient at Shriners Hospital in Boston and how great that made him feel to know that we all share in her recovery and victory. Well said, Coota. I couldn’t agree with you more! Apprentice Hobo clown Pat (Pooch) Kelly debuted in the Garland Parade on September 10 where he was joined by Sweet-P, Babycakes, Slapshot, Piggy, and Gizmo. Based on the picture of Pooch that Gizmo shared with the unit through the magic of e-mail, I’d say that both mentee (Pooch) and mentor (Piggy) are to be congratulated for a job well done. You never forget the terror, ex- citement, and thrill of your first outing as an Anah Shrine Clown. Now for some clown unit milestones. Bo-Bo celebrates 25 years in the clown unit this month and just received word that he has been elected to receive the honor- ary 33rd Degree in Scottish Rite next summer. When you see Donnie Young, make sure to congratulate him on both of these remarkable accomplishments. Drew (Iggy), Paula, and Hannah Matlins recent- ly welcomed their new bundle of joy, Ga- brielle Eve. Congratulations to all of you! Congratulations as well to Greg (Scotty) Mackay and Donna on your 33rd Wedding Anniversary and we hope you enjoyed your romantic dream trip to amazing Italy. In the spirit of that last piece of news……. Ciao! until the next issue of the Anahgram The wives of Brigham Young were the first to employ the prophet-sharing plan. 12 THE ANAHGRAM

The Anah Mini-Bike Unit show their skill at the competitions at the NESA in Hyannis

occurred while we were on the Cape. Going through the York Rite has provided I’m writing this away from my normal me with a lot better understanding of the computer, and do not have the birthdays/ Master Mason Degree. anniversary lists with me. However, I Watch for kids, watch for school buses, know that September 12 is Bill Benson’s and stop looking at the clock. I’ll see you birthday, so happy birthday Bill! I’ll try to on the parade route. get caught up to date when I write Novem- ber’s column. Noble Paul Jerome, Reporter Other than the Competition, not much Well Ladies and Nobles, I might as well news from the Mini -Bikes. The riders are give up buying lottery tickets, because doing a parade on October 1 in Lincoln- I’ve used up all of my psychic ability in ville Beach, right on Route 1. And don’t writing my last column. As I predicted, forget the deadline is fast approaching for Anah’s Mini-Bike Unit went to the 2011 the Mini-Bike Raffle, being held on Octo- Northeast Shrine Field Days and Competi- ber 15 at the Potentate’s Party. Get your tion, had a great time, and kicked some as- tickets early, get your tickets often. phalt. We came home with three trophies! Blue Lodges are open. Remember . . . The Unit was awarded First Place in Drill, Freemasonry is only as good to you as you Slow Ride, and Obstacle Course for two- are to it. In addition, the appendant bod- wheeled vehicles. Congratulations to Cap- ies are always looking for new members. tain Jason Matthews, Cory Pelletier, and David Pelletier who participated in the Obstacle Course, and David Pelletier who SUNSHINE CLUB for CHILDREN was Anah’s only entry in the Slow Ride. Riders who made the trip to Hyannis were Capt. Jason, Cory, David, Scott Welch, HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE Sid Alley, Jacques Matthews, Charlie Hill, Frank McGillicuddy, and myself. We SATURDAY ONLY would not have been nearly as successful 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. without the strong support from non-riders Ed Youngblood, Dick Nevers, and Past NOVEMBER 5th Capt. Paul Giles, along with their respec- at tive Ladies and Paul’s daughter Cora Lee. Also, a big thank to you to Lady Tracey ANAH SHRINE CENTER and Lady Pat, wives of Scott and Sid, re- spectfully. I understand Lady Tracey was 586 Main Street a big help in providing directions to Noble Scott. I bailed on the Hurricane party early Sat- ANTIQUES • COLLECTIBLES • CRAFTS • CAFÉ’ urday, deciding I really did not want to be stranded on the Cape. Scott and Tracey Admission $1.00 Adults-Children 12 and under FREE also bailed early due to weather, Sid and Pat left for other reasons, and the rest of the crew stood fast and rode out the storm. Proceeds help the Sunshine Club Transportation Fund Everyone did make it home safely, which is the most important thing. I’d like to extend my condolences to No- ble Sid on the passing of his mother, which It’s usually the rich guy who’s not afraid to ask the clerk to show him something cheaper. OCTOBER 2011 13

Photo at left shows Darin Her- som, serenadinghis mother Lady Carol Hersom who is clearly thrilled on the occasion of being honored upon her retirement from the Anah Recorder’s Of- fice. Photo by Noble Dennis Bry- ant, Master of the Anah Photo Unit.

Noble Hal Knowles It was not too long ago that he was one of I appreciate you all putting up with me Reporter the babies in our unit. He is now joining as your Anahgram Reporter. Please thank the ranks of the rest of use by turning 70. Lady Andree for she is the one who types We all congratulate you! There is nothing up this report and sends it on to Jerry Here it is, the 15th of September, the last but good things ahead and you’re still the Harvey. day for this report and I almost missed baby. Apparently, no one from our unit Until next time, may the Good Lord bless it again! I apologize to you all for my neg- wanted to get married in October. you and keep us together! ligence in missing last month’s. Time seems to get away from me. We haven’t had much activity as a unit this summer since we have had no parades. A group of us do manage to get together at functions at the Shrine Center. Last week, Carlton, Rosemary, Herb, Dennis, Sue, Gerry, Jackie, Andree and I attended the Anah Shriner’s Kitchen party. It was a good time. Gloria wasn’t able to make it due to illness. Hope you’re better now girl. We all had our couple of dances, except Herb. None of us are up to a full night of dancing as it used to be. We just enjoy each other’s company. I have mentioned before, we did not go to the Northeast for the second year. We always looked for- ward all year for the Northeast. As a unit, we had the best time in the parades and at the dinners and tours. Glen always had our whole itinerary set up for the weekend; where we were to eat, what we were to see and do. He was priceless! I’m getting too melancholy so I must move on. For those of you with birthdays, last month, I extended a double apology. That would be Mary Ellen Fraser, Andree Knowles and Rosemary King. Happy birthday Ladies. We have one birthday in October and that is our Captain; Dennis.

