
The of the

Volume 11 Throughout the Year

Common of the Saints

Nothing is to be preferred to the Work of God. Rule of Benedict 43:3

Conception Conception, Missouri

2012 Excerpts from The Liturgy of the Hours: , . Copyright © 1970, 1973, 1975, In­ter­na­tion­al Com­mit­tee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights re­served.

Excerpts from Thesaurus Liturgiae Horarum Monasticae: An­ti­phons. Copyright © 1977 Secre­ ­tar­i­at of the Primate of the Order of St. Benedict, Sant’Anselmo, , Ita­ ­ly.

The Revised Grail Copyright © 2010, Conception Abbey/The Grail, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc., www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

Biblical Copyright © 2010, Conception Abbey, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc., www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

Excerpts from A Word in Season, Vol. VI, , Year I and Vol. VIII, Ordinary Tme, Year II. Copyright © 1995 and 1990, Augustinian Press, Villanova, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.

Texts of the scriptural citations are reproduced with permission from The New American , Copyright © 1970 and The Revised with Revised , Copyright © 1986, by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.

Art on pages 18, 27, 35, 68, 97, 99, 102, 123, 133, 145, 146, 148, 151 from Lebe mit der Kirche, 1932-37, Klosterneuburg, Vienna. Special collections of Conception Abbey and Seminary Library.

Texts have been adapted for musical purposes.

Music acknowledgments on pages 163 ff.

Copyright © 2011, 2012, Conception Abbey, Conception, Missouri

C-2 Table of Contents

Compline Throughout the Year ...... 5 ...... 14 ...... 24 ...... 32 Sundays and Weekdays of Ordinary Time...... 40 and Feasts...... 50

. Common of the Saints

Common of Apostles Vigils...... 65 ...... 75 Daytime Prayer...... 87 ...... 91

Common of Evangelists Vigils...... 105 Daytime Prayer...... 114

Common of the Faithful Departed Vigils...... 118 Lauds...... 129 Daytime Prayer...... 138 Vespers...... 142

Responsories for Vigils for Feasts...... 151

Index...... 163

Music Credits...... 164 ff.

C-3 C-4 Compline ~ Advent

Compline during the Season of Advent

Leader: O God, come to my assistance. All: O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for­ev­er. Amen. .

Examination of Conscience [kneel or sit] Leader: I confess to Almighty God / and to you, my brothers and sisters, / that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, / in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, / through my fault, through my fault, through my most griev- ous fault; / therefore, I ask blessèd Mary ever virgin, blessèd Michael the Archangel, / blessèd John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, / our blessèd Father Benedict, all the saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, / to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Leader: May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. All: Amen.

C-5 Compline ~ Advent

Advent before December 17

C01 b b & b b b œ œ œ œœ- œ (4) 1. We praise you,œ Fa -œ ther,œ forœ your gifts 2. With - in your hands we rest se - cure; 3. Your glo - ry may we ev - er seek

b b & b b b œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ˙ 1. Of dusk and night - fall o-verœ earth, 2. In qui - et sleep our strength re - new; 3. In rest, as in ac - tiv - i-ty,

b b & b b b œ œ œ - 1. Fore - shad - owœ - ingœœthe mysœ - ter - yœ 2. Yet give your peo - ple hearts that wake 3. Un - til its full - ness is re - vealed,

b b & b b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ˙ 1. Ofœ death that leads to end - lessœ day. 2. In love to you, un - sleep - ing Lord. 3. O source of life, O Trin - i-ty.

b b & b b b œ œ œ ˙ A - men.˙

C-6 Compline ~ Advent

Advent Hymn, December 17-23

C02 b b & b b b œ œ œ œœ- œ (4) 1. To you, Oœ Christ, œ weœ liftœ our prayer, 2. Though voice and eyes with-draw in sleep, 3. To you all hon - or, Lord and King,

b b & b b b œœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ˙ 1. That you may guard us through theœ night. 2. May heart and mind keep watch for you. 3. And to the Fa - ther glo - ry be,

b b & b b b œ œ œ - 1. May rest beœ oursœœand soundœ re - pose,œ 2. De - liv - er from the E-vil One 3. To - geth - er with the Spir - it blest,

b b & b b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ˙ 1. Reœ - fresh - ing us in qui - etœ hours. 2. All those who dwell in faith and love. 3. Both now and in the age to come.

b b & b b b œ œ œ ˙ A - men.˙

C-7 Compline ~ Advent

Psalmody Monday, Thursday, Saturday Security under God’s Protection You will suffer in the world. But take courage.­ I have overcome the world. Jn 16:33

Before December 17  Ñ bb b œ ´  ´ & b œ œ á }œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙ December 17-23  Ñ ´  bb b œ ˙ ´ & b œ œ á }œ ˙ á œ ˙ }˙œ 2 I cálled, the Gód of jústice gave me ánswer; * from ánguish you reléased me, have mércy and héar me! 3 Children of mén, how lóng will my glóry be dishónored, * will you lóve what is fútile and séek what is fálse? 4 Knów that the Lórd works wónders for his fáithful one; * the Lórd will héar me whenéver I cáll him.

5 Tremble, do not sín: pónder on your béd and be stíll. * 6 Óffer right sácrifice, and trúst in the Lórd.

7 “What can bríng us háppiness?” mány sáy. * Lift up the líght of your fáce on ús, O Lórd. 8 You have pút into my héart a gréater jóy * than abúndance of gráin and new wíne can províde. 9 In péace I will lie dówn and fall asléep, * for yóu alone, O Lórd, make me dwéll in sáfety.

C-8 Compline ~ Advent

Psalm 134 (133) Night Prayer in the Temple Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great. Rv 19:5

Before December 17  Ñ bb b œ ´  ´ & b œ œ á }œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙ December 17-23  Ñ ´  bb b œ ˙ ´ & b œ œ á }œ ˙ á œ ˙ }˙œ

1 O cóme, bléss the Lórd, * áll you sérvants of the Lórd, Who stánd by níght in the cóurts * of the hóuse of the Lórd. 2 Líft up your hánds to the hóly place, * and bléss the Lórd. 3 May the Lórd bléss you from Síon, * he who máde both héaven and éarth.


LORD, and God of my salvation, I cry before you day and night. :2

ou will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day.:5


So my soul sings psalms to you, and will not be silent. O Lord, my God, I will thank you forever.

Psalm 30:13 Compline ~ Advent

Psalmody Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Psalm 91(90) Security under God’s Protection I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions. Lk 10:19

Before December 17  Ñ bb b ´  ´ & b œ œ á }œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙ December 17-23  Ñ ´ bb b ˙  ´ & b œ œ á }œ ˙ á œ ˙ }˙œ 1 He who dwélls in the shélter of the Most Hígh, * and abídes in the sháde of the Almíghty, 2 Sáys to the Lórd, “My réfuge, * my strónghold, my Gód in whom I trúst!” 3 He will frée you from the snáre of the fówler, * from the destrúctive plágue; 4 Hé will concéal you with his pínions, + and únder his wíngs you will find réfuge. * His fáithfulness is búckler and shíeld. 5 You will not féar the térror of the níght, * nor the árrow that flíes by dáy, 6 Nor the plágue that prówls in the dárkness, * nor the scóurge that lays wáste at nóon. 7 A thóusand may fáll at your síde, + ten thóusand fáll at your ríght: * yóu it will néver appróach. 8 Your éyes have ónly to lóok * to sée how the wícked are repáid.

C-10 Compline ~ Advent

9 Because you háve the Lórd as your réfuge, * and have máde the Most Hígh your dwélling, 10 Upon yóu no évil shall fáll, * no plágue appróach your tént. 11 For yóu has he commánded his ángels * to kéep you in áll your wáys. 12 They shall béar you upón their hánds, * lest you stríke your fóot against a stóne. 13 On the líon and the víper you will tréad, * and trámple the young líon and the sérpent.

14 Since he clíngs to me in lóve, I will frée him, * protéct him, for he knóws my náme. 15 When he cálls on mé, I will án(swer him); + I will bé with hím in distréss; * I will delíver him, and gíve him glóry. 16 With léngth of dáys I will contént him; * I will shów him my sáving pówer.


Brief Reading Response C03 & b œœ œœœ œ œ˙ ˙ œ œ (6*) In - to your hands, O Lord,* I com -

& b œ œ œ œ˙ ˙ mend my spir - it.

You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth. I commend… Glory… Into your hands…

C-11 Compline ~ Advent

Canticle of Simeon [Lk 2:29-32]

C04 b b & b b œ œœ œœ ˙ œ œ œ œ - (3) Pro-tectœ us, Lord, as we stay a-wake;watchœ œ b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œœ o - ver us as we sleep, that a - b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ wakeœ we may keep watch with Christ, b b & b b œœ œ and a - sleepœ œ restœ inœ hisœ peace.˙  b b     & b b á œ ˙´ œ ´˙ á œ ´ á  ´ œ ´  á ˙ œ ˙ á ˙ á œ ´˙ 6 Now you dismíss your sérvant in péace, accórding to your wórd, O Máster; For my éyes have séen your salvátion, which you made réady in the síght of all the péoples: A líght for revelátion to the Géntiles, and glóry for Ísrael your péople.


Leader: Let us pray.


C-12 Compline ~ Advent

Leader: Let us bless the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.


Marian C05

Loving mother of the Redemer, gate of heaven, star of the sea, assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again. To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator, yet remained a virgin after as before. You who received Gabriel’s joyful greeting, have pity on us poor sinners.

C-13 Compline ~ Christmas

Compline during the Season of Christmas

Leader: O God, come to my assistance. All: O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for­ev­er. Amen. Alleluia.

Examination of Conscience [kneel or sit] Leader: I confess to Almighty God / and to you, my brothers and sisters, / that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, / in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, / through my fault, through my fault, through my most griev- ous fault; / therefore, I ask blessèd Mary ever virgin, blessèd Michael the Archangel, / blessèd John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, / our blessèd Father Benedict, all the saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, / to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Leader: May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. All: Amen.

C-14 Compline ~ Christmas

Christmas Hymn

C06 # & œ œ - (2*) 1. Weœœœpraise you, Faœ - ther,œ for your giftsœ 2. With - in your hands we rest se - cure; 3. Your glo - ry may we ev - er seek # & œ œœœœ œœ˙ 1. Of dusk and night - fall o-ver earth, 2. In qui - et sleep our strength re - new; 3. In rest, as in ac - tiv - i-ty, # & œœœ œ œ œ œ - 1. Fore - shad - ow - ing the mys - ter - yœ 2. Yet give your peo - ple hearts that wake 3. Un - til its ful - ness is re - vealed, # & œ œ 1. Ofœ deathœ thatœ leads to endœ - lessœ day.˙ 2. In love to you, un - sleep - ing Lord. 3. O source of life, O Trin - i-ty. # & œ Aœ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-15 Compline ~ Christmas

Epiphany Hymn

C07 b b & b b œ œ œ - (8) 1. Weœœpraise you, Fa - ther,œ for yourœ giftsœ 2. With - in your hands we rest se - cure; 3. Your glo - ry may we ev - er seek

b b & b b œœœ œ œ œ 1. Of dusk and night - fallœ o-œ verœ earth,˙ 2. In qui - et sleep our strength re - new; 3. In rest, as in ac - tiv - i-ty,

b b & b b œœœ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Fore- shad - ow - ing the mys - ter - y ˙ 2. Yet give your peo - ple hearts that wake 3. Un - til its ful - ness is re - vealed,

b b & b b œ 1. Ofœœdeath thatœ leadsœ toœ end -œ lessœ œ˙day. 2. In love to you, un - sleep ing Lord. 3. O source of life, O Trin - i-ty.

b b & b b œ Aœ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-16 Compline ~ Christmas

Psalmody Monday, Thursday, Saturday

Psalm 4 Security under God’s Protection You will suffer in the world. But take courage.­ I have overcome the world. Jn 16:33

Christmas and Saturday PT022 Ñ b ´ ´ œ & á }œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙ Weekdays  Ñ  b ´ ´ & á }œ ˙ á œ ˙ 2 I cálled, the Gód of jústice gave me ánswer; * from ánguish you reléased me, have mércy and héar me! 3 Children of mén, how lóng will my glóry be dishónored, * will you lóve what is fútile and séek what is fálse? 4 Knów that the Lórd works wónders for his fáithful one; * the Lórd will héar me whenéver I cáll him.

5 Tremble, do not sín: pónder on your béd and be stíll. * 6 Óffer right sácrifice, and trúst in the Lórd.

7 “What can bríng us háppiness?” mány sáy. * Lift up the líght of your fáce on ús, O Lórd. 8 You have pút into my héart a gréater jóy * than abúndance of gráin and new wíne can províde. 9 In péace I will lie dówn and fall asléep, * for yóu alone, O Lórd, make me dwéll in sáfety. •

C-17 Compline ~ Christmas

Psalm 134 (133) Night Prayer in the Temple Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great. Rv 19:5

Christmas and Saturday PT022 Ñ b ´ ´ œ & á }œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙ Weekdays  Ñ  b ´ ´ & á }œ ˙ á œ ˙ 1 O cóme, bléss the Lórd, * áll you sérvants of the Lórd, Who stánd by níght in the cóurts * of the hóuse of the Lórd. 2 Líft up your hánds to the hóly place, * and bléss the Lórd. 3 May the Lórd bléss you from Síon, * he who máde both héaven and éarth.


C-18 Compline ~ Christmas

Psalmody Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Psalm 91(90) Security under God’s Protection I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions. Lk 10:19

Christmas and Sunday PT022 Ñ b ´ ´ œ & á }œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙ Weekdays  Ñ  b ´ ´ & á }œ ˙ á œ ˙ 1 He who dwélls in the shélter of the Most Hígh, * and abídes in the sháde of the Almíghty, 2 Sáys to the Lórd, “My réfuge, * my strónghold, my Gód in whom I trúst!” 3 He will frée you from the snáre of the fówler, * from the destrúctive plágue; 4 Hé will concéal you with his pínions, + and únder his wíngs you will find réfuge. * His fáithfulness is búckler and shíeld. 5 You will not féar the térror of the níght, * nor the árrow that flíes by dáy, 6 Nor the plágue that prówls in the dárkness, * nor the scóurge that lays wáste at nóon. 7 A thóusand may fáll at your síde, + ten thóusand fáll at your ríght: * yóu it will néver appróach. ~

C-19 Compline ~ Christmas

Christmas and Sunday PT022 Ñ b ´ ´ œ & á }œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙ Weekdays  Ñ  b ´ ´ & á }œ ˙ á œ ˙

8 Your éyes have ónly to lóok * to sée how the wícked are repáid.

9 Because you háve the Lórd as your réfuge, * and have máde the Most Hígh your dwélling, 10 Upon yóu no évil shall fáll, * no plágue appróach your tént. 11 For yóu has he commánded his ángels * to kéep you in áll your wáys. 12 They shall béar you upón their hánds, * lest you stríke your fóot against a stóne. 13 On the líon and the víper you will tréad, * and trámple the young líon and the sérpent.

14 Since he clíngs to me in lóve, I will frée him, * protéct him, for he knóws my náme. 15 When he cálls on mé, I will án(swer him); + I will bé with hím in distréss; * I will delíver him, and gíve him glóry. 16 With léngth of dáys I will contént him; * I will shów him my sáving pówer.


C-20 Compline ~ Christmas

Brief Reading Response C03 & b œœ œœœ œ œ˙ ˙ œ œ (6*) In - to your hands, O Lord,* I com -

& b œ œ œ œ˙ ˙ mend my spir - it.

You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth. I commend… Glory… Into your hands…

Canticle of Simeon [Lk 2:29-32]

C08 & b œ œ œ˙œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙œ (14/6) Pro-tect us, Lord, as we stay a-wake, watch

& b œ œœœ œ œ˙ œ œ o - ver us as we sleep, that a -

& b œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ wake we may keep watch with Christ,

& b œ œ ˙ œ œ œ˙ ˙ and a - sleep restœ in his peace.

C-21 Compline ~ Christmas

   b ´  ´ œ ´  ´˙   ´ & á œ ˙ á œ ˙ á ˙ á œ á œ ´˙ á œ ˙

6 Now you dismíss your sérvant in péace, accórding to your wórd, O Máster; For my éyes have séen your salvátion, which you made réady in the síght of all the péoples: A líght for revelátion to the Géntiles, and glóry for Ísrael your péople.


Leader: Let us pray.


Leader: Let us bless the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.


C-22 Compline ~ Christmas

Marian Antiphon

Loving mother of the Redemer, gate of heaven, star of the sea, assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again. To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator, yet remained a virgin after as before. You who received Gabriel’s joyful greeting, have pity on us poor sinners.

C-23 Compline ~ Lent

Compline in Lent

Leader: O God, come to my assistance. All: O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for­ev­er. Amen.

Examination of Conscience [kneel or sit] Leader: I confess to Almighty God / and to you, my brothers and sisters, / that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, / in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, / through my fault, through my fault, through my most griev- ous fault; / therefore, I ask blessèd Mary ever virgin, blessèd Michael the Archangel, / blessèd John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, / our blessèd Father Benedict, all the saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, / to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Leader: May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. All: Amen.

C-24 Compline ~ Lent


C09 b b & b b œœœ œ œ œ œ œ- (2*) 1. We praise you,œ Fa - ther, for your gifts 2. With - in your hand we rest se - cure; 3. Your glo - ry may we ev - er seek

b b & b b œœœ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Of dusk and night - fallœ ov - er earth, 2. In qui - et sleep our strength re - new. 3. In rest as in ac - tiv - i-ty,

b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ- 1. Fore - shad - ow - ing the mys - ter - y 2. Yet give your peo - ple hearts that wake 3. Un - til its full - ness is re - vealed,

b b & b b œœœ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Of death that œ leads to end - less day. 2. In love to you, un - sleep - ing Lord. 3. O source of life, O Trin - i-ty.

b b & b b œ œ œ ˙ A - men.˙

C-25 Compline ~ Lent

Psalmody Monday, Thursday, Saturday

Psalm 4 Security under God’s Protection You will suffer in the world. But take courage.­ I have overcome the world. Jn 16:33

 b Ñ  ´  b œ œ œ ˙ œ ´ & œ á } œ ˙ á ˙ ˙

2 I cálled, the Gód of jústice gave me ánswer; * from ánguish you reléased me, have mércy and héar me! 3 Children of mén, how lóng will my glóry be dishónored, * will you lóve what is fútile and séek what is fálse? 4 Knów that the Lórd works wónders for his fáithful one; * the Lórd will héar me whenéver I cáll him.

5 Tremble, do not sín: pónder on your béd and be stíll. * 6 Óffer right sácrifice, and trúst in the Lórd.

7 “What can bríng us háppiness?” mány sáy. * Lift up the líght of your fáce on ús, O Lórd. 8 You have pút into my héart a gréater jóy * than abúndance of gráin and new wíne can províde. 9 In péace I will lie dówn and fall asléep, * for yóu alone, O Lórd, make me dwéll in sáfety.

C-26 Compline ~ Lent

Psalm 134 (133) Night Prayer in the Temple Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great. Rv 19:5

 b Ñ  ´  b œ œ œ ˙ œ ´ & œ á } œ ˙ á ˙ ˙

1 O cóme, bléss the Lórd, * áll you sérvants of the Lórd, Who stánd by níght in the cóurts * of the hóuse of the Lórd. 2 Líft up your hánds to the hóly place, * and bléss the Lórd. 3 May the Lórd bléss you from Síon, * he who máde both héaven and éarth.


C-27 Compline ~ Lent

Psalmody Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Psalm 91(90) Security under God’s Protection I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions. Lk 10:19

 b Ñ  ´  b œ œ ˙ œ ´ & œ á } œ ˙ á ˙ ˙ 1 He who dwélls in the shélter of the Most Hígh, * and abídes in the sháde of the Almíghty, 2 Sáys to the Lórd, “My réfuge, * my strónghold, my Gód in whom I trúst!” 3 He will frée you from the snáre of the fówler, * from the destrúctive plágue; 4 Hé will concéal you with his pínions, + and únder his wíngs you will find réfuge. * His fáithfulness is búckler and shíeld. 5 You will not féar the térror of the níght, * nor the árrow that flíes by dáy, 6 Nor the plágue that prówls in the dárkness, * nor the scóurge that lays wáste at nóon. 7 A thóusand may fáll at your síde, + ten thóusand fáll at your ríght: * yóu it will néver appróach. 8 Your éyes have ónly to lóok * to sée how the wícked are repáid.

9 Because you háve the Lórd as your réfuge, * and have máde the Most Hígh your dwélling, 10 Upon yóu no évil shall fáll, * no plágue appróach your tént.

C-28 Compline ~ Lent

11 For yóu has he commánded his ángels * to kéep you in áll your wáys. 12 They shall béar you upón their hánds, * lest you stríke your fóot against a stóne. 13 On the líon and the víper you will tréad, * and trámple the young líon and the sérpent.

14 Since he clíngs to me in lóve, I will frée him, * protéct him, for he knóws my náme. 15 When he cálls on mé, I will án(swer him); + I will bé with hím in distréss; * I will delíver him, and gíve him glóry. 16 With léngth of dáys I will contént him; * I will shów him my sáving pówer.


Brief Reading Response C03 & b œœ œœœ œ œ˙ ˙ œ œ (6*) In - to your hands, O Lord,* I com -

& b œ œ œ œ˙ ˙ mend my spir - it.

You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth. I commend… Glory… Into your hands…

C-29 Compline ~ Lent

Canticle of Simeon [Lk 2:29-32]

C04 b b & b b œ œœ œœ ˙ œ œ œ œ - (3) Pro-tectœ us, Lord, as we stay a-wake;watchœ œ b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œœ o - ver us as we sleep, that a - b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ wakeœ we may keep watch with Christ, b b & b b œœ œ and a - sleepœ œ restœ inœ hisœ peace.˙

 b b     & b b á œ ˙´ œ ´˙ á œ ´ á  ´ œ ´  á ˙ œ ˙ á ˙ á œ ´˙ 6 Now you dismíss your sérvant in péace, accórding to your wórd, O Máster; For my éyes have séen your salvátion, which you made réady in the síght of all the péoples: A líght for revelátion to the Géntiles, and glóry for Ísrael your péople.


C-30 Compline ~ Lent

Leader: Let us pray. Oration Leader: Let us bless the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Blessing

Marian Antiphon C10

Queen of the heavens, we hail you. Queen of angel hosts, we salute you. You are the root and the portal, The Fount of Light immortal. Hail, Virgin robed in glory, Crown of all creation’s story! Beauty excelling, we greet you: Oh, beseech your Son for us, we pray.

C-31 Compline ~ Easter

Compline in Easter

Leader: O God, come to my assistance. All: O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for­ev­er. Amen. Alleluia.

Examination of Conscience [kneel or sit] Leader: I confess to Almighty God / and to you, my brothers and sisters, / that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, / in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, / through my fault, through my fault, through my most griev- ous fault; / therefore, I ask blessèd Mary ever virgin, blessèd Michael the Archangel, / blessèd John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, / our blessèd Father Benedict, all the saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, / to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Leader: May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. All: Amen.

C-32 Compline ~ Easter


C11 b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ (8) 1. Weœ praise you,œ Fa - ther, for your gifts 2. With - in your hands we rest se - cure, 3. Your glo - ry may we ev - er seek

b b - & b b œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Of dusk and night - fallœ o-ver earth, 2. In qui - et sleep our strength re - new. 3. In rest, as in ac - tiv - i-ty

b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œœœ 1. Fore - shad - ow - ing the mys - ter - y 2. Yet give your peo - ple hearts that wake 3. Un - til its full - ness is re - vealed,

b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. Of death that leads to end - less day.˙ 2. In love to you, un - sleep - ing Lord. 3. O source of life, O Trin - i-ty.

b b & b b œ Aœ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-33 Compline ~ Easter

Psalmody Monday, Thursday, Saturday

Psalm 4 Security under God’s Protection You will suffer in the world. But take courage.­ I have overcome the world. Jn 16:33

Saturday  Ñ bb b œ ´  & b œ œ á }œ œ œ ˙ á œ ˙´ ˙ Monday, Thursday  Ñ  b ´ ´ & á }œ ˙ á œ ˙ 2 I cálled, the Gód of jústice gave me ánswer; * from ánguish you reléased me, have mércy and héar me! 3 Children of mén, how lóng will my glóry be dishónored, * will you lóve what is fútile and séek what is fálse? 4 Knów that the Lórd works wónders for his fáithful one; * the Lórd will héar me whenéver I cáll him.

5 Tremble, do not sín: pónder on your béd and be stíll. * 6 Óffer right sácrifice, and trúst in the Lórd.

7 “What can bríng us háppiness?” mány sáy. * Lift up the líght of your fáce on ús, O Lórd. 8 You have pút into my héart a gréater jóy * than abúndance of gráin and new wíne can províde. 9 In péace I will lie dówn and fall asléep, * for yóu alone, O Lórd, make me dwéll in sáfety.

C-34 Compline ~ Easter

Psalm 134 (133) Night Prayer in the Temple Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great. Rv 19:5

Saturday  Ñ bb b œ ´  & b œ œ á }œ œ œ ˙ á œ ˙´ ˙ Monday, Thursday  Ñ  b ´ ´ & á }œ ˙ á œ ˙ 1 O cóme, bléss the Lórd, * áll you sérvants of the Lórd, Who stánd by níght in the cóurts * of the hóuse of the Lórd. 2 Líft up your hánds to the hóly place, * and bléss the Lórd. 3 May the Lórd bléss you from Síon, * he who máde both héaven and éarth.


C-35 Compline ~ Easter

Psalmody Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Psalm 91(90) Security under God’s Protection I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions. Lk 10:19

Sunday  b b Ñ b b œ á œ ´ œ  & œ } œ ˙ á œ ˙´ ˙ Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday  Ñ  b ´ ´ & á }œ ˙ á œ ˙ 1 He who dwélls in the shélter of the Most Hígh, * and abídes in the sháde of the Almíghty, 2 Sáys to the Lórd, “My réfuge, * my strónghold, my Gód in whom I trúst!” 3 He will frée you from the snáre of the fówler, * from the destrúctive plágue; 4 Hé will concéal you with his pínions, + and únder his wíngs you will find réfuge. * His fáithfulness is búckler and shíeld. 5 You will not féar the térror of the níght, * nor the árrow that flíes by dáy, 6 Nor the plágue that prówls in the dárkness, * nor the scóurge that lays wáste at nóon. 7 A thóusand may fáll at your síde, + ten thóusand fáll at your ríght: * yóu it will néver appróach. 8 Your éyes have ónly to lóok * to sée how the wícked are repáid.

C-36 Compline ~ Easter

9 Because you háve the Lórd as your réfuge, * and have máde the Most Hígh your dwélling, 10 Upon yóu no évil shall fáll, * no plágue appróach your tént. 11 For yóu has he commánded his ángels * to kéep you in áll your wáys. 12 They shall béar you upón their hánds, * lest you stríke your fóot against a stóne. 13 On the líon and the víper you will tréad, * and trámple the young líon and the sérpent.

14 Since he clíngs to me in lóve, I will frée him, * protéct him, for he knóws my náme. 15 When he cálls on mé, I will án(swer him); + I will bé with hím in distréss; * I will delíver him, and gíve him glóry. 16 With léngth of dáys I will contént him; * I will shów him my sáving pówer.


Brief Reading Response

C12 & œœ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ (6) In - to your hands, O Lord, I com-mend myœ - & œ œ˙ œœœœ˙ œ- œœœ˙ spir - it,* al - le - lu-ia, alœ - le - lu - ia.

You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth. Alleluia, alleluia. Glory… Into your hands…

C-37 Compline ~ Easter

Canticle of Simeon [Lk 2:29-32] C04 b b & b b œ œœ œœ ˙ œ œ œ œ Ó (3) Proœ - tect us, Lord, as we stay a-wake;œ watchœ b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œœ œ o - ver us as we sleep, that a - wakeœ we b b & b b œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ œœ may keep watch with Christ, and a-sleepœ œ b b & b b œ restœ inœ hisœ peace,˙ alœœ - leœ - lu˙ - ia.˙

 b b     & b b á œ ˙´ œ ´˙ á œ ´ á  ´ œ ´  á ˙ œ ˙ á ˙ á œ ´˙ 6 Now you dismíss your sérvant in péace, accórding to your wórd, O Máster; For my éyes have séen your salvátion, which you made réady in the síght of all the péoples: A líght for revelátion to the Géntiles, and glóry for Ísrael your péople.


Leader: Let us pray. Oration Leader: Let us bless the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Blessing

C-38 Compline ~ Easter

Marian Antiphon


O Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia! For he to whom you gave birth, alleluia! Has risen as he said he would, alleluia! Pray to God for us, alleluia!

C-39 Compline for Sundays & Weekdays ~ Ordinary Time

Compline in Ordinary Time

Leader: O God, come to my assistance. All: O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for­ev­er. Amen. Alleluia.

Examination of Conscience [kneel or sit] Leader: I confess to Almighty God / and to you, my brothers and sisters, / that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, / in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, / through my fault, through my fault, through my most griev- ous fault; / therefore, I ask blessèd Mary ever virgin, blessèd Michael the Archangel, / blessèd John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, / our blessèd Father Benedict, all the saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, / to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Leader: May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. All: Amen.

C-40 Compline for Sundays & Weekdays ~ Ordinary Time

Hymn for Sunday

C14 b b & b b œ œ - œ (8) 1. Weœœpraise you, Faœ - ther,œ forœ your giftsœ 2. With - in your hands we rest se - cure, 3. Your glo - ry may we ev - er seek, b b & b b œœ œ œœ œ œ œ œœœ ˙ 1. Of dusk and night - fall o-ver earth, 2. In qui - et sleep our strength re - new; 3. In rest, as in ac - tiv - i-ty, b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ - 1. Fore-shad - ow - ing theœ mys - terœ - yœ œ œ 2. Yet give your peo - ple hearts that wake 3. Un - til its full-ness is re - vealed, b b & b b œ 1. Ofœ deathœ thatœ leadsœ toœ end - lessœ˙day. 2. In love to you, un - sleep - ing Lord. 3. O source of life, O Trin - i-ty. b b & b b œ Aœ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-41 Compline for Sundays & Weekdays ~ Ordinary Time

Hymn for Weekdays

C15 b & b œœœœœœœœ- (8) 1. We praise you, Fa - ther, for your gifts 2. With - in your hands we rest se - cure, 3. Your glo - ry may we ev - er seek, b & b œœœœœ œ œ˙ 1. Of dusk and night - fall o-ver earth, 2. In qui - et sleep our strength re - new; 3. In rest, as in ac - tiv - i-ty, b & b œœœœ œ - 1. Fore - shad - ow - ing theœ mys - terœ - yœ 2. Yet give your peo - ple hearts that wake 3. Un - til its full - ness is re - vealed, b & b œœœ œ œ˙ 1. Ofœ death that leads toœ end - less day. 2. In love to you, un - sleep - ing Lord. 3. O source of life, O Trin - i-ty. b & b œ œ œ ˙ A - men.˙

C-42 Compline for Sundays & Weekdays ~ Ordinary Time

Psalmody Saturday, Monday, Thursday

Psalm 4 Security under God’s Protection You will suffer in the world. But take courage.­ I have overcome the world. Jn 16:33

Saturday PS053 #  ´ œ œ œ ´ & œ œ á }œ œ á œ œ œ œ Weekdays  # Ñ œ   & œ œ á }œœ ˙´ á œ ˙´ 2 I cálled, the Gód of jústice gave me ánswer; * from ánguish you reléased me, have mércy and héar me! 3 Children of mén, how lóng will my glóry be dishónored, * will you lóve what is fútile and séek what is fálse? 4 Knów that the Lórd works wónders for his fáithful one; * the Lórd will héar me whenéver I cáll him.

5 Tremble, do not sín: pónder on your béd and be stíll. * 6 Óffer right sácrifice, and trúst in the Lórd.

7 “What can bríng us háppiness?” mány sáy. * Lift up the líght of your fáce on ús, O Lórd. 8 You have pút into my héart a gréater jóy * than abúndance of gráin and new wíne can províde. 9 In péace I will lie dówn and fall asléep, * for yóu alone, O Lórd, make me dwéll in sáfety. •

C-43 Compline for Sundays & Weekdays ~ Ordinary Time

Saturday PS053 # œ  ´ & œ œ á }œ œ œ œ á  œ´ œ œ Weekdays œ  # Ñ œ   & œ œ á }œœ ˙´ á œ ˙´

Psalm 134 (133) Night Prayer in the Temple Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great. Rv 19:5

1 O cóme, bléss the Lórd, * áll you sérvants of the Lórd, Who stánd by níght in the cóurts * of the hóuse of the Lórd. 2 Líft up your hánds to the hóly place, * and bléss the Lórd. 3 May the Lórd bléss you from Síon, * he who máde both héaven and éarth.


n peace I will lie down and fall asleep, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:9

O come, bless the LORD, all you servants of the LORD, who C-44stand by night in the

courts of the house of the LORD. Psalm 134:1

will bless the LORD who gives me counsel, who even at night directs my heart. Psalm 16:7 Compline for Sundays & Weekdays ~ Ordinary Time

Psalmody Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Psalm 91(90) Security under God’s Protection I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions. Lk 10:19

Sunday PS053 #  ´ & œ œ á }œ œ œ œ á  œ´ œ œ Weekdays œ  # Ñ   & œ œ á }œœ ˙´ á œ ˙´ 1 He who dwélls in the shélter of the Most Hígh, * and abídes in the sháde of the Almíghty, 2 Sáys to the Lórd, “My réfuge, * my strónghold, my Gód in whom I trúst!” 3 He will frée you from the snáre of the fówler, * from the destrúctive plágue; 4 Hé will concéal you with his pínions, + and únder his wíngs you will find réfuge. * His fáithfulness is búckler and shíeld. 5 You will not féar the térror of the níght, * nor the árrow that flíes by dáy, 6 Nor the plágue that prówls in the dárkness, * nor the scóurge that lays wáste at nóon. 7 A thóusand may fáll at your síde, + ten thóusand fáll at your ríght: * yóu it will néver appróach. 8 Your éyes have ónly to lóok * to sée how the wícked are repáid. ~

C-45 Compline for Sundays & Weekdays ~ Ordinary Time

Sunday PS053 # œ  ´ & œ œ á }œ œ œ œ á  œ´ œ œ Weekdays œ  # Ñ   & œ œ á }œœ ˙´ á œ ˙´ 9 Because you háve the Lórd as your réfuge, * and have máde the Most Hígh your dwélling, 10 Upon yóu no évil shall fáll, * no plágue appróach your tént. 11 For yóu has he commánded his ángels * to kéep you in áll your wáys. 12 They shall béar you upón their hánds, * lest you stríke your fóot against a stóne. 13 On the líon and the víper you will tréad, * and trámple the young líon and the sérpent.

14 Since he clíngs to me in lóve, I will frée him, * protéct him, for he knóws my náme. 15 When he cálls on mé, I will án(swer him); + I will bé with hím in distréss; * I will delíver him, and gíve him glóry. 16 With léngth of dáys I will contént him; * I will shów him my sáving pówer. Glory...

Brief Reading Response C03 & b œœ œœœ œ œ˙ ˙ œ œ (6*) In - to your hands, O Lord,* I com -

& b œ œ œ œ˙ ˙ mend my spirC-46 - it. C03 & b œœ œœCompline œfor Sœundayœ˙s & Weekday˙s ~ Ordinaryœ œ Time (6*) In - to your hands, O Lord,* I com -

& b œ œ œ œ˙ ˙ mend my spir - it.

You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth. I commend… Glory… Into your hands…

Canticle of Simeon [Lk 2:29-32] C04 b b & b b œ œœ œœ ˙ œ œ œ œ - (3) Pro-tectœ us, Lord, as we stay a-wake;watchœ œ b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œœ o - ver us as we sleep, that a - b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ wakeœ we may keep watch with Christ, b b & b b œœ œ and a - sleepœ œ restœ inœ hisœ peace.˙

 b b     & b b á œ ˙´ œ ´˙ á œ ´ á  ´ œ ´  á ˙ œ ˙ á ˙ á œ ´˙ 6 Now you dismíss your sérvant in péace, accórding to your wórd, O Máster; For my éyes have séen your salvátion, which you made réady in the síght of all the péoples: A líght for revelátion to the Géntiles, and glóry for Ísrael your péople.


C-47 Compline for Sundays & Weekdays ~ Ordinary Time

Leader: Let us pray. Oration Leader: Let us bless the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Blessing Marian Antiphon C16

Hail, holy queen, mother of mercy. Hail, our life, our sweet­ness, and our hope. To you do we cry, poor banished children­ of Eve. To you we send our sighs as, mourn­ing and weep­ing, we pass through this vale of tears. Hasten, then, we pray, O our ad­vo­cate. Look with pity, with eyes of love com­pas­sion­ate, upon us sinners. And after this earthly ex­ile has end­ed, show us Jesus, the sacred fruit of your womb, O loving, O holy, O sweet virgin Mary.

C-48 Compline for Sundays & Weekdays ~ Ordinary Time

Or the following may be sung: C17

C-49 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Leader: O God, come to my assistance. All: O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for­ev­er. Amen. [Alleluia].

Examination of Conscience [kneel or sit] Leader: I confess to Almighty God / and to you, my brothers and sisters, / that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, / in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, / through my fault, through my fault, through my most griev- ous fault; / therefore, I ask blessèd Mary ever virgin, blessèd Michael the Archangel, / blessèd John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, / our blessèd Father Benedict, all the saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, / to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Leader: May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. All: Amen.

C-50 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Hymn for Solemnities

C18 b b & b b œ œ œ -œ (8) 1. Weœœpraise you,œ Faœ - ther for your gifts 2. With - in your hands we rest se - cure; 3. Your glo - ry may we ev - er seek

b b & b b œ œ œ œ œœ ˙ 1. Ofœ dusk and night - fallœ o-ver earth, 2. In qui - et sleep our strength re - new. 3. In rest as in ac - tiv - i-ty,

b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ - 1. Fore - shad - ow - ing the mys - ter - y œ œ 2. Yet give your peo - ple hearts that wake 3. Un - til its full - ness is re - vealed,

b b & b b œœ œ œ œ œ 1. Of death œ that leads toœ endœ - lessœ˙day. 2. In love to you, un-sleep - ing Lord. 3. O source of life, O Trin - i-ty.

b b & b b œ Aœ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-51 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Hymn for Feasts C19 b & b œœ œ œ œ œœ- (8) 1. We praise you,œ Faœ - ther for yourœ gifts 2. With - in your hands we rest se - cure; 3. Your glo - ry may we ev - er seek

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ˙ 1. Of dusk and night - fall o-verœ earth, 2. In qui - et sleep our strength re - new. 3. In rest as in ac - tiv - i-ty,

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ- 1. Fore - shad - ow - ing the mys - ter - y 2. Yet give your peo - ple hearts that wake 3. Un - til its full - ness is re - vealed,

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ˙ 1. Ofœ death that leads to end - lessœ day. 2. In love to you, un - sleep - ing Lord. 3. O source of life, O Trin - i-ty.

b & b œ œ œ ˙ A - men.˙

C-52 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Psalmody Saturday, Monday, Thursday

Psalm 4 Security under God’s Protection You will suffer in the world. But take courage.­ I have overcome the world. Jn 16:33

Solemnities  Ñ ´ œ ˙  ´ & œ œ á }œ ˙ á œ œ œ ˙ Feasts  Ñ  & œ œ á œ œ ´  ´ œ } ˙ á œ ˙ ˙ 2 I cálled, the Gód of jústice gave me ánswer; * from ánguish you reléased me, have mércy and héar me! 3 Children of mén, how lóng will my glóry be dishónored, * will you lóve what is fútile and séek what is fálse? 4 Knów that the Lórd works wónders for his fáithful one; * the Lórd will héar me whenéver I cáll him.

5 Tremble, do not sín: pónder on your béd and be stíll. * 6 Óffer right sácrifice, and trúst in the Lórd.

7 “What can bríng us háppiness?” mány sáy. * Lift up the líght of your fáce on ús, O Lórd. 8 You have pút into my héart a gréater jóy * than abúndance of gráin and new wíne can províde. 9 In péace I will lie dówn and fall asléep, * for yóu alone, O Lórd, make me dwéll in sáfety. •

C-53 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Solemnities  Ñ ´ œ ˙  ´ & œ œ á }œ ˙ á œ œ œ ˙ Feasts  Ñ  & œ œ á œ œ ´  ´ œ } ˙ á œ ˙ ˙ Psalm 134 (133) Night Prayer in the Temple Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great. Rv 19:5

1 O cóme, bléss the Lórd, * áll you sérvants of the Lórd, Who stánd by níght in the cóurts * of the hóuse of the Lórd. 2 Lift up your hánds to the hóly pláce, * and bléss the Lórd. 3 May the Lórd bléss you from Síon, * he who mádeLORD, both and héaven God of and my éarth salvation,. Glory... I cry before you day and night. Psalm 88:2

ou will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day.Psalm 91:5

So my soul sings psalms to you, and will not be silent. O Lord, my God, C-54I will thank you forever.

Psalm 30:13 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Psalmody Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Psalm 91(90) Security under God’s Protection I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions. Lk 10:19

Solemnities  Ñ ´ ˙  ´ & œ œ á }œ ˙ á œ œ œ ˙ Feasts  Ñ  & œ á œ œ ´  ´ œ } ˙ á œ ˙ ˙ 1 He who dwélls in the shélter of the Most Hígh, * and abídes in the sháde of the Almíghty, 2 Sáys to the Lórd, “My réfuge, * my strónghold, my Gód in whom I trúst!” 3 He will frée you from the snáre of the fówler, * from the destrúctive plágue; 4 Hé will concéal you with his pínions, + and únder his wíngs you will find réfuge. * His fáithfulness is búckler and shíeld. 5 You will not féar the térror of the níght, * nor the árrow that flíes by dáy, 6 Nor the plágue that prówls in the dárkness, * nor the scóurge that lays wáste at nóon. 7 A thóusand may fáll at your síde, + ten thóusand fáll at your ríght: * yóu it will néver appróach. 8 Your éyes have ónly to lóok * to sée how the wícked are repáid. ~

C-55 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Solemnities  Ñ ´ ˙  ´ & œ œ á }œ ˙ á œ œ œ ˙ Feasts  Ñ  & œ á œ œ ´  ´ œ } ˙ á œ ˙ ˙ 9 Because you háve the Lórd as your réfuge, * and have máde the Most Hígh your dwélling, 10 Upon yóu no évil shall fáll, * no plágue appróach your tént. 11 For yóu has he commánded his ángels * to kéep you in áll your wáys. 12 They shall béar you upón their hánds, * lest you stríke your fóot against a stóne. 13 On the líon and the víper you will tréad, * and trámple the young líon and the sérpent.

14 Since he clíngs to me in lóve, I will frée him, * protéct him, for he knóws my náme. 15 When he cálls on mé, I will án(swer him); + I will bé with hím in distréss; * I will delíver him, and gíve him glóry. 16 With léngth of dáys I will contént him; * I will shów him my sáving pówer.


C-56 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Brief Reading Response

Ordinary Time, Advent and Lent

C03 & b œœ œœœ œ œ˙ ˙ œ œ (6*) In - to your hands, O Lord,* I com -

& b œ œ œ œ˙ ˙ mend my spir - it. You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth. I commend… Glory… Into your hands…

Paschal Time C12 & œœ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ (6) In - to your hands, O Lord, I com-mend myœ - & œ œ˙ œœœœ˙ œ- œœœ˙ spir - it,* al - le - lu-ia, alœ - le - lu - ia.

You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth. Alleluia, alleluia. Glory… Into your hands…

C-57 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Canticle of Simeon [Lk 2:29-32]

SVA073F & b œ œ œ˙œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙œ (14/6) Pro-tect us, Lord, as we stay a-wake, watch

& b œ œœœ œ œ˙ œ œ œ œ o - ver us as we sleep, that a - wake we

& b œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙œœ ˙ may keep watch with Christ, and a-sleep Paschal Time & b œ œ œ˙ ˙ œœœ ˙˙ restœ in his peace. (Al-le - lu - ia.)

   b ´  ´ œ ´  ´˙   ´ & á œ ˙ á œ ˙ á ˙ á œ á œ ´˙ á œ ˙

6 Now you dismíss your sérvant in péace, accórding to your wórd, O Máster; For my éyes have séen your salvátion, which you made réady in the síght of all the péoples: A líght for revelátion to the Géntiles, and glóry for Ísrael your péople.


C-58 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

n peace I will lie down and fall asleep, for you alone, O LORD, Leader: Let us pray. make meOration dwell in safety. PsalmLeader: 4:9 Let us bless the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Blessing

MarianO come, Anti phblesson the LORD, Seeall the followingyou servants pages. of the LORD, who stand by night in the courts of the house of the LORD. Psalm 134:1

will bless the LORD who gives me counsel, who even at night directs my heart. Psalm 16:7

C-59 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Marian Antiphon From the first Sunday of Advent through the of the Lord: C05

Loving mother of the Redeemer, gate of heaven, star of the sea, assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again. To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator, yet remained a virgin after as before. You who received Gabriel’s joyful greeting, have pity on us poor sinners. From Ash Wednesday until the Triduum: C10

C-60 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Queen of the heavens, we hail you. Queen of angel hosts, we salute you. You are the root and the portal, The Fount of Light immortal. Hail, Virgin robed in glory, Crown of all creation’s story! Beauty excelling, we greet you: O beseech your Son for us, we pray.

From Easter Sunday through : C13

O Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia! For he to whom you gave birth, alleluia! Has risen as he said he would, alleluia! Pray to God for us, alleluia.

C-61 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Ordinary Time: C16

Hail, holy queen, mother of mercy. Hail, our life, our sweetness,­ and our hope. To you do we cry, poor banished chil­dren of Eve. To you we send our sighs as, mourn­ing and weep­ing, we pass through this vale of tears. Hasten, then, we pray, O our advo­ ­cate. Look with pity with eyes of love com­pas­sion­ate upon us sinners. And after this earthly exile­ has ended,­ show us Jesus, the sacred fruit of your womb, O loving, O holy, O sweet virgin Mary.

C-62 Compline for Solemnities and Feasts

Or the following may be sung: C17

C-63 C-64 Common of Apostles ~ Vigils Common of Apostles at Vigils

Invitatory Antiphon OT207P # # & # œœœœ œ œ -œ ˙ (2*) The Lord, the King of a - pos - tles: Paschal Time # # & # œ- ˙ œ œ˙ come, letœ usœ œ a - dore. (Al-leœœ - lu - ia.)

Psalm 100 (99) Creator and Shepherd Christ gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity, and to purify for himself a people as his own. Ti 2:14

1 Cry out with joy to the Lord, songs of praise. Give thanks all the earth. 2 Serve the Lord to him, and bless his name. with gladness. Come before 5 Indeed, how good is the Lord, him, singing for joy. 3 Know eternal his merciful love. He is that he, the Lord, is God. He faithful from age to age. made us; we belong to him. We are his people, the sheep of The Lord, the King of apos- his flock. tles: come, let us adore. (Allelúia.) The Lord, the King of apos- tles: come, let us adore. Glory... (Allelúia.) The Lord, the King of apos- 4 Enter his gates with thanks- tles: come, let us adore. giving and his courts with (Allelúia.)

C-65 Common of Apostles ~ Vigils


S008 # & œ œ œ œ (2*) 1. O œ twelve a-pos - tles ofœ theœ Lord,˙ 2. On you is based the cit - y blest, 3. Let earth - ly to you be raised 4. When time has reached its fi - nal term 5. Praise Fa - ther, Son, and Par - a-clete, # & œ œ œ œ 1. Whoœ left all worldœ - lyœœwaysœ as nought:˙ 2. The heav - en - ly Je - ru - sa - lem, 3. By ho - ly Church whom Christ has wed. 4. And Christ is throned as Lord of all, 5. Whose gift is faith that nev - er dies, # & œœœ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Toœ man - y lands he sent you forth 2. Il - lu - mined by the lus - trous Lamb 3. For you have sanc - ti - fied your word 4. Then shall you al - so seat - ed be 5. A light in dark - ness now un - til # & œ œ œ œ 1. Toœ preach the wordœ thatœœhe œ had taught.˙ 2. And bright with eve - ry pre - cious gem. 3. By wit - ness of the blood you shed. 4. Up - on twelve in heav - en’s hall. 5. The day - star in our hearts a-rise. # & œ Aœ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-66 Common of Apostles ~ Vigils

Psalm 19 (18) God’s Revelation in Creation and in Torah The God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God on the face of Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 4:6

Ant: Their sóund goes fórth through áll the éarth, / their méssage to the útmost bóunds of the wórld. / (Allelúia.)

I 2 The héavens decláre the glóry of Gód, * and the fírmament procláims the wórk of his hánds. 3 Dáy unto dáy convéys the méssage, * and níght unto níght impárts the knówledge. 4 No spéech, no wórd, whose vóice goes unhéeded; + 5 their sóund goes fórth through áll the éarth, * their méssage to the útmost bóunds of the wórld. 6 Thére he has pláced a tént for the sún; + it comes fórth like a brídegroom cóming from his tént, * rejóices like a chámpion to rún his cóurse. 7 At one énd of the héavens is the rísing of the sún; + to its fúrthest énd it rúns its cóurse. * There is nóthing concéaled from its búrning héat.


8 The láw of the Lórd is pérfect; * it revíves the sóul. The decrées of the Lórd are stéadfast; * they give wísdom to the símple. 9 The précepts of the Lórd are ríght; * they gládden the héart. ~

C-67 Common of Apostles ~ Vigils

The commánd of the Lórd is cléar; * it gives líght to the éyes. 10 The féar of the Lórd is púre, * abíding foréver. The júdgments of the Lórd are trúe; * they are, áll of them, júst. 11 They are móre to be desíred than góld, * than quántities of góld. And swéeter are théy than hóney, * than honey flówing from the cómb.

12 So in thém your sérvant finds instrúction; * great rewárd is in their kéeping. 13 But whó can detéct their own érrors? * From hídden faults acquít me. 14 From presúmption restráin your sérvant; * máy it not rúle me. Thén shall Í be blámeless, * cléan from grave sín. 15 May the spóken wórds of my móuth, * the thóughts of my héart, Win fávor in your síght, O Lórd, * my róck and my redéemer!

Ant: Their sóund goes fórth through áll the éarth, / their méssage to the útmost bóunds of the wórld. / (Allelúia.)

C-68 Common of Apostles ~ Vigils

Psalm 34 (33) Taste and See I myself am the bread of life; no one who comes to me shall ever be hungry. Jn 6:35

Ant: The Lórd turns his éyes to the júst, / and his éars are ópen to their crý. / (Allelúia.)

2 I will bléss the Lórd at all tímes, * práise of him is álways in my móuth. 3 In the Lórd my sóul shall make its bóast; * the húmble shall héar and be glád. 4 Glórify the Lórd with mé; * togéther let us práise his náme.

5 I sóught the Lórd, and he ánswered me; * from all my térrors he sét me frée. 6 Lóok toward hím and be rádiant; * let your fáces nót be abáshed. 7 This lówly one cálled; the Lord héard, * and réscued him from áll his distréss. 8 The ángel of the Lórd is encámped * around thóse who féar him, to réscue them. 9 Taste and sée that the Lórd is góod. * Blessèd the mán who seeks réfuge in hím. 10 Féar the Lórd, you his hóly ones. * They lack nóthing, thóse who féar him. 11 The rích suffer wánt and go húngry, * but thóse who seek the Lórd lack no bléssing.

12 Cóme, chíldren, and héar me, * that I may téach you the féar of the Lórd. 13 Who ís it that desíres lífe * and lóngs to see prósperous dáys? ~

C-69 Common of Apostles ~ Vigils

14 Guárd your tóngue from évil, * and your líps from spéaking decéit. 15 Turn asíde from évil and do góod. * Séek after péace, and pursúe it.

16 The Lórd turns his éyes to the júst, * and his éars are ópen to their crý. 17 The Lórd turns his fáce against the wícked * to destróy their remémbrance from the éarth. 18 When the júst cry óut, the Lord héars, * and réscues them in áll their distréss. 19 The Lord is clóse to the bróken-héarted; * those whose spírit is crúshed he will sáve.

20 Mány are the tríals of the júst one, * but from them áll the Lórd will réscue him. 21 He will keep guárd over áll his bónes; * not óne of his bónes shall be bróken. 22 Évil brings déath to the wícked; * those who háte the júst are dóomed. 23 The Lord ránsoms the sóuls of his sérvants. * All who trúst in him shall nót be condémned.


Ant: The Lórd turns his éyes to the júst, / and his éars are ópen to their crý. / (Allelúia.)

V. The apóstles procláimed the Lord’s práises. / (Allelúia.) R. They tóld of his pówer to sáve. / (Allelúia.)

Scripture Reading

C-70 Common of Apostles ~ Vigils

Psalm 47 (46) Ascension of the Great King He is seated at the right hand of the Father, and his kingdom will have no end. Nicene Creed

Ant: The prínces of the péoples are assémbled / with the péople of the Gód of Ábraham. / (Allelúia.)

2 All péoples, cláp your hánds. * Cry to Gód with shóuts of jóy! 3 For the Lórd, the Most Hígh, is áwesome, * the great kíng over áll the éarth. 4 He húmbles péoples únder us * and nátions únder our féet. 5 Our héritage he chóse for ús, * the príde of Jácob whom he lóves.

6 God goes úp with shóuts of jóy. * The Lord goes úp with trúmpet blást. 7 Sing práise for Gód; sing práise! * Sing práise to our kíng; sing práise! 8 For God is kíng of áll the éarth. * Sing práise with áll your skíll.

9 Gód reigns óver the nátions. * God síts upon his hóly thróne. 10 The prínces of the péoples are assémbled * with the péople of the Gód of Ábraham. For the rúlers of the éarth belong to Gód, * whó is gréatly exálted.

Ant: The prínces of the péoples are assémbled / with the péople of the Gód of Ábraham. / (Allelúia.)

C-71 Common of Apostles ~ Vigils

Psalm 64 (63) Hostile Tongues and Heaven’s Arrows Be glad and rejoice, for they perse­ ­cut­ed the prophets before you in the very same way. Mt 5:12

Ant: The apóstles told of the déeds of Gód; / they póndered what hé had dóne. / (Allelúia.)

2 Hear, O Gód, the vóice of my compláint; * guard my lífe from dréad of the fóe. 3 From the assémbly of the wícked, híde me, * from the thróng of thóse who do évil. 4 They shárpen their tóngues like swórds. * They áim bitter wórds like árrows, 5 To shóot at the ínnocent from ámbush, * shóoting súddenly and féarlessly. 6 Holding fírm in their évil cóurse, * they conspíre to lay sécret snáres. They sáy, “Whó will sée us? * 7 Whó can séarch out our crímes?”

They have hátched their wícked plóts, + and bróught them to perféction. * How profóund the dépths of the héart! 8 Gód will shóot them with his árrow, * and déal them súdden wóunds. 9 Their own tóngue bríngs them to rúin; * all who sée them sháke their héads. 10 Thén will áll be afráid; + they will téll what Gód has dóne, * Théy will pónder God's déeds.

C-72 Common of Apostles ~ Vigils

11 The júst one will rejóice in the Lórd; + and flý to hím for réfuge. * All úpright héarts will glóry.

Ant: The apóstles told of the déeds of Gód; / they pón- dered what hé had dóne. / (Allelúia.)

Psalm 98 (97) The Hills Ring Out Their Joy God has established a day on which he will “rule the world with justice” through a man he has appointed. And he has provided confirmation for all by raising him from the dead. Acts 17:31

Ant: O síng a new sóng to the Lórd. / His right hánd and his hóly árm / have bróught salvátion. / (Allelúia.)

1 O síng a new sóng to the Lórd, * for hé has worked wónders. His right hánd and his hóly árm * have bróught salvátion. 2 The Lórd has made knówn his salvátion, * has shówn his delíverance to the nátions. 3 He has remémbered his mérciful lóve * and his trúth for the hóuse of Ísrael. All the énds of the éarth have séen * the salvátion of our Gód.

4 Shóut to the Lórd, all the éarth; + break fórth into jóyous sóng, * and síng out your práise. 5 Sing psálms to the Lórd with the hárp, * with the hárp and the sóund of sóng. 6 With trúmpets and the sóund of the hórn, * raise a shóut before the Kíng, the Lórd. ~

C-73 Common of Apostles ~ Vigils

7 Let the séa and all withín it thúnder; * the wórld, and thóse who dwéll in it. 8 Let the rívers cláp their hánds, * and the hílls ring out their jóy 9 At the présence of the Lórd, for he cómes, * he comes to júdge the éarth. He will júdge the wórld with jústice, * and the péoples with fáirness. Glory...

Ant: O síng a new sóng to the Lórd. / His right hánd and his hóly árm / have bróught salvátion. / (Allelúia.)

V. I rejóice in the wáy of your précepts, / (Allelúia,) R. As though all ríches were míne. / (Allelúia.)



The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. Let us pray.

Oration Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

C-74 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds Common of Apostles at Lauds Hymn For Ordinary Time OT218 # & œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ- (1*) 1. E-œœter -œ nal gifts of Christ the King, 2. They marched as sol - diers of the Lord 3. Theirs is the stead - fast faith of saints, 4. In them the Fa - ther’s glo - ry shone; 5. To you, Re - deem - er, now we cry # & œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ 1. A-posœ - tles’ glo - ry, let œ us sing.˙ 2. To lead his Church with one ac - cord, 3. The hope that nev - er yields nor faints, 4. In them the Spir - it’s will was done. 5. That you would join to them on high # & œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ -œ 1. Andœœall with hearts of glad - ness raise 2. In heav’n - ly courts a war - rior band, 3. The love of Christ shed ev’ - ry - where 4. The Son him - self ex - ults in them; 5. Your ser - vants who this grace im - plore # & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. Due hymns of thank - ful love œ andœ praise.˙ 2. True lights to light - en ev’ - ry land. 3. That con - quers sin and Sa - tan’s snare. 4. Joy fills the new Je - ru - sa - lem. 5. Through - out our days and ev - er - more. # & œ Aœ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-75 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds

Hymn For

S009 # & œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ- (1*) 1. Theœœsun, œ with Eas - ter joy made bright, 2. He showed the wounds in hands and side 3. O Je - sus, Prince of Ho - li - ness, 4. O King of Glo - ry, now we pray, 5. All praise to you, O ris - en Lord, # & œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ 1. Fills all œ the world with clearœ - est light.˙ 2. Up - on his bod - y glor - i-fied. 3. We pray you, Lord, our hearts pos - sess, 4. Ful - fill in us your joy to - day, 5. From death to end - less life re - stored: # & œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ -œ 1. OnœœSi - on’s hill, their faith re - stored, 2. The signs for all the earth to see 3. That we may ren - der all our days 4. And when death meets us, grant that we 5. All praise to you, blest Trin - i-ty, # & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. A-pos - tles gaze up - on œ theœ Lord.˙ 2. That Christ had ris - en glor - ious - ly. 3. A will - ing trib - ute and our praise. 4. May share your pas - chal vic - to - ry. 5. Through end - less days e-ter - nal - ly. # & œ Aœ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-76 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds

Psalm 93 (92) With Majesty Enrobed The Lord is king, our God, the almighty. Let us rejoice and give him glory, for this is the wedding day of the Lamb. Rv 19:6

S010P # & - œ œ œ - œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ (2*) Greatœ -er love thanœ thisœ no one has, that one lay Paschal Time # - & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ down his life for his friends.˙ (Alœ -le - lu - ia.)˙  Ñ # ´  ´ & œ œ á }œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙ 1 The Lord is kíng, with májesty enróbed. + The Lord has róbed himsélf with míght; * he has gírded himsélf with pówer. The wórld you made fírm, not to be móved; + 2 your thróne has stood fírm from of óld. * From all etérnity, O Lórd, you áre.

3 The flóods have lífted up, O Lórd, + the flóods have lífted up their vóice; * the flóods have lífted up their thúnder. 4 Gréater than the róar of mighty wáters, + more glórious than the súrgings of the séa, * the Lórd is glórious on hígh.

5 Trúly your decrées are to be trústed. + Hóliness is fítting to your hóuse, * O Lórd, until the énd of tíme.


C-77 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds

Daniel 3:52-57 From the Temple of Your Holy Glory But you have come to Mount Sion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering. Heb 12:22

S011P & b œ œ œ ˙ œ œ ˙ œ œ (7) You areœ my friends, says the Lord, if you Paschal Time - & b œ œ œ œ œ do what I com-mandœ œ you.˙ Alœ - leœ -lu˙ - ia.˙  Ñ  b œ ´  ´ & œ œ œ á }œ œ ˙ á œ ˙ 52 Blest are yóu, O Lórd, the Gód of our fórebears, * to be práised and híghly exálted foréver; Blést is your glórious and hóly náme, * to be híghly práised and exálted foréver. 53 Blest are yóu in the témple of your hóly glóry; * to be híghly práised and glórified foréver. 54 Blést are yóu on the thróne of your kíngdom, * to be práised and híghly exálted foréver. 55 Blést are yóu who lóok into the dépths, + séated upón the chérubim, * to be práised and híghly exálted foréver. 56 Blést are yóu in the fírmament of héaven, * to be praised and híghly glórified foréver. 57 Bless the Lórd, áll you wórks of the Lórd, * práise and híghly exált him foréver.


C-78 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds

Psalm 97 (96) Light Shines Forth for the Righteous We who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should have gratitude, with which we should offer worship pleasing to God in reverence and awe. Heb 12:28-29

S012P b & b œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ œ- (8) This is my com-mand - ment, that youœ love b & b œ œ œ œ ˙ one an - othœ œ- erœ asœ œI haveœ loved you. Paschal Time b & b œ œ ˙ ˙ (Al - leœ - lu - ia.)  b Ñ b œ  ´  ´ & œ á }œœ ˙ á œ ˙ 1 The Lord is kíng, let éarth rejóice; * let the mány íslands be glád.

2 Clóud and dárkness surróund him; * justice and ríght are the foundátion of his thróne. 3 A fíre prepáres his páth; * it búrns up his fóes on every síde. 4 His líghtnings líght up the wórld; * the éarth looks ón and trémbles. 5 The móuntains mélt like wáx + befóre the fáce of the Lórd, * before the fáce of the Lórd of all the éarth. 6 The skíes procláim his jústice; * all péoples sée his glóry. ~

C-79 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds

 b Ñ b œ  ´  ´ & œ á }œœ ˙ á œ ˙ 7 Let thóse who serve ídols be ashámed, + those who bóast of their wórthless góds. * All you ángels, wórship hím. 8 Síon héars and is glád; + the dáughters of Júdah rejóice * becáuse of your júdgments, O Lórd. 9 For yóu indéed are the Lórd, + most hígh above áll the éarth, * exálted fár above all góds. 10 The Lórd loves thóse who hate évil; + he guárds the sóuls of his fáithful; * he séts them frée from the wícked. 11 Líght shines fórth for the júst one, * and jóy for the úpright of héart. 12 Rejóice in the Lórd, you júst; * to the mémory of his hóliness give thánks.


V. The apóstles held fást to the méssage of Chríst. / (Allelúia.) R. They képt the précepts he gáve them. / (Allelúia.)

Reading Responsory

S013 b & b b œ œ œ œ œ- ˙œœ (14) You have made themœ princ - es:* they shall b & b b œ œ œ œœ œœœ rule o-verœ all the earth,˙ al - le - lu˙˙ - ia. C-80 S013 b & b b œ œ œ œ -œ Common˙œ of Apostles ~ Lœauds (14) You have made themœ princ - es:* they shall b & b b œ œ œ œœ œœœ rule o-verœ all the earth,˙ al - le - lu˙˙ - ia.

They will always remember your name, O Lord. They shall rule... Glory... You have made them...

Canticle of Zachary [Luke 1:68-79] Then John’s father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied. (Luke 1:67)

The proper antiphon may be located by date on the following pages

C-81 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds

14 May: St. Matthias S2028 b b & b b œ - œœ (8) Itœœ is not youœœ who choseœ œœ me, butœ I who b b & b b œ œ -œ œ œœ- œœ chose you andœ ap-point-edœ you to go andœ b b - & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ bear fruit that will re-main,œ ˙ al - le - lu-ia.˙˙

24 August: St. Bartholomew S2180 b b & b b œ œ (8) Onœœ the foun-da-tion œ œ stones ˙ of œœ the heav-en-lyœœœ Je- b b & b b œœ œ œ ˙œ ru-sa-lemœœ ˙are œ writ-ten theœ names of theœ b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ ˙œœ ˙œ twelve a-pos-tles of theœ Lamb, the Lamb who b b & b b œ œ ˙ œœœ œ œ is the light of that ho - ly citœ - y.˙

C-82 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds

omit for 5-line 4-line 5, 6 line PS041 b b bb œ á œœœáœ & ᜜œ á œœáœœ á œœ œœ á œ 6 Blést be the Lórd God of Ísrael: for he has vísited his péople and redéemed them. He has raised úp for us a hórn of salvátion in the Hóuse of Dávid his sérvant, As he spóke through the móuth of his hóly ones, his próphets from áges pást:

4 A sávior who would frée us from our fóes, and from the hánds of áll who háte us, To shów loving mércy to our fáthers míndful of his hóly cóvenant.

4 This was the óath he swore to Ábraham our fáther, to grant that fréed from the hánds of our fóes, We might sérve him in hóliness and ríghteousness, all the dáys of our lífe without féar.

6 And yóu, little chíld, will be cálled próphet of Gód Most Hígh, For yóu will gó before the Lórd to make réady his wáys befóre him, To grant a knówledge of salvátion to his péople through the forgíveness of áll their síns.

5 By the lóving mércy of our Gód, the Dáwn from on hígh will vísit us, To shíne on those who sít in dárkness, and thóse in the shádow of déath, to guide our féet into the wáy of péace.


C-83 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds

28 October: Sts. Simon and Jude

S3056 b b & b b œ - œœ (8) Itœœ is not youœœ who choseœ œœ me, butœ I who b b & b b œ œ -œ œœœ- œ chose you andœ apœ - point - ed you to b b - & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ go andœ bear fruit that will re - main.œ ˙

O THEN you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. Through him the whole structure is held together and grows into a temple sacred in the Lord; in him you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-22

C-84 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds

omit for 5-line 4-line 5, 6 line PS041 bbbb œ á œœœáœ & ᜜œ á œœáœœ á œœ œœ á œ 6 Blést be the Lórd God of Ísrael: for he has vísited his péople and redéemed them. He has raised úp for us a hórn of salvátion in the Hóuse of Dávid his sérvant, As he spóke through the móuth of his hóly ones, his próphets from áges pást:

4 A sávior who would frée us from our fóes, and from the hánds of áll who háte us, To shów loving mércy to our fáthers míndful of his hóly cóvenant.

4 This was the óath he swore to Ábraham our fáther, to grant that fréed from the hánds of our fóes, We might sérve him in hóliness and ríghteousness, all the dáys of our lífe without féar.

6 And yóu, little chíld, will be cálled próphet of Gód Most Hígh, For yóu will gó before the Lórd to make réady his wáys befóre him, To grant a knówledge of salvátion to his péople through the forgíveness of áll their síns.

5 By the lóving mércy of our Gód, the Dáwn from on hígh will vísit us, To shíne on those who sít in dárkness, and thóse in the shádow of déath, to guide our féet into the wáy of péace.


C-85 Common of Apostles ~ Lauds


We implore God’s on his apostolic Church. Sustain our pope, bishops and as they care for your flock: Lord, have mercy.

Make us true witnesses of your in all we do: Christ, have mercy.

Inspire the hearts of many to monastic discipleship: Lord, have mercy. May the divine assistance remain always with us: And with our absent brethren.

Our Father


Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.


C-86 Common of Apostles ~ Daytime Prayer Common of Apostles at Daytime Prayer

Hymn S004 b - & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (8) 1. O might - œy Rulœ - er, faith - fulœ God, 2. Ex - tin - guish now the fires of strife 3. To God the Fa - ther and the Son

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. With or - der rul - ing sun andœ moon: 2. And bid all heat - ed deeds de - part. 3. And Ho - ly Spir - it ren - der praise,

b - & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. In splen - dor, Lord, you light the dawn, 2. Grant health of bod - y and of mind; 3. Blest Trin - i - ty, from age to age,

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Withœ burn - ing heat the ofœ noon. 2. Shed forth your peace up - on the heart. 3. The strength of all our mor - tal days.

b & b œ œ œ ˙ A - men.˙

C-87 Common of Apostles ~ Daytime Prayer

Ant: Knów that I am wíth you álways, / until the énd of the áge. / (Allelúia.)

Psalm 119 (118):1-8 Meditation on God’s Law Aleph Love is the fulfillment of the law. Rom 13:10 1 Blessed are thóse whose wáy is blámeless, * who wálk in the láw of the Lórd! 2 Blessed are thóse who kéep his decrées! * With áll their héarts they séek him. 3 They néver do ánything évil, * but wálk in his wáys. 4 Yóu have láid down your précepts * to be cárefully képt. 5 Máy my wáys be fírm * in kéeping your státutes. 6 Thén I shall nót be put to sháme * as I obsérve all your commánds. 7 I will thánk you with an úpright héart, * as I léarn your just júdgments. 8 Í will kéep your státutes; * do not éver forsáke me.

Psalm 119 (118):17-24 Gimel Let us go beyond the initial teaching about Christ and advance to maturity. Heb 6:1 17 Deal bóuntifully wíth your sérvant, * that I may líve and kéep your wórd. 18 Ópen my éyes, that I may sée * the wónders of your láw. 19 Í am a pílgrim in the lánd; * híde not your commánds from mé.

C-88 Common of Apostles ~ Daytime Prayer

20 My sóul is consúmed with lónging * at all tímes for yóur decrées. 21 You thréaten the próud, the accúrsed, * who stráy from your commánds. 22 Frée me from scórn and contémpt, * for I obsérve your decrées. 23 Though prínces sit plótting agáinst me, * your servant pónders your státutes. 24 Sée, your decrées are my delíght; * your státutes are my cóunselors.

Psalm 119 (118):33-40 He You heard of this hope through the message of truth, the gospel. Col 1:5

33 Lord, téach me the wáy of your státutes, * and I will kéep them to the énd. 34 Grant me ínsight that Í may keep your láw, * and obsérve it wholehéartedly. 35 Guíde me in the páth of your commánds, * for in thém is my delíght. 36 Bénd my héart to your decrées, * and not to wróngful gáin. 37 Turn my éyes from gázing on vánities; * in your wáy, give me lífe. 38 Fulfíll your prómise to your sérvant, * that yóu may be revéred. 39 Túrn away the táunts I dréad, * for your decrées are góod. 40 Sée, I lóng for your précepts; * give me lífe by your jústice. Glory...

Ant: Knów that I am wíth you álways, / until the énd of the áge. / (Allelúia.)

C-89 Common of Apostles ~ Daytime Prayer

Brief Reading

V. The Lord sáys, Rejóice and be glád. / (Allelúia.) R. Your námes are wrítten in héaven. / (Allelúia.)

Let us pray.


Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

May the divine assistance remain always with us. And with our absent brethren. Amen.

C-90 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers Common of Apostles at Vespers Hymn Ordinary Time OT219

& œ - œ œ œ œ - (3) 1.O faœ - thers of œ ourœ an - cientœ faith,œ 2.You took the gos - pel to the poor, 3.You told of God who died for us 4.Like sparks a-mong the straw you ran, 5.Praise Fa - ther, Son, and Spir - it blest,

& œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Withœ allœ theœ heav’ns we sing your fame, 2. The word of God a-flame in you, 3. And out of death tri - um - phant rose, 4. That all the world be set a-blaze. 5. Whose gift is faith that nev - er dies:

& œ œ œ œ œ œ œ - 1. Whose sound went forth in allœ œ the earthœ 2. Which in our day is told a-gain, 3. Who spoke the truth that set us free 4. You kin - dled love of Christ the Lord 5. A lamp in dark - ness now, un - til

& œ œ œ œ œ œ œ - œ œ œ 1. To tell of Christ and blessœ œ his œ˙name. 2. That time - less word for - ev - er new. 3. And through the a-ges change - less goes. 4. And took his peace on all your ways. 5. With - in our hearts the sun a-rise.

& œ Aœ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-91 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

Hymn for Eastertide


& œ - œ œ œ œ - (3) 1. The Lord’sœ dis - ci -œ ples,œ filled withœ grief,œ 2. An an - gel then a mes - sage gave 3. The trust - ing wom - en went their way 4. So then th'a - pos - tles‘ com - pa - ny 5. O King of Glo - ry, now we pray, 6. All praise to you, O ris - en Lord, & œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Inœ sorœ - rowœ mourned with - out re - lief. 2. To wom - en gath - ered at the grave: 3. To tell the ti - dings of that day. 4. Set out in haste for Gal - i-lee, 5. Ful - fill in us your joy this day, 6. From death to end - less life re - stored:

& œ œ œ œ œ œ œ - 1. For Christ had suf - fered, bled,œ œ and died,œ 2. “Fear not, his faith - ful friends shall see 3. But as they went they saw the Lord, 4. That yet once more they might be - hold 5. And when death meets us, grant that we 6. All praise to you, blest Trin - i-ty, & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ - œ œ œ 1. The Lamb of God was cruœ œ - ci -œ˙fied. 2. Their ris - en Lord in Gal - i-lee.“ 3. And, bend - ing low, they him a-dored. 4. The face of God as he fore - told. 5. May share your pas - chal vic - to - ry. 6. Through end - less days e-ter - nal - ly.

& œ Aœ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-92 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

Psalm 116B (115:10-19) You Have Loosened My Bonds Through Christ let us offer to God a continual sacrifice of praise. Heb 13:15 S015P - - & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ (8) No long - er doœ I call you serv-ants, but friends;

& œ œ œ - œ œ be-causeœ all œ œ thingsœ thatœ I œ haveœ heardœ - & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ from my Fa - ther I have made Paschal Time - & œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ known to you. (Al - le - lu - ia.)  Ñ œ œ  ´  & á }œ œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙´ 10 I trústed, éven when I sáid, * “I am sórely afflícted,” 11 And whén I sáid in my alárm, * “These péople are all líars.”

12 Hów can I repáy the Lórd * for áll his góodness to mé? 13 The cúp of salvátion I will ráise; * I will cáll on the náme of the Lórd. 14 My vóws to the Lórd I will fulfíll * before áll his péople. 15 How précious in the éyes of the Lórd * is the déath of his fáithful. ~

C-93 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

 Ñ œ œ  ´  & á }œ œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙´ 16 Your sérvant, Lord, your sérvant am Í, + the són of your hándmaid; * you have lóosened my bónds. 17 A thánksgiving sácrifice I máke; * I will cáll on the náme of the Lórd. 18 My vóws to the Lórd I will fulfíll * before áll his péople, 19 In the cóurts of the hóuse of the Lórd, * in your mídst, O Jerúsalem.


Psalm 138 (137) In the Presence of the Angels The kings of the earth shall bring their treasures to the holy city. Rv 22:24

S016P b & b œ œ œ ˙ œ œ - (4) œI have giv - en you an ex - amœ -ple:˙ asœ œI œ b & b œ ˙ œ œ ˙ œ œ haveœ done for you, you should alœ -soœ do.˙ Paschal Time b & b œ œ (Al - le - lu˙ - ia.)˙

C-94 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

 b Ñ  ´  b œ œ œ ´ & œ á } ˙ á œ ˙ 1 I thánk you, Lórd, with all my héart; * you have héard the wórds of my móuth. In the présence of the ángels I práise you. * 2 I bow dówn toward your hóly témple. Í give thánks to your náme + for your mérciful lóve and your fáithfulness. * You have exálted your náme over áll. 3 On the dáy I cálled, you ánswered me; * you incréased the stréngth of my sóul.

4 All earth’s kíngs shall thánk you, O Lórd, * when they héar the wórds of your móuth. 5 They shall síng of the wáys of the Lórd, * “How gréat is the glóry of the Lórd!” 6 The Lord is hígh, yet he lóoks on the lówly, * and the háughty he knóws from afár.

7 You give me lífe though I wálk amid afflíction; * you strétch out your hánd against the ánger of my fóes. With yóur right hánd you sáve me; * 8 the Lórd will accómplish this for mé. O Lord, your mérciful lóve is etérnal; * discárd not the wórk of your hánds.


C-95 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

Ephesians 1:3-10 Our Redemption in Christ God has raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavens. Eph 2:6

S017P # # & # œ œ œ œ œ (8) Blessœ -edœ areœ theœ bear - ers of peace:œ ˙ # # & # œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ blessœ - ed are the pure of heart, forœ Paschal Time # # & # œ œ œ they œ shallœ seeœ God.˙ (Al-leœ - lu˙ - ia.)˙  # Ñ ##  ´  ´ & œ œ á }œœ ˙ á œ ˙ ˙ 3 Blest be the Gód and Fáther of our Lórd, Jesus Chríst, + who has bléssed us in Chríst * with every spíritual bléssing in the héavens. 4 Thús has he chósen us in hím + befóre the foundátion of the wórld * to be hóly and blámeless before hím in lóve.

5 He déstined ús for himsélf by adóption * as his chíldren through Jésus Chríst, In accórd with the good pléasure of his wíll + 6 for the práise of his glórious gráce, * in which he fávored ús in the Belóved.

7 In hím we have redémption through his blóod, * the forgíveness of síns,

C-96 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

In accórd with the ríchness of his gráce * 8 bestowed on ús in all wísdom and ínsight.

9 He has made knówn to us the mýstery of his wíll + in accórd with his good pléasure * which he set fórth in Chríst, 10 As a plán for the fúllness of tímes, + to súm up áll things in hím, * things in héaven, and thíngs on éarth.


V. Your wórd is a lámp for my stéps. / (Allelúia.) R. It is a líght for my páth. / (Allelúia.)

C-97 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

Reading Responsory for Advent and Ordinary Time

S018 b - & b b œœœœœ œ œ œ œ (14) Your friends shall re-peat their bless-ing, Oœ b & b b ˙œœ œ œ œ œ œœ œ Lord:* they willspeak of theœ glo-ry of your reign.˙

They will declare your might, O God. They will speak... Glory... Your friends...

Responsory for Eastertide

S018P & b œ œ œœœ œ œ œœ ˙ (6*) Your friends shall re-peat their bless-ing, O Lord:

& b œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ˙œ they will speak of the glo-ryœ of your reign, * al - - & b œ œœ˙ -œ œœœ˙ le - lu - ia, alœ - le - lu - ia.

They will declare your might, O God. Alleluia... Glory... Your friends...

C-98 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

Canticle of Mary [Luke 1:46-55] “Blessed are you who trusted that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:45) And Mary said:

The proper antiphon may be located by date on the following pages.

C-99 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

14 May: St. Matthias S2028 b & b œœœ œœ œœ- œ œœ (8) It is not you who choseœ me, but I who b - - & b œ œ œ œ œ œœœœ œ chose you andœ ap-point-ed you to go and b - & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ ˙˙ bear fruit that will re-main, al - le - lu-ia.

24 August: St. Bartholomew S2180 b & b œœ œœ œ ˙ œœ œ œ (8) On the foun-da-tion stones of the heav-en-lyœœ Je - b & b œœ ˙ œ œœœ œ œ ˙œœ ru - sa- lem are writ - ten the names of the b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙œœ ˙œ twelve a-pos-tles of the Lamb, the Lamb who b & b œ œ ˙ œœœ œ œ œ ˙ is the light of that ho - ly cit - y.

C-100 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

omit for 5-line 4-line 5, 6 line PS041 bb œ á œœœáœ & á œœœ á œœáœœ á œœ œœ á œ

4 My soul procláims the gréatness of the Lórd, and my spírit exúlts in God my Sávior, For he has lóoked upon his hándmaid in her lówli- ness; henceforth all áges will cáll me bléssed.

4 For the Almíghty has done gréat things for mé. And hóly ís his náme. His loving mércy is from áge to áge for thóse who féar him.

6 He has made knówn the stréngth of his árm, and has scáttered the próud of héart. He has put dówn the míghty from their thrónes and has exálted thóse who are lówly. He has fílled the húngry with góod things, and has sént the rích away émpty.

4 He has álways helped Ísrael his sérvant, míndful of his lóving mércy, Éven as he prómised our fáthers, to Ábraham and hís descéndants foréver. Glory...

C-101 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

28 October: Sts. Simon and Jude S3056 b & b œœœ œœ œœ- œ œœ (8) It is not you who choseœ me, but I who b - - & b œ œ œ œ œœœœ chose you andœ ap - point - ed you to b - & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ go and bear fruit that will re - main.

C-102 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers

omit for 5-line 4-line 5, 6 line PS041 bb œ á œœœáœ & á œœœ á œœáœœ á œœ œœ á œ

4 My soul procláims the gréatness of the Lórd, and my spírit exúlts in God my Sávior, For he has lóoked upon his hándmaid in her lówli- ness; henceforth all áges will cáll me bléssed.

4 For the Almíghty has done gréat things for mé. And hóly ís his náme. His loving mércy is from áge to áge for thóse who féar him.

6 He has made knówn the stréngth of his árm, and has scáttered the próud of héart. He has put dówn the míghty from their thrónes and has exálted thóse who are lówly. He has fílled the húngry with góod things, and has sént the rích away émpty.

4 He has álways helped Ísrael his sérvant, míndful of his lóving mércy, Éven as he prómised our fáthers, to Ábraham and hís descéndants foréver. Glory...

C-103 Common of Apostles ~ Vespers


Let us praise and thank our God for his gifts to us this day. Strengthen us in discipleship and fidelity to your word: Lord, have mercy. Unite your followers in charity and peace: Christ, have mercy. Welcome into the heavenly Jerusalem all who have died: Lord, have mercy. May the divine assistance remain always with us: And with our absent brethren.

Our Father


Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.


C-104 Common of Evangelists ~ Vigils Common of Evangelists at Vigils

Invitatory Antiphon

S019B # - & # œœ œœ œ œ œ œ (13) Theœ Lordœ speaks to us through the gos - pel;˙ # & # ˙ œ œ œ come, let us a-dore.˙ ˙

Psalm 67 (66) Let All the Peoples Praise You You must know that God is offering his salvation to all the world. Acts 28:28

2 O God, be gracious and bless 7 The earth has yielded its fruit us and let your face shed its for God, our God, has blessed light upon us. 3 So will your us. 8 May God still give us his ways be known upon earth blessing that all the ends of the and all nations learn your earth may revere him. salvation. The Lord speaks to us The Lord speaks to us through the gospel; come, let through the gospel; come, let us adore. us adore. 5 Let the nations be glad and shout for joy; with uprightness you rule the peoples, you Glory… guide the nations on earth.

The Lord speaks to us The Lord speaks to us through the gospel; come, let through the gospel; come, let us adore. us adore.

C-105 Common of Evangelists ~ Vigils


S020 # & œ œ œ œ (2*) 1. Howœ wel - come are their solœ - idœ feet˙ 2. The Lord has bared his ho - ly arm 3. Praise Fa - ther, Son, and Par - a - clete # & œ œ œ œ 1. Whoœ stand se - cureœ onœ Siœ œ- on’s hill,˙ 2. Through all the lands and seas a - broad: 3. Whose gift is faith that nev - er dies, # & œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Whoœ bring sal - va - tion on their tongues 2. Let eve - ry na - tion now be - hold 3. A light in dark - ness now un - til # & œ œ œ œ 1. Andœ joy - ous wordsœ ofœ peaceœ œ in - still.˙ 2. Their ris - en Sav - ior and their God. 3. The Day - star in our hearts a - rise. # & œ Aœ - œ men.˙ ˙

C-106 Common of Evangelists ~ Vigils

Psalm 19 (18) God’s Revelation in Creation and in Torah The God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God on the face of Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 4:6

Ant: I am not ashámed of the góspel. / It is the pówer of Gód which leads áll to salvátion. I 2 The héavens decláre the glóry of Gód, * and the fírmament procláims the wórk of his hánds. 3 Dáy unto dáy convéys the méssage, * and níght unto níght impárts the knówledge. 4 No spéech, no wórd, whose vóice goes unhéeded; + 5 their sóund goes fórth through áll the éarth, * their méssage to the útmost bóunds of the wórld. 6 Thére he has pláced a tént for the sún; + it comes fórth like a brídegroom cóming from his tént, * rejóices like a chámpion to rún his cóurse. 7 At one énd of the héavens is the rísing of the sún; + to its fúrthest énd it rúns its cóurse. * There is nóthing concéaled from its búrning héat.


8 The láw of the Lórd is pérfect; * it revíves the sóul. The decrées of the Lórd are stéadfast; * they give wísdom to the símple. 9 The précepts of the Lórd are ríght; * they gládden the héart. The commánd of the Lórd is cléar; * it gives líght to the éyes. 10 The féar of the Lórd is púre, * abíding foréver. ~

C-107 Common of Evangelists ~ Vigils

The júdgments of the Lórd are trúe; * they are, áll of them, júst. 11 They are móre to be desíred than góld, * than quántities of góld. And swéeter are théy than hóney, * than honey flówing from the cómb.

12 So in thém your sérvant finds instrúction; * great rewárd is in their kéeping. 13 But whó can detéct their own érrors? * From hídden faults acquít me. 14 From presúmption restráin your sérvant; * máy it not rúle me. Thén shall Í be blámeless, * cléan from grave sín. 15 May the spóken wórds of my móuth, * the thóughts of my héart, Win fávor in your síght, O Lórd, * my róck and my redéemer!

Ant: I am not ashámed of the góspel. / It is the pówer of Gód which leads áll to salvátion.

Psalm 23 (22) God, Shepherd and Host When I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to my­self, so that where I am you also may be. Jn 14:3

Ant: With the stréngth that cómes from Gód, / bear your sháre of the hárdship / which the góspel entáils.

1 The Lórd is my shépherd; * there is nóthing I shall wánt. 2 Frésh and gréen are the pástures * where he gíves me repóse.

C-108 Common of Evangelists ~ Vigils

Near réstful wáters he léads me; * 3 he revíves my sóul.

He guídes me alóng the right páth, * for the sáke of his náme. 4 Though I should wálk in the válley of the shádow of déath, + no évil would I féar, for you are wíth me. * Your cróok and your stáff will give me cómfort.

5 You have prepáred a táble befóre me * in the síght of my fóes. My héad you have anóinted with óil; * my cúp is overflówing.

6 Surely góodness and mércy shall fóllow me * all the dáys of my lífe. In the Lórd’s own hóuse shall I dwéll * for léngth of days unénding.


Ant: With the stréngth that cómes from Gód, / bear your sháre of the hárdship / which the góspel entáils.

V. The nátions héard and rejoíced. R. They práised the wórd of the Lórd.

Scripture Reading Responsory

C-109 Common of Evangelists ~ Vigils

Psalm 34 (33) Taste and See I myself am the bread of life; no one who comes to me shall ever be hungry. Jn 6:35

Ant: When the júst cry óut, the Lord héars, / and réscues them in áll their distréss.


2 I will bléss the Lórd at all tímes, * práise of him is álways in my móuth. 3 In the Lórd my sóul shall make its bóast; * the húmble shall héar and be glád. 4 Glórify the Lórd with mé; * togéther let us práise his náme.

5 I sóught the Lórd, and he ánswered me; * from all my térrors he sét me frée. 6 Lóok toward hím and be rádiant; * let your fáces nót be abáshed. 7 This lówly one cálled; the Lord héard, * and réscued him from áll his distréss. 8 The ángel of the Lórd is encámped * around thóse who féar him, to réscue them. 9 Taste and sée that the Lórd is góod. * Blessèd the mán who seeks réfuge in hím. 10 Féar the Lórd, you his hóly ones. * They lack nóthing, thóse who féar him. 11 The rích suffer wánt and go húngry, * but thóse who seek the Lórd lack no bléssing.

C-110 Common of Evangelists ~ Vigils


12 Cóme, chíldren, and héar me, * that I may téach you the féar of the Lórd. 13 Who ís it that desíres lífe * and lóngs to see prósperous dáys? 14 Guárd your tóngue from évil, * and your líps from spéaking decéit. 15 Turn asíde from évil and do góod. * Séek after péace, and pursúe it.

16 The Lórd turns his éyes to the júst, * and his éars are ópen to their crý. 17 The Lórd turns his fáce against the wícked * to destróy their remémbrance from the éarth. 18 When the júst cry óut, the Lord héars, * and réscues them in áll their distréss. 19 The Lord is clóse to the bróken-héarted; * those whose spírit is crúshed he will sáve.

20 Mány are the tríals of the júst one, * but from them áll the Lórd will réscue him. 21 He will keep guárd over áll his bónes; * not óne of his bónes shall be bróken. 22 Évil brings déath to the wícked; * those who háte the júst are dóomed. 23 The Lord ránsoms the sóuls of his sérvants. * All who trúst in him shall nót be condémned.

Ant: When the júst cry óut, the Lord héars, / and rés- cues them in áll their distréss.

C-111 Common of Evangelists ~ Vigils

Psalm 98 (97) The Hills Ring Out Their Joy God has established a day on which he will “rule the world with justice” through a man he has appointed. And he has provided confirmation for all by raising him from the dead. Acts 17:31

Ant: I am súffering, éven to the póint of cháins. / But the word of Gód is nót cháined.

1 O síng a new sóng to the Lórd, * for hé has worked wónders. His right hánd and his hóly árm * have bróught salvátion. 2 The Lórd has made knówn his salvátion, * has shówn his delíverance to the nátions. 3 He has remémbered his mérciful lóve * and his trúth for the hóuse of Ísrael. All the énds of the éarth have séen * the salvátion of our Gód.

4 Shóut to the Lórd, all the éarth; + break fórth into jóyous sóng, * and síng out your práise. 5 Sing psálms to the Lórd with the hárp, * with the hárp and the sóund of sóng. 6 With trúmpets and the sóund of the hórn, * raise a shóut before the Kíng, the Lórd.

7 Let the séa and all withín it thúnder; * the wórld, and thóse who dwéll in it. 8 Let the rívers cláp their hánds, * and the hílls ring out their jóy 9 At the présence of the Lórd, for he cómes, * he comes to júdge the éarth.

C-112 Common of Evangelists ~ Vigils

He will júdge the wórld with jústice, * and the péoples with fáirness. Glory...

Ant: I am súffering, éven to the póint of cháins. / But the word of Gód is nót cháined.

V. The Spírit of the Lórd is upón me. R. He has sént me to procláim the good néws.



The Lord be with you. And with your Spirit.

Let us pray.

Oration Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

C-113 Common of Evangelists ~ Daytime Prayer Common of Evangelists at Daytime Prayer


S004 b - & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (8) 1. O might - œy Rulœ - er, faith - fulœ God, 2. Ex - tin - guish now the fires of strife 3. To God the Fa - ther and the Son

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. With or - der rul - ing sun andœ moon: 2. And bid all heat - ed deeds de - part. 3. And Ho - ly Spir - it ren - der praise,

b - & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. In splen - dor, Lord, you light the dawn, 2. Grant health of bod - y and of mind; 3. Blest Trin - i - ty, from age to age,

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Withœ burn - ing heat the hour ofœ noon. 2. Shed forth your peace up - on the heart. 3. The strength of all our mor - tal days.

b & b œ œ œ ˙ A - men.˙

C-114 Common of Evangelists ~ Daytime Prayer

Ant: It is mércy I desíre and not sácrifice; / I did not cóme to cáll the ríghteous, but sínners.

Psalm 119 (118):1-8 Meditation on God’s Law Aleph Love is the fulfillment of the law. Rom 13:10

1 Blessed are thóse whose wáy is blámeless, * who wálk in the láw of the Lórd! 2 Blessed are thóse who kéep his decrées! * With áll their héarts they séek him. 3 They néver do ánything évil, * but wálk in his wáys. 4 Yóu have láid down your précepts * to be cárefully képt. 5 Máy my wáys be fírm * in kéeping your státutes. 6 Thén I shall nót be put to sháme * as I obsérve all your commánds. 7 I will thánk you with an úpright héart, * as I léarn your just júdgments. 8 Í will kéep your státutes; * do not éver forsáke me.

Psalm 119 (118):41-48 Vau As I look to the Day of Christ, you give me cause to boast that I did not run the race in vain or work to no purpose. Phil 2:16

41 Lórd, let your mércy come upón me, * the salvátion you have prómised. 42 I shall ánswer thóse who táunt me, * for I trúst in your wórd. ~

C-115 Common of Evangelists ~ Daytime Prayer

43 Never táke the word of trúth from my móuth, * for I hópe in your decrées. 44 I shall álways kéep your láw, * foréver and éver. 45 I shall wálk on a spácious pláin, * for I séek your précepts. 46 I will spéak of your decrées before kíngs, * and nót be abáshed. 47 In your commánds I have fóund my delíght; * thése I have lóved. 48 I reach óut to your commánds, which I lóve, * and pónder your státutes.

Psalm 119 (118):65-72 Teth By doing good, you will bring to salvation yourself and all who hear you. 1 Tm 4:16

65 O Lórd, you have been góod to your sérvant, * accórding to your wórd. 66 Téach me good júdgment and knówledge, * for I trúst in your commánds. 67 Befóre I was húmbled, I stráyed, * but nów I keep your wórd. 68 You are góod, and you dó what is góod; * téach me your státutes. 69 The árrogant sméar me with líes; * with all my héart I keep your précepts. 70 Their héart is dénse like fát, * but your láw is my delíght. 71 It was góod for mé to be húmbled, * that I might léarn your státutes.

C-116 Common of Evangelists ~ Daytime Prayer

72 The láw from your móuth means móre to me * than large qúantities of sílver and góld.


Ant: It is mércy I desíre and not sácrifice; / I did not cóme to cáll the ríghteous, but sínners.

Brief Reading

V. My soul yéarns for yóur salvátion; R. I hópe in your wórd.

Let us pray.


Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

May the divine assistance remain always with us. And with our absent brethren. Amen.

C-117 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils Common of the Faithful Departed at Vigils

Invitatory Antiphon S042P b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ (2*) Christ is the res - ur - rec-tion andœ the life; Paschal Time b b & b b ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ ˙ ˙ come, let us œa - dore him. (Alœ -leœ - lu - ia.)

Psalm 100 (99) Creator and Shepherd Christ gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity, and to purify for himself a people as his own. Ti 2:14

1 Cry out with joy to the Lord, songs of praise. Give thanks all the earth. 2 Serve the Lord to him, and bless his name. with gladness. Come before 5 Indeed, how good is the Lord, him, singing for joy. 3 Know eternal his merciful love. He is that he, the Lord, is God. He faithful from age to age. made us; we belong to him. We are his people, the sheep of Christ is the resurrection and his flock. the life; come, let us adore him. (Allelúia.) Christ is the resurrection and the life; come, let us adore Glory... him. (Allelúia.) Christ is the resurrection and 4 Enter his gates with thanks- the life; come, let us adore giving and his courts with him. (Allelúia.)

C-118 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils



& b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (1*) 1. Je - sus Christ is king of glo œ- ry,˙ 2. Though our life be filled with fail - ure, 3. Death for us is but a pass - ing 4. Hymns of praise and ad - o - ra - tion

& b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Throned in light at God’s right hand. 2. Hope is ours in Christ the Lord. 3. To the life for which we yearn. 4. Sung by all with one ac - cord

& b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. Through his life and res - ur - rec -œ tion˙ 2. Prayers of faith through him as - cend - ing 3. Bless - ed realm of end - less glo - ry: 4. Be to Fa - ther, Son and Spir - it,

& b œ œ œ œ œ 1. We are freed as heirsœ œ ofœ God.˙ 2. Speak of joys for which we long. 3. Such the prom - ise of the Lord. 4. Now and in the age to come.

& b Aœ œ - œ men.˙ ˙

C-119 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils

Psalm 15 (14) If You Would Abide in God’s Temple You have come to Mount Sion, to the city of the living God. Heb 12:22

Ant: The one who abídes in your tént, / shall dwéll on your hóly mountain. / (Allelúia.)

1 Lord, whó may abíde in your tént, * and dwéll on your hóly móuntain?

2 Whoéver wálks without fáult; + who dóes what is júst, * and spéaks the trúth from his héart. 3 Whoéver does not slánder with his tóngue; + who dóes no wróng to a néighbor, * who cásts no slúr on a fríend, 4 Who lóoks with scórn on the wícked, * but hónors those who féar the Lórd. Who keeps an óath, whatéver the cóst, * 5 who lénds no móney at ínterest, And accépts no bríbes against the ínnocent. * Such a óne shall néver be sháken.


Ant: The one who abídes in your tént, / shall dwéll on your hóly mountain. / (Allelúia.)

C-120 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils

Psalm 16 (15) My Portion and My Cup God freed him from death’s bitter pangs, and raised him up again. For it was impossible that death should keep its hold on him. Acts 2:24

Ant: My héart rejóices, my sóul is glád; / for yóu will not lét your hóly one sée corrúption. / (Allelúia.)

1 Presérve me, O Gód, for in yóu I take réfuge. + 2 I sáy to the Lórd, “Yóu are my Lórd. * My háppiness líes in yóu alóne.” 3 As for the hóly ones who dwéll in the lánd, * they are nóble, and in thém is all my delíght. 4 Those who chóose other góds incréase their sórrows. + I will nót take párt in their ófferings of blóod. * Nór will I táke their námes upon my líps. 5 O Lórd, it is yóu who are my pórtion and cúp; * yóu yoursélf who secúre my lót. 6 Pléasant pláces are márked out for mé: * a pleasing héritage indéed is míne!

7 I will bléss the Lórd who gíves me cóunsel, * who éven at níght dirécts my héart. 8 I kéep the Lórd befóre me álways; * with hím at my ríght hand, I shall nót be móved. 9 And so, my héart rejóices, my sóul is glád; * éven my flésh shall rést in hópe. 10 For yóu will not abándon my sóul to héll, * nor lét your hóly one sée corrúption. 11 You will shów me the páth of lífe, + the fúllness of jóy in your présence, * at your ríght hand, blíss foréver.

Ant: My héart rejóices, my sóul is glád; / for yóu will not lét your hóly one sée corrúption. / (Allelúia.)

C-121 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils

Psalm 23 (22) God, Shepherd and Host When I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to my­self, so that where I am you also may be. Jn 14:3

Ant: Surely góodness and mércy shall fóllow me / all the dáys of my lífe. / In the Lórd's own hóuse shall I dwéll / for léngth of days unénding. / (Allelúia.)

1 The Lórd is my shépherd; * there is nóthing I shall wánt. 2 Frésh and gréen are the pástures * where he gíves me repóse. Near réstful wáters he léads me; * 3 he revíves my sóul.

He guídes me alóng the right páth, * for the sáke of his náme. 4 Though I should wálk in the válley of the shádow of déath, + no évil would I féar, for you are wíth me. * Your cróok and your stáff will give me cómfort.

5 You have prepáred a táble befóre me * in the síght of my fóes. My héad you have anóinted with óil; * my cúp is overflówing.

6 Surely góodness and mércy shall fóllow me * all the dáys of my lífe. In the Lórd’s own hóuse shall I dwéll * for léngth of days unénding.


C-122 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils

Ant: Surely góodness and mércy shall fóllow me / all the dáys of my lífe. / In the Lórd's own hóuse shall I dwéll / for léngth of days unénding. / (Allelúia.)

V. Númberless, Lórd, are your mércies; / (Allelúia.) R. In your jústice, give me lífe. / (Allelúia.)

Scripture Reading

Responsory [For Years A, B & C] [Ps 51:4]

Lord, do not judge me according to my deeds, for I have done nothing of value in your sight. I entreat your majesty: O God, blot out my iniquity. (Allelúia.)

S044P # & œ œ œ œ -œ œ œ œ (12) I en - treatœ yourœ maj - es - ty: O God, blot Paschal Time # & œ œ ˙ œ -œ ˙ outœ myœ inœ - iq - ui - ty. (Al - leœ - lu - ia.)

O wash me more and more from my guilt, and cleanse me from my sin. I entreat your majesty...

C-123 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils

Psalm 40 (39) An Open and Ready Heart “Behold, I come to do your will.” By this “will,” we have been consecrated through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Heb 10:9-10

Ant: From the eárth you fórmed me, / with flésh you clóthed me; / Lórd, my Redéemer, / raise me úp again at the lást dáy. / (Allelúia.) I

2 I wáited, I wáited for the Lórd, + and he stóoped down to mé; * he héard my crý. 3 He dréw me from the déadly pít, * from the míry cláy. He sét my féet upon a róck, * made my fóotsteps fírm. 4 He pút a new sóng into my móuth, * práise of our Gód.

Mány shall sée and féar * and shall trúst in the Lórd. 5 Bléssed the mán who has pláced * his trúst in the Lórd, And has nót gone óver to the próud * who fóllow false góds. 6 How mány, O Lórd my Gód, * are the wónders and desígns That yóu have wórked for ús; * you háve no équal. Should I wísh to procláim or spéak of them, * they would be móre than I can téll! 7 You delíght not in sácrifice and ófferings, * but in an ópen éar.

C-124 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils

You do not ásk for hólocaust and víctim. * 8 Then I sáid, “Sée, I have cóme.” In the scróll of the bóok it stands wrítten of mé: + 9 “I delíght to do your wíll, O my Gód; * your instrúction lies déep withín me.” 10 Your jústice I háve procláimed * in the gréat assémbly. My líps I háve not séaled; * you knów it, O Lórd. 11 Your saving hélp I have not hídden in my héart; * of your fáithfulness and salvátion I have spóken. I made no sécret of your mérciful lóve * and your fáithfulness tó the great assémbly.


12 O Lórd, you will nót withhóld * your compássion from mé. Your mérciful lóve and your fáithfulness * will álways guárd me. 13 For Í am besét with évils * too mány to be cóunted. My iníquities have óvertáken me, * till I can sée no móre. They are móre than the háirs of my héad, * and my héart is sínking.

14 Be pléased, O Lórd, to réscue me; * Lord, make háste to hélp me. 15 O lét there be sháme and confúsion * on those who séek my lífe. O lét them turn báck in confúsion * who delíght in my hárm. 16 Let them be appálled becáuse of their sháme, * those who jéer and móck me.

C-125 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils

17 O lét there be rejóicing and gládness * for áll who séek you. Let them éver say, “The Lórd is gréat,” * who lóng for your salvátion. 18 Wrétched and póor though I ám, * the Lord is míndful of mé. Yóu are my réscuer, my hélp; * O my Gód, do not deláy.

Ant: From the eárth you fórmed me, / with flésh you clóthed me; / Lórd, my Redéemer, / raise me úp again at the lást dáy. / (Allelúia.)

Psalm 42 (41) Thirsting for God Let all who thirst come; let all who desire it drink from the life-giving water. Rv 22:17

Ant: My sóul is thírsting for the líving Gód. / Whén can I énter and appéar / before the fáce of Gód? / (Allelúia.) 2 Líke the déer that yéarns * for rúnning stréams, Só my sóul is yéarning * for yóu, my Gód. 3 My sóul is thírsting for Gód, * the líving Gód; Whén can I énter and appéar * before the fáce of Gód? 4 My téars have becóme my bréad, * by dáy, by níght, As they sáy to me áll the day lóng, * “Whére is your Gód?” 5 These thíngs will Í remémber * as I póur out my sóul: For Í would gó to the pláce + of your wóndrous tént, * all the wáy to the hóuse of Gód,

C-126 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils

Amid críes of gládness and thanksgíving, * the thróng keeping jóyful féstival. 6 Whý are you cast dówn, my sóul; * why gróan withín me? Hope in Gód; I will práise him yet agáin, * my saving présence and my Gód. 7 My sóul is cast dówn withín me, * thérefore I remémber you From the lánd of Jórdan and Mount Hérmon, * from the Híll of Mízar. 8 Déep is cálling on déep, * in the róar of your tórrents; Your bíllows and áll your wáves * swépt over mé. 9 By dáy the Lórd decrées * his mérciful lóve; By níght his sóng is with mé, * prayer to the Gód of my lífe. 10 I will sáy to Gód, my róck, * “Whý have you forgótten me? Whý do Í go móurning * oppréssed by the fóe?” 11 With a déadly wóund in my bónes, * my énemies revíle me, Sáying to me áll the day lóng, * “Whére is your Gód?” 12 Whý are you cast dówn, my sóul; * why gróan withín me? Hope in Gód; I will práise him yet agáin, * my saving présence and my Gód. Glory...

Ant: My sóul is thírsting for the líving Gód. / Whén can I énter and appéar / before the fáce of Gód? / (Allelúia.)

C-127 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vigils

V. O lét there be rejóicing and gládness / (Allelúia.) R. For áll who séek you. / (Allelúia.)


Responsory [For Years A, B & C] [cf Jb 19:25,26,27] I know that my redeemer lives and on the last day I shall rise again. In my body I shall look on God, my Savior. (Allelúia.)

S045P # & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (12) In my bod - y I shall look on God,œ Paschal Time # & œ ˙ œ œ- ˙ myœ Sav - ior. (Al - leœ - lu - ia.)

I myself shall see him; my own eyes will gaze on him. In my body...



The Lord be with you. And with your Spirit.

Let us pray.

Oration Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

C-128 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Lauds Common of the Faithful Departed at Lauds

Hymn S046 b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (9) 1. Christ our hope, œ in heav - en reignœ œ - ing,˙ 2. Gates of heav - en, far - off vis - ion, 3. Lord, you bore our fear - ful bur - den, 4. Glo - ry, praise, and ad - o-ra - tion

b & b b œ œœœœ ˙ 1. Resœœ - ur - rec - tion and our life, 2. Bid all souls to come and live. 3. Suf - fered pangs up - on the cross. 4. Sung by all in one ac - cord

b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Eyes and hearts œ we lift in prayœ - ing 2. To your courts are we in - vit - ed 3. To the Fa - ther you sur - ren - dered 4. Be to Fa - ther, Son, and Spir - it

b & b b œ œ 1. For the faithœ œ - fulœ œ whoœ haveœ died.˙ 2. To com - mun - ion with the saints. 3. When you bowed your head in death. 4. Now and in the age to come.

b & b b Aœ œ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-129 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Lauds

Psalm 51 (50) A Pure Heart Create for Me Your inmost being must be renewed, and you must put on the new self. Eph 4:23-24

S047P b & b b œ œ œ (9/1) Theœ bonesœ œ youœ haveœ crushed˙ shall reœ - Paschal Time b & b b - œ joice,œ œ Oœ œ Lord.˙ (Al-leœœœ - lu˙ - ia.)˙  b Ñ   b b œ œ œ ´ ´ & á }œ˙ á œ ˙ 3 Have mércy on mé, O Gód, * accórding to your mérciful lóve; Accórding to your gréat compássion, * blót out mý transgréssions. 4 Wásh me complétely from my iníquity, * and cléanse me fróm my sín. 5 My transgréssions, trúly I knów them; * my sín is álways befóre me. 6 Against yóu, you alóne, have I sínned; * what is évil in your síght I have dóne. So yóu are júst in your séntence, * withóut repróach in your júdgment. 7 O sée, in guílt I was bórn, * a sínner when my móther concéived me. 8 Yes, you delíght in sincérity of héart; * in sécret you téach me wísdom. 9 Cleanse me with hýssop, and Í shall be púre; * wash me, and Í shall be whíter than snów.

C-130 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Lauds

10 Let me héar rejóicing and gládness, * that the bónes you have crúshed may exúlt. 11 Túrn away your fáce from my síns, * and blót out áll my guílt.

12 Creáte a pure héart for me, O Gód; * renew a stéadfast spírit withín me. 13 Do not cást me awáy from your présence; * take not your hóly spírit from mé. 14 Restóre in me the jóy of your salvátion; * sustáin in me a wílling spírit. 15 I will téach transgréssors your wáys, * that sínners may retúrn to yóu. 16 Réscue me from blóodshed, O Gód, + Gód of mý salvátion, * and then my tóngue shall ring óut your jústice. 17 O Lórd, ópen my líps * and my móuth shall procláim your práise. 18 For in sácrifice you táke no delíght; * burnt óffering from mé would not pléase you. 19 My sácrifice to Gód, a broken spírit: + a bróken and húmbled héart, * O Gód, you wíll not spúrn. 20 In your good pléasure, show fávor to Síon; * rebuíld the wálls of Jerúsalem. 21 Thén you will delíght in right sác(rifice), + burnt ófferings whólly consúmed. * Thén you will be óffered young búlls on your áltar.


C-131 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Lauds

Isaiah 38:10-14, 17-20 Saved from Sheol Jesus said to Martha, "Your will rise." Jn 11:23

S048P & œ œ œ œ œ œ (13/5) Atœ the ver - y thresh-oldœ ofœ death,˙ resœ œ- œ cueœ Paschal Time & me,œ Oœ God.˙ ˙ (Alœ - leœ œ- lu˙ - ia.)˙   & á  ˙´ á  ´˙ á œ ´  ´ á   œ œ ˙ á œ ˙ œ ´˙ á œ ´˙ 3 I sáid: In the mídst of my dáys I must depárt. To the gátes of Shéol I am appóinted for the rést of my yéars.

4 I sáid, I shall not sée the Lórd, in the lánd of the líving; no móre shall I lóok on human béings among thóse who inhábit the wórld.

5 My dwélling is pulled úp and remóved from me like a shépherd’s tént; like a wéaver I have rólled up my lífe; he cuts me óff from the lóom. From dawn to dúsk you bríng me to an énd.

3 I crý for hélp until mórning. Like a líon he crúshes all my bónes. From dawn to dúsk you bríng me to an énd.

C-132 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Lauds

4 Líke a young swállow I múrmur; líke a dóve I móan. My éyes are worn óut from looking úpward. O Lórd, I am oppréssed; be my secúrity!

3 See, my bítterness has túrned to péace. You saved my sóul from the pít of destrúction, for you have cást behind your báck all my síns.

4 For Shéol cannot gíve you thánks nór can déath give you práise; Nor can thóse who descénd into the pít hópe any lónger in your fáithfulness.

3 The líving, the líving one himsélf gives you thánks as I dó this dáy. Parents make knówn to their chíldren your fáithfulness.

4 Lord, sáve me, and wé will síng to the sóund of ínstruments, áll the dáys of our líves in the hóuse of the Lórd.


C-133 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Lauds

Psalm 150 Cosmic Hymn of Praise To God be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus, through all generations. Eph 3:21 S049P b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (8) œI amœ theœ way,˙ the truth, and the life;˙ no one b & b bb œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ comes to the Fa-ther ex-cept through me, Paschal Time b b & b b œ œ œ ˙ says the Lord.˙ (Alœ -leœ - lu - œ ia.)˙  Ñ bb b   & b œ œ á }œœ ˙´ á œ ˙´ Praise Gód in his hóly pláce; * in his míghty fírmament, práise him. 2 Práise him for his pówerful déeds; * práise him for his bóundless grándeur. 3 O práise him with sóund of trúmpet; * práise him with lúte and hárp. 4 Práise him with tímbrel and dánce; * práise him with stríngs and pípes. 5 O práise him with resóunding cýmbals; + práise him with cláshing of cýmbals. * 6 Let éverything that bréathes praise the Lórd!


V. I awáit your salvátion, O Lórd; / (Allelúia.) R. I fulfíll your commánds. / (Allelúia.)

C-134 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Lauds

Reading Responsory S050P # & œ œ œ œœœ œ œ ˙œ (7) Howœ love-ly is your dwell - ing place,* O Paschal Time # & ˙ œ œ œ Lord,œ God ofœ hosts.˙ (Al-leœœ - lu˙˙ - ia.) Blessed are they who dwell in your house, forever singing your praise. O Lord... Glory... How lovely...

Canticle of Zachary [Luke 1:68-79] Then John’s father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied. (Luke 1:67) S051P b b & b b œœ œœ œ œ œ œ ˙ (2*) I am the res - ur - rec-tionœ and the life. ˙ b b œ & b b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ Those who be-lieve in me, e-ven if they b b & b b œ œ œ ˙ œœœ œ œ die,œ shall live; and who-evœ - er lives b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ and be-lieves in me˙ shall nev-er die. Paschal Time b b & b b œ˙ ˙ (Alœœ - le - lu - ia.)

C-135 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Lauds

omit for 5-line PS035 b b { } b b á á œœ á omitœ for 4-line & á œ œ œœœ œ œ œ ᜠœœ á œ œ 6 Blést be the Lórd God of Ísrael: for he has vísited his péople and redéemed them. He has raised úp for us a hórn of salvátion in the Hóuse of Dávid his sérvant, As he spóke through the móuth of his hóly ones, his próphets from áges pást:

4 A sávior who would frée us from our fóes, and from the hánds of áll who háte us, To shów loving mércy to our fáthers míndful of his hóly cóvenant.

4 This was the óath he swore to Ábraham our fáther, to grant that fréed from the hánds of our fóes, We might sérve him in hóliness and ríghteousness, all the dáys of our lífe without féar.

6 And yóu, little chíld, will be cálled próphet of Gód Most Hígh, For yóu will gó before the Lórd to make réady his wáys befóre him, To grant a knówledge of salvátion to his péople through the forgíveness of áll their síns.

5 By the lóving mércy of our Gód, the Dáwn from on hígh will vísit us, To shíne on those who sít in dárkness, and thóse in the shádow of déath, to guide our féet into the wáy of péace.


C-136 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Lauds


We invoke our Lord, who shatters the bonds of death. Washed of our sins, may we walk in newness of life: Lord, have mercy.

(On November 2, All Souls Day) Draw your children into heaven on the great and final day: Christ, have mercy.

(OR for a member of the monastic community) May our confrere N. be raised to new life in you: Christ, have mercy.

Strengthen our community with new vocations: Lord, have mercy.

May the divine assistance remain always with us: And with our absent brethren.

Our Father


Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.


C-137 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Daytime Prayer Common of the Faithful Departed at Daytime Prayer

Hymn S004 b - & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (8) 1. O might - œy Rulœ - er, faith - fulœ God, 2. Ex - tin - guish now the fires of strife 3. To God the Fa - ther and the Son

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. With or - der rul - ing sun andœ moon: 2. And bid all heat - ed deeds de - part. 3. And Ho - ly Spir - it ren - der praise,

b - & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. In splen - dor, Lord, you light the dawn, 2. Grant health of bod - y and of mind; 3. Blest Trin - i - ty, from age to age,

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Withœ burn - ing heat the hour ofœ noon. 2. Shed forth your peace up - on the heart. 3. The strength of all our mor - tal days.

b & b œ œ œ ˙ A - men.˙

C-138 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Daytime Prayer

Psalm 25 (24) Lord, Show Me Your Way Narrow is the gate that leads to life. How rough the road, and how few there are who find it! Mt 7:14

Ant: In your mérciful lóve remémber me, / becáuse of your góodness, O Lórd. / (Allelúia.) I 1 To you, O Lórd, I líft up my sóul. * 2 In yóu, O my Gód, I have trústed; Let me nót be pút to sháme; * let not my énemies exúlt over mé. 3 Let none who hópe in yóu be put to sháme; * but shámed are those who wántonly break fáith. 4 O Lórd, make me knów your wáys. * Téach me your páths. 5 Guíde me in your trúth, and téach me; + for yóu are the Gód of my salvátion. * I have hóped in yóu all day lóng. 6 Remémber your compássion, O Lórd, + and your mérciful lóve, * for théy are from of óld. 7 Do not remémber the síns of my yóuth, * nor mý transgréssions. In your mérciful lóve remémber me, * becáuse of your góodness, O Lórd.

8 Góod and úpright is the Lórd; * he shóws the wáy to sínners. 9 He guídes the húmble in right júdgment; * to the húmble he téaches his wáy. 10 All the páths of the Lórd are mércy and fáithfulness, * for those who kéep his cóvenant and commánds. 11 O Lórd, for the sáke of your náme, * forgíve my guílt, for it is gréat. ~

C-139 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Daytime Prayer

12 Who is thís that féars the Lórd? * He will shów him the páth to chóose. 13 His sóul shall líve in háppiness, * and his descéndants shall posséss the lánd. 14 The sécret of the Lórd is for thóse who féar him; * to thém he revéals his cóvenant. II

15 My éyes are álways on the Lórd, * for he réscues my féet from the snáre. 16 Turn to mé and have mércy on mé, * for Í am alóne and póor. 17 Relíeve the ánguish of my héart, * and sét me frée from my distréss. 18 Sée my lówliness and súffering, * and táke away áll my síns. 19 Sée how mány are my fóes: * with a víolent hátred they háte me. 20 Presérve my lífe and réscue me. + Let me nót be pút to sháme, * for in yóu I trúst. 21 May intégrity and vírtue protéct me, * for I have hóped in yóu, O Lórd. 22 Redéem Ísrael, O Gód, * from áll its distréss.

Psalm 70 (69) O Lord, Hasten to My Aid! The Lord does not delay in keeping his promise.­ 2 Pt 3:9a 2 O Gód, cóme to my assístance; * O Lórd, make háste to hélp me! 3 Lét there be sháme and confúsion * on thóse who séek my lífe.

C-140 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Daytime Prayer

O lét them turn báck in confúsion, * who delíght in my hárm; 4 Let them retréat, cóvered with sháme, * who jéer at me and móck.

5 O lét there be rejóicing and gládness * for áll who séek you. Let them sáy forever, “Gód is gréat,” * who lóve your saving hélp. 6 As for mé, wrétched and póor, * hasten to mé, O Gód. Yóu are my réscuer, my hélp; * O Lórd, do not deláy.


Ant: In your mérciful lóve remémber me, / becáuse of your góodness, O Lórd. / (Allelúia.)

Brief Reading V. The Lórd will concéal you with his pínions; / (Allelúia.) R. His fáithfulness is búckler and shíeld. / (Allelúia.)

Let us pray.

Oration Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

May the divine assistance remain always with us. And with our absent brethren. Amen.

C-141 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vespers Common of the Faithful Departed at Vespers

Hymn S052 # ## & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (9) 1. Won - drous king œ of all the heavœ œ - ens,˙ 2. Per - fect love al - layed your an - guish 3. Rest - ing now in light and glo - ry 4. Grant us faith in trial and bat - tle, 5. Glo - ry, praise, and ad - o-ra - tion # ## & # œ œœ œ œ ˙ 1. Blessœœ - ed im - age of our God: 2. When you walked the path un - trod. 3. Are the spir - its of the saints. 4. So to share your life on high. 5. Sung by all in one ac - cord # ## & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. You have slain œ the an - cient ser -œ pent, 2. Heal the wounds that now we suf - fer, 3. Death, where is your fi - nal vic - t’ry? 4. Je - sus, by your pas - chal tri - umph 5. Be to Fa - ther, Son, and Spir - it # ## & # œ œ 1. Christ the vicœ -œ torœ œ inœ theœ strife.˙ 2. Break our fear - some bonds of death. 3. Where, O death, your mor - tal sting? 4. May we all from death a-rise. 5. Now and in the age to come. # # & # # Aœ œ -œ men.˙ ˙

C-142 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vespers

Psalm 116A (114:1-9) Freed from Sheol In the days when he was in the flesh, Christ offered prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his rever­ ­ence. Heb 5:7

S053P # # & # œ œ œ œ œ (3) œI shallœ walk be-fore the Lord˙ inœ theœ landœ œ Paschal Time # # & # œ ofœ œ theœ liv˙ - ing.˙ (Alœ -leœ œ- lu˙ - ia.)˙  Ñ  ### ´  ´ & œ œ á }œ œ ˙ á œ ˙ 1 I lóve the Lórd, for he has héard * my vóice, my appéal; 2 For he has túrned his éar to mé * whenéver I cáll. 3 They surróunded me, the snáres of déath; + the ánguish of the gráve has fóund me; * ánguish and sórrow I fóund. 4 I cálled on the náme of the Lórd: * “Delíver my sóul, O Lórd!”

5 How grácious is the Lórd, and júst; * our Gód has compássion. 6 The Lórd protécts the símple; * I was brought lów, and he sáved me. 7 Turn báck, my sóul, to your rést, * for the Lórd has been góod to yóu; ~

C-143 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vespers

 Ñ  ### ´  ´ & œ œ á }œ œ ˙ á œ ˙ 8 He has képt my sóul from déath, * my eyes from téars, and my féet from stúmbling. 9 I will wálk in the présence of the Lórd * in the lánd of the líving.


Psalm 130 (129) Longing for the Dawn You are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. Mt 1:21

S054P - & œœœ œ œœœ˙ ˙ (8) If you, O Lord,œ mark our guilt, Lord, œ Paschal Time & œ œ˙ œœœ œ ˙˙ whoœ would sur-vive? (Al-le - lu - ia.)  Ñ œ œ  ´  & á }œ œ ˙ ˙ á œ ˙´ 1 Out of the dépths I crý to you, O Lórd; * 2 Lórd, hear my vóice! O lét your éars be atténtive * to the sóund of my pléadings. 3 If you, O Lórd, should márk iníquities, * Lórd, who could stánd? 4 But with yóu is fóund forgíveness, * that yóu may be revéred.

C-144 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vespers

5 I lóng for yóu, O Lórd, * my soul lóngs for his wórd. 6 My sóul hópes in the Lórd * more than wátchmen for dáybreak. Móre than wátchmen for dáybreak, * 7 let Ísrael hópe for the Lórd. For with the Lórd there is lóving mércy, * in hím is pléntiful redémption. 8 It is hé who will redéem Ísrael * from áll its iníquities.


C-145 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vespers

Philippians 2:6-11 Christ, God's Holy Servant They took him down from the tree and placed him in a tomb. But God raised him from the dead. Acts 13:29-30

Antiphon for Advent, Lent and Ordinary Time

S055 b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ (8) Reœ -mem - ber me, Lord God, ˙ whenœ you b b œ & b b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ come in - to your king - dom, when you b b & b b œ œ œ œ come in - to your king˙ - dom.˙

Antiphon for Paschal Time S055 b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ (8) Reœ -mem - ber me, Lord God, ˙ whenœ you come in- b b œ œ & b b œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ to your king - dom, al - le-lu - ia. ˙

C-146 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vespers

OT007 b b & b b á œ œ œ œ 1. Althoughhewás in the fórm of Gód,˙ 2. Rátherdidhe émp - ty him - sélf, 3. Andbeing found in hu - man form, 4. Andforthís, God ex - ált - ed hím, 5. Sóthatatthe náme of Jé - sus 6. Andévery tóngue con - féss 7. GlórytotheFá - ther and to the Són 8. Asitwásinthebe - gín - ning, is nów, b b & b b ˙ 1. heádidnotregárdeqúalitywith Gódœ œ 2. tákingonthefórmofa sláve 3. hehúmbledhimsélf,obedientunto déath, 4. andbestóweduponhímthe náme 5. éveryknéeshallbéndinthe héav - ens, 6. thatJésusChrístis Lórd, 7. [ ] 8. [ ] b b & b b á œ œ œ 1. sómethingtowhíchhe would lay cláim.œ ˙ 2. beingmádein hu - man líke - ness. 3. déathup---ón a cróss. 4. thatisabóveevery óth - er náme. 5. ontheearth,andinthe world be - low, 6. totheglóryof Gód the Fá - ther. 7. ándtothe Hó - ly Spír - it: 8. andwillbéforév - er. A-mén.

V. Your sérvant, Lord, your sérvant am Í; / (Allelúia.) R. You have lóosened my bónds. / (Allelúia.)

C-147 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vespers

Reading Responsory

S037P & b œ œ œœ ˙ œ œ œœ œ ˙ œœ (9/1) In you, O Lord, I take ref - uge, * let me Paschal Time & b œ œ œœ - œ œœ nev - er be putœ to shame.˙ ˙ (Al-le -œ lu˙˙ - ia.)

Your word is a lamp for my steps and a light for my path. Let me never... Glory... In you, O Lord...

Canticle of Mary [Luke 1:46-55] “Blessed are you who trusted that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:45) And Mary said:

S056 b b œ & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ (8) All that the Fa - ther gives to me shall b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ come to me;˙ andœ those who come to me Paschal Time b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ I will not cast out.˙ (Al-le - lu - ia.)˙

C-148 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vespers

omit for 5-line 4-line 5, 6 line PS041 b b bb œ á œœœáœ & ᜜œ á œœáœœ á œœ œœ á œ

4 My soul procláims the gréatness of the Lórd, and my spírit exúlts in God my Sávior, For he has lóoked upon his hándmaid in her lówliness; henceforth all áges will cáll me bléssed.

4 For the Almíghty has done gréat things for mé. And hóly ís his náme. His loving mércy is from áge to áge for thóse who féar him.

6 He has made knówn the stréngth of his árm, and has scáttered the próud of héart. He has put dówn the míghty from their thrónes and has exálted thóse who are lówly. He has fílled the húngry with góod things, and has sént the rích away émpty.

4 He has álways helped Ísrael his sérvant, míndful of his lóving mércy, Éven as he prómised our fáthers, to Ábraham and hís descéndants foréver.


C-149 Common of the Faithful Departed ~ Vespers


We pray that our mortal bodies may be glorified with the risen Christ. Bring us with Lazarus to resurrection and life: Lord, have mercy.

(On November 2, All Souls Day) Welcome your children into the heavenly Jerusalem: Christ, have mercy.

(OR for a member of the monastic community) Unite our confrere N. with the saints in glory: Christ, have mercy.

Give fullness of life to all who have died: Lord, have mercy.

May the divine assistance remain always with us: And with our absent brethren.

Our Father


Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.


C-150 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

C-151 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

assembly   œ´ v œ ´   & b v œ œ v œ œ´ v œ ´œ Responsories for Feasts April 25 Saint Mark First Responsory for Years A, B, C [2 Pt 1:20b-21; Prv 2:6] No prophecy is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will. Rather, human beings moved by the Holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God, alleluia. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Rather, human beings…

Second Responsory for Years A & B [Acts 2:4b,11c; Ps 19:5; cf Wis 5:1ab] They spoke in many different tongues of the mighty deeds which God had done. Their sound goes forth through all the earth, their message to the utmost bounds of the world, alleluia. They took their stand with great assurance in the presence of those who opposed them. Their sound goes forth…

Second Responsory for Year C [1 Cor 1:17-18,21] Christ did not send me to preach with eloquence, so that the cross might not be emptied of its meaning. The cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those being saved, it is the power of God, alleluia. Since the world did not come to know God through wisdom, he willed, by our folly, to save those who believe. The cross is foolishness…

C-152 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

May 3 Saints Philip and James First Responsory for Years A, B, C [Acts 4:33ab,32c,33c,31cd] With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. They had everything in common, and great favor was accorded them all, alleluia. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. They had everything…

Second Responsory for Years A & B [Jn 1:43b,45; Mt 13:17] When Jesus found Philip, he said to him: Follow me. Philip went to look for Nathanael, and tell him: We have found him of whom Moses and the prophets wrote: Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph, alleluia. Prophets and saints longed to see what you see, but never saw it, to hear what you hear, but never heard it. We have found…

Second Responsory for Year C [Jn 12:21-22; Rom 9:26, cf Hos 2:1b] Some Greeks came to Philip to ask of him, Sir, we would like to see Jesus. Philip went to tell Andrew; the two of them went to inform Jesus, alleluia. Instead of being told, You are no people of mine, they will now be called children of the living God. Philip went…

C-153 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

assembly   œ´ v œ ´   & b v œ œ v œ œ´ v œ ´œ

May 14 Saint Matthias First Responsory for Years A, B, C [Acts 4:33ab,32c,33c,31cd] With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. They had everything in common, and great favor was accorded them all, alleluia. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. They had everything…

Second Responsory for Years A & B [Isti sunt viri sancti (cf Heb 11:33a)] These are the saints whom the Lord chose in his love, the holy ones to whom he gave eternal glory. Their teaching illumines the Church as the sun gives light to the moon, alleluia. By faith they conquered kingdoms; they were righteous in all that they did. Their teaching…

Second Responsory for Year C [Acts 1:13b,24-25a,26] The apostles went to the upper room and prayed: You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, Show us which one you have chosen for a share in our apostolic ministry, alleluia. They cast lots, and the choice fell upon Matthias. Thus he was counted with the eleven apostles. Show us which one…

C-154 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

July 3 Saint Thomas First Responsory for Years A, B, C [Jn 15:15; Mt 13:11,16] I call you servants no longer; instead, I call you my friends. I have disclosed everything to you: all that I heard from my Father. I have revealed to you the mysteries of the kingdom. Blessèd are you, for you see and you hear. I have disclosed…

Second Responsory for Years A & B [1 Pt 1:8-9; Jn 20:29] Many have never seen Christ in the flesh, yet they love him, and they believe in him. They will be filled with joy beyond all telling as they obtain faith’s reward, their salvation. Have you come to believe because you have seen? Blessèd are those who have not seen, and yet believe. They will be filled…

Second Responsory for Year C [1 Jn 1:2,1b,3a]

Life became visible; we have seen it. Now we proclaim and announce to you the life eternal which dwelt with the Father and has now appeared among us. We have seen the Word of life, and touched it with our hands. What we have seen and heard we now declare to you: the life eternal…

C-155 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

assembly   œ´ v œ ´   & b v œ œ v œ œ´ v œ ´œ

July 25 Saint James First Responsory for Year A [Acts 4:33ab,32c,33c,31cd] With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. They had everything in common, and great favor was accorded them all. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. They had everything…

First Responsory for Years B & C [Jn 15:15; Mt 13:11,16]

I call you servants no longer; instead, I call you my friends. I have disclosed everything to you: all that I heard from my Father. I have revealed to you the mysteries of the kingdom. Blessèd are you, for you see and you hear. I have disclosed…

Second Responsory for Year A [Acts 2:4b,11c; Ps 19:5; cf Wis 5:1ab]

They spoke in many different tongues of the mighty deeds which God had done. Their sound goes forth through all the earth, their message to the utmost bounds of the world. They took their stand with great assurance in the presence of those who opposed them. Their sound goes forth…

C-156 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

Second Responsory for Years B & C [Isti sunt (cf Mt 20:23a, Jn 15:14a; Ps 19:5)]

These are they who, while living in the body, planted the Church in their blood. They drank the chalice of the Lord, and became the friends of God. Their sound goes forth through all the earth, their message to the utmost bounds of the world. They drank…

24 August Saint Bartholomew First Responsory for Years A, B, C [cf Mt 10:18-20) You will be led before governors and kings, as a witness before them and the Gentiles. Do not worry about what you will say. At that time, the words will be given to you. It will not be you who are speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Do not worry…

Second Responsory for Years A, B, C [1 Cor 1:23-24; 2 Cor 4:8a; Rom 8:37] We are preaching a crucified Christ: an offense to the Jews, and folly to the Gentiles. To those who have listened to his call, Christ is the power and the wisdom of God. Hard pressed as we are on every side, the victory is ours through him who loved us. To those…

C-157 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

assembly   œ´ v œ ´   & b v œ œ v œ œ´ v œ ´œ 21 September Saint Matthew First Responsory for Years A, B & C [2 Pt 1:20b-21; Prv 2:6] No scripture is a matter of personal interpretation. No prophecy ever came through human will. Rather, human beings moved by the Holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God. The Lord is the one who gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Rather, human beings…

Second Responsory for Years A, B & C [Isti sunt viri sancti (cf Heb 11:33a)] These are the saints whom the Lord chose in his love, the holy ones to whom he gave eternal glory. Their teaching illumines the Church as the sun gives light to the moon. By faith they conquered kingdoms; they were righteous in all that they did. Their teaching…

18 October Saint Luke First Responsory for Years A, B & C [Acts 12:24; 13:48b-49,45a,52] The word of God continued to spread and grow. The Gentiles glorified the word of the Lord. All who were destined for eternal life came to believe. The word of the Lord spread through the whole region. When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy; but the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. All who were destined…

C-158 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

Second Responsory for Years A & B [cf Lk 1:3-4; Acts 1:1b] Luke wrote his gospel to narrate the whole story, which he carefully retraced from the beginning, that we might know and understand the truth of the teachings we received. He gave a full and complete account of all that Jesus taught, and set out to do, that we might…

Second Responsory for Year C [Isti sunt viri sancti (cf Heb 11:33a)] These are the saints whom the Lord chose in his love, the holy ones to whom he gave eternal glory. Their teaching illumines the Church as the sun gives light to the moon. By faith they conquered kingdoms; they were righteous in all that they did. Their teaching…

28 October Saints Simon and Jude First Responsory for Years A, B & C [Acts 4:33ab,32c,33c,31cd] With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. They had everything in common, and great favor was accorded them all. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. They had everything…

C-159 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

assembly   œ´ v œ ´   & b v œ œ v œ œ´ v œ ´œ

Second Responsory for Years A, B & C [Isti sunt viri sancti (cf Heb 11:33a)] These are the saints whom the Lord chose in his love, the holy ones to whom he gave eternal glory. Their teaching illumines the Church as the sun gives light to the moon. By faith they conquered kingdoms; they were righteous in all that they did. Their teaching…

30 November Saint Andrew First Responsory for Years A, B & C [cf Mt 4:18-19] As the Lord walked by the sea of Galilee he saw Peter and Andrew casting their nets. He said to them: Follow me; I will make you fishers of men. When he saw them and spoke to them, they were making their living by fishing. He said to them…

Second Responsory for Years A & B [Ps 19:5; cf Mt 20:23a, Jn 15:14a] These are they who, while living in the body, planted the Church in their blood. They drank the chalice of the Lord, and became the friends of God. Their sound goes forth through all the earth, their message to the utmost bounds of the world. They drank…

C-160 Responsories for Vigils for Feasts

Second Responsory for Year C [Mox ut vocem Domini (cf Mt 4:20)] As soon as Andrew heard the Lord preaching, he left his nets, his livelihood and way of life. He began to follow the Lord Jesus, the giver of life eternal. For the love of Christ, and for the sake of his law, he would endure suffering, even unto death. He began…

27 December Saint First Responsory for Years A, B & C [1 Jn 1:2b,4; Jn 20:31] We proclaim to you eternal life: life with the Father, and made visible to us. We write this, that you may rejoice, and that your joy may be full. These things are written to show Jesus as Christ and Son of God; believing this, may you have life in his name. We write this…

Second Responsory for Years A, B & C [cf Jn 21:20b, 7:38b, 19:34] At the Last Supper, it was John who reclined next to the Lord, closer than the others. Blessèd is that favored apostle! To him the secrets of heaven were revealed. He drank from the streams of living water flowing from the heart of the Lord. Blessèd is…

C-161 C-162 Additional Feasts

C-163 Appendix - Feast of St. 22 July St. Mary Magdalene

Invitatory Antiphon

OT213 & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ (6*) Godœ is won - der - ful in his saints:

& b - œ œ œ œ ˙ come,œ letœ us wor - ship the Lord.

Psalm 100 (99) Creator and Shepherd Christ gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity, and to purify for himself a people as his own. Ti 2:14

1 Cry out with joy to the Lord, songs of praise. Give thanks to all the earth. 2 Serve the Lord him, and bless his name. 5 with gladness. Come before Indeed, how good is the Lord, him, singing for joy. 3 Know eternal his merciful love. He is that he, the Lord, is God. He faithful from age to age. made us; we belong to him. We are his people, the sheep of God is wonderful in his his flock. saints: come, let us worship the Lord. God is wonderful in his saints: come, let us worship Glory… the Lord. God is wonderful in his 4 Enter his gates with thanks- saints: come, let us worship giving and his courts with the Lord.

C-164 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene


S3186 b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ (8) 1. Oœ fair - estœ flow’r of Mag - da - la 2. You shared the Vir - gin Moth - er’s woe, 3. Lord Je - sus, grant us too the grace b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. A - flame with deep - estœ love for Christ, 2. And watched be - side the bit - ter cross, 3. To im - i - tate such ar - dent love, b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. En - kin - dle in our hearts that fire 2. You were the first to hear the news 3. With Ho - ly Spir - it, source of life, b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. Of char - i - ty that counts no cost.˙ 2. That Christ had ris - en from the dead. 3. To - geth - er with the Fa - ther one. b b & b b œ Aœ - œ men.˙ ˙

C-165 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

Psalm 19A (18) God’s Revelation in Creation and in Torah The God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God on the face of Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 4:6

Ant: After the sábbath, / as the fírst day of the wéek was dáwning, / Mary Mágdalene and the óther Mary cáme to see the tómb. 2 The héavens decláre the glóry of Gód, * and the fírmament procláims the wórk of his hánds. 3 Dáy unto dáy convéys the méssage, * and níght unto níght impárts the knówledge. 4 No spéech, no wórd, whose vóice goes unhéeded; + 5 their sóund goes fórth through áll the éarth, * their méssage to the útmost bóunds of the wórld. 6 Thére he has pláced a tént for the sún; + it comes fórth like a brídegroom cóming from his tént, * rejóices like a chámpion to rún his cóurse. 7 At one énd of the héavens is the rísing of the sún; + to its fúrthest énd it rúns its cóurse. * There is nóthing concéaled from its búrning héat.

Ant: After the sábbath, / as the fírst day of the wéek was dáwning, / Mary Mágdalene and the óther Mary cáme to see the tómb.

Psalm 33 (32) The Plans of God’s Heart Through the Word all things were made. Jn 1:3

Ant: The ángel sáid to the wómen, “Dó not be afráid / I knów that you are séeking Jésus the crúcified. / Hé is not hére for hé has been ráised, / júst as he sáid.

C-166 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene


1 Ring out your jóy to the Lórd, O you júst; * for práise is fítting for the úpright. 2 Give thánks to the Lórd upon the hárp; * with a tén-stringed lúte sing him sóngs. 3 O síng him a sóng that is néw; * play skíllfully, with shóuts of jóy.

4 For the wórd of the Lórd is fáithful, * and áll his wórks to be trústed. 5 The Lórd loves jústice and ríght, * and his mérciful lóve fills the éarth. 6 By the wórd of the Lórd the héavens were máde, * by the bréath of his móuth all their hóst. 7 As in a flásk, he collécts the wáves of the ócean; * he stóres up the dépths of the séa.

8 Let áll the earth féar the Lórd, * all who líve in the wórld revére him. 9 He spóke, and it cáme to bé. * He commánded; it stóod in pláce. 10 The Lord frústrates the desígns of the nátions; * he deféats the pláns of the péoples. 11 The desígns of the Lórd stand foréver, * the pláns of his héart from age to áge.


12 Blessèd the nátion whose Gód is the Lórd, * the péople he has chósen as his héritage. 13 From the héavens the Lórd looks fórth; * he sées all the chíldren of mén.

C-167 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

14 From the pláce where he dwélls he gázes * on áll the dwéllers on the éarth, 15 He who shápes the héarts of them áll, * and consíders áll their déeds.

16 A kíng is not sáved by his great ármy, * nor a wárrior presérved by his great stréngth. 17 A vain hópe for sáfety is the hórse; * despite its pówer it cánnot sáve. 18 Yes, the éyes of the Lórd are on thóse who féar him, * who hópe in his mérciful lóve, 19 To réscue their sóuls from déath, * to kéep them alíve in fámine.

20 Our sóul is wáiting for the Lórd. * Hé is our hélp and our shíeld. 21 In hím do our héarts find jóy. * We trúst in his hóly náme. 22 May your mérciful lóve be upón us, * as we hópe in yóu, O Lórd.


Ant: The ángel sáid to the wómen, “Dó not be afráid / I knów that you are séeking Jésus the crúcified. / Hé is not hére for hé has been ráised, / júst as he sáid.

V. Who is thís that comes fórth like the dáwn? R. Hé is as púre as the blázing sún.

Scripture Reading

C-168 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

Psalm 45 (44) Royal Wedding Behold, the Bridegroom is here! Come out to meet him! Mt 25:6

Ant: Go qúickly and téll his dísciples,” / Jésus has been ráised from the déad; / he is góing befóre you to Gálilee. / Thére you will sée him. I 2 My héart overflóws with nóble wórds. + To the kíng I addréss the sóng I have máde, * my tóngue as nímble as the pén of a scríbe.

3 Yóu are the most hándsome of the sóns of mén, + and gráciousness is póured out upón your líps, * for Gód has bléssed you forévermóre. 4 Gírd your swórd upon your thígh, O míghty one, * with your spléndor and your májesty. 5 In your májesty ríde on triúmphant + in the cáuse of trúth, méekness and jústice. * May your ríght hand shów your wóndrous déeds. 6 Your árrows are sharp—péoples fall benéath you— * in the héart of the fóes of the kíng. 7 Your thróne, O Gód, shall endúre foréver. + A scépter of jústice is the scépter of your kíngdom. * 8 Your lóve is for jústice; your hátred for évil. Thérefore Gód, your Gód, has anóinted you + with the óil of gládness abóve your compánions: * 9 your róbes are all frágrant with áloes, myrrh, and cássia. From the ívory pálace you are gláddened with músic. + 10 The dáughters of kíngs are thóse whom you fávor. * At your ríght stands the quéen in góld of Óphir. •

C-169 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

II 11 Lísten, O dáughter; pay héed and give éar: * forgét your own péople and your fáther’s hóuse. 12 Só will the kíng desíre your béauty. * Hé is your lórd, pay hómage to hím. 13 And the dáughter of Týre shall cóme with gífts; * the ríchest of the péople shall séek your fávor. 14 The dáughter of the kíng is clóthed with spléndor; * her róbes are thréaded with góld. 15 In fine clóthing shé is léd to the kíng; * behínd her, her máiden compánions fóllow. 16 Théy are escórted amid gládness and jóy; * they páss withín the pálace of the kíng. 17 Sóns will be yóurs to succéed your fáthers; * you will máke them rúlers over áll the éarth. 18 I will máke your náme foréver remémbered. * Thus the péoples will práise you from áge to áge.


Ant: Go qúickly and téll his dísciples,” / Jésus has been ráised from the déad; / he is góing befóre you to Gálilee. / Thére you will sée him.

Psalm 85 (84) God’s Glory Will Dwell in Our Land Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have faith in God and faith in me. Jn 14:1

Ant: Behóld, Jésus met the wómen on their wáy and gréeted them. / He sáid them: Dó not be afráid. / Go téll my bróthers to gó to Gálilee, / and thére they will sée me.

C-170 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

2 O Lórd, you have fávored your lánd, * and brought báck the cáptives of Jácob. 3 You forgáve the guílt of your péople, * and cóvered áll their síns. 4 You avérted áll your ráge; * you turned báck the héat of your ánger.

5 Bring us báck, O Gód, our sávior! * Put an énd to your gríevance agáinst us. 6 Will you be ángry with ús foréver? * Will your ánger last from áge to áge? 7 Will you nót restóre again our lífe, * that your péople may rejóice in yóu? 8 Let us sée, O Lórd, your mércy, * and gránt us yóur salvátion. 9 I will héar what the Lórd God spéaks; + he speaks of péace for his péople and his fáithful, * and those who túrn their héarts to hím. 10 His salvátion is néar for those who féar him, * and his glóry will dwéll in our lánd. 11 Merciful lóve and fáithfulness have mét; * jústice and péace have kíssed. 12 Fáithfulness shall spríng from the éarth, * and jústice look dówn from héaven. 13 Also the Lórd will bestów his bóunty, * and our éarth shall yíeld its íncrease. 14 Jústice will márch befóre him, * and gúide his stéps on the wáy.


Ant: Behóld, Jésus met the wómen on their wáy and grée- ted them. / He sáid them: Dó not be afráid. / Go téll my bróthers to gó to Gálilee, / and thére they will sée me.

C-171 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

V. Chárm is decéptive and béauty fléeting; R. Shé who fears the Lórd is to be práised.

Reading Responsory

Let us pray.


Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

C-172 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene 22 July Feast of St. Mary Magdalene at Lauds

Hymn # # & # œ œ œ - (8) 1. Theœ goldœ - en dawn isœ break - ingœ fastœ 2. With breath - less speed you reach the spot 3. But great - er hap - pi - ness is yours, 4. Lord Je - sus, grant us too the grace # # & # œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. And Christ is ris - enœ fromœ theœ tomb,˙ 2. To find an an - gel full of joy, 3. Re - ward of love’s fi - del - i - ty, 4. To im - i - tate such ar - dent love, # # & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ -œ 1. When, Mar - y, you ar - rive in haste œ 2. Who tells you that the One you seek 3. As speak - ing to the gar - den - er, 4. With Ho - ly Spir - it, source of life, # # & # œ 1. Withœ spicœ - esœ toœ emœ - balmœ œhim œ dead.˙ 2. Has bro - ken all the bonds of death. 3. Be - hold, it is your lov - ing Lord. 4. To - geth - er with the Fa - ther one. # # & # œ Aœ - œ men.˙ ˙

C-173 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

Psalm 63 (62) Athirst for God I consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Phil 3:8

Mk 16:2 S3188 b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ (8) Andœ verœ - y ear-lyœ inœ theœ mornœ -ingœ afœ -ter the b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ Sab˙ - bath˙ , Mar-y Mag-da-lene came to the b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ sep-ul-cher at sunœ-rise,œ alœ - le-lu˙ - ia.˙  Ñ bb b ´  & b œ œ á }œ œ œ ˙ á œ ˙´ ˙ 2 O Gód, you are my Gód; at dawn I séek you; * for yóu my sóul is thírsting. For yóu my flésh is píning, * like a drý, weary lánd without wáter. 3 I have cóme before yóu in the sánctuary, * to behóld your stréngth and your glóry.

4 Your loving mércy is bétter than lífe; * my líps will spéak your práise. 5 I will bléss you áll my lífe; * in your náme I will líft up my hánds. 6 My sóul shall be fílled as with a bánquet; * with joyful líps, my móuth shall práise you.

C-174 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

7 When I remémber you upón my béd, * I muse on yóu through the wátches of the níght. 8 For yóu have béen my stréngth; * in the shádow of your wíngs I rejóice. 9 My sóul clings fást to yóu; * yóur right hánd uphólds me.

10 Those who séek to destróy my lífe * shall go dówn to the dépths of the éarth. 11 Pút to the pówer of the swórd, * they shall be léft as préy for the jáckals. 12 But the kíng shall rejóice in Gód; + all that swéar by hím shall exúlt, * for the móuth of líars shall be sílenced. Glory...

Daniel 3:52-57 From the Temple of Your Holy Glory But you have come to Mount Sion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering. Heb 12:22

Jn 20:15b; Lk 24:5b S3189 b b & b b œ œ œ (8) Oœ œ woœ - man,˙ whomœ doœ you seek?˙ b b & b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Why œ seekœ the Liv - ing One a-mong the b b & b b œ œ dead,˙ alœ - le - lu œ- ia.œ

C-175 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

 Ñ bb b ´  & b œ œ á }œ œ œ ˙ á œ ˙´ ˙

52 Blest are yóu, O Lórd, the Gód of our fórebears, * to be práised and híghly exálted foréver; Blést is your glórious and hóly náme, * to be híghly práised and exálted foréver. 53 Blest are yóu in the témple of your hóly glóry; * to be híghly práised and glórified foréver. 54 Blést are yóu on the thróne of your kíngdom, * to be práised and híghly exálted foréver. 55 Blést are yóu who lóok into the dépths, + séated upón the chérubim, * to be práised and híghly exálted foréver. 56 Blést are yóu in the fírmament of héaven, * to be praised and híghly glórified foréver. 57 Bless the Lórd, áll you wórks of the Lórd, * práise and híghly exált him foréver.


Psalm 150 Cosmic Hymn of Praise To God be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus, through all generations. Eph 3:21

Jn 20:16 S3190 b & b b œ ˙ œ œ (1) Jeœ -susœ said,˙ Marœ - y. Sheœ turned toœ him andœ b & b b œ ˙ œ said˙ Raœ - boœ - ni, whichœ means Teachœ œ -er.˙

C-176 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene  Ñ  b ´  b b œ œ œ œ ´ & á } ˙ á œ ˙ Praise Gód in his hóly pláce; * in his míghty fírmament, práise him. 2 Práise him for his pówerful déeds; * práise him for his bóundless grándeur. 3 O práise him with sóund of trúmpet; * práise him with lúte and hárp. 4 Práise him with tímbrel and dánce; * práise him with stríngs and pípes. 5 O práise him with resóunding cýmbals; + práise him with cláshing of cýmbals. * 6 Let éverything that bréathes praise the Lórd!




S3191 & b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ Mar-y do not weep; * the Lord is

& b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ris - en from œ the tomb.

Go to my brothers and tell them. The Lord is risen... Glory... Mary do not weep...

C-177 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

Canticle of Zachary [Luke 1: 68-79] Then John’s father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied. (Luke 1:67)

Jn 20:18 S3192 b & b œ œ œ œ œ (1) Mar - œy œ ran˙ andœ told the dis - b & b œ œ ˙ œ œ œ bœ œ œ ˙ ci - ples that she had seen the Lord, b & b œ alœ - le - luœ œ- ia.˙ omit for 5-line PS034 b { } & b á œ bá omitœ forœ 4-lineá œ œœœáœœ œ œ œ á œ œ á œ œ œ 6 Blést be the Lórd God of Ísrael: for he has vísited his péople and redéemed them. He has raised úp for us a hórn of salvátion in the Hóuse of Dávid his sérvant, As he spóke through the móuth of his hóly ones, his próphets from áges pást:

4 A sávior who would frée us from our fóes, and from the hánds of áll who háte us, To shów loving mércy to our fáthers míndful of his hóly cóvenant.

4 This was the óath he swore to Ábraham our fáther, to grant that fréed from the hánds of our fóes, We might sérve him in hóliness and ríghteousness, all the dáys of our lífe without féar.

C-178 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

6 And yóu, little chíld, will be cálled próphet of Gód Most Hígh, For yóu will gó before the Lórd to make réady his wáys befóre him, To grant a knówledge of salvátion to his péople through the forgíveness of áll their síns.

5 By the lóving mércy of our Gód, the Dáwn from on hígh will vísit us, To shíne on those who sít in dárkness, and thóse in the shádow of déath, to guide our féet into the wáy of péace.


Intercessions We entreat the Lord to cleanse us of all sin. Make us apostles of your truth to all we meet this day: Lord, have mercy. Stir up in our hearts a love for your Word: Christ, have mercy. Call by name those you choose for monastic contemplation: Lord, have mercy. May the divine assistance remain always with us: And with our absent brethren.

Our Father Oration Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Blessing

C-179 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

22 July St. Mary Magdalene at Daytime Prayer

S004 b - & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (8) 1. O might - œy Rulœ - er, faith - fulœ God, 2. Ex - tin - guish now the fires of strife 3. To God the Fa - ther and the Son

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. With or - der rul - ing sun andœ moon: 2. And bid all heat - ed deeds de - part. 3. And Ho - ly Spir - it ren - der praise,

b - & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. In splen - dor, Lord, you light the dawn, 2. Grant health of bod - y and of mind; 3. Blest Trin - i - ty, from age to age,

b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 1. Withœ burn - ing heat the hour ofœ noon. 2. Shed forth your peace up - on the heart. 3. The strength of all our mor - tal days.

b & b œ œ œ ˙ A - men.˙

C-180 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

Ant: My héart is búrning: / I wánt to sée my Lórd; / and I dó not knów where they have pút him.

Psalm 119 (118):1-8 Meditation on God’s Law Aleph Love is the fulfillment of the law. Rom 13:10

1 Blessed are thóse whose wáy is blámeless, * who wálk in the láw of the Lórd! 2 Blessed are thóse who kéep his decrées! * With áll their héarts they séek him. 3 They néver do ánything évil, * but wálk in his wáys. 4 Yóu have láid down your précepts * to be cárefully képt. 5 Máy my wáys be fírm * in kéeping your státutes. 6 Thén I shall nót be put to sháme * as I obsérve all your commánds. 7 I will thánk you with an úpright héart, * as I léarn your just júdgments. 8 Í will kéep your státutes; * do not éver forsáke me.

Psalm 119 (118):17-24 Gimel Let us go beyond the initial teaching about Christ and advance to maturity. Heb 6:1

17 Deal bóuntifully wíth your sérvant, * that I may líve and kéep your wórd. 18 Ópen my éyes, that I may sée * the wónders of your láw. ~

C-181 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

19 Í am a pílgrim in the lánd; * híde not your commánds from mé. 20 My sóul is consúmed with lónging * at all tímes for yóur decrées. 21 You thréaten the próud, the accúrsed, * who stráy from your commánds. 22 Frée me from scórn and contémpt, * for I obsérve your decrées. 23 Though prínces sit plótting agáinst me, * your servant pónders your státutes. 24 Sée, your decrées are my delíght; * your státutes are my cóunselors.

