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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 15th August 2019.

Present :- Mr R Gomm (Chairman) Mrs S Carhart Mrs J Stuttaford Mr A Elderfield Mr N Morris Mr D Powell Apologies :- Mrs M May, Miss J Duffy, Mr M Pollard Mr R Buscombe ( Councillor) Minute Number 1/8/19 Declarations of Interest.Mr R Gomm declared an interest in Planning Application number PA1/05615, and Mr A Elderfield declared an interest in Application number PA19/06680. 2/8/19 Matters arising from the Minutes. Footpaths. It was decided to ask Waverley Gardeners to cut the overgrown footpath Number 6. 3/8/19 Minutes. Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 25th July 2019 be approved and signed by the Chairman. 4/8/19 Neighbourhood Plan. It was reported that an application for grant aid for the project had been completed and the result would be known shortly. If successful a professional advisor would be appointed to expedite the plan. 5/8/19 Planning. Following consideration of plans received the following responses be sent to :- PA19/05681 Trescore, - Supported. PA19/04994 7 Crescent Rise, - Supported. PA19/05615 6 Parc Eglos, St Merryn - Supported. PA19/05736 Lower Trevorgus, St Merryn - Supported. PA19/06680 Land adjacent to 7 Harlyn Cottages, Harlyn Bay Road, Harlyn - Supported. PA19/06577 Cornerstones, Constantine Bay - Supported. PA18/09400 St Merryn Park, St Merryn Holiday Village - Supported subject to the mitigation of the noise nuisance to the neighbours, we suggest this could be considered by the Planning Committee. 6/8/19 Correspondence. Memorial Bench. A request to site a memorial bench at Constantine Bay was approved. Towan Green. A compliant regarding parking on the Green was received, it was decided to place a sign on site advising the public that this is an amenity area and parking on the grass is not allowed. 7/8/19 Playing Field & Amenity Pavilion. Mrs S Carhart reported that a Bingo evening had raised £523.80 for the Pavilion. A cheque for £200 was received from Mrs Buffery. There was a cash donation of £100. It was agreed to provide two additional shower cubicles and to obtain a quotation for the main water supply to be upgraded to increase the flow. Mr D Powell to negotiate with South West Water. 8/8/19 Financial. To Pay :- 15.8.2019 102320 Waverley Gardeners – Grass, Footpath & Verge cutting 1,474.00 15.8.2019 102321 Cormac Solutions Ltd. – Toilet Cleaning 557.94 15.8.2019 102322 Staples UK – Postage stamps & Office supplies 180.93 15.8.2019 102323 Mr R Cowling – Maintenance 80.00 15.8.2019 102324 H Hampton – Clerks salary 707.50 15.8.2019 102325 H Hampton – Clerks expeses 18.78 15.8.2019 102326 Bazeley Construction Ltd – Phase 5 11,566.25 15.8.2019 102237 Nationwide Play Surfacing- Rubber Chipping 3,095.09 15.8.2019 102238 South West Loos – Toilet hire 144.00

Page 369 Items for Information Yellow Lines. Due to the traffic congestion in the village it was decided to ask Councillor Richard Buscombe to obtain a copy of the Traffic Order relating to the installation of the recently installed yellow lines. Treglos Hotel. Following the receipt of a message from Acorn Blue it was decided to reiterate to Cornwall Council the views of the Parish Council regarding the recent Planning Application for the site.

Amenity & Sports Pavilion. Due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed Mrs J Stuttaford proposed and Mr N Morris seconded that the Council goes into committee, all agreed. There was a long discussion relating to the future management, and financing of the new building. Mrs S Carhart proposed and Mr A Elderfield seconded an annual rent for the use of the pavilion by the St Merryn AFC, which was agreed. The ongoing management of the building was also discussed, this to be considered at a future meeting.

The Council came “ out of committee” and the meeting closed at 9.50 pm