A man can never be a true gentleman in manner, unless he is one at heart. 14 THE ANAHGRAM for her with the winnings. Richard & Norine Holt, Tom & Marge The Second Section would like to con- Severence, Peter & Tracey McDivitt, Joe gratulate Carol Hersom on her retirement & Dottie Wellman, Glenwood & Elizabeth from the office of Anah Shrine. I attend- Sherman and Kristopher & Leah Rideout. ed the Kitchen party on September 10 to Until next time, have a safe month. Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter honor Carol’s years of service and by the For your convenience Greetings Nobles and Ladies: attendance at the party it was clear that Carol was very well liked and was very Summer is over and we are right back Visa® and Mastercard® at it. The Second Section held its regu- valuable to Anah Shrine. I know every lar meeting on Friday, September 9 at time I needed help in the office, she was the Shrine Center with 40 Nobles pres- always there and more than willing to help are accepted at the ent. Director Doug Dulac reported on the in any way. Thank you again Carol and American Folk Festival Parking on Au- enjoy your retirement. Recorder’s Office gust 26 & 27th. As most everyone knows Our next scheduled meeting will be held the festival was cancelled for Sunday the Friday, November 4, 2011 at the Shrine 29th due to Hurricane Irene making her Center. Remember, if you can’t make it way into town. Although we lost a day to the meeting, contact an officer or any of the event, it was still a success for the member to be excused. If anybody unit in terms of money made for the unit has any news or something they would and the commitment and help of so many want to share with our Nobles, contact me members and ladies just pulling together. anytime at 944-0340 or email me at anah- Director Dulac thanked all of the Nobles [email protected]. and Ladies who helped during the festival. October birthday wishes go out to Nobles I would like to personally thank all of the Joshua Braley, Jacob Bryant, Darrell King Ladies who pulled together and fed us all and Ladies Regina Jackson, Irene Little- throughout the weekend and ran it around field, Amber Robison and Dottie Wellman. to us in the parking lot. Happy October wedding anniversary to As summer draws to an end so will the Waterfront Concerts. What a great suc-  cess for our unit. Thanks to all Second  Section members who did their time and  helped out with the parking. We also had  some non-Second Section Shriners help out at times. Anah Aide Ron Murphy and  Asst. Chief Aide Gordon Smith were in the  trenches at one event to help out. Thank you guys for the help, it was very much appreciated. If I missed anybody else, I apologize. A special thank you goes out to Nobles Tom Breitweg and Mike Gray.  These two guys were instrumental in mak- ing this a success for the unit. I think they actually made all of the events and were also the ones making phone calls to get others involved. We welcomed members to our unit at our September meeting. Noble Jim Dunn, sponsored by Nobles Jerry Hayes and Fred Patterson, and Noble Kris Ride- out, sponsored by Nobles Marty Taylor and Gerald Jackson were voted in during our meeting. Welcome to the unit. Noble Jerry Hayes reported briefly on the upcoming Second Section Nobles Appreciation Night where we will honor the service that Bob Mott has provided to Anah Shrine over the past 50 years. That’s right, 50 Years. Bob went into the Shrine in 1961 and he is very deserving of this night. Plans are going ahead very well. Because that date is after this report and before the publication of the same, a re- port of the evening will be detailed in the November Anahgram. Congratulations go to Harland William- son as the big winner of the 50/50 at our September meeting. I know that Lady Carol will love whatever it is that you get Life is one fool thing after another. Love is two fool things after each other. OCTOBER 2011 15

Noble Kenneth Stewart, Reporter Hopefully everyone had a good sum- mer despite all the rain because fall is here and winter is just around the corner. Hope everyone has gotten their house buttoned up for the long winter ahead. The Units have for the most part finished up their busy schedules for the year and have all their things put away until next spring. Big thanks go out to all of the Units for their continued hard work and dedication. A few members of the ASC made it down to the Northeast Field Days and from what I hear they had an excel- lent time. The ASC held its September stated meet- ing on September 11th with 38 members in attendance. A wonderful prayer was given by Noble Blair McCartney in re- membrance of 9/11. A great breakfast was prepared by the Sauu Nessu Unit. No Continued on page 16

Photo above; Potentate Bill enjoys his usual ride with the manpower of the SAAU NESSU Unit moving right along in a rainy parade at Noble Earl Lord, Reporter the NESA gathering in Hyan- Thank you Potentate Dawson for giving per- nis. Photo proviced by Janis mission for “Friends of Anah Band” to join us Frost. on non-official Shrine functions. It provides greater opportunity for exposure to the fra- ternity and an open door for future members. They will be dressed in personal clothes while we continue to wear our uniforms and band caps. Thank you to the sponsors who made it pos- sible for the Anah Band to be the only musical unit in the Corrina parade. We are proud to support local communities and their celebra- tions any time. Sixty New Nobles received post correspon- dence inviting them to be a part of an Anah unit. Musical talent not required as we have the ability to train. We provide free instru- ments, free lessons, and free fun. Some of the new uniforms we were given are a bit tight – no we didn’t expand they need custom fitting. The Nobles need to meet soon to get measured and they will be altered using available material. The trailer got a coat of paint before the Corinna parade and is looking great for the Veterans’ Day Parade. The to do list was com- pleted and the detachable “friends sign” added when appropriate. Support your local lodges, seek out players to join us and keep your instruments warm.

Sign in a sportswear shop: “Buy your girl a bikini – it’s the least you can do for her.” 16 THE ANAHGRAM Continued from page 15 rade, the Highlanders went to the “public The young crowd was expecting a series FEZ fines were handed out and the 50/50 green” and performed a concert. Kora’s of punk rock bands, but they listened and was won by Paul Stoddard. One new face Potentate had arranged for some bands to danced around to our traditional Scottish was seen at the meeting. Jason LaFrance play in the park that morning. The only tunes. When Mike Grant and Ernie Smith “Walked the Sands” at the June 2011 Cer- problem was the town was empty. Our started playing Amazing Grace the crowd emonial and attended his 1st ASC meet- and other Shrine unit’s efforts were inspir- roared. When Paul lead the rest of the ing. Congratulations to Jason and all the ing to some of the visitors in Hyannis. It band to join in for the second playing, the new candidates who joined this year. is a testament to the fiber and makeup of audience went insane. For a couple sec- The Club’s wishes for a speedy recovery the individuals who make up this Noble onds they completely drowned the pipes go out to our PP Richard Hallett as he is order. and drums! If you go to youtube.com and recovering from surgery after tearing his The Highlanders made a rare Labor Day search for “Amazing Grace Bangor” you Achilles tendon. “Ouch” The ASC would appearance. We performed in Sherman’s will see part of our performance. like to extend a BIG BIG THANK YOU Labor Day Parade which kicks off their Continued on page 17 to Carol Hersom for her many years of 150th anniversary. For those of you who service to Anah. We hope you enjoy your have never been there, we march around retirement and grandchildren, but you the town square two times. It is a hoot. will be greatly missed. The Club would The crowd cheers just as loud the second also like to give a long overdue thank you time as they did the first time. I have to to Noble Kirk Carrol of Carrol’s Auto give Sherman’s parade committee high Sales who donated the use of one of his marks. They informed the fire trucks to big vans for the Klowns to use as well as NOT blast their sirens. Their theory is his personal vehicles and also his time to if they blast them, people won’t know haul some members of the Klown Unit the difference between the parade and an around the County for the annual School emergency, should one occur. Our theory Visitations at Circus time. Also thank you is that these towns spend a lot of money goes to Noble Craig Green who also sup- hiring bands and they shouldn’t want the plied his vehicle and drove some of those fire trucks to drown out our music. “Klowns” around the County. Hopefully Furthermore, the weather service stated they didn’t give you drivers too much that at 10am there was going to be a 100 trouble. Also Noble Phil Walton who did percent chance of rain. At seven minutes his best to help keep the Klowns under to 10 it started to rain and the parade or- control and helping to line up the visita- ganizers immediately said “Move ‘em tions. I am sure I am forgetting to thank out.” It is a testament to small efficient someone in there so I am sorry if I forgot organizations in comparison to large bu- you, but thank you just the same. Anah reaucratic ones. wouldn’t be what it is without the dedica- On Saturday, September 10th, your tion of wonderful Nobles like these. The Highlanders opened the Main Stage at School Visitations are a huge hit with the the Dropkick Murphy’s Shamrock ‘n Roll school children and it helps to get the mes- Festival in Bangor. What a wonderful ex- sage out as to what Anah and its Noble do. perience. The feeling of being on the same Upcoming events include the ASC stage that B.B. King, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Christmas Party on Dec 3rd and the Kids’ Z.Z. performed on is really impressive. Christmas Party on Dec 11th. The next meetings for the ASC will be held on Oc- tober 2nd with the “Oriental Band” work- ing the breakfast. The November meet- ing is scheduled for November 6th with the club’s “Indy” unit taking care of the breakfast. For any information please contact myself at [email protected] or 207-551-3144. Our mailing address is Aroostook Shrine Club, PO Box 1601, Presque Isle, ME 04769, Attn: Secretary. Thanks again and see you next month.

