held in the Council Chamber

13 th December 2011 (adjourned) and 20 th December 2011 (reconvened).

commencing at 6.30p.m.

Present: Councillor Liquorish, Chairman.

Councillors: Beaty, Mrs. Burrell, Galton, Graves, Hall, Holyoak, Johnson, McHugo (13 th December 2011 only), Smith, Tomlin and Mrs. Wood (13 th December 2011 only).

Officers: A. Eastwood, L. Finch, E. O’Neill, M. Patterson and N. Parry.


The Chairman welcomed all those present, introduced the Officers in attendance and indicated the location of fire escape and W.C. facilities.

The Committee was reminded that the meeting was subject to audio recording.

The Chairman asked that all those present turn off their mobile telephones.


None were received.


The Committee noted that Councillor Beaty’s name had been omitted from the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 8 th November 2011 and that this matter should be corrected.

RESOLVED that: the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 8 th November 2011 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record, subject to the above amendment.


Councillor Mrs. Burrell Application 11/01305/FUL

Councillor Mrs. Burrell disclosed a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and withdrew from the Meeting for its debate and resolution. The nature of the interest was stated to be that she is a Board Member of Seven Locks Housing.

Councillor Tomlin Application 11/01305/FUL

Councillor Tomlin disclosed a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and withdrew from the Meeting for its debate and resolution. The nature of the interest was stated to be that he is a Board Member of Seven Locks Housing.

Councillor Hall Application 11/01190/FUL


Councillor Hall disclosed a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and withdrew from the Meeting for its debate and resolution.

Councillor Johnson Application 11/01486/FUL

Councillor Johnson disclosed a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and withdrew from the Meeting for its debate and resolution. The nature of the interest was stated to be that an objector to the application was a close friend of hers.

Councillor Beaty Application 11/01030/FUL

Councillor Beaty disclosed a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and withdrew from the Meeting for its debate and resolution.


None were received.


The following Members attended site inspections arranged prior to the Meeting (site inspections took place on 12 th December 2011) in respect of the following applications:

Councillors Mrs. Burrell, Holyoak, Johnson (11/01383/FUL only), Liquorish and Smith attended the sites in connection with planning applications:

11/01383/FUL – Market Harborough, 11/01030/FUL – Tugby, 11/01269/FUL – Tugby, 11/01436/FUL – Hougton On The Hill and 11/01228/FUL – Great Glen.


Applications for determination were considered and the Committee’s attention was drawn to the additional information and representation made in respect of applications:

11/01030/FUL – Tugby, 11/01269/FUL – Tugby, 11/01168/FUL – Scraptoft, 11/01145/REM – Market Harborough, 11/01214/FUL – Ashby Magna, 11/01251/FUL – Mowsley, 11/01300/FUL – Shangton, 11/01305/FUL – Lutterworth, 11/01314/FUL and 11/01419/LBC – Dunton Bassett, 11/01334/OUT – Thurnby, 11/01351/FUL – Bruntingthorpe, 11/01383/FUL – Market Harborough, 11/01436/FUL – Houghton On The Hill and 11/01486/FUL – Market Harborough.


Erection of an agricultural dwelling, Lane Farm, Wood Lane, Tugby.

Councillor Rook addressed the Committee in his capacity as Ward Member for the area.

RESOLVED that: the application be REFUSED, as set out in the report and supplementary information, for the following reason:

Reason The proposed agricultural dwelling fails to satisfy the criteria as advised in Annex A to PPS7. Furthermore, the size of dwelling exceeds what is necessary for an agricultural dwelling of this nature and the design is inappropriate. As such the proposed agricultural dwelling would represent unjustified development which would not protect or enhance the character of the

2 landscape. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies CS11 and CS17 of the Harborough District Core Strategy and Annex A of PPS7.


Erection of a dwelling and hatchery for game rearing and breeding business (resubmission of 11/00742/FUL) at Land Opposite Keythorpe Hall Farm, Hallaton Road, Tugby, .

Councillor Rook addressed the Committee in his capacity as Ward Member for the area.

RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, for the following reason and with delegated authority to the Development Control Manager to impose conditions concerning implementation, drainage, landscaping, hatchery in use prior to dwelling occupation, occupancy restriction:

Reason The proposal will meet a functional need and assist the development of the business to meet objectives of Planning for Growth (March 2011).

(iii) 11/01168 – SCRAPTOFT

Erection of first floor side extension and erection of first floor rear extension at 39 Southfield Close, Scraptoft, Leicestershire.

RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, as set out in the report and supplementary information, for the following reason:

The development hereby approved would respect and enhance the local character and distinctiveness of the area and would ensure that the amenities of existing and future neighbours are safeguarded; would be of a scale, density and design that would not cause damage to the qualities, character and amenity of the area. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with policies CS5, CS11 and CS17 of the Harborough District Core Strategy and Supplementary Planning Guidance Note 5 and no other material considerations indicate that the policies of the development plan should not prevail.


Erection of up to 50 dwellings (means of access to be considered) (resubmission of 09/00812/OUT) at Land at Clack Hill, Kettering Road.

RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, as set out in the report and supplementary information, for the following reason:

Reason The proposed development would have a very significant impact on the rural character and appearance of this area of countryside, by introducing a housing estate into open countryside. However, the principle of development has been established by 10/00179/OUT allowed at appeal. The development hereby approved would be in keeping with the form, design and character of the surrounding locality, would not have a detrimental effect on the amenity of neighbouring residents and would not result in additional traffic which would give rise to a road safety hazard. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with Policies CS1, CS2, CS3, CS5, CS8, CS10, CS11 and CS13 of the Harborough District Core Strategy and no other material considerations indicate that the policies of the development plan should not prevail.

(v) 11/01190/FUL – GREAT BOWDEN

Extension and conversion of main stable block to create two dwellings and erection of 8 dwellings (Revised scheme of 08/01522/FUL, Fernie Hunt Stables, Nether Green.

3 RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, as set out in the report and supplementary information, subject to the addition of a condition*, for the following reason:

Reason The development hereby approved would respect and enhance the local character and distinctiveness of the area; would ensure that the amenities of existing and future neighbours are safeguarded; would be of a scale, density and design that would not cause damage to the qualities, character and amenity of the area; and would be consistent with the special character of the Conservation Area. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with policies CS1, CS2, CS11 and CS17 of the Harborough District Core Strategy and Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes 2 and 3 and no other material considerations indicate that the policies of the development plan should not prevail.

* Additional Condition No development shall commence until a scheme for the provision of chimneys on those plots from which they are omitted on submitted plans has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and the special character and appearance of the conservation area and to accord with Policy CS11 of the Harborough District Council Core Strategy.

(vi) 11/01214/FUL – ASHBY MAGNA

Erection of two 45m wind turbines, at Flat House Farm, Peatling Parva Road, Gilmorton.

RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, as set out in the report, for the following reason:

Reason contributing towards general objectives to achieve this as outlined in documents such as PPS1 - Planning and Climate Change, PPS22 - Renewable Energy and the Regional Plan. The proposal would not adversely affect ecological or archaeological interests, residential amenity, or give rise to additional traffic which would lead to a road safety hazard. Furthermore, notwithstanding the size and scale of the proposal and its significant impact on the character and appearance of the surrounding landscape, it is not considered that, within the context of benefits towards addressing climate change, this harm justifies a refusal of planning permission. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with the aims and objectives of PPS1 and PPS22, Policies 39 and 40 of the East Midlands Regional Plan and Policies CS5, CS9, CS11 and CS17 of the Harborough District Core Strategy. It is not considered that there are any material considerations which would outweigh the policies of the development plan or indicate that the proposal would result in demonstrable harm to interests of acknowledged importance.

(vii) 11/01228/FUL – GREAT GLEN Erection of a dwelling, Stackley House, Great Glen, Leicestershire, LE8 9GP.

RESOLVED that: the application be DEFERRED for the following reason:

Reason To allow further discussion with Leicestershire County Council on proposed access arrangements.

(viii) 11/01251/FUL – MOWSLEY

Change of use from carriage store to self-contained tourist accommodation, Swift Stables, Theddingworth Road, Mowsley Leicestershire.

4 RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, as set out in the report, for the following reason:

Reason The proposal is an appropriate use within the site context, makes productive economic use of an existing building and will contribute to tourist facilities and the rural economy within the District (local shops, services and tourist attractions), consistent with Planning for Growth (2011) and PPS4 (Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth). The proposal will not have a detrimental effect upon highways safety or neighbouring amenities. The proposal will not be harmful to the character and appearance of the surrounding area, or other material interests. The proposal, therefore, accords with Harborough District Core Strategy Policies CS1, CS5, CS7, CS11, CS17 and retained Harborough District Local Plan Policy LR/14, the East Midlands Regional Plan, as well as national planning documents PPS1, PPS4 and PPS7, and the special circumstances and economic tourism benefits of the proposal mitigate the fact that the site is within a relatively isolated and unsustainable location.

(ix) 11/01300/FUL – SHANGTON

Erection of 16 bedroom specialist dementia care unit and associated access and parking, Self Unlimited East Midlands Region, Melton Road, Shangton.

RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, as set out in the report, for the following reason:

Reason The development by virtue of its sympathetic scale and nature, would not adversely affect the character and appearance of the surrounding countryside, nor adversely affect neighbours amenity nor give rise to a road safety hazard. The proposal is therefore considered to accord with Harborough District Core Strategy Policies CS11 & CS17 and no other material considerations indicate that the policies of the development plan should not prevail.

(x) 11/01305/FUL – LUTTERWORTH

Erection of 4 dwellings with associated access, landscaping and hardstanding (revised scheme of 11/00168/FUL) at Garages, Ferrers Road, Lutterworth.

RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, as set out in the report and supplementary information, for the following reason:

Reason The development hereby approved would be in keeping with the scale, form and character of the surrounding settlement, would not result in the loss of important open or undeveloped land, would not have an adverse affect on the amenity of adjoining residents and would not result in additional traffic which would give rise to a road safety hazard. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with Policies CS1 (i) & (l), CS2 (b), CS3, CS5, CS9 (b), CS11 (b) + (c) and CS14 of the adopted Core Strategy and Policy HS/8 of the Harborough District Local Plan, and no other material considerations indicate that the policies of the development plan should not prevail.

(xi) 11/01314/FUL and 11/01419/LBC – DUNTON BASSETT

Installation of replacement gates to barn gateway entrance. RESOLVED that: the applications be APPROVED, as set out in the report and supplementary information, for the following reason:

Reason The gates are considered an acceptable form of development in this location, satisfying Core Strategy Policy 11.

5 (xii) 11/01334/OUT – THURNBY AND BUSHBY

Residential development of up to 50 dwellings (All Matters Reserved) land South of Road.

RESOLVED that: the application be REFUSED, as set out in the report, for the following reason:

Reason The site is within a countryside location beyond the built form and Limits to Development of Thurnby & Bushby. The proposed development would have an adverse impact on the rural character and appearance of the countryside and would result in a visually obtrusive form of development that fails to integrate well with the village or the surrounding landscape. Accordingly the proposal would be contrary to Policies CS11, CS15 and CS17 of the Harborough District Core Strategy, retained HDLP policy HS/8 as well as the aims and objectives of PPS1, PPS3 and PPS7.


The Meeting continued until 9.30p.m. In accordance with Part 4, Section 1, Paragraph 9.1 of the Council’s Constitution (Duration of Meeting), the Committee RESOLVED that the Meeting should continue.

The Committee RESOLVED that it would bring forward Item 6 of the Meeting Agenda: an Officer’s report titled Variation of Airfield Farm Business Park Section 106 Agreement.


The Committee considered a proposed variation of a Section 106 Agreement relating to the timing of the provision of an agricultural showground associated with Airfield Business Park, Market Harborough.

The outline planning approval for the Airfield Business Park carried a Section 106 obligation to provide an agricultural showground. Part of this obligation was to complete, within 12 months of the occupation of the first building on the development, all aspects of providing an agricultural showground. The proposed variation was to extend this time period from 12 months to 24 months.

The Committee RESOLVED that no variation of the existing Section 106 should be implemented.

The Committee RECOMMENDED that:

(i) the Scrutiny Panel for Resources examine the Council’s procedures for handling Section 106 agreements to ensure that these are fit for purpose. The proposed variation of the above Section 106 agreement should be used as a case study in this report. (ii) a report be brought before the Planning Committee setting out the options for the footpath diversion associated with the development of the showground.


The Chairman announced that the Meeting would adjourn at 10.15p.m.

The Meeting reconvened at 6.30p.m. on Tuesday 20 th December 2011.



6 Erection of three office / research buildings with associated car parking and landscaping, Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground, Mere Lane, Upper Bruntingthorpe.

RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, as set out in the report and supplementary information, for the following reason:

Reason The proposal is an appropriate use within the site context and potentially contributes to the economy consistent with Planning for Growth (2011) and PPS4 – Sustainable Economic Development. Access to the site is adequate, and the proposal will not have a detrimental effect upon residential amenity. The proposal is in accordance with Core Strategy Policies CS7, CS11, saved Local Plan policy EM/22 and the East Midlands Regional Plan by virtue of the fact that it is not harmful to the character of the surrounding area or other material interest, and the special circumstances of the proposal mitigate the fact the site is within a relatively isolated location.

(ii) 11/001383/FUL – MARKET HARBOROUGH

Change of use to dance and fitness studio and community use (D2), 20 Goward Street, Market Harborough.

Councillor Dr. Bremner addressed the Committee in his capacity as Ward Member for the area.

RESOLVED that: the application be REFUSED, as set out in the report and supplementary information, for the following reason:

Reason The proposal due to the pedestrian comings and goings along the access-way and courtyard area will be un-neighbourly and cause unacceptable noise and disturbance levels to adjacent neighbouring residents, and as such will be detrimental to the resident’s amenity. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy CS11 of the Harborough District Local Plan.

(iii) 11/01436/FUL – HOUGHTON ON THE HILL Erection of a clubhouse (revised scheme of 06/01011/FUL). RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, as set out in the report, for the following reason:

Reason The clubhouse by virtue of its scale, layout and appearance would not have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the countryside; residential amenity or highway safety and as such the development is in accordance with Core Strategy Policies 11 and 17 and the aims and objectives of PPG17.


Erection of a detached dwelling including formation of access.

RESOLVED that: the application be APPROVED, as set out in the report and supplementary information, for the following reason:

Reason The development hereby approved would not result in harm to the character, form or appearance of the surrounding settlement, would not have an adverse affect on the amenity of adjoining residents and would not result in additional traffic which would give rise to a road safety hazard. The proposal is therefore considered to accord with Harborough District Local Plan Policy HS/8 and Core Strategy Policies CS2, CS5, CS8, CS9 & CS11 and no other material considerations indicate that the policies of the development plan should not prevail.


The Meeting ended at 10.15 p.m. on 13 th December 2011 (and 8.05p.m. on the 20 th December 2011)