Harold Washington College — Library Newsletter

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Harold Washington College — Library Newsletter Harold Washington College — Library Newsletter Workshops: Citations, Writing a Research Paper and Internet Searching Spring 2009 Introduction to Citations: The why and how of citing information This workshop will provide an introduction to citations--why and when they are needed. Emphasis will be Ms. Carnes Goes to placed on citing in MLA style. Washington! ⇒ Monday, March 23rd: Monday, April 20th: It is with great pleasure that 10:00am - 11:10am 10:00am - 11:10am the Library announces the ⇒ Thursday, March 26th: Thursday, April 23rd: recent internship of Michelle 1:00pm - 2:10pm 1:00pm - 2:10pm Carnes, adjunct librarian, with the Obama transition team. Write a Research Paper Michelle has been in Wash- ington, DC for the past seven This workshop will show you how to turn a research question into a paper in 6 steps. In order to get the weeks as a member of the most out of this workshop, please come prepared with a research paper topic in mind. President-elect’s (now Presi- dent Obama) transition team. ⇒ Monday, March 23rd: Monday, April 20th: Michelle was a volunteer in 1:00pm - 2:20pm 1:00pm - 2:20pm the Obama campaign begin- ning in 2006. An enthusiastic ⇒ Tuesday, March 24th: Tuesday, April 21st: supporter of Obama, she 1:00pm - 2:20pm 1:00pm - 2:20pm enlisted many people to Wednesday, March 25th: Wednesday, April 23rd: support his run for the presi- ⇒ dency. Michelle was invited 9:30am - 10:50am 9:30am - 10:50am to work on the transition team ⇒ Thursday, March 26th: Thursday, April 24th: in November of 2008. 11:00am - 12:20pm 11:00am - 12:20pm Michelle began working at the Introduction to Internet Searching HWC Library in August 2007, and has been a most wel- This class will introduce you to searching the Internet--using effective search strategies, choosing appropri- come addition to the Library ate search tools and evaluating Web sites. staff. Her experience and skills have greatly enhanced ⇒ Tuesday, March 24th: Tuesday, April 21st: the level of service we pro- 11:00am - 12:10pm 11:00am - 12:10pm vide to the students, staff and administrators of Harold ⇒ Wednesday, March 25th: Wednesday, April 22nd: Washington College. She has 1:00pm - 2:10pm 1:00pm - 2:10pm a degree in English and has worked on the Library’s in- All sessions will take place in the library computer lab, room 501K. ventory project. Michelle is a native of Chicago and is a Institute for Museum and Library inventory project and has been graduate of Clark-Atlanta Schedule a Library Orien- University’s Graduate School tation / Instruction Ses- Services grant. The three-year, very helpful to our students. We of Library and Information sion for your Class $1 million Laura Bush 21st Cen- look forward to having Alison at tury Librarian grant supports the HWC on the IMLS internship Science. We eagerly await her return on January 26. recruitment and education of new program after graduation. We encourage you to schedule a professional librarians to serve in library orientation / instruction Illinois and other community col- session for your class. We pro- Assessment in the HWC Inside this issue: lege libraries. The goal is to build vide a physical tour of the library Library a diverse, professional workforce and a hands-on instruction ses- that understands community- Library Workshops sion in the library’s computer lab. The Harold Washington College based library staffing and service Your students will learn how to Library is serious about student strategies and the challenges of find books, magazines, newspa- learning. We want our students Schedule Library Orienta- serving a non-traditional, com- pers, and academic journals. To to become well-acquainted with muter-based student population. tion / Instruction schedule an instruction session, the concept of information liter- Ten Partner Libraries, HWC in- please use the “Schedule Instruc- acy, which is defined as the abil- cluded, are mentored internships tion” link on the Faculty tab at the ity to know when information is Library Intern for 6-9 months after the comple- top of the library Web page. needed and to have the ability to tion of the MLS degree program. retrieve, evaluate, and use that Presidential Inauguration Alternatively, you can e-mail li- information. Our intern, Alison LaTendresse, brarian Celia Perez directly at will begin her internship after [email protected]. Assessment in the Library graduation in May 2009. She has been volunteering at the Library Alison LaTendress—Library since June 2008 in anticipation of Special Collections Intern her new status after graduation. Alison currently works at the Uni- In 2006, HWC and KKC were versity of Chicago and attends Textbooks @ the Library honored to be the recipients, graduate school in Springfield. along with 11 other community She has been instrumental in college libraries in Illinois, of an assisting the Library with our Ms. Johnson’s Retire- Current book display ment In order to make sure that our tions are kept: even used books, can be a finan- books for the shelf. She eventu- cial obstacle for many of our stu- ally became the Circulation students are learning these Child Development Association dents. The beginning of each se- Supervisor, training hourly staff; important skills, we have begun Collection mester always brings a wave of work-study students and new a detailed assessment program This collection of children’s students looking for copies of their full-time 1708 staff. Her dedica- to help us understand which books specifically supports fac- textbooks, and, unfortunately, we tion to her job paid off for every- teaching approaches work best. ulty and students in the child are not able to purchase copies of one alike, students, faculty, We teach students at the refer- development program. ence desk, in formal classroom all current books. The current text- administrators and staff through- instruction sessions, and in a ESL Collection books we maintain in our reserve out the college. This collection of readers sup- collection are graciously donated variety of stand-alone work- As we celebrated her retirement ports the English as a Second by faculty. These books are library- shops. By paying close atten- with a luncheon on December 3, Language program. use only, and are a great help to tion to the general trend of 2008 at the Renaissance Hotel, students who can’t purchase student learning, we are able to Assessment Collection it was obvious that she is much books or who need, but don’t have, make our teaching more infor- This collection contains books loved and will be truly missed. a specific book with them. If you mative, relevant, and effica- about student learning out- Testimonials were made by past are interested in placing current cious. comes; institutional, program- and present Library staff and textbooks on reserve, please stop matic, and classroom assess- peers from other departments Though assessments are by the Circulation Desk of the li- ment; and classroom assess- throughout Harold Washington anonymous and students will brary and ask for a librarian, or ment techniques. College. Ethel will always re- not receive grades for their stop by a reference desk and we’d main a wonderful friend and a participation in them, they GIC Collection be happy to help. should take them seriously. The model employee. This collection contains books information we receive from about issues discussed by Ethel Johnson's Retirement from other departments through- them is imperative for the con- Global Initiatives Chicago, in- out Harold Washington College. tinued improvement of teaching from the HWC Library cluding globalism, social justices, Ethel will always remain a won- and learning in the library. For the environment, peak oil, and It is with joy and pain that the Li- derful friend and a model em- more information about our more. brary faculty and staff announce ployee. assessment program, please the retirement of Ethel Johnson. TLT Collection see the library website, http:// She gave 27 years of commitment, Designed for the CAST Commit- hwclibrary.ccc.edu/ loyalty and professionalism to assessment/. tee, the Teaching, Learning, and Harold Washington College and Technology collection supports the Library. Through her Library Special Collections faculty interested in best prac- service, she became known all tices, emerging technologies, over the College as a tireless There is nothing new about and pedagogy. worker and a wise woman. As the discovering new books to read mother of four children, she set at the library, but now, thanks Textbooks @ the Library high standards for them as well as to our special collections, find- Do you have an extra copy of the her colleagues. ing interesting new books is easier than ever. We have set textbook(s) you are using for Mrs. Johnson began her career in your classes? If so, please con- aside numerous titles in new libraries at Kennedy-King College. Library group study room collections throughout the li- sider placing it on reserve at the When she came to Harold Wash- brary. Ask a librarian to show HWC Library. As many of you ington, she worked in the Techni- you where the following collec- know, the high cost of textbooks, cal Processing unit, preparing Harold Washington College About the HWC Library: The Harold Washington College Library will provide a Library, Fifth Floor well-organized and easily accessible collection of materials -- print, as well as 30 E. Lake St. non-print and electronic -- primarily to support the college curriculum and ser- Chicago, IL 60601 vices for students at the home campus and for students in our distance learn- General phone: 312 553-5760 ing programs. The Library faculty will be available all hours the Library is open Reference desk: 312 553-5784 to offer students instruction and assistance, either individually or in formal E-mail: [email protected] bibliographic instruction sessions.
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