Noble Mike Murphy Reporter

Greetings Nobles and Ladies: Our short Maine summer is starting to draw to a close. The Highlanders got wet in Hyannis. We rolled the dice as did several other units to brave the rains of Hurricane Irene. The morning of the pa-

Anyone who is plugged into current affairs is bound to be shocked OCTOBER 2011 17 course was very wet and we did not have Continued from page 16 Lodge”. Let’s start helping BROTHER very many teams. The One-Man Masonic Lodge MASONS. Help them run the Blue Lodge At our November meeting we will have Brethern, we have all heard Officials from and then help brother Masons outside the election of officers for next year. Would the Grand Lodge who have asked the lodge. like to have a good turnout. question of every lodge “How can we re- Who cares about being politically cor- Birthday wishes go to Sandra Perkins, vitalize Masonry?” Or they ask “Why are rect? Who cares about creating a warm Jeff Perkins, which one is older? Perlene we losing members?” Most Blue lodges fuzzy public image? We cannot help oth- Libby, who looks like she just got out of in the state face declining enrollments as ers unless we first help ourselves. There high school. Oops, Joanie Porter also aged is the Shrine. should be a reason to be a Mason. What a little this month. Anniversary wishes go The solution always resides in fellowship is yours? to Alton and Marry Shead and Jesse and nights, and while those have produced Until next time, may God hold you in the Josie Patterson. Congratulations to all. some new members, it is blatant recruit- palm of His hand. Should anyone want We’re at the time of year that not much ment. In some instances they are adver- piping or drumming instruction, they is happening, which means not much to tised! The question still remains, WHY should contact Mike Murphy at pipin- write about. If there is anything you would are we losing members? [email protected]. like in the Anahgram, kids, grandkids, Our fraternity is still the finest one in the P.S. For what it is worth, the due date for puppies, whatever, contact me at 794- world. I would argue that while we give me submitting this article is the due date 6675. E-mail at [email protected]. generously to charities ($1 million per day of all of the requirements for Cate Street Blue Lodges are in full swing and most in the U.S.), we have lost sight of some- Capital’s terms for purchasing the Katah- also have a supper, what a great night out. thing very important. din paper mills. We are praying hard up UNTIL NEXT TIME, SEE YA! I know of lodges in this state where just here. The tax base and jobs are essential one or two people are doing all the lec- to Northern Maine’s economy. tures and are holding all the key parts. In at least one instance the Master was also the Secretary and he did all of the main lectures in all three degrees. Calls and pleas for help went unanswered by brother Masons (Older brothers who do not have the health or confidence to participate in Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter floor-work should be excused, because Hard to believe that hunting season is they have done their part.) This Master upon us again. Bird hunters and bow hunt- was a one-man Masonic Lodge. ers will be out October 1st. Good luck to The result of the “one-man Masonic all. As most everybody knows by now. We Lodge” is a brother who ends up being so had to cancel our golf tournament. The over-worked that he eventually loathes the Fraternity. Despite the fact that he is the lodge’s hardest working member, he will never recommend anyone to join. The “one-man Masonic Lodge” sees brothers who are unwilling to help, but are quick to criticize lodge efforts. He sees a Fra- ternity that preaches charity and helping others, but is full of brothers who are un- willing to lend a hand to a fellow brother who desperately needs it. New members see the same thing and very often quickly disappear. The “one- man Masonic Lodge” is often criticized as being negative, but few, if any, ever step up to relieve his burden. If anyone wants an answer to the ques- tion, “Why are we losing members?” Per- haps the Fraternity should start by help- ing to eliminate the “one-man Masonic

Modern television proves that people would rather look at anything than at each other. . 18 THE ANAHGRAM

Photos at left: Top, Ed and Dawn De- genhardt who own the pavillion at Kel- ley’s Point in Jonesport where the Washington County Sshrine Club and Mini-Cars have the anual Bob Smith Memorial Picnic each year.. The spot is a grassy area right on the shore with a large Gazebo that is even heated if nec- essary.

Bottom photo: Noble Bob and Perlene Libby enjoy the fare of Lobster, Clams and Corn on the cob at the event.

Photo by Imperial photographer Noble Dick Kilton

& Nancy Madore. Still looking for that brave soul that can meet the challenge of being the helmsman of a fine craft to fill out the parade ranks! Noble Scott Forbes Reporter Since the last report the Lobster Boats See you on the water. had a flotilla of six boats in the Winter Harbor Festival parade and a showing of support at the Rockland boat show. The season is winding down with the last pa- rade in Harrington on October 1st. The unit would like to congratulate Noble William Merchant and Noble Waylon Merchant on their 100 Million Dollar Club and PCM status having been achieved. Good job fellas and congratu- lations! This month’s birthdays include Wil- liam Merchant, Phil Mondville and Lady True-Anne Johnson . . . hope you had a great day. Happy anniversary to Michael Good humor is the health of the soul; sadness is its poison. OCTOBER 2011 19

The weather at the NESA Field Days in Hyannis apparently was not bad all the time as Photographer Noble Dick Kilton found these folks relax- ing in a sunny courtyard.

cart to carry them around. It has all the Lady JoAnne’s jet ski from the rocks. I luxuries of a Cadillac-see-through win- think he should check the mooring lines dows, see-through doors, chrome wheels, more frequently. But you know, I couldn’t and room for four. Forgot to mention it let this piece of news slide by. has automatic door locks. Phyllis is some One Sunday morning, we saw Noble Bob lucky to have a husband like Wayne to buy Clark and his daughter, Marsha having her toys. By the way, we had a picnic the breakfast at Kathy’s Restaurant in Tren- The upcoming meeting will be held Octo- other day, and he volunteered to take care ton. ber 4th at Pat’s Pizza in Ellsworth. The of my trash. I would like to thank Noble Brian Hamor November meeting will be held on the 1st I was sitting at the dock on the pond the for forgetting my birthday card. How at Pat’s Pizza. Remember Nobles, there other day when I noticed what looked to could you not remember me? are only a few weeks left to Deer Camp be a party boat in distress. I thought they Almost forgot -- Noble Wayne Butler 2011. Hopefully, they will have another were just out there fishing, but actually wanted me to tell you a little story about successful year, and I suppose the main they were rowing. So being the kind of Continued on page 20 meal will consist of deer track stew. I pre- Shriner your Reporter is, I had to check it sume that means “tracks with no meat in out. You cannot believe what I found! them”. I hope with some luck and good Noble Mitch Jordan was at the helm giv- hunting skills, I will find my way to the ing orders to two lovely ladies and in- wrong side of Molasses Pond. I know ev- structing them how to row a 30-foot party erybody looks forward to this reporter boat. I don’t think Mitch was happy to see showing up. “Right Noble Buck?” this Reporter, but I assured him that all the I’ve done a lot of traveling this month Nobles of Hancock County wouldn’t hear and seen a lot of Nobles who are going to a thing about it. HA HA! I know the two see their names in this column. Stopped lovely ladies were glad to see me and were by to check on John Fernald’s garden the happy that I was willing to tow them back other day, brought back an empty pickle to their dock. Can you believe, just two jar, and I told Lady Betty I hoped to get a days later, I had to rescue Danny DeWitt’s refill. Checked on Noble Forrest DeMey- er’s garden, and it’s still looking pretty good. He let me sample a fresh ear of corn. Also checked in on Noble Gordon Robbins. He was sitting back resting watching his Lady Marilyn paint the back ramp to his deck. Also heard that Noble Cecil Fernald and Lady Julie are headed to Scotland on their 25th honeymoon. Stopped in to see Noble Wayne Butler and Lady Phyllis. It seems they have bought a new golf cart, but I guess it’s her toy, not his. Wouldn’t you think someone would buy golf clubs first before they bought a SNOWMAN & PRESORT EXPRESS Proud printer & mailer of The Anahgram “Your one stop Printer & Mailer” Toll Free 1-800-675-7669

If success made the heart swell like it does the head, this would be a far better world. 20 THE ANAHGRAM Continued from page 19 Though the weather was still calm, Irene myself. One evening at camp, I was get- was getting close and it was being report- ting the cooking fire going outside, and ed that if the wind exceeded 70 mph. they realized that instead of the lighter in my would close the bridges off the Cape. All hand, I had a pair of scissors. If I was a our members made their own plans for de- good boy scout, I perhaps could have started the fire with scissors, but alas, I parture. Lady Rhonda and I left at 8:30 couldn’t do it. Oops!! Cookie is down at Sat. night. Not long after crossing The the dock barking; I guess she wants to go Bourne Bridge it started to pour buckets, for a boat ride. I guess I have to find Lady which continued until we arrived home at Faye and get going. I think I’ll train her 4AM Sun. morning. It was an adventure, how to use an oar just in case. But of to be sure, and all our members arrived course, my boat is Ford-powered. home safely with their own tales to tell. Those celebrating birthdays are Jerry I am, therefore, delighted to inform ev- Smith, George Sealy, Eugene Kelley, eryone of the anniversary this October of Wayne Butler, Everett Leach, Mary Noble Eric and Lady Wendy Moran. Lady Sprague, Alice Dow, Patty Gilbert, Norris Nickerson, and Dan Duff. Rhonda celebrates a birthday this month Honeymooners are Terry and Roberta along with Nobles Delbert Pinkham, Wessell, Dennis and Donna Malloy, John Charles Curtis, Jr. and Todd Bridges. May Jr. and Betty Fernald, and Victor and Deb- your special days be blessed and joyous. ra Smith. Photo at right: Marshall Roger When the next report comes out, we will Grindle shows a broad smile be looking forward to Thanksgiving! even while parading at Hyannis Hope everyone had a good summer. in the rain brought on by Hurri- cane Irene. Thanks to Janis Frost for the photo.

On the 26th of August at 8 AM we Wheel- ers met and formed our convoy on Verona Island. Our purpose was to convoy to Hy- annis, Mass. to participate in the N.E.S.A. Field Days. The trip down was sunny and uneventful. We arrived at our hotel at about 3:00. Except for the fact that it turned hot and muggy, there was no sign of Hurricane Irene. I’VE MOVED!! Saturday morning was still very ‘sticky’ when we Wheelers met to compete with Reverse Mortgage Financing Options for YOUR RETIREMENT other motorized units from around New FUTURE for Active Adults age 62 or older. England and Canada. This was our first Call Today for more information experience, ‘i.e.’ make sure your shoes Rae Ann Rice are shined, buttons buttoned and no pine 20 Fenway Drive needles on the floor of your Wheeler. The Hermon, ME 04401 obstacle course was very interesting, com- (207) 974-8996 [email protected] plete with knocked over cones and vehicle NMLS ID 419094 rollovers. As for me, next time I’m taking my G.P.S. The parade stepped off at 3PM Saturday afternoon, which coincidently, was about the same time the rain started. The parade ended about 4PM, which coincidently, was about the time the rain stopped. When it rained it poured. KIMBALL TERRACE INN And MAIN SAIL RESTAURANT Northeast Harbor Tel: 800.454.6225 www.kimballterraceinn.com

It is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.

