56 Joseph of 55 57 Widow 54 Malchus Arimathea who gave all

Luke 22:49-51 Luke 23:50-53 Mark 12:41-44 56 Joseph of 55 Pontius Pilate 57 Widow 54 Malchus Arimathea who gave all

Luke 22:49-51 John 18 Luke 23:50-53 Mark 12:41-44 Hero Ruler Opponent 32 33 33 “So Joseph bought 33 "This poor widow has “ Wanting to satisfy the “Then Simon Peter, who some linen cloth, took put in more than all crowd, Pilate released had a sword, drew it and down the body, wrapped those … For they all to them. He struck the high priest's it in the linen, and gave out of their had flogged, and servant, cutting off his placed it in a tomb cut wealth; but she … has handed him over to be right ear. (The servant's out of rock.” Mark 15:46 put in everything she crucified." Mark 15:15 name was Malchus.)” had." Mark 12:43­44 ,Joseph was a rich ,Proc urator of Judea, he John 18:10 , member of the Jewish was the Roman ruler, Jesus admired the , Servant of the high­ council, but a good the one able to approve widow’s heart, not the priest amount she gave and righteous man the death penalty , , ,H e believed in Jesus, ,Pi late believed Jesus Peter cut off his ear The widow trusted God when he tried to arrest but would not admit it was innocent, and tried to provide for her, so to have him released Jesus she wasn’t afraid to publicly , , give Him all she had ,H e asked Pilate for The people accused Jesus touched the ear Jesus of treason and and healed it , Jesus’ body, and used The gave lots demanded crucifixion his own tomb to bury , of money, but they did , One of Malchus’ relatives not sacrifice in order to him Pilate made the crowd questioned Peter at give take responsibility, but Jesus’ trial ,N icodemus helped him did not stop them eBibleTeacher.com/children eBibleTeacher.com/children eBibleTeacher.com/children eBibleTeacher.com/children Clips graphics Bible Clips graphics Bible Clips graphics Bible Clips graphics

Hero Disciple Ruler Opponent 32 33 33 “So Joseph bought 33 "This poor widow has “ Wanting to satisfy the “Then Simon Peter, who some linen cloth, took put in more than all crowd, Pilate released had a sword, drew it and down the body, wrapped those … For they all Barabbas to them. He struck the high priest's it in the linen, and gave out of their had Jesus flogged, and servant, cutting off his placed it in a tomb cut wealth; but she … has handed him over to be right ear. (The servant's out of rock.” Mark 15:46 put in everything she crucified." Mark 15:15 name was Malchus.)” had." Mark 12:43­44 ,Joseph was a rich ,Proc urator of Judea, he John 18:10 ,Jes us admired the member of the Jewish was the Roman ruler, , council, but a good the one able to approve Servant of the high­ widow’s heart, not the priest Caiaphas amount she gave and righteous man the death penalty , , ,H e believed in Jesus, ,Pi late believed Jesus Peter cut off his ear The widow trusted God when he tried to arrest but would not admit it was innocent, and tried to provide for her, so to have him released Jesus she wasn’t afraid to publicly , , give Him all she had ,H e asked Pilate for The people accused Jesus touched the ear Jesus of treason and and healed it , The Pharisees gave lots Jesus’ body, and used demanded crucifixion his own tomb to bury , of money, but they did , One of Malchus’ relatives not sacrifice in order to him Pilate made the crowd questioned Peter at give take responsibility, but Jesus’ trial , helped him did not stop them eBibleTeacher.com/children eBibleTeacher.com/children eBibleTeacher.com/children eBibleTeacher.com/children Bible Clips graphics Bible Clips graphics Bible Clips graphics Bible Clips graphics