Psalm 119 (118):33-40 He You heard of this hope through the message of truth, the gospel. Col 1:5

33 Lord, téach me the wáy of your státutes, * and I will kéep them to the énd. 34 Grant me ínsight that Í may keep your láw, * and obsérve it wholehéartedly. 35 Guíde me in the páth of your commánds, * for in thém is my delíght. 36 Bénd my héart to your decrées, * and not to wróngful gáin. 37 Turn my éyes from gázing on vánities; * in your wáy, give me lífe. 38 Fulfíll your prómise to your sérvant, * that yóu may be revéred. 39 Túrn away the táunts I dréad, * for your decrées are góod. 40 Sée, I lóng for your précepts; * give me lífe by your jústice.


C-182 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

Ant: My héart is búrning: / I wánt to sée my Lórd; / and I dó not knów where they have pút him.

Brief Reading

V. I have póndered my wáys, R. And túrned my stéps to your decrées.

Let us pray.


Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

May the divine assistance remain always with us. And with our absent brethren. Amen.

C-183 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene 22 July Feast of St. Mary Magdalene at Vespers

Hymn S3193 b & b œ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ œ (8) 1. O blessœ - edœ wom - an, take our 2. Fierce e - vil spir - its Christ re - 3. Stead - fast, O Mar - y, hear the 4. Dawn brought you, Mar - y, To the 5. May we gain heav - en with the bb œ ˙ ˙ œ ˙ & 1. noœ - ble prais - es.˙ Let usœ ac - claim you,˙ 2. moved from in you; His might - y pow - er 3. dy - ing Sav - ior, Fear - less you stood there 4. tomb of Je - sus. There you en - coun - tered 5. saints now ris - en, For God has hal - lowed b & b œ 1. mind - fulœ andœ wholeœ - heart˙ - ed.˙ You,˙ Christœ hasœ 2. van - quished all re - sist - ing; Thus were you 3. with the weep - ing Moth - er. Then, when the 4. Christ your Lord and Mas - ter, Ris - en and 5. all as sons and daugh-ters. So shall we b & b œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ 1. choœ œ- senœ œ as his close dis - ci - ple, 2. thank - ful to your awe - some Heal - er. 3. hour came, you pre - pared his bod - y 4. glo - r’ous, Sends you to his broth - ers; 5. join their chant - ing praise to Fa - ther bb - œ œ œ & 1. Choiceœ loveœ at - test˙ - ed.˙ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ 2. Strong did your trust grow! 3. Read - ied for bur - ial. 4. You are his wit - ness. 5. Son, and Ho - ly Spir - it. A - men.

C-184 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

Psalm 34 (33) Taste and See I myself am the bread of life; no one who comes to me shall ever be hungry. Jn 6:35

Mk 16:2 S3188 # # & # œ œ œ œ œ œ (8) Andœ verœ - y ear-lyœ inœ theœ mornœ -ingœ afœ - ter the # # & # œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ Sab˙ - bath˙ , Mar-y Mag-da-lene came to the # # & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ sep-ul-cher at sunœ-rise,œ alœ - le - lu˙ - ia.˙  # Ñ ## ´  & œ œ á }œ œ œ ˙ á œ ˙´ ˙ I

2 I will bléss the Lórd at all tímes, práise of him is álways in my móuth. 3 In the Lórd my sóul shall make its bóast; the húmble shall héar and be glád. 4 Glórify the Lórd with mé; togéther let us práise his náme.

5 I sóught the Lórd, and he ánswered me; from all my térrors he sét me frée. 6 Lóok toward hím and be rádiant; let your fáces nót be abáshed. 7 This lówly one cálled; the Lord héard, and réscued him from áll his distréss. ~

C-185 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

8 The ángel of the Lórd is encámped around thóse who féar him, to réscue them. 9 Taste and sée that the Lórd is góod. Blessed the mán who seeks réfuge in hím.

10 Féar the Lórd, you his hóly ones. They lack nóthing, thóse who féar him. 11 The rích suffer wánt and go húngry, but thóse who seek the Lórd lack no bléssing.



Jn 20:15b; Lk 24:5b S3189 # # & # œ œ œ (8) Oœ œ woœ - man,˙ whomœ doœ you seek?˙ # # & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Why œ seekœ the Liv - ing One a-mong the # # & # œ œ dead,˙ alœ - le - lu œ- ia.œ  # Ñ ## ´  & œ œ á }œ œ œ ˙ á œ ˙´ ˙ 12 Cóme, chíldren, and héar me, that I may téach you the féar of the Lórd. 13 Who ís it that desíres lífe and lóngs to see prósperous dáys? 14 Guárd your tóngue from évil, and your líps from spéaking decéit.

C-186 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

15 Turn asíde from évil and do góod. Séek after péace, and pursúe it. 16 The Lórd turns his éyes to the júst, and his éars are ópen to their crý. 17 The Lórd turns his fáce against the wícked to destróy their remémbrance from the éarth.

18 When the júst cry óut, the Lord héars, and réscues them in áll their distréss. 19 The Lord is clóse to the bróken-héarted; those whose spírit is crúshed he will sáve.

20 Mány are the tríals of the júst one, but from them áll the Lórd will réscue him. 21 He will keep guárd over áll his bónes; not óne of his bónes shall be bróken.

22 Évil brings déath to the wícked; those who háte the júst are dóomed. 23 The Lord ránsoms the sóuls of his sérvants. All who trúst in him shall nót be condémned. Glory...

Psalm 137 (136) Tears in Remembering Sion While we are in this tent we groan, longing to be further clothed with our heavenly habitation. 2 Cor 5:2

Jn 20:16 S3190 # ## & # œ ˙ œ œ (1) Jeœ -susœ said,˙ Marœ - y. Sheœ turned toœ him andœ # ## & # œ ˙ œ said˙ Raœ - boœ - ni, whichœ means Teachœ œ -er.˙

C-187 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene  Ñ  # ## ´  # œ œ œ œ ´ & á } ˙ á œ ˙ 1 By the rívers of Bábylon + thére we sat and wépt, * remémbering Síon; 2 On the póplars that gréw there * we húng up our hárps. 3 For it was thére that they ásked us, + our cáptors, for sóngs, * our oppréssors, for jóy. “Síng to us,” they sáid, * “one of Síon’s sóngs.”

4 O hów could we síng + the sóng of the Lórd * on fóreign sóil? 5 If I forgét you, Jerúsalem, * let my ríght hand wíther! 6 O lét my tóngue + cléave to my pálate * if I remémber you nót, If I príze not Jerúsalem * as the fírst of my jóys!

7 Remémber, O Lórd, + against the chíldren of Édom * the dáy of Jerúsalem, When they sáid, “Tear it dówn! * Tear it dówn to its foundátions!” 8 O dáughter Bábylon, destróyer, + bléssèd whoéver repáys you * the páyment you páid to ús!

C-188 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

9 Blessèd whoéver grásps and shátters * your chíldren on the róck!


V. My heart búrns withín me. R. I lóng to sée my Lórd.



S3191 & b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ Mar-y do not weep; * the Lord is

& b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ris - en from œ the tomb.

Go to my brothers and tell them. The Lord is risen... Glory... Mary do not weep...

C-189 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

Canticle of Mary [Luke 1:46-55] “Blessed are you who trusted that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:45) And Mary said:

E025 b & b œœ œ œ œœ œ˙˙œ œ œ (8) Je-sus said to Mar-y: Doœ not touch me; I have not b & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ˙ œ œ ˙˙ yet as - cendœ - ed to my Fa - ther, alœ - le-lu-ia.

omit for 5-line 4-line 5, 6 line PS041 bb œ á œœœáœ & á œœœ á œœáœœ á œœ œœ á œ

4 My soul procláims the gréatness of the Lórd, and my spírit exúlts in God my Sávior, For he has lóoked upon his hándmaid in her lówliness; henceforth all áges will cáll me bléssed.

4 For the Almíghty has done gréat things for mé. And hóly ís his náme. His loving mércy is from áge to áge for thóse who féar him.

6 He has made knówn the stréngth of his árm, and has scáttered the próud of héart. He has put dówn the míghty from their thrónes and has exálted thóse who are lówly. He has fílled the húngry with góod things, and has sént the rích away émpty.

C-190 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

4 He has álways helped Ísrael his sérvant, míndful of his lóving mércy, Éven as he prómised our fáthers, to Ábraham and hís descéndants foréver. Glory...


With tears of compunction we call upon our Savior. Purify our hearts by the grace of your passion: Lord, have mercy. Let all who are burdened hold fast to your cross: Christ, have mercy. Bring to the vision of glory all who have died: Lord, have mercy. May the divine assistance remain always with us: And with our absent brethren.

Our Father


Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.


C-191 Appendix - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

C-192 Index

HYMNS PSALMS Alma Redemptoris...... 13,23,60 4...... 8,17,26,34,43,53 ...... 31,60 15...... 120 Christ our hope...... 129 16...... 121 How welcome...... 106 19...... 67,107 Jesus Christ is king...... 119 23...... 108,122 O fathers of our...... 91 25...... 139 O mighty Ruler..... 87,114,138,180 34...... 69,110 O twelve apostles...... 66 40...... 124 Eternal gifts of Christ...... 75 42...... 126 Regina caeli...... 39,61 47...... 71 Salve Regina (C16)...... 48,62 51...... 130 Salve Regina (C17)...... 49,63 64...... 72 The Lord's disciples...... 92 67...... 105 To you, O Christ (C02)...... 7 70...... 140 We praise you (C01)...... 6 91...... 10,19,28,36,45,55 We praise you (C06)...... 15 93...... 77 We praise you (C09)...... 25 97...... 79 We praise you (C11)...... 33 98...... 73,112 We praise you (C14)...... 41 100...... 65,118 We praise you (C15)...... 42 116A...... 143 We praise you (C18)...... 51 116B...... 93 We praise you (C19)...... 52 119:1-8...... 88,115 Wondrous king of all...... 142 119:17-24...... 88 119:33-40...... 89 119:41-48...... 115 ANTIPHONS All that the Father...... 148 119:65-72...... 116 And very early...... 174,185 130...... 144 Blessed are the bearers...... 96 134...... 9,18,27,35,44,54 Christ is the resurrection...... 118 138...... 94 God is wonderful...... 164 150...... 134 Greater love than this...... 77 I am the way...... 134 CANTICLES I am the resurrection...... 135 Eph 1:3-10...... 96 If you, O Lord...... 144 Dn 3:52-57...... 78 I have given you...... 94 Is 38:10-14,17-20...... 132 I shall walk before...... 143 Lk 1:46-55...... 101,103,148 It is not you who chose...... Lk 1:68-79...... 83,85,136 ...... 82,84,100,102 Lk 2:29-32...... 12,22,30,38,46,57 Jesus said to Mary: Do not.... 190 Phil 2:6-11...... 146 Jesus said to Mary: She... 176,187

C-193 Acknowledgments

Mary ran and told...... 178 No longer do I call...... 93 RESPONSORIES On the foundation...... 82,100 O, woman, whom do...... 175, 186 How lovely is your...... 135 Protect us, Lord (C04)..... 12,30,47 I entreat your majesty...... 123 Protect us, Lord (C08)...... 21,58 In my body I shall...... 128 Protect us, Lord (PT)...... 38 Into your hands..... 11,21,29,46,57 Remember me, Lord...... 146 Into your hands (PT)...... 37,57 The Lord speaks to us...... 105 In you, O Lord...... 148 The Lord, the King...... 65 Mary do not weep...... 177,189 The bones you have...... 130 You have made them...... 80 The sun, with Easter...... 76 Your friends shall repeat...... 98 This is my commandment...... 79 You are my friends...... 78

Acknowledgments All compositions and translations by the of Conception Abbey (CA) unless other- wise indicated.

C01: Text: © 1995, Saint Mary's Abbey, West Malling, Kent ME19 6JX Tune: AD HORAS MINORES (TEMPORE ADVENTUS), LM (Lib.Hymn. 1983), alt

C02: Text: Christe, qui splendor, 5th-6th cent, abr & tr CA 2000 Tune: AD HORAS MINORES (TEMPORE ADVENTUS), LM (Lib. Hymn. 1983), alt CA 2000

C03: Text: In manus tuas [Ps 31:6], tr ICEL 1975 Melody: In manus tuas (per annum), Ant. Rom. 1912, adapt CA 1998,

C04: Text: Salva nos, Domine, vigilantes, tr ICEL 1975 Melody: Salva nos, Domine, vigilantes, Ant. Rom. 1912, adapt CA 1988

C05: (Ant. Mon. 1934)

C06: Text: © 1995, Saint Mary's Abbey, West Malling, Kent ME19 6JX Tune: , LM (Lib. Hymn. 1983)

C07: Text: © 1995, Saint Mary's Abbey, West Malling, Kent ME19 6JX Tune: AD HORAS MINORES (TEMPORE EPIPHANIAE), LM (Ant. Mon. 1934)

C08: Text: Salva nos, Domine, vigilantes, tr ICEL 1975 Tune: CA 1987

C-194 Acknowledgments

C09: Text: © 1995, Benedictine of St. Mary’s Abbey, West Malling, Kent ME19 6JX Tune: AD HORAM MEDIAM (TEMPORE QUADRAGESIMAE), LM (Lib. Hymn. 1983)

C10: Ave Regina caelorum (Ant. Mon. 1934)

C11: Text: © 1995, Benedictine Nuns of St. Mary’s Abbey, West Malling, Kent ME19 6JX Tune: AURORA LUCIS, LM (Lib. Hymn. 1983)

C12: Text: In manus tuas … alleluia [Ps 31:6], tr ICEL 1975 Melody: In manus tuas (tempore paschali), Ant. Rom. 1912, adapt CA 1998

C13: Regina caeli laetare (Ant. Mon. 1934)

C14: Text: © 1995, Benedictine Nuns of St. Mary’s Abbey, West Malling, Kent ME19 6JX Tune: NUNC SANCTE (IN MEMORIIS), LM; (Lib. Hymn, 1983),

C15: Text: © 1995, Benedictine Nuns of St. Mary’s Abbey, West Malling, Kent ME19 6JX Tune: AD HORAM MEDIAM (IN RERRIIS PER ANNUM) LM; (Lib. Hymn, 1983)

C16: Salve Regina (5) (Ant. Mon. 1934)

C17: Salve Regina (1) (Ant. Mon. 1934)

C18: Text: © 1995, Benedictine Nuns of St. Mary’s Abbey, West Malling, Kent ME19 6JX Tune: AD COMPLETORIUM (IN SOLEMNITATIBUS), LM

C19: Text: © 1995, Benedictine Nuns of St. Mary’s Abbey, West Malling, Kent ME19 6JX Tune: AD HORAM MEDIAM (IN FESTIS), LM; Ant. Mon. 1934 (Lib. Hymn. 1983)

OT007: Text: Christus Iesus, cum in forma Dei esset [Phil 2:6-11] Melody: CA 1974

OT207: Text: Regem Apostolorum [cf Mt 3:14a; Ps 95:6a], tr CA 1999 Melody: CA 1999

OT218: Text: Aeterna Christi munera, (?) Aurelius Ambrosius (c340-397); tr Hymnal 1940, abr & alt CA 1975 & CA 1999 Tune: EXSULTET CAELUM LAUDIBUS, LM; Ant. Monast. 1934 (Lib. Hymn. 1983), alt CA 1975

OT219: Text: 1995, alt CA 1999 Tune: DE APOSTOLIS TEMPORE PASCHALI, LM; Ant. Monast. 1934 (Lib. Hymn. 1983), alt CA 1975

PT004: Melody: CA, 2010

C-195 Acknowledgments

PT005: Melody: CA, 1988 PT007: Melody: CA, 1974 PT009: Melody: CA, 2010 PT011: Melody: CA, 2010 PT014: Melody: CA c1968, after Engelberg PT018: Melody: CA, 2010 PT021: Melody: CA, 2000 PT022: Melody: CA, c1965 PT026: Melody: CA, 2010 PT029: Melody: CA, 2010 PT030 Melody: CA, 2010 PT031: Melody: CA 1992 PT032: Melody: CA, 2010 PT033: Melody: CA, 2010 PS035 Mode 2 psalm tone: © St. Meinrad Archabbey, St. Meinrad, IN 47577; by Columba Kelly, O.S.B. PS041: Mode 8 psalm tone: © St. Meinrad Archabbey, St. Meinrad, IN 47577 by Chrysogonus Waddell, OSCO. PT044, 46, 47: Conception Abbey Psalm Tones, Copyright © 2010, Conception Abbey, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc., www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved. PT052: Melody: CA 2010 PT053: Ant. Mon. Helv. 1943, adapt CA 1965 PT058: Melody: CA 2001, adapt Antiphonale Romanum

S004: Texts: Midday, potens, (?) Aurelius Ambrosius (c340-397), tr CA 1992, alt 1999 Tune: AD HORAM MEDIAM (IN FESTIS), LM; Ant. Mon. 1934 (Lib. Hymn. 1983) alt

S008: Text: Aeterna Christi munera, (?) Aurelius Ambrosius (c340-397), tr Hymnal 1940, abr & alt CA 1975 & CA 1999 Tune: EXSULTET CAELUM LAUDIBUS, LM; Ant. Mon. 1934 (Lib. Hymn. 1983), alt CA 1975

S009: Text: Claro paschali gaudio, Anon., very ancient (Aurora lucis rutilat, 9-11), tr John Mason Neale (1818-1866) et al., alt CA 2011 Tune: EXSULTET CAELUM LAUDIBUS, LM; Ant. Mon. 1934 (Lib. Hymn. 1983), alt CA 1975

S010P: Text: Majorem caritatem nemo [cf Jn 15:13], tr The Hours of the Divine Office in English and (Collegeville) 1963 Melody: Chrysogonus Waddell, OSCO c1970

S011P: Text: Jn 15:14, tr NAB 1970 Tune: CA 1974

S012P: Text: Hoc est praeceptum [Jn 15:12], tr The Hours of the Divine Office in English and Latin (Collegeville) 1963 Melody: Chrysogonus Waddell, OSCO c1970 alt CA 1975 & 2001

S013: Text: Constitues eos principes [Ps 45:17b-18a], tr ICEL 1975 alt; Ps 45:18b, tr Grail 1963 Melody: CA 2001

C-196 Acknowledgments

S014: Text: Tristes erant Apostoli, Anon., very ancient (Aurora lucis rutilat, 5-8), tr John Mason Neale (1818-1866) et al., alt CA 2011 Melody: CA 2001

S015P: Text: Jn 15:15acd, tr CCD 1949 Melody: Chrysogonus Waddell, OSCO c1970 alt

S016P: Text: Jn 13:15, tr RNAB 1986 alt Melody: CA 2001

S017P: Text: Beati pacifici, beati [Mt 5:9a, 8], tr ICEL 1975 alt Melody: CA 2001

S018P: Text: Ps 145:10a-12a, tr Grail 1963 alt Melody: Adapted from the responsory melody for the season of Easter, Ant. Mon. 1934, CA 2011

S019A: Text: Dominum in evangelio [cf Mk 1:1a, 15b; Ps 95:6a], tr ICEL 1975 alt Melody: CA 2011

S020: Text: Stanbrook Abbey, adapt CA 2011 Tune: EXSULTET CAELUM LAUDIBUS, LM; Ant. Mon. 1934 (Lib. Hymn. 1983), alt CA 1975

S037P: Text: Pss 31:2ab, 119:105, 71:5, tr Grail 1963 alt Melody: CA 1975 & 2001

S042P: Text: Jn 11:25b, tr NAB 1970 alt Melody: CA 1975 alt 2001

S043: Text: CA 1975 alt CA 2001 Tune: KING OF GLORY, 87.87., CA 1975

S044P: Text: Domine, secundum actum [Ps 51:4], tr WS IV 213 Melody: CA 2001

S045P: Text: Credo quod Redemptor [cf Jb 19:25, 26, 27], tr ICEL 1975 Melody: CA 2001

S046P: Text: CA 1975 alt CA 2001 Tune: FAITHFUL DEPARTED, 87.87., CA 1975

S047P: Text: Ps 51:10b [Exsultabunt Domino ossa], tr CCD 1955 alt Melody: Exsultabunt Domino, adapt CA 1968 alt 2001

S048P: Text: A porta inferi erue [cf Is 38:10b, 17a], tr ICEL 1975 Melody: CA 2001

S049P: Text: Jn 14:6 [Ego sum via], tr RNAB 1986 alt Melody: CA 2001

S050P: Text: Ps 84:2, 5, 8, tr Grail 1963 alt Melody: St. Meinrad Archabbey, c1970

C-197 Acknowledgments

S051P: Text: Ego sum resurrectio [cf Jn 11:25-26], tr The Hours of the Divine Office in English and Latin (Collegeville) 1963 Melody: Ego sum resurrectio, adapt CA 1968 alt 2001

S052: Text: CA 1975 alt CA 2001 Melody: FAITHFUL DEPARTED, 87.87., CA 1975

S053P: Text: Ps 116:9 [Placebo Domino], tr CCD 1955 alt Melody: Placebo Domino, adapt CA 1968 alt 1975 & 2001

S054P: Text: Ps 130:3 [Si iniquitates], tr Grail 1963 alt Melody: Si iniquitates, adapt CA 1968 alt CA 1975 & 2001

S055: Text: Memento mei, Domine [cf Lk 23:42b], tr ICEL 1975 Melody: CA 2001

S056: Text: Omne quod dat mihi [Jn 6:37], tr The Hours of the Divine Office in English and Latin (Collegeville) 1963 alt Melody: Omne quod dat mihi, adapt CA 1968 alt 2001

S2028: Text: Non vos me [Jn 15:16a], tr ICEL 1975 alt Melody: CA 2001

S2127: Text: Quia vidist me [Jn 20:29], tr ICEL, 1975 alt Tune: CA 2001

S2180: Text: In fundamentis civitatis [cf Rv 21:14, 23c], tr ICEL 1975 alt CA 2001 Melody: CA 2001

S3056: Text: Jn 15:16a [Non vos me], tr RNAB 1986 alt Melody: CA 2001

S3188: Text: Melody:

S3189: Text: Melody:

S3190: Text: Melody:

S3191: Text: Melody:

S3192: Text: Melody:

S3192: Text: Melody:
