Weekly report for the period (1st till 15th of December, )


December 1, 2014

Kurdish parties agreed upon granting Slemani (Sulaimaniyah) Governor post to PUK Slêmanî: The Kurdish parties (PUK, Gorran) agreed upon granting the post of Slêmanî (Sulaimaniyah) Governor to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan PUK led by and the post of the head of the Provincial Council of the Slêmanî to Change (Gorran) bloc, media reported. Ekurd.net

Kurdistan PM Nechirvan Barzani meets ’s Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jibouri - Erbil: Kurdistan Regional Government PM, Nechirvan Barzani and his accompanying delegation were received yesterday by the Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Salim al- Jibouri, in Baghdad. krg.org

Jaafari and Barzani emphasize on solving problems between Baghdad and Kurdistan Baghdad: The Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs , Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Kurdistan PM Nechirvan Barzani confirmed the need to resolve disputes and outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, according to the Constitution, and invest the positive political atmosphere in the Iraqi arena. shafaaq.com | Ekurd.net

December 2, 2014

Barzani: We are very happy... We have reached an agreement with Baghdad to pay one trillion and 200 billion dinars for

Baghdad: Kurdistan PM, Nechirvan Barzani announced on Tuesday, that the two negotiating delegations of Kurdistan and Iraq have reached an agreement in the interest of Iraq and the region, stressing Baghdad's approval to grant one trillion and 200 billion dinars for Peshmerga forces. Ekurd.net

December 3, 2014

Turkey welcomes accord between Iraq and over oil revenues Ankara - Erbil: Turkey has welcomed an agreement between Iraq's government and autonomous Kurdistan region over the budget and oil exports.

Kurdistan denies it asked Turkey to arm Peshmerga forces Erbil: The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Peshmerga Ministry Secretary General Jabbar Yawar denied the Kurdish region asked Ankara government to arms the Kurdish forces. kurdpress.ir

UN, US welcome Baghdad-Erbil deal Washington- Erbil: Both the United States and the United Nations welcome an agreement reached by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi government earlier today on oil and budget disputes. rudaw.net

UK Foreign Secretary welcomes Baghdad-Erbil agreement

London - Erbil: The UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said "I very much welcome the agreement on 2 December between the Federal Government of Iraq, led by Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi, and the Kurdistan Regional Government, represented by Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, on detailed arrangements on oil exports and revenue sharing.Ekurd.net


Barzani: U.S., Britain and UN did not interfere with the recent agreement between Kurdistan and Baghdad Erbil: Kurdistan PM Nechirvan Barzani, that there was no external interference or pressure to reach an agreement, which has been recently done to solve problems and outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad. Ekurd.net

December 4, 2014

“Kurdistan independence” strategy to pressure Baghdad: KDP official Erbil: A member of the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Massoud Barzani said remarks by Kurdish official about Kurdistan Region independence from Baghdad was a strategy to pressure Baghdad to bow to demands by the autonomous region in the Kurdish north. kurdpress.ir | Ekurd.net

Massoud Barzani: More coordinated effort needed to crush militants Erbil: Kurdish president Massoud Barzani says more coordinated effort is needed to degrade the Islamic State (IS) infrastructure in Iraq. Rudaw.net

Baghdad and Erbil cooperate to liberate Mosul: KIU Slêmanî: A Kurdish politician said the government of Erbil and Baghdad are discussing the inclusion of the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga in an operation that plans to liberate the northern city of Mosul that is under the control of the radical militants of the Islamic State (IS) since June. kurdpress.ir | Ekurd.net

December 9, 2014

Masum costs Khalid Shwani with tasks of spokesman for the Presidency of Iraq Baghdad - Erbil: The Iraqi Republic Presidency announced the appointment of Khalid Shwani as its spokesperson.Ekurd.net

Iraqi parliament speaker arrives Kirkuk at the head of a parliamentary delegation Kirkuk: The Iraqi Parliament Speaker, Salim al-Jubouri has arrived on Tuesday morning to Kirkuk at the head of a parliamentary delegation to discuss the situation in the province, loacal media reported. .shafaaq.com

Fears of Arab refugees changing Kirkuk’s population balance Erbil: Tens of thousands of predominantly Arab refugees, escaping violence in other parts of Iraq, have been given shelter in Kirkuk since this summer, impacting the city’s population balance, officials say. rudaw.net

Kurdistan Health Ministry tests refugee camps for Ebola virus Erbil: Kurdistan Health Ministry has started to test all refugee camps for possible Ebola victims, after reports that the deadly virus has been discovered in Mosul in northern Iraq. basnews.com

Kurdistan government appoints new Representative to the United States Erbil: The Kurdistan Regional Government Council of Ministers has appointed the current KRG Representative to the United Kingdom, Ms. Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, as the new KRG Representative to the United States of America. Krg.org

About 28 thousand drug users in Kurdistan