Affordable Quality


1967 Phone/Fax (09)432 0209. email [email protected] PH: 438 9452 Mobile 027432 0070 24 April 2014 34 Albert St Whangarei Postal address - RD 2, Waipu 0582 Div. Shadelite Industry What was it like Huge crowd at the Waipu Easter carnival living in Bream Bay from 1939 – 1945, the years of the Second World War? Jack Wakelin was living on his grandparent’s farm in during the years of World War 2. His strongest PHPRU\IURPWKRVHWLPHVLVRIORZÁ\LQJWLJHUPRWKV from the air force base at , “hedge hopping” with the pilots waving from the cockpits. Jack said the population in Ruakaka was pretty sparse in those days. He also remembers petrol and food rations. “The petrol rations were very, very meager. I think the farmers may have been given a bit extra for their tractors. Butter was all supposed to be sent overseas, but most of the farmers kept a bit of cream back to make their own butter. He can remember when on 19 June 1940 the trans SDFLÀF OLQHU 1LDJDUD ZDV VWUXFN D *HUPDQ PLQH RII . Local people reported hearing a big Leola Hutchinson taking her turn on the popular jams and pickles stall. Leola also made some of the pickles explosion but Jack said he doesn’t recall this. on sale. “Being a kid I used to sleep pretty soundly in those The Waipu Easter Carnival, held on Saturday 19 April, drew thousands of people and one of the largest days.” crowds ever seen in Waipu. The Waipu Primary PTA’s Easter Carnival co-ordinator, Angela Amsterdam All 339 passengers and crew made it into the ship’s 18 said the total amount of money taken was $60,000. There are still some expenses to pay but she expects the lifeboats but also on board was a secret cargo of 590 SURÀWWREHFORVHWR7KHPRQH\ZLOOJRWRZDUGVWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQRIDQHZPXOWLSXUSRVHURRPIRU gold ingots owned by the Bank of England destined the school and to the purchase of items on teachers wish lists such as books and new sports equipment. IRU$PHULFDDQGKDOIRI1HZ=HDODQG·VVWRFNRIVPDOO 7KLVLVWKHÀIWK\HDUWKHFDUQLYDOKDVEHHQKHOGLQWKH&DOHGRQLDQ3DUN$QJHODVDLGZRUGVHHPVWRKDYH arms ammunition, which was being sent to Britain to spread to Auckland about the event and people from that city appreciate the carnival’s child friendly, country atmosphere. Continued on pages 6 and 7. More carnival photos on pages 8 and 9.


74 Hector Lang Drive There are wide views from this Big and Bold house designed for easy living. Built to be shared, there are 2 kitchens, 2 living areas , 4 bedrooms plus on the lowest level there is a studio and 4 car garage. The top and middle levels each have a kitchen, bathroom, 2 bedrooms plus Open plan living. 1 2 This property is set up on Book-a-bach and has been quite a nice wee earner for the current owners, yet they have also been able to use it themselves at the same time. 4 MegaPixels 4 MegaPixels Loads of options - try it out 2272x1704 2272x1704 For Sale Christine Birss M 027 235 4323 B 09 431 5415


This Issue EDITORIAL ‡3DJHV/HWWHUV ‡3DJH&DQDQ\RQHUHPHPEHUWKHVWULNHV World War memories inspire us to live our DWWKHRLOUH¿QHU\LQWKHPLGV lives well ‡3DJHV 0HPRULHVRISHRSOHOLYLQJLQ It has been a revelation talking to people who were It’s now 69 years since World War 2 ended. What have Bream Bay during WW2. children living in Bream Bay during the years of we done with all those years? ‡3DJHV 3LFWXUHVIURPWKH:DLSX World War 2. I never realized how close the war came War is an extremely futile and wasteful exercise but 3ULPDU\(DVWHU&DUQLYDO to these shores and how frightening it must have been it seems to have had the effect of galvanizing people ‡3DJH%UHDP%D\&ROOHJHSDJH living here through that time. into action. We need to think back to those times and Every night families had to black out their windows. be grateful we don’t have the threat of invasion, the ‡3DJH$QRSHQLQYLWDWLRQWRDWK If you left a chink of light showing through you could privations of food and commodity shortages and the ZHGGLQJDQQLYHUVDU\FHOHEUDWLRQ expect a visit from the warden on his bicycle the next terrible knowledge always that sons, brothers, cousins, ‡3DJH:KDW¶V2QLQ%UHDP%D\ day. School children would practice evacuations into uncles and fathers could die suddenly and violently in ‡3DJHV 7UDGHVDQG6HUYLFHV the bush in case of a raid by Japanese bomber planes a foreign country. ‡3DJHV &ODVVL¿HG$GYHUWV and the home guard hauled big logs up beside all the ,WKLQNLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRÀQGRXWDERXWDQGUHPHPEHU bridges ready to slow down a land invasion. what happened during the two World Wars. We should 7KHQRLVHRIWKHH[SORVLRQRIWKH*HUPDQPLQHZKLFK use these memories to inspire us to live our lives well VDQN WKH WUDQV 3DFLÀF VKLS 1LDJDUD MXVW RII %UHDP and to make the most of this long period of peace, Head echoed around Ruakaka and tins of food washed which I hope will last forever. up from the ship on these shores. Marilyn Your local tyre shop Years after the war was over an unexploded mine was IRXQGRQWKHEHDFKMXVWQRUWKRIZKHUHWKH:RUWHOERHU We supply a wide range of the most garage and service station is now situated. The spiky round case of this mine is still on display at the front THE BREAM BAY NEWS popular brand tyres. is published by Bream Bay News Ltd. entrance to the Ruakaka Domain camping ground. Come and talk prices with us. All this district’s resources went into the war effort. Address : RD 2, Waipu ,WV\RXQJPHQOHIWWRÀJKWLQ(XURSHWKH3DFLÀFWKH Phone :(09) 432 0209 Phone 432 7421 SH1 next to G.A.S. Middle East and Africa. At church on Sundays there Mobile : 027 432 0070 was often news of another local man lost. Editor: Marilyn Cox Farmers were ordered to send all their cream away to Accounts: Susan McRae KHOSIHHGWKHSHRSOHRI*UHDW%ULWDLQ7KHUHZHUHVFDQW Production: Geoff Spencer supplies of petrol, rubber for car tyres and sugar. Fruit Advertising design Megan Lea and vegetables went to American troops based in the Printed by Horton Media 3DFLÀF SELF STORAGE AT RUAKAKA ,99 Rd. Local people read Free 0508 273262 THE BREAM BAY NEWS phone 0508 BREAMB [email protected] It is an effective place to advertise

Free Courtesy Coach available Thurs, Fri & Sat

INSIDE/OUTSIDE storage at 50 Cove Rd., Waipu BISTRO MEALS available 7 days 7 Kepa Road Barbara Gailey from 5pm in the main bar. Free phone. 0800 432 135 Ph 971 7782 [email protected] Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka. Mob/text 022 308 0044 Phone 432 7358 Email: [email protected] ROLY BROWN CONTRACTING The next Grant McLean publication date of the Stock Agent for Bream Bay Bream Bay News will be Thursday 8 May All aspects of stock sales including:           Agricultural Residential Security Deadline for all         Retaining Walls Pole Driving copy is      Sub Division Cattle Yards Rotary Wednesday 30 April Slashing Ph 021 7758 48 mbl. 432 8373 Hm. Phone : ROLY 4320109 or 0274 984385 432 0454 Fax MARK 0274 984386 Email: [email protected] 24 April 2014 Bream Bay News Page 3

What the Celtic Barn will look like ANIMAL HEALTH CENTRE

#(%-)#!, &2%%$)30%.3!29 &LEA 4ICK7ORM#ONTROL6ACCINATIONS An architect’s sketch of the proposed Waipu Celtic Barn events centre. A total of $1,515,000 has been raised for &ARM %QUINE 0ETS WKHSURMHFW IURPWKHFRPPXQLW\IURPWKH/RWWHULHV*UDQWV%RDUGDQGIURPWKH Council. However the estimated cost has risen by $350,000 in the past year, mostly due to WKHULVHLQWKHSULFHRIEXLOGLQJPDWHULDOV7KHSURMHFWQRZKDVDVKRUWIDOORI7KH-RLQW9HQWXUH*URXS ZKLFKLVEHKLQGWKHSURMHFWLVDWWHPSWLQJWRSDUEDFNFRVWVDVPXFKDVSRVVLEOHDQGXVHGGRQDWHGPDFKLQHU\ and labour to prepare the site last month while the ground was dry. Construction, scheduled to start in June, may QHHGWRZDLWXQWLODIWHUWKH&DOHGRQLDQ*DPHVRQ-DQXDU\ Ph 09 431 2217 .EXTTO)TALIAN"AKERY\INFO AHC OREWACONZ Bridge over the Waionehu River current challenge for Waipu cycle/ walkway group

Building a pedestrian and cycle bridge over the DSURMHFWSODQIRUWKLVÀUVWVWDJHRIWKHURXWHDFRS\ Waionehu river is the current challenge before the of which is available to view on the Waipu cycle and Waipu to Waipu Cove Cycle and Walkway Trust. walkway website: The estimated cost of the bridge is $134,200 but However, as the single lane road bridge is dangerous the trust is hopeful this price can be lowered with for cyclist and pedestrians to cross, the trustees have donations of goods and services from local businesses, decided that the bridge must be in place before the rest some of whom have already come forward with offers of this section of the trail can proceed. of help for the construction of the off-road walking The trust is concentrating its efforst on building the and cycling path between Waipu and Riverview Place. almost three kilometres of trail between Waipu and A legal easement over land owned by Melanie and Riverview Place. Don Mitchell has been formalized allowing 1,320 Angela Stolwerk, who has been elected as the cycle/ metres of the trail to be built up off the road on the walkway trust’s new chairwoman, can be contacted by grass verge outside the long wooden fence that runs phone 432 0741 by people seeking further information the length of the Flagstaff subdivision. Whangarei or wishing to make offers of help. 'LVWULFW&RXQFLO(QJLQHHU*UHJ0RQWHLWKKDVSUHSDUHG

Phone the BREAM BAY NEWS - 432 0209 or email:[email protected] if you know of something interesting going on in Bream Bay.


Designed for space, light and easy living. Open E M plan design features a central kitchen that O H flows to the dining/family area and through to the lounge. A waterproof canopy allows for OPEN great indoor/outdoor living and entertaining. Four bedrooms, master with ensuite, walk-in robe. Walk out the gate and onto the golf course or a short stroll to the tennis court. Close to boat ramps, beaches, Marsden Cove Marina and local amenities. Coastal living at it’s best. For Sale $554,000 View Sun 1-1.45pm Melva Hartnell M 0274 998 463 B 0800 80 20 40 [email protected]


In support of cheese factory We are writing regarding your article “Artisan cheese to the newspaper when an application is going through DJRRGÀWµ the consultation process required by WDC and the re- We would like to write in support of the cheese factory sourse consents due process. Thinking concrete but don't know where to start? proposed for the Waipu Cove, Langs Beach area. Lisa and Antony are very community minded people The Bream Bay news article raised discussions with and we know they are highly environmently aware. Think Atlas Concrete our “foodie” friends and neighbours at Langs Beach The Uphof enterprise is a brave business venture and  We quarry the aggregate and the concept of a local cheese factory and cafe re- deserves the community’s support. ceived a positive, enthusiastic response. We believe  We manufacture the concrete :DLSXFDQRQO\EHQHÀWIURPDWKLVYHQWXUHDGGLQJWR John and Lynda Fuller  We site visit to advise the best options the charm of our area and experiences available here. Langs Beach It is disappointing an anonymous letter has been sent  We give you the choice of mix and colours

 We give a choice of local placers for you to choose

 We manufacture concrete to your requirements :DLSX&RYHWR/DQJVIRRWSDWKIDUIURP¿QLVKHG  We stand by our product, you stand on it &RQWUDU\ WR D KHDGOLQH RQ S RI WKH %%1 GDWHG  Atlas$WODV&RQFUHWH Concrete April 2014 the Langs to Waipu Cove footpath is far osiePit-Wiu2010 Waipu - Print Sonshine Your

Relax….. Our experienced Sales Experts /LIHȇVEHWWHUȐ are looking out ZKHQ\RXFDQWDNH for you and LWHDV\

YOU are Guaranteed your best 09 432 1077 our Service. interests. Licensed REAA 2008 | MREINZ  24 April 2014 %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH A day out picking olives By Julie Paton Ruakaka School students are champion olive harvesters. >L»]LNV[MLUJPUN^PYLK Last Friday the whole school, plus a few adult helpers, walked up Hurricane Light Barred Gate Sandford Road to an olive Fencing grove owned by one of the Wire school parents and spent FW25HP 2.5mm x 25kg coils the day picking olives. NZ manufactured 3.66m GFLB366I 4.25m GFLB425I “The children all worked Wiremark wire. very hard,” says teacher Jennifer Hay. “The older Fencing children looked after the Standard little ones, and they all T-Hinge XCEL Posts Hvy Galv with ScrewBrass Pin picked from the branches High Strength 1650mm. they could reach. They 7 Hole. WA R165HS picked and picked, and HQMR\HG D PRUQLQJ WHD break in between the SLFNLQJV *UHDW FDUH ZDV Barb Wi re 150mm TEE150 200mm TEE200 taken not to include any BWS257525 Standard 2.5mm-75mm -25kg leaves or twigs.” Approx 240m per coil. The olives, all 25 trays of them, weighing a total $PDLD0DUWLQH]GH7UHYLQRRQWKHOHIWDQG%UHH 250mm TEE250 300mm TEE300 of 227 kgs, were taken to 0XQIRUGZLWKVRPHRIWKHROLYHVWKH\SLFNHG ‘The Olive Place’ east of Wellsford, where the owners had kindly offered to press the olives free of charge. The usual yield is 15% of oil from the actual olives but Ruakaka School’s harvest All prices include GST Promotion runs from April 1st until May 31st, 2014 or while stocks last. was 23 %, squeezing out an impressive 53 litres of oil. Ruakaka School’s olive oil will be bottled and offered for sale to families of the VFKRROÀUVWZLWKDQ\OHIWVROGDWWKHVFKRRO·V*DOD'D\RQ1RYHPEHU.

Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd. Ph: 09 433 0077 Fax: 09 433 0069 Email: [email protected] Can anyone remember the 465-90!(474‹:(;!(45665 1980s strikes at the Aaron Toddun & Associates Ltd 0DUVGHQ2LO5H¿QHU\" CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Does anyone remember the strikes at the &!  ! &  #& &  0DUVGHQ 3RLQW 2LO 5HÀQHU\ GXULQJ WKH &&! & %" &$   expansion of the 1980s? &  !   " (OLMDK3XUQHOOD\HDUVHYHQKLVWRU\VWXGHQW For a professional and confidential service and a free initial consultation call your local at Bream Bay College, is looking into this Accountant or drop in at our new office,1 Awatea Street Mangawhai Heads. KLVWRULFDO HYHQW IRU DQ 1&($ LQWHUQDOO\ Aaron Toddun B/Com Dip/ComLaw assessed history paper. (OLMDK VDLG KH ZDV XQDEOH WR ÀQG YHU\ 1 Awatea Street, Mangawhai Heads, 0505 PXFKRQWKLVVXEMHFWRQWKHLQWHUQHWEXW Phone/Fax : (09) 431 4881 Mobile: 027 611 0616 SODQQHGWRYLVLWWKH1RUWKODQGURRPLQWKH Email: [email protected] Whangarei Library and the visitor centre DWWKHUHÀQHU\WRVHHZKDWKHFRXOGÀQG there. He also hopes that there will be people DURXQGZKRZRUNHGDWWKHUHÀQHU\GXULQJ those days who still have good memories of the events that took place. He is willing %UHDP%D\&ROOHJHKLVWRU\VWXGHQW to conduct interviews or to send out Elijah Purnell question forms or people can send any     ! !   information they have to:HOLMDKSXUQHOO#EUHDPED\FROOHJHVFKRROQ] $ !  !  ! (OLMDK·VKRPHQXPEHULV 432 0520 and his cellphone number is 021 246 6829.  (OLMDKVDLGKHZLOOVHQGFRSLHVRIKLVFRPSOHWHGDVVLJQPHQWWRWKH%UHDP%D\1HZV .  !"*) +# DQGWRWKH1HZ=HDODQG5HÀQLQJ&RPSDQ\VRWKLVLPSRUWDQWSLHFHRI%UHDP%D\·V %   % % &   history can be documented. %  %  % & % (,-&       Court appearance after driving while GLVTXDOL¿HG $²\HDUROG5XDNDNDPDQZDVFKDUJHGZLWKGULYLQJZKLOVWGLVTXDOLÀHGDIWHU he was found driving on Sime Road on March 2014. He is due to appear in court on May 7. %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH 24 April 2014 Bream Bay during the years of the Second World War? Continued from page 1. side of Marsden Point Rd. as you approach heavy dark brown Holland blinds at night to black out Ruakaka Town Centre from the west) and their house lights. You had to keep them completely ZDWFKLQJ D ÁRWLOOD RI ERDWV JDWKHULQJ DURXQG shut. The warden could see our house clearly from WKHVSRWZKHUHWKH1LDJDUDZHQWGRZQ where he lived at One Tree Point. If we let so much as She married Milan Slako during the war years a chink of light shine through he would be around the and the young couple lived in a two - room QH[WPRUQLQJRQKLVSXVKELNHDFWLQJDOORIÀFLRXVµ cottage at One Tree Point with a herd of 18 Dick Pivac can remember his family hanging black MHUVH\FRZVZKLFKWKH\KDQGPLONHG blankets over their windows each night. His father Although told to send all their cream to the -DFNVHUYHGZLWKWKH+RPH*XDUG7KH\GXJWUHQFKHV factory for the war effort, like most farmers of in the sand dunes down where the refuse station is the time, they saved back a little for themselves. now situated, as defence against a Japanese invasion Cushla said, “The cream had to have a bit by sea. The family was told that in the event of a of age on it and it had to be cool. If not it Japanese bomber attack they should take refuge at the will refuse to turn. I can remember one day 0RXQWÀHOG4XDUU\ throwing the eggbeater through the window in Trevor McKenzie said he wasn’t around much during exasperation.” those years as he was away at a training camp with the 6KRUWO\DIWHUWKHELUWKRIWKHLUÀUVWFKLOG0LODQ DUP\EXWKLVEURWKHU1RUPDQZDVLQWKH+RPH*XDUG was conscripted into the army and sent to the “They used to practice throwing hand grenades out in 3DFLÀF the sand hills.” Cushla went to live with her mother – in - law Another brother Les also remembers local people Mary Margaret Slako Babich, who ran a general MRLQLQJ WKH +RPH *XDUG DQG WKH &DOHGRQLDQ 3DUN VWRUHMXVWRSSRVLWHZKHUHWKH5XDNDND3ULPDU\ being used as a camp. School is situated. Cushla describes this lady as While excavations were under way for the new Waipu “a real pioneering woman.” Celtic Barn a layer of metal was discovered buried She remembers the relief when, after the MXVWEHORZWKHVXUIDFHRIWKHJUDVVZKLFKLVWKRXJKWWR bombing of Pearl Harbour, America entered the have been part of the home base camp. This metal was war in December 1941. reused as part of the base for the new hall. ´*RGEOHVV$PHULFDµVKHVD\V Don Ewen can remember riding into Waipu from the She also attributes the oratory of Winston family farm on The Braigh on his three-wheeler trike Churchill with helping to win the war and can to pick up the family’s meat order from the butcher. &XVKOD6ODNR quote from some of his speeches. He was only four years old and he found lines of “We shall defend our island, whatever the American military vehicles parked along the street a FRVWPD\EHZHVKDOOÀJKWRQWKHEHDFKHVZH bit intimidating. The Americans would hand out long VKDOOÀJKWRQWKHODQGLQJ strips of chewing gum to children but not to him. JURXQGV ZH VKDOO ÀJKW “I was a bit shy”, said Don. GET SOME HEALTHY LQ WKH ÀHOGV DQG LQ WKH 'RQ·V VLVWHU -HDQ ZKR ZDV MXVW ÀYH \HDUV ROG ZKHQ VWUHHWV ZH VKDOO ÀJKW LQ war was declared, recalls hoards of American military EXCITEMENT IN the hills; we shall never vehicles travelling past on the road. One night a long surrender.” line of trucks parked outside their gate. YOUR LIFE! %UXFH&DQQZDVLQKLVÀUVW ´'DGZDVDZD\ZLWKWKH+RPH*XDUGDQGPXPZDV year of primary school on her own with three little kids. I don’t think she felt % +' "! ( ! when the war ended. too comfortable.” “We had a 10am assembly “At school we were told that if the Japanese planes !'%!'"%%! %&&!"*"#!, when we were told the came overhead we were to run to hide in some bush war was over and then MXVWEHKLQGWKHVFKRROµ  we were all sent home for At home they had a similar arrangement with some the day. That’s how we bush close to the house marked out as a hiding place. celebrated the end of the Jean can remember big logs being placed by the Home war in Ruakaka.” *XDUGDORQJVLGHDOOthe bridges ready to be hauled Despite his young age DFURVVWRPDNHWKLQJVGLIÀFXOWIRUD-DSDQHVHODQG at the time Bruce can invasion. remember his family She remembers the rationing on sugar and butter and having to pull down their little blocks of butter arriving back from the dairy COUPLEHOOD  A PROGRAMME FOR COUPLES              Learn new skills to gain:           ‡&OHDUHUPRUHUHZDUGLQJFRPPXQLFDWLRQ  ‡$GHHSHQHGVHQVHRIFRQQHFWLRQ !+"(" ''"./ $(% !'&./    ‡$UHYLVHGYLVLRQIRU\RXUIXWXUH  !01"(%&'#%* ( %)%& !    ''!"%'!' +&''"!   !" "% This is an educational programme for couples in committed relationships. '%!!&   '+'" ( '/'& Developed by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt founders of Imago  )! "!'% %"   )""'!&& )   Relationships Counselling.  %!'''(*'      "(& Facilitated by Lois Mouldey, Imago counsellor.      6L[[KRXUVHVVLRQVVWDUWLQJ0D\WKDW2QH7UHH3RLQW*URXSLVOLPLWHG  to six couples. "!.3214200"%  For more information please e-mail Lois at [email protected]  !'".3 !'-(    or phone her at 4322545. 24 April 2014 %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH

                  " $% (.#++                       -#,+ &/#++           "!!           !!0     0   0   0

Waipu Presbyterian Parish

7KHRXWVLGHFDVHRIDPLQHIURPWKH*HUPDQUDLGHU2ULRQZKLFKZDVKHGXSRQ Sunday Services WKHEHDFKQHDU0DUVGHQ3RLQWDIWHU:RUOG:DULVRQGLVSOD\DWWKHHQWUDQFHWR Ruakaka - Camellia Ave - 8.45am the Ruakaka Domain campground Waipu - The Centre, Waipu - 10.15am Prayers - 7pm factory in the cream cans. People would beg her father for petrol. Mainly Music - Sharon Smith - 432 1050 Toy Library - Julie Malone - 432 0388 “He must have been pretty good at saving it because he usually gave them some.” Contacts Church Hall Hireage - Honor McAulay - 432 0322 At night everyone had to pull down the blinds and shut the curtains so there would Rev Tom Waight Counselling - Anglican Care Trust - 437 6397 be no lights to serve as bomb targets for Japanese planes. 09 432423 05347360 Family Welfare & Foodbank: Jean said, “In those days children were sent outside while the adults talked. The Co-ordinator - Helen Matheson - 432 0239 Church OfÄce Cally James - 432 1536 children were not supposed to be listening but we all knew that something was Budgeting Advice - Bruce Matheson - 432 0239 going on and everyday we would hope that nothing bad would happen. ” The Crossroads Trust (Änancial support) Ann- Peter Evans Couper - 432 432 1141 0524 %XQQ\&DUH QHH6XWKHUODQG ZDVÀYH\HDUVROGHUWKDQ-HDQ+HUIDWKHUKDGVHUYHG or email [email protected] LQ:RUOG:DUDQGMRLQHGWKH+RPH*XDUGZKHQWKH6HFRQG:RUOG:DUEHJDQ+H Working within your Community - for your Community was a dairy farmer and took on the milking of several other farms to release younger men for military service. She recalls him talking about the importance of guarding the petrol stations – Waipu had three in those days. %XQQ\VDLGWKHQHZFHQWUDO:DLSXVFKRRORSHQHGMXVWPRQWKVDIWHUWKHDGYHQWRIWKH war. The children practiced evacuation to a patch of bush nearby should there be a 25!+!+!,)15/2#%.42% bombing raid. %XQQ\ZKRVHIDPLO\IDUPHGLQ0LOOEULGJH5GLQ:DLSX·V1RUWK5LYHUDUHDVDLG #ORNER-ARSDEN0OINT2DAND3IME2D the family had to tape black building paper over the windows of their home each /PENDAYS0HONE night. By the time the war ended Bunny was 16 years old, old enough to be more aware of HEINEKEN 15 bottles $ 28.99 the impact of the war and the Japanese invasion threat. Six of her cousins were killed in action overseas. “It was a terrible time. We have a lot to thank the Americans for. They stopped the LION BROWN 18 pk cans - $ 20.00 Japanese from arriving here. I think we came out of it quite well in the end.” John Finlayson also remembers “hiding in the tea tree behind the school for air raid practice.” MILLER DRAFT 12 bottles - $20.00 His father, another John Finlayson, along with Billy Lang, who had been a Colonel in the 1st World War ran the home guard. They had training camps on the Finlayson CANADIAN CLUB WHISKEY 700ml - $35.99 farm in St Mary’s Rd. +HFDQUHPHPEHUDODPSZKLFKZDVXVHGWRVLJQDOWKH+RPH*XDUGLQ3DUXD%D\ APPLETONS RUM 1L $ 48.99 from the top of Flagstaff Hill. The family made butter from their own cream. This was outlawed as all cream was IVANOV VODKA 1L $32.99 supposed to go to the war effort. If a strange car came up the road they would hide the butter churn. NAPOLEON BRANDY 1L $ 35.99 “We couldn’t go into our bedrooms at night until the blackout paper was all taped up across the windows.” John said there was no American camp in Waipu but the American troops had a SEAGARS GIN 1L $30.99 shooting range at Uretiti. He remembers picking up some 3 inch long spent shells there. Once a barge bringing supplies for the Americans overturned off Langs Beach NEW SMIRNOFF & raspberry, Smirnoff and local children would scour the beaches and rocks for tins of sugar and lollies, & orange, Smirnoff & blackcurrant 7% which washed ashore. Someone found a baseball bat. 12 pk cans $ 25.99 A team of engineers was based in Waipu’s Coronation Hall for a time while they built a series of road blocks ready to be placed across the road over the Brynderwyns, should these be needed to slow down an invading Japanese force. Without petrol to travel around much, Church on Sunday became the big social ROSEMOUNT ESTATE cab-merlot, shiraz-cab, event of the week. Grenache -shiraz - $9.99 a bottle Only while stocks last. “Church started around 11am but we wouldn’t get home until around 1pm. Everyone would stand around talking.” There was often news that another local man had been killed in Europe or Africa.

%UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH 24 April 2014 Waipu Primary Carnival


Angela Amsterdam, the Waipu Primary Easter Carnival co-ordinator, was off on holiday in a campervan with her children on Tuesday, “So they can get to know their mum again”, she said. “The last few months have been frantic but we are all very excited about our suc- cess and already planning for next year.” Thousands of people attended the carnival held in Waipu’s Caledonian Park on Sat- urday 19 April which raised approximately $50,000 for the school.



$& !'#)&& $%!"(%! '&"-!&7KHFRPSHWLWLRQFDQLQFOXGHSKRWRVWDNHQ 67 %&#"&"%"-%$%!&$&&"##$!"'$"anytime this summer. #!*2%756: 7KH\QHHGWREHWDNHQRQGLJLWDOFDPHUDV !$0 " #&&"!!! '#"&"2%&!!*&and not smart phones. &%%' $0 *HW\RXUSKRWRVLQWRWKH)LVKLQJ&OXE & &*"'$#"&"2%!&"&%! '"$&85EHIRUHWKHWKRI0D\¿OOLQDQHQWU\IRUP" *7569.- ! !!&$*"$ DQGJRLQWRDGUDZWRZLQDYRXFKHUIRU!"!&"$)&")!("'$"$!!$& '&"$%%&'$!&&"&( '"46:5155GLQQHUDW2XWERDGV5HVWDXUDQW WRWKHYDOXHRI


Write a caption for your photo here ______(PDLO\RXUSKRWRVLQMSHJIRUPDWWRMDQLQH#DERGHPRFRQ]RU PDUVGHQFRYH¿VKLQJFOXE#JPDLOFRP The decision of selection of the 12 best photos will be carrie d out by committee members of the Fishing Club and a member of staff of the company that will produce the calendar The decision will be ¿nal and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the results $s part of entry into this competition =DUD-DFREVRQDJHGDQG-DFRE8UOLFKDJHGVROGWLFNHWVLQDZKHHOEDUURZ you agree to allowing your photo to be used as an adYertisement for * $bernethy 'emolition and 5ecycling /td and the 0arsden CoYe Fishing Club IXOORIJURFHULHVUDIÀH . 24 April 2014 %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH

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An open invitation to a 50th BREAM BAY COASTAL CARE TRUST wedding anniversary celebration :25.,1*%(( 6KHLOD DQG 0DF *RUGRQ Planting trees at Living Legends Uretiti will celebrate their 50th SURMHFW7XUQLQWRWKH8UHWLWL'2&FDPS wedding anniversary this DQG\RXZLOOÀQGXVZRUNLQJRQHLWKHUVLGH Saturday with an open of the road before the camp entrance gate. invitation for anyone Sunday 4 May, 9am -12 noon who wants to turn up to All welcome the party in the Waipu %ULQJVSDGHV :HKDYHDVRPHVSDUHVLI Coronation Hall from you don’t have one.) 4pm. Wear sturdy footwear. The open invitation Morning tea provided honours an old Waipu tradition. The couple were married in the town of Warrenpoint in &RXQW\'RZQLQ1RUWKHUQ Ireland but on their return to Waipu held an open invitation wedding celebration in the Waipu Coronation Hall. Sheila’s identical twin sister, Shirley and her )URPOHIW6KLUOH\*XQGODFK0DF*RUGRQDQG6KHLOD*RUGRQ6KLUOH\DQG6KHLOD daughter have come from DUHLGHQWLFDOWZLQV6KLUOH\KDVFRPHWR:DLSXIURP*HUPDQ\WRDWWHQG6KHLODDQG *HUPDQ\IRUWKHRFFDVLRQ 0DF¶VWKZHGGLQJDQQLYHUVDU\ and a younger sister will visit from Australia with her husband. Sheila and Mac became engaged. Sheila felt that as THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE 6KHLODDQG0DFPHWIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHZKHQ0DFDQG VKHZRXOGEHOLYLQJSHUPDQHQWO\LQ1HZ=HDODQGVKH RIWKH%UHDP%D\1HZVZLOOEH7KXUVGD\0D\ two other Waipu boys: Ian Couper and Don Bull went should go back to Ireland for her wedding. 7KHGHDGOLQHIRUDOOFRS\LVSPRQ together on a trip to Europe. She remembers the wedding celebration back in Waipu Wednesday 30 April Mac’s father, who was born in Ireland, had been at as a bit of surprise. She was asked to wear her wedding school with Sheila’s father and the two had kept in GUHVVDQGVKHDQG0DFKDGWKHÀUVWGDQFH touch writing to one another once a year. Sheila’s father 6XH1RDNHVZDVRQHRIWKHJXHVWV6KHKDGPLVVHGWKH RIIHUHGWRWDNHWKHWKUHH\RXQJ1HZ=HDODQGHUVRQD wedding of Mac’s sister Wyn because, having recently tour of Scotland in his car. His two teenage daughters arrived from Auckland, she had thought she needed Sheila and Shirley went along as well. an invitation to attend. She was phoned afterwards by Morris & Morris Ltd. Shirley remembers when the boys performed a haka in Mac and Wyn’s mother Hayden who explained that in Funeral Directors Edinburgh. :DLSXHYHU\RQH MXVW WXUQHG XS ZLWK D SODWH RI IRRG Serving Northland since 1944 /DWHU 6KHLOD FDPH RXW WR 1HZ =HDODQG IRU D \HDU·V Hayden phoned Sue especially to say to be sure to break after training as a physiotherapist and was hosted come to Mac and Sheila’s party. by Mac’s parents at their Waipu farm. Nominations open for 2014 Civic Awards 1RPLQDWLRQVDUHRSHQIRUWKLV\HDU·VFLYLFDZDUGV to four of these deserving people. There are countless Each year the Whangarei District Council honours up people out there who are worthy of a Civic Honour; to four people for their outstanding voluntary service however we won’t get to hear about them unless WR WKH GLVWULFW $Q\RQH ZKR KDV PDGH D VLJQLÀFDQW someone lets us know.” !      contribution to their community through their personal Each potential recipient must be nominated by at least !  OHDGHUVKLSLQVSLUDWLRQVDFULÀFHRUGHYRWLRQWRDFDXVH two people who must put together as much information is eligible. as they can to show how and why their nominee is a !          “We all know at least one of these kind souls who give strong candidate. Councillors on the Civic Honours !          WKHLUWLPHUHVRXUFHVDQGVNLOOVIRUWKHEHQHÀWRIRWKHUVµ Selection Panel will use this information to help them !       says chairwoman of the Civic Awards selection panel select the recipients. Councillor Shelley Deeming. 1RPLQDWLRQVFORVHRQ0D\ 09 437 5799 “This is an opportunity for the community to give back 199 Kamo Road, Whangarei. freephone 0800 667747

Fitted, balanced and inclu. GST NEW TYRES 13” * 14” * 15” * 16” & 17” * from $85 ‡ from $99 ‡ from $110 ‡ from $125 Large selection of quality used tyres * While stocks last MAGIC TYRES & MAGS NEW SHOP 4 Reyburn St. 438 3534 Bream Bay News Page 12 24 April 2014 Fire Call %\6WDWLRQ2IÀFHU-HII'ÉWK . .WHAT’S ON IN BREAM BAY ‡$1=$&3$5$'(in Waipu. Friday 25 April. Starts outside the Pizza Barn at DP&KXUFKVHUYLFHIURPDP DSUR[ WRDP)ROORZHGE\ZUHDWK laying at the war memorial. ‡8/<66(602725&<&/(&/8%will have bikes on display and hold a %%4DQGUDIÁHVLQWKHFDUSDUNDWWKH%UHDP%D\$PEXODQFH6WDWLRQLQ7DP- LQJL3ODFH5XDNDNDRQ$1=$&'D\)ULGD\$SULOIURPQRRQXQWLOSP Money raised will go to Bream Bay St. John ‡ TREE PLANTING MORNING AT URETITI LIVING LEGENDS PROJECT Sunday 4 May from 9am - 12 noon. Meet at the entrance to the DOC camp. Bring a spade. Wear sturdy shoes. Morning tea provide. ‡ SANDY BRECHIN AND RONAN MARTIN CONCERT OF TRADI- TIONAL SCOTTISH MUSIC. Sunday 4 May at 3pm in the Coronation Hall Waipu. Entrance $15 at the door ‡WAIPU BOUTIQUE SUNDAY MARKET1H[WRQ6XQGD\0D\IURP 9am -1pm. In the Coronation Hall, Waipu. ‡MARSDEN COVE MARKETLQWKHPDUTXHH1H[WRQ6XQGD\0D\ from 8.30am to 1pm. ‡ %5($0 %$< &2//(*($1':$,38',675,&7 +,*+ 6&+22/ REUNIONDW%UHDP%D\&ROOHJH4XHHQV%ULWKGD\:HHNHQG)ULGD\0D\ - Sunday 1 June 7KHVFHQHDIWHUWKHIDWDOFUDVKRQ6+QHDUWKH)O\JHU5GLQWHUVHFWLRQDWDP ‡$5717$57$1 wearable art awards. Entries close 2 May. Entry forms RQ6DWXUGD\$SULO. available on the website: Show dates are 27 and 28 June. Tickets go on sale Wednesday 4 June. 5XDNDND)LUHÀJKWHUVZHUHUHVSRQGHGWRDVHULRXVFUDVKRQ6WDWH+LJKZD\2QHRQ ‡PAPAROA WEARABLE ARTS GALA. Entries are open for the gala which the corner near Mata Halltwoearlier this month, in which two trucks had a head on will be held on 23 August. Entry forms available from: or FROOLVLRQ7KHWUDJHG\LQYROYHGWKHGHDWKRIRQHGULYHUDQGQDVW\LQMXULHVWRWKHWZR phone Betty Cairms 09 431 6515. Entries clsed on 12 July. occupants of the second truck. ,WVHHPVTXLWHSRVVLEOHWKDWWKHLQMXULHVWRWKHVXUYLYRUVKDGWKH\EHHQZHDULQJWKHLU VHDWEHOWVPD\KDYHHVFDSHGSUHWW\PXFKZLWKRXWDQ\LQMXULHVDWDOO :HZHUHLQDWWHQGDQFHDWWKHDFFLGHQWIRUDURXQGÀYHKRXUVDVWKHKLJKZD\ZDV shut down due to not only the blockage of one lane, but in order to allow a safe work place for Police as they carried out their Serious Crash investigations and GET SOME HEALTHY photography. To watch the care the Police put in to log the position of every item, allowing them- EXCITEMENT IN VHOYHVWRUHFUHDWHMXVWZKDWKDSSHQHGDWZKDWVSHHGZKHUHDQGZKHQLVDPD]LQJ and hats off to them. It was a mean scene and not the place for the faint hearted. YOUR LIFE! It was imperative that the highway be closed, much to the annoyance of many of the travellers as there is only one chance to carry out this investigation before evidence % +' "! ( ! LVZDVKHGDZD\E\ÀUHÀJKWHUVUXQRYHUDQGVSUHDGE\SDVVHUVE\RUMXVWUHPRYHG by helpers. !'%!'"%%! %&&!"*"#!, Reason, responsibility, blame are all words bandied around after these accidents and

 DOOWKRVHLQYROYHGGHVHUYHDIDLUJRDQGDQRIÀFLDOGHFLVLRQRQZKDWKDSSHQHGZK\ and whom may have been responsible. The Fire Service has a number of tasks at these scenes, involving rescue, scene safe- W\VFHQHSURWHFWLRQWUDIÀFFRQWURODQGDVVLVWLQJ3ROLFHZLWKGLYHUVLRQV It didn’t pass without notice the number of travellers and their kids who were not ZHDULQJVHDWEHOWV0\ÀUHÀJKWHUVPHQWLRQHGWRVRPHRIWKHVHGULYHUVWKDWHLWKHU they didn’t have their belts on or, more importantly, their children in the back didn’t have seat belts on. This surprisingly drew some contempt and abuse from the occupants, who stated ´

7KUHH%UHDP%D\&ROOHJHVWXGHQWVKDYHEHHQVHOHFWHGIRU1RUWKODQGUHSUHVHQ WDWLYHIRRWEDOOWHDPV.\OH/HYHOOZLOOSOD\IRUWKH8QGHU1RUWKIRUFHWHDP%LOL The 2014 Waipu premier rugby side has three international players this year. 0RIIDWDQG$LPHH:LOVRQZLOOSOD\LQWKH:RPHQ¶V1RUWKIRUFHWHDP 7KH\ DUH 6LPRQ 3DUGDNKW\ DQG )HOLSH %DVVDOHWWL RI &KLOH DQG 6KLQMLUR Kumazaki of Japan. 6KLQMLURZKRSOD\VLQWKH1RRU1RMHUVH\ZHQWWRVFKRROLQ$XFNODQG attending Kelston Boys high school where he developed his enthusiasm for Junior Surf LifeSavers Win in rugby. ,WLV)HOLSH·VVHFRQGWULSWR1HZ=HDODQG,QKHSOD\HGIRUWKH%XUQVLGH the Waves By Kathleen Forsythe club in Christchurch. He plays in no 4 or 8 position. )RU6LPRQ3DUGDNKW\WKLVLVKLVÀUVWWLPHLQ1HZ=HDODQG/DVW\HDUKHSOD\HG Big surf and rolling waves couldn’t keep back 66 competitors at the Ruakaka Surf UXJE\LQ6SDLQ+HSOD\VLQ1RRUSRVLWLRQ /LIHVDYLQJ3DWUROMXQLRUFKDPSLRQVKLSVKHOG6XQGD\PRUQLQJ Felipe said that since seven asides rugby has been added to Olympic games the 7KHFKLOGUHQDJHGWRFRPSHWHGLQEHDFKVSULQWVEHDFKÁDJVUXQVZLPUXQ Chilean government is putting a lot of money into the game. DQGERDUGUDFHV7KHFKDPSLRQVKLSPDUNVWKHHQGRIWKHMXQLRUVXUIOLIHVDYLQJ Both Felipe and Simon come from Santiago and commented on the contrast 2013-2014 season. The clubbies have been meeting every Sunday morning since between living in the largest city and capital of Chile and a small town like Labour Day to develop their surf skills, and to have fun on the beach with their Waipu. They said everyone is very friendly and they will stay for as long as family and club friends. they can. “I was really impressed with the kids’ perseverance and determination; the condi- All three have been provided with accommodation courtesy of the Waipu WLRQVZHUHFKDOOHQJLQJEXWWKH\KDGWKHFRQÀGHQFHWRSXWWKHLUWUDLQLQJLQWRDFWLRQµ Rugby Club. They are here on visitors’ permits, which do not allow them to VDLG-XQLRU6XUI&RRUGLQDWRU1LFROD7KRPSVRQ work but say they are happy to concentrate on playing rugby. “We’ve had a great season and the children really gave it their all today,” said Club President and coach Andrew Forsythe. “All of the coaches and parents involved feel the time and effort they have put in to coaching these children is well-worth it when ZHVHHWKHFRQÀGHQFHDQGDWKOHWLFLVPWKHFRPSHWLWRUVKDYHGHYHORSHGµ Bream Bay College junior triathletes A senior surf championship was held in the afternoon and the life-guards and other senior members had a chance to compete against each other in these traditional surf-club events.

One Tree Point Bowling Club Results Saturday 5th April Mens & Ladies Handicap pairs:- Ladies - 1st Coral Todd & Colleen Ander 2nd Linda Wyness & Lorraine Brown Men - 1st Ted Sloane & Barry Ander 2nd Trevor Hay & Bruce Hayward Bream Bay Merchants sponsored A/C Triples held 7 April 2014 1st A Tan, K Hodgson & P Herbert Kamo 3 wins 23 ends 32 points 2nd L Bird, L Bird, T John 0DQJDZKDL0HQ /DGLHVZLQVHQGVSRLQWVUG1)UDQNV/+XQW1)UDQNV Mangawhai Men & Ladies & 2 1/2 wins 21 ends 42 points. Rowsell Collision Repairs & Tyres Variety Pairs Tournament hel Mon- day 14 April 2014 1st Sharon Rudman & Bruce Hayward 4 wins 24 ends SRLQWVQG*HRII3RZHOO -LOO6WHZDUWZLQVHQGVSRLQWVUG Linda Wyness & John Thompson 3 wins 27 ends 48 points

1LQHMXQLRU%UHDP%D\&ROOHJHVWXGHQWVHQWHUHGWKH$6%166,QGLYLGXDO7ULDWK- Bream Bay Office Services lon.held at Kai Iwi Lakes on Friday 28 March. Results: Rose Linton – 2nd Junior *LUOV3DXO/LQWRQ²WK-XQLRU%R\V6FRWW&DUUDQ²WK-XQLRU%R\V-RUGDQ&DU- When Quality Counts swell – 5th Year 7/8 Boys, Connor Swords – 6th Year 7/8 Boys PTyping PCalendars PAccounts Service PFaxing PT Shirt Transfers PPamphlets PPhotocopying PFridge Magnets PPhotos repaired PLaminating PDesktop publishing PPhotos copied PBusiness Cards Local people read THE BREAM BAY NEWS PCertificates PBinding PXmas Cards

It is an effective place to advertise. Shop 3, Ruakaka Town Centre, Ruakaka. Phone 432 8730, Fax: 432 8732 E.Mail [email protected] Bream Bay News Page 14 24 April 2014 A new takeaway under the Bream Bay Club /HQDDQG*HRUJH$OOHQKDYHRSHQHGDQHZÀVKDQGFKLSDQGSL]]DWDNHDZD\VKRS downstairs from the Bream Bay Club in Princes Rd. Lena has been working as a mining engineer in Australia for the past 20 years and felt “it was time to come home.” +HUIDPLO\LVIURP1RUWKODQGZLWKPDQ\UHODWLYHVOLYLQJLQ.DLWDLDEXWVKHKHUVHOI grew up in Manurewa. *HRUJHLVDQ$XVWUDOLDQRI*UHHNKHULWDJH+HDOVRZRUNHGLQWKHPLQHVDVDGULOOHU )RUWKHSDVWIRXU\HDUVWKH\KDYHEHHQOLYLQJLQ$XFNODQGDQGÁ\LQJLQDQGRXWWR WKHLU$XVWUDOLDQMREV7KHLUWZRGDXJKWHUVDJHGDQGKDYHEHHQLQERDUGLQJ schools and are happy now that they can now be at home with their parents. Lena also said she wanted the girls to learn about the Maori side of their heritage. Three older sons remain in Australia, which Lena said, “is a bit hard.” She said she intends to run the takeaways as a family business and expects her daughters on occasion to help behind the counter. I told them. “You are part of what we are about so I expect you to show your faces in here now and then.” /HQDZRUNHGLQFDWHULQJDQGLQFDIpVZKLOHRQPDWHUQLW\OHDYHGXULQJKHUVRMRXUQ LQ$XVWUDOLD6KHVDLGLWKDVEHHQDORQJWLPHDPELWLRQRIKHUDQG*HRUJH·VWRUXQ DWDNHDZD\VKRSDQGVLQFHWKHLUUHWXUQWR1=WKH\KDYHEHHQORRNLQJDURXQGIRUD suitable business opportunity. They plan to put more outdoor picnic tables on the lawn to the side of the Bream %D\&OXEEXLOGLQJVRSHRSOHFDQHDWWKHLUÀVKDQGFKLSVZLWKDYLHZRIWKH5XDNDND /HQDDQG*HRUJH$OOHQRXWVLGHWKH(VWXDU\7DNHDZD\VKRS estuary spread out before them. The estuary takeaways opening hours are : on Sunday to Wednesday 10am – 8pm and Thursday to Saturday 10am – 9pm. Big Tomato fruit and vege shop Ships expected at Marsden Point to re-open 7KHFRDVWDOWDQNHU.DNDULNLORDGLQJ UH¿QHGRLOSURGXFWVRQ-HWW\7ZRDWWKH Lynette Boots, formerly 0DUVGHQ3RLQW2LO5H¿QHU\ /\QHWWH 1HZODQG LV Photo by Peter Grant. returning to Ruakaka after 22 years to re-open ‡,VODQG6SLULW ETA Tuesday 22 April at 11pm. ETD Fri 25 April 12 noon. Load- the Big Tomato fruit and LQJORJV1RGHVWLQDWLRQJLYHQ vege shop. ‡Vega Granat ETA Mon 21 April at 11pm. ETD Thu 24 April at 11am. Loading Lynette and her partner

logs for China. Warren Jellick, who is ‡7RUHD ETA Wednesday 23 April at 8am. ETD Thursday 24 April at 8am. Coastal a painter by trade, have VKLSORDGLQJUHÀQHGRLOSURGXFWVIRUGHOLYHU\WRRWKHU1=SRUWV been sprucing up the shop ‡&6.9DOLDQW ETA Thursday 24 April at 6am. ETD Friday 25 April at 8pm. Dis- ready for their planned charging crude oil. *UDGHEDOOHWVWXGHQW/D\QLH*URRP RSHQLQJ RQ 4XHHQV ‡0DUH,WDOLFXP ETA Sat 26 April at 8pm. ETD Mon 28 April at 12 noon. Dis- Birthday weekend 31 charging crude oil. May - 1 June. ‡&KHQJWX ETA Sunday 27 April at 6am. ETD Tues 29 April at 6pm. Loading Warren also has a /9/WKHQGHSDUWLQJIRU$XFNODQG connection with Bream Lynette Boots and Warren Jellick hard at work ‡ Cattleya ETA Sun 27 April at 12 noon. ETD Tues 29 April at 4am. Loading Bay as he is related to sprucing up the Big Tomato fruit and vege shop for a woodchip for Japan. the Erceg family and as UHRSHQLQJRQ4XHHQV%LUWKGD\ZHHNHQG ‡ Lady Korcula(7$0RQ$SULO(7'7XHVGD\$SULO/RDGLQJNLZLIUXLW1R a child often visited his destination given. cousins in Takahiwai. Warren has experience in food retailing as he previously ‡7HTXLOD6XQULVH. ETA Monday 28 April. ETD Wed 30 April at 3am. Loading owned a chain of cooked chicken outlets in Sydney, where he lived for 30 years. He logs for China. plans to continue with his painting business but help out in the shop in the weekends. ‡.DNDULNL ETA Tues 29 April at 1pm. ETD Wed 30 April at 12 noon. Loading /\QHWWH OHDYHV D MRE DV VWRUH PDQDJHU IRU )DUPHUV LQ$XFNODQG WR WDNH RQ WKH UHÀQHGIXHOIRUGHOLYHU\WRRWKHU1=SRUWV business. She says it has been a long held ambition to return to Ruakaka. ‡7RUHD(7$7KXU0D\DWSP(7'7KXUV0D\/RDGLQJUHÀQHGRLOSURGXFWV They plan to sell convenience store items such as bread and milk, alongside the IRUGHOLYHU\WRRWKHU1=SRUWV JUHHQJURFHUJRRGVDVZHOODVORFDOO\PDGHMDPVDQGSLFNOHV ‡ Jag Lata. ETA Fri 2 May at 8am. ETD Sat 3 May at 4pm. Discharging crude oil DWWKH0DUVGHQ3RLQW5HÀQHU\ ‡British Beech. ETA Friday 2 May at 1.30pm. ETD Friday 2 May. Discharging FUXGHRLODWWKH0DUVGHQ3RLQW5HÀQHU\ PROPERTY RENTAL APPRAISAL CERTIFICATE You are entitled to a complimentary, no obligation rental estimate of your property. WAIPU LOTT0 & POST Find out how much rent your property can fetch in the current market - it may be more

than you think or currently getting! Lotto Emailing I am your Area Property Investment & Management Specialist and Newsagents I can arrange a time to come and see you Postshop Jeanine Walters in your home and your convenience. Photocopying All stationery needs [email protected] 09 438 4537 0272424233 Open Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: 8.30am - 5pm Take advantage of this offer. The Centre, Waipu Wed: 8.30am - 6.30pm Call me today Phone 432 0900 Sat: 8.30am - 7pm 24 April 2014 %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH Colin Meale 8 February 1924 – 9 April 2014

biggest rates contribution. He counted the construction of Salle Rd. as his biggest achievement on the County Council. A new SLHFHRIURDGMRLQHGXSVKRUWURDGVDWHDFKHQGWR form a throughway from Marsden Point Rd. to One Tree Point Rd. He also helped to establish the Bream Bay St. John ambulance service and the Ruakaka Fire Brigade. To begin with Colin and Ken Rodgers, a Waipu The Waipu RSA has traditionally 7UDIÀF2IÀFHUZHUHWKHRQO\OLFHQVHGDPEXODQFH organised and conducted the drivers and the ambulance was stationed at his DQQXDO$1=$&'D\SDUDGHLQ Camellia Avenue home. :DLSXLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKH In later years he worked as a real estate agent and Waipu Citizens & Services Club. he served as a Justice of the Peace from 1968 until 2013. Before moving to Ruakaka in 1963, Colin had lived in Maungaturoto for 11 years where he had been 7LPHWDEOH$1=$&GD\LQ:DLSX a founding member of St. John in that community Friday 25 April 2014. and where he had operated three businesses starting ‡ )RUPSDUDGHDGMDFHQWWRWKH3L]]D%DUQRQ with a trucking company, then a dry cleaning service Cove Road &ROLQ0HDOH DQGÀQDOO\WKHORFDOSLFWXUHWKHDWUH ‡ 7KH3DUDGH&RPPDQGHUZLOOFDOOWKH He grew up on a farm in Kaihu, backing on to marchers to attention and the Band Leader will step Colin Meale, who died last week at the age of 90, 7URXQVRQ3DUN+HOHIWVFKRRODWIRUDMREDVD off the parade towards the Museum. in the mid 1980s built a motel in Camellia Avenue, truck driver. When World War 2 broke out in 1939 ‡$SSUR[WKH&KXUFK6HUYLFH EHFDXVH KH FRXOGQ·W ÀQG DQ\ZKHUH HOVH LQ 1HZ he was only 17 years of age but added on another On Completion of Church Service Parade is fallen =HDODQGWRPDWFK5XDNDND ÀYH\HDUVDQGHQOLVWHGZLWKWKHDUP\:KHQKLVUHDO in parallel to the road at the rear of the memorials “That 14 miles of beach. You can’t beat it”, he told age was discovered he was moved across to the Air The Benediction is made by the presiding Minister WKH%UHDP%D\1HZVLQDQLQWHUYLHZEDFNLQ )RUFHDQGVHQWWRWKH3DFLÀFWRZRUNDVDEXOOGR]HU A short address is made by the President of the 7KH %OXH 3DFLÀF PRWHO QRZ XVHG DV UHQWDO driver. He helped to build airstrips on nine different Waipu RSA. DFFRPPRGDWLRQLVMXVWRQHRIWKHPDUNV&ROLQOHIW 3DFLÀF,VODQGV Laying of wreaths behind in Ruakaka. 2QKLVUHWXUQIURPWKHZDUKHPDUULHG9HUD:LOOLDPV The Last Post part one is played +HZDVHOHFWHGDVRQHRI5XDNDND·VÀUVWFRXQFLOORUV and had a daughter Sharon. He later married Jean The President of the Waipu RSA cites the RSA Ode on the Whangarei County Council. Ruakaka had 3DJHDQGWKH\KDGDVRQ.HQQHWK QRZGHFHDVHG  The Last Post part two is played been part of the Waipu Riding. Colin pointed out Colin is survived by Sharon, two grandchildren and The parade marches back through town to the RSA. to the other councillors that, although Ruakaka four great - grandchildren. It is traditional that shortly after the parade has might be the smallest and newest riding, it made the fallen out that the Band parades through the RSA with pipes and drums playing. The Ladies section of the Waipu RSA provide a Ulysses Motorcycle club fundraising for light lunch. Bream Bay ambulance service 7KH )DU 1RUWK EUDQFK RI WKH  8O\VVHV 0RWRUF\FOH from 12 noon to 2pm. It it’s raining around 40 bikes THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE &OXEZLOOYLVLW5XDNDNDRQ)ULGD\$1=$&GD\,IWKH and their riders are still expected to turn out. RIWKH%UHDP%D\1HZVZLOOEH7KXUVGD\0D\ ZHDWKHULVÀQHH[SHFWDURXQGELJVKLQ\PRWRUELNHV 7KH FOXE ZLOO EH UXQQLQJ D %%4 VDXVDJH VL]]OH DQG 7KHGHDGOLQHIRUDOOFRS\LVSPRQ to be on display in the car park of the Bream Bay St UDIÁHVWRUDLVHPRQH\IRU%UHDP%D\6W-RKQ. Wednesday 30 April John Ambulance Station in Tamingi Place, Ruakaka,

Marsden Point High Tides AM PM Ph. 432 7358 Thu 24 April 2.33 2.6 2.59 2.5 Fri 25 April 3.34 2.6 4.03 2.5 Sat 26 April 4.34 2.6 5.06 2.6 Sun 27 April 5.32 2.7 6.04 2.6 Restaurant Hours: Mon 28 April 6.26 2.7 6.50 2.7 Seven days from 5pm, Tue 29 April 7.17 2.7 7.49 2.8 Wed 30 April 8.06 2.7 8.36 2.8 Sunday 5-8pm. Thu 1 May 8.53 2.7 9.21 2.7 Saturday Lunch 12 noon-2pm Fri 2 May 9.39 2.6 10.04 2.7 Sat 3 May 10.22 2.5 10.47 2.6 Sun 4 May 11.05 2.5 11.30 2.5 Mon 5 May 11.48 2.4 ~ ~ New menu Tue 6 May 12.13 2.5 12.33 2.3 Wed 7 May 12.59 2.4 1.21 2.3 All fresh local produce Thu 8 May 1.48 2.4 2.12 2.2 Fri 9 May 2.38 2.3 3.07 2.2

%UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH 24 April 2014 TRADES & SERVICE DIRECTORY Phone/Fax: (09) 432 0209 NORTHERN TREEPRO LTD Tree removal/Pruning Land clearing Marine & General Engineering Revegetation MILLING - LATHE WORK - DRILLING Heavy duty chipping WELDING ALUMINIUM, STAINLESS & MILD STEEL Excavator/Log skidding STAINLESS POLISHING - ALUMINIUM BOAT REPAIRS Carl Pereira Fully Insured 3rd generation experts Ph: 09 432 0068 Mob: 0275 308 316 Phone 027 362 6083 or 432 1816 [email protected]

Certifying ABSOLUTE CONCRETE Plumbers, COVE Gasfitters Effluent Flood Wash Tanks and Valves Plumbing & Gas and Drainlayers . Crane truck delivery Qualified Experienced Tradesman Deliver & Erect 'State of the Art' Scaffolding Drainage Merchant - Hardware Store Ensuring you job is erected quickly and safely New Houses, alterations and maintenance. Email: [email protected] *** CALL NOW FOR FREE QUOTE *** Phone 09 432 0155 or 021 479 244 Phone (09) 431 2211 PH 432 7643 A/H 0274 726772 KAIWAKA Yard: Kepa Rd Industrial Estate, Ruakaka

Happy Wife Highway House Movers Happy Home... *HW\RXUURRISDLQWHGQRZ Freephone - 0508HSEMVR Or Emma on 022 354 2696 All other aspects of house Local, knowledgeable, friendly house movers painting available. We have beautiful character homes for sale Richard Bland Painters We also move houses, resite and pile them 027 671 4445 or 09 434 6240 and buy houses for removal

F SPENC OF E t4DBOT "#4 "JSCBHT E R G t"MUFSOBUPST4UBSUFST t3FHJTUFSFE&MFDUSJDJBO  t"QQMJBODFBOEUPPMUFTUJOH  t$PNNFSDJBM t2VBMJöFE)7"$5SBEFTQFSTPO  t5SBDUPST t)FBUQVNQTBMFTBOETFSWJDF  t.PUPSDZDMFT WINDSCREEN REPAIR OR REPLACE t1VNQJOTUBMMBUJPOBOESFQBJST  GLAZING SERVICES A L t$PNNFSDJBM %PNFTUJD3FGSJHFSBUJPO  U A t8JSJOH T C .*33034t41-"4)#"$,4t4)08&34 t7FOUJMBUJPO"JSDPOEJUJPOJOH  O RI t.PCJMF4FSWJDF t$FSUJöFE8FMEFS"4/;4   ELECT Over 40 Years Experience 1I   0800 70 40 10 1IPOF ") 547 Mountfield Rd,Waipu LQIR#QRUWKJODVVFRQ]‡ZZZQRUWKJODVVFRQ] &NBJMTIBOF@CBUUFO!YUSBDPO[ .PC Ruakaka Motors Mechanical and Auto Electrical Repairs and Servicing McLeod PARADISE QUARRY STONEMASONS ELECTRICAL Monday - Friday 7.30am - 5pm Specialists in stunning stone for landscape Open Saturday morning 8am - 1pm. Suppliers & installers of northland’s own schist for all your Tyres and Batteries stonemasonry & landscaping Requirements 132 Mountfield Rd, Waipu Warrant of Fitness testing Phone 09 432 0406 (09) 432 2722 or GEOFF (021) 972 139 Mobile 0275 875 024 Phone 432 7233 Email [email protected]

GEOFF MCDONALD OWNER OPERATOR PUMPING EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS Driveways PHONE 09 438 9103 (24HRS) House sites LARGEST CALL FREE 0800 MCQUINN Metal/Topsoil Cartage STOCKISTS 0800 627 846 Farm Maintenance OF PUMPS 148 LOWER DENT STREET, WHANGAREI No job too small!! & FILTERS [email protected] For all enquiries & a free quote Phone: 432 0228 Mobile: 0274 735677 Deadline for next issue - 30 April 24 April 2014 %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH TRADES & SERVICE DIRECTORY Phone/Fax: (09) 432 0209 Poyner Housemoving 0800 769 637 New and Used Houses For Sale For Removal Brian the Painter Decorator, Restorer, Handyman Property Maintenance  No job too small, No travelling time charges    ! Free advice (   $ (  (  )( ( !( (( Phone 0274 882371 0r 09 431 4882 Email: [email protected]  $$ Based in Maungaturoto but covering the whole of Northland

     WRIGHT DESIGN      LOW COST DRIVEWAYS &  ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER SURFACING NEEDS   ! BRIAN M WRIGHT Concrete or asphalt beyond your budget … ( !( N.Z.C.A.D. We have the next best solution for a (&   ) %% ( L.B.P.117345 fraction of the price. (   (!"$ ("( ( Call for a quote, you’ll be pleased you did! 360 Oneriri Rd. Kaiwaka RD2 Kaiwaka, North Auckland Paradise Quarry Contractors "&,)('#*+** "&'*#)('#*+** Geoff (021) 972 139 or (09) 432 2722 09 431 2544 [email protected] "$ ""  For contractors who ʻthinkʼ … Mob. 021 276 7389 Waipu Electrical M.V.B. Electrical Ltd. & Security Ltd 5HSDLUV‡,QVWDOODWLRQV‡$GYLFH                Mike van Blommestein        Kirk Robbins Ph 09 432 0091 Mob: 021 236 9551 WŚŽŶĞ͗ϬϵϰϯϮϭϬϭϱͻDŽďŝůĞ͗ϬϮϳϰϳϴϯϳϰϵ Email: mikevĂŶďΛdžƚ  email: [email protected]

CHERRY PICKER HIRE Need access to all those hard to reach jobs? Truck mounted cherry picker available to hire with a skilled operator. Small jobs or large. Contact Bream Bay Painting for rates. 09 432-1599 or Ph 0800. 858 858 027-292-2833 [email protected]

Carrs Quarry One Tree Point Road Ruakaka CARTAGE FOR ALL YOUR Crushed Aggregates 09 4320 212 or 027 267 9157 EARTHWORKS & CARTAGE NEEDS Suppliers of: topsoil, compost, woodchip, Available ex Quarry Gates & Fencing bark, sand, pebble, rocks and firewood. Ph/Fax 09 432 8418 or 021 768 940 Contact us: Angus 027 244 6100 458 Marsden Point Rd. PO Box 142, Ruakaka 0151 Walter 021 519 605 email: [email protected] Bream Bay Concrete Ltd.  "  " !  $  $" ! $ & $  !  Electrical Contracting & Repairs $ ! # $  $& $ % Electrical Inspector, Caravan EWOF, $ ! # $ &" Coolrooms, Air con. , Heat pumps. $   !   Phone: 432 7968 Mbl: 0274 780014

