How joined the Why is Scotland part of the United Kingdom? Let’s see. The United Kingdom is made up of , , Scotland and Northern but back in late there were 2 Kingdoms on the Island of The Kingdom of Scotland and The (The Kingdom of England contained Wales). England and the rest of the European powers had colonial empires, Scotland did not have a but wanted to build one ,so in 1695 the established The Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies. Earlier attempts at colonial expansion failed because of other powers occupying the territory. None of the European powers were helping Scotland so Scotland had to attempt colonial expansion with Scottish funds. The Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies decided to colonise . This project failed due to tropical sickness, hunger and the Spanish claim and control over Panama. The project was abandon in march 1700 due to these reasons. The Scottish funds were actually 20%of the country’s wealth and now Scotland was bankrupt. In 1707 the English parliament fearing that Scotland will ally with the Kingdom of France proposed a union to the Scottish parliament. The same year The Act of Union 1707 was passed in the English and Scottish parliament creating the United .


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Flag of The Kingdom of Scotland credited to Project Britain; Flag of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies credited to Wikipedia; Map of Scotland credited to Shutterstock.


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