MOJ Immunology

Theories of Aging of Molecules to Society

Abstract Review Article

Aging is a process of deterioration of physiological functions, time-dependent, Volume 2 Issue 2 - 2015 leading to homeoestenosis. The causes and mechanisms of this process are not yet fully clarified so have issued numerous theories to explain it.The article reviews Ángel Julio Romero Cabrera* the major theories of human aging, while proposing a classification that covers Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Academic the fundamental mechanisms, including deregulation of the immune response Hospital “Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima”, Cuba (oxy-inflamm-aging) as one of the most cited today.The theories also include those relating to the psychosocial aspects of aging, taking a holistic approach to *Corresponding author: Ángel Julio Romero Cabrera, this biological process of . Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Academic Hospital “Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima”, Cienfuegos, Cuba, Keywords: Aging theories elderly Email:

Received: April 07, 2015 | Published: May 18, 2015

Introduction genes and other mechanisms due to unscheduled (stochastic) [7- 9]. Human aging comprising the progressive deterioration, time- dependent functions of the adult with a homeoestenosis This traditional approach has now changed as well as key physiological systems (nervous, endocrine, immune, considering the role of in aging, divide the theories into cardiovascular and musculoskeletal), which goes from the two broad categories: biological, where it continues case aging as robustness to frailty, illness, disability and ending in [1,2]. an evolutionary event genetically controlled, and chemical as a Sources and methods to study aging are imperfect because of the somatic process resulting from the cumulative chemical damage to bio molecules [10,11]. In the psychological theories that attempt laborious it is for researchers to conduct longitudinal studies of to explain the changes that occur in this area as cognitive theories agingobvious populations, difficulty ofso bioethicsthat the main human efforts experimentation, have been directed and soto and the so-called theory of mind (Theory of Mind) [12,13] appear. In social gerontology from the 60 various theories linking human behavior with the mechanisms involved in the aging process [14] studiesexperimental in aged study sectors, short-lived such as animals the recent (flies, studies worms, on mice),long-lived the appear. Condensing theories and taking into account all essential Italianresults [3,4].are difficult to extrapolate to humans, and cross-sectional to consider the human being as being (biological, psychological

not complete, intended to be comprehensive (Table 1) spheres. laborious and useless “cure” for a process that is not a disease, and and social), the author proposes a classification which, although by whichMan has all inexorablyalways tried have to tofind navigate. the cause Thus, of over aging, the reaching years, from so Biological Theories Cicero until today many theories have been proposed to support a variety of assumptions aging patterns [5]. Many of these theories Evolutionary theories of aging have been disproved or abandoned for lack of evidence to support Evolutionary theories of aging seek to explain why this process them and others continue providing plausible explanations, occurs through natural selection [15]. Classically predict that aging rates should be higher in animal populations in which the speaking, is multifactorial and in which are embedded the genetic extrinsic mortality is high [16]. These theories take into account although insufficient to cover all sides of a process holistically background, biological changes and psychological, social and the fact that, in the wild, the mean extent of life of a is environmental conditions where human beings live and develop. usually shorter than would be protected media as in animals in It has been rightly said that while there are more theories about captivity. In such conditions, because most animals die before an issue, it shows that it is less understood. It is for this reason reaching old age, there is no selection for or against the alleles that the author is proposed in this paper to review and condense is expressed at later ages [17]. Thus, humans, throughout history the most current theories of aging that show “the best evidence” have achieved live more protected media achieved express these to gain insight into this very relieved and unenlightened. alleles would result in a phenotype of aging. If man does exceed the insults of the early ages (, accidents, wars, ) Towards a Classification of Theories of Aging safely become old. Although sometimes proclaims that there are hundreds of These theories have evolved since 1962 and propose that theories of aging that is wrong. Perhaps there are hundreds of or the process of evolution can offset some degree of individual the intrinsic biology of aging but these can be arranged upon a disadvantagethe wider benefits and resultto groups in the (species, retention kins), of thean adversespread of trait genes as smallspecific number cellular of and major molecular theories mechanisms [6]. In past thatdecades, contribute theories to would be the mammalian aging [18]. In short, the evolutionary were divided for your understanding in two main aspects: they considered aging as a process scheduled under the control of unscheduled process and depends on natural selection [6,18]. theories consider that no specific genes for aging, this is an

Submit Manuscript | MOJ Immunol 2015, 2(2): 00041 Copyright: Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society ©2015 Cabrera 2/10

