Medical Intelligence Article

The Myotonias and Susceptibility to Malignant

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disorder of in Jerome Parness, MD, PhD*† ϩ which volatile trigger a sustained increase in intramyoplasmic Ca2 via Oliver Bandschapp, MD‡ release from and, possibly, entry from the extracellular milieu that leads to hypermetabolism, muscle rigidity, , and death. Thierry Girard, MD‡ Myotonias are a class of that result from in various channels involved in skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling and sarcolem- mal excitability, and unusual DNA sequence repeats that result in the inability of many , including skeletal muscle channels that affect excitability, to undergo proper splicing. The suggestion has often been made that myotonic patients have an increased risk of developing MH. In this article, we review the physiology of muscle excitability and excitation-contraction coupling, the patho- physiology of MH and the myotonias, and review the clinical literature upon which the claims of MH susceptibility are based. We conclude that patients with these myopathies have a risk of developing MH that is equivalent to that of the general population with one potential exception, hypokalemic periodic paraly- sis. Despite the fact that there are no clinical reports of MH developing in patients with hypokalemic , for theoretical reasons we cannot be as certain in estimating their risk of developing MH, even though we believe it is low. (Anesth Analg 2009;109:1054–64)

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacoge- achieved. Preoperative diagnosis of MH susceptibility netic disorder in which volatile anesthetics trigger a can sometimes be achieved by history, especially if the ϩ sustained increase in intramyoplasmic Ca2 via re- patient had a definitive previous episode. The poten- lease from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and, possibly, tial for susceptibility to MH is not lessened because a entry from the extracellular milieu that leads to hy- patient had previous noneventful anesthetics, since permetabolism, muscle rigidity, rhabdomyolysis, and MH, although transmitted by autosomal dominant death.1,2 Treatment is both supportive and specific, the inheritance, is characterized by incomplete penetrance latter consisting of rapid IV therapy with the drug, and variable expressivity. Incomplete penetrance in- , an intracellularly acting skeletal muscle dicates that while one may have the requisite genetic relaxant that suppresses the pathologic increase in for MH susceptibility, it does not mean that ϩ intramyoplasmic Ca2 during an MH episode. Late MH will express itself during the first or even subse- recognition of a MH episode and delay in treatment quent exposure to a volatile . Variable ex- pressivity signifies that the expression of clinical can result in severe morbidity or death. Although easy symptoms varies from indolent to fulminant likely and rapid preoperative recognition of potential MH depending on a number of physiological and pharma- susceptibility is the desired goal, it is not easily cological variables (i.e., genetic background, the de- From the Departments of *, †Pharmacology, and gree of body hypothermia, and the use of depolarizing Chemical Biology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh/University of muscle relaxants, such as succinylcholine). Pittsburgh Medical Center, University of Pittsburgh, School of MH susceptibility may be suspected if a first Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and ‡Department of Anaesthe- sia, University Hospital of Basel, Basel, Switzerland. degree family member had an episode. Definitive Accepted for publication March 5, 2009. scientific diagnosis is achieved with a genetic test Supported by NIAMS/NIH R01-AR45593 to JP; for all other for known mutations in the gene Type 1 ryanodine authors, support was provided solely from institutional and/or receptor (RYR1) for the skeletal muscle intracellular ϩ departmental sources. Ca2 release channel, the RYR1, the most common site Address correspondence and reprint requests to Jerome Parness, of mutations conferring MH susceptibility, or by a MD, PhD, Department of Anesthesiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh/University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Rangos Re- positive live muscle - con- search Center, Room 7121, 530 45th St., Pittsburgh, PA 15201. tracture test (CHCT) in North America, or the in vitro Address e-mail to [email protected]. contracture test (IVCT) in Europe. It is not yet feasible Copyright © 2009 International Research Society to screen the entire population for RYR1 mutations DOI: 10.1213/ane.0b013e3181a7c8e5 because more than 170 variants,3 of which 29 are

1054 Vol. 109, No. 4, October 2009 known causative mutations,* have been described. Skeletal Muscle ECC Furthermore, there are at least three other described Skeletal muscle excitation is initiated by motor genetic loci that are associated with MH susceptibility neuron stimulation of skeletal muscle at the neuro- and for which no genetic test is available. The muscular junction. This generates an action potential, CHCT/IVCT is expensive, painful and requires a detected as membrane depolarization, which travels specialized testing center of which there are only six in down the length of the skeletal muscle membrane and North America,† three in Australia, one in New Zea- into the interior of the by invaginations of land, and a fairly comprehensive coverage of Europe.‡ the muscle membrane known as transverse tubules It would be informative to the preoperative evaluation (TT) (Fig. 1). The TT are found at regular intervals at of patients if we knew there were positive associations right angles to the long axis of the muscle fiber, between other disease states and likelihood of devel- thereby insuring simultaneous distribution of the ac- oping MH. Patients with a variety of neuromuscular tion potential along the long and short axes of the disorders are sporadically reported to have developed muscle membrane and resulting in coordinated skel- etal muscle contraction. The upstroke of the depolar- one or more of the clinical features of MH (, ϩ , , and/or ) in izing action potential results from influx of Na into the perioperative period. It is important to determine the muscle cell and is mediated by rapid activation of whether these represent true MH the skeletal muscle voltage-gated or whether any one or combination of these develop (Nav1.4) encoded by the SCNA4 gene and its acces- ␤ SCNA1B for other reasons, relating either to the particular sory -subunit by the gene. Repolarization of the skeletal muscle membrane is mediated by fast in question or peculiar pathophysiological inactivation of this sodium channel, and the open- states that have nothing to do with MH. For example, ing of channels, encoded by the KCNC4 a septic patient with underlying chronic obstructive and the accessory subunit KCNE3 , generating pulmonary disease, along with early acute renal fail- ϩ an outwardly rectifying K current. Potentially dys- ure, having an emergent appendectomy under general functional after-potentials are buffered by high con- anesthesia with a volatile anesthetic may exhibit fever, Ϫ ductance, homodimeric Cl channels encoded by tachycardia, hypercapnia, and hyperkalemia. MH the CLCN1 gene. may not be the most likely diagnosis in such a patient, ECC is mediated by specialized TT groupings of yet the diagnosis of MH is not excluded by the skeletal muscle-specific, L-type voltage-dependent ϩ presence of a set of potentially confounding condi- Ca2 channels, also known as the skeletal muscle type tions. The importance of making the correct diagnosis dihydropyridine receptors (DHPR), and encoded by is imperative because different underlying pathophysi- the CACNA1S gene, along with accessory proteins ological mechanisms require different treatments and encoded by the CACNA2D1, CACNG1, and CACNB1 have different implications for the management of future genes (Fig. 1). The DHPRs overlie corresponding ϩ anesthetics for the patient and family. groupings of the homotetrameric, SR Ca2 release Myotonias are a class of inherited skeletal muscle channels known as the RyR1 encoded by the RYR1 diseases characterized by impaired relaxation after gene. Depolarization of the TT membrane is sensed by sudden, voluntary muscle contraction, and result from the DHPR, which undergoes a conformational change skeletal muscle membrane hyperexcitability, inappro- while experiencing intra-TT membrane charge move- priate firing, delay in muscle relaxation, and resultant ment, causing the intracellular loop between trans- contracture states of varying severity and duration. membrane segments II and III of its ␣-1s subunit to Other myopathies, such as the periodic paralyses, contact the apposed RyR1. This contact causes RyR1 to ϩ , nemaline rod myopathy, and open and release Ca2 , which, in turn, stimulates the multiminicore disease have very different pathologies, contractile apparatus and results in skeletal muscle but all have muscle weakness as a primary phenom- shortening. Skeletal muscle relaxation normally oc- ϩ enon. All these entities have a variety of causes and curs with the timely reuptake of Ca2 into the SR via ϩ modes of inheritance, and to understand them we must the energy requiring Ca2 -ATPase found in the SR first review the basics of the known physiology of membrane. skeletal muscle excitability and excitation-contraction Two other processes that may also contribute to the ϩ ϩ coupling (ECC) (for more extensive treatment of this Ca2 transient in skeletal muscle underlie Ca2 entry ϩ subject see the following reviews.4,5 into the cell, rather than Ca2 release from SR. These ϩ are Store-Operated Ca2 Entry (SOCE) and Excitation- ϩ *Maintained as an up-to-date list by the European Malignant Coupled Ca2 Entry (ECCE).6,7 SOCE is classically Hyperthermia Group atϭ 2ϩ com_ryr1&Itemidϭ66. characterized by slow Ca entry into the cell after 2ϩ †See the list at the Malignant Hyperthermia Association of depletion of the SR or endoplasmic reticulum Ca the United States website store that is sensed by an SR/endoplasmic reticulum fuseaction/Content.Display/PagePK/BiopsyTestCenters.cfm. ϭ resident transmembrane , STIM1, containing ‡See: com_content& ϩ taskϭsection&idϭ6&Itemidϭ54. the EF-hand Ca2 binding motif, which then binds

Vol. 109, No. 4, October 2009 © 2009 International Anesthesia Research Society 1055 to the plasma membrane proteins, Orai1 and TRPC1, ϩ that presumably make up the Ca2 entry channel.8,9 ECCE, however, does not require store depletion, but is activated after trains of tetanic stimuli to the muscle cell surface membrane10 and does not involve the molecular machinery of SOCE, making these physio- logical properties of skeletal muscle mechanistically distinct.11 The roles of SOCE and ECCE in the nor- mal functioning of skeletal muscle are unknown at present, but it must be noted that dantrolene and azumolene have been shown to inhibit both these processes.2,6,12 Indeed, it has been directly demon- strated that the dantrolene analog, azumolene, had no ϩ effect on Ca2 release from SR, but dramatically reduced RyR1-coupled SOCE.6 Furthermore, there is enhanced ECCE in mouse myotubes taken from MH- susceptible muscle.2 Taken together, and contrary to common wisdom, these results suggest that MH may ϩ result as much from aberrant RyR1-coupled Ca2 ϩ entry as from exaggerated Ca2 release. Molecular diseases are theoretically possible with mutations in any of the channels described above, in any of their regulatory proteins, or in channels and regulatory components not yet described. As we will see with the myotonic dystrophies, are also possible without any mutations in the channel genes that underlie the disease state. No myopathies have yet been described with disruption of function of SOCE or ECCE, but it is clear that STIM1-controlled SOCE is required for the development and contractile function of skeletal muscle.13 Description of myopa- thies with mutations in the molecular machinery of SOCE and ECCE is probably only a matter of time.

THE MYOTONIAS The myotonias are generally classed into two large subgroups: the dystrophic and nondystrophic (dystro- phic: defective nutrition14), and the descriptions cited below are taken largely from the following critical reviews: Jurkat-Rott et al.,4 Heatwole et al.,15 and Ryan 16 Figure 1. A, Schematic of the elements of skeletal muscle et al. ϩ excitation-Ca2 release coupling that functions in normal excitation-contraction coupling. After stimulation of the neuro- muscular junction by release of acetylcholine from the motor and hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Channels are as de- nerve terminal (not shown), the skeletal muscle sodium chan- picted in (A). In MH, the presence of volatile anesthetics ϩ Ϯ nel, Nav1.4, opens to allow Na into the cell, thereby depolar- (VA) pharmacological depolarization by succinylcholine ϩ izing the sarcolemma. The change in voltage is sensed by a will result in a massive release of Ca2 either from the voltage-dependent channel in the T-tubule membrane, sarcoplasmic (SR) via mutated type 1 the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR), which undergoes a (RyR1), or as the presumed result of enhanced activation of conformational change and directly contacts the Type 1 ryan- RyR1 by a mutated DHPR␣1 subunit, or as a result of odine receptor (RyR) in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane mutations in unknown genes in at least three other uniden- ϩ ϩ (SR). RyR1 then opens to release the Ca2 stored in the SR tified genetic loci, all augmented by enhanced Ca2 entry (small blue circles), primarily bound to the calcium binding via SOC entry channels (SOC) and/or ECCE channels (not protein, calsequestrin (CSQ), and now becomes available for depicted). The site of dantrolene activity is on RyR1, and its ϩ stimulation of the contractile apparatus (not depicted). If the coupling to the SOCE/ECCE channels to suppress Ca2 ϩ requirements for myoplasmic Ca2 increase above that which entry and possibly release. MH ϭ malignant hyperthermia; can be provided via RyR1, this is somehow signaled to the PC ϭ ; MC ϭ congenita; ϩ Store-Operated Ca2 (SOC) entry channels in the T-tubule via DM ϭ ; HypoPP ϭ hypokalemic peri- ϩ the SR , STIM1, to allow more Ca2 into the odic paralysis; HyperPP ϭ hyperkalemic periodic paralysis; cell. See text and reviews referenced therein for more detail. B, SR ϭ sarcoplasmic reticulum; CSQ ϭ calsequestrin. Detailed Sites of mutation in the excitation-contraction coupling schema descriptions of the myopathies and references are denoted that result in malignant hyperthermia (MH), the myotonias, in the text.

1056 Risk of Malignant Hyperthermia in Myotonias ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA Table 1. Tabular List of Myotonias, Genes Encoding Associated Channels and Estimated Risk of Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) (in the Absence of a Family History of MH) Disease Gene MH risk Chloride channelopathies , Becker, or Thomsen myotonia CLCN1 Low levior fluctuating Myotonia congenita Sodium channelopathies HyperPP (adynamia episodica hereditaria) SCN4A Low Paramyotonia congenita (Eulenberg’s disease), PAM, HypoPP-2 Calcium channelopathies HypoPP-1 CACNA1S Unclear Expanded nucleotide repeats Myotonic dystrophy, type 1 (DM1, Steinert’s Expanded trinucleotide repeat, CTG, 3Ј Low disease) untranslated region of DMPK gene Myotonic dystrophy, type 2 (DM2, proximal Tetranucleotide repeat, CCTG, of 1st intron, Low myotonic dystrophy ͓PDM͔, proximal myotonic ZNF9 gene myopathy ͓PROMM͔) The table summarizes the known molecular genetics of the different myotonias and our estimation of associated risk of MH. Estimation of risk of MH emphasizes the underlying molecular pathology rather than phenotypic presentation. We have left the risk of MH for HypoPP-1 as “unclear,” since the genetic change for this entity is in the same gene as one of the loci for MH, though the mutations for the two diseases are in different parts of the same gene. Even in the absence of clinical reports of true MH in patients with HypoPP-1, we cannot exclude this possibility at our present state of knowledge. PAM ϭ potassium aggravated myotonias; HyperPP ϭ hyperkalemic periodic paralysis; HypoPP ϭ hypokalemic periodic paralysis; CLCN1 ϭ skeletal muscle ; SCN4A ϭ sodium channel ␣-subunit; CACNA1S ϭ ␣1-subunit of L-type, voltage-dependent ; MH ϭ malignant hyperthermia.

Nondystrophic Myotonias characteristically initiated by muscle use after rest. Chloride Channelopathies The prognosis is good, with no reduction in life Myotonia Congenita. This myotonia falls into two expectancy. Because of their muscle hypertrophy, chil- subtypes of inheritance, autosomal dominant (Thom- dren with Thomsen’s disease often appear stronger sen’s Disease) and autosomal recessive (Becker’s Dis- than their counterparts and tend to be more involved ease), and both are linked to mutations in CLCN1, the in sports than others of their age. skeletal muscle chloride channel that suppress muscle Becker’s disease, however, tends to present some- membrane after potentials (Table 1 and Fig. 1B). time during the second decade of life, progressing Under normal conditions, influx of chloride stabilizes slowly into the third and fourth decades. Symptoms the membrane potential after a depolarization of the earlier in life are often insidious, only diagnosed with muscle fiber membrane. In Thomsen’s and Becker’s electrical testing. The symptoms of this form of myo- myotonia, however, the reduced chloride conductance tonia are more severe than in Thomsen’s and tend to of the mutated chloride channels leads to hyperexcit- involve the lower limbs first. It is sometimes accom- ability of the muscle fiber membrane leading to bursts panied by a slowly progressive weakness, hypertro- of aberrant action potentials. The clinical picture is phy of lower limb muscles, and by peculiar transient characterized by slowed relaxation after forceful vol- episodes of proximal weakness, especially involving untary contractions (myotonic stiffness). As of 2007, the hands and arm muscles. Some Becker myotonia more than 80 mutations in the CLCN1 gene have been patients show permanent weakness in some muscle reported, though it is not clear how many of them are groups, distal muscle atrophy, and unusually high actually causative. Moreover, the same disease- serum kinase levels making the differentia- associated mutation has been reported to be inherited tion from myotonic dystrophies difficult.17 in a dominant fashion in one family, yet be recessive in Two other rarer forms of myotonia congenita are another. No real explanation for this disease-related described with mutations that are also in the CLCN1 inheritance anomaly has yet emerged. Moreover, even gene: myotonia levior and fluctuating myotonia congenita. with the same mutation within a family, there can be There is disagreement whether these are distinct enti- marked phenotypic variation in presentation and pro- ties or variants of Thomsen’s, autosomal dominant, gression of disease, implying multigenic and/or epi- myotonia. The constellation of symptoms in myotonia genetic modulation of these myotonic phenotypes. levior consists of stiffness, particularly of the grip, that Significantly, both forms of myotonia tend to improve is provoked by prolonged rest. In contradistinction to with exercise, the so-called “warm-up” phenomenon. Thomsen’s disease, myotonia levior is later in onset, In Thomsen’s disease, symptoms tend to present in has milder symptoms, and is not associated with early childhood, and although the myotonia is gener- muscle hypertrophy. Fluctuating myotonia congenita, alized, it tends to be more severe in the upper limbs, also an autosomal dominant entity, is characterized by often with marked muscular hypertrophy. Symptoms stiffness, primarily of the lower extremities that is are predominantly painless, transient muscle stiffness initiated by movement after rest, pregnancy, fasting, in the upper extremities and facial muscles and are cold exposure, or emotional stress and is associated

Vol. 109, No. 4, October 2009 © 2009 International Anesthesia Research Society 1057 with lower extremity pain. It can affect the upper for MH susceptibility. We conclude that it is highly extremities as well and has varying effects on ocular unlikely that patients with any of the chloride channel and masticatory muscles. This form of myotonia tem- myotonias have a risk of developing MH above that of porally fluctuates in severity (hence, its name), and the general population. there can be long periods with no symptoms at all. Despite the generalized myotonia induced by suc- Muscle hypertrophy is not a characteristic of this cinylcholine, nondepolarizing muscle relaxants seem entity. to behave normally in myotonic patients, but will not Anesthetic Implications and Susceptibility to MH. counteract a myotonic response caused by succinyl- These chloride channel myotonias are sensitive to choline. Nevertheless, in the myotonic conditions in succinylcholine, administration of which can result in which muscle wasting can develop (i.e., Becker’s dis- 25 sustained total body rigidity and difficulty in intuba- ease), an exaggerated response may occur. Ideally, a tion or mask ventilation.18 Indeed, depolarizing short-acting nondepolarizing muscle relaxant should be muscle relaxants induce prolonged contractures in used, as anticholinesterase drugs to antagonize the ef- myotonic human skeletal muscle.19 There is one report fects of the nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking 26 of a family with myotonia congenita referred for live drugs have been reported to precipitate myotonia. The muscle biopsy and halothane contracture testing after use of , in conjunction with epidural anesthesia, two sisters both developed rigidity under anesthe- was reported to be safe in a patient with myotonia 27 sia.20 Another report of a nondystrophic myotonic congenita (Becker type). family and an identified mutation in the SCN4A gene of the ␣ subunit of the skeletal muscle sodium channel Sodium Channelopathies correlated the presence of masseter muscle rigidity Paramyotonia Congenita. This entity, eponymously and an IVCT positive for MH susceptibility.21 The known as Eulenberg’s disease, is the result of autoso- validity of assigning MH susceptibility on the basis of mally dominant transmitted mutations in the SCN4A contracture testing in patients with skeletal muscle gene of the skeletal muscle sodium channel, Nav1.4, channelopathies has yet to be validated and is likely and has high penetrance (Table 1 and Fig. 1B). The fraught with confounding physiological variables that exact physiological mechanism of the induction of can result in contracture tests that are factitiously