
Your want ad: -^Tseasy-tcrpjgce -Phone 686^700 — -._-• -.• Publl«ti«d Evory "Thunday by TrutnarVv 409 Moir!« av«., Sprlngflel^ N.J. 07081 t «

-—Sub»efiptlon-Rqt«- : Second L 15"Cents Per-Copy Moiling Xddr««u THURSDAY, OCTOBEI?^ 1969" SPRI.NgFIEl-D, N-J ' $6.50 Yaarly,^ Pgtdjit SprlngHold, N J..- V6L.40 No. 52. P.O. Bex <9, Sp>lng>l«td,-M.J-07081 1_ \

iTSGUSSIOn •* :-

dt sgr6i^ \LERT_of_Springfleld, a ofr g=abiifie _A_feature of the program will be a talk by^-^" • dedicated . t~o ther ^ "*'"•" Mrs, Bella Wheeler of Wakefleld,_Mass., to be -, swill . through community Involve.,.' r . held Simday^bctT^irtheFjbrenceGaudtaeer- -~~ ssions will sponsor a Drug Abuse Week, Oct. 10-1°, -School on S. Springfield avenue,=begihnlng- s at Monday nights meeting of the " It .waFajinounced this wfcek._,__:.-.-.••/. —:.-•— at 1:30 p.m. All interested persons in Spring- —-The-program will-involVelthe .ciergy, the field and the surrounding -area have been In- .««in Dayton Regional High School schools and residents of.the-community, In- vited to, ottend^^ ',.'...... ;-.. •-^"- irL:.---'-~ fl.atjc cluding the young-people, accbrdlrig toB ernard Avenue, Springfield.-'^-; .'.."••.-=:-. • Mrs/ Wheeler, a, psycWatrle-soelal-worker dears at the meeting will tie:Jack * pounselor~at Wakefleld High J!»- school .psychologist, J, Dayton • onalj; John.' ChristtanoTrsoclal workerj IV-, d^re^rley.Regionnl--High: School;: AntivonyJ^ ualdP,-psychologist, .Arthur—L~Johnspn . i '"the most imaginative attacks on the rapidly . Jtoal-High-ScHool;-Mrfl. EJUen Addis, psy*-~—( t worsening-tragedy-"-of-r.^_.ij,i .(u moderator for. tEe • • -sFridkifl—andKleinman^atd"TnB"xoBeqitrTg • •__ -twy^«:-druOrobleniis;'f according to Mrsr: ALERT, formed last May with the cooperation; ,f-tji»»-.Rpglnn6-chairmen. 'is t'o;creafe-lines of communications!:" • 'for the evening will be Dr. E xne BBS MOt-Braa-imu niMBBwai w.— -^^ • -vQiexH PB"»" —"7.Ji7,.^jlUwg-in-tvwnnift •• • education Striving to 5now-mR-naiMP» ,""»•;- _ -__j ^s£Kd?wS^^^ ,in ajreferenduln^tiiiwTinsrT^ ALERT? of Springfi, as part: of thae^nsfoh plan being completed by thei RegonaMflgb., ^ ^__. ^^'•"'J -^der^ p formed to educate adults and " • :\.. .•'••••.'.• -'••••':. ','• - ••- ••••-...-,—•-•'•"-^ • •-: ---—,-•--——involved;" ... _- .---——-—:••— • ------.- . —•• ^\ • - - -••___— . ^;~ ' .. :| ** dangers of '•' du drugg abusabusee ,wil willl

jsponeive, bipartisan government isahati... is,a matter of recordiattd1!: sincerely ihvlte_ - _L=r •:': '•••'*.'•: '. -.*..-^i\. • o«nHd acdve^tymUlta^seCTic,aMiwfi-i^tvHtdlltMV-^ieCTlCe.-^iw-i^ Z . _,Jeve ^ringfield wahtsan^^HS~tr^hBt--J:-0mP4£ison.^^v^;^ ••••;.-. ^Hes-aO»nded--BaMinger. High School and r Tr |r v.received' a B.S. degree'•• lnichemical-engi- ^. ':|-' r : -,, .T;- ..„• Springfield has/' Mayor PhHip:Del Vecchio-- ' " ~ *~' "* : f Nk Cllg f Eiing l/ih' C^hrtr^f—"• -reported to a campaign rally on .Sunday eyen<-_. ?^S^-^^i^-»-b^mW'iftVptvejJ-taflhnning-to-'meet nas appourou Fuaum,m ^- .. „ seriM.irom Newark College of Engineerings __-. : py ld^\*JLiyy I -ing, . "and; quite: ;reraarITably^the : bipartiBan.v ^S^^-^tiwTdlstrictfBfo^e^panslohnejdisLil-'"'' "-"^pf Springfield as dfeputyZgov^ggsy; I'.i .: .~^d0aJl936 V . .._ ' /" ;•--' —-^ ._—^_—_: representation^cameaboutnotbylelectibh, but, .."Town ..^. -™ ESS • r Cltiz«rs-have:beani:urgedtp:speak tp.mem-,. .' -As deputy. govemor/pdlWecchio wiUdver- . D|1^^ Vecchio has beea posttnaster to Spring- • ; ; TheOSttideiii: Alliance for-Good Education; jraflielurori byJappoWtmentUI- M^fO. cpnsider4tl^i^-Tji.riii^^^ 'celebration ofjteBattle oKprttefield andtim—•— anab'solUte,pdWcy.^yertha past .eight-yew's "In 1962, Mrs^ffilth^iraB-thB-deput, n r< n appointments to municipal positions oh >eM5ttori^ in th^lrrhlgh-schools.V a bPard—as -deputy he' is a • member of - the dlstritt^3HteTT^dpttr"lS^ceipresident ^ the -= ^^w^f^fi'*eSEa«tel otTfive collector,., arnicas Judged to have served • ;•- spokeimari saidthlrweek; • - . ;• cabinet and/asBists-in making district policy. Springflela ChajnbeC-OfjSanimerce.^^ isboardboardss ".purelpurely oohh" Jh thie basis of %'• well. Therefore;shHTras-re- s to be discussed include cur =^- This policy: has crossed tiarty ••' •'• •'if..tte'"'JHibWc"hBS--ahy^id^ been a memb>r of,:.the: Del Vecchlo;and MB^wjfOr-Eraij— ~" i oHTHtny:o<5casipns :and has eveh-brought^-flPP.0111 —the Board in its planning, it wants to hear about ~SprlngHeld- Lions Club: since 19S4-arid'?erved-Zjat-50 Eagewood ave., Springfield. ,._,.__ —at,i?Jhe spokesmansaid, ' : -=- ' ' ' as presiaent^^ in 1967-1968. He enlisted-in the ^two cluldreni-Val.^ 21. a second lieutenant in -Del Vecchio, a RepubllcanTcomlniied. ~ .''AlmoueH-piMUiin^hagSoliB-b^vondthepr6-^^Air-CorpB-riP-194S^ and retired liminary. Stage, it's tfisr-tooJate. Thaboayd". .Erbm_tte_Air t^.orcj RBBBrvg-Iii theigi-ade-ef- . "There are ^ « • (C6fftl(iued 6fi"p"age 27)- lieutenant cplonel after 23-years of reserve .AKer the-panel has,Lspofeai, a question and _ . . 'VUl K^UkO JIVMVjl i answer period wilLbe, held to affowtstudents uci. vo^wiio stated, "andperhap's the primary cle"rk7"lff^aciH^BB^qulfflEfMaoas-ailbne-were ^^ and adults in the audience an opportunity.to • instance wouH'be Mrs. Marie Sralttoiivho is a the.consideration. . ' •".-'• ' candidate for re-election a.s tax-collector. "'Over the years there have been many "awp^Aari -ThBh-iytninnn-nnrl1 -in obtain informa: - . tion; «i»-»'"iT"a." "~-«.-1 mo -^ - i I ——"I am proud to endorse-the eandhWcyrpf—-nthne-iippninmnpnt'H that:HtBected party lines' Sl^SSiJ!^^1^^ l ^shel8npafflar~-0H-th-»-Planning-' Board we are ..formfortunatea "- to ^^^S^SS^^IKIS'--- dedicatededicated"Sa^taTe-repPar^mw^d and^slncerej^Farty-fmesjui-a-iuwu—^ U»VO»JJE_2O?..>~» „„....„. . adult commuhiqr.We'do hope to have adults such as-Sprihgfi,eld?Biibuld not be the prime——Evans, and Arthur Xesselhau't; .\who ~~ _ 5JBoJ|#ToT the' community*-^—^4— -• -r^~ ."On the.Board of Adjugtmpnti-Edward.Sch-;' hi week challenged all hec paljflulldingf HerblPalmer at Jonathan Dayton ...- . eague^bL-WomeruVoterstoworirtHroug.-.„;.. ^,.,,,.—,_ tr-»— »~\work through B Azations-zhave^theV-Aserved. to wartz. Marvin Straussr and the-attornev.to:the "^elected andL^^^^^fffcialBFas^wall^aa.- '""*"" ause of TMtential 'conflict oLinter- 3*spectlve groups^or the^goals"which, oUa r7projedprojectWs totthat woulwould benefit the^ board, Stan^RSpn-we-iHa" -•—^.---j.-_t=^i ^ dvocate8168s \ ;^ ip have wey'devoted their ^meT-and-r-^members of the omer party.. . •^S:-^"^ ' « ••'"• ' \i.— ^ township have ,they:devotedrf •'•The iinportant thlngls to open-the eyes or ^pOn what foT "•"-"-" -*'—^ .-to the BhortconK^ a o the: y base theic r candidacy.--y t these Mainrtff=n«in=a«™enu)e«^tie < ayt n 6 i about . ^i^ Sdr^ r^ impw^ S^S^TSS3SSS^^ it.- '- _^____.. • Schalarship Puna' may send ' -H*? ^^ °,o *rt"M 0^? ^y ?2g2^f® ' ar" what I consider", to be the importat jwhojwa^4sa.a""c"andldate on- the Democratic citing-evidence of conflicts^at the federal '•'We should know of these potential cpnOiets' <&Lgg$ft:,the ojiWity, ofediicationbelngTrot^ 5S ^Sng?rovhted^o^—^^^%v d^rour jwnaat t l couBiuer,the, voters. IU" shouluc^.d^ ^__'5,consider^ ,„ ,,, ,,,,„ oiono—ffnrfrtWflffi-nn-theDemocratic to what. a slathne for_election to the Township Committee, KoveKunent level stemming froV-buslness store offlcials^are electedandappointed." . local .highLsichbol will come andlls Del yecchio_cpnti_nued. were appointees of this administration. . . dealings, and referring tP a 1964Meclsion Vtovetsay'' / V "My dedication to *' A.,"r.V«,,.i. ^^^T* •••••. ., -. ... of "Judge HaroldBargerinjShichSpringfield OUR SWIM POOL manager,.StanleyJWnek^ mwnBhff-deallngfl-wegflrsald to be 'contarnln.- •as-well as-our boildlng lnaaectpr, PaulGreeh^7^-tff|»p^-ebngictt ooff Interest.interest." sStokes sai^tKe not^ffitege indicated our ^o before they-assume public office. Stokes volun-, I l (Continued on 7) jment ioVi.6viar~~-—~ _--~- ^'KeepcdrrupUoH oaf^^a.—^.^.^^ l ""'^" conflict-^Interest, These are..prlncipljBS'we^ J can aU^gp^Cered^othingiOLdisheart- enlng.:aB_ iL

BiB federal-govA^nmnnvBobbyBaKeEped 1 Mary Rapp,"3673f"Mounlffiitsae7 .. influence; justiceTSbe Fortas receiyeflmoney; ••- of a charge of failure to yield! to an as of this writing there is .serious -question 4mefgeneiMwhlcle:anf1• wnni finefined $20_b$20 by,Judgy Judge ri Vhnyir nf President Nixon's nomi-'- C""11 Max. Sherman, In Springfield Municipal Court L jnee for the Supreme Court, moment •••wbrthr—r—• • ••-.--—•---——~ -'• ••• • — Monday night. "V, " " \or~T" "The line between ethical and. unethical Tudge Sherman also fined three persohsTofl. ' behavior is quite thin. SherrBan Adams, Pres- charges «f speeding. John W, Sharp, 21, ot -ident Elsenhower's aide, still did not believe -Mercer Islarid^Washlngtpn.ipallJaOi Judith. at ; --Hoock^20r6f 147 Baltusrol way, Springfield,- tnere-wasj-onyitmiBiVvi. ^ »•.jv^^^-™^,—_ .z_ was fined $2.0,-and Barbara A. Twerdak,' 23, the" time outraged public opinion forced HinT ~ ' -J wnB helteved corrupt his 5Pl5indetppaia$2Theresa R. Marchesanl6 , 41, of Summit^, was effectiveness as-an official was gone. "flnedJfl3d*Ow tofor passinpa.ssihg a red light, ra.^,^..,.^andRaymon d 'If conffltetx>f.tatere8t.can-become.a-^apie— rrmstonrl8,-of-40-Baltusrol way,-Spring- at-so-high-a-.level-of-.goverhment,-.nr.e_we_T_ T)kd^-iiHlti-$-10-for-dl9r,egardiriB-ari-offlcer!s immune-frpnviUiecatojpgBgfleld? .._ sl al 8? « .,_.... n^.iM._-u^u_^-4rt*oiwn^-r—r--^|, WAY^ n^nimize suspicion-is full _uslng fictitious license plates, and John J. and open disclosure of any and all ami of Glanitsas, la, of-46""Mapes~ave-.7Sprihgfleldp "potential conflict ""Of interest. 1 propose that was. fined $15 for allowing passengers to ride' ill candidates, elected officials and appointed on a portion of a vehicle not designated for agsengers^ \ Interests they have In Springfield. Specifically, Also at the,court sessI6Hr~the™dri TthTpubUc-should be made aware-lf-the^ia»ei. truck, Gordon L. Shlpman, 34, of Pl "1 Real estate holdings or dealings in was fined $10-for;-operatjing an ov town, with town or with individuals or corpor- _yeWcJU;i_pnMllltownxoad,. •'...,;• ' •' who.have dealings in town or wjtntown. iteresis-in'ouBuiDoaoEii OCM.B( u»rc—.— "tO~ -.or" Wltlv-lndlvlduals or corporations — :town»: "3. Stocks in banks and-corporations, in- •—volved In financial transactions in town, or business dealings with individuals orcprpora- attack of hursitis tions.. yor_-.-^hilip_ LieU.eccI •i "amready to make disclosure pn"aU of REUALi-HfABauONTROVERSY-«Nat Stokes, Democratic candidate for Township Committee, Overlook Hospital, Summit, these points. My'Pnly real estate holding in First Aid Squad early Tuesdi morning; ... . lo"okB over park area where! Fadam Farm was formerly located, at the corner of Mountaln- Springfield is the house I Uve^hVLderlve no -—aVenue and Shunplke road._The land was the subject oLtt-CouttLdeciBlon-lnl964-ln-whlchthe A HospitanuBiuuul O^JU».ODII«UIspokesma»n saBB*%l> that-the .mayor Income from any£s6uroesiOr_r|Uitedj had fainted because, of pain from an acute A> * Judge said there had been a conflict of Interest involving local officials. •attack-of-burBltiSr-and-thatittack-of-bursltisr-and-that— there-there-werer-no—-^jpriTigneiq111*™-"*- , niave~hi nave noo invowanennv,uivu...w vt wit„.„h. pr. 1 ^i«.u. Ut>*»/t1-*Jni rn other complications j Del vecchio was expected ' .erty or-buslness-lransactibns mvolving XP U TAiLOR.NO , M 4-0544 HI W. .T.n*n; , $^»JXW:&Wfij£& silNlNG "THE TOWN^* Mflyor-Philip-Del-Yecchlb, ..left, JotaB two key municipal em- , to be'released from the hospital within a day town,- ".' ••.'.. ' •_ 6 B y ployes In front of Town-Hall.-They are Mrs. Eleanore H.,WorthingtDn, township clerk, •'•"•' '>••—' 'it is a common-occurrence at Plant iPflul-GreenBtelnj^jullding-lnBpector, v ; • Union ; Student groups^trUni explained that on this living tissue'. If cahrar cells are • present,".'. At a special meeting Sept.-26j-shareholderJ s is -being marked on many campuses as a day-women-resident, . __ s of-the-eount... _ y who "they are-shedvalong^wlth-Mrmal cells, . SBSnU~iher-bahk s-cha«)eic4to ln-i •protest against therVietnam war.Jjut classes standing of our commitments and of. our in- Long said, "This white elephant Is ever! now: crease its capital stock from $1,421,730 to ;wlllnotbe suspended that day, It was^nnounced volvement in Southeast Asia," Dr.. Iversen. costing'thercitizens of the county more_of.. over 21 years-old or married women of any'__ the' physlcian-whonakes'theXinterlhe sampling ~ age can. go to jhe following_pjirtlclpating'~ and the person who studies this' sample under $1^624,835 by issuing 40,621 shares with, a •this week by Dr. Kenneth W. Iversen, acting- _said. "It is encouraging .to hear that our ' their-ftx money rHa~d the garage been planned par.valueof $5each.. •• / , . " . - Student Council, has "'begun in an orderly way ^^fflclsatlyf-the— conBtructlon-Awould-now_J>9_ .hospftalS'between7thefhourS~of.8.a.mi and 4, a microscope can determine If. any cancer f for vRhiciSff~. Iversen said ""students wUl BeTftee to-..architectural fees on top of the already waBted—uiwtoe <^c«,^Bi_- „ . treated before they cause sympto"ms~and be-^—ownedj-^Those-with™«=numberiof_sliaEes_noJ - attend or not to attend scheduled classes, "as, hundredTof thousands of dollars." •' •• Dr. Knauer asTcedpoTalX women wlio come come dangerous, bvfact^over the past 3d divisible by seven are entitled to receive C6unty~AJC votes •their own conscience and judgment dictate." The Democratlciandldate proposed tliat for » these hospitals for the test should wear years, this tesfias been credll5d"wi-drcuttlng payment of 30 cents" for each-1/7 fractional :"In accordance with; established policy, all sake of economy this structure be con-" loose-fltHngclothes and avoid wearlngslackff, tlie deatlcraterfrom utBrlHBcancer-by-more^^Bhare.: - --,. - - . . •>. -classes,_wlll-meet as'scheduled on Oct. 15," verted from its presenthoh-functionalpurpose orjanty-hosetJIThe should'also be "than~half and with displacing It as the chief ' -rAddltlonal—infqrjnatlon on the new. Issue §i support ._JDr.__Iver3en- said in.a. memorandum to stu- -as-a- parking facility for 'county employees prepared _to.-_givel vital statistics- lncluding-i—cause of canceirdgaTfriirwomen.' ' . ' may be obtained by callhig Mrs. NancyMinette --~-^i£fa^l^JhplcJaitand address.,- • ~~ Still, nearly l.SOO.women 'In.-Newrjersey- at the bank's main office, 686-4800, =dents-ahd faculty' members. "It is our re--- r sponslbility to keep classes open for all stu- •Atpresent." Long said. "SheriffOrlscello:; ^&^&T..;•_•_•....•»— ... _..".-./•*J$^j££°»• ..--.••- - ^ pr-0}ectecr to,'s'uccutnnl'itoithlB^tjJiie,. of.-; A portion of the.adaiBonal capitalir5te& ofViet rpordtojriififT and-hls-otaf£lare_sufferlng from-a-lack-of ' Brothers,JElizabeth General Snd-StrEliza- - cancer this year. That is why ihe.AmericanII_by_thS-ney-lssue will.be.used to financeme dents who wish to attend, slnce^-they-have ..- . - •- —..,-,• - - - ' - ^- is^a beth?s; in-Plalnfield,: Muhlenbergj In Rahway, Cancer. Societyr-the-Unibn: County Medical opehing-ofnew branches in.jjew Frovidenoe, ember.s.h.ip_jif • the Union County -^paidTieTr tuition afia^^"are~eniiaed-t6TBBtrnt=-—^^tentloii-space^What-thejMUnty-needs Rahway Hospital; in Sumniiti'Overlook, arid In Society and-the partlcipaani"hT5Spltals-are Clark-and Middlesex. The bank-recontly-i««- -—•Ghapteri-Affie"rI'can-JewisR<3bngre¥sji, has voted tlon. Therefore, all faculty members will be , ,JalLnow, not in the estimated three years it und6rtaklng this frterPap-Test Day; In order , ceived authorization to open the new branches unanimously'to support: next Wednesday's' ^e3$e^te"a~t6~n^fBielr^ilasseT®^ch"edu^d;M'S^^% .. -.'_ Unit" and the Ldoysponsoring Union. to educate the -women"of- Union- County^' to under the;llberallzed.-regulati6ns.;flf-the'l;968 - ^Moratoriumr-a jnbyemenb led^by-students to '-Dr, Iversen saidfa^^rlnembefThlivebeen structure proposed, for the location, across County Medical" Societjrstressed that this is , ,the Importance of taci.udlng.such an essential banklngilaws. '• ' • 'X^i— fSengage-in ebmmunlty 'educiatjon for one day. Urged to:asslBtsmdentstapJamiingappropria^^ a test only for the detection of bancerof tha,_ cancer. detectlbri-t)echritque--lh. a yearly health At the same time the shareholders approved , against the Vietnam war. ArBpokesman said -educational acfivm^aTflVjoin to the dls^l ^ the. garage were^cottverted to ajaU, .uterus (womb) and7notyfi«oomplete physical. check-Up.~~F6r further • tafqrmation,. readers the increase In capital stock, they also voj£ed_ that .the • group^SJ^JVOted to commend Dr. cussions. j;-r;-• 4, :__•• . .-• . *he county, taxpayer would be spared the burden U- -JMason Gross of Rutgers XJniverSItjrfor being "May we-have_a_ .-••-• the-first-college president, ln.the United States_ 15 on the Unioi . to support the moratorium and to urge campus_ • to; arifuller-' :_; discussions directed at critical examination __wlll help to bring peace to that troubled part ies,sened-by_the; creation of a~new fadlitv to -.The:: test JhaiuwUl .be 'adniinis.ter.ed "ai of the-w^n^place-of-regular classes. :^ • house the overflow-of detainees now crammed Roger.Dean. Asch of Elizabeth;'president of of the world," Dr. Iversensaldinhis memoran- hospitals on,this day" Is named"' "" r ^^dun into the old Jail," Long said, _^ 'the group, said—this • week that the Union ' "It is about 'tmewe stop sjpenduig good "TXlpuntyXihapter-deplo Paintings by six members of the \Vestfield "Pourii_ _ ii h lli Art'Association aretepresehtedlnthe current -Folkj "Inlet." Mrs. Peter DTFalk ' exhibit in the Nicholas- A.-;-..Tomasul&~A3terriield-ls exhibit chairman. . f he Wes.tfleld Art-As'sociation-hab'^ 'ahd~arrangediexhlblts-ai; theJMllega ^SS5i to this ne-wa^~— exhiEiFare; ^QaEothy-Wood'ward; "Moonlight*^ "for- the^pastrseveral 'years* the:K8$ s;!! Henry Murphy, nMUTon ^zalaojl;has=a=traveling loan collectii .and '•' '•- ••- •'•"• Landscape;" .'makes available to the college. Pj ^^_ iywjCUi^scribe_nationwlde "plans V Republlcan 1 1 ~being-made-for-g_^q';,g mtn^h nn 'WnHhjngtntij __ DEADLINE ; 3 " •'"' " " "" """ BJindiacuJt arid-rally on-.Nov. IS to""brinjg the troops items*^h^r^han^stigt--newi5^shotrlti- taxpayers of Union County any parking facility tiordna Howe,_i'Autumn J :: n^ collection.- _home.;npw.''L_^ ^ £_•.,.„..- T== ghe;4rv ourofffce by ndon-on Fridoy. this Whife'Elephant;f'

•f-r-l. , •ointe^s ' Joseph; j. birmtagliamrotnpefvfeied--a-:riumbaK „ __„_ ireBtfield=V;,-?Bee"ti named sur operated facilities^ ' : v*- .{ Berlntende' M recreatlori'for'; r^-r:.-rr~*1* * "•/*•-•..; \ ^•tK:'t)hlon-1County-:Ea*k-ComiAi-T:v;----1-PARK'-1COM^ limission,-effective'Oct. 20rit~alsiJ-T^z:inp •--•—^ ••• •-••••-•••••- • ^r^rlr-meritr^-iAri . _..... g^ p r succeed?GearKe'TrCront 'who xhlef engineer, and MlchaeT '".'was nam«l.thepark commis-~Jr"Kolpdy-of-Glarkas assiStj- 'sIon's'g&ieralNsuperintendent anCjchieLengineer,botheffitp- as of Aug. 1. ;i:. ' -\-tive^a-of-Oct, 20.. -;_: J* \ .-:. '; Birmingham vis not new to. \ Vimie will succe"ed':1Robert I'. the Union eoun^rparks," as he. G. Schaeifer .of_Cr was the asslstantsuperinten-; was named the commission's ' dent otrecreation, uhdefCrpn, superintendent of fferdjbpeKC'T~ •ffrom~-1956if.!tfe-j,9^1,;. when he =tions.oh,Aug. 20; He is a gr'jd-r f7l ^effeiiOdehtie£a3ESnT^bliBln'eBSi^niate^t-^^w_arJc^oUe^e j;--) Tie is a .graduate of West, ginearing, Tiavlng^. a. degree l!n^~ "^ .Chester State College in Penn- civil engine jring,-Fro»n, July,,-.'. -syiyahial;and_ea.rned .a-ma's-.' 1967'to July, 1969 he .served ter!s-degree In recreatio' - as an offic'6r_in_j;he' 'Oltfted —-'?. State Ofiprerslty,, . —. •'. working on construptloti,; sur^ HI : : 5re$1.27 i" true for -T-iHe "served—as—r ecreatir—veying,—and ffeld~design^6f-l_ II any standatds^Che-Eirst: State; Baiik ; "director of Kenneth Square; water supply •'ln""v -1 •• • • • of Uriion share ai&r tatxes; most of Ifie other counties m pistrict. IL 'ennsylvania, from. 1952 t- projects_on_rvarious_Indlaii only 16_jtears" old, its assets are-already anticipates.that u-—- -"- "^ "* "mT19'5--^e-reservationsl . hi the -...-west. Mor,e tQ.'.I9S67 he was'^ii"'graduato—recently he has-beenemployeti . well in excess-of! _ TiigKer in 196>9. ^_^ 'with_ap residerttcounselor^;Inl964ior^bytheN6WjerseyDepaM^a-'" ' - ^Gash dividends of $.95 persharerwere^, "a"p6rlod^f almost-tw6 years of Health as a seni6t\t sents a-phenomenalrateof growthT ^:b.einglooted i ecq he served_a"g-asslBtant execu- health engineer. \ oc\> paid-in-1-968 on old shares. In OctobeFK ^ing" community.. •UVe director of the Westport. Connecticut,' Recreatlpn Cor Vitale is certified'' You arejnyited to -participate in ilBlalit fingin^er-ln~traininp! by this brought stbclt diyidends-patd^te-^-- - active member ottheNativ .ax j -this fin^TCiar^henoirienon. And-share 6ften-results in a growth/stoj^Thjsiias-'•—, Englneecs^and- thi profits of itsngrowth in the: years_ T20%^iric% e 1,9571 A very strong divi!dends= cataiiilv^e^ivti*^rccord of ^ Recreotion and ParkAssocia^r Professional : -ttottfandhasservedonvarious-^ toicbnie^—~~~ -^ —=-^_- . -.• '"~ '•• -record indeed"". —.; Bankxbmmon stock; to date. And with-- ll ^ -New=i88ue-i*-liiKiited- rirmanre and In order to finance the estahlisHment -^= ^7W^g yS;attening^ewari J ^lof several hew branch offices in New±_ good buy.- IConference. At the present College of cEngljieering. an meJieJs::alsfcsgasJJlfcd rap 'i eM^ degre 31ar^ancTMiddle^ex7artdI deputy commissioner of.'the" in clvil-ehgm its bberations, :^^^^ NeW^eys^y^taT5er=AmfienirW7O Hisppe \ - —with-the^Unlon County^arlca—ship alimitedrluniber^of-common stocks--,-—. be available. -he..—served_.as tournament Tg67^ rshares.as.of Qeiober- director -amfrsupefyisgr^f asslstant-bot'ougliengtn^er.fo: \issue_will tPXal.only.40,d00 shares, it is, 5y •aaneae—eventsl and thcBproug. _h of EsiieitT....__' , bank or specific-instr^uetions on-ftbw .leagues throughout/thecomity, 1968 and 1969. Frbm^May o ^exrjejcteid that there will be^little stock : assisted with the arrange- "this, year" ,he- has beeti^em! ayuUabie^OurcurxentStOidkhcddej^Jiaif ments-of the annual "HotStoye.: ploy'ed'as an assistant highwa| M. 686-4800: League" dhiner, and Initiated engtoeerfoFfte'New-Jersej first preference in purchasing-this issue. to help you out. •theUniothUi n ClCountylntra-CountC y .'DepartmenD t otf Transporte'ri L , Baseball League, He al,30 su-. tton^, nf ~ Qr, ir you preter^ ^^ ? sjg_rpwth picture;- ^r~ — •_-: below. Magye'll send yQu^ffltcvro£ jsnothmglshbrt df-amazmfc in|ormatio'n.you^need. : : for Dem freeholder ticke TMiOt-al ^gFhe,First-Sti ibE^fe ^Bfflflgi=NsgS7gp^ SM^fflSEsevensnofnt j.ne-ctiartaboVe. p.lqa^-t^mfewQ,riBtailiBri'-informatibn. on^tEe~ growth in 1969JS^ill'be-even-greatei:rwithT • the yearsTNow that we__ I s limited, new-'issuefof~il-irst State Bank~.of- Tcrattc-slrite P assets estimated to reach $60 rnillioh. _ are able to open offices in other counties, our fate I Union common stock. Also include acquisi- '-"My running mates and I • units." . . . , of growth should be even greater. feel that the current oaunty ' Caldwell; a forme? free'4 aa^rt^^e^ I tion forms. ... . •.-'••!• i J budget,- if disbursed soundly; holders, spld the current all- _iitable to our willingness to invest in, T -i teuMTiSEiTJDutd~off5r to th-60P—board—was-idostr-uctive f Growth stock in a growth bank county-residents': • ', to the two-party |flvstem-bet the business and people of Union County I i cause It lacked tflnenorma in a growth area , Name. — An efficiently managed and itsi enyirpns^*——V-V-— . - . I i John Runnels Hospital. . checks and balance's'.; The picture4s clear. The First State ^ ...-.- -Kpay care centers . • The present bqar'd is 1QI I i - percent; RepubllcKn withoii —EarningB-and-dividendLpKoapectS Bank's home counties of Uriion and Street. Iddi^ ... j I I facilities. representation- from three ..q- Our earnings, record has shown a con^ the^largost-Ucban-aceaajjLthi. x ^bteiidt 4Ih CllyorTowrb eriter- Surplus Accounts in 1968 was 1.0.84% pris/es. This, in turn, has attracted • State .Zip. us with an .opportunity to al- after taxes. This compares with earnings thousands of wage earners and home ,1 $ leviate the problem of lack q .1 for every 3 representation for a l'arg of 9^80% on CapitaTAcQouhTs inl967. owners? segment of population." UJL, " Galdwell, whori/sTiwnin i with-Michael J.beMartln IP nnd Thomas W. d "We want to make.it pos; :••'>, :« ...'.I- sible for,, mothers with pr.e1; —schoTrt~cliildfiJn to go-to-worl "instead of On welfare. We wan1 ' to returh.drug.nddlcts and.alj- -cohohcs To thhe community human brings* al :ether arid help hundreds qj crilldren each year to becomj constructive adults Instead o; EJRLSURLSTT OTS A HE i3A2>HC OF . .SOCiOty-S-CO8UQltlQS,-\VQ-hO« j vour help to accomplish this UNION I "If you are truly concernec [.about the future of Unlpi Member F;D3.C. M «i » « -f •• u JL County, we are asking youtU Jt »J-!Jr SL B®nd*^rsupport our.candidticyTisfree.

*• i --"-'- "-,-/•.

.. t: I'-. ••••.-•'• H

."'. .. *••' ' v >l •' .); i. ,

A ,: ^ThurRriayrOct"Ql-e-t:^-i,-J.-)69"3~

g visiting minister •.'I«i »The Revv C-lvln R. Beviurtdge^r public, relations' at Lanc2*t6ir15jiho6l Q{;the JBlble,lI_ancaster, • Pa., will: speak at1'the ___? "Evangel Baptist Church, 242" Shunplke rd., Sprlngfleldj-^nday—at^ll-a.rn. and 7 p.m. _church services.' • Mr. Beveridgel , a native"„** „.. ,. ... in anattempt to express some ofTKerVBW v earned-the-baelielor of arts degree- and the- on •*» currentnatlonal situation to her parents will be unequal number of persons to the num- master: of, arts degree'from Bob Jones Onli"' The basic text of that letter follows: ber killed thus far in Vietnam. Each will bear vetslty, where he also taught lnthafiei|__ of a name tag with either the name of a person" : " ' * * * history and government and served "as~_ft HUB -isn't ~abnormal type?'.letter^!jnay.r killed OK tfcat-pf-a-vUlaga-destroyed. The assistant to the; dean of men" and as Men's^' ,a_ well prepare ypu in advance, so wfien J 1 names Will-be read aloud"="_ndTirtheend «_»KS_ lltorv supervisor. He began .his -pas^ral leave but any. neWs,"Storlesretc., you're not of the march they will be placed in caskets, ~ ° •"" "o^thTiEBlrrGopltfgue, -; It's just that I'm in'afunhy mood—the...l-whlch wlll-then-be preSsnted-to President l___i_____ .'of ministry 15rT13 years,' wliat newspapers a-..••--_;_----,,i»-w-«iim;t home are saying, if any_ - peace i— 'slgnlfylrife.our wishes, His responsibilities as Director of Public thing;-however* within the. neict few months' —"I've-already stated that Ihategroups.Iabhpr HKGU J * •> 'v'. - ff> ReLatlons~"Ttfr_,ancaster School of the Bible, "there's going to be _n awful lot occurring that violence and weul^hever participate-in.a riot. offer Mr. Beveridge many opportunities to^ you will be reading about. Slnra4',m-not there • But' — ;nc longer ei— teach-lri". at the auditorium. Evldentlythey're ing put leaflets, or__omething of the sort. • "word (mini «.2O) Cnll <84-7700." • .being held aU'over the couriti^ thls-veek,sort . And. sp, I went .on the peace,, march-held ,Wv.yi: REV. CALVDf R. BEVERIDGE' pi beginning a concerted efforffor act_bn.They ' t_e_jiextdS6yi_after the-football'-gamej-Tliere _____&__——~r_r——'• had wp_SE_ajKrs-^theuniversitypresidentarid- ' was • sontothlng intense and-aUnost religious R.D., the latter being one of the founders of ;• about fte march — 4,000 6r_5,000 students \ SDS~iruniversity aluifihus who Just returned yfiUnp^down^the street chanting "^Vhat dp we j from Vlefiiilm. The ««._iHpn> (rave a coodbut- wantTT'eace. When: do. we-"—' "" "—• " in collision ia^the-honort^itwIteVou.lo'an WiUiam WUd,lS!r.,:.o.fit§JBte- rstudent-strl^atid-otli-r-—i *i.\Jl*J.\J Vfh l_/w*** w*__* arresce- UIUIIUBIIL, -u-,_«v_^.c_, -_»__.,j---- were treated Monday' -, wai? now whether it was ____But_let me make it clear ~ I don't condone _,'_ look Hospital, Summit, follow- -' can't if new worKs cre£rtectb-V=nie?nbGrs-of—zz o —all. I'm against^ROTC:.on campus but staking "ing "a.c^sioii at..Mountai^jn—^expressed-n ] Jly why'campTises are-^tlie.bulldln., athpiighJtdobs sliow mass feeling, id==*Hi_lBl__- are alltfieWstrikeSr" only antagprilzes. " : •. . -•^iiS^i^^^^-^^-^M,:etc:.:We^eK.walte5;^nd pwteitbd. and--haa The-sanie ..wit.h the. riot the other Jilght v^«*u. - .was ffeaTj5ttvfoT "over toloo k at the scene-^beforie -bruisSOnd.laceratlons-of the., ,- which is wrtainlynot ^J}usted):andJtJwas really asinine. The Issue face and later released. Wild -h war. It drags^had-ylrtually disappeared.in the face.of stu- was-idmitted to the" hospital 'for-a*fractured hip. Accord- f -justSPthelu^.J-m_--gW:, anything —•there was no; ing .; to_th hltluthrl :our-alversltv"presTdentBa^?""'! went to-a rally to jiear; ia • n't be so bad if-vletnam went .\ when they-wBnt=tinnnrffrr.,...--r-J.-—-. -_— thewar^Wnues^a-nd the^-gnotheirbulldlflg, I teft. I ngree wlththe. Issue. Aqcprding to police. • ef- VoTc-'pTthep-pple is plainly Ignored. —>-;;• ]•; but not the.method. , ..._ — . fllnri n pnmp1n"PPwar nfotests -...lgtieldHeliceUe- believed Iti mass action,. agrecwlth-both issue and method. trtmentycharging that Wild -rthata All.^my-UfUfo l'vo> issed _'._[pp. sign at _ie ih-. violence 1 certdlnisn»8!i'tr'.b" -long;;, ... .tersectlcn arid somck Celli's ^preferred to do "mmy ownthlhg,ownthlng," nonotca.rint caring ticipating. .ip- the' strike, and I may go to. DresseSrOuterwear, separates, in autumn colorings car; ...-:.-• • tE others followed sorlong _s±belleved I was WashlnBtdn. ,'• ~~ _ ~7~'' •. .' ' ' -______ytght|i '•••," '• . ...-____ .... •- . - ^"^'en^bTne-^B-Mcfiartliy-GampalgUswas^. • — -^TT-r^r_-__.__- _MU_.I.J,. ^^gjQtvJa- ^ I don't k^now what I'd; do-If It-turned Into a becausej-saw In- himlJ a leader whclo •would not *'t'riqt, ^rprobaWy-^ustrrufirbeijause-flthough-I- Juniorette sizes for girlsJXtoJ.4"yeaTs"oia »~— ' k_ep "his thing" "quiet, but—w&uld make it .'know-we've gpt'to-actasagrouprI"_tlU.won!t r__——-act_oh^-You4ollow-someon-Jike-that. because condone "fighting fpg.pea.ce»r' •~.--Z-s^. Oi^rr"a sinEle_V-Olce:is;so^lf-fd-:tp-make-heard.-- Ttiat'sTK-.attitude, of. the ' '"

ALL SALES FINAL • NO MAIL.OR~PHONE-ORDERS___. —•-Summi• ..._ Gospet YWCA'l ins Art"-a.Wednesdat they this — Is pretty much over. I'm against the •.-.:• ,r. ,.r...... :•,:. _ •••....:• , . morning' Kaffeeklatsch next, • war, butmy saying BO o> writing It to Flor-^^^FtoP-^yoi^un^ " NO C.O.D's _. NO EXCHANGES '. • -; "wiek Using a special easel, ence'Dwyer or my senate^.isn't going to dp-V to-explainCsprt^Qwhythesethingsarehappen- , rt'd6r th6 roydl patronage of . •Tie'WlU-crea"tes-veraipas____3.--.anythlh •_• Wult__colbred lighting "and——person who w.as. against the-war wrote-to •"• -r witlitheini_ .-r______, _._..;. WtH. PRINCE PHILIP ? music wjil accompany his • "their congressman it wouldn t-make a-blt T~." "'— _; -_ MIUBURN & SHORTHJE-STWENUE-TSPRINGFIEUD DUKE OF EDINBURGH •demons-ration.' A graduate of~" oT_31Ierence. NaHonal policy is determined - -^ EARI?TCOFC_r—~ ~~"""" " . New Jersey SKop the.' Newark. SchqoLof Fine ' .Without regard to.the;«fSK6 s of the people--, -|?6bli.lty chairmen are urge_-to---*«rve

pSSS___e_^-_----^ n ,ncrud^ y0UJL -ri-awer-_--j___i_flnd : . '—7_ » "_ ^7T•', '"'Student Strike, wltt'anti-war-programs h-3'.d phorie number. —— , ••' ;•-- Kaffeeklatsch-will-begin- at—- - .. - . ' —— . r . :..__ r ._., • -9:45. a.m.^AIteSTTrh-lf'lioiir "Hr:—'—: ~ -' ' — • '• " _____,.„. , i_-S Mllibum Avenue,.-MiTlburn," R'J. ; of" coffee, and conyersation^ , • - the houtL-lpng program wlll__:-7-i Britkh^welry xlesicjtris r : 18 r Thursday'tii 9.56 ,P.M.*^;' :. •avaiiable fp"r' children" ^^ _^i« -^---JLIjL Jl- ":j" -rd •••;.••"' '' -—']fi ...-V- months and ever. ' . -Oil CXIllDIl Grafts Centre.of Great artist worklngrln-the medium an association-of-- ofjus ..choigg, andd no piecpiee creativti e artisans isTna_Br-pro_uce_isTnaBr-prouce.:—-;. : —-;• • fHlHCe Encompassing sculpture, -Phmpf-^eatEdlribi-:^ ,._;.ceramlcg^__p-grceialn_Ji_U-. |1 "hold its first major Amerlcin__rines, cHln -i-exhibltlPiuatShibldoiuatS.Mar. MarsS h _Spnsr^™ngingsT-cry^^anQ_suyjgrSons^ffihllngsT-cr - -_ew_fe«i—_ni4Uverstnlthsd^U , i smithing, the^tectlM ranges — 265 Mlllburn'ave.^ MiUburn.. from major>pieces tpbmaller^ The exhibit will open MondayMonday-object; objects d'artsd arts.. • ....-. •'; "~ ^• Jr- "fin'ri rtm-tjtfo^FrldflypQcL!_ The Crafts eenBrerofG^eat-—: 24. ~^~ .i ..—Britain, located In -Earlhani— m::mcnimo0n-wv-»;a»,---^---r-,^--7.-;Covent .Garden an extensive ccUectRm ef , section- pf bon(fonr serves as. .-.ontemporary British cratts^a Showcase;---. WOlk^.Ui-, . manshlp. commissioned by the reptly^ being - produced by • Crafts CwSer'EverjFpiec-—craftsmen in -workshops and ; Idisplayed has been qoncelved st-dlo. tliroughputEnglandto- _ Jt -5nd^"deagned-Bitaii4KdUtldual day,;"

:•)•- • I'. • • • -. -;•. . .•..v,'ii-.i.'':V; r:,:v- —•="_ --.C "-•_____. -" :--n« jg __%;__- =3ISi __• _S v 8 '"'"'\' " •" m0 mm ^'••^!Vi!______;^J •spiu'Am_H

-• (lr_^_^_»TjM_ The bemkers^of the Springfield .lui_"Dqnk'"-VB Lumm^fo'therr neW-location

at HMIsidI IMIOIVIUe Aver-»-w»i . &w» Rt«*•• . 22.H-_<" ^•—.— ^ " - » ; ~- . • - •... •••••»•• Perhaps as important as. the convenience of the location, is the broad - rancje of sb. vices offered by Spri n g'fi el ck State Batik./ For Instance, our 5% "International:^w^.J_J_J^dUt|^fl««_~5 i±? S • Golden Passbook Investment Account, our free.checking service (with a mini- .. 'InternationalJewelry creadon: s at S. Marshland Sows, in 'J^pW ,"•'.' "mumi $400 balance) and coming soon: Muster,,Charge. * • Jia-°4^Blvth-:ttnd-Miss-Beck-havathe^.Btudi,l d o in _ie lipf -."I w llul ulBU ==^^ftr-l

\1t Mew w.-KiyTtoflrom M \M*mwAM*- ar\d advanced, riders, featuring rldinp • lwiitnir>lnn« and,<

• Beginners" te__^

Caloric Fudge Calf "• •-. -%;-—•;•—-•---• . • "'i' .Mil ':;•!. Private Instruction by _ppoln»men».'

\;\ . ' For fur»h«r Information callor writ- . hiri^ Handliaj. 19.99 ; ^orbrochur.. . __

' ' • •"•..'- AD3,4751

PAINTEBS,:XTT-NTl6"MU.II-vour«lf tit-30,000-lamlll«---wiMi a- ~|^_l^v ,,.::y ,,..;>/. ,.,;_^; ;S,,. • . J . _ __^ '_ ___ ; - •m ^Thursclay. October^,JL969^SERIN6FHDLD,;^N.J.) LEADER AND FEATURES

IHItW^IIHIMMilMIMIWimitlMIIHIHHIIW William rial Comment -RepubllcariS, It has Jseen 16 hl^jriyJieidriieguberna- nnpiiiiinnimillllllllUllllllUimilllllllllllll IIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIHHIIimiHHIIIIllMipUUUUUUllilllllllUHP -^ . .. _!_ -of our people are Day is time the^wgtiB-gf-d^-y,.,--. •g|-—«- i i t\~~-** .LnflMAi ntfinal. educational, -hisi)redecessor^-wlnning-ways.Although*ey^ , ^have^ritn)Ueil:tKe:legisl.tinre-f^mosfcp^ purpose, of pjOn-eers who^spme. day this"" Sunday, k'rich nd^ertiie^W thng.H-fryara-fte-RepublicfeB bavffnaturaUy jCLoiumbuB wlll ^bnged^the'^b^^patroWe and prestige TO -4.emi11d.uD .of. represented by the governorship. ._ viousiy la ^ plorer who __wisprinmg athso a ecpn result ot fo victorf the twu-w....y in the. air last xepiii "e the New -wiH-reap a-harvest-of Jiuman tional- limitation that forces""Hughes to step ^biazedZa. trail;>t riches 'which cannot even,be aside, the CO P produced f tvecontffri iterator the ;W6rld. -./ ••--.;-----——,- asured^by=the-standards of nomination. When the smoke had cleared, <_;on- ~ 5 The saga—oF the dedicated .^o^qmijlrwealth on the gressmanWIlHam-Ti,-Cahlll of Colllnswood, a'._ register." : •••- . " :—. veteran of six terms in the House of Repre-_ :. thero and his three tiny ships rtle new-wor-ld—- -sentatives,-emerged victorious «yer his chall-- fconquering"thig-vast-ocean-has: engers, all of whom were better, known in _,'iai_s e d from . history into for mewwhoBe goal is conquest northern New • Jersey Tfiah. he. However, the . 'American f olklore and it has ^fThe'hiddeden depthsofthe^sea,p r, •. Southrjersey^opgressman Jrns been working L • a.—nrri.!/i>lon YvVo'ZfiS of—Trie - "diligently to close the identity gap. So well has- '. inspired young people for and the hidden mazes _ hedonejh'thls respect that some strategists.^, —LJ many--generatibns to-Stretch man mind. ~" - _ • -both parties rate the^eontestbetween CahilUnd TO aJtot be ^ —"- -out^ust- a f - aEhere' barriers . to the Republicans?-old-nemeslSi.RoberlsMeyner, =U| ttie^nknown shatte^ea by those who Today's youth-starts with - :angtiJ)ernatorialcarnpalgn».»Jv.—.___ ie same "e^gaejiS s-si jflnfc proeess-from a die to^tura oux ^s-iUi'efforts of1961-«nd-196S:.hasbeenorganlza- :•• iw**___Mality' , but ttienaMoreedJro . '_- •- tion. The Cahilricampnignjopecailfin-Is-a:well= tools-for-the industrial society^ ——timed, "smoothly futwttefll ngTnachlne.^Thecan-. . > . look for3ew frontiers to be.. intoa'bridge to carry y • dldate travels witFT advance men and a»^ntour- WILLIAMJ". CAH1LL _ '.. • S" capable of performing.tHe'peripnerai func- ' V mastered: .'^ . - - v. -.——peoplldthfae ^tg thei*arr : reacacreacjae"s ;«r : as that he should not have totiandle himself. In^'Washihgton; /.-I: TheyiEfeB^Heye, even-inzQur .,,-- ^ach'indMdual, potential.— . ' :te"es_on the , T> : world e-coverihg, mechanized ^j_Theire are- new liyes ..to. be_ ., , Copyrights: culture^•• Mir^nxrirfir-quite-thg ^a-v-e-d-^bj^.doctor s .-and •Warren County senator often-traveled "alone Subcommittee, and from: engagement to engagement. Thenitoo, oi interstate uommerce DuugunUmu^«UBln^ — .same lEprins ah those^knpwn—r--=~3^nu,>va who may still be •Cahill:hasbeen_shrevs!oVenough.tojeekvotesin serves on-the Immigration. anaraNaturAjjRStton :by-Golumbus and the pioneers., •,.in-nu'rsery-=school, and by the. ^n~\ f-^ A # f "-**" #•• C-—1-^/* •'••-#• flFFOr ••••.•••...-• ••-••• ,a • the'brohd ' ^ fert1^ ce"telr of *e P."!'*1081 Subcommitteerandra-Sp^aal.Subconim},tt?e on ^followed. ,..: -V —social «™*rrtists^ro will-««"* \L Cl I V_f J ,ITU?***:' I *•*-•_ ^__.,:. .- • _ I /--' gaxderi.'-L;ast-time^umont.for«clo.sed sttong^Submerged-Lflnds. During his first-tewo,in _ •whtrtouoweain—Li" '^.™^j . " ... — -...—_ —socia. l sciejitisis wuum«' --- •-•-•• 'First, andrmost-obvious, is, .posi tive dire ction. for O n iaiiiiBiiuiiiuiuiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiwiiirt T«^i^?^ i^^^\TPt hS P: "^ •'— --the -iihiverse throMtnropen by unprecedented- leisure;!® —-\ • ———:.••-•-••-. .•••..-' .-..-—•-—.r^-T'.-..; -.^.. .;• ..':••• ing all-oilt.|or-a sale.s tax; later he alienated speaker Sam Rayburn as one. of the!HJUr«t L : L " =—the astronauts and .scientists •••—-• - •-•-'-•—— —;— ~"— ~*i" J; ""-^T "t'•-'••• tT^IT-j'-j--'• ' -'Earl •UbeU- science fieditor"for AVCBS-TV -. the .liberal iaction by making the pro-viet-—State's -r.epresBntaUves to NATO.:' .Tbejp< t&ttX^&SS&P^ -^-^ of anobsa.re.Rutgersprofes^^^^^,,^ wsonalreDrefi6& ito-"xnrt-e;r- -SfcHSFfeME app^r, -TH^ ^.yg^M^S fc ~ issue pi. Mcdall>-magazine on.ye. serious.. ! today wlii~ever' b^-/able length and should be typed with double spacing" • dTsease. is from the scratch of .catsjarid' was" the Initiative early In .thls.campaignjhy staktrig..; crease New'" •Jersey's ^share of'tSscaJ^tMC • ;living toda$^lWftl ever De-'a-Die _ . w tKoSBrwhb-know bnly -to (rtot all in qapitaneftefsTpleaseJisAll letters first reported by .a French-pediaftdcian in--. out •'crime aB one of his' wajor issues. He-—revenue. Last year, CahilLwas thejjrijjjcjpal jlto strike off the shackles of .j-a ^t hey We >told, or taught, must lie signed. Writer's name will notbewith- probably was aided'by the disclosures last sponsor b.flegislatlorLthatproyidedbijsglcants Not everyone, to be --sure, summer of transcripts of wiretapped conversa- •••••to-rai»s-for-use4ri'fighting>critne;-.-','.-^:riS~^ gravity and fly toward.the . -•- everyone, '.to "be -BV held if the~letter is of a political natiire,TJils —In' chlldrent-Jheisymptoms- jhow -U|^° 1 caNon otr -should be a^ pioneer.- ~newspaper reserves the rteht to edit or relect =awoUeKgland_und^ife^rtripUo^gro^ tl6ns-invollvlng=Mafla-flgure8r-MoBt'of-Cahill s—"-"-oivthe fiuUjecf'dtTaxe'B a^id'r^verniBSrCatiill" starsT Some; ot-us—a-re-ne-<^dSjd."~tcr 3Hy-letterr^~^—^—-'"-7^-—:—'••—-"^7 Half Se patients Jiave a low erade fever,- literature emphasizes his experience_fls an_j,as CQme but against a state income-taxrHe ^rillore malaise,-.S?Klcli'may include nausea, FBI agent. A few weeks back, Meyner took some sayisrferfBvors an.overhauling oft^'e state'tax. j**!"'«t!!'--=a=='-.-' are• •• —stay—home, and—_' . chee—_—_r _the _ jitit ur iuu*i. __ loss .oi appetite, and arstoiriach-aehe. A.few j)i.the wind out of thatsalLby-Pointlng out that structure and HasTpledged to flgby-yfor-"""* • fnner_frentiers, Where her0^s< j^ we-can do is to VOICE OF YOUTH" : Cahill's FBI-career lasted all of 30-weeks, federal money to improve^our-icltiesS;';' . .. .fertile the unfbrtunate^penchanfrtte t for " cases'of encephaUtla have turned'ap; -^ Responding to'charges that he misrepresented Cahil«-•-•>•l _-practice.--LJ—ii..rin-r»s law iff Camdemfl»n»jin(rn with tht e ftpn- ^"there-is an equally great need i- ..«.«» nonnip in two' all>- • '• •"'• ~Prr~HnglrTter-CarttherEr-hasT^ti . his FBI record; Cahlll comm'ente4,"I'venever " •'""^-VWiUnskl. Like Meyrter^he^a1 s ', for pioneers. .y._; . ...„,., for nearly-.15-years and sever aU relations -'- -"«<-""-*«•». r*rvur - —• "^—'encompassing..classifications—compwueui-. ui.- : ..I. Thgr-frentier of peace, " rial for say in any-way that-I've misrepresented ...^ elected.-.- ' • t.Z' • J' radical.-Yet-there is a.large number-of recentlyxwrote anjirticle in we jouirhopingm ; FBI record:" Hef also believes-thst his FBI 'i-'e.-xampl'ei —lies . rich -and Otner Wpras,.are today'sjyouth who belong to neither, but'who, 81? American-Medical-uic.vt/ujL,..- „ "— Association,-. ., "oblei h ."...THE.'GOP. CANDIDATE is ml iexam p.e, to- 'r e me mter Tf~tfc^~1miBt .be named, should be-called -^to-alert—the^PubMc^to-thtff-rproble.m L' service is a relevant campaign point and thatlt an. endless con rlto iJSflsNioted '152 cases.T 'could be^helpful In fighting crime. MBillCahlU •former Elizabeth Myrtetus of. ( !_Tor.l ; utitouched, -with iut~ n^v^' 1-6^axr-- »mlttedr--committed deeply:tp-thefr^deas-—^^? M_«as_ln.o_ted r52 cases-slnce. y 1 Jlu up that one ~wa^~anPBI-rrran~and-Tan -rm many- auul^ thin u^».k^ Bil ^^l -Cahil l does__' They have eight -children: -Kathleeniuf!aEyc > '— • 1y. -iTi .x7' '- • ani*«idd determineddeternunea to-beheofcd-onthe"issuesto-uo 4«aiM.ur^,., .^ ..,i _-;-~--'--Thei»-tovp'been-seven.lch(Swn-deaths.'.-'; hid at some daybreak clear w 1 car-ahda:ne'lgh*- knpw how to figlit crlmBj»'-he-sald, adding a : WilUamJr.i Reglna,-John, Patricia, Eilefc. «.- iB.nntual-it-v-'-actuai.-Xt-y. -: : .-" Among the mormore.im'DprtantIssuee imbortaot;Issues cqneecnconcern-—^-One^ol- f oUi . .iiBrghuoi-s-told ..us tho -.. suggestlon-that^ieyner "get hold-of Mr.-Hoo-—Therese. Gahill sustained a personal trageUy- of internatisnal We '. should be -ing students toddy •i s theAw'SHpaneducationa*»....„._. ••._ j.^iuTt=], --evenlnE: Bhe ste'pped-intpher car anda:i ver'and ask him what kind of an FBI agent Bill.: i^t summer when ftis daughtet/Patxlcla'was' mbus to; move system^-tttots inadequaciesjo -Cahltfcwan.V •••.;••• :.,.•:—„,, --• ._•' - seriously injured in-ah-autompWi^clfliiiU_ -school: wiff-become-i a worthyihtttrexpei , .Cahill come* across inhls campalgnLappear---TTie'tlme^^-'BpentiWitfi his daughteBpMlietcsbn- . ,0 y"e r_j_^ancl, make room -JT^^^co^^iej^.i.seierttj^tudents orp. -o-Hpeg-flBra-fogcefunBBgBiffirrHftlHParticularlv- pfeaamaffinni behinbehindd s^edule-^igl.sclTeaulei»lt^h hthree cam&aign tr^ti5agjir»rowjs iher-oes,. ^R^IhrtrfflHighhfeHodl-Hav &ftppl'iifave fdunaef&gflSal aarnf orgym0 - v ™ . ^^ffihceresiH^cting.ca^tr^wnm.teH.^effectivo^ ; twVrpf<^l({<«f timei; -' ; ^: ^G"g-r3tudent AlUance.'for^ood ^ gB^7ecaKniahg &at cats can.bewlth,hla,,WI1|ia.B ,_„,. ; ]Jke the Democrats,jhe Re ies^where-whole^ae:gnlentg —-=^=^»" .,,,.- sjurigleistomobmzeconcdmed.-Y^ -^^j? T -^r^-TL...: --"-—;r^?~^ •:7Tfi£Ve"?.te' be .\a?r tendency/ to appearisomewhat Union County- as^a key^Sm students andhiauusind adults and' to attempatteifipTtt too ^{fe#cVe % m^ - -^g ROCHELLE WARNER - - ^- ^^and- tandoffishinhis«lbow-to-elbowcon- iiiiuiiiimi!iiiuiiHiiiiiuiiHniuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiin y Qf s iIM£6hlll has reforms in • th.e*-tecal hiEh schooK —^7 • " MW^ERAJJCES^LCjglyLX " m— - ——; ~-^—3 rst ofllHanuHcHon hammered; at the weal Cahm .= are planned. .-..«>-. -.--—it —; .--n fprmj and i i-".V Union County campaign; swing,in.tfiw '-'• ru'sh"to-W.ashlngton to vote Mj'ther ank. i ' nnWawdcle on O6t. 2,'wherein the local. didate""has specifically questioned wnetner_ nish-to-vyasiungw :

— win-controLof the last majo»nbrtherhl -—— -g^quit-ed •a-group-ofrbaoks-prlnted^^l^—^icted-Mnericgis ^Padflc-jimK^n^jnd-^jggiiow^jhe- F^oTjnrBo^fiirofTtarnTien^'ors^ =^ large-type^hwtoclude^&betterknownworks.^.^thbrs as ^ ^ others concerned • ' ' riboth*flctlon.andjion-flction, such^hprsas ^^^^^SiOAtimtU-Ji somber, deeply';, ^pn.-; - local group -of pa their own. Last week, MeynercHBrclzedC^iTidChiU -^nd Cjimn-nln^^-^------.--^, onTCro^-^lPorted these ambitions. .JV somber, deeply-^atlon.-:_.- .; :: , ..v . .;, -.conlBfitfiiLby^MaTOr : nnMaurleT, Hlltuu, BtelhbeekrStevensonrCco^t^. hHn ^ bf-^ pactacpe6ples who have •,;.;• Ifis aboi about drug abuse, - aoEhls •lavrfirm's representation" of the New askea^To^egme^hBTe. J^^^^rfy-" l^metoplacff^ J Tprw^^ 1 18 111671188 IMS abouttime.-that theadults-otSpcingfield - -D_el Vecchlo. \»ho_r,equeBl^m - larsev Licensed Beverage AsSOclBtfcn~ln-ltB . posgiBnity-tharPresident-Nixon-mie" iilJie added from ameto^—^" "" — -,-.-^^.-burdensTonnaperia- -SE-WWIS- l design; ,..ttkenttrtmprwethe^were informed'abouf.Dayton:'and measures" resources of.the, Union-County MarcpticsAa attempt to block the_establishm'entof.apostex— campaign-appeatancein' meGardenSt jM-PR aonea iron."' SEVWNG ' ' ; ^ v ~^h :.Visory^Commlssion_at the disposal of ACERT. : ' • "Creative_Stltch.es,'i by Edith, John. This.-, children arereceiving.^:" & Cmlssionat the disp -changeJLciuor store at F6rt Dlx. CahlU replied half-otCohllli who has been one of hlsl ,- Jwok flTls the-neiaifor^new^sfi^es.torlnterr^ •..->•: NAKIE WITHHELD BY REQUEST ^uavl'si^cthjB^fipjamlssLpj3_M^|pJ«'ation of r •The Super Sples,' bv[Andrew TuUy^y^-^^^awingsjeTnongtrate in detaiUoW, _ uiw _„.„ J state L. •Students and their ^e%tW^ic^^^^mx^aAo^eve_ reqtfeWof^fprmer.Attorne^w-.- -—--.j-.-

BDionage-and reveals_feginsjde;§|grjrpf spy " .jJia^oiaen-Panrt,""' tiy Mtivttii le^s.!—gn-WedneBday^Instead^they-wllLpartl i^k^^L^^^^^^enS^^^ fiSaons^oWp^efful^^^ecretr^^?^^^^ - fte nationwideJUetnammorator um. L?Jr.i,«.n Al A fiscinattne-. readable.book. _^.t,o,L™ ih.-rimn nf ,?henloneers whoused •• HTHF films, discussions, dramatizations • Del Vecchio further requested-that-1— ii, noting that'ho fee was Involved, Cnhill ex ^y-.i^^men and Vietnam vetaranafUre-• ••jt".S.J"r.»¥--•••"• TT.T:~^I

Toxpnyer* Aitoclojlonj 21 COUNTIES RAISErSiJv EXPENDITURES 10 PERCENtw -,—x,_ :.r^^regate*~^nding^"New33ertoy^ ie discovery^of^reaUcrin^als^bilspMse^_: 5 7^Ro^J^ otherwise,.: and I:am compeueavto^ir-u^ lc n LI represented auJnctfed nd -tiumor-¥mT5in^lCTr^st^aced---weUa ^.w.undFclked,war^nejiednotbeafflllated ; °™6e?d^ght by wriSng^BSte^^^ nt^oveircpuntjMt irfee^orFj^ . "yl/oUlQ De-Dott"»r~sif"'1— ' •" q^K"^ T -,,•——.- Q^—^jgy sly-$412-mlllion3 ^[''Th^^BrngJ^^^^c^by-Lee^^^!^^^ > IJULLLLL iluLlLEuniml^]i in >" iHnfilTivrTnnn-hY TuufTiiMr- ; i~~" : " -••'-•—'=^—7 --- -• "•'jili^riTia anr-^t-n»'^n-Trt''' '''_^QherCommlplon

asi5Heitajia£eja!SnsJ^rt^^^ . to=wplte^8imllgr3ietters aiia= : makake similar phonpo e candidate hns not attended any of them. hlghwajrprogramsm^nuy pu^ww. . . ' •':. . ' ^ dude' financing .both from r«iu?rent «u Third,Tsnone your clergymen. • I trust that the people of Springfield will _.e.---.-•:-v...yT- *-•-*-—•-•-*-—. w ' aDbropriatlonailJSbrTaaons'^iidborroweds and borrowed WndsB'Si V courage their congregations to support the agree with the position of Mayor- Del Vecchio HIS CAMPAIGN HAS been built around the P?U W w Twtw toseW cfiiMties ^^iprotePtP any way •^d-mysclfJliat_flmJ!rus^^e:pro^Js^ thesis that: 16 years of Democratic control, • *, increased dutlayn in 1968'.v Great too grave to become-a part of anyone Bpolttb- elght-of -them—undec_Meyner, have tailed to- nercentaoe' increase was a 56 percent rise if possible, attend the moratorium . caT campaign, and that the Democratic solve-New Jeraey^s problems. Theretore>oniy~-.'Morr^s--^aygegt -deeHBg-^aB^atiout-2-£ obBervance. 0^0 campus near your home --•• — cease trylng'to find a campaign . anew admlnjs.tr ation. headed by him dould hope percent. In Somerset. Counties which: sfoiil B.2URAV— , " Thema^.^ -capltfll^mbrovement " f '••—F-ollo.wing-giJaduauon-tconyu;amaen-(=amouo—^ • to New lerpev's problems" lfl 57:year^pldj^^jjajygjg^ cPunty-by^eounty^iaBiirotarprBparetg t - ™.^uirui!iwi! • . High;School, he, crossed'the Delaware to study- the New Jef sey Taxpayers Association sho- —mmrrinrd^ftiMiBirtbookB-andntherinstruCtional. ; iEYK -ANeT-HER.MCa^SJE&^__ ^^ tt-VStu—Jo u»^v,.«»uJioWlV^ajLtetil_experidlturesJ •"" " . FlFTEEN-YEAftS^AGO- h fii v ...... _„-!» receiving his $27,385,812 last year an1ll2p2"2n(3irBrI^ • materials should include "comprehensive ana~ AB^L V. DEL VECCHIP takes up his post 227Lelak «ve. UU(1U6 r I satisfactory treatment to the- contribution and_ inlpiSd?Thlf^a n^^ degree in 1933&«!*&&&, Cahill launched a dual career an Increase of 14 percent fpr,. the, ( as' the new postmaster for Springfield.. .The blocS theTview on what should have been as a day-Umo-teacher in-tiie Cam'den public life of various minority groups in our society" old St.-JamesXatholic,Cimrch_becomesjto_ POSTAL REFORMS perlodrv-;-- L; hd.d ^ ^aitupgri : ?eTldeVTtial zoning, dnS. -\Springfield and Hill- schools and a night-time" student at Rutgers l llllllllli new home of tlie Crestmone Sayings and Loan 1 have been reading the propaganda being South Jersey Law School. He. earned his law $87,8 7^14Tlastirear and$87,O«,785 Ini967, after' some remodeling. . .THE REV. FRANK put out by'those who want to abplish the Post "'l^Sr how many office filings arfe now degree In 1937 and embarked on the now- an Increase of nine tenths of one Pe«aV. D. DENNIS, pastor of Rahway .Trinity Method- Office Department and replace it with some going To be built in "residential" SprtagfielcL The tabulations were prepared for inciumpn famotfs 30-week career with the'TBI.During !tal HI ist Church, begins an evangelical' crusade in kind of a corporation. However, I have not I wonder how sincere are-those that, say this period he was stationed in Washington^ TrT*e-19A9TdilRin-o1^FinanWf *> «" Springfield.. .Registered voters intheSpring- come .across any reasons why the same p'ostal i wonu ... .^^j-^gp-the-.-character-ot tittle Rock and St. Louis. hle,then returned to of, New Jersey Local Government-,. -fleld-dlsttSctcomes-to the new total of 5,279^.4- reforms recommended **» »«™"» teia rea»denUal and then proceed to ^^tm u° ^ tS!f. PpVBtB*Pra Cl}oe oQaw. annually by NJTA^to^presentcomparableUe> yntwrtv adiOlnlnK the Sve^aninriyv outlandish reasons why thethy sjioulj d 1 1 squeeT^h^.rlsebulldlngs.lnevery empty ., Cahillbegan his pllmb up thepoUUcal ladder- ^ta for each oJ New Jersey "'•"''"MeB.mLn by serving as city prosecutor In Camden,Sub- ijahttes and school 'districts : r ••• ^,%(»rd.dlscuBses.:ppsBllbllty...that lot^ ~ ' ^ -seo4^ttyr1ie-spi^thiMe4r.etiMLAaJlMt^sslsi- • • • . - (HR4 A ^ 'f' 40 YEARS AGO>. i and modernize ^tSSSeSthe- facilities .and 8(111 keeS p -Maybe° ,,...£r, a„ watchdo.uS^hSncgr committeee .o_onn zoninzoning-Ig T also was a: specialdeputy attomey gend^s- • ' d B "Comim^teBTirtmtB-a-ifequaaudHt ur . -in'tne--nBnfin.M.tiin ftme»jc»n.; [tf)rtnft^Atil<^.[ -- -.:. ,^,... :v.... >;... .,•.. 'signed t<> the Bergen County gambling trials. :• "L.i .u^-.n..."n«l^rT» >nw"—"—BetSi-anyone?^-.— - _L_ ' . - . —-p—^Ctahtiiinr.yv^ n n.^'^ »hff fltfte 'assembly ' ^S^S5Maffil5»., ^SnallyifeeLthe^TMcVs;- n... n«i.« .„; fa,r„ Bets,anyon t___,.. .-_. _ -^.-^jjy, ,„. J fram 1951-tough 19.55. He concentrated on hlsl Sf the crowded conditions on court night in ioQo lnimportan,portantt t^o thwe~ economic ,. socia——l ..an—d • V7 purra.- ,—. .- fing'bnlHrDemocratlc* -l_---ri---fr-r.K^.«.i_.«. cpngres'sman.fpom.-the,/.MB_arfaAon,fpnm,.fhB. - , ^FLORENCE.^AUDINEER SCHQ.Q °,..Tr^vi-..-««.^o . ..PiihUc Service coor- ~u*t*nV»MUitrii.at the American neople e >)r poUtical welfare of the American people ever Jiuap Pirst District. He^onhlsbldforcorigresslonal Monday, Oct.'13^tttcetbaqon (orchee ti>.hA-tnkgn.nut-of-bur_handfl. __•: '__ _ . ;,.j, X8eAt^Ol58itind'reipBated. in the I960, '62, lettuce and tomato sandwich^ fruit, mtlk, AND EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT ia truribi>uj.L ~w ,, CXRRY WILLIAMS , Abn*r Galil, Itdllar . ' Plemer street to new quarters In Sum- M, .'66 Mid^^eoaoTJsTTfrailHRtturepTi^ crojn- President, Springfield Chapter 1 Rolwit Llbklntl Bta Smith . .The Springfield Policemen's Benevo- National Association Tp Publicit•" V'.':,y . Chairmen:••• . .•.'.' : put that.he defeated' his DemocraUc opponent, "berry. sauce, noddles,^^ .peas, br*idrT»nt»r, Assoclatlon present a silk flag to police . , ;. of Letter Carriers i • Vou'; "like some, help \w 37,ObO ybtes in-196J;.whlle President John--.; mjlk, .:.'; •• ,;.•,«: ; mkfur.ter,•, •._,, . niusta BUSINESS OBPARTMEMT on occasion of new headquarters being, B rrbl^Pi^e Robtit H.. Biumtll, AJv.rlliilK« 01 Jar in auditorium of Municipal building ftH^AL^'kBMnaprirLJr^-,-;." f™^* wlnnlngin tjiejame, territory by; EreB,,mluc. -.•'•• ot ^cti^ -t" **:* .: . '• • "]:.«,•:•.;.; I As . Si)rlngfield"resiaent8 we_.woH(iet. why it le'aSQS^^rite^to thiS-weWS-r ^^J^ce^J^cel roast' 'beef, -gr -' Sam Howofd sewers are so LAST YEAR, CAHILL was electedWs the .:mashed,p.6tatoes, carrots, ,d ' butterb , milk, • Publisher,. 1938-W« there is np ordinance concerning cats. Other7 ~;•^ppr'aSp^ppr anda ^p a!?Kk. ,«for« -pu v«*r ••.^Tip-X'ttrsr ; -representaavSro- . averoff the new SixtSixth;Gongressionh Gongr^BBlon^a . l* volunteervoxuiiw^., •"—•»-•• ••—leavv ,,e„ townBrare^now-iin-the-proceBS-of ihavlng^all^-^ repi esenU lay-^juice, grlll«sd Qheeseprbalognalon n ni^.iuit.r-M nniV irnUO. Ulllllfl PrfiSident - ndW(c^ dil]tpi6kle, fruit, nitlkT ™ — B H«W*»I, p town tomor ffo rL Lakew«o4,tk o attendtte...., o^j.,, le8sh--their: pets and restrict, jl ; a vlctorVmBte ,000. Hlll«nMI«l« annual -.parade" and convention of i the State jhemtb their own property, Westfleld has •1 wnHBB: ••;'•'.:' "'• - vr)" '•'•'• '.'-• :•'•:•'.'Wmtoto*. ^**only24,0O0 blltiIil Relief. Association.' .;suc^;.anordlttance?.'(y ,.,., ,•.•.• . . ..-• .'. ..•iV. •-• FRIDAY D&ADUW^ pther than spot-news shoylJ- i . be in our offlce. bymoon on Friday. Funeral services were held last Friday at': fo start on day car --Smith and Smith SuburbairfoTrMilton W.'Seal. ••••" A car wash and"bake "sale wiU.be held on Famous flicks qssist stopies —-—the parking lot of-the Presbyrerian-parish; span and creative writing. i' of 721 Mountain ave,, Springfield, who died Springfield Recreation DepartmenMwirUng - areas .'. House, 37 Church Mall, on Saturday from Oct. 1 at Overlook Hospital", Summit; He was " —65r •' — ••-• ' assesj "g"9 aiinTto 1 p.m., • sponsbred-bythlTWSst? ••un uio nuujrfront -— -— ••- Interest'in reading books, and througn cnW o&. • In Newark,-Mr. Seal-had:owned the CaldweU are among the feature-length films that are — «« minster "Fellowship, the high school youth WViBwar^fahJcSiingrSBidents became more . .^Sewge at the Mountain •~^»_m«=_^ r ln-twirHng, may being used as teaching aids fh the union County S group of the Springfield Presbyterian Church, aware of the impact of.Variousim*, fa SKtossPrince he.moved to SpringfieTcT register there. Thefee ls.$2for lpclasses. ••" A variety of baked goods will be available Regional High School District. Carl, a social Studies,teacher aUonathM—^"^ aQST ? reserve-tnemberof the Kathy Pierce, die instructor, ls'the director I w A vanery 01 DJUOU guuua wxii uo »¥»*«»«**- ri v s w a he-event-willgo- —Th-e-"films-are-wlated-t<^a-specUic-areafbe"filme~nr^r^"'t» t' B-flpni nr - of a twirling scK6oTin"Plainfiel4rSKe;teaches—-I T"~for purcHase7Tt'o'ceecls~bf"the-event-will-go " . . •_!,*__•.« mini.Ur>o*«|. l-ho HJefrWfH ^—Da^RegibWHIgT^^^ Volunteer Fife Department anda piemberot of a twTrTIhl^cT^oT tnwarri iW program nf the-yout-youth groupj-An—of-gtudgroupju A n v accordlhe to DavldCarL the district's .. "tnward the program-of the youth g*° P^ -THaVchallenge*ltHhe-sehools-today4s that of Volunteerrj£e ^( «^i(_^ _-qrnh,h p]a(nB. Jnyitation was ;extended to all l In the comr j^nueeI j cojfdinatolcoordinator"". ' - .. All Saints Episcopal Church, Scotch Plains, competitton-twlrHng munity M support this" project. Gary Burtt relevance; and that many schools fall to see the. As an example. carl-said-^High Noon"' was"1£jcS$to meeuhis challenge through use W^*%*»**&^$fcr^ Rebecca-,~S.JI-your wmil^* with o low.eor^ t Wonf*d. Coll 686-7700. -and Paul jClfcsing, members of the" cabinet used irfsocial stuales and English classes with of Westminster Fellowship; are_in charge of three objectives in mind: To show thafdevo- jarraogement~zr. ^_——_..—«,s— for4^u thtL.e. *]..»day• . tlon to.duty is an admirable, human character- Brpjters ;VUnderwriters' • Deo istic, to portray an example of- the Importance - WE SPECIALIZE IN MILT'S JM«O2f of maintaining lawdurlngviolentuprislngs,and possible. We are liytafitaacpjnnpl«eandTrwbUe- _ irety-for maximum'effectiveness, to relate the story -content;of the. movie to In abl ent .-society characterlzeg^TOflow^otinform^ .-jy™^ tSyearrangedflexlble$chedules". Where only the-bisY jlay international problems.- :~>—— »iAn- if^-thft duty-of the school to provide. »f° %*_„ _r „,_.,„ ^i,^.. ^nr i twe. ., 35as~lJ5EirtiBechin-tt tt c maa aCI-Y-llwCJa^j^oiaul-^Btudles unit oh the effects of prejudice, For Our. Customers. TO : i ^_ilr._ — —~ and a study otcharacterlzatlon andsymbbllsm of the title were explored in theEnglis.hdlass^ in the.Reglonal• OVER-THE-< * rtculum.,s comprises_Clark. , MARKET:..:.-..:- _—,.:.? —OPENING N.EXT WEEKk^ m fwo _ .._„,... "The Diary of AnneJrank"was_usedtiysJiaw_ Disfirict.Disfirict. " • Kll^ite "On"OneofltheroTthee best ways-iot-usuw - Echo Plaxa Shopping Center I' .JpaVcpndon. lay leader an^^anofthe prejudice agaiirerminorltygroups. - taUze upon * upon the experiences of "4e«t to 5av-0n.Drug» and Tnt_Qre«J Racltl) • , film studv and film maklt

unday, tiiis week, at the 9:30 and ia ^he moviesgreatest succesSrhasteen ^ices-of-dSvine worship. H&has- bis tdplc as "Putting Your Eaith to... wlti,educatioljallydlsadvantagedstudentsinthe ^i'bti what a; man-believes to church." ;' ti^ginthe two services-will " GtlseVDwid'Browf and ^SOTlttChapel

& Joseph- Barnett and ~ .' > urui urn ^Ifdivlne IHt-NHIOHIlt-lNSIIIUUS-OFJEHlllb •IIHS1I UI1IUM HEART .; Fastest 3^irityhavetheoppornifflQ^exp.res_ U.- Vats —r-:^ :; . ^rrEiriariuelSchwltS-wlll cpnducfthei9{30 aim. thousands-of-miles.of. blood. JIEG^SSo EACH' THHOUOH S», ' iwflorttian worship seOTlce»t^:sermon.wiU"be- vessels? What works 100,000 OCT. II, I BBS ChaiCh n rgeftflafea-"The Saylour of Souls," based-brt times a: day, and rests less than_;(Lsecond between each- FURNACE ~™>-^mil&ch-ScHooi--meets at 9:30 a.m. with the job?.. . ' • ^71 TOOLSEL, i"mireery^through_aixth grade in the Wesley . .The:answer.Js your heart. FILTERS _ Include8=mechanlca_| ^riflti the seventh and eighth"grades on the• Increase your understanding and philllps _ereW7-^ Owens Corning drivers, hatnmeh 6 • w-thtra. poor .prtne uiuw «.u.^^, _.______o£ what- you '•".'.' Youth'in the Mundy. Room._A_churcK nursery -abo.ut-thls-_Ulvingpump.."Thls ___:larJhAV>'at^^>-i'ftr-flle-eonver4ence-of-pare'nts::: -tn-fhp~nffW'n^ ftf n~g»r)>>fi^if—— r^ in a caser. ^ .^r-____ /ice. At 10:30, members aB_- •four columns devoted to heart. ., Ujvitedto enjbycoftee, buns:and: terihis," preferred pronouncla-__4; tions, and definitions.——J—»_—I

I -about fats. ^"^BEiarsiiU—t^ ;' a ANTICOAGULANT -.-. (an'te-ko-ag'u-lant) OCEDAR , JPONGEMOP When. RiveR n lin IER ^cases of- a': blood--.vessel ,. Lightweight, will fountain Ave.& Route 221 plugged up by a clot, ft tends DETERGENT K^gjy not mar wall, or •"to: prevent neW- dbts'-frbms "OJP^ "furniture. forming, or the existing clots from enlarging, but does not -nE0.49e — I We flesiirve the right to Llrril* Quonll»le»_^ dissolve ah existing clot. • • ^ARTERIOSqLEROSIS' ; s~.- i 11QIUARTPAII- (arite're^Or skle-ro's = i Commonly. called_h.ardenlng< p= =Pln_tic-tnsil"wlth~ ' ;. metal-handle. WfeSi of the -arteries;' This .is a WlNplX=Tlt r generic term wnich Includes EXTRA-OITVL_ =aOTOx^AMM«LCi!t__z--?7j J -. a variety, of condltions-whicli—I MORE LOW PRICED cause-.the-artery'walls:t- *" DEODORANT i ' - Nedn-wt-w-. v .III LAUNDRY SPECIALS

A kind of arteriosclerosis • ^OBASgET u Plastic busKel -flflfi] ; inner layer of the. If- size In-choice ;.••• *«•»:! aXTCrj WCLMiff-• '»**l^..,jr—r~. TSfmolorsT—•: JERGEN .and~lrregular.:by.-depb'sltsj)f_ a fattyL substance, These ,de- BLADES \. posits (called . atheromata) LlMIt -prnjBct-above the surface__pf. the inner layer of the artery^ d thus' decrease thedia^ XTeflon treatod^ovcr, pn \ • thick pad—_ metett 6fttt6"lnternafchannel""" ; of the vessel. .... -•______. YOU'LL BE GOBLIN' It, ' 'il|irH«q.ur - _^ HALLOWEEN 1; Systolic- . ^SAVINGS JJ Blood pressure whentReTfeart uX --'''•" '- —contcactetL

£^BI6od-preasumjyhenthe_ heart _. Tmuscle—jg—relaxed- between .... of 61 ^_beats (diastoie). Blood :pres-_^ I sure is generally expressedtoy _J |

Acadeihy arid will serve as a regimental corns- the first representingvffieT n^c

SStema^-'it^is^cg^^^ TDfFBOYjfBUCIQ FLAMEPROOF,— AJjfilB'rlng In your outmodfed jewelry ond we wilt such as corn oil or safflower' r NELL VENTIUTEO /' SNEElfH' SEASOK 1 | Sy~Now.In two handlbTlorigths, ""• i ijL- £U Hbn)l1'.>eitima*6» on freth, now '^one'of-o*' oil. A dlerwlth a high poly"- f W- Choose one to fit your hand. ilnid' )piflc«i doiigned for you alone*. unsaturated fat content tends 7 '•• In case with blades. 109 to.lowar the ampuntof choles- • MASKS J5IUACK Jewelers —terol-lii-che-bloodi-These-fats- BROS. .are sometimes substituted for lRi'';74Y<> «-.. CoineBWIth mixes. | 51' . •: 1 Autotntti(^nr8hutB>« "afUir • .^ b/i.;. '. colly that it is not capable of LapiH«f«t»» cabinet^ • absorbing any more hydrogen. • • Btenmlng'R t" 8 hours. All •• ^m— , IcZ Ea'.< 1 J. !,• V 37 South St. -enrphone and .batteilsiL: Morrlitown These are' usually the • solid CORK L fats of animal •origrfv such as Included. •••••. •..38 » TALI, CUTE oLa-fe^^WSL^- --^T-l the fats.inTOllk, ,.meat, SI.19 VALUE, VU 0Z. l •J ^l! •(• '!^' '.' . t etc, A diet'high in.-satufated .STROLLING DOLl? „ fat cantennends-to-lncrease- She cornea In neiorted *•«» Ki JR-.W _ .the amount of cholestorql,;'in PEANUT » -halranddress-stylos^ . the blood. "Sometimes these:~; ^ •-_ 3he;iLwalk,besldeyouv VAN NESS iatB are restricted in the diet • BUTTER m in- an effort tor-lessen the • ARTHUR lu " _ hazard of fatty deposits intlie "• KISSES HAALOX ""?Be_VALUjr, I W. ; • blood"vessels;1 - >~:— .'•• '".— Terms, used .in describing .- ao-NEOEinr.... m ^aTts^bf the h^art and blood-' i yosselpjrYilLbejhduded in the BAZOOKA ''*'B^\iV |i.59 3ize. mWwmum tlumn—in—this- " "'"^^ i-to-NlH-Feature-Serv BUB BttonB- lce,_Bethesaa, Mg> jjuujw.jor .. wrti\t. . ... afree copy'of.We"nrustratea TriiuiTTiIvonE MALDRQX-SIL CEPACU booklet of 3S0 definitions, "A 1 Jiahdl)pjik^OleartLTenj!S,^_ TOOTLE AHTACID t»«O»T Publication No. 1073. \. .HOi^Bat Ta"pbltcHy~ehfl OUR LOW g MfA L PRICEW-r r ^ Would^youjlke some.help.' • irt': preparing newspaper re- ^^"' - M • *«i «""""" "* - - I leases?. Write to thls\news-.,' 'r'and ask for .our ''Tips r Submitting'» Mows • Re- ;leases." .••.•', • .. : •'. ..V". '•'•' ; '•!''.•'

WUWMin « • •'

Men's Club plans ™T pray-in*sbeginning-at^7-a»m., 'until the con- Sharey Shalom of SpriUgfield-has Temple clusion at 7 p.m. Rabbi Dresner has:been a vo^^ulSrtan&cipattlnWe^sday's -v-leadar-4n_the_struggle° against the Vietnam ' iampion's_aaam Th: e Men's CMToi . ~Y°.IPvd tI" .s 1S& > Hnmr-Ta-nadonwioV!a?roteBt: I '• ~ • „ v _ • ^{""—'— ine -Men'ld s ilt^iul uhl udr ^omu^v uvM. ...-.—,.._ n n "^"War-ever since the commitment of American :•' -Ch(pmtoA.,ItAurencellef 12-yeaiw>ld daugh- Springfield, will hold a men's fashion shp_w_ combat troops in.March, 1965. i. . : .::•'>. ter^;** Mriand Mrs. RobertG. Laurehcelle and dance on Saturday, Nov. 8, at 9 p.m. in -. '''He is the former chairman of_N,3,Clergy '.-;i •• of ^111 Redwood rd,, Springfield, has been tne temple's socialhall. troops from" Vietnam.. - » « •and Laymen ConcernedAjtjout Vietnam, and was " ; named-one of the six finalists in the Junior The latest in meri*rfur-fashlon& 'will be • • A temple spokesman declared: mfaa. dKlmoTr^f^fe^^ialrgjngnr^Wftrid—rnodeled-by-megaberfl_of_the club and fiuv_ "Students and lacuity menujc» u.i ^^ ^-msmiBr of nn unsuccessful peace mission-'<^-" Stylemaker -»»*•»» «»»« fWirn^m^93:()00^~^hed:by7Martin-Easifflanrttd^of Millbutn.- of campuses across-Amerlca will be-leayirig to Southeast AsiIs-tha ien newl they StBiuub electedt presldetof l966i—"Jtia - - JL theli? classes for that day to ring door MBltH^abbt-Dresnag-ls-the-neaidVrican Jewis-h electe Congressd president, which•••-'" ;. entrants, i " "" '" theli• ?—.. classe. ..j.ts. fou._ir tna» f.iuur aaiy r.iHsento i^s ""«abou» t«-- the- of the state Am • • ...ui^w.n, cowete In "and tatt with their fellow citizens about the -with the national AJC. te_supporting ;!«- • SdoS^Sf wSnan, Religious institutions rd^rgvmen, businessmen, wtters.yg- ..|nR. a0rlum is being aiVweU as cash-prizes. Miss LaurencellB's Stua "WinenDerg f^* ?^ Greenfelt,—. I ^priie-winnlnp^klnkw«dwoorslclrt,andabUck,J)rowg ensemble consists of f^^^-^S^^^^^S^^Mmn 376-448^jerry bnuunan, , ... or the, ' p^wlilteJhQundstobdi-checked vest that re- temple office.. L "•yc&es tomatch'th e skirt.' ', ' * " '-'

. . - ; */ lairman i. 0 • —WWdnH-therFamya^^ofthe-synag^

RCHEs .Mrs. Woodruff X --j-^ has -been reappolnted-Chalr- man ofUe 1969 YMCA Woffl ' :i Servlde-roll-call-launchedtiiis .: -."Rabbirtorael-ST'Drssner, sp -•-•' of the .Congregation, will be on DENis- month' by the Summit Area Y • — ito help" develop and strengthen — _nappy^jwiui_the world. You "YMCAsoverseasV-^-; -—---— cannot-iise your full talents OW^USINE • - This is the BOaryeairof'ttie ; and energy .wlthout^properap^ ARI ". i I^JWorld Servlce^progtam which; plication- of some serious at- I -pS-hvides direct-assistance to^- '— -••«•<• in oVirirf.-learn vour live PLANNING - — T"TrMCA-B-ln other-parta-of-the— j.jorjg'nal-DESlGNS -^ - world.. The Y is ttainihgBBve-^- I- l.^il-j^.itjiir'v.riiiiniigthemlnds -. ../M .. _ ,...,..;.. done^-your-best —-4-quality MATERIAL '•*-. A . teachlr —— to - true tjRAPTS the basic needs of _ WngsHgbtand.bymar ngnt lor muuy »""™M and slum areas; ariayiu.*.-^ well in^our.-book of ibout what went wrong .. +.complete INSTALLATION- . tools foFSQteracyjpragrams" + co PICJHG -and vocational tralninB other- ^wise unavailable in more than i7 wrong, . 39"developlpg countries. '""" rself on -~ —- 1 - -w-fatthful-SERVLCEz '-•- Mrs. "English Btated'that room -when It s me to1. - ..-;^r- I VLnave—«. haye ^——AlFit. ..-e!V- --^thon WOT JM^^K^^ J; -Jttl8..yeaJiia ..yearr ' $"4;00»tiuuv.v»muv-o—oQ wl U besough—t stand e entire SATlSFACiipN. > your news should be in bur off- student L«on« Avoildtl* • ; g fromSummit ArearY members Scout nctivltv.' ••.——~—- •-_ ' ; •_ ' ' (Phnto bv E.G. Cardinal) 1J : ^and-Mends-to-help_meeJUthe "^" ^—ice^Bv^nbpn-on^Frraoy^— «^.BB —^ . - .... • II- H~total :World_Service goal .of I more than $3 million, Mem- I—berSroi-Mrs. • English's com- mittee are: WilliaftTNkBer- l-a. dtoberjJ^Geeer,'"'--"''" HfllTiRttD ITKSBSrTR; 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE T^B Anthony JJRatlcheck, Edmund.. i^tATE HIGHWAY 10 • WHIPPANY, il. J. gg&&%xft&^ thf" H2S cr SOjl-2000 ford.WUeyr

Exlermlnolor In WITH IMAGINATION MODERNIZATION W and program vSH be Introduced with a •: ^h^discu Ice William 0.. DoTiglasMf ^'s^rep^^rmng-the-pra-ye---'' I?™a^**M Austin America. Jssex Oafn*Y Another Red 11 He is a-

^Newark- .-•F71SSSi^iit^he:-YM^IHA-«^*(i^ ex County,: 7bt) NorthfEW—fol -1 boara orffusfeeTOftheJewi ' 'RoadttestMagazina \ , .; !., WestOrange^s-.u1(iJ— '•" • News ahirairectoirottlia Je .••• ave., yvcoi.,u»,»"6i||r •—-.4. - —.. . .^ -federatiodi n ;qff ; TTempm E wayTwltii programsscSheduled.: lectu^ Tuesday nights dt8:l&throjgghT ' : slty '•' ] Y for ; ;r "-\:^mm3s^^£^: - - ^ft kabbii mar^tKr -Jan..6. - .; Il rmea ' -•"-•*-••)_ serieriess taJLThe ' ^S^.^^ ff° - former Dr.^ Toby; SUverman ..'Shalom.— •"

.• - ••-- Uar««»»i.nklo I..cln». T

Dresner has. been the^llrs tay •c^rBBT^Arnaave^iJew-yxufer^^when.he began . Tallimassee reactun^-mo .u«. r he Was-Ciraduate^Aav d from-Yeshl- • cialm coTirrwttjjr^n-iniportant^4-j|_ . .-unldiic jiydioiaitie •vatJEitZ Hayim,'-The Hebrew ; resultant •"decision.-\Subse-_ 0 .« ~— n»-_i, » „„„ mmntlv. .'heySsc'atne the most. r '.

,.v,.m j, /.^ft Hi SSBSFM BSBB IBSSBBSSr £' •m .i ". ^-"T*™ • ••9 HggK

w*^;?-^^;.^., -; .;\>paS|


places are closed, CONVLiNlENT I,OCATIO|MS

Moil. & rri.Evts.63 iilflN Of nee WB&\kWINW>WS HOUUSI Daily_J,30 P,M.4o 6:30 P%J:. 5T0WE STREET DRIVE-IN HOURS,, Mon. & Fri—8 A.M. lot P.M: • i hBfM: to 630 PM:' •

Who's^ up at midnight? Lots of people. Aticr ajir wi •yS\2 here, it's only 9 o'clock on the West Coast. ^ r SQ if you're a night ^whynotjabadvantagof . v ^ . «"our^ecial midnight sale and wake a call tonight? •7 SPRINGEIEbD (N..J.) LJEAP&R-Thursday, October 9j-l xenter qnhpunces plans travelogue

_V_L _^^_t ^"^k —#ak Iv—fc —P^ML ft I —^ _F*^ ^ *.'#"- « " ... J —QpeFl-PlOU 56 Jce gkatlng i-sixuctlon will be.offered at thp_ nZabeth fOrmer County Outdoor Education Center"— Union County PaVk Commission's Warlnanco_ . ^J:^li!^^JJ'mej^erj of^Ice;Capade.c' -- - film,•'tShKJte-me-erWest, wilU*h_hDwn at the Wo" an colorCount, ysoun Pardk >n house "atTthe Deserted Village .. Park Ice Skating Center this season. Instruc- Grou^^caonwmbeaya^bleat$lZj5O^ cession's TJ-tteUte Nature and Science. Robert J. Lemper-and -Vincent Spins" are* ln; Berkeley Heights from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, ~tlon wiU ,be available ?or novice and figure serving as general vice-chairmen of jjjie United SI- "'/ . , .p_ Fund of Eastern Union County pampalgn tO"^ Oct. 19. In case of rain/the openhouse will be skatersj-adults and children beglnning.Satu.-- ue,-,takes :h'eld»N0;V.-_T:—: ——•—— : ' -.-•• day. Nov."i. "••.*",'•'. " raise $770,000._ —•-•. _ Ar,tl6ur j. Ryan, director of the outdoor edu- ^ The instructors at the center Jndude Janet. ?! UII I iii 'I, „ «!!? «!! AvLwaTfa vc • states with stops at the RockylvfountaCvGrahy i : klatch" session will be held on Wednesdays,. -^ ^jj' ,. • Olympic". *vC^r* , serving- Clark, Elizabeth, cation.Staff .said talks and'demonstratiohswlU ———; ^ ^— _ ~-— Glacle ( an d at 10:3CLa;m.,__beglnriing Nov. 5. Also for Crater National ParkB,-— " Roselle and OloselleJ'ark. . . be glvep by specialists in ecology, field math, wonum, who have advanced to tlie intermediate T t Leeper is employee and community relat-bnS- ornithology, -oriehteeving and compass, pond figure" -Eating group, a program will be held , Also on Sunday, at3p.m.andagainal>4 p.m., 15 ...... *_.. -,,....::-,v - •—•--^^f;survivai Donald W. Mayer^-dlrector of. Tralislde,_asr manager for the BurryBiscuitDivlslon.Qua^er ^ ' • tecjjnigues •as"well_as by the Deserted Village on Tuesday-mornings, beginning Nov. 18. _ Oats_Gori_wlth which he has~b.en associatiB^- r -.Boys and | sisted by" Elmer VanGlldePr-will-present: "a : brbe Hrirf' "<\ Pl" i rt since 19*7. -. ". ^_- ' ™J; visitors' will be able-to-oBserve " -' ~""Hierj.sj_4_nder. in the'sustainlnginembershlp111^ s-of involving pupils in studies of their. drive ofUnlon CouncllrBoy Scouts; adlrjsctor^® • natiiiiiienvlrpnraent and. the significance otits \the YMCATfTEiraiBBthreducatlon' chairman1-*?; ' for the future existence of all rial- Management: Club; and memb'er'oriiti^Board of Deacons, former vie • .'_•• i_ .!«,»«„ *n-i.«.«f -«~,_ -f Local pharmacists are observing National-. -. chairman, of^SKestmlhster.':- PresbyteStlii Gliucclt-laBerkeley ff-tyhts. . ... :AisS-.vic-=phnlaniui,of tKe-iliEuni d la MW beautiful blrs^wgjaS- . receive a ticket fforo hunlr at riniv-fiVfi tter ^P1"" "-Slbeeii actlvs in-.camp; ndjrmapy- varieties-pause on thefc southward escape^to^lowhere.•^Theobse^a|seJs_sp_oILr;.'-. -The fee will be $1 "" ' number of. years and is vice-presld ul UB r _niigrati'on. ^ ^ • " _.• . ', sored each; year by the American Pharma- ' ""»-«'- *-«. United Commltiiit' Services, which conducts : "Jfo, intersperslbn 'of spruces, pines and . ceutical Association. • • -. -•"• ' - :< He is secretary!1 of -. 1^0081-446,^.(36216^80 Heipjocjcs-.with.many- varieties of deciduous Ten thousand" drug profile tesnTheets-will r; tJja, tjie. Watching Reservations-provides be distributed by Union County •pharmacists;7 T, tact die recreation _ u, IndustriarvVonkGr&JUniorijattneGeheralAniL' " stdWffii ' conte-st.iTf^autumtt ofnjut n "beautybeuty far" for ththee ResTdentS-have beten urged to stop in and take—County Park. Commission. open to the public^ each .weekday,' except ~5~ Film Corp. in -trfn-euiMiflving preyiou — —eye served ds' president and vice-president, —eye-'to "see and the camera to'treasure."-' this test, . - ,-• . "'* '' . • ' ~ —.•*'' •: . ., -livesin-ftoselle. -' . • . '••' —National Pffirm^rWeekLwilLalsptnffoducr -an expanded spealcers bureau fpr.the Union OOCieTV is Invited to •visit the^HtureG^nter, The Section on Dermatology of the Academy - vets to meet Gounw~PhaianaceuticaLSodety._The..following- tolir ^: Umhoosands:— gf Medic nei of NewJersey-and.the-Nete members comprise mebureau:MarkCutihello- "~of--Ind6or-exhlb'ita^and-•participata^ e In the Itonnatologlcagl l Society...wlUiwU-y. a n«5e g;t±_z 'f'-UR^A{giif1idMlchel ~^——- fKteih GeneraGll - HoBPttal.jHttl m .Tuesday jft.:'- ane^-i____-_-s_a__ntegs33S5^B___, Unlo ^ ; ^Ehe_guest_ipfiaker- will be_ Dr. MorHs !ornu Easter Seal Saciety for 'Crlppled'CEl- _. A CyW_rrtO«*ll irf C f ft I ir C«a lf' •:• and cha&jnan^of-tlie-Dej-.^h&flD - ; - - , , ,„ „ 3- -Jrsi—WaltSr Cramsle—has been ; Robert Zweimati on „„ , ,__ _._.... dreri-and Adults "of"Union County^wUl-open a J ! ^John=-Manhardt of Plainfield}-Kred Sekley of .'; diagnbsHc clinic"for speechTand"fiearihg'dls-^ L^Tc4 ¥' ?f?^gy/fthe Postgw-uater- Tmnour ..pin foc;volunteer work atMemorlal^ artd-B-nJaminJEllenport of gli-ateth.. rr abiabilitiefltJess ^thi s month. The clinic will haDperadhenperated.. . Medical School, University of .Pennsylvania,- . "GeriEral HosDitanDnlori^-- -'•' ~^ '' wfio-wiU' discuss "Skin. Manifestatlpnc ...of™ u{hd b Slwil's Included:' Mi'W

JRoostJn^Newark a ^precedi^g^ie- H^oOOTIib^srMf^rJblmrMcpowoUi-MbrLilU.ej evening's program>. _:.;1 Bailey-and Mrs. Harriet Grd, 500 hour.Sf-Mrsii^ County £aster-Se"al heaaquarters-at 300 E. Frank jaeger of Wayne, a memb9r_of_the V '. • • - - ' -:-- -•" ^Thomas Kelly and.Mrsi^George Ja.ckSQn^2Cte —r—-~-TCttttst^=Plainfieid.-PrP5fttst^PlainfieldPr i Gens willse^ptttientsHormewillse^patients^ Hormett Corporation in Dover, and xoursxourae •'•• from"9 a.m. unlil-noQftrontheaecondandjfourth- -jlns'&uctbr,- de'sc-ibes=the course as a basic_ Pingry-a/omni. f^Trtiif -.; r^^^^^^^"^^ synfhefic why Wednesdays of each month. • ;' —< approach : to the Btudy of metallurgyfeAimed • •-, -•_ " . _^, .— ~ -_l_-?rhe-liospital-'S-Vfthjnteer Guild will purchase; ~""^Appointment_~may .be made by writing-or— at. the non-technically trained person in the Robert C»JlftU,JtogQr£Ms_-.ott9M7pp_a tli0 pediateic-wing_o_-thej( calling the headquarters in PlaintieTdTPaaents fleldrinstnictlon will include, somadiemlstry,- dent of ffie~Piiigry._Alumni1 Association, has hospital. A^runimage sale will be:held-Oct 2?; need not-be-county-resWenr.:_n-fees will be-' . physics- and metallurgy^e.sal-. Classes will announced thatrth-TCirgani-atlotfs ajt-iualdlnnerj^^.f rnm^O-sn-n^wir^fnT-jqfivit^ny. the "Veterans of* e^n-^^Fo'r.elCT-War-s^blUldln'g^Kirkman place m abeth. Htgh street; Unlbnr-^T-j—-^------• JhlMn^physlcalcHeinisay-and- t held at-b'tonight in theaudt-^ HUyBi._ .UUMtrom-.mc.mu.vo..n.y.> tne it - . . . , .',.* .toriumof the Union County-, of Pittsburgh-in" 1959 andsbon •- •• .'TBffjfh' TPark Commission's TraUslde ,„ after Jbtaed the staff of the BeU.: • " . AUD Sd Centerta Nature and ^^ ^^^bU^r^mS^

-^=THe physical- andjisycho- ' =-r^^Etomng^ ORNING The speaker ,Will be.Dr. involved in :*«v-^owta!Er?of-^W0^^^9 -mlll.f0-jJ ^^ Nissairof-theBeUTelephone ,,ggy.stalg- for; use ijnlasers i ffieatGomes tqiri&lin'rdiowinil; . . . •.-—lescent: s and- young-adults,- Labo.atories.jDrLbiDr . NassaN u wililll ^—He bas been an ardent rock-' - from acne""to drug-taking;'are •' -dlBcuSETtherorigin-and-history hoiincTior years. He has antlR—r-diflcussed-in-a-speeialr-isaje^ "~~^— •- ofTarticlesin;.•'."' of the, •—>--- _----^-=-^- the many.other facts^abOutthls^jyg fleld-of-crystaUhemistry --"World Health'." IUSDA ( IUSDA \ PAPERS «v.*_-_^-,j gem stone. The .g- ^eli as in mineralogy. His ' pQlntn.g oll,ti CHOICE CHOICE ^.^"'•^ artlcles-ln the fields miner,:; - ^n^lSve^n6t given Z_ MAGAZINES and BOOKS as coloiLSiides.,_: _—rr-nio^valogy.. .fliEMa«-_--^-.--iu--,.^ - - Dr ii. 'N"aBB-iU-wa_--bonr.-nr:' araaelnthel-apidgryjourna71 66 l special- healfli problems -of AustriaA i"r and. attended under- g ? "^"? "W when and .;.. ^s^aa-ygftrg-ntrls, '1W,World- re_DidlOut;, Rocks _nd~ uccpunt SMOKE SHOf^ Well Trimmed ^.^-~^.^,, „. „ . wj- ••- • u ,-._,'and'a'recen- , ,,-t-—-—wMt-yo-Hg'peopleinBjaU^ltea'r.':"'t " 97oil8XiiYVESANf AVE. istry 'and physics fronrT'tliie" ;'-niree-part article;,bn,.v-..The ^ ; States^IndiafHollaridandelse-.'.'. Choice Choice University of Bristol in'1'948. -W8-',fSVii' •?*?• ^^S^^P^^^F^f*yfr_!!9.- sSy<-*?£J^?1^*:: >v Steer Beef I Steer Beef 1 i i i .nn^:l^t-ftB^thfltyeflr,aamgtothft--^ {°jfajjji ^ ^J .'.''; •t!f^ ^^—f:--fiitUirm'=~f^-~- 7'""".,, " ."' , ,, , fuBOA ( -Porterhouse rinvorlul (cHOicf)

Bottom Round

•Ronzoni S|5agh<^LtJ a Wesson Oil ± -n

Weeds, Crab Grass, Brown Spots, Bare Spots/Chinch Bugs. Grubs, °LProgresso-Soups 4 Tomato Sauce•-RathmorJc": Fungus, etc,etc,etc, plathmork Fine,- 1-lb,«Q Medium! Wide. box _-?* „ Egg c ^^g^^^Croia^Be)e15-6i". ^

/ /, /• MBi-.tnaflB-.j^ POLISH

rnWM A MAT (uarSHTios any lawn under "6Hf ANNUAL ' QRtfNS 3 KEEPER CARE PROGRAM to the -eontr***f =£amllyLVaHety. Values al• Psithmnrklng fHqo'i .. ", r— ollocLthaLjhoiiliLjinjLlawn_i uKoi c Clorox Bleach r --.^...... ^.l SftK'irice-offers 3t-..— damoto lor any reason LAWN A crpathmark Coffee Anonnds' 1=1^59^ ^At_*lluopauaiill5_aarniB_^l to free you from the tough jobs..: . the propor time and at no aadl> orSlorling . t Ib. 10-oi Qe Mac Intosh Spaghetti - tlonal cotLto the contract holder at a cost !ess_tha'n '^o-it-yourself". The . —as long as the contract Is main- App'.es low pricesi incl_delabor :ancfTtraterialsr tnlned Ingftod'-atatnltntr P Scott Jumbo Naokinso •r;;Ii c . And we promise resu(ts yoq can see! vv •Green Peppers ih.19 Pathmark peaishes^ u C \AWN-A"-MAOIC LAWN PRODUCTS ARE USE. EXCLUSIVE o o 11 a Delicious Apples § r ° a LAWN CONDITIONING SPECIAL iroieam Anacin Tablets -INTRODU&TORY-SPECiAL^I^: >al C D C C •—You-get 29 Pascal Celery 19 Q Sylvania,Bulbs 29 Powei^'Aeration Power Rolling, -Pathmarklng Values Irom pur Oepgftrnmts IW Power Rolling -,' Fertilization D G-oz.H ITurfmatter. Prllla) •Red Snapper Fillet w.»i.m ib. 69" Orange Juice..pjihin-rk can •• QCream Cheese -ertnizatlon 12-01.' tRlli »Grub 'PVtidf Ing cninin Op Cheese : (Forupto4000 8q.lt. Seeding • • 'Seeding"""•/ ~ • Mn e nroa. Each add'l (1 Ib. por 100&5CJ, It.) (lorupto (Ilb.perl000jiq.lt.) QRoast Beef i/4ib.59 QJiffy^Ehtrees 1000 sq.lt, $5) 400OOOsq.lt0 so. I) n . • Spot Weed Control •Apple pkg. •Swiss Cheese ^Z Z^:

..toward tho-purcbai« o( any .FAIL,.,; . SPRING ' :.,, ..ijiTE. SPRING Buy one ->Get one • ''Power-Aetatioffi•'•'* Power'Aeration. ' '•'P'ow'ei'Aeratlprt- • PoWer Aeration '• . ILj^^EQwarRpllIng , - ••.Power Rolling -. •Power Rilling- •"•••.'PQW.rRolling, • . ' Morton Freeze Dried . l l ..•VMI»tlt«H.m»Mbmd. ' . SP.U jt-Jj_M.oo «a4tu_t^p_PlWeed Control.. "Pre-Emergence Crab • Weed Control. , . crab Grass Control C SAVE 20' 1UBBBODBBP VW,'V.Vi.V. ••W.,W.,),VVJ,V,V1 "Kyy/ rninimumi..-. , \ ~ •• GTasstlohtroiroT" ' • ChinchBaBeontrol-T^ChTncrTBuFCentro SAVE 8 I UUBUOPBHO "• uruBHrootmg- •.-•• SpofWeedCbhTral" -Control-— rtH •PRICE COVERS ALL 4 SERVICES, INCLUDES LABOR AND MATERIALS 3-«oi.oatiaol axwell Hiinls ouse UNIONDALE

__, Prleci «ll«otlvf 6.ndiy, October 5th, 1989 thru Saturday, October 11,1980. Notresponsible to r typographical errors. We reserve the light tc llwltquaniillei,^ . j t • '.- •• .,._ ...... ' .-.. '.. K ' - , ".to* '..;'', ' : .. . ' v i .•••-. • .' ;. I :

.••>'• -'••• .'!''.--v'. •* •.•M--.^'--'.T-' .-;. . v •: '•-'•• £ . -be^pewnllted—Jj_ ^otlBtuddetpp. Wednesday Oolv—™ —Children's "and ApHriS, 1#Q, JiMe-Strdedd^di*...,„•"-"• Institute' end HoBpltal rector of the Division of Motor V«hicles,j_ giving Vote - Studded" tires are fitted with a pifl type - "device in-"t»penliig«' molded for this purpose Ing, says NJEA, are soldiers, property owners, and interested prospective members ori-Mon-- ; , a New- Jec'sey's. pubUc_schboLt?acherB have In ]the tread •design.'.The stud, consists of a The Essex-Union Section Qf the New-Jersey. —organissitionally gone,, on record'In favor-of - taxpayers, workers bTaUWnds, heads of faro- day, 12:30p.m., at the-home otMrs^Seymour tungsten carbide jgpre bonded to aB_outer Association for Bralnrlnjured Children wiiT" giving the vote to 18,, 19, and 20-ye.ar-61ds. ilieB, and college students'~- includingmany--Jtelldnr33 RipllngBrookdr.,..ShortJHJUs. ••" Kingston 'ReBtmranf^^liTUhlon, it was aahbuncSd^r^^Biiig^br'Bhell of plastlCi-aluminum or steel, hold its opening meeting at 8:30.p.m* onTues-» . iisMdst teachers feel that.jnir' youth fully - majoring in politic^ science, studyfiglaw, and .Mrs. DanleJ:. JiL.Bpnda of/Utewood wiU 11± i^a-Americari-Mlttcal-proceS8-bv--^Dr£iaaidnBioJLgovernment service..'' — • :, speak about the hospital itiuenvet.sn this week by Richard V. Crosta!?president of the V ReporTO^i5?to-ttert!-these^tltes may cause day at TayUjr f^ark Recreation House, "* 6 i> Union Rocket's. • r-'--— . ' •-' .".-• . bme wearing of road surfaces, '---'•'-- —•"- burn. ''•. ' .,'.,'-' •• .....:' have have finished~hlgh school? ;Several resMcflona that'kept,some .cffl^ens'' ^^^othei^f-a^rmerLpjtten.^at CARIH. r S r says Lewis R. Applet^ater^llr.ectog..of,pi]hlic from voting have already.; beeo abolished,_ ' • "—: ~r~~ "Tiie; conterence" fiTcl(EJe"S'iieaihfre~fronrtJnionr relations for the^ew-JerBey-Educatibn:As- ApplegatesTiotesi Originally, onlymale/'free- - - -. . _ ',-.•>. ; Liriclen, Irvington, Roselle, idenllworrii, Cran- : 1 i s'qdation. ' " — T~* holders"^ could-...vote_r-jhose -who qwnedi.; Trilllftn~\fenicle ITIIl6S~ Jprd'fJ8JJlside,....Islin, EUzabe* and Clark, hi"Our 18-year-olds are as ready to-vote as property. But.New World faiffi in fee common "" ' »'f"*"1 •»-«•.">«-.»•-••«»»•• 1 The ainner, scheduled for 8-p.nu, will be 5OTH ANNIVERSARY! "stag" and will cost $8. . • OnSprlngfleld Ave. - our. 2Ljtgar-olds. If the minimum v*Ung ago- mtin soon caused New, Jersey to removeahe— -tJSrnigliiway trayeLini968was"dteeqUlval- j5ynains^ili"theyneeaiessly'haveto~waitthree property-qualification. Then^-amendments to' than two-million round trips to . Crosta, v/ho'Is^chairmanof the:affair, said. Our First Annlv.erflBry In Oiir . NEW SUBURBAN SHOWROOM. ;_ «•—« <•" »»•• "lassroonjrtheory into practice," the federal constitutioiTgave suffrage first to. • - th4t:gueStspeakers will include Larry Powell, : JMAJOR APPLIANCES & RANGES! , • that a person become an adult__ former male slaves-and-then to all women, director ofthe - National Junlor-Football-CoW—_| -GB' •iWESTtNGHOUSP •CALORIC..^- reed-on medieval warfare, the. Changing times--caused-these-relaxati6nB, mm>n vehicle . miles torw e _ferende,{bnd "The General.^ IT • PRIOIDAIBB » MAVTAO • "" V reportsi-The ancient. English considered and enough—changea^ltavp: nrfflwefc-among: i 1 . "The Genetfal,". fie~sai3,~ ''is'a"WeU-known~7 | DUtiwo.hert •_ Dtyeta">. Refriger.1 - experienced enough to bear the welghtoTarmor rightTo if.' paxait KCUU fl)TEni)t!fflED^ nfffir-fHrinrr speaker who is a humorist and who tw^and-half-of-the'se-go,orua^om^ogtaatMgher- :'-has spoken at-conventions, spbrtB awards' ttlBr' "If we are going-to base adulthood on the.age-i.caliy, by age iSTthey-are fuU adults. .-'•«•• '7 education;' ' *^±r~ .'• ' ' "' • I'•••_• " ' _,ne^v social. clpb^7^wO7tgn^s^wgBntaatlonsr: olbattler'-r-ApplegaM says,. "We should-usffto- I. Young people : are_better educated^today . Constant exposure to mass media arid greater—scho(Jlff^and_£(J!leges. A master . ^^BERNSTEIN^INC 270 SpYinB'l?ld-Av«i- • 1990 Springfield Av«. his teal namTis August DiPloria. and he .T;*'l»li o Wanl.. ' , TVTaudiencesJ.for^.s . .-,- ...^-GU_th»Ji Camerai UNTCENTE


-.^^ELMER A,HOPrAJnUl, 1



ixdenor, M doclared kF anna a~puiuuji . hulth nulMnoo and ich lg-wrohlblU CfBN 2, • • 1 . ThJs Gtdlnuioe ehiUtalw otioot-alter UJUI p««Mgo iccordlng-to- 1 Mt

"PUBLIC-NOTICE ' .- FOR TWIN - ORDINANCE :^}:m^ ^T^BIJC^W^^taMiwidveiUhaL. iit FULL BEDS -utJanUninoo^wtiltirthr following ia a copy was introduced, read and Mined, on », - ilrat roadlSg-Tjy Iho Mayor and Council : _of the BoroucholUmntauuldaatamiet!^ BLACK & DECKER fS«pUmb«r,- \ consldox' the said Ordlhanoe lot final

•••••--••"•- -M*

oonflQftiiiuc s&ld c — ELMER'A, HOFFABTH, -Borough Clwrk, REVERSIBLI COWrORTtRS PHOPOflED OfibW.\NCE,- '. — covered with blend KO 409-60 m...... _ RDIN*NOBTO=*MES&BEe rayon and coWori.rvElbrdl=paiterniln=^H=i=4 . TION 11B-S OF THE COOE OP THE BOROUGtt OF MO1IN- sEgojdj-pink bif~ bloei "Reverses—to d/i^—vl TA1NSIDE-1068 BY PaOHIB- rttlNa PARKINO-ATCERTAm- : ,, solid eb|or;l.i- :;: 8*=CERTABIBEai[i Filled with Duponl" Red labelDacrorv. '.i':. ~~ , NATED TOADS. • . combo, blcide. -3E rr ORDAWED to Uie •:_-,-. ^ounou~of-the-BoMugn-o(-UoUhtfli ~SECTK)IOWN 1U. —~ That -Section -liB-aWo hd Coda of the BorouiholMourttalnijlde Uii«nJer«eyl9S8jBhMbJd«lol«

•'•••r' •'••••:••••••'.•-• ^-r-.-'-j.•'•••"'- ••••"•"- ••••x1-!^ __d» ortliBHBoKWBlrorMoimtaliulde; Npw-Jol-iiej -1088 la amundoa-byoddlnj "—"J"i of a vehlclo or p«rmHtlnB a jfcuvilWttLW.vHhout a. driver- RPTHrtS Ilho houra of 8:00 ATHTaivr. we«krlavg:(e»:luHm.l(iealJ "" £oUowl~ ' •''--• -- •-

on tho : . __i'Ave- Our Reg. ; '- nuoatlho lino asMjatini tho ~ Borough • o( MountaJluldo and' ; tht-TmmofWoatUeld and pr»— "' oeodlntr In a northerly direction STURDY TWEED ^^jyi^i'- Etny to npplyvih )u»t-^)riute»l Waihgble. ,.Qt»a%m" ninety HunirodUialSaKBlRJleel ; to tho westerly corner of] COMTIMUOUS FILAMENT ^^liil^lH:- 'onciifaln^rojlitunt. Boy of, 6 panels decoralei up V. clal Tux Map of the Boromh ol - -

. _- T Nylon Pile RUG . > eKeet .upon tlna SEE LUSTRA-TILES irMuidrE EOR A SPARimMihCERAMIC IOOI

OttPlHANCE -- FABULITE SPRAY PAINT Sln'torior,! exterioKgaliiji

- ?0M 15'8!i!SS.M.ilJiei*wooilSoKooi; •^rT- Mountalnalde. New Jersey, atMihlohtira»T: and place any peraonwho may be inter- -ostiw tlieroln*ill.bo.Blviin anopportunlty to be hoard oonoemtnB aaid^)rtllnanoer EbMB2l A, HOFFARTII, Borough Clerk -WIOPO3ED QnDMANCli____ . NO; 408.69 :.'- ,vj- -ri-;-- .•-'••v^,",Wr.ijtj irt r"; pRDBJAKCE^TO jAMENp • , v ClIAPTEn 118' OF THE CODE -i=.OF THE BonouanoF-MOUN-^^ HOOVER • TA1NS1DE, NEW JERSEY, BY : .-,. ADMNO PHOVIBIQNS ESTAB- IJBUlNa NO PAS8IHQ ZONES IVACUUM CLEANER — Council of the Borough o!) UnlonCounty,* \ SECTION I. tiiiiliilP .-That!

i ue-so. SECTION 118-29. NO PASaTNa ZONES Na.pualng tonog ^haU bo eatabllahed YOUR CHOICE and maintained along the following do. Triple action cleanj icrlbed roads in tho following degoribed KEYSTONE YOUR CHOICE locations in the Borouihot Mountalnalde: with large throw- A. Along Mountain Avonuo from 400 fielSouthofUwrKrotly DUAL 8 POWER ZOOM VINYl or V iW t J away bag. I •rnmoKtUpoIthaoh I; more "dlrti Has brlghf -laj ' ' " i i ~"T, has bright"| Up of the ohanneliiingislond to COLOR MOVIE CAMERA BARBELL & DUNIBELL headlight so you eifitrr| - the approach of U.B/RoJto »22 ' V . ' adletarueof4Wf6»t. '.• see where you're " ' " ' ' • ' -~- *% ' " A *- > 'Wjlillftftalll Alt AttUA - ». UB Avenue , jOpr.Rejg. Low Our Reg. tow ', .4 from the, e ofdeinaircaUon cleaning. w i laparaUM the Borough of frttHheJWirnof "WtaUleld•northerly to a point -^18,95 - M

IS EASY TO PLACE ©»«UCI MAC INTVM ».H.r. |V(C ^»^.ii^3^^

. Aid lor 'Ad YdlKf' ortd

" ' • ' , B»aufcO»»liir \((

J L : I : i •-, ;, •• -—• •• " • '.'..'7 r''„"•"'•••;— *i. ••.•'••T-' ' ' Y*--, ,'. '. .' • „.,-.—,ir, - • • •'. ., .....-.,_•:• __.,• •• •••'•.' " '.•« >•. ! •'•' "'' " '

V..* «,-^»j.: .••,"'*• ' '

: ,. ', '\. i\ •• ••• '''•. ' - ••\f. ;1,\ ,.'v;. * . n,rt * •

family olienough to operate the eMnguMer^

7 .^—, "and^elUl your'cThUcfeyour childrenn 7 noLto^attempt-lt-notJto_attempt-it—— - . /,.• / Jji ktf yousie-^™™^™1' •--'--*-——->--- -•-.—"Piremenlast year foiirM'many young fire . _ . -—A^nWJZ'iZiA~~"tt'vo:a-iimedt tachment hooks on the window casing. - with thee exHngpextingui i victims huddled under-"Eedsor'In closets," .members of the family practice* ^•S^LKS "Teach cliUdreri something about the carboV n . ffiri e departmentHdepartment. ,ni. t i , • Don. Costa, safety director of the Allstate escape plan." • •• ••.• • ': —=— Jo.nelso'_ escape '-ff* «£f %£!£*^Ju£SmInto monoxide and other gases generate* by, spread* . and make sure sveryotte eise IS-^UC. wevei Insurance Companies; said .this week. "These "A fire In the middle of the night cair-have hiiWilno'hnllrflno: after Bomt^ ^jt,.,.,...!..,,™™. considerationplan ^Vte^Wfte™*™. rte. ing flame* These can ^-aeM^rE^m^ar—Y:^^^-^ : v ration. You; majr JHnd It worm.we ^ tf. necessary to pass near the "precious"belo at'Jersey City Statejiollege, at foe annual dirt-* |« « ••.•••••• ••••*• • • • •'•* ." Costs said that manVLof tftemore than lZilOOO : Americans who died, lastyear in fires could have been saved If they had knowti what to do brfore^nd-during-the-fire^^—.7—' ~ * * •*'? 1 'SET UP SAFETY PLANS for your famtty . » teday," Costa said. "Map - ^S^S^ta^kSw'^l^^SA -•••tori^"pZ»££a*£&& telslou ' ::•• . STUDENTS TEACHERS^ f - '$&, Walter Yo^g "of 145iDeer Path.Ia! 540 NORTH AVE., UNION boused. Do an actual walk-thrbuEh brattice When assured that. It's safe, you can try the _ A ,groupnaf-25-8tudent8 at the Georgia Institute /•Mountainside: Miss Margaret Compton-ox-616> IB "but'of the house Deslpjufte a¥ stairs, keeping as close as possible Jp^tKe of Technology Is tackling thejwoblem otadult^ chestnut_st., Mrs. AlbertTConlecyny of 613' - (NenrMerrli Ave.) ^ • ; ?.JLv., .^..v^-'-ft- fa^uWwlll flooriancLneverJwasUng time-getting dresled functional UUteracy in the Atlanta area-by^—Elm-sW=Mrs^-Elsa_Mlnor. otTOO Spruce -««- -—»^-<-i-. —ijzvhUe^A-,-„—j-^i-. , —:—rwwB-Hng-ir r,tw l>..•llHwr-f^cr^tlc^^he-Bafae--Tn^-MM^BAmnw^_t:ll^B-nL9l2 Sheridan ave: ,.. „ Roselie;" Mrs. Leroy SchmTflgaffiarT^- "If there Is only one stairway brTscap* =—*=*=*__; • ,' • —ggound-as ,the~ high school program./Abbut au ' 974 Stoyvesant Ave. to frm an upper s»ryTsBf5TOjpi5-ladderBBKi^Bc-^i_. •••- a fire extingiUsher In your. • 100 youTig adults have enrollediso'-fa: 252 W. Sumner ave., Roselie Park; and Miss ITriSoh Center :»-Mir 7-8220 =• «•'story windowtodw1T", to h"homo e for smaiLfiEes,all the chUdretfin ypur • - —Public-Notice PROPOSAL ; ' Sealed.proposals'wllTba received by —i. |'^=:-1he PuichislnjgommltteeoftheTownof Indntton, New Jersey, ln'-the Council DISCO jChaniber, at tho Municipal Wilding, on_. •Tutsday Morning, October fl. 1069, H —^~ IOOTTC^CTDAT.. orosBMnlnereifter. • ' as possible, at which UnvFtheyariliaie ~ _wbQc!y opened and Yead to KSCKBAlJl' and CALCIUM CHLORIDE ISIOM OFDAYLIN IMC, PELLETS • for be and Snow Removal. ' In accordance with specrlttcaUons and— "form ol proposal which can be Inspected,, and copies obUlned'al-the Olttoe ol tho.-,- ON SALE THURS. OCT 9 masm Purchaslne AtentpRootn 200A,Munlcl- ( -cortl(£d=ehociafrUie. Jimountof 101 o(, » thotoul amount Ud, check Is lo be made... ^afloU«.TownofIrvlag(fln.Ne«jMr«ey,.. •.._!.. Proposal lito be enclosed in »sealBd_^_ envelope and'to dlstlncUy show thenamer

.. Bids must be presented.In pnrson, by'L ----- • '•. ropresentaUve-of-lhe-blddaiv-wheri•:. callM for by the Purchasing Committee* —-TUt-UsMfuriilUnV T- B1DS WHJL NOT BE-ACCEPTED- L_.

rMUiihilual.O«uiell_» W»Vrtn'aeVrni^'vflMV;w'or all bids due to any def eetsor Informauues andnoT ndHerint to the jpeolllcatlons, or tor any other rcason..TheMunl«lpalCounoUtlso j!n«nrVinit»" ylfcjht to. mwer and mako..—- aw»rd»-ol all or Paris Ol anvTMda to- . : one or more bidders^ ^— -.Munlclpal_Counoll - Division o( central PtirchnlnK Irvlntton, New Jersey ' T.E. Sanwald, PurchasliK , •---" Oct »/ 1860 (p-~-

NOTICE 6F*SETn.EMENI_, NoUco.ts hereby given (hat the ac-1 ... i r i^r «V ,(.n V.ihtirtWVinr1_Bl|S the bonollt-oLorodltors" of "TDSALCCT" Th«_ flrsl-JOO- ia- CLOTHWO COMPANY, will be audited JUNIORS* MINI IOOK and utatod by the Surrogate and re- d!e> who o»k for Kportod for setUomenttothtfEssoxCounty b Mae in our— -Court, Probate Division, onTuosday,th<'. 25th day oTNovember next. " -"" '•• lingerie depl. will - • . • PAOt H, KLtWBE GET A FREE - • Dal«irsepliimte!t34,iO6(l- * -— GIFT! . Klolnber j, Moronty, HaHcrson t

Irvlngton Herald^OctiJ, 8,1869

mri Vfii^ eutlilil "erder of-DANIEL I. I LUDETKDJ, Actins. Surtogate ot the I County of Essex, thlo day raado onlhb I"" appljcatlon oftheunderBlaried, Executorsu ol said deceased, notice Is hereby pyeuV" ' ercdltorn of tald deceased talt.

••• within alic months fromThnrdal»;orthey».-. d ftl •orlbors, Datedr8EPTEMBEn-23.1868_ aOPHlEWE

hdt-are Bl-Nofch stitchlha nd T pockets tor that ^ot fdshion . Uct from:lH^,rjn!>M?jy! can , m —will tw-puhllcly opened and read teTfuv-. - FAMOUS MAKE LINDA MAE ~nlah: y-rilv-uiider a contract for use at „ M ^4ilriHniKoKS«nw5CT5nilt»t======.fii aocordonco wi^T (oral ol proposil which cflvbelnapsoUd- MISSES'NYLON TRICOT —nnd-eopfos obtained at thoOffloeolthe- _Purchtslnii Committee at the Municipal Buflfllng. ' ~ ~ ' • . >'

Bml iw»tt»*«-flert«9elherl7A»- p •-..: - -V ACCEPTED BY MAC lp» with lace-er tailored trlmt. —^We^Pown-of--lfrvln|t'!n-reserves-thB UcnUnt Prite 8.99 hr—falUlengthT lurnenecK tiyiei duo to any defeats' or tntorrasHUemnd— \': GuaVantBtd for one full year on " not adheruig to the speclflcatlonsroTt5f~ xltt'pew. All tolort arid all iliei 34^40 —any-other roasonr'Tba-Town-of-Krvlngton^- lattt. Selected block . B«ner»wea ter glri ' olio ro8orvea the rlghtto sever and make- leather top»andr«ol*i -awards of all'or parts>of any bid to . one or more bidders. .' .'- '• _' — l ' . Purchasing Committee." -i—r .iMuniolpsJT -"-— jjTooLfiBf!. Agenr; irvlnoton^Scnorai nospltal .: fVitJi_lc«o.(.i:,ni^ll.'ril^rr

ilate'of adIIN-J. MCCEANV deceased."•>••- - juanKteJIho: qWer;ofrn • —"^-»^~ S RUBBEWZED COTTON tnaarKxectn)orTr^-' j KBreby:ghi:en.. . d^dsoMQ»»d=to=^^

ruainalJhe ejtlto of-» -•IIn sGc3SHt)iBJijnLilhlsGc3SHt)iBJiojnLilhlsj j wlll_blllb» fforeve r barrebredd irirppm pres ine orKWSiverintihjLJHUnaJltalh M subscriber,

'—"• _ iMo^ :— . MiVNDELBAUM l> MANUELBATJM, -Attorneys .:- 17 Academy Street , KYl.ri1d-t!ept.l8,l«Uv2.-,t6.

1060. . • • •• . ' '• : I J ,• • '•

^X•••;-•••-'. ••••••< <.:-y. -.;;. ESTATE OV EDMUND B. HOPPEHi de-

Notloe Is hereby gtventhaithe accounts otthe subscriber, Executor of the Laat Will • and Testament of EDMUND " „ ite and report settlement' and for a Judgment of Dis- tribution to the Essex'Ccunty Court, Pro- bale Division, on Tuesday, the 14th day . of OCTOBEnnext, . • , Wlnter.lwarm chill chasers to^keep •'—'--.• - DONALD P. WILD .Dateds September 3.-10(0 ' - - you warm bri the coldest day*! SMITH." 1&AMEB-4-MOBIUSON, -Attain—' CltlS'OHLOM ACRYLIC FASHION BOYS' •[IMANEMTP Acrylfe pile, and quilted rayon satin • neys . !f:-t: 810 Broad Street lined with~^~Wtrarr-|tnlt-collari- irv. iteraia, fc SWEATER SETS SPORT & KNIT SHIRTS Heavy duty, tipper to assure you 0,1060. . • ik iweaUrn with lett _j>£iw|lar>«v«H^urabi|ity_| ^Choose Permantnt pHiii polyetter and. l^.:-..froiiii--4i^tn--er-Ib~rBwriCiiilsiz|AVrS' ''* eolton- »(M»rt ihlrti or - cotton- l Itnlt «hlrt» for th» boy onjh* 1 « M,l,Xl.

ComprVd. S.9« wlnt«r*wondertul tdlorti MBt


i.'V'ii' tijiit'-1 «... rfi in -j*_-Ji_flj*».l*i''.,..t»Vr,i* •" ^ -* I'LJ •• -SPRINGFIEtrP7(N.J.') LEADER- 5y va ii i • ar%. registration. Miss r^ental-^uslc_flLMontclair-Hlgh-'Scho6Landl_. tenti«te or antagonize the action,of the other;;; --Princeton TheploglcalSejTH JRobcrta Qittmar-\vlll~be your instructor. I ..' Rindler Js musical director of Union's schools. may -stimulate or inhibit the. metabolism b£ the inary has announceda record" y -Both oMhese men wlU be glad to provide dtheTTdrugi—: \ _.* .. : ••- enrollment~'oC-640istudents, .linbw. sKc wflTb'e pleased nnd billing to anj A giant trailer to Iraqiheavy ffiufth^r -details"TSf'the-orchestra.to-poteatlal "DniR Interactions can occur In a variety representing 27 couotrles, 38^ ^onS&UCttbnT—equlpment-jigs- ~players - -•'• — :- - ^ - . . " .of ways. In some casesj_one-drug will Rave a ^ lthl^dl been-designsd with 240 wheels. According to Rindler, "the Union Symphony direct effect on anoWerriiroffierSrrone drug g will affec^ tlie.lntestlnal absorption of another^— -and. is;more than-120 ya ; Vi^\^: l^maii or Its.rate ot metaBolism, or lts^excretlon-T ::Ypiif.children Vvill learn tlic dunce Jbr'msjn — • & former'andrcurrent."muslcUns/mamr'6fT ralp/Jui-still other lnteractlonB. one, drug,may .„. 7 a fi :manner.i "trailer's emptywel^it;aFilgti- - w.hom find^e orchestra's.«gulafctfiheatsalsl':-^. f iJof personal attention and guidance.~ _strengthr low-alloy, nickel-. •.and-conterts.-and its challenging repertoire,a containing steel was used-i"?-r—wefc5Hte~iriEann s of; reg^inlng-lost proflciettcy t jazz, -Interpretive dance^rlmilive"" i^bil •. or maintaining"1 one: that j has"~always-beetu ^plasses.in. grooming and donee-his- _ •:-.. a^ve7^ond.-*lo^AsafPro^?sa-wi!£*!L^^ BY COMPILING an Inventnry^f. ; ^d^o^ V'tory vylll-be offercd in_-beginnersj .intermeiji- Public Notice ; that,hwrattractedrsteadUyriHcreM^numter- " ^f _ accurataccuratemedlcate medicatioi n recordecds fofrF > NOTICE TO cREDiTons ate and ~i3vanced levels. (VA ftf l I " crrse or LINDE Kis-="clients, the-. pha'rifl^£st helps^ to - avoid — ESTXTE OF LOWS J. ALFONSO, D«- ov6roTorxnt)S .. _ __ -of fliroTchestra was serlpus pr-even fatal drlig-raacdons.^..: i,..-.: — "^ai^'to iha~order oi MARV c. : hi ;successful^with_p.r^gramsJeAturing. - •-^^^casebf EinfldepresaantsHte^sttidT^a KANANB, surroiate. or ura county or Cltym ., •" QFoT^ffirpctlons ? can • foDro^^^ : ddiilts — even!ng-classca •Day, October 13. loos at 1 P.M. The tinderalnied, ui%xecu&ix oltheasUto j. applications wiU'bo callod Cor jjLoild deoeaaul, noUoc-ta-horeby niven '.wijl be • helU'.^bhm; down, reluv-uii to tho Jbradltora of aud doceaaed to ox- the personal satisfaction oi Recpiifg ouTmosl j on- oLc'crtalh inhibltorc with precious infliruwcnt, otiMmdy, in good bondi-{ lion. I feel certain you will enjoy thej.vji derfuj qualities dance has-to^offcr... >.-' "^^ ig:-€hiantl) kipperea ne£ring^in ;O0RLARGE/NVENTpftV _ ApnUontlon of Mnjnpr. Abraham, Or- JOSEEinME_Ai.FONSO 1 Inhuo and-Kahnito-erect-on addition lor ^ more than 10 times . Vthese^foods bring.bn_ajsevere hyperten- ';.:• .-•-' T ""ExMiitrlt : — V ____: - uoo asaodosatoas aod6sstonroniaedbiuamontiogalt _ ill sive, crfsls, including headache,: sweating, - Louis Foxmin, Attorney . OF YAM AHA, -€ail-Eveningsi-___ olfiooslfi , (Rldmla(noaWcnlf eiinij) ~ -the'-cost o7~35e~SJEfpllq space program — will 420 N. Wood Aye".: ' -_j_ : • u. " Slt liave-toJse. Invested by 1980 to meet the demand • tachycardia and ddyspnea" . Llildota. H.J. '" — - _ —an ojdolln^building as ittwoiamUy dwell- linden Leador, Sopt. 18,45, Oo .Ing ot 22'-f W.t Prlo.. e S_.L_ (Buslnes . ...a zone) _ 1069 ' . (oa-W 4 V Fooo l With-alochol,-Meyer"said. .--atllMlO Waohlnutop Ave. (Two family Almost half jjf the funds-willJ»_apfintJa=^_i "Phenobarbltal is ajiptent stimulator^ of ~- terfrPM- - rano) •• "•- •-.• '.••-; - -• .'. .. Octobjjf S,1000 —' • thei-search .fpr:neW.supplies7of .oil andigas, • drug meitabollsm," he explained. '*Itils com-. NOTICE TO CREDITOliS - loafaeiLJ ~^ ' ' ' ibr refihingJmaii- monly usgyHgug.' marketed lhra myriad of "~ - OF.jrOSEPJLJCHlBSJBAKr Po- -Werore-noWt^c authorized dealer for . Llnilon Lcntlor, Oct!MVfilBt*. 0,1660V IToi? $0,00) is, atlmul oUsmojF _to. tho, order-ot-HAHYTtrr , .....deJolvlhe lJth-Jay^pfSop't. AJD,, 1089, upon the appUottIon.ol.uto. underslgnM, as.iAdjtitniateitorTif tho estate of said deceased, nbUooJsherol 1—-NOTICEOF:SAIiE.^—^t . •- ..lloljmlel.. • ehran to Uio. creditors bfsilddMoas eWV OF LINDEN, NEW JEftSEY- , VJoroiraoGi. • • to ejdilblt to the subsorlber under oath ~. 11,140,000-OKNERWi ."l x , Vice President -'. or affirmation jhelr claims anddomands ';•'•. aitROVEMENT-BONDS ...;.:,-\"— —i.'. 1118 W. Henry St, - ilnat tho estate of salddwleaaodwlthln »i,a95,0M,scHoat.BONDS.,, • '. tindon, N.J.- •^mohthB1 from tho date ot Bald order, SealedproposawVlU berocalveduhUl \EMANUELWQOI • or they will'bo forever barrod-from . eight o'olook r5S«ji:(Eairtorn. Daylijhtf '"'}• Treasurer "r proaeouUng or .-—._-. I Ttmn) 6n U>e20t«d«yofpctober,W69yby . VlllBW.HehryTt., 1I.- tho City Trcuourorof tho'CityoJLlndon, • J New Jeraoy,attheCouncUChiiinber,Clty_, ^Linden J,cadefc6cl.a,9,1061 0 (Feettn.OZ) Administrator Aim roen, Attorney 1130 East Jersey SIT ^ TH ^U Fln3_fln. EHfcbtlNJ; : : Exterminator In" Hi'e_ ClonKlod linden Loader, SepU i8,-S5ii0ct.2( 8|= Section! - 1^" ""' ;

. 4 PlyKylon, Snow or Regular Ure^ 7Ho TradB-|n"rlequitted Anyilmei \ V Delivers Jop

bor 1.1069, and wUl bo o jrfvllego ol r [pal only or as to.bslhprlnolpilanct, )BU Principal and soml-annualini>> Hey Mom, f(»»' Ta*i-Nov«mbor 1) will bo- \ AVOID , mature'ln'thb; ; denomination t. T. r^.-^- - ,, , 1 i neoeeaary to comely with tlioproponnlol ..—..,,LI 0 • f » • 1 ' the miccoBsfulbldderto accept losalhan - the full amount of.tho bonds Sffero

WB3 to 10(f olualvo«-antL MM. D.OOq-ln 1085 to I0gori»w~ OIUBIVC. Bidders must stato In tholr proposal^ tho rate of Intersil (naming asingUrnto for nil of aald bt)nd«as U Uiojf cohstltutod a stogie lssuo) tho bonds an to beiurr oxprSsacd In a multlplo of ono>clghth or ono-twehUoth Jor.oiur tter centuiiu No - ~ proposals will be c6nsIdorojS>J>nds al Which

separata lsou^scSTioKHrsBnillTSS^ '.-Jltoaalt muat be for all of salfl iasueB.- * as a conflJlnfrd-lssue.-As^bebsfteiirEyQf., ""poiralo-tiHhe same lowost intorost rato, _ the bonds xUl bo apld to tho biddor or ' hdddors offortai! topa y for:th^tsoinbln«l; ^j^iuwUesoiUiaiMha.prlii'ilp!'! an>' ^oTl37l35,000 andiMbl U_:HQt moro«than • $27436,OOOTDIU tiiniitted. I—•"•==--1?te^.i(1ji\h8r-0for the lout. HiebondjitoboaC(iept6d Md^M«^iuUlLl*oS)C

12 Ms, 1- Cmlnm josain are dosliod on iormswiuon will be turnlahod by tho City, ""d saoh NIWI-FROMDUPONT— Uet Fomoot brand ^ouni I*—-proposal "w*V ^ft ftonompanlad by a B.F.. OooJilell • Flie. | oerUfled or oaahlirVbr treMuror'8 •lohi • Goodyear • U.S. ohook for two por oont of the par valuo THE ANTIFREEZE Rubbtr; »lc' * No Tiads. of the bonds olforcd horoln, drawn upon In Required •WWI> Slight- ANY SIZE-ONE PRICE an Incorporated bank or trust company GUARANTEED TO STOP ly Higher • Add 75i» per -to thottrdor of the Troasuror of tho city Tin . lor —IntlolloHon —•• _ TUBE TYRE j- BLACKWALL • of'linden, partially to scouro aahrcib 600/6S0!il3~ "-— 700/73S«U- °'«lMllo fnmany loss caaulUnK from tho faUuro Olli.r *Sli«i- Available lit 'jl- of tho. Similar Savings. ' -^fO/3Wifl 1,.. , - ; vm/Wtol\ i.. Hey Mom, you need a COOLING SYSTEM ' GfvB'-your cai'i-cooHng—syaiem cbmpleto protection this yoar. Got CompUt* 8-POIHI ORIGINAL FACTORY EQUIPMENT . ZEREX, the antl-lroezo guaran- rF,T^«^^K^h6». approving opinion will bafurnlahodtoUie, - toed to stop cooling system leaks, BRAKE SHOCK purohaspr without oharge. Unexpected rain or snow snarls wasB iT., ireeze-ups and corrosion for one , ThB- rinht is reserved to rtjaot any or ' all bids, and any bid not complying with - plans. It makes a messsof your clean laundry;. | ' year, j SPECIAL ABSORBERS tho provialons hereof or oftorfng fo pay . Bondat)lining! en all 4 Retain new .cor safety and a premium In oiueaa of $1,000 wulbe arid doubles the wbrk arid arinftyattceof ,\ \t:p Gtwrantee press, too.-Be modern. BlTy a.dryjsrnp^ OE OF APPLICATION JhLUUonhas

Ino.-t^eitr DlarleaLouhgo ! roEu eonsumptWlloenie heretofore Issued to DIAfiLES ft)S tradlni as DIARLGS 4,OUNOE.ltmt«il_»t 331 W. Edtar IM., L AUTO DEPJS. OPEN SUMDAY 'Tolnclud'eaddltlontooidjUntbulldlnii. R3fE4 ROUTEH U.S. ROUTE 1 PUna A. apeol|lca.Uona ora on file at NO. PUINFIELD NEW BRUNSWICK,. Uie Clty.Cltrk'a ofttoa, OhjecUons, If any, eHould be made U STORES OPEN IOA.M. TILL IO R.M/PAIL WE:RESBRVE.THE RIOHf TO LIMITQUANTITIES ' N'J" immediately^ln wflflni to Mr. Fribola 1U D»nn, Stcretanr.VUoohollo Bevaraja Control noord ofAhe City-oCityoff LindenLinde , City Hall. Union Citi'NwJeraei'New^Jeraeyyt - DIArfLtB INC; TROOPIA t: -AVO.-,.VV«B^ • •. MAItY ANfi •j'flbCWA ' 'Baoretary SB Orchard AVO., Weat

v.-1:.'1 I ill A. < - Thursdayz-October .fl,-.._ •.••\3C:_r_xr. He? said "The commission things the-1.8^.


—By - l ns ecn AMY blUion u P ° h New jersey, basis of Fedejn o : ADAMS taoJazvjo_gOewirtnere fruits andfres vegetables were, dards, ana/or.m wu™..^ ~ ~ The New.'Jjprsey "State Youth Commission vegetables Were dards, and/or in —this week announced its support for tlie state- , workirWiSi•'^Sc-ffi:tel d bFderbyy Federal-Statl e withh grower-processor^on- # ' ' • JfSS^''"'*''"--'* h«refore-my-problem.is>W^ "^~ji,s pectorSf worklng Ttfact>eClf cations. Jhq ro- _wide referendum tolower the New J er sey voting 1111 111 "age to-18.Tlie commission expressed its sup-' jKiuiiiiiiiiiniii!' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"" ' ' "i?^"'^-"- -do-jly-y--go go abfiut savinsayingrsorn&-g rsom&( (iP^^ hl^^ls'lon of the sults-of engh lot or load Inr *Tnitnga tuo hiMm yet not hurt hiMs K" nenartmeht of spected are noted on an of- port for the- measure in a vote ofrits-member.s, jgSJTi rneaiea^ad- -^^3^1^^ ieeUngS? at a meeting in Trenton.* The_voting age ques- • -"fielded by Sew-J6'r6eyvoters In ~ Hopeless" Case ^t s0 concernei-uBBri_rn_i-flkd abou^htoB. 1 wwoulo d ypnr- finding June 30. ---• Official grades provide a uon win i»^ inri..um „, .— „ _, ,1'm 19. years old and very -preclateJt -^_ - Accordrng.to.W51ter.Nl. basbasiis ffoorr paymenpayment for ththe rawrawT: " a reiereriauftnn~the-Novr4-eleci"on^- Shaped.—My—measure* What you—nave suggeoL^—^^ spee",-"*"^"-"- •-,"•- my problem In Springer, supervisor offresh—p-producroauctt ttoo growergrowerss contractcontract-- " " The~ Verjr:Rev, Msp~~]oseph J. Vopelakr --•- in 'in..An- eiimiirl is not the answer. Why don't-morRMnejnd anythtafr dw fruit and vegetable standard- j g u/ith-processoES.Jj'-hus, merits are 30-30-40; Should 1 cause my bos« —-- - n chairman of "the commission, said "the'youth •ij.jakV notice jof those ads you' consult your family doc* yoSSKE^u can name.-H^:quit alo^ f ..^er every w^ _pf New Jersey have-demonstrated time .and. ™- for a proper diet and t and only smokes potnow. paper every week-and reads .QiCJ&pw.to improve ther bust- tor thn p^^TloesTwer.eJhe_major commod-_createci| r e s u lTTn g In MSh again that'they have the-desirc, tlie maturity Allstate : evs hatthere shoul — liner Or TBhould *~ consult a _. jrclse IUL . w*w .,—,.- _. •_t"L.ltles-ln^pected.fprprocesslng; quality products being offercjd _rand""the awareness of issues to participate laws • at-all and-he -•—-—- ' :_J Hies Inspecteojor proieBB"i&» quality proauttt. i i J : j^ no • 'nnmttfes. peaches and'tettnee—\ \ consumer^—. '.-...- ti»-i-hn-nlanl./\nnl_ntnceaS.ithe-eleGtor-al-pcoceas.^' !~^: ' ' V, _ - • "plagdc_surgeon.7 L • and, a . lingerie- shop for a everyonB-^BhoUld-be 0 t ]e "New Je£seys "youth have ear'ned^Uio-riglit tAU.-utKe^coUgge_ kids are [ttle=padding-ior_the_waist thinks -uSPPip2 .-?—•—~—r—ootato'es, peaches afrd'lcttnce—10 t|,e. consumeralso; importan^—t Co. tmuwcu. ..• Ml:gojiroddw—b« r^.TTTLi , . ^•— When the spirit moves you i v »f^ market Qrops> Grading is- also important to help .shape" the policies thargovern us," .'.. nip.:' • ' •— • • —'— '•' • though he doesn't because he •- in niujiiLunuiiii and expandinJ g -said-Monsignor—Vopelak. ;"They. ore.better • -to-^ork-on-tlie--wockshoprasic- tQok fl cr6ftrOf-34 inspecM- -rri~rnainTalnln domostlc-and-woddwldg ' e '-mar-~ . doesn't want tq> embarrass -the.'boss'if-he would,mind^"-tQr!, fnf,r oft hem.permanen.t,domostlc-and-Di educated, morejsophisticated and 'highly Thot£i7 ^5i^^nn;ir^w>th-or-wltn^.^^^^Then" d'o;so. r /. to handlm^e 0th^eficlJ5£a job. ^_^keK^0^^ . vated individuals Interested"ln;~making~our-- .» ,.jc ambition and sofciety -oU-botter"*'pJ'ace in wliich to live." -.--.ie~tdcgel:I!h" soecuon BMV«.= «... ficlally'-ceptlliea a's ttrgrade,- DECORATORS al 1 Ce DUI i. IUVO uio>..-dearly 5°'., ,.ili teJ^dKSS.D Tnk Ztt to sSfthem get rub-ofLorub-off onn Mm,?:,.Mm. , Sw~wWcpnrtv"wMch provideprovides officialofficial, isnowbelng-shlppe- —•• ^^-Mn^^mi^id routinelyu. SJJ Mlllburn Av«;, WHtbum" _ k woSfd like "toioin-a-group , don't want tosee them g?t ADITION- mvgflisiw JERSEY • that's* not-looking.for social hurt. True,,so manyjcids trlpf —r-.'~—„ •.* * * — insprJctton ana (jfudW t«s teas, etc. \ ' _bu't I don't want them^ tpbq- _Ad*lresB"all letters to:"™ _1 farmers, processors, sailers,^ FREE! WINNER COBRA Would you pp"d me some . ' ; .AMY ADAMS -. ' myfira'and'other-financially— l-nam'es of orgatUzatlbnsi could - • —ey!o-T-mSJJE-WSEA£E&. - interested^artles who request Register to win during our ~t~cou.ld.talK to tnemt esticwu*- ——For-a pot-nnniil reolv'self i " pardclpaJKiTiri-the program^. "ly Mike, and change Ms mind,, _close...' ~s" 7 October Open House. but.lt seems no :onepor any- —addressed i T?; is' slated Dear-Mrs. •'" g, wllLchange.Mm. ~ To • ^^^^^•\f^S^&S :^rchclnts hosts^^-^art-surger/I I I l,WUl-l yyi ^J—-y / . . I

wtayrou^arejookln..?_. " —« uingi fofnrr irnandd 0OLI1CLi.,h^Jhe?#. rhThe,\i'rp.J.4ioy^.^-^«^e no - not dirty—t •dlrt '-, hip-iv hip-.. ; . J jUwfimgn ThThe ncontroversial-subject controversial~stlbjec—l ••• -i— ~ny /in thftv" have lonE i "A»*i«/.lnl_-,Honrt'Attifidal—HeartSS -lin-"find •1 -••'-* pies nor do they have long. ..Presidents ot tlie member of 0 1 •thical-Pn'" "" AMERICA:^ hairT^hey-doJceep themselves clubs-of the-New""JerSey.State'..... P "?' *^ discussed^ Federation of Women's Glubs- W"1, pe _„._,,._ VRMV'-•-- • .>i*n'n. Please. Amy. your.ad- There's.: bciutitiii. predated. -~ . wi'U •fo'^nt-n-f-rnTRrt-n-vi: - Franklyrr^Gerard Hurt Cousin -Wednesday- at a champagne ~~itenrt STHfgeenrmrtli new 1970 Winn,:t -reception-arid- fashionjshow -jege, Bast.Orange, to fit your l.inniy r 3 n r Il.n-thpJShort Hills K60A W til Tlu " " '^ ^•" ^~ If, -""'-_J_rtP:-th«--public, wlU be glverr I 5 mniifiti iroin l-'i tn 22'. Come sc^r- h yfefi:...... ^-In Puder HSU. ^ ~eurtalns&Drapjrles ^ilill\\ ^r t^t'-thMk' anv6rts-cfln- l ^ xour--=ouslns-rwant.tal o be. them all chirm" i_i.Austrian.or-fioman ShalS^.^ ifeio^S-^n^fflrtJZVvdn helped.unlesfftheywasubmlpn o presidents from the northern_- \ Dr. Gerardj- a memberr.ofc 3 • half^of • thejstate^AVill be 'the d hl •tlie open heart surgery team , "• Poles • Tie Baoks • UmbrequjnsS ^to—h^^ZlJ ficai. ui o urn^ ran Z "^ B"^ "-^.- ""gnes.ts "of-the-jlyierchartts Xs- w NEW 6 0p J a medical in 'this area,''- " » •><•«**»>«* ireSiwiiSrcaiMdM • TimjJ -whaS^Rt YOUi ™*i«?"• tMnki • " ^- - try exam andjpjycVia. 233.9315 Ihave two couslns' Mike..... B-' drugs JERSEY (•—•. So-o Famous for- r at theXNew 'i. 1 SHOP ,VfTJWSrSEHV«K~-? Medicine.'!' chone: :i7

-^ Public Notice' • SHERffF'S SALE • . ."_ SUPEWOR COUrtT OF NEW JERSEY . LAWDWISIOX-- E«SEXCO¥JNT1f ••'.'. DOCKET HL-2755-88 J-W00-68 CWIL ACTION wnrr OP-EXECUTION i-^rms:r_NAiioMAL crrv BANKraxar- i' poratlon, . •• *,:>•:• v 1 -1 -=— PlklntlU, I *—t; Dofondanta

I mn dirootod, I oholi. ovyvioo for Sola by- ,:LA: :—PobUirVonduo in Room B-B, ln Uio Court— • House, in tho dhi of-EUaaboth, N.J.i on , ( _J_ I • Wadnesday, tho l&thdayofOctober, A.D*. ' ~D, at-two-o'alooh in tho nitornoono! . -.•A- • sud, ilay, - ' .: •^..AU Uio right, UUo and lntoroslntoroott o( JaJaook n and to Uio luid

tho south : rIy Tr(dtn6f-WinchostGr Avorai6( ns. " BROILERS jald stroots'aro laid out and^ddinlatod BRAND APPLIANCES oKlnap horotnaftor montionod and from , ' thonpo nmnlng_Cli-nlOT o"'11 sldo ofn; WHOLt Greenwich Lano SouUj 84 (losrcoa .5?--- mlnutos BOTBoconils East 10.BB foot to a,. —point of ouyvo; bil)onilo:.(Q)r;$onUtiiingJi r B3&tnoastorly.alone sald-sldo of.Groaiv-'4 . 3=tBS~-^ .wlbh Lano on a cufvi to tho right bavins - ' a radius of 30 f««l an in distance of - ~~~^ COMBUititlOJi 'W&^- ^ .—19.30 foorto a polnt_of roVoraitcmSoi ~ TtKonoiriaiTSonUnulng-aouthoaotorlyialonjsi said sldo.of Oroonwioh Lano_on a puryo "to tho-Iofloftt ihavlne'havlne aa radius ofl 4948'' foot, IMPORTED AUSTRIAN SWISS «ct!istMa-distanooo ooff 3B.SO.fobt to it point;' ihimcd^prtiuulli 05 datmoa 00 mlnutofl New England Ciired;: - c^. lirtl=: 10 sooonus-Wost 80.07 foot-to-*-^* 77 - thoiuo (5) North 40 dowooo 20 ml ~"l -rO.fjBBeh'.: '-ft*?- I :_- 'j.'..'•'•••" 1 : eo.soooMs'Wost 03.07 foot to a. Boneless 10 "soconJo Eajt 00.6? loot to a point ' In Uio said southv(oslorly sltlo-of Croon- wich Lano and tho-poTnt and plaooof BE- I — Bolnit known and dcslimatod an Lot 17 AmericofKooked Sa,lami^ -StraigKtrCiit_ |-"-fal=BIOok"F nn map mmtlMI, "May of • • Snlom nldeo, Section Four., situated in the lobster or Shrimp-Stilcul—- madoby- Couwtry, Sgjc^ bSv Leg Quarters County holster's Olfle •>! ion- • - '" " -moro partlcularry-doooribdd &s abomn— • Doing commonly-todwn ns 858 GrVon* "Breast-Quarters ";v/lQh Lano. Unlon^WlJ. . ' MAjaiT*^LIANCES • Thoro is dufr-ttpproximatoly |4,7 82,0 B John's^ jesk. msotvos tho rljlit to aa-_ pli.6ris f, Alfy. ffiKowpi^ --Tklu rotoR ^.a» |^SLIcib"HAM" ...,-^\i....l---,— -IMPOWED 2~~" f CHUBS rD.AvTrDftMISH^Al:ANll- I'^IK - ' -m^-\l -NOTICNOTICE TO criEDrrons |~ HICKORVMAID^- .'„, ~~: PLYMOUTH ROCK . v iron FREEZERS ESTATE OF GWEMDOLME WWILLIAMSI , BRAUNSWEIGERLiyERWURST'r 49^ ordor of MARVC, POLISH RING KIELBASI NW OSCAR MAVW — _•; REFRIGERATORS BBIAHFfllT -i± isetta Cavctelli __, 5^1 PPSTEAKS ivvit. ._ wrtald ^(KtofsaHirnolicoin hereby given..— k to tho oradltoraot-wld^lQCoflapdto ox* hibtn9*tho~BUbiBeHboi:fl undnr oath «*• -y-T—~=-.x- afHriflflupJttholr^clalriui and.demand8^___ t @tnat tho ostato_of said doeoasodvith^ •• ••-> - -, ,. .. j i-^='M ~ .-..- ....1. nthg-fy^nvtho tUto of aald oydorf • -t • - - - .. —'.-' This Weeks Feature VlR|W_^=I


..- Z=-=r —=: 1'-. jil'rHM'dJEB8HIIU'dij>g -='• rrf-^~ -"T •.:••;-"*

i-1"*."-—' -• ••••• i-

=^15=^i >ilini, i

-a.- . also known no STEPHEN A.) 1 uir 'coa&od '' — - •'. . Kraft AmericatiP^ ^;:^.. ^591: Pursuant to (ho order- of-MAOT C. All Method kANANE, Surrogato'i of Uio County ot Fresh Taaty Seafood v \ , Union,mado on tho 3rd day of Oot, A.D.I Grind l—IOWji upon tho application of U\o under- j • \ COMPLETE I BltmoJ, aVMmlniBlraU>><-ol4ho-imtal!io{J/_ Cdlifornia Squid >• ••.• •»« *•&* .q'ott Coffee ._l^? _H*JL said deooasod, notloo is hereby given to the creditors of said deco "sed to exhibit' v Mb. can PIHII ' to tho subscriber under oath or afllrma- 4fr-oi. can. Unn thflr clalmB and demands against < • , tho estau o: aU0 douuuaed wllliln-slu— >under Fillei tnonUiB from tho date of said ordor, or —Italian Food Sale. B. .thoy.wlU bo forover barred from prose* l=Q\lt!nii^a£Jijcovoilni[_the_iiiiin« against " SYSTEM - tho uubncilbor 7 CE.KOfeNI" n •— Administrator MONTINI CARUSO f •; , . : Includsi FM/AM S(«r«o. Rodlo-Phono Tun«r iptingllolS Avo.' , r - - I irvineton. N.J, . SPAGHEni Amplifier - Turntable. ... SpOd Leador, Oct. 0,10,1000 TOMATOES &'2-'Sp'taliari +.Duit Coi«r .:.'-. ; fire»h Baked O6od$ IU..J-M EARLY COPY T . cant r| Publici.ty chairmen ar» ^ GOURMET - SIAMT CUT urged to observe the-Fr.l-. Any flwhdlinw for ofjiar than ITALIAN BREAD — spot news.. FreahFhtita & Vegetable* PREPARE FOB A CAREER Ilk. Iftdl | the look;mii$oun? CORTLAND APPLES BARTLEn PEARS Til l REAL ESTATE ,\

STftTE AIM'ROVCD LARGE HONEYDEWS r^< nu u HE---H-REIU- ESKKTE^ ! !! SALESMAN IN 2Vz WEEKS TA5tYITALIAN PEPPEHS GALffiRIES_|_ ararBONDcouRS^ SPRINGFIELD AVE. MONrroltlT. YtZO AJW. tO 9t4S P.M. ON ? SUCCESSIVE SOHMft NEAR VAUXHAU RD ROUT! 22, UNfON, N.Ji MU 8-9«00 \ S!SSW SUNDAY. 9iW AvM. TO 4 P.M. MOoC '• WUIUAl FUND C0URSB5; frlcii •MH»IW« rtm l«t., Oil. Op«n Bytiy Nil* 'Til 9i30 W» rtiirw HM >1| {. 'TlUtOO ; V ^GALLTtMIT^ 134 IRVIHGTON AVENUE •;v.".-.. . v'~r MAPLEWQOD, N. I. . ,' ' ' ' '•"•;•" . • I- . .' V •

:• )•» 1.' .. •••-.%••'• '','.. ••-.' Ai

• •'•'"•" -1' ••' -': • '-"12^Thu_sday, October ?', 1969-SPRlN lecture Serfe includes visits to

AS part 01 the aft lecture series presented committee to protest by Rabbi. Reuben R, Levihe--at the Sarah HIHII yMiF'ii-*iw^i^ uiojn uifa luuiiui. There is Bailey Civic Center, Springfield,' there will : Springfield," called the Springfield ebrnmittee__no ressorrfor theTdUing.to con_nue7THa_*ar_ _be"."a~t611ow'5ip. trip'to'.' a New York museum.,.:•-:<. , I 1 — •-'-" — nppHflgwflu held at machine must be stopped now . .-.the death Rabbi Levlne will start this series by delving ihV'home of Sylvia Zlsman, whereipproxi- WiacSne must ie sfoppjd noW^- ~ists~and~h6w they relate to contemporary. "of the local organization whose.purpose lffto--—T^E-FIRST— ACIION-of^the -Springfield •••'• The first' museum trip wlll.be this Tuesday "'•"supportWednesday s^remm^Moratorto 15 Vietnam to the Guggenheim Museum and the Museum . — demonstration.which will take place in many '"' Moratoriunv This moratoriunTwas-termed an rof Modern "Art, both of which have noted ex^ towns and~citl.es acrossWtWintry,; including .-—'effort.by students arid .educators across the Lamples of._French Impressionists In their Springfield, the announcement stated.- . - country, to, stop business .as usual for one day -permanentcollections. ..' •"•"" • •••-.. , ' . . ••••••-—r-.- .— —and-engageJiL£ommunity.«lucation against the —TTlie-trips-wlll-be open to others-besldes.the—r The group also supports the "Memorial .VfetnamjMir.. This moratoriumhas the support . members of the art' appreciation course. A'':-; _____ March".in Washington on Nov.-;14 anfnnd , of „„,,.«--,- than95sahatoTsT!naFepresentatives, .v.-__ .-___-__._, , " fee bf_$3.S0-will'.cpver-the cost-ot'the'bus . ' nmiu^lilir^ _^a^^ the ""tfeeums. . - •.'. • -^ -- many otners . SpringfielDonaldjd Grant Committee, temporary^chairmarHof-th^e——-Mrs, paid :thartjj-rjgroup__ SKe^plang_toJgAy; Lillifiri-JohhsorTwUe byjbusl conducfrpm tht e&e"taps.- front of ~ mounted~by~the^ National New Mi — will'formulate strategic plans to "carry put. the Civic Center Tuesday-;jnflTornlrtg~atr9:3Q;"~ Committee. - : ': '•-••••' _ its local responsibilitie_s in.concert.with other- The firs_ t stop wil__l betheGuggenhel'mMuBeumj—^ - Guest-speaker-at-last-Wednesday-night's.!- .communities*, throughout the state and country "Besides the familiar, butVlways beautiful"; meeting-was _al_antanlell; o of the New Moblli-- -in -mounting ftheJol l „ ffen%iVe.—~<;- -'" •~==permanent collection, the museum is tfeatUr_ — _auv"~ J,.-__,....^_.-v»-._»-j^-_,^Sa_tanei_- •-• - - ••-- •- '"--'•"'Q• ' "S—o -—tha-t --——-"President• Nixon •»-gets- -— thejword -----. , _^infr_=show-by-RoyJLichtenstein for those who • saidthat this new antiwar movement through- that thecATneritean~p_opiB~\yant the war-gSeff GOE=QPEN-HOUSE~ Among those present ajthj^opening of the Spring- H. -oUt-the-ouhttVriEbdeveloplng _ta=grqw__rate__now, notjn mCl40_.;_>71,'' Grant said. "Oui^. Mrsj^Johnson'guggested that each person _palffl'l_ad<^i^ret'¥jl;'io'6'Mbuhi»lh'oy!e_.f;pr ,. -chairman; ' r.Phillp~Dai VeccMb^ar^ifromlefc-Haroiar ^—unparalleled inAnferican historyi "People are., actions wiM-have aTw_a_^urposetto. arouse .^ _r_^~a~lunphrwhM__jn.T3e. eaten on-the bus- - phoning in from all over the state," he said, __a__e.om_unity response..againa__Ke__e_am between museums^ Often, much "tim'e is wasted--'7' "7', T'as_ng"Kow they can h'elp.'V war_and_o encourage.as many people _s pos-- ' waldhg in-line at the museum cafeteria, she' • • Santahl-llo was also critical of SerwCharle____bJ^___m. Springfield to join In the march on added. ••—--, • ' . .,_-_•.„ ' . Goodell's resolution which-calls-for-a-with-—_V5shlngtotiLOn:Nov.:IS.??.-, ' ._: :.,"". -\ From - one-to --three, the group will go toithe. ==.___drawal of all U.S. troops by Dec. lr~1970r: -•'.' The:next meeting of theSpringfleli Mnsenm_fcM_l'_i-t_ytr!ghe-bus-shoiild rpttirn J< i : » •^-• nii'iiV_'KO»^ftH««ajr&vi_y^pver Tie-Baid; VAnoth-r"—tee to _top7the War Now wlll'be an qrganl_t- to the Civic Center by 4 p.ti * "~~ 1 boyB'will be deadend _ie~^tional-meeting to "mount_the fuir_fensiye.". Anyone vjho wishes-to-go on.the museum ,\ : 7 _ _e'no Ellff&entithatn^l-^odayi;.' The meetitig_at_a_Lprac.eJ.wlll"'hPiannounced l _ip-may phone Mrs; Jol_sonJatTthe 'Civic " -mftyni^l^^5__]_atour'riegbtlatorrp s in Paris ^-'shortly. More-information;regardin_ the' o)V Ceriter, 376^SBOT,"to" reserve Ispace on the " cannot .ask for-an l -^^isf^"' ! • ;..'.'.'..:. . -_^_ ••'-'- — -•"" w d 01 ati cation and subject-to the- townihlp.'s inspec-'- rhsjilp"Commltteeman Robert "'^^5 JWl2 __! _?^ _^__ * _'?_' ' don-and, if suitable,^ turnThe^pai1—1—"="*= . most cases I —method could prove more^economicaJUipar-" I_"The4nference, I assume,jyas-Jhe-negotja- Del Vecchio; who- IS- now - out -mayor,..; ~=_;-—___" ! "1 " '""' _w- - • tionTwltirH6Udflllle .Quarry_and Baltusrol dolf mysSH, Robert Planer. The-dfscUssions en-T1 terisls. business.:This was .the metluxJ -'Club •whichjtefl^to^th'esonsffuction of Mount --compaa-'ed .a-perioarofctwo-^earsjmmLtwoyarsjmd involved : HougaUle'-and Baltusrol_selecteo d jg^ ^h H6udaille,\ the Bnltusrql_ to with.the Township Committee. >_ -suspicious manner"ih which-the^ihgulry was^ Golf "Club arid the Townshiownship~C5RmrtixeBp Commit_er7 '~~—''.fewbuia, Uke~to .,poin. .t out that all'.the raised "mSEes one-wonder what^joiitlcs In ^_"The chairman of Sprlngfleld's-commlttel'l e members-of-the-'Fewnship-Gommitteb^fHh^FhiGommlttee werp_ RpRHgftfjlfUH-ripfflrinY-aHngrn^' " iwn Co_mltt__5^an=Ar-tiujp-E__n;:.Matthew kept, abreast___all the developments^leadlng_ - "The Spflngfleld-TownshlpCommitteemeem~ Glennon~represented Baltusroly-and Wllllaflf- up to the..c_nclusion of the agreement.!At on the second and fourth Tuesdajrof^yery—•Joseph\_nd_ViU_m prnger representedNHou^ The meetlf)g-th_tr-OTprKe_-TtiB-1:onclusion:- of month and a ..meeting is never ,ad1our'ned"r daille. Th.e.prlnciparpolnt made by the Town? the ^agreement all-members Of the committee! undJL every question-or rt»fm_5fl(?-from tKS'_ ship_jj6m_lttee was that we were desirious . were-in attendance, including-Blqom,-—._ " - ••-••••-- ^_iBwl_isome^of-^h'a_ng^^-^road--constructed.-and _-_r~_I___hgr H^. having a-feeling, of,wanting-. : i 1 _»l^»r_ - ni-hA)- mftnnri J«)_rV Viiiiil» ••»nl);rhlfr»lwnv_ni_Jr *1 r.^nr.PaVthp. nn^(;nll(_-ri_lcat_neli;ol__tlonH... ..•ate attempt1'to'deceive "Jhe. voters" of Springs ' would' have tlteroaabuilt'.on'a. loca led field.byn:he^halrmah\bLthelopposlng-pafty,^ men, t basis,. • - ^_,. - . —View 'road, we,, the members ol the Tqw^iship Planer coritinuaJ. . : • " ""Thih s is a leEal^procedure' open .to"all— Committee, would rather point with pride to •>'•-. :_ ,'lfl-may,Jl^wouidlike-tOrecountth'lIJ^ e steps-- municipalities in-or_er-to serve the public "what\we consider;^ to "be a laridmarki"iBvithe .- . ''nvolved in the successful effort -interest. Under' this method,-' theTownshlp progress of our-communlty,_and_wl_ the. to get .MouriT'Vi"ew""ro-d -constructed^by~the^-_itouldrAet'j_)ntract8 jafter publi' 'c biddlng-fo"r • leadership of such_men_aB_Mayor::PhilipiDel -preienrsaministratlonrF.or many_years ithad - the constructlon^oEthX3a^andjlt^^ J-^Tjjee— n the •hope-an d• desire• "'• -'~' o-f -many -townshi p parties that would benefltrwoUj-d.be assessed Son On behWoTthe townshlpjby-youirTown-- |,',V. "ctstmnlttees to have this road -constructed. for the- costs, in this "hnrlv Houda'flle : ship^CommltteB. r_Baltusrol-Golf- Club doriatecl-land-along the 2 anoVBaltusr.ol. •;Can you imagine, Mount^V_ew-.r.oa_,:at a total. cost • of _only-thfr-afetjM;ailings • to-ithe . •^l____l I •""""*' ' : mountalnTpf-the road, and an "" ' ' ' -road was-plptted. alternative permitted C-w6nde,£_the chairman' 61 _Si' W- I __J _._ „ parties to can^t ","y:"| on the land U8e:map prepared in -consT__crth-"road ,to the-township's speclfi- -y . •:r 1n '1962,"Mayor Del Vecchio .and me 1 own*' r ^lshlpTC6mmltt:ee"coH_iitted "themselyes-to tfie7^ 1 .fcoflstruction,of Mount:yiew rOad atasminimktfr: .ji.cost-to^tne-taxpayers a_"^osslble,-Thisroad~ MENTAL .--._.__ • . _*'"7 t~?- : •_.'.. _„ j ia_r^ti_^rlx1 _:—_•_--•«•__.-«_-___.« S&H

YollestJVIlD./, Director •- '-h.ye'ajn-lmproved-accessj-and-to-enabte^^ •1W " i^r'^oWd'^f^duc"aTloTrtb"=brlng"all'~*~ Td'sjudents. together in _pne school. Adnrrissioh officer 4 rryon'e'can. see, what-the.Towiwhip . There- are many forms',o£_. They are^capable-otcreat- lnMttee^,u^ertook_s___.a:rvi_l' drug .-addiction. In fact, there ing^3h-Ger-taln individuals, a SPRINGFIELD are—sO-Jnany_jhat it Iq.im- .pardttflnr^ state — oi—mind possible tdZTiave a single-terjped, "ppfil^^ v -SOUTH Naiicy K. Hofsoosrassbciate director of.ad- . _ •• •. deffiiltion for all.the various, denee." ^ • ••••.. kinds. —-missions ataathamCollegelnPittsburglvwUl. : — V Narcotic drugs are a worW™ ?ntIlls ' situa_.bnj-th_F__rB a.w :: meermth Charlotte Slngerrdirecfcr_ofjgaid. to' 11:30' a.m>,tailoring- class J f ^ f,s|.ftjii-Eir!i.n^ I --roblem;-and-tiie-Unite_v eelfflg-of^atisfaction-_n__^; a_£e~arid wit_-students^at—JonatharuXJSyton fo^experinciig^^dhkJgaM^ ^ ^te WE^B'^.Knprp-S-DBttttgfit Regional High School, Springfleldpjn^Monday^—£±=±J:; ^1 ' -Siir.-~ anderfTnitructor* 10:30.-" a;m.v5enlor Citizen" anj^ther Nadonsrhayer-PsycMc drive-that requirftr =^Bu_ng-her_visit,vMiss Hofsoos will discuss ""."S",, ••••"' ••••'••'^ ""card club!' 1 to-Ipiw flbwer beadlng^ttss. ^grade classes from the James Springfieid; will go ona trip for. "the -cwitrpl of, these ministraaon -of the-drug-to- ]O women's education and answer jjuestlons re- Low. t -produceipleasur_^ciELto_JK>id r==asmr&t garding the academic ,prografrV_and' campus" . dlscomfortf-The-mind craves jeaa&@^gy nd leans ~X869-ahd_igHtt...fully""accredlted-Ilberal- an s Whi^rwC fUm, a~_-slons arise as., to th, jkind or » on the drug;-^r '-•'•'•\'•"•"•"' ". .,.;-r-,hi college in the~Pittsburgh'suburbs.- ' iiorlc p.rn^ aault. exhibUBexhlBlts , isparis-partf ofjhofWcKTdre-i'e cIuTdren's'-courss ••course o\\oiv ,enL!teUgS-cause. • :. USEt) CARS DON'T DIE ^ ,.lhoy"|umt Irode^owby 4t-SandmeieTrSchoo;i. -——M\ youri with d-low-cost Won I "Ad~CBH~48 4=7700;— 4-530mteear t . ^^hlstory^^sey, • , -," !^JBgSagSgfe saO to-5:30p.m.,teen-artrcl^s. --••__••••"' problems, has found, there are iprihgfleld-omniunity-" Players ,. so^mahy^kinds=of=narcotlcs-:

H0W A ^ _ 7a_v Senior Citizen meet-_ scientifically sound, single HEAR S 2 lto'3 p._,i'sc_piin«^8as^^and_a^for"drug.a,da_i^ori, , could :not—"be made. ; _5 _B_____gaS^^KS_W5s___?!SiT V «•«•'A team of medica—l "and By MYRON CAINE • scientific authorities.fbr WHO1_ C»rtl.fl«d'|1»o'lng Aid Aodlolo _^_H_^_SE^ fflSB_iBi-%5a^R_ has ..beeri""able, however; to . f A recent visitor I lindersttt'udr ta develop some—useful con"— 1 nniy wlll_my ears-^to-an "ear- bank." -___?;,- »3 ^^—_s__»^_rs"^oUeybaitrioT - ____tsssai-'— -- - - elusions on drug dependence "•"•'-_that. h£lp us-to understand it. _"WII1 tliey--be use_=?f6-=transpl_irT)^r=- ; 8 to 10' p.m.r~_fe class,. Helen Frank,! ARROW-GLASS SERVICE\— _poses?r" Franki insewctori *, stX-Ctorr^S^per^essianj-S-to -lO-pan;,: —u: Pbr one thlngi the"" term, advanced ^photography,..-—William—Wagner, drug dependence*, cannot be =OPEN^24-HOURS_rBOR=:!_MI Prosecutor^ aide •Tuesday separated f-om,-whateverdrug GENGV-BOARCi-UP-SERVICE g *y youKears to an-ear Jjaitk la a 10:30 to IT=_ra;rn.,aMtmoderri',_4nstructorf _"Re_on_JLA^t School ,.^^^ J_~,«,_«U "r_S__5S_" onderf ul"*glsture-^-an Idacrda " -- _lmdn,vlM^Hteter^aOv^TTbnfii^^^ tailoring asjjwd^scussion. Dependence -than -you.-knowr-They will-hot, howeverjr " CivicCenter,^:. -classfor eWienced_»ssm«9_s,-^torfflicev.._:^^ . . " . Ale"xander^_lnstructor1-.-10iM____ ••• Senior . for Bry __tf^gpr--ia_oh-Co-rse^6t_-^ :_..-__ ».^r*™ ^p-p^j^^^ispj^jap^-j-ing-r"' •'••••••--•• ^

ola^^ peventionTandweatmente mmiprPlayers-rehejtgg If you ytould Uke-tb-Jcnowrmore7abput; arid Violence iti.Newjersey;. . ., . _ this and other subjects connected with Miel'e is;a"Braduate of Gettysburg College • ^ilgT, . your hearlngL I will be glad to give you and'theiJniversity of Virginia {^aw.School He Lahaska,. Pa.ris-known-for^its—| a free copy of the BooK,"Hearlng Uoss Is a resident Of Mipurn, where heis.presiderit Ybiis trip unusual shops. Trippers may a- Hope Through Research," publlshedby , of- the Lions. Cl^uband actlvein other community browse among those, showing OUR OWN A MEMBER the U.S. GovernmeDt. jupt asObr it affairs.. He. has been associated' with the -anttqupsrfabWesT-toysr cloth-, OF THE at our, office. BELTdNE HEARING SER- prosecutor's office for the past five years* In . ing, fancy foods; baskets, lep- SPRING- 1 f.her gooflH, hnpd crafts.'gifts. PIELD VICE, • 11 BROAD . ST~EEIZKBETH7 ~tne eavaclty • uf u detectlveaiid us a-proseeutA- . Village Is liie CHAMBER "353-8866. Open dally fe S:30; Monday ing attorney. . . - ' ; • YWCA-spon'sored trips to destination for the • Summit OMMERGE-I . and Thursday: to 9'i Saturday to 4' YWCA's bus trip scheduled for places of interest are open to

chartered bus-will leave from 5fee_^_the -YWCA 'qt_ _n.m_.. of the Y)WCA. Advance reser~. Further .information about LOOK AHEAD FOR Robert Turner of 110 Hlllslde-ave., Spring- . PublicNotice —the trip to Peddier's-Villoge--. i • • . i...... _ • • field, reported a theft to the Springfield Police may be had Jjy telephoning Department on Friday. Turner said nine hem- UNION COUNTY COURT A BRIGHTER FUTURE lock trees werp taken from outside, the build- " . PnOUATE DWBION Mrs. J.J. Hennessey, adult DOCKET NO. C-2001 program director at the ing, at which life is manager. i •' m tho Mnttor ol. : The trees, newly-planted, wpre approxi- tho Estate ol OI1DER TO 8IIOW • YWCA, 273-4242. .. . " ; . . C A USE WIW mately six feet high and were valued, at "$10 LANDS SHOULD -eachr-Turner-Bald-the-theft-tQok_Dlace some- KATHLEiiM BWAIN, NOT DE BOLDTO --• -l-PAY-DEMS. time during the night. .Upon r_dlng. oral JUlnkt the complaint Ol LAWnENCE FRIEDMANI , «dmlnl- utrnlor-otl l ththo ontattt o off KATIILEIJJ FRIDAY DEADLINE SWAIN, DECKASKU:' • . Vgnilla, Chocolate ,or Coffee Flavors' tt'lB, on UUa latli

\'\' ^ • 1 - - ..''..;. i QCtc 969-r . .:• 1 —1— --,-. .

—APVEBTMEMENT . ••.--'— - . .. - V -TO "THE COMMON" IN '—JKItUBURN COMESAMOST m |:;- '^ UNCOMMON TOUCH m Boxor opensa window on _wJA iriit in Mlliburn, New J«r. s;<|«y. by Kathy-Avenr- •;-jjk ' With the opening-of Bazar- ''•at The Commori.'Mlllbum,

ft JO*DPjrw.i.11. *r~- ™ • 6, a most uncommon e*J mca: in intematlonai ' awalti-you.—-•• ''•••' iu_,v,a,;'who love the mys- yV"«fiSFlhtrigue-of foreign »wi the strange atmosphere . of 'far-away places In roman-1; ,;^c .setangs > Baair brings M^ooA and wondrous wwwwith ^ .aii,very,sight, BineU-and.feel _ """ ' ' '-•-'origin. doors of. ' and v you pass throug

p; thef-plices^ybu ever wihted to 1 S'^ee. The! bustle • juufcolbr of ~ •-. ' ^^fe-3.-::: : -. -' .;.'.. . ••••''• ~ ' "•'£--„ ^l~ ^-vnu'll tour the flea markets of Europe,ithe. .: : Wanider t|jmugh;the>hpp& be- i arcades of the Orient, the . ~— m s j nart OT tnis new aimeiiDiui'-'H-j'WHKm.irr'"" •• -- . • .. ^ Bt-AR.is^ll-the-excitement,4he y jKn5Jf^J^« arc^e¥ortr^OnenCthq ma{kets of the parrbTth^ newdime

^iuffoe- Middle^ fiast, the: mar- : ^••>*^^ n-^)^iaces"".of...Europe, little •=>• • WR puts the world at your fingertips. wnii-corners . of yet un- neverq loiled areas "circling the _ 'adventure.•-.'. obe are reproduced at Bazar k rainbow of color and de-*~ ftrltHat chaUengessthe lmag--; OPEN IN M

masses-of-goods.^Youre^on^^ magic. carpetTKB'"past" In- dividual • shopO^birant with "^JBtVMi and varied treasures-to feeling of being im- r=^~ esse!h6«rof:the ' '•' —u.mna yua're shoppings s is(U Enter Bazar's International, • X-3ogWaKeTfloor!i.a few steps will \ -•' transportl^you to therlushi X'lJgicien exotica^9lIBre~Ever^.. -^•x^Sfeenery .-filled fromfloortd

• —• JAfriltsrflowers in amontageof =-~1o~66l6Vfl. It- all looks-so-real,——-'. _— itsaUartlfl x; 4 arrangement e:ava to5T ~^ ^T*^ ViMuggery.V.where r jtu^'-lfffiTd cefamltrandporceceramicmdporce- : • r • ' qitUl»:mugsjIn atlvshapesTlhapes , sizes .'. . oiand'icolors frbmxthefarends.^--- h^~-^arthf'thtfearth.^-T—-\r——^^-^^=—•. __arli Afc«H8n«CulBtae^pnergoj3 ~S<3o^ttTto"tiie-seriou8buslness of - -o pleasing the particular palate. - -n

oil! 3Thej next- stop is.the^*Pol>- -39iBbttai,";.where cooking, uten- ==^ilsj-gadgets-and uniquely de- "r~ggnedf^necess.ities-rest;, and reign' supreme^.after' a long

PQ|MJ^ ( ... _-1 , : Gorgeous guttering goodies "^b^lhe^ scorearralmoBtyours.-.^ for " •••••• - • ^ttJewaed. pieces) lo* y created by "craftsmen of J4:dnw?wpldsi*ind

The next shop is aptly en- 11U6titleUd "Out-bf-Sight.".. uuk^vi-vtrw For- -- . "' "t those - in tiie- forefront of •.-.•-'•• rtmu^gmCp.. UilaRb- tho~: - 4

I Viva Espana -renrend ln^gpnnippHflniUnraftS ceramics arid "Carved; goods h^'''Sabri^SBo5!!zer"

11 > all th4e stren d nil vtiv^e geniPWW..K^u , -vlgogBiirid creative genius of . IflraflJbKCome and wonder'as-l- dld,S^candelabra, pottery, • ' If arid natural., stone,. -__' • icprator "ac(!es- ax ind handicrafts*"' -^iir—- , dazzling^ display of; i~bathr_:ltems..Jbatn_^ hairtOeEBrrTttssue _ showeiLcurtainB"-ana ^1 "-bath~Boaps that make .- illike"1 a million no - $ what-v«tt^e=wortJBi i jivfi -at the , ^'Siesta-"

FtiJiflesi est-lni-items.- . I zip. down to Bazar's level fora strictly up-" ss selection, of the pitherworidj-First-stop -'— |Dlnnerware- Shop for —r K finest pop1 and tradl- . I'tiortal'^ phrce—settings—from. Italy and the Orient; On *e go to an assortment |rdtitalnless-stfiel-flatwar£LBa huge^that., your jtnaginatlbrr: will- be stwtched to its outer"

In the ^'Art Gallery" you'll discover a veritable treasure trove of signed graphics by the likes of Chagall, Dall, Silva, Ret, Picasso, Leba- Y. Metal Don Quixote, Spain, $9.12 M. Jewel Mug, Pakistan, $5.16 . Z. Dolphin Towol Rack, Spain, $19.66 dang.-Inothetwo'rds -art;to' A. Camolskln Lamp, PaWstan, $26.02 N. Copper Plate, India, $6.21 AA. Suodo Slouch, Mexico, $8.1 r suit every taste from classic B. Elephant Table, S. Vietnam, $49.88 O.-CopperTea Kottle, Portugal-, $7.97 C. Carved Ceremonial Mask. India. $15;88 BB. Peacock.Chalr, Hong.Korig, $24.^8 , -to-Cgmp C. CarvedCoromonial MasK. inaia. *io;o —PrBlown-QlaSsrigurlne, Europe, $15.50 CC.SteerhldePlllow.South America, $9.97 ItTthe .''Long Ago . D.telened.CrystaDSlenodlCrystal DolphinDolphin , Italy/$'20.4Italy'$20.411 " Q.;Owl fee Bucket, Italy, $29.97 , I the ' E. Copper Box, Pakistani' $6i44. T DD;-Can/ed-Expamdln8 Bo6k"RacR7TOlla7$27l9 antiques...magnificent trea- ; R.Toby Mug, England, $5;66~ —-— EE. Leathec Kangaroo Dacflhter, Italy, $10;86

F. Crystal Decanter, Sweden, $12.40 • ,* /.^.^ *, sures of yore. S, Stork Pit.cher,.§pain, $4.26 .FF,.Bracero, 37", Mexico, $139.95 • ••," ...Q. Jumbo,Flqrsptlnfl PeRpermll!, Italy, $18.88 t. Brass Zodiac Ashtray, Kbroa, $4,44 •• ^_Jfhe;" Gift iShop •. surflly. has - - H. Tulip StnmwnrB. F.nrnpp, ltP.49 CG. Ceramic Vase, , $B.88 Just- tSFIteHPyou are looking HH. Bhze ScUlptuTeTtl^Avti for...unusual rtickformations, •"". JJ. Ovenware-6asserolery,S,Arr$ sculpttG^i' -lucite etogere, KK. Ceramic Urn, Greece, $10.60 chrbm^ / Vltrehe, chronie- d* Ttnsmw^-vaeas^-figga^eilk flower andotjjf •In JhMnee "Foreig"Fbrelgnn^ HabitatHabitat " > f boastfi one of the largest j dqniLoii|e3d. belleuedt_&lBo, for.> the first time, anywhere, see

..- -"-•'•'*.. '..- ' I...*',* i ' ,'_ .„ . ... -^ ; ' ..ZlLJli.J-L -:— -.- -—1.1 i JohnJC-Connor-Ajr*, Democratic candidate forJUnion County-assemblyman-at-large, this ' for \veekend~ • wefk .asloed his opponent to explatn why he •three hikes are scheduled L_yotjW for water pollution and drought." _• "this-weekendfotmembersand . '' "Both Messrsi. Meyner_and_CahlU have guests of"thV-JJnlon^County._, SERVICE STORE ROUTE 22 UNION HlkingXilub. -—--j,; referendum. In. fact,_they_serve "aB the. OrTSaturdayrRobertDeming-^. state co-chairmen of the committee formed, of Elizabeth will lead a seven-^ . A • to ensure its'passage,"'Connor said. mile ramble in Jockey Hollow •The success of this bond issue, is.crucial Park, Morrlstown, the group ~i= he well-being of the people of-New-Jersey, '" jneet at the parking area at WeiJJl _see_theL~sickenlng pollution of our. main entranee-te-the park -Waterways "and beaches. A$d we. all remem- off Tempe Wick road_at 10 . bet the-^wategj^^jiges~of~Tgcent yoarST "Could we^take that from a.m..- ••• ' -an4d recognize"the"neeg d to plap n for ttjfefutiire5 , - . Also on Saturday, Annerand-s- -! -~ .-VYetmyopponentrinone of_hls few leader- -~^e beginning Robert VogeTofCranford'wiU , " ship actions, spearheaded the opposition to lead a 12-mlle hike-to Sunfish-^ ;l Pond. They will hike the Appa- ,, . jhle •water.bond.referendum in the Assembly. ';- 1nf st_ask hlm-to-explain this opposition," Sqhobl nursed jjear r *h1nn Trail from-MiUbrook ,,. nor saidr" 5 -^aJ^origltfejldga-tojyisiLJ ,' ythe' Senate Majority Leader, Sen. Ray- . —nninti-uateman,-(R-Somerset)_argued Btrong- • conference _-You get al[ new brake Ihlng Install&L. lyj-thaE reseryair sites be spe.clfleOtrthat' Union County school nurses met last;Week' -wee'tat-West-End.BVenue8nd onneytf or factory recbhUltioried brake •peqple. would know exactly what they were in Columibia-Schpol,-Berkeley Heights, to hear Rt?^2,NorthPlalnfleld-at- mMr' shoes by our trained experts, and a I • voting j?or. My opponent was against. such Mrs. Patricia .Richel of Springfield report on- 8 j, NathaTi' Coyne of W^:^3 -*ree-brake-*adjustrr!ent at4500 and :._ specificity, as were the water- companiespr- Uje-leadershlp conferencejield by^the New' v anil-^Tseemed—especially concerned about Jersey-Educatibn AssqclatloailiSt stTrpmev. Irvington -vyUn5ad an eight- thi Twin Bridges CsltBTTiTIt only coincidental She attended'as' a representative of the locjl mile"llke;known as theHPreak- liithat the-Elizabethtown-VVatec-Go. wanted to "nurses*Wsociation;____=J _. ness Circular, in Passaic deyelip this area itself? .. •'. - -~~r , Mrs. Rlohel said that "any nurses'group can ' County.\The*group will meet, ''Fortunately,-his-views,, did, not preyail_-r- have its vlews_gtesented by the NJEA-du*lnt :at the adminlshration^bulldr . ~_and..theAssembly crushingly defeated his at- ^". Mttoct^4»gotiaHonsIlf^iJLJg_de.Blres^and- irig-qf the Union-County Park Commission,-Warlnanco Pan "-==tempts=tosSabowgeithe^ateribondsJJ4mmpjt;-^ --•-•- • • • muWrepresent GOO -c^acertted—abouLpjUutlonfcontrol and what ^ the ^EUzabefeat:8:30-attti.uUB —-itoJazeT me-Jjsrthni/'my op|gonant-6eamecl;prey • sociatfoniciatlon,, aiianda also'jalso jf thethey are not satlsfiesatisfieid '"-• For;.. " -partd-to .risk, the entire~bond Issue for sortie _ LthH thhe "agreemen' t reaches, may_re.quesfcia about-Athe hikes-contact the, utiexplainedjc'egson. -regarding one reservoir negotiations. nMeUng-wi^ylieirboard-ofedpeLL ^?Sreatipn--departmen5 of the" >IJ ; rr r : site. —-E=^—•'. •'• - ., "~~-^- "'-- •- - cition.". i- " •,••• .-. >'~ ••*•••"• ••• t • ^> Union County~Park Co^ —shfl rj^ted that of the statafs- 21 •- countJeg, Stec.£'£ ' ~ _OE quality Union CoUnty ranked 14th in •salaries paWt * to\^VMw:.RlcJwIj.aJlp^^BrKieyjiij^ts^ |7? 20,000 mljes _ Garwood,JHUlslde,.MbuntalnslderNew-Pr6vi- . _' jphe Union County Chapter of.the National.. ddenes ; Rbs&Ue.ParkRbll Pk, Scotch-Sh :Pl^STS^h Association of^ccountantB wff hotfaolmier'^fleild tmd Samini'irttre among tKe~lo\west paid, _^ rrnwring-iripgrTVprinffsHfly^iit^feSO p.-m^-ln the while only four communltiest^IlzaEetH, Kenll- . - , Winfield Scott JHfitel, Elizabeth. Albert JG. ,wotfi;: .Linden and ; PlainjQeld,_have put. the^-^-Wf ' iSeldman. attornev-ln-charge at the Federal. YiursesT-pn \the- teactiBga* salary, guide. All V" , •All prices (Drumlype) are IrtstalledjadcesJotLCJievrplet, Plymouth, Fordi Do^ge^rjidjillJJjS. compacts. OlRers sllghtlyiiigheft; trade Commission's New -Vork-QfficBrwill^r^the rest of the districts pay the nurseB less Dr.. Herbert F: Hahn, presl^. ..spea77)^"Cbnglomerates--and.-the_Federal. . than "the".teacKers^-even with equivalent de- ;--dent--of-the-Friends-of the ra ; ''.X) de.Co mnii88loti.V.- ~i-»—'-^--•-,••_ • .: greep." . . •., . . ... Plngry Qbrary^_has. :an- " nounced that the autumn tneet^, -••ing of theIprganizauon-will" j GOODYEAR APPRECIATES CUSTOM A BUSINESS - . to.6 p.m. ln-theiscl Here's wharyourget with our ^ HOW OF YOUR OWN ""How~Tfolicemen, sheriffs -^the Bureau ofCommunitySeis^r—T^r-Arithony-G, — vicegjnJRutgers University's delphia. pianis^c complete 4~wheel brake rebuild. ^ deputies-and-other= s ?employed t|SO0"cMrT 2BiSIS bl tKe ^Bi^ —Jialf-of-me-prograrh. His rep-^: —-acRugged, heavy-)Juty brake llhTni for all. HTBeraoyie.jclean.Jnspectrrepadk and adjust" held-at die Hermann Lb^^lihf ' •fritjr-whealsa^bbnded-TitLrJveted :'~—- front"Wheel bearings .. : JCAN BR1N6 YOU $16,000 or munlcipali- fles may;be':^Mtedjwjhelr. -EducMqnUCenter_atj:iiftpiL__£todjs=^J^R^ ^NET RETURN PER recently-acquitrdi j;r^ht "to"^T^veWe^hd^RyderS^Iia^Kqnsi^-i-^Mse-JBriUanteJiLirEj^ • Replacement of all brake shoer(fi-ont and -•Replace front wheel grease retainers on " each wheel If needed .••"'..' -^tfae"'"agricultural campus, ^ ' :N.Major, opus Ij,«-Khachaturi- • -reart-wlth^two-cbmplete sets J8) of new collective bargaining will be I NO I the subject ofan all-day con- -^— Thomas Lj-'Parsonffiet; -an's"t6ccatS,""BHdRespighi Sii brake shdes^propiarlsr"arcBd'!1o f Oi f Bleed and flush hydraulic-brake lines •«- ty. SELUNO ference next Thursday in New NewarkyUiwyer who hasbeetr . "Nqcturnq." ^' :" replace old braRe-fluldimd replace with r « flHnnta' REQUIRED1 long3R^eHTrmatters;ofJlal»r2z__Me«"^ a .graduate j. _, lining andtrulnBDf_all four brake Brunswick. .', ::~;±i • ' drums to fit brake shoes perfectly (6 —heavy-duty fluid which exceeds all .U.S. HTT^I ^ poyiti»Bt« lor "~The prograsnT^ranged by legislation injiewJersey; will . -Temple-University atufofthe * ll bilt be^ejSjpjMker. and discussion--—Pianoforte-lnstiluteof Muslc -max|muro^raklng-flctlqn-_-Sznn . 1S.A.E.-specifications '_'-^-r— ' • NO MAL ISTMI 1NVIHMINT has ol'so^given much time to der: at sessions scheduled' ' III rJmi at"flrst 1500 "TTReplace" the study of. orchestra con- '. ^-necessary _ • . - : for 9:30 a.nu—wid IV p.p m imlles or 30 days, whichever Occurs first, >B0WCi i 4 h' ducting.: He"is-6n the staff of-? lEcono-llhlh'g Will last I year;or ':•: -•-Replace "all hardware "necessary to hold :_ilegistra'tibn ' for the'-: two ( and each 5000 miles thereafter for-the ^sessions-ijiL$r.'and-should be • the'Philadelphia MuslcalAcadr- ^rjoo-mlles, !;y ' ' J i brake sKoes In place T—'—— • Dwmilieiilni'a. «!»•"••«•=-— mgwcTlyl^WFiiREOiTT .emy andjwas t5undet7cohdue»= £~H*lp« you •tmbllfli «uitomar« Building 4077,' Kilmer Arear— tor and~musicdlrector"ot:the • • ••tabllthw) IrarieWwil-'tlaaili fimfjory ^t^iit ity, 'KTew-'"'l^w"" South'.'•' Jersey . £;lvamber • -;-•«.:«» new anloylng batter •Orchestrar- ReHulldj3r.replacethohydraullc.cylinder • All this materlaUandJabor... Installed by, C thim ovarosa y -•• '• .Goodyear trained AJr-mechanlcs ._ ...^ pvallahU fo waakendi, . . Carlette ..__ -Vgnalow—of-' ot>|»ortuiil»y To publxci.ty choi rmert: Maplewood, pufillBfier" -and _^J^^ SCOMtLELAiNS, •managing-editor, of Suburban,', It Must Be Right or Wo -WHITE on cAa iuwu : sonie-iieln1— -i^jje magazine, will give a talk • flo Karl»_. _?lnB^,n8 in "• preparing newspapepaperr rere--~ .A* "•'ciiM.iiiMviir'-Pr-nmnrinn'.— N "" leases?-'"' DOMESTICAIRE -•-Portv =-aM OODWIM-AVfc=—-1 paper !and ask fOE_gijrr*'Tlps p rrMlDUNOvPAiiKr^l *abnvlKtnfh-t-Nows—^Re- The speaker, the'wifepf Dr BRAKE.RELINE GUARANtEE-If Goodyear InsUlle'd brake relltias should wear out before tha —lease.iv1 hSl6id tlma or mllaiBe. Indicated, the Installing Good?«W^SWIc«^Storw-wllrrijpori-surrender-ol-the oi-lglna! -lnvolcer»upply new llnlngiandothef-pirtj-niicessary-at no, charge. You pay only for labor. • — „ In various churches, she has 5 1 served as. organlst_or_choir- qual'Syr Wl| rTaVt^r^^ "^-" ShhigBr r«i,m miles....: _; -director' of the Mgntclair Chwmlat.' Plvmoiithr ord. Dodge and all'u.S. c6mpaeh»rOth«rs slightly hlghar. . Academy teacher lllllliililiilliilllllHHllllllllllllllllllliuilllllllliluuillllllI Illl Ill lllllllllllliiimimiiiiiiiiiiiMiniiiiiiiiiMlimilM : and.has held a junior executive ' "'-"'— :----•-. —^-:.-. •••. -. •-'" •.-•.•••-• r-.rf ~^—..; —- :=—-r^ ^= > . .-.,. ^ _. . .-. a_ -post-with-ti-Bamber-ger-fceo^- : ~MPs; Wtaglow'h'as'beengegv^ ROUTE 22-.WESTBOUND in community affairs;—:—" t4il Thur.'f ri. ~8?30 to 9T0(T^ -Il"iEXECUTIVES raod our WiST"; ^ m±~_^±L-~£s^*-iim^mimM*M£u. -In Ih. enter 1.1.. KBS-8H4 5iOO

»»»^^»»»»^^M^^«>«y»»^^«>^»*«>«>»»-*»»^RiR^ • » » »-»-«>--—-'-•- •

we believe the sale prices—

Back Again, Old Fashioned

*AUT0 BODY REPAIRINO • FLORISTS OILS-FUEL * TRQPHIES& PLAQUES " •"• • ^LAYNE MOTORS> > KINGSTON CO. - •.. TROPHY AWARDS CO. _-_ •'"•''• : H'.l. BURKE & SON : .APPLE CIDER , -COMPLETE COLLISION WQRK. •FUEL OIL - INSTALLATION - SERVICE • BlbbQn»'-ModoUSi ca.ea • Bowling ahtrta Inauronoe Bitlrao'toi - Complets 2304 Vauxhall Rd., • . Union Mechanical Service- .— - PLOWERB FOR ALL OCCASIONS - ' Bowla, cups, troy., govel., onBroylnd * ' 891 Penniylvanla Av».; Union 686-0955 Call 352-0141 or. 686:5552 • i396.Stuyv«aant Ave.rUrrfon ' 687-4694 .KAREN SANDFORT ne Appaarel & Aoeeiorl ,.*FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Pet SuBttllet— /GEORGE'S PRO SHOP KENILWORTH FUNERAL HOME LAWRENCE PHARMACY ' " THE SEA SHELL-— PROMPT PRESCRIPTION PICK-UP. DAQS h SHOEB "WE BUSINES8 . -AIR —Ample OK-ntheot p •;-•• .. - 686.2468 Orj6fl6»247L6L 63D Boule-vad, Jton 11 worth . Garden State Bowl ' • Urilor. 511 Waihlnoton. St., Ktollworlh 272.5112 BLUE RIBBON '. phone 686-63P0 1352 Bo met Ave. ^r Burglar Afarmt * FURNITURE DISTRIBUTORS • POROH ENCLOSURES • UPHOLSTERERS • GEORGE K. MACKIE . DONUTS TOWM ELECTRICAL ROBERT ANGUS ASSOCIATES B and M ALUMINUM CO. TolO'alarma, ' 'all typea of . burglar ' BEDROOMS - DEDDINO - DINING ROOMS ' AWNINO WINDOWS * JALOUSIES Furniture — Cuutqm manufacturing ALUMINUM SIDINQ • ROOFINO &V fire alarm ayatema^ Bualne.Ba At LIVING ROOMS - CAHPETINQ - DRAPERIES Upholeterlng J- Ijiepdirlng — Bedding Free E»tlmato«. . Realdantlnl Bneolollata. Free eatimotoa All Branda Be low 'Furniture Store Prloea 33'5 Wlnfleld Ter7., Union 686-0336 2064 Morrla Ave., Union 686-9661 471 Kearny Ave., Kearny WY 2-3752 -call 686-4165- V 686.7793 v • . • '. ... • WINDOW SHADES t, BLINDS CRANFORD CATERERS, INC. UNION'PLATE GLASSX:O.,,lr)C. UNION BOOTERY -,'•• ••* lbHlddl AH typo« of window atiadoa - Fraa aaUmntea "We Come to You" atQ=Blafc^"6uys and-DolIi? —'conyertibTe^nyTrig^sets'-thal-isScved-for sev-——r tfofc^Kpsiii ~" • for the Performing Arts iUPle". "How.TdSucceed In Busl—eratBotSr-and ^things really flew there during " M^vifc-T'?;."; SHOCK ABSORBER^ rRealljrTrying"-ahd-"The-Burnt^—the-muslcaLpnidU£t^Sjl!-'j:_ • -.• '' ^fen^^M,'- " ••"*'- -- ^"taoi- fn?Mtfii~Tfieater~Guild r^ffife^Sa ~'"»^^SS^o livesat

sign£ets.for,thr,ee_ma|or productions a year.- /( L;;_:J|'. - _Last year-he designed sets-tor-^The Cru- BRAKES RELiNED MUFFLERS lible " ^'Dthello-v and "Black Comedy, White H cuae^- w v "vKorking "at. the coUege, «ii&-" ^;r'^-'^v "- _ OR ADJUSTED <,especially when-I- AUTO GLAS y~";:, . lege-oi-the triPBter. ,—-—^^——• .tr*-—!^ ^ALEl SAVE! •••?;«:!.•• • this year Dick Is designin> g sets for "Came-. SHOCK^BSbRBERS *l: - ibt," '•khbC5Has' ^d^'You-Know5 (ICan^ SEATJIOVERS . VINtfL C^RJOPS CAN!T LEAK\pPS> "DfillBLE ACTION", ' Hi.' -ii—--v™i Whfin the Water's Running. Before, i th Alr-S^lane-Type, •mootH rldlnv, (A)V!NYL-TRIMAIRWEAVE Elaotranlaslly W« *,1i5r"S."rr Extra Value!' '• -. . . [ - Cuitom Fit. Include* NEW Full-. Dreaa up;your carl;.Qait9m«= _V1*W-Wlndow • _x i\..,-X~T flt,waBhat>lei..reBrstBburnBi= tettfff, wear. Lowest price INSTALLED 1- fecN anywhere.1-— FULL SET FOR £lO,95 Fin^QuBmjs r Bonded BrBr«U« « nnj.-y^-.By™ ^--^.-rz^ BRAKFS ADJUSTED All iiteel oonetw^tran for qul«t school children at the JRew. Jersey Congress-j Ittipyct broice Unv* •ndmaitor— ^,operation -ft) longe'r. life. In- I oyllrtders. HOT lefti •UUed by EXPERTS, while r^of-Parents-and- -Teachers Convention, qetr-l-o— I—100%-'-Clear,.•• Heavy. No -whe«l_cvllnd«r«.—i you waltrsHAVB YOURS IN- .umvtirB1 ^u,, ippjjy "degree In the.ater : . clpthLjGuiBc -SPECTEtCFBBrBJJOW'•;S>ECTEft"FsSBJ»6wr""l • .'-— 1 Ho^ln Atlantic\City. . Z ~ ^ " " a>Uujnaj s -- - —improvemgnts—has^fs^^sSSaippTfi^ hisTdoctor of ri r'k. University...;A former-:...... ,A - -•• >--•..- - PtlCS.ever. n^ automotic •"• s with his wife -ALL4.WHEELB ^a-more-powetlut ••••pUtU-SEtefe. JUSTfiDON Tnl ju qeiegateB-moy UB«C»—-• ~. . MOST CARS.. r-at;this.year=s^ i, there will-tenrslIdeTigesentatiptfap; with sound —-•- stressing the care.of^chllr^_| eyes^and.gTving upa-o Vronl En Ajo. « I Turlck before jtiieliirr vision... _^_ —rr;—r-rv Co«I»r 8. QiTmlier.- To* In 4 ToiOot i .climb up aTnit= The New~Jers"ey Optometrle, Asseelatlonhas .„„„„ Prepared_neariy_^W.ljl!^e±_"t Uiaiature^- t»I^; tNewarK lor^st^uf^n^BQhS^gfflsMoTakeback • R.gulotori1&pdlr.d PANASONIC • •'"''"• to "their hometowlltA-Brr . .i—_:_ _ - CAR STEREOS m T -Ajdr. wtllhe given to all P"g" t^»g^: 322-S787 • Museum'snew^ElBit' •^^.%-ZS?gt*&& .fOR ' number'of. steRSjW',, -• ~ -'. •— _--.- • '•; • ,<• ' „ brosent_slprogram on children's vision tf» FREEP(GK UP "•^Wi older vdtizens._The 1 i tt > A eea R also conialn other r j"'' ^^r--p^ .^.^ytS!^H^^i^ ^'---~p^ t" '"g .^ - MU *"' NJOA portion of 'the PTA Vn "Mil T Pnllotta Of eon H-"

-••• -':-.. ,?*•"• _.-. people. This n°H'°"iin"^ gallery and the central-court^m^^mx^. b ^f^^^ R ck ^ -fl'y_jQH-pF.11FQRD- "g. -.inngs.—

-Jones, medical -records _and_ 1 • • ' :wia4t-taketdmakeammion, : m «mrifhnrd'..;Tweniy..Twenty SSiS^ei-wESSpg • ^^^^MS^^&m -^—rI flveTiHS^r.;.Flfty..,or SWyfiveyearsV u • —i^/eil':'.Would yovrjen^e" that-a-younff "TherejnuBt pe a.i^awuum. .^.... ,— )h-W-.-JonesrcuB-. Y»=>i " *v a'dy by the" time-she-had-reached_her educators, employers, and all of Us that ability^ %h&^Biithday7 had accumulated an es- tp learn is -not limited by age. Indeed, con-1* !te worth- MiUl^SIlars2^elUonjjomrs^^-rtjafias - Unuing education isras-important fpr-keeping - l taady y^sbjgffi^-|-^-oWftr>^lffln^j^in<»jiiiltri.trift flmi>.q as it IS for ' * ~ "Medical treatment; for the ielderly is stillT- lnadequater-Where'MedicarinaaequHi.p^«..ici.^ .... —e does^no.trS.ufflceT—- Jiuce,, receive DISCOUNT the Statemusttneet-itlresponsibilltyllty, , specific-p — -the^ y shoushould.l . g"term-B?eat- • Anyone • 1 Medlcaid.l^hicti goes. riBK^T'anum^^^^;i^T^o -1-Yoii 'don't have to be a MilUpnaire to 3—.— must ljbe watchewatcnedu caretuity—'carefullv-to^W-MI'JUJ.i " !••••" •••» ,' r • § ' Z cSrt"a^d" afe"ty"Tof -goodI S^^U, thc,elderl^in Ney.Jewey: are...- -. S >ineme . - — : _' ± pe out of work for- at least 12 : s..rWe\.rat ELGENE TiRE,-can.pE(k*I: 'lielhg mett . •'• I • -/i '"Mobility is frequently^! acuteproblemfor .mt mths (because^otiMJury-or... i vpu with The Best for your carl oldeirr ppnple^ Ml,'plans forlmBrovement_gf i:_;lHl(.i^gBrsHould apply for dls-- TIR^STONE t®ES| 'WreuiCOfflreiUenfly. -(juuuaui.,..- -- . -=^=-n-—i^musn mustinelude-considerat lnclude~considera^- abllity_beneflts immediately^ f\c(fated-on-Mflltown-Road-CBetween-RQUtJated-on-Mflltown-Road-(Between.RQUtC '-and MorrlsiAvei)JDppftsite Father's ,. tion of the-specialineeds oi~" i--*= -However^-anyone between flie' -I >££!!.*ve" N.Jw^^ up, ;aUpment. Open Daily 8-6, CARPCNlCKa, A, icniiw.-.. --" . — :_|JSvur::8r7, Sat.-8-l. MU 7=4150. r=30,000 fomilla* with p low-cotf WUHI tf . •" .the, time he become "disabled.- ••••^••••••^1 - - Those disabled before age ^-j^Snjiiv.ta^tXeupoUt thl • n j\ iii«il|iiiiiiiiif~^ PRIVATE

j r • >;^• J only—


|NSTRUCT,ONF_QRlTElNAGERS- CAREER GIRLS •L-WEBS-T-E-r^DANCEiST-UDiOSJ:| "' Setori HaU University's'A^t -I——fr^Souto_ao h Panalc Ave. ^|| Gallery_will_inaugv!rate. the,,._j_:.^^^^_Choihom,-N,J.c_:._;:;::.:. "''fall season next Thursday,- u^r—————*--**!^z£- 1 _ 4-- jOct. 4.6, with acotiftireherisiye:"- ^-^ ' "" "" ^exhibition cat the ;.works -*


~~rof ""Fine, and Industrial Arts. I signal for" perfe«t_ color"pictures. ~~ThiB^waB followed by^study at._L^..., . ThaFoitbo^lt* and __ INSTANT PrAY-No waiting for PROPER'H(AIR ANDSKIN CARE - - theArt Student Lea^ie of New= —;" the 5quar«backr»8tlon l^ound—or^b;HBHt,_yivld,^jaJAL. -—York-itrthB-classes-bfyRobert— FIGURE ANALYSIS Brackman. Gasser. is. a merri- fully automqll.c ,trqn»- ; ^L'XHANNEL VHF/UHF RE-: . '. •• CORRECTIVE blET AND EXERCISE ber bf.the Afaerlcan Water- mlssions. ' color So'clety^ih^Phtladelphia- —^SMft1nto-Drlv«-qn*— SPEECH "-••.'" .. Water color Club, theCon- ' all yoy'v* 9°'t0 c'° '' • :": '. ' SOCIAL GRACiS'... ,-,... ,,,; .. •' _.. nectlcut Academy, jhe Balti- drlv*. Not iWft.'' more.' Watercolor • Club, 'trie'* r """TRIs mokor It o-lot ' Sidibon. Artists and the Allied ; "easier'on the left foot, ^WARRANTY

And al 27 mllM'per alEfo.a life member' of the. ; --A^AjUgbA^r CLASSES National Arts Club and the" gallon, It's not loo hard STlirr--': . he is. a faculty member;—^-4- AIRCOOLED; ^ "'''':.' .•*".'• " Gasser served as director *Falr Traded Iternk Only Call or wt'te for your complimentary consultation and find of the Newark School of Fine AUTOMOTIVE CORP. ^?u ihai there is a most impressive person under^youf skin. and Industrial Arts from 1946 21SS MILLBURM A«E. "» PORTABLES- CONSOLES-COMBOS to 1954 and is the author of NlapTewood • SO 3-4567 FiDIAL 381-4394 ....ajjujmter^ofbooksdeoUng'Wlth -f-'pr-write-for-btochure' - •' • the techniques of palntingr

imsmymos Flll tho'labor gap and start a now. ENROLL high-pavinti qwpor. NOW _ -DIESEL FUEL^YSTEHS" GRACE LAIRD»DIRECTOR CareerLono JobPlats mint Stivict Aunllibli Active Profoaslonal, Model lo All Giiduiln.. Call DIESEL ACGESStffiY SYSTEMS Member of the Modeling oi win lor'lm bit- . A compioto courso approved by,tho State oLNow-JotsnViDopartmonl-ol-Eclucaiioru— Mail to GRACE LAIRD •ACADEMY OF CHARM, 224" • Ai«oel«tlon f^H chun. nB lacilll ll9 1 ? FinnstOduc*Uo ' V°' ^" At44U- irtdNJ0709o.wJersoy07 1 • East..'.your inspsption is invuoo- . . -engine city technical institute 459 ORANGE ST. NEWARK N.J. ' Engine City.- Route 22.Wast, Union, N.Ji 07083 WISTflttD Phono: (201)984-1450

• •£••>. .(:..

IT",***" •,7' ~i^^hursday, pi -1» ! h in iwteicar upsets CHUNK STYLE MO—...

-^Edwin fiiltger, &7, of Newark watradmltt«d tothe Intensive care unit at Overlook Hospital, ——:--SommltrfoUowlnyatLautQinobtteac'ctdentrwMch., -——oocurr*d-Monday on RiJ&jiast In Mountain-_ slide, accocdlng to a Mountainside police report, '-Hospital authorities reported Ritger's con»_ -dfiioa—as-SBtlffactory, JUtgjsrjjuffered "•~ex" tensive lacerations of the face andlegirwi hJa car hit the highway curb and-turnettover-r Ritger-said that-a truck traveling east cut In of-hlm and, lHTattempdng toi "avoidr a~ "' Rltger swerved and struck the curb.1 ••••- ' --», 55, a pissenger in the c*r, was-taken to Overlook by the Moun . -ftescue-Squad- atong^wlth' her husband) Mrs Rltger was treated for.brulses_ffEdJater re- liased, Ritger's car was "demolished \iyxhe 'was towed away by *hk .department. .:.-• Another Iccideht to,ok place • ^dl tiK on^M^naayjrraccorauig u> -~ r , .... . 22 easfand Lawrence aventfe..The three-car UPER FINAST SALUTES collision involved, Russet N, Mather^59f of -THE ALL_AMERICANJ3AAAE FOR ALL AME,WCANS-^ • 1087; Sdnnyvie^rdinMounttiinsldeidtssaac-R, Football andJh^^ McKley_22>, of Plajiffleld. 'and Charles Hudson jf College Football a nd of-Fanwood, ,/^~ =—• , , _ -Hudson said he did not realize that'the ' cars In -front—of—him—oa_the highway had •-and his car struck-aJKehicle driven le-which in turn'struck Mather's car, fetter's and McKieis-cars sustaffiaifear _^na damagevHudson's'vehicldamage7HudsonV ve e received ex- tensive front end damage.

League' oi Women Voters _rif. Wgstfleld :-WiWin •h^M-p'-iiwriwBh^MpiiwriwB.. of ."coffeei.coffeei " durfaiR-Hie ^>coTnlni> s week. The purpose fof,the coffeesjs "% aUow'tinit membersToTbBCiomB-acquainted arogani2edz:prlor to the unit discussion d the-followltig week. .Menw 'Tbfers will have an• opportunitpportmlty ttoo' select readingreading. —^RiBSioe~r IN PORTION "^materiala on the electoral college, ,the-sub]ect RIB PORTKOH— --to •^O'fUie first unit discussion meetings. ..: •. .__ +H ^;The coffees willjbe heldinihe following. fa-homesi c LOINSIDi._ ' • •-•• • -^'^TuoBdny 'unit: l?t4K P'i wJ ; FIRST Of THE ftiSH PRODUCE x?GBrdinerr:T^rSt6iiy BropkAane, . _, 5©$«- - l h d1!idr and Mrs. •c w , .secretary. • •••—j nit:=&iI5jaaii witn Mrs. KODBn 14^. Greenwood rd. XSis.cussion «•« ox. $• i _^:;aj.i-.:. be Mrs, -Samuel-Milstein, and -.- ' — MIZRACH KOSHW [ Lee-will be secretary., ... -;>1'The' icoffee meetings:have .been organized _•

j^-BONEies»-i.nuVIk' ~ t Fillet Steak ^miil^HlliirSleiiks^ f RE5H TASTY ..USDA.CHOICE : HAV1VAM *•& PURPOSE je*1!>!:.4 •POTATOES .."V. L-t. SIZE A -Sbda ? —i'lb- EQC rnfcul ,JSDA_CHOJCE PASCAL CELERY Turkey Franks vacTpkg. 9'- . Ground Round __ _.„,„. . LITTLE LINKS ___ -EXTIlA-SUOItT-CUT-- —'-• ••-.- :i-_j- 1ST *f. I»IP»* PINEAPPJLES. •PUEI"0 R!5*R "cH29___^ ^ VlillfJllii Parks Sausage • < Rib Steaks w»

3Ff' •; '"J;': • •A'^BSHWITHKiBS HOT |b or SWEET 1Ul ALASKAlsr^lb^l.39>•! • «•«•'-'•'•^ ' ~3L ^»f


4e or. hot. lce-presldent,-enH- ^JlATH'S^/C^^lialfTin rch and Engineering f th A *GOmpany^jiafi_HE«' named one of the 47 • .. ...y *^r-4F -^1yiiri«rri-of-huafaie3H-nnd--^diiCHtinn who will JIASlX^WIiipP _^ -_ Iserve on newly-formed visiting committees for — NATairAl ' -Ifrew University. Feeley is. a member-of the— ^UVERWURST • CASINO" \H>9^ • -.. >: • Ivisltlng commltteKon-theology. ~ • • \ ~~ A residentuof Mountainside, on Mountain • ^siiiMPSAtjiig^^ r Feeley! lOmhe board of dlrectorsjindV-. "t .-' •Sf^fii":-Z PINAST. CftEAMY or CHUNKS MACARONI SALAD RICHMOND ttwlhfftiitii Ti n^ ~& "'' 4& ^~Pft«Hiit Hotter ^ sesh Wedgswood (TunsfigH) Ltd. SAVE 4S% I ~ ~ -.^. r---ai OM Ot>"" Sto.l l'M('". 1u 4a 20 Pk-ic Set or 9 Piece Completer Set Your*- for Only a total of only $12.87 ^mempers of thefreshman class at Albright .-,,.,, 13 Laytiwuy Receipts -College who' paracip'Stsa "in a -recentrflve-- — • *day orientation program,The program Included roUCHDOWN^bAlkY SAVINGS^ 'discussions about social and personal con- -. . ^i—.BDOUut ^socia ^rMtmtniito,; aim i"* »«»"lpndersfro > v_m WITH THIS COUPON ^cernB, wiutli the aid oft community leaders froni PIUSBURY •BUnERMILKoVsWEETMIL.•!&&!..IW.&,K I;., •::..•.• :indu^trjrand government. PILLSBURY BISCUITS PlttSBUR\ . ANb A $3.00 PUBCHAM &ALLARD 8 62.1

ill THRU SATURDAY, OCTOBEB i ' '"•""""»"""" ";_ —^^--..-558^11 WITH COUPON ' THIS COUPON | Ac |j BAKBRV SAVINGS I' HEALTH ,& BSAUrY AIDS REO. or 9 0., Jl|e WORTH FINAST FRENCH CUT 2X pko«' lOWAKUa-inkuiuupu.THIPAJKHAJILO, L APPLE PSES VITAMINS PAlSw/IRON-CHtWABLE60lo> %A ; PAlSw/IRON-CHtWABLE60lo>^ T FINAST WAFFLES WHEN TWO ARMS ARE TOO FEW ;... GLAZED BLEND-O-FRUIT rOR BAKINO FINAST CO to tiat. 90c bot. E 8 Vjitn a moving vun ore I ^•i_lfl ih* AKINO LARGE B" oz. pkR. ^ P SCAUOP DINNER ^ ° «*_i ^°^ -n»lghbo'hoo(L t-suKR- - V When 'the Hork vUlts a friend or nel- "'• • •••>• dhbor.•:...• ••>••••• •.•.• •, '.••• • .•;:.'v PERX LIGHTENER ^—> .Bti aHft^mMml»^h-4T*lp-*ri<»TTT«w-<».i^- I"tlyallro>r«fll«nJ-«-airl-eklv ond com- fortably oi ponlble." A Welcome THIS COUPON cjrtons1 Wagon hottest will call at your request WORTH with helpful Information arid o host Toward! the puHhuie el any fraih -of-glft§— OI-yMI»;. . Coll Welcome.Wagon at 276.5990 { P.S. That Welcom-e Wag«on Ho'ste'is will LIMIT (1) • 6000 AT SUPER FINAST r i the same for LIMI1 (1) • UUUU HI imu -• — »_^__ ,., ***


• i* •

1 •p;v--'-.,'---- •••-•• ' .t.., . - \ •' '*•. • •33335 counsel.to. •Onr-ncw-Pepartment-ofrr " SPRlNQFlEtD1' "t - -, linarT^wDo^|m««^-MPve» EMANUEL METHODIST. CHURCH •. -news . ..7 r^-nnc-r IT if.AhRMY GREEN Irrzr—-AlI items' n? • dratrrnan-ofc the-State Democratic^ •_... be in our J''

5SS e. 8 .ANTIOCII BAPTISTOT ., German- . LS. SPRINGFrEED AVE., "Arrangements-for Today's.Homes' is the_-..-. SPRINGFIELD title of the progrnnrto be presented by Mrs, cpf " HALLOWEEN R REV. CLARENCE. ALSTON, PASTOR ; "League. Bruqe P. Henn at the joint fleeting.of the -Mfsr-Uenn, a haUonalTrBweT^Slrow-senior '.'. ; ""' '•^P-gKliigg^EEeatl>;g>-Wiirk,'! j3y_Paul Condon, d I member and past presfdentoTtlie sopringuei ,,.T , a — 0p«« F/i.">o "9"P;HT~ «•••• OURJLA&YJDF LOURDES • church lay leader, antfcfialrman ^ u. giiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiminiHin 300 CENTRAL. AVE.7" MOUNTAINSIDE lstrative board. Participants-wiU includeMfs. r lower, allow, xm;. one ioa_icwuiwi v RE"v7GEK7CttrjrMc&ARRY, PASTOR ' Joyce Geisel, David Brown arid Mrs. Bernice arrangingTind"Cliristmas decimations uum-uu- -REV. GERARDJ8. WHELAN — Klohr. 9:30 aim,,.Church School for all ages; • ducts classes for both beglnnensrana advonced- RE,V. RAYMONDDrAUMACH ' nursery: through sixth grade in Wesley-House;. ctudents. Mfg. Hpnn has appeared on both "" ASSISTANT MINISTERS - seventh and eigtirgrades, third floorofAnnex; ~X3dip_ and-TvT and her arrangements, hove _ • appeared,in books, national- date"calendar-s—z« __ Sunday — Masse-Masses s at—7at 7 ,aii 8d ,(1 9:15 a.lu.,, 10:3I'll til0 Senior Highs in Mundy Room. 9:30 a.m., Ge)> . .^Weekday• .weeKaayss '--™»»»° °- • —- - .- .-a-m.. coffee, tuns ana ieuow.bi.un »• u-v- ••••• • hrid garden magazine^,——~ i ' •• a.m.'. ' —;— - Co-hostesses of the progranr will. W Mrs.~ vX' ion ^ Robert R. Ladue"and.Mrs. William H. Bonnet. They will be assisted" by Mrs. \rman-E, Becker,_ -: n^Klo^nm^h^s^l yearon. ^ffi^SS^£S» ;p 4 u/iii include ^onrau i\oi»»"***&*"-, *"--••• ..^ p?— • • • '-^ -•.^fc**--• •• ^ .• - tvuoMrs.. WJUICourtlanuwiud ,F.Denny.Mrs.J.ohnB.Garbet; .w^iu»jr^.j'.*w«.j.—:—- - •,- , • ^_ . • Tains, scarves, and milts -w -n ^i^u-«J..u»—f.A-a~ K.or\fan-A .-L,6VliSr- r . swouler drpsso^...... -. ment. . -• , • . . , an. " f dren's s"peciaUzedKospltal,Mountafnsldel . -1 "t euas%^^ndS^SSSo MS^ra--lynn t); Luedefeke ... ^^^^^^^^^t-l •-; anug-aa-a-bug fake j, fcom 5 to 5.30 ^°"y D5ngIai-oTtheSupreme / , ..,.,. . J-Jf^N* tainslde Garden Club", accompajiledby Mrs, •^---.._ -flir-COIttS.....k...:.}.. .i.Vt . and from 7:30 to 9 p.m. UceWUUam - • •'•"- CoUrton^Pfayer anarB'ible: Reading In the ^y-l^f^c A^rfX/ W6C(ClinQ ^EoiSglForsberg, secretary,r-attendedzthe^---«.- E =^===^-—: S60schools"wiU be" played, and. a discos- iplOnS lyH*Y ^ ^M. ^V^^^^aints1 Day'1 Conference in Livinpon—• .• "THE SLINKS--drosses^ on leu oy iNyimem u>u.u. 'ir_JZ —"—Saturday ^- Confessions fRjm_4 tp_5:30- and voJlons con- ".^^^^1 High ScHool^was Equated ^ ngemerits for "MpdwrMmns-*^ ,_jj linkly j^wqlry, ; '-•' _- from 7i30To9-p.m.:;";. — n_ . ._—••„ :-. .•.•.".• ,^ortuSainl^QSi>ph-G^lege,Emmtob^^^---A^^^^ ---^^j nccklacesrand-Bells.7.% 1 - '-.- :__^._^she^^employe*by_thei^rudentlaUns.urance -^pg;-^,^ k-bjf-Mbs. i-erd A. faHler— - •••gnd-h»r Mn»nrnirtH M2'SHUNrtKEJlQAD !!-—^ ' ~_ Today — 12:30-pimr5eaior_League fn56tlng. A.May wedding4sJplannedJi: _---:•• H1'• ""TSOWKEFTELB""1-''- '• ' '-8:30P.m.;ORT meeting. ' .•_---:.•_ on : S C Md 8:4 5 willbegia casting ^ ^^oiT-mrrs''-;:. £^L7:36 S c2^earsal.8P.m., " ^ ^ *'« T: Severirtiundred sutorbanltes,wlU ^e .for • down—skijls, slacks, and • _.•. ..board oMeacons, -• . — —: '— roles in "How To Succeed In Business-Wlth-j^l tops-mix'"andTrt'atcli .V; si—=:i- L_l • Friday;'---7:15 p.m^Pronter-^Girls. 7:30: out Really Trying" at auditions scheduled | Sundaytr- • 9!4S_a,m.i; SundaySchool- with ———---"« „;„,., Monday and-Tuesday-intheLOver-::. -J55BBg TO^U-w«£j±aim7rmo>?nlng-wogship.; ^(•^i^i-iirifjn-Hnm'r-ehasfr-Newhartr-dL'r—- p^—--—-. Thg'^cvr.GQlvlnBovoridge^att^etiSr^tf-ptifetlc

scnpoi. - • -1,-. f „,,,.„ ^

•iiions chairman, empha-— joTk^V HoUo^S P.m.. Valparaiso ^he^program ^pr^Ute^M^^ eo rainani au pmis are ^available, Including tingafCHast-Church,\Maplewoqd. M1iier,:-wllHntroduce the sp f*"^™*^ 28^espeaking.partX s and many dancing roles. ™ 9:30 - 2;3P p-m., World Friends—:fn,,^ftr and director of Diet Control-CeBters Completel^spwKiy! open castirig -Will prevail,/ and 5.A&JlA.^G°nJtrrnntlonIj 7:30 P,.m... .'•''of tMg"x^——1_. .^ .. .-- . _all_lnteresteall interei d performers_are.welcoine,_she • board of stewardship. STORE EGGS: , —.- said, r - -: - --._.._....•: ,_. _ =-2« MORRJSJWENUE-^ ' Tuesday'— 4 p.m., Confirmation IL restore eggs'promptly-and ' . -L"HBW._TO_Succeed'1 isr-the-premiBre-pro^ SPRINGPIELO, HT.J. 0708r "• -—-FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - " - £ iaS-p.mi, women's ; r, aunts i^._?..1^g^)-rlng__£4uctiion of the^Overlqok—Musical—Theatect- 379^5135 — MORWSvAVENOETWr.eHU.RCH MALL - -lyniif sponsored by the .Women's Auxiliary of Oyer--—- . ~gPferMREIEtD:JJR'W -IRRSEV-Vr keen -look Hospi£air*PhB-Musi»l-^-.heater_replacfis__^ _PASrnR;.-TH.E REVT^KUOBTW^ "v>~TEMPLE SHAREY SHALOM -—^-sthe^.erlook^bllies^wMch^eDjD^^^ "SEkVlNG'OUR COMMUNITY. •T-AN AFFiHAT-E OF-T-HE^l*I©Htfl__ ; w ^r^runTTOs^'Ralph Witmer Jr. is general TAMERKIATSIHEBffiS! CONGREGATIONS : -TodaToday M***--' -7>15-pwm'— 4p "'-'-•-«•.Girls' uuu. n ^UIM» UU^ '".. AMERICAN HEB8SW TONUUBSHITIWIO chairman. . -^ • . ^=^7:30 p.m., Webelo Scouts. ,7dO_p.m., Boy , SO.SPRINGPIEbD-AVEAVE . 8SHUNPKER&SHUNPKERDD. ;; ! . tcpreserve their quality. ——-n-^..i«jii^Aic^^7ni^?!mTpi=nf -ttwards^- -8-p,injr ; ' ' ^-ItitBBIJSRAEL-, S . DRESNEDRESNERR .:.'" "-.—^—~ iatecpersbnaiatecpersonai ,v-jjeiaupnl ;,! ,relatijpji - -SenlorjEhoirTreiieaTBaC ship levetto ^jc^mp^asa-'CO; m y^"-5_a.mx . to 1 p.m..,-car-vfts, car Washh -; R IRVING KRAMERMAN . \, f _ _!-,y. L^C >•shi P lev^°AT&#»nrt -_ Saturaay^"-'5_a. sale "sponsore.m. tod 1b yp.m. Westminster-, ; CANT0 ;^-~andcake sale "sponsored by W "r- -1 servlfce.:Rabbi Dresner^wlUpreaeh a; sermon. -_x .. .,.._... -, ^ ^^^actlpt^aJ^s.-s^jf^P" Sunday 3*9:30.a.m.iChurchS<;hoolool.Classes. . .-.^tur'daV"iiS'lOflffa.TO.,Sabbathfhotjiingser-. ,.,iwWi rr\iir••• •• .'SVinn rnnrsew.are CloB6d-With


ut — . T-X- — \tnnr\a\t ->. » p.m.. trustees-meeting»—------• :••••'-• "^^ ^MOufrAINs"l5i" - -\- -Wednts^ ^^ lO^n^^njlfe's,,^,; ,., _._._ . _':.•.... -_\ ^-WS-rS, PASTOR- ..-.VpJEchapJ Choi^ rehearsSlTB^m^ Chancel—

r-^Hg^^^pngJ-Today —fa p.m., .cnau-JUUUUI^, . ; uWrehearsal.^,- • _ ---^-^ -r _ Sunday w 9:45 a.m., Sundayscteolj; adult \ --_ .HI* POR HOME. -classt-(nurserv). ll a.m., morning worship,.. .\— (mwsery). 6'^;m7^voutn~croupsV=7qp3iw^%| -evening-worship. ' ^ enrn ton the irtside clay potAoldtot

• .. k «8

^ noodlBB; or-diidrfOiBTSoSdtes around an individual caaserole- .*, • -of-chili after, heating in flie °Vp"sh dn:the menu? Time for lemon parsley sauce.-Melt. 1/4 cup butter; add 2 table- Bpno^p. htiph lemon 1uice and -chopped-parsley.JP_o.uiLonone_ pound broiled.fish flUetsT

•!&*•:••&*: &.

—JI\-»..HRryim»nt . . , . ...HAMBURGER SOUP • . nn w HI. ~r2' tnbiespbons-butter__ j 1. cup chopped onion • ICOLOR! •.'•?• • •. . . 1 cup sliced carrot. ' 1/2 cup-chopped green .. COATS pepper Suburban Trust writes loans for any ,:,%• UNDER THE AUSPICES OF , -1 pound ground beef THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF GOLDSMITHS ' 2 cups-tomato juice 1 cup diced potatoes sound purpose at all 6 offices! OF LONDON - 11/2 teaspoons " 3i:ymyiee^moneiLfor a new.car, a new heating system, persona] •rb^rteasppon-seasQnecLaalt^ expenses," or any soLrnd-purposervisiMhe^Suburban^Xrust office^ that's-handiest to yqurhbme or jo^. Come on.in .., and we'll writhe-, cups (1 quart) milk lw •i. Melt-butter in a saucepan. - . '""•- ~"* '"i renordrtime. -. . -— ~~ _z..-_ ——=^-n-^~=-^,-

MEW JEWILRYFOR CLIENTS , browni AUU "^^ "'" w"^: ~," til meat is crumbly. Stir in P A WV^ tomato Juice, potatoes • and» _seaspnings..Cover.and cook, "over lbwlheat;until-vegetableB-= are tender, 20 to 25 minutes. . 1 FREE' ALTERATIONS Except .Budget MerchandlM Comblnq with .1 cup o£ v ;> .- . P-INE JEWEUUS 4 SILVERSMITHS SINCE IMI i.Mon.iThurt.%9 . • .ththe mUk .^nd beat until free MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION • ' • 26S Mlllburn AvQnue,.MHlbufrt^Nlew^Jersey uinpsi;. stlr-into soup mix-' 9:30 A,M, to Si30 P.M. Monclay through.Sat'u'rdciy ""•; turenire. Adaud remaining milk and • •'• • i«.Tii'5fliav-ltl|-9iQ0iPTM^-^—•- '. . "• " TlBTtTWlrrlng^quenflyr-Do--h — not allow to boU. Makes 10 __.. ' I servings* •

••y.:..: ' i •-

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