PAGE twenty-four - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs.. Sept. 21. 1978

The Weather WHAT’S Cloudy followed by partial fell ' clearing thi.s afternoon. Tur­ NEWS ^ 111" ning cooler with afternoon anrltPHlpr I temperature.s in the 60s. Most­ ly clear and cooler tonight with lows 50 to 55. Fair Saturday with highs in the 60s. Rain Manchester I ^ — Manchester, Conn., Friday, Sept. 22, 1978 A Family ISEWSpaper Since 1881 probability: 20 percent today, 10 percent tonight and Satur­ Local Democratic candidates day. say the party's past record of economic control and provision of I "*'*flgcport 1 Professors Strike « (.'ommittee, says Salter's Pond is I an asset to the town. See pui'c ,'i. I BRIDGEPORT (UPI) — Universi- academic influence. jailed for defying a Superior Court Directors of the River East I ty of Bridgeport professors went on "We had proposed that the univer­ ‘"The university would like to give members of the local unit of the judge’s back-to-work order. the impression it’s business as usual, Uomemaker-Home Health Aide I strike today in the second walkout to sity renew our current contract for a University negotiators walked out American Association of University Service Inc. have appointed a sub- I rock the community as a public but that’s not the case,’’ Douglas Professors. The AAUP has been National year and negotiate just the money of talks just before midnight said. (onimitlee to study a merger with I school strike by i,250 teachers issues over the weekend, and if we asking for a 1 to 3 year contract, a 12 Thursday when it was apparent no University officials said Thursday public health nurses. Sec piigc V. I entered its third week. could not agree, then to turn it over percent salary hike and the elimina­ agreement would be reached before they will implement contingency Manchester's CETA positions. Norman Douglas, president of the to binding arbitration," Douglas tion of a proposal that would give the the strik e deadline. No new plans to keep the private university including one-year projects that I school’s chapter of the American said. negotiations were immediately administration full control over the going if the strike promises to be a university, its programs and faculty were terminated early this I Association of University "But the university would not scheduled. long one. month, could be extended through I Professors, said today 250 professors accept that," he said. AAUP Although an university assignments. October Sit |in(:r III. I agreed to walk off their jobs after a teachers have been without a con­ spokeswoman said classes would be Negotiators have been meeting The administration has offered 3, 4 contract deadline passed at mid­ tract since Aug. 31. held today, Douglas questioned how night. througbout the week to try to reach a and 5 percent salary increases for Public school teachers in the school would muster a qualified new contract agreement. The univer­ Fnal If if ^ I Douglas said the university has Bridgeport have been on strike since full professors, associate professors, professional staff adequate to in­ sity employs 270 full-time and 200 MhUSl MiarijOra I refused union demands for more Sept. 6, idling almost 23,000 students. and instructors, respectively. A struct the 8,000 member student part-time teachers. More than 250 of strike by the faculty in September John Shemo, town planner, says money, tenure, and increased More than 200 teachers have been I body. the full-time faculty members are 1975 closed for three days he will contact Town Council Chairman George Dagon to get a set of written questions from him regarding what the council wants Smoter to know about possible traffic Parents effects from the J.C. Penney i catalog distribution center in I Manchester. .See page 2. | H b | ^ ______Support Connecticut | l| > Teachers The State Labor Council en- I BRIDGEPORT (UPI) - Mrs. Lois I dorses Gov. Ella Grasso over her Coffey wants her two daughters to Republican challenger. Rep. know their striking teachers are Ronald Sarasin. at its 22nd annual | | alive and well, even though they’re in convention. See page 4. jail. Connecticut has the highest So Mrs, Coffey and a group of other [ average personal income in the Bridgeoort parents hired school , except for Alaska buses to take their children 65 miles and Hawaii. See page .S. to the National Guard barracks in Windsor Locks, where the teachers are being held, for a two-hour rally The Nation today to bolster the teachers’ and The House is dispensing with students’ spirits. legislation at a clipped rate these I "The kids really look up to the I days, but the backlog of bills teachers,’’ Mrs. Coffey said before before the Senate has brought a * the group of 200 parents and children scolding from the leadership. See left Bridgeport. “I know my own two page .5. Enthusiasm for Season Opener daughters are attached to their teachers and the thought of them In Hackberry, La., firefighters I M anchester High School ch eerleaders, dressed in red and today at the high school as a reminder of the football team’s going off to jail is horrid.” burned off thousands of barrels of I w hite, w ave th eir pom pom s and red and w hite carnations as first game of the season Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at Memorial "We want to show the kids their exUn%°ish‘"a \"la^ze Tt’ the | ^ '^‘^h carnations which are being sold Field against Fermi High of Enfield. (Herald photo by Pinto) teachers are fine. We also want to government's first underground . _____ voice our opinions, and show the petroleum storage site. The I T ^ I ^ -_ teachers we support them,” she said. Thirty-six teachers were sentenced by Superior Court Judge James known origin. One worker was I !5aysJ 1 rip X huccessiul ^ Henebry and ordered to join 233 Hails Merit kiii0(j I colleagues at Camp Hartell for The Securities and Exchange ^ ^ ™ H Saudi Arabia (U P I)- whether there is any ambiguity." "framework for peace." Arab front against the Israeli- refusing to obey his order to end their ■‘It was absolutely essential that it Meanwhile Jordan's King Hussein, three-week strike. Of those, 32 were Commission has asked a federal Egyptian peace effort. be done, both countries told me that with whom Vance had two days of in­ taken Thursday to the make-shift judge to sign an order today fining accomp ished what he In Rabat, Morocco, Egyptian Robert Vesco up to $10,000 a day if ^is selling tour of tbe it was useful to them. conclusive talks, met secretly today jail. Vance, who met earlier with Saudi with two leading hard-line opponents President Anwar Sadat conferred he refuses to surrender about $10 I David accords to moderate with Saudi Arabian vice-premier Some teachers have been dis­ Arabia's King Khalid, conferred at of the Camp David accords — million in stock allegedly used in .founf'es and tbe United States Prince Abdallah Ibn Abdulaziz in an missed during each sentencing for lunch today with Saudi Arabian 'EhrKhed Flavor’c^ ^ an effort to influence White House now >s awiting answers from both Palestinian chief Yasser Arafat and apparent bid to overcome Saudi personal or medical reasons. So far, Defense Minister Prince Sultan ben officials. Vesco is now in the Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Libya's Col. Moammar Khadafy. coolness toward the Camp David 267 have been jailed since the I Abdul Aziz. walkout by the 1,250-member Bahamas I Concluding three days of talks with Arafat and Khadafy slipped away peace talks, Arab diplomats said. A U.S. spokesman said earlier that Irom the Arab hardliners summit bridgepori Education Association Jordanian Saudi officials, Vance But there was no indication whether Vance had gained Saudi Arabia's un­ meeting in Damascus and drove to began Sept. 6. T h o T T n - r lA I ^ accomplished an important he had made any progress. J n e tr O r i a l f3pj ) ^ad the chance to really dis- derstanding and possible future sup­ the A1 Hussein Air Base near the Jor­ Schools remained closed for the Citizens of the Nicaraguan city I questions in depth with the two port for tbe Camp David agreements danian border town of Irbid for the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem eighth day to the city’s 23,000 higji marks in five hey areas. of Esteli appeal to the world at foontries, on whether Camp David in a boost for his mission to sell skep­ surprise conference aimed at per­ Begin returned to Israel in triumph students. large to help stop the war that is I questions in their minds, or tical Arabs the milestone summit's suading Hussein to join the hardline today and was met by tens of Contract negotiations were recessed at 2:15 p.m. Thursday after turning their town into a thousands of Israelis in an un­ 25 hours of talks at the state Labor Can MERIT deliver the flavor of leading high cemetery. .Sev page 4. precedented outpouring of good will Ganfirmerf; 85% of MERIT smokers say it was toward their prime minister. Department in Wethersfield. tar brands? Thirteen persons have been A union spokesman, Jeff an “easy switch” from high tar brands. killed in a series of NATO war He expressed the hope that a peace Rosenberg, said the negotiators games under way in West Ger­ agreement would be signed quickly spent most of the time talking about Does MERIT satisfy smokers over a long period many, it was disclosed today. U.S. but cautioned that 'hard days are whether teachers should have a 180- Confirmed: Overwhelming majority of MERIT officials said two of the dead were still ahead." day school year or 176 days. -o r are MERIT smokers slipping back to old Americans. smokers say their former high tar brands In Lebanon, Israeli-backed high tar favorites? (Thristian militiamen and Palesti­ weren’t missed! nian guerrillas exchanged heavy artillery and rocket fire today. Firefighters OK Read the bottoimline results of new research Lebanese reporters said the duel Confirmed: 9 out of 10 MERIT smokers not injured at least six persons. conducted with smokers like yourself. considering other brands. MERIT R ’eakthrough Confirmed Sports Contract Offer By GREG PEARSON First M £^ Alternative Time running out on Red Sox ... only when members work to fill in on Confirmed: Majority of high tar smokers rate Yankees win to maintain lead ... Herald Reporter a regular shift and compile more lb Highlar Smoking John McEnroe impresses in UTC MANCHESTER - The union than 42 hours in a week. MERIT taste equal to—or better than—leading Tennis Classic.See page 11. representing town firefighters The union does not expect to g'et MERIT has proven conclusively that it not Manchester High anxious to ’Thursday night became the first to paid when members are called to high tar cigarettes tested! Cigarettes having up get off on right foot in Saturday i accept a contract agreement fires while off-duty, he said. only delivers the flavor of high tar brands-but football opener. See page 12. between the union and the town. Charles McCarthy, assistant town to twice the tar ’The union, Local 1579 of the Inter­ , said, "I’m hopeful the continues to satisfy. national Association of Firefighters, Board of Directors will approve i.he Stock Market voted to accept the two-year con­ c o n tra c t.’’ He said that the Confirmed: Majority of high tar smokers tract, which includes a six percent economics involved in the two-year This ability to satisfy over long periods of time (UPI) - Prices Democrats Open Quarters raise in the first year and two three package are within the guidelines confirm taste satisfaction of low tar MERIT. percent raises in the second. provided to the town administration could be the most important evidence to date SnV o1'’V w ‘* York S State Sen. Robert Houley, left, and to the audier day’s opening of The package will be presented by a subcommittee of the board. And in detailed interviews conducted among Exchange issues. I M anchester M ayor Stephen Penny, right, M a n c h e ste r’s D e m o c r a ti^ S ^ a d q u a r te rs , Tuesday night to the Town Board of McCarthy said that he met earlier that MERIT is what it claims to be: The first The Dow Jones industrial watch State Rep. Theodore Cummings speak story on page 2. (Herald photo m Chastain) Directors for its approval, the final with the three members of the current MERIT smokers: average, which gained 3,98 points ' step in authorizing the package. board’s subcommittee — Thomas major alternative to high tar smoking. Thursday, was ahead 0.43 point to ■ —^ _ _ _ _ A total of 45 of the union’s 63 Connors, Stephen Cassano and Vivian 861.57 shortly after the opening. In I T • 1 • 1 members attended TTiursday’s vote, Ferguson. They presented guidelines Robert Martin, president of the un­ on what union contracts should in­ I ooutn W incisor Utiicial ion, said. There was no exact count clude for economic increases, Kings: 8 mg"tar," 0.6 mg nicotine- 50.58 points. available, but the contract proposal McCarthy said. 100 s: 11 mg" tar," 0.7 mg nicotine av. percigaretie, FTCReponMay'78 Advance led declines, 297 to 111, I ^ _ was approved by about a 2-to-l Martin also said that he was margin, he said. pleased with the contract. He said The fire union last week had that there was some concern among Early turnover amounted to -M.Post ^ Min M M Stratford M l ^ X V r J L rejected a contract proposal. The members about being the first of the Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined four town unions to agree to a con­ about 1,020,000 shares. g o u n j WINDSOR - Allan Young, tion has been received from Young. reason for defeat was that That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. decision to accept the Stratford posi­ firefighters would not have received tract. of public works, is Young, who could not be reached tion was prompted by the fact that Index \ time-and-one-half payment for "We don’t want to cause any dis­ MERIT I leaving his position to head the for comment, will be the second the move to fire Talbot has been O l’liili|) MinrU inc. 1978 routine overtime until the final three unity between the other unions. We Kings&KX)^ Business...... 20 I Public Works Department in the department head to resign in the past stymied by the lack of six necessary still support the police and the public months of the two-year contract. Classified...... 14-18 I Town of Straford. two months. G. Ted Ellis resigned his council votes. Under the agreement approved works union on their 105 days,” Mar­ Comics...... 19 I P'S Stratford appointment was position as town controller in August. Reportedly, Young had considered tin said. The 105 days refers to a sick- Editorial ...... 9 I confirmed this morning by the office With Young leaving, it is expected Thursday by the union, the members the possibility of becoming interim will receive time-and-one-half pay­ leave benefit that is no longer in­ Entertainment ...... 3 I of Stratford’s town manager. A it will further complicate the present manager, if Talbot was fired, and cluded in the firefighters contract, Family 8 spokesman in the manager’s office ment for routine overtime starting in I controversy surrounding the move, possibly later take over the position. but the police and public works un­ High School World ! ! ! ! ! ! 6 's expected to start work by some members of the Town Coun­ July 1979. I Young, 31, previously served as ad­ TTie members presently receive no ions hope to retain. Obituaries ...... 10 I f®wn on Oct. 6. cil, to oust Town Manager Paul ministrative assistant to the West The fire union has been working Sports...... 11-13 The South Windsor town manager’s Talbot. additional compensation for over­ I Hartford town manager. He came to time hours. without a contract since July 1. The Television ...... 3 | secretary said this morning that, as An unconfirmed report published South Windsor as public works direc­ contract would go into effect retroac­ far as she knows, no written resigna- this week indicated that Young’s Martin said that the union is tor in 1976. seeking the increased overtime pay tive to that date. ... I PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER KVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri., Sepl. 22. 1978 jWANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Frl., Sept. 22. 1978 — PAGE THREE Democrats List Jailing Sets Record TV Tonight EDC OKs HARTFORD (UPl) — The jailing of S I 22 69 The Eddie Capra Mys- a Racine, Wis., strike in February and EVENING tortos Captioned World News 2:00 striking Bridgeport teachers is the largest Tonight (S Movid "Souls At Sea" CD Jack Benny March 19^. Most of them were released 18 671 Tha Palllsers 69 Movie “The Trap" (1946) (1937) George Raft. Gary in the country’s history, according to an shortly after and never spent a night in 6:00 10:30 Sidney Toler. Mantan Moreland. Cooper. Z Z N « m official of the National Education Associa­ jail, he said. S Wanted: Dead Or Alive ® Baretta (S News Past Successes Spending I Brady Bunch tion. A strike in Indianapolis in 1972 resulted (9J Concantratlon 09 Living Faith 12:00 3:59 By GREG PEARSON Barry Abel of the NEA said Thursday 05 Bozo'* Big Top 1 1 : 0 0 (S Alfred Hitchcock Presents questions with a simple yes or no. in the jailing of 122 teachers, and 136 SISSZoom(R) S QD 8 8 ® News 12:30 Herald Reporler his research shows that although more teachers were jailed in a 1975 strike in O MyThraaSont “I’m not saying yes or no to any S 8 Hogan’s Heroes (B Alfred Hitchcock Presents teachers were arrested in a Wisconson Woodbridge, N.J., Abel said. All strikes 6 Bonanza ® ) Movie "Sirocco " (1951) MANCHESTER - Local bag job,” Cummings said as he tore For Park • 6A9-5491 " Humphrey Bognrt Martn Toren. 12:37 strike in 1977, Bridgeport has the record 6:30 SI MUNTil 2 30ON Democrats, with an assist from it up. were conducted by unions affiliated with ® Bobby Vinton for the most teachers jailed. (DILovaLucy SI Dick Van Dyke ______SATIJBDAT AND SUND*»______lieutenant governor candidate State Sen. David Barry, running MANCHESTER -T he Economic NEA. 8 Dick Cavett A spokesman at Camp Hartell in Wind­ mJokar'tWild 1:00 William O’Neill, pointed to the ser­ again in the Fourth Senatorial Development Commission today ap­ A teachers strike conducted by the OS Jaka Hass Qospal Tima 67) Masterpiece Theatre d ) I Love Lucy sor Locks said this morning 267 teachers vices they have provided and the District, criticized the Republican proved expenditures for sewer Newark Federation of Teachers in New NBC News 11:30 (5) Joe Franklin ______\it have been jailed there. S9 Antlquas d ) Movie "The Brides Ol Fu O 22 ® Midnight Special budgeting limits they have enforced campaign effort to seek signatures projects and land acquisitions for Jersey in the early 1970s resulted in 105 Abel said 475 teachers were arrested in IS Adam-12 Manchu" (1967) Christopher 1:30 - m m r as they opened party headquarters in from candidates saying they won’t road work connected with the jailings. 6S The Course Of Our Times Lee. Marie Versini. d ) News I tunawAi. ~T Manchester. support a state income tax. Buckland Industrial Park. 6:55 (d) Hogan's Heroes d ) Bewllclied * irAHveeM* @1 News d ) Movie "The Ambushers" About 75 people attended the The state Democratic ticket has The largest expenditure approved (1967) Dean Martin. Senia ' AMIMAL opening in a vacant store building said that it will not support a state in­ by the EDC is a $387,690 contract to Peopletalk 7:00 Berger. ■ l e u f c . near Marshalls in the Manchester come tax. The income tax has not Frank Kapsia & Sons for a trunk GD CBS News 8 1 8 8 Tonloht GD The Brady Bunch Shopping Parkade. developed in the last four years of sewer line in the New State Road and Old Days End “not in the cards,” that the former presi­ d ) S9 World News Tonight lAIXMBel I ( The Just follow ■ The confident Democrats, predic­ Democratic rule, Barry said. Adams Street area. The line will ser­ Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy dent has suffered and it’s time for the (S Bowling For Dollars Manchester Evening Herald I | i n A | C ting November victory, said that “If ever an issue was dead, that vice the industrial park, which will Q l FasUval Of Faith INHERITENCE the ycnow reck road to.. are retiring, Bergen to Palm Springs and public to let him out of exile. IS Soap Factory Disco Publlshsd ntry sysfllng n e » f \ I ' they have nothing to fear when issue is dead,” he said. Asking the include the J.C. Penney Co.’s catalog , Sundsya and hoUdsys. Entsrsd SI the McCarthy — top hat, monocle and sass — Says Frost, who last year paid Nixon S News Manchaatar. Conn. Post Offlca ai Se­ distribution center. 25 Over Easy ■‘M/dnlchl "SJloW" Proposition 13 and related tax- Democratic candidates to sign a no­ to the Smithsonian Institution. $6(K),0(X) for 28 hours of taped teleision in­ cond Claaa Mall Matter. reduction efforts are mentioned. The EDC also agreed to expand the S Newlywed Qame Frt. and Oat. income tax pledge “is like asking Bergen says in Hollywood that at 75, terviews, “I do think he has suffered. S The Odd Couple “I have to laugh at those who say size of about 1,500 feet of a sanitary Suggested Carrier Rates people who have served in a couple of he’s ending his career of more than 50 There was no doubt that for four years, 67) Dick Cavett PtyablF In Advanc* we’re big spenders,” Marcella wars to sign a loyalty oath.” sewer being installed, along Tolland years because “I’m tired of earning San Clemente was his Elba. But I don’t 7:29 SIngl# copy...... I5f Fahey, running in the Third S Dally Numbers Wtohly...... eol I TAKE ROUTES 15 • • 1$ (EUT 55l Barry referred to Robert Houley, Turnpike. The expanded section will money, saving it and then sharing it with think it is human to think Richard Nixon Senatorial District, said. Gov. Ella Grasso’s deputy campaign be from the Adams Street intersec­ TilirSIinti;...... Double Feature peopie who didn’t it” — explaining should be confined to San Clemente for 7:30 COM E IN CO STUM E Before Proposition 13, California’s manager who attended the opening, tion to the railroad crossing near the life.” 0 ) PM Magazine S"' JO I KENTUCKY later he meant welfare cheaters. (S Carol Burnett And Friends AND GET 75$ OFF spending-limiting ordinance, was as “the original Howard Jarvis.” Burr Corners commuter parking lot. Frost’s remarks came Thursday in a X Sha Na Na Mall RatM Upon i=taqu^ I FRIED MOVIE n McCarthy says he isn’t sure he wants to SubKrIbora who fall to racatvo I PLUS REGULAR ever mentioned, “the Democrats in Jarvis is the originator of Proposi­ The line has to be expanded from 10 college lecture in Whitewater, Wis. 0 Newlywed Qame HEAVEN retire and would like “a new assistant... a 3 Porter Wagoner ADMISSION Hartford and Connecticut knew that tion 13. Houley, a state senator who to 15 inches, and the change will cost beautiful girl with a softer lap.” Perils of Matrimony ru,dT,5*p^o'n.'^h7 c^r?2,aK I PQ YE8>Balla - Flashlights - Rica people wanted things tightened up,’’ is not seeking re-election, served on $15,000, about $5,000 of which will 1 3 $100,000 Name That Tune dapartmant. 647-9040. - TP • Toaat - NO CANDLES OR Pollster Mervin Field has some advice l25 67) MacNell / Lehrer Report LIGHTERS. she said. Bergen admonished the dummy: “I can CAN the Appropriations Committee and have to be paid by the town. do things without you, too.” for California Gov. Jerry Brown: Don’t S I Match Qame P.M. State Rep. Abraham Classman, often said no to requests for money. ECHS Gets Gifts from Parents The commission purchased two S Chico And The Man Snapped McCarthy — just as in the old get engaged to Linda Ronstadt — or 69 Tic Tac Dough running again in the 14th Assembly Barry said. parcels of property required for road MANCHESTER The Parents Club of East Catholic High days— “Yeah, you can starve to death.” anyone else. 8:00 WATT District, said that Connecticut has Margaret Rita McKay, vice principal, from DRIVE-IN/ROUTES 6 &4.4A APAHAMOUNTPiaURE Mayor Stephen Penny, joined in the alterations. A parcel of one-third of Field says in San Diego Brown will lose d ) Wonder Woman School has presented office equipment to the the co-presidents of the Parents Club, Terri A Bite for Ilie 3 MTS FM., SKT., SIM. provided needed social reforms while praise of the Democratic record. an acre will be bought from Virginia votes in his re-election bid if he becomes CD Cross-Wits school. The stencil maker and folding You couldn’t exactly call Ilie Nastase d ) & Donny & Marie maintaining fiscal responsibility. “Not only have we made the record and Tom Mazza. The club also raised more Batson for $2,000. The land is n ^ e d engaged to rock singer Ronstadt, Brown’s ‘‘KENTUCKY In California, many services will in human services, we’ve made the machine here is being accept by the Rev. for widening of the north end of the the “Mr. Nice Guy” of tennis, so it really S ) Movie "Rider On The Rain” COIN SHOW than $14,000 at a fair and a car raffle for the girlfriend for some time. Field says many (1970) Charles Bronson, Marlene have to be cut, he said, isn’t all that suprising a Broadway record in protecting the public’s tax Robert Saunders, principal, and Sister school. (Herald photo by Pinto) primary road through the industrial voters cast their ballots for Brown Jobert. A man and a woman are FRIED MOVIE” “That’s what government is all park. producer is after him to play another East pitted against each other In the POLISH NATIONAL HOME dollars,” Penny said. because he’s different, and “one of the in­ PULASKI PLAZA e GOVERNOR ST. about — services,” he said. And European bad boy — Count Dracula. Intrigues ol a murder case. 2 hrs. MONTY PYTHON & The theme of a united party also A parcel of 3.5 acres in South Wind­ triguing aspects of Brown is that he’s still SI IS 8 Waverty Wonders HARTFORD Connecticut’s Legislature has done was mentioned by several of the sor will be purchased from the Hart­ Elizabeth McCann, who mounted the a bachelor.” O 67) Washington Week In THE HOLY GRAIL its part. It has kept spending down speakers. man Tobacco Co. The section of land, Tony-award winning play “Dracula” with Review An engagement would look like “a 0 Joker’s Wild and eliminated programs found un­ Hearing on Use of Fund star , is scouting a lead for SUNDAY, SEPT. 24th, 1978 “We’re here tonight as a party un­ which will cost $45,000, is needed for political move” to the skeptical, he says, necessary, Classman said. a second national tour. And who better to 8:30 FANTASTIC 10 A.M. T O 5 P.M. ited, as a party that had been the relocation of part of Pleasant “and damage his intriguing image” for rSl Merv Qriffin State Rep. Theodore Cummings, fill the shoes of the Transylvanian terror divided,” O’Neill said, referring to Valiev Road. others. 8 22 S I Who's Watching The PLANET ' F re e Admission Free Parking seeking re-election in the 12th the recent primary between Gov. than the Hungarian Nastase — the court- Glimpses Kids Assembly District, drew applause Grasso and Robert Killian. Was More of the Same side “Mad Magyar” and “Beast of 29 67) Wall Street Week •_yyiaiisfield '-Dilve in ® Liars Club when he tore up a questionnaire from “The convention is over, the Budapest.” Mac Davis — on the bill with Burt MANCHESTER GRANGE By SUSAN VAUGHN Re Tiolds, John Wayne, Barry Manilow, 9:00 the Connecticut State Taxpayers primary is over. We’re all much larger, including all of the target area. Ms. McCann says she’s huddling with 5 older sections of Manchester, Mason Kristy McNichol, Lucille Ball, Cheryl d ) The Incredible Hulk FRL, SAT. & SUN. AT 8 PM Association. That group is sponsoring Democrats and we’re going to prove Herald Reporler Nastase’s managers to see if she can d ) ® Movie "The Bad News ANNUAL FAIR and said. Now the town must use more Rivosa said the majority of the fire Ladd, Kathryn Crosby, Dick Clark and a statewide petitioning effort to seek that from now to Election Day,” MANCHESTER - A public calls from the station are in the Mass Transit match the net star’s bite to his bark. Bears" (1976) Walter Matthau. workable target areas, so they can Danny Thomas, among others — will kick Tatum O'Neal. An alcoholic Little referendums on fiscal matters and O’Neill said. hearing Thursday night on the use of target area. He pointed out that the ... Ere I Saw Elba % see the result of a project, he said. off ABC-TV’s “57th Annual Photoplay League transforms his los­ . TAG SALE state and local spending limitations. “These are not the easiest of times community development funds area was designated as a target area Not Supported ing team Into pennant contend­ Talk show host David Frost says any Gold Medal Award Show” Nov. 21 with a The questionnaire sought yes or no for us Democrats,” Cummings said. brought out continued criticism Gorman urged more community because of older houses which are ers by signing up two of the development expenditures for the return to politics for Richard Nixon is just tribute to Elvis Presley meanest, toughest players September 30 answers to several questions about “But, things are shaping up. I think against control by the federal closer together, and thus more HARTFORD (UPl) — Many area around. taxing and government. Cummings they will be the best of times by Nov. government and only about three downtown commercial area, which is susceptible to fire. residents are unwilling to pay for SI ® SI Rockford RIes 205 Olcott Street, Manchester, Conn. said no qpe couid answer all the 7.” new proposals. part of the target area. He said there certain improvements in mass @ BBC Outlook He said a new fire truck would cost ® Movie “Crooks And Many Interesting Tables To Brouse Around Thursday’s hearing was the first in should be a sizable allotment for transportation, a new survey shows. Theater Schedule Goldie Houjn more parking spaces which would $70,000 to $80,000 and alterations to Coronets" (1969) Telly Savalas. Home Baked Goods • Fish Pond a series planned to get input from the the firehouse to fit a new truck would A report released Thursday by the Edith Evans. Stalely British man­ serve the people living in the Main Mansfield Dnve-In — U.A. Theater 1 - "Where sions become the target of a • Country Store and Many Other Surprises Chevy Chase community on how to spend the probably cost $10,000 to $15,000. Capitol Region Council of U.A. Theater 3 — "The Candidates Discuss Street area. “Hooper’ The Swinging Does It Hurt?” 7:40-9:40; Inheritance” 7:30-9:45 group of thieving gangsters. (2 M A Raffle on Many Beautiful Items federal Community Development Mason said that at least 80 percent Governments shows residents don’t hrs.) PLUS He also told by Mason that there Cheerleaders 8:00 ‘Rocky Horror Picture Vernon Cine J — “Jaws II” Act funds expected over a three-year of the calls from the station would want to pay more taxes for special 67) o7 Reports: Massachusetts flbey gave ttieir al for the team! Tickets May Be Purchased at Door are funds available for commercial Manchester Drive-(n — Show’ Midnight 7:15-9:20 period starting in 1979. The exact have to be in the target area in order mass transit projects like railroad “Fantastic Planet’ 7:15: 9:30 11«I» e'^’lF , Chicken Barbeque Will Be Served Campaign Progress amount of money the town will rehabilitation. improvements or pay additional tolls Vernon Cine 2 — “Monty 67) Crockett’s Victory Garden Starting at 12 Noon til ??? PG to continue HUD to approve such fun­ “KentucKy Fried Movie" After making his requests, Gor­ Python and the Holy Grail” 10:00 receive is not yet known, according ding. for road construction, said council 8:35; “Monty Python and the U.A. ’Theater 2 — “Animal 7:30; “Kentucky Fried other Refreshments Will Be Available MANCHESTER -Local some. man added. “I can’t help but agree d ) News PLEASE CALLTHEATRE to Alan Mason, human services James McAuley, a member of the spokeswoman Sandra Haskins. Holy Grail” 10:00 House” 7:15-9:30-11:30 Movie” 9:00 See You At The Fair • Come One, Come All Democratic candidates Thursday with Lupien that we give up certain CD Newark And Reality -siS&n-l FOR SCREEN TIMES Consolidation is opposed by leaders director. The amount will be Residents found fare hikes for 09 Promisas Of Qod night discussed their campaign ef­ Citizens Advisory Committee, urged of the Eighth Utilities District, most designated by the federal Depart­ rights as a municipality” with the mass transit acceptable. The least forts, including State Rep. Theodore of which is in the 12th Assembly community development funds. “I additional monies for a fire signal ment of Housing and Urban Develop­ proposal which has already been popular forms of payment were Cummings’ announcement that he District. ment (HUD). think that should be an important will challenge his opponent to a funded for this year. financial penalties for extra “They’re taking odds along Main HUD was the object of criticism by consideration,” he said, in con­ automobile use. series of debates. A proposal by Constance Adams of Street that the Republican nominee N. Charles Boggini, 71 Spencer St., sidering future funds. the Manchester Historical Society The survey results also show im­ All of the Manchester candidates, in the 12th District is favored,” Cum­ who said, “I’m a little bit upset at the Town Fire Chief John Rivosa said proved railway service would attract except State Rep. Francis Mahoney for a building to house historical mings said. position HUD is putting this town in- that the town has to seriously con­ only a 10 per cent increase in riders who had a prior commitment, memorabilia would probably not be “ I ’m used to shoveling sand .” He asked Mason to point out to sider replacing a 1951 vintage fire eligible for CD funds. Mason said. in the Hartford area. attended Thursday’s opening of town truck, the oldest piece of equipment against the tide. Those odds are fine HUD that the town has moderate in­ Any citizens groups which want to Of the 980 households surveyed, R t a party headquarters. with me,” he said. come housing such as Squire Village in the Town Fire Department. He They were joined by William put formal plans for community only 43, or 4.4 per cent, contained a Cummings said that he will and the Beechwood Apartments. “I asked if community development O’Neill of East Hampton, the party’s development projects before the CAC person who regularly uses rail tran­ challenge Joyner to a series of would like you to find the percentage funds would pay for a new truck candidate for lieutenant governor. should contact Mason before the Oct. sit to get to work. Only another four debates. of public housing in Manchester and which would be housed in the School said they would use rail, the report O’Neill said that the pace of his cam­ 4 public hearing, Alfred Stern, CAC “The people will have to decide compare it to other towns. I think you Street Firehouse, in the middle of the chairman said. said. LA STRADA WEST RESTAURANT paigning has been hectic, but he’s between him and me on the issues, will find we’re ahead,” he said. enjoying it. Pizza & Grinders not on one issue shaped around one Boggini expressed concern over WATCH MONDAY’S His Manchester stop was the 56th ' m TALIAN-AMERICAN CUISINE TEL. 172-7327 471 HARTFORD RD. (c o r . m c k e e s t .) MANCHESTER group with a self-interest,” he said, the backlog of Manchester residents one he has made in recent weeks. PAPER FOR ji ROUTE 13 • El LINQTON 643-6165 an obvious reference to the Eighth who need housing. “We shouldn’t Steoks-Seafood-Itglian Amerkon Specialties The reception his ticket partner. Utilities District. neglect our own,” he said. “I think East Hartford Planner WEEKLY SPECIAL WEEKLY SPECIALS Gov, Ella Grasso, has received is Cummings concluded by saying, COMPLETE DINNER THE MOVIE promising, he said. we should move slowly before we SEPTEMBER 22 - SEPTEMBER 28 “Some of those Jimmy-the-Greek change the character of this town.” IViLS. LOBSTER * 6 .9 5 Gov. Grasso and O’Neill attended TICKET GIVE­ oddsmakers just may be wrong.” In answer to Boggini, Mason said, SURF t I M F BAKED STUFFED MIXED SEAFOOD...... $ 5 . 2 5 Eastern States Exposition this week. I iiilQUn FAiaUTIES for 20 to 400 people Other Democratic candidates face “We do get in a bind with the federal Pate with 2 Largs Shrimp. AWAY FROM EGGPLANT LASAGNA...... $ 3 . 5 0 “She truly was mobbed. 1 never Eyes J.C. Penney Impact much easier campaigns. Two requirements. We can’t put residen­ Choice of soup or Juice, Thurs. - David Abington saw anything like it,” he said. potatoes, vegetables, dessert & WEST SIDE CHICKEN BREAST PARMIGIANA...... $ 4 .2 5 -Judge of Probate William cy requirements on that housing.” beverage. LADIES’ DRINKS PRiCE Cummings’ race for re-election FitzGerald and State Rep. Muriel >6.95 All S«rv*d With Choice of Two: Mason also noted that the only area By CHRIS BLAKE Shemo called the possible increase CLOSED MONDAY was referred to by several speakers Esther B. Clarke, Republican ITAUAN FRI. A SAT. Potato, Salad, Vagatable, Pasta Yacavone of the Ninth Assembly of housing in which community Herald Reporter which the industrial site would cause during the evening. He is running District —have no opponents. Council member and a member of CALL FOR RESERVATIONS AND DIRECTIONS OPEN SUNDAYS TIL 9 PM against Republican Walter Joyner, development funds have been used is EAST HARTFORD — John Shemo, an “insignificant” increase. He said the Ordinance Committee, said KITCHEN!! MONTE & THE SPECIALTIES “All I’ve got to do is appear and for elderly housing. He said the two traffic would increase by 4 percent, • 6 4 6 - 3 1 6 1 * whom he beat by less than 1,000 votes vote for myself,” FitzGerald said. town planner, said he will contact Thursday an ordinance placing some BIRCH MT. RD,, BOLTON, CT. 50’s & 60’s BAND Braakfait 5:30 AM apartment complexes referred to by using the Hesketh study to back him kind of a ban or limit on truck travel two years ago. Mrs. Yacavone said of her unop­ Town Council Chairman George A. Italian Raataurant Opana 11:00 bvdb Boggini are privately owned, up. on Burnham Street may not work. The Buckland firehouse case and posed status, “It’s never happened Dagon to find out exactly what although they do receive federal sub­ Mayor Richard H. Blackstone said “We tried to do that on Prospect Cummings’ efforts to consolidate the before, but I’m trying to do things questions he wants answered regar­ sidies. Tuesday night he supports the study’s Street and Mashkin Freight sued us Eighth Utilities District and the about the same.” She said that she ding possible traffic problems on Town of Manchester have cost him Mason disagreed with a question Burnham Street resulting from the findings. “We don’t see any great im­ and won a temporary injunction,” does expect to spend less on cam­ by Frank Lupien of Sunset Lane who pact,” he said. some votes, at least according to paign materials. J.C. Penney catalogue distribution Mrs. Clarke said. We’ve also tried to A NEW DINING EXPERIENCE asked, “Doesn’t fair housing require­ center in northwest Manchester. But Richard Mourey of 785 do it elsewhere and we’ve been ment imply we’re unfair?” Burnham St. said, “I’m disappointed challenged in court.” f The council directed the town 0U >BOYD': Mason said it is not implying that planner to further study the potential that the mayor doesn’t share our con­ Mrs. Clarke said she has written to the town has a closed community. traffic problems after Shemo made a cern over the potential problem South Windsor Mayor Nancy Caffyn EHHS ScienceWing “It’s a subtle distinction,” he said. here.” 1__L SKAKHOUS presentatn to the council ’Tuesday requesting any information that town Mason said the town proposed the night. Mourey was the first resident to has compiled on the traffic effects of RFe. 6 • N. Windham plan for a fair housing coordinator “I’m going to respond to the address the council Tuesday night J.C. Penney. Dine 4 2 3 - 6 4 3 3 Formally Dedicated originally, “so we can’t say it’s any questions the council raised,” Shemo about the possible traffic effects. He kind of a pay off.” said today. “But I want to get said the town may be looking at “two OUR MENU FEATURES STEAKS & SEAFOOD EAST HARTFORD - Civic Lupien also criticized the use of something in writing from the coun­ more Prospect Streets,” referring to • PUH ER S FOE THE CHILDREN Specializing in honest international Blackstone said, “It’s a symbol to us community development funds for possible traffic influxes on both leaders and school officials gathered that the effect of this structure shall cil saying exactly what they want to H olding the Line the elderly housing in the past three know.” Burnham and Tolland Streets, • SANDWICHES & SALAD country cooking (from Athens to Maine) for the formal dedication ceremonies reach beyond the confines of these years of funding. “What we’re doing Local residents who attended another route to the site. STORRS (UPI) — Most Connec­ • STEAMERS EVERY NITE ... Glorious homemade desserts, fresh of the renovated science wing at East walls and deep into the heart of is bailing out the Housing Hartford High School Thursday Tuesday night’s council meeting “I don’t know what kind of ap­ ticut towns this year held increases vegetables, and salads. science.” Authority,” he said. night. queried Shemo about potential proach the people (of Burnham in property taxes to below 5 and 10 Before the mayor unveiled the Street) want to take now,” Mourey ‘WHERE EATIISG IS A PLEASURE’ Mayor Richard Blackstone un­ plaque to end the ceremonies, there Robert Gorman of 62 Linden St. problems with trucks using Burnham percent, and some had a property tax Daily Luncheon And Dinner Specials and chairman of the town’s Parking Street to get to the J.C. Penney site. said Wednesday. “They’re upset over reduction, according to a University OUT! Banquet, meeting rms, & private dining rm$, veiled the plaque for the science wing was the formal presentation of the the mayor’s attitude.” and his wife, Terrye, presented a Authority questioned what percen­ Residents said Burnham Street is a of Connecticut study. gold keys. The key was passed from Mourey said, ‘"The minimum that DINNER (M0N.-TNUI 5-9, FRL-SAT. S-10, SUN. 12-9) replica of the plaque to be included in Russell Pratt of Delta Builders to tage of the CD funds had been used in more direct route to the site from the The survey by the university’s the greenhouse which was donated by the “target area” designated by the Bissell Bridge exit near Route 5 than the people here would accept is some Institute of l^blic Service, which is LUNCH (MON.-SATUIDAY 11:30-2) Joseph Hirsch of Joseph Hirsch, Inc. kind of a limit on truck travel. 'I^e the Blast Hartford Bicentennial Com­ to George Dagon of the Public Citizens Advisory Committee. Chapel Street in South Windsor. entitled Grand Lists and Tax Rates MKED STUFFED SHMMP^fi J S ALL AT road can’t take too much travel from of Connecticut Towns and Cities, DAVIS FAMILY mission. Building Commission to Mayor Mason said it was a small percen­ Chapel Street is the recommended RESTAURANT BERRI8 MOTOR INN 6b- to 70-ton semi-trucks.” covered 166 towns. HOUSE SreCULTY ^ Mrs. Blackstone quoted from the Blackstone to Lawrence DelPonte, tage, amounting to less than $M,000 route for traffic, according to a traf- L / A SAMPLE OF OUR EVERYDAY SPECIALS Route 6, Brooklyn • 774-9644 He said, “I would think the town It showed 14 towns reduced proper­ RT. 6 TO 84 EAST TO 6 EAST Bible before presenting a mustard chairman of the Board of Elducation. for the Nathan Hale School fic study by Fred Hesketh 1 FRESH BAKED SWORDFISH...... S4 99 Associates. The Town of Manchester would want to know what this might ty taxes, 58 held tha increase to V % MILE FROM BROOKLYN CENTER X - seed plant to Eugene Diggs, It was DelPonte who first thanked Playground and the Globe Hollow • USDA CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK ...... S5 69 L HALFWAY BETWEEN HARTFORD AND THE CAPEI f commissioned the Hesketh study. mean in economic terms — in terms below 5 percent over the previous superintendent of schools. The the citizens of East Harford for Swimming Pool repairs, both of ■ BAKED STUFFED S H R IM P ...... S6 25 of increased police protection and year and 66 towns kept the increase ■ BABY BEEF LIVER (ONION or BACON) . . . S3 69 mustard seed was a tiny one which providing the funds and the commit­ which serve the target areas in cen­ Burnham Street residents disputed T-BONE STEAK grew to be a large shrub where birds the Hesketh conclusions. ’They say road repairs that might be needed.” between 5 and 10 percent over 1977. ■ ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF AU JUS .’...... S3 99 ment to a quality education in East tral Manchester. H VEAL PARMESAN ...... S4 29 could nest in the shade. Mrs. Hartford. Originally the target area was Burnham Street is a more direct U B . CUT WITH ONION MHOS route because traffic traveling south B BAKED RAINBOW TROUT ...... S4 59 ^ GOLDEN FRIED FISH ...... S3.69 from the Bissell Bridge on Route 5 Two Held in Gun Theft DLL DHHKR$ INCUIIIE: could take a left onto Burnham Street S Above Served with Potato & Salad Several Oppose Apartments just over the East Hartford line and MANCHESTER - Police arrested the charges today. BYOB JALDOR PLAZA, MAn uh lSTER SHUD H R , POTATO, ROILS AND Bim ER follow it almost into the industrial two 17-yearold men Thursday in con­ Police had recovered 15 of 17 an­ HAM 9PM TEL. 649-5487 VERNON — Several Rockville would create further drainage site. nection with the theft of a targe L/PtN MON-SAT. A firm hired by Madrid Corp., a local tique guns at the South Alton Street V Exit Hi 0(1 i-ae. i residents appeared at a meeting of problems. firm, said the apartment complex To take Chapel Street would collection of guns from a Seymour address Wednesday after a search TRY US TONIGHT! the Zoning Commission Thur^ay The Madrid Corp. has filed the wouldn’t create any significant' require a left turn to get onto Route 5 Street home Monday. warrant. A newer rifle, recovered night to voice objections to the request to buid the apartments. further drainage problems. north, then another right onto Steven C. Luz, of 224 Charter Oak when the arrests were made, was proposed building of an apartment Leonard Szczesny, town engineer, Madrid plans to build 10 one- Chapel. Residents of Bumahm Street Street and Steven J. Chadboume of 67 also stolen from the Seymour Street complex on East Main Street. said he would want to fully in­ bedroom and two two-bedroom said the railraod tracks and the traf­ S. Alton St. were each charged with home. The residents, who said their vestigate the existing drainage apartments. The commission, during fic light coming onto Chapel treet second-degree burglary and first- properties were flooded during heavy problems before the conunlssioq a preliminary hearing earlier in the will discourage car and truck traffic degree larceny in connection with the Detective Capt. Joseph Brooks said rains, said the construction of the makes a decision bn the application. year, responded negatively to the coming into J.C. Penney from using theft. They were held under $10,000 that the on-going investigation may proposed 12-unit apartment complex A representative of the engineering proposal. Chapel Street. cash bonds for court apperance on_ result in more arrests. PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri., Sept. 22, 1978 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchestei-, Conn., Fri,, Sept. 22. 1978 — PAGE FIVE Earthquake Samboes Rep Will Meet Salter’s Pond Area State Average Income Death Toll At 25,000 With Human Rights Head Said Asset to Town Highest on Continent WASHINGTON (UPI) — A new govern­ MANCHESTER — No matter how much limit bordering the pond. Leonard Sender were in the Southeast, Southwest and TABAS, Iran (UPI) — The known A representative of the Sambo’s some Manchester residents may oppose ment report shows the average income of Rocky Mountain regions, the report said. NAACP and other groups say the of Green Manor Estates said he is willing each person in the United States last year death toll from last week's massive restaurant chain in California is blacks in the state and overall racial the town’s proposed ownership ol Salter’s Eighteen states and the District of name is a racial slur and conjures climate for all citizens. The chain’s to give it to the town, according to Dr. was $7,019, with Connecticut residents earthquake in eastern Iran stood scheduled to meet with Arthur Pond and some of its peripheral land. Dr. Smith. (Columbia had per capita incomes above stereotypes of black persons. contention that the name is a con­ Douglas Smith, chairman of the having the highest rate in the 48 states out­ today at 25,000, but officials assured Green, the director of the state’s If acquired, maybe later the town could the $7,019 national average. the outside world no foreign visitors The chain plans to open six venient combination of the owners’ Beautification Committee and the side Alaska and Hawaii. Commission on Human Rights and restaurants with the name Sambo's. gain an access through surrounding In the continental United States, the were among the victims. two names disregards the feelings of Hockanum River Linear Park Committee, The figures released Thursday show a District of Columbia’s 690,000 residents Opportunites, to discuss local opposi­ Those restaurants are located in residential area. Dr. Smith said. Rescue workers in Tabas. which was blacks everywhere.” thinks that the area would be an asset if national increase in income of 9.6 percent had the highest incomes, an average of tion to the restaurant’s name. Martchester, Vernon, East Hartford, Residents on the north side of the pond from 1976. virtualy destroyed by the quake, Local groups in East Hartford and This week, the East Hartford the town acquired it. $8,999. Connecticut was the highest state Southington, Middletown and Avon. oppose this idea, Ramey said. In fact, Mel Alaska, with its petroleum-dominated stepped up efforts today to extricate private citizens in Vernon have Citizen Action Group went on record Dr. Smith asked the Town and Recrea­ at $8,061. Officials from Sambo’s say the Siebold, director of the recreation depart­ economy, once again led ta** nation with bodies from fallen buildings as sur­ protested the name of the restaurant, as opposing the name of the tion Advisory Commission Thursday night The bottom four states were all located name is derived from the combina­ ment who lives in the vicinity, said that income of $10,586 for each of its 407,000 vivors besieged them with pleas to which plans to open in both towns. restaurant. Earlier this month, the to study his proposals concerning the pond in the south: South Carolina, $5,628: tion of the nickname of the chain’s town’s Human Rights Commission the neighbors have asked him to see what citizens. However, Alaska was last in find their deceased loved ones. They claim it carries a racial con­ acuisition for the purpose of enhancing the he can do to prevent the town’s acquisi­ Alabama, $5,622; Arkansas, $5,540 and "We want bodies of our dear ones, funders, Sam Battistone and Newell formally opposed the Sambo’s name. town s recreation facilities. Commission percentage gain from the previous year. Mississippi, $5,030. notation and is an affront to black Bohnett. tion. Apparently some residents fear that not just relief,” shouted survivors Residents of Vernon petitioned un­ member Fred Ramey, after hearing the Mississippi ranked last in per capita in­ Here is a breakdnwn of per capita in­ persons. In his statement, Green said, “The this may encourage more loitering in the gathered around the wreckage of successfully to try to get the name explanation of the proposals, said the come with $5,030, but its percentage gain come totals for New England in 1977 and The controversy stems from the use of a racially charged name area than they claim there already is. their homes. changed. commission will study the possibility and was a healthy 10.7, the Census Bureau sur­ the percentage gain from 1976: Connec­ tale of "Black Sambo.” The state adversely affects the self-esteem of On the other hand. Dr. Smith says that if vey said. ticut — $8,061, 10.2 percent; Official estimates had put the make a recommendation accordingly to the area is opened up and cleaned out with the Board of Directors. In general, the study said, states with death toll at 16,000. But the Red Lion trails marked for hiking and jogging, that Massachusetts - $7,258, 9.4 percent" high income levels were located in the Far Rhode Island - $6,775, 9.5 percent; New and Sun Society — Iran's equivalent Dr. Smith said that Millard Pryor, the adult traffic will discourage youths of Red Cross — Thursday reported president of Lydall Inc., which owns West and the Northeast-Great f akes Hampshire— $6,536,9.4percent; Vermont Ron Pledged Same Thing from using the area. manufacturing belt. the latest census in 1975 showed Salter’s Pond, has said he is interested in — $5,823, 7.6 percent; Maine — $5 734 6 8 “I’m convinced if it’s fixed up, lighted, Most of the states with low incomes percent. Tabas had 17,000 residents giving the pond to the town. Pryor doesn’t and made attractive with trails, they will Only 1,800 of them survived the want to give it the Manchester Land like it,” he said. He added that he hoped to Saturday tremor that leveled the Conservation Trust because of water enlist civic groups to clear the area, if the desert town, the officials said, so But Ella Was Endorsed rights. Dr. Smith said that Pryor needs town acquired it. more than 15,000 died in Tabas alone. water and he would want something Rules Manipulation Ramey said there had been no objec­ At least another 10,000 people died in HARTFORD (UPI) - Both Gov. gressman who has fared well in the Sarasin s attempt to split the rank- written into an agreement allowing him tions from residents on the south side of the approximately 100 villages up to Ella Grasso and her Republican past with labor leaders in his district, water rights. in-file and their leadership failed the pond, nor from the nearby con­ 60 miles from Tabas. challenger Ronald Sarasin told kicked off his speech by saying he did miserably. He was booed as he left “The pond nor the land around it is of no not want the convention’s endorse­ dominiums. Irks Senate Leader “We must also take into account Connecticut labor leaders they the Hartford Hilton ballroom where value to them, ” Dr. Smith said. He said couldn't give them what they wanted ment if it meant he had to com­ The pond and peripheral land comes to visitors from Mashad, the nearest the convention was being held. that Pryor acknowledged that the dam about 15 acres. Dr. Smith said. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The House is praise from the White House for passing major city, where many — an income tax. promise his position on fiscal Earlier in the day at her weekly needs about $25,000 worth of repairs, but The commission has received several dispensing with legislation at a clipped legislation to ease federal regulation of breadwinners for Tabas families But it apparently sounded better matters. news conference, Mrs. Grasso said that Pryor would be willing to take care of rate these days, but the backlog of bills airlines. coming from the Democrat. The The Republican candidate said calls from residents who feel “very, very Guarding the Water lived and worked, plus a population she would risk losing the conven­ it. still before the Senate has brought on a President Carter and consumer groups Mrs. Grasso has publicly shared his strongly” about possibly losing Globe increase since the last census,” of­ State Labor Council — Connecticut’s tion's endorsement rather than Dr. Smith also discussed a small parcel Four-year-old girl named Nadja stands scolding from the leadership. hope the legislation will lead to more com­ call for a constitutional ban on a Hollow Swimming Pool to the construc­ ficials said. chapter of the AFL-CIO — Thursday change her position on the income of land within the Green Manor Estate’s watch over bottled water being purchased at Democratic Leader Robert Byrd says petition, lower fares and better service. state income tax and a constitutional tion of a proposed water treatment plant No foreigners died in the endorsed Mrs. Grasso for a second tax ban and a constitutional ceiling he is so fed up with the way the Senate The House also decided to heed the More than a hundred people flee Nicaraguan city of Esteli as limit on government spending. in the area, according to Ramey. “But we supermarket on Manhattan’s East Side earthquake, officials said, despite term by a more than 2-1 margin. on state spending. rules are being manipulated he’s ready to president’s warning that a veto lay in black smoke billows in background from fighting between There was only token support for Auxiliary Roof haven’t been asked to give our opinion,” Thursday. Residents of a densely populated reports that some Asian doctors he said. change them, store for a big-spending highway and mass working in the area were among the Sarasin, who suggested to rank-in- HARTFORD (UPI) — In the case of the 450 square block area of were National Guard and Sandinista guerrillas. (UPI photo) Siebold said that when the town’s water Byrd's outburst occurred Thursday transit bill. The bill was cut by almost 9 victims. "There is not even a remote file delegates at the council’s 22nd Hartford Civic Center, where a new advised to boil their water after officials State Elections Panel study is complete, there will probably be a afternoon as he sought an agreement to percent, with further changes expected possibility that any Western tourists annual convention that their leaders coliseum is under construction, two roofs iound a high bacteria count in samples. (UPI set a time limit for debate on the foreign are better than one, the construction lot of questions. before final action is taken on the bill next were in town.” one official said. had made a deal with Mrs. Grasso photo) aid money bill. Told that at least three week. lor the endorsement. Down to One Member manager says. The commission is having an appraisal Esteli Appeals made of the 17-acre Hickey’s Grove area Republican senators would object, Byrd The Senate Finance Committee con­ Albert Daley of the George W. Fuller Although Sarasin was never really blew up. tinued its work on the tax-cut package, in the running, Grasso supporters HARTFORD (UPI) - With the Co. told the City Council Planning and on Union Pond which the town is con­ Trade Aid Due Catholic priest also quit, citing “per­ sidering purchasing for recreation area. ‘Tve become so fed up in this Conress taking votes to stimulate business by attending the meeting of Connec­ general elections only six weeks sonal reasons,” the same reason Development Committee Wednesday an by the abuse of the rules that hamstring away, Connecticut’s agency created auxiliary roof will be built on columns With these important items up for the lowering taxes on both private and cor­ HARTFORD (UPI) — Nearlv 125 For World Aid ticut's chapter of the AFL-CIO were given by Mrs. Jacobs. Neither Fahey Asks Groups tile Senate ,,, I’m ready to change the porate investment capital. to deal with voting law violations and about four feet above the roof of the civic commission’s consideration, the commis­ workers at an East Haven handbag forced to withstand a move by some Conefrey and Mrs. Jacobs would rules,” he said. In other developments: interpetations has lost its fourth center shops, which are in another section sion decided to meet in two weeks, Oct. 5 company are eligible for federal MANAGUA. Nicaragua (UPI) — about 25.000 before the war, signed delegates who claimed neither can­ elaborate. To Join in Meeting The Senate later approved $1.7 billion in • Tne House investigations subcom­ didate was worth backing. member. of the building. at 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Building. trade adjustment assistance because The people of Esteli sent a desperate the letter. They said their homes 80 The rash of resignations comes aid for four Middle East nations — Israel, mittee dropped a contempt citation To receive the endorsement, a can­ Claire Jacobs of Weston, vice of an increase in handbag imports, cry for help to the world today, miles north of Managua has no light, only six weeks before the state elec­ EAST HARTFORD —Marcella Fahey, Democratic Egypt, Jordan and Syria — after sup­ against HEW Secrecary Joseph Califano didate must garner at least two- chairman of the state Elections Com­ state Labor Commissioner Peter appealing for an end to the battles water, telephone. fol, the pre- tends to flow due to its own for want the year-round designation when CUSTOM TMLDRS IN HARTFORD fLadfesA Men j further discuss alcohol and drug weight. 77 UUKU 1952. Johnson purchased it in 1974 provide communication to parents or sch(wl screening program, and dis­ they go to sell their homes. 5 DAYS ONLY! FM. THRO TUES., SEPT. 22-26 O abuse, and review the new Board of believing it was not seasonal. other citizens or groups of its cipline and attendance problems at 8-0404 4-DR. SEDAN He has undertaken a survey of the FALL SPECIAL 11 DAY Education structures. 8286 652 1759 But Wheeler contends that the house sumnstiRSMT:...... opinions and factual data collected the high school. Eyeglasses The Herald NEW problem at the request of the Town Coun­ EMUSHWOOt Anyone wanting more information was originally built as a cottage and has ...... about educational issues. Anyope interested in joining the about COPE should contact Moore at Prascriptions Filled cil. When the PZC receives its report from SUT, INITC8IIJ------inajM /T> not been improved. He added that no cer­ C#$l(*«MIS8iIS._....fTMtlO CARIBBEAN CRUISE ON THE A steering committee was ap­ committee should attend Thursday’s 872-4810; Judy Sugalski, 872-3122 or Lowest Prices the town planner, the commission may wool SPORT 64^711 77 lANCIA tificate of occupancy has been granted to COM, KiTSWTS...... »re«tl5------pointed to do research on approved meeting. ARTHUR DRUG A8K FOR call a meeting of all affected town agen­ write to COPE, ^ x 3081, Talcottville 44NL SEDAN indicate that the dwelling meets the wool SUCKS CKSMUE TOP CMIS„...(tm tl25 projects and to release formal At its October meeting the com­ Post Office, 06066. Hartlord • Mandiester HAROLD TURKINQTON 8-0407-0 7736 5934 1802 cies in order to clarify policy. Excluding Duty imported Sem plet- S.S. STATENDAM. OR NEW town’s building code. anJSKRT AT HOUDAY INN ONLY BARBARA RICHMOND 50 Morgan SI.. Hartlord This cruise will depsrt from New York Doc. 7th or Doc. 9th from LIQUOR PERMIT $ 3 5 0 Tol. 549,2460 . ^ i * * * 77LANCU Grants for Waterfronts FwlMLCiHllctwl0uU.3aat Y MIsmI. Froo roundtrip sir fsrs to Mlsml. Rural Health Care Studied NOTICE OF APPLICATION 8-041041 44NL This Is to give notice that I, Marv 9297 6316 2982 W^HINGTON (UPI) — The National Oceanic and At­ B o u tilie r ol 710 K eeney S t.. HEBRON — Are there enough meeting to discuss this issue and tion and Welfare, these areas must DEMO mospheric Administration has granted Connecticut and Manchester have filed an application professionals to deliver adequate placarded 8/9/78 with the Liquor Con­ other related subjects. satisfy specific conditions in order to \The the coastal cities of New Haven, Norwalk and Stamford trol Commission for a GROCERY YOGA Sell one of Iho roomiest ships under the health care services to people in ’The presentation will be sponsored qualify. Areas that do not qualify will $80,000 for urban waterfront projects. BEER for the sale of alcoholic liquor eight rural towns? This matter will Dotty Gibson Perrett 78FUT on the premises 807 Hartford Rd . sun, s.s. Statondsm. 11-day lingering by the Health Systems Agency of be eligible for National Health Ser­ New Haven will use the funds to restore the Quinnipiac Manchester. cruise visiting S ports In the exotic be discussed at a meeting at the 131 The business will be owned by Mary North Central Connecticut and is vice Corp. placements and other SchoolS chool fifOf Dancel}nncg> 5-260041 5185 riverfront and for harbor-related industrial development. CLASSES playgrounds of the Caribbean. Halil, Gilead Hill School in Hebron, 4145 1040 ft Laura Boutilier of 710 Keeney St.. 34 open to the public. benefits. 44I00R Norwalk will develop the waterfront as a historic seaport ^ w is St., Manchester and will be con­ Coed For All Ages Puerto Rico, 81. Thomas, Vsnszusla, ’Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. TAP — ACROBATIC — BALLET — JAZZ ducted by Mary Boutilier as permittee. It will inform area residents about For directions to the school and and Stamford will revitalize its South End area. Mary A. Boutilier Curacao. Call us for details. The s.s. Residents of Hebron, Andover, how rural areas can be designated as more information call the Hebron 01M9 Dated 2/9/78 Manchester, Bolton, East Hartford, Preschool Classes, and ail Ages • NEW LOCATION • Statondam la ragistarad In Iht Critical Health Manpower Shortage Town Office, 228-9406 or the Health 78FUT Netharlanda Antlllas. South Windsor, Marlborough and Areas. According to regulations set Systems Agency office in Hartford, |United Methodist Church, Bolton | 5-2601-0 131 4-DOOR 5006 3986 LEGAL NOTICE Glastonbury are invited to attend the by the Department of Health, Educa­ Rl. 44A A Snulh Ro«d 1020 PROBATE NOTICE 249-7581. BRASS HAT ADMISSION OF ELECTORS Court of Probate FOOT PRINTS STUOlO District of Manchester TOWN OF BOLTON NOTICE OF HEARING 466 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER For information or Registration Phone 78 FMT 131 Notice is hereby given that the Board of Admissions will be 646^301 • 649-2761 in session in the Community Hall, 222 Bolton Center Road, on C U SS E S BEGIN SEPT. 25th I^NATIVE PEACHES^ 647-1024 or 875-4638 5-260341 4-DOOR Saturday, September 30,1978, from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M., for the PRfkigm sJuSaiS BRASS HAT 4892 3891 1001 purpose of admitting those persons who are qualified to IN SAID DISTRICT. to the Caribbean Excellent tor Freezing A Canning P u rw t In u order ol Hon. William 6 P.M. ADVAN CED REGISTER AT STUDIO become electors. There will be instruction on the use of •)“■***. dated Kvauss voting machines. September 13, 1973 a bearing will be MAC INTOSH - RED BRAVENSTEIN FLORIST A GREENHOUSES Dew on an applicaUon praying that 7 P.M. INTERMEDIATE A MILTON APPLES Classes Forming The qualifications are as follows: Applicant must be a U.S. 8 P.M. BEG IN N ERS WEEKLY SPECIAL m iif KNOWiNOir uHDimo citizen, be 18 years of age and be a resident of Bolton. 6 4 7 - 9 9 4 9 MON. "THinj SAT. i !nr Count'r Orrfh-jf Pc . r ^blialdog tlie lamTin Lk ouiu FRESH APPLE CIDER •PURE CIDER VINEGAR m SH SLO W M Chitet Retume Sept. 2SnL Dated at Bolton, Conn., this 19th day of September, 1978. 51^ •“ * become part ■ OUOUETI. William J. Houle p ( ^ re c ^ of thla court and ancill^ Your Instructor CASH S CARRY •2.48 . Member of National Patricia A. Rady le tle n ^ admlnlatration with will FERRANDO ORCHARD SIR BUNCH A$ioeialion of Dance and IMPORT CENTER anneied be teued to Allan D. Ibomaa SHIRLEY BANKS ■IRCH MOUNTAIN AD. OUATONOUAY m HANTFOND RO., MANCHBBTIH Registrars of Voters of laid Ifancbeiter aa in laid appUca- V. S4S-StW OR t4S4fM AfflUatql Artist CaUierlne K. Leiner »PP

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Sept. 22, 1978 — PAGE SEVEN Health Agency Forms Panel to Study Merger existing system doesn’t make any That agency has been in operation Still continues to provide home health By BARBARA RICHMOND Brownie points. TTiey feel that some than medical input. She said consequently the residents for about three years and Mrs. aides for the other towns it services Herald Reporter day the United Way, which provides Mrs. Hurwitz also said the of Bolton will not receive Hurwitz said it has been working out outside of Manchester. Mrs. Hurwitz chool oblo MANCHESTER — Feeling it’s funds for both groups, will say "get homemaker service will soon include homemaker service except at the full S U extremely well to the benefit of the said this has become very confusing a Handyman-Chores service as soon charge. VOL. XXXXVI - NO. 2 time that the f^ p le of Manchester clients. together or we’re not going to sup­ for the clients. should have their needs channeled to port you.” the agency is notified of official Somers, South Windsor and Vernon The Middletown agency provides a Mrs. Hurwitz said if all services, in one agency, the Board of Directors of Mrs. Hurwitz said her suggestion is release of the funds. will continue funding as in the past myriad of services under one roof, Manchester, were combined through the River East Homemaker-Home due to a concern about the well-being A letter received during the and the towns of Tolland and thus eliminating problems for clients of the clients. She said they become one joint agency it would eliminate a summer, from the Area Agency on Ellington have asked for monthly Health Aide Service Inc. appointed a and enabling it to reduce fees as well lot of hassles at budget time. Jacob Ludes III subcommittee to work toward that frustrated with the time they have to Aging, said the grant application for reports on service provided and will A Summer in Iran as consolidate budget problems. In other action the board agreed to reimburse the agency on a monthly goal. spend to get the service they need the program had been approved in Mrs. Hurwitz said the program is reinstitute its Professional Advisory (The following is the second part of The board agreed to ask the and by the overcharging. the amount of $6,574. basis for any deficits, within the the faculty and in the student body. I Discovery . . probably the best ly just a group of huts around a usually with relatives, not friends. very efficient and noted the local Committee. ’The suggestion to do so In her director’s report, which limits set in the budgets. the HSW interview conducted with stream, nothing more. Manchester Public Health Nursing The town budget also provides fun­ think if people see us working summation that I can give regarding Picnicking is a favorite pastime. It is charges have been going up while was made by Arlene Rosenberg, who covered the summer months when In the spring the board approved a .Jacob Ludes. Part One was printed in fogether and pulling togefher, thaf it ★ ★ ★ Association to name a similar sub­ ding for both agencies and the the past summer, which I spent in virtually the only recreation in those of the Middletown agency have recently resigned from the board. the board did not meet, Mrs. Hurwitz new formula for setting client fees. last week s fJSW. i begins to have an olfect on the way committee and to have the two homemaker board feels the Iran as an American Field Service Religion is the most important Shiraz. In the winter, when school been going down. Ms. Rosenberg said she would be said the budget requests for 1979 The new formula considers the HSW: Did you ever have any se­ they feel abouf a place — and I think groups get together to explore the townspeople are being victimized. student. Discovery in every aspect of aspect of most Iranians’ lives. ’The begins and the weather gets cold, She said with two agencies willing to act as chairman of the have been submitted to the United client’s assets in setting fees rather cond thoughts about leaving your you feel better about it if you see peo­ one’s life — socially, politically, religion dictates praying three times possibility. Last May the homemaker agency committee and she suggested that it social gatherings are almost non­ handling the needs the cost is double and the nursing agency ratified an Way of Manchester and the Tri-Town than relying on income only. Mrs. lormer position and coming here? ple pulling in fhe same direction. economically and morally. a day, no alcohol, and veiled women. As of Thursday afternpon, the be made up of a nurse, a doctor, existent. Life takes on a much slower “and it’s not fair. I think Manchester agreement which led to the dropping United Way. She said the agency is Hurwitz said this enabled the agency LUDES: The answer to that. I So far, things are running smoothly It was an experience that I feel The people are tied strongly to their MPHNA had not received this deserves that kind of agency,” she social worker, attorney, teacher, and pace in the summer. request. of the home health aide service by requesting $19,795 from Manchester to receive considerably higher fees think, is yes and no, I enjoyed very in that direction; we re working as a very privileged to have been a part beliefs, which is causing much deser­ a member of the homemaker board. said of the Middletown facility. the homemaker agency. and $8,904 from Tri-Town. from some of the clients. much working with the people I team. There are some problems — of, and I am thankful to AFS for tion in the country. Islamic dogma is The suggestion was made by Mrs. Hurwitz said she thinks the ’The function of the board would be worked with at Fredonia (New Iran is a strange mixture of old and Hyalie Hurwitz,^xecutive director of This complete service for health She said there have been some With some modifications, the new we all do things a little bit different­ making such and opportunity possi­ opposed to the Shah’s westernization homemaker service has been waiting to handle any professional issues that formula is also being applied to the 'I'orki. My boss was truly terrific. I new, east and west. ’The cities are the agency. M rs Hurwitz became care was taken over by the nursing changes in the funding from the area ly, but those things are easy to iron ble for students internationally. programs, and the people have for the town or the United Way to might come up. Mrs. Hurwitz said, towns. Bolton has opted not to fund Meals-On-Wheels clients. think he's the best high school prin­ out, if we respect each other, and if I had no idea that Iran would serve reached a fanatical pitch, the result jammed with automobiles, like New enthusiastic about such a merger association and the homemaker agen­ York City, but traffic is often held up make a move to do something about because the homemaker service no the agency directly and is instead In connection with this program, cipal that I've ever met, I worked we have confidence in each other. as my home for two and one half of which is the recent rioting. after she visited the Middlesex Com­ it. cy has continued to provide the longer has health services in with him two years: and in two years by a villager down from the moun­ munity Health Services Inc. in homemaker service and to the giving funds to the Rockville Public Mrs. Hurwitz said this has meant a HSW: Getting off the track a little months this summer when I was I had the pleasure of residing with Board members feel that from the Manchester, the committee will Health Nursing Agency for home considerable increase in revenue I'm not aware that I could have'done bit — What do you know about the selected as the student in February. tains, herding his sheep through the Middletown. Meals-On-Wheels Program. a wealthy and educated family that streets. standpoint of the United Way the probably have a larger social input health aide service only. from fees. anything to improve upon anything physical education offered at the Iran? I didn’t know anything about spoke English. My host sister was 17, However, the homemaker service Donkeys loaded with cucumbers that he did. It was difficult to leave high schooU Do you think it 's as good the country and had never even heard as I am, and through her I made that. as it could be? of its native language; Farsi. Farsi? are led around the city streets by I many friends, most of whom spoke peddlers chanting their sales pitches. :k . It was not difficult to make the I was hoping for a French speaking English well. I found that most decision to come here to Manchester. LUDES: country where I could at least ask Garbage collectors are men with Bolton Names Faculty everyone in Iran speaks some huge wheelbarrows who walk door- I had a couple of other opportunities I don't know as much about the directions to the nearest ladies room. English, especially those who come this past year. One here in Connec­ physical education program offered No dice. to-door, but Pierre Cardin and Yves in contact with the city. Most Saint-Laurent make a lot of money in ticut, and a couple in New York here now as 1 will at the end of the ★ ★ ★ educated Iranians want to learn Iran. It is hard trying to convey these State. I chose not to take up those op­ year: I'm beginning to meet in­ In retrospect, I was very fortunate English. They have hopes of coming For School Evaluation scenes to people. One must portunities basically because I didn't dividually with each department at to go to a country that I was ignorant to the United States. experience the contrast first hand. BOLTON — Two Bolton High Jr. Monday at 8 p.m. at Bentley Refreshments will be served. think they would be good situations the high school; to sit down and talk about, because I went with a blank, My days were usually spent at a for my family. Iran has greatly improved its stan­ School faculty members have been Memorial Dbrary. This will be the to them about their concerns for the therefore open, mind. I had no private swimming pool, belonging to named co-chairmen of the high Lbiircb Smorgasbord I think Manchester High School program here. Phys Ed is no excep­ preconceived notions. I was recep­ dard of living since the social revolu­ group’s first program for the public Plans are being finalized for the the university at which my “father” tion in 1962, but it still has far to go. school evaluation steering com­ for the current year. offers a good challenge for me and tion. I've talked already with the tive to everything; and no illusions taught. It gave me a chance to meet United Methodist Church fourth an­ It continues to live with such mittee. Dr. Richardson will discuss "The lor everybody here. That was an easy chairman of the department — he has could have been shattered. many people and soak up some Per­ nual smorgasbord Sept. 30. Sittings primitive ideas. The uneducated peo­ Irene Tabatsky, home economics Crystal Cave" and "The Hollow decision for me. Once I got here, and some plans and hopes for the future, I lived in Shiraz, a southern city sian sun. As hard as I tried, I could will be at 5 and 7 p.m. once I talked to Dr. (James) ple don’t want to change or improve teacher, and Linda Lanoue. physical Hills. " novels by Mary Stewart. His and we'll be getting into that shortly. with a population of approximately never tan myself as dark as the education teacher, will head the com­ The menu includes turkey, fish, Kennedy and Mr. (Wilson) Deakin, HSW: I think everyone is im­ 300,000 people. There are only five or Iranians, however. their lives. The city dwellers are discussion will focus upon Merlin's ham, Swedish meatballs, baked and all the school board members changing, but it will be quite a long mittee. Other steering committee relationship v/ith supernatural pressed with the kind of effort and six major cities. The bulk of the pop­ ★ ★ ★ members are June Krisch, Susan beans, vegetable dishes, cole slaw, and all of the people that were in­ enthusiasm you're showing. I was ulation resides in villages scattered time before the others do! forces, the source of his power. gelatin and tossed salads, pickles, Nights were very quiet, usually ★ ★ ★ Murray, Mike Landolphi, Marion Dr. Richardson has a particular in­ volved with the school here, it was an wondering if you think that it's the throughout the country, which is spent at home with the family. bread and rolls, beverages and easy decision for me. I loved to watch the villagers; to Nicolay and Helen Winkler. terest in the Arthurian period. His kind of thing you can sustain over a completely desert. In the few place Entertainment centers around the A pre-evaluation conference with desserts. HSW: Do you find that things are long period of time. spend time surrounded by them. In dissertation at Princeton, where he that there is water, you will find a television and this summer I learned the chairman of the visiting com­ There are adult and child prices, going well between you and the other LUDES: I'm not sure how to re.s- village. to enjoy “Kojak." They import Shiraz, the bazaar was my favorite received his doctorate degree in family rates and senior citizens dis­ attraction. We shopped there often mittee from the New England philosophy, comprised an examina­ members of the administration? pond to that. I haven't felt that 1 have Quite versatile is the source of Many American programs, which counts. and I never ceased to marvel at the Association of Schools and Colleges tion of Tennyson's “Idyils of the LUDES: My first priority is to es­ done anything particularly different water to the village. Not only is it they duh in Farsi, You can listen to it Reservations are needed and may tablish a team effort. The team ef­ beautiful, handmade crafts from (NEASC) was held Thursday. Kings." the first three days of school or since used for drinking, but also for in English or an FM radio station, be made by calling Stella Jablon at fort has to begin right here in the which the creator earned a pittance, Richard W. Kisiel, chairman of the He is a professor of speech and I've been here than I have in fifteen bathing, washing, (both laundry and though, which 1 did frequently. 649-0728 or Alice Mack at 643-6722. high school office. We will be trying .or the garments that they wore. ’They NEASC visiting committee and prin­ theater at Manchester Community years. If people perceive that as dishes), irrigation, and in the 120- They import mostly detective The event is chaired by Elaine very hard to establish a team effort could have lived 100 years ago. cipal of Granby Memorial High College. enthusiasm, well I guess that's my degree heat, recreation. Unfor­ shows from which they receive a Potterton. She is being assisted by They are villagers and change School, met with the principal, the The public is invited. right here in the high school office personality. Maybe it's one of my tunately its power is not used to horrible impression of America. A her son Randy. comes slowly to them. It is unfor­ faculty, and the steering committee. and I think that someday we can in strengths — 1 hope so. generate electricity. The small They firmly believe that you ab­ .lacoh l.ticl(‘.« III tunate, for they must change. TTieir The visiting committee from HSW: My last, and most important villages have none. They are basical- solutely cannot walk the streets system isn’t working. Living con­ NEASC will make an onsite evalua­ question: Do you like the Yankees or without being gunned down. Can You Top This? ditions are horrible. People are star­ tion of Bolton High School Nov. 13 to the Red Sox? Socializing is condemned between Voter-Making Slated ving everywhere and beggars Eighteen-year-old Alice Tetreault of 15. The NEASC is the sole agency in LUDES: Good question. I'm going young men and women. Dating is Great Barrington (Mass.) Fair Thursday. ANDOVER — Voter-making to duck that and give you an ole. I'm abound. There are the wealthy and Adams, Mass., tries on a JO-gallon number at New England to award accreditation The town clerk may also admit Two Students React taboo, and women are quite there are the poor. (UPI photo) to public junior high, middle, and sessions will be held Sept. 30 from 9 electors during regular office hours, Record a Cleveland Indian fan! — Mike protected. ’They are very much the It was such a totally different the Sundown Hats trailer as she visits the high schools in the six-state region. a.m. to 1 p.m.; Oct. 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. Wilson Upon their return to school, most second class citizens in Iran and are the lack of unity among the students lifestyle that I led. I never felt (>ounril Member p.m.; Oct. 11 from 7 to 9 p.m.; Oct. 14 to 4 p.m. and Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. students are anxious about, or are at strictly under their fathers’ orders from 9 a m. to 8 p.m.; and Oct. 17 and teachers. Jacob Ludes showed homesick because it felt af if I were Ilvi Cannon has been appointed a The office should be called to make Review least interested in. changes made in his interest in trying to correct this until they marry, at which time the from 9 a m. to 8 p.m. not even living in the same world. It member of the Advisory Council to sure the town clerk is there. their school, and Manchester High problem. In a symbolic way he united husband takes over. I found this at­ All sessions will be in the Town Of­ was a marvelous experience; one MPOA To Hear Tax Talk the Estonian-American Based Study Sermons School is no different. Manchester High by assembling titude terribly frustrating as far as fice Building. On the first day of school, the stu- I’m so glad to have had. Stuties-Culture Models for secondary The Andover Congregational Elvis Costello — This Year’s everyone in one place, for a common my getting a more complete view of I thank deeply the Manchester AFS MANCHESTER — Because of its sive Employment and Training Act newsletter about the meeting. To be eligible to register as a voter dent body of MHS became the country. I sat home too much, concern about increased government schools. The announcement was Church Sermonwrights programs are Model. purpose. chapter for their support, and I en­ employees and a proposal to expand The group said that the Health on or before Oct. 17 applicants must This artist's first album, “My Aim acquainted (or in most cases re- He spoke for approximately 20 when I should have been out spending, the Manchester Property the Health Department, Department is planning to expand. It made by Enn Koiva, who is project be Andover residents, 18 years of age held each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at HSW Notes courage everyone at MHS to join director and a Lebanon High School Is True,” was released in the midst acquainted) with the high school’s exploring. Owners Association has invited The group said that the Board of said that the health director. Dr. or older, and U.S. citizens. the church. minutes to a crowd of 2,000 students, AFS. It’s a group medicated to history teacher. of the “punk rock" craze. Elvis (real daily procedure as outlined by the Most social occurrances takes Marilyn Pearson, director of the Directors approved CETA positions Alice Turek, was hired to replace a On Nov. 6 there will be a limited The sermonwrights programs give in addition to more than 100 faculty friendship and understanding, and Ms. Cannon will work on the name, Declan Patrick McManus) is Manchester’s State Champion new principal. Mr. Ludes. place within the families. When you Connecticut Taxpayers Association, after they were told that there would voter-making session for persons each church member an opportunity members. It would have been much that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? — part-time doctor. preparation of materials for Esto­ British, and he had the misfortune of girls’ swim team has announced its Principal Ludes spoke of the basic simplier, but far less interesting, to picnic or have a dinner party it is to its Oct, 20 meeting. be no town expense and that the peo­ who become 18 years old after Oct. 18 to join With friends in an informal Jacqui Hedlund. nian folk costumes, ornaments and setting and examine the sermon text being labeled a punk. Now, his se­ selection of two new captains for the rules and regulations by which pupils address the student body over the The session with Mrs. Pearson will ple would not be placed on town “We would like to know whether or citizens after Oct. 17. It will be cond album, this year’s model, is out, 1978 season. They are seniors Tessie were expected to abide. Among the public address system. He could have be held at the Whiton Memorial payrolls when federal funding for handicrafts. from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Town Office for each Sunday. Dr. Turek is a doctor or an ad­ The project is being funded by a and Elvis Costello can now be judged Mazzotta and Ingrid Jacobson. They rules covered, were those concerning explained all of his new policies and Library at 8 p.m. She will be talking CETA ran out. ministrator. If she is just an ad­ Building. $39,000 grant from the Office of on his merits, not as part of a move­ will help open their team’s season in smoking, cafeteria decorum, and dis­ ideas without having to contend with about the rights of taxpayers and how Now, the town has hired an ministrator with dreams of creating Health, Education and Welfare. ment. an away match against Windsor ciplinary procedure. The new ad­ the noise that some 2,000 people can’t to initiate referendum action in the employee to work as a forest a monolith, we feel that it would The aim of the project is to develop Admittedly, Elvis’s name and Locks next Tuesday. Best of luck. ministrator also, quiet frequently, help but make, and there would not state. manager, a position that had been behoove the board to let her go and Estonian-American based culture appearance (resembling a badly referred to a “fresh start.’’ Although have been the threat of booing. The public is invited to attend. filled by a CETA employee. hire the part-time doctor we had dressed Buddy Holly) prevents many The varsity soccer team meets this “new beginning" was quite often At its last m eeting, MPOA “This suggests to us poor models and supporting materials for Fortunately, however, he realized before at less expense,” the group use in multi-cultural studies at the people from taking him seriously, but arch-rival Wethersfield at Memorial mentioned, this student feels that no that had he used the PA system, he Guidance Notes questioned the hiring of Comprehen­ management," MPOA said in a said. Field tomorrow morning. Come on new changes have been brought to secondary level. do yourself a favor; listen to the would not have been able to see the _ ^ -i-t t‘=uifs. ft jjfcsjrsajsaass album. Elvis has been quoted as out and see the best in Connecticut the high school. enthusiasm lurking somewhere in­ Personnel will be trained to use the materials that will be distributed saying, “Banks of synthesizers and high school soccer. The smoking rules have not been side each student, which always There will be an Armed Services Guidance Office for the Century regionally as well as nationwide, to choirs of angels can’t cover up a bad changed, although Mr. Ludes in­ shows itself on such occasions as Mini-Fair on Thursday, Sept. 28, Leaders Scholarship. To apply, Garden Meeting Due About Town secondary schools for incorporation song," and the album stays true to One hundred and sixty seven days ferred that they were, the only new this. Everyone applauded at basical­ between 11 a.m. and 1;30 p.m. addition in this area is use of the students must submit an application, into ethnic studies programs. this philosophy. remain in the 1978-1979 school year. ly the same things. In simply Representatives from the Army, The annual Autumn Crafts Fair of quadrangle. Cafeteria procedure is an essay on Innovative Leadership, MANCHESTER - With this period. Ms. Cannon, an Estonian- \M Elvis and his band. The Attrac­ Isn’t that exciting? gathering the entire student body, Coast Guard, National Guard, Navy, and take a Current Events exam. the Llnited Meihooisi women of unchanged also. Some might tend to summer’s gardens almost depleted, However, this past spring the town American, has presented programs tions, are extremely tight; although and explaining his policies as a new and Marines will be available in the State winners receive |1,500 North (3iurch will take place Satur­ believe that the removal of the the Manchester Community informed the garden group that, due on the colorful Estonian folk the musical line-up is guitar, bass, TTie Boston Red Sox are doing a leader, he has begun to unify the corridor between the gym and the scholarships. Details are available in day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the demerit system is a fresh idea. Un­ Gardeners have to start thinking to budget restrictions, it couldn’t costumes and participated in organ and drums, there are no fine job of making the New York school. cafeteria. If you want information or the Guidance Office. The deadline for church, 300 Parker St. fortunately this is not as new as it about next summer and the problems continue supplying the water unless numerous ethnic shows and festivals “Holes” in the sound. Producer Nick Yankees believe that they are going Jacob Ludes can do nothing more have questions about any of the applications is Oct. 13. seems. The detention system they may face. the gardeners wanted to pay for the in this area. Lowe has given the songs a ’60s sound to allow the Yanks to take the valuable than get rid of the apathy Armed Services, stop in at the Mini- New week, guidance counselors ’The Verplanck PTA will sponsor replacing the demerit system is A meeting of the gardeners has service. She holds a bachelor’s degree in recalling the Byrds, Animals, etc. American League’s eastern division toward Manchester High School. He Fair. will be meeting in small groups with its annual ice cream social tonight Most bands have guitar, keyboard, or title. But the Sox are just stalling. widely used in Manchester’s junior started off very well, and everyone The deadline for the SAT to be been called for Sept. 30 at 9 a.m. in After some deliberation, the town from 6 to 8 in the school cafeteria, history from the University of seniors to discuss procedures for Connecticut and an master’s degree drum solos, but there are none to be They want to make it exciting. high schools and in this area I think will be looking to him to continue in given on Nov. 4 is Sept. 29. the Mott’s Community Hall, East did agree to continue the service this rain or shine. School emblems will be we have regressed. applying to college. Seniors are Center Street. in political science from Indiana found here. Right? such a positive direction. — Ingrid Registrations must be postmarked year but won’t continue it next year available. urged to attend the group meeting to University. She has taught both sub­ After overloading on ELO, Queen, Undoubtedly, Principal Ludes is Jacobson by Sept. 29 to avoid a late fee of $5. Mrs. Ditta Tani of the town’s unless it charges the gardeners. which they are assigned. jects on the high school and college or Yes, or other overproduced bands, Prediction; TTie newly psyched-up attempting to shed some “new light" Applications are available in the Conservation Commission, said she Mrs. Tani said the garden area is Keeney School PTA will host a Rickshaw Replaces Cars this album will surprise you. Best varsity football team will beat Fermi onto MHS. However, the ideas he is is urging all garden participants to difficult to get to and it is large thus reception Monday at 7;30 p.m. in the levels. cuts: “You Belong To Me,’’ tomorrow. It will be the Indians’ utilizing are either old or have attend the meeting so arrangements making it difficult for the gardeners school honoring Charles Senteio, the She owns and operates the Finish- Rickshaw power is making a big in downtown Detroit, “Lipstick Vogue," and “Lip Ser­ first victory in thirty (30) games, — already been established. This pupil can be made for the continuation of to haul their own water, "niere is a school’s new principal. All parents Estonian Imports and Handicrafts thanks to the efforts of Bernie Falahee, a suburban school vice.’’ — Gary Selinger Mike Wilson moves that if “new changes " are to the community garden project for water tank in the area and if the rain­ are invited. shop in Bolton. teacher. Falahee trots customers along the city’s Woodward be made and “fresh starts" are to be AFS Recruits next year. fall is heavy enough, there is water Library Program Avenue, which has been closed to cars and is being converted made, they should be just that, new The garden plot is located on available there but it still has to be Concordia Lutheran (?hurch will The Bolton Friends of the Library into a $10 million covered pedestrian mall. Falahee, charging and fresh. — Haley Berson. Findley Street. The town has, in the hauled to the plots. Many of the gar­ will present Dr. Robert Richardson New Members past, supplied water if the rainfall deners are senior citizens. have its annual picnic Saturday, star­ 25 cents a block, says he makes around $40 on a good day. (UPI Math Team Counts ting at 2 p.m. Supper will be served wasn’t sufficient during the growing photo) Manchester High School has many at 5. A math team, who ever heard of a which time he must answer three problems, most of which stem from Fun, laughter, new-found friends, math team? Do they have uniforms, questions of varying difficulty. intemationality. cheerleaders and waim-up exer­ The questions are given point If these are lacking in your life, COOPER ST. PACKAGE STORE cises? values, one, two, or three points and Job Ads Increase then do something about it! Join NEW YORK (UPI) - Classified Manchester High School’s AFS CTub! Ready For Fall ^ Well, not exactly. As a member of thus each student, by answering all Manchester Public Records AND Manchester High’s math team, I his questions correctly, can earn a job ads increased 56.8 percent over a AFS stands for American Field Ser­ would like to clear up a lot of the un­ year ago and led all other categories vice. Warranty deeds REIOrS TAVERN perfect score of 18. Following the in­ Irene J. Moore to Planting... certainty that I’m sure has been of daily newspaper classified adver­ This international club raises Alan B. Anderson and Tilo Co. for A. Smith, ment for Joseph Cappuc- dividual questions, the five members Richard B. Moore, proper­ keeping you up nights. of each team work together to tising in the first half of 1978, accor­ money to bring foreign students to Carol J. Anderson to aluminum siding at 103 cio, 512 Taylor St., roof ty at 11 Battista Road, no Have Something Going Our Nursery Is Now i F irst of all, we don’t have ding to the Newspaper Advertising the United States and send U.S. Stanley E. Ogrodnik, Milford St., $1,951. repair at 4 Fairfield St., answer three additional questions conveyance tax. Fully Stocked With cheerleaders nor do we have un­ worth five points each. The team Bureau. Daily newspaper classified students abroad. But that’s not all property on East Center J&G Home Improve­ $700. Together iforms. We do have warm-up exer- ads, overall, totalled ?1.8 billion, up they do. Last year’s AFS Club Street, $36,500. Quality Evergreens with the most points wins. New trade name And Omafflontal {• though. Math exercises, pages Team standings are based on a 21.6 percent compared with the first planned special weekends when AFS Manuel B. Jainchill and of them. half of 1977. Employment ads ac­ students came from surrounding Nancy H. Jainchill to Muriel P. Werbner, Sh rub s To cumulative score from each of the doing business as Dale Hs Called The If that doesn’t sound like fun to counted for 8428 million of that. towns to participate in activities here Richard G. Dabate and BeautNy Your Home Landscape. six meets. Individual students are Holding Co., 85 Dale Road. you. then you’re right. Math team honored for achievements attained Automotive advertising rose 20.8 in Manchester. Julie M. Dabate, property miiTEiii PIZZA & BEER consists of a lot of work and prepara­ as well as trophies presented for the percent to $489 million during the six- They planned parties and trips all at 46 Ansaldi Road, $57,000. WWTED Building permits tion, but it is challenging and exciting first, second, and third place teams. month period while real estate ads year long. They held a successful First Hartford Realty Correspondent L A R 6 E were up 8.8 percent to $535 million, orange and grapefruit sale to raise A&J for S. O krant, __ "Combo” Plant NOW For SELECTION as well. These awards are given out each Corp. to Herman Widmer, enclose vestibule at 49 TO BUY the bureau said. money. And seven AFS members OF What do we do all the work for? year at the league banquet held in East Hartford, property at Waranoke Road, $500. To Cover The Spring Beauty! Each month, beginning in November May at Willie’s Steak House in went on a short-term exchange for 70F Cliffside Drive, $60.50 five days with students in Madison, Eugene Brewer for Coventry MUMS and ending in April, we gather to Manchester." conveyance tax. Church of- Christ, enclose For Only *5.50 New Jersey, who later reciprocated CIEIIN ★ T u lip s compete in a math meet. Does all this seem confusing to HSW Staff Raymond F. Damato to porch at 394 Lydall St., Newsbeat You Can Get DMtD MinmiUT And whaf exactly is a math meet you? It isn’t really. Is it worth it, you the exchange by coming to 55-61 Congress Associates, $700. f l r w C r o c u s SlyrohMm Form. Ingrid Jacobson ...... Co-editor Manchester. you say? At each math meet every ask? Definitely. Math competition property at 55-61 Congress 1 Lg. PIZZA ★ H y a c in t h s Ribbon* • Wlro Peter Krupp ...... Co-editor All this and more adds up to what John Fogarty, pool at 17 for [Baxaiis team sends five members, each of provides an excellent opportunity to St., $210,000. w/ChMM B Hamburg ★ D a ffo d ils Straw Wreath* Richard Walden...... News editor AFS is all about. So if you’re looking Woodstock Drive, $3,500. whom participates in three improve your math ability, prove to Carolyn E g an ...... Feature editor and Dried Flowara categories of math. There are five your friends that you are smarter for a good way to start off the new Quitclaim deeds The Herald Mike Wilson ...... Sports editor school year, join AFS. The first Robert F. Neil, CARTER 1 Six Pack of Beer W " ' * MIt Ilow HAVE SALT HAY MULCH categories in all which are predeter­ than they think you are, or simply Grace Jaworski ...... Art editor SEE ARTHUR'S mined and are the same for all .that it's just good, exciting fun. meeting will be held Tuesday, Sept. Torrington and Robert W. Aaron Horwitz...... Photo editor 26 after school in Room 239, or get in Neil, Bolton, to Alan B. MS-H t I I schools. Each student is given 10 It’s a lot of work but, it's worth it. |New Open Price ASK FOR WHITHAM Nursery Zane Vaughan ...... Advisor touch with Karen Bensen or Jacqui Anderson and Carol J. CaH RENirS TAVERN "Grow With Ui" minutes per category of math during — Ron Apter Reek en all HAROLD TURKINSTON routes BOLTON M3-7a02 Hedlund. — Joanne Weiss Anderson, property on Prescriptions OR 11229 Main SI., Manchaalerl OPEN DAILY & SUNDAY 9:00-5:30 East Center Street, no con­ BARBARA RICHMOND T E L 646-6464 6 4 9 - a a 4 8 veyance tax. and A$k tor “Combo" PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Sept. 22, 1978

■ '■■■ '■ ■ ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Fri., Sept. 22, 1978- PAGE NINE I Segar-Brown Murray- Tierney

Karen Shireen Brown of Manchester and Robert Ed­ Patricia Ann Tierney of Manchester and Kevin Murray UIaurl)Fatpr iEitp uin^ Hrralft The Postmaster General Responds mund Scgar of Windham were married Sept. 9 at of Wanlagh, N.'Y., were married Aug. 26 at the Church of Manchester — A City of Village Charm Windham Center Congregational Church. (Elditors Note: When the new nine­ the Assumption in Manchester. Founded Oct. 1, 1881 To handle this astronomical business community, whicli c uiiunl- has increased by more than 35 per­ The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dana Brown digit ZIP code was announced last The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Tierney Membor. Audi. Bureau of Circulation Member. United Pre.s International amount of mail, the Postal Service ly accounts for 80 percent of all mail of Meadow Lane. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and week, UPI reporter Elizabeth Whar- cent, while employment has of 219 W. Center St. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, has had to mechanize and, to some volume. Mrs. Raymond Segar of Windham. ton'^OTote an open letter to Post­ decreased by more than 86,000 — Robert Murray of Wantagh and the late Robert T. Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711, extent, automate its system. Murray. master General William F. Bolger, The present, five-digit ZIP Code about 12 percent. Furthermore, this The Rev. John H. Zendzian Jr. of Stonington performed Raymond F. Robinson, Editor-Publisher asking for an end to the Postal Ser­ Otherwise, the number of postal enables us to identify the city and Officiating clergymen who celebrated the nuptial mass Harold E. Turkington. Managing Editor reduction took place while mail the double-ring ceremony. The church was decorated and performed the double-ring ceremony, were the Rev. vice’s “improvements.” Today, employees would drastically in­ post office branch or station for volume (our workload) has increased with white chrysanthemums. Earl Potter of Windham Royal Gardner of New 'Vork City, the bridegroom's O p i n i o n " ^ Bolger replies.) crease, and since our payroll ac­ which a piece of mail is intended. by 12 percent. That’s a real record of was organist. cousin; the Rev. John Tierney of New Britain, the bride's Dear Ms. Wharton: counts for 85 percent of all our costs, ’The new digits, to be added during efficiency and economy, and I defy The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a cousin: and Msgr. Joseph Farrell, also of New Britain. This is in response to your open postage rates would skyrocket. the next few years, will identify the any other government agency to satin gown made by Ruth Breault of Windham and The church was decorated with daisies. Mr. and Mrs. letter, recently carried by UPI, in As I said when we announced the street block, or in some cases, the match it. designed with Empire waist, leg-of-mutton sleeves, with Edward Dubaldo of Andover were organist and soloist. Signs of the Times which you objected to our proposal to four-digit ZIP Code add-on, I am building for which the piece of mail is ★ ★ ★ Chantilly lace overlay on train. She wore a chapel-length The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a institute a four-digit add-on to aware that many Americans feel destined, and this will be processed Let me make one last point. Your veil and carried a bouquet of white tea roses, daisies and batiste gown with tucked bodice accented with shamrock Manchester has been pretty existing ZIP Codes. they have too many numbers to con­ by automated equipment. letter implies that postal workers are baby's breath. lace and green ribbon. She wore daisies and baby's breath highways. Fines of |50 to $100 You say you remember vividly tend with already.... But after much ’This will reduce the number of surly and rude ... I just don’t agree in her hair and carried a bouquet of similar flowers. good about this, but it does Fern Lee of Hebron was maid of honor. Bridesmaids are prescribed for each un­ when mail arrived no more than study, I am convinced the Postal Ser­ manual handlings mail must Mrs. Kathleen Tierney of East Hartford, the bride's bear repeating- the posting of with you. Most of our employees are were Teresa Fontanella and Sharon Wood, both of authorized sign or poster.” “two days, at most” after it was vice has no choice, and I am deter­ experience, thus significantly sister-in-law, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were political signs. diligent and courteous. In any Hebron. Rachael Shiebler of Manchester, the bride's Traffic warnings and direc­ deposited, and only cost three cents. mined to make the transition as easy decreasing the margin for human organization as large as the Postal cousin, was flower girl. Miss Marianne Murray and Miss Alice M. Murray, both I’m afraid your memory is playing of Wantagh and sisters of the bridegroom: Mrs. Kathleen State Transportation Com­ tional signs can become for the public as possible. error and the possibility of mis­ Service you will find some people tricks on you. During those good old Gerald Robin.son of Windham served as best man. K. Murray of Bayside, N.Y., the bridegroom’s sister-in- missioner James F. Shugrue obscured by posters and s ip s ★ ★ ★ deliveries. who have some bad days. Ushers were Mark Pajor and Paul Snellgrove. both of law; Mrs, Annie Gallagher of Northbrook, 111., and Miss asks that political candidates days of three-cent postage for which To begin with, no one’s basic five­ ★ ★ ★ In closing, let me just say that I and present a hazard to you yearn, letter mail moved by train Bolton. Daniel Potter of Windham, the bridegroom's Mary Lou Galatola of New York City. Kelley McAuley of help in preventing the im­ digit ZIP Code will change. Four Moreover, the savings potential is wish we had the ability to move the cousin, was ring bearer. Manchester, the bride's cousin, was junior bridesmaid. motorists. or other surface transportation, and digits will simply be added to it. This enormous. Reduced costs will enable proper posting of signs and clock back to less complicated times. Thomas Murray of Bayside was his brother's best man. IVlrs. Kevin Murray there was no way it could go coast-to- process will begin to take place by us to hold rates at a reasonable level But we don’t .... A reception was held at the Windham Center Hall in In a recent election, it wasn’t Ushers were Robert Murray Jr., Edward Murray and posters along the highways and coast in two days — as it often does 1981. — and, surely, this is a goal everyone For my part, I pledge that the Windham, after which the couple left for Bermuda. The A reception was held at The Colony in Talcottville. couple is residing in Windham. Brian Murray, alt of Wantagh and brothers of the bridges during the campaign. the sip s, but the number of now. Whether or not the average citizen must endorse. Postal Service will do everything bridegroom; and Thomas Tierney of East Hartford and after which the couple left for California. They are State statutes restrict the them and their locations, that ★ -A ★ chooses to use these four digits will In your letter, you stated that the possible to make the ZIP transition William Tierney of Rowayton, the bride's brother. residing in Lindenhurst, N.Y. Mr. Segar is employed by Eastern Bus Lines in Bolton. Mrs. Murray is a teacher in Seaford, L.I., N.Y. Mr. posting of advertisements and caused some conflict between But, to get to the heart of your be entirely voluntary. I hope they do, more we automate, the more people as painless as we can by being sen­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Segar Robert Murray III of Wantagh, the bridegroom’s nephew, letter — the additional ZIP Code for it will enable us to reduce our was junior usher. Murray is employed as a caterer. (Salomone photo) other items on utility poles or parties. Let’s hope that is we hire. You could not have been sitive to the needs and feelings of the numbers: errors and provide better service. more wrong. Since 1970, the last year trees in any public way or on resolved as we get into the six people we serve. Mail volume will this year reach an But the point is this system ... is in­ of the old Post Office Department, Sincerely, public grounds and placing weeks leading up to Election all-time high of 95 billion pieces .... tended primarily for use by the mechanizatiom of postal facilities William F. Bolger Births obstructions within state Day Nov. 7. 6 ttA worth HULNiE N.E'A^, Fellows, Raymond are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W in I her, Maltliew Mrs. Austin A. Clarke of Harold Ernest, son of Fijalkowski of Enfield. She J<>s

*************••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ****•*•••••••••••••••••••• MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Sept. 22, 1978 — PAGE FIFTEEN LEGAL NOTICE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• □ NOTICES 2 H tip W»nt0d 13 H»lp W anttd 13 Halp Wantad ir Private Instructions 18 NOTICE FOR ADMISSION OF ELECTORS ANYONE WHO WITNESSED SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS for IMMEDIATE OPENING - Loti and Found a motorcycle accident August TOWN OF ANDOVER, CONN. FREIGHT RECIEVER to GUITAR, BANJO, Mandolin, Yaz Unhidden Talent, South Windsor. Will train. PART TIME Deli Help, 3 p.m. work for House and Hale in 9th, 1978 at 2:15 a.m.. Bum- Notice is hereby given that the Board of Admission of National Weather Forecast Lessons: Folk, blue grass, Apply 90 Brookfield Street or to 10 p.m. Meat Wrapper, 8 and be pari of the exciting LOST POODLE small grey, side Avenue near Long Hill call 289-5918, after 12 noon. a.m. to 3 p.m. Afternoon wil' In session in the Town popular. Ages 5-acfults, deaf. Friday in South Coven­ Road, East Hartford. Please Office Building on &turday September 30,1978 from 9 A.M world of retailing. Experience Beginners - professionals. cashiers, 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. helpful. Excellent benefits, try near Guidos. Bloomfield call 5684)639. Please apply in person to Easy Banjo method. FREE PLUMBER - With experience to 1 P.M., in accordance with State Statue Sec. 9-17 for the ^ p ly in person or call Mr. 3 0 0 0 license and chain collar. Any in new housing. Top wages, Frank’s Supermarket, 725 pur^M of admitting all persons who are found to be loan instrument. Private information apprecited. Htennequin at 643-1423. House studio. 646-6557. Stealing Steal Signs NATURAL REMENIES steady work. Call after 8;00 East Middle Turnpike, qualified to be Electors of the Town of Andover and Hale, 945 Main Sreet, REWARD for return. Call 242- HANDBOOK!! Linda Oark’s p.m., 742-7668, or 643-6341. Manchester. The qualifications are as follows: Applicant must be eigh- Manchester. An Equal Oppor­ 5627. complete guaranteed time PIANO - VIOLIN lessons. ^ n years of age, must be a resident of the Town of Andover tunity Employer. DETROIT (UPI) - Carl proven natural remedies for TRUCK MECHANIC NURSES AIDES- Full time, East Hartford, experienced Fisk and they pitch out. But FOU.ND CAT young white if foreign bom must be a naturalized citizen. teacher. All styles, all Ages. Yastrzemski doesn’t spend common ailments including— WANTED for general repairs, all shifts. Experience STOCK ROOM HELPR- 52.66. nothing happens. So I thumb my female, green eyes, very .Alcoholism! Allergies! must have experience and preferred, but training will be Ruth K. Munson, Town Clerk $6.00 per lesson. 569-4284. his time out in left field nose at Yastrzemski. lovable. 646-7559. Grissom Arthritis! Asthma! for Board for Admission of Electors (Fee paid) Neat appearance. own tools. Starting salary given. Apply in person: East Over 16. Full time. Downtown waiting for his arteries to “Well," Houk said. “Last night Road area. Emphysema! Digestive dis­ 67.00. All company uenefits. Hartford Convalescent Home, 039-09______•ANFPUHOtCO VOICE, PIANO Instructions. orders! Heart disease! High Hartford. Wilson Agency.24^ Former faculty New York (Tuesday night) we put the bunt on For appointment. Call 688- 745 Main Street, East Tart- 8541. harden. He steals signs. IMPOUNDED- Female, about blood pressure! Obesity! 2233. ford. Hloimociu music and art High School. and all of a sudden everybody on 1 year old mixed breed, black many others — Author of 5 LEGAL NOTICE Professional Singer/Pianist. Manager Ralph Houk of the PART-TIME AND FULL- / the Boston team is crashing in like and white small dog. Female books, world recognized 3 0 0 0 644-8597. Detroit Tigers initiated a conver­ WAITRESS- Part time nights PART TIME FLEXIBLE TIME Openings for men or a cavalry charge. about 6 months old authority. Free details — and weekends. Apply hours, male and female. App­ Town of Manchester HIGHflT IIM M tAIUIIS sation about smart baseball Assessor’s Office women in a career In home RIDING LESSONS indoor “So right away I know Yaz has errier/mixed breed, brown. National Reports, Box 246, Taeorral, 246 Broad Street, ly within Tommy’s Hzzaria, players Wednesday night and Center & Orchard Street area. Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14302. 267 East Center Street. 41 Center St. health care. If you are in­ riding ring. Western stock got my bunt sign again,” Houk Manchester. terested in meaningful work, somehow the name of the veteran Contact Manchester Doe Manchester, Conn. seat, saddle seat, and hunt said, grinning and giving a sigh of on a part-time or full-time seat. All levels 228-9817. outfielder-first baseman for the Warden, 646^555. HOW INTELLIGENT ae you? EXPERIENCED SMALL PUBLIC HEALTH Nursing professional respect. Self-scoring test revals I.Q. in administrative supervisor for basis call River East Boston Red Sox cam e up right ENGINE mechanic previous Homemaker-Home Health “So this time, 1 changed the sign 45 minutes! Send 63.00 today - experience required. small community agency. OFFICIAL NOTICE 1ZZ3* PIANO INSTRUCTIONS. awJay. guaranteed!! National Aids Service, Inc. 643-9511. UPlWEATHEB FOTOCAST 0 Creative, expereince teacher right in the middle of the game. P a n o n a la 2 Excellent growth opportunity. Master’s Degree preferred. Inhabitants of the Town of Manchester are hereby notified that: You must have car and be in "Last year he got our steal teports. Box 246, Niagara Eckerts, 742-6103. Salary commensurate with has limited openings for new Only later on I put the old bunt Fa!Ills, N .Y. . 14302.------educaion and responsibility. October 1 of each year is the assessment date in Manchester, good physical health. We will student. Executive Board sign." Houk said. "I don't know' GOING TO TUCSON train you (and pay you while sign on again and sure enough, NURSES AIDES - Full time, Send resume to ^ s . Micheal Conn, and all Personal Property must be declared to the For period ending 7 p.m. EST 9/22/78. During Friday, Member Music Teacher's how he did it, but he did. I’m down ARIZONA October 1st. we are doing so) you will work National Association. First n m m esTHMv Yaz is tapping his thigh to let Fisk DON’T DIE without a will! and part time, 7-3 and 11-7. Hall, 308 Hemlock Point, Assessor by the owner during the month of October to avoid a showers will fall in the southeastern Plains and along the in the dugout and I know their Looking for someone to share Blank will form protects your Conventry. at a good hourly rate plus lesoson free Gretchen know we’re going to bunt. Experienced preferred, but 10% (ten per cent) penalty as imposed by the Connecticut State mileage reinbursement. Other coastal area of the Northeast. Clear to partly cloudy manager can't get it but somehow driving and cost. Male or family. 2 forms only 33.00 — Statutes. VanWhy, 647-9751. “ But we don't and I look over to female. 649-4011. we will train. Apply in person: fringe benefts include a un­ elsewhere. Maximum readings include: Atlanta 84, Boston this son of a gun in left field gets guaranteed! Order today!! East Hartford Convalescent SECRETARY- Part time Yaz and this time he’s thumbing Personal Property consists of: Aircraft, machinery, water iform allowance, vacation, 69, Chicago 73, Cleveland 69, Dalis 74, Denver 80, Duluth 62, MOlUE 6. it. National Reports, Box 246, Home, 745 Main Street, East mornings, Vernon Circle area. his nose at me,” Houk said, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14302. power, dams, horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, com­ and holiday pay, and health in­ Houston 81, Jacksonville 87, Kansas City 71, Little Rock 78, "I know he's got it because he Hartford. Typing, and machine surance. Won’t you call us? (lari V aslrzem^ki leaning forward to laugh — at INVITATION transcription a must. Send mercial furniture and fixtures, boats, farming tools, tractors, Los Angeles 76, Miami 87, Minneapolis 69, New Orleans 86, Schools-Classes 19 flashes the signal to Fisk (Carlton, resume to Box AA c/o road machinery, farm produce, mechanic’s tools, goods of New York 73, Phoenix 96, San Francisco 73, Seattle 64, St. Yastrzemski and himself. FULL AND PART 'HME for WE ARE ACCEPTING STEVENSON the Boston catcher) and he pitches Manchester Herald. manufacturers, traders and merchants, utility equipment and Louis 69 and Washington 82 degrees. FOR THE BEST - Manchester myself some," said Houk, nipping It was a humorous tale of a run­ TO BID golf course maintenance and Applications for Power Press out on a 2-0 pitch. Nobody pitches The Manchester Board of snack bar. Apply in person at fixtures and all other taxable goods. Operators. Full time employ- Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 Love, Children, Grandchildren and a ragged end off the stub of a cigar ning battle between the Detroit ADDRESSERS WANTED out on 2-0 so 1 know they’ve stolen Education solicits bids to □ EMPLOYMENT Tallwood Country Club, Route DO NOT DECLARE Real Estate or Registered Motor Vehicles. ment. 40 hour week. Comnanvmany i ,per teacher. FREE in­ Great-Grandchildren our sign." Houk said. “Anyway, he generally keeps near his mouth. manager and the veteran baseball purchase SCAFFOLDING. 85, Hebron. Immediately! Work at home Paid fringe benefits. Apply in troductory lesson with this ad. — no experience necessary — A’lTENTlON: You may be entitled to an Exemption as follows: Call 646-6306, or 646-3549. he gets our guy stealing. “ Next day I change the sign. player. But it was more than Sealed bids will be received person fo: Quality Name merely an anecdote — it was a until 11:00 A.M.. October 9, Halp Wantad 13 GENERAL MECHANIC - excellent pay. Write 1. Veterans of any war period — if you have filed your Plates, Fisher Hill Road, East "1 give him credit for being Full time days. Paid CMS, American Service, 8350 PARK Halp Wanted 13 Business Opportunity 14 MAKE YOUR OWN “ But 1 give the old steal sign and compliment from one professional 1978. at which time they will Honorable Discharge Papers with the Town Clerk of Glastonbury. smart, now I'm going to give SALES POSITION - Straight Blue Cross and Life In­ Lane, Suite 127. Dallas, TX. JEWELRY- Classes Monday A SATURDAY sure enough he flashes the sign to to another be publicly opened. The right 75231. Manchester BEFORE October 1, 1978. commissions, leads furnished surance. Amerbell Corp., 104 TO TRAIN AS Polibag PLUMBERS APPRENTICE- SMALL ENGINE Service & Wednesday 7 to 9 p.m. Call OUTING TO THE PLEASE READ is reserved to reject^ any and East Main Street, Rockville. 2. Disabled Veteran — (a) If you have filed your Discharge 2 year minimum experience. Corporation - expanding 646-1970, at above hours. to homeowners. Call 242-5402. machine set-up man for small AUTUMN CRAFT YOUR AO all bids. Specifications and bid Apply between 9 a.m. and 4:30 Papers with the Town Clerk of Manchester and (b) If you have East Hartford manufacturing Year round work. All Building d e a le r n e tw o rk . No forms may be secured at the WANTED - Gas station atten­ p.m. EOE. fil^ a Certificate of Disability with the Assessor showing the plant. This job requires basic Maintenance, 1161 Hartford experience necessary. KARATE! Manchester School SHOW AT NORTH Repeat 200 Hit Season Business Office. 45 N. School Turnpike, Vernon, 872-3893. Complete training program. of Karate. Classes now for­ Classified ads are taken over dant, full or part time. percentage of disabilities awarded by the Veteran’s Ad­ mechanical skills and maybe METHODIST the phone as a convenience ACCOUNTANT PUBLIC FULL TIME CARPET $500. investment required to ming. Visit us Monday, Street. Manchester. Connec­ Mature, responsible person ministration. (c) If you have reached the age of 65 and were first, second or third shift as The Herald is responsible for EXPERIENCE. Quality ac­ Cleaner. Excellent opportuni­ LOVING, MATURE WOMAN start your own business. Ideal Wednesday or Friday at 7 pm CHURCH, 300 ticut. Raymond E. Demers for third shift. References. ty for responsible person. receiving a disability at that time, you are entitled to a $3(X)0 required. Only mature respon­ only one incorrect insertion and n •: Call 871-1698. countant wanted to join our To care for my 6 njpnths old for retired or part time. or call 646-4963 . 640 Hilliard PARKER STREET. ON then only to the size of the 034-09 ■ Must have car. 528-0292. exemption, if you file a copy of your birth certificate with the sible, dependable applicants staff. Experienced in all need apply. Interview will be infant. Please call 64fr6099. Details on request. Mr. Street. original insertion Errors which Assessor. SATURDAY, do not lessen the value of the TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. phases of accounting, auditing arranged for qualified Barker. ESCAA Field SALES HELP- Full or pari SEPTEMBER 23. 10 advertisement will not be cor­ Apply 81 Commerce Street, and tax preparation 3. The blind should be notified that proof of their disability must applicants. Call 528-9471 DRIVER SALESMAN Training Division, box 619, Select Bat Club nreessary. Compensation and time, Knowledge of knitting POSITION OPEN- For es­ Wading River, New York. a.m. to 4 p.m. rected by an additional inser­ LEGAL Glastonbuy. PTG Company. and crocheting helpful, but be filed with the Town Clerk. between 8 am and 4 pm. tio n Telephone 633-7631. fringe benefits. Excellent for tablished territory. 5 d ^ s , 11792. career in public accounting. will train. Apply between 10 4. Farmers: Application for exemption of livestock, poultry and paid vacation, benefits. Call Homes For Sale 23 NOTICE and 12, Knitters World, WHOLESALE Distributor RN, LPN, 7 to 3 and 3 to 11 Please send reume to Pue, machinery must be filed with the Assessor during the month of seeks person for delivery. 522-7251. MANCHESTER Package Manchester Parkade 6464340. store. Excellent location. Well SOUTH WINDSOR Welcomes Rice SEALED BIDS will be shifts. Good pay, good Semel & Co., Certified Public October each year. Good driving record impor­ Contemporary- flair Accountants, 281 Hartford, RECEIVER- With minimum I established business. Call Homes For Sale received by the Windham benefits and working condi­ DENTAL ASSISTANT- ALL PROPERTY OWNERS AND VETERANS - If you have tant. Full time. Above highlights this unique 8 1/2 23 Lots-Land for Sale 24 tion. Apply in person, Vernon Tpke., Vernon, 06066. minimum salary rate. Paid years platform experience, in­ Marion E. Robertson, Area Community Action Experienced 4-handed den­ changed your address during the past year, you should notify Realtor, 643-5953. room Split. Spacious custom ANTIQUE COLONIAL DETROIT (UPI) — All season long Jim Rice has been com­ Manor, 180 Regan Road, Ver­ vacations. Arrange for filing cluding Forklift. Apply kitchen, 2 family rooms. GOVERNMENT LANDS from Program, Inc. at 32 Broad non. LAUNDRY SERVICES- tistry, needed in multi- the Assessor's office of the change any week-day between 8:30 Pillowtex, 49 Regent Street, elegant center hall. One of the auxiliary general practice. aji^lication by phoning 643- Many extras Minutes to 1-86. $7.50 acre! Investment! plaining about his hitting, but the Red Sox slugger now has 200 Street, Danielson, CT 06239 Diaper folders, laundry AM and 4:30 PM Manchester. MOTELS WANTED, large or finest in Eastern Connecticut, Vacation! Farming! Pari time. Call 4 » -« ^ . Price to sell by owner- $64,900. plus a guest house, 3 car gar­ hits for the second straight year and has moved into a pretty for a used computer payroll CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC folders. Afternoons and Michael Nimirowski, Deputy Assessor small for ctive clients with 644-1611. Exclusive buyer’s guide! select batting club. machine. This machine must - Experienced only. Top evenings. We will train. Call Dated at Manchester, Conn. Sept. 15, 1978 PRIVATE DUTY MALE ASSEMBLY & SOLDERING cash. Immediate action will age, large shed, bam, on 17 Complete information ^.00 289-152. NURSE PART 'HME. Please of Electrical Cables ad be taken. Herb Saxe, Broker, acres, with more land meet the following wages. Apply: Atlas Tile, 1862 call 649-2358. 0094)9 % ATTENDANT To care for 23 IMMACULATE 7 Room Split money back guarantee! Write And he didn’t even realize his ac­ “I just go up there and try to hit the specifications. Berlin ’Tpke., Wethersfiel, 563- year old Quadriplegic. 40 Harnesses. Full or part time. 1-397-2006, available. Group 1 Realtors. National Reports, Box 246 Level, on 3/4 acre lot. Central Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. complishment until after ’Tuesday ball somewhere,’’ said Rice, who has 0151. POSITIONS AVAILABLE hours, 5 days. Call Paul Apply; Lance, 199 Forest air conditioning, wall-to-wall Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14302 1) have a magnetic modular IMMEDIATELY for stock GIRL FRIDAY. Must have Street, Manchester. GREAT OPPORTUNITY- night’s game. 41 homers and 129 RBI to lead the some knowledge of typing and Herbst, 875m73. carpeting throughout. 2 1/2 memory; REAL ESTATE Marketing clerks from 7 am to 3 pm.. LEGAL NOTICE Start your own business in COLONIAL CENTER R ice’s 220th, a fourth-inning single majors in both categories. “That’s bookkeeping. Hours 8:w to Pursuant to the order of the Public Utilities Control baths, offers many extras. A MANCHESTER- Beautiful 3 2) flexibility to record infor­ Representative - Manchester, part time. Apply in person to WOMAN WANTED- 1 day a ANTENNA MAN- Part time. your spare time, working out CHIMNEY 9 rooms, 3.9 acres, acre wooded lot with brook, in at Detroit, made him only the fifth all I ever try to do. I’ve got to keep 5:30, Monday thru FYiday. Authority of The State of Connecticut, Greater Hartford of your own home. No r i ^ in­ house to be seen! $61,900 by 4-bedrooms, formal diping mation by department; East Hartford, Vernon areas. Frank’s ^rm arket, 725 East week, for light housekeeping. Experienced. Top pay for the appointment only. Call 644- Highland Park area. Call 646- player in baseball history to connect Middle 'Turnpike and 2333 Write to Box BB, c/o CATV, Inc. hereby publishes amended schedule to proposed right man. Coventry TV, call volved. For details call 643- room, front to back living getting hits and knocking in runs if 3) 90 to 120 character-per se­ Earn lucrative commission Manchester Herald. Transportation and 1370. No agents. 0467. for 200 hits, 40 home runs and 100 RBI we are to catch the Yankees.’’ cond serial matrix printer. Receive professional Main Street in Glastonbury. rates as follows: references required. Call 646- 7«-7303. 4817. room, 2 fireplaces, first floor guidance, education, com­ Exhibit A (1) 7545. laundry room, enclosed porch, in a season. He missed the mark last Closing date for bids 19/6/78. CABINETMAKER-3 years ANDOVER LAKE- 7 beautiful rec-room, 2-car garage, barn, Business Property 26 Boston batting coach Johnny prehensive marketing tools. NURSES AIDES wanted for experience, counter top GREATER HARTFORD CATV, INC. acres surround this insulated year because he had 39 homers. Send bids attention Claire Call Mr. Sammartino, 4 horse stalls, and pasture. Pesky, the only other Red Sox player La Belle. full time on all shifts. Apply ex^rience. Elxcellent wages Proposed Amendment to Rate 1 PRIVATE DRIVER Needed Situation Wanted 15 cottage in peaceful location. $62,000 COMMERCIAL / When told of his feat. Rice was sur­ Fireside Realty, Inc. 647-9144. immediately, to transport Group 1, Philbrick Agency, prised. to get 200 hits more than once (three 017-09 director of nursing. Salmon- and benefits. 646-7904. RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATE Mc Co n n e l l r e s u m e Extra outbuildings. Call 646-4200, INVESTMENT PROPERTY - ^ OEU brook Covalescent Home off AND FACILITY CHARGES students, from Bolton to SERVICE for prompt, con­ RESPONSIBLE Mother will Katherine Bourn, 742-8646. J. Excellent potential. Acre-l- “That was my 200th hit? I didn’t times), said Rice is certain to sur­ RN-LPN wanted for full or House Street, Glastonbury. MY COM PANY WILL Poril mornings; and from care for children in my home. Watson Beach (jo., pari time on all shifs. Apply APPLIES: In primary service areas in towns served by fidential preparation of your NORTHFIELD GREEN high traffic area. Potential for know that, I thought I needed one pass that mark. S Please call 633-5244. Employe 2 people who can Glastonbury to Bolton 3 after­ resume. Call 649-2288. Call 646-1076. 5 to 8 p.m. only. Manchester Office, 647-9139. offices and business. Call director of nursing. Salmon- Company. noons, Monday thru Friday. Condominium- 7 rooms, 2 1/2 more. I would have liked to have had NOTICE Equal Housing Opportunity. baths, central air, patio, D.W. Fish Realty Company, OF DISSOLUTION brook Convalescent Home, off AVAILABLE: To individual dwelling units. Car necessary. Hourly pay LIGHT Housecleaning Work - 643-1591. the ball,” he said. “Unless something happens to House Street, Glastonbury. SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS- A SMALL MANCHESTER porch, tennis, pool, wall to MAPAC REALTY, INC. ------iearninng. ______STANDARD MONTHLY CHARGE: plus mileage. Contact Miton INSURANCE OFFICE Needs Have own transportation. Call SIX ROOM CAPE- 3 The others to accomplish the feat him, he may wind up getting 235 or Please call 633-5244. Excellent Part Time work. One Service Outlet Board of Education, 643-1560, bedrooms. Formal dining wall carpeting and Notice is hereby given that fringe benefits. Call for ap­ a part time secretary for 646-1358 anytime. appliances. Principals onlv. were Joe DiMaggio (1937), A1 Rosen 240 hits next year and just keep We will train. Call with Converter $8.95 per month 643-1569. room. Country size kitchen. 1 Mapac Realty, Inc., having its pointment. 646-3936. Equal general office duties. 646-6235. Mid 40’s. going,” Pesky said. “He’s liable to MACHINE OPERATORS and Manchester 643-2414, or Ver­ Elach Additional Outlet ^.50 per month FEMALE ROOMMATE 1/2 baths. Full basement. (1953), Hank Aaron (1963) and Billy principal office of business at non 875-2826. Opportunity Employer M/F. Previous insurance get 200 hits or the next eight or 10 miscellaneous workers MINIMUM BILLING PERIOD: Two (2) months in advance. needed. Must be neat, quiet, Aluminum siding. Quiet area. Williams (1970). 349 Wetherell Street, NURSES AIDS- Elxpeienced, experience helpful, but not MANCHESTER- 3 bedroom needed. Must have some High SOMEONE NEEDED TO A pro rata adjustment and refund of service charges will be necessary. Write to: Box DD, have good job. 2-bedroom No agents. $48,800. After 4 SALESMAN years. He’s one helluva hitter.” Manchester, Connecticut, School Education. Must be PART TIME- No nights. No ho^ital trained preferred. All p.m., 643-0795. home, 2 baths, large lot, PLOW SNOW at 5 locations in made upon customer request, discontinuance of service and c/o Manchester Herald, Townhouse. (Jail 646-3040. enclosed porch plus many (formerly at 24 Candlewood able to read and speak weekends. Long holidays. July shifts. Car necessary. No fees. Manchester. Please call 649- return of converter. listing your qualifications, extras. Price to sell in the Fuel Oil & Heating Drive, South Windsor, Conn.) English, and provide own and August ofL Many re tir^ 2813. Medical Placement Service, MOTHER Wiii care for MANCHESTER- Colonial. 18 Midget Games INSTALLATION CHARGES: • 232-5226. experience and educational 40’s. Call Paul J. Correnti, Salesman, wanted for will be dissolved as of transportation. No gentlemen and housewives background. children any age in my home. months young. 3 bedrooms. emoy driving School Buses. Initial installation served overhead Country kitchen. Living room, Realtor. 646-5252. progressive and growing Second week in the December 29, 1978, by virtue experiencenecessary. Please NURSES AIDE TRAINING- ______Call 646-1034. Bolton Tigers Call Personnel Department at Why not you? We will train. directly from distribution LEGAL SECRETARY- Ver­ fireplace, dining room. company. All replies of a resolution adopted by all Available for a limited Manehesler Midget Fool- Pioneer Parachute Company, Call Vernon 875-2826, or cable to customer non Law Firm seeks full time PART TIME SUBSTITUTE Harc^ood floors. Appliances Strictly confidential. Send of the directors and number of qualifing Legal Secretary, with good Custodians for day or night •••••••••••••••••••••••••• storm windows, doors. $49, 644-1581. Manchester 643-2414. applicants. A sincere desire to premises: ’ $20.(X)** replies to Box D, c/o hall League lists a twinhill Post Shutout shareholders on September typ|ng and shorthand skills. Lots-Land for Sale care for the aged. Availability Additional Outlet: 10.00** work. $3.50 per hour. Apply * e n i i f 'A T i n N 500. Call 649-5125. 24 Manchester Herald. tonight at Ml. Neho star- 11, 1978. NURSES AIDES LOCAL CATERER Looking Friendly atmosphere. East Hartford Public Schools, C U U l^ A IIO N ______The Bolton Tigers blanked the " ' to work full time or pari time. Relocation of cable Competitive salary and ting at 6:30. Claims of creditors are to experienced, all shifts. Full for pari time Banquet Ciok. Rotating weekends are in­ 110 Long Hill Drive, East ...... NORTH COVENTRY ACRE SAVOY, MASS. 11 acres of Coventry Panthers, 38-0 last Sunday. ' ' time and part time. Bed Will train. D & D Caterers. service outlet: 10.00** Fringe benefits. Elxperience Hartford, 289-7411. PLUS, Immaculate white surveyed land on town main­ be presented to Marie, Keith cluded upon completion of Reconnection charge: 15.00 Private Instructions 18 Opener lists the Eagles Buck Taylor scored on a 2-yard maker part time. Own Call 646-0350. preferred. Phone 646-1974. aluminum sided Ranch. tained road. Spring on proper­ & Clendaniel, Attomeys-at- training. Apply Silver Lane Replacement of converter against the Jets with the run, Jeff Marineau tallied on an 8- Law , 575 M ain S tre e t, transportation. Apply in per­ Pavilion, 51 Applegate Lane, COLLEGE S’TUDENTS- Put REMEDIAL READING and Immediate occupancy. $44,- ty. State forest on 3 sides. son, Silver Lane Pavilon, 51 PART TIME - (Thambermaid. if not returned 40.OO RECEPTIONIST wanted for yourself through school, or 900. Pasek Realtors, 289-7475. $12,500. Call 646-6649. Giants and Patriots paired yard run and Glenn Sherman scored Manchester, Connecticut Blast Hartford, between 9 am math: individualized work r T O D A Y ’S Too Skimpy Apple Gate Lane, East Hart­ Please call Manchester Motel DEPOSIT: The Company may, at its option, require a $10 dental specialty office. supplement school expenses program, (lst-8th grade) by on runs of 40, 68 and 40 yards. Greg 06040, no later than January and 2 pm, Monday thru in the nightcap. ford, between 9-2, Monday at 644-1504. Friday. deposit for each converter installed in order to insure return Interesting and challenging like others have done, with a master's degree teacher. 568- No longer will the 15,1979, or they will be barred positon. Mature and T BILLING CLERK The Chargers, winners and Mike Fenton and Tim Kalkus thru Friday. of said device. Deposit will be refunded upon return of con­ job Selling Flowers for S.D.R. 8075. furture figure at­ -J* J R e a l added two-point conversions. Sher­ Washington Redskin by Statute. EXPERIENCED COOK- Full experience preferred. Plea­ Enterprises- Friday, Saturday ARTHURS TREACHERS verter in good condition. sant Downtown location. titude,e good concentration. last week over the Pals, Dated at Manchester, OIL BURNER MECHANIC - time position. Call between 9 or Sunday, Car required. Con­ man also added a conversion. cheerleaders show up in the Looking for fryers work MISCELLANEOUS: The Company reserves the right to Many benefits available. Call Ability on accuracy to WNNIID Connecticut, this 11th day of Experienced Licensed Oil a.m. and 2 p.m. for tact: S.D.R. Enterprises, An­ CAW MANUFACTURING \rj:^Estate will he idle. The Giants Taylor led the defense with 10 evenings. Must be 18 or over. charge up to ten dollars ($10.00) for each service call made operate 10 key adding outfit shown above. It was September 1978. Burner Man. Excellent ^ o in ta e n t,649-5271. Ask for to 8 7 ^ ^ . dover, Conn., 742-9965. COMPANY Correspondent and Jets played to an tackles, Mike Fenton five and Brown Pari time, a few nights a at a customer’s request where the service difficulty is not machine. MAPAC REALTY, INC. salary. Pension, Insurance, week. Apply: Arthur 74 EASTERN BLVD. by Norma Tedford ruled too thin and too skimpy the result of the failure of the Company’s equipment or REAL ESTATE CAREER- TREE MAN- Experienced OLASTONBURY, CT. S33-4S31 CORRESPONDENCE clerk opening night scoreless and Dwayne Mott five apiece. Marie, Keith & Clen­ Uniforms, Vacation, etc. Per­ Trachers, 401 CenItenter Street, To Cover The after two weeks on display for CLEANING WOMAN-1 day a facilities. Are TOu a self starter? Blam climber. Honest dependable, Home office claim depart­ lie. The Tigers are now 1-0-1 and travel daniel manent full time position. Manchester. • SETUPIKN The spring and the fall in Apply: Wyman Oil Co., 484 week. Own transportation. $20,000-1- annually. For a con­ self motovation a must. ment has openings for to East Windsor Sunday. NFL games. (UPI photo) Its Attorneys *Subject to total waiver or partial waiver of initial installa­ Iridgeport MNen t Hardinge Coventry many parts of the country East Middle Turnpike, References required. Call 649- tion charges. fidential interview, call Ralph Equipment operation and O ndi^ clerk with good figure 015-09 8494. NURSBIS AIDS- Full or pari Pasek, Realtor, 289-7475. are the busiest seasons of Manchester. **Where under^ound service, lengthy service drops (more mechanical ability helpful. attitude. time. Laurel Manor, 91 Chest­ 423-7057 (Storrs). • WCNNST Newsbeat the year for real estate. nut Street, 649-4519. ‘ than 200 feet from property line), concealed wiring or other OraSNCa. IridcetMrt men I PART TIME MATURE ,Po«J*e^|][»d CRT From a seller's point of costly or non-standard facilities are required, the charges STOCK CLERK - Apply in RIDERS WANTED- Hartford Hardkige Chickeri for view, prices are generally WORK AT home on the phone will be at Company’s standard labor, equipment and operator with exposer to Jai Alai Results person to Furniture Depart­ Road to Hartford. Leaving at stable and strong, while servicing our customers in material rates. • NXCMC OFOUTOIIS Systems Environment. ment, Marlow’s Inc., 867 Main 7:20 Fee. Call 643-1089. the less active winter your spare time. 249-7773. Street, Manchester. 50 hour work wook. All METHODS ANAYUST The Herald Exhibit A (2) months often provide good AMBITIOUS?- Clear up those bontfits. Apply In ptrson Experience in property and Thursday Evening SERVICE OUR CUSTOMERS GREATER HARTFORD CATV, INC. m m C M SMES SEUBi r a n SEnurni «M SMCus SEIH n a n PLUMBERS- Year round bills now. Ambitious women only. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Casualty Systems, buying opportunities. Your RBT CM MIMES Sna NUTS I llf M 1 5 J I 1121 S.M By telephone from your own Proposed Amendment to Rate 2 7 Urnitpi Imb I I U lt » 7.W I I N I N work Remodeling and repair and men full or part time. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. 278-1000 broker can provide ■ NteitM 4il 3.N I k ji 424 home. You choose the hours NON-RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATE SECURITY INSURANCE 6 4 ^ il7 l| guidance along these lines 2 M m I C m 7J I IN 7 M m I.N 249-7773. service. Top pay and benefits Flexible hours. No invest­ ASK FOR 5 h n Mm t w W M i 14 S M I AND FACILITY CHARGES Steady employment. All ment. No experience GROUP Of course, when buying a hW Ha 2 7 MM H M a l4 N 2 l 1000 ASYLUM AVENUE HAROLD TURKINQTON hrieeb l-I lllW Pariada 4-1 I N i l APPLIES: In primary service areas in towns served by Building Maintenance, 1161 necessary. For appointment home, it’s always impor­ P K lK tl 7-2 1471 IrilK ti 1-1-7IJ31H Iilada 4-1.2 4IM I HARTFORD. CONN. 0«105 OR 7 iiM l 7 2-5 421JI BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT (Company. Hartfora Turnpike, Vernon. call 646-1292, or 646-6155. .-In taual Upportuntlv tant to consider its future 7171 CIM MIMES SEIEI Ira n n o n CMC N M IS SE«a r a n - Full time. Experienced. 87^S893. BARBARA RICHMOND SECM tW E iCM ES SE7BI r w r s ItxIlN i IN 5JI 441 4 kiaita Maeka l l N 1121 AVAILABLE: To non-residential facilities resale value. The biggest )Ulm IN IMI EN Liberal fringe benefits. Apply lUksiM 5JI 421 7 Ma Canaaai II J I STANDARD MONTHLY CHARGES: DISHWASHER- Full time PART-TIME plusses include a good loca- EUualml S.H 4i« IZiwICana SM 3 Saaidaa I Caaniai in person: Blast Hartford Con­ 2 l h M l i M 4 N One Service Outlet with Converter $8.95 per month PLANNING / SECRETARY days. Apply in person. H M i 12 M .N W M a 4-7 12521 valescent Home, 745 Main Tacoral, 246 Broad Street. tion in a stable but M U a M S tM ritM a 1-2 n u t Mada 4-7II4JI Receptionist for Social Ser­ k Street, East Hartford. Each Additional Outlet with Converter 3.50 per month progressive community, M U M 215.71 T iliic ti 1-2-7 31220 Trilada 4-7-3 M I32I vice Agency. Full time. 35 Inside positions now 7 rifK ll M -2 177.71 MINIMUM BILLING PERIOD: Two (2) months in advance. hour work week. Excellent HOSTESS Monda th ru good-sized living space, IM I CM NMES SEia ra n son UM NM is SEiB ra n M il CMC NMIS SEIB ra n A pro rata adjustment and refund of service charges will be TYPIST/PART TIME IknCMola IMI IN Sil SIHartaldiaa 1221 I N HIGH SCHOOL Sophomore or typing, filling, com­ Friday, 12 to 3 pm. Applypply in adequate closet and other IhErimllriKN Hit S.N 124 SUtMlaWaa 421 IN 3 Salaaa ManaUa IIJ I available In Circulation Staimi 5.N 5JI Junior boy for kitchen work, made upon customer request, discontinuance of service and munications skills necessary. person Taeorral, 246 Broad Opening available in manufacturing concern for storage space, good 7 k n taw s < j| 4lhn Apply Cavey’s Resturant, in RECONNECTION CHARGE: $15.00 > Paid Holidays, Including Your Birthday LtaahiNd llm la m m t 14, 1971 or be barred aa by laaa the morning. can show a record ot atablllty and safes |e Insurance, Health k Dental Plan I L .___ I laitaOait laapa provided. DEPOSIT: ’The Company may, at its option, require a $10 success. Better than average benefits and a i M M a i l i 4. Mai Caaatnt ior Pearl J. Hultman, Aaa't. aerk COOK, FULL TIME. deposit for each converter installed In older to insure return |e Company Paid Pension Plan 5 ■aaSa SaOa LMlato The fiduciary la: of said device. Deposit will be refunded upon return of con­ solid pay plan sra waiting lor tha right parson. iiMTira lEnaattanto Irene Sullivan Experienced instutional iFor a private Interview, please call Mr. Tom I 7. la to t It Strickland Street oking preferred. Apply in verter in good condition. To be eonsidsrad, sand a short fetter tolling (Hooper, at The Manchester Herald — 643-2711.| t f e n n a l Mancheater, Conn. 01040 Dated at Manchester, Connecticut, this 18th day of about yoursall, to Box CC c/o Manebesfar 04009 person to East Hartford Coo- fqiM/ Opportunltf Cmptojrtr M/F a t o l l valescent Home, 745 Main September, 1978, Greater Hartford CA’TV, Inc. HaraU. ______Street, East Harford. 037-09 TEDFORD REAL ESTATE PAGh SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Fri.. Sept. 22. 1978

Homes For Sale Homes For Sale 23 BUSINESS & SERVICE Homes For Sale 23 Homes lor Sale 23 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Fri., Sept. 22. 1978 - PAGE SEVENTEEN IF YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT BUYING OR SELLING A HOME... THINK ABOUT IASI OF THE RIVER REAL ESTATE MARKET DIRECTO^sm EQUAL HOUSING Services Ottered mm/ 37 Services Ottered 31 Services Ottered 31 Building Contracting 33 A / PROFESSIONAL DRESSING FIRST CLASS Carpentry - 649-0505 LESPERANCE & ALTERATIONS Done in Remodeling and Additions. MORTGAGE WE BUY JUNK CURS my home. Please call 646- Kitchens and Rec Rooms. 35 4972, Monday thru Friday. years experience! For Free Don^t Wait For Price and late modal wrecks. 10:00 3:00 p.m. Estimates, call 646-4239. Resort Property 27 MONEY* GET MORE with Decreases — Buy Now □ MISC. FOR SALE NEW LOCATION Painting-Papering 32 GENERAL CARPENTRY, Houses are not going to get any cheaper as the cost of con­ Apartments For Rent S3 HomeVloyRent’ COTTAGE IN QUIET SPOT- — Repairs, Remodeling, 54 struction continues to go up. If you can afford it—buy now. Near lakes and ocean. A&B AUTO SALVAGE INC. Articles lor Sale INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Garages, Additions, Porches, When you wait you're only hurting yourself. The family that Eastham. Mass, Cape Cod. 41 of STAFFORD. OFF RT. 190 Painting - And odd jobs. Two Rec Rooms, Roofing, Gutters. ONE BEDROOM Apartment MANCHESTER- 2 beroom for rent in quite home. 646- home. Living room with waits for the interest rates to go down, will only end up Call...... 742-6607, evenings.5...... ALUMINUMAiiiM ivm n sheetsv. > used j as experienced College sudents. Call Dan Moran 643-2629. 5089 after 6 p.m. Please call 568-4641, fireplace, dining room, paying a higher price for a home, than if the purchase had Real Estate Wanted 28 nrintjne plates. .007 thick USED AUTO PARTS kithen. $260 plus heat and been made a year or 2 earlier. 23x32 , 25 cents each or 5 for FARRAND REMODELING - ONE BEDROOM Apartment 684-5530 or 646-6223 PAINTING - Interior and Specializing Cabinets and For­ utilities. References and By waiting^the appreciation in price goes to the advantage ALL CASH For your property, $1. Phone 643-2711. May be first floor, stove, refrigerator, picked up A M. only. exterior, paperhanging, mica Tops, Roofing, Gutters, older persons only $150. Call security deposit required. Call of the seller, whereas it could have been used as equity had within 24 hours. Avoid ______TONY ANNUNZIATA excellent work References. Room Additions, Decks, B/W Realty, 647-1419. SENTTRY the deal been completed earlier. 643-6802 or 649-6205. Tape, Intant Service. Hayes Free estimates. Fully insued. Repairs. Phone 643-6017. Don’t wait tor conditions to be perfect. The time may be Corporation, 646-0131. TWO 300 AMP Rectifiers - Martin Matson, 649-4431. Good condition. Good for ROOMATE WANTED To Offices-Stores lor Rent 55 REAL ESTATE SERVICES now Banks are arranging financing methods which if used AVAILABLE NOW! MAGNAVOX authorized fac­ now are in favor of the buyer. SELLING your house? Call us plating, or welding. Call 649- tory service on color and QUALITY PAINTING and share small house on the An­ first and weTl make you a 3439 from noon til6:00 p.m. black and white TV. Stereo, dover Lake. Call 646-6445 MANCHESTER STORE for ABLE AIDS, INC. Paper Hanging by Willis mornings. ASK ME. cash offer! T.J. Crockett. phonograph. A&B Electronic, Rent - 249 Broad Street. 600 Has reliable Schultz. Fully insured Realtor. 643-1577. MOLDED FORMICA top and 1160 New Britain Ave., West references. 649-4343. RoolIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 square fee. 643-5681. Available (=7 paneled bar with two shelves Housekeepers. Hrtford, 551-0655. 2 TWO ROOM Apartments July 1st. Gloria Baluk and four stools. $175. 646-6028. available- With stove and IM.MKDIATE Cash lor your Homemakers. Home and PAINTING - Interior / BIDWELL Home Improve­ oroiierti Let us explain our Office Cleaners and Party CARPET INSTALLATION - Exterior. Best workmanship! ment Co. Expert installation refrigerator. Adjoining ROCKVILLE - 19x39 foot stove idir pmposal. Call Mr DARK LOAM Delivered - 5 Helpers. $4.00 per hour. Stair Shifts. Repairs. Carpets. of aluminum siding gutters lavatory. 841 Main Street, on busy street. Large display QualitvPaint! Lowest Prices' Manchester. The Heritage Group Belliore. 647-1413. Sitters and Companions Steam Cleaning. Free es­ Dan Shea. 646-5424. and trims. Roofing installa­ windows. $125 monthly. Lease Ifcritage Savings gravel and more stone 643- timates. Call 649-6265. tion and repairs 649-6495 . 871- required. Lee & Lament Real­ &ljoanyUaociation • SimelH9l In many fields of business, a fourteen year old firm would 9504 $3.00 per hour. Yearly 2323. 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT. ty, 875-4690, hardly qualify as one of the most experienced organizations MAY WE BEA’ your home’.' membership or short term J.P.LEWIS & SON interior Quick, fair, all cash and no HOUSEWORK got you down? and exterior painting, paper Heat, Hot water, garage. No around. In the field of Real Estate Brokerage in this area, TIRES - Ski boots, skis, bikes, service fee SPECIALIZING cleaning and children, no pets. Swurity Mam Office 1007 Mam Street. Manchester 649-4586 problem. Call Warren E. General cleaning, steam hanging, remdeling, carpen­ MANCHESTER, Main Street. K-Mart Office Spencer Street. Manchester 649-3007 however, these past 14 years have been witnessed to tremen­ sewing machine, and tent FrM Brochure etractioji carpet cleaning, repairing chimneys, root, new required. Call after 6 pm, 644- Modern offices available 400, dous changes. Not only techniques and tools have chanled Howland. Realtors. 643-1108 try. Fully insured. 649-9^8. 9034. (10x161. May be seen at 108 646-7917 floor waxing & stripping, win­ roofs. Free estimates. 30 750 or 1100 square feet. Heat but the line up of firms themselves as well. This makes The Scott Drive, Manchester, all dow cleaning, carpet & up­ years Experience. Howlev and air conditioning indued. Boulder Ridge. N ei^isting^ou^i be imT' da Saturday. SPRAY, BRUSH, ROLL- n Heritage Group, founded in 1964, one of the longest es holstery shampooing, Wallpapering. 643-5361. IDEAL FOR SINGLES- 646-2469 or 646-2755. n pressed as you drive up to this 6 room U&R Charming. New Tolland listing. Exceptional C&M TREE SERVICE - Free rofessional ' Insured. Free Heated 1 bedroom, has gar­ tablished Realty Companies in Greater Hartford. Household Goods 40 WASHER - and like new Interior/Exterior. commer­ built Colonial with 3 bedrooms, V k baths, clean 7 room Cape with full dormer, IVz Heritage’s first office was in West Hartford. The staff con­ estimats, discent senior Estimates. Call cial & Residential. Painting ROOFER WILL Install roof, age, no lease. Only $135. (39- STORE FOR RENT - With 2 — dryer. Pool table, coffee citizens. Copany Manchester- DOMESTICARE at 643-1945. siding or guttes for low dis­ 15). Rental Assistors, small bay garage, near parkade. 188 fieldstone fireplace, garage, professionally baths, 3 bedrooms, oversize garage, rec sisted of three partners and one associate. The firm now REFRIGERATORS - table, lamps. Telephone 569- by experts! 15 years fee. room, private acre lot. Low $50's. 871-2775. owned and operated. Call 646- experience!649-4824. count price. Call Ken at 647- W. Middle Turnpike. Call 643- ^ ) i landscaped. An exceptional home High boasts five residential offices, including one of the few rental Washers, ranges, used, 3547. 1327. EXPERT PAINTING AND 1566. 6802. (60 s. 871-2775. . ^ offices in the area, with a total complement of over 50. In guaranteed and clean New LANDSCAPING -Specialized. KIDS OK- Carpeted 2 their first completed fiscal year they were involved in over shipment damaged, GE and 14-FOOT HILLTOP Trailer B&M TREE SERVICE Exterior House Painting. bedroom with parking, SMALL RETAIL STORE 500 sales of homes valued at more than $32 million. Frigidaire. Low prices. B.D. $150. Outboard motor 40 horse ^ “HEY LOOK ME OVER” % ■■ Complete tree care, spraying Tree pruning, spraying, appliances and laundry ^ace. Downtown Shopping After expanding into the Farmington Valley with an Avon Pearl and Son, 649 Main Evenrude $250.Mobilehome Building Contracting 33 facilities. Only $250. (34-24). orohd'"" »nd grandpa, loo. plus all and removal. Insured and mowing,weeding Call 742- District. Ideal for speciality office. Heritage opened their first office "East of the River” Street. 643-2171. 45x10 with furniture in cam­ experienced. Senior Citizen 7947. ROOFING / GUTTERS- Rental Assistors, 236-5646, shop. 643-1442. iSTn ^ * "''"’0 rooma. 2 balha. 2 llreplacM. Ben ping ground $4,000, Call 525- Discount. 643-7285. WES ROBBINS carpentry Reasonable rates!Free es­ small fee. only $66,900. I m In North Coventry on a nice 2 acre lot. “ »'< 'O’ lor in Glastonbury in 1975. The fledging office, under the LOVE SEAT. Like new condi­ 7100. LANDSCAPING LAWN remodeling specialist. Ad­ timates. Experienced. Quality CENTRAL 2-car heated gar­ n p jd i management of Ken Tibbies, quickly expanded to become an tion. orange background with REWEAVING burns, holes. seeding - Brickwork and ditions. rec rooms, dormers, workmanship! Call 643-6658 NO LEASE REQUIRED- In age. Business zone. T.J. important factor in the Glastonbury/Manchester Area. white floral print. Call after 4 10 INCH SPRUNGE BENCH Zippers, umbrellas repaired. Patios installed. Tree built-ins, bathrooms, anytime. this 5 room with garage, Crockett Realtor, 643-1577, ■ Tibbies, now a partner in the firm, has been succeeded by p.m , 646-1168. kitchens, 649-3446. m SAW- tilt arbor. $75. zcall 646- Window shades, Venetian Removal and Pruning. Call appliances, and yard for kds. Jim Purtill. under whose leadership the office set a record of 2155. blinds. Keys. TV FOR RENT. 643-6658. TRACY BROTHERS - Only $200, (42-28). Rental OFFICES FOR RENT- Heat, over $10 million during the past 12 months. KENMORE GAS STOVE. CUSTOM Carpentry - homes, Roofing, Flat Roof, Hot Tar, Marlow's, 867 Main St. 649- Assistors, 236-5646, small fee. air, carpeted, janitor, and t t i » The second office in this area opened in South Windsor in Double oven, coppertone, very ONE PAIR SIZE 9 Hanson 5221. WILL BABYSIT In my home, Additioms, Repairs, Cabinets. Gravel, Built-Up Roofing. parking. 500, 750, and 1000 good condition. $75.00. Phone Avanti Ski Boots, used one Call Gary Cushing 345-2009. Commercial & Residential. 'Z n '. the spring of 1977. Its first year was one of staff building un­ anvime during the day. Piease DUPLEX- Heated, 3 square feet. $100 monthly. der the leadership of Manager Gisela Sposito. That job has 528-7392. season, flow fit, cost $200. ODD JOBS Done - Cellars, at­ call 646-8210, anytime. Free Estimates. 872-6269. bedrooms, basement, Call 649-5334, or 643-7175. asking $100. 649-2363. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY been ably done and the office has been running at a current tics, garages, yards cleaned, appliances. Kids ok. (42-18) Vernon. Park-like setting accents this excep­ 46.39 acre Estate comes with Colonial Ranch SOFA & MATCHING CHAIR- moving, trucking. Loam for HEAVY OR LIGHT Carpentry and general con­ Rental Assistors, 236-5646, NOtMERTiyP CilSl-. annual sales pace of $5 million. Brown and gold plaid Her- GOBEL HUMMEL XMAS tracting. Residential and ...... small fee S ^ ln g Is believing, this home Is Just beautiful, very tastefully decorated tional Ranch with IVz baths, 3 bedrooms, style 9 room home, sunken living room, win­ The Heritage Group is a member of The Greater Hartford, sale. Lawn service. No job too TRUCKING, Cellars, attics tnru-out. and In new condition, th is Raised Ranch features 2 Franklin culon. Excellent condition. PLATES- 1975, 1976, $75 each big or small. 568-8522. and yards cleaned, also stone, commercial. Whether it be a Healing-Plumbing 3S large country kitchen, screened in porch, ding staircase, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths & steam Manchester and Vernon Board of Realtors and of the Multi­ $100 firm. Call 872-8327. Stop At The MOVM, 3 bedrooms, large family r o m with sliders to a patio, 2 car oaraoe 1977 $210. 1978 $175. Call 568- loam or sand delivered. 644- small repair job, a custom RESPONSIBLE FEMALE to ...... onThlll..--■gL large ______treed lot.,, Just____ a few___ minutes garage, $50's. 871-2775. room, heated pool, tennis court, open land ple Listing Services in each of these areas. / '• 0715, after 5 p.m. COMPLETE CARPET & Tile 1775 or 644-9532. built home or anything in SEWERLINES, sink lines, share apartment with same. walk Jo beautiful Lake Chaffee.haffee. 30 minutes to Hartford. $45,000.f 45.900. WE BUY & SELL Used Fur­ between, call 646-1379. for horses yet complete seclusion. Call for Additionally, as exclusive Greater Hartford member of installation and repairs. Free cleaned with electric cutters, Large bedroom. 647-9^. additional details. Over $200,000 . 871-2775. the Homes for Living network, Heritage is tied with over 800 niture. One piece or entire SOLID BLUE LAWSON estimates. Call at, at 646-3745, TILE- Remodel your Bath, by professionals. McKinney household. Cash on the line. CARPENTRY & Masonry - CORN e 7 T TEDFORD Real Estate lirms throughout the country, making them able to help DIVANE- good condition. Cali after 5 p.m. G Shower, Tub Area, and Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ SERIOUS MINDED non- families moving to or from this area, to or from virtually Furniture Barn. 646-0865. 568-4567. Ceramic Tile Floors. Cali 871- Additions and remodeling. pany, 643-5308. smoking working female to ED'S LIGHT TRUKING- At- 9457, 9 to 5. Free estimates. Call Anthony share 2-bedroom apartment in 647-9914 or 4234958 any place in the 50 United States and Canada. ELECTROLUX VACUUM- RCA CONSOLE STEREO and tics and cellars cleaned. Squitlcote 649-0811. NO JOB TOO Small - Toilet Manchester. $140, utilities in­ CRIB V. Fairly new. with power noz­ adjoining Speaker. Cherry Reasonable rates. Call 646- repairs, plugged drains, cluded. Call Lori, 9-5 pm. 565------<7 zle. Call 646-3356. 8 am to 5:30 stained cabinet. $50. Please 1943 for free estimate. DEEP CLEAN & SHAMPOO CARPENTRY - Repairs, 2101. BucUand Road, ask for Court. kitchen faucet replaced, call 649-6439 after 6:30 p.m CARPET- an average room, remodeling, additions, gar­ repaired, rec rooms, South Windsor BRICK, Block, Stone. $15. Large rooms $25. (Depen­ ages, roofing, call David AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1st. ding on size.) Call 649-4500. bathroom remodeling, heat for IhoM who otlll MAYTAG DRYER- Elec­ MEDUIM SIZE UPRIGHT Fireplaces, concrete. Patria, 644-1796. modernization, etc. Free 2 rooms, includes refrigerator tronic Sensor, $135. Chrysler PIANO- Good condition. $ ^ . Chimney repairs. No job too Estimate gladly given. M & M and stove. Quiet remembor wo hovo Airtemo Air Conditioner, 11,- Call after 4:00 p.m., 649-7686. small. Save! Call 644-8356 for LEON CIESZYNSKI Builder - Plumbing & Heating. 649-2871. neighborhood. North Main 000 BTU. 220 V, $150. Sears estimates. New homes custom built Street. Call anytime, 649-4356. Water Neutralizer and BABY CARRIAGE and girls remodeled, additions, rec Phosphate Feeder, $100. All POLISH ROCKET MANCHESTER PLUMBING GREEN Bolton. Need a lot of bedrooms? This custom 5-speed bike. Good condition QUALITY CARPENTRY By rooms, garage, kitchens & HEATING - Repairs. Homes for Rent 54 excenent condition. 649-6370. Callill 643-1643-1008, anytime CONSUMER SERVICE. We remodeled, bath tile, cement Bi-Level has five, also includes country Bolton, New to market, well built custom Harp Construction Additions, will solve any problem you Remodeling. Pumps repaired Ranch on_ 1+ acres,_ fireplaced living ,room, roofing, siding, decks and gar­ have with any product in your work. Steps, dormers, / replaced. Free estimates. ROOMMATES WANTED to MOUNTiUN kitchen, heated greenhouse, large fireplaced ages. Call anytime, 643-5001. residential or commer­ Electric drain-snaking. 24- share comfortable home- No family room, 3’'2 baths, oversized barn gar­ eat-in kitchen, 1st Iloor family room, 3 home or office. Call 649-7234 cial.Call 649-4291. HOUR SERVICE. 646-0237. children or pets. $150 monthly, age, numerous extras. Immediate occupan­ bedrooms, 2 full baths, walk-out basement, TAG SALES incuding utilities. 649-8005. POTATOES cy. 289-4331. double garage, shows well. 289-4331, Articles tor Sale 41 Antiques 48 Apartments For Rent 53 Apartments For Rent 53 TAG SALE-186 Bolton Center East Hartford $73,900 MAGNAVOX STEREO WANTED. Antique furniture, Road, 23 and 24th. Mahogany RADIO PHONO, vinyl MANCHESTER MAIN SUBLET- Spacious 31/2 room tables, frames, miscellaneous glass, pewter, oil paintings or STRECT- 2/3 room apart­ VERNON covered sofa and chair. other antique items. R apartment. Heat, hot water, FOUR BEDROOM Rain or Shine. GARAGE SALE- Chrome and ment, heated, hot water, appliances. November 1st, oc­ A four family unit that can be made into a formica small dinette set, Doming Craftsman pine plank Harrison, 643-8709. Colonial located just minutes from town. Large living table and bench. Call 646-3233. appliances, no pets, parking, cupancy. $200. Daytime, 528- five family unit with very little expense. All TAG SALE- Assorted crib mattress, small metal security. 523-7047. 4831, ext. 370. Evenings, 646- room, formal dining room, maintenance free household items. September desk, twin spreads, dishes, 6597. ® aluminum siding and a ONE YEAR LIMITED HOME units rented at present. Located on bus line Farberware broiler, and YAMAHA- All-Round II Skis. □ RENTALS 23rd., & 24th., 26 Foster 180's. Salomon step-ins. Used 149 OAKLAND STREET- 3 WARRANTY! Low, low $40s. and every type shopping is close by. This is a Street, 10 a m. to 6 p.m. much more! Saturday room heated apartment. MANCHESTER - 3 room September 23rd., 10 to 3. No 1 season, $50. Call 649-6815, very good investment. Call now te see it. after 2:15 p.m. Rooms for Rent 52 Security, $145 monthly. Call apartment Vz of 2 family. early birds. 30 Lawton Road, 646-24M, 9 to 5. Convenient location. Includes TAG SALE- Friday and Satur­ (same street as Manchester BUNGHARD & ROSSEHO OFFICE DESK - TV, meeting THOMPSON HOUSE MEN - heat and appliances, $2M per Gallery of day. September 22nd., and Green Firehouse). Birch House Women. Central­ month, Paul Dougan Realtor 23rd. 4 piece mahogany table, fishing equipment, new KEEP SMILING Manchester. New arrival, super seven room m n s H ly located. Downtown 643-4535. REALTORS ^ East Hartford. New listing, hard to find Homes bedroom set. Housewares. 8 TAG SALE- Saturday Walt Disney Productions, KEEP HAPPY Split, fireplaced living room, dining room, re a lty co m p a n y Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck Manchester. Kitchen Ranch on quiet street, 3 bedrooms, eat-in a.m. to 4 p.m., at 86 Ferguson September 23, 9-4. 56 L Chan- privileges. Call 649-2358. breakfast bar in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 full HOURS; Road, Manchester. ning Squire Village. necklaces, rings everything. 6 4 6 -2 4 8 2 M kitchen, large fenced lot, garage, asking mid Lamps, dishes. You name it. baths, screened porch, garage, aluminum Sunday* Cloaad Dally 6:30 - 1 pjn. Miscellaneous items, kitchen LARGE FURNISHED ------OPEN HOUSE------$40’s, 289-4331. table, avon, plates, (Rep's 357 East Center Street, "Entertain In Comfort" siding, all on large wooded lot. 289-4331. Sat 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. GARAGE SALE- Furniture, Manchester. September 22, ROOM. Close to center, Here Is a custom built spilt level on "Cheney Lane" with a copy), toys, miscellaneous kitchen privileges, parking, Sept. 23 & 24 tools, (Jhina, glassware, old ceramics. Console Stero, Friday 9-6. Must sell out. 646- huge entertainment center that features a full floor to and miscellaneous items. 6286. private entrance. 643-9574 colling stone fireplace and a lovely circular brick bar, other drapes Rain Date Sunday, after 3 p.m,, or 242-1872. Saturday and Sunday, 9/23-24 , September 24, 11-4. Sat. & Sunday 2-5 PM custom features; plaster construction, 2 baths, screened 10 to 3. Comer Bayberry & BELT MASSAGER 1/4 hp, ^The Sentry „ The Sentry Apartments For Rent 53 101 FLORENCE ST., MANCHESTER porch with bullt-ln barbeque, living room with brick BOLTON Center Roads, TAG SALE- THREE FAMLY- $50, Kingsize headboard, Bolton. Saturday, September 23rd, walnut finish, like new, ^0. OCCUPANCYir "^m e d ia t e Call 6494)453 after 4:00 p.m. LOOKING for anything in real 2 FAMILY, NEAT & CLEAN Free Home lOam-^m, 35 Deepwood Service TAG SALE- Skiis, accordian, Drive. Baby clothes, arts and estate rental - apartments, Live in one apartment and rent B fishing rods, etcetera. 105 crafts, Christmas lights, toilet PINEAPPLE TWIN SIZE homes, multiple dwellings no out the other. $44,900. Evaluation. East Center Street, 9 to 5 bowl and tank and mis­ Mahogany bed with or without fees. Call J.D. Real Estate Commitment* Asociates, Inc. 646-1980. What is your home worth? Our professionals can help Saturday, September 23rd. cellaneous. No Previews. m attress and box spring. Oirertiou; From E. Contor SIroot, South on Spruco Dresser with mirror also Strort. Horonco Streot !• loft by flro houM. you price your home to sell faster and easier. We will Every Sentry Real Estate agent is a professional, who adheres to the highest ethical and technical standards. TAG SALE- vaired treasures. TAG SALE STILL GOING ON Blonde drop leaf table with 6 FOUR ROOM APARTMENT provide you with complete marketing, financial, and chairs. Other nice articles. - 426 Broad St. $155. Security uordon economic information. No obligation. No pressure. No Every agent Is fully qualified to provide quality service Saturday September 23 and 24. in The Lakeside Grill Dining 10 am to 4 pm. 73 Benton Room, Lake Street, Coventry Call 644-9805. deposit. No appliances. 105 MAIN STREET sales pitch. Of course we'd like to sell your home for on a personal basis. "Service" is more that a word in Street. Manchester. Married couple. No pets. GROUP 1 you. That’s our business. And we're confident you will our name. It Is our commitment. Perhaps that is why Saturday & Sunday, 10 to 5. MANCHESTER Immaculate custom built 9 room L-shaped Raised Ranch. Phone 742-9451. 