OCTOBER 2011 21

   By Rodney Pinkham, P.P. and Noble Brad Noble Ron Bilancia-Reporter Prout Hospital Board Members Hello Fellow Academicians. Again, it was a great ceremonial in Bel- fast. Kudos to everyone who participat- ed. Nice work. The annual picnic at Bud and Lorna Young’s on Saturday Sept. 10th was a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who came and brought food. Special thanks to our hosts, the Youngs, and also to Andy Mays who again supplied lobsters at a good deal. They were some delicious. Lauren again enjoyed the tree swing. Good time had by all on a very nice day. The October meeting will be Wed. Oct. 26th at Happy China Buffet in Bangor on Stillwater Ave. Let’s have a good turnout. All members, ladies, friends, other rela- tives, prospective candidates, and kids are welcome. The unit had agreed to provide a special ceremonial performance on Nov. 12th which is also the date of the Potentate’s Party. It Has been cancelled. History Notes: How many of you think George Washington had wooden teeth? HOUSING HELP FOR Not true. By the time he became Presi- dent he had in fact lost almost all of his PATIENTS’ FAMILIES teeth. Other human and even animal teeth were set in ivory dentures for him Community Partner- and were operated by a spring mecha- nism. 18th century dentures probably ship Spans 20 Years weren’t much fun. Have a great October everyone. As al- ways, don’t hesitate to contact me at 989- Joan Schultz 2617 or [email protected] with For over 20 years, the Shriners Hospital for Children® and the Ronald Mc- any news, comments, concerns, gossip, Donald House in Springfield, Massachusetts have forged a strong commu- jokes, outright lies, or just plain old com- nity partnership. Shriners Hospital for Children® treats many children from plete and utter nonsense that you would all over New England, Upstate New York and abroad. While undergoing like to generously share with our Nobles, treatment at the hospital, these children and their families are often in Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. Springfield for a prolonged period of time and require affordable housing in a safe and supportive environment. Recruiting is a full time job. The Ronald McDonald House provides such a place and is only a short Keep looking for those candidates. walk from the hospital. With limited housing options, Shriners Hospital is fortunate to be able to rely on the Ronald McDonald House to accommodate multiple families while their children are receiving care at the hospital. On a typical day, the 22 bedroom house is 80 percent occupied by Shriners Hos- pital patients and families. She has consistently served on its board of directors. This year Joan Schulz, rehabilitation manager is the co-president of the board of directors. Also serving on the board is Mark Niederpruem, hospital administrator who serves on the strategic planning and fund development committees.

Parents or Guardians who wish to get information on admis- sion to Shriners Springfield may call directly to The Intake Department (toll free) at 800-322-5905

This is the age when a craving for saving too often gives way to an urge to splurge.                         22    THE ANAHGRAM                                                   The Anah  Highlanders   were unphased  by the weather as they parade at the NESA Field Days in Hyannis. Thanks to Janis Frost for the photo. 


Noble Wally Fenlason, Reporter  Barbara,Greetings!  ThisMother is andwhat I have I havejust returned come from up our annual Unit picnic in South Blue Hill . . . withmy it usingcertainly material is beautiful fr downom thethere!! oldWhat adv a perfect. Give day me it was a .call . . great so weath we - er, great food and good friends! There was ALFRED C. HASKELL can go over any changes or a good turnout with many members and WATER WELLS, INC adjustmentstheir Ladies, as wellyou as may some wish.of our retir-  Authorized Goulds Pump Dealer ees, and our Divan Rep. Julian White and ORRINGTON Lady Janice enjoying the day with us.  Tel: Toll free 1-800-439-7921 A “MOMENT OF SILENCE” was ob- This ad is $25.00 per inser- tion.served Wher for alle of you the lives have lost r oneduced 9/11. A brief business meeting was held during thewhich size the andUnit approved the investment the following: to wouldpurchase you a table consider for the October running 1st night to honor Bob Mott, to continue the plan- everyning of month?the Moosehead It would cruise on be October $300.008th, and to for purchase 12 insertions new Shrine ties for the members. ALFRED C. HASKELL compar A great mealed toof steak,what lobster, would corn on the havecob, salads, been and $288.00 many desserts for the were en- Water Wells, Inc.ALFRED joyed by all. Thank you to everyone for a C. HASKELL Springgreat time & and Summer meal!! season that Those have blowing run outin candlesthe past. this month WTer Wells, Inc. include: Noble Dick Dunham and Ladies ORRINGTON Donna Shea and Theresa Morrison. TOALFREDLL FREE 1- Jerry Those 991-9708 that have taken the BIG PLUNGE during this month include: John & Donna 800-439-7921 Shea and Terry & Roberta Wessel. Con- gratulations everyone…enjoy your day, you deserve it (and many more)!! That’s the scoop for this month, enjoy the season, and be sure to live each day as if it were your last!! MOTHER, PUT YOUR

A gentleman is defined in a way, who neither looks up to the rich nor down at the poor. OCTOBER 2011 23

Guest Reporter Todd “Ernie” Foster The Funsters have just had our Septem- ber monthly meeting where the secretary and treasurer reports were read and ac- cepted. As of last month, the Funsters have been to Corinna and Baileyville for parades. Attendance at the meeting was slim so there wasn’t much to talk about and it was a fairly short meeting. I would like to send condolences to the Frost and Grindle families for the loss of Mary Sprague, as well as the Thomas family for the loss of Earle Thomas. Re- member, you are forever Funsters, and if you ever need anything, do not hesitate to ask! This is where I would send out birthday Wheelers ride in the rain at the NESA parade in Hyannis and anniversary wishes, but since I don’t have my old reporting stuff, Donald Duck will have to mention them next month. I will close with this for old times’ sake: “Only 64 days ‘til Huntin’ Camp ’11!”

Noble Charlie Plourde, Reporter Much has happened this year at the Wal- do County Shrine Club. A major building project was completed, one that should round out the needs of the building for some time. Now all we have to do is pay for it! A plea has gone out to the mem- bership for help with donations. Any will be much appreciated. Also, the Directors of the club are working towards having events that will generate income needed to pay for the project. By the time this is read a Bike Ride will have taken place. There is a Lobster Din- ner planned for the November meeting that will be hosted by Ray Young and company from Young’s Lobster Pound. Noble Tim Dutch is planning a dance at the clubhouse for a date that is yet to be determined. We figure that if we have to raise money we might as well have some fun while we do it! If any of the member- ship has any ideas of events that could be planned, please give Ryan or any of us a shout. It’s really great to see so many new No- bles attending our meetings. Fresh new faces are a welcome addition! This is what it is all about! The annual joint meeting of the Mid- Coast Shrine Club and the Waldo County Shrine Club will be October 11th at the Lobster Pound Restaurant in Lincolnville. I think the social starts at 6:00 pm. This Continued on page 24

One wife’s definition of retirement: “Twice as much husband on half as much income.” 24 THE ANAHGRAM Continued from page 23 Sprague, Leni and Dave Weaver, Betty lieve what happened on our annual canoe is always a fun meeting, great fellowship and John Fernald, Esther and Ed Pellon. run down the with our neighbors to the south, and al- That’s all for now, don’t forget Cat’s Pleasant River, he dumped her. Yes he ways good food! where it’s At. And pray for snow. did, right in the river! They are still sweet- The regular September meeting had about hearts. Floyd, can you please tell us again 43 nobles in attendance. All enjoyed a how many years you have not rolled over smoked brisket by Pres. Ryan and his dad a canoe? What a fun time we had that day, Richard Otis and helpers Josh Treat and There were 19 of us, 4 canoes and 10 kay- Dan Murphy. aks. Thank you Noble Arthur The next meeting will be October 13th. and Lady Julie Herbest for the great time. I’m not sure what the meal is, but we will Continued on page 25 not disappoint you! See you then! Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter The Waldo County Shrine Club will Extra, extra read all about it. We are look- host a dance on Oct. 22nd, 7pm -11pm ing for Nobles to march with us. Did you at the clubhouse. The band will be The know that we march so that others can Frye Mountain Band. The cost is $10pp walk? Come in, join us for flag waving and their will be an open bar and hors FUN! If you can beat a drum we would d’oeuvres will be served. Put this on your love to march to the beat, this just might calendar, should be a fun time right around keep us in step. Halloween! Some of us made the long haul to Cape Cod for the Northeast Field Days, only to be blown out of town by Irene. We had a great time on the ride down and back the Keystone Kops kept us in line. Ha Ha! Thank you for sharing the bus with us. Last month we reported that the Noble Noble Robert Look, Reporter Floyd Hardison has been happily mar- It’s hunting season again. Be sure to have ried to his school sweetheart Norma for your guns and ammo in good condition. If 56 wonderful years. Well you will not be- deer hunting wear plenty of hunter orange, know your target and where your hunting partners are. G. W. SARGENT - BUILDER, INC I didn’t make it to our last meeting on Sep- Modular Home Dealer tember 1, understand the big topic was the 129 Main Street, Mattawamkeag WCSC annual fall gathering. Tel. 736-2052 or Cel. 522-3444 I did make it to the Northeast Shrine Days in Hyannis, Mass. The weather was great on Friday, but after that it turned bad. Hurricane Irene came in and drove a lot of us home early. I had a good time Friday and I saw that a lot of others were having a good time too. It looked like there was Tel: 207-942-7811 a good turnout from Washington County and from ANAH, which there usually is. 728 Main Street, Bangor, Maine Our next meeting will be our Annual Seafood Chowder meeting, it’s a Ladies Night and it’s going to be held at the Blue Bird Ranch Restaurant in Machias. President Bill wants to thank all of the Nobles and their Ladies for helping out at the Bob Smith’s Annual Picnic. It was a great time as always. Those celebrating birthdays during the month of October are Caron Kilton, Bill Layman, William Geel, Wanda Fer- nald, Nancy Bailey, Brent McGuire, Dan Thompson, Donald Maxim, Sheila Gil- man and last but not least my Lady, Sandi Look. Celebrating Anniversaries in October are Kim and Kevin Gardner, Gayle and Ed

Intuition is what enables a woman to contradict her husband before he says anything. OCTOBER 2011 25

Continued from page 24 the work nights. We had a few new mem- have had the snappers removed ) Look who is blowing out the candles bers and we are really looking forward for Until next month, enjoy a few more good this month: Nobles Jim Campbell, Gene these guys to step up to the plate next year. days before the cold weather settles in. Kelley, Gerald Carey, Jerry Cole, Roger Since the last Anahgram we have been to Trussell, Michael King, Jerry Swett, Bill the NESA in Hyannis, Mass. We had sev- Harmon Jr., The Ladies Gloria Mosley, eral members there, but not enough to take Michelle Harmon Birthday Wishes to the cars. Irene certainly kept everyone up ALL of YOU. in the air for the weekend. Happy anniversary to Noble and his Following that we went to the Sherman Noble Lady, Steve and Brandie DeWitt. If I have Bash on Labor Day. We had 11 cars on the Fred Beylerian missed anyone please let me know. I can asphalt. Good turnout. Thanks a lot guys. Reporter be contacted at [email protected]. Now it is time to put the cars to sleep for We march so they can walk. the winter months. We will soon decide As I begin this month’s column for the what or if we will have to do anything ma- Anahgram I can’t help but think about jor to them before next spring. We are tak- 911. There are dates in history when Noble ing the wrecker in for some major surgery. everyone can remember where they were Craig Clifford It has been getting sicker and sicker each and what they were doing. September 11, Reporter parade. Can’t have an ill wrecker. 2001 is one those dates. I am sure almost Our last regular meeting was September everyone knows someone who knew Well we are all back from the Northeast in 11th. We voted to have a work day on Sat- someone who was personally affected by MA safe and sound. It was a great trip; urday the 24th to prepare for winter. the events of that day. I know I did. A (considering Hurricane Irene). We all had On November 6th we are having our La- good friend of mine was stationed at the a great time once we got there… dies Appreciation Supper. This is a thank Pentagon when it was attacked. He was The debate on which works better; Onstar you for putting up with us and all the pa- Continued on page 28 or a GPS is still being debated as Capt rades we go to all summer long, as well as Dave and his Onstar took us off I-95 for a expressing our appreciation for their sup- nice tour of Portland, ME then back to the port at all the parades. interstate just to get back off and on again We are also having a Hunters Supper a few miles later. My GPS didn’t know if November 19th at the Shrine Club. It will we were coming or going while following be beans, hot dogs, potato salad and all the him. fixins. Hope you can make it. (The beans Once again this year I found myself riding in something besides the ramp truck once we got to the hotel thanks to a member of the hotel staff. It was powered by a few of our friendly members. Thanks guys…it was a fun time. We went on to win 2 second place trophies in the competition. GREAT job men! Congratulations!! While all this was going on Steve Strout and some of the other members were busy at Dover fair selling raffle tickets; good work men. The weekend after we got back from MA, Netti and I headed for the Blue Hill fair. We had some help from more of our great members, thanks for all your help to ev- eryone involved. Along with all that, we had a record num- ber of parades this year with 17 in total. Capt Dave would like to thank you all for making it a great year! Happy anniversary to Herbert & Phyllis Jordan Josh & Ellie Magoonand Happy Birthday to Richard Dunham and Jack Jones

Noble Blair Bubar Reporter

Where did it go? Summer has come and gone already. I think we had two, maybe three days of summer this year. Anyway, the parade season is over for another year. I would like to thank all the guys for help- ing out this year with all the parades and

“All change is not growth; as all movement is not forward.” 26 THE ANAHGRAM


EUGENE D. O’BRIEN and talking trips with Ivah and Chick, and chair for the March of Dimes. He was a Raleigh and Joanne member of the First Radio Parish of Amer- No. 8916 Eugene D. “Pippen” O’Brien of His Masonic affiliations included mem- ica and being restless he delivered Meals Millinocket was born September 26, 1927 bership in Lewy’s Island Lodge No. 138 on Wheels, constructed a cul-de-sac with in Vanceboro and passed away August 22, AF & AM. And other Masonic Bodies. five new homes and named the project in 2011, at a Houlton health care facility. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was re- memory of his mother. He graduated from school in Vance- corded as June 14, 1980. His Masonic affiliations included mem- boro. He was an engineer for Bangor and bership in Rising Virtue Lodge No. 10 AF Aroostook Railroad where he retired after WALDRON ENOS SAWYER SR. & AM and the York Rite Bodies. In Anah many years of service, and was also a past Shriners he was active in the Mounted Pa- president of United Transportation Union. No. 4088 Noble Waldron E. “Wally” trol and the Royal Order of Jesters Court He loved spending time at his camp on Sawyer was born in 1921 and passed 150. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was South Twin Lake, hunting, fishing, play- peacefully in the early morning of Sunday, recorded as August 11, 1950. ing his guitar and harmonica, as well as Aug. 28, 2011. He had celebrated his 90th woodworking. He was a member of the birthday in February 2011. LINWOOD STEWART WORKMAN Fin and Feather Club, Francis Elliot Post He was honorably discharged from No. 4154, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and military service in 1946. He was an ac- No. 5538 Noble COREA, WINTER Donald V. Henry Post No. 80 American tive member of First United Methodist HARBOR and LAMOINE - Linwood Legion, all in Millinocket. He served his Church for 70 years. In 1946 he joined Stewart Workman of Corea, Winter Har- country with the U.S. Army during World A.J. Cole & Sons as sales manager for bor and Lamoine was born May 15, 1924 War II, where he met and married his first trucking equipment, Armstrong Tires and in Corea He went to be with the Lord wife. solid waste collection services. He would peacefully September 3, 2011, surrounded His Masonic affiliations included mem- purchase the waste business from the par- by all those that loved him deeply. bership in Nollesemic Lodge No. 205 AF ent company in 1962, as well as creating After graduating from Winter Harbor & AM, and other Masonic Bodies. His the Tom Sawyer Drive-In Restaurant, only High School, he joined the U.S. Navy dur- enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded the second in the Bangor area. In 1982 he ing World War II and fought for his coun- as June 18, 1983. sold the family business to his son, Tom, try while serving aboard the USS Alaska, and spent winters in Ormond Beach, Fla., Continued on next page MURRAY L. LAPLANT with summers enjoying their cottage at Green Lake when not at home on French No. 8296 Noble Murray Leyland LaPlant Street, Bangor. He was an active member of Princeton was born February 10, 1929 of Bangor Lions Club for more than 50 in Codyville and died August 25, 2011. years, past president of Bangor Chamber He started his own trucking business in of Commerce, coached boys basketball 1950, which because of his hard work and and baseball teams, and served as state dedication is still in operation to this day. Even though he officially retired many times, he continued to work until 2010. He continued to give advice and support until August 25, 2011. Throughout the years the business grew to include log- ging, chipping, gravel, cranberries and bark mulch. He was a demanding, car- ing and fair employer to many people. He believed that business done with a hand- shake was as binding as a contract and was always considered to be an honest businessman. He was a communicant of St. James the Greater R.C. Church, Bai- leyville, a member of Grand Lake Stream Historical Society, Princeton Rod & Gun Club and the St. Croix Wanderers. He loved camping and had wonderful mem- ories of trips to Alaska, Florida and the many state fairs, where he watched hours and hours of horse pulling, which he in- troduced to his granddaughters and their children. He loved spending time in Auro- ra, where he taught his grandsons to hunt and fish. He loved going to the Fryeburg Fair with Marion and Avon, playing cards OCTOBER 2011 27 Continued from previous page No. 6630 Noble Clarence O. “Doc” Bur- salesman for W.H. Shurtleff Co., Portland CB-1, for which he is a recognized plank leigh Jr. was born October 24, 1922 in and Brewer. He served on various com- owner. Upon his return home to Corea, he Millinocket and died peacefully Monday, mittees and boards in the city of Brewer, continued his public service as a constable September 12, 2011, surrounded by his library trustees, board of zoning appeals, in Winter Harbor and as a guard at the family at Maine Veterans Home, Bangor. and Brewer Housing Authority. Recently NSGA Winter Harbor Naval Base. From After graduating from East Corinth he participated as a volunteer at Cole Land there he began his lifelong career in the Academy in 1941, he enlisted in the U.S. Transportation Museum, Bangor, and en- lobster fishing industry out of Corea and Air Force during World War II and served joyed all aspects of the museum. Winter Harbor. in the European Theater in Africa and Ita- His Masonic affiliations included -mem He loved the Red Sox and cheered them ly. He owned and operated Western Auto bership in Horeb Lodge No. 93 AF & on faithfully. The day the Red Sox beat the Texaco, East Corinth, for many years. In AM, Lincoln, since 1949 his enrollment Yankees and took the pennant brought un- 1982 he sold his business and home and in Anah Shriners was registered as June believable joy to his life. Lin was an avid spent summers at his cottage on Sebec 31, 1970 watcher of “The Program” and held daily Lake and for 25 years wintered in Thono- THOMAS Q. LUTES conference calls to discuss possible solu- tassa, Fla. tions to the dilemmas presented that day. No. 7104 Noble Thomas Q. Lutes of He had been a member of the Corinth Corea was born June 5, 1929, in Nash- Linwood loved to dance and did so very Volunteer Fire Department, a charter gracefully and beautifully. It would be an ville, Ind. and died peacefully Sept. 13, member and past commander of Ameri- 2011. He graduated from Van Buren High understatement to say that he thoroughly can Legion Post No. 115, Corinth, and a enjoyed twirling ladies around the dance School, Christenburg, IN After gradua- former member of the Odd Fellows Lodge tion, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, serving floor. His professional credentials includ- of Corinth. ed being a TV commercial star and was as a Radarman until he retired in 1968. He His Masonic affiliations included mem- received many medals and commenda- known to many as the “Alka Seltzer Plus bership in Olive Branch Lodge No. 124 Cold Medicine Man.” It was that starring tions for his participation in the Korean of Charleston and other Masonic organi- and Vietnam wars. Upon his retirement role that earned him a membership into zations. His enrollment in Anah Shriners the Screen Actors Guild. He was quite a from the U.S. Navy, he worked for the was recorded as June 3, 1972 U.S. Naval Astronautical Group, Prospect prankster and loved a good joke; there are where he was an honorary member of the many a tale to some of his shenanigans Harbor, from 1968 to 1988, when he re- Acadamecians. tired for the second time. He enjoyed his that took place throughout his comedic RANDOLPH S. ADAMS life. He had a lovely sense of humor and years of second retirement traveling in a No. 6278 Noble Randolph S. Adams of motor home with his wife, Ellen. Together it was a joy to be around him. He was a Veazie and Brewer he was born October strong supporter of Alcoholics Anony- they traveled in every state in the U.S., 27, 1925 in Lincoln and died September province in Canada, and country in Cen- mous. Back in 1975 he began his sobri- 13, 2011 at a local nursing home. ety with the help of AA and its members, tral America. He was a member of Corea He graduated from Mattanawcook Acad- Baptist Church, Seaside Grange No. 567, which turned out to be some of the best emy, Lincoln, Class of 1944, and the Uni- friends a man could ever ask for. His cour- life member of Gouldsboro Volunteer Fire versity of Maine, Class of 1950. He served Department, age, strength and love for his family gave in the U.S. Army during World War II, him the determination that enabled him to His Masonic affiliations included mem- 1944-1946, and saw combat service with bership in the Winter Harbor Masonic maintain his sobriety for the 36 years he the 86th Infantry Division in the European remained on this earth. Lodge and the Scottish Rite Bodies. He Theatre, and later in the Pacific Theatre was a plank member of Hancock County His Masonic affiliations included mem- on the Philippine Islands. He spent a few bership in and Past Master of Winter Har- Shrine Club Lobster Boat Unit. His enroll- years in the educational field as teacher ment in Anah Shriners was recorded as bor Lodge No. 192 AF & AM and other and coach, followed by 30 years as a Masonic Bodies. He was a life member of June 7, 1974. Alcyone Chapter No. 71, Milbridge Or- der of the Eastern Star. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as January 11, 1963. EARL E. THOMAS No. 8981 Noble Earle E. Thomas of Bar Harbor was born April 30, 1927, in Bar Harbor and died September 11, 2011, in Bar Harbor. He graduated from Bar Harbor High School in 1946. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He worked for Morang-Robinson Ford Garage for 36-1/2 years. He enjoyed camping and wood- working and will be remembered for his jokes and storytelling. His Masonic affiliations included mem- bership in Bar Harbor Lodge No. 185 and the York Rite Bodies. He was also mem- ber of the Hancock County Shrine Club. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was re- corded as January 21, 1984.


