887 bus time schedule & line map

Bury Ce High School - Pendlebury Via Radcliffe, 887 Outwood, Ringley, Stonclough, , Clifton, View In Website Mode Ringley

The 887 bus line (Bury Ce High School - Pendlebury Via Radcliffe, Outwood, Ringley, Stonclough, Kearsley, Clifton, Ringley) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Clifton: 3:15 PM (2) Fishpool: 7:32 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 887 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 887 bus arriving.

Direction: Clifton 887 bus Time Schedule 41 stops Clifton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:15 PM Parliament Street, Fishpool Tuesday 3:15 PM Holy Cross College, Fishpool Wednesday 3:15 PM Road, Fishpool Thursday 3:15 PM

Pembroke Drive, Warth Fold Friday 3:15 PM Cleveleys Avenue, Bury Saturday Not Operational Vale Avenue, Warth Fold Vale Avenue, Bury

Warth Bridge, Warth Fold Radcliffe Road, 887 bus Info Direction: Clifton Kingston Road, Radcliffe Stops: 41 Warth Fold Road, England Trip Duration: 43 min Line Summary: Parliament Street, Fishpool, Holy Eton Hill Road, Radcliffe Cross College, Fishpool, Manchester Road, Fishpool, Pembroke Drive, Warth Fold, Vale Avenue, Warth Withins Lane, Radcliffe Fold, Warth Bridge, Warth Fold, Kingston Road, Radcliffe, Eton Hill Road, Radcliffe, Withins Lane, North Street, Radcliffe Radcliffe, North Street, Radcliffe, Schoeld Street, Radcliffe, Radcliffe Metrolink Stop, Radcliffe, Schoeld Street, Radcliffe Radcliffe Library, Chapel Field, James Street, Chapel Field, Albion Street, Chapel Field, Hare & Hounds, Schoeld Street, Manchester Chapel Field, Chapeltown Road, Outwood, Elm Radcliffe Metrolink Stop, Radcliffe Avenue, Outwood, Wood Street, Outwood, Greenside Farm, Outwood, Road, Outwood, Fold Road, Ringley Bridge, Ringley Meadows, Ringley, Radcliffe Library, Chapel Field Kearsley Hall Road, Ringley, Vale Avenue, Ringley, Mellor Street, Manchester Ringley Bridge, Irwell Place, Ringley Bridge, Sulby Street, , Stoneclough Road, Kearsley, James Street, Chapel Field Road, Kearsley, Stoneclough Bridge, Kearsley, Springeld Road, Kearsley, St Stephen'S, Kearsley, Albion Street, Chapel Field Baker Street, Kearsley, Moss Lane, Kearsley, Unity Brook, Kearsley, Teak Drive, Kearsley, Cedar Drive, Hare & Hounds, Chapel Field Clifton, Fielders Way, Clifton, St Anne's Church, Chapeltown Road, Outwood Clifton, Golden Lion, Clifton

Elm Avenue, Outwood

Wood Street, Outwood

Greenside Farm, Outwood

Prestolee Road, Outwood

Fold Road, Ringley Bridge

Ringley Meadows, Ringley Hulme Road, Salford

Kearsley Hall Road, Ringley

Vale Avenue, Ringley Stanford Close, Salford

Ringley Bridge

Irwell Place, Ringley Bridge The Parklands, Salford

Sulby Street, Stoneclough Back Market Street, Salford

Stoneclough Road, Kearsley

Bolton Road, Kearsley

Stoneclough Bridge, Kearsley

Springeld Road, Kearsley

St Stephen'S, Kearsley

Baker Street, Kearsley Cross Street, Salford

Moss Lane, Kearsley

Unity Brook, Kearsley

Teak Drive, Kearsley 423 Manchester Road, England

Cedar Drive, Clifton 409 Manchester Road, Salford

Fielders Way, Clifton

St Anne's Church, Clifton

Golden Lion, Clifton Direction: Fishpool 887 bus Time Schedule 42 stops Fishpool Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:32 AM Golden Lion, Clifton Tuesday 7:32 AM St Anne's Church, Clifton Collegiate Way, Salford Wednesday 7:32 AM

Moss Colliery Road, Clifton Thursday 7:32 AM Friday 7:32 AM Clifton Cricket Club, Clifton Saturday Not Operational Cedar Drive, Clifton 398 Manchester Road, Salford

Teak Drive, Kearsley 429 Manchester Road, Salford 887 bus Info Direction: Fishpool Unity Brook, Kearsley Stops: 42 Trip Duration: 43 min Moss Lane, Kearsley Line Summary: Golden Lion, Clifton, St Anne's Church, Clifton, Moss Colliery Road, Clifton, Clifton Baker Street, Kearsley Cricket Club, Clifton, Cedar Drive, Clifton, Teak Drive, Cross Street, Salford Kearsley, Unity Brook, Kearsley, Moss Lane, Kearsley, Baker Street, Kearsley, St Stephen'S, Kearsley, St Stephen'S, Kearsley Springeld Road, Kearsley, Stoneclough Bridge, Kearsley, Bolton Road, Kearsley, Stoneclough Road, Springeld Road, Kearsley Kearsley, Sulby Street, Stoneclough, Taneld Drive, Ringley Bridge, Ringley Bridge, Ringley Meadows, Stoneclough Bridge, Kearsley Ringley, Kearsley Hall Road, Ringley, Vale Avenue, Ringley, Fold Road, Ringley Bridge, Prestolee Road, Outwood, Greenside Farm, Outwood, Wood Street, Bolton Road, Kearsley Outwood, Elm Avenue, Outwood, Chapeltown Road, Outwood, Hare & Hounds, Chapel Field, Albion Street, Stoneclough Road, Kearsley Chapel Field, James Street, Chapel Field, Radcliffe Library, Chapel Field, Radcliffe Metrolink Stop, Sulby Street, Stoneclough Radcliffe, Spring Lane, Radcliffe, North Street, Market Street, Salford Radcliffe, Withins Lane, Radcliffe, Eton Hill Road, Radcliffe, Kingston Road, Radcliffe, Warth Bridge, Taneld Drive, Ringley Bridge Warth Fold, Vale Avenue, Warth Fold, Derby High The Parklands, Salford School, Warth Fold, Pembroke Drive, Warth Fold, Manchester Road, Fishpool, Parliament Street, Ringley Bridge Fishpool

Ringley Meadows, Ringley Hulme Road, Salford

Kearsley Hall Road, Ringley

Vale Avenue, Ringley Stanford Close, Salford

Fold Road, Ringley Bridge

Prestolee Road, Outwood

Greenside Farm, Outwood Wood Street, Outwood Wood Street, England

Elm Avenue, Outwood

Chapeltown Road, Outwood

Hare & Hounds, Chapel Field

Albion Street, Chapel Field

James Street, Chapel Field Belmont Road, Manchester

Radcliffe Library, Chapel Field Mill Bank, Manchester

Radcliffe Metrolink Stop, Radcliffe

Spring Lane, Radcliffe Pine Street, Manchester

North Street, Radcliffe

Withins Lane, Radcliffe

Eton Hill Road, Radcliffe

Kingston Road, Radcliffe

Warth Bridge, Warth Fold

Vale Avenue, Warth Fold Vale Avenue, Bury

Derby High School, Warth Fold

Pembroke Drive, Warth Fold

Manchester Road, Fishpool

Parliament Street, Fishpool Olivant Street, Bury 887 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved