
E1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 31, 2001 news as a newspaper’ published from women to be strong and courageous enough who saw the minute details, without losing Chandigarh, just to cover the Burning Pun- to leave a bad situation and make a better life sight of the larger picture. Yitzhak Rabin— jab staff under India Penal Code. One for themselves and their children. the man of security, who fought in battles Lashkar Singh has filed the case: DIG of We must also understand the reasons that and wars, Chief of Staff of IDF during the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) of In- Six-Day War. dian Hindu Regime. compel abusers to carry on their outrageous As we mourn the loss of our fallen hero, we It is pertinent to mention that Burning behavior. The abuser continues his behavior must remember, he dedicated his career to Punjab web site is aired through European because violence is an effective method for national defense, and his life to ’s fu- and American based servers and satellites. gaining and keeping control over another per- ture. In fact, at the time of his assassina- It’s registered address is located in United son. The abuser objectifies women, sees tion, Rabin served not only as Prime Min- Kingdom but with a motive to harass human women as property, and does not respect ister, but also as the Minister of Defense. In rights activists working for Burning Punjab 1986, I served as Director General of the Min- women as a group. Historically, punishment istry of Defense, as per Rabin’s request. I web site, Indian Police have now manipu- for this type of violence has lacked severity lated forge case against them by alleging held this office for nearly ten years. Basi- that Burning Punjab News is a daily news- and thus deterrent for such behavior. cally, because Rabin would not let me leave. paper published from Chandigarh. Whereas We must also provide women with more re- At our weekly meeting on Friday, Novem- no such newspaper’ published from sources. Most battered women have children, ber third, nineteen ninety-five, I raised the Chandigarh. are not employed outside of the home, have issue of my resignation. I had served an un- A formal representation has been sent to no property that are solely theirs, and lack ac- precedented number of years as Director General, and I felt it was time to move on. Chief Justice of Supreme Court and the High cess to cash or bank accounts. There exist 3 Court, urging them to take initiative and Rabin understood my reasoning, but re- times more animal shelters than battered quested that I stay in that post. After delib- prevent abusing human right activists and women’s shelters in the United States. We also legal process of the land. eration, we decided to discuss this and other must work to ensure that women have the pending issues at our next meeting on Sun- f support system to permit them to leave an day, November fifth. Of course, that con- versation never took place. With just three DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS abusive relationship. Mr. Speaker, our country has come a long shots from an assassin, Yitzhak’s potential MONTH way from not treating domestic violence as a leader was brought to an end. His life was cut short, and the future of the Middle against women and children as a ‘‘real’’ crime East would never be the same again. HON. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE to passing the Violence Against Women Act. Though his dreams have not become a re- OF TEXAS But our efforts must continue to raise aware- ality, Rabin’s vision for the future lives on. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness of this very urgent issue. It is kept alive in the heart of each Israeli Wednesday, October 31, 2001 f citizen and soldier who wishes to live in a land of security and peace. Over the past Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, REMARKS OF ISRAELI AMBAS- year, this dream has been marred by trag- we gather tonight to recognize this month of SADOR AT THE ME- edy, sorrow, and pain. But amidst the broken October as Domestic Violence Awareness MORIAL SERVICE FOR YITZHAK pieces, the Israeli people have emerged Month. AND united. Bonded by a unique determination and resolve. This resolve has been strength- Domestic violence against women remains ened by the abiding relationship of Israel and an epidemic in the United States as well as HON. TOM LANTOS the United States. For over half a century, around the world. A UNICEF study shows that OF CALIFORNIA we have stood together as true partners and up to half of the female population of the world IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friends. becomes the victims of domestic violence. As a diplomat, general, and statesman, Wednesday, October 31, 2001 One in every two women is victimized! Yitzhak Rabin appreciated the unwavering In our own backyard, the statistics are unbe- Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, the distin- support of the United States, its vital role in lievable. According to a Department of Justice guished Ambassador of Israel to the United peace negotiations, and our joint efforts to States had a most personal and longstanding maintain stability in the Middle East. Al- released on October 28, 2001, women in their though regional stability has been shaken, mid-teens to mid-20’s are three times as likely relationship with Israel’s late, great Prime Min- the ties that bind us remain strong. As our to be attacked by a significant other than an ister Yitzhak Rabin. It is with deep reverence two nations mourn the tragedy of September older women. However, middle-aged women for what Yitzhak Rabin stood for that I share eleventh it is clear—the United States and between the ages of 35–49 are the most likely Ambassador Ivry’s comments with my col- Israel are forever partners in the pursuit of to be killed by an intimate partner than young- leagues. security and peace. er women. One in 10 girls killed between the This is just one element of the legacy left REMARKS OF ISRAELI AMBASSADOR DAVID behind by Yitzhak Rabin. Though his leader- ages of 12 and 15 dies at the hands of her IVRY AT THE MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ship has come to an end, his message still re- boyfriend or significant other. YITZHAK AND LEAH RABIN mains. Today, we remember that peace is The Violence Against Women Act of 2000, ISRAELI AMBASSADOR DAVID IVRY not just a dream. It is essential to our fu- signed by President Clinton on October 28, It is with a heavy heart that I stand before ture, and the future of generations to come. 2000, improves legal tools and programs ad- you today, and pay tribute to a couple whose Shalom haverim. dressing domestic violence, sexual assault, dedication to Israel brought us hope, whose Shalom friends. May the memory of and stalking. The Act also reauthorizes critical efforts for peace renewed our vision of the fu- Yitzhak and Leah be with us forever. grant programs created by VAWA of 1994 and ture, and whose legacy will be remembered f for generations to come. subsequent legislation, establishes new pro- Yitzhak and Leah Rabin are no longer with PLIGHT OF AFGHAN WOMEN grams, and strengthens federal laws. us, but their memories are inscribed on the I am proud to say that Congress has recog- stones of history. Sustained in our hearts nized that women and children victims of do- and minds forever. Leah was a supportive HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD mestic violence deserve enhanced protection. wife, a devoted mother, and a pillar of OF CALIFORNIA But we must also take additional steps—we strength to those who knew her. Yitzhak was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES must continue to raise awareness. Socially, a man of integrity and vision. An honorable Wednesday, October 31, 2001 we must emphasize that women have choices. soldier whose greatest mission was his battle for peace. Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise Traditional ideology has forced women to re- I first met Yitzhak in 1959. I was a young today to join my colleagues to condemn the main in dangerous and even fatal situations. captain, and he, the Deputy Chief of General oppressive rule enforced by the Taliban re- Women are not the only one in a marriage re- Staff, a respected leader and a critical asset gime against women. I thank Congresswoman sponsible for its success. Stress, alcohol, to the IDF. Our paths frequently crossed Millender-McDonald, co-chair of Women’s problems at work, and unemployment does again over the years until the day he ap- Caucus, for her leadership in bringing this not justify the abuser’s behavior. A woman’s proached me and requested that I return to issue to the attention of all members of Con- identity and worth is not based upon getting the Ministry of Defense. gress. Ms. Millender-McDonald has been a I knew him in times of crisis and success. and keeping a man. An abuser’s ‘‘lucid mo- I found him to be a sensitive man, emotional long time advocate for the equal and fair treat- ments’’ from violence does not make him a to the point of tears at the loss of life; a ment of women both here in the United States ‘‘good man’’. Divorce is a viable alternative. leader who was not only attentive but knew and abroad. And it’s okay for family members to intervene how to listen. He had a piercing analytical Mr. Speaker, the Taliban are a repressive and get help for the victims. Choices empower understanding of the issues. He was a man and regressive force in Afghan society. They

VerDate 112000 05:18 Nov 01, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31OC8.040 pfrm01 PsN: E31PT1 October 31, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1975 rule their country in complete defiance of the TREATMENT OF AFGHAN WOMEN as a way out of all her miseries that had 1977 Afghanistan constitution—denying both poisoned her for years. After being found with men and women the equal rights this docu- HON. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE her self-inflicted burns, her family took her to ment specifically grants them. Under the OF TEXAS a hospital, but the facility was lacking a physi- Taliban regime, women, in particular, suffer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cian and proper medical treatment. It was too extreme oppression. late to save her life. Wednesday, October 31, 2001 Prior to the Taliban regime, women in Af- They are isolated in their homes and barred Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, ghanistan enjoyed equal rights with men under from going to school, working, or even walking thank you for the opportunity to speak on this the Afghan Constitution. Seventy percent of outside unaccompanied. They are required by very urgent issue of the treatment of the the teachers in Kabul were women, 50 percent the Taliban never to enter public places with- women in Afghanistan. were civil servants and university students, out being completely covered. The windows Yesterday, on Good Morning America, sev- and 40 percent were doctors. on their houses are also covered or painted so eral video clips flashed across the television Many organizations have been working to no one may see them. They live their lives in secretly depicting the horrific and brutal treat- help these women. We as Members of Con- semi-darkness; faceless and powerless. Those ment of women in Afghanistan. gress must find a way to restore rights and who violate the rules of conduct are beaten or The first clip showed a woman leaving her human dignity of the women of Afghanistan. brutalized by roving bands of Taliban police. home dressed in her full burqa, but missing Mr. Speaker, I thank you for allowing me the shroud that covers her face. A man who This oppression of Afghan women not only this time to raise awareness on the treatment obviously was not her husband or even rel- of women in Afghanistan. compromises their value as human beings, but ative proceeded to beat her. What was even f undermines Afghan society by denying it the more shocking was that passersby were not talents and contributions of its women. In fact, affected by the scene. Such occurrences have NEW POTO LAW IN INDIA PER- prior to Taliban rule Afghan women were become part of their everyday lives. Incredibly, HAPS MOST REPRESSIVE EVER counted amongst the country’s leading doc- the beating of women for ‘disciplinary’ as well tors, lawyers, teachers and political leaders. as entertainment reasons is a routine phe- HON. DAN BURTON The contributions they made to their commu- nomenon in Afghanistan under the Taliban, an OF INDIANA nities were invaluable. extremist Islamic sect. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In addition, as the primary caregivers in The second clip showed the Taliban exe- Wednesday, October 31, 2001 families Afghan women are responsible for in- cuting a woman accused of killing her abusive Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, in stilling values and a sense of right and wrong husband. Although the husband’s family for- 1995 the Indian law known as the ‘‘Terrorist in their children. By demeaning women, the gave the woman because she bore his seven children, a Taliban fighter was still ordered to and Disruptive Activities Act (TADA)’’ expired. Taliban regime is indoctrinating new genera- It was one of the most repressive laws ever tions of children, boys and girls alike with a shoot her in the back of her head with an automatic rifle because she was ‘‘too guilty to put on the books anywhere in the world. It al- belief that is counter to a set of values that we lowed people to be picked up for any reason all hold dear. It is important for Afghan moth- be forgiven.’’ How can we allow this type of treatment of or no reason, held without charge or trial for ers and grandmothers to provide inspiration women to continue? an indefinite period, deprived them of the right and hope for a better quality of life to their With the coming to power of Islamic fun- to know of the charges against them or face children, and that begins with their own fair damentalists, women’s right to fully participate their accusers. The law was widely abused. and just treatment. If not, what message are in the social, economic, cultural and political When a rare TADA defendant would get re- these children being sent when their govern- life of the country was drastically curtailed and leased, the police would immediately pick him ment demeans and represses those who are later on abruptly denied them by the Taliban. up again and often would file TADA com- at the very heart of family life? What vision for Women are totally deprived of the right to plaints in more than one jurisdiction to make the future can we offer these innocent chil- education, of the right to work, of the right to it impossible to contest. Despite the fact that dren? travel, of the right to health care, of the right it expired over six years ago, the Movement Mr. Speaker, the reality is that if we want to to legal recourse, of the right to recreation, Against State Repression reports that over build a world where freedom, democracy, and and of the right to being human. 52,000 Sikhs are being held as political pris- equality are respected tenets, then women Some of the heinous restrictions imposed by oners in India, most under TADA and many of have to be equal partners with men in all as- the Taliban on women in Afghanistan include: them since 1984. India took TADA off the books under intense pects of life. Women all over the world, includ- coverage with burqa from head to toe; the political pressure but continued to enforce it. ing Afghanistan, value the opportunity to con- whipping of women in public for having non- Now the country that likes to boast of being tribute their special talents and ideas with their covered ankles; a ban on women laughing loudly; and a ban on women wearing brightly ‘‘the world’s largest democracy’’ has taken ad- communities. Therefore, we should join them colored clothes. Women are prohibited from vantage of the terrorist incident that occurred as allies in their struggle for a social climate going outside, except for a government-sanc- in September to promulgate a law called the where equality for both Muslim men and Mus- tioned purpose. Prevention of Ordinance (POTO) lim women is respected. Women’s freedoms were virtually wiped out that makes TADA look mild. Twenty three or- Finally, I want to clearly state that the blame when the Taliban took over Afghanistan in ganizations have already been banned under for the continued discrimination Afghan 1996. Women became subject to a horrific POTO, including the International Sikh Youth women face is not in Islam, but on the non- system of gender apartheid whereby they are Federation (ISYF), a group that has engaged Islamic nature of the Taliban regime. Progres- prohibited from working, attending school, and in peaceful political for human rights sive based Islamic traditions have been tossed leaving their homes without a male relative and sometimes for independence for the Sikh aside by the Taliban government and replaced and, as I described earlier, without wearing homeland, Khalistan. This ban just goes to with an extremism that is a distortion of true the head-to-toe burga shroud. show that in the eyes of the Indian govern- Islam. Islamic fundamentalism, in essence, looks ment, anyone who speaks up peacefully for upon women as subhumans, fit only for freedom for for freedom is considered a ‘‘ter- The United States Congress must condemn household slavery and as a means of rorist.’’ Oddly, it also bans the Liberation Ti- the treatment of women in Afghanistan in the procreation. gers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which India today name of justice, peace, equality and freedom. This outrageous view of women was incred- reported was a creation of the Indian govern- It has been too long since Afghan women ibly elevated to the status of official policy ment and whose leaders, according to the arti- have enjoyed the rights common in so many when the ignorant Taliban took control of 90 cle, were put up in Delhi’s finest hotel. other areas of the world. Mr. Speaker, it is my percent of Afghanistan, including In addition, POTO provides for suppression hope that the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan Kabul. For example, female education from of information, and therefore makes journalists will contribute to establishing a stable and pro- kindergarten to graduate was banned; employ- subject to terrorism charges if they publish in- gressive Islamic regime that values women ment for women is banned. formation unfavorable to the government. It and permits them to contribute positively and Taliban restrictions have driven women in makes the furnishing of certain information to equally to a better tomorrow for the citizens of Afghanistan to commit suicide. An educated police investigators mandatory with a prison Afghanistan and future generations. 20-year old woman burned herself with petrol term of up to three years for failure to tell

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