Table 1: Theories of aging. what I mean is that in the population or population aging one of the determinants is to reduce fertility rates and birthrate. It Could Biological Theories Be: We now not only know That Have to Consider this theory in • Evolutionary Aging. the individually aging demographic aging but Where also [9,25]. • Theory of soma disposable Genetic mechanisms 1. Genetic mechanisms : According to this theory, aging is programmed by genes, - accumulation which presupposes that slow or stop gerontogenes metabolic Pleiotropicantagonism biochemical pathways essential for homeostasis [26]. The study of the genetics of animals and humans is gradually identifying Error catastrophe theory new genes that increase lifespan when they are mutated or • Chemical mechanisms Free radical theory , mediators, effectors, maintainers, genes involved inoverexpressed. mitochondrial These function gerontogenes and genes arethat classified regulate ascell regulators of Mitochondrial theory and [27]. Immune theory Among the facts that support the involvement of genes as No enzymatic damage determinants of aging are the following: Improper repair the damage 1) The relatives of people with exceptional have high • Deregulation of cell number probability of being well or long lived Replicative senescence

Telomere shortening species Stem cell theory 2) The maximum life of each species is fixed and specific to that 3) The existence of genetic diseases that are expressed 2. Cognitive theories : phenotypes of aging (progeria and ). • Theory of Mind Linkage studies of families of people exceptionally long life • Theory of scaffolding support the existence of a longevity locus on 3; 3. Psychosocial Theories: other putative locus differ between studies [28]. It is noted that the heritability of age at time of death was estimated at about • Role Theory • Theory of untying environment on the genome) have a key role, as individuals with a • Activity Theory genetic25% and background it seems clear similar that epigenetic(eg. homozygous modifications twins) can(influence age very of differently according to the environment where they live [29,30]. • Theory gerotrascendencia The analysis of data from longitudinal studies such as the Theory of soma available Framingham suggests that the factors responsible for the Enunciated by Kirkwood [19], this theory proposes that exceptional longevity and health are not necessarily the same, balance and direct resources to invest between and that the genetic changes that increase the life span associated reproduction and somatic maintenance [20]. Thus, it is postulated with physiological changes typical health and long individual life, that a greater investment of resources in reproduction decreases reduced risk of mortality from cancer and investment in the maintenance and repair of soma, thus extending and better adaptive capacity [31]. Premature aging disorders the life is shortened, while the reduction in reproduction lead (progeroid syndromes) as Werner syndrome and progeria to the redistribution of resources to the protection and repair, syndrome Hutchinson-Gilford have been subject of immense increasing life extension. interest and that recapitulate many of the phenotypes observed in physiological aging. They not only serve as models for studying Another assumption of this hypothesis is that at early ages the processes of normal aging but also provide valuable insight resources are diverted from the soma to the germline under into the intricate mechanism of senescence [32]. stress conditions in order to ensure the adequacy of the next generation [21]. Explicit mathematical models make predictions The classic example of progeroid syndrome Werner syndrome of this theory that the optimal investment in somatic maintenance is an adult progeria caused by a mutation of the gene encoding the is less than that which may be required for a prolonged longevity RecQ helicase, with the appearance of visible signs of aging such [22]. Current reviews of this theory consider time as an important as skeletal changes and graying of hair early age and premature resource, as long-lived species like man prolong cell cycle time death [33,34]. Syndrome Hutchinson-Gilford progeriais a child for repair, aspect that could be decisive in extending the life of the Hutchinson in 1886 and Hastings Gilford in 1897. Since then, speciescompared [23]. to lowerThere short-livedis abundant species, evidence allowing linking greater with reduced fidelity aboutprogeria, 100 acases rare have genetic been disorder reported first and describedthere are currently by Jonathan 40 longevity in lower life forms fertility, but human data have been worldwide. Most cases occur by “de novo” and are rarely hereditary. The mutation in the LMNA gene, located in centenarians with similar but not exceptional longevity reported band 1q21.1 - 1q21.3 is responsible for most cases. The mutation thatconflicting. the former A study had fewerthat compared children, thea cohort children of Ashkenazi had them atJewish later replaces cytosine for thymine causing the abnormal transcription ages, along both men and women [24]. Review this phrase because of the structural of the nuclear envelope called prelamine

Citation: Cabrera AJR (2015) Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society. MOJ Immunol 2(2): 00041. DOI: 10.15406/moji.2015.02.00041 Copyright: Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society ©2015 Cabrera 3/10

A. It is characterized by premature aging phenotype with which would occur carrier error, if reached a certain level involvement of skin, bones, heart and blood vessels. Patients (threshold) would fall to the cell in a metabolic “catastrophe” [47]. have the appearance of “plucked bird” and die prematurely from This he announced decrease in the accuracy of the information cardiovascular disease in the second decade of life [33,35,36]. transfer that would accelerate the progress of aging does not hold, it has not been shown to work reliably comparing macromolecules Mutation – accumulation (DNA polymerase, transfer RNA and proteins) of young animals The somatic mutation theory states that the accumulation of mutations in the genetic material of somatic cells in function of time causes a decrease in cell function. In particular, the Chemicaland old, where Theories no significant variations [48] are located. accumulation of random mutations inactive genes that is Free radical theory important for the functioning of the somatic cells of several organ systems adult, resulting in a decrease in function [37] thereof. handiest in recent decades. Based on this theory, free radicals, Some authors [38] apply similar principles to those of Koch whichThis are theory, reactive defined by species Harman (ROS) [49], produced has been in one metabolic of the to defend this theory arises between individuals of species of pathways, may play a critical role in aging. These ROS extremely longer life should have a lower rate of DNA damage than shorter reactive chemical molecules, are considered toxic to produce lifespan and that interventions modulate the level of damage and oxidative damage to various cellular components (membrane DNA repair capacity must also modulate the rate of aging and lipids, proteins, nuclear and mitochondrial DNA) which causes longevity, and vice versa.However there are still many gaps to cellular dysfunction that accompanies aging [50] aging process. clarify and others criticize the theory of age-dependent mutation Physiologically, a series of enzymatic and non-enzymatic noting that laboratory experiments show that the deleterious systems act in concert to counteract this toxicity [51], among which are those of , catalase, glutathione becomes less variables with increasing age [40]. peroxidase and glutathione reductase [52]. Theoretically, when of specific accumulated mutations of aging is reduced and the concentration of ROS exceeds the antioxidant capacity of Pleiotropic antagonism the system to lighten defense, the toxic effects appear oxidative Another major hypothesis for human aging is the antagonistic damage (Figure 1). pleiotropic (AP) presupposes the existence of genes or alleles with the inevitable cost of aging. As noted above, at an early age, beforewith beneficial natural selection effects inis strong early lifewith and an harmfulincrease afterof vital effects, rates (maturation, reproduction and survival) and older ages, where natural selection is weak detriment of vital physiological events occurs and homeostasis [40-42]. It is now accepted that the permanent arrest of , known as contributes to aging mechanism AP: cancer, but at the expense later that involves system cells causing immunecellular senescence frailty and, could paradoxically, act beneficially cancer in the[43]. early The suppressing discovery of mutants like the worm longevity has changed the view of aging as a liability and entropic process. In Figure 1: Imbalance between oxidants and antioxidant defenses produce the toxic effects. these organisms, by mutation, it is possible to reduce the function of certain genes to prolong their maximum life [44]. Although a Because of its high atomic instability free radicals collide major focus of evolutionary studies have evaluated the relative with a biomolecule and subtract one electron oxidizing it. The abundance of AP aging type alleles that emerge through mutation, senescence per se the likelihood that these alleles arise [45] structures that are rich in them, essentially cell membranes is reduced. Recently it has been argued that there are few clear biomolecule thus loses its specific function in the cell. If it lipid permeability leading to edema and . In the case of as a gerosupresor and related genes encoding metabolic pathway oxidizedand lipoproteins protein areis preferably damaged. the In theamino case acids of the phenylalanine, first altered targetexamples of rapamycin of genes identified (TOR - target by AP: of including rapamycin). the p-53, Early considered in life, the tyrosine, tryptophan, histidine and methionine. Crosslinks TOR pathway leads development programs that persist in later resulting peptide chains, fragmentation of the protein and life as aging programs and related diseases [46]. formation of carbonyl groups are formed. The damage to nucleic Error catastrophe theory The error catastrophe hypothesis, enunciated by Orgel in 1963, acids modified bases, which has serious consequences for the is recorded as historical detail. Its postulated is that, over time, development of mutations and carcinogenesis first, or loss of the information transmitted in the processes of transcription- expressionAlthough or thesynthesis theory of aof protein free radicalsby specific generated gene damage multiple [53]. translation of the genetic message (in particular, protein investigations in different animal models that have produced synthesis), would be subject to a progressive number of errors, abundant data that support, in recent years there have been

Citation: Cabrera AJR (2015) Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society. MOJ Immunol 2(2): 00041. DOI: 10.15406/moji.2015.02.00041 Copyright: Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society ©2015 Cabrera 4/10

critics who suggest strong evidence against it [50]. Some authors immune senescence, which predisposes people to frail elderly infections, cancer and decreased response to vaccines [73,74] singly or in combination, do not represent the cause of aging appears. There is accumulating evidence that the deregulation [54],suggest since that this oxidative theory does damage, not explain as other the specific causal damagerelationships seen of the innate leads to increased production of or the inevitability of the accumulation of damage. Moreover, some laboratories have shown that in some cases, with increased inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6 and others) that lead to that free radicals not only cause damage to cells but also serve a chronic inflammatory state of low grade has been termed the asoxidative signal stressmolecules there ishas an ledincreased to propose longevity that [55]. under The findingcertain inflamm -aging (inflammatory aging) [75,76]. aging as is demonstrated in studies indicating that, on average, circumstances, might be useful as modulators of physiological A strong correlation exists between inflammations and processes such as adaptation to exercise [56-58] . Also, if aging mediators in older individuals (> 50 years) compared to younger is given or conditioned by free radical reactions, the maximum individuals.there is increased Also, people 2-4 times who in have serum an unusuallevels of healthy proinflammatory aging (e.g. life of animals should be extended by the administration of fragile centenarians [77] centenarians. Joining aspects of the illuminating in this regard [52,59,60]. healthy centenarians) have a lower inflammatory profile than exogenous antioxidants. However, research in this field is not fully Although it has been shown that caloric restriction, a method for reducing ROS production, slows aging and extends the theory of free radicals and chronic inflammation that underlies maximum life in various animal species [61-63], their effects on thataging the has oxidative proposed stress a new associated theory: oxidative-inflammatory with aging and generated aging disease resistance and mortality in primates - the closest man ROS(oxy-inflamm-aging) production in mitochondria [78]. This new mainly integrative affects variant all body provides cells, especially those of (nervous, endocrine and immune) regulatory follow up in rhesus monkeys in which caloric restriction without systems [79]. These systems, as a result, decrease its ability to malnutritionmammals - are was not used very showed consistent. a decrease A first in studythe incidence of 20 years of age- of preserve its redox state with functional losses incompatible with related (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and cerebral proper maintenance of homeostasis, distinctive physiological atrophy) [64] diseases. However, another study follow-up study of 23 years young primates to which was subjected to caloric consequences of immune senescence and a frequent companion restriction also showed a delay in the onset of diseases associated offact fragility of aging and (Figure pathological 2). The aging oxy-inflamm-aging and is linked with is onemajor of age- the with aging, but no improvement in survival curves [65]. as Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, cancer, osteoporosis and Mitochondrial Theory frailtyrelated [80-83]. diseases showing an inflammatory pathogenesis common The mitochondrial aging theory, a variant of the free radical Non enzymatic damage theory was enunciated by Miquel [66]. This was named the This general chemical theory refers to chronic, cumulative which primarily produce cumulative damage to lipids, proteins changes, not mediated by that increase the damage andmitochondrial mitochondrial respiration DNA (mtDNA) defined and as lead the to main cellular source aging of [67]. ROS, to biomolecules such as proteins and DNA, which may explain ROS formed in mitochondrial respiration deteriorate mtDNA and some manifestations associated with aging phenotype. These its functions, which in turn causes a vicious circle by increasing spontaneous reactions are that occurring between glucose and ROS production. The formation of mtDNA mutations can be proteins known as glycosylation [84]. Glucose in its aldehyde accelerated by this vicious circle, which could cause accelerated form reacts with free amino groups of proteins to form Schiff aging [68]. bases and Amadori stable products. Other subsequent reactions involving ROS (hence the link with the theory of free radicals) Studies in several animal species show a wide spectrum of generated more complex products, known as advanced glycation disorders in the mitochondria with aging including: disruption end products (AGP) Other non-enzymatic chemical damage in bio of structure, function decline in oxidative phosphorylation, molecules can occur by oxidation, deamination, lipoxidation and accumulation of mtDNA mutations, increased production of ROS cross links, among others [10]. and the oxidative damage to their structures [69]. Mitochondrial biogenesis product decreases with aging of these alterations and inhibition mitophagy. That Eliminates an autophagic structure and often function. Although these systems can eliminate process dysfunctional mitochondria in aging tissues increasing Non-enzymatic modifications of proteins can alter the mitochondrial mediated apoptosis contributes to the percentage of these proteases declines with aging, leading to accumulation ofproteolytic damaged modified tissue proteins proteins, and it is protein demonstrated aggregates that [85].the activity These contribute to the accumulation of mutated mitochondria duringof apoptotic aging cells because [70]. ItmtDNA is also isnoted located that mergersnear the and oxidative fission phosphorylation complexes where most of the ERO [71] are [11].enzymatic Cross changes linking arein the sufficient collagen to explainproteins how links the mediated glycosylation PGA generated. An important question to be answered and that is the leadsof proteins to increase leads to in the rigidity lens opacification of the connective and cataract tissue formation in blood main gap theory is to what extent changes in the structure and vessels, tendons, and joint tissue with advancing age [86]. function of mitochondria are causes or consequences of aging [72]. Improper repair the damage For many years it was thought that aging is natural and Immunological theory: oxidative-inflammatory aging inevitable consequence of wear and tear maintainer’s mechanisms With aging deregulation of the immune system called of life over time [87]. Many biogerontologists currently believe

Citation: Cabrera AJR (2015) Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society. MOJ Immunol 2(2): 00041. DOI: 10.15406/moji.2015.02.00041 Copyright: Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society ©2015 Cabrera 5/10

that the agents causing damage during life are not really the cause play an important role in the aging process to trigger cell signaling of aging but this occurs as a consequence of progressive loss of pathways such as apoptosis, which in turn results in cell depletion ability to repair this damage [11,88]. Given the central role of DNA mother’s physiological accelerating decline [89]. in life noted that insufficient reparations for these molecules may

Figure 2:

Theory of oxy-inflamm-aging. Experiments in unicellular organisms predict that they must age because cells that build and remodel our tissues develop have active mechanisms to repair the damage before aging for segregation of it [90]. Genetic manipulations of DNA repair in cell cycle arrest by which tissues mitotic cells stop dividing and mice support this view and indicate that the commitment of eventuallysenescence. die Cellular [77,93]. senescenceRecent data ishave defined demonstrated as an irreversible the in vivo accumulation of senescent cells in old age, so this approach [77] homologous end joining is associated with premature aging is reinforced. phenotypesspecific pathways [88]. Insuch humans, as repair it hasand beennucleotide discovered excision that of there non- are associated with defects in DNA repair and signs of premature aging as the xeroderma pigmentosum, skin cancer and progeroid 50 years ago? [94] experimentally syndromes [91] diseases. Critics of theories of wear and tear celldemonstrated divisions (about that human 60), after neonatal which fibroblasts die is and becomegrowing senescent. in culture pose, however, that aging is not from a physical expectation but have a finite life maximum [94], that is, have a limited number of evolutionary. In support of this view point to experimental facts senescence [95]. The potential number of cell divisions is higher like that hyperactive mice live longer than controls and that inThis long-lived phenomenon animals is known suggesting as the a “Hayflick close relationship limit” or replicative between worms with impaired antioxidant systems in their live longer than normal [92]. hypothesis has been questioned in some quarters because only Deregulation in cell workthe potential for mitotic of cell cells division and not and for longevity.mitotic postmitotic Although (musclethe Hayflick and brain), the results have provided the experimental basis for the Currently the thesis that one of the reasons for the aging of understanding of other molecular and cellular mechanisms of the whole organism is cellular senescence is supported. We aging [96,97].

Citation: Cabrera AJR (2015) Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society. MOJ Immunol 2(2): 00041. DOI: 10.15406/moji.2015.02.00041 Copyright: Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society ©2015 Cabrera 6/10

Telomere shortening are, and function social cognitive, cognitive activities consisting of social relations, fundamental attribute of man as a specie [111]. are gene sequences present at the ends of that are responsible for maintaining genome Cognitive theories of aging relate more to how cognitive integrity. Telomeres theory postulates that normal somatic cells this area. In this regard based on a general cognitive theory called cell division as a function of aging as found in vitro [98] studies. theoryfunctions of mind. are presented The theory in of aging mind refers at why to deficitsthe ability are to present represent in Thehave length a finite of maximumtelomeres is life high and at lose birth telomeric and gradually DNA withdecreases each the social mental state, i.e. the ability to attribute the wide range with age so that shortening is considered as a biomarker of of mental ourselves states and others already use these attributes chronological age [99] advances. For many researchers this seems to have a proper sense helping to predict behavior [112]. A recent model distinguishes three subcomponents of social cognition: cognitive component itself, the affective component and empathy, to be the explanation called “Hayflick limit”. a kind of bridge that interacts with these two. Research suggests prevents shortening of telomeres - have shown that these that there is a decline in social cognition with normal aging, Models in mice deficient in - an that chromosomal structures dysfunction impairs the ability of tissue which is increased in the presence of neurodegenerative diseases renewal and shortens the life of the animals [100]. The limits such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease. This decline appears telomere shortening activating cell proliferation check points to be independent of that which occurs in the general cognitive inducing replicative senescence and apoptosis. When telomeres functions [113]. become dysfunctional excessive shortening, / pRb pathway that limits the maximum life proliferative cell [101] is triggered. It has been shown that with long-term aging and a decrease in size of brain structures and the integrity of white matter At present, opinions vary from those who believe that the occurs a decline in the speed of information processing, memory, telomere shortening is the only explanation of aging [102,103] working memory. Faced with these declines, functional brain to those who criticize this theory to consider that there is not a imaging studies have found, surprisingly, compensatory increases proportional relationship between telomere length and biological in prefrontal activity that correlate well with better behavioral age because in the meta-analysis studies the association of this performance in the elderly [114]. parameter with mortality decreases with age [104]. This has given rise to state Scaffolding Theory of aging and Apoptosis and theory of stem cells cognition, which states that frontal activity increased with age, represents a scaffold (or frame) compensatory brain, most , described other mechanisms of cell likely caused by a mechanism of neuro plasticity in response to death,Since such the as . initial description Alterations of of apoptosis,these mechanisms defined and as the challenges posed by the decline of the neural structures and signaling pathways may play a role in aging and diseases related function [115] thereof. This process is a protective scaffolding to it [105,106]. Adult stem cells from mammalian tissues are cognitive function may explain the fact that some elders who die essential for tissue homeostasis and repair throughout life, by without apparent deterioration of their mental functions have, replacing damaged or senescent mesenchymal progenitor cells at necropsy, similar to Alzheimer’s disease neuro pathological [107]. As age advances, highly regulated, necessary to ensure proper cell homeostasis molecular signals, tissues and organs these people. findings, which aim to the existence of a “cognitive reserve” in lose coordination and leads, as a result, the potential compromise Psychological theories of and repair of cells, inducing mechanisms of senescence and cell death scheduled [108]. Studies that have addressed the elderly from the social dimension focus their attention on issues related to cultural The aging of fabric made from post-mitotic cells such as skeletal patterns, forms of social organization, attitudes and values in their muscle could be partly explained by apoptotic mechanisms. In historical development are giving old age and aging social meaning sarcopenia - decreased skeletal muscle mass associated with [116]. Psychosocial theories of aging have been happening over aging - proteins associated with apoptosis are increased and time and according to the historical development and the context has been found apoptosis inducing inter mitochondrial factor where they were laid (many in industrialized countries), most located in the membrane of muscle cells (109). Cellular linked of which were not disclosed, although some can retain nuances deregulation has been with other theories of aging. In this regard, applicable in the today. Thus, an article that reviewed the theories it is suggested that the oxidative damage to DNA (free radical used more frequently in social gerontology found 1046 between 1990-2004, in which, 39% mentioned theories [117]. senescence through the p-53 protein, which in turn leads to the inductiontheory, inflammatory of p-21, which oxidative is involved aging) incan caspase lead to activation,cell death andkey Some authors divide the history of psychosocial theories of enzymes in apoptosis [110]. aging in three periods since the 2nd World War: a classic period (1940-1970), a modern period (1970-1990) and a postmodern Cognitive theories The development of the life of a human being is conditioned, period (after 1990) [118]. In this review only briefly discuss some importantly, for brain development. The brain processes related postmodern period, stage focuses primarily on the construction theories of the first two periods and focus our attention on the cognitive functions, including memory, learning, modulating gerotrascendence [119]. of the definition and attributes of successful aging through moods,to cognition constructive and behavior and abstract have thinking been classified ability among into generalothers

Citation: Cabrera AJR (2015) Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society. MOJ Immunol 2(2): 00041. DOI: 10.15406/moji.2015.02.00041 Copyright: Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society ©2015 Cabrera 7/10

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Citation: Cabrera AJR (2015) Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society. MOJ Immunol 2(2): 00041. DOI: 10.15406/moji.2015.02.00041 Copyright: Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society ©2015 Cabrera 8/10

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Citation: Cabrera AJR (2015) Theories of Human Aging of Molecules to Society. MOJ Immunol 2(2): 00041. DOI: 10.15406/moji.2015.02.00041