Journal of Critical Reviews ISSN- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 5, 2020


1Akbar Utamuradov, 2Stepanova Olga Ivanovna, 3Djamshid Djurayev

1Professor of National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek [email protected] 2Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek 3PhD, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. [email protected]

Received: 11.01.2020 Revised: 15.02.2020 Accepted: 21.03.2020

Abstract At the present stage of history, which is full of hard overcoming threats and risks, mankind is dealing with a relatively new destructive phenomenon called by the scientific community as “provoking of the space”, ignoring which could be the result of loss (maybe forever) established social psychological balance in the earth’s order.Its ominous symptoms are already there. The search for an adequate way out of the crisis is the task and civic duty of the world scientific, including philosophical community. With this in mind, the purpose of the article under discussion is, on the basis of advanced philosophical research, to share the author’s conviction that Man and Space are merged indistinctly; fitted, spiritualized each other in order to stay alive, to preserve Life by definition; to prove the fact that neglect of space is fraught with serious destructive consequences for the world.To achieve this goal, along with well-known tools of philosophical search, guided by such a creative research as situational analysis, the ratio of existing and potential can “bring” the thought process to new the horizons of search with respect to the essence of space - this fundamental constant of being. The main results of the study were a more reasoned justification of the universality, “pre-assignment” of the co- evolution of Man and Space as a meta-historical program and the inadmissibility of breaking this unique harmony.It is assumed that the indicated parameters of the subject of research in the manner in which they are outlined and studied can cause interest both for those who are directly involved in the space problem and those who are intellectually involved in issues related to the condition of the world order in general.

Key words: prescribed order, anthropocentrism of the space, the space as a meaning field, the world of entity.

© 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license ( DOI:

INTRODUCTION MAJOR PART The of research for philosophical and scientific In modern complicated stage of human history takes on community in that, first of all in it reasonably founded, that special importance the problem as such appropriated space like fundamental category and important instrument of understanding of the space. It was under the influence essential depiction of the world as well as one of the single multispectral as external and internal factors in result undergo support of being, which was learned and continue to learn unprecedented changes not only structural, but also in bounded and discursively. meaning. Increasing the frequency of human mobility washing out cultural-national barriers, planetary spreading information Perception, understanding and its interpretation in technologies, almost the common global transport relationship with opportunity to continue the Life, Universe, as infrastructure and many others finally put into the changes such creation its , occasionally inexcusable went and configuration of international space in all [1]. It is one of away to the second plan. Nevertheless it is not refute the the immanent margin common to all mankind being. merits of that part of the world scientific-philosophical community (V.S.Stepin, E.B.Rashkovskiy, J.T.Toshenko, Humanity is in front of by no means exotic phenomenon, E.Kochetov, A.S.Panarin, I.V.Verdanskiy, P.Teyar de Sharden, which reflects unhealthy and enduring to the spacethan other L.M.Gumelev Look: The list of literature) which calls the sphere of being which could conditionally call “provocation of scientists to more deep research so in accordance to the instability”. It was, it is and it will take place mismatch in the spiritual need of living. Therefore, it keeps the spiritual need, rhythm spatio-temporal continuum. Particularly humanity necessity and the essentials valuable conceptual development, comes into such a period of its vital activity when small intriguing the scientists-philosophers, try to come out to the departure from established order could call colossal loss from new level of research of this fundamental, important to the the view point of present and future earthly space. Views on long period problem. An attempt which is making by us to the world arena as a “great chess board” writes the well- discuss the question as it formulated first, is the next step in it, known philosopher V.Mironov, where wins the strongest but second, relatively the starting point for hard search of the new the small figures can be exchanged, sacrificed and could not be unknown fields of Space – in one own way the “shelter” to the demanded [2]. Human. It is natural that introduced research was made within the framework Russian-speaking sources and literature, does Nevertheless the stable instability is presents as an not pretend to accordance accumulated world experience. It immanency and should not wave from it. On the contrary they has many and serious things to work. Nevertheless the text should use it: turn instability to stability. Therefore according contains some theoretical and practical important to the word of the well-known physicist and philosopher generalizations, which could attract attention even demanding I.Prigogine “invitation to the new researches” on the one hand specialists on object and subject of this discourse as far as but on the other hand – opens the new opportunity and beyond the frame of research such a problems like self- horizons for more deep cognition and understanding the organization, hyper systems “ The Human – Space – Universe” universe including of its spatial formation. Therefore in the searching the harmony and many other. work which is under discussion to make it aim a) touch upon the subject which is related with its of the space; b) what and how it should be done for reaching demanded level that is subject to identification of the space and finally, c) with what the paradox could be related over which the world

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simply does not attach importance to the meaning to the definition of the space. With the view of the following concept spatio-temporal continuum provoked in that way development own view point on the problem let starts from serious challenges of its fate. one of its which is run: “the space – philosophical category through it indicates the form being of things and phenomenon It is known very long time ago when appeared sensible person which reflects its co-being, co-existence in the space [5]. (homo sapiens) coexist with environment, present in it could not express and form up its attitude “to that other” to itself and It does not debate with the authors, nevertheless it should be the world in general. It is true even from the view point of noted on account of understandable considerations of given modern person which is hard to determines with term determination could not embrace in full volume concerning “attitude” by that reason which shown rather in form in some substantial part of the space as environment, reproduction and unsystematic impulsive reaction to environment. At that time development of natural, social and spiritual factor of human the human could not draw the line between itself on the one vital activity. It seems for us that here ideal subjective “go out” hand and on the other hand to that small environment of that beyond the bounds of the space, in spite of this it has own unlimited unity which is now calls the Universe. Nevertheless material code [6]. In other words subjective also includes in it starts to form some distant resemblances of relations “I am – itself practically all the scope relations in the space although not I am”. this as an idea could not give in any practice [7]. The person perceived thought own being joined with the It is known that all real and potential conceivable natural, universe, depending from environment. Nature still prevailed social and spiritual systems have many parameters (casualty, over it and in it sensed something demiurgeous. The person synchronism, interrelationship, interdependence, structural obeyed to the nature and from it expected salvation. In other and etc.) And all of them have its status, its meaning in words environment with its all inscrutability seemed to it cognitive process. But peculiarity of the role and the place of supernatural, divine. Not only to the nature but to its varied the space indisputable: but as a bearing construction forms of manifestations-elements gave sacramental meaning. explanatory picture of the world is important scientific In this situation was and should not talk about some research instrument for understanding of the world in all its contrasting the human to environment or to show aloof on the multiformity and changeableness. Without the space the level of mental speech. The human lived and contemplated in universe a certain chimera nowhere and never exists. Without own circle, the nature also was in “comfortable” condition for spatial news talking about material and spiritual processes itself. Such a kind of relations standard, interaction between have not meaning and objectless. human and nature expressed with essential peculiarities life activity of ancestors in prehistoric mythological period. Based on the new scientific progress and social practice having nothing more than adequate presentation about the space, the However it does not give the reason to talk about that human man realizes that it is one of the fundamental if it not the single kind was in such an absolute ignorance condition. Evidently it factor of being, Life in general. The space hasimperishable happened successive radical changes in psychology of the man function instrument cognition the universe; lead the intellect which gave to him the opportunity to step over the borders the till the deep stratum of the Universe. The space as the form of world of myth into qualitative another form sociality, another existence, co-existence, the order of things and phenomena spatio-temporal correlations with its existence. In this case and their multiformity drag the human into the vast space of means colossal spiritual processes of that time Egypt, the universe. The human cognizing the environment, thinking Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Hindustan peninsula, Central Asia, spatial in the space, cognize itself and its destination. By the Graeco-Hellenic area and in China [3]. Nevertheless dominated words of well-known philosopher S.Stepin it appears as a long before antiquity on the planet “figuratively integral vision result of the next “phase passage development of the of the world” cosmic-spatial perception of environment Metagalaxy” [8]. It is possible to say by paraphrasing Kant’s continued set to and individual (self-) consciousness postulate that the human in the space and thinking spatial limit of itself indissoluble part of the Universe but the last only deeply realizes: what it can know, what it can do, on what it one abode. The world in human mind does not divide into the can hope and what is it. West and East. From the East to the West and inversely everything which created by human’s hand and spirit moved “Grasping” the space as the “highlight” of being the human without obstacles. In humans mind did not raise the limit intellect makes creative deed. The human co-existence with between the East and West. everything and with what is the rich the world, it cognizes and changes it. It is important to realize that the human changes At that memorable times what, how and in which direction it the space in such “co-existence” a way as to win both human happened as we see later served as a fruitful field already and the space. Therefore it is appropriate the view point of ripen the new historical . Started from so called well-known sociologist J.T.Toshenko “In order not to fall “axil time” [4] civilization marked by itself besides many intosubjectivity – he writes – it should take into account not attendant parameters and on the one hand formation now for only the mind and habit but its functioning in concrete social the long time other qualitative relations between the man and and economic, political and cultural conditions which his abode the Earth on the other hand. In people born natural personify the influence of all types social macro-meso-micro demand in qualitative the new spatial form of organization environment [9]”. being, in new social forms and principles. It formed ponderable basis to consider this “cut” of human history Talking about interaction of the nature and society as a whole, starting point some proto modern material and spiritual in particular the space and human it is necessary to underline processes underlie modern spatial systems from the world one very important detail: the space makes multidimensional space till his different (regional, countries, provincials and etc.) impact to the mind, mentality, habit and finally orientation of subsystems. all people’s life cycle at the same time “depends” on it that it is by virtue of changing itself it changes the space. Nevertheless In the wry of ascent – horizontal and vertical – as such the way to it is far in modern language it is nonlinear. developed the process of filling the space. The environment Therefore in its basis lies «procedural characteristic passes from simple geographical into social condition – to the organization and development of thought”. Its correlation with center formation qualitative another social, qualitative the mind, mentally also taking into account the features of new cultural and historical field. The space seemed to many understanding process and explanation in creation the other such a kind of geographical and geometrical object knowledge and its human experience as a subject of cultural becomes real being meaning and matter. and historical processes [10]. “Co-existence” co-development of the space and human and essentially formation of positive The meaning field describing by us above logically comes life environment is in indissoluble relation with that the across to the question – as a matter of fact what is the space? human lives and creates in many spaces of cultural and Asking to the question we will not speak in detail the great historical processes which includes a) physical, which exists number of conceptual innovation by whom it was enriched objectively where we live; b) psychologically, the space of and was accepted early by philosophical community the visual perception and the last c) the space serving to creative

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person “the place of development”. The experience shows Relative to the second approach we will say the same word which look adopt the living world of the space – from the that the first – in other just in other sounding. And in this planet till family hearth – indespensible depends from that framework the space represented in passive neutral relatively how it perceives and develop by human to which values it which happened in itself, varied relations set out as a certain guided by. In the word we have to do with concrete and sub historical system on account of natural and social situational historical and cultural phenomenon where develop processes. It was held dividing line between the space and its relations of the space, human spirit and history. Everything components. In addition the things and phenomena, natural what is said about the sheaf of “Human – Space” gives us the and social relations with respect to its place of development reason to express to anthropocentrism of the space in other presented by some “demiurges”. Nevertheless the words “spirituality and nature” [11]. achievements modern science and technologies convince in that space nonsimultaneous butmultidimensional, endless like For developing presentation about the immanent historicity of a being in its development. In the view point of modern the space it should be elicit parameters with ontological achievements philosophical sciences including the progress all character which gives it the cast of the “naturalness”. It is over the world “interdisciplinary research” the space is a known in the first approximation invariably comes up the sphere intersection of the final and endless, eternal question related with the level of its objectivity, regularity as andtransient. As eminent Buddhist philosopher D.Ikeda said it one of the fundamental construction of the being. Therefore is not visible but vivifying combination the past without origin the space which presents with material attributes (land, sea, passing the present and endless future full of life power city, countryside, and space) as objective (physical) of reality dwelling-place of all natural and social, human and inhuman, never puts in doubt. material and immaterial. It is hard with its ideal (nonphysical) immanent features which Foregoing evidently discord to the saying Prof. Egbert Jan of are related with a) material bearers b) system formative Manheim University. The scientist said “The space has two components of being in all its scale variety. In this context it is different dimensions related between each other in naturally that the space has not physical quality, dimension geopolitical thought: in particular geometrical and and does not available for sight. The absence such an geographical. In geometrical understanding is about attributes like size, greatness (length, width, depth) does not configuration of the space (for example elongated and rounded fall under geography and geometry which made them forms) inner filling of the space and its limits, center and phenomena outside the spatial feature. How it looks like to peripheries; possibilities of changing territorial position in inhabitant it is talking about conceivable phenomena and particular due to neighboring territories. Geographical processes for example history, ideas, studies, foresights, examination takes into account natural and cultural theories, laws, patterns, social and cultural traditions and etc. components for example mountains and waters; deserts and Otherwise neither material nor real historical spiritual vegetation; habited territories also population, agriculture and processes nor territories and finally all “life world” [12] totally industry; communication and power configuration [18]”. about everything we call the subject should not consider as a component forms of exist being in general. Without modernity This specialist of geopolitics could think in other way but even ancient world could think about subjective status, ideal unfortunately apparently to its oriented his research subject and could not find it the “niche” in the Universe [13] even it is matter. University professor could not know that in modern mythological – figuratively, even in the context of direct full of indefinite conditions geopolitics like the sphere of control and daily routine. science without philosophical basis without cooperation with philosophy practically deprive itself the right to call At the same time polemics about “nonmaterial” status does not intellectual creation, the part spiritual life. Nevertheless as complete. It was, it is and it will be discussed; it is good that talking about fundamental meaning the space as a such on they are fertile field for growing the new philosophical ideas, train of thought it is impossible to react above mentioned scientific hypothesis. It is true that the state about the absence respected scientist from Germany and other like-minded ideal spatial parameters to which persuade representatives of persons. classical philosopher lead to the following paradox: if “where?” does not react toward ideas it means that idea exist nowhere It should be openly to say; in the world of philosophical generally that does not exist [14]. science first of all in international relationstelling blow to proceed just from outdated narrow geostrategic (geometric The problem is aggravated with intervention eternal dispute and phisico-geographical) approach to the space as a such. In around two opposite approaches postulate spatial being as a addition from adequate problem around spatial understanding reality which a) fully autonomous from all phenomena and of the world counterproductive as inter civilization, eternal systems which “labeled” in it exists and are b) such an intergovernmental relations which is now deeply than ever order and such an internal “measure” natural and social before involved in the space as fundamental factor existence of system which set its interaction and conditioned by its nature society as a whole. and character [15]”. The world entered to the qualitative another field of its According to our mind as the first as the second interpretation development another level self-organization: everything “being in the space” has the right to life in spite of radically changes. If French philosopher, historian Michel incompleteness which is natural. Therefore reflects the past Foucault said: “The great obsession of the nineteenth century level perception of the space and insufficient scientific basis was as we know history: with its themes of development and about it. Nevertheless it is known even in ancient time the of suspension, of crisis and circle, themes of the … The present human kind thought itself in unity with space in the space. As epoch will perhaps be above all the epoch of space [19].” in the West as in the East approximately before historical Other French scientist Bruno Latur developed an idea of his “split” of philosophical knowledge into materialism and predecessor-compatriot defines this situation “transfer from which happened in earlyantiquity (V-VI centuries concern of times to concern of the space [20].” Obviously they B.C.) dominated presentation about the space predetermined “viewed” not only the risk which related with that which leads order in the world [16]. Nature and society was not divided. started revision of terrestrial space and consider about the Chinese “all external in me”, Indian “merging with Atman” answers of “other spaces” to whom “in these other” see only ancient Turkic and Eurasian “returning to the beginnings [17]” object of wrangle, intrigues between the leading powers. ancient Egypt “infinity” Orphic and many other ideas direct our idea attention to the merging condition the Human with The space as embodiment of cosmic order for the time being nature. The past not always pass, is in it? Human suffer the pressure from slaves momentary benefit in one fine mindnonlinear and cyclic: beginning of “present” might born day, if they will permit some mistake it might punish unlucky long time ago. Therefore it was and it will not be “empty” demiurges. It has many analogues in history. It is interesting lifeless space arena of dramatic mixture as ideal and material that it sets a trap even staunch “Westerners”, employees of which gave birth in itself historical and cultural field of scientific strategy, the great power behavior. They with dramatic intersection of all and everything. difficulty to come to that the geography could revenge. This

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revenge concludes in presence of initial, basic level of the lot of contextual, cognitive, in terms of English philosopher population, deeply concerned with time and space in existence Brian Green, "hidden dimensions" [28]. Despite the voices of interrelated territories sodden with culture and traditions, authoritative intellectuals, space continued to be studied, ideologies and religion which intrinsic spirit actively tear away unfortunately, too utilitarian, to the benefit of pragmatists alien interference from the outside [21]”. Summarizing all from the policy, the so-called "innovative society" [29]. above mentioned we will say: the space as the beginning and Nevertheless, the human consciousness, thought has not the spirit inexhaustible resource keeping the life stable. It is stopped working. Thanks to the further expansion of the the beginning of beginning and the field where form historical- categorical apparatus [30], philosophy has come to the cultural code of society to represent by itself single carrier conclusion and implementation of the idea that the new harmony in everything. dialectics covers not only the sphere of rational discourse, but also the processes taking place within the framework of the Generally regarding to the spatial factor human mind made whole "horizon" of actual and potential meanings [31]. It many mistakes because of that it during the long time had not seems that the recognition of this reality will increase our enough information about him. In some cases it was understanding and space. For in this time, it spoke to our consciously distorted. Sometimes the space problem instead of consciousness of the principal irreplaceable "gap" between seriously learning became the victim meaningless “pulling the being and understanding objectively removes the question of rope” among the representatives of different science. It is the identity of space on the one hand and its understanding, obviously that any object or phenomenon is a result of definite and interpretation on the other hand. context intersection premises, incitements. As rightly noted A.Kochetov “the meaning – essence of any phenomenon which This is what we should strive for in order to a) avoid distorting does not coincide with it and related it with wider context of the space and b) to achieve of its understanding and vision reality [22]”. More than anything, what was told blend with the how it looks like in reality. In this regard, our memory revives space which is given situated in original notional field the statement of the famous philosopher A. Panarin: "If we - he extended as in the past and present as in the future. wrote - find the meaning only in ourselves and at the same time not only interpret the environment as internally As is customary in the scientific world, even the meaningless, but also clean its harmony, the resulting "phenomenon" once appeared particle in the "quantum field" meaninglessness will sooner or later sufferus [32]. This in a few fractions of a second and then disappearing is not generalizing idea of the scientist, although not directly related existing in the full sense of the word. As for space such a to the subject of our work, nevertheless sounds a serious situation looks different: despite the objective blurring of the warning that any to the space, to the being can configuration, it is as it was and exists as a phenomenon and turn into tragic consequences for humanity, especially in the noumenon[23]. Discussing the structure of the worldview of current stage of history which is full of uncertainties. the extraordinary thinker Pierre Teiard de Chardin, the religious philosopher A. Men notes that the "phenomenon" or Clear about the space will not adequately reflect itself unless appearance of a very short time in Teiar it is not only the we consider it in conjunction with its original companion – appearance, unrelated to nothing, but it is from him starts the Time. Together, they are not only the forms of organization of movement towards the Higher Synthesis, the aspiration of being, but also its essence. As soon as a man began to think Man to the "Point of Omega" [24]. The space with all about the universe, his place in it, it represented them undisclosed secrets being a phenomenon/process, absorbs together, could not consider each of them separately. Human, everything that both was happened and happens by events human’s mind was in both. Perhaps it was an epoch of great informs the person about cosmic harmony. Thanks to this, a harmony of Human and Nature with space and time. Both person, unlike all living beings, acquires space, i.e. passes into space and time in human mind were reflected as inseparable the world of being, into the "world of historical achievements" phenomena from the very beginning, acquiring a sacral nature, [25]. and the daily life was completely subordinated to the will of space and time. Everything was adjusted by him with space Science allows both sensual and contextual consideration of and time. Spatiality and temporality together. the object and both have pros and cons. If the first reflects the essence of the so-called "exact sciences", the second is related As a brilliant scientist encyclopaedist V. Vernadsky thought, to philosophy. One thing is certain: the synthesis of different by studying the features of phenomena related to time the interpretations in all periods of history has brought science to human cannot help but talk about the features of time itself, a qualitatively different horizon. It is not by chance, as S. and not only the features of phenomena, to consider space- Kapitsa once wrote, that "the most of greatest historians such time as such a reality, as any phenomenon under study or as FernandBraudel, Karl Jaspers, Nikolai Konrad, and Igor scientific fact which was defined by him [33]. Human, Space, Diakonoff argued that significant development is possible only Time and historical being are mutually reproducible. at the global level" [26]. And as it applied to the space as a Therefore, any branch of scientific knowledge should consider fundamental construction of being as a whole, existence, them in unity as events in the manifestation of being, as reproduction and development of society, of all living and phenomena that mutually predetermine each other. nonliving things, it is an axiomatic one. Therefore, it is more than any other phenomenon "needs humanistic approachs" It was put forward a question - which of these ties are from the absence or insufficiency of what has suffered not only important, good in their mutual influence or defines more its science but also social practice. coexistence pedantically, if it is without meaning. Attempting to refine both space and time, i.e. looking at them "in their Space, as we can see, is a special "element" of the universe: and purest form", it will not step up our understanding of either. very famous and very mysterious. At the time the famous Absolutely it is not accidentally that Vernadsky asked could we philosopher of the middle of the XX century ArkadiiChanyshev study the features of phenomena, without mentioning the reflecting on this issue said that "the space is often seen as a features of the time which is spatially marked. symbol of existence, but it has enough non-existence to serve as a symbol of non-existence. Indeed, at the first It seems in particular it relates the mystery of synchronism in approximation, space reflects and embodies the being; but the time and in the space of the greatest historical and cultural fact is that space ontologically cannot be a mirror reflection of breakthroughs of epochal importance: the Neolithic the being. Otherwise, it would lose its mystery, diversity and , transition from hunting to agriculture, the first ability to change. In the same way, being would lose the human immigration of the peoples, the axial time, origin of the world interest in itself, which has been imperishable for thousands of religions, the Renaissance in the East and West, the great years. epoch of geographical discovery and information age, and others. It is known, a lot of space surprisingly fast as in the Let's try to start from the famous Leibnizian aphorism of the East as in the West, in the middle of the 1st millennium BC, question “Why is there anything at all?”, or, “Why is there synchronously on the historical time scale radically changed something rather than nothing?” [27]. By extrapolating this social and cultural values of many peoples. People face to face story to space, we are once again convinced that it contains a in front of threat of being completely extinction on the field of

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meaningless bloody wars searched intensively the way to studying of the problem must not form up discursive, but in salvation. And found the way out; by changing previous correlation with the deep movings taking place in all layers of valued matrix into the new unifying meanings. the universe without exception.

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