BREAM BAY NEWS PH/FAX 09 432 0209 Post copy to : Bream Bay News, RD 2, Waipu Email: [email protected] (PDLOEUHDPED\QHZV#[WUDFRQ] or leave it at: The Waipu, Post Shop or Bream Bay Office Services in the RuakakaTowncentre %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH 24 April 2014 FOR SALE SERVICES BEAUTY, HEALTH & FITNESS OFFERED CARPET MACROCARPA & GARDEN /,1.,1*+$1'6 RAWLEIGH’S PROD- OVERLOCKING REDWOOD +HDOWK6KXWWOH UCTS Independent deal- RETIRED BUILDER At Lifestyle Laundromat Sleepers & posts Phone er, phone Susan McRae AND Corner of Commerce St. Slab & dimentional ALTER-NATIVES  4321029. and Okara Drive timber MANUFACTURER 1XUVHU\ /DQGVFDSLQJ with over 40 years ex- Phone 436 1250 Long Lengths available QRZDW.LRUHURD REFLEXOLOGY Can Deliver perience in the building BATTERY TIRED? 5GEHKLQG-RKQ'HHUH AND/OR Firewood - Mac gum & WUDFWRUVHQWUDQFHE\ industry is offering a *HRII6SHQFHU$XWR(OHF- 6833257 *5283 )25 CRANIOSACRAL Ti tree the dog pound. design drafting service trical. Century battery THERAPY Ph Russell 432-0344  for domestic housing, :20(1 :+2 +$9( Agent. Free test, best sleepouts and sheds. 25 $5( '($/,1* Stimulate the body to 2UPLVWRQ5G\DUGLV treat itself! prices, can deliver. Ph. CARPET & VINYL. Plans formulated in co- :,7+ &$1&(5 &XSSD now closed 432 0373 or Mob. 0274 Huge selection of car- sultation with clients, and chat monthly. First 942 635. 4321 333 with working drawings Tuesday every month. At &RQWDFW$OLFH*UDQW pets & vinyl at compet- 09 432 1710 itive prices. Cpt short ZZZDOWHUQDWLYHVFRQ] completed & submitted Lifepoint Church, 300 GAS HEATER AND HQGVIURP*67SHU to council for process- One Tree Point Rd. Enqui- 2 FULL BOTTLES. /0 9LQ\O  PWU ZLGH ing. Extensive prac- ries Phone Pamela - 432 1HZFRQGLWLRQ from $39 per LM. Mobile tical experience, able 8578. CLOTHES DRYER WORMS service, free measure& to identify and resolve - $50 FOR SALE TXRWH3K&KULVWLQH   problems. Please ring )5,'*( )5((=- For worm farms 946 9886 or 021 515 415. Phone 432 0209 Mike Lean on 09 431 ER ex cond $200. 2 2260 or 021 431 196. SEATER COUCH FARMLANDS CARD Or a/h 432 0373 TUITION $200. WOOL CARD- accepted at Bream Bay ER - $300 or offers Ph Merchants BuildLink Waipu DRUM LESSONS$YDLODEOHIRU\RXQJ  DQGROG - 432 0865 Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ru- FOR RENT Boarding 1RLQLWLDOSXUFKDVLQJRIGUXPVUHTXLUHG akaka PH: 09 433 0077 Cattery PLUMBING SUP- Excellent care and Ph John 4327641 or 021 549514 STEEL FENCE POSTS, ONE AND TWO BED- accommodation 1650mm x 7 Hole @ PLIES Bream Bay Mer- ROOM FLATS for rent in Ph Sue 432 0394 $6.90 incl. Bream Bay chants BuildLink Cnr Ruakaka. $175 and $200 SITUATIONS VACANT Merchants BuildLink. Sime & Kepa Rd Ruaka- pw. Ph. Andrew 0274 596 PAINTER/WALLPAPER Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ru- ka PH: 09 433 0077 391. specialist, 35 years exp, akaka . PH: 09 433 0077 ROOM TO RENT Fur- RANBURN LIFECARE LOOKING FOR CARE work guaranteed, imm. FENCE WIRE HT nished or unfurnished in GIVERS TO JOIN THE TEAM. Full and part time start, Phone Paul, Mars- 2.5mm 25kg WireMark @ Ruakaka OTP. Large bathroom of SRVLWLRQDYDLODEOH&RQWDFW*DLO GHQ&RYH3DLQWHUV    ,QFO *67 %UHDP (A Brief History) own. $175 plus costs pw. [email protected] 2460260 Bay Merchants BuildLink Compiled by Judy Richards 0278742296 Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ru- Copies $20 PERSONAL akaka PH: 09 433 0077 Available from HORSE COVER AND Bream Bay Realty, gear repairs and industrial GENERATOR 2800W 31 YEAR OLD MAN Truck driver with a farming Ruakaka Town sewing requirments; can- ,QFO*67%UHDP background looking for companionship with woman Centre vas, leather, pvc, straps, Bay Merchants BuildLink Or from Bruce Cann of similar age and background. Solo mother or single Local people small tarps, tents and zips Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ru- Ph. 432 7399 ZRPDQ2.3K   akaka PH: 09 433 0077 Also available from read etc. Ph 432 0732 Take Note TUI GARDEN PROD- Stationery and Lotto Shop THE BREAM BAY CARPET LAYING, Re- FOR HIRE UCTS Bream Bay Mer- stretching and Repairs, 20 NEWS yrs exp, reliable service. chants BuildLink. Cnr RECYCLING PH Dean Ireson 436 2633 Sime & Kepa Rd Ruaka- It is an effective CAGES & Skip Bins or 027 667 0183. ka PH: 09 433 0077 place to for Hire. 3m3, 5m3, COTEC HOUSE 6m3. MPL Recycling. PAINT Tinting Facilties advertise FOR HIRE Mangawhai Heads now at Bream Bay Mer- GLENMOHRwaterwater carecare Rd. Ph 431 5445. chants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruaka- WATER TANK CLEANING No need to empty RUAKAKA RECREATION CENTRE ka PH: 09 433 0077 your tank LOUNGE HIRE CHECK OUT OUR THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE • Vacuum or full scrub

SPECIALS www.bream- RIWKH%UHDP%D\1HZVZLOOEH7KXUVGD\0D\ Phone Mark Draper 7KHGHDGOLQHIRUDOOFRS\LVSPRQ 09 432 0655 or 0274 707 607 Looking for space for a community activity? Bream Bay Merchants Wednesday 30 April The Lounge is available @ $10.00 per hour BuildLink Cnr Sime & .22/.$7= Use of the kitchen is included Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: Boarding Cattery 09 433 0077 O. T. P . Rd Days/Times available: &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ Ph 4330122 Monday 12noon to 10pm or 021 1803713 Tuesday 1pm to 10pm Costs $5 for up to 20 words and 20c for each Thursday 8am to 3pm additional word. Boxed, approx 4cm adverts Friday 8am to 10pm except last Friday RUBBISH, VEGETA- FRVWSOXV*67 of the month TION, RECYCLING Phone or fax your advert through to 432 - 0209 Weekends By arrangement email to: [email protected] removal service. Phone or text friendly Bow. Free 3RVWWR%UHDP%D\1HZV5':DLSX (QTXLULHV 2IÀFH MRE LQVSHFWLRQ   or leave it with payment at The Thistle in Waipu or at Dave 021 415405 1979 %UHDP%D\2IÀFH6HUYLFHVin the Ruakaka Town Centre. Email [email protected] 24 April 2014 %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH


RUAKAKA RECREATION CENTRE Bream Bay Medical Centre Ltd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING New Patients Welcome! Takutai Place Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5pm Saturdays: 9am - 12pm Tuesday 6th May at 7.30pm 3OHDVHDGYLVHDWWLPHRIERRNLQJLI\RXUHTXLUHDQH[WHQGHGFRQVXOWDWLRQ All Lease holders please attend with at least The Bream Bay Medical Centre will close Host an ENJO two representatives at 3.30 pm on Wednesday 30th April due to Staff Training Demo and receive fantastic Host Public are welcome Dr John Chapman, Dr Sue Hancock, Dr Karin Hiemstra, Dr Saj Din Rewards FREE!

Clean without 0DUVGHQ3RLQW5RDG5XDNDND7RZQ&HQWUH5XDNDND Chemicals 3K)D[ TE KOHANGA REO O TAKAHIWAI Contact your ENJO ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Consultant—Judi Ph: 027 5262 800 May 13th, 2014 WAIPU PUBLIC 5.30pm Bream Bay 1DXPDLKDHUHPDLNRXWRXNDWRD CORONATION At Takahiwai Kohanga Reo HALL Community Support Trust Books and goods 229 Takahiwai Road required for ‡)UHHPHGLFDOFOLQLFHDFK:HGQHVGD\ BricaBrac shop 9am - 12noon. Open Mon - Sat ‡)UHHEXGJHWLQJVHUYLFHE\DSSRLQWPHQW Mornings from 10.30am - 432 7197 ‡63&$)UHHFOLQLFQH[WRQ0RQGD\0D\

The Bream Bay Community Trust offers: Mac & Sheila Gordon ‡$)DPLO\&HQWUHGVXSSRUWWHDP ‡)DPLO\YLROHQFH,QWHUYHQWLRQDGYRFDF\ ‡$GYLFHDQGUHIHUUDOVWRRWKHUDJHQFLHV Please come and joinin us in cecelebratinglebrating 550 years of Marriage. and relevant support services. Bring your dancingng sshoeshoes anandd sinsingingging vvoice. Stay as long or as short as you like. Phone 432 7197 We want our wedding celebration, in the best Waipu tradition to be an open Waipu party for all those who would like to join us. Due to Mac’s failing health, the notice is short so please WAIPU PLAYCENTRE assist us by circulating to those who you think would like to come. Tuesdays 9.30am -12.30am Thursdays 10am-1pm No gifts please, your presence is present enough. When: Saturday 26 April 2014 Fridays 9am -12 noon Where: Waipu Coronation Hall, Waipu St Marys Rd, Waipu Time: 4.00pm. Phone 027 4500647 or Jenni on 4320418 Free for unders 2’s An indication of numbers would be appreciated for catering purposes: [email protected] or 432 0037 Bream Bay $66(0%/<2)*2'&+85&+ 223 Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka If you would like to help out with bringing a plate Miracles happen today please contact Cath and Greg Smith [email protected] or 432 0790 Experience His Healing Presence. SUNDAY SERVICE & KIDZ CHURCH at 10am WAIPU COMMUNITY LIBRARY POWER HOUSE Monthly Friday at 7pm. AGM MEN OF INTEGRITY Tuesday at 7pm Friday 9 May at 1pm Held at the library WOMEN OF DESTINY Tuesday at 10am All welcome YOU ARE WELCOME! Pastors: Ken & Christine Hubbard Tel: 432 7855 BREAM BAY CLUB INC. AGM BREAM BAY SUNDAY LIBRARY HOURS 10.30am Sunday 18th May 2014 $OOÀQDQFLDOPHPEHUVZHOFRPH CHURCH SERVICES WAIPU Enquiries/ Apologies to Secretary Presbyterian Waipu Ph. 432 7807 &DPHOOLD$YH5XDNDNDDP COMMUNITY 7KH&HQWUH:DLSXDP LIBRARY 3UD\HU6HUYLFHSP Assembly of God0DUVGHQ3W5G HOURS 5XDNDNDDP 0RQGD\:HGQHVGD\ AnglicanVWDQGUG6XQGD\V6W3DXO¶V 7KXUVGD\)ULGD\  5XDNDNDQGDQGWK6XQGD\V6W3HWHU¶V 6DWXUGD\DPWRSP :DLSXWK6XQGD\6W1LFKRODV0LVVLRQ 7XHVGD\DPWRSP WR6HDIDUHUV¶0DUVGHQ3RLQW$OOVHUYLFHV 7KH:DLSX&RURQDWLRQ VWDUWDWDP +DOODQG/LEUDU\ Catholic+RO\)DPLO\&KXUFK5X 3KRQH DNDNDDP0DVV Lifepoint2QH7UHH3RLQW5G 10.30am. Bream Bay News Page 20 24 April 2014



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