Dale Chihuly Expositions

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Dale Chihuly Expositions DALE CHIHULY IN THE HEART OF EUROPE SLOVAKIA LOCATION IN EUROPE Slovakia, officially the Slovak Republic (Slovak: Slovenská republika, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south. Slovakia’s territory spans about 49,000 square kilometres (19,000 sq mi) and is mostly mountainous. The population is over 5 million and comprises mostly ethnic Slovaks. The capital and largest city is Bratislava. The official language is Slovak, a member of the Slavic language family. Bratislava Capital City of Slovakia SLOVAKIA CULTURAL HERITAGE lovakia is not one of the countries everybody’s Sbeen to. You will discover hundreds of unexpected curiosities and secrets in almost every village or a small town, in the mountains and valleys. It is Slovakia where you can feel like a real explorer who is always being surprised by unusual contrasts of medieval history, fascinating nature, living traditions and socialist architecture. Undiscovered wilderness Slovakia is the land of unlimited natural treasures. Explore high mountains with hidden caves, lakes and romantic canyons surrounded by the scenery of jungles Bratislava - City Center and waterfalls. All of these places have remained undiscovered and not yet overcrowded with tourists. Visit national parks for more information about Slovak nature. Slovak castles and churches Slovakia with its 180 castles, 425 chateaux and more than 5 000 churches – that’s a living example of country’s fascinating history in the heart of Europe. Each castle has a long history of battles, disasters, myths and heroes. Many of Slovakia’s wooden churches have been inscribed in UNESCO List of Cultural Heritage. Bojnice Castle Banská Bystrica - City Center SLOVAKIA HIDDEN HEART OF EUROPE o tour of Slovakia would be complete without Na visit to Bratislava – the only capital city in the world bordering two independent countries! Bratislava will delight you with its contrasting history – the name of the city was changed many times in its fascinating Bratislava - Capital City panorama journey from being part of Hungary, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Czechoslovakia and Slovakia. Slovakia is famous also for the iconic spa town of Piešťany, which healing thermal waters attracted even Ludwig van Beethoven! The highlights of this country also is the traditional picture of Slovakia with its lush green pastures, wooden houses covered with straw roofs and windows bursting with colorful flowers. Meet the locals, who still live their traditions. The more you travel to the north and east the scenery becomes even more spectacular. Meadows and valleys with sheep and shepherds’ shelters, fairytale castles and the majestic mountains of High Tatras surprise you with their charm. You will be fascinated by the atmosphere of giant peaks and lakes with crystal clear water. Let’s not forget to mention the medieval town of Beautiful natural sceneries - High Tatras Levoča with the tallest altar of its kind in the world! In Slovakia you can explore the other site listed in the World UNESCO Heritage – the Spiš Castle acknowledged as the biggest medieval castle in Central Europe. You can drift down the river on the traditional wooden rafts and explore the hidden jewels underground – Slovakia’s got more than 6 000 caves! And of course, a completely preserved medieval town of Banská Štiavnica, where during the underground excursion in the mines one can see the history of gold and silver mining. Traditional wooden houses - Podbiel Calvary - Banská Štiavnica SLOVAKIA MEDZILABORCE - ANDY WARHOL KOŠKOVCE - DALE CHIHULY FAMOUS ARTISTS WITH HUMENNÉ - PAUL NEWMAN SLOVAK ROOTS PEZINOK CASTLE BRATISLVA - capital city Dale Chihuly - Koškovce Andy Warhol - Medzilaborce Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art Medzilaborce Paul Newman - Humenné Castle in Humenné PEZINOK CASTLE he castle in Pezinok was originally built by the Tknights from Pezinok and Saint Jur in the 13th century as a castle surrounded by water. After the house extintion the castle became the property of the Hungarian state and was rented to various noblemen. In 1575 baron Ján Krušič from Lepoglava, whom married Katarína Pálfy, gaind the castle. Baron begun a grandiose rebuilding of the medieval strongold to renaissant castle. The rebuliding was finished by Štefan Illešházi - Palatine and the second husband of Katarína Pálfy. Illešházy also rent various parts of the castle to the commons. During this era the castle represented the administrative and economic centre of Pezinok earldom. During 18th century the castle declined and in the first half of 19th century Ján Pálfy started the rebuilding of the castle to classicistic appearence. He also created the park situated near the castle. The park was designed as an English landscape garden. Due to his finnacial situation earl Pálfy was not able to finish started works. The rebuilidng was finished in eclectic style by his son Ján Františk Pálfy, inspired by Tudor architecture. Earl Pálfy was a great Shakspeare’s admirer. After J. F. Pálfy’s death in 1909 the castle started to decline again. It was than in the hands of the town of Pezinok and sold to the Slovak wine makers society. From around 1945 the wine makers started the wine produciton line in the north wing of the castle. Todays owner Mr. Šimák recalls the wine making tradition. Parts of historical wings should serve as art gallery. Pezinok Castle - aerial view CASTLE EXTERIOR CASTLE EXTERIOR CASTLE COURTYARD CASTLE FOYER Chandelier, Dale Chihuly PROPOSITION THREE POSSIBLE VARIANTS OF EXPOSITION Exposition # 1 GALLERY Ikebana Boat & Mille Fiori, paintings, Dale Chihuly GALLERY Ikebana Boat & Mille Fiori, paintings, Dale Chihuly GUARDHOUSE Information panels OLD BEDROOM Indian Baskets, Dale Chihuly GRAND SALOON Macchia, Dale Chihuly SMALL SALOON Cylinders, Dale Chihuly LIBRARY Persians, Dale Chihuly NEW BEDROOM Sea Forms, Dale Chihuly WARDROBE Paintings, Dale Chihuly GRAND HALL Chandeliers, Dale Chihuly GRAND HALL Chandeliers, Dale Chihuly Exposition # 2 GALLERY Mr. Šimák’s private art collection, various artists GALLERY Mr. Šimák’s private art collection, various artists GALLERY Mr. Šimák’s private art collection, various artists GALLERY Mr. Šimák’s private art collection, various artists Exposition # 3 GALLERY Ikebana Boat by Dale Chihuly & owner’s private art collection, various artists GALLERY Ikebana Boat by Dale Chihuly & owner’s private art collection, various artists FORTE EXTRA, s.r.o Panónska cesta 9 852 32 Bratislava SLOVAKIA.
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