Continued from page 25 want tickets please contact Mike or Tami all had fun, as we always do.I hope every- not injured but knew others who were. A Linscott @667-3542 and they will put you one has faired well with all of the peculiar horrific day at all four locations. “Lest on the waiting list. weather Maine has had over the summer. we forget . . .” Before I get to birthdays and anniversaries We will not be having a regular meeting The Keystone Kops Annual Steak Feed there is one special anniversary I continue in October, instead we will be meeting at went off almost without a hitch. The to miss. Earle and Dawna, Archer’s an- the annual Millinocket luncheon Sunday, Camel’s Milk cooler and air pressure sys- niversary is August 14, no year given but October, 16 at the Chinese restaurant at tem were on the blink, but the Kops were I’m sure Dawna believes it has been an 1 o’clock. Please come, we hope to see able to deal with the situation skillfully eternity. everyone there. Speaking of Millinocket and promptly. We have come to expect On to birthdays and days of wed full I want to let everyone know that Noble nothing less of the set up crew. In any case bliss. Birthday celebrations this month are Doug Segee is recouperating from back the event was a complete success. Great for Heather Fowler (my wife), Heather surgery. We all wish him a speedy recov- work guys! Worden, Debbie Worden, Jason Lee, Jan ery hope to see you soon Doug and you All the Keystone Kops would like to Linscott, Buck Page, Madisyn Page, and too Jean. I do believe that is all the news thank Arnold and Ann Byers very much Ashley Edwards. Wedding bells ring for for now, so I will move on to our happy for again hosting the Annual BBQ. A Mike and Tami Linscott , Lawrence and greetings. We wish a Happy Birthday to great time was had by all who attended. Jodie Lord, David and Kristin Varnum Lady Nancy Adams, Lady Joyce Sleeper, Birthdays during the month of October: and Michael and Margaret Hanscom. Lady Marsha Trafton, and Noble Ralph Nobles J.R. Tozier, Fred Clarke and Lady Last month’s birthdays I missed were Judy Trafton. This month we are sending An- Katherine Hopkins. Anniversaries: Fred Moore, Chris Gould, Michael Archer, Su- niversary Wishes to Noble Carl and Lady and Candy Beylerian. Congratulations to san Saunders, Jodie Lord, Kristin Varnum, Monda Drew. If I have not had your or all and may you have many more. Andrew MacDonald, and Alyssa Varnum. your Ladies Anniversary or Birthday in Last month’s question was: Which Na- the Anahgram and you would like to be tional Open Championship did Jack Nick- included in the monthly news Please send me your information ( PO Box 62, Levant, laus never win? The answer: The Cana- Noble dian Open. For this month’s question we ME 04456) so I will have it in my records. Harold Adams Again, no meeting until October 16 in will turn to the movies. What is the only Reporter Walt Disney movie that has never been re- Millinocket. Until next month take care. released in the United States? The time has come to close the blotter BOOOOOO HAPPY HALOWEEN for this month and watch the first Sunday everyone!!!! of professional football. Well summer has come to an end, it has at As always, remember it’s all about the the least been an interesting one weather Have you kids. wise. We didn’t have a September meet- The next Keystone Kops meeting is ing in leiu of the NESA and what can I say purchased your October 25, 2011. about the NESA? Friday was beautiful, sunny and warm for the trip to Hyannis. tickets in the The hotel was very nice and the people were friendly and accommidating, as ev- eryone arrived we gathered in the court- yard to talk and visit at the popular hospi- tality room. Later in the evening a few of BIG Noble Perry Fowler, Reporter the Highlanders performed for the crowd, What a busy time of year for the NAS- including a lovely tribute to a lost mem- CAR unit. We have been doing some ber of their unit.As usual everyone loved Car / Cash Raffle? traveling a lot of fundraising mixed with hearing them play. Thank you Highland- lots of fun lately. Our Christmas party at ers. Of coarse, the hot topic of conversa- Drawing is October Timberland Acres Campground was an- tion was ‘Irene’ and she scared a lot of us other huge success. The Potentate did get away. Saturday morning was beautiful 15th ! a little wet. He accused some suspects in however, some including our unit, decid- the last Anahgram. According to my son ed to leave and head home for fear ‘Irene’ the culprit who was paid to cool him off and her rath would close the bridge to the these are the wrong men. However, I be- main land and possibly hit Cape Cod. So lieve is still being paid by the guilty party our Unit was not in the parade. But we and will not say who persuaded him. Once again Katahdin Shadows NASCAR weekend was successful and full of good weather. Chefs Vinnie and Lawrence have had a lot practice lately flipping pan- cakes and preparing sausage and bacon. Because not only did we have a pancake breakfast at Katahdin Shadows but also at Timberland Acres for our first Nascar weekend there. Both weekends were fun and the public very supportive and giving to our cause. Our Super supper is just around the cor- ner October 22 at theShrine Center If you Two fish swim into a concrete wall. The one turns to the other and says, “Dam!” RECRUITING IS A FULL TIME JOB Are you employed? Membership application in This Anahgram or at the Recorder’s Office



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