1/2 PRICE ON GUITARS and Telephone 643-4751. select us once you've seen our professionalism at work. Sentry is one of this area’s fastest growing companies. etc. Rivers Music, 7 Main Features include a spacious 1st floor cathedral ceiling fami­ . F.J. SPILEGKI, REUTORS ly room and a contemporary fireplace. Work-saver kitchen GARAGE TAG SALE- Satur­ TAG SALE- 4-family, skis, Street, New Britain, 225-1977. APARTMENT TO SHARE CARPENTER RD. MANCHESTER day, September 23rd., 9 a m household, juvenile, mis­ We buy, sell, trade. with two other ladies. No Id 643-2121 with built-ins, lovely living room and dining room, 3 to 4 p.m., at 122 Woodside cellaneous. 23rd and 24th smoking, no drinking. In bedrooms, lower level rec room and a den with fireplace, GET MORE with Immaculate 9 room Colonial — 4 bedrooms, Street. Rain or shine. IF ARKS 10am-4pm. 36 Barry Road. Manchester. $25 weely. Call spacious sun deck, glass slider doors, I'/z baths, carpeting 2 ‘/2 baths, full carpeting w/oak floors, Rain or Shine. Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 649-4419. throughout, 2 car garage. Located on a quiet street on over 1 TAG SALE- Saturday, Sun­ acre secluded lot. Offered at $69,500. An exceptional value! fireplaced family room, + rec room, 12x24’ day, 23rd, 24th, 10 am to 4 pm. TAG SALE- Saturday DOG-CAT boarding bathing / ONE BEDROOM Apartment deck, + patio beautifully decorated & Radios, blue chest draws, September 23, 9am-2pm, 240 grooming. Obedience, protec­ to sub-let. Available im­ ISENTRY landscaped, 2 car garage. blonde end tables, pots, pans, Henry Street. Furniture, tion classes. Complete mediately. $199 monthly. Call Realty Co., Inc. REAL ESTATE SERVICES lawn chairs, Christmas tree! children's items, new and old modern facilities. Canine 643-4609 or 646-9358 ask for OPEN HOUSES candles, curtains, (Fisher miscellaneous. Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon Michelle. snow skis $80, Polariod SX-70 Road, Manchester. For reser­ 643-2692 $80), J Horrey, 151 Hollister HUGE TAG SALE- Saturday vations please call 646-5971, 29 Connecticut Blvd., East Hartford • 289-4331 MERRITT Street, Manchester. & Sunday,nday, 9. to . 6...... 162 ...... Hill THIS WEEKEND Robert D. Murdock, Realtor Street, uaob East Hartford,jxaiiiuiu, UIIoff 01of FRIENDLY 5 Year old Fixed COVENTRY 646 Hartford Turnpike (Rt. 30) Vernon • 871-2775 646-1180 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER Forbeses Street. Everything female flopied eared Cleo 23, . 9:30 to 4 pm, 36 Rival pricedprice for quick sale!! 568- Dog. Excellent with children. Nm I and Ctoan Court, Hartford, (off Forbes 5311. Reasonable, 643-0600 8 to 5 SBEOROOM RANCH next to Goodwin School). An­ p.m. Fireplaced living tiques, furniture,rugs, china, I'AG SALE. Saturday room, eat-in-kitchen. good boys clothing and much September 23,9:00 to 5 pm. 79 PUREBRED BEAGLE 2 car garage. Large Florence Street. Kitchen set, PUPPIES- Shots and wormed. tree shaded lot. Only table and 4 chairs, portable $35. Call 649-3401 anytime. $36,900. HUGE TAG SALE- Furniture, fan, radios, assorted iems, BARROWS glassware, fireplace, CJirist- plants. Boats-Acceasorles 45 FIANO mas, pine. Calico, and cochet REALTY WALLACE items, toys, clothing, cactus TAG SALE- Long Hill Road, 1974 FU RY - 16t4-foot c 0 M F A *. » fiberglass, tilt railer, with _ ^ M 6 - 5 2 0 0 ------.rivt, MinehM isr T h - h - K r ------JVS, M s n c l M s t s r plants, Vega snow tires, Andover. Saturday and Sun­ Custom built Dutch Colonial with seven large rooms MANCHESTER PARKADE paints, an 1975 55-horsepower outboard The h e ^ro ke n owners of this gorgeous Colonial ------, — much more! day. Remodeled cleaned attic Flreplaw family room, 2'A baths, formal dining &turdayiturday Sep September______23rd., 10 Chevy engine. 2 tanks, $2,500. are being transferred and reluctantly offer their and garage. Boy’s clothes and room, 2 car attached garage. Be the first owner of 646-7833 to 4, 6 Dartmouth Road. more. Also 50 horse Johnson out­ dream home for sale. 9 spacious rooms, 2'/i baths 2 EAST HARTFORD $40,900 room Ranch, formal dining room, 1V4 nma aaifu iots awm board, $300. 2284)475 or 228- ■TCBron------IBOSS this brand new homellll car garage, quality throughoutllll baths, 2 car garage. WW8 Twwaasi MBKIMT Immaculate 4 bedroom Colonial, alumigum siding, 2 GARAGE SALE- Saturday 9550. NEW EXCLUSIVE TAG SALE. Unique 3 family- *******••••••••••••••••••• baths, custom built kitchen, carpeted, busline, city utilities. Two Beautiful Lots For Your New Home! and Sunday, 10 to 6 pm. 51 Mill cycles, snow mobiles, tools, Charming tpacloua Street, (off Oakland Rt 83. household and collector items Garden Products 47 1972 7-room Raised JOIN US TAKE YOUR CHOICE: TW O FAM ILY------Professional Manchester.) Moving. and much more. Saturday Ranch. 2 fireplaces, bow What Is Your Property Worth? A) Bolton...200 ft. x 200 ft. Open land with view. Country September 23, at 10am. Rain BOTTI'S Fruit farm - Appies, window, handsome residential. $12,500. *53,900 Relocation Service At No Extra Cost! Peaches (canning and eating) a W i a rt your iwird-wlnning HELO ra il a a tilt broktr batkad by •day Date September 30. Cider Mill woodwork, cedar Saturday or Sunday • Saptemlier 23 24 • 11 AM to 5 PM For FREE Homo Evaluation B) Vernon...123 ft. x 140 ft. approved building lot. City water September 23rd., 10 to 4, 71 Road, Bolton (off Lake PMrs, Apple Cider. 260 Bush shingles, deck. Privata C all Ua Now. No Obligation. East Hartford *6-6 Two Family «3 Bedrooms y ta rt of wxptriwncw and M rvfct to Irwnefwrrwd poopio tod compooJot. South Adams Street, Street). Hill Roa(i, Manchester. ft and sewer. Fine residential location. $I7 900. On* cwll puts UN to work marktUng your property hof# and Rnding tread acre lot In a lovely ^ ^ °®® Statiofi tum ofito VemoD Aak A bout Our Living Room • Dining Room • Separate Furnaces proptrty for you anywhor*. For Rtal Swrvico. . . Manchester. Rain or shine. 4 Roiad) north). Turn left on Kennedy Road to left on Kent Road to first left (Sass C tll UN today anfUm o families. Antiques 48 country neighborhood. 2 Car Garage • Good Rental Income • Great Invest­ TAG SALE- This Saturday, 9 Call Gary Johnson - 643- Shorey Realty ment at $53,900. (Jkq mn] to ' 4. Strawberry "Lane, THE PACK RAT Antiques & MWQKSTDI (MI-7U3) or IIWTO* (72MI151 or K i BIB (SIMIll) TAG SALE- Household Items, Manchester. Vacuun cleaner, 7894 avanings. Guaranteed Sales nani black powder gun, hunting Collectibles. Open Sunday, 12 ___I72-IS7I______bricks, appliances, tires, toys, to 5. 40 Flora Road, off Route 3 H a rM T p k e ., Vernon Circle VenKNi (71-2671 *1101110195 Holiday Mall 61W IN ON CJUl UK AMYTIMf , The BNrrowN & Wallace Company knives with cases, 9:30 a.m. to artificial Christmas tree, WALLACE 6:00 p.m. 65 Foley Street. 85, Bolton. Outside Clean Up 800 Silver La., E.H. T n n tiirs T ., vEMON much miscellaneous. Sale, weather permitting. 569-1660 ; Mono 429-M71 * R t 275 « Rt 31, Coyenby 742-7319* PASEK REAL ESTATE CO. INC. f’-'./A Taddei, President 006 BumaMn Avt. East Hartford ★ HOMEWARRANTY We’ve put H all together ★ GUARANIS) SAL£ ' a i W - 7 4 7 5 1,100 OFFICES NAimnmL ★ T R A N S F B S PROGRAM MttY TO SEME YOtl MITTIi PAGE KIGHTKEN — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri., Sept, 22, 1978 Frank and Ernest MAN C H B T m EVENING HERALD. r-„ , P . . . Autos For Salt SI Autot For Sale SI Autos For Sale 61 Uotorcyclas-BIcfclas 64 Ptanuts - Charlaa M. Schuli ACROSS suffix Answer to Previous Puzzle Y o v L l L i K £ T H I^ (Jo b ------MGB- 1972. Orange. AM/Fm, 1966 MUSTANG- 2 by 2 body. 1973 HONDA CB 450. Low T T Y 0 U t1 overdrive, radials. Rebuilt 1 Author DOWN PL6MTY OF FPE5H Best Offer. Call 872-2764. leage. Fleming fl 1 A L T engine. New clutch. Excellent A Q R E E d $650. Cali 643-5849. Dear Abby ' HOU/MANV GALLONS OF ..OBTAIN 5 0 GALLONS 4 Of arm-bone 1 Lawyer's 1 A i r , g A o d R rtY , a n d running condition. After 6 1972 TOYOTA CORONA Trucks tor Sale 62 M £ □ MARK II- 2 door Hardtop. CREAM CONTAINING 25% OF CREAM CONTAINING 9 Mischievous patron saint ▼71 p.m., anytime or weekends. Campars-Trallers child 2 River in UJ u BUTTER FAT ANPMILIC R T H P opportunity a t 649-8825. Nice red, with black bucket INTERNATIONAL Travelall Mobile Homes 65 By Abigail Van Buren l Z \ 7 c BUTTER FAT?" r T “o T 12 Compete Yorkshire E D u c E seat interior. 4 speed. Radio. Sale- 1970- 72's. Many to CONTAINING 3>r%6UTTEK 13 Snare 3 Roman tyrant LUNCH T i m e t o d RDP This economical little beauty L E E R t choose from. Good to fair con­ 1973 INTREPID - 20 foot FATMU5TB£/MI)^(7TO.. 14 By way of 4 Nude T E A P P 1.E CORES O N is priced right at $1595. Must dition. Dealers welcomed. Travel Trailer - Stove, 15 Stray 5 Hawaiian be seen! Suburban Motors, • L Call John Thrall at 643-2414 for refrigerator, heated. Full 16 Retreats volcano, y" D 1973 AUSTIN MARINA GT- 2 Route 83, Manchester- appointment. 17 Perform in a M auna_____ 3 E p e o p l e . door Hardtop. Just traded. 4 shower, and toilet. Tandem T A Q E Talcottville Town Line. Open DEAR ABBY; I have just lost 20 pounds, which is play 6 Nominative T L E R speed. Radio. Looking for in­ wheel. Cali 688-0383. nights 'til 8 p.m. something I’ve been trying to do for years. However, a 16 Korean city (abbr.) T E R 8 ^ TutM*} 1-U expensive transportation? Motoreyclas-BIcycles 64 20 Actress 7 Snake This is it! Drive it home for 1974 DODGE MAXI VAN- problem has developed. When I'm a dinner guest at some­ 47 Christ’s Cltl7lb»«eA,>lc,Iil «ig.USM 0(1 customizes camper, 318 heavy Moorehead 8 Second pronoun only $995. Well worth it. TRIUMPH 1976 Bonneville one's home and a gooey dessert is offered and I turn it down, 22 Automotive so­ selling birthday duty, walk-in interior, sleeps 27 Ancient Italian Suburban Motors, Route 83, 750, 8000 miles, oil cooler and the hostess will loudly announce, “Oh, you and your diet! ciety (abbr.) 9 Author 4, 40,000 mile tire warranty. Priacilla’a Pop — Ed Sullivan family 48 Flightless Manchester-Tacottville Town 1968 PONTIAC LEMANS- 2 rack. $1,750. 289-4042, You’re so skinny, it wouldn't hurt you to put on a few 24 Wield Turgenev 29 Declare birds Wanted to Rent 57 door Hardtop. Excellent Well maintained, $5,500. 643- 25 Made of soft Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Line. Open nights 'til 8. 5478. pounds!” 10 Vermin 30 Astronaut 49 And transportation. Automatic 1977 HONDA ODYSSEY Of course, all eyes are on me and I never know what to do (» e s F?EAPING THE I OFTEN LIE -WHAT'S TO BECOME fabric 11 Presses _____Slayton 28 Constructed 51 Wait COUPLE WITH One child 1966 OLDSMOBILE Converti­ 1967 MUSTANG- Standard transmission, power steering. BUGGY - All terraine use. NEWSPAPER EVER AWAKE AT NIGHT O F A L L T H E O L P L E T A\E 19 Take 31 Summers (Fr.) or say. I don't like to make a big deal out of explaining that I anew 52 Pour-stringed needs 5 or 6 room duplex or ble 2 door. Can be seen at 97 Bucket seats and console. All $850. Excellent condition. Call U P SE T 'rOU, STUART? . WONPERING- LIN(OrVPE /WkCHINES R E P H R A S E advantage of 34 Certainly not shift. 289 engine. $450 firm. really don't want it (nobody would believe me anyway), so I 32 Christian house. Reasonable. 49-8952. set and ready to go - $895. THAT HAVE BEEN THE QUESTION' 21 Athletic instrumentss Cedar Ridge Terrace, Call 643-1335. before 12 noon, 1-342-17^. Automotive Service 66 take it and eat it, and afterwards I could kick myself. symbol 40 Greek letter Glastonbury. DARTS & DUSTERS - Have Suburban Motors, Route 83, y ( V COURSE.' (2EPLACEP BV center 53 Cult MARRIED COUPLE with dog Is there a better way to handle this situation? I hate 33 Compass 41 Dancer nice selection of 1973 and 1974 Manchester-Talcottville Town SUZUKI 250 HUSLER GT 18,- WE PAY $10 for complete C O LP T Y P E '! 23 Socket 56 Choler wish to rent small house or 3 door Hardtops. All have the scenes. point Rogers Line. Open nights 'til 8. 000 miles, very reasonable. junk cars. Cal) Jtey at Tolland 35 Animal doctor 24 Comely 57 Native apartment. 289-2473. thrifty Slant 6 clinder and EMBARRASSED 43 Champions Must sell. 649-1543. Ato Body. 528-1990. (abbr.) 25 Rise and fall 58 Time zone 1970 PONTIAC CATALINA- 2 automatic transmission, 1977 COUGAR XR7- 36 Speck 26 Relative 44 Noun suffix (abbr.) WOULD LIKE TO find 1973 GREMLIN- Excellent door Hardtop. Good cheap power steering. All are clean, Showroom condition! Loaded! DEAR EMBARRASSED: Instead of being embarraised, ilk- 37 Homesite 1 storage space by November condition. One-owner. Radio, transportation. Automatic nice cars! Priced from $2295 19,000 miles. Call 643-8683 be prondl Simply any, “I'm watching my calories.'' 38 Stretch out 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 1st. for old pick up truck. Call automatic, snow tires and 1973 AMC HORNET to $2995. Can arrange con­ trans; ortation, power anytime. ^ COMPLETE CAR CURE CENTER And if yon get any feedback abont how tUnny yon are, let, 39 Come forth 12 13 14 643-8278, or 649-0610. spare. 646-0839. steering. Runs good. Drive it ■lutr. P S AM venient, low cost Bank Term.s it be known that yon worked hard to get that way and want 42 There exists on all. Come in and Test Drive '•T o p Quality Exhaust System *Bralie Service ^ IS home for $795. Suburban 1966 PLYMOUTH V-8, to stay that way. (contr.) 16 17 MIsc. tor Rent 58 BRAND NEW today. Suburban Motors, 45 Bat Motors, Route 83, automatic transmission, new •Engine Tune Up •Front End Seivice Bnt if yon lack the conrage to stand year ground In a TRANSMISSION FOR SALE- Manchester-Talcottville Town 1 9 9 5 Route 83, Manchester- tires, exhaust system, car- 46 Okay 18 19 20 21 STORAGE AREA ideal for pobUc connotation, qnietly accept the dessert, posh It 47 Noble gas $195. Call 649-4500, anytime. Line. Open nights 'til 8. Talcottville Town Line, Open burator, starter, and brakes, •Shock Absorber Replacement •Professional Rustproofing 1-2Z 22 23 24 contractors. About 1.000 'til 8 p.m. aronnd on yonr plate, and leave it. 50 Picture puzzle body in good condition. Asking •Quaiity Used Cars square feet. Overhead doors, 1972 FORD GALAXI 500, 1969 MERCURY MONTEGO- 1976 DODGE COLT GT. $300. 64^5377. Captain Eaay — Crooka & Lawrence 54 Madame 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 heat, running water, sink, excellent condition, $1,300. 4-door sedan, vinyl top, power DEAR ABBY: My son (a sophomore in high school) is get­ (abbr.) ? Door CyimOer 4 SpOHO AM 1972 PLYMOUTH WAGON, 32 33 34 35 toilet, walk-in door. Central Radial snow tires 1 year old, steering, brakes. Excellent needs work, $250 or best offer. 1973 GRAND TORIiNO- 43,000 R e g a l S S ^ ^ r ting to be a very clever thief. We give him a generous WHO TOLP VA I P-P-DUMNO WE PIPN'T COME WATCH IT. •r't-MP'®!! HE 55 Mechanical WOT VER TALKIN' HERB T'PLAY GAMES. easy: HE'S device (si.) locaton. $150'month. 646-8882. H78-15, $50 . 875-5806 after 2 running condition. Asking 1965 CHYSLER- running con­ miles, 2-door, vinyl top, power allowance and if he asked for anything extra, we would be r PLANT THAT PIPN'T TALK! 36 37 38 Ask for John. p.m. $600. 643-0736. M l MAIN STRUT, MANCHEITIR ^ glad to give it to him, but he doesn’t ask. he just helps POT IW OUR ABOUT!-SO BUSTER- EITHER YOU eoiw FEB 59 Eisenhower’s dition, $200 or best offer. 647- steering, brakes. Asking TALK FAST OR I START A CARSO nickname MON-FRI. •-«. WeO 111 I, SAT I AM • 3 PM himself. He doesn’t need anything. He just steals for the VAW? HELP MEl 39 40 41 42 43 44 1048. $1675. 649-2142 days. 641-3112 REARRANSIN' VER HOOK! 60 Auxiliary Autos For Sale 61 1972 CHEVELLE MALIBU- 1963 FORD COUNTRY thrill of stealing. TEETH 1 (abbr.) 45 46 Automatic. air, radio, power 1974 MUSTANG GHIA - 4- SQUIRE WAGON, Good run­ I know he has been in my purse and stolen money. And I 61 Irregularly steering, brakes. $1,200 . 643- 47 48 49 speed, 6 cylinder, 4 new ning condition. Thunderbird 1975 DATSUN have seen him take money from his father's wallet. He has notched 50 51 52 S3 5395 . 8 am till 2 pm. engine, needs some body 62 Winter month radials, 12 snows), excellent stolen little things from his friends, and now I find that 54 57 59 work, $475, Call 649-1364. LONGBED PICKUP (abbr.) 55 56 58 condition 228-0475 or 228-9550. •J cylinder 4 speed r^a he’s taken things from the grocery store, drugstore and MOVING- MUST SELL! 1976 63 Fast aircraft 60 61 62 Fiat 131-S. 5 speed. Air con­ other places of business. 1969 VW BG - Very good condi­ 1974 VW BUG, good condition, (abbr.) ditioned. Low mileage. Good 643-1008 anytime, '3 1 9 5 I keep finding things in his room that I know he didn t 64 Leases 63 64 65 tion. $800. Call 646-1311. after 5 condition. Asking $2800. Call buy. I have even threatened to take him to the police to 65 Superlative p.m. 647-9030. 1978 DATSUN B210 ITTHE 1979’$ ARE HERE!1 frighten him. but nothing helps. Am I raising a criminal? (NEW$P/kP(A (NTEKPHlSt ASSN) HATCHBACK- 5-speed, only 6 Please help me. ___ CHEVETTE 1974 VEGA 2- 1967 MUSTANG months old. $4,000. 643-6517. 1972 TOYOTA COROLLA NEW BUICK REGNL COUPE ILLINOIS MOM door Hatchback, automatic 1979 NEW 1979 CENTURY SPECML CONVERTIBLE, rebuilt 289. * O' 4 spOf‘0 yollnvv transmission, low mileage. Must sell immediately. 646- 1967 THUNDERBIRD- Body ______STNTION WNGON DEAR MOM: A child who steals for U e thrill of ateaUng Very Clean. Runs great. $750, 2718, 10 am-3 pm. and interior excellent, 4 door M 9 9 5 Alley Oop — Dave Graua Win at bridge 646-3761. needa profeational help. He can be atraighteaed ont if he a sedan. Needs minor engine taken In hand early. Threatening him with the police if nn- 1972 CAPRI 2,000. Excellent work. Best offer. 646-7345. wife. A policeman ibonld be iddnUfied aa a friend who pro- running condition, 4-speed, wax, WHAT DO vcusav? SHALL N O / O S C A R l BELIEVE ME, IF WE HAD ANY ... BUT \^ 'D , tectf na and onr property, not an enemy who would take WE SEND 'EM BACK TO DELFDN IT'S -ICO , CONTROL AT ALL OVERTHEIR Q F F i c E s S c T radial tires, good mileage. 1972 PINTO- Automatic 1977 TOYOTA CORONA pleaanre in pnnlaUng onr wrongdoing. Aik yonr fimfly t o tSATHER ENOUeH CATA TD C A N S E R O U S l MOVEMENTS, I'D SAY VES FOR RENT $1050. 646-085. transmission, radio. Clean in­ tPBTVK ITS EVISTEKCE? Stilt on Wagor- 4 ^, 5 speed doctor whom to lee abont this boy. Blind leading the blind terior. Reliable and I’CVop' steering t.iclOfy an AW r |2S0 square feet, cenler of I 1969 PONTIAC EXECUTIVE economical transportation. ■ad'■ rQ(^,( f-jcn w-. f t c'.’in partner. “You did have a I,Manchester, air conditionine and I 4idef ye C'rt NORTH 9-22 Iparkinf! Call 643-9551 WAGON- Mechanically Make offer. 646-6314. singleton club, but ten high excellent. Body fair. $650. Call DEAR ABBY: I have a friend whose company I enjoy im­ e Q863 card points is not enough to after 5 p.m., 872-4520. ^ 4 5 9 5 231 V-6, auto, trans., pow. steer., steel belted mensely and we see each other at least once a week—but it • AK86 warrant going after a radials, radio accom. package, front disc brakes, is always at MY house. « J942 slam." custom steering wheel, deluxe wheel covers, Power steering, deluxe wheel covers, luggage She has a lovely home and a housekeeper, so there is no • 4 North's splinter had been custom rocker panel moldings, protective reason in the world why she can’t invite me to her house WEST EAST a decided overbid, but was 1973 PLYMOUTH VALIANT- 1972 VOLKSWAGEN rack, power brakes, 231 V-6, auto, trans., bumper 4 ----- bumper strips. Stock #9030 once in a while. ♦ K 10 2 just a mote in his eye com­ 4 Door Sedan. 6 cylinder, strips, radio accom. pkge. Stock #9023 » J 954 » 7 2 pared to the beam that automatic transmission, When I see her or talk to her on the phone, she always says, “Do come over to see me sometime.” I don’t consider « Q 10 6 5 ♦ K873 blinded South. NOW TAKING j power steering, air condition. • KQI063 ♦ A J 7 5 South had gone right to a One owner car. High mileage List $6,034.00 List $5959.00 this a proper invitation. When I invite her to my home, I 9*22 »c,TiM>*«.(iw. SOUTH slam with 11 high-card and slight fender damage, but 2 others to a b i r 3 others to telephone and ask her to come on a specific afternoon. points on the strengu of the a strong running car. An choose from «ALt choose from SALE I don’t want to offend her, but I would like her to know ♦ AJ9754 *5330 The Plintetonee — Hanna Barbara Productions » Q 10 3 knowledge about the singel- excellent buy at only $995. *5278 that her "come over sometime” invitation doesn't sound APPLICATIONS 1971 VOLKSWAGEN ton club. A decided overbid, Suburban Motors, Route 83, very sincere to me. ♦ A For A Waiting Ust Only | ♦ 962 but the slam was a wrap up. Manchester-Talcottville Town How should this be handled? Or am I too touchy? South should have 1^ the Line. Open nights 'til 8, ^LOOK, FRED,' & BEDROOM APARTMENTS • MRS. ANONYMOUS THAT WAITER Vulnerable: Both queen of spades from 2 3 CHARTER OAK RUICK IS MOTIONING Dealer: South dummy at trick three. East From $200 2 Bedrooms; $218 3 Bedrooms. Includes; 4 DEAR MBS. ANONYMOUS: Are yon too tonchy? Nn. AT US could do no better than play 81 ADAMS ST. MANCHESTER West North East South his king. West would snow Heat, Hot Water and Parking, with Wall to Wall ♦ (Open Evanlngs) And how abonld it be handled? The next time yonr v ^ e !♦ friend nika you to come over “aometime"—nak, ”IFke#l. out, but South would ruff his Carpeting, Modern Appliances, 2 Laundromats on ♦ 1971 FORD GALAXIE- 4 door 6 4 IM 5 7 1 Pass 4* Pas.s 4 NT Sedan. Real clean. 8 cylinder, last club, finesse against site. ♦ Pass 5* Pass 6* East's 10 and make his slam. automatic transmission, Who laid the toen yean are the happieat? For Abby'a Pass Pass Pass CALL 643-1961 t power steering. Ford air. Car has been w^l maintained. new booklet “What Teenagert Want to Know,” write Mon. thru Frf. from 9 to 4:30 # Excellent transportation for Abby: 1$2 Lanky Dr., Beverly Hilli, CalU. 90212. Enchme Opening lead; AK Sal. 8-12. t COUNTY VW II and a long, stamped (28 cental, self-eddreiied eavdepe, only $995. Suburban Motors, A Kansas reader wants to Route 83, TalcottYi'lle please. nw i Route 83, Manchester- know what an “Undouble" Talcottville Town Line. Open 649-2638 is. nights 'til 8 p.m. TOM OENN-cur SUES MMHCER SAYS: By Oswald Jacoby A term coined by Dick Astrograph and Alan Sontag Frey to describe a double of J The Born Loser — Art Sansom Jesus’ advice, “Cast out a slam contract to tell part­ the beam from thine own eye ner to save against it unless ^ ‘THE END IS MEM he can beat it in his own AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) USUALLY IT'S A60UT ^ L IK E A<0RE before thou see the mote in For critical tasks, select thy brother’s,” applies par­ hand. Very high level expert SAVE SP coworkers with care today. SOfWETHIWC? 'IDU MOtJEY. ticularly well to what bidding that isn’t of much 1978 SOON THE 79’S WILL a s Types who have to be bribed to today’s South had in mind. value. help could cause you woes. I'V E COT GOMg- HAwaJTGar., South ruffed the second (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN I PISCES (Feb. 20-March 29- club in dummy, led the six of September 23,1978 TH1W62IWAKJTTO BE HERE - EVERY­ Your social activities could be trumps, finessed his jack (For a copy of JACOBY 'D- mtsun clemhnce countdown Conditions are likely to im­ spoiled today If you include .;IAI^'3795 THE dEWUlNE THRILL OF THE THRILL OF IREHEARSINO 6 cyl., AT. PS, A M -F M radio, air THE HOMECO/AIN6 AS SETTIN6 AWAY H I6 4 speed, steel belted radials, vent 2 dr. sta. wagon. AT, PS, wsw I cond., steel belted white walla, YOU r e t u r n To YOUR FROM HOME 'T V E B EE N , windows, heavy duty package, tires, 4 cyl.. Interior & exterior! tinted glass. Interior decor group EMPTY ROOMS! EITHER! l o n e s o m e De Cormier #8542. #8401. decor group. #8351. ROU Tir.E,' S. C A N T YA GIVE AC T U ALLY/ I'M L O O K IN G 1 M& SOME FOR SOMETHING ---- Motor Sales, Inc. *419S TO USE AS A !4 4 9 5 IDEA WHAT YA G O T IN DOORSTOP.' DATSUN MINDJ?

DILLON SALES ^ SERViLf Ifjf ORPf;:'ATLO 288 BROAD ST. t OPEN TONITEW p h o n e ! MANCHESTER I TILL 8 PM J A A R R lE I • V$, ^INOLE^ eil7H»ICA.bC,TM»mi.Ha.0W f'X l- “Come on, B o y f