GENT'S GOLD FILLED WATCHES, 1 Our Stock of Watches is Immense :: :: FROM $12 UP, :: :: And will bo sold at pricos never before so low Wiih either Elgin or Waltham movement. 8" We Guarantee Every Watch Sold. EWTO RIDEE, BRYANT & CO., 59 Main DANBURY. Bee JEWELERS, street, 258 MAIN STREET, DANBURY, CONN.


"F. Affairs iment was ordered out on pk ket.and per- E. HAETWELL & COMPANY About Town. formed that duty until 2 o'clock of the '9 2d instant, w hen we were relieved, and - Leading Sealers ia All Grades of cook a position oenina tne rail fence and MATTEBS OF BUSINESS- - 150 " LEADING DRY GOODS HOUSE, paces farther to the right of the place Ready-Mad- e we occupied before out on Fashionable and Men's Goods. - -- . - going picket. Clothing Furnishing BRIDGEPORT, - - - - - CONN J ucige has Boine We remained in this position, exposed i i i i i i i i i i i i Bleckley very original ii i i i ideas which he sometimes in to the enemy's batteries and sharpshoot- Our Glove Department expresses ers, until 7 m., when we were ordered to of our industries and the of the circulation of we for the bal- rendering his decisions. In deciding a p. Owing the stagnation tightness monies, will, lias a large and varied assortment of LaiUes' Gloves in all fashion- case to the extreme right, behind a stone wall our immense and tho very lengihly lately, in which a on ance of our great sale, consolidate stock of Clothing Furnishing Goods into the following order: able styles arifl colorings. very email principal was involved, he each side of a lane, below the battery The two season said: the entrance. Two Our $ choice $ specialties this are the "Kayser" silk at $1 a pair, a "In the ornithology of the law, opposite cemetery 9.00, $10.00, $1100 Suits, your glove with patent Iringed not to cut or wear this case is a tomtit with companies were advanced to the grain 10 tips, guaranteed through out plumage enough - Our 12.00, 13.50, 14.00 Suits, your choice 00. at the finger ends; and the "Chamois," and for a turkey." The on H". X. field near the woods, through which the morning driving price Ayres' advar-in- g. Our 15.00, 16 50, 17 00 Suits, your choice 12.50. glove at 1 per pair. shoes also resemble a tomtit, while the enemy were rapidly We cov- 13-50- ered the wall on each side of the lane Our 18.00, 19.00, 20.00 Suits, your choice - wear, style and fit are unequalled in by Cloak and Suit - riis compelling about 200 who had 25 00 choice 16.50. Department- every respect, special prices just no stragglers, 0"r 22.00, 24.00, Suits, your We now are made on ladies low shoes. commander, to fall into our line. We carry thd best assortment of Wash Silk Waists. Surahs and India See his had not than time to form behind from 96c double the llSlllllililiil'vIBilks ; the are correct advertisment. mre Our line of Suits worth and Boys' upwards, price. - styles workmanship unsurpassed. the wall the were discover- Eton Suits and Vests fsom $5 to a ' bcre enemy of Men's and Fants to select from, at unreasonable marked down Fancy $25 suit iu black and blue. ed advancing rapidly noon us on our An endless variety Boys' prices. tijteqlpiHnlpiH-- Single Skirts to be worn with waists ffom $2 to $10. and a full TEE GALLAHT SEVEKTEEHTH. right brigade obliquely toward Men's Furnishing Goods in like manner- - our left. When within 150 paces of ns. Upholstery Department. we poured a destructive fire upon them, ja-j- -j We sell Hammocks, Window Screens, Piazza Serccns, etc. of which thinned their ranks and cheeked We are Forced to make this Great Sale a Sacrifice: History the Fart it Played in the Struggle at their Gettysburg. From the Official Eeeord. advance. We fired several volleys First Because we are determined to close out this stock. by battalion, after which they charged when we transfer our we desire to with an entire new line of upon ns. We bad a band-to-ban- d conflict Second Because, business, open goods. with them, firmly held our eround. and Because of the of we want to encourage you, if you can spare it and want in our Tbe of the old 17th Third scarcity money anything Connecticut gallant drove them back. line. We feel in making this sacrifice you will appreciate it in the future- - Infantry, which is to be held Soon after, some of the trooos on our W. B. HALL & COMPANY. in Newtown on August 28, has a special -, local left giving way, the rebels succeeded In We shall aiso place in this sale 300 dozen Men's superior made Half Hos- worth 15c a pair, sale price 10c, three Interest. A. W. Peek was in com- in our rear. We mand of D the three getting again drove for 25c- - Company during them back and held our was .a days battle at A. G. position. It Gettysburg. Maj. during this conflict that Major Brady Brady, commanding the old 17th, in his was wounaea a of official report to the government, said, Dy iragment shell, "The coolness which hit him upon the right shoulder. 33- $5 and bravery displayed by After the enemy had been driven bade. W - EttW'0li 0.. the oflicers and men of Company D, ex- the ceeded I ever re- tiring ceased, excepting occasional LYON & anything saw." The shots from their sharpshooters. LEADING CLOTHIERS AND EURN1SKEES, GRUMMAN, COMFORT port of Maj Brady is full of the part tak- We were relieved the Fourth Ohio en by the 17th at is by HAYING TOOLS, regiment Gettysburg, Volunteers, and were ordered to change Is first on our minds. "We given in full. The report is taken from rom the oflicial i to tne leit oenina a wall running at WIARD SULKY HAY RAKE. government records of the with the one we oc- Cor. & Ct. make a of selling com Union and Confederate Scries right angles had just Main Liberty Streets, Danbury point armies, I, cupied, and fronting the town,and where Volume 27. is as : DEERING MOWERS, fortable shoes. It follows tne enemy enterea on our left. We re- KErOKT OF MAJ ALLEX G. BRAKY, SEVEN- mained at this wall all night and during WHESLHCES, " TEENTH CONNECTICUT INFANTRY. the whole of the 3d instant, exposed to a ICE CREAM FREEZERS. STYLES. Gettysburg, Pa., July 4, 1893. cross-fir- e of the rebel batteries and their Qx k el General: I compliance with instruct- sharpshooters. With the latter our best nK GENERAL HARDWARE ions from headquailers, I have the hon- marksmen exchanged shots, and succeed- J? We have combined the or to uiiike the following report of the ed in of them. dislodging many and BICYCLES. most artistic styles with part taken by the Seventeenth Pegimeut When the regiment entered the engage- can Connecticut Volunteers in the engage- ment on the 1st instant, it numbered 17 SIii:nnLlrLorl2.a.m., Conn. 383 comfort; please ment of the 1st, 2d and 3d instant: officers and 3t!9 enlisted men. We report MAIN STREET and 19 CANNON STREET. in be- Try the new The regiment arrived Gettysburg at the present time 9 officers and 120 en BRIDGEPORT, - CONN. tween 1 and 2 p. m. of the 1st instant, listed men. Capt Wilson French and and was marched with the other regi- Lieutenant Bartram are the only officers BE IBTTOIKIIErariB MOWER ments of the brigade through and to the known to have been taken prisoners. The LETTER and the new P11I0E DR WARNES, Dentist, 420 Main St., BRIDGEPORT. lower end of the town, and there halted former was wounded In the first day's for a moment, h our companies were im- engagement. We are uo znre that Is least with U3 and there- mediately ordered out bv Brigadier Gen either of them was paroled. INSERTS TEETH WITHOUT PLATES AND eral Aiiie., under command of Maior behaved New York fore satisfactory to our cus- of .lne regiment gallantly. Jo We have the Yankee horse rake, that always pleases; also the WITHOUT EXTRACTING- - Brady, to the right the bridsre at the troops in the world could behave better. tomers. Call in and see us. lower end of the town, with instructions Both officers and men are deserving of to throw out two as brav- Champion. Also teeth" on all kinds of plates- - Fine filling a companies skirmish great credit for their coolness and ers, the other two to be held as a reserve, ery throughout the entire three days' bat-- specialty and warranted. All operations made painl- ana to taise ana noia the brick house to tie. ess- SHOES &,0XF0RDS. the left and the Two There are HAWLEYVILLE ? Consultation free. 12 years experience- - beyond bridge. many deserving of especial companies were thrown out, and deploy- mention for bravery on the field, but th e y Perhaps, Kontle leader, you do not know ed as skirmishers as rapidly as possible are so numerous I will not undertake to where Hiiwleyville is. No.' Well, lt'8 your to me oi uie tne their names. coolness own for she is where she rignt Driuge,aiong creek. give The and i I I I luult, right always The held as I l I I I i other were ad the officers men I I I I I M M has and has never tried to Skulk nor t'vo, reserve, bravery displayed by and ' M jl II been, CJlarendon il hide herself. liawleyville is built on one of LEWIS B. SILLIMAN, Proprietor,Works, BALDWIN & vanced in line, loading and faring as rap- of Company D exceeded anything I ever the oldest and sections oi land in North Froducer and idly as at the same rime saw. 1 am, most obedient isripest on is as Manufacturer, Wholesale Dea er in Lubricating and Illuminating possible, making general, your America. It built what known a left wheel, so as to our A. G. . com I made land, so is a portion ot Chicago, the only swing right servant, Brady, Major, REFRIGERATORS dilt'erence bciiiK that Chicago land basmostof around the house, the reserve keeping manding seventeenth Connecticut ol. J it been made dining the last decade, is a near and conforming to the movements Infantry. from the and is made PETEOLEUM PE0DUCTS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS. - I change original plan STANDISH of the skirmishers. Gen. A. I I I I I I i M M broken-dow- Brig. Ames, Commanding -I from banana peels, hoop skirts, 368 to 372 Water ------CONN When near onen-- cigar slumps, corks, and street sweepings in Street, BRIDGEPORT, the house, the enemy AMD general. Wliat the liawleyville land was or ed upon us with shot, shell, grape and iginally made trora is a question that has puz- F. W. MARSH, ORANGE MERW1N, H.C. LEMMON. canister, which retarded our advance for J I zled, mystified and paralyzed the minds ot 402 MAIN STREET, a THE SPECIAL TOWS JfEETIKG . theological and geological students and deep BRIDGEPORT SAFE DEPOSIT AND STORAGE VAULTS. moment,until Major Brady dismounted, thinkers in general for ages, but unlike the went in tront or tne line ot skirmishers, seems to be an Sate Deposit Boxes Banking anil Chicago land, it indisputed fact renteil at reasonable rates. Marsh, Choice Brokerage, and led them on until quite near the that it was made during the same week and Rooms Merwin& Investments, house. The Irom the same material that the celebrated ..Private Mortgages on Bridgeport. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. enemy, anticipating our The Measure to Repair the Boad Between Sandy ICE CREAM FREEZERS and indestructible for examining papers. Jjeitimoji, Keal Estate, movements, shelled the house, and set it Hook Ac- seemingly great Kocky Steel Vaults, ;i05 Main St., Interest Allowed and Berkshire Carried. Detailed mountain ranges were, and this land has been Time on lire. We, however, held our ground. count of the slowly maturing and settling down to bed Lock, IJriUgeport, on held the skirmishers in Meeting. AT rock and a solid basis for thousands of years, Watchman. Conn. Deposits. ;nd check. Their so when we speak oi liawleyville, we always loss up to this time was at least 5 to 1, refer to her solid and stable foundations, and most of the men in the four companies The special town meeting, called for not to the temporary destructible structures W.E. COLLEY. GOLLEY & BtI,NS. excellent marksmen last afternoon at 3 o'clock, to erected from time t a time above them. Just BURNS, being and having Saturday in INVESTMENT 13 volunteered for this occasion. con take into consideration the gravelling or think what has transpired the world around BANKERS, Franklin Block, Bridgeport, Conn. They road-be- since the foundations ot liawleyville were Great sisted of Companies A, B, F, and K, com otherwise hardening the d be- ante-date- s Strictly graile Securities, Stock, Bonds and Debentures. We make a of laid. She the Pyramids of Kgypt high specialty Array manded, ilc-- tween Sandy Hook and Berkshire vil anil Clnnese tier- - respectively, by Captains . the great wall, l'ompeli anil WASHINGTON AND OREGON COUNTY AND was attended about 40 or tiie culaneum, the rise ot Baker's Furniture Jsusi STATE, CITY WARRANT'S, Quhae, Ilobbie, Allen and McCarty. lage, by 3,n.cL3T HZooIt, Conn ness and the tall ot the Roman empire. Uel- - OF We continued skirmishing briskly un voting citizens of Newtown, most of shazzar's feast and the hand writing on the No safer short tiire investments can he found. til Major Bradv received orders from whom were from Sandy Hook and di- the hirtu ot coinmims ana the tirst Con- - wail, Full information in regard to these warrants, or anv other at our notr o m- liv Brigadier-Genera- ! Ames to draw in his rectly iialctested in the improvement of necticut river shad, would be comparatively aoail. fresh entries in her diary, as would also the skirmishers and return to town as rapid- the road in question. The meeting was lite and death struggles of LydiaPinkham and BARGAINS ly as possible, and take command of his called to order by Town Clerk M. J. Julius Ciesat'. It she could speak she would The order was and Houlihan and Judge Michael J. Bradley mention as but the happenings of yesterday BURR & KNAPP, Bankers AT regiment. obeyed, LACE MITTS, the flood and the wanton destruction ot En- and Brokers, we tell back in good order, skirmishing was unanimously chosen chairman. Tbe 25c, 37 c, 50c and 62 l-- 2c per pair. glish taa in Boston harbor. She could have 363 Main Street, - - - - - Eridffenort. Conn. with the enemy, who advanced as we re warning was read by Mr Houlihan and given Adatn and Eve valuable pointers on ana tried to cut us oil and on request the names of the petitioners 'what 1 know about the early ot suc- treated, cap- cessful and could days to the BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES AND DEBENTURES, ture us before we got to the town, but were also read. Mr Bradley then asked gardening," point 7 Lillis PARASOLS, time when the running of railroad trains was Payings, 5 6, 7, and 8 per cent. Deposits received subject to draft and interest HMD & JONES. we foiled them in this attempt by mak- for remarks and Lawrence wanted - 26-in- ch on Cir-ula- From $1.25 to $4.75 each- Our sun umbrellas in navy and black even more detrimental to the interests ot the aid same. Securities bought and sold on commission. Foreign Bills of Exchange. r ing a circuit and the town near to make a motion to appropriate $500 traveling public than is the present schedule Drafts and Bank Monny Orders available in all parts of Europe. entering and have work done are the kind you want. on the Berkshire Division. The noble red trie upper end, and soon ioined the re for the road tbe just men of t he torest shot down the bison and the mainder of the which we found right away. G. W. Bradley said be had council fires and 423 MAIN STREET, regiment, traveled'over a - bear, built their signal near the lower end of the town. the road great deal and LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S VESTS. mokes, ierked their venison and roasted the c&3 BRIDGEPORT. The loss in the was as much interested in it pale faced captiveon these same grounds, and iTaro.cs four companies under having put the smoke from hundreds ot curled Oo., Major Brady was 3 men killed, 1 in good order as any one, but he hoped 1-- 2: tepees Staples Men's Cheviot Shirts in and captain 37 and 50c each. Children's Vest3 10c plaids stripes, 1 would not insist on so Ladies' Vests 10c, 17, 25c, heavenward from among her stately forest Deposits received subject to check and interest allowed on all balances of $500 or more. greai assortment at ouc eacn. and lieutenant wounded, a sergeant and that those present size- - trees. The great frog and tadpole pond north 1NSUKANCE Fire, Marine, Plate Glass, and American and men an as he it was not to to and half-wa- y guarantee leading English 6 taken large outlay thought 42c, according quality ot liawleyville was undoubtedly the companies. KEAL ESTATE Bought, sold or exchanged on commission. SAFE DEPOSIT prisoners. needed. He where the supply station on the main trail between the VATLTS Of the latest approved construction. Private rooms for customers connected Extraordinary Glove Bargains. I would here state that I had great dif explained por- Out line of Wash Dress Goods is large and varied and we can please you fertile clam banks ot Long Island sound and therewith. and dividends collected. TRUSTEES Olt ADMINISTRATORS Wo m in s tions of the road were that needed re- - Coupons e are ficulty McCarty ot the- norm. cai-- 373 of kid to be sold at drawing Captain - the great inuskrat hatcheries prepared to take tne charge and ot estates and property generally. pairs gloves as were so tbe most were, and thought the in any of the above goods- When the foundations ot liawleyville were JAMES STAPLES. P. L. 1IOLZER. F. T. STAPLES. company, K, they earnestly pairing Cleo- and such sad havoc w ork could be done for a much smaller One price to all. laid, Mark Anthony had never heard of 109 State St., Cor. Court, - BRIDGEPORT, CONN 59c a engaged making patra, and George Washington had never been pair. among the rebels. sum of money. Mr Bradley was asked ' called to choose between a lie and a wol-lopin- Undressed kid finish Jersey Glove, worth a the and ' upon aoc Tbe remainder of the regiment (six to draft resolution by chair, and so on We claim lor 'WHITE TO - 3sc per pair, at per pair. while he was it the com- liawleyville an antiquity deserving ot public companies), under doing following QUINN & SCOTT, acknowledgement an I recognition. That she FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS iowler, advanced witu the other regi munication was read from Poad Inspec- & D0YLE,Econnnm' 100 Dozen : will become famous some day is beyond FLYNN Popular Corsets, ments oi tne brigade to the lei t and front tor Aaron San'rd The two and indus- ON-...- : - - CONN. question. great growing FOE PEICES " of the town and in the rear of To the Selectmen of Newtown Tbe 1(51 MAIN STREET, DANfiURY, tries of the place now are Bilker's furniture & Fine fitting, well made, worth 75c each, at directly business and the equally successful pollywog Fine Carriages & Surreys, Hand-Mad- e JAMES SEXTON SON., the 107th Ohio Volunteers, in close col section of road from Sandy Hook bridge hatcheries in the great north frog ponds. 50c each. umn by division; were ordered to the towards Zoar, terminating at Botsford Baker's furniture establishment is now so well Harnesses. first-clas- s offer of our 50c advanced and at double Hill road, is not a road. The THIS SPACE BELONGS TO known from one side of the state to the oth- Best Goods! Best Workmanship! Tou Cannot CONN. Continued best Unlaundered front; deployed hill near house is full er that it needs no mention, but the pollywog Bnat Our Prices! Every Customer is an BRIDGEPORT, Shirts, all linen bosoms, wristband and collar quick, and held their ground notwith Augur's slaughter hatcheries are really wonderful. They are Advertiser. oanu at aio eacn. standing the rush to the rear of troops oi coDDie stones, ana ugut siuues in uie located near the Shepaug car shops and em- Large new stock of Suspenders, extra at 25c. in advance until ordered the wheel ruts in many places. A puddle of brace some three acres of land and water and Will sell out their entire stock of A small purchase of Men's Unbleaehed directly by water near James house could muskrat-buil- t islands. The nutritious quali Hose, about 21 dozen of them, regular 25c val brigade commander to fall back, which Carey's i-- be avoided the The Blew Business College ties of the water, its temperature, the altitude ue, to De run on at J2 per pair. order was obeyed in good order, the men easily by rounding up and everythingelsehere at liawleyville seems MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES. We call r attention to a lot of loading and taring as they fell back. road. 1 think 10 days work with Mr to be Just right for the successful birth and De 12 Lieutenant-Colon- make BRIDGEPORT.. J. F. PRINCIPAL. ot The are wnite AfKuss to soic at nan prioe, el Fowler was killed Ives' machine, or $100, would a GRIFFIN, propagation pollywogs. layers eacn, gooa size ana wen umae. first-- of section. wonderfnlly productive, and we venture to At cost. The reason tor this sacrifice sale when the regiment advanced and deploy class road this say that one full grown native layer can, ed. Moore was killed about this Mr Bradley's resolution was then of- when she feels like it, in one is the change the railroad will make in Bridge- Captain lay eggs enough -. which wasHo tbe effect that tbe night to almost stop navigation in any slug- PORTRAIT . PnOTOGBAPHEB, port, going through their present yard time, and Captain French and Lieutenant fered, gish or tidewater stream of onfy a lew fath- 224 Main btreetDv- - - , Conn Ojuinn were wounded, and marry of the selectmen be authorized to go ahead and oms' debth, and we can Work ot Excellence in ail Drancn JONES. men were the road where it needed it. T. Charles M. Cole one warmproduce pollywogs Bupei. ,r killed, wounded and taken repair enough in good July week to stock es of Photography. . - J. Corbett wanted to amend the resolu- fairly well every river, irrigating ditch and prisoners. names G. - laguna in the great state of Texas. We will When the regiment reached the town, tion by adding the of Henry &Co., tell you more of Hawleyville anon, but we are EDWARDS M.SMITU, M.I. tbe four companies under Major Jirady Curtis and G. W. Bradley to tbe board too busy to write often. Call and see us when were still with the of selectmen and have the work done be- Ave-,Cor- - st you visit PHYSICIAXI A3ID SUEGEON, skirmishing enemy, Fairfield Water liawleyville. so Brigadier-Gener- al fore October at an of not less Office and Eesidence Newtown Street. . and remained until 1, expense DOES T0UE Ames sent an aide with than 400 or more tban GUO. Conn. A. (i. BAKER, Telephone Connection. orders for Major Bridgeport, ! Brady to return with hi3 command and The question was raised by C II. Hi New Furniture Warerooms, Opposite Union FOUND assume command of bis regiment, he be- Northrop whether, as the warning read, Depot, Hawlewille. Conn. THE ALBANY DENTISTS, ing the only field oflicer of the regiment the meeting bad a right to go ahead and in the borrow money, aa there was no money M 388 MAIN STREET, AT &, Coffee present. Upon arriving town, Brad- Tea W. Major Brady assumed command of the in the treasury at present. G. J. W. JOHNSON,. 0pp. Cannon St., Bridgeport regiment and reported immediately to ley and W. J. Brew thought it would be 13. Brigadier-Gener- al all and to custom and BRIDGEPORT, PAINLESS A. FAN CHER'S, Ames for instructions. right according COLUMBUS SOUVENIRS! SUIT TOUT The enemy were at this time advancing Judge Bradley decided the meeting bad DENTISTRY Hawleyville, Conn-- , rapidly through the town. The regiment a right to arrange for the money mat- REAL ters. ESTATE, AT MODERATE A was immediately deployed in the streets, During thi3 month we present to every of a suit of $3 or over, a paint that will outwear white leacl and Cor-bett-'s purchaser INSURANCE, LOANS. and fired several volleys into the ranks G. W. Bradley objected to Mr handsome PRICES.' oil, that will cover more surface and retain of the enemy, which thinned their ranks, amendment as be thought it was beautiful Will stand climatic and retarded their advance. the not necessary to expend so large an H. gloss. chang- jWe kept said he bad talked JOHN REII), es and marine where white lead and E.F. HAWLEY enemy from advancing through the town amount. Mr Corbett STERLING SILVER SOUVENIR SPOON. 3" exposure until ordered to clear the streets of our with experts and it was their opinion it WILMOT oil will tail. men xor the purpose of a bat- would take nearly this amount. 118 FAIRFIELD HAWLEY, A makes a of Choicest Teas planting meet- eweler,AVE.,BRIDGEPORT. trial will speak tor itselt, es it has spoken specialty tery. The battery not being placed in C. H. Northrop thought that the Our assortment of All the latest novelties in thaJewel-r- y & REYNOLDS, for'many years past. and Coffees the market produces, with position as intended, and the regiment ing should not make any larger outlay line at lowest prices"" and without presents Look at the being in line on the sidewalk, the enemy than was necessary, on account of the BOYS' AND took advantage of this, and, with a su- town's financial condition, although be MEN'S, CIIILDItEN'S SUITS A. W. 0ECELMAN, UNDERTAKERS, perior force, rushed through the main was in perfect sympathy with the desire Sandy .Hook, Ct. NO. 98 STATE STREET, BREINIG'S street, which us to fall back, for good roads. Lawrence Lillis re- Manufacturer and dealer in Harness, Saddle CONN. BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS compelled ( BRIDGEPORT, TELEPHONE 291. which we did reluctantly, but not with- marked that they wanted a good road Has", never beenmore complete and quality and style are unexcelled. Bin Bridles. Collars, Blankets, eta. 6E0EGE B. - - 11 HAWLEY, Chapel Street ; T IMOGEN out contesting the ground inch by inch. and were going to have it. The ques- CH.5LES E. WILMOT, - 4 07 Clinton Avenua; on ms uenter Tame that he is As we retreated, we loaded, halted and tion was called for and a vote taken on JOHN B- - - - 192 giving which was and W. SETSOLDS, Fairfield Avenaa. with a of 50 cent Black or poured destructive volleys into their the amendment, carried, T. BATES, H. . SILICATE pound ranks, which cleared the main street of the original motion lost. Following is FURNISHINGS FOR MEN. OF. Mixed Tea- - Try our B- - B. Java Cof- them several times, but we found the tbe vote, as the chair decided it carried : fee- It's the Best Coffee that it is pos enemy too many for us. They in Voted, that the selectmen, Henry G. MARBLE AND GRANITE PAINJ; poured and W. are here- sible to produce ; also the Celebrated from every street in overwhelming num- Curtis George Bradley, N0RWALK, CONN., WORKS. which broke our ranks. ar- by authorized to repair the road from SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR AND .NECKTIES. Has as- fcls not a chemical combination oi water and Ankola Coffee. Genuine bers, Upon Berk- the largest and finest Monuments, Beads Stones in Marble or Granite. near the on Cemetery Hill, the postofiice in Sandy Hook to oil, or silicate ot soda, but a combination ol riving battery as in their best - All the newest styles at sortment of finished Monuments Write for designs and prices. : v the regiment was baited, and formed in shire, judgement they silex, zinc and lead ground in pure linseed line of battle fronting the town. may deem best, and to borrow the mon- and Headstones of establish- . al to a sum any M. oil. t? Mocha & Maricabo About this time Major-Gener- How- ey to pay for the same, expend R.EMARKABLY LOW W. STEVENS, less or more than . PRICES. ment in the State. owners, look to and ard, who was in the thickest of the battle, not than $100 $C00, N0RWALK. - l'roperty your interest of asked if to be used if found necessary, the bal DEALER insist on this and regardless .danger, be had IN EVERYTHING IN paint being ujcd, norther. Coffee and Coffee for 25 cents troops brave to advance to a ance to remain in the treasury. Also - a Pure enough the work be before Octo- THE STONE .X- Sole Manufacturers: . stone wall across a lot toward the that --- completed LINE. a Give us a and town, - pound-- trial youll and said he would lead them. We re- ber 1, 1S93. ; The Wood oi as- - LEVY BROTHERS; ClD-ctrle- . Bridgeport Finishing Co., always buy plied, "Yes, the Seventeenth Connecticut s Floyd Bouton, will," and advanced at once to the place Miss Nellie M. , NewMilford, (StiU River) Ct. Tyrrell passed Sunday UNDERTAKER,Garble, UNDER'AKE'EMBALMER, indicated, remained a few momenta and at Roxbury Falls. GEOEGETOTHy; CONN. Granville M. again advanced across another lot still Reliable Clothiers, Residence. King St. All orders left with.Hr O. Breinig, - nearer the town and behind a B. Special attention to or-- General and rail fence Tucker, Easton.will receive prompt attention. given Agent Superintendent. son-in-la- w Jud-so- n, ders. - -- at the upper end of the town, which po- Edward Taylor, of Dr 240 Pearl New 206 Chica- home- Office in Toquet Block, Call 35. St., York, Lake St., F. sition we held until late in the evening, started last Friday, on bis 211 MAIN - DANBI Telephone go, 321 Charles St., St. Louis,8a Oliver St. .Bos- L to a fire ene- Cal. fam- STREET, RY.COM. CONN. Hawley. exposed galling from tbe ward to Oakland, nis WESTPORT, ton. . my's sharpshooters, when tbe whole reg ily will rerrlitere Ull fall. "hustle i'" of the new school. Among his as FroDi there he will go to Sommers to stay cordially Invited. The evening service ing, from an extended tour through the . of all in 14. THE NEWTOWN BEE itltitaatx, la a gentleman, James Eaton Tower, until September. Tie will take charge of ill commence at 30. far west. Highest Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Bridgeport, Fridav, July W. Ambler left a ot Amherst in '85, who has a church at South Salem, N. Y., while Miss Tillie Schwartz of Banbury has James town, last week, graduate college .. a to Such of women's u in there. been with her parents for a few days. for trip Chicago, rapid selling iiiuilo bucci'hs Journalism. Ilu holds a re v be of in- Mrs Aluhonse and Miss Kstelle of Mi38 Ilattie it., lor has spent a few There will business especial boots was never before known in on the Homestead's staff, re- lay terest to members of Wooster PUBLISHED BT sponsible place Stamford will visit this week at the days with her friend, Miss Elosla A. council, t. - be before ami editor,' ami is sup. sidence of John S. . .. U. A. M., to brought their July. being city literary Kellogg. Sellecfc. next There T BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY to be Mr chief lieutenant. Mr son of T. W. Tread has Mrs C. meeting, Monday evening. I IX V 1 I 1 But such a shoe sal vraa Jl pontnl Hyrlck'a Frank, well, Mr and W, Caulield spent Sun should be a hirge attendance. II sr July Tower l.i a finished writer, ami has done had searletina. day with Mrs II. E. Canfield. JIarry never seen before. . ALLISON P. SMITH. KD1TOR. Cantield tias also spent a week there. much to Improve the literary tone of the STRATFORD. Good clean honest button and VVHUR J. BMITIl. BU8IMK.SS MANAUKU. Journals with which ho is connected. Ills MONROE. lace boots, the approved fashion first newspaper experiences were under Ed- - BETHEL. DEATH OF STILES J. AVIHTING. able and wanl H. who made the Homestead AT THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. shapes styles, clean, $1 SO A YEAR, 4c. A COPY. Phelps, Stiles J. Whiting died at the home of fresh selling: for 50c on the what it is, and who is acknowledged to be The ladies of the Congregational church ADVERTISED LETTERS. his father, on King street, early Sunday goods one of most West are for a lawn par 40 years. Funeral ser- ABSOLUTELY dollar. HtWTOWS, COHH..rEIDAT JULY 14, 1893 the successful Journalists making preparations The following people have letters morning, aged PURE ern ever Mr ty which it is expected win oe given up which uncalled for at the Bethel vices were held at his late residence on bold move to such Massachusetts has produced. on tne remain afternoon. It was a buy the premises of Dr Stevens, at postoflice : II. F.Aiken, MrsE. M. Beach, Wedneseay next Tuesday evening, if stormy the unng last week, also Jailer Sedwick of P Tower has proved a worthy puril, and if his on the of Wednesday, next fair siubiL ouueuoliftao avof fcuu!,;, oeuowu,Baan-- Center, evening John Moran Miss Jennie Peterson, C. J. RAILROAD MATTERS. evening. Iteh field a ui health Is spared, ho will doubtless achieve a July 20. Musicians from New York, Clarence C. LOUIS Tucker flf 1 to Searles 2, Mrs Smith, H. tha Trumbull Mrs F. ID Warner entertained fi iends "Ut had taittt m my Customers like success. Brooklyn and Bridgeport are expected Edith Persons The Consolidated road had between C. E. Society has been made vice on be is the and it will Smith, agent; D.Sharp. on presi- the Fourth. knew thev wanted such shoes at present. It purpose for of the above will 200 and 300 men at work Sunday, dent of the T T . i ...... calling any letters, Bridgeport Junior Christian t I be the endeavor to make it the most en the from the station to Endeavor union. vjt. namiin spent last 1 uesaay ,n s. Jt Is possible the World's lair may bo closed of please say "advertised. raising tracks, hall priCC-. ovable and altogether the best thing the east side of Main street. Prepara- Miss J i- . .1 A on Sunday, after all, as the attendance on Sun the kind that the has seen for made move old Mary Tait is to be with friends Dr David Knowles and son are ADOUl IWO inousanuj at vicinity DEATH OF MRS KATE A. GRISWOLD. ' tions are being to the in Huntington for a few weeks. getting pairs day Is light. A Chicago paper suggests that many a day. There will be tableaux, station a few feet to the east,-- , so as to hay on their land on Pumpkin Hill. not so now custom 8, at the home of Miss of countv first many the be closed on Sunday ami that a 23 plenty of good music, and refreshments Died, Saturday, July give, room for further operations on the Sterling Stratford, Albert Smith wa9 here, Sat gates the inner man. is that many her son, after several weeks illness, Mrs vice president of New Haven through ers shoes are con . cent rate lor admission be on Satur- for It hoped tracks. Sunday's labor put them up a branch, urday, selling fish. keep coming, Editorial Ink Drops. charged will take note of the date and will reserve Kate A. Griswold, aged oo years. Mrs little more than three feet. was present at tne meeting of the ladies day. Wage earners almost universally have it for this occasion. Should it be stormy Griswold is perhaps better known here- foreign and home missionary societies, stantly going. ft on would there will be till abouts as Madam Griswold and as the in- vveonesoay aiternoon. ; WASHINGTON. halt holiday Saturday, and go it postponed Thursday night A STRANGE FIRE. ... JOHN G. HOWLAND. DOLL TIMES AND UNCLE SAM'S MAILS. Bv church ventor and manufacturer of the Madam because all the exhibits would beopen.and by the wav. the Congregational 405 ' seems to be in a flourish Griswold corset. Two or three years ago The house and barn of 'Jacob Leitza, Main St. until II m., would at present quite FAIRFIELD- - THE HOTCHKISSVILLE'S la nld there is no ot the staying p. they practically condition. The attendance on last she purchased the Orrin Benedict proper- in the upper part of the town, was total- VICTORIOUS. It better barometer as ing in a have a whole day at tho fair, with Sunday at each one of the services was ty Grassy Plain and about year ago ly destroyed by Are, last Friday after " The ball buineiM prosperity of the country than the Sunday she on AT ST PA0L'S. game last Saturday a rest. day. the largest of the year and the Sunday had a substantial factory erected noon, with the contents. The family ing away on a summer trip to Boston as it may a of it and removed her manufac was no the Hotchkissville and the Washington postottlce department. Ntraiig school was larger than it has been for portion absent and explanation of the Rev and elsewhere. on business to tins from JNew of the Are can be Dr Ely of Ridgefield officiated eeni, the number ot letters written depend There is a good prospect now tor reduced several years. It may be that coming turing place starting given. at St He dis Mr and Mrs Frank Titua to York City, where it had been done for a Sunday morning Paul's. to 6 m favor of the first ofJ expectaJ.e Whether the times are good or bad. One would rates to the World's fair. Hates ure not apt to events, a picnic in this case, cast their coursed from Christ's "Come former, lhe 8tart for Iowai tne 24thi if they we shadows betore. number of years. The funeral was at ably words, as half-far- The evening services. Rev Dr Anderson of Waterburv unto me, an labor and are tne game was wen piayea, is snown enougn think that the mere expense ot pontage stamps go much lower than the determined are mst now tended from the house, Wednesday even- ye that heavy especially interesting offic preached in the Congregatoinal church, laden and I will give you rest." Rev Mr Dy tne score Deiow. At tne sixth mnmg Albert Titus' would not prevent people from Indulging In upon by the trunk lines for excursion travel special series of services being used with ing at 3 o'clock, Eev C. A. Knesal on in with Rev people expect a family of were to JJan-bur- y Sunday last, exchange Jones exchanged services by going to iiouies arm commenced 10 out ana i uoaraers, irns ween the usual amount of correspondence, but It has lly these numerous special trains one can trav conspicuous success. On last Sunday iating. The remains taken Joel b. the give and interred in Wooster Ives, pastor. Hidgeneid. vv tooK. on s i was a been who have el as in when the first was used, the attendance cemetery. yant nis piace tne pitcner iugar isrown taken with iara noted by postofllce oillelals (pilto as comfortably the ordinary The Charles house has started - was the largest for a regular evening ser- Stagg block, but as he pitched only a straight Jj'1"? stroke, last Tuesday, at Henry Bar- watched the figures a number and there 'should bo an immediate ou its travels to its new location, on the HYPPY THESE ! B closely during lay trains, vice of the year. It is purposed to con- CONGREGATIONAL FESTIVITIES". CHILDREN, ball, he was hadlv hit. A shower eump I of In trafllc to Samuel Booth property. year past, Unit the receipts from the postal and heavy Increase the passenger tinue them for some weeks to come first of season out of so was Walter Bronson's family and William 7 The picnic the Booth lost a The first party of fresh air children, 15 up the game called at the end of service is an almost sure Indication of the Chicago. In tho course of a crop canvass re Whenever it rains at o'clock the even was Wed Henry horse,Sundav last. Watt and wife have been occupying town held at Roxbury Falls, Dy death. of them, have come and gone and a the seventh with a score as fol Is ing service is omitted. It regularly be con- roy inning, their new at Mt Tom for it country' finances. It gratllylng to know centh mude amoni; farmers by a Western by the school ot the al time .Elm cot : cottage Ike gins at 7.30. nesday, Sunday Rev N. E. Cornwall has returned from gcoa they have had. lows few at a time. that all the talk ol hard times the rev- the was asked w hether th gregational church and their friends. A tage proves more than ever days despite agency, question train Wed his vacation and occupied his pulpit in delightful WASHINGTON. Hovt North and from Icdian enue ol the has not was from th MOIIH AllOlT THAT MEMORIAL WINDOW special left the Bethel station, with its cute dormitory, ana is a splen family, department the past year person addressed staying iiivny at 8 o clock and the Con Christ church, last Sunday. 12 K IB PO A E have been a little nesday morning place for them. Their 1 Territory, spending fallen oft. Albert II. chief of the rtf hii:h railroad rales. Ol beautiful memorial window James Deavitt and wife didly adapted I.. M. Logan, lb 1 s o 1 time . Scott, salary fitlron account the Another gregational church atrS.15 o'clock. The have returned has been varied with to c u 1 with his sister, Mrs O. Clark. been church. I from days stay trips U.J. Wyuin, f 0 u 0 and allowance division ol the posioillce de- 1M farmers iniestioned 77 replied In the at has added to St I'eter's day was all that could have been desired their wedding trip. the rides and Albro Sanchez, If o 0 2 0 o A niece of Charles Warner from Fair of beach, bathing, berrying, .1. a a 0 4 ad- has been placed there by the family for a good time and the returned a colored first U. Wyant, 0 has come to take care of partment, has Just the annual flrmatlve. party Lilly Tuppins, girl employed entertaining visitors. During the 1 121 1 O field, him. completed the late bdwin C. Hurd. lhe window well at about o o clock in the ar in the of Dr Lemuel W. Noble, p 0 of the salaries ot pleased family Beardsley, week they hughly enioyed a visit from G. Miss Belle Nichols is kt 31. justment the presidential shows for the the distant ternoon. was 3 stopping It would not bo strange If Mr Peary, th background arrested for stealing jewelry from tne iresn air circle ot Southport, com J. Meramble, b (10111120 0 0 W. Squires'. postmasters for tliu ensuing fiscal year, which masts and sails of fishing boats. The some of several children who have inter S. lticlimoiid, r t on of the boarders in the house. She posed .S. Ci. 2 1 12 O132 The finished are on revenuo of the ot Arctic explorer, accomplished something central figures are "Our Saviour and St ILLNESS OF EDITOR RHODEMEYER. Dlea Couteau, c 110 Grange has just .building based the respective ou was released under a $12 bond and skip ested themselves in this work, viz, Total, 0 U 20 3 10 a new in front of its new the trin on w hich ho has lust set out. The Matthew." The robe or mantle of John of this nor Beers, Bessie Corn platform quar- floes. The number ot salaries reviewed and Saviour is of rich scarlet, bordered with Rhodemever, formerly ped. Virginia Perry, HOTCHKISS VII.LE. ters. of mast house In which Peary will live in Gruonlnn town but now editor of the Winsted Her- wall, Hetty Perry, Richard Perry and adjusted was :i37ti, the salaries the post ermine. That of St Matthew a golde Miss Bertha Clark has gone to the R IB PO A E C. G. Poppensiek & Son, their busi Is on which is to tak ald, is reported as being dangerously ill Charles Cornwall. These little ones cr beliiji fA.tltill.Ton. The total board the ship Falcon, brown hue. The pose and expression of World's fair. F. Smith, c 12 o ness still increasing to grow, have found gross receipts He is at at his father's home in brought with them a donation of $10, the O him to the It is :!.! feet by Hi, and both are flarthe present M. Minor, i 0 it to another man, from these otllccs amounted to J.v.UCi.sol.H'.!, Icy regions. splendidly executed, Canaan and the cause of his illness is said Wilfred Peck sold a portion of his result of a dramatic potpourri given at Holmes, 1 b O 0 Decessary engage back can be seen a of the disciples 1 2 u Frank Marx, for the manufactur- an increase us with last Is built ol wood and tarred paper, the wall group to be pneumonia. household goods at auction, last week. the residence of Mrs Salmon Wakeman F. Squires, f cigar being compared year The words, "Follow Me," tell the story Last Mrs L of C. Smith, 3 b o 0 ing department. are and It will be surrounded by William Colton has rented the Plan Thursday, J. Pratt Hope K. H. 2 o 1 of ago the entire double, a me Cowles, b father-in-la- w t5,(Kt,l2s,Tl. Forty years of the text. It is indeed beautnui FIX UP THE ROADS. invited them to in the 2 Mr Brown, of stone wall two feet memor house on Broad street. chapel join picnic .Prance, s s 0 Henry revenue of the postofllces was about t.l.otHi.iKH), thick, protected by morial. There are several other given to her school class V. Allen, r t 0 o Barney, engineer at the creamery, hile Is from ial windows to be in the church! Something more than a road machine Calvin Curtis, the artist, died at his Sunday c t o o to-da-y Is .!, ikhi. sal- of snow. The house lighted placed at residence. were taken in J. Smith, out Tuesday was taken It (km, Following are the banking is needed on some of our streets at the home on her They up Total n 1 riding, morning, will electric in winter no distant date. Once more the orga King street, early Wednesday had a time roam with a shock. L pon home he aries ot Connecticut postmasters under the above and have lights forth its rich St I'et present time, as they want more than morning. He has been sick for a Bulkley's 'buand jolly 5 6 Total returning 1 peals tones, making qite over the fields, and 1 o 0 tt 13 sought his couch and was taken with new Where the names of towns The trouble with many ot the explorers er's a New York thin coating of road wash. They want number of days and his friends had bu ing berrying driving Hotchkissville was adjustment. (as gentleman recently some in Miss Dora Mtegeman's goat cart Washington o 4 0 o vomiting. Dr Ford called twice been no In the past has been that thoy were not one of the country good substantial filling and in some little hopes of his recovery. the lie was are not given there has change remarked), prettiest a deal of it. the rheir hostess then stuffed them with Left on base, Washington 4. during day. Wednesday thoroughly prepared for the long siege of churches to oe found. places good Perhaps Miss Nellie Booth has been at Mon lemonade, and other Lett on busts. Hotchkissville I. more comfortable. alary as compared wllh last year most needed are on Center street cake, good things 2, repairs treal, as the representative of the Con and sent them tired but First base on balls, W. Noble, i, J. Wyant, Rev Nelson delivered an old New Salary cold. Mrs D. A. Nichols entertains her aun and a on Greenwood avenue. home, happy aiinoi , a. J. interesting Salary portion gregational Endeavor society, at the I 1 Ansonla M' il"e Miss Priscilla here children returned to New lorkon Struck out by Noble, 12, J. G. Wyant, sermon at the Methodist church, last -- Beardsley. convention held in that lllrmlnghuin '"' inm Now that the Storrs school at Mansfield great place. Wednesday and their places were filled .Struck out by Minor, lo. Sunday afternoon, especially emphasiz ItrlMtol itmi Mr Mitchell, with his men, are cuttin After a long illness of pneumonia The town held, lust, week a second selected from the Passed balls, Couteau, 1, Smith, 2. a converr-- CUntonvM: !! has the from Congress Frederick T. is once more able meeting by party, Secoml base hits, O. Wyant, 1, Minor, 1 ing the fact that person, truly In got appropriation the grass for Mrs Ilubbell. Andrews, voted to an additional $1000 tow Wilson school. friend ac- - have a Colchester i"e" --Mi hi to expend ludustria) Many tiaine called at end ot seventh inning on ed, would desire to do kind and I to hav be about. lanlclsonvllle I7m son (which Tale university ought Marshall Beach bought the park gras ards completing the grading of hkidmore in Bridgeport have become interested count of rain. benevolent acts to their associates. Rev Kant lladilam I UNI Is a of Its is William Shaw, Jr., spent Sunday in hill. and are seea at Elm each Time ot game one hour and 20 minutes. Mr Griswold a I given up long ), there prospect It unusually heavy, this year. cottage day 11. - also preached very inter Deep River I"n wo town at the home of his William week a was held at I'nipire, John Koberts- sermon Mini broadening its work. Great improvements Miss Caroline Sherman continues very father, Strawberries are about gone and a fine Last fair the resi esting and instructive at the Dlastonbury l! hhaw on Chestnut street. dence of Mrs a service in Town Sun Ureenwleh .'irni are It will in futur poorly. Dr Lyons of Bridgeport is in at quality of raspberries are coining in to Sidney Bishop, by party Episcopal the hall, liullford I N) Mini already contemplated. Miss Bessie Durant i home for her of several misses, which ANOTHElt SWEDISH CHL'UCH. -- tendance. take their place. voung proved day evening. llartlonl " :iihmi admit women, and with five new de I young summer vacation from Vassar successful and netted 100, whic Litchfield ."mo Iinn( . There is no iu the condition of college. One of the large elm trees in front of highly The new Swedish bell I.mki will widen its usefulness foi the change was dor.;.ti'd to the Fairfield work, this Congregational l's partments Mrs r rey. George F. Walch of Meriden has been the Stagg property had to be cut down rang out a hue peal for the first time, W00DVILLE. Moodus '.''INI J'.nni work for which It was founded. The in town the week a few to make room week. All people interested are invited New :Tini istH) special The ladv board of uuiniigers of th during present days since, for th to call often. Donations of last Sunday morning. The Lutheran New Canaan l.lmi Hiki new of the institution confer Miss Annie M Mrs John Reid i a of railroad clothing, Swedes are tor the couiuience-- Mr Nelson preached here, July 0 1:km organization Woorld's fair has written spending part improvement. shoes, books, preparing New llartlonl ner vacation witn in The storm on bathing suits, toys, picture tueiiu ot their new does not Seth Couch and wife, Couch Mantle IH" plates the teaching of horticulture, vetrinar Moss that her dut pan exhibit had been visiting relatives Saturday night prevent sewing articles, fruit, vegetables are es- church, it George I if W. Itii Norlolk Mini mi an accepted and would be open to awards Canada ed the meeting or Housatonic grange till welcome. seem as two were needed. and w'fe spent the Fourth at kin's I :ti science, domestic science, English pecially Northford l.vsi higher she so desired. Miss Moss is the inven Mr and Mrs A. have Monday in Merryall. Mini I'iihi will cover George Shepard night. North Haven wood and iron work. The course tor of these dust and has sold a to Jvan KOMFOIiD. Misses Ellen and Fannie Calhoun are Norwalk in 1U pans lately returned irom visit Chicago and The Methodist society are arranging CTJf ( ; I! KG ATIOK A I. CIIUUC1I NOTES. I four or five us a student and l'latnvllle I.khi mo years, may elect, out all rights to a Western hrm, who ar sas City. for their annual picnic. visiting in Torrington. -- -- Kev E. G. Fullerton of the Park street A United States marshal from New Roekvlllti liio '.'' the practical branches taught will make the pushing the sales. Charles E. was in Mrs he Mouth Manchester Ioini I7i) Squares Seymour Hamilton Burton celebrated church, Bridgeport, will preach at the Haven, appeared here oil the night of E. Yale, wife and daughter, of Dan- - Houth Norwalk AKni jhm purposes of the Institution complete. It Is Martin Castle has traded horses' with ruesuay, cn business. 80th birthday, by giving a dinner party on morn- 10, and the Fourth at Aaron Yaie's. I.vni Hum Congregational church Sunday July arresting Daytou Duriey bury, spent MtafToril Springs Im- George Clark. i tie worm now to her and last week - 1.n lino gratifying to see thl s advance made lor the elm tree is getting in family friends, ing in exchange with Itey Mr Child. The Johu Siiaughuessy for entering the post- Marv Parker Cone and son have isit-- stonlnKtou W. Mrs was in of I Stratford IH of Inst Dr J. Sears and family of West its devastating work hereabouts. Burton the best health annual collection for the benefit of the othoe, last year, aud stealing postage ed at Mr Vale's. :hni provement this Connecticut itntion. to shellleld Haven are at F. I). Uolliter's. Mr and Mrs Deroy Judd of Kansas and spirits and seemed likely celebrate Sunday school will be taken at this time. stamps, money, etc. E of vew has been TlioiiipHonvlIlu l.'sm Who many more such anniversaries. jefferson york Watertown Iwm lino Citv, Mo., are guests of his sister, Mrs spending a few days at Mr Geer's. Miss I.'mn) EAST VILLAGE. of of West Haven IHni George S. Bussett on Greenwood avenue George Butler,one the employees OI" CA1MUE accident TO LENA sloCLM. Belle of New York is also 1 DEATH J. WIIALLEY. Wagoner Wlmlsor Hini IJINI Mrs A. Smith and children of New On acount of a Rev the railroad contractors, broke his leg there. Windsor Locks Wnt l.vm In Fairfield J. slight indisposition two struck a The village people have watc'ied with Lena Siocura, daughter of Heny Slo- - boarding 1UM JINKI County. Haven are at J. W. William Morrall was unable to deliver places, by being by large Wlnsled Waterbury's. stone, which from the hook much interest the sickness of Carrie J cum, who moved here from Waterbury Mr Knickerbocker and wife of New East Hartford has been dropped from tlnoo Beers and are at his his sermon, last Sunday morning, at St slipped grab were last met with a accident iorK nave nceu a iew aays ai Philip family Thomas church. The sermon at even while being swung into position by the Whalley. They hardly prepared wiuter, serious spending to a fourth class otllce. brother's, A. J. Beers'. the derrick at the street for the sudden termination of her iife at last Friday. While picking raspberries Mark Huntley's. Also Mr Norman and S0UTHP0RT. ing service was also omitted King crossing. on of end and wife from New Haven. The wife of shoe the IJridgcport hospital. She wa taken the edge the remaining of tne Mr and Mrs Charles Bailey returned DeLaurentis, the and her re- old Olmstead mill dam. she lost her bal- - E. Neth has returned from Ne w York CS HAVE GOOD SOADS. BRIDGEPORT. maker on Main died last week. there, Monday, Thursday LET TRINITY CIIL RCII NOTES. home, last Saturday evening, from an ex street, mains were bronght back to her father's ance aud fell about 12 feet, striking on and has been spending a week at Har- - tended tour the West, which had The truck company voted to attend in There are families in the town the her head Mr w ife Ilev Kenneth Mackenzie officiated in The steam with its tnrough houe. I'jcks below, badly bruising vey Couch's. Dedrick and have writer ot the Hen lluzz rode He yacht, Thyra, California for its objective point. They a body, the funeral ot their late compan where she will be greatly missed. She aud shoulders, causing her to be uucon- - also been there. The recently Trinity, Sunday morning. preached C. and a of VV guests owner, Barnutn Seeley party a very ion, htilen on atte was a member of scious. Wallace Ricilmoud, who was . ; fu .. about W miles over roads In Kastern a tine sermon to a large congregation, in report pleasant journey Whiting, ednesday the Congregational w ew,,., j i...i, country friends on board, stopped our harbor in noon. church since 1881. The funeral services near carried her home t')een liev Dr tiuilbert preached in Trinity in Mr The Putnam park commission have fishing by, andjDr bur have vi',,ine HC w. Foote's. Connecticut and Western Rhode Island and early this week order that Seeley Some of our market were afternoon. Her pas- lord was called. At last she church, Westport. contemplation the building of a large pa gardeners held, Sunday reports Mrs Yale and babe c f Romford w to And in could attend to some important business. vilion in some Pev Mr was and con- was Frank delighted great Improvement were on a down East a few the park time time in the picking sweet corn. tor, Child, present improving are at Aaron Yale's. . MR BUNNELL BUSY. They trip for visiting the condition of tho public-highways- The future ducted the solemn serice. Beautiful weeks. Mrs Osborne is verv low and her death flowers were sent Her W. Abbott, wife and two childien of he had dis- fellow B. A beach of Charles I by neighbors. SOUTH STREET SCHOOL. thank you mams, found, Our citizen, George Bunnell, The exterior of all at Bar-nu- m party composed niay be expected at any lime. as as he Milford, are at is and He has buildings Bailey and ID V. Dibble and fam father carried out her wishes far visiting George Brngues: appeared, the hills had been graded down, at home, now, hustling. and winter quarters are family, could about her funeral. The coffin was A consist-- also Ida Brague of Bridgeport. had his house renovated and barns paint- Bailey's ily, Mr and Mrs Deroy Stone, Robert pleasant entertainment, and W. W. house Messrs sino-ino- the hollowt had been graded up, continuous Intends to make his one of being painted repaired. iveeler, William Uiekok, Miss Susan Row borne from the by Betts, ing ot recitations, dialogues, Mr BeanDley and bride of Bridgeport ed, lie place Walker & Son have the painting contract. REDDING. Burt and rhe ourt'1 at eore , gutter had been cut on both sides, and the the most beautiful in our town and is en and Miss Ilattie Dyon spent several Pickett, Sturges, Osborne, and gymnastic exercises was held by the sPent """ague II. B. cashier of the week Wakeman and laid by the side of her Mrs Sarah Beard-le- v Kent Hollow road-be- had been rounded up to shed having good success as a farmer. Mr Drew, formerly days last camping out at Cedar 6treet June the of Connecticut national who was in- A brothers and sisters. She was the only South school, Friday, 30, visir.ed K bank, near GOOD TEACHER. v I her hrot.liers. flrtrvi? ami Bunnell Is also busy booking attractions Point, Westport. They encounter ...... , r . . : l . i 1. ... . v.. .; .w-- . . S,l water. Of course this does not make one UL I perfect his in New jured while the building was being deco- ed verious kinds of weather and upon left to her father. All sympathize iaicui tile upiia auu vuucia ucui COUCh, JUly ill, old-tim- for theaties Haven, the At close be- sys-te- the of the summer term of the with him in his : roads, but the change from the and Grand house, for rated for the Columbus parade, has so their return related some thrilling great sorrow, being present. The program was as follows There wa a dance at .1. on Hyperion opera far recovered that he is now able to anu vtry school in Hopewell district, the ladies of reft of all he held most dear. Cheeney's ot mending Is Immensely encouraging. which he has partly secured one of the nairorcaotn escapes ana some or them "Little Traveler," A song by the school the evening of July 4. AU t a good drive out By the loss of his mus- are inclined to is the district presented the teacher, Miss repot In one ot the poorest towns ot Rhode Island most attractive line of attractions ever daily. think that camping out Jennie McDonald, with an silve return- "Independence Bell," Recitation, Minnie time. ottered to the He also books for tache he looks many years older. not all that it is to be in elegant Mrs Kippenand daughter have lor instance, use three of the best road public. pictured stoiy jewel casket. Miss McDonald has taught ed from Chicago and are enthusiastic Botstord. D. Burns of Mount Tom had two cow 8 they most of the opera houses in this part of The thunder shower, which passed UOOKS. school - "The Frisbie. killed the machines. have abolished the district over a the for several years and given about the World's fair. Mrs Ilarrall Clock," Becitation, Mury by lightning during storui of They the state, and it looks as if he would the citj , last Saturday night, put Andrews, Mackenzie & Co., are having excellent son return- "The Arrow," Recitation by the school. 5. ot on the concert at Seaside satisfaction, lhe patrons also, with and daughter, have July system and elected a commissioner high- soon control that part of the business. damper park. another finishing lathe and an ironing the school are to lose her but she ed a "Old Folks At Home,", A song by the school Two Mr from Penn- Nevertheless rain the m sorry and report very pleasant time at the friends of Terrisk way who hire the work done to order.and, tlje heavy during machine placed their hat factory. has obtained a position nearer home. White City, where they spent a month. "Little Rebel," Read by Carrie Spencer and made him a short visit, one During one of the several thunder evening did much good, as everywhere A. B. Minnie Botsford. sylvania day with the alectmen,l responsible for the con- in was needed. Hopkins, the painter, has been John ID Glover, the last of the found- last week. storms of last week, the mast of the this vicinity rain Mrs Dauren Hickok's residence BARNS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. "Bo Mary Frisbie. dition of the roads the year round. A fter the was treating ers of St Paul's parish now living, was peep," Recitation, schooner, Mary Elizabeth, struck I. C. Fowler, who purchased the on Main street to a fresh coat of paint "The Horse," Recitation, by the school road are with the machines, then by and business of II. has During the severe thunder storm of present at the services, Sunday morning. WOODBURY. shaped lightning badly splintered. grocery George Dee, Edwin C. Fairchild is spending a week' two were struc He is going" with bis to "The Thrush," Recitation, Dannie Frisbie. come the work ot and tho Moses took a sail- retained the services of Mr Dee for the Saturday night, barns family Newport, "Model the school. gravelling, people Bulkley large party summer vacation visiting with friends in Brook by lightning and, with their contents,en- - R. D, for the summer. Class," Dialogue, by stone-crushe- r in his on months. "Tliu are already talking ot a for tho ing yacht, Fauna, Saturday. lyn, N. Y consumed. One to the wife been song," Mary Frisbie. MR DRAKG1.EY S IIOL'SF. ON FIRE. The B. C. and M. M. K. club are Thousands have visited Seaside tirely belonged Maurica Lyon and have A song the school. town. Improved road are everywhere hail- daily Born, Friday, July 7, a daughter to M hotel at West Redding the other was the spending some days' in town with his sis- "Iviluudge," by erecting a large covered platform, in the park to look at the P. T. Barnutn statue, Mrs Oavies ot x Co "The Dipper," Recitation, Carrie Spencer, George Drakelev's house was discov- - ed as sign of conditions of life and since and waiter property the Gilbert Bennett ter. Bethel, Maine, has been his sum- Improved rear of the club house, which overlooks it was'linveiled. The grand stand at "The Cricket," Recitation, William Frubie, ered on fire SimcUy, but after some hard ot The town has been and now Mrs Abby Fairchild is having her resi Georgetown. mer resort for the month of August for and Millie the hope bettor days. system the sound. The club has been recently removed, the statue on 20 Alice Spencer Pratt work it was out. It was caused and has a of can be seen to not dence Elm street repainted. Frank McDonald years. "Which Is the Read Frisbie. put by and the efVclent use ot machines are incorporated membership advantage, only by is the work. Pattick has purchased Wiser," by Mary in about 30. the present but to Staples doing new mower of E. VV. Mrs Esther Huntington left, last week, "Summer Day .Motion the school. hot ashes the wood house. to be the mean of saving money and generntion, by many Deering Sipperly and piece," by proved The friends of Miss Ilattie will come. Elgin S. Andrews is having extensive Mr Sipperly has been a boarder with for Chicago the fair. "Sixty Years Ago," Recitation, Alice Spen wear and tear and vexation of Jessup alterat ions and made I'ERSOXAL time, spirit. be pained to learn that she is seriously George A. Northrop, formerly with improvements about McDonald while engaged on the artesian G. Herbert Knapp is recovering from cer. CHAT. we must and will have. W. his residence on Grand street. He i3 to is a second attack of malarial and Silk Is Read Better road ill at the residence of Mrs W. W. Wake- - H. Raymond's Courtland stable, has well he digging tor Miss J una H. San fever, "How Made," by William Fria Mrs Minnie of New man. The doctors do not much severed his connection with it and is now have a ciicular veranda and tower built ford. proposes to spend two week among the ble, Alice Spencer and Millie Pratt. Smith, OHVen, give on the front other and hope of her recovery. manager of the Noble avenue stable, part among things. G. M. Sherman rode over from "Shel- Berkshire Hill, to recuperate. "Free Schools Forever," A song by Millie children are visiting her parents, Mr In the oi the where Water mains have been distributed on Middle school Mrs A general reduction price big Miss Ruth Sturges of Birmingham is he would be pleased to see his old ton to visit his father, Geoi Sherman Pupils of district enjoy- Pratt, and Walter S. Bruin. 1 at hand. The Cosmo-- p friends, Grand street to extend the service from on a wheel, the trii IS miles ed the ice cream festival and fair at the "How the Cat Learned to Dance," Recita magaxlne popular Visiting Mrs Henry Sturges. Division street to avenue. making Dr has removed the fence in reduced to U l a cents and Uev Diamond in about two hours. close of the school, the treat being given tion, Mary Frisbie. Rodger illtan ha Just George C. Boswell is to give a the Mrs Smith and Miss "The Minnie Bots front of his residence. is an 13 - Capt Jenkins and wife of Mount Ver by teachers, Chaplain's Daughter," It improve- the now MeClure'a magazine start off at lecture under the auspices of the En- L. a. banford will make the journey Otstott. All the occa- worth for the benefit of the ASPETUCK. non have oeen guests of Alva Taylor on rrom Krookline on his wheel. U13 greatly enjoyed tord ment. cent. The older monthlies are bound to league, Hauroad avenue dog, sion. Good byes were said to Miss "Doll's sad fall," Dialogue, William Frisbie, iueiuouisc cuurcn. Haieign, will De his companion. next will be Samuel Toinlinoii and Frank ilitch-- is a It should be. West-bor-o, Otstott, whose work fall Mary Frisbie, Millie Pratt and Dannie Frisbie. drop sooner or later. This & of New Mr and Mrs Thomas Foster are enter- Mr and Mrs Joseph Coltman of Charles Smf.ird ha- a cock arrived home from Whiw Macy Co., York, are to purchased reap taken up in Greenwich. "Seven . times one." Recitation, by the the City, It will bring popular literature within the board a number of here dur relatives from Island. Mass.j have been spending several er, with which he his their girls taining Long at Mrs s rye Horace was relected commit- school. Saturday evening. reach ot the masse and at the same time ing the summer. Meeker was made the victim nays viaiting eoltraan father's and is now engaged in helping his neigh Jennings Percy by J. vv. Burr, pn Blackman avenue bors. works well tee in Mill Plain and the present teacher "Luck," Dannie Frisbie. Herbert Wyckoff has returned a for the publishers. Just 400 have been licensed so a horse thief to the sum of $25. It under the skilifu will be Millie Pratt and hoie ptove paying thing dogs The fire which occurred at Lee, Haw- - of Charlie Lferned. probably retained. "Popping Corn," Mary from New Haven. far this year. Hiram is on his manipulations came in Frisbie. Jennings getting hay ley x Katchford's hat factory, Danburv Sanford i3 about the busiest Five carriages in collision ha a law which is found un- The work of the spraying machine, for mother's farm, Mrs Luclnda Grumman. last was seen Stephen front of. the the of 'Gymnastics," by the school. Charles Mitchell of California is in North Dakota Monday night, very plainly man in town, these parsonage evening am A elm is so far. Miss is . days, liaviog got For- "I a Pilgrim," song by the school, town for a few and we all to trade. Under It trees, very satisfactory Mary Jennings visiting her by people in this place and led many to w. is en July 4. Two were badly used up. weeks, ate profitable the lawyers' Kev c. Kenya nay, he nw ,. Millie Pratt. to see him after his absence cf 10 Mrs Z. B. Burr is the guest of Mrs A. grandparents, Mr and Mrs William tninK that it was somewhere in Bethel in about 40 acres for Mrs tunately no one was injured. "Naughty Chicken," Recitation, glad "court oi conciliation" are established, the - gaged getting of an Read Fris from here. D. Penny. Wakeman. Mrs A. E. Barber is the sum S. U. besides ail of h Frank D. Hotchkiss has gone to the "Story Apple," by tWilllam years of which 1 to Ag- spending Osborne, having bie, Alice spencer and Millie Pratt duty prevent litigation. G. L. Shepard Is rusticating in Long mer at jn . x . own to he has excel- fair at Chicago. Mrs Lewis is to have a white cement before each Chautauqua, get. Fortunately, "Cherries are ripe," Recitation, Mary Fris grieved parties may appear it, Island. Mrs A. L. Benedict has been lent helpers in his two boys, who aid Mrs Huntington has gone to the bie. sidewalk in front of her residence, on and the court will en- son of M. V. STEVENSON. spending him in the work. World's fair. side stating Its case, It. Fred Dunham, Dr a few weeks visiting with her son, Rev effectually rushing "Patting np stoves," Read by Carrie Spen Main street. We wish all those who deavor to effect a settlement without ex- B. Dunham, has secured a position with Arthur Benedict, at Housatonic. Mrs H. S. Barnes and her son, Her- Mrs Robertson and child are visiting cer, own property on that street would do the of Mass. Miss Ford of and are a few their H. a few pense to them. No lawyer are admitted to Daily Despatch Brockton, Josephine Seymour William McDowell has begun picking bert, spending days at her father, I. Flint, for days. "Shall we gather at the river," song by the the same. The new residence of Simon Banks is Dr Morgan of New York visited Mrs and his ' old boarding place, S. S. Osborne's. The ladies' of St Paul's held a school this unique tribunal. Some good results have William the Sth. After marketing raspberries. guild Charles Ilinraan and of Brook- almost completed. He expects to move Jordan, donning H- - What with the harvest and hay- fair in the room, after- "Summer Recitation, Mary Frisbie. family How robes of more ac- Charles Hurlbatt, Jr., the Bethel rye gnild yesterday Day," now summer already been realized from the system. in soon. ample proportions and ing this has been about the busiest week noon and had a liberal of Carrie lyn occupy their residence companied by the hostess and Miss Sher- apd Danbury expressman, is having one patronage. "Legend Bregrenz," Spencer. on Main street. would it do lor Connecticut to try it? The Sunday schools of the Congrega- of his express wagons Frank of the summer. HW;he weather contin- The vigorous colony at New Danbury "If I was a bird," William Frisbe, Alice man, they repaired to the cherry tree repainted. ues our will be able is new life beach and Millie tional and Trinity Episcopal churches of Staples is doing the job. favorable farmers to giving to the the Spe.ncer, Pratt aud Mary Frisbie. Edward Candee has been in will a former recollections. The feat of to the beach than common. - demand for the of fiie new road "What Robin visiting Swton, a Roman Catholio celeb- hold picnic at Parlor Itock, July said tree was Charles Ohlweiler of South street has go earlier opening told," Mary Frisbie. town the past week. Monslgnor 10. climbing performed with to the finest of the beach, must home the the school. noble In a recent as much and as in entertained as guest his brother, Nichol- Dan Green, having assisted his father this, part " "Driving cow," by rity, uttered thl sentiment, is- skill, agility pleasure soon result in ; The Fairfield Pavilion Co. have Miss Ford carried home as, of Brooklyn, N. Y. in getting hay, has returned "to his work something. "Mowing," Mary Frisbie. Next Sunday, the gospel temperance address at a university oommencnient. He sued younger days. on the dam. - . B. our and success- "Why she left," Dialogue, Carrie Spencer will be held in the town hall at tide tables for and as , An-son- ia Betts, enterprising meeting July August, the fruits of her victory a proof of Mr and Mrs Charles of . .' Is to American success, Trumpbour comes week with and Minnie Botsford o 4 o'clock. aid Labor the key for the benefit of bathers. They are a her in this uncommon, have been his C. Master Ames Merritt of Danbury is ful merchant, out this ability slightly visiting " father, J. a new A riieemlgrant privations and pioneer struggles great convenience to many. but none the less line of recrea- Tau-mpbour-, the baker. spending a few days with his grandfath- brilliant delivery wagon. "Marching through Georgia," song by pleasant D. the school. NEW MILFORD- - of our people In the making ot New England, Mr and Mrs John L. Morehouse are tion. The Plain hose held er, Sanford. a few weeks at the Thousand Grassy company Ben After the of the P. from tn the making of the Great Wost and all the spending their annual election of officers, last week Bradley of Bridgeport and a par- rendering program C Bently returned Chicago, Islands. of friends and relatives Litchfield News. the Miss Edith furnished . rest ol our beloved country, the boyhood diff- Thursday evening,' with the following re- ty eight spent County teacher, Smith, Wednesday. John Gorham and George NICHOLS. Frederick B. ; as the Fourth with his mother. Edward ice. cake and E. Green of New Britian is ot so ot our eminent men from Bulkley, sult: Foreman, Piatt cream, strawberries for the Perry iculties many started Monday, for Seymour, Col., sistant, Samuel Hanna; secretary, Steph- -; furnished the stylish turnout which con- scholars and Aisitors. home on a short vacation. and Webster to Lincoln, Grant and Gar- where will their in- Mrs Nelson who been en veyed the ; Mrs Brad- Clay they inspect mining Ilubbell, has M. Burr; treasurer; John McManus ; merry company. LANESVILLE- - A large attendance is expected at the terests. Is was to the occasion and made to-da- y- field, have set a halo oi romance on thesaored quite ill, much better. Mrs Uattie trustees, Frank Benedict, John R. Mans- ley equal ball game The Danbury's have Mrs Averill and son of are ilubbell is with her now. field and Robert Carruthers ; them heartily welcome. Mrs E. Gruman is visiting her cousin, two or three new and will come brow of labor. Michigan, delegate players - w . u. Mrs to the state firemen's convention. John . -- . the guests oi airs Jennings. Frank Hemingway of Bridgeport Austin Smith and family of Bridge- - "enry nsuie. up to win. . R. Mansfield ; Edward an able Miss Martin is the guest of Miss Annie is visiting her mother, this week. . alternate, Bourne. water were Misses Lena and Winnie Fenn return- - Otis Way, Samuel Dickens. Harry The New England Homestead loses here, Sunday. , Mr and Mrs Coan, former resi- The main building of George A'. Shep- TRUMEULL. ea ,ast ween.-- have been Andrews and Robert Ives have been man in the of Charle R. Buckland, Bulkley. Henry Julia Brewster snent the Fourth at nome' lney departure dents ard & Son's new is raised. . aunt in Green for a few 1 of Nichols, and also Dong Hill, plant being Still River. visiting their Ansonia. camping at pond days. take on the star! of thu who now reside in who position LYON'S PLAIN. Demorest, Ga., are Mr and Mrs E. Wood left town, last Mrs Sherman Bronson of t ,Mrs Dr O. Brown gave a duplicate The Weantinaug is well filled with York Mr friends in and . CHESTNUT HILL. Bridgewater ' American Economist of New Buck, visiting Bridgeport Long Saturday morning, for Boston, to attend visited friends ' whist Saturday afternoon, which guests, this summer. It promises to be a here, Thursday. - 1 the funeral of Mr Wood's Oliver was much - successful season. .. : land a man of varied experience and an A meeting ,of the archdeaconry of brother, Miss Nettie Plumb is visiting at her who been ill Pyenjoyed. A. B. Fairchild has moved his Wood. home in Mrs Daniel Marsh, has on statistics. HI place will be Fairfield county, was held In Grace family Bridgeport. for some is ' Miss Mary B. Church returned home, Howard L. Joyce of New York is vis- authority C. Dan-bur- y. time, failing slowly. on Alex- from to his summer home Rev A. Knesal in the - in In Chief who ha church, Norwalk, Tuesday. Rev Bridgeport preached Monday. She has. been in Tallaquah, iting friends town. hard to fill. Editor Myriok, ander Hamilton attended. The dele- here. Methodist, last Dr Blackman of New York has been Anj0cu list "r Indian for a month. Home-stea- Sunday morning. B"dfP'"K Territory, nearly F. Addis and J. H. Cochrane drove boon la control of the policy of the d were Charles Johnson and John His place in the Methodist church here a few with his Dr was week. J. gates stopping days friend, s ,i Mr and Airs Finch of South Norwalk, to Leach Hollow, last Friday, and since Editor step-po- ll W. Garllck. was filled by the Rev Elliott D. Smith. Clifford Nichols. publication Phelps EAST0N B7:S&"fSAn, Ww at w have, been his aunt, Mrs brought home about 75 bull frogs, taken 1 Mr suc- The Bethel hat trimmers' association Miss is spent Wednesday a wlek, return-Crosb- y out, now In Europe. Myrick's Mrs Maria Banks entertained Allie Mary Sterling visiting among s. rll Harriet Gibson, for have from Creek pond. Piatt and wife of South Norwalk several Mr will will hold a special meeting at the Town friends in New York. ed home. Miss Annie Gibson is home in the river is cess since ho left the Amherst agricultural Rev Ayer preach in the Bap- this 7.30. W. B. and Orrin Dorwiu Fishing very good at days of this week. tist ex- ball, evening, at Daniel's Farms new road, although not Hamlin spent frorn Sherman fcr the summer. . present, number of black bass be- college adouen year ago, has been marked. church, Surday, July 16, by the Fourth In ' large Dr Riker of Portchester, N. Y., preach with Rev Mr Pierce and in the G. W, Wheeler spent the Fourth, in quite completed, is extensively traveled. Bridgeport. Rey Charies Bradley and wife of Quin- - ing caught daily. ; . - without a cent, he has aoott. change of is with his Leaving college ed In Emmanuel, both at the morning and evening there will be a union service at STamfOrd, at the home of his daughter. On account of the storm. last week, the Milton Marsh Bristol Cy, Til.; came Tuesday, for a short visit Miss C. I. Lane of New York City Is inulatud property, and made a name among evening service on Sunday last. 118 .he Congregational church, liev Mr Stephen T. Craine and Amos S. Schoon Daniel's Farms Y. P. S. C. E. did not auntt Mrs Sarah Marsh. Bt J.eavitt Brinsmade's. - visiting at Mrs J. F. Addis' on West He Is was to Norwalk on morn- - Knowles was 5a our tin) agricultural editor of the country. driven Monday, Pierce wiJJ preach the sermon. AH are maker, Jr., returned, Wednesday meet. The next meeting will be held Miss Clara place jjf and. Mrs Peck Beach are soon go-- street. CONN., BEE week in Yellowstone park, the entlre trip Newtown Congregational church, one jiWTOWN, about two months. Sunday, August 27. Mr Smith recently .' occupying lectured here. He is an able and elo-- Business ( raiDAt, n. i83 ouent preacher, and will doubtless at Booming jult A GOOD FIRM. - - - tract a large audience. - AT . TZECIE , CIRCULATION: THE D. M. BEAD That firm of of C0MPMY, CAST 610 enterprising clothkts GEMS FROM OUR EXCHANGES. 1,1883, & are a f t week, 8300 Bridgeport, Meigs Co., hftv'.ug BENNETT'S. COPELAND fine summer trade. Their advertisement WHERE THE PRETTY GIRLS STUB THEIR on BRIDG-EPO.BT- . another page tells the story. They TOE8. are offering which Affairs About Town. great bargains brings side- Oxfords Colored. in the trade. Judicious Better fix that planking on the and advertising, walk over the near Dr It BR0VS. CO. combiuud with fair treatment, always bridge Camp's. , r .,. ME LEONARD'S GUESTS. causes bicyclists to use profane language A SAVING OF MONEY. pays. Children's 5 to and recently a pretty girl stubbed her Shoes, spring heel, 8, - U. lJurke, IJobrrt JSerg, New York ; Children's fine 6 to 1 1, 50c. T toe against it and would have fallen but Dongola, spring heel, JD-- "G-OOD- S AT 6 CENTS, ind Mrsli. D. Thomp-ton- , New 11a-- l; Kev. and Mrs S. W. Delzell have been Ladies' c. J for the timely presence of a nice young Black Oxfords, 49 Dress Mr Mrs C. L. Dan-f- y received Into the of the Cal- tight Cambrics, regularly 8c and IMdier, membership man. Connecticut Western News. - Ladies' Colored Oxfords, 59c. Ar- - at New Haven. ; H. C. Thompson, New lav'n ; vary Baptist church Fine Kid Oxfords, 79c. 3-- 4 r ' AT 8 CENTS, Allen, lJrldeport; J. H. Uoot, AHESIII IS BRILLIANT. Paris Kid Oxfords, 99c. meets Bedford c- Irtford; L. llurkhtmlr, New JIaven ; The Trinity Guild this (Friday) - Figured Cord, regularly 12 J. There are times when a good many of Men's Shoes, patent leather, $1.99- 1 W. . Joyce, rrovldenue; F. C. afternoon with Miss Ada Peck on Mt us have to sit down to think where to A-ZLnTID . CARPETS. AT A. New Pleasant. -- 10 CENTS. thola, Bridgeport; lleartt, stand. Woodbury Keporter. TIRTTJSTiKIS.' iBa-s- rk; A. C.. reek, Boston; Almon Gll-jt- e, at cut Extra wide Challies, 12 c- Mrs Fairchild a of prices. Full lines of Summer Goods in all de regularly Kansas CHy, Kan. ; J. O. Pnlllips, Henry spent part EDITOR BOLANDE MAKES A POINT. last week at her old home in partments. All the novelties in 1-- N. M. Beach, Wil-.t- n Botsford. AT 12 2 !ton; Bridgeport; This is good soda weather. Editorial CENTS; Newall, Springfield. Fine also Dotted Swiss Lawrence has. rented the Fair-chil- d in Saturday's Post. Wash Dress Goods Zephpr Ginghams, regularly 19c; Taylor 15c. - home, to it soon. Mull, regularly DEATH OF A FORMER RESIDENT. expecting occupy THE FARMER OF CHICAGO'S PULSE. Ginghams, Percales, Cambrics. Sa FEELS teens and Dotted Swiss at It can be their that popular pri AT 15 CENTS, taken James Lord is getting hay for Miss hardly piety keeps ces, i following obituary notice, the Chicago people from the big Limerick 20c. the Brewster tells of the Julia Warner. visiting Lawns, regularly Standard, show on Sundays. Editorial in Mon- Parasols (.The ot an old Newtowner, who will be and Sunshades Lonnie of Monroe day's Farmer. All the new AT 17 CENTS, by many as a watchman at Master Nichols spent designs and colors. Ladies Silk the Fourth with his uncle, Edward Umbrellas In nany, garnet and brown. French India Pongees, 25c- - pin rubber factory for 20 years, during A of the Order of the World will regularly s lodge Full and " of u. uaceiy. air in-er- Bewrdsley. complete stock of Laces, Gloves and "giuie J. be organized Wednesday evening, July 307 MAIN STREET, BRIDGEPORT, Eibbons at prices that are AT 19 . . ;as a half-brothe- r of Mrs Anna Kahchlld right. CENTS, IS, atr Hook, by S. V. P. Chatfield "f The thunder storm of last Sandy Black e. Canaan, and has muuy friend In town . Saturday of New Haven. Charter members of Fast Lawns, bordered, regularly 37 the from the THE MEEIDEN DAILY JOURNAL notice follows: Julius 8. Beers died night kept people away this business men's order will be on hand Millinery. t ft Town New Miiford Tlnspi-a- n has decided to accept the plans of the Hats, Bonnets,Sailors,Flowers and Ornaments, AT of ailment at his home hall, and the office an 25 CENTS, complication at Dr 1'ichardson's time named always the latest and always the lowest - dramatic club had an audience of less prices. c. t Oak street, Brewster, Thursday even- for examination. The initiation fee is $5. Silk Stripe Ginghams, regularly 37 Black Lace Jacon-ette- s, C..t than 00. Nevertheless, the "The Columbian Tourist no, about 6 o'clock, in the year of his play, World's Company, Jackets and regularly 35c. Crepons, plain colors, regularly 50c. ,JK0. Mr and Mrs Beers of late al- - Commercial Drummer," was proceeded most investigated the plans of all others. The Journal has with Capes. years, Miss Julia Hawley, daughter of E. N. Having thoroughly arranged All to be cloted out invalids and of with. It is possible it may be repeated as to send a party of six to the World's Fair. Call or send for information. regardless of cost. Now is AT hot helpless objects pity, llawley, has been engaged to teach the your chance to save money. 35 CENTS, natives of another lived here at an early date. The party came .though state, Taunton district school for the coming & Scotch Novelty Zephyrs, 50c. i down by team, and left for New Miiford WARNER, WOOD WOLFE, regularly Brewster. Loving neighbors and year. Children's naritablo friends contributed to their about midnight. Tor Connecticut, Department. 1--2 Agents Jackets and Long Coats. Gingham, Cambric, AT 37 CENTS, KJinfort and the old couple seemed hap- Mrs E. P. Jenkin3 of Bridgeport is ex- and white embroidered Dresses, and Bon- l!ev William A. of New Caps French Organdies, regularly 50c. pier than In many cases where circum- Beardsley pected to be at the Hawley villc mission, Sanford Building, Bridgeport, Conn. nets. Haven is his Mr and A Choice stances are far more favorable. About a visiting parents, this week Saturday evening; also at the Selection of Mrs wear ago Mrs Beers died. The separa- Agur Beardsley. Sunday school, Sunday afternoon at 2.45 some veranda on two sides of the house. Ladies' Shirt Waists. The house is to be in delicate In New Haven tion of this aged couple, who had shared and in the evening at 7.30. painted County. In Silk, Percale, Sateen. Lawn, Zephyr and Kev Mr will on Sun- cream colors. Cambric. WASH DKESS GOODS rie pleasures of year of prosperity, and Linsley exchange Latest styles and perfect fitting. with Kev Mr of St Thom- Arthur Terrill rides through this vill- a long day Beardsley Can now be had at reduce prices. hardships accompanying Miss Helen M. Baker of Brooklyn, N. age at a lively gait on his new Union Mrs A. C. Cook of Brooklyn is spend- ihe ot Ulneus and as church of New Haven. Basement. adversity, produced V., is staying at Horace Northrop's for wheel. ing a few days with Miss Sarah Bradley. bock upon Mr B'iers which very mate- - Charles Hill of Bethel is helping Carpets, Lace.Curtains, Rugs, Shades and Up- a season. D. F. Pierce is Goods. ' flally hastened his death. Deceased was Kev Mr Barhydt preached at Trinity mo-- Charles Nichols harvest the hay crop. slowly mending. holstery lie returned to fa member of Harmony lodge,!. (). (). F., again, last SuntSuy. Elm trees are covered with small Brooklyn on Monday. Fairfield News. brown which THE. D.M. READ ?t New Haven and that lodge has always Count f LONG HILL. worms, threaten to destroy Housefurnishing Dep't. COMPANY, Uvontrlbuted largely to his support. For the leaves. Crockery, China, Glass, Banquet, Hall and Par- .'!S was received at lor Lamps. f months t ll'orts were forth to A collection of jnany put POSTM A A blue beetle with a red head is on for the new organ GEORGETOWN. TI1K NEW ST Eli. long A new and desirable a Meure for hhn a berth in the Md Fellows' Trinity Sunday, amusing himself destroying the slugs of article, liome of Connecticut and in this thi fund. A. A. Hall 1 as been appointed post the Colorado beetle. Good luck to him. master. SEWING MACHINE 'BRIDGEPORT, CONN. of his lodge weie finally successful. - Miss Bessie Bates of South Norwalk of the visitors at The Crops all kinds are looking very A few weeks ago, the day before Meino-ria- l Among weekly spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs Louis The Methodist church was well filled, D. M. Mitchell a SX. Bi:k ofllce there is none more welcome finely. found stalk of (lay, a committee arrived for the pur-(loo- P. Miller. Sunday evening, with attentive listeners four inches in and For than Walter S. Bradley of Stevenson. rye eight feet, length of conveying him to the home. That don't Thk and to hear the patriotic sermon from I!ev the whole in head3 and The members of Thk Bkk force were es- Why you buy Bek, get piece heavy long WAJCTED A gentle pony, one that a lady light ho was stricken with paralysis and the news?? Mr Gurney, the pastor of the church. full grain. His onion is the finest Co. and drive. MRS B. if. hi removal was Since that pecially glad to see him on Wednesday, patch The Gopeland Brother's I'REXCH, Stepney Depot, Conn. abandoned. It was gotten up with much thought and ever raised in this section. Corn, tobac- as he them to lemonade and ice at 3 3 ..time Rev Frank lleartueld has emleavor-- treated Ezra P. Bennett spent Saturday a deal of earn- SOLD. IJIOK SALE In Weston, mils from care,delivered with great co and potatoes are in tine WHERE THE BEE IS and 5 miles from a ot - cream, t ome nrotner New York. While there he a shape. Norwalk, farm ed to have him admitted into tin- home again i.rauiey. purchased estness. Had it not been on Sunday it BRIDGEPORT. about tie acres containing large d wellingbouse. for incurables at but to flute, which he says stands second to noue llev Mr Smiley was absent from his uarn, carriage-nous- e ami otner Fordham, owing would have been applauded frequently. last Union services In excellent repair; orchard, running water in va-- A number of have into in this town. pul pit, Sunday. held y the demand upon that institution a f people strayed with the Methodist Kev Mr the house, and an unfailing supply from wells, Thk Bkk ollice in search of Mr Johnson's There was a mistake made in last weeks church, BRIDGEPORT: springs, and brook ; a blacksmith shop, the cancy had to be awaited. For years Mr Mrs John Ferris and Mrs Jennett Ben- Munson, officiating. bition on Sunday , fo many of the exhibits are old stand ot the late Edgar Scribner. Apply ice cream There will be no con Bee that there was a flag pole in closed ou that day that thb attendance is all upon premises, or S. GODFREY, and Mrs Beers were under the constant parlors. nett returned from Worcester, Mass., A picnic and dance was held at Mrs A. the time growing less. Besides the emplyees L. D. Plumb, 40 Bank street, cannon conn. fusion in this line, after this, as Mr John- every school district in town. There is but D. Munson's residence on are tired out, as are to Mauon, I attention und care (f their and hall July getting they obliged & sympathetic Wednesday. law one on school work days in the week. Beardsley Lacey, 42 Wall street, TTTANTED A VV. V. son has out a and handsome the requires every 4th. Mr and Mrs Bliss furnished music. Jjveu compent girl forireneral houa" and charitable neighbor, Mrs put large ? work. oi E. F. New' Wallace Smith is the week house So there is one to be The floor and entertain- About 12,000 men are in F. 404 Main Inquire HAWLEY, With de votion sign. spending ground. yet management idle the northern George Connor, street, town. Smith. untiring that lady is ment were perfect. part of Michigan owing to the closing ot the with friends at New Vork. Nichols school ground the on- C. F. 96 Fairfield - administered to their every want a put up. iron mines in that section. As that is the Pettie, avenue, THE COM MISSION Elis ur j- AIRFIELD Miss Kiln Southworth of South Adams, only one that is without one. They al A supper and ice cream party was ly industry, the people are in great straits. CCL'NTY The undersigned hereby applies daughter, sNter or mother could have Mary, wife of Moses Hill, departed Hayes A Betts, 359 Main street, rjfor a license to sell and intoxicat- niece or JUrs r ate, is visiting mere at ways do up things about right so we ex- held on Tuesday evening by the Y. P. S. spirituous done no more and Ikt reward will be She has been absent from this this life, Tuesday. Tin; funeral was held M. E. 831 ing liquors, ale. lager beer and a'l fermented present. we see C. E. P0INTEES FOE HOUSEKEEPERS- - Bunten, Mala street, c iiler drunk upon the or sold in from house at 1 pect before October next shall premises quan frich with Him who rtiletb all thinirs. Mr place two years. the o'clock, Saturday. 171 tities less man one gallon io ne ueuvereil at one going up there. C. Beach, East Washington avenue, one time, anil Rhine wine only,pursuant to the Beers was born In Conucticat. lie was Mrs Hill was a good neighbor and devot & McG ran are one ot the laws of this state now in force to from A. Taylor showing II. S. 9 Crescent avenue. relating the locomotive G. W. Stuart received a letter ed wife and mother. The family have Over GO were at the sociable at finest solid oak bed room suits tor J1,(H) that Challenger, sale of intoxicating liquors, at the building engineer, years ago, safe present has ever been shown in town. in in the town ot Newtown, in said E. Coles saying that they arrived of all the town's even Ill Litchfield Oesau, East Botsford, while pursuing that vocation, his leg was and sound. Mr Frost and himself were the deep sympathy peo the Methodist parsonage, Tuesday County. Henry Bridgeport. county. A Signed, UEUItUt W. IJOTSrXJKU. crushed and lie was a mem- CI ill" was not sick. All ple. ing. The next will be at Sey- solid oak eight loot extension table lor $9 11th amputated, seasick, but Prof meeting cash Is one oi the attractions at Taylor & Dated at Newtown the day ot July. ber of St Andrew's church. He leave a stood the journey well and had had a Mr and Mrs Edwin Gilbert have re mour JSeardsley's. Sandy Hook turnituro store. 1S!1. time. WARREN. Endorsed by the following five electors and daughter. first class turned from their Winter's visit at Flori FAIRFIELD: taxpayers ot said town, none ot whom are li Mrs Hubbard has summer boarders. E. F. Hawley makes a specialty of choice censed dealers in and are da. Daniel Marshall i a tobacco candies from Wallace & (Jo & intoxicating liquors REGISTERED AT THE GRAND CENTRAL. of Hook has building and Douglass At the I'osloftlce. not endorserson any other application. Edward Taylor Sandy The the of the Miss Florence is home Co; Extra line chocolate and mixed in and ( an of a large barn, property Angevine again. barn for Miner Strong. ramcx b.eane, tpnraini 1). unsco. been laid up with attack grip, Gilbert & Bennett manufacturing com Also Mrs pound boxes tresh every week. B. Johnson, John Gilbert, A. B. Klakeman. disease now in Sandy was Sweezey. Miss J ulia Camp is on the sick list. COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD. TOWN OF NEW Samuel Hum n, J. S. prevalent just pany, struck by lightning, Saturday for cotrees is 11th ISO. May hew, (Jeorge Hook. about b.4.. At tne time tnere over A. J. Reynolds of Xew Britain has Headquarters choice teas and TOWN, this day of July, evening, Mrs G. Wade had company Sun a at K. F. llawley's, try our B I! Java the linest SOUTIIPORT: I, Town Clerk ot said town, herebv cert ifv. H. Haw ley and lady, Bethel; Michael were live horses and several in been recent guest of Mrs David Strong. ; to the statute in case wagons day. produced I,ook at the brautitul presents giv- pursuant such provided, Coghlan, James Manning, Stamford ; M. The tWicrmen at the Hook launched the barn, but by brisk work they were Among the guests at Mrs Helen Swift's en with a pound ot 50c black or mixed tea. At the Postofflce. that this application endoi ed as aforesaid has on the first time withdrawn from have been Prof Andrews and Herbert been submitted to me, and I fuither certify K. Plnney, Hartford; Adelbert Orten, their boat the river for harms way. Ihe Miss Mary l'obert has friends visiting in The V. that each of said endorsers is an elector and on buildim: was J he in- - Swift. Bargains hammocks. celebrated Capt J. Ryder. tax in F. C. this season, Tuesday. The first day totally destroyed. her. Palmer hammock "Do to at E. F. llawley's. payer said town, and that a copy of the Litchfield; W.A.Smith, Boston; was in a surance was $2,000, the cost he- - lurugoiiig application, inciuumg uie auove M. F. very successful, resulting good origiual written endorsement, has beeu tiled with me Burroughs, Bridgeport; Donnelly, catcli. mg oetween 94,000 auu met with an ac Summer deiicaces all kinds: Deviled and I .,uuu. George Sweezey quite sar- - and that have advertised the said applica- James Mcllaragh, T. VV, Bartley and M rs F. and potted ham, chicken, turkey and tongue, tion and the endorsement in Newtown A. Taylor daughter, Mattie, cident, the day after the Fourth, while umes, waters, etc., at K. . WESTPORT the J. W. and Alfred K. of firm of W of and Mrs C. E. Mann and General News. llawley's. bee, a weekly newsnaDer in said town at least wife, Seahy wife, Ilobart Curtis, the arner, Norwalk, with lie had his face once a week for two successive weeks, com & was unable Wilton were of playing powder. A ins-set- t E. Na.-- Hoyt, Danbury; C.F.Ogden, (.Ml. Smith, I'aylor Curtis at the Hook, Kosie of the guests Agent few more pairs of those dongola and William mencing on me aay oi j uiy, is".u. to be last on account and and ltiurs- - badly burned. THE oxfords tor ladies, at $1 a pair worth $1.25. Attest, M. iu clerk ol said town. K. It. F. M. J. M. Londen, at the store, week, Taylor wite, Wednesday IN STATE AND THE WIDE FIELD. All new at It. H. & Co's. J. N. Betts. .(.HULiliA.N, Corey, Smith, sickness. week. . Mrs L. B. Nichols has a few goods Beers G of This George t Tay day. spent OF NEWTOWN, ss Probate Court Paul roll, II. B. Van Ness, Ansonia; contmed with Mrs E. lirinsmadu at Trum DISTRICT 1893. lor of the same linn, has been Edward Taylor, son of Rev G. T. Tay days The has been in its Fresh lot of marshmallow drops and choco F. Oleason, James O. Contesee, Hamp- at his home for the same cause. bull. cyclone getting late bon bons in and boxes at It. DANBURY: Estate of ELIZABETH C. RTKSnv I. lor, returned to Brooklyn, Wednesday work in the West a pound late of Newtown, in said Va. ; Phila- is Mrs N. A. again. Pomeroy, n. Beers & uo's. district, deceased. ton, Vampton, A. F. Biesel, last, where he employed at the Lehigh I'orter still remains quite James McDonald, upon application oi s. Gibson V little town in Iowa with 000 Henry delphia; F. It. Long and wife, Fred J. E. C. Gilbert is a busy man these warm alley coal company s ottice. poorly. inhabitant?, praying that an instrument in writing, pur- summer He has from two to three Susie in was out one, last John F. Cuff. porting to be the last will and testament ot Curwlc.. J. . Toier, William X. Gra- days. Miss Dayton has visited Sandy practically wiped by said Elizabeth C. Gibson, deceased, may be beeves butchered each to Hook. 100 were Our Market Dean-Mis- s large day sup GREENFIELD HILL- - Thursday. Nearly persons Reports. Begg & proved, approved, allowed and admitted 4o ham, P. F, Curran, New Vork; Murk the demand of his numerous custom- probate as per on file more ply MiS3 Emogene Scars is visiting in killed and 200 At Alta, another B. M. Roff. is application fully O'Meara, William Caridee, Has ton; M. ers. Mr Gilbert said recently to a Bek injured. appears, it PEKIil-IEM)- . in t hat said be heard W. this season had so Naugatuck. town the same state, five families THE WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS. ordered application T. ltyan, J. F. Morehouse, F. Dunn, reporter that been, F. L. has sold his flue black and determined at the Probate Ofllce in New- soccesf ul. The thorough clean Misses Minnie and Delia Turney were blown away and it is supposed SOUTHBCRY: town in said district on the lath day of July, K. Addis; W. Connor, Miss Mannion, far,most Jennings to 1893, 2 no- liness of all the the ample cool have visited Mrs llufus colt Bridgeport parties. were killed. The scene the At I? aiDGErOKT Butter, choice print cream at o'clock in the afternoon and that buildings, Banks, Bridge during cy 2;!a2-"- c tice of MlssCrelgh, Miss Walker, Miss Moore, ers and with the clean ery per pound, choice creamery tubs Ilickok Bros. be given the pendency of said applica- store rooms, carts, port. clone were said to be terrifying in the tion and time and place of hearing P. Malcm, Icoll C. New Miiford; all to show the customer that 13al4c ; fresh 23c thereon the same one time Plan, go great Miss Martha M. Burr has visited Mrs extreme and almost went cheese factory 8al0c, sage eggs some by publishing Matthew Kyau, Litchtleld; S.Taylor and care Is taken in all details. SHELTON. people crazy Der dozen: chickens alive 18a20c, dressed in newspaper having a circulation in T. W. Turney of Easton center. at the of the storm. 30a35c : fowls alive llal2c. dressed 18a20c: live said district and bv nostinff a conv themnf on wife, Botsford; Henry Stanford Buss, severity lalves uali a w lamos anve WOODBURY the public signpost in the town of Newtown, Mrs Charles Nichols and daughter and iiaiac; springc m saiu uistnct. San J. F. Woodman, Bethel. Clifford I. and Itobert Stoddard from Miss L. Miss M MR KENESTOX BEGINS WORK. At a colored man a8c; sheep auve 4aoc, u w sal oc; nicies; 6a, m.j. bkaulky. Judge. Francisco; Minott Anna Burr have visited Wickliffe, Ky., by hav baled S14al8 rer ton. loose $15al9; straw Dr L. Y. Keteham. Miiford stopped with Augur at M. Burr. On Sabbath Rev L. M. loose $1.25al.60 ISTRICT OF NEWTOWN, ss. Probate on last, Keneston, the name of Miller brutally assaulted baled $UalS, $19alS; potatoes 12, 1893. MISS COLO AS --MB LANG. Sandy Hook Wednesday night. They the new of the per bushel new; cabbages sabc eacii; Deets aasc Court, July in on Miss Louisa Burr is visiting her aunt pastor Congregational and murdered and Annie ; Estate of EMMA L. ranks. rode from their home Miiford their commenced his services and the Mary Roy. per bunch tomatoes $2a2.50; peas green $1.50, late ot Newtown, in said and before their will vis in Bridgeport. church, were so ex- dried $2.25; beans marrow $2.70a2.75, medium district, deceased. of F. bicycles return hall was rilled both morning and even- - The people of that section ins uoun oi tor the District ot The marriage Mls Mary Colgan it Lenox and the White Mountains. - S2.l5a2.2o,pea S2.2aa2.30,smngi,waxi,ou;iioney BETHEL: Newtown hath limited and allowed six H. was solemnized at Mt Miss S. E. Hopkins and mother at- ing and he preached two very interesting cited at the tragedy that, they caught 12aI4e ; blackbberries 12al5c per quart; rasp- months from the and Henry Lang berries 15c; syrup maple 75c per gallon; tur- date hereof for the Creditors Hone's church on at tended the Christian Kndeavor conven discourses, that of the morning btyngj the "murderer and burned him at the 15c George II. Cole, of said estate to present their claims for set- Wednesday morning been nips 5c; lettuce per dozen; cucumbers tlement. Those who to 10 JO o clock, Father Fox. A recep Kdward Kirov of Sandy Hookhaa tion in Montreal. The blending of the Beauty and Duty" and the evening, of 15a20c; rauisues loe; beeswax zoaauc. neglect present their by ou iok the doctor's in one harmo- stake, the father the children lighting S. S. Owen. accounts, properly attested within said time, tion followed at the home of the bride's the list, requiring two nations thus grand Other People's Duties." will be debarred a All in- care. nious was in a a the pile. It has since been learned that At Ansonia Cabbage S6 per hundred sheets to recovery. persons ttarent on Walnut Tree Hill, and the assemblage special way afiner bund bunches: eggs 23c; butter New debted said estate are requested to make 4..'i.'i memorable and occasion. The the mob killed the wrong man, 12c immediate payment to CHARLOTTE JL. FUL- - bridal couple departed on the after inspiring Britain creamery 27c; cheese best; onions lr-n- , two national were cemented Eoger Sherman Council have elected barrel. uanoury, conn. noon train south, for a wedding Journey Six Rummer guests from New Haven songs by Gen of the bunches 2c; potatoes $s per In are with Dr "Blest be the tip that binds." as officers for the ensuing quarter B. Chamberlain, warden SHELTON: SALE One 2 horse farm wagon, one 3 which will be spent Jersey. making their headquarters C, FIR one road H. N. is be W. ; V. ; state's prison, has his position, top carriage, cart, one top lletts at the Hook. The church entertainment to Lattin C Joseph Lord E. S., F. resigned Dockery Brothers. buggy; Also clipper mowing machine. F. L. MB TURNER'S LECTURE- - given the 20th. S. Gorham; F. S., II. L. Barnes; T., C the resignation to take place August 1st. TURNEY, Long Hill. W. C. his ice Mr and Mrs Frank are 111 town. Johnson has put superb Perry E. Lewis. The of the Mr Baer, SALE CHEAP Onlv lft will Th lecture last cream on sale at at (J. VV. report secretary, BIRMINGHAM : FIR of the latest imnroved Fannine Mm itereoptleon given, bandy Hook, at the Christian Endeavor convention at me week Friday evening at the Town hall, by Dayton's tore. M. Ducker has disposed of the remain costing $18; almost new. I do not HUNTINGTON. Montreal shows are a million A Robert S. Gardner. expect to raise any more grain. I like the H. It. Turner, chaplain ot the Hamp- der of his stock to Bridgeport parties that there Scientific American grass by the roadside for bedding better than tonlv normal and agricultural Institute lo Master of Is and a half members of straw. WILLIAM PLATT. Newtown, Ct . Eddie Judson Bridgeport and will be succeeded bv E. Riceman of that organization : 1893. cated at Va., was one of the TO STRATFORD July 10th, Hampton, the guest of his grandfather, David Pen ' DEDICATE THE CHCKCH. who will conduct a merchant The attendance at the meeting was most lectures our people ever that city, . Interesting ny, at Broadview farm. about 13,000 C. L. Youngs OF NEWTOWS,8S.Probate Court listened to. The lecturer was at home The new Congregational church tailoring establishment in connection young people. DISTRICT 1893. with the subject and his soul thoroughly ediflce will be dedicated about 25. with a store. warm times' in Estate of MRS .T Tt ur a rr w and The Misses Mary E. and Katie McCar July clothing They are having Pari3 late of Newtown in said district, deceased. Imbued with the greatness import- of Norwalk are of Mrs Martin and the ance of the work, and the finely Illustra- thy guests William B. Mallette is visiting in Gosh with riots between the ixlice The administrator having hia ad Lynch. one of SANDY HOOK: ministration account with said Estate to this ted views, accompanied with very full FAIRFIELD. en. mobs. It reminds of the days CAVEATS. Court tor allowance, it is explanations, held the audience spell- the French Revolution. The trouble J8h5 YJS TRADE MARKS, Postmaster SniSen. Ohderkd That the 21st day of Julv. bound for over an hour and at the close Miss Eva Dorau of Danbury la visiting Mrs Francis Mallette is a DESIGN PATENTS, D. 1393, at S O'clock In tha atfernnnn. . s. The expected and dreaded building seems to be that the police are too im Sj.llX.JP the of the lecture the like Oliver at ). i tiaugn long plague house F. W. Beards COPVRIOHT8, etc. J at probate office in Newtown people, has come and the elm trees through the onMaltby street and For Information antj free Handbook write to be, and the same is, assigned for a bearing on Twist, wanted "more." In a very pleas- There was a big colliery explosion on the MUNN CO.. 3SI New Yoaff. NEWTOWN DEPOT : the allowance of said look as tnougn visited oy rire. ley on avenue. Tourth of at One Bhoadway, America. administration account ant manner, Mr I.lnsley Introduced Mrs L. C. Gilbert entertained 14 village Prospect July Thornhill, England. Oldest bureau for securing patents In wilii nam esutie, ana this court directs the liv guests The leaves, which should now be beauti hundred and thirty miners were caught In the Every patent taken out by us is brought before C. B. administrator to cite all the speaker. The audience was large and on Monday. Among the number were are Rev S. W. Tollea of the Sumtnerfieul mine and It Is thougat that about 100 were kill the public by a notice given free of charge In tha Taylor. to persons interested fying and sbading, covering the ed. were scenes the therein appear at said time and nlarat. hir the collection taken at the close of the Frank lironson and wife and Mm I . C curled brown as in late au- - New There harrowing at publishing tins order in some hav- irround, and Methodist Haven, woman . newspaperi.-- lecture amounted to $15. In our next Bommo of Prof .Shiller and church, preached mouth of the mine and one fell dead ing a circulation in said dlari-tot- ana Bridgeport, tnmn. Methodist - when she heard that her husband was killed. cfctttific ''&mfttm a on Issue we will give in detail some account cons of Worcester, Mass. Refreshments, for the church, Sunday. $ HAWLEY VI LLE: Ing copy the public signpost in the town T.nmroot. tffmiTnf f nn ftnv flclentltja rtftMr In the ??w.nt wllere the deceased last dwelt. ot the work being done at and music and The world's racing record Is getting down nf ' " ?;M. Hampton games, rambles through the E. L. has been pros The world. Splendidly illustrated. No iatellKrent A. B. Fancher's "store. J. BKADLEi , Judge. the benefits which are STEPNEY. Staples appointed to near two minutes tor the mile. great man should be without It. Weekly. $3.0(1 a already growing woods were indulged in. a jolly good , did a mile In 2 :5 in Del-- e out of It. was ecuting attorney of the new town court. pacer Saladin, year: $1.60 six months. Address mujnn uu time voted by the departing guests. ADVERTISE IN THE BEE. ware ou the Fourth of July and another horse, tuuLiauEua, 3U1 isrotuiway.riew xors vity. Frauk D. has to Chica Ayus l'f went a mile lna:3 a . HAVii TO TOD Manning gone WE HUSTLE, IlET. It pays to advertise in the Busy Bee, ) E. M. Botsford has a new trot go. The people of western Kansas are leaving NEW MILFORD. bought for the dog, "Duff," is found, safe and in ! that part of the state.havlng been starved out. I never have seen so complete a local ter in Bridgeport. good condition. You press the button. A was born to Mr and Mrs rue county commissioners ot that section A lexander Levy. daughter have appealed to the governor tor pro visions, imtier anTiiK Bkk. It must be hard work (that is advertise in the bek,) and the Thomas Scott on last. leea ana seea wheat. to keeo ud and arrange and set the type Beardsley Brothers have taken over 801 Bee does the rest. J. Sunday so much acres of on this eason. be-- ! The statue to 1. T. Barnum waa unveiled at from manuscript correspond grass shares, Mrs E. J. Borden, daughter and broth a ence. Tha naner has Improved sides their own. I Miss n,muy has returned from Bridgeport on the Fourth before crowd ot MILTON. right seeiey er, have gone to Riverton for a visit. 1l,(M0 people, llev ltabert Oollyer made "The BEST the CHEAPEST." long. VV. S. IJ., An Old Newspaper Ansonia. one of the addresses. Man. ' M'98 fiance nas returned ironi has a confec Jerome Judson. who recentlv returned wingan George Bradley opened and the crowds too much ex Assistant Postmaster Barnes. from school at Wilbraham, Mass., Chicago, navmg visicea me worm s lair. and store in Adams block portant It. II. Beert & Co., have now on exhl tionery cigar many DroKen neaas are cue resuic brought home with him his safety blcy- - Lothian Kennels has sent a fine collie Samuel cited, one of the - formerly occupied by Wright. bltlon at their torc greatest cle. Last Saturday morning he tried , a to Fort Collins, Col., to the state agricul- In a squall off Chicago on Sunday .tt la towards He I Also one to "Dana Hall" big t pictures of Its kind ever made. It two spln the depot. expected to tural College. A party of young people are occupy 13 men out on the lake were cap pause at tne but without a I at Wellesley, Mass. young EASY and QUICK feet and about three long. It depot, being ing the cottage at Indian Neclc, build- - hlh he couldn't manage "the is his vaca- - Briggs sized and drowned. Some of the I of the brake, thing," Bradley Wheeler spending wfpv a picture the bishop Addressing and landt d All in a heao on the rlennr. I t:nn rwi ,: M. iraiuoiu, mis ings at the fair were slightly damaged -t new nrl..,.htor nynod la the cathedral, including Mr Judson serious is rt PRINTING escaped of with New-slave- High-to- PalrerizedMaking(Process Patent platform. Julia Andrews Banner Lye Southington, . n came very near a withSoap t , , i having good ). JLo waste nouru m viu-- , Father Fox of this and several oth acciueiii uuu uia uiuuiun was s 5th. ed not maaiiin wu AT place i i uauiy i him. exposure to smal Thursday the The old fashioned way, when with one can of Sanuec lye THE cr familiar to Newtown people, so Guaranteed Cure. i three masted schooner. Harold C. Beecher, IO pouuds of tt priest ' came to harbor loaded with lumber and one "Wb I It will be of Interest to every Catholic the school in this district. A good sick man among the crew. Health lOffloer PURE HARD SOAP began yew r BEE OFFICE Miss of is to such We our the vessel In the nick of time marla fn fov mmntAK Tint. tVmret fchifl ETB1T will be Maggie Callahan Bridgeport thorough teacher is wanted, and authorize advertised drnggist to Wright boarded fn lbs 196 Ite H tt I i These beautiful understands the value of time, and Banner WalghftttS family. pictures a RnllTir Kimr'a niBPovnrv nnnann, r. and found th man suflering from the small housekeeper ef 8 aoonlhar treat-- ! Bot.Z. 4B ia. 17 to. 11 to-- I ner vacation in town. one, a very school, excellent Xw ' for - as can Remember also that mm mow tberesait 1 Give Us a Call. a or passing pleasant V The other sailors ne naa maia ,ye saves it thousands testify. now Ilka a imw HIViWtiiUiOta. to. 11 to. with $V) cash purchase : pox. thought Banner will ot the mkl I btn. given away school room, with the best of desks and tion, coughs and colds, upon this condition ria. Had the ashore and anion t one can of Lye produce 20 gallons ar rlAll My friends are) Hip SI to. 48 to. t to. natlentgot ud pio foa. -- Hold at 4.50 each. modern onered. If are a the sailor it would have made WtTI fhMffnll M) tnfMiiirtofriuitwiD $ you afflicted with cough, cold or any quarters quite TREATED MAIL. COWlflENTIAt. T heron or had a au lUB tlLy- - BEST SOFT SOAP. PATIENTS Bf Piatt Hopewell- or use tlita ePlutl1' la Tt. i article needed in houwhold. It will to (pr mrttnian ... . 1 -- .i w I : l. : ... 1 1 . Thomas Calef of is lung, throat chest trouble and will int ib every HumUn. sturin. Sad ens stampi i k .j Bridgeport guest eto. ; and drive awar nr cloan Paint, Floors. Marble, destroy o. as it a tair trial and Cleveland has been ill at Waate-pipe- Ask v. r. lucrs muu. mm m, A. F. Clarke will leave, next ir. a I remedy directed, giving ( President Gray v0.mln. riiainfont. Sinks. Closets and si. siidel Friday nfrvrir.'a arnrm. wab nn.u.r rrou vnn with in toot and knee. for Banner and insiston get-- nn lionpflt. hut wtnvn tiio ' hies the rheumatism the vonr irroaer or druccist Lye for his trip to Alaska. He vill go to bnt.t,lfi.nd hav vonr monov rnfnnded. W He has been obliged to shut himself in from imrit Once used always wanted. Machinists, fiawn Carrie Hall 8eeul e to Montreal, thence over the Canadian Po could not make this offer did we not know . PeP Lye exactly whatthey require, and that it fax The friends of Kev Charles II. Arthur Hull of Brown is -- inerior to Potasb.. nor accurate aenorivtioa uu uu clflo to B. C. From thence Smith, University that Dr King's New Discovery could be relied The Christian Endeavor Convention of the aierouB and easily followed recipes Vancouver, of the Windsor avenue - home on a vacation scieties around the world be oarefaily prepared he wilt take a ttenmer for Alaska. On pastor Congrega- on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free' young people's Send for Illustrated Pamphlet FREE. tionai cnurcn oi iiartiord, will be gratl-- l Mrs Bates is making considerable ini- - at K. F. store 50o CHEMICAL WORKS, back Mr Clarke will mas ne llawley's drug Large sizes rHE PENN the way pend neaio learn is to supply tne provements on her house, new and hand. and tl. ' The World's tair is not a success as an exbl Mentim thlt paper, jrui&'AlfCdUa'uia, m T ZEE IB TIME HASi COME! DOWN T ZE3I IE Y 3r O ! 5 MENTION TO BE SOLD FOR WHAT IT WILL FETCH. WE GET OUR SHARE OF THE PLUMS AND SHALL DISTRIBUTE THE3I ALL OVER SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT. WE WONT TRY 0 OUR EXCESS WHULLbALJL STOPK IN BOSTON TRANSFERRED TO OUR RETAIL STORES ONLY A PART OF THE GOOD THINGS WE HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU, IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT. BARGAIN HUNTER'S CARNIVAL THIS SALE INCLUDES MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, PANTS AND SPRING OVERCOATS, AND WILL BE TRULY KNOWN AS THE AVE ALMOST FOR SI. COME EXPECTING TO LEAVE YOUR MONEY FOE OUR CLOTHING TEE GOODS AND PRICES ARE SO ATTRACTIVE THAT YOU CAN'T HELP IT, OFFER $3 SOME AT ABOUT THE PRICE OF THE CLOTH. AND TRIMMING. THE MAKING THIS S VLE IS FOR CASH ONLY. NO DISCOUNT TO DEALERS AND PEDDLERS. WE SHALL RETAIL THE GOODS IN CASES THROWN IN-CO-STS YOU NOTHING.

IN OUE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. We are offering during this Great Clearance $11.50 KEEP YOUR EYE $14.75. MAGNETIC S9.50 n $7.50 Sale, 100 dozen Egyptian Silky Fibre Ealbrig-ga- reasonable and small to Shirts and Drawers at 50c each. They I Tor would forms uneertuuness is tne best sauce at a' Is a very sum, 'Tis a pleasure show such suits. suits that grace the - not would be at 75c. 50 dozen Outing Shirts On our windows- They'll only meal. We to look cheerful sale will fine all i You'll find it a to see them. cheap of the best dressed men in the country. try whefij but during this it buy' BARGAINS pleasure 75 in Sateen, etc., 50o. dozen tine j a fashion will we sell There's such ! You'll find it to them. Tine Cheviots, We give you pick from over 300 serve you as plate, but these suits. a ter wool Summer Suits in fancy Scotch easy buy laundered Neglifie Shirts in Percales, Madras your alone- - There are j rible loss on them, that each' Black Cheviots, Indigo Dye Blue Flan- - $1.25 suits at this price act though, or smooth sur- of our store-Wj- ' and Cheviots at $1, regular asking price mixtures. Plain fancy In - 3 sale tears. s no every department nels, Mixtures. Sin- and $1.50. 05 dozen Seamless Socks, two for Fancy Worsteds, Cassimeres and almost draws There Homespuns,Fancy j double or and i end of all the face Cassimeres, single will fit please everybody. gle or double breasted coats, cut m the 25c. loo dozen extra fine Elastic Web Suspen- Scotches, double or single breast, sack patterns, proper cloths new at 25e, 50c and of coats. are with wide - ders, patent buckles, regular i or some are There at least breast coats, cut extra long j latest styles, fane fitting, nicely tnm- cutaway coats; bound, VS styles A GUIDE ; quality. - 400 for to do ; some are Your suits you collars- - Suits that are good enough NOW rSYOUR TIME. med suits that you'll gladly own as stitched edges- suit is your picking! - - I - and irom. J ! - suit a Oth- Straw Hats, among this lot at least 50 times- Suits cnoosing baits that other to wear anywhere. Suits that other yours- Every big bargain- board for to the price you dealers would be to to sell at! j you regulate I Don't let the slide over er dealers would be grlad to eet these medium and extra wide brims 50c, other dealers would be glad to sell at j glad get would be to to sell at opportunity t Narrow, - dealers glad get - summer Euit. ! and 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2. $13 50 to ?15- are goisg to pay for your S18and$20- $10. your shoulder you can't afford to! I suits to sell at $12 $13.50. are all reliable. We cannot afford to even at a low but (all our own make) offered at this sale. Our great reputation for selling only Good Clothes makes it unnecessary for us to tell you that the above bargains give poor quality price. Nothing Dependable Clothing REMEMBER, THIS SALE IS FOR CASH ONLY.



tract of on the Alva their and wisdom and on CULLINAN. ("( iYN MFF lv b(il " repaired, is now being repainted. Homer Godfrey, Bridgeport and Edwin grass Jennings place. money energies JOHN NFVT(UVNlM Low when we it all fixed in of Ct. A Mr Gilniore of New York state has good industrial schools and social and WiUli) get up good Hoyt Woodbury, O-Goig--G it would De a idea to have a "visited Mrs Sally Wakeman. moral reforms, the toiling masses would &z shape good Mr and Mrs Gerard MeChesney have of New is at be more redeemed and levated IS. uTotlbLrxSvgrle timbaimcr. Iv few bund concerts there and liven things been with her Josiah Williams. Mrs Carrie Perry York speedily t Son, Undertaker, father, means and " I'&IDAY, JULY 14, 1893. a trille. her father's, Madison Wakeman's. than bv of strikes wasteful Cail 121. - up warfare.-0- . O. Telephone . Postmaster Andrew L. Benedict is hav- Wright. resi- GOOD BRADLEY VILLE. 288 Main street, Conn ing concrete walks laid about his HILL i Bridgeport, CIUCULATION. dence on Center street. Also a concrete REDDING. and of Norwalk : sidewalk in I'. Heard of Dan- - Frank Gregory family All Free. front. J. his vacation with Mr audi ... are spending Those who have used Dr New Discov ' 1 bury is doing the work. ' King's JANUARY 1, 18S2,. ..610 Mrs Ebenezer Fitch. know its value and those who have not Henry Heaupain of High street enter- COXGKKGATIONAI. CHURCH NOTES. G. W. sons have sold 2800 ery The Traveler's Guide. from New York Bradley's have now the opportunity lo try it, tree. Call LAST WEEK 3300 tained friends City dozen axes, this year, which is m ore than on advertised and atrial bot over Fourth. Pev Mr Luther on Mondaj the druggist get XKW UAUTrXtttU the departed they have ever sold before in the time. Send name and address to II. NEW YoitK. IIAYKS ASU be week, expecting to be absent tle free. your UAiLltOAU. The next holiday will Labor Day. morning E. & and a some of would to about three weeks. During this time he Bucklen Co., Chicago, get sample Fairfield News. Possibly you prefer will visit the World's fair. EASTON box cf Dr King's New Life Pills, free, as well IKKKSIllUK UiriMOX County labor some before then. as a ot Guide to Health and Household connected w ith the Con- Mr ana MrSvIIoraee Gilbert ot copy May 11, 1U. The building Bridgeport free. All of which is gregational church has been raised and spent Sunday at Mrs II. E. Canfleld's. Mrs C. Instructor, guaranteed SEW IIAVKX North, 9.4i a. in., 4 p. EASTON. G. Downs and children of Long llillliave also to do you good and cost you nothing. At E. Soutu, 11 a. 111., p. in. BR00KFIELD- - work thereon is rapidly progressing. for a few been there days. F. HawleyV drnsr store. sHKLTOX North, 1O.10 a. ui., 1 51 p. ui. South, of the Y. P. S. O. E. of Miss Mattie SI. Schwartz of Bridgeport is . The meetings a with a. in IiJ i. in. ON RKSI'.IIVIOa HAM. con- spending week her parents. lu-- WOliK IHE lilti the. Congregational society will be Mrs the STEVESSONSorth. 10 SJ a. , J.UJ p. UI. Homer White entertained his brother 7.30 Levi II. Fdwnrds has whooping 1U.S a. The line weather of lute shows marked over the Fourth. tinued as usual, through July, at cough, and her niece, Misa Rena Gilbert, in south, in., ..i p. lu. on work of dam and it with her. El MONROE North, tit'-- a. in., tS-- p. Hi. urocress the the o'clock,every Sunday evening. a few a with , as work would be There was an old fashioned celebra George Rowling Ins spent Any KIND south, jlu.i; a. ui p. lu. now looks though all of of at his friend, Arthur J. C'antield. ITHE BOTSKOKl 7 Ht:if a. Work was tion the Fourth July Maple .1. R. visited at W. North, ui.. Ii3l, S.. completed by early fall. Mr was sur of N. Kanchcr of Daubury has 5.11, 7.US p. ui suuduy.tvlo au lu.ll 4, which gave all hands a cottage. bupple happy Miss Jennings Huntington, Y., Selleek's. THAT CURES a. 7.U in. stopped July rounded by all his children, except one is Miss Mrs Anna Leavenworth of Kew York has in., p. first of the season. visiting Puuisey. XEWTOWX 7 3S, 10.17 a. m.. 12.35. i, holiday, being the who is in tbe far ana ins 12 visited Mrs Lewis Edwards. North, 13 will be the great holiday for West, grand Miss Jennie F. Wells and brother Thomas, b.ii. T.lii p. ui. Sunday, S.I a. m. south, August children. With the invited guest there Fourth 7.11, 10 02. a. in ., 1.33, 631, 7 p.m. Italians and work will be for Louns-bur- spent the in Waterbury. j! suspended were 27 in the party. Harry y Sunday, 0.13 p. ui. as Italians will not work on Y 7.1-1- . the day, of made a clambake and NOTES. HAW LE VII. LK North, 10J6 a. in . Danbury FAIRFIELD. GSNEEAL NEWS 12-i- that day. both old and them j, 5.21, o. p. ui. Sunday, 7 a. in. men all, young, enjoyed Cn June 30; the President issued a BRIDGE CONN. South, -i, U.iia- - lu., 1 21,, Foreman Gilbert has a gang of selves. Ihe bake was served in tne nne procla- Enter 425 Main Street, PORT, 7...i, 5 tu. on the new road near Tashua mation calling an extra session of Congress p. in. Sunday, j; p. working grove of maple trees. Miss Hannah Hobart's boarders have tor August 7. Shin Hoards from $10 up. Solid Oak 1'illar Exten'o Talles St 111 Oak High BRXKFlfcLD JUNCTION North. 7.51. 11.10 a in 1 which will make great change the The Borden sisters of Fall River have Bnck Chairs $1.25. a. m., Lid, J.ln, 5 l.i, 7 i3 p. lu. bought Dining l- Sunday, in arrived. a. fc.37, - 11.15 lu-- , i, highway this vicinity.. a a new house in that city, the old home having in. South, a. Driver Fred Funor met with a serious Mrs Abel Turney expects family too many unpleasant memories They have Goods Delivered la Newtown Frse Of Charge 5 55, ti.ll p. lu. Sunday 5.13 p. in. a box K0NR0E. from New Jersey soon. bought in the fashionable part of the city call- BKOOKHELU North, 7.54, 11.15 a. m . I Si. accident while operating cutting houses in the street are ed the "Hill", the Butterworth mansion We infactnre all ourown 1 I DT AT) CTTTTQ ami tor style anil comfort tlicy :tu, 7 p. m. suuday, s 11. south, on his All the village be Prices I OH reasonable. 11 6.31 ui- - oil' of the thumb can't surpassed. VliljV'ii, HO p!wys . a. in., p. p. in. by cutting part now A bolt of lightening struck on the prairie in Ttnliir now in stock. Coma and see t'ie srui'l from 4.50 to Sunday, 57 left hand. The same machine PARK CITY SADDLE HORSES. occupied. Kansas, last week and burned a of coun- im Carriatres display LANESV1LLE and STILL RIVEK North. SOS injured VV. and wife are at the Btrip 1 The The Gendron. The diamond lines of she lu'.i -- of Wheeler Brothers and it M. Lyon family five miles wide and 10 miles long. 1 1 Heywood. a. ui. xuth.i I'i p. ui. Sunday iti p 1st. A II both the L. of the well known home for a few weeks. try other Irains, iucliiliiiC suuduy traiu mirth, would be well to a on Perry Ilurd, 17 put danger sign firm of Hurd A Jones of Bridgeport, The gold watch found by Charles John- AT NOTHNAGLE'S. AT NOTIJNAGLE'S. s a. lu.. tip a hen nagged only. that machiue. on in Monroe who re- NEW M1LFOKU North, e.15, 1127 a. in , ... is his stock farm son was restored to its owner, !. m . pasturing Around the Fireside. I aXi, ti.lo, i J lu. s a. lu. Ilallock had his hand pain- p. 8Souui, Foreman a number of first class saddle horses, warded him liberally. 425 and 427 M?4n St., Conn. tl ill HI . III l". M 111 Ii Vt ill K II IH. a it. dec- 423, Biidgepoit, fully injured by wire piercelng unequalled in the state of Connecticut, On Tuesday night the Home was vl Suuouy, 5.20. liutitdidnot delay him from bossing from the well known Park stables with Chinese and THE OLD FLAG. BOTSKOItli TO KuIIMiKruKT. City orated lanterns, flags MBS. LOUISA SOMMEKB, his was --P3 gang. of George Cook in East Bridgeport. flowers. An abundance of eatables " l.ynn, Mass. m IIOTSFOBO North. 7 22, 103a a. lu , 12.3d. SjOI Civil Engineer Thain has some fine After a season of unusual demand and sent in by the townspeople. All lent W KITTEN FOR THE liEE. IS Dana Co.: H 5.14, p. m. suuduy. &.10 n. in. SouLh.7 22 so SarsaparillaI have been troubled witn ln-- u.irj, H.13 a. ui., 1.12, 7.13 p. m. Sunday, 6.211 of the dam in all of these horses well merit them aid. oil' most satisfacto- "Come, where now fast?" Gentlemen: srL photographs stages activity certainly It passed Betsy, stairs Bummatory Kheumati.m ever since 1H p. in. the which he sella at a reasonable a short season of rest and to all from the "Why John; know, up Wm had Fever S 10 12 work, recuperation, rily concerned, realizing To get the old flag, we have Kheumatichad in limbsyearinights so STEPNEY North. 7.11, a. 5, Ji5 will is A Shave erampa my ldl ti..")H to all wishing them. They where the feed luxuriant and streams sale of cake, etc., about $G0. present Had for many could not sleep and would be compelled to walkQ p. m. Sunday, a. in South, price long years." was 11.52 be nice to refer to after the dam is com- of water never Among the of $100 was to the treasurer by a so ; ES the floor all night. My breath very a. in., 4.55, 7.23 p. m. Sunday, 6.33 p. in. failing. given "Well. 'tis Fourth ot July, could hardly go up stairs. I consulted a Mr on who short, - LONG II ILL 11.49 1 pleted. number of Cook's horses Hurd's few young ladies of Bridgeport, had I'd clean forgot the time; Physician who came from Boston; he said that 1KB "v.-- North, 7.U, 10.18, a. m , IH, U..H M A man at work here was taken stock farm, special mention should be worked the winter. They expect- It takes you wimen folks B had the Dropsy and could not be cured. g p. in. suuday, p. ui. South, 7 3ii, young during To keep us men in line." E I have tahep five Dottles of asa ta.ll, 1UT a, in., 5, p. m. Suuday 6A3 his made of the celebrated ed to send it to the Tribune fund, but : with a lit of jealousy and centered thoroughbred "Oh, never mind . p. in. which influence of an old in me, Betsy, i TKLTM on another young man. Kentucky horse, Dotely, upon through the lady A n old man's know ; DANA'S 1 BULL North. 7.02. 10 12, 5 a. m., spirit popular ar- jokes, you O.IS one looked as it would Bulkley rode for four Fairfield gave it here. There I'll up a good 1.12, p. iu. Sunday. 7 a. ui. South, At time it though they rig long pole i tC-5- a We are to consecutive years at Niantic camp 15 little And let the breezes Wow. 1 SARSAPARIL.LA 7.11 a. m., 12.02, 7U p. in. Sunday, u end In blows or duel. glad rived, Friday evening, girls, fmd the dUap-- H p. in. on two successive occa- in from live to nine, at the We will see the old flasr, S has entirelyand say It ended In a settlement for the pres- grounds, ranging age W Iropythe Kheumatism Cramp 3 BKIIIGEPOKT North, 6.50, 10, II 15 a. sions In New York, the Columbus cele- home. ith its stripes all faded now, Bpeared,are gone, can run up stairs as fast as any ni., 430, ent. And the stars are only holes, nandcan to bed aiid sleep all night. ii. ui. Sunday, a. in. Arrive, 7 5.1, the Industrial school real- , 12.15, 7.45 heads the list as a bration, and great parade, The young people at the To let the sun shine through. W,re8PMRSyi0TJISAS0MMEKS. wju a. m., 5.2D, p. in. Sunday 7.U John Sauzhnessy and the immense cotton industrial ized $00 at their fair to toward M p. m. made a number of about go But yet, the old flag is dearer mm Hear No. SO Park St. , Mass. g horse trader, having at Providence II. last a To us then a new one could Lynn, week and is no the parade I., year. library. be; fH This is to certify that I am acquainted with Mrs. DAM Bier UIVIHIOS. deals the past longer Mr Cook also informs us the is the Fourth For Bill, our wandering son, and have no doubt of the ul- - can that Charles Kippin spending gaSommers truthfS - IIY owner of the kicking muie. one would no Bought this for you and me. M nets of her statement regarding IANA tAtt- DANIU Arrive 7.15, 6 55, 1055 a. 4.10, have other horse at his mother's. HSAPABUXA. CHAS. W. PRO WN, Druggist, mm V p. ui. 10 23 a. m. Vvuva tell by the smile on John's face rather. No, we do not want a new one u Sunday,. but this to ride during the opening of The ladies of St Paul's expect to have this was Bill's first on Lynn, Mass. iu . 1, O.lo, 7, S Jo p. ui. Suudny, Ho ia money la when he swaps. For flag; Co tj.05 a. 5.05 pocket the great World's fair, Chicago, and a fair at the guild room, next week, to How the rascal would laugh to H Dana Sarsaparllla , , Maine, fg 6, ui., p. ni. Dan Perrv is now owner of four white was See Dad a for this old ragr- - BETHEL North, 4it. 7.(W, 10.19 a. m . I 41, with several others he forwarded to obtain money for the interior decora- rig pole 5 U7, 5 42 horses. all in one It of Don't Betsy, he will come, 2.01, U, 6.20,6 4,9 p. in. It happened day. Chicago at that time at a total cost tions of the church. ery, yet a. m, South, 5.56, .12 a. in., 1.07, has to be a cold when Dan One a 'Tis long years since he went; USE 7.0)1 82p.m. 8 12 a. m , 5 12 got very day about $1,500. thousand dollars Mr Farly and family have left for A mother's prayers must surely prove THE p. in. Sunday, p ui. gets left. would be no temptation to Mr Cook t'' few months in the Adirondacks. Our faith to him whom are sent. REDOING North. 7.01 a. m., 12.1.1, 1.51. 641 stay they - 10.11 a. a number at this have had with this animal. of A in the - is the best in the world. Over 500.000 in use- p.m. Sunday, in., 8.13 p.m. South, Quite place part superior Walter Bulkly Sansinbury, Penn., What! stranger, standing path- It plow 6.02, 8.1 a 1.14, 7.1 tl It is And near the old - in., p. tu. Sunday, Id colds and is the sort that not easily has made a short visit to his aged halting flag stand; GENE ct AL 6TATE AGENT- TDEALES IN a- - in , tu. in As if no strength is left him W7V T?V p. shaken and seems to be epidemic is its mother. c. w HA 1 1 HARDWARE OF ALL FINDS. SIIEPACG RA1LROAO. LYON'S PLAIN. were To take us by the hands. Jbrj character. Mrs D. Kelly and son, Fred, at Oh we thank lsas. U. Fourth. father! thee, 447 MAIN STREET. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. JIay21, There Is many Inquiries as to who Miss Delia Thorp's over the Our boy is once more at home; BETIIE1 Iave J.IO, lOii a. 5.12 p. m Know is. I will say where Ignorance Is The fair the ladies of Em Kev Mr Child, and his two eldest little May we remember this glorious day Sunday 8.12 a. in. Arrive 10 a. in given by -- Anil he nevermore roam. 6.15 - v bliss 'tis foolish to be wise,and no doubt manuel church in the on the girls, are visiting Mr Child's mother pray that may p. in. Sunday p. m. parlor N. Y. So gaily wave, old flag so true, HAWLETVILLE North, 11.09 a. m some will find out. .'Id, was a success, both and near Utica, to-da- tn, 51 p day they socially to a Thre is j oy in our home so dear. Sunday, 8.35 a. m. Leave lor Bethel 8.45 a. school house near About $30 was realized. The Perry family are have family Welove to look at thy faded biue. 4.18, p. in. 6 The little Taylors' financially. bake. 40 members of the to see wave 50 Sunday, p. ui. this Is next on the list a number at clam About Trusting thee yet many a SH EPA U North, a. t5.4S corners at place Quite picnicked Cotnpo l& & flll m, p. in. OF s, f9-3- a and when asked to sub beach on the Fourth. Mr and Mrs family are invited. year." ' W. S Sunday. t48 a.m. South, a D. for flag raising A consultation was held and it was J. B. m. Sunday, 5J6 p. m. m.,tli3 scribe, be liberal, as an senooi cnnareB James A. Smith and son Clarence, Mrs EOXB1TBY FALLS a 15. best to take Carrie Wakeley to I o'a Manufacturers of North, HI.9 a.m., tt51 . take pride in having flag pole and flag. II. Coley and Mr and Mrs D. B. thought p.m. f8J7 a.m. aan- deal of could be Provost. the Bridgeport hospital, as an operation Sunday, South, tSii - t3 Also a great enterprise was decided She was taken there THE BEE BUZZ. p. in. Sunday, f56 p. ui. the school and upon. " ROX BUST 11 37 Son-da- shown by grading yard Charles Ilickson and Miss E. Cochfut North. a. 5 59 p. m. y, house a coat of Monday morning. She has grown rapid- u.lo a. m. South. 9.13 a. 3.M m. giving the paint. were at fioton Point. worse week. Y 5.15 m. m, p. at 9 o'clock an ly the past F1TZ-K0- Suuday, p. Last Friday evening Mrs Phebe A. Fanton will a few Mrs Edmund Hobart has received TsrECIAI, COKKKSrONDENCH OK TUB BEK.J THE JUDD'S BKI DU E North, 43 a. t6J55 with the care of spend just u til. Italian was intrusted days of the week with her daughter, word of the death of Lewis, a son of InSu',da"' l7 "-- ,n- - utu. fiUJ a. ul' $100 by two of his friends. He could Mrs W. S. Keeler in North Wilton. Mrs Dr Porter. Several by John J. Northrop t3 40p. m. Sunday, f5.03 p. in. i her daughter, Represented W ASHINGTON ?! not resist the and first-cla- ss North, 114 a. S.I7 n. temptation skipped,but Miss of Wilton is with her sis- ago the Utile boy was paralyzed. If a man was to advertise for a for Newtown and .s m, m he will be used unless Beady years vicinity. Sunday, a. in. South, W . ui- - S.iH o. If caught roughly Mrs T. well He was a little When about to whom he would ui. m. i the is returned. ter, W.Tread also Mr bright boy. servant, pay PATENT Suuday, p. money McQeen of Brooklyn, N. Y. three years of age, he had a severe sick- large wages and give great privileges, he NEW PRESTON North. 11 J a. ,n George Jennings runs the passenger EH ness, from which he never recovered. would in all have 50 appli- Suuday, . a. ni. South, 8.51 a. in ajtf n.m. i Mrs Wakeman of Bridgeport has - probability wagon from here to Bridgeport, Satur- He has been- perfectly helpless 8ince. cants to every wo. who would prove to Use! Suuday, 48 p. in. and mak- visited her father and mother, Mr ud time What is the KOMFORU North, a.m, Sun. day nights Monday mornings, Mrs Charles Johnson. He. was about 10 years of age at the be competent to fill the situation. 8.51 a. in. South. i: WAGON. day, 13.15p.m. time. Last evening of He died their home in same if of suffering, when 25 cents DUMPING 4.20 ing quick Saturday of his death. at And the would also prove true Sunday, p. in. the time was one heur from the superin- Clinton Patchen South Norwalk The have been one was to advertise for a skilled me- will a bottle of MORRIS North, 11212. Philadelphia. family buy 155 Son. 1 ; Middle street. and Clifford Patchen of are 10.02 a. ui. I8JI7 a. p.m. tendent's olllco to Southport expecting to spend the summer at the chanic. The trouble in the indus- under letters of the ilay. Soutli, tn tJ.IO n. ui I In visiting their relatives here. beet as great We are the sole and exclusive manufacturers, patent, Suuday, 4.18 p. in. Mrs has a prize garden, kept Hobart home, but have delayed, trial world is not so much a matter of BANTAM Taylor Mrs of was to be moved. to Fitz-ro- y, north, 12.22, 6.45 p. m. Sundav order by Thomas Jenkins, who takes up- Mary Buckley Southport the child notable wages as of worthy, reliable workers. It d No. 491343, dated February 7, 1893, issued Robert 10.20 a. ni. 8.8 a. 302 Min! be- is some time with her sister Mrs Samuel Glover and are is not so much a of of toil Unit: States, a. ui.. p. m. .4 on himself the credit for the garden spending daughter; question hours Renne's follows: day, 47 iu. t as Mrs Eunice Mason. home from about the as of and PAIN-KILLIN- which contains two broad claims, LA KE ing In such tine order. Timekeepers expected Europe honest, temperate intelligent G for Dumping Wagon, North, tl232, W.18 p. m. Sunday King and Gregory have an additional Mr and Mrs D. B. Provost of 7th of this month. toilers. Capital is forced in self-defen- se loads and is so constructed 1 10.24 a. m. South, f825 a. in, t p. m. Sua. miles to walk twice a which N. are the of her , Mrs Walsh, wife of Lieut JWalsh, who to a discount on labor because 1. The vehicle is built to carry very heavy day, p. in, , three day Elizabeth, J., guests put heavy LrTCH 15 have to Mrs is stationed at Fort has been of and loaded load with but exercise oi FIELD Arrive I2JW. GJS Son-feda- y, now makes miles per day they sister, James A. Smith and mother, Sheriden, the bad habits unsteady hands of that it may be easily ank th dumped slight iOM a. m. p. ni. la not built for distance Mrs H. B. her cousin at the Benson so untrained and labor- South, a. ni, iAS p. tu. walk. King long Coley. visiting place. many ufSwllling " 8JO in. same. a dozen com- Oil, power-- kSunday, p. but gets there just the Mrs Phebe A. Fanton has Visited her There are about persons at the ers. The few who are skillful and walking, Ex-May- or Magic and is so far forward as to NEW YORK A NEW ENGLAND R. K. The sociable on Cat Hill, last week, cousin, Mrs William F. Gorham at the Danbury house, and at Hop- petent and trusted seldom or never lack like a Charm" 2 The body is canied relatively low pivoted ' more millen-iu- m "It Works March 12, ISM - attended and the receipts satis- Glen, on and kins place about as many are for work aad ample wages. The of the on the front axle, the adjustment of the . :3 was well Redding, Friday Saturday work-a-d- throw a large portion weight HA WLEYYILI.K East 7.13 Several young men employed of last week. - entertained. of the y world will not for Sore Cramos, Chol- so that a load may be dump- - gJO, liJfi. p. factory. a come until those who labor are more Throat, body upon its pivotal point being arranged large West 9 a. m. 3, 6.45 p. m. on the dam attended and report having Dr Hiker of Portchester, N. Y., will HOYDEN'S HILL. Neu- wnrsiAnrv - - . - . . One man who did skillful and competent and faithful on era Morbus, Rheumatism, antttne DoayreiuriiBu wj , ..c... ivn EiSSi O.IU.1,.13 p. m. WStfrUSS time. young be the of Kev Alexander Hamilton edbvaboy exclusive - The best . a-- m, t2.5.t, ( pleasant was missed much. U. guest Charles Lockwood has been afflicted their part. Capital, as a rule, is eager to and Pains of all kinds. We are sole manufacturers and have the right- wagon p. m. not attend very at the rectory, this week. - ralgia, SANDY HOOK East 8.17 a. m 14 IX ? 91 ... with sore eyes and throat. find choice men, because the service of - - Know. on market- . ! 'jiit Elmer D. Treadwell of Orange, N. J., Mrs Eliza Jennings, Mrs E. B. Sher- - such means better products and more SOLD EVERYWHERE. the West S.ld a. m, 2.4s, 0.53 p. in. Is a SOLTilBCKY-- BETHEL. home for few days. wood and son have visited the former's . profits and less risks, and tbe wages must Et 82 a. in., 12J.7 40p. iu. 4 Guests at the residence of L. R. David at Chestnut' be the demands of the mar-Hil- l, West 8J2 a. m ; 2-- 6.17 p. in. brother, 'Wakeley, regulated by i Domestic Animals need OIVE 'KM SOME CONCERTS. Hoyt are Mr and Mrs F. E. Silliman Trumbull. ket. BRIDGEP0HT, CONN- - t TnUns stop when aignaM only. & Sherwood are a CONDITION POWDERS. 15 Housatonie Avenuei The old band stand which has recent- - aDd8on, David Silliman, Mr and Mrs Jennings getting If the labor organizations would spend HARVELL'S

4f 3D. BEL EOGBES KOCKEZESS,' 183 Main street, - DANBURY, CONN 1833ffain street,E - - DANBURY, CONN. CROCKERY, LAMPS, FURNITURE, CARPETS, Glassware, Cutlery, Wood, Tin, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Iron, Granite and Plated ware. CURTAINS, DRAPERIES, ETC. Large .Assortment. Low Prices. BEE. Houses.Offlces, Schools, Churches and Lodges lllii - i Newtown furnished throughout-


.T cfc ner of the house and within a few feet of catalogues of Steinway & Sons, Ernest the week. Green of last with JUT .iSXZOlFl.'X'IX Affairs Town. was Gabler & during shower, Wednesday Roxbury spent Sunday About where the damage done. Bro., Hardward, Henning and ney were somewnat injured. No per- their parents. Weser Bros., piano3. have con- sons were a The Mammoth Shoe . They injured. During very lively A. B. Hendrix and son of New Haven Dealers, VETERAN FETJIT GROWER OF C0NNEC-- on hand a ' Ts THE stantly large assortment of electric storm, Saturday about 6 Kettletown the to ! No ol(l "Be sure ia an " night, spent last Sunday at his place buy QTmiT'C! styles. you get Ayer's" impor- TICUT. second hand of vivid ' - Everything la troHh. OXXWXjO I and cleim stock. tant caution to all in thor- j r pianos every prominent o'clock a flash followed immediate Brook farm. EWEN Bright search of a maker both in uprights and squares in a terrific crash of startled are the times- - be reliable "blood ly by thunder, Charles Warner of Shelton was the Thoy always up Try them and yon will pleased. oughly purifier, Ayer's Hollister Sage, in the Tribune, reports which you can always secure a bar- all Danbury, particularly those on Main - sarsaparilta being the one on which James Burr of Monroe as the veteran gain. street. We hear of no from guest of E. E. Burr, last Sunday. 3NTO ZOcMaJLs. Z0"A77- ox'c3L. there can be no manner of doubt. It fruit of Connecticut. 13 he? damage it, Mra C. P. Cook of Naugatuck spent O Sit;., IWSIilf has stood the test of cen- grower at inis writing, some suppose the cur nearly half a William Piatt of Newtown thinks he has THE PUTNAM' fAEK COMMISSION. rent took the rod on the tall last week with her mother. M'lNTYEE tury, aud has long been considered the some not as lightning VY. standard. ground, though many acres, spire of the First Congregational church 1 DlfUTO JjUlUlXEili UUiVirAlM, to claim the title. He did not catch the The commission appointed by Gov and passed into the earth without leav lllii in 1849 to California Morris Men when told that tobacco in- gold fever and go for Putnam Park in Redding, ing any mark. A telephone wire was SOUTHBURY. laugh with the the most of whom met at the club house of "The Old Retail jures them, who, if were honest, crowd, got Put broken near the church. The fluid may CO. Wholesale and they left and did not what went club" in - - & Briclgeport, would confess to nervous headaches, badly get Redding, opposite the grounds nave strucK that. Steele come to their MICHIGAN PINE LUMBER, SPRUCE after, viz., what mankind most covet. But on Saturday, and the The family have SIDING, SHINGLES, fluttering of the heart, throat disease, choice organized by A young lady named Hal pin, at the summer residence in this Doors & & a break- he did take 100 quarts of Hovey seedling of the following officers: Presi- place. Timber, Lath, Sash, Blinds, Carvings, Mouldings, Mantles Hard disarranged stomach and general in a but- Pratt house, Elm street, came near There was a sociable Mrs Reports come from all sections of th'e country down of their chlor- strawberries to New York City dent, Aaron Sanford; vice president, to at Hunt's, Wood, Trim, etc. North Carolina Yellow Pine Lumber a ing system. Hill's Drew & Buir enough losing her eyesight, on the last week saying that stocks -- Specialty. ter crate to French, Barclay Hawley; William A. Thursday evening. 1Crttv tki lertitmsiHKn PHOMPTTT ide, of gold tablets are the only remedy secretary, Fourth, by the explosion of a small rock which effects a street commission merchants, who sold Braun of Bethel ; treasurer, n. A. et. Miss Augusta Osborne has been visit speedy, permanent cure. 1-- 2 Powder and pieces of the missile HAVE DROPPED. All sell about one half of them for 37 cents ; superintendent and treasur- flew in ing out of town. druggists them. 25 her face. Under the skillful We per box and the remainder for cents, er, J. H. Bartram; assistant superinten- treatment of Dr she is Quite a number from this dace spent know not how many points a day. They Wade, regaining ott-tlm- remove the the dealers claiming that their patrons dent, Charles Sanford of Redding; audi- ner the Fourth at Lake drop and rise. - But when Ayer's pills promptly were tired of them and as tors, Burr Charles Sanford eigne. Quassapaug. WORCESTER3 causes of sick aud nervous headaches. wanted, they Hawley, and Edmund Leavenworth has a brother 33XJC:iS.3IS-S'3I- These correct do now, raspberries. The empty boxe? John E. Ferris. The grounds comprise DRY GOODS DROP pills speedily irregularities cost me five cents each, were returned to about 51 acres. BROOKFIELD. visiting him. ASD MOWER of the stomach, liver, and bowels, and Those who attended the lawn in they drop to stay until they're sold. Those who are the mildest and most reliable cathar me and filled again with raspberries. party hold William uirs o. n. ana children are South Britain on the Fourth had a very for better times to come always get lerU tic in use. No one should be without Piatt. curtiss This is the them. In Fairfield boarding for the summer with Mrs D. nice time. time when we think of the plank A Iter a mont urosperous trado in the plow and harness trade, I am now maliinf a County. Morehouse. - walks at the seaside; the promenades of the ot special A POPULAR MAGAZINE. Mr Yale of Boston, who is visiting his announcement the Standard and Chain Gear Worcester liuckeyo Mower and the W'iard lake resort hotels, and the tally-h- of the II vy Hake, which I am prepared to show and sell on their merits. Call and examine them ii. vy. .roster, ana nis sister are daughter, Mrs Jesse Ilicock, has been Dei ore THE WHITE CITY. jr., mountain driven. Among the assortment ot placing your order. mid-summ- er DANBURY. spending the week with their aunts in very ill. The Cosmopolitan, the goods we are are showing this season, gener- 1-- Meadow. Mrs on a 1KM OUH 81'KCIAI. COItKKSrONDliNT first at the new of 12 2 cents per Long Mary Leonard has gone ous has been price Miss E. visit to friends in New Haven and provision made tor T V ATT? PITT T H Taunton District, copy, though unchanged in size, excels ORDAINED FOR THE MINISTRY". J. Allen entertained her broth 13.J issue of in the er and last week. Rochester, N. Y. J. T Newtown, Conn. leave of the Convent Santa Ma any other that magazine family, SUMMER OUTING GOODS, for all ot Taking number of its Elisdia Z. well-know- n II. T. Miss Susie Graham of has Agent kindsAiiiljlllljlJ,tools tor the farm. ria de la Kabida and the distinguished contributors, Ellis, prohibi- Hawley and family are living in Woodbury the and most big gun, in the interest of its contents and in its tionist and temperance worker, was or- their house on the hill for the summer. visited Miss Mamie Ambler. latest, gayest fashionable stock Krupp, we will wend our way to the ar- ever shown here. For those who consider overflowing illustrations by famous dained as a Christian niinister in the Mill Nile Hendrickson been Miss Edith Smith has been in the Agricultural building, which in external William Dean and family have "no place like home," we are always at home is tists. Francois Coppee, Plain Baptist church, last Sunday. He the week with his Purchase. to sculptural adornment, scarcely un Camille Andrew has been in spending past parents them. Anticipating your wants for the rivaled or Ilowells, Flaminarion, laboring that church a few in Woodburn, N. Y. Eddie Short is home on a visit. heated we by any the great buildings. Frank II. II. con- term, have put in a large stock ot The Shoe; We for the Canada exhibit Lang, Dempster Sherman, months pat, and earlier labored in Mrs Hattie and Isea&iiig enquire and Boyesen, Charles DeKay, Thomas. A. nection with the late Elder his Nearing sonBennieare A telephone has recently been put up Potter, Water-bur- y. lo! and behold! we are confronted father-in-law- with her DrWildman in B. SUMMER by Janvier, Colonel Tillman, Kepp-lie- r . He was once a brother, between Dr Cooley's residence and A. FABRICS, the mammoth cheese, which is 28 feet in Agnes candidate Stone's store. for and Summer. and Gilbert Parker are a few of the for Congress on the prohibition ticket, as goods of accepted at circumference and 22,000 is virtues; goods popular Spring weighs pounds, name which on it title well as for various other at Jack Elwood again out once more. Rev J. C. Linslev, rector of St Paul's ; Men's Russet $4. or 11 tons. The hoop is of steel and to appear pfie. offices, every prices goods of recognized popularity ; goods Kangaroo Bluchers, Three frontispieces, all by famine art .sts, election for the past few years. A very church, Woodbury, held a service in the tnal will make you leel comlortable make it solid, a weight, or pressure of an ;:,, despite The most comfortable shoe for the coming warm weathee is more 200 was furnish unusual feature, ;inirtiig worthy man. Elder Davis of Bridge- EASTON. .episcopal church here, last Sunday at unmerciful ravages of the midsummer sun. than tons, applied to it. the artists who contribute to 119 Call of and of Maine 4 o'clock. It took 207,200 of or the port, Ohio, Tucker pounds miik, illustrations adorning its page-- , tire are mentioned as officiating in the cere- The Columbian band will hold a con IN WASH DRESS Men's milk of cows one in , DESERVES FABRICS Our 10,000 Sep- Tou-jsaint- THE WHIFFING Genuine Kangaroo Shoes, $2.50. for day Fenti, monies. also had a FOST. on we are well tember. The maker, J. A. Nuddick of Laurens, They baptism by cert the green at the lower end of equipped. In no one ot the sub- The lowest this kind of a shoe ever sold for. Steven?, riniinier, Fitler, Meaulle aud immersion in Lake Kensoia in the after- Some malicious person entered the lot Main street, Saturday evening, if the divisions of this great of the si all' mid-summ- er department dry price dairy commissioners', Ontario, Franzen. The number is noon. where two of James are we Can., was assisted by cheesemen from 11 Spencer's young weather permits. goods wanting. Men's Calf Shoes with Oak Soles and intended to set the pace for the maga- horses were pastured, one night last Dr M. L. a Counters, factories. the milk of 2 Cooley has a friend, Light adjaceut Allowing zine at its new price of 12 cents a copy, TIRED OF LIKE. week, aud seriously injured one of them. gentle GINGHAMS. 10,000 cows for one day, would be an or a man, visiting him. and 27 cows an $1.50 year. The magazine remains A saloon named F. by cutting a bad gash in one of their Silk finish Zephyrs, fine lace Satin $2, $2.50 $3. equivalent for for entire year. in and each issue will be Bridgeport keeper, The court of probate has appointed Grenadine, mere uaa iusc also unchanged size J. Grubb,was found dead in a car of the ankle's. About two years ago a similar plaid and stripe Ginghams. arrived several an advance its Liter- was inflicted on Reuben Pierce as administrator and Rob The reason we are able to sell these shoes at such low prices cheese, which we may call upon predecessors. Consolidated road, Sunday night week. injury the other horse. baby cheeses, ally, every known country is being ran- He had A person who will cause a dumb beast ert Clark and Theodore Wheeler as ap is because are our own make. though they weighed 1000 pounds each. committed suicide. This letter on the estate of Charles Wake- - SATEENS, they sacked for material in the hope to : to suffer to their is not praisers A special truck has been made for this bring was found in his pocket spite enemies, lit and Wakelee including the finest styles ot Foreign and Do- The Cosmopolitan forward as the lead- to live among men. lee, Jaue administratrix and at far lower big cheese, and when the exposition My dear Ada Mv last tlioimlits are of von. Russell and Stiles Belfield ap- mestic, prices than in former is ing magazine in the world. Hail you mother's wicked temper been kept Henry years. makes a and closes here, it to be. carried to - on the estate of Wakelee. Always pretty costume, Eng nder control thiiiRS would have been differ- AT THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. praisers George never out of date. land and exhibited in all the great cities nt. Hut I forgive her now in my last mo- - The ladies aid met with Mrs of and I. as ents. From vour heart-broke- Rev Mr society I II. England 'eland, well as Scot MIDSUMMER RIGHT'S FESTIVAL. lather. Aver, Sr.. of West Stafford oc Hunt on afternoon and even Good and God bless Thursday FACTS Falos, land. It is called the "Canadian mite.'" by may you all. cupied the Congregational pulpit, last AND REALITIES ing. create a more - and forms a part of the pyramid of Can- He had been registered at the Wooster Sunday morning. In the evening he lasting effect than highly col- 273 Ibsulri. adian The young people of St John's parish for a few and dull Mr and Mrs Seth Palmer have com ored We invite investi- street, Erldegepcit. dairy products at the World's fair. are to a and most days. Dissipation gave a very interesting account of the misrepresentation. Y. M. C. A. preparing give unique business are mentioned as the menced housekeeping at the Bronson The result has been an in- Nearly Opriosite It may not be out of place to notice, in brilliant entertainment on the of probable meetings of the general convention of gation. always this connection, the celebrated Ferris evening cause. An empty bottle labled "Rough the Congregational churches of this state. place. crease ot business. Remember lor July, wheel in which was the 2Gth of this month, in aid of the church on Rats" was found on him. Miss Annie Brown spent her vacation Organdies, Baptiste, French and India Mulls B. Conn-- , Midway Plaisance, will be out of J. STILLSON, New Preston, W.D. introduced to the for their bene improvement fund. It held Charles wife of at home. and lawns. public doors in H. Warner's beautiful . . Johnson and Lvon's- Doalor in IU'.EK'lWmOK, fit and pleasure,,Tune 21. The author is J. SAVED THE DOG AND DIED. were recent at Miss Miss Nellie Curtis has visited Miss Physician and Surgeon. grounds (Gibson place), and will consist guests Net Choice Hoof, Mutton Lard, Pork Veal, Hams, Ba- George W. G. Ferris, a young engineer John Miller, a boy about 11 years old, tie Ward's. Clara Bostwick. PARASOLS. Office and Residence, Sandv Hook. of supper on the lawn, from 6 to 8 o'clock. - The sun will remind ot the of con, Corned Beef. Poultry, Game, Etc. All ol Pittsburg. It is 250 feet in diameter. ice crearn will be while trying to save his pet dog from be- Mr Ericson, our new mail has Miss Osborne is rela you necessity Telephone connection. 825 in and 30 wide. Cake and also served, a ISew carrier, Augusta visiting having a parasol, so come and see our novel- the Fruits of the Season. circumference feet cool will be il- ng injured by England train, was a fine turnout. He seems to be a tives in It .'iO and drinks. The grounds very Massachusetts.! ties in Dresden CELEST A. BENEDICT, M. D., has carriages for passengers hung a un over by the cars and instantly killed, man, and be handles, coaching parasols. on its luminated and decorated, and program oonging young should pat Mrs John Coffey has been on the sick changeable Taffetas and a of others. Physician and Surgeon, periphery at equal intervals. of music will be a Monday week. ronized Dy tne in myriad M- - J- - Each car is 27 good rendered, by public general. list. Her brother and sister spent the Leavenworth, Roxbury Station, 842 State feet long,i;j feet wide and band Mrs St., Bridgeport. nine leet 40 or orchestra. The after supper THE FOURTH IN DANBURY. Joseph Jacob's brother from New Fourth with her. JULY NUMBER one of the Of- high, ccntaimng revolving will consist of scenes in is GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Electricity therapeutic agents. chairs, made of wire and screwed to the recreation fairy York, spending two weeks at her Charles Stone and Howard Ilicock are ot "Modes and Fabrics" published at 10 cents fice hours from 10 a. m. to 12 m. 2 to 4 p. m. the woodland, historic, romantic, and Young patriotism was noisy on the home. a Lowest Prices. Give Us a Call. floor. Ic weighs 13 Ions and with 40 Fourth. An amount of putting up a new telephone wire from the copy, yours ror the asking at any depart comic tableaux, and fireworks. Look astonishing pow M. E. Banks and of station to Stone Brothers and Dr Cool- ment in the store. It is full of In- DAVENPORT & and Coun- passengers will weigh three tons more. der was for hard times. The family Stratfield, newsy and O'HARA, Attorneys It has a conductor to out for the posters and hand bills. burned, are at tneir maston farm. residences and will be ex formation. sellors at Lw- - State striet. Brides Port. open the doors, same condition has been noted in many ey's probably preserve order and give imformation. Now the are The Congregational society contem- tended to Woodbury. All the cars will 1400 A NEW IDEA. places. papers receiving Mr a Boots and Shoes. carry persons. The the returns and recording the casualties. plate having a lawn party, next month, Perry and boys took trip to the Return Railroad Ticket given all purchasers of I ; wheel with ear - Men's Kussia all lilui'hei's Ladies' It luck ZDr E3. its and passengers will mates a .Dan-bur- y Mrs Frank Brothwell of New Haven shore, last week. $10 worth sf goods- and Tun Oxford In all Misses 3. 1200 Danbury good showing. styles; Hoys', Todd, weigh about tons. It is substan The D. M. Read Company of Bridge- is abreast with the times. returned home, Monday, after a weeks' and Child's Tun Shoes In all sizes. The tlnest Veterinary Surgeon, in new novel usvally All delivered line ot Hummer slmes ever in this vii ut NEW MILF0RD, CONN. tially supported. Every direction the port have instituted a and A girl named Lottie Bernd, visit with Mrs S. N. Osborn. packages aad checked free to Peck inity of .a estimated and idea call their "Sea shore & office, all the lowest llvlnjf prices. Telephone, ....L. S. Jennings'. way danger provided which they daughter of Jeremiah Bernd, the tobac- .air ana Mrs 1'arracK nave a ANS0NIA- - Bishop's depot parcel meeting trains. or. is ueorge It udder the cont rol of 1000 horse and mountain service'department.' There conist, was burned so badly that she died a recent R- - J- - WATTS, - oower reversible Blooming train are little vacation necessaries granddaughter, arrival at the Washington Depot. W. W. WALKEK & engine. many in consequence, the next day. She sat home of Mr and Mrs Wesley Burr. SON, It has a large Westinghouse air brake. which their customers, who are rusticat- down on a firecracker from which John L. Linsley, the new county com VTW. INTrPTnP TITIPflD A TOP Q is spent lhe old is that one extreme or It arranged to empty and refill six ing, forget to take with them, and this her clothes took fire. A boy by the name saying missioner, has taken the oath oince We have Just received the largest stock ot cars at a time and there will be six firm will be to for- follows another. This seem3 to be true and at a recent of the board in EWEN INSURANCE. i liml S HIIUW ii stops progressive pleased of had a hund meeting j ic mi lmn't t'VCl in tins ciiy. in re- Thompson very seriously in to our facilities. The We the best ot White Lead, Tint- every revolution. Passengers will ward, express paid, to any point within Mrs Fred A. Hull came near regard stage New Haven wa3 elected its president. LIFE- - ACCIDENT. keep grades injured. two or more our accom FIRE. ed Lead, Oils, Varnish, Glass, Lirushes, etc. it main onboard during, two revolutions a radius of 50 miles, all goods which any. to a severe While as past years stage B. Gardner is in a new will he to to on us when SO enough injury. modations were not now J. putting me a postal and I will he pleased to call your advantage call and pay cent3 for the same. As it is of their customers may order by mail, to otl a Roman can- desirable, but smoke stack at the clock works. Samuel yuu want, unw illing; ill imi line. 15 Bisting her boy put we have two fine teams to accommodate MINTYRE elevated feet above the ground the thus supplying any wants in their line in dle, it Her saved her Hill of New Miltord is the work. 500 Main Street Conn. traveler can view the an exploded. glasses the traveling public; doing vJ. "W. Bridgeport, pleasure landscape unusual and appreciative way. This, eyes. A boy named Turner was badly A great many residents with their at an elevation of 205 feet, ft is of in connection with their regular Mail Or- race moun IBIRSIIE,- burned about the by the premature families are at the shore and the Washington Depot, Conn- course a conspicuous omect from all der Department, is fast becoming an im- of a small cannon. Plate SOUTHPORT. & CO.. of explosion glass tain resorts. The World's fair has taken points the compass. Rev A. Gardner, portant and prominent factor in their was broken the or a rap- few so far. Mrs Pitblado is Warren, Ct. business. by flying pieces but getting C. E. CRANE, BETHLEHEM, CONN., rapidly increasing tured cannon in Foley's saloon, White THE CONGKEGATIONAL CIICKCII. up a club to go later; 20 pays the ;iare Agent tor a complete line ot Clothing. La- in Simon's store. AHal- - Dry Goods Importers, anil street,and drug The new officers of the Y. P. S. C. E. for the round trip via ew England roaa. dies', (Jents' Children's. Ladles' Capes MT PLEASANT JOTTINGS-MAFL- at Rox- - was and Jackets ot artistic both Frank Stilson passed Sunday pm girl considerably burned in the were The Fourth The town make, silks, Falls. face a cannon cracker. A man had a elected Wednesday evening, July passed quietly. & Foreign and Domestic. Styles equally as bury by 5, and are as follows: President, was nearly deserted, many going to the 837 839 CEAPEL ST., good us custom made in Geutlemeu,s Suits. VIEW COTTAGE. portion of his trousers torn on by the ex o i n i v. : t of a cannon cracker ; he also lost Cyrus Sherwood liradley; vice pres Situated in one of the on "Jeff," the driver of the Grand Central plosion - l V JN prettiest spots some skin from his This was the aent, uiara A. usborne ; corresponaing Rev Mr Woodlock and family are sum- hi A V VjN . I A)N . A. K the hill and surrounded team, received a letter on Monday ad- leg. Miss M. ; sec ii FAIKCH1LD, by beautiful result of the of some The secretary, Helen Bradley mt'i ill" in iuuxiruv. General Insurance And Seal Estate Agent, shade trees, we find Maple View dressed "Alfred Jefferson, chief of police, deviltry boy. E. J. Cornwell ; lookout com Cottage. Newtown." was from the chief of ist might be extended. A tight in a sa retary, V. P. Staub has left for New Milford 61 FAIRFIELD AVENUE, BRIDGEPORT, CONN, it is trie residence ot Mr and Mrs James It mittee's, C. Meeker chairman, A. T. he will reside for 2- N. who would loon, in which shots are mention- where with his family Warner Building, Room - A. Weaver of Brooklyn, who spend their police at Yonkers, Y., slung Giles, W. A. Montalon, W. Mitchell, Over like information of a horse stolen from ed, may be noted. This was taken to com- the present. summers here. the door can be one a Samuel Bradbury; prayer meeting seen in 1784, which is the J. C. Wheaton's livery in Yonkers. The the city court. Some frightened Miss C. Mrs The trial of Dr Palford for being COUGH LIN large figures doctor's horse into a mad run throw mittee, S. Perry chairman, JtKOS., date when the house was built. It has stolen animal is dark brown and about by W. H. Hoi man, Miss Mrs J. A criminally responsible for the death of 11 ing firecrackers under it. In thi3 con Taylor, Nellie Nesbitt is down for Wednes Bridgeport. BEFORE YOU commence quite a history.' Mrs Weaver entertained years old. Anyone having informa Wakeman, Miss Beattie, Mrs W. H put DEALERS IN FINE GOLD WALL haying it on tion will do well to communicate with nection also may be mentioned the sad 12, in the court room in An- - PAPESS, many of her city friends Fourth of even Montalon and Mrs W. Mitchell ; social day, July G. W. OIL FRESCO DECORA interest to know we a was in of "Chief of Police Jefferson." case of one, Mr Blank, who in the sonia. Senator llalden tor tne prosecu- FAIRCHILD, TINTS, BORDERS, may you carry July. It front her residence so of or committee, Miss Helen M. Bradley TIONS, WINDOW SHADFS. ETC where all the hreworKs and the lawn ing had become full patriotism, Miss C. W. U tion, William Williams for defendent. FIXTURES, complete assortment of for the and was so that chairman, Osborn, Mrs was fixed S7000. doc JEWELER & SILVERSMITH repairs party took place in the evening. something, very tired, Holman Miss H. W. Jesup, Miss Jessie The bond at The "VTEWTOWN SAVINGS BANK Newtown, Conductor Bristol, of the Shepaug he undressed and went to bed in the Miss Miss Lottie tor is in New Haven jail awaiting trial y conn, incorporuieu iko. BUCKEYE MOWER. "limited has been on the sick street. When he awoke he sought his Hawley, Lucy Hawley, ALL GRADES OP WATCHES AT PHI LO CLAKKK. President: C. II. NORTH OLD FASHION BARN DANCE. express," Lacey, Miss Ida Buckley; executive John W. Minor and family spent Sun Treasurer. HOUH.-- i 8 a. to list. Charles DeLong ran the train in home and finally found it, minus his ROP, in.; We will furnish for all a time we is committee, all the members of the day with friends in Ansoma GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. jiionunyB. roup, m. repairs kinds What jolly had, what every his absence. clothes, no doubt much to the surprise school Mrs one is who was fortunate of his When he realized society ; Sunday committee, P. E. Burdette of New York is organ of mowers at short notice. If you are saying enough family. fully G. W. Elwood, Mrs F. Disbrow and a Diamonds of our own importation at THE NEWTOWN LIBRARY: to attend the barn dance held in Mrs AuijV Frank Hoyt, just graduated from the the situation he went to the police sta izing building and loan association in want of a die Nichols' last and Will notified the officials he had MissM.F. Laflerty ; calling committee, less than New York Will be open for drawing Rooks every Tues- barn, Saturday night. Amherst agricultural college, tion and that Miss Clara A. Mi88 II. W prices. 1 m 7 ; It was all decorated with American were some hon- Osborn, day to p and to in the even ing Satur flags Hovt of Bridgeport, guests over lost a watch. Subsequently, Mrs U. A. uav 1 1) in to v in iu.i and trimmed with brown and white dais- of Fred Hubbell. man a man's with a Jesup and. iianks; music BUCKLES'S ARNICA SALTS. SILVER AND PLATED WARE evering. Walter A. Wood Mower, Sunday est brought clothing A. S. Giles, Mrs W. H. ies. On the ceiling were tacked all col- watch still in the vest pocKet, wnicn committee, We can make will sur ors of tissue The arrived Holman; missionary commitee, VV. G The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises CLOCKS, FANCY GOODStc. prices that paper. guests E. S. Lovell had a bull killed light- proved to be the gentleman's watch and 11. K. W. fever about 9 o'clock and a good time was en by and be- Waterman, C Uarnum, Sher sores, ulcers, salt rlieuin, sores, tetter Pain's Manhattan Beach you. Call and bs convinced. ning, last week. It was standing under outfit. Many got surcharged wood, A. Wakeman and H. Disbrow ; chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin In and all prise joyed by all, with Mr Cox of Hawley ville came hilarious, all in honor of the J. eruutions and nosttvely cures piles or no pay great variety goods at a tree. Horses and cattle but a few feet wildly flower committee, H. C. Barnum and sat-- FIREWORKS. with his fiddle and the boys keeping time were Fourth. Great is l required. It is guaranteed to give perfect lowest F. A. & away, not injured. glorious patriotism E. J. Cornwell; temperance committee, lstacuon, or money remnueu. the possible prices. HULL CO., to the music, the hours slipped by very E. F. Hawlev. Flags, Fire Crackers, Paper Caps, Pis a re H. C. Barnum. box. For sale by ST-- , swiftly. Prof Benedict Starr. Elm street, ete-- , etc-Th- e 181 MAIN William a brakeman on the She' tols, Beebe, tired over 70 years of age, while J. A. Wakeman spent with 357 MAIN GUESTS AT MRS NICHOLS'. pang" has moved his from teacher, Sunday STREET, Office News Room. freight, family . lawn with a lawn in Post DANBURY, - - CONN. Litchfield to Bethel. - mowing the his family Danbury. " 11 P. 0. Arcade, Bridgeport, Conn. Among those who are stopping at Mrs mower, Thursday week, accidentally Fred Rusco spent Sunday in Wilton NEAR JOHN ST., Nichols', Mt Pleasant, are Mr and Mrs off the step at the front bis are for the summer. William. Terrill has had a half of his stepped where family 11 ME Bailey of Brooklyn, Mrs Emeline and gate and fell down several steps to the Simon jjr Sclentifio American Clara Tibbals of Mrs O. A. barn - The schooner, George Edwin, of Brooklyn, large newly shingled. sidewalk, nreaKing nis leg Deiow tne Banks' line has been over JJ ITYTT 1 "TV 7" f I Hall and Fred Hall of Bridgeport, Mr knee and dislocating the ankle joint. thoroughly JlPii Tklf i and Mrs W. W. Courter of hauled at Port Jefferson, L. I., and After September 24, Bridgeport, The Congregational Sunday school had The yard of the Starr mansion is several arrived at her dock and will soon start! Miss C. E. Nichols, Miss Stella Nichols, an attendance of 85, the feet than the street and ap- W r T13UJE rJliLKJllAtil!! J he Coal ONLY Sunday, largest higher in trade shall at the yard Charles Woodman, Mr and Mrs Charles number this several stone the market L ALLEN MEEEERharmacentist. year. proached by step9. The White Rock is in MONDAY and SATURDAY Woodmac of Brooklyn, Prof E.W. Scrip William A; Braun has been Port Jefferson, PEESCKEPTIOX8 A SPECIALTY. ture and wife of New Haven, W. C. Rus appointed L.I. - Of Each Week. J. B. Fairchlld of Taunton district a member of the Putnam memorial park oropr State and Miin St"-- . Brl deeport, Ct sell and family and Edward L. Tibbals. a suecesful season with his commisson. Rev W. H. Holman is spending a few HF1. - CAVEATS. reports very in Boston. O. Sariford-- Mil 2 f"- TRADE MARKS. A. praise meeting was held at the resi Wiard hay rakes and Worcester Buckeye The late Legislature passed a bill ap days Prices DESIGN PATENTS, dence of Mrs Addie Nichols on Mt Pleas- mowers. The new cnain gear mower propriating $12,000 to the Uanbury hos Special COPYRIGHTS, mo. - becoming very among farmers x or mTormsTion una Tree Handbook write to ant, last Sunday evening. All the neigh- popular pital. ON THE BEST PLACE TO GET & 3ol who are them and MrFaircbild has MUNN Co., Bhoauwat, New YoRff. bora were invited. The gospel hymns. using W. A. Gordon went to Montreal to the In New Haven County, Oldest burenn lor securing patents In America. 5 one of the machines at bi3 place all set YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE Kvety patent taken out by tig la before No. and C, were" used. Mr North and Christian Endeavor the a brought up and will be to show it to any gathering. IS BY public by notice given free of charge in tba Dick and Bert North, furnished the mus- pleased Elks in an excursion ic. one who may care to examine into its Danbury indulged MIDDLEBURY. THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND Planet, Jr.. merits. Mr Fairchlld also has the stand to Bridgeport on the Fourth. It is re NEW ANU MT CUWIKLtAION 15 BtTTtK. BUCKINGHAM & BBEWER, Why is it that one likes The a success. sold .My doctoraaysJt acts ffently on theKtoniah. liver every ard machine on exhibition. He also ported pronounced They kklnevs. and Is a Dieaaant This drink: gear - and laxative. Elorse Hioes Bee? Because it's oOO Lanreflt etrenlfttton of an? Bdrnitiflc tumor In fhm Newtown bright, has a novel labor-savin- g investment ror between 400 and tickets. . DAMAGE BY LIGHTNING. la made from herbs, and ia prepared for use aseually 90 Middle St., Bridgeport .worlU. HplomiiUly Illustrated. Wo and as tea. It is called I lutelllffeut spicy newsy. , on on Both proprietor are practical printers of fqjrinkling Paris green potato plants A prize "shooting match took place During a severe storm the evening of ye art fl.WHii months. Address MuNN A CO- After all there is no like Kane Cultivators nveriu years' experience arm Kive tlieir per - place "Home, Farmers should call and see it. the shooting club grounds. John the 5th. on the road between the Center LANES MEDICIME BY THE nuenuon evil me 11 sonal lo work. Sweet Home." was the winner. and the lake, five trees were struck by A druggists sell It at 50c and $t apackage. If yoa Do you read The Newtown Bee? If Another within a distance of a third of cannot set it. send vour addte for a frpn am-- ' The Grand Central passenger wagon foreign hat manufacturer, lightning ple. Lane's Family Medicine moves the bow ela Plumb Hardware Co., not, not? is out Mr letter head of an in Ger- a mile. Several bolts fell north earn any. inoruer 10 oe neaitny uus is iiecesHnrv. why from Gay's shop, newly extensive hat factory heavy Address. ORATOK F. WiXJl WARU iJl Hox. K. Mr and Mrs Charles Woodman of ed and bright with fresh paint. many, has paid his respects to Danbury of the Center also. One of these struck t 452 Main St., have been at Mrs Ad-di- je He has been at the World's fair and on the residence i.of Samuel Fenn and did .PHOTOGBAPHS Brooklyn stopping - - Nichol3' on the hill. his return took He is re- damage to the amount of several hun BRIDGEPORT, - CONN- I Of a Finish Mrs James Burns of .Bridgeport is inDanbury. Superior This tfce lake is than ever. a few at the home of her ported as speaking in flattering terms of dred dollars. None of the family were Are Made At year grander spending days some Mr Fenn had retired for the Hook Blackman's New It is said to v .in tain of aud Mr and Mrs our lactones ana tooK points wun injured. just Studio, plenty perch parents, .Barney Kelly. ..: one Sandy 24J bass. him. y night when the shock came, and leg A????--R- aiainSt.,ianbur. or tne Deasteaa ne was was ADVERTISING Edward L. Tibbals, who his Miss Effie Wolcott is in New The firemen were called out twice, last occupying sprained visiting first to McLean Broth shattered. Two other bedsteads, which ' ankle in the eighth inning on Fourth of Haven. Friday afternoon, would have been had the hour 3 Cents Per Foot. in the of baseball between the ers' ary gooas store, ana about two occupied Square July game large on been a little later, were injured. The Write to William and city Doys, is able to be about Hill is his Mrs hours after to a building jvtain street Glahn, Prop'r. village Henry visiting sister, a tailor and Chinese laundry- - rains have washed the roads consider The Berlin Iron Co., occupied by ; HATES. Bridge Delicious again. M. E. Botsford. a on nre able. , Home Made Bread, Cakes, It is the smart and wide awake busi man. They found bed in tne East Berlin, Conn. Break- chambers.. But little . off much- - as Genuine Pies. Hot Rolls for ness man who advertises in The Bee. - damage. The Fourth passed very Mr and Mrs Marshall Hawley visited who Some of pic- fast. Caterer for all Festive Occa Is Rev.S. P. Hotaling, a young man usual. the young people E. Our friend, J. A. Blackman, report Mrs Hawley's sister, Mrs M. E. Botsford has come into and is nicked at the lake and others at FEED. SniJMAN; - recently Danbury, High 8-- 1-- Col-$4- 1- sions- in Newtown ed to have the finest of in the last week. Column 4 Col. 3 -4 Col- - for the Lockwood tt Evaa. Fiaaoa. Delivery wagon crop hay preparing to enter the regular ministry Rock grove. Agent every" The Contributor. Prompt attention given to tuning and Center and vicinity Monday, x vicinity. in the Methodist church, at is as fast as con VI TEAK, $100 $80 $60 $40 rtpiiriac " preached progressing and Hook t Miss E.inaia Lake visited her old home Great He is Haying Teacher of the riolin. Wednesday Friday; Sandy in Plain, Sunday evening. rep be expected, considering tne weamer. 6M0S. 00 48 86 28 24 EASTOJ COCT. - Lake George, recently. resented as a and is fast. . during the rest of the week- PRINTING t STEUCK LIGHTNING. pleasing interesting Rye ripening very 8M0S. 40 83 24 20 16 AT Bt Ladies' and Din- THE Mrs James Lake and Miss are speaker. MOSTH.20 16 12 10 ' 8 Birmingham Gent's : Emma, Rev Mr Kne3al of the Methodist S0UTHT0RD. Rooms- - spending a few days with Mrs George in the Metho- WEEK, 10 8 6 5 4 ing BEE OFFICE 4 During the heavy shower of last week in church, Bethel, preached J. H. Jefferson, Proprietor. Meals at all the house of Gideon Martin, Bridgeport. dist church In morn- The property belonging to the estate 4 la. 8 In. 2Xn finch hours. Board by day or week. Wednesday evening - Danbury, Sunday Give Us a Call. Camp in "the Racketts was struck by ing. Old church members speak enthu of George Wakelee in Kettletown was TEAS, $30 $25 $18 $10 $5 316 Main St., BIRMINGHAM, CONN of. ser- last week Stiles t :'.-- t lightning, splitting rafters, tearing off If you are contemplating purchasing siastically the excellence of the appraised, Thursdey. 15 10 6 mon. Rev Smith Belfield B. Rus9ell South-bur- y 6 U0S. .18 8 T. J. Insurance - SUNSET COTTAGE, tne siding and dislodging some piaster. a piano write to M. Steinert & Sons Co., In the evening Elliott and Henry of - CORBETT, Agent- Now for for 359 Main or 777 of Bethel . an aer were the 8 U0S. 13 10 7 4 2 Kew Life Hartford open guests; apply particulars, Fortunately the occupants of the house street, Bridgeport, Chap- preached interesting appraisers. ' Tort and Lite and An flood location, tlood table. Address Mrs M. were not injured, although Mr Camp's el street, New Haven, Ct. They will mon. Mrs Bristol of Ansonia and Mra Aman 1 MONTH, 6 5 4 8 1 mi., j. MUCKING Conn. cor-- mail : II. HAM, Nowtown, sister was sleeping In a room on the you free, beautifully illustrated Two horses were struck by lightning da Taylor of New Haven and Miss Laura 1WSEK, . 3 8 80 2 1 1. a word Bu 7ft, Saadj Hook, Coaa. ) "hi" NEWTOWN New York are summering at David H. gational church, last Sunday, Kev Mr Curtis receives a 14th share of ' fi'Valua THE BEE ?''-' out of town. on Glover's. '., Park being Preparations ble property Fifth avenue, NewYorki are . being made to dedicate thenew' When We Promise'iou - Arriong the guests at W.W. are f rakiM-- r "New mnn-liir- er r Bliss',' w.i JJoliu li. of York, church, 25, ; f Mr Mrs Udall of , n .-- July and Ios Angelos, Cal., Hoi no of tUe olav )ut at Hen," ia spend Mrs Andrew Beattie is tin the sick list. Tucker and r Know 11. Henry sontf Milford' and What:to;;Ex HOWARD ing bis vlicution jit David Glover's,-- Mr Beattie is kept-quit- busy with his Miss Hattie Kanchet of Black Bock. whvrtf'rM lias' liis hsiidquai!-ter- s. where- - V THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY "teniiiorary mowing machine, going about V r Jf hJ .r i. . i ever he has calls. pectJ, - Miss Benedict is at B. Shel-- REDDING. & ALLISON P. EDITOR. 9, a son to Mr and visiting J SMITH, Born, Sunday, July ton's. - Mrs Charles B. Glover of Hanover dis- : DIAMOND II ILL. AKT1IUH J. SMITH, BUSINESS MANAGER. trict. Our new stage driver savs business is rushing. He will receive orders at Mr and M rs Charles Selleck and Miss BARBER, Miss Louise' tfan of ;Brkieeport has Church's drug store, formerly, known, as Marian, Selleck, of,. Londonville, N". Y., A 4c. A COPY. ' ' $1 50 YEAR, been Of Misses Fannie Mj and" Al Booth's drug store. t I i, ' are yipieing thei Misses guest Selleck.- - theVy'ttht ?s The House Furnishers, ice Beers. . . . (7 FBIDAT-JUL- LONG HILL. j.. HEWTOWH. CONN., Y 14, 1893 At the school meeting, recently held, A bieltutifulniteM cereus" at Dr G. C: Elwelli'who has een" rusti E.-- Field was - B11MINGIIAM,C0NN. to blooming appointed tsommittee ;i m i Charles j K. at Kest a few . and. ,' tracted the; neighbors at cating Rocky for; weeks, instructed to, employ , Miss Leason, si::-- ' VV Beers', last Sunday evening.. , v . i'; . started Monday on , a , ester u business the younge, .lady ..who ".the ' completed," il-Jl- l I s " ' : trip.; !' i j , ' summer term. - .... xnr " .l -- Mr i Mr" and Mrs Charles Weed of Danbury Miss Daisy Spader of Brooklyn is vis TheEndeayor meetings, are heldT as t I i . were at J. Wi'Penny'Si last week.n iting at G. M. Wakelee's. , usual during the absence of the it ilO.i Mrs Wilkinson and pastor: DAYS i Edmond her daugh Kev W. JennintTS T." ,18 i I ' J. of Hnnhincrrnn ' SM.'Cate' of Bridgeport," 'repre-sentin- g ter are the1 summer on ' . t 'Jr., spending Long' haB visited his old friends here ; the Phd'nit Insurance company, Hill. ' Bethel, friends 'visited at the llome'- -' GOLD SALE. was. in town on and called at of ' SAVING Wednesday, Sylvester Webster Holyoke, Mass., gteadT ... - and Sunday afternoon, 1 .... . it spent Sunday with his parents, Mr 'in ...i) . Mrs ' Mrs Georga.Banks .and son.. Wallace. i t Affairs. About Town.; James Webster. , of were llll ,' Leslie Vaughan, the violinist, is taking Bethel guests of, her father, , A. Fred Froctier has his new ; World s ' painted last week.. - , i. To-da- ip the. lair. . . y! bouse. i , . ! . i The, Hiiv i . 2nd j MATTERS OF BUSINESS. ., Theuoizhborhood iwas held Dayi J.-- i , i meeting 11 hattertown: H.S.Donovan is usina; ,three-- fine at J. II. Liee'sj'Sundayiafternoon.ii..:,; " in ! ; ill '1 ( hi if 1 ' . i from!-th- , :iivi-ii- i 1 .a :i . Jf want a the young horses,' just brought ' J , I.,,,.. , , :! II r Trari.u !in:,)i iriw!aa . you refrlgeratoi"see ! I .!,',,..! A. G. Baker is misfortune. West. '(.f.u!' ' i i i i st in? '!'., l -- dAlHi". 1 f! s 1 T?T t prices of Hawleyville of Gr'andispn Pafmelee had the ' WESTPORT. JUeS .fTJ .t ferine-- . ! ; ' or ins cows miiK Mrs Elizabeth Turney has iust return - YOU KNOW, WHY. C To make - ,r' n to lose one, Dy iever; : !"'' , . ii1; !f!'l 'JIMii m r , wife ed from a month's visit' to Mrs F. J. t t .1... ; V '; Charles Milton,' and son of Bridge WJUU.OWJNiS L'EDAIt : SUIT E HODY! . C. II. Bennett, of Bridgeport advertises at Wheeler of Meriden. ... POINT? Vf room for interior alterations to ;:WJi IRY r have visited Charles Thorp's, ' 1 i r 1 ? : : (. a continuation of his Croat sale of ladies'. port O. G. Baird lost a valuable cow, Moses W.iWiison lecentlv had erected , " r f ,1 Our suits are suits that fli to a'T. look as nleaslnir M a'mniln. wear without bHsnmlnr (i.Misses Jessie and Mabel. young 300 seedy and are cheaper tnan a good article - Who mwMnt tee roitcrt with girls' and children's Oxfords. , Notwith- Taylorvhave in at Ctdar, Point, about rods, from the increase our store epace. '.I. tsanywhereclse.- a week with relatives in this it having got, east the pasture, Sunday a sucn a comuinauon 01 smtaoie qualities, mat's our business, suiting tue public and w standing the cry of hard times, Mr Ben spent place upland, small buildinir and oavilionfor keep it up all the year round.,. We like it and don't propose to change our business. The nett s store is crowded with customers Mrs Clara Stebbins is guest of her fiUwara uimsteadand his wife, who were - 10 seems to uue ii, ipo, and tue prooession ot buyers is parading to our store lor their 1 Whole families are supplied with shoes brother, Kalph Benedict; to use them for residence and restaurant to sell tce ill Ft ' here at the price often paid for a single Master Clarence Schaffer of Danbury cream, soda water, sandwich- r - " ' i ; s'. We have' the "Standarcr" "Glen DavOn"'Cherlofs. "AtiTmrn ; BR00KFIELD. es Was popular and t5lobe and mill In ' ' pair. n has visited his Master Ernest and sundries jn, which they , occupied There t" l It wil cousin, for on "Ever.Any- some very stylish desiens anb make una, wnir.h we would he tn ahn v.n a iin i the first time 1: :nU . , Saturday, 'July Cliildren's CloUiliig unwjuaUed size Headers of Til k Bee can get their Northrop, .. .(.-.- On " ' la pr varietj. ' " '! 1 of Miss Booth is her THE xouaCCO CROP. Monday morning, July 3, David Like It. wants in rubber goods every Sophia entertaining son-in-la- thing .i.t-iti.- t supplied of. Bradley, .his two sons and i description by communicating' with or friend, Miss Emma Luth Long Island The tobacco crop is looking well. The a Of ' with constable Saugatuck, on in appeared - calling A. it. Lacey at the Bridgeport William' Watert ousev the East Bridge- growth early set pieces is very rapid on the scene and claimed the 7TIO STTTIV XTTT- JStoie, VJ'J J?'airtieid avenue Master ' Miss as the are sunicieut.' buildings Kubber port builder. .Irving frequent rains just were on his land, although they stood on Goods mMMlf OfipPricitlileria LI 5l Bridgeport; Mr Lacey is making a spec Alice Waterbouse and Miss Martha Pow. Many pieces are hoed the second time the open sand beach and many rods from are flying; the clipping tit season of in in and soon to cover ' swifiL ji ialty at this the year tennis ell. visited friends here and Palestine will begin the ground. the upland.0 After (Some Mr I I reasonable will The not much ' argument,' of the 179 kirn St., DANBURY', CONN. shoes, best makes, at prices last Sunday. ,, Master Irving remain average will vary Bradley promised Mr Olmstead not to scissors, the rattle of the If l,W ; . from Correspondence BOlicited. ;'; ,1V here lor a weeks' visit...... last year. pBut two or 'three old molest the or his before .1 , ' t are in of buildings family cash - .;! A. J. Summers and friend,, Mr . Evers crops the hands the growers. noon of so carriers, .the, thumpety- is be less in that day, that he' might' get AN0THEE INCENDIARY FIRE. i of on their', J wheels, It probable there will selling advice in' the1 build- - Bridgeport ' were,' up. relation to 'removing' last . ' r!.' the field; or before cutting than ever, as ' Air- - thump of thecashlers' stainp.the World's-JB,- jr Sunday. tne 01 season tne lngs ananis iamny.' tseiore uim Tminls. last week of experience last at nign Stead's Teturn, Mr or A full size, flat top covered with dack, four slat on aad tws' all 'broaad Us .About 9.30,, Thursday night Kichard Patchen Waterbury intends involved losses 'to-teac- however, Bradley of the". bundle trunk, fieavj top slats prices such as beiiding wrappers r&S-inc- a to .was move his occu. - deredMrs Olusstead and her little5 few Doay, iron bound and lack 33 barn belonging ihoiuae I'arreu to family into the house valuable lessons. ;' t !!; .K.n- n strongly made, $5,30 6, inoVM.50, M lach JJ. burned. was insured for S200. As soon. months old out of the i S8 inch $ For sale , ' It pied by Isaac Patchen, daughter building in kee 7.50. by - their efforts 'o,' p lip 'with Hill W - iji'i &m this is the third incendiary fire in that lo ,. into the hot sun and with' crowbars'- and Mr and Mrs John Loucks of Danbury ' AT ST PAI L'S. axes down ! iE.. s.. . cality, people are beginning to ask if an were guests of Charles Benedict, last '' tore the building, threw their the salespeople, the 'continiiou s .' investigation should not be ordered. The The children's service was held in St turniture, coouing utensus, ico cream, err s. last lire was another barn to Sunday. Paul's church on was well at etc., out on the beach in the hotsiin,and 5d6wh'of ;!A.o?:i:2srso2SP, belonging Benjamin Fairchild and sisters of Sunday up and the elevator,im 42 ', :! Mr which was a few . then drew the demolished on to Fairfield Aye, and 78 Middle Sf.1 CONN Farrell, burned been in week tended, and the musip by, the Sunday building BRIDGEPORT; Bridgeport have town, this his own land s' months ago. school was nicely rendered. The church and' threw it 'into 'd' pile, . ; ' Headquarters for " Cambric and Seersucker Mrs D. B. Mrs B ' press 'every clert; department Mr and Parmelee; J. was , there. WhenMr Wilson heard of the prettily decorated with flowers: by Sole Leather Shoe . - AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.1' Parmelee ahd W. Koberts last Harness, Blankets, and Findrngg. f J. spent tne young ladies of the Center. , transaction, he, accompanied Daniel advertiser and Tea Gowns and in, N. Y., by manager the pro- Wrappers. Sunday Brewster, guests Driscoll,'sherift',s deputy, and John W, : a of Cold ' F. K. Ilartwell & Co., mammoth cloth Julius Beers, former resident, After absent for a few weeks Gault, constable' and others-,- vvho! came j is We are making special display of these goods being ' prietors that this .tb' he'i the iers of Danbury, announce that during Spring. Mr Beers at one time was an en relatives, Hiram Barnum has re to his assistance, immediately: went ,'to' this week. No lady can afford to spend the on the Housatonic and. lost visiting their July clearing sale they will gineer road, turned to the American house., , 11, the place and took the buildings offBrad .in'!! ikti1, of grat greatest sale. history5 A Handsome 3-- 4 Six time making a cambrio wrapper when pay railroad car fare with every $10 his leg through an accident then.: Mrs ley's land and put them bp where they Lift Charles spent last ! can be of. them this Briggs Friday had stood on the beach before,--1 is an I such pretty styles bought all worth purchased during ; It the house f.T in Hew Aluiord. j, ,,..,..;,..;,., old that whom the wish to , , mad and finished for month. adage gods j, complete ' -- Henry Hawley's family of Bridgeport destroy they rlrst make mad. The public CRAYON PORTRAIT .". FREE! . 3.28. Fairfield News nave at summer .'. $1,1 25, 8.20, 2.7S, ". ; County arrived tneir residence have for a great many years enjoyed BERKSHIRE. ,: - - Mrs uiarK has been quite ; poorly, re Deacts and- beautiful !!! We nroDOse to firive each ot our customers a linnilrtm twirl rait nrinc-nn- th.v' m ETON SUITS We have a few suits left. ; tnis place witn its open The "best of Goods with only GREENFIELD HILL quiring the doctor's care.. "' ..; facilities and no doubt will IDij, I oct. To this end we have made a contract with a leading portrait bouse to furnish us wl!o They are all wool navy blue latest has several bathing " serges, style J. Harry Taylor spent days Julius Blakeman has been home.'Jrom a more. It is to be their celebrated pictures.;. To those who have seen these portraits no word is necessary; and skirts. We shall no more this in great many hoped all to .'the . in and those who bave not we invite to the our store. We flue jackets ' buy with relatives lornngton. profits gone dogs inspect samples at will not con r to close TOWN - his labors in Easton, gathering hay. that Bradley and his near by advisor who this offer to one in; each but a , season. We want out these this week. Mrs II. G. Curtis and Master Willie are TOriCS- ' picture family, tive portrait each time the requirements are disHke1 to see the' common ! ". j witb. We tnrther assure you that if the is not not lour price buys thorn- - Judge Griffin has been visited by his people enjoy the !!"!."";;.,;'! complied portrait satisfactory, you need ,.( f speeding a few days in Palestine. George E.; Lover's brother, of New will now magnet. accept it until it is. The portraits are crayon and India ink and ot a very 'fine irrade. Tne SHIRT WAISTS Our enormous sale of Waists mother, who resides in Brooklyn; N.: ,Y. themselves, resort to the court same when ordered of an or GaH pieture costs,' - asont picture house. tlOto tl&r arafee. store Mrs is her mother York has purchased the old Wilson and once for I - - , ,' Lucy Page visiting all, settle :this of tor ., this season attests the splondid variety and pop-- Mrs Lucy, Thompson, Johnnie and question i'riaavs we close lull particulars. Mrs Sarah Kvarts. place on the corner of Congress street public or private' rights ' On ; this'1 beach, , nlar prices which has made this department so Bock Miss Carrie Howes were .among those : and Black turnpike. has been1 a? but a ; much of our who Mrs James Bedienc and daughter are who of , that, Boc:only prido' at 12 m. until spoken among lady friends, have spent the Fourth out town, ; September.'; a few at W. G.. Hard's. C. W, Wilson, has been sick source of and health to. West- - thus unconsciously been a constant advertising spending days Jr., very' enjoyment in all - ' Mrs Edward Wildman was the guest ' Furniture, Carpets, Rugs. Undertaking its branches, medium for us. addition to our K. E. Smith of with a number of complaints.' port people and those' for miles Around Ia already un. Brooklyn spent Sunday of friends here, last Thursday. who have of limited vaaiety we have several new which with Travis J. It. Howe of Brooklyn has been enjoyed its comforts. fOne styles Jvenwortny.- .The haying season has arrived and tne iaoiie. - "-- . will be shown this week for the first time, nota--(. Miss Sadie Minor is her broth.. spending a few days with his family at visiting brother-in-law'- s work is .Tobacco, is bit among which is a floe grade of White Lawn er in N. Y. his IL B. Banks. rushing receiving Nyack, its iuu.snare ot attention., , ,,f.. , Waista , with full round collar and cascade front Mrs E. Ilopkins and daughter attend . Jj'3EW;FAIEFIELD. Mr Ilurshfleld of Brooklyn is spending H.-B- ' of fine Swiss embroidury, price $1-2- each, real ed the Christian Endeavor convention at Dr Jones of Newi orki spent the summer at ' , ! ; Jerry Carey's. " " witn nis ,(,;. value $2. Montreal. , ftunaay parents. . :Mrs Mary Marsh is very seriously ill. The World's fair of this Miss Henrietta Buggies spent Sunday : RegristeretTin American Trotting Register, Xo. 21744. Brother to Hurling: Mrs Arthur Warner and three children company 2 ; 25 : 3d with her parents. , llani, record Sire Wllkesdale, 29, brother to- Mis Alice, IT of New Haven are at her E. M. place that left here the report they STEPNEY! ti- father's,. are a hne time. are ex The Misses Sagendorf spent Tuesday Dam Loretta, (dam of Hurlingham, 2:5 L2by AIiriOiit Jth8 : 28. n i f Botsford's in Palestine. having They r A I ' " ' ; k Will make season of 1833 W.C. Johnson's HOWARD home about the 18th. in tne 01 iriends. : the at barn. South Center distrlcf, pected uetnei, guest . "" " : 1 ; - Mrs t.' N, Fairchild his been :with her & "ati:-0- ' - ' : 762 768 St i Mrs Alden Gould'has visited Mrs II Miss Susan Whitcome is home for the Oi who J is iri Chapel - Miss Hannah Frank of Brooklyn, X. father, rin Piatt," feeble :: .'nil OJ '!.VJl.-,.f.-,- .j I B. Burr. " summer, from Hartford . Y., is at her iluutingtown home for a few health, and his daughter from Brooklyn .. Mr Mrs ranK nave re -- . Mr and Mrs F..S. :Cnrtls. have, visited aZ & weeks. and r l erry and great granddaughter, which makes NEW! C'-- HAVEN, CONN. 1 1 1 i i t ( turned and will soon be settled in their friends in Stratford. four generations that spent the Fourth ) ii 'l G. W. Mitchell, night operator on the new home. Dr George Hawley of Danbury vas iri witn U4uj.'3'-i.!- ' , ;i'; .,i ,! 1 ,,5 ; , New England road, is on ihe sick list and John M. Burr of Brooklyn and lady town on Monday, l : y r ' Hobart'from Bridgeport' and ' Eddie has gone to his home at Athol, Mass. were caning on relatives, Sunday. ' Miss Belle Foster and brother of New frbm Bethel and Perry Fairchild of Daa BARBER'S, ' George Sherman of Shelton made Ilaveh are guests of the" Misses Foster. bury had a merry time at Mr mid Mrs -f yAN.TE,D:-- i ;. -, ! " Sale Martin of the tour the town on his Ernest Sherman's of ' d i Birmingham, Conn. Superintendent Shepaug through bicycle Miss Phccbe Holley ,of Danbhry and Stepney Depot. Sowing inacuind' operators,' botn eKperi-ence- (!'! ." July J road was on on - f iV l . at Hawleyville Tuesday. recently, calling old acquaintances Mrs Harriet Butler of Skaneatles, 'N. , Perry IlUbbell has moved to his fath- handsanrt girls to learn. Work all the ' i time. Also buttonhole to take work - rode from to Green ; er from niakuin free cur litres U iiin:h(ine amount to having Bridgeport are visiting Mrs J. W.;tSkidmqre.,' Bridgeport;' ' home to nniaLi. r i 32 I$$ ovwr. t field Hill in minutes. . .. ' of f Ambrose Blackman and went to Wheeler come ...... ! family Miss Hattie Stevens of New .York is E..B. has to occupy his G.F.HADLEY. Long Hill, Conn. .;r ... , I !. ; ". f their at Fairfield beach on Tues- C. Patchen of Norwalk was here call Sarah place and his is cottagd ' "'' visiting.Miss Fairchiid.;,,',,1;, , r;f granddaughter staying on friends. .. day."'' , Ing Mrs- Benjamin .Griffin and With him. ..;....,.-- , of was daughter IIIK :: BOSTON :: ' Jesse Lockwood Bridgeport at Florence hive visited friends in Arthurs- - 8T0KE., NUMWS'SAKA If IAN HTA LI. ION Will Miss Isabel Pitcher and Fan-cho- r Til. At tliu Htuhli' t A. K. KHAKMEU, Henry his uncle's, W. T. Bulkley's recently bUlg, N. Y. J...U.-...-- ,t,ii f. ; :;';'! EASTON. fin . cleared out last from a yis-- it ni'FA1nN(l j Storey ti Boy hiving a great many lines Goods from tnanufactnrenrrand im Cutler' t'ltnrin, WfiiJlioiKluy trom H it. returned, Saturday, , . 1 avtry George W. Keeler has sold his pota. Robert Betaucourt and New porters at less than the eoat to 'w L. , O in. until p. in., until notice. at Wlnsted. familyof " : manufacture;' toes to ii. uowd. York have visited Samuel Sherman. Ernest Barnes is campfng with friends We mention a few of the many bargain's we are ofierinir. Customers, will find snecial barnin r nale. work-Wil- l 7-- : jTIOIUiK Wnlylit 1UAo;.kX4 Brook-fiel- tne sea shore at Fairfield."1 i , .": t.t. in all You can a 'AX vr; suit tlrtvor. wll Urw op would Niles Ilendricksonandfamily of d George Beardsley and wife' of ''Bridge ny departments. buy very large, amount of Dry Goods for very little money tbismontk trade tor cattlo. C. N. CUKTISS, Stepney De were the for a short time on 3HELT0N. port, who are in Mrs Charles Patterson;' Is visiting her Dy vuiuog tne Boston store. ' J . guests, summering Newtown, .i'LIIldJil .3.VA8-- .3 O pot, Uiim. Tuesday, of their cousin, Earle Stevens. were guests of Judge Grifiio. .on. Sunday daughter at Wilton. i!a ll - - SIIELTON'S ' TlAKM KOH HAI.K UonHtntlna- of Bliout UK) BIG CELEBRATION. . Merritt Beacb & Son of New Milford t naries nas engaged 'the ser - JC acre dlvliled into meadow, Jiattunige and Mr3 vices of a man from - ' ona-hal- Mr and Charles DuBois of Brook- are the: ii Bridgeport for hay- ywood landH, with a two mill t story The Fourth, of July celebration passed renovating house recently UNDERWEAE.; f L f lionnti an J Rood uOWniul Iionfttbaiintmipplled lyn are tho guests of II. L. Wheeler and off The weather was bought by Vrooman. It will be SALE very successfully Harper I : with runnliiHT It. ; One lot Ladies' Vests 8e each. watur, npon Situated within family. ... I".,.,, and the an fine occupied by L. Cooleyj ,1 .f A family gathering 'was held at Mrs Jersey two mile" oi Newtown Mtreet. For turtherpHr-tlotilar- s pleasant day unusually One ! one. ; W. as ' P. B. P'ourth of even lot Ladies' Jersey Vests 10c each j j f Inmilra ot WILLIAM J. JiEKCilKIt, J. Miller, chief, marshal Miss Isabel Fayerweather, with friends Sherwood's,' July 'i t. .A Newtown, Conn. Miss Emma and Nellie Gilbert are vis- started the at 10.45 and it was from mg, and tine nreworks formed a of; 100 dozen Extra Quality Vests at 1 i 1 2c, usual price 20c mi procession Danbury, ppent Friday with Miss part Oozen - - to od this week friends In New . . or r,ne 49 Fancy Uolors 18c. ';' JJiTL'..c:iIiiiO NOT1CE-tio- iting Milford, an hour and a half on the march, passin Emma Kellogg. evening's enjoyment: ,s' 's; I'aHturaife can '. 50 dozen assorted Vests reduced from 33e- - be liad the streets. After the ' ',,,! Miss ,' Grace . is homei:' ifrom styles Jerssy 25c' on llunl's Stock Farm (tor. through principal Mrs Robert Clarke vi3iied friends in Bristol', 0AREETS AND ) Ha- been WALL ...... Fai-m- tor ,t Mrs Emily A. Bennett goes to New parade had dismissed, the people over the '" 'nil boaiding ,, school. She , has attended tuerly Laupbuar'a Bridgeport Fourth."''. ' ' hoi-H- or cattle at low rate, ven on Monday, the I3th, to attend the gatnerea in tno grove corner of Coram school for the past year at VVinsted. ! I I i , Mrs C. D. IL. in ".il-APEIl-S I' Inaulreol , Of of avenue and Hill where addresses Ivellogg visitqd friends ! i executive riieetlng the grand lodge; street, ' .ii.Ii'eviMEL-ieree- entertains his l.i ,'j .1 ;: - ' Newtown, last week., . parents. Ui"Ji:ji J.... wereiaade Durand of Bir- Vi,i ; .! by Captain - conn. TheI.0.G.T.', ii' Miss T .1 -- 1 ..... t TT r. . f v-- :' Hav- Dalsie N.' of is 't. . . n aionroe, , "t" ii E. L. of W. Frederick Lord and sister of New Tyrrell! Stepney mingham, Staples this place, i jjiuunB wi. dukii awn ; HT1 .' en were on her ..... i iug, is insane pair.i jr i The ladies' prayer meetlngwill be held M. Peck of Stratford, John II. Light of guests ot Clark Jackson the visiting grandparents AT' vj Tan Hose for Ladies' and Children at 25q, 85o and 50o pair-- , i o Z We llave Been Tune and 3 - Norwalk L. Fourth, j - Mrs A. J. Sherwood at the W Annnt TnM H..1. QILV.J I.'.l. RT1 1 T tl r . 1 r n Again next week Tuesday at with Mrs Dutch- and Joseph Barbour of Hart ,,,,, presided p uuM. wi maumo.&iiu aiuueu Aiiifiv innu nose one, worui ovcj FA er. " ' i,t all of which were Foster - i ; organ at the Baptist church in an accept-- 100 dozen Initial Silk Handkerchiefs 15e ! !i! ford, very line, espe Henry and family areat the each, worth 25c. u'AUi1 tho tint CMIton Taints - 1 ; - qutloTi why ' "I- '.-- hav wicU a liUfh uloi..'lrUe r "i; ' . , ..vii,. cially that of Mr Barbour, which was to old homestead in Meadow; r; aw, auie uiamier ijisi, fsunuay.. "0a IstrOauntletiGIoviw fedneed to 15c ' JitAa :n !V.' (iilltoti faint Co., Long , paif ' W .. ' i til Irty4nf HhmxhT'oII, oontriu; 1ir "prime, Itev Willlatd Gilbert will next a high degree In the n atonert ot is Jerseytouatl2!l5;192,-88and50opair- , , .:, ,' V' Old preach eloquent. evening One of the elm trees in 'fronf of the liennie,; t'ennsyivania wen Denied, tHHiiioned, raw linseed oil." -- - " a of. was was'-struc- A- li'. U U, Sunday morning and hold communion splendid exhibition., fireworks home of Mrs Horace 'Beers with his brother, W. Uoberts.,j ?.., II Tu in. great abundance from le Jo 50c A fins selected stock of Feather Faas Ijelna; Interpreted, oil arunhed from : W.B;GEEEN'S: flimt service. ' The services in the will made, two at which there iirlme, or quality, flaxseed and which evenipg1 lasting, hours, by lightning on Saturday nightj' giving The friends of Charles Powell and little tanked and ivltowed to The commence At All are was, a , concourse of At ' - nettle. 7J?tL invited. large, people; the a shock. .1 '' Arthur Casey will be to ; hear that t i T A A Yi oil In then drawn from the ot the A- - W.- family quite glad.: O AT i i D upper part the t BnillKtiirhed the lower speakers' stand, Paige presid- Miss Susie Whitcome is at home from they along nicely ,ut I JL, A a turn, leaving part. in. Dr G. A. "Old titKhton llnneeil oil" la Jroni seed Jiev S..H..Plaof Springfield, Mass., ed, the absence, of Shelton, where she has been doctors' in Nesv York. u.' '; f,r uiMteal nf n recent who was to fill that Branford, visiting ,.; CONN.. ruued andprenaetl, pro. has lost his son who died expeoted position...... ,;, . . ; William BIRMINGHAM,, ' We are out oar stock Parasols and Snn uiiliod ot-- , recently only her brother.. ( McCauley has entertained: his closing of Umbrella at marked do'wa BOc. the aaptiia proueai.' Jittving i The decorations of the and res ii rvjiJ-j.K.- i prices. 4Sc, of He v Mr buildings i 'iii i m . i j 8, 2.60. Also finer all reduced . tallied this oil the Chilton company tajik It suddenly spinal meningitis., ; Mr and Mrs Davidson and M iss Hat- niece, Miss Grace Haddin and; lady ;,':ili $1,1.26, 1.60, qualities WfHln find tlmoll Ioihx wlint Piatt has iriends in Hook, idences along the route were proxuse,and ' j gj) frradudlly litUe many Sandy - was tie: Stevens .of L- - friend, Bella Stable,?;of .South Norwalk. The best time of the season for liiolHtnre It originally pcHessed and tieoouiea where he was who many of them quite- handsome, .It iHempeted, I., spent' formerly stationed, in ;: Mallett - c very heavy bodied, fit is tills cuune and the would like to extend and kind- suggested that the day be observed here Sunday with relatives town....,, , Sanford has .hired- Bi'iijamn seven mllnrs ami frrindtnu Iven eacahade sympathy . ' atter in a similar manner. the ' Miss Emma of Dolittle through haying.' " in':; House . 28 Dress at 6o. rednoed from cruMiimK anu Kriniiinir eacn particle ot plr- ly remembrance. In this sorrowful Among Mapes Brooklyn has savings ;;Furnishings. pieces Ginghams 10e'S0 'pieces 'fine Scotch Ginghams ahraya : '' floats, that of the silver been Mrs F. U. old at for 12 1 -- 2,c - p ijnimt Into each unrticlwot oil Miat rtMluoa j Derby company visiting her sister, Beers. 25o, jard, jnst half price- 40 piecps fine Scotch Lawn, goad patterns, fall width I ; liona-- i '' was -- . 'ih On well painted this "' the handsomest in the line,' and that usual now marked down to c ,,i gloss . Charles PeckJ'whO has price 10c; 6c 'i ,;.' .v i aloneltr)ha been known to last three years; or. jitsl.y 44 dressed in just purchased. '!"''., ;';.! !i ,'):-i.(- !!B!ij 41 i the on Mrs Josie of is containing girls white dress aTit w and binder, has be- Off vjii' dlnarily glo newly painted housei), Bangs Kirkland, Iowa, Deering reaper Coughing Leads to GftnsumB-tion- j Large We have made a reduced on all Dress roods. 1 lot Jacauird where common are used, vanishes lu to visit her in es, blue caps and red sashes was a hand He over 50 Percentage prioe goods ,19c. from 2Se. 28 pamts expected friends Sandy some gun Cutting grain. has acres pieoes fine Diagon al and Dress Goods reduced to 25c. . : trout six months to one year. Hook, with her little in a sight. The Temple of Honor turn- Col Warner is assist- Figured t j j i. daughter - already - ,few 50 engaged; - 1 j On'eVery.-dolIar;!;'!'','';- will be found mall departments-- ,; -!- .;"- r of Rev ed out about men and these- were also Kemp's Btlsam itops the cough at v Bargains 1 CHILTOIT PAINT NEW days, the guests II. L. Wheeler's ing him. t ,j j COMPANY, n r w ' 1 ' ,- .: the procession the members of the O. once- - r family.'-- N.V-U- ! Miss Nina Jackson has been." f f YORK AND BOSTON.) ; i;,,i,r IT. A. the ., Lib- hired to iM"-- V ; M., Daughters of school i Don't fail to visit: the store of 1 teach Obtuse for the : f H- - Beers & Co- - ;;. and of St thelat-- coming year. For lale bf E. Mrs Minnie DuBois Miles and husband erty Daughters George - , W Beehler is . I . . " visited in Hook,-las- t msb iwu ia j f r J., the committee for . V I ', ..('.-.- .'I J .T.-- ' their friends Sandy '"' carriages,' '" Wt B. Green for the remainder '""'' '.if-P-'- ' East Iron Works school' " . J and 'is "' 1,1 ' ' ' 342 Main week. They returned to their home in looking ",: ' W ':' '"' ' ' ' '"' ' ! street, BRIDGEPORT. The number of deaths in town for for. a suitable teacher. . ; ,. ' .I.J' Mount on j tnaB-t- the yernon Monday... month of June was" all K. Is of this month ; for : four, adults, the F. Hawley committee in the anything you oldest 84 and the j 69. ; . .,--, II. Williani" Middlebrook "i being average age Whisconier district. .' ',.. t.,j..i'. ' Jl'lit.TVAiL. In: R. BEERS of Waterbury ? 'Miss Cora B'.' and Wall ffi. spent last Saturday afternoon 4 with his Wakelee, who has taught may Carpets - Middle-broo- in tne scnooi a numDer or mother in- Hook. Mrs k, pupuc " years, Sandy -- .MONROE- - - "S we is in has resigned. Papers; Special prices on all .SKI il ,1 i T are sorry to report, feeble f. health.. Qvl, aiight the store of J. 't'. ! i y.J f Wednesday ! j j:'S j A Oo-wa- NOTES FROM ST PETER'S. -- I SASGAISS HT?,' Burkhardf broken Into, and Outside: Garments.' Capes and J T. '? , ( -'-- - $36 taken from the which was left "' The tennis grounds of. the Newtown safe, The organ of St 'Peter's has been ' ' 'put ;acw phosphate. I Tenuis club are now lJfs shape and the unlocked. The thief cut a hole in the ia fine condition by Mr Jardine. It has Jackets.,' Good Capes asllow as . Ill o;iiTKr::i not, shot oourtis used considurT;vB. . The club is back door,; and potting his hand through, been a long and expensivejob, as it was some drew the inside bolt. t,o be. ' An developing" good players, who may found much injured by moths. . . agreeable preparation $2.59 and ,': $3,59, itlf:" I tit be heard from later.,,";.'; .i ,' ; . B. fi. Hall has.: moved from - The memorial window of the for Indi- -' v e Birming- to the Aw.,?-r- memory phosphates, varie-t- y nam jnto nis new.nquse at outn s of Edwin O. Hurd is now in at St al Come and see. us we ar0 growing a large l ji;nd. place 'Nervpusriess,',Men-t- and will Hill : The call- gestion. t.Thfhit bojMn the ites'j tJ.DTomlinson as judge and Gideon :M. Peter's, subject is the Savior ' f .. t .. t ... (t!l i in sMaii' of braid Mex-- A - improved did not them a shake" on and Exhaustion.' .' - . edge give "fair that Wakeley as assistant of the Hunt- ing Matthew at the receipt of customs. Physical !,- ii , , , judge doyougood.1 Jlul Wll At. . . :.v'j i:t. , i i, remarkable ..Fourth of2 ;1 baseball town received ; is very and the ex- ,.,:',;,.ri:;u! ,e:;i ....!, t uaiiuuufias ad i tcuts cmu July ington court, have their It handsome, coloring Becdmmended and pre- - ' ' imu After the '"Streets7?' !, i won. a Gc-- window 1. 1 .en J' , ,,,, , (!i 1 . game.; had appointment from Morris. , quisite. The was furnished by f j, Also Palmer; Patent Hammocks lead in 10th was. Air of New all , the inning the ball lost Charles N. Kimberley is at hoqae for a Booth York, the same who scribed by. PJiysiciaris.of Tl'- - in full and and the "Hillltes" the tot. the - made the chancel window.' ",' " " jfKoy with valance, quarter gave gamd shorttime.'ii'.'i scui,i..-s- t .ti . sdhools:: how; it t ', , ' 11 f ,..' which lar e l strictly fast would look in decided ;y Juliiis 4.' Bristol of Ansonia has "been i if',!,, bUealize print, to call .it a, j; Groldsborough is home' from New JTriai bottle mailed cm receirit of cents r tha fact that I estate- Of rliL. 25 ... - ',d.-i- oi appointed administrator on the imperfectly tie. . a vacation.. Golds-borou- gh tri 0 $3.00. Ellen Wqod.-- y u York for Miss Annie in stamps.' ' i Chemical1 Workst b;-green- . has returned from a visit to Mr ' '' '" I Oyelfrpq ; wily Iiai fejId 'ihorse frdvidence.'R. Li,;' '" w. fitted glasses are worse all. We National ". Hazleton's of , tliaixpionfiLat to Joen of - Bridgeport. rakes Leavey Botsford,- John -t Mile Hill and Peter ,The Congregational church have hand- ilHi- ,i t:1; I , Uoytof Kelley;of some ,"1.i"t have an expert - Lake ; Wood lamps for the pulpit and organ. if nil it.itii.ii ii t!';. opticiariyifgij .anbVweuaran- George also Walter A. hay M J. of has ' Birdseye Bridgeport if' "ilM ,' ' ' rakes to-A--'. Dennis of . George Bennett and John Gorman have "I. rr.l'h'd a mciAL'siii. or. IT VJon, Daley, ,visited.Sr,T. Buckingham.-;,- , new rr.TTT Southvillel ahdt Mrs Dennis Crowe. Miss Edith ;;Bal- purchased imowfag, machines of F. tee a fit or Jmcl Bronson is home fro'rq W. Wheeler t, ,, you get yQtirjmnejrl much in health. Her u.., tj , HIESSH3 timore, improved 'Mil '.n v f" -i Mr and Mrs L. C. Morris are rejoicing cousin, ;MiS8,; Gertrude Miss Pri3cilla Beardsley is with Town ''Arfrsi j. M.'iiS's i;'i Ji 'Steam's, pame : ;' ii J In Clerk Nichols.. ; f , , .!7I" .C'lja Hi. l"'ji( j J 'Itti f it It .7 M'l r '1 3 ra the advent of a son, which arrivedi ,on ';' .", ,' .fT wh'.her.;.,:;;i... ' M I : ; ' i'';,. ' ' ' F. AVi .his' .t. X .tvi i i lot:.,4 ; ; ; Men's'.?, t3, Mr and Mrs ewis Olm'stea'd and son Wheelerhas visited sonat ir'i One; pf Outing Mount N. Y.- - of were, of. Vernon, u, m Shirts', "all very neat 'and A. was" on Bridgeport Sunday guests IL ' - .T.'nf stripes B. Farjcher la'Dahbtfry ' . ! -, . . " ' ' h pill') EAST'VII.I.A'ftE. ' 1 ' J mmmm sizes and Tuesday. - madejajheiregular John; Petersoa,, has entertained , bis r' 51! t1 ;. I 1,1 . - ooH itctsa tec v abhsntoW ev cent-shir- t, brother-in-la- w from Mr and Mrs N. T. Morse 'Of Birming- nTJrTT'Trjr'r'rr' ;iini'i finish like any 75 for m Mrs Asa Hawley is visiting at Buffalo, Pennsylvania. ham with Albert - is spent Sunday Stevens. cents-- .N. Y W , nr- Mrs '11 , 60 i w . . . .Ti.J. . 1 trf.. fErJvf, Buckingham .visiting , n. i. -- 2 Mrs A'.VE. Dunwell Is house friends w. tr keeping, 1!) rxJiiii wsi i; nuf 7 Conii, - for William Twist' and Mrs Carpenter ' P. H.; Skidmore arrived in Newtown on '' far the bid line of run ' - Thu stage by for.S.D. Sharp',' vWi Monday, trovet his Southern and Western F: N Potter has been going to Bridge- B'AiEEY & CO., i.Iiev A. Smrth' arid are - 'm trip. During his absence of a month and port every day and every effort is made J. family' at- J. Mackintoshes, Waterproofs and Rubber Good a never an occasion use an as W, Waterbury's. r. half he bad to heretofore to accommodate thtf public - '' once." some - ? MisS Clara Barnes New-,- Haven- Rubber Boots and Shoes, Garden Hose, and a large line of Jiubber , W BEERS umbrella He passed days at at reasonable prices Mr Potter's head- pf i u. i W - !i".-;'- Chicago and speaks of the- World's fair quarters at Bridgeport are at Joseph H. guest of F. M. Cargill. (;. Goods of evert description at the 'f jeweler as "simply incomprehensible Lutss'a popular drtig store, 30 Wall street, Mr and Mrs Henry, Udall have bee Aiixirn'i ii) ;.A rij;, and at the postoffice in Huntington. spending a few days with W. W. Bliss. Mrs Henry J, Glover and family of There were no services at the Congre- - jpy tne death ot a cousin, Mrs Ceiestip A. R. LACEY, Proprietor. 139 Fairfield avenue, it, corw 25& Ilain Street, there were so many picnics U around, The proceeds of the day were $13.24. er's Hair Vigor Milken liair of Uand , it f 'i (is '! i ft- i iii! j j v.? . I f . i ' . .. i ...... f .. r 1 the glossy. ftli'it r ..:..ri t i ' t t 'i i in ,fI " 'in ! "t iufV'usfd'' hini--i Hair ioi fQMi ! to i I five huff Is moist. ' .Mwrerjp--RAVAGtS OF THE tKSHTMNG. nearly years!, itnif my ij ymssiy, film m tin caucih;iji i?i,ic: ,m tho showers which J am aim nave jj During heavy ' ervntioii. tony yeaijioiu, of the e passed over us, the evening 6tb, rlihlen the plains for twenfy-liv- years.'.' . Darwin Keeler'a residence waestruek by i Hmry)it;ciiria "Mustang Bill;"1 hi-- '?( '' f. ! t ft mi 0"svsi" I reA lightning. It entered an open window Newcastle, Wyo. t ?K4'i'v? ffs.y on the first floor tearing up the carpet and damaging thhonse.r Ayerp.Hair Vigor ' out.! I V I s CONPKSaS-iInaJ- . iFirevgntlirv from filling 11. 1 AT THE ClIURCpJ Vy - --X if 1 '"1 iftnriber ot yen rs aito, hy rneonuaaft" Kev Mr Doane's mor- 1 iiiitsl? .0'! sermon, Sunday elation of a friend, began to use Ayer'a ,9yrft ning, was from the words, "Kighteous-nes- s Hair Vigor to stop the hair from falling exaltetb a nation, but- - sin .is a re ., foutrau prevew; AOS turning gray. 1 he proach to any- - people." Jlrf his congre- iW1AtSrst 'eifecfiJ'VireVi most satisfactory. gation werej Mrs, JbesteBr; Warden and T,v1 u C(msiHiia1kppl)ca(ions since have kept . family 'from Syracuse,' Mr and Mrs tnyliaii1 thick aniToI a natural colorful. Charles, Cur Cis from &Iew! Halven and Mr 41 x .:rj: and Kandall from Bridge- II iibT"""" " It r, i'i : ) Mrs.rtjhur ' .)t;i: port. 'A'U.i. S'i;jW. :. t r' H al r V i r j:-- .) a Aye go uu .Hr,n,,(T S. It. (v"eeks was of I?t lulJiOstr fiiiifMr fevers. guest severe '.IUT A Harris In ayearago had a fever, A DEMAND IN CLOTHING,- tnVSiJ SpringfieWirNewery' s; 0l7t'iiHl'"0w hair v, 'ij Mrs A."'H. attended the wllenIJeeied, my began Vt..vf Mr and Gillett t tc fall out,, what .remained,, r .1 aid( jittle . clam bake in , tin-nei- r Wied'VMJiis remedies. Ami lor it, too, U now strictly In orUor, ami we are meeting all such demands on preaen-- Southvijte.oji jtboqFourtli. J praylI - we ; ,f atloit.- Mr in it awl critical fellow, who will have bin own way, but are A small 7th, at but without success, til! at last I began t 1f k Itnmaud faptloim party spent Friday,the tlreimred mewl with our stock of Kprlng Suits in -- nowi iriy" to mltlMtv hU extravatfrtnt requirements ..... , , . , to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and Al a to date In the lake. ..- r ... ,i ' ! ; ' Un.lsoine oolortiiK In Imported and domestic tabrto, Btyllahly taUoreil, Tight up hair is growing rapidly and is restored ' t.i.-- o! v; iii ulnirla ami double breasted (tacks, in cutaways, in shades and patterns Mrs A. W. Kandall from Bridgeport Mrs. A. o" tows! I its color." Collins,'. oi 1. fits Ban-dall.- to original - X?,IIL1U,kL as suits every other style. Suit to tit all; spent last week with Mjs William 'v s i if . i Kit v k nd Vll. "'Wld.lh.scit rinnnel, Single Breasted.-Suit- 1U. Double ,, ilo,SJ U.44. Indigo lilue Flannel i.50. sizes 84 to 44. " Babbitt 'Ja i recent f ,;) 1 1 ItreasW iW WauliU Franfc jvas gueit jof Ha mV Pullis of his ' Frank llawley and Conrad Ayer's from igorgcay. mother, Mrs Charles Bayette. Prevent hair turning !::':m - gray and. 1 ; GIIILDRKN'S DEPARTMENT There was'a- - family iff fvrtMytliajr:was'frapldly turning i " K Vy. OUR pleasant gathering one oouie or ow " 5 at Daniel Canfield'sheourtli. s tailing oui; Ayers fef.v?-k- f, ,JiX iV?)B. i remeaiea me irouoie, aim, my ' ' . r5 6f "2, f .. min.l With Ihe nliolc.wt 1 l1tliK for txVil. ,.'.( . The praise meeting JuTy "was nair is now unoriginal coioi ana fnu-:l3- aA ' ' Stronx, erTlrtalte Hcluol nlt, l. B., J.M. , AJM, 4 to 14 year. most interesting. The .wish M. genjeral Cleveland, O. I " Mults n- dark colors 4, 4JM, ft, HM, H, t..'l, 1our to 14 years. Ur I- ixht ami , to have soon. hy Pr. J. liowell, Mass. WK-.- , .SB, ; anothej: r. .Prepared Ayer&Co., Tic, ft l t... I an-- F - , fleparaU) Knuq I'auta, 5kj, Mr and Mrs C. A.' .L'J Quickherner;and Jil ij iSoldiiy iPrugsists rfuraero- ' Mr ,' from Vorkf1 are Etc- - friend, t'ettit, Trunks, Bags, Horse Blankets, Robes, Whips; Halters, Surcingles, guests of S.'A. Lyon. Jer;r' " Mr Mrs at a re- and Henry W.Mallett, over the Plains the week, cent pleasant gathering of relatives and past doing W. O. and some damage to crops and fruit. j friends, entertained Mallett ' Mrs-I'resto- ii of Woodburv is ..Tf.ff 'Kill t.'k iUftll! .KM ESSE& GOv two sons of New Mjlford, JE? S. Tyrrell, visiting RfcSOURCE MAP. Op CENT HAU WASHINGTON & SOUTHERN BRITISH TOSTEIU son and and" Nichol- heripaisehti, Mr and Mrs A. Murphy, COLUMBIA, !! ' ; daughter"' Cyrus V'"1 I '" l f j ;' Combination Clothiers, .' son and wife from Koxbury. Tobactorops are looking very line in if '' of last Sun- this section. . i', ;, CONN. The bright cool weather ; .; 1000 PEOPLE IN THAT TOWN MEANS 5 FOR 1. f. BRIDGEPORT, in , i i 317 Main Street, . day brought out a good congregation , .S'Tater?'. bugs rule: the day. j sri .a ..I, i hmmb i r both churches. At St Mark's, Herbert, .!.. son of Rev Henry Smith, filled his fath- ;U000 , PEOPLE :,IN; TMT for Castorla place, ' I TCry Smith In . T0WJMEANSi'250RlLo,b!;rit5 laLiS Children er's Mr , i - mi pitcher's iier " preached j ii'jlt ', "" ( ii .i u .r ,i , ,) ,i . , -'- NEW PRESTON. Huntington.' - 11 ;. ror and WA 'WAV-- ,: to Henry N. Camp has been quite badly a new Waiter particulars pro8peetl8addre88i.Jf;(:vj 7AY) ,'CUi I'f NEWTOWN, CONN. BEE. showers. Elmer Frost has bought f;'J:: lodged by the recent heavy A. Wood tubular frame five-fo- ot mowing RKGISTEBliJ? AT.TIlE1WTLO.HOCSE. of Bouthville escaped the hail shower machine of John S. Thornhill, agent. of at the Wil?on houf e which did to List the guests iANB: last week, slight damage Mr Frost has an old Wood machine 11 : Mrs G. VV. Faber and WESTERN; MND IMPE0VEMENT ASSOCIATION, rHIDAT, JULI 14. 1893. tobacco elsewhere. Among the most which has been run and i still July Miss Miss Emma II. - Hyears two maidsj' Faber, ', of David forward fields here are those in order,- I g f f Miss II. and Iennis running Richev, Mr lind Mrs Lennox Faber. Hurtium, N.Canip Daley. James Shannbn has purchased k new Miss Gladys Faber and maid, Mrs Ilen-r- v OlUOULATIOJi. Buckeye mower. Erben and Miss Adele Erben, wile Mrs Harmon Treat and Miss Emily re ami daughter, of Admiral Erben of thov s bne on tnlschief bent unhitched his horse ' 10 h," MILTON. few visit 1 IJUlteit pt.-ite- JAN0AET 1, 1883, ... turned last; week Irom a week's; xvavyi juncroic unerarui, from tbe towhich it waa tied on the in son ot Admiral unerarai, nev .i. post Bridgeport. -- i. nill and started it for home, four miles LAST WEEK saoo :. XllEMAIt, KOffE, Rev attended Thompson, II. N. Flanagan, Masters at-- G. II. Smith thefuneral FreomiHl "Ed ward FlanagaTT,"Mr and distant, which it reached with wagon rf I notice that several of your corres- of his brother, last week. , but rendered it necessary if have of trouble Mrs W. u, -A- damsi-maid and two (.Iril.ttacbedy safely, pondents spoken growing . Hailstones ell dur- out of the reoent of mail contracts quite plentifully dren In Litchfield letting the shower of last week Wednesday, . i! i it County. of ing Mest.New ex- - ' .' t and the dilHculty making Some Of them were nearly as large as A perfect saWsfactlonwas ,.f.r We are having trouble from this but no was done by ldTeWTS same cause on the route from Litchfield walnuts, damage K WOOEBURI. in town. Tobacco was not Also from 'Litch- them this children and maid Mr and? Mrs C. G, DWriotlend a"e "det ti Cornwall Bridge. . v ' me field to East Litchfield. On both these large enough to,be injured. Kidder, Mastc.sJeromend Herrick3'lDg. OWe'forgot. ON A KAMPAfiK. in was u ; And examine their stock and of MtilUMNU routes the mail is carried by a tem- Rev MrTJoane preached Lanesville, Miss Lois. Faber and governess, fMr and ' prices we being " i DaV crowd, two wbohayefor The most severe thunder showers arrangement for one month. Just last Sunday afternoon. Mrs H..JJ W. Davi Master Faber flghtetween In some passed porary is s and', nurse of J. ; from- " V have experienced years, at our mail from the west Miss Colburn of New Haven is' visiting. Orange,1 N.f """" j - V 3, in the afternoon present, , D . s ' ocner r.;.r.T;r WINDOW OIL CLOTHS over this village, July unreliable. Some of us heartily at . Wah"mgton CMf Kidderf aDa,""'J.ito-- titles" and haii FURNITURE, CARPETS, SHADES, The struck in wholly will Master Henrv Kidder, Misses Dorothy ty, anywhere, try and evening. lightning that these Western bidders get was ' During the afternoon hope Grandison Northrop appointed and Mamie Kidder and maid, Mrs Hor- - pe?ed to I5 many places. their fingers so thoroughly burnt that school committee in District No. 3. shower the lightning struck a barn of hereafter will leave these routes to ace Mayrmrd ar4 maldTf ronBro?klyn,nen, l,T7 and in the evening they Mr and Mrs Charles Curtis and family Mr onri TV1 r T? KaW. Mr anft Mrs- - 'oouc auu, vuu r Horace J). Curttss, bomi-tld- e bidders. H: li. of until were told of it....Tthe shower, which was much tho most se of New Haven have been at Hugh Kyle's. H. Oldring, Miss Evelvn Oldring.iMr. knew it they - STOVES, Trus-lo- next We do not propose to lug " vere, It struck a large tree in iront oi ins A U and Mrs Howard Jones, WallaceT day. ' was - iyUET iOlRTH. it further into this article. We hope - -- house. A tree struck there, Miss Annie L. Way," Miss 'il,: E.i any suc- ; ; : ;; dwelling street The Fourth of was qui R0XBURY. all who labored and toiled lor the NISHINg! OOODS. r:, r last year, and a tree across the July unusually Way, W. II. Way; Bridgeport, JMr, of exercises , v was two was a or "Mid .. ! ; cess of the entire program .'near tho school houe struck et. There good display and Mrs Charles Choate.' W. C. T. U and ' A few rods square In that lo- Glory" and some patriotic setting oit ot TOWNTOriCSi" v,: as connected with the years ago. not celebrated , received satisfaction to Newtown , seems to he a favorite playground firecrackers and torpedoes, but much in Rub- the day Freight paidior goods delivered free and vicinity. cality else. : John Callahan, who works the and content in different ways so much as of the electric fluid. ber Works at Naugatuck, is spending a them and in fu- ' , to encourage again again " NEW PRESTON HILL.' , We hud a call from our Mrs Beau and family of New Haven vacation with his father. Dennis Calla ture demonstrations and right amuse-- Mrs Jennie Mallett have visited at W. owned by E." T. Bedford iand John SoutbMrt have been guests at Dr Frank very pleasant ; i near ' : ; ; i, C. last week, have taken board with Mrs John Ifose. han, the quarries. in of the independ- B. Williams'. ; on coarse on Gorbam's.-- ( 7 ;: - Old frlend,Charles Mitchell, ments honor glorious Dingee the driving- July MOUE ABOUT THE CELEBRATION. i 'Hi.; ' ; .. Mr Mitchell, of West Side, has M. Tuman and from Xew York . Mrs, Harriet Armstrong, who has been ence.of these .United States, fought for been 4.,; Mrs Clifford Weeks and formerly family ' A highly perfumed animal has '', family from resided In California the last eight years. have taked W. J. Hall's tenant house for stavim? with Mr and Mrs Mi note L. A brief mention of the entertainment and achieved by our ancestors. a raid on the chickens' in are tbe summer at Time making young ReV;Mr Warfield is at; present located Brooklyn, spending lie was looking in good health. Cwo months. Beardsley, returned to her Brooklyn furnished bv members of the W;CT. U. this vicinity and the neighbors will be at S. B. Sherwood's. Matthew Buckley's. with him. home on Hill societ ' seems to have deali v ot this and the New Preston : kindly James Guild, latel of the shear shop, Monday. U: I' glad to hear that I. B. Gould cap- The Mr and Mrs Bogart of East'' Norwaik, oil with all of the- valuable assistance of - stryeh-nine:- "' regular Friday .evening' prayer ' The Fourth of July passed has become night watchman at the Litch- Wagons seem to need a gteat deal ies, with tured him the other' night,- with are held in the lecture room.. Mrs Hamilton of Lyons Plains, and Dr of a Fast The lead--in- g He will be much missed in the of others in each1 society, at' the' lUnion s i1 "':.'iu:.iui meetings the solemnity Day. field bank. repairing judging by appearance : ; like or Portchester, were guests or Mrs event of the was a nelghlmrhood lived and Earl Gartick's:, blacksmith where rooms and on the; church Tawn i during In Fairfield County " ' Miss Bessie Corney of New York and day the place, having always here, shop, iff! ,itf.-il.ff- Mrs Al pbonse" 'and daughter' :from Ephriam Fitch, last week. In Con- laid Out of i!; f.iv:i Miss Katie Fones of are visit- celebration at Osborn's Corners Hell will be missed at the half a dozen or more wagons are the day and evening July.41893jtnay Brooklyn-- t particularly - iii Hartford are at John Kellogg's. ti Mrs Lorinda Andrews of - out; of in columns of , visiting Miss, Annie Harris. . Brooklyn. . Hollow where had patrlot- he has acted iadifferect of Mr GarlicR not be place tbei ing ' district, they gregational church, where stages repair. i - is relatives in town. '. lo refreshments and a good as 14 has more work all the time than he is The' Bke at this timeJo i Several , of the ki A great number bf trees were uproot visiting speeches, sexton for years., 1 that! ladies Mrs Alanaon Mrs iw-;- - i HUNTINGTON. shelton; Mrs Johnson attended the funeral of. a able to up which means including Peet, ed and broken down the ' storm, tlm generally. - We are to learn that Mm Charles keep with, J during' ' ' ' . ' glad be is a wookman. H. votes and others nad prepaiea ine 1436 Wednesday ;' ,";: .' cousin in Redding, Jast week. William WelU U reported" better. 8. Iilake, who has been seriously sick, is good , re- 1A train of cars took a small number of night. ho children with to Is suin--u now Mrs Geer of One of the most forward gardens in appropriate-- pieces, K Frank VTiitehead has had, his house Freeman homo for the better. Her aunt, ' on was deemed ".ffeONciRliibNAi ttiuiicitj:bi;ESi'i'' members of the Methodist church and ' (leorge " " ' care of is of D. Holmes. lie has cite that day and it best is mer Vacation. has been taking her, town that :. a come Sunday school Of Birmingham to Parlor repaintet(,and the appearance greatly tomatoes the children exercises snouid .'. 1 to, soon. sweet corn silked and on improved away the fence. : Watson FrUble out after his serious expects leave, very already the first on the In the in the new church are requested to Rock, Friday. ' "i u .,, ' by taking ' well formed and Mr noimes among program tings '"' '' illness. Mrs O. E.'Gillette and son, Clarence, quite large. forenoon. All the children part be at the meeting to be held in William is building a' house on Prof Ar.Ji.Wakeman and, wife from In New Haven a roses and is taking present iradley - " " are at her also has quite variety of' of. sell-- New Haven are vacation County. : Mr W, T. Bacon nod daughter have of Wlnsted, vWitlng father's, did well and by all present were encor thft lecture room for the purpose ' Kueeh street." '"'; "'!' ; tri' spending their, " some very handsome blossoms, with Mrs , i i m ..! William Bisseirs. , , enjoying . follow or of the' seats', Taylor. ;., i returned from their extended Capt season ed heartily. .The collation, which ing otherwise disposing The . ladies, .'bf i the' C'onzregational f. " journey. it is late mine lorinem. re- ' Warren although women 2 "; Mrs Dr: Wakeman and will . Mrs David Guild has gone to ed reflected credit on all tne 21, at . not month s family Kdward S. and THny Boyd are Maud were good July p.m. - church will meet during the. SOUTH BRITAIN. Boyd Misses Bessie and Ferris . : Tj a .n vrr- turn to Mrs H.B. this week, ' for a week. Her father, Capt David who labored hard tor some, days pre- of and , Wakeman's, " at Chicago. recent last at Minott, WHITE HILLS. July August.. l: r for balance of the summer is constantly losing strength. . guests, week, l. vious towards this desired result; When tbe, Kdward H. Jloyd h.f received the Strong, Beardslev'S. Mrs William Wejton rrom . ' I'rof : we mention the names of Mrs Xrvin J Who listened to Rev Willard The Moodus Advertiser of last week "wife from his alma has" also been a', recent iu-ma- n 'iose FAIRFIELD. n.C. Downs and spent Sunday of Master of Arts j a corres- '. degree Bridgewater Mrs, John Ackley, Mrs . with a contains the following from ab . Beardsley, were favored prac- the old home.' i" iT- - Beard, Sunday, mater, Amherst college. VILLE- - guest, , and" Riley- Mrs ,W. as- in East in this state : NORTH Peet, George tical and profitable sermon He also S, 'l 'HOYDEN'S 1HLE. pondent Hampton, Amos arid i.' , . the Henrv Booth. a.lawver from Chicago B," and a Mitchell lady from Bridge Rev Charles Whitt'esey supplied Squires, Mrs. George Ackiey, of the Bible class, ;, Rev Henry Dayies, who has supplied . FOL'ltTH OK JL1.Y TOPICS. is his sumed charge were at Mr Mitchell a father s of the Korth church, last Sunday. arrived last Fridav and visiting score or otners in tnat .and. ims , Wilson of the church port, pulpit society Mrs Warren Hubbell gave a tea; party It is rumored that Charles has thepolpit Congregational Sab-- u ii' Oe'orge Webber Cothren. of Farming-ton- , brother Harvey Booth, and old .friends who had the tables in charge. All know, sold his on the corner New the most of the time since 'Mr 'Holmes home;. H, P, Mitcheirs,. oyer the The boys celebrated well, Monday afternoon.", place . - , to friends on Wednesday on-- ; , . .. , a brother of William Coth- owes about town.; who are aware of their in tne lady i went sailed for batn. ... Maine, night. Evidently, the debt one to .,t hospitality York parties, , ' '"" 'away,' Saturday 01. bh with Townsend of JSew Haven is st are Dea V". ren of WoMlbury, died July 5, Bged means i Mr and Mrs E. Wj Preston, left past, that the' tables fairly groaned Herbert visit- After while with his Charles Hoy t and family at liberty something. - Miss Pearl Pike of is Europe. visiting- of and most in- Hobart Blackman. Bridgeport n he week . He was a, ana esteemea Tuesdav for a visit toi Chicago and the their burden good things visiting his cousin, - v- parents-i- ,- he ;will! extend his Hoyt's for ,. , leading highly Mrs William Gregory entertained her ing at Leslie Jennings's,;,- I'li :' - in In wnicn ne a ; " roast, .'Corned ibeef,' .' An it. was time for the annual, election travels France,'- and are from eltlwn the community son and of with their World fair. viting dishes,. beef, is'Mnrna Wilson mows for-'Lero- through Italy John Bryant and wife home daughter Danbiiry, cold ham. chicken salads, most of the uuunua-tion- s 2rass Switzerland. While here he ' made: a ' ' ' lived. started on his Ofotucers 01 tue isuuuay stuuw, ' ' the sea shore. . familes over he Fourth. " Allie Hurlburt bicycle, Clark. i. ,K , 11 i I now ballot " great-ma- n v of whom :..! for vegatables found, jn;,gardefis, were made with the resulting friends,' all will is ."; ; ' some Monday Albany Geor-gian- ' '.Mrs Perkins Improving.;. Miss Mildred Payne had very morning, Duddings. Dies, cakes.' delicious, biscuits, follows: Superintendent, Miss a William Leusher has purchased a new orohaoiv nave an" opportunity to near lev BANTAM. nice to entertain her school- Alexander Allen has begun housekeep - a; i . Wentch from New York .1 I. 'I...'. .fireworks and rollsvall' cooked in the finest style- Tomlinson ; assistant, Mrs "William horse. , , tici him this fall; as he has promised jMissTJIary mates ..,,..:; "" ''' ing, havlnar bought an outfit of furniture ,j again a few. at Selectman Wentch's, with.., waue tne, tea. conee was Tom i is Jen to oerore tne x u.1 on spent days and uavor, ,anq Lee ; secretary and treasurer, John Bryant ..Lyon , helping James lecture ivo.- - J. AKFAIHr. Roberts''. DV - lands.'--"- last week ... , a 8T,l'At'l. Miss Eliza '' lhe Fourth Ot usea to tais line j .1 .... . "I k spent .!!,;'.: prepared nands long linson: niiiwuiuu. ., his travels in'Eiiropean librarian, -- ?:..lnr. nings. i i; i. , :t - Th ladles of St raurs held Mr F. Williams. of work and all was enioyed by. the large . ;ii William Hunger from Cheshire spent f. parish with het sister J...... ; IV- ., Liwhtninjr struck a tree near W. w. at T. -- zest and satis .1 i '!)! I'n 'I " j i; his Mrs Lucas. timir annual Fourth of July festival liad so- illtl-'- . !Ompati'y present with a; ; NICHOLS. i.i'o a few days with mother, Mr and Mrs Nelson a ' I'AINTE'R ; last Saturday, Kinney. srt-.- :ill j Wheeler's house, ' Man-so- n Grove on the west shore of ' ,:i if faction, unanimous and universal;; a The in the of Arthur 1'leasant .!!:!) vi'l ; picnio yard J 1 ' cial i; (.0 - 1o11jss f i'r.ij '31 on the Fourth,' and gathering. K' '' ' Bolles, editor of tne JNew Minora uaz- if ftni;.f lo Ill on the Fourth was Bantam lake day on BV A METHOIHST. FESTIVAL. '! ",;! enjoyed by nearly wa a beautiful and Several familes attended the' picnic C. Ward should read, C R. ette. kraced the oecasiOn'bymS presence - ' , ' 'hiWESTON.;;''i'J 100.' was served at & o'clock. evening. Jt day y- , PLATTSVTLLE. Supper ' sati- - New Preston II the day Hurd in week's paper.v, " i were vthe Metho llir-- iiNif V.U.'iiJ'i'l tl'iiii "Kit passr-- oft very preasantly to: the illAltogether last, r,j while newspaper correspondents Tho ladies? aid society, of !,;.4ij after which many went to the hall and - of all. It was was well observed. Miss Emma Towner spent a weeK witn atr each table "with, their; note ' dist church will hold their usual month-- OI sf'jjil"; rest In . faction and enjoyment present of New, York has l : spent the of the evening dancing i . . - . . V. .. .1 ! Miss Agnea Peabody it f JO fKI'il'l Mil i.ll"l'-.t- ;'.i!-.ii- lt.-- l . the Tn.,(W her;aunt"Mrs C,;R,; leayeriwortii, books. v. Yvv'tiaraner conducted an sociable on Tuesday evening,' ia lUlt Il,ni Ji! ' financially tuccess, clearlngto liev Sifl lirauiau iunw, been of Miss Fannie Bradley. ly July , o is. vis- ,a:J Thla Is the third Sl'and'' jreucn:u,iu'alahbrt at Miss BroDhv "two icCTeam and;lemonade:stall most agree- the guest in the church xnere riwiu uea ,Mrs, Adele, Andrews Norwalk 'irf i'.i hlrM. ifi .I'.ti M.ladkM .loJv Itliere;made visit of Waterbury spent . parlor... ! 'tii. .about ,150. Bi-A- t with if"-- i held festival in this to all the i Willott speut Sunday ; of iting her sisterj Airs Morris Perryt B.i1 l..-- nnd Vt have their is in Berk Mrs ablv and during day jMrs entertainment , : ll ' " year thev W. C. Iline's. Mrs Braman weeks with her aunt, Edward l racy pleasing pleasing consisting !! are to bo used atid audi had the satisfaction of her father, David. Reynoldsvr who is 'in "We'll have Mr and Mrs Coe ;have' returned from 1: fi.:fl uU .ii.iijusi. The net proceed shire with Miss Helen Beers & C. evening solost quartets, theoperetta, - 'ui; place. R. S. Beniamln Sons are -- i- , getting' B health. , i , , - iwflr wli .ru-- ai I'l.M.I of a house for the 1,u j tlie entire feeble to tne ".and an their Western trip.! 'idif.'fl PjAtum hi the parish . to ' disposing profitably supply mortgage larm, amusing building Mrs Edward Ivinney. has returned R.' Leavenworth's "hay: r'" : ( - U: - - ' of At 3 m.i the entire icompany Wade bas cut the' grass ion the farce. Cake and "cream will be served. u A riu'mtei' bf 'lriends 'from this IT j'i. l..jii Uv.ltit.ti benefit of the auxiliary. n .M., Mon- - eacht pt .Frank - plaee - Denver. Col. "Th Circle1 was well ; -- ( -- I - ' attended, were invited to listenco an ;apr of Mrs Seeley .; . The; admission wilt be- TO cents j:If attended the funeral of Mr Morse Hill ' i present premises Betsey , vre of a u Mis&Rosa' Baatnau closed hei? jschool at 8. Ri" Percy's' and will occa- as- .Wed : ; WJien Bob? iras aici, gare iier Castoria. Th storm Jiight ws day evening' . orooriate address prepared for the is storm v it will "be postponed until in oil "'' ' Wdneday Recita--" Clarence Willett of Bridgeport! Redding, Saturday: . killed two on with a meet 24, at Whrttlesey'.-j- i SlMIJI , tVThen she was a Child, Caacaria. severe one. The lightning Friday flag raising. , July Demiug and delivered dv Mrs itice oi Boston, a Visit- skeried nd acU - ''Mr4r' - his uncle,.! Levi; Reynolds, for nesday evening. MissTJehuett of Pennsylvania is fr , on Mount Tom. Hone were the children on sisting cows for Daniel Bums tfwn by tfatitoM sibwlhg;improv-- whos name stands therollof When she bepame Mias, she to Castoria. r Mr Bowers rrg.'S7- ; high few days. , j , i ' , li ing her ilrs Benedict.; "ynX dung wife and chjld, dresses made hy (and.Revl v; "r workers in the cause of temper '"1-- 1 lister, ';.' ' ' Nathaniel Prlndle, in. public are at present ... .tiamuton-ireturne- a When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, ..'. . and to ; D. etc..-.- ,;Eli Godfrey family iew i.. a ,11 , . his sister Luddingto: 1 Her address touch GREEN'fl FARMS. uenry,, ! t.i it; ',' ,.; from Ansonla are vUltlng at It .tlill'l LlllOV .TiWUIW7Mt ance, morality, Mrs a.-m- . - He .a "... ..,; i.ii, - . I i Mrs with Miss and to with his mother, navenin. Saturday. contemplates Lnddlngton. Emma; 1 t ed on several themes fresh and active tn 3;n.'C'j''; ao Jud over the Fourth. nai-iH'- vdy- j4i:;':ii:vtii! Z v' ta STsYm soon. .b Mrs left for New Haven on minds 'ihstrnefcive to afl i were to ip .Rochester niu 'iii in I'.'n at mi ":"'! and from J. Hater, ft si iHUTUJlMSBJ'lT'l'iPii:'? nil and present A number of peopld present ,,'.(' Dan; ;VVllllarn Thomas 'family (i; hiia ViUiJS:ot. - of iq ' tho Fourth "With Monday Ij'::jH nao'I anT The sneaker's "commarid1 fend iise; bf the EASTON witness! the ;raceai between last horses ( Mrs ofiulkley'- and :;Mrs 'Nichols ' Houth Korwalk spent is f in . !t tn i .t 4 k a !li.i English language pupiic speaKing T u .iv. hit irletkd thl places ti'iK iln"Ssii ij:up' xnnm -- 1 ;ill.l-.- 1 merfinne1 wrnes I. i i ffooa. at tm nie oraboriuai IT.HE MAD 1X0j: "' Cliarles BushncII and family from safe 'that held' her w tm t?i On LANESVILLE .1 and it is to say 'he be-- m w r PUwuvllle Mr Ravcncroft'a . - I ' I H 1 ' I I UW 111 A r week . five cows, wotb at i , .1 ' llf III1TK niHi ttrrtr UU Ills' CUU viuot. hour, foil ago Tom,, over , , . . 1 n A I TTI TH V. KTIOT fllTX.. l.'lll'! ?:MondaJ papec cbhtaVned the I sexes Vrtr.o'iriiT fJi'Mallett Sanford were bitten , Mut Surday., evening's attention. All xl both expressed l.Ui! ,K"-'- 10 'Schatr. "from Naugatuckrr;:Ma with announcement of. the appointment of a I themselves ouite freelv at the, close' 'as bv a Mewiounaianu uog, suppuocu WE CTJ1BA5TEB A t'CHK ti'. W 03 ki Some rascal had the audacity to take - large DClt FIIDtD ie moet . . to in a r.r, mnrl. of died and "one and i. Mr at the Nichols cottage :is one successor to Postmaster Smith the per- j with the' efforts made h Three them KtlVltMDtn inlta y Cramptoo rina vounz turkevs from the coop i tvi ' . highly pleased . careful iu as to our responaiotl-lt- ' Aw . , f r a rat r mrirr.n. tiaa. t .v:X'Aai- - ..Mm i - vestigation out of health. i ...... w, . 2. " i a haa-- been ordered killed the state. ... . recruit, being ...iin... nil r, in dwu ut a. rarti ui tue uiiicci jl tuc uuiuu iu ocvut by Ml and the merits of oar Tablets. -.I I V, ,, Vt " ' "' nih, course - .u;i At. t,h sftmfi time CJ Powell' and ooy, iruB JT: Work haa again commenced ow the Uiapin.' It is hoped ho will be caught given satisfaction,, but of expect- iEg Mrs JRice as speaker for the becasion, 1 ; & was to alsou bitten, j s - ed the change... At p. m. the' company; Served., Arthur Case,, werei Jjast school building. ,,.,,.,.. and punished for his theving propeusi r.hrnuo-- t.hei JM.r !1,t Dullle of New who has another lnteuectuai treat irom ev mr mppir kindness; oi .itev Double Chloride of Gold Tablets Rev Dr York, BUSINESS THE S HEAR ortn-vill- e. was " ' "i'ii IS SHOP, at located at) A Pierce, a subscription paper started IS11 a mo - - tn Litchfield, preach-- Luddingtonj present Al- - Will desire for TUBAt'W in irom aays. autumer residence Mrs Eezleston of close -- entertained all a 25 hpnrlerl with MO bV ;E S. Gillett. completclydestroythe do a, m w or ran w imuu . . d In SC Paul's church; last Sunday, to a Horatio Seymour The American Shear Co. are, to who hlghry by lesa: canseno sickness, and may Rivtn in cup ri"J . a ; Mrs Almira . and fine. Mr over $100 has been raised of Who will voluntarily stop &uoOB4iiBor cnewiog m a w 1." ." congregation, 16: is hasApent few days'; with their factory for a time a; minutes talk; extempore ready ior,,jr ledge the patient. uj very respectable, - -- - who with the have to TinmTTrmnTTWCI nn irnnriTTTllI?' U Uim ' ' Hiram- Burr, , . favorable in tneir , easiness. urr ties jLr ai- Powell, boy, gone cn ' the rector, Rev Stone, change Luddington wasiQH0w:eaiy . alUi - cejreunume1M,i.i,uoa me oi ' expected ' - ..wno an the Pasteur institute for treatOienf It UJlUaMiflaLiiU. lliUIirill nii UAlJll outaayenort part will return thla week from his Western Miss1 M. J. Crosby spent the Fourth ders come in slow and work is slack. cotti of Mar bledai delivered GOLD CURB TABLETS, " able several. the ia Virvrwrl thv wll return cured.' ihe .u. the pal lent, hy the rise of our SPECIAL, FORMUJLA " ' .i with friends In Great I'lains- - ;i address.,. .For. ivears 3 ns r,P Fourth of would not be wat IT. A. M. of Bethel, of which Mr Powell Ciiri'ic treatment, paticnt,3 are aiiovrca ine iree oi Mrs Georire Is with her July., any toillllO Ulllll HUril UlllCJia "V. . ..bW IT Beardsley has been .elected school . art, a a mpn ,hpr. have sent him a cuecK moj and shall .1; J. II. Roberts complete on New Preston .Hill .without 3tf We 9end particulars and paniphiot of testimonials free, UTCHFIELP.ii v daughter,'Mrs Fred Warner. for the 14th district, r A. Hatch and a box of fireworks. for, S50. Chat les . Gilbert accompanied ii.rl i.n ninno. KnlfeBers from any of. these habitsia ernmnunioan Comnijttee John h. , i 1) use M our i. Mrs Smith has entertained her - howr Mr and the to, uie tv. ra,vn who have been cured y the ablets Charles The ball game between ,the Hotchkiss- It is hard to estimate, much .hard Powell boy institute, ' 'are' sale 11. from persons " sister-in-la- ! .i t ".vi.b HILL'S TABLETS for, ,. The small cltildren and, their many Mrs Albert bmith ville and Washington ttonow teams re. work and travel John Allen assumes and last Friday. ,yi v'l Hi .'who have1 boon guardians at. i Mrs John - Osborne of Sherman has suited in a score of 13 to 0 in favor of accomplishes in securing funds sufficient 'Mr 'and Mrs Bunneil and of oae, .V-- , circus and Wild West snow of here s for miles around "for this, event.' .This daughter ahrT Will acud vou, by Teturn piaU,.,,j)aoita8e,oi, Si V V i the us of tended the been the guest friends recently tioccnKissviue. ' ine game-wa- aeciareu Cair'naven are their summer S. fcured by k . "..' of spending on the 6th. j '1 are on account of year he the expenditure the , Kn(t stilt .i, Mr and Mrs Edward Wildman" at the 7th inning rain. thought her L ii.' .Wilson's. j, .Write vonr muM and address plfl?n ty, O. O. Belden's horse ran away, the Mrs Ed money was1 better made m cnoice pieces yacation at father's, WBet.bwitfal.loW uro ; fuf. Tqhaceoj Morphimoi-or,- , Dr atnvlnsy with their daughter, and the ' ' Joseph" nague iamily spent ; a stew '" ' . rfJ-i- Oliono-- i - ever Mrs aamfift., Ward is spending "' HiiisiiiWcts: and cut himself quite badly. .: than before and' with the assistance 'JquWlIaUX. ITil other night, ward jNortnrop'in liauesvuie." Fourth in , 'VI one was hurt. , Bridgeport.; of half a dozen men and boys this part rlavs in Hartford with . her father and DO NOT" R3 IWnivm int prarcs THB OHIO CHEMICAt CO.Z No nt)r Knbwlesand family were in" this Miss Cora who was confined to oi Uid'.vaf mm .i.f ntrinff Institute! Isbelll, of the program was as well executed as sister. any Ask niiiE Sii!I hive been vonr ReV'Mr Tarne 6Vllampton a now -- r..r..A Jiufor JciXXjXj enre for tobacco would pljcelast jwoek gen tbe house for several days, is able at anVi Previous.' occasion. Not tilF the "Mt otkT Mrk Clark' Johnson of Lyon's hnd take rto ui.hc u habit, and found tt a "entertaining description of tteman ftdth'fvitchfield'. . ' TABLETS do what yon claim. for it, I used ten ccnU very out wheel ''- - J - 1M. by (ope agaio..3 t r last fire ball was gone, the last Plaiii recently Visited Easton,", friendSf i.Mahufactvried'only by j ad n orth- cf tbefltrongestchewiptf tobacco a day. Jjampton .and work.Uluatrated V. as fine a of t0' ; - 1 '. -- A r' in E. Crosby has piece G. U.T.sbell and Jr U. Iall have a whirled, and the, last rocket shot into the 3 l i ,'-- '' ' "ili"'' hnd from on to flv iimrs: or I woiiitt smoke view. 'Sondiwy! evening, - Asahel of Greenfield, recently '" oX Uav .chewed - ,1a, in town of New sare. to end- Gray 7fom tetti Bines. tobacco. - r,- bacqo as there the, young crow which they Jcarning .was John Allen's responsibility' toilorty sky visited the I f-A- aiidti-- . the church. an and a 1. at J 1,'P.erry's,, .old, place .LaT W . .!" V: a,uit smoked for twenty live years, packagea. Congregational Milford. filet has: about! "acre talk.'.'-'--- , enure uui till - im-ii- finished ,W'V ed. inen tne company qusperse . . X or iaDleia curea tne so i Diie noaesirr Mr KaCoh"8 residence' will be now In fine condition where he formerly. Uved.f 'OffiO'iCHPICAI-.UO- ; W your half and it is Mlas Sarah Smith isvylsTthiif in to their homes; near and ar,.. Nothing ' ' . B.M.aA,YLOUiilJaaie; alien. about the 20th of (Dan Mr nnrl Mrs John elebrated,the 25th ! .Will Wanzor i Charles" Hatch had - v in a DOBBfl Fewbt. H. T. ready I i and ,bury.-.-,- . ,' 4,1. years has drawn large croud togeth ,;jj;i of theip the. Fourth 61,3 jt 68 Opera Block; optt Co. s4GBTrrt.X3rjH 5 Some time atro i'sent i f - , as a JNew anniversary wedding "- - nnivt nartviMT. , oi tobacco cut due. Bes-sie- er in this Preston V" . u,-- w tbjt.voA.t'' pieces vicinity jtiui . X . . i .. . ,i Tal.l.-t-- 1 ty . Mrs H. Robert and daughter Friends. ,.froin.,New iYork, a X X'X , .1 1 ; . . . U V. VH. f.,r TnliHi'ii llubit. receiver - wi.osl i m a Cool .weather for the Season,, Mrs Fred Marsh and have Independence celebration.5 Judging, Dy ot .July, .'.'.UMAl'OHip. nil ritr b t. altlwnirh 1 was-botf- a amuker aua ciwwer. daughter are in Thomaeton, Conn. . j were .thnm and. heavy i,70il bmee has' been moved the long line of teams which wended Tashua, and other .'.places: present, mXW.'I'''V Uidthe work in leas days. J-- cured. The telephone been . in they Uiantoreej ------visiting William Dakin is painting the Hard with plenty of fireworks' the evening. PAETICUJLAES J ) !' t - . street store to their wuvCf at the; close of the exercises) .. X ly CU,,:, 'IIIUJ JWU JlMttMM v..w..,..-.- from the old North Drug " 7 x x X X X 'p- ."- - Fa ;: West street place. w down the different hill s in three directions Mr and Mrs S.Tiillings. of. Bridgeport X X X 1 i ot,f,.,rt,.,..s. f:... one of 8.' Pratt's stores on' ISM L ii .' V". m r.r.v r rv ..'."H tHinniM YitaaaOF to sneak a I of iboro entertained at , I. B. .Wilson's on ta .iivriMt.l-- and Miss 2ulgeley is in lOqOTi from the Stone, church on the evening for Tablets! My son was strongly addicted to the usaof Marguerlta MERRYALL. " - - .!- - - '. 'i i word of praise your , HAZEL PLAIN." i of this we conclude tne ... . t.T- - . , J was it. .. - . July 4, year that Sunday, . mor, and through a friend, led to try your Tablet. charge of .... ; ' was no to. r, doina iat the W XTh h'J to be gathered,' exception nhariePowellis nicely' ; . r Is rumored that the postotlloeis 'Horace1 Warner commenced haying, n T,nt tenKti linnor iif kind. I have waited fonr month betor writing It Rev Mr Keen from Gaylordsville will the role of the one and; his wife to welcome inT moved to South street lu Phelps' block. 1C last Monday, with the Odell Brothers vat general past; hospital expects; vrxxxyx ?vr.jz at the chapel, Sunday Jmy acci dent shas been as connected ; . are preach the front. are rushers and no mis- - reported bimTromem a,iew aays., i Quite a number from Torrjngton Mrs William of Sherman They with the affair and that was the of ' more Kinney spent fright i I S.i"EEET;iU i'i 1'.'!jt V out Bantam lake and - the1 .'s.; It - .'.gENTETS stumping at .i ,. ' " ' a raorsc while down- hill tor OX the Fourth at J. H.HaU'Sf coming i cured tne uae - week. Uhabodi Mr8 Albert Bates has changed her.tes- cJr.ti for seven vears. and have been by are expected this wards this vlllage. lt shied, which caus- t ' i MUs Lillian Hendrix returned home, " ;.,tY, Idence to Waterbury. in '' ' i Hfru "R. and1 children are (iWopackageaofyowXabiBtajMlwlttttajeffortw iw.lMaWAi. ' a visit in ed a break-- harness and U. Thbmson last week, after long Brooklyn. - ' ; -- , William man had ; , Warner's hired quite turned the"' carriage'1 :ovr-- with spending a . week with her' 'grandson, squthville.' . Duane Stone was In 'New 'York, last a with a . Well, he did .not :i ' ' ' ' picnic young men as occupants' nestr'the gate- Thomas Foster. r r ftPSPONSIBLE been week, after know it was. until the air was so ' lAGENTS WANTED; Mrs Phoebe Calhoun, who has help.' what way to D. residetiee here. . fin Hie morninsr of Julv Fourth a -- " Kenney's " , 1. 63 09 biook. v with Mrs D.ivid R. Burnum for Henry. Healgy, returned to Brooklyn, thick you. could cut rainbows, by. the Neither was badly hart and the carriage son arrived to the home tar "; 9 and Opera v... s Uylr.g f- ' - - - gladden' writing pleiWB - . hia- clothes will ' young " (In mendnq ut returned to her home 'this weeki dozen. He buried ,and, was minus shafts The horse .T .. '' week,, the only. nt r. "Roster. - .eeial ' his for fui urease. i . W k- M - week, lawn nartv od the .Fourth was buy perfume poon became and was1 led nome. LJLJ ' ; O'wi V ttU quiet ! And J,L4kj.iTl o ; ,,i'he - - , .Mr Cha,les Mallett. and daughter ; u M .,J .t;-- i..:i, lo Mil' V .'.A Hue looking Held of rye belonging ouite .. well - attended, considering that ' Some very heavy showets have passed James tl. Reed is confident that eome- LTlu t.hA on ing flowers in the church the while the "Star Spangled Banner" Our Store's a Comfortable Place to be in Fourth, deserves a vote of thanks. floated in the breeze. PRINDLE & MORRIS, Our Stock Of Mia fkmnhpll and ladv friends of Mr and Mrs IL F. McReynolds from SPRING GOODS Lunesvllle, were the gueuts of Mrs Alan-so- n Waterbury were home the Fourth, at S. UNDERTAKERS AND Pcet, over the Fourth. F. Burgess', Mrs McReynolds remaining EMBALMERS, 15. Barton is slowly recovering from to visit relatives and friends. IN SPLENDID VARIETY SUMMER CLOTHING his sickness. J. II. Flynn and family are making Are prepared to do anything To Wabnotr hnrl nn of his fine quite a visit at C. O. Nobles. AT Because a in their line at shortest notice. FOR span of horses fall through the floor of Joseph Consleman and family from perpetual blizzard rages amosgst our profits; they always stand at Zero- - hia Bf.nhln. a dent.h of some 10 feet. The Bristol have been staying at Mrs J. II. A share of public patronage horse was scratched and bruised. , Hagers'. Thn Aanotnpt oreamerv is doinET a Miss Millie Baldwin has been visiting solicited. - H. larger business, this season, than com relatives in New Haven. -- A DAVIS'S, mon. G. E. Emmons has been elected com OXFORD TIES. W. H. PRINDLE. L. C. MORRIS. Beats all records. B- - previous John Hatch has one of the finest mittee of the Fourth school district. Calls answered ifleft at W. Prindle'i House; L. BRIDGEPORT. Morris's House, Telephone at Leonard's Hotel- - 429 Main St., Blue Flannel Sack Suits, Warranted Indigo, $6.50- - pieces of corn in town. MILTON. Ladies' Kid Oxfords, S&r 75c; were $1.00. We PRESTON- - have many spe TIIE GREATEST BARGAIN EVER SEEN. NEW M. Tuman, the New Y'ork clothier. Ladies' Kid Oxfords, " $1.00; were 1.25. BREW & SCANL0N, has removed his family to one of W. J. Ladies' CHURCH MATTERS. Hall's for the summer. Kid Oxfords, 1,25; were 1.50. UNDERTAKERS, cialties whi chour In Cassimere and one hundred and twen places here, neigh Cheviot Suits for men we have over Rev Mr Evans preached at the New Ladies' Kid were Embalmers and General of ty-fl- ve Oxfords, 1.50; 2.00.. Managers styles, ranging in price from $5 to $25. An immense variety of suits Preston Hill church, Sunday morning, 1 BETHLEHEM. Ladies' Funerals- - bors do not and for business men from $10 to $15- - We say without fear of contradiction that and in the Village church in the evening. Kid Oxfords, 2.00; were 2.50. have, W9 are house in Connect For some reason, II. D. Hine has not A FULL OF ROBES selling good reliable clothing cheaper than any other commenced bis work on the interior of INJURY TO D. W. THOMPSON. Ladies' Kid Oxfords, 2.50,' were 3.00. LINE CASKETS, us. can I - to entire sat icut. When in our city don't fail to call and see We do you good-- the church edifice here as mentioned in As D. W, Thompson,.- was - returning Common Sense and P.L. Toe.1 AND FUNERAL ETCETERAS- - study give last week's Bee, and it is therefore un- home, last Saturday evening, he was Tip Opera how the church edifice will thrown irom his and received ser Best Workmanship-Reasonab-le Prices I I I I I certain wagon isfaction to I I I I I custom I I I I I I I I I I I ' I long our I I I I I I I I I I I I I I be closed for public service. ious injury on his head and one ankle was WARE ROOMS: Sear Grist UUI. badly sprained. He has so far recovered NEW POSTMASTER. he is about SANDY HOOK, CONN- - ers. We to PARK CITY CLOTHING HOUSE, THE that again. make meas It is now Postmaster Henry W. Brown, WM- - J- - BREW. I P. J. SCANLON. Uncle Sam's headquarters for this vil William B. iceynoids, lale "Jo, is KID BUTTON SHOES. i i i i ure i i i i i i i i i i a in the i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i in i i i i i i lage bemff in the store or county wm spending part of his vacation at Hiram anything missioner Lvman. Mr Brown has fitted li. Atwood's. - M. G. KEANE'S un a model office. He has had of John D. Waldson and family of Thom- Ladies' Kid Button, 86c; were $1.00 line at a small made a fine set of boxes aston :visited their cottage, last week MONUMENTAL WORKS, clothing Lock Co One Miss has a Ladies' Kid Button, $1.25; were 1.50 454 & 45G MAIN STREET, bv the Keyless daughter, Mabel, quite Honsatonic Avenne, Bridgeport. Indianapolis. The case has 40 lock large class of instrumental music schol Ladies' Kid Button, 1.75; were 2.00 advance over the regu- boxes and 100 call boxes. Mr Brown is ars, besides being quite an elocutionist, FIRE INSURANC-E- not a stranger to the duties, having been Our place is not a whit behind in talent, Ladies' Kid Button, 2.00; were 2.50 Old Reliable Companies. Lowest Rates. assistant postmaster under Mr Lyman as Miss Waldron's birthplace was in this W. A. lar ready made price. in Cleveland's former term. Mr Brown town. Ladies' Kid Button, 2.50; were 3.00 LEONARD, Newtown, Conn is popular and ha3 a host of friends, The infant son of Joel II. Atwood has The village is assured good service been sick, the past week. Smith's Restaurant, Not a word of fault has been found with quite A. H. Another daughter has been added to 43 John street, BRIDGEPORT. DAVIS, JOHH the service in the past. Mr Beardsley the of Arthur T. Minor. W.BYERS, Proprietor. ha3 been accommodating and has made family FULL REGULAR MEALS. a model postmaster. The shower on Wednesday was accom- 429MAINST. BRIDGEPORT panied by some thunder and lightning MEN'S GOODS. Hot tneala at all hours ot the dav. Sou. TVl.ln board, $3.50; M. 6 ARRIVALS AT MKS BEEMAN'S. and a tine tree situated near one ot Steph Gent's, Ladies, Open lrcm en barns was Among the arrivals at Mrs Clark E. Hayes' badly splintered. At lower prices, QUALITY considered, than any other store in the city. MRS T- - H. SMITH, -- Proprietor, Beeman's house are the following : Mr Rev Mr Bury exchanged pulpits with Children Cry for Pitcher's Castos,. and Mrs Nelson B. Mead and children, Mr Pegrum of Watertown, July 9, and BOTSFORD Hour were into H. PEETNiMfLR Absolutely PifftE Augustus, Gordan, Elizabeth and Nelson persons received church norse onoeniK, wagon Saw tus to on confession of Sper-r- y GUESS COUPON TO CHICAGO Kepamng, Filing BEE expect to go the World's fair, and .Jr., or Ureenwicn, 3ir and Mrs uarter, faith. Dea Philo and UlacksmitbiiiK ot all kinds. NEWTOWN mm NEWT0WN,C0NN., visit mends in Illinois. Misses Josephine and Alice Carter of of Watertown was in attendance upon w iiii WILL NOT INJURE - lI W. T. in the south of New York, Mrs Ward and two daugh tne service. Given with evtry $1 purchase- n H. H0RTHR0P. Agent For the Oldeat I lalI I llI 1 THE MOST ELECT! - O'Dell, part the I I V A i FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1893- , Miss Jt Strongest and Most Reliable Fire Insur J has as fine a of as ters from Trov, N. Sutherland Miss Dessie Griswold is her 1 town, piece tobacco visiting ance uoinpames in Connecticut, viz : 1 art lord FABRICS there is around. of Boston, Miss Graves of Brooklyn, relatives in this place. rire, oi narciora. rno3nlx, of Hart lord CIRCULATION: Mr of Mr Uoiinec.tleut. ot Ilartlord. nt Dwight Wilson is about a Bennett Brooklyn, Chapman The new cemetery is in good con ' Orient, Hurt. Vil MA.CM V completing of Mr Cohn and Mr Day of kept ford. Middlesex Mutual, of Middletown. J1NCAEY 1, 1882, 610 substantial barn for himself, at his Bridgeport, dition Dy bexton Oharles .Lyon. H. N. yeaicneaver.oi sew row. 3300 place, east of the Green. New i ork. or AYRES, VQSJKK Presents LAST WEEK, Miss uarrie nans JNew Bediord was GIVEN FOR TraoeMarks The firm of of Durlev. Lofland & Co.. AT MR HOPKINS'. the valedictorian of the graduating clasF CHARLES JONAS, ( n v . ... have been doing effective work on the at G. C. in that place and also won a prize of $25 ?i rtj in fmfti-- J Among the guests Hopkins" tor in 7 BISHOP BLOCK, BRIDGEPORT. MERCHANT uULUoi ALL bHULUfaAi (ixauiku roads. The past week, Mr Durley has home are Mrs and excellence scholarship. TAILOR, . Litchfield News. neen aua Mr and Mr Ba sightly Flagg family Mrs is County uayuig of Mt Vernon. N. Y., A. J. Mead and Velona Hayes caring for the Church St., Newtown, Conn. berny have been going it alone. They of Mrs Mary Earle nevv son of N. II. Bloss'. nave in a family Greenwich, put sluice way in Blackville. and Miss Cornelia Earle of Mt Vernon, Mrs n,va Arnold or JNew Haven is vis WHEN IN OUR CITY WASHINGTON. Andrew Buckingham is raising about N. Y., Misses Talma of New Y'ork and king her sister, Mrs John Hull. J. WILKINSON, an acre and a Halt of tobacco, this year Mr Chapman of New York. of came We invite the public to call on na at our store Henry Haugh Birmingham up Y. M. C. A. PICTURES! 107 Stats where we VACATION HOMK. Ihe residence of A. G. Baker has been on his wheel to his BUILDING, street, Bridgeport, shall eca TUK spend Sunday with inns to the stock of dressed in a ---- Urgsst fresh coat of paint. Mr Titus C. E. Beeman lias had a busy season at I), uay ton's. --- c0ED M. cirrj The Vacation Home is now completed uui me woi k. his in and iamuyatj. Bridgeport, F. M0NTIGNANI was about the first of the shop, repairing carriages Miss Theresa Slater spent the Fourth House Furnishing Goods, aud opened Mrs Robert Black has returned from a with in Sole for COLUMBIAS and oth Is now a on fine Pho- wagons. her sister agent making specialty work. Bric-a-bra- . month. As is well known the Home whs Waterbury. slz-- , Silvers-are- visit with her Mrs W a dozen - luKiaiuis in au aud Including Earthen- New York daughter, J. J. E. Granniss keeps half David has so far recovered er high grade Bicycles- first class re now instyles prices. built by Mr Van Ingan, the in Bethlehem. of which are in Thompson Being located his new apart, ware Glassware. Tinware, Woodenware, ia fact who has a beautiful summer Smith, head horses, kept ousy from his accident as to be able to supe in all branches- - mentd and having larger facilities, Importer, in In pairing re- everything pertaining to the Crockery and Hnsc Home 19 sit- Henry Couch and son Benjamin, who the summer the livery business. intend his farm work. He has a force of he is competent of obtaining home here. The charmingly hi-- GUARANTEED.- sults to all. Furnishing business. the may on an south of the carry on what is known as the Alden the winter he devotes attention to 13 men to look after. SSWORX -? satisfactory Eopisg public uated elevation Green, and cattle. Tatrous give us a part of thair patronage, we remaia, the valley and river Morehouse farm, have about 200 acres to buying selling Carr Watson has been desiring sittings are advised to ob overlooking Shepaug look after. sell and recently injured tain them at once and leave their orders. El to the south. It is a large structure, three Ihey hay fat cattle, Mrs S. C. Goodhue of Arrow Point is Dy a ran aDd later Dy a cow who shoved Bespeetfully, stories and there is also a wing finding it more satisfactory than making Dassins a few days at her home on him around in a his side evator and all conveniences. high, miiK or Diitter. stable, bruising Children Cry for Pitcher's ri a. built on in the rear. The foundation Staten Island. and disabling him considerably from his Caste New Barnum Buildingr, CHAS. E. RUSTED & SON, An inside bal- II. (). Averill to in C. stones are natural rock. expects take the Simon Goodhart, Jr., of New Haven farm work. 105 State St.. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Successors to S. Sterling It Co., cony extends across the entire front. World's fair in the fall. and his cousin, L. Goodhartof New Y'ork, Horatio N. Lake has his tank for the garnet compfiny. It is olin duets aod solos and Leonard Fleez- - been laid out changed estimated it will hold several hundred er has 107 STATE The grounds have very Miss Averill has been visiting her sis are passing a few weeks at C. B. N orris' boarding place to his nephew's, Royal B agreed to give gome selections STREET, of :- The first girls Mrs in New C.-E- of water. tne Danio. There will he other attrac -: :- -: prettily. delegation ter, Beach, Milford. . Beeman's house is filled iake s. gallons TO INVESTORS CONN. came from New York the Saturday nearly of tions which will be in to BRIDGEPORT, up Karle Abbott has in an acre and a half with are at the Wil Miss Edna Judson and Mr Prindlo of A number visitors, spent Sunday helpful adding 7 heforc the Fourth. It is understood the city guests. Sixty with Mrs Amos the num tne of the occasion. The ofr per cent Debentures issued by Building and of tobacco, this year, and his crop looks son house. The Loomarwick hotel is were at H. Wilbur Tyrrell, among enjoyment - Loan Association of Dakota, fully secured and Vacation Home is under the care of St Southington guests Airs VV. Mr and of the fete ia to with ; wen. expected this week to be nearly full. Judson's, last week. ber heing J. Botsford, ject raie money guaranteed $2000 of mortgages denosited With Bartholomew's church of New York. A Mrs Emmet Curtis and daughter. Mrs which to pay off the debt contracted in ice trustee to protect each $1000 invested- - Can of ISkk had a chat on The New Preston Village church hav- David Wooster and wife of Bridge The choir of the Congregational church and the be bad in any amounts of $100 and op. Also !L "How to nra ibe mil eo It will J representative Thk Curtis and daughter will ppend the week repairing painting rectory. All w wit'i Mls who is in ing closed for repairs, there were sever port are stopping a few weeks at Mrs meets on b riday evening for rehearsal. are invited to come and make their installment stock, on which there is de lt mugu itn aouiuuinct Saturday Darby, al over to the services in town in this there. cordially clared a l Ptr cent dividend. November 9 last. charge of St Bartholomew's parish houe persons Isaac Burns', village. Several farmers have finished the occasion one to be remembered. This class of stock is not taxaole. is very crania - llev Mr a discourse haying George Jackson has left the silica mill as US8 Plumb & Wiaton's . in New York. She was returning to Breckenridge gave Frank Bolande, editor of the Evening On M'.ss Alice E. Bird V. pie, ts accessible as a saving's bank, deposit a of who on "Keligion in his wife were Sunday evening and has gone at haying for Charles ueiug wiuiurawaoie at tne oi tne holder BONE:: FERTILIZER. New York with number girls, Art," Sunday evening Post, of Bridgeport, and conducted a Bible Miss Bird I have made several pleasure over reading. Ford of Castle street.. MORRIS. personal examinations of the f Manufactured Con had enjoyed a fortnight at the house. at E. H. Beardsiey's last Sunday was a student in Mr cuiiuujoa oi Loe company, tne iast in October tr at Bridgeport, a. Moody's training the last ly She stated that the girls pay the'r own NEW PRESTON HILL. Also Joseph Wells of Birmingham. Mr During shower, Wednesday last, i believe its atfiirs are being very judi-bious- small. to scnooi, winter. hail fell at the Falls in A NOBLE LIFE. managed, it is thoroughly sound and ia expenses, the charge being From Bolande and Mr Wells returned their afternoon, large excellent 50 to 00 were at this Vacation sta- homes on Mrs Bo It. B. Lake takes the lead in town quantites, covering the ground, but doing I.Irs Khoda Sanford Cowles entered conuiuon. So customer has ever wait girls THE CHEAT CELEBRATION. respective Monday. the no as was no ed a day fur matured interest or principal; am tion, on to see the girls oft", lande will remain here for some time dehorning, having performed operat particular damage there into rest on her 92d birthday, 7 sure no company stands better at home, whers it Saturday, .f ion on his bull and is well with so it fell July who were to depart for New York. The ine exercises on tne ourth were car longer. pleased wind to drive the hail straight itsiM. Living in tnis puce lor more has a large membership, as also with its patrons ried out in accordance with the of the eiiect. down. Tobacco was cut, than 80 she was everywhere. It has a steady growth ofassets. The DEST the CHEAPEST.' train pulled by without stopping, but plans N. D. Benedict, of Litch- considerably years, indentitied with now to near a million dollars. would backed the good people on the Hill and vicinitv photographer Mrs Arnold and sons of New but being small, it will recover probably tht interests ot amounting I USE stopped down the track and up. field, was about the Lake again, last Fri George the place and people, as recommend their securities as a safe and profita- The train was shouts of One or two criticisms might be made with Haven are in town. Apples were bruised some, but there few can be. a taste for read- ble investment. Their debenture bonds bring greeted by day completing his views or .Lake Inheriting less one laughter by the girl3, who appeared to profit. An effort should be made to have All will soon be for sale Miss Abbie Foote of Watertown was at will most likely be enough left ing, possessing a line uiiud and a won than qaarter of their assets, makes them e. Waramaug. For all done in the day-tim- When unquestionably gacd. further particulars, be enjoying themselves heartily. speaking here at E. H. Beardsiey's at very moder D. H. Judd's over Sunday. She 3tarts derful memory, she kept pace with the inquire of eveniDg comes and the boys meet here ate for the White Mountains, this week. affairs of the town, state, nation and tnere is sure to be a great commotion prices. EAST MORRIS. world in spite of and JAMES C. EASY and IiOMKOIiO. with PostofHce boxes ordered, arrived at irving inompson is reported as im increasing years JOHNSON, QUICK firecrackers, pistols, etc. It was so We he will to infirmities. The treasures of her mind Miss Minnie Mcllravy of New York this Pourth and the effectiveness of the Hon C. B. Lyman's store on Monday of proving. hope continue do YIS1TOKS IN OCR MIDST. were a mine of wealth to the GENERAL AGENT FOB CONNECT- with last week and was set up so. lie has had a long time to be sick genealogist City will spend the summer her literary exercises was marred by the immediately Visitors at O. P. Holcornb's. are Mrs and the searcher after knowledge of ICUT, STEPNEY DEPOT. Daniel noise. would be in by Postmaster Brown and nearly all the Soap Making brother, Mcllravy. It well, therefore, Robert Wilcox and mother of New "the days of Auld Lang Syne." But a 1 LK w Bonn id Baufcif mint boxes were soon rented lor tne . q4 irn tluna. trie xuiure to caKe care to confine coming R0XBURY. few a series of most waj,. wbMi vruii on caa at ft nnT Ls) speak But Mr Brown and his assistant Haven. At Mrs H. lligbie's, Mrs E. K years ago interesting 111 A UKAXCiK AlKKTIMi. ing to me morning ana aiternoon. year. Master Howard of articles from her pen entitled, "The old pouutiaat wno very kindly allowed the BASEBALL Wetmore,"and Higbie houses Excelsior Pomona No 7, will meiauy spoue in the morning even- ENTHUSIASM. N.J. At James M. Ueuton s, of Moiris' was published in the PURE HARD SOAP grange, a re to retain the business till Saturday Elizabeth, Litchfield Mrs Cowles was n S trade in fw mnralwa. Do not fmwmt tLm fLvmy hold a on 20, at Bethlehem. gave very interesting address. Her when mail was sorted The Station baseball team re- Miss Frank Benton of New Haven. At Enquirer. iutMis9vier un&erMADoa Hum vtJn of titM. UMi Bannit meeting July marks bore the ing, the evening Roxbury ana in manner witn Still A Favorite. c Wr it tx liMfunauHlji can tmfttty. Ri p utwrmirti j& Worthy Master Averill will preside and generally upon liquor at Mr and then and there com- organized, the morning of the Fourth K. M. Treat's, Mr and Mrs Timothy stateiy aigninea "a question, as she was here to speak for Lyman's W v red V face like a benediction," the counterpart the topic for discussion is, "Kesolved, . menced his new duties. Messrs Brown after having been disbanded for two hittlesey, hittleey and mend bur- tne vy. i ij. in tne the ex of New and at David Lurking-ton'- s, of the dear, beautiful, gracious old Jady BEST SOFT SOAP. that the distribution of the evening deserve much for the years and accepted an invitation to go to Haven, T nrwxSad unequal ercises were, prayer by Itev Mr Braman, and Lyman praise C. M. whom writers of fiction so often describe i jcrt tixr article fa mmrnrf hmmiheAd. ft m(3 den of taxation in this state is due to neat and attractive case of boxes secur- uriogewater to play their home team Judd, traveling salesman 'feint. Fluorm. Mit4. c. ; 4cMt7,aad4riai address by Jev Mr Luddington and one & of is and who is seldom found outside of mm; emmfact Snk. CkiMkB and piyim. Ai weak and Inefllclent tax laws." ed which About 500 were in the Harris for Keney, Roberts Co., Hartford - Win, 1 Dy Mr AJcott. at Indianapolis, Ind., possess attendance, fiction's To all cnvr or drnn 1 itev his realm. benevolent objects wmm"d Mr a many modern improvements not found Brothers being the battery for the spending vacation. she Jw? Mach,TUM.. Mom A Bl'CCESSfUL ATI AKIST. Luddington gave very patriotic gave generously and with a hearty 4. errher4. Ptamhnra. Pamwwv mmd burrM find with the old case and we trust all Bridgewaters and Callaghan and Dickin v u.u-- r It ( aaaress and of the curse of intern patrons 18 which nmre than lrt!7 bl tlT rjarm. ai4 UiU ttf spoke will show of son tor tne The Undsewa Uur town with sympathy doubled the ' "' to P4Ah Far ecras dtwcnptioaj aw '1 Black of Black- - perance and the need of have or their appreciation KoxDury's. rapidly huing city value of the and ad The venerable I.obert great personal same in boxes. ters the lead until the sixth guests, and many nne teams, nuir.irous gift. Thoroughly and con bsrefollj prfNud eualy Si4iod renins Is successful effort in the work of men from the securing individual kept inning .Send lor Illustrated Pamphlet Kittle ville an enthusiastic and saving are rented for a small sum 1 hen the Station boys put in some of safeties and persons walking daily scientiously upngnt herseir, she could well along In the seven- the slavery of sin and drink. He was They very our .o never be persuaded that evil was good, PENN CHEMICAL WORKS. aplarlst,although "of or and which is of their old time work and finished the game through streets, evidently their Black of bees urgent on the active Christian quarterly yearly disei-nifor- t was ties. Mr began the culture point in iavor oi tne to i) amusement and probable of that wrong right, that darkness a of a effort in the work of greatest help to the individual, and KOXDury team, u was In she by accident quarter century ago, making Christianity in and 1 hey are to play again soon. the numerous cobble stone v ith which light. early youth gave her a swarm given him. He began practical and effective. Rev Mr Alcott postmaster also, assorting easily nature has our roads. heart to the blessed Saviour and through . MECHANICS' AND ?A RUPEES' having had a as he finding each man's mail. paved all and to increase his stock and now has about longer Bddress, expected to TOBACCO CROPS ESCAPE INJURr. the trials troubles of her life (and He made 200 or 270 oe tne on tne occasion. In Louis J. Brague has again entered the Horatio Benton, the genial proprietor were she was sustained SAYINGS BAJTX, 15 Btocks. has oniy speaker The severe even- of i some they many), by J, of choice this Mr nis speecn ne dwelt upon character as service of George T. Wright for the sum- shower of Wednesday "Maple Shade," ent'Traiuing an unfaltering trust in Him. The end pounds honey, year. mer in several was some hail but oO guests, wrnle at E. M. (Jlark's, aud CITT BASK BUTLTUXG, TTAIL ST.. B'POET lslack there are bees in the basis of genuine Upon piloting the steamer times ing accompanied by . was peace. Her memory is blessed. -- estimates 30,000 patriotism. not to do much and the Richard Turkinffton's are some 20 moi-e- Deposits. 1.403.114.45. a stock. In out his he the great importance of the position daily about Lake Waramaug. enough damage By the bright waters now thy lot Is cast, and taking honey, tobacco so small could not Next we k we will endeavor to chronicle I Iaterest Snrrlas, 45.178.S2. wears a veil over nis neau, out which country people held with regard Boy No 2 arrived at William Wright's being injure Joy to thee, happy friend thy bark has past generally to the of since cities must to any large extent. 1 think ODe or two their namw, but this week, time and a The rough sea's foam, wears no gloves on his bands. Mr Black people cities, on July 4. were a trifle. bashful forbid3. Now the long yearning of thv soul is stilled. $1,447,292 77. has connected an old corn house with a depend upon the fresh blood of the boys met crops hurt spirit Home! Home! is Deposits of $1 to $1000 received and lerest and from The head cook at John T. Burr's The farmers are their work thy peace won, thy heart Is it bee supply house. He deals in all kinds girls the farm for existence. with a serious fall, last week, and has pushing uueu The Mower. eredited froa the first of each msntb, payable ia the school Albert Baldwin ana the as as is pof-ib!- be Thou art gone home. Deering of bee supplies, and has calls from all upon public question and up been hejpless since and was un- family spent getting hay, fast January aad July of each year.Xneerporatf i 137 He finds a on venal at elections. He nearly r outdo at nis iatner's. tween their D. the towns around. ready voting deplor- able to be moved aDy till this week. the,,time they spend hilling 5. S10EGAS, Fresidaet. market his in ed the efforts to undermine the Miss Nellie Potter of Stratford is visit corn and potatoes, milking and enjoying HOW WE KEPT THE DAT. L. 3 CA TUX, Secretary and for honey Washington, public Col E. Johnson's at Lakeside add excellence- - TTeiar. New Mllford and Litchfield. The hon- scnooi system ; alleged that the paroch cottage ing at Dr Pons. nature's most comforting pastime, of The "Youths" of the town assembled Tears only to its All ial which is is undergoing some repairs, and painters ey Is sent to market in neat cases with system advocated has been inside Andrew Sanford entertained friends sleep. en masse about 10 p. m., of the 3d and that teaches to be valuable at- been tried in various both Pro- and paper hangers have busy - experience glass fronts. Mr Black pays special countries, for two weeks. from New York. asserted their right to "life, liberty and tention to his apiary, and his honey is testant and Roman Catholic, and found Hiram El well has entertained a the persuit of happiness," by parading and all improvements that wealth can can Years wanting, since all states or coun- Walter Burnham met with a fall, last neph KENT. as the writer testify. nearly ew ana the streets, yelling, firing guns and mmi prime, tries where the secular ed week, while in his new barn and has ins iamny irom jLanDury. giant make mow- f !M .. I M mai belter Out I ut. ago Mr Black did an extensive business and religious crackers, blowing horns and every sore buy help to these the best ti.cno 4 e. ,wt tark ka I . I m bMk nil a vvarner is in - I aqrM In line ucation or ine nave oeen been confined indoors portion of the airs witn mend3 A OUGAN. : of "' ch;.'- the machinery and foundry here, young pursued NEW CHURCH instruments that could emit a squeak iVii'ty. U 01 all yrtf tmttnmi on account of together have given up the and time since thereby. Woodbury. or ers made. ttmr faqoriw Kamp tar repiy." but advancing years, system The church squawk, occasionally varing the up- fATiENTS TREATED BY MAIL. COHFIDEHTIAL. he desires to sell some of his property are estaonsning state or public schools, Mrs Charles Pattrell and Mrs L. Rose win tiodge and wire or Bethel spent Congregational people roar by ringing the bells and a modeled have boughc and in a new firing The and Binders parUcoun with caou uam here. ,., after our public schools in of Mer.iden,with children, arrived at Wil- uie c ourtn at ms mother's. just put pipe till itself Peering Reapers It was used time cannon, pandemonium could o. place of the other method of education, liam Marven's last for a few Miss Alice has a organ. for the first the and sounds. mowers in 'i. w. r. Ei mean num cucui au - Saturday, Hagarty accepted po last and gives-ver- sat- hardly equal sights' equal the superiority and POSTOFFICE. He the establishment of - ; as or Sunday, general The THE NEW deplored paroch days' visit, siLiou teacner painting in a young isfaction. We believe It cost from disgraceful orgie lasted till day ial schools, since if the various denomi $1200 aawn. . wen ana stroner can all three are the best that 11. the post- George Kenizle, with his wife and jauies scnooi in Canada. to and was made me endure implements J. Watts, newly appointed nations were to set denominational $1500 by the Johnsons pow-wo- up child, visited, last week at Thomas Mar Samuel Booth and - such a as they do any other master for the Depot, has forwarded his schools, our school Baldwin, Hajvey of Westfleld,- Mass. a snow or farmers can to assist them in har bond to and his commission grand public system tin's. ., n jjamiiLuu are uu me hick list, out are eyu witn courage, but the get Washington, would be destroyed and there would be sick in our midst must ' soon be He Watson is able to be , , Two big thunder storms and several have thought the Rails. Newels, Balusters, on band or" will forthcoming. expects to take its place, a lot of narrow denomi- Cogswell again siowiy wearisome. We vest. Etc, to take about 1. He out of doors a good of each pleas- Miss Stella Clark has small ones Is a good record for one week. night long and hope the made to order at the shortest possible notice. possession August national schools, poorly equipped and portion returned from a be" there are Convenient of access from any of the will have the otllce in the front ant day. visit in New Haven. - In neighboring towns there was consid powers that (if any), will The Myers Hay Tools do away with horse cars. part placed poorly attended, lie admitted the right erable but none Kent. prevent a repetition of this disgraceful city by UiveusacaiL. of his store. It will be convenient oi denominations to their own Horace Averill and sister expect to go Myron Odell entertains friends from hail, id ?art Mr Watts has had provide W. B. a school howl. The day was a quiet one. . The much heavy, disagreeable work; they 16 George St., near Main, Bridgeport- - the public. As schools, if they cared to support them, from their boarding place here this week New Haven and Milford. Peck, formerly teacher resorts around Bantam lake were well In handling the mall, it will but doubted the wisdom to the Adtrondacks lor two or three in Kent Plains, is thinking of going into work - experience of the course. William B. Seward has a number of - patronized. Bantam held a pic perfectly- not be new work for him. He intimated should Catholic weeks stay. - business for himself in Danbury. people AlfAtiOXS. CARRIAGES. SLEltiHS Anvone that the city boarders. nic at fieasanc wrove ana a ouiet well W IT contemplating purchasing any kind ot movement to extend the school Mrs J. D. Cramsey went down to New Charles Gaylord's new house is framed ordered same agon3,Carriages,Road Carts,Lum-- Business, I'leasura or Farm Wairon. ACCIDENT TO LENA SLOCCM. parochial Preparations arn hfilno- mada fnr n Sun dance at the place finished Rnm, system be very generally successful, the Y'ork City on Wednesday morning of school and closed in and the masons soon ex- out tne off Sleigh will do well to call on us mid get low- day picnic at. the Falls, notice of ; evening. ber Wagons and Harness all kinds, est Head for Lena Slocum, a 13 years of age, country would have the spectacle of two last week and returned here on Thurs . v. : .1. i ... pect to commence work inside. prices. quarters Tops, Cushions. girl wuicii wui appear in uue time. M. Backs, etc., etc t. G. BREBS & CO, Krw with her near the antagonistic school systems, the one sup- evening her only More new Miss F. Benton of Westville is vis town.Coun- - living parents Moody day again, bringing Oliver is an addition bicycles. Depot Agent Pumps and Windmills, Hay Rakes, went up the railroad track to- ported by the Catholics, the other the grandson, Charley Stirling, home with Tyrrell building Smith is now learning to ride, and mak- itisg her brother, James M. Benton. bridge, Protestants. And he a few weeks to his tenement house. two a ward the depot and when on the rocks this, said, was a her for stay. ing good progress for one of the "old Miss Bessie Smith of Bridgewater is kinds, and large variety of WHEN YOU AR3 IN DANBURY in some result to be deplored very much. He was Mrs A. L. Hodge and Dr Pons returned and we to see ana town by the former Olmstead dam, Andrews, sister of Mrs Julius M. noys." Jjy by expect visiting irienas relatives in stock-Writ- e 10 fair in his treatment of the No from a visit to the World's last Fri- Dr farming tools always in manner slipped and fell some feet, subject. Snow, is at present staying at Mr Snow's fair, King and Rector Bielby .trying their Miss Jessie Harrison is at home for And want a good dinner, well eer-- one could be hurt the address. But . themselves as well SElll id. , - and had lain awhile unconscious, when by residence here. . day. They express at her summer Vacation. . for information Ar- he for aud re- regarding ved, for 25 c, call on Wallace Klchmond coming down the strenuously insisted upon the preser- B. Stillson is a sale of paid going say that they have Rev B. M. Wright preached in South is on : J. having large ceived fair Morris taking its summer noli ? road, saw and rescued her, carrying her vation of the public school system.-- If dressed beef. The treatment at every hand. Dr last afternoon. tesian Wells. it is necessary, he let the Bible aro Chicago reputation Pons was recalled several before his Kent, Sunday day attire. Summer boarding houses URS E.'R. GILBERT, I to her home. Dr Ford was called at said, of the of meat Mr Still-so- n days is are no to the from the schools; with the quality kept by It expected that the South Kent rapidly filling up and several parties once and found compromise ed 29 White injury system, citizens of the at this season of the year is a No, 1. ous illness of Sunday school will be soon. are camping out around Bantam lake. street, Danbury, Coan nervous shock and Roman Catholic faith. By llarvey Booth. I excepting fright. all Master Worcester came from his home means, preserve the schools in their TVfra A lhprft T5l win onrl anhfflf f .m all clear- In New Hampshire, last week, to Rev H. L N. i". integrity, supported by alike and father-in-law'- s, DEATH OF F. II. CALHOUN. for another ' New Haven are at her S. KENT HOLLOW. Sipperley, FOR SALE. ed of everything that would offend anv Upson's year. T. who is went last denomination. And Baldwin's, under ear nf Franklin II. Calhoun, who then he urged the Miss Mary Cogswell of New Milford Dr Pons. ' . WIFT'S SPECIFIC In of homes came month to his brother's Ashland, Ore., necessity making the and Sun to Mrs F. Waite's, last week,to act William Rev Mr Alcots will prmch i'l th BUCKEYE MOWERS, was taken with and schools the center of in as and of Mrs Waite in Barne3 of Ansonia. with two school house 4 " suddenly pneumonia day religious governess helper ftama un hmriA tn aaaiat. on, Sunday afternoon, at ihe SIPPEKLEY'S Tour foot six inch died after a few sickness. He was struction, ne cioseo Dy household duties the sunTmer. assistants, na o'clock. The were FOR MILLS, cut, days dwelling briefly during his lingers that there renovating about 64 years of ago. upon the purchase of venal voting in this Frederick Williams of New Mil father, George Barne3, gather hay last time will again be present and add entire system, eliminating since about 11 cent of Connec- "c " uieu it worn, wuicu the state, per ford is at his mother's on Christian ""l"will make a to the success of the service. ; all Poisons from Bloody CONN. THE SWEDISH CHURCH. ticut Jvoters were willing to sell their street for three weeks to assist in farm short job of it. whether or WESTP0RT, He closed of scrofulous Con- franchise. with an exhorta etc. n The new addition to the Swedish labor, hay gathering, on malarial origin, (his frtp-oratio- Tiger, National, New Royal is now tion to the people to strive to make the pairs his barns, the Tyrrell's doing the gregational church completed. elections of our and state work. MARBLED ALE- - has no equal. . . and The last was to have a bell in the country pure Strait's patent Rakes $23. thing and incorruptible. John Morris, who has the farm of The tower. It was put up Saturday, July 8. WEST MOREIS. the Proper Bait at 10.30 the beau- late Bruce Hodge, has one of the finest AT ST ANDREW'S CHURCH. Last Sunday morning John Mitchell, who runs the Dea ' were over the pieces of corn in the place, if not the best secures an abundant catch. With C3n.a,s. tiful tones heard village, Patterson place on New Preston Hill, The ladies of St Andrew's are "For eighteen "mcnths t had an Always GiTbert. us to the Lord and all his crops are looking well, which parish three of oar celebrated 60c Teas or STEPNEY DEPOT - - vailing together worship has put in three acres of tobacco, this AN UNFORTUNATE to hold a fete on the of Mrs S. eating sore in my tangin. was pounds C0SN. A was taken ACCIDENT. is all due to his constant care. grounds Powder (45c), we will grive a la his temple. collection year. He also raises four acres of corn Clark, on the afternoon and evening of treated ty test local fhysittan.; Baking complete iriDlIESEX BAKKINU CO. ubacrlbtd and for of Eddie Garlick's mare took" ; outfit, cosisting of ' ill capital, SjOO.OoO. 1'ttiii In. MnflWM up morning evening expenses and an acre and a half of potatoes. He Noble, . while plowing out his third prize July 19. If the day be stormy then on but obtained no relief; fte sort 6 cent CO, in the four-minu- te race at per Debenture Bond? of tlim.tWI). itiA the bell. is one of the patrons of Ford's Marble-dal-e potatoes, was badly hurt by the tlow-- Woodbury, the tne next day, wbich will be Tnursday. gradually grevf worse. finally One Extra Finished Brass Mounted Jointed fBOO. l.ouo and 5.i00. wb'- - i are i.y atjUuT The Dea Patterson arm handle him in the breast in the Fourth. The time made was close to Supper of a good substantial sort will be tcoi S. S. .VL, and was entirely Rod,- - lawful Investments tor Hist Funds la HAT CROP EXCELLENT. creamery. striking state. Is. D. 8ANKOKO. 1J vti 250 acres. . to three minutes. Quite well done for green served for 25c. lee cream and cured after using a few toties." , One Extra Agent, Bishon comprises about attempt lift the plow over a rock horses. cake ma? Gut Hook, Block. Bridgeport, Cotu! 7 The more the farmers mow the better Mrs Fred Griswold of Bristol is a wnue tne norse was going at a fast be had for 15c. There will be a sale of C. It. McLemope, One Linen Line, The will walk. Dr Newcome attended him under the of the Henderson, ''ex. - - they find the grass. bay crop guest at the home of John Mitchell. , and he AT THE FALLS. fancy goods charge jun- Three Superior Fish Books. ft exceed last year's. T. of is slowly recovering and is just able to ior branch of the Danghtorsof the King. ;,. Joseph Whittlesey Danburv. be around. Glenford Root returned to the Fall Ladies from Brooklyn hi ve consented to last week at the home of V. B. on Blood and lda THE BELKNAP TEA CO., K New Is spent from Bridgeport, He is stay- - j nocn in-- i ma- TREATISE Can be earned In a few hour, ) MUs Emma Zeincr of Mllford Hatch of Lanesville. Sunday. rurnisn uineutiii ami vocal free. orders for oa. The Fourth of was celebrated a Amos s tor tne VV. Thb Co XIain DO by taking loom. Ht A. few weeks. by lug xyrreu fic for the occ:imo)1. and Swift Specific 483 Street. anuasofo. staying C. Titus' for July present. li. Bryant Ga. Bridgeport. rpnsfnlunML HeodaumnfMre The last of this month, Mr and Mrs Ti Miss Campbell,who assisted in arrang the firing of an old anvil and fire crackers Jay Tyrrell ia building a large water George N. Needham will render some vi-- Atlanta, The Handsom,H Tea Store In the State. 'ff ) t lJa