The Influence of Hemodialysis on Fibrotest Parameters

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The Influence of Hemodialysis on Fibrotest Parameters

Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019 361


DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2019-0040 The influence of hemodialysis on FibroTest parameters Olga Hilda Orasan1#, Iulia Breaban2#, Andreea Maria Stefan2#, Adela Sitar-Taut1, Sorina Cezara Coste2, Ioan Alexandru Minciuna3, Teodora Alexescu1, Angela Cozma1#, Laura Urian4*, Remus Aurel Orasan5

1. 4th Medical Department,“Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2.“Prof. Dr. Octavian Fodor” Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3. Rehabilitation Hospital, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 4. Hematology Department, “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania 5. Nefromed Dialysis Centers, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract Chronic viral infection is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease treated with hemodialysis. fibrosis represents a main determinant of liver disease prognosis and clinical management, and its assessment by can decide treatment allocation. Although liver biopsy is the gold standard for staging liver fibrosis, it is an invasive procedure associated with complications that are more prevalent in patients with end-stage renal disease. FibroTest represents a surrogate marker of fibrosis which evaluates the levels of apolipoprotein A1, total , , gamma-glutamyltransferase and α2-mac- roglobulin, generating a score that indicates the level of fibrosis. Discrepancies were observed in clinical practice between FibroTest score and histopathological findings. The aim of this study was to evaluate how hemodialysis influences the level of each FibroTest parameter and the final score. The systematic literature review conducted by us suggests that hemodialysis induces a reduction in apolipoprotein A1, haptoglobin and bilirubin levels, with an increase in gamma-glutamyltransferase and alpha-2-macroglobulin levels. In conclusion, hemodialysis modifies the levels of FibroTest parameters, suggesting that it may also have an impact on the accuracy of liver fibrosis assessment in hemodialysis patients. Keywords: hemodialysis, apolipoprotein A1, bilirubin, alpha-2-macroglobulin, haptoglobin, gamma-glutamyl- transferase Received: 15th July 2019; Accepted: 26th September 2019; Published: 21st October 2019

* Corresponding author: Laura Urian, Hematology Department, “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania. E-mail: [email protected] # These authors equally contributed to this paper. 362 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019

Introduction it combines the determination of serum levels

of α2-macroglobulin (α2M), haptoglobin, apo- Hemodialysis (HD) patients are at high risk of lipoprotein A1 (ApoA1), total bilirubin (TB), acquiring hepatitis C virus (HCV). The prev- gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) to assess alence of chronic C is high in the level of liver fibrosis. Total bilirubin, α2M this population (up to 60%) due to nosocomial and GGT concentrations significantly increase spread (1,2). with severe fibrosis, whereas haptoglobin and Patients undergoing HD have a higher preva- ApoA1 levels decrease (15). lence of HCV infection than the general pop- Imbert-Bismut et al. reported that the FT score ulation. Despite the development of effective in HCV patients had a high negative predictive direct-acting antiviral agents for the treatment value (100% certainty of absence of significant of hepatitis C, acquisition of HCV continues to fibrosis (F2-F4)) for scores ≤0.1, and a high pos- occur in dialysis centers worldwide (3). itive predictive value (91% certainty of presence In Romania, the most prevalent HCV genotype of significant fibrosis) for scores ≥0.6. In such is genotype 1, 93.46% of patients having the clear-cut cases, liver biopsy could be definitely genotype 1B (4). avoided (16). However, several questions persist Among the eligibility criteria, the level of fibro- concerning the discrepancies between FT scores sis is an important factor (5). Liver biopsy is still and histopathological findings within the HD considered the gold standard for the staging of population. fibrosis and the evaluation of necroinflammatory The accuracy of certain non-invasive procedures activity, despite its limitations: invasive, it does to predict the stage of liver fibrosis is significant- not allow a dynamic evaluation of fibrosis and ly different in non-uremic patients versus uremic life-threatening complications (6,7). Also, this patients on hemodialysis. reference method is associated with up to 20% Comparing Transient Elastography (TE), FT, diagnostic errors in the staging of the disease (8). and APRI scores in non-uremic patients based In addition, nephrologists hesitate to indicate liv- on the area under the ROC curve (AUC) values er biopsy in patients with end-stage renal disease shows a similar diagnostic performance between (ESRD) because of platelet dysfunctions and them, with a slightly better accuracy of TE and the significant risk of hemorrhage. The severity FT compared with APRI score (17). In the case of fibrosis can be estimated using biochemical of HD patients, the situation is slightly different, indices such as serum hyaluronic acid (9,10), as evidenced by several studies (14,18). TE is the aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio superior to APRI, FT, and Fib-4 score in assess- index (APRI), the aspartate aminotransferase/ ing the severity of hepatic fibrosis. Liu et al. fur- alanine aminotransferase (AST/ALT) ratio, the ther outline that the area under the ROC curve is Fibrosis 4 (Fib-4) score, FibroTest (11,12), and higher in HD patients evaluated by TE compared the measurement of liver stiffness with transient with non-uremic patients in predicting a fibrosis elastography (FibroScan) (13,14). stage F2 and F3, and is similar in the case of F4 The novelty of this review consists of evidenc- stage (14). ing the main variations of each parameter used Furthermore, the APRI score in HD patients has in calculating the FibroTest score in hemodial- a superior accuracy in evaluating fibrosis stage ysis patients, and how these changes may influ- compared with FT (19). However, in this group ence the final score (stage of fibrosis). Fibro- of patients the major strength of APRI score is to Test (FT) is a surrogate marker of fibrosis and exclude significant liver fibrosis (9,14). Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019 363

Although in non-uremic patients FT represents The following were excluded: a valuable tool in assessing the stage of liver fi- • case reports brosis, in HD patients its accuracy is lower com- • articles that included pediatric patients (un- pared with other tests such as TE and APRI. der 18 years old) • articles referring only to peritoneal dialysis Aim of the study • studies presenting the effect of different sub- In the present study, we reviewed the influence stances (drugs, toxins, vitamins) on the level of hemodialysis on FT parameters: apolipopro- of each FT parameter. Studies in patients un- tein A1, total bilirubin, haptoglobin, gamma-glu- dergoing treatments that could influence liv- er fibrosis stage were excluded (e.g. HCV/ tamyltransferase, and α2-macroglobulin. HIV co-infected patients undergoing antiret- Methods roviral treatment). A total of 858 articles were retrieved. Five hun- Search strategy dred and thirty-five articles were published be- In the current study, we integrated five different fore January 2008 and were, therefore, excluded. literature reviews evaluating the influence of he- Of the remaining 323 articles, 258 articles used modialysis on each FT parameter. A systematic web-based literature search of human subjects. After reading the abstracts and all publications in PubMed was conducted be- the full text of all candidate articles, only 30 arti- tween April and September 2018 using several cles met all the inclusion and exclusion criteria. combinations of keywords (“hemodialysis”[All Therefore, the effect of HD on ApoA1 was re- fields] AND “apolipoprotein A1”[All fields]; viewed in 17 articles, on bilirubin in 9 articles, “hemodialysis”[All fields] AND “bilirubin”[All on GGT in 3 articles, on haptoglobin in one arti- fields]; “hemodialysis”[All fields] AND “hapto- cle and on α2M in no article. Nevertheless, there globin”[All fields], “hemodialysis”[All fields] were too few articles referring to α2M and hap- AND “gamma-glutamyltransferase”[All fields], toglobin that met all the inclusion and exclusion

“hemodialysis”[All fields] AND “α2-macro- criteria, which is why in the case of these sub- globulin”[All fields], “hemodialysis”[All fields] stances, all the articles found using the previous- AND “fibrotest”[All fields]). ly mentioned combinations of keywords were included, irrespective of the publication date. Inclusion and exclusion criteria A final number of 31 articles were reviewed and The inclusion criteria for primary studies re- further summarized regarding each FT parame- quired the following features: ter separately (Figure 1). • the studies had to be conducted on adult hu- man patients with chronic kidney disease Methodological quality assessment (CKD) undergoing HD Each of the studies meeting the inclusion crite- • published between January 2008 and August 2018 ria was analyzed by two independent reviewers. • focused on the impact of HD on each FT pa- Data were presented according to the Preferred rameter or on the effect of HD on the Fibro- Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Test score itself Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines20. Consen- • both prospective and retrospective studies sus in disagreements was reached by referral to were acceptable. a third reviewer. 364 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of the potential articles. Inclusion and exclusion criteria. Apart from evaluating the effects of HD on each FT parameter, the study also aimed to analyze the effect of HD on the final score indicated by FT. Therefore, we extended our literature search in PubMed using the terms “hemodialysis”[All fields] and “fibrotest”[All fields]. Only two articles were identified.

Results receptor that initiates the flux of free cholesterol and phospholipids into the surface of HDL (25), Apolipoprotein A1 forming nascent pre-β-HDL. Once in the circu- ApoA1 is synthesized in the liver and the gut, lation, pre-β-HDL particles interact with leci- representing approximately 70% of the high-den- thin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) )(24). sity lipoprotein (HDL) content (21,22). The main functions of ApoA1 include reverse LCAT is a key constituent of HDL, which serves cholesterol transport (22-24), anti-inflammatory a dual function as phospholipase 2 and acyl-CoA and antioxidant effects due to its binding to para- cholesterol acyltrasferase, playing a crucial role oxonase 1 (PON1) – the enzyme that prevents in reverse cholesterol transport and HDL matu- the formation of oxidized low-density lipopro- ration (26). tein (LDL). Apart from LCAT and ABCA1, there are other HDL metabolism is initiated in the liver and enzymes that control the levels of ApoA1 and intestine by the secretion of ApoA1, which at- HDL, such as cholesteryl-ester transfer pro- taches to macrophages in the arterial wall via tein (CETP) and phospholipid transfer protein ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABCA1), a (PTLP) (26,27). PTLP transfers phospholipids Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019 365

and free cholesterol from triglyceride-rich lipo- cumulation of the cholesteryl-ester-poor ApoA1 proteins to HDL, phospholipids between HDL containing discoidal HDL particles which can- particles, and facilitates cholesterol efflux from not mature into spherical HDL particles of cho- cells (26). CETP catalyzes the transfer of cho- lesterol (24). lesteryl esters from HDL to LDL in exchange for Uremic plasma also tends to reduce the level of triglycerides (26). ApoA1. Hemodialysis, instead of eliminating In patients with CKD or ESRD, the metabolism the previously mentioned effect, has a tendency of HDL and ApoA1 is changed, their decreased to perpetuate it, although its main role is to clear levels being caused by increased catabolism and uremic toxins (21,35). decreased production (21,25). Some studies (28- In a study of Moradi et al. (36), compared with 30) suggest that an explanation for the reduced normal plasma, both pre-dialysis and post-dial- levels of HDL and ApoA1 can be attributed to ysis plasma lowered ApoA1 mitochondrial ri- the levels of enzymes involved in their metabo- bonucleic acid (mRNA) abundance in HepG2 lism, such as decreased levels of ABCA1, LCAT, human liver cancer cell line to the same extent. PON1 and unchanged levels of PTLP and CETP. This finding suggests that the toxins responsi- As a consequence, the reverse cholesterol trans- ble for the inhibition of ApoA1 expression are port is inhibited and the interaction of ApoA1 not removed by hemodialysis. The authors also with macrophages via ABCA1 is altered. observed that the molecules responsible for this The main effect of hemodialysis on the level of effect are larger than 30 kDa and cannot be re- ApoA1 is to lower it (21,22,24,28,30-34). moved by hemodialysis (36). In vivo kinetic studies revealed that ApoA1, the Another effect of hemodialysis on lipid metab- main apolipoprotein of HDL, is catabolized at a olism would lead to moderate hypertriglycer- faster rate in hemodialyzed patients, leading to a idemia, lower HDL-cholesterol, ApoA1 and decreased ApoA1 level. A study (33) suggested HDL particle concentrations, as well as PON1 that decreased LCAT and increased CETP may, activity, and increased oxidized LDL levels (37). at least in part, account for the increased catabo- Wu et al. reported that dyslipidemia and the cho- lism of ApoA1. lesterol efflux role in ESRD patients were not Another explanation can be the presence of anti- improved by HD, this being contrary to what HD ApoA1-IgG that tends to correlate with dialysis is supposed to induce throughout the clearance vintage. In one study (22), a significant associ- of uremic toxins (35). The same study demon- ation was found between dialysis vintage and strated a decreased serum triglyceride level and anti-ApoA1-IgG positivity. Moreover, dialysis an increased HDL level in ESRD patients dia- vintage was found to be significantly longer in lyzed with high-flux polysulfone membranes, anti-ApoA1-IgG negative patients (22). but not in patients dialyzed with cellulose ester Along with a lower level of ApoA1, some stud- membranes (35) (Table 1). ies have highlighted certain abnormalities in the HDL profile of hemodialysis patients. These in- Bilirubin clude: lower HDL apolipoprotein levels, a lower Bilirubin is produced in the reticuloendothelial content of lipoprotein A1, A2 and a high content system, as the end product of heme catabolism, of pre-β-HDL compared with healthy patients derived from the oxidation of heme from heme- (24). This abnormal HDL profile mirrors the proteins (38). profile found in individuals with genetic LCAT Bilirubin is a water-insoluble compound that re- deficiency and probably reflects the plasma ac- quires glucuronidation by a microsomal enzyme, 366 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019

Table 1. The effect of hemodialysis on the level of ApoA1 Number Authors Study type of Results patients Moradi et al., Analytical prospective Cellular Uremia lowers ApoA1 production by reducing RNA sta- 2012 (21) cohort study cultures bility. The prevalence of anti-ApoA1-IgG is high (20%) in pa- Pruijm et al., Cross-sectional study 66 tients on maintenance hemodialysis. The antibody titer is 2012 (22) associated with dialysis vintage. Rolla et al., ApoA1 levels were significantly lower in hemodialysis Prospective study 142 2015 (23) patients than in controls. Calabresi et al., Analytical transversal ApoA1 levels were lower in hemodialysis patients than in 288 2014 (24) study controls. End-stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis exhibited Moradi et al., Analytical transversal 45 significant reductions in ApoA1 levels compared to the 2008 (25) study control population. Patients with end-stage renal disease on maintenance he- Pahl M V et al., Analytical transversal 42 modialysis had significantly reduced plasma ApoA1 con- 2009 (26) study centrations compared to the control population. During one year of observation, ApoA1 levels decreased Kaysen G A et from baseline in patients initiated on hemodialysis in the Prospective cohort study 266 al., 2014 (27) first two quarters and then returned to baseline values by the end of the observation year. The levels of ApoA1 decreased according to the chronic kidney disease severity. Honda H et al., Prospective cohort study 111 The levels of ApoA1 were similarly decreased in patients 2015 (28) with CKD5 and CKD5 on hemodialysis compared to those having CKD stage 2 or 3. Ribeiro S et al., Patients on hemodialysis presented lower levels of ApoA1 Prospective cohort study 205 2012 (29) than controls. Kimak E et al., Prospective cohort study 193 Hemodialyzed patients had lower levels of ApoA1. 2011 (30) Lokesh S et al., Comparative cross-sec- The mean level of ApoA1 was significantly lower in pa- 80 2016 (31) tional study tients receiving hemodialysis. ApoA1 levels were significantly decreased in hemodialy- sis patients comparative to controls. The decreased levels Ikewaki K, Analytical study - of ApoA1 in patients with end-stage renal disease on 2014 (32) hemodialysis were primarily due to the increased rate of catabolism. Yeo Y et al., Retrospective case-con- Chronic dialysis patients showed significantly lower levels 252 2009 (33) trol study of ApoA1 than controls. Samouilidou ApoA1 concentrations were higher after hemodialysis than EC et al., 2008 Prospective cohort study 51 before hemodialysis. (34) ApoA1 significantly decreased in end-stage renal disease Wu S et al., Prospective cohort study 79 patients. After hemodialysis, the levels of ApoA1 were 2015 (35) significantly reduced. Holzer M et al., The reduced cholesterol efflux of uremic HDL is linked to Prospective cohort study 46 2011 (37) the depletion of HDL-associated ApoA1. ApoA1 – apolipoprotein A1; CKD – chronic kidney disease; HDL – high-density lipoprotein; IgG – immunoglobulin G; RNA – ribonucleic acid Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019 367

uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase hemofiltration (CVVH), high-volume hemo- 1A1 (UGT1A1), in order to be excreted. filtration (HVHF) and plasma exchange (PE) The most important properties of bilirubin in- (40,42). clude: antioxidant effects, cytoprotective effects, IHD relies on the passive diffusion of the sol- anti-inflammatory effects, lipid-lowering proper- utes through a semi-permeable membrane, while ties and also antiatherogenic properties (38,39). CVVH is an alternative technique that provides Apart from the association with lower oxidative continuous blood purification based on convec- stress, elevated bilirubin levels can augment en- tion driven by a hydrostatic pressure gradient. dothelial function/endothelial-dependent vaso- HVHF is a form of CVVH that has an ultrafiltra- dilatation (38). A study (38) indicated that serum tion flow rate >50 mL/kg/h (40). total bilirubin concentrations were positively HVHF followed by IHD appears to have an ad- related to collateral development, by increas- vantage over IHD alone, evidenced by an ear- ing NO (nitric oxide) bioavailability, which is lier decline in the bilirubin level. In the same known to play a crucial role in the development study (40), total bilirubin, direct and indirect, of collateral vessels. improved significantly in the HVHF group com- The immunomodulatory effects of unconjugated pared to the IHD group. bilirubin may explain its availability to restrain Zhang et al. demonstrated that the total bilirubin inflammation. It has also been suggested that level decreased at a faster rate in patients treated serum bilirubin concentration is associated with with CVVH+PE rather than CVVH alone (42). lower CRP levels via reduction of blood lipid When comparing the level of TB between people concentration and increased HDL availability with chronic kidney disease and those on dialy- and not by direct inhibition of inflammation (38). sis, the decrease in bilirubin concentration was There is still debate about the effect of hemodi- 65% lower according to Tbahriti et al. (41) (Ta- alysis on the level of total bilirubin, some studies ble 2). reporting that after HD the level of total bilirubin (TB) decreases (38,40-43), while others show Alpha-2-macroglobulin and haptoglobin that it actually remains the same, due to the total Alpha-2-macroglobulin belongs to the group of bilirubin level (39). acute phase proteins and its production is related The effects of HD include the removal of cir- to inflammation and liver fibrosis. Alpha-2-mac- culating antioxidants from the aqueous phase roglobulin is also a proteinase inhibitor and its of plasma, leaving proteins vulnerable to oxi- increased synthesis can inhibit the catabolism of dation. Although water soluble antioxidants are matrix proteins and enhance fibrotic processes dialyzed, unconjugated bilirubin, due to its af- (44). Haptoglobin decreases when fibrosis in- finity for circulating albumin, is retained in the creases. This may be a response to the increased vascular compartment, therefore being free to hepatocyte growth factor seen in liver damage react with radicals from the plasma (38). In this (45). The positive correlation between fibrosis context, some studies (38) have suggested that and α2M and the negative correlation between the reduced bilirubin concentration is due to the fibrosis and haptoglobin could be explained by fact that bilirubin may represent a sacrificial an- the different roles of cytokines such as hepato- tioxidant. cyte growth factor (HGF) during fibrogenesis.

There are various types of hemodialysis that can HGF stimulates α2M synthesis and decreases impact the final level of bilirubin: intermittent haptoglobin synthesis (16). Furthermore, in HD hemodialysis (IHD), continuous venovenous patients, the same correlations can be explained 368 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019

Table 2. The effect of hemodialysis on the level of bilirubin Number of Authors Study type Results patients Boon A C et al., 2014 Bilirubin concentrations are reduced in hemodialysis Review - (38) patients. Bilirubin levels were similar in end-stage liver fail- Mekki K et al., 2010 Cohort study 60 ure patients, hemodialysis patients and peritoneal di- (39) alysis patients. Total, direct and indirect bilirubin levels were sig- Prospective cohort Si X et al., 2015 (40) 36 nificantly lower in patients treated with HVHF than study those treated with IHD alone. Bilirubin levels were diminished (around 65%) in Tbahriti HF et al., Cohort study 167 patients on hemodialysis compared to chronic kidney 2013 (41) disease patients. Serum levels of total bilirubin decreased steadily in the first 7 days of dialysis. The total bilirubin level Zhang L et al. (42) Retrospective study 81 decreased more in the CVVH+ PE than in the CVVH group. The total bilirubin levels were lower in hemodialysis Cheng YC et al.(43) Retrospective study 327 patients than in patients with ischemic heart disease or normal subjects. CVVH - continuous venovenous hemofiltration; HVHF – high-volume hemofiltration; IHD – intermittent hemodialysis; PE – plasma ex- change by acute phase reaction induced by the dialy- Test. The levels of α2M may rise in the context sis procedure (46,47). Different variables that of renal insufficiency because of the inflamma- formulate the FT scores may be influenced by tory response induced by the dialysis procedure non-hepatic conditions such as hematoma and (46,47). immunological factors, which are frequently Argiles et al. demonstrated that serum α2M lev- seen in the hemodialysis population. These con- els significantly increased from the third hour ditions may result from high α2M levels and low after initiation of HD, continued to increase for haptoglobin levels (49). at least 2 h after the end of dialysis (P<0.01) and Canbakan et al. demonstrated that in HCV he- remained elevated at 12 h, independently of the modialysis patients, the certainty of absence of membrane used (AN69 or cuprophane). Since significant fibrosis (F2-F4) for scores ≤0.1 was α2M is related to acute phase reactant proteins, only 60% (19) compared with 100% in HCV pa- its variations during the dialysis session could tients with normal renal function (16), and the represent an inflammatory-like response to the accuracy of the presence of significant fibrosis dialysis procedure (47,48). for scores ≥0.6 was only 20% (19) compared Decreased serum levels of haptoglobin were ob- with a PPV ≥90% in HCV patients with normal served in the plasma of long-term HD patients. renal function (16). Haptoglobin is a heme-binding glycoprotein A possible reason for the lower diagnostic accu- that protects the body from hemoglobin-in- racy may be due to variations in the biochemical duced oxidative damage, nitric oxide toxicity components of the FT/AT scores among patients and pro-inflammatory effects induced by intra- with renal failure. Renal dysfunction may affect vascular . Haptoglobin also functions results concerning the proteins included in Fibro- as a chaperone that inhibits oxidation-induced Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019 369

misfolding of extracellular proteins and thus ex- should be measured monthly for these patients erts anti-inflammatory effects. Based on these (52). beliefs, Lin et al. postulated that downregulation Liberato et al. evaluated 40 CKD patients on HD of haptoglobin might reflect an exhausted anti- and performed serum GGT dosage immediately oxidant reserve in long-term HD patients, while prior to and after the dialysis procedure. When counteracting the persistent deranged redox state divided by the ULN, serum GGT levels were and inflammatory stresses (50) (Table 3). 0.88 IU/L prior to HD and 1.14 IU/L after HD (p = 0.001), which is compatible with the in- Gamma-glutamyltransferase crease in serum hematocrit levels, thus charac- In CKD on HD, serum GGT levels may be a terizing hemoconcentration (hematocrit before useful and low-cost marker, similar to amino- HD, 36.7%; after HD, 41.3%, p = 0.001) (53). transferases, for the diagnosis of chronic HCV Therefore, after the dialysis procedure, the mean infection (1). GGT values were higher than the mean ULN Fabrizi et al. identified an association between values, suggesting that the serum levels of this serum GGT levels and chronic viral hepatitis C. enzyme could be reduced in CKD patients prior After analyzing the ROC curve, these authors to the HD session. Ultimately, serum GGT levels determined that the best cut-off values to predict in CKD patients on HD are possibly influenced positive anti-HCV would be 18 IU/L (sensitivity by hemodilution due to the liquid retention of = 61%; specificity = 50%). These GGT values CKD patients (Table 4). represent the upper limit of normal (ULN) re- ductions of 64% (50 IU/L) for the detection of The effect of HD on FibroTest accuracy in anti-HCV positive patients (51). Souza et al. also predicting the stage of fibrosis reported higher serum GGT levels in HD patients There are very scarce data regarding the influ- with HCV infection than in those negative for ence of HD on the accuracy of FT in predicting anti-HCV (49.8±56.6 IU/L and 94.8±105 IU/L, the stage of liver fibrosis. respectively) (p = 0.05). Both authors suggested Although the areas under the ROC curves for the the use of serum GGT levels as an indirect mark- diagnosis of significant fibrosis were similar in er to detect liver disease in HD patients, which the studies of Varaut et al. (0.46) and Canbakan

Table 3. The effect of hemodialysis on the serum levels of a2-macroglobulin and haptoglobin Influenced Number of Study Study type Results parameter(s) patients

Serum α2M levels significantly increased from the third hour after initiation of HD, Argiles et al., Prospective α M 30 continued to increase for at least 2 h after 1993 (47) 2 the end of dialysis (p<0.01) and remained elevated at 12 h. The absence and the presence of significant Fibrosis (α M, 2 fibrosis (F2–F4), determined by FibroTest, Canbakan et al., haptoglobin, Prospective 33 are underestimated in HCV HD patients 2011 (19) TB, GGT, compared to HCV patients with normal renal ApoA1) function. Lin et al., 2012 The protein profile of long-term HD patients Prospective Haptoglobin 12 (50) includes decreased serum haptoglobin levels.

α2M – alpha-2-macroglobulin; GGT- gamma-glutamyltransferase; HCV – hepatitis C virus; HD – hemodialysis; TB – total bilirubin 370 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019

Table 4. The effect of hemodialysis on the serum levels of GGT Number of Study Study type Results patients The best cut-off values to predict positive anti-HCV Fabrizi et al., 2007 would be 18 IU/L (Se = 61%; Sp = 50%). These GGT Retrospective 333 (51) values represent ULN reductions of 64% (50 IU/L) for the detection of anti-HCV positive patients. The mean GGT values were higher in patients with Souza et al., 2008 HCV infection than in those without HCV, suggesting Prospective 87 (52) that serum GGT levels could be used as an indirect marker for detecting liver disease in HD patients. The levels of serum GGT collected before the dialysis session were significantly lower than the values ob- Liberato et al., 2012 Prospective 40 served after dialysis. Also, the hematocrit rates were (53) significantly lower before dialysis than after the HD session. anti-HCV – anti-hepatitis C virus antibodies; GGT – gamma-glutamyltransferase; HD – hemodialysis; ULN – upper limit of normal et al. (0.47), the negative predictive value (NPV) ture review which evaluates the influence of he- of an FT score <0.2 and the positive predictive modialysis on FibroTest. value (PPV) of a score >0.6 were significantly The limitation of this review consists of the rel- different (15,19). atively small number of studies which reported In the first study by Varaut et al., in the analysis data regarding the influence of hemodialysis on of the entire cohort of HD patients, 72% were FibroTest parameters. There are also few papers correctly classified and the use of FT instead of about FibroTest efficiency in predicting liver liver biopsy (LB) meant that 32% of the LBs fibrosis as compared with other non-invasive could have been avoided. Furthermore, the PPV methods in hemodialysis patients with hepatitis of a score >0.6 was 75% while the NPV of a C virus infection. score <0.2 was 71% (15). In contrast, in the study conducted by Canbakan Discussions et al., fibrosis was correctly classified in only 33.3% of all included patients, while LB could The effect of uremic plasma, and, to a greater have been prevented in 15.15% of patients with extent, of hemodialysis on the level of ApoA1 a FT score <0.2 and in 3% of patients with a is to decrease it through increased catabolism score >0.6. The PPV of a score >0.6 was only and the presence of anti-ApoA1-IgG antibodies. 20%, while the NPV of a score <0.2 was 45.45% Furthermore, the failure of HD to eliminate the (19). toxins responsible for the inhibition of ApoA1 However, both studies illustrate the idea that the expression is also responsible for the decreased accuracy of FT in HD patients is lower than in level of ApoA1. the general population and it may reflect the ef- Although still debatable, most of the studies ana- fect of renal disturbances induced by either CKD lyzed in our review suggest that HD tends to de- and/or HD on the biochemical parameters of FT crease the level of TB either by a reduction of the (15,19). retained TB through the reaction with dialyzed A major strength of the current study is that, to plasma radicals or by the different types of HD our knowledge, this is the first systematic litera- utilized: HVHF, IHD and CVVH+PE. Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019 371

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