symptoms is unknown, but this subunit is also the site assigned to MH. Two reports of fatal hyperthermia of mutations that produce hyperkalemic periodic pa- ralysis with myotonia. Symptoms, often beginning in and (not definitive MH) during a general the first decade of life, are characterized by cold- or anesthetic in patients with myotonia have been found: exercise-induced stiffness of the facial, lingual, neck, one in a girl anesthetized with halothane/ether,22 and and hand muscles. These symptoms can last from one in a boy with Thomsen’s disease pretreated with oral minutes to hours. Frozen or slow tongue is often dantrolene and anesthetized with a nontriggering anes- reported by affected individuals after eating ice cream thetic (thiopental/dextroramide§/).23 Al- or ices, and a frozen smile-like appearance is noted though these case reports are widely quoted, the after facial exposure to cold temperatures. Interepi- assignment of MH susceptibility in this disease on one sode periods may be characterized by residual stiff- case report in which a triggering anesthetic was used ness of the facial, eyelid, and pharyngeal muscles. and one in which a nontriggering anesthetic was used Unlike most other myotonias, symptoms of paramyo- is suspect. Indeed, in the latter case, one could just as tonia congenita paradoxically worsen with repeated easily assign the cause to side effects of the little- movement of affected muscles, hence, paramyotonia, studied dextroramide. Furthermore, one study in a the opposite of the warm-up phenomenon. Symptoms goat model of myotonia congenita failed to induce are most common in the ocular and hand muscles. MH with 1% halothane and a single injection of 24 Indeed, the classical physical finding in paramyotonia succinylcholine, and the results of IVCT in control congenita is the inability to open the eyelids after a and myotonic (arrested development of righting re- bout of repeated, sustained eyelid closures. Later in sponse) mice did not differ (W. Klingler, Ulm, Ger- life, episodes of myotonia may be followed by many, unpublished data). Indeed, the rarity of clinical periods of flaccid paralysis of the affected muscle. reports of MH-like responses to volatile anesthetics in At this point in time, weakness is sometimes pre- myotonic patients allows for the suggestion that a cipitated when rest is followed by exercise, after the myotonic patient who experiences a true MH crisis ingestion of potassium-containing compounds and could easily have the misfortune of having mutations prolonged fasting. at two distinct genetic loci, one for myotonia and one Several variants of paramyotonia congenita are known; among them is hyperkalemic periodic paraly- §Electronic search of the literature does not show a listing for dextroramide, but it does for dextromoramide, an analgesic struc- sis (HyperPP) with myotonia (see below), which is turally related to methadone and in limited use in Europe to treat characterized less by cold-induced symptoms than by severe pain. It has been recommended not to give this drug to potassium ingestion or exercise. Similar to HyperPP, patients taking MAO inhibitors, though no reports of hyperthermic crises or serious drug interactions have been found in electronic weakness is more common in the early hours of the search of the literature. day and is often accompanied by elevated serum

1058 Risk of Malignant Hyperthermia in Myotonias ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA potassium levels. Significant to anesthetic practice is Acetazolamide-Responsive Myotonia. This is another that respiratory muscles are usually spared.28 Dys- autosomal dominant, sodium that is rhythmias due to ictal hyperkalemia have been re- characterized by generalized myotonia after potassium ported, but are rare.29,30 ingestion, cold exposure, or fasting. Symptoms Anesthetic Implications and Susceptibility to MH. progress during childhood, involve the extraocular There are no case reports of MH index cases with muscles, muscles of mastication, and those of the general anesthesia in patients with paramyotonia con- proximal limbs, and do not involve episodes of genita, and there is one in which an infant was weakness or paralysis. Episodes are often painful, anesthetized with without untoward inci- mildly affected by exercise and, in contrast to other dents.31 One patient had an IVCT performed after myopathies, unusually responsive to the therapeu- masseter spasm during anesthesia induction. The tic effects of acetazolamide. CPK levels are normal IVCT was negative, and the patient was later diag- to mildly elevated. Close during surgery nosed as having paramyotonia congenita (T. Girard, is recommended for the development of rigidity and unpublished data). Risk of MH in this entity is con- rhabdomyolysis. sidered to be that of the general population (Table 1). Anesthetic Implications and Susceptibility to MH. Potassium-Aggravated Myotonias (PAM). This ru- No reports of MH susceptibility were found for any of bric describes three similar entities of somewhat over- the PAMs, and the risk is estimated to be that of the lapping phenotypes all caused by mutations in the general population (Table 1). skeletal muscle sodium channel: myotonia fluctuans, HyperPP With (or Without) Myotonia. This is an myotonia permanens, and acetazolamide-sensitive myoto- autosomal dominant sodium channelopathy with nia. Symptoms in all of these are aggravated by nearly complete penetrance, also known as adynamia potassium ingestion. In contrast to paramyotonia con- episodica hereditaria, which results in episodic attacks of genita, they do not worsen after cold exposure, and, weakness, the result of hyperkalemia-induced electri- unlike hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, they do not cal inexcitability (Table 1 and Fig. 1B). In some indi- viduals, this entity is accompanied by clinical and present with significant weakness. electrical myotonia. Symptoms begin in early child- Myotonia Fluctuans. This entity is transmitted by hood with attacks of weakness brought about by autosomal dominant inheritance, and symptoms, resting after exercise, cold exposure, fasting, emo- which include extraocular, bulbar, and limb stiffness tional stress, or potassium ingestion. The clinical exacerbated by potassium ingestion or exercise, begin myotonia, when it occurs, can be reduced with in the first or second decade. There are five classic repeated exercise, i.e., the warm-up phenomenon. symptoms of this myotonia: fluctuating myotonia of Curiously, the attacks of weakness can be general- variable severity, the presence of the warm-up phe- ized or localized to a single limb, but usually spare nomenon, the absence of periodic weakness or cold- the facial and respiratory muscles. The ingestion of induced myotonia, and the exacerbation of myotonia glucose is therapeutic. after potassium ingestion or exercise. Curiously, the Almost all mutated sodium channels have an im- exercise-induced stiffness is particularly severe, even paired fast-inactivation leading to increased sensitiv- resulting in immobilization, when the exercise is per- ity to elevated potassium or reduced temperature.30 In formed after a narrow window of rest, typically 20–40 HyperPP, there is a gain of function leading to exces- min after a previous period of exercise. The variability sive depolarization followed by inactivation. A milder of clinical myotonia is the result of episodic periods of depolarization maintains the channel in a noninacti- myotonia lasting from 30 to 120 min and separated vated state and sustained inward sodium current from each other by prolonged periods of normal leads to repetitive firing.32,33 As a result, small differ- muscle function. With this entity creatine phosphoki- ences in the extent of depolarization are responsible nase (CPK) levels can be 2–3 times normal. Rigidity for symptoms of weakness or myotonia.34 During an and rhabdomyolysis may occur during surgery, but attack, potassium is shifted from the intracellular to an association with MH is not a feature of myotonia the extracellular space, causing serum potassium to fluctuans. increase. This relative hyperkalemia depolarizes the Myotonia Permanens. This myotonia is also domi- muscle membrane sufficiently to prevent activation of nantly inherited, extremely rare, and a very severe the normal sodium channels (50% of the population in form of nondystrophic myotonia whose symptoms patients) and, thereafter, the propagation of the action include persistent myotonia predominantly of facial, potential. limb, and respiratory muscles and often begins within Anesthetic Implications and Susceptibility to MH. the first decade of life. Myotonia may worsen with Despite the above, the administration of potassium- exercise or potassium ingestion, but the effects of cold releasing drugs, such as succinylcholine, should be exposure are variable. Hypertrophy of the neck and avoided.35 Indeed, a prolonged episode of muscle shoulder muscles is common, and severe stiffness of weakness for 4 days after a general anesthetic that the intercostal muscles can result in respiratory com- included succinylcholine has been described.36 Further- promise. CPK levels are elevated in this entity as well. more, succinylcholine may induce severe muscle spasms

Vol. 109, No. 4, October 2009 © 2009 International Anesthesia Research Society 1059 in these patients.37,38 Several reports document the safe do not involve mutations in ion channels. Rather use of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants.35,39 A number startlingly, they result from expanded repeats in the 3Ј of case reports have shown an uneventful course of untranslated regions of specific genes and join a anesthesia when volatile anesthetics were adminis- growing number of unrelated diseases (Ͼ20) whose tered to patients with HyperPP35,39 and have sug- common pathophysiological base is that of heritable, gested using inhaled induction of anesthesia in these unstable nucleotide repeats48 (Table 1 and Fig. 2). In patients.40 IVCT of muscle from patients with Type 1 myotonic dystrophy (DM1), the more common HyperPP did not reveal MH susceptibility.41 In con- entity, the expanded trinucleotide repeat, CTG, is trast, a genetic linkage was suggested between muta- expanded from 50 to 200 times in the 3Ј untranslated tions in SCN4A for HyperPP and MH, but in this region of the myotonic dystrophy protein kinase gene. pedigree the only person tested by IVCT had an In DM2, the less common form, there is an expansion abnormal response to caffeine only, making him MH- (80–11,000 times) of a tetranucleotide repeat of CCTG equivocal by European Malignant Hyperthermia in the first intron of the zinc finger protein 9 (ZNF9) Group criteria and MH-normal by North American gene. As it turns out, the disease mechanisms have 42 criteria. Depolarizing drugs, such as succinylcholine nothing to do with either the dystrophy protein kinase or anticholinesterases, worsen myotonia and should or the ZNF9 proteins or their expression. Rather, the 43 therefore be avoided. Propofol, as a voltage gated long RNA repeats that result from the translation of sodium channel inhibitor, seems theoretically advan- these expanded repeats fold into an unusual pathologi- tageous in these patients, and there are reports of its 44–46 cal hairpin structure that results in their accumulation in safe use. The perioperative management of these the nucleus and disruption of normal alternative splic- patients should include preoperative potassium 35 ing of messenger RNA. As a result, many normal depletion by diuretics, continuous electrocardio- proteins are dysregulated and, in our cases, result in gram monitoring, administration of glucose to wasting myotonias with multisystem involvement. avoid carbohydrate depletion during the fasting The severity of clinical symptoms in both DM1 and period, and temperature monitoring with emphasis DM2 are roughly correlated with the length of triplet on maintaining normothermia.25 or tetranucleotide repeats. The descriptions of DM1 Of the various types of PAM, the incidence of and DM2 below are taken from the following critical adverse anesthetic events seems to be most frequent in reviews.49–54 families with myotonia fluctuans.43 This most likely Clinical features common to both DM1 and DM2 relates to the frequent absence of clinical signs before include: myotonia, muscle weakness, and atrophy surgery, and, thus, the anesthesiologist is unaware of (face, neck, fingers, and limbs), cardiac conduction the condition. With other types of myotonia, patients defects, cognitive dysfunction, cataracts, hypersom- often report that they have myotonic episodes or nia, insulin resistance, testicular atrophy, frontal bald- attacks of weakness. Depolarizing drugs should be avoided, thereby decreasing the risk of an adverse ing in males, hypogammaglobulinemia, and muscle event. Paramyotonia congenita patients may be para- pain. The myotonia, muscle weakness and atrophy, lyzed for several hours upon awakening from general cardiac conduction defects, and hypersomnia are clini- anesthesia. Both preventive therapy before surgery cally more significant and can present at an earlier age and maintaining a normal body temperature will help in DM1. In both DM1 and DM2, and like myotonia to prevent such attacks. congenita, there is a defect in the skeletal muscle In contrast to the muscle contractures in MH that chloride channel, but this is due to loss of appropriate respond well to dantrolene,47 myotonic contractions splicing and resultant retention of the embryonic form are generally relieved by (a sodium channel of the channel, thereby inhibiting its replacement by blocker) rather than by dantrolene because they result the adult form appropriate to postnatal function. This from bursts of action potentials. Dantrolene would gives rise to the myotonic symptoms, and, in contra- reduce the contractile force and thus the - distinction to the nondystrophic myotonias, there is inducing stiffness of the myotonia, but not the pri- early and progressive muscle weakness. Similarly, mary hyperexcitability of the membrane.43 there is inappropriate splicing of the insulin receptor, Given the above, and because no reports of MH giving rise to insulin resistance. susceptibility have been found, we do not consider DM1. DM1, also known as Steinert’s Disease, is the this population of patients with sodium channelopa- most common form of myotonic dystrophy and is a thies to be at increased risk for MH (Table 1). dominantly inherited multisystem disorder that usu- ally results in death from skeletal muscle wasting and Dystrophic Myotonias cardiac conduction defects. Clinical symptoms specific In contrast to the nondystrophic myotonias, the two for DM1 include distal muscle weakness with muscle major myotonic dystrophies are primary, autosomally atrophy at onset, learning and speech disabilities, hypo- dominant inherited, multisystem disorders that have tonia, facial diplegia, and sometimes gastrointestinal significant neuromuscular findings that prominently problems. DM1 is associated with the phenomenon of involve the presence of myotonia and weakness, but generational anticipation, by which the disease has an

1060 Risk of Malignant Hyperthermia in Myotonias ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA Figure 2. Schematic depicting the splicing abnormalities caused by CTG expansion repeats and their reversal in a mouse model of myotonic dystrophy. Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is caused by CTG repeats within a noncoding region of the Dmpk gene. It is also caused by the expansion of a four-base motif CCTG in a noncoding region of the Znf9 gene (not shown). Transcribed RNA repeats fold into a long, misshapen hairpin, and the RNA is retained in the nucleus, where it alters the ratio of CUG RNA-binding proteins, such as CUG-BP1 and MBNL1. These proteins are mutually antagonistic mediators of a subgroup of events that are disrupted in myotonic dystrophy, in which “embryonic” forms of some proteins, that is, isoforms typically expressed in the developing embryo and fetus, predominate. A primary result of this dysregulation in both forms of DM is dysfunctional splicing of the embryonic form of ClC1 into the adult form, resulting in lack of buffering of sarcolemmal after-potentials and the induction of sustained contractures, i.e., myotonia. A recent study showed that increasing the expression of MBNL1 in a mouse model of DM restored the adult splicing pattern of the ClC-1 protein and reversed the myotonia associated with ClC-1 dysregulated splicing. Figure and modified legend reprinted with permission from ref. 54 (Cooper TA. A reversal of misfortune for myotonic dystrophy? N Engl J Med 2006;355:1825–7). Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. earlier onset and more severe course in subsequent Anesthetic Implications and Susceptibility to MH. generations. There are four subsets of DM1 related to There are no case reports in the literature directly the age of onset: congenital, childhood onset, adult- linking the myotonic dystrophies to MH. The IVCT of onset, and late onset/asymptomatic. This is roughly 44 patients with myotonias, including the myotonic correlated with the size of CTG expansion repeats. dystrophies, resulted in four positive results, 10 DM2. DM2, previously known as proximal myotonic equivocal results, and 30 negative results.41 The four dystrophy or proximal myotonic myopathy, before this positive results all came from DM patients, but 12 of entity was identified as a member of the expansion these patients were negative. There is one report of a nucleotide repeat family of myotonias, is also a domi- patient with DM2 who developed muscle stiffness, nantly inherited disorder. Though there is some evi- oculogyric cramps, and elevated levels dence of generational anticipation in this disease, after treatment with neuroleptics and had a positive there is no congenital form yet identified, and the IVCT with halothane.55 Undoubtedly, the IVCT can- earliest age of onset is approximately 13 yr. Symptoms not be used to diagnose MH susceptibility in a patient specific to this entity are proximal muscle weakness population with membrane channelopathies without and atrophy at onset and hypertrophy of calf muscles. worrying about false positives.56 Succinylcholine will

Vol. 109, No. 4, October 2009 © 2009 International Anesthesia Research Society 1061 induce generalized skeletal muscle rigidity in these As noted above, mutations in specific regions of patients, raising the specter of MH susceptibility, but CACNA1S confer susceptibility to HypoPP. A few the latter seems unlikely to occur in the absence of a mutations in another region of this gene have been second genetic change specifically causative for MH. associated with MH.65 There is a similar situation for Our assessment of the triplet expansion myopathies central core disease and MH in which both conditions is that susceptibility to MH is that of the background are linked to mutations in RYR1, and the incomplete population. IVCT/CHCT results in these patients are clinical overlap between the two seems to correlate likely misleading even if contractures reach the thresh- with the region of the protein in which the mutations old we have set for MH susceptibility. One should are found (for more complete treatment of this, see the avoid the use of succinylcholine in these patients. Given reviews by Refs. 66, 67). Because there are a few MH the intrinsic weakness of these patients, we recommend patients known to have mutations in another region of the judicious use of nondepolarizing drugs, along with CACNA1S, a theoretical association between MH and careful attention to respiratory status. HypoPP in this small subset of patients has been made, but never been confirmed. Moreover, there is a Calcium Channelopathies lack of evidence for MH susceptibility that is general- izable to all HypoPP patients, and it is unclear that all Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis (HypoPP) of the few reports of anesthetic-associated reactions HypoPP is a rare, autosomal dominant, skeletal suspected of being MH were really MH. Indeed, the muscle disorder with episodes of muscle weakness.57 patient with the highest MH clinical grading score (33, Affected patients first exhibit episodes of asymmetri- “somewhat Ͼ than likely” vs 18, “somewhat Ͻ cal muscle paralysis associated with low potassium likely”68) reported above,63 and retrospectively deter- levels in the second decade of life. The muscle weak- mined by the authors of this manuscript, had a normal ness affects mainly the proximal muscles, sparing the diaphragm, and muscles supplied by the cranial IVCT. It would seem, therefore, that not all “hyper- nerves.58 In most patients the disorder is caused by metabolic” responses of anesthetized patients with mutations in the skeletal muscle voltage-gated cal- are MH. However, anesthesi- cium channel encoded by CACNA1S (HypoPP Type ologists must have a heightened suspicion for hyper- 1), although it is less frequently associated with metabolic reactions when caring for these patients mutations in the SCN4A gene (HypoPP Type 2)43 because, should volatile anesthetics be used, the reac- (Fig. 1B). All HypoPP mutations are situated in the tion might be MH. As noted above, one can have the so-called voltage sensors of the channels.43 These misfortune of having mutations in two separate genes mutations result in pore currents with reduced resulting in both an unrelated channelopathy and amplitude and shifted voltage-dependence, i.e., susceptibility to MH. findings that cannot explain the disease pathogene- Depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs sis.59 The exact mechanisms leading to hypokalemic should not be administered to patients with HypoPP, paralysis are unclear.28,43 and their anesthetic management should focus on the Anesthetic Implications and Susceptibility to MH. prevention of perioperative episodes of muscle weak- Several authors have described the uneventful use of ness. This includes avoiding large glucose and salt inhaled anesthetics and succinylcholine in patients with loads, maintaining normothermia, keeping serum po- HypoPP.60,61 However, there are case reports of intraop- tassium levels in the upper part of the normal range, erative hypermetabolic crises after administration of and reducing the patients’ anxiety, because all these MH trigger drugs to patients with HypoPP,57,62,63 and factors are associated with increased occurrence of 40 one group also described contracture-like responses to postoperative paralytic episodes. If nondepolarizing succinylcholine.64 In one of these case reports, a posi- muscle relaxants are required, drugs with a relatively 69,70 tive IVCT was obtained in one of the two patients with short duration of action are best ; neuromuscular clinically suspected MH.63 Genetic investigations in function must be monitored if neuromuscular block- this same patient excluded known mutations in ing drugs are given. Because there are no definitive CACNA1S and SCN4A, whereas a novel mutation reports of MH in patients with HypoPP, we conclude (Asn2342Ser, subsequently found in other MH suscep- that the likelihood of HypoPP patients being suscep- tible families) was identified in the RYR1 gene, which tible to MH is that of the general population. How- was likely the source of that patient’s MH susceptibil- ever, the mutational linked to HypoPP is the ity. Myotonia in this patient must have arisen from a DHPR ␣1s gene, the same gene that is also a locus of mutation in CACNA1S or SCN4A that was not tested a few MH mutations. There is the theoretical likeli- for, or from a new, unidentified locus. This illustrates hood, therefore, that susceptibility to MH may overlap the possibility that “lightning does strike twice,” i.e., it with that of HypoPP, despite the fact that the muta- is possible to have two separate genetic mutations that tions for the two entities segregate to separate parts of predispose to two separate conditions in the same the gene. Our present state of knowledge does not patient, and may underlie the rare confluence of allow definitive recommendations. We leave it to the myotonia and MH susceptibility. discretion of the clinician as to whether to use volatile

1062 Risk of Malignant Hyperthermia in Myotonias ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA anesthetics in these patients but, if they do, they 12. Cherednichenko G, Ward CW, Feng W, Cabrales E, Michaelson should be extra vigilant. L, Samso M, Lopez JR, Allen PD, Pessah IN. Enhanced excitation-coupled calcium entry in myotubes expressing ma- lignant hyperthermia mutation R163C is attenuated by dan- trolene. Mol Pharmacol 2008;73:1203–12 SUMMARY 13. Stiber J, Hawkins A, Zhang ZS, Wang S, Burch J, Graham V, Ward CC, Seth M, Finch E, Malouf N, Williams RS, Eu JP, The care of myopathic patients is often difficult Rosenberg P. STIM1 signalling controls store-operated calcium enough without having to worry about their often- entry required for development and contractile function in touted, potential susceptibility to MH. We hope the skeletal muscle. Nat Cell Biol 2008;10:688–97 14. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. 23rd ed. 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1064 Risk of Malignant Hyperthermia in Myotonias ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA