Annual Report 2019 ANNUAL REPORT 2019


Chairman’s Foreword...... 4

Director’s Foreword...... 6

2019 Exhibition Report...... 8

Registrar Report...... 14

Learn and Explore...... 22

Marketing...... 30

Friends of ...... 40

Image Credits...... 44 CHAIRMAN'S FOREWORD

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Crawford programme to encourage closer affinity Art Gallery, it gives me great pleasure to report on between the business community and the 2019 as being a dynamic year for the Crawford Gallery. CHAIRMAN’S Art Gallery, a year of expanded collaborations and new partnerships. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank the staff of Crawford Art Gallery for their 2019 was the first full calendar year of 7 days a expertise, loyalty and dedication which ensures week opening and activity on site, thereby Crawford continues to advance, thrive and expanding our public impact, visibility and reach. inspire. Visitor numbers grew significantly with the Gallery attracting over 265,000 visitors by year I would like to thank our creative partners and FOREWARD end, an increase of 15% on 2018, with research our patrons, Friends of Crawford and sponsors for indicating visitors were very favourably disposed their generous engagement, support and to the gallery and would revisit and recommend. attention and our visitors to whom all our efforts are dedicated. The Crawford Art Gallery is very committed to supporting the cultural, economic and well- We would like to thank Minister Josepha being agenda of city and the wider region Madigan and the officials at the Department of as well as fully contributing to the national Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht for their agenda as a national cultural institution. Plans for advocacy and support of Crawford Art Gallery, the re development were advanced through the The OPW, Failte and for Public Spending Code. real partnerships. The Gallery’s Exhibition and Learn and Explore As Chairman, I would also like to also take this programmes were thought provoking and opportunity to acknowledge the extraordinary ambitious in their scale and scope. They placed skill and dedication the board and our younger audiences at the centre of the subcommittees of Crawford bring voluntarily to Gallery’s operations, particularly with a large the Board and we all look forward to an exciting summer exhibition ‘Seen and Not Heard’ with an future for Crawford Art Gallery. accompanying evolving creative play space. This was a unique experience for our audiences Rose McHugh where active participation was encouraged. Chairman The Gallery through its programming acknowledged and recognised the Gibson Bequest, a significant bequest received in 1919 which contributed significantly to the foundation of the Gallery. The deed of Gift of the collection enabling the transfer of the collection from Cork ETB was also completed in early 2019.

Many new partnerships were formed with cultural institutions in Ireland and abroad. In 2019, the Crawford initiated a new founder friend


Creative partnerships were programmed with artists Will Sliney, Eamon O CRAWFORD ART GALLERY MISSION Kane, Graffiti Theatre, Cork Film Festival, Dowtcha puppets and Cork DIRECTOR’S Crawford Art Gallery through its Programming, Collection and Building Printmakers. - probes the future, contemplates the present and reveals the past creating engaging conversations across the timelines. This commitment to younger audiences and families reflected our belief in collaboration and to building new audiences for the future. 2019 was a significant year at Crawford Art Gallery in many ways, but particularly, as it marked the 100-year anniversary of the Gibson Bequest Our Learn and Explore Programme programmed many talks, lectures made by Joseph Stafford Gibson in 1919 which laid the foundations for the workshopsandcollaborations. very of the existence of the Crawford Art Gallery. FOREWORD In 2019, the Gallery reinvigorated it’s on line media positioning and greatly In 2019, the Crawford Art Gallery adopted a three-year organisational extended its reach, impact and visibility. The collection was made digitally strategy which set out a roadmap for the future and furthermore received available and this has proven to be of great value to our audiences, interim Museum Standards Programme Ireland accreditation from the researcher’s artists and educators. Heritage Council of Ireland. Audience engagement and participation increased significantly with our Our programmes: Exhibitions, projects, Learn and Explore programmes visitors finding more unique ways to interact with our works and our were ambitious in scale and scope and reflected the organisation’s programmes. mission and values. Crawford Art Gallery is hugely grateful to its many supporters and volunteers, in particular our exhibiting artists, our cultural and community Our Exhibition and Project Programme included partners, Friends of Crawford Art Gallery, other National Cultural Institutions and International Museums for their facilitation of loans, � The Gibson Bequest 1919 to 2019 guidance and support. Selecting, Collecting and Philanthropy � Seen and Not Heard- large group show Failte Ireland for its ongoing developmental support, assistance and advice, to Cork City Council and to the many businesses based in the � Seen and Heard PlaySpace region for their renewed ambition for the Crawford Art Gallery and to � Harry ClarkeDreaming in Blue making Cork a distinct and vibrant city region. � Andrew KearneyMechanism We thank our many audiences, patrons and funders. We would like to � Mary SwanzyVoyages significantly thank the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, � Ailbhe Ni BhriainGreat Good Places in particular the Minister Josepha Madigan, Katherine Licken Secretary General, and to Conor Falvey, Kevin Lonergan, Orlaith Gleeson and Clare � Marianne KeatingThe Ocean Between Pilkington who we work with to ensure a sustainable Crawford into the � Johnathan’s Fisher’sThatAbruptMagnificenceViewof future. Killarney Finally, the staff at Crawford Art Gallery who are very committed to their � Vajiko ChachkhianiWinter which was not there work and collectively we wish to acknowledge the immense support of our Chairman Rose McHugh, our Board of Directors and subcommittee Seen and Heard Play space created a ground-breaking programme where members for their guidance, governance and advocacy to support the the upper gallery was transformed into an active, collaborative and ongoing renewal of Crawford Art Gallery. creative play space for the Summer months. MaryMcCarthy Director 2019


The Crawford Art Gallery produced a full and partnership with Centre Cultural Irlandais, Paris Between andThe Fig Reveal with classicist diverse range of exhibitions and special projects and The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon, of which conservatorEoin Dalton also featured in the 2019 in 2019, continuing to create significant part of the installation dazzled pedestrians programme of this most vibrant festival. temporary and collection exhibitions alongside outside the gallery in the morning sun and acted special projects which extended new audiences asaportaltotheinnergalleries. Loan requests across the year were sought and and their participation both within and outside gratefully received from a number of lenders the gallery’s buildings. Landmark temporary Crawford Art Gallery was also delighted to work including IMMA, Limerick City Gallery, exhibitions includedSeen Not Heard and its again with one of Cork’s innovative festivals Museum, as well as the many generous artists innovative counterpart,Seen And Heard Sounds from a Safe Harbour who initiated a and private lenders that have enabled the EXHIBITION Playspace; whilst the gallery saw its four year cross-disciplinary projectHeartship , which Gallery to create exhibitions of international commitment to the artistic practice ofDaphne celebrated the Irish Naval services contribution ambition and local and national relevance Wright realised in the specially commissioned to the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean during 2019. exhibitionDaphne Wright: A Quiet Mutiny. 2019 where they helped save so many lives. It also marked the launch of an exciting three year profoundly addressed the rescuing and Of the fifteen exhibitions and special projects Artist-Led platform programme enabling disappearance of so many hearts within that initiated, produced and partnered by the artists to pursue their current research interests ocean by internationally renowned artists Crawford Art Gallery during 2019, three REPORT and connect with audiences through a , Lisa Hannigan and Alan continued from the previous year:Earth, Wind collaboration with the Crawford Art Gallery, Gilsenanin partnership with The Glucksman & Fire: Made in Cork Contemporary, Heroes Marianne Keating’s multi-media exhibitionThe Gallery, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, The Irish and Villains andHarry Clarke: Dreaming in Ocean Between created new and further Naval Service and Cork City Council. Blue, the latter of which was the first of the understandings of Irish indentured labour in the annual exhibitions celebrating Clarke’s series The Gallery continued its energetic partnership Caribbean and its resulting complex histories ‘The Eve of St Agnes” held throughout the withCork Midsummer Festival in extending and legacies. Christmas weeks and in the lead up to the eve audience participation and engagement, to of St Agnes – 20 January. Partnerships with Irish based institutions continued produce a number of events which included Tanya El Khoury’s haunting encounter, the Partnerships with Irish based institutions B Seen not Heard sought to examine how the promenade-styleA Night at the Gallery with continued to grow within ambitious exhibitions representation of childhood has evolved Crosstown Driftand hostedFestival Talks which includedMary Swanzy: Voyages, historically in Ireland and to spark conversations which included directorEnda Walshand his initiated by the Irish Museum of about what a child is in Ireland today. Featuring long-time collaboratorPat Kiernan(artistic (IMMA) and curated by Seán Kissane as part of commissioned aristocratic portraits, depictions director,Corcadorca Theatre Company) and IMMA’s Modern Masters Series.The Seen And of working-class children and works that playwrightKaite O’Reilly, director Phillip Heard Playspace which ran parallel toSeen Not capture fleeting moments from fantasy to Zarrilli, with writer Seamus O’Mahony. Heard exhibition also extended partnerships everyday life, the exhibition was loosely centred Crawford Art Gallery also played host toHow It with Cork Film Festival, BEAG Early Years Graffiti around three core themes: Power, Perception Is Symposium - Gare St Lazare Ireland’s second Theatre, Dowtcha Puppets, Cork Printmakers and and Play. Co-curated by Anne Boddaert and international Symposium which focused on Playful Paradigm (see Learn & Explore report for invited curator Victoria Evans, the exhibition Samuel Beckett’s 1963 novel How it is. The more information). Whilst the exhibition Andrew featured seventy-four works from the Crawford exhibitionMarianne Keating: An Ocean Kearney: Mechanism was part of a touring Art Gallery’s collection, of


Ireland and IMMA as well as loan works from recognised. On the first floor, the experimental perceived notions of the domestic home being a private lenders, and from artists or their Seen and Heard Playspace provided a benign, cocooned existence. Her work points to representative galleries. The exhibition spanned fantastical space with opportunities for children the radical and subversive nature of the over four centuries fromStephen Slaughter’s and adults alike to play, make, read, dream and ‘domestic’ and empowers it to be recognised paintingLady and Child (1745) to more recent even draw on the wall. Over four months, the within a wider political and social dialogue. works display made specifically for the playspace was transformed monthly – and The exhibition was accompanied by a Crawford exhibition. weekly in August - to cater for a wide range of Art Gallery publication with texts byEllen Mara creativity, aptitudes and preferences (see Learn & de Watcher (writer and associate lecturer, Artists included:, David Barrett, Explore for further information). Families in Central St Martins, London) andOliver Basciano Catherine Barron, Anthony Barry, William particular, visited repeatedlySeen Not Heard (ArtReview, Editor at Large) and Dawn Williams Gerard Barry, Hugues de Beaumont, Boethus, andSeen and Heard as the relationship and (curator, Crawford Art Gallery). The publication Muriel Brandt, James Brenan, Louis Le Brocquy, intersection of children and artistic practice was was launched in a public talk between Daphne Frederick Buck (attributed to), Cristina Bunello, at the forefront of both exhibition and playspace. Wright andAnnie Fletcher, Director,Irish Julia Catherine Callanan, Margaret Cameron, The sound of play throughout the galleries was Museum of Modern Artand was designed by Jules-Cyrille Cavé, John Minton Connell, Otto intoxicating for all visitors and staff and gave a Design HQ, and printed by Watermans, Dix, Bernadette Doolan, Rita Duffy, Michael welcoming and energetic atmosphere within Cork. Flynn, Norman Garstin, Debbie Godsell, Jennie the galleries and to the abundance of new Ashton Hackett, Michael Healy, Nathaniel Hill, audiences attracted by such dynamic and playful This year also saw the Crawford Art Gallery B B , Robert Hunter, Harry Aaron Kernoff, programming. launch an innovative new three-year artist- Vera Klute, Charles Lamb, James Latham, directedPlatform programme which aims to Crawford Art Gallery’s large-scale commissioned support artists to pursue their current research Gustave-Leonhard de Jonghe, Les Levine, Alice exhibition of new work by internationally Maher, Mahony, Colin Middleton, Vik Muniz, interests and connect with audiences through a renowned artist Daphne Wright titled collaboration with the Crawford Art Gallery, it’s John Murphy, Seamus Murphy, Norah Brigid Ni C Daphne Wright: A quiet mutinycontinued Chuill, John O'Keeffe (attributed to), Walter site, collection and location. The programme the Gallery’s commitment to artist practice and aims to platform the development of an artist’s Frederick Osborne, Sheila Pomeroy, Basil making. Wright’s work quietly addresses the Rákóczi, Patrick Redmond, Paula Rego, career - nationally and internationally - and its human condition and the important stages of often intrinsic relationship with the institution. Stephen Slaughter, Edith Anna Œnone life we all pass through, that are at once poignant Somerville and Elinor Wiltshire. Ellie O’Byrne, a and mundane. In this critically acclaimed D Marianne Keating: The Ocean Between freelance journalist with a special interest in arts, exhibition, displayed over two gallery floors, addressed the hidden histories of the Irish environment and social issues was Wright created worlds that were beautifully diaspora in the Caribbean, through narratively commissioned to write a text accompanying the eerie: familiar objects from everyday life come reconstructing this history through its archival exhibition providing entry points to the under the artist’s scrutiny including buggies, traces. Her multi-media installation focused on exhibition. houseplants a fridge and a child’s the movement of the Irish indentured labourers drawing. Expanding on her existing sculptural and emigrants in the late eighteenth and early The outdated expression that ‘a child should be practice, Wright focused on the materiality of nineteenth century to Barbados and seen and not heard’ may still echo in the minds dry, unfired clay creating a dichotomy of Jamaica and their resulting legacies in the of some, but the importance of play in the familiarity and fragility. Wright eradicates the contemporary Caribbean. Tracing the migration C C development of children is now widely

10 CRAWFORD ART GALLERY ANNUAL REPORT 2019 CRAWFORD ART GALLERY ANNUAL REPORT2019 11 2019 EXHIBITION REPORT 2019 EXHIBITION REPORT of the Irish from ports including Cork, Limerick conversations and observations of their which the overworked and the overwhelmed and Belfast, Keating’s project explores surroundings. find themselves magically transported. Ní the eighteenth-century role of the Customs Bhriain reimagines a series of generic settings House - where the Crawford Art Gallery is now Simultaneous to Andrew Kearney’s exhibition and specific locations including the Crawford located - to determine new narratives around the was F Mary Swanzy: Voyages in the lower Art Gallery’s Sculpture Galleries as such sites of Irish diaspora in response to the dominant galleries. Swanzy (1882-1978) was a unique and suspension and displacement. ‘master narratives’ of Western nationhood, pioneering figure in who witnessed the rewriting the histories of the dominated ‘other’. birth of Modern Art and after 1914 exhibited at G Chachkhiani’sWinter which was not there Kevin Gaffney is working with the Crawford Art the Paris Salons. Her level of achievement, world could be viewed as a metaphor for the Gallery for the second part of the Platform travel and original thinking is unmatched in Irish liberation of an individual from his or her own programme in 2020. art, yet this is the first retrospective of her work in history, and raised the timely wider societal 50 years. This IMMA initiated exhibition aimed to questions of why historical figures are E Andrew Kearney:Mechanism was a light and reintroduce our audiences to this artist's canonised through the medium of art, and sound installation responsive to the environment extraordinary achievements and reinstate her as what is the impact on the individual when by artist comprising of electronic, industrial and a Modern Irish Master. Over 70 works were on history eats itself and iconic political and theatrical components that combined to display in this fascinating exhibition, curated by cultural sculptures become obsolete. respond, listen and react to the everyday life of Seán Kissane (IMMA) and exhibition toured to Questioning the pertinence of how the public Cork city centre where the gallery is located. Limerick City Art Gallery, following a hugely and the private sphere interfere with and D D Inhabiting the upper gallery and the exterior of impactful exhibition of the artist’s breath and influence our consciousness. the building, Kearney transformed the spaces depth of work on our audiences. into a visual and sonic feast for our audiences. A touring exhibition initiated by Centre Culturel The year also featured two screenings by Irlandais, Paris and partnered with The Dock, burgeoning internationally renowned artists Carrick on Shannon, Mechanism featured three Ailbhe Ní Bhrian (IRE)andVajiko Chachkhiani new works which the artist created specifically (GEO) who activated the screening room with for the Crawford Art Gallery and continued their films Great Good Places III (2011) and Winter Kearney's exploration of the layered history of which was not there (2017) respectively. people and buildings. Presented at the Crawford Art Gallery to coincide with Recasting Canova which celebrates the Overlooking the public plaza, Emmet Place, a bicentenary of the Canova Casts, the prestigious mirrored circular ‘mandala’ presented itself as a gift that forms the basis of the gallery’s portal to the inside of the gallery through the collection, Ní Bhrian’s film borrows its title from eighteenth-century façade. Responding directly the Henry James short story ‘The Great Good to the whims of nature and the movement within Place’ draws on the slippage between dream the public space it created a wealth of reflections and reality captured in the story and its strange and sounds reacting to the changing conditions atmosphere - at once mundane and on any one day – drawing audiences into hallucinatory. James’s Great Good Place is an G impossible but obscurely familiar refuge to E F


REGISTRAR CAG.3026, George Atkinson,Shannon Scheme: CAG.1860, Richard Kingston,Goats Passing the The Culvert Gap REGISTRAR The Registrar Office manages the exhibition CAG.2028, George Atkinson,The Bells of CAG.2562, Joan Jameson,Barges unloading Turf loans-in and out programme, in addition to Shandon Grand Canal Dublin looking after collection registration, care of the CAG.677, Brigid Ganly,Faiche Laighean ( collection, developing the online collection and F To the exhibition, Shaping Ireland: Lawn) general collection management. Landscapes in Irish Art, National Gallery of CAG.2241, Norah McGuinness,Rathmullan Ireland, Dublin, 29 March – 7 July 2019 Shores REPORT ACQUISITIONS CAG.2257, Norah McGuinness,First Snow CAG.176, Stella Frost,Bog Hill, Achill Island The Crawford Art Gallery acquired a total of 2 new artworks in 2019, consisting of generously G To the exhibition,Lavery and Osborne: st donated gifts. Observing Life, The , Limerick,1 LONG TERM LOANS FROM THE CRAWFORD June – 30th September 2019. ART GALLERY COLLECTION B Stephen Doyle, Dylan is Ainm Dom,2018, CAG.2776, ,A November mixed media on board (oil and neon glass), 120 Morning LONG TERM LOAN TO DONERAILE COURT, x 120 cm. Donated, 2019Cat. No. CAG.3057 CAG.2802, ,Habiba DONERAILE Eleven 18th and 19th Century paintings, including C William Sheehan, Portrait of a Lady, 19th H To the exhibition,Mary Swanzy: Voyages, a work by Nathaniel Grogan, will go on long- th Century, oil on canvas Limerick City Gallery of Art, Limerick, 20 June – term loan to Doneraile Court. This marks another th Donated, 2019Cat No. CAG.3058 25 August 2019 exciting partnership with the OPW as Doneraile CAG.2773, Mary Swanzy,Samoan Scene House opens to public visitors for the first time CAG.116, Mary Swanzy,Swans on 29th June 2019. LOANS FROM THE CRAWFORD ART GALLERY CAG.2822, Unknown,Portrait of a Member of TO TEMPORARY EXHIBITIONS To theDepartment of Culture Heritage and the J. Browne Family the Gaeltacht, Killarney, 20th November 2019 – CAG.2821, Unknown,Portrait of a Member of the D To the exhibition,Stephen McKenna (1939- 30th September 2020 J. Browne Family 2017), VISUAL Carlow, 9th February – 18th May CAG.1917, John O'Leary,Still Life(with fish) CAG.2764, Nathaniel (the elder) Grogan,View of 2019 CAG.653, Gerald Bruen,Turf Bank (Bog, Co. Bartholomew O'Sullivan's Paper MillsCAG.1877, CAG.2806, Stephen McKenna,Albacora Galway) James Arthur O'Connor,Moonlight Scene CAG.1888, John B. Vallely,Piper and Fiddler CAG.1886, Stephen Catterson Smith,Miss E To the exhibition,Making their Mark: Irish CAG.588, Fergus O'Ryan,Figures Beside Pool Catherine O'Conor of Mount Druid with Harp Painter-Etchers c.1880-1930, National Gallery and House CAG.453, Alexandre-Francois Caminade,After of Ireland, Dublin, 2nd March – 30th June 2019 CAG.1871, George K. Gillespie,Owenmore River the Bath CAG.277, George Atkinson,Shannon Scheme No. and Mayo Hills CAG.2191, John Baptist (the younger) Closterman, 1: Keeper Mountain CAG.375, Sylvia Cooke-Collis,Cahirmee Fair Portrait of a Gentleman said to be a member of CAG.3027, George Atkinson,Shannon Scheme: CAG.1846, Yann Renard Goulet,Wicklow Hills the Browne family of Riverstown Co.Cork The Excavations CAG.759, Kitty Wilmer O'Brien,Cliffs of Moher


CAG.336, Godfrey Kneller (attributed to),Portrait the canvas by placing a patch on the back and N Return of Seamus Murphy,Virgin of the of a Man in ArmourCAG. 870, Patrick Hennessy, in-filling the paint loss. The work was taken out Twilight to Cork City Council Portrait of Elizabeth Bowen at Bowenscourt of its frame which revealed that an additional 2- Seamus Murphy,Virgin of the Twilight, which CAG.837, Irish School,Seated Gentleman with 3 inches of canvas had been hidden due to an was in the Sculpture Gallery was moved prior to Cane ill-fitting frame. The painting has now been the refurbishment of the exhibition spaces and is CAG.2006, Frans Snyders,The Battle of the Birds conserved and will have a new frame made. now on display in . This work I CAG.2227, Godfrey Kneller (studio of),Portrait is owned by the Cork City Council and was left on of Sir William Robinson L Norah Brigid Ni Chuill,Game of Cards long-term deposit with the Crawford in The canvas for this work had worn away 2003/2004. The Registrar worked with Pat completely in sections and was in very delicate O’Mahony, previously of the NSF, on the logistics CONSERVATION condition. Justin Laffan removed the work from of moving the piece which was carved from its support and relined the entire canvas and black limestone and weighed a metric tonne. PAINTING CONSERVATION then consolidated and infilled paint loss. The The work will be on long-term display in Cork A large number of collection works included in canvas was restretched and replaced in its Public Museum as part of an exhibition display the exhibitionsGibson Bequest 1919-2019, Seen, frame. on the artist. not Heard, and loan to Doneraile House, had not been displayed for a number of years and required varying levels of conservation and SCULPTURECONSERVATION O Renovation of Sculpture Galleries B C D E cleaning. Where possible, cleaning and The opening ofRecasting Canovaon the 15th reframing of works was done in-house by the M Fig Reveal February also marked the unveiling of the newly Registrar and technical team. Some works Over the course of two weeks, as part of Cork refurbished Sculpture Galleries. From the 7th required extensive treatment from accredited Midsummer Festival, Sculpture Conservator January – 15th February the two galleries were conservators, these works are outlined below. Eoghan Daltun removed the fig-leaves from six painted from floor to ceiling, the floors were male figures from Crawford Art Gallery’s historic chemically cleaned and new plinths fitted to the J William Magrath (1838-1918),Tara’s Halls collection of Canova Casts. After material Canova Casts. This involved the decanting of After the co-ordination of the de-install of this research, it is thought these fig leaves were almost all sculptures, busts and friezes in each work from its high hanging position in the added following the arrival of the Canova Casts room and re-hanging Samuel Forde’s,Fall of the lecture theatre Conservator, Corrie Tubman in 1818. Rebel Angels. completed an extensive surface clean, varnish removal and minor restoration of the painting. The Fig Leaves are now on display separately in Layers of dust and discoloured varnish were the Sculpture Galleries. The project itself removed to reveal details and figures that were generated a great deal of publicity in local news previously hidden. The work is now hanging in media, as well as being featured in historian the Gibson Galleries. Mary Beard's BBC television show "Shock of the Nude". K Martin F. Mahony,Summer Justin Laffan, conservator, repaired a damage to F F G G



P Crawford Collection Online The online collection has now been launched and is accessible from Crawford Art Gallery webpage. Over the past 3 years the Registrar Office has been adding to and correcting catalogue information recorded on collection objects on the Collection Management System. This is part of a larger documentation backlog project but for the purposes of making the Online Collection as rewarding as possible to users, specific emphasis has been placed on correcting and adding artwork dates, correcting attributions (including artist names and birth/ death dates), adding artwork descriptions and H H I J artist biographies (772 existing biographies edited & corrected & 140 new biographies added). Funding provided by the Department in 2018 for the photography of collection works resulted in the addition 819 high resolution images of the collection. There are now a total of 2773 object records with high resolution images available to view online. This is an invaluable tool for visitors, researchers, teachers and students as well as internal staff. The information in the Online Collection pages is fed directly from the collection database which ensures that it is always up to date. Information on works can be checked with ease and visitors can also see whether their favourite works are on display or in storage before they visit

The collection database was updated at the start of 2020 to bring the look in line with the new J K K K Crawford Art Gallery website.





We invite audiences to explore the gallery and SUMMARYOFEXHIBITION-LED LEARNAND the exhibitions we present. Our programmes are ACTIVITIES for everyone, they take place in the gallery, on the streets, in schools, health settings and a range of B EARTH, WIND AND FIRE, MADE IN CORK community venues. CONTEMPORARY With the series Design in Nature and Design for Our programmes include workshops, tours, talks, Living, the exhibiting artists Nuala O’Donovan, performances, large scale events and long term Mary Palmer, Ann Kiely, Eoin Turner, Alex Pentec EXPLORE community and health based partnership and Joseph Walsh engaged with diverse projects. We are keen to mirror the diversity of audiences through discussion and tours. Earth, our audiences, and the variety and complexity of Wind and Fire was the opportunity to strengthen the art work that the gallery holds. We provide a our links with many groups and initiate new space which feeds imagination and where contacts, among others UCC – BEES/ 4th year creativity is valued. students with Eoin Lettice and Art history students with Sabine Kriebel (UCC History of Art We understand that recognising an individual's department). Members of the Humanist cultural identity enables human dignity and Association of Ireland also visited the exhibition growth. We recognise and support difference on the occasion of their annual meeting held in and equity of access. Cork. On Sunday 10 February, we held day of conversation on design & the Bauhaus to a full AIMS: audience. ●To encourage participation and meaningful engagement with the Crawford programmes whilst fostering a sense of place for our audiences. ● To acknowledge and respect the diverse voices that compose our communities ● To encourage creative thinking and doing. ● To imaginatively connect and contribute to the bigger picture of local and national initiatives.

The Learn and Explore Programme at the Crawford Art Gallery is led by Anne Boddaert and Emma Klemencic, with an exceptional team of free-lance artists, tour guides, lecturers and facilitators. B


VOYAGES / MARY SWANZY anew, to reconsider their vital history and legacy schools as well as week-end events. Mary Swanzy (1882-1978) was a pioneering figure as a generative force in the arts, and to reveal the in Irish Art who witnessed the birth of Modern rich stories that surround the figures they depict The space also included a reading area with Art. In addition to a public talk, Curator Sean and the people they have inspired. children art books, a very popular drawing wall Kissane gave a couple tours to vested audiences. and a space dedicated to making with tables We partnered with Age and Opportunity and The programme included talks on restoration and stools at various heights and a supply of biographical research artist Liz Cullinane on a and conservation and on the history of the casts basic art materials to offer a space for the talkon the times in which many of Swanzy’s as well as a series of in gallery drawing sessions imagination of our visitors to run free with paintings were created, as well as the rich social withartistEileenHealy. writing, drawing, collage and more. history behind some of the artist’s less familiar styles and developments. (Thursday 16 May). Science week presented a perfect opportunity to We also partnered with Cork Film Festival for a Another strand of the programme focussed on collaborate with Jonathan Beck of Scan the short family friendly festival See and Hear and creative writing with Laura McKenna.The World to offer workshops for schools on with Graffiti Theatre company, and the Beag programme proved popular and we opened a Photogrammetry and 3d scanning. (https:// early year art programme. second session to accommodate more object/3d-print-the- participants. This programme was a great drunken-faun-107110) The public response was overwhelmingly Draw from the Casts opportunity for us to engage with people who positive highlighting a real appetite in our city with figuraĀve arĀst Eileen Healy may feel more affinities with written works. centre for inviting civic spaces and an obvious C DSunday 1, 8, 15 and 22 September, 2-4pm E E SEEN NOT HEARD / SEEN AND HEARD desire for family to be actively engaged with their Explore a variety of materials and drawing approaches A large scale exhibition & an immersive children. The expectations have been raised and C in the Sculpture Galleries MECHANISM / ANDREW KEARNEY experimentalplayspace a focus of future programmes will be to make the Suitable for 16 + With Mechanism Andrew Kearney continued his experiment more perennial. The challenge will Booking essenĀal – via Eventbrite Cost €5 per session, all materials supplied. exploration of the layered history of people and The exhibition and the playspace were an be to allow participatory aspects to permeate buildings. integral part of the whole project devised to more exhibitions within the restrictions of safety complement each other’s.The upper floor of the of the artworks in addition to restrictions in In contrast to the Mary Swanzy talk, his in gallery extended an open invitation to play to terms of space, staff and budget. A more conversation drew an audience of a younger age visitors of all ageswhilst prioritising particular complete case study is available on request. profile with makers and artists in attendance. age groups at various times. Seen and Heard Andrew talked about the institution as a place playspace was programmed and themed with for artists to take risks. A visit to the exhibition by different focus in July, August, September and students from Scoil Bernadette was included in October. QUIET MUTINY / DAPHNE WRIGHT their Creative Schools programme. Quiet Mutiny explored themes of immutability, During the summer months, with children on impermanence, and failure. The artist’s In holidays, we programmed the space with conversation with Annie Fletcher, director of the D RECASTING CANOVA parents/guardians and smaller summer camp Irish Museum of Modern Art, probed the human On the occasion of the bicentenary of their arrival groups in mind, in the autumn we concentrated condition and the important stages of life we all in Cork, we looked at the Canova Casts collection efforts more specifically on playschools and pass through, that are at once poignant and E E E


mundane. It took on Friday 24 coinciding with Heads shoulders knees and toes Invited our SCIENCE WEEK 2019 (OCTOBER 15) Quiet Mutiny book launch. younger audience to find a nook and draw For Photogrammetry, optimisedwe partnered The participation in city and nationwide festivals amongst the gods and goddesses of the with Dr Sharon Lawton, Science for Life, C.I.T position the gallery as a recognised civic space sculpture gallery. Access Service and Jonathan Beck of Scan the with a positive role to play in city and nationwide World - a non-profit community-built archive of initiatives. scanned artefacts optimised for 3D printing to H HERITAGE WEEK 2019 demonstrate scanning of three-dimensional art Crawford Uncovered, Michael’s tour for Cork objects (i.e. sculpture) and also suggest job F ST PATRICK’S DAY Heritage Open Day on Saturday 17 August, opportunities that can come with 3D We welcomed our first ever visitors on Patrick’s attracted over 60 people keen to discover the technologies or their uses in other industries to day with a family friendly tour ofHeroes and secrets and hidden corners of our building. various groups of students from St Brogan’s Villains exploring the theme of Rebels and College in Bandon and , Cork Resistance and a hands on Rebel Parade City. I workshop inviting participants to create a CORK TRAVELLER PRIDE (JUNE 10-13) puppet parade of heroes and villains. In Partnership with Cork Traveller Women’s Network & Cork Traveller Visibility Group K CRAWFORD SUPPORTED STUDIOThe on- going partnership with CIT Crawford College of G NATIONAL DRAWING DAY (MAY 18) The programme included the looped screenings Art – Art in Health and Education and Cork City F G H It's all an illusion….By learning the basic of Would You Like to Suni at our Vardo? andThe Council – Arts Office allowed for the studio’s principles of perspective, we can create our own Beady Pocket; a Talking with Travellerssession activitiestogrowin2019. perception of the world around us through for people interested in knowing more about the drawing. Andrew Kearney's exhibition offered a journey, history, culture and real lived experience 6 artists – John Whelan, Tom O’Sulivan, Íde Ni myriad of points of shifting perspective and of Irish Travellers; and Paper Flower-making for Shúilleabháin, Ailbhe Barrett, Stephen Murray perception. The drawing workshops focussed on schools, the 4 sessions were booked by Sunday’s and Angela Burchill were selected for the capturing perspective through diverse Well Boys School. exhibition Unhindered in Kilkenny.2 other techniques. exhibitions took place at the end of November at Traditionally artists learned to draw from copies 46 Grd Parade and in December in the Quay Co- J of famous sculptures, Copycat was an invitation CULTURE NIGHT 2019 (SEPTEMBER 20) op,Cork. to join Regina Carbayo for drawing tips and With Polychrome me! Participants were invited tricks. to ‘colour our historic cast collection using Karolina Poplowska gave a moving and inspiring multiple kinds of light and colour to make them presentation on the story of the Gasp/Cuig artists ‘pop’. The collection was also highlighted via bite and Herman Marbe - the genesis of the Crawford CRUINNIÚ NA NÓG (JUNE 15) sized pop up tours by our expert guides. Within Supported Studio - at theWe are all Engagers: Legend has it were storytelling sessions for in our experimental, interactive Playspace Seen making meaningful museums IMA conference children by writer, spoken word artist Ravnita and Heard, we hosted a special family-friendly on Friday 1 March. Attendees to the conference Joyce where International tales of deities crossed themed workshop, Stickermania , for kids of all also had the opportunity to meet the artists after pathswithGrecianGods. ages to play to their heart’s content! the talk and look at their work. I J K


Facilitator Mairead O’Callaghan visited Scoil N LINKS WITH ATAI ON-GOING THURSDAY CLUB Bernadette with artists Rosaleen Moore and We hosted the Arts Teachers Association Spring Open to adults, this access programme consists Ailbhe Barrett as part of the Creative Schools National Meeting on May 25, preceded by a of a tour and discussion followed by an art scheme. The artists led 6 sessions with students guided tour of the Mary Swanzy exhibition. making session. The focus is on exploration and intheschoolandinthegallery. enjoyment. We run two programmes per year. We also presented our L&E programmes at the There is a high demand for places, which 4 applications were submitted to A.D.I (Arts & National conference which in 2019 was also held necessitated the implementation of a waiting list Disability Ireland) in early April: 2 applications in Cork. The conference coincided with Culture system. underArts and Disability New Work Connect night where participants to the conference scheme for Yvonne Condon and Eoin deBruin sampled the activities on offer (see above). and 2 applications under the Arts and Disability BEALTAINE Mentoring Connect scheme for Ailbhe Barrett Hospitable action (mentor Cork Printmakers) and Tom O’Sullivan ON-GOING GUIDED VISITS PROGRAMME Drawing on over a decade of biographical (mentor: Tom Climent). Yvonne, Ailbhe and Tom’s All through 2019 the gallery continued to provide research, Liz Cullinane explored the rich social applications were successful, with mentoring tours individually tailored to schools, colleges, history behind the artist Mary Swanzy and her programmes commencing at the end of October and other community groups. oeuvre. An invitation to explore the gallery and 2019. Yvonne’s Project will take place in 2020. respond creatively with a professional artist K L M O ON-GOINGSATURDAYARTCLASSESFOR L LONRADH PROGRAMMESThe programmes YOUNGPEOPLE which comprises of monthly sessions for 2 With 3 series of 10 weeks, the artists- facilitators P CREATIVE HEALTH HUB separate groups (Cork and Bandon) and weekly led 120 sessions in 2019. One of the 4 We partnered with Helium Arts on their Creative sessions in St Finbarr’s hospital continued in 2019. programmes focussed on drawing skills while the Health Hub - Cork programme. The programme The awareness is growing among HSE services other 3 were wide ranging, creatively exploring is for participants aged between 8 and 11 who are who are encountering users with memory issues media and techniques. We see a high repeat level out patients from CUH with various medical and information on our programmes is filtering among our young participants. Unfortunately, we conditions. through to various service users. cannot satisfy the increasing demand. Initially this took the form of 4 workshops on M ON-GOING THURSDAY CLUB Sunday from 11am to 1pm in the education room Open to adults, this access programme consists with foray in galleries for drawing and looking at of a tour and discussion followed by an art ON-GOINGTEENPROGRAMME art . making session. The focus is on exploration and An extra 10 weeks’ course was added last year to Teen Art Classes at Crawford Art Gallery enjoyment. We run two programmes of 10 weeks respond to the increasing demand for art classes The 2019 Helium Arts Creative Health Hub Commencing Thursday 26th September 2019 per year. There is a high demand for places, for this age group. The 4 complementary Showcase took place on October 24 in the Seen Make Your Mark! which necessitated the implementation of a programmes focused on portfolio preparation, and Heard playspace to coincide with the Super with Annie Forrester & Hazel Hurley For 14-16 Year Olds waiting list system. drawing, and graphic design and zine culture. heroes take over by artist Will Sliney – who is also Use a variety of art and craft techniques in this fun, fast-paced class ambassador for . N Owith a focus on self-esteem and self-discovery! P Porfolio Course with Lynda Loughnane For 16-18 Year Olds Build a varied portfolio of artistic techniques in this supportive and well-structured course, often using the works on display in the gallery as inspiration! 28 CRAWFORD ART GALLERY ANNUAL REPORT 2019 CRAWFORD ART GALLERY ANNUAL REPORT2019 29 Time: Thursdays at 6.15-7.45pm. 10-week course commencing on 26th September 2019 (no class on Thursday 31st October 2019) Fee: €50 per place. All materials provided. MARKETING

VisitorNumbers Victoria Russell which is one of the most loved achieving the Arts, Community and Education 2019 saw the highest ever visitor number on collection works. Earth wind and Fire profiled Family Friendly Ireland Award for 2019. record, when numbers increased by 35,438, an Irish artists, predominantly local, with MARKETING 2019 also saw the unveiling ofC Recasting increase of over 15% on 2018 numbers. The target international profiles. The Gallery worked with of 250,000 was exceeded and the visitor number corporate partners ‘Arup’and were highly Canova, celebrating the bicentenary of the for 2019 was in excess of 265,000. This can be commended at the Business to Arts Awards Canova Casts, the prestigious gift that forms the attributed to a higher public profile, the building 2019. basis of the Gallery Collection. The exhibition of key relationships, the increased targeting of presented a re-energised and streamlined families, Sunday and Bank Holiday opening and Mary Swanzy: Voyages andAndrew Kearney/ display of twelve historic sculptural casts. Hugely targeting younger audiences and tourists. Varied Mechanism opened in April in our upper and successful with audiences, the newly refurbished and engaging exhibitions such as Earth, Wind lower galleries and attracted two diverse Gallery (in conjunction with paint sponsor Pat and Fire,Seen, Not Heard, Mary Swanzy: audiences. The very different exhibitions showing Mc Donnell Paints) now gives its name to this Voyages, Andrew Kearney/Mechanism, Crawford to be a contemporary house with paint colour “Canova Blue”and attracted much Marianne Keating:The Ocean between Mechanism and something very different public attention. The story and history of the presented an excellent draw to diverse showcasing Mary Swanzy, a pioneering figure in casts was also told in a designed booklet. audiences. The Gallery team worked Irish art who witnessed the birth of Modern Art. Later in the yearRecasting Canova was given comprehensively in a strategic manner to target June saw the opening of a very engaging, multi- new light withThe Fig Reveal as part of the specific audiences for various elements of the Midsummer festival when conservator Eoin programme. generational, inclusive exhibition,Seen, Not Heard and the complimentary play-spaceSeen, Dalton removed the Fig leaves on the casts and And Heard. The exhibition examined reconstructed what remained. Mary Beard, BBC representations of children from the historical to presenter and renowned classist filmed the ExhibitionProgrammeandAudiences the contemporary in art from the 18th century to event for her series ‘The Shock of the Nude ‘ later The collaborative and cross departmental present day. Accompanying the exhibition was a broadcast in 2020. As well as international approach to planning and programming has fully programmed play-space with recognitionThe Fig Reveal earned an award for strengthened the profile of the Gallery and programming targeting diverse families.The Best Social Media Campaign at the Cork allowed it to enhance its delivery of its public extensive gallery space was transformed to allow Chamber Digital Marketing Awards. service mandate. Key relationships with external visitors to most definitely be seen and heard, stakeholders such as Failte Ireland have Marianne Keating: The Ocean Between targeting families with children from 6 months exhibition depicting the hidden histories of the enhanced the Gallery reputation to being a upwards .In the play-space visitors were offered dynamic, inclusive and welcoming venue. Irish diaspora in the Caribbean opened as part of a myriad of workshops for all age groups such as the Midsummer festival. Again, working with a Two exhibitions ran from 2018 into 2019,Earth, Dowtcha puppets, BEAG storytelling for Early sponsor partner the multimedia exhibition Wind and Fire andHarry Clarke: Dreaming in Years, Cardboard Cork, Eamon O’Kane Froebel focusing on the movement of Irish indentured Blue. The actress Fiona Shaw’s recording of the Studio and Will Sliney who hosted a superhero labourers really struck a chord with audiences “The Eve of St Agnes” was the backdrop to the takeover in the upper gallery. Children and their and was very well received. ExhibitionDreaming in Blue and the renowned adults were invited to draw on the wall and to actor gave a talk to Friends of the Crawford explore a museum space like never before. This Some exhibitions later in the year likeJonathan members and kindly posed with her portrait by exhibition was instrumental in the Gallery Fishers Views of Killarneyand EVERYTHING OF


THAT TIME MIGHT SOON END Between the Sunday or on a bank holiday Monday while all Killahora orchards sponsors of Swanzy exhibition Wars: The Gibson Bequest also highlighted the activities are free of change and the Gallery Café preview, Arup for Earth, Wind and Fire, Blacks vast collection works and the relevance and also available is very popular. Brewery sponsors for Marianne Keating preview historical importance. Visitors were interested in and Jameson Distillery for . the story and history of these works and how the Gallery came to acquire them. FounderFriends The Gallery proactively partners with festivals In 2019 Crawford established the Founder and producers in the City to offer a rich and Some contemporary screenings byAilbhe Ni Members scheme. Their support hasenabled diverse programme such as The Midsummer Bhriain: Great Good Places andVajiko Crawford Art Gallery to develop and present an Festival , The Good Room, Sounds from a Safe Chachkhiani: Winter which was not here added ambitious programme of exhibitions, projects Harbour, Quiet Lights, Culture Night, Design to the varied and appealing programme within and events, thereby ensuring greater impact and POP, The School of Music, Broken Crow, Cork the Gallery. access locally, nationally and internationally. Opera House, Irish Museums, Helium Arts Crawford Art Gallery Founder Members help Festival, Broken Crow as well as commercial heighten the cultural vitality of Cork, Munster, events companies throughout the City. D SundayProgrammeandAudiences and Ireland and contribute to the areas Firmly established as a go to place on Sundays in ambitious plans for growth and The department manages key relationships with the City audiences grew month on month during internationalisation. partners such as City Council, Failte Ireland , Pure 2019. Weekly tours continued with our Cork, Cork Airport, the hospitality sector and experienced guides as well as steady numbers third level institutions. Founder Members who joined us in 2019 the feedback on these via TripAdvisor and our research has been heart-warming. The consistent, high quality tours, art workshops, O’FlynnExhamSolicitors Research storytelling and Music at Midday with CIT Cork KPMG In 2019 The Gallery continued with market School of Music have attracted a loyal following. Irish Mainport Holdings - The Mainport Group research by personal interview of Gallery and the BAMIreland findings continue to help us to profile our Continuous improvement on the running of AlliedIrishBank audiences and channel our marketing and tours and workshops and regular O’FlynnGroup communications accordingly. This research communication with guides, artists and their Cork Institute of Technology continued throughout the year. The marketing workshop assistants ensured a consistent, quality Ecclesiastical Insurance department also keeps track of google reviews offering that has proven popular with many. and trip adviser reviews and we engage and E respondtoboth. The partnerships with CIT Cork School of ExternalPartners Music on Music on the first Sunday of each Key to the success of the Gallery alongside the monthl and storytelling with Broken Crow In 2019 we undertook a project of external exhibitions, events and marketing and research undertaken by third parties on behalf of theatre company last Sunday monthly has communications is the area of relationship allowed the gallery access new audiences and Failte Ireland. Failte Ireland is one of our key building and audience development. The strategic partners. One project was an cross promotion of these activities has proved department worked alongside sponsors such as very successful. The experience of visiting on a anonymous mystery shopper, yielding excellent C D E Pat McDonnell paints for Recasting Canova, results and a very positive overall response to

32 CRAWFORD ART GALLERY ANNUAL REPORT 2019 CRAWFORD ART GALLERY ANNUAL REPORT2019 33 MARKETING MARKETING gallery experiences. Results were analysed and the public in finding their way around and helps Website recommendations were followed up by the to promote the exhibitions and events within. In 2019 the Gallery website was completely gallery. The ever-growing mailing list is used for our recreated inhouse. This was a large undertaking monthly newsletter and to promote exceptional with the key objective of moving to a dynamic A second more comprehensive body of research items. The open rates and click through rates are format (one that is compatible with mobile was conducted by the research company B & A above industry averages. We often engage with devices (over 80% of audiences worldwide visit on behalf of Failte Ireland for Crawford Art Eventbrite for bookings also as demand for our websites on mobile devices). The project was Gallery. B & A combined desk research with field events often exceed supply. hugely successful resulting in a very attractive, research to draft the report. They undertook 60 high functioning website which is easy to view personal interviews with Gallery visitors to on mobile devices and easier to optimise. The understand the motivations/expectations of the Advertising update also resulted in a more accessible site for visit and to gather visitors opinion with regard to The Gallery’s advertising budget is divided the visually impaired and gives greater flexibility different revenue generating offers . This was a between traditional national arts media, tourism for hosting more diverse content and relating to comprehensive piece of research and the publications, social media and local and regional social media platforms. recommendations were acted on by the Gallery entertainment publications in order to capture a where possible. The new website format allows for blogging, 3D broad spectrum. In 2019 as families were a key interactive embedding, video, and audio. The target market, our efforts were also increased in new format also allows for instant styling this area particularly online. Marketing materials changes across entire website due to master The need for specific marketing materials is page CMS styling. continually assessed against our research and I Communicationcampaigns generated and distributed accordingly to target As well as each exhibition having a Though visitor numbers to the site seem our key audiences. Research shows us that communications campaign through traditional statistically to have decreased as a result of the external branding and a widely distributed media and social media, the department also move to the dynamic format it is in fact because brochure are effective in attracting audiences.. A generates other promotional activities for the our bounce rate has dramatically decreased. The Gallery brochure is produced quarterly and Gallery. Highlights alongside the exhibitions quality of the experience is far greater and the distribution secured in all surrounding public programme were The Fig Reveal, resulting in visitors to the site are genuine and motivated. spaces in Cork city and county, hotels, tourist extensive TV/ print media / national radio, social The session duration increased by 5.47 % with areas, libraries, cafes, bars etc. The brochure media views and interest from the BBC leading page views also increasing by 2.96%. The pages promotes individual exhibitions, learn & explore, to a feature in ‘The shock of the Nude’ by Mary per session also increased by 9.31%. Social media events, civil ceremonies and our café. Research Beard. The traditional media and social media increase in referrals to the website increased by has shown that it is an effective marketing tool campaign surrounding Seen and Heard was 5.81% for the Gallery for both local and national and hugely successful at targeting families in 2019, international visitors. firmly establishing the Gallery as a family friendly, welcoming venue. Inside the main door of the Gallery, an informational plasma screen informs and assists F G H


Social media A promotional video forMARY SWANZY: numbers across the platforms significantly in In 2019 the Galley invigorated it’s on line VOYAGESattracted a reach of 7.9k on Facebook September 2019. positioning that resulted in growth -Facebook and our featured posts on her works performed followers increased by 33%, Twitter by 25% and well across all of our social media channels. Instagram by 50% over the course of the year. B Non Programme/Commerical Events. A competition we ran in partnership with the A flavour of the events that took place in the 2019 heralded a greater emphasis on quality GREAT SOUTHERN KILLARNEY and CRAWFORD Gallery in 2019 were, Keanes Jewellers who held video content, the establishment of some GALLERY CAFÉ generated an impressive an exclusive Rolex event in the Upper Gallery consistent features such as work of the week, response of over 9k reach on Facebook alone and with room design by Chapter. Lisney’s introduction of competitions with partners and solicited over 30 entries. Participants were Auctioneers celebrated their 50th anniversary generally higher quality content. As well as invited to like & share the post on Twitter, with guest speaker Dermot Bannon. KPMG held international recognitionThe Fig Revealsocial Facebook or Instagram and send in a personal a panel discussion on family business with guest media campaign received the award for Best view of Killarney to tie in with the exhibition speakers from Ballymaloe and Flahavans. RKD Social Media Campaign at the Cork Chamber THAT ABRUPT MAGNIFICENCE: JONATHAN Architects held a client evening. The Irish Digital Marketing Awards. FISHER’SVIEWSOFKILLARNEY. Institute of Clinical Neuroscientists held their EARTH, WIND & FIRE prompted an extraordinary annual conference in the Gallery. Sothebys in organic response on social media, attracting over MARIANNE KEATING: THE OCEAN BETWEEN conjunction with AIB held a customer evening to 13k impressions on Facebook in its final weeks in and its press coverage highlighting the cultural celebrate theMary Swanzy:Voyages exhibition. early 2019. and historic links between Ireland and the Caribbean consistently captured our social The Department of Foreign Affairs held an A single post promotingDREAMING IN BLUE: media audiences’ attention, generating a reach evening for a Ukrainian delegation. Lundbeck HARRY CLARKE WATERCOLOURS achieved an ofover16konFacebookalone. held a GP event in the Lecture theatre and organic reach of over 10k: imagery from the Harry Sculpture Gallery. One of the highlights of 2019 Clarke Watercolours consistently achieves the Video content highlightingTHE FIG REVEAL–a was the Brown Thomas Autumn/Winter Show. highest reach and engagement amongst our restoration project which took place as part of social media followers and audiences more our event programme for CORK MIDSUMMER FHThe Gallery also hosted various civil generally. FESTIVAL 2019 – prompted a hugely positive ceremonies as well as Humanist remembrance response on social media, attracting 1.9k unique ceremonies. J Our spotlighting of our ‘Portrait of Fiona Shaw’ views on Facebook. by Victoria Russell is also a firm favourite amongst our followers and audiences. The actor SEEN, NOT HEARD & SEEN AND HEARD was kind enough to pose in front of her portrait PLAYSPACE was our most-visited exhibition of when she visited the Gallery in February 2019, 2019 and this is reflected in the engagement it producing one of our most popular Facebook, received on social media. Through a combination Instagram and Twitter posts of the year (it was of boosted and organic promotion, imagery and our most-liked post on Instagram, earning 578 details of the free, family-friendly and interactive likes). Seen and Heard Play space reached over 20.5k I J people on Facebook, and boosted our follower


Visitors to the Crawford Art Gallery 2019 vs 2018 Social Media at Crawford Art Gallery 2019 vs 2018

Facebook/crawfordartgallerycork Twitter @CrawfordArtGall Instagram @crawfordartgallery

Jan 2019 6,705 followers Jan 2019 6,249 likes

Jan 2018 5,361 followers Jan 2019 Jan 2018 4,552 followers 4,674 likes

Jan 2018 2,411 followers

33% 25% 50%


2019 TALKS SERIES EXCLUSIVE FREE MEMBERS EVENTS IN Theseincluded: 2019 FRIENDS A total of 10 talks on a wide range of topics were Summer Overnight Trip organised for members during the year with attendances between 44 and 101. The talks were ● Acclaimed actor Fiona Shaw CBE gave a ● A 2 nights Excursion to The Blackwater held in the Gallery Lecture Theatre. wonderful exclusive talk to theFriends of Valley Festival Opera Festival Co.Waterford the Crawford Art Galleryin January 2019 ● SPRING TALKS SERIES (4 EVENTS) A guided tour of Lismore Castle and ● ‘Coffee and Biscotti’ The Friends’ preview Gardens, which included a Guided tour of ● The Significance of Cork City with John tour of Recasting Canova with Dr Michael the exhibition: OFCRAWFORD Waldron February 2019 Hegarty ● Donizetti’s ‘Don Pasquale’ Opera tickets, ● ‘A Gorgeous Gallery of Poetic Pictures’: ● ‘Mary Swanzy: Voyages’ Private Friends followed by candlelit dinner by Eunice Harry Clarke, Harold Jacob and John Keats’s Preview with Sean Kissane IMMA March Power set in the Castle grounds. The Eve of St Agnes.’ with Jessica O’Donnell 2019 ● A visit to Villierstown Church, with a - Gallery. selection of Arias by the BVOF Chorus. ARTGALLERY ● ‘Eileen Gray (1878-1976): An Irish Woman FRIENDS PRIVATE TOURS OF EXHIBITIONS The friends enjoyed their ever popular private ● A guided tour of Salterbridge House and Artist in France’ with Dr Angela Ryan UCC ‘Tour and Tea’ in Spring and Autumn, these are Gardens followed by a guided tour with ● ‘The patron and his architect: William private behind-the-scenes tours of new Peter Murray of his exhibition. Horatio Crawford and Arthur Hill’ with Dr exhibitions, led by Dr Michael Waldron. These Dagmar Ó Riain-Raedel UCC featured a guided tour of ‘Recasting Canova’ in Spring and a guided tour of ‘The Gibson Bequest: ANNUAL HOLIDAY a century of collecting’ in Autumn and were The Friends enjoyed their annual holiday: The followed by Tea / Coffee in the gallery library. THE AUTUMN TALKS SERIES (5 EVENTS) Delights of Northern Italy, Vicenza, Venice, Lake ‘Come along with me through the streets of Garda & Padua. Cork’ with Cónal Creedon DAY OUTINGS Highlights of this international tour included The Friends organised 4 day outings to houses, tour of Temple of Canova, Villa Barbaro, Teatro ●‘Leonardo da Vinci- A Renaissance Man for gardens, museums and galleries with Olimpico, Villa Rotunda, Galleria dell’Accademia the 21st century’ with Siobhan Campbell attendance figures between 6 and 24. A variety of and the Padua&Cappella degli Scrovegni. trips were also enjoyed in 2019 which gave our ●‘The , UCC’ with Virginia members the opportunity to enjoy artworks and Teehan culture both locally and nationally. CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION ●‘The Geneva Window Harry Clarke’ with The Friends celebrated their Annual Christmas Marie Mullan Soiree in December 2019. The highlights were a prosecco reception in the Crawford Long Room ●‘Making a Philanthropist: Crawford with a duo of latin fushion music. benefactor Joseph Stafford Gibson’s early life in Cork’ with Niall Murray


A delicious selection of locally sourced savoury B The Hunt Museum to see the exhibit “Lavery canapes and sweet treats were served & Osborne Observing Life”. accompanied by fine wines and elderflower Photo Credit: Friends of Crawford Gallery cordials. C Temple of Canova, Villa Barbaro, Teatro Dr Michael Waldron and Mary McCarthy Olimpico, Villa Rotunda, Galleria dell’Accademia addressed the members and with the aid of and the Padua & Cappella degli Scrovegni. video gave a wonderful insight into the Crawford, Photo Credit: Friends of Crawford Gallery its sponsors and its mission and vision. The evening ended on a high note with a raffle with D Tour of Lismore Castle and Gardens, which sponsored prizes. included a Guided tour of the exhibition: Photo Credit: Friends of Crawford Gallery ANNUAL ACCOUNTS The Accounts of the Friends of the Crawford are E Dr Michael Waldron. A guided tour of certified annually by Kevin O’Connell & Co. ‘Recasting Canova’ in Spring Accountants & Registered Auditors, 1, Time Photo Credit: Friends of Crawford Gallery Square, Ballincollig, Co. Cork. A copy of the certified accounts for 2018 can be obtained, by request, from the Friends’ through 2019. C

MEMBERSHIP Membership of the Friends was 252 as at 31 December 2018, which included 70 Life Memberships.

Towards the end of the year a renewed interest in membership was notable with a younger age profile joining which was also reflected in the attendance of many students in the lectures. Social media strategies were developed, to increase the Friends membership through Facebook, Twitter and other platforms.

ADMINISTRATION The administrators for 2019 were Sinead Dineen and Michelle Whelan. E D


Page 4: Mary McCarthy, Gallery Director . Image: Jed Niezgoda,

Page 6: Gallery Landing. Image: Jed Niezgoda

Page 7: Rose McHugh, Chairman

Page 8: Andrew Kearney / Mechanism exhibition install. Image: Jed Niezgoda

Page 11:B Seen not Heard exhibition install. Image: Jed Niezgoda Page 11:C Daphne Wright: A Quiet Mutinyexhibition install. Image: Jed Niezgoda

Page 12:G Chachkhiani’sWinter which was not there exhibition install. Image: Jed Niezgoda

Page 13:D Marianne Keating: The Ocean Between exhibition install. Image: Jed Niezgoda Page 13:E Andrew Kearney: Mechanismexhibition install. Image: Jed Niezgoda Page 13: F Mary Swanzy: Voyagesexhibition install. Image: Jed Niezgoda

Pages 14-19: Registrar (except images below)

Page 17:B Stephen Doyle, courtesy NGI website, Page 17: C Lavery and Osborne Install shot courtesy Naomi O'Nolan, Hunt Museum, Page 17: M Edited Image of Canova Cast courtesy Dara McGrath

Pages 22 & 24-29: Learn and Explore

Page 27:D Provision photography

Page 30: Keanes event. Image: Chapter

Page 33:D Provision photography

Page 35:F Keanes event. Image: Chapter

Page 35:G White Cat Studio

Page 37:I Mary Beard'sShock of the Nude.Image: Helena Hunt / BBC / Lion Television.

Page 37:J Fiona Shaw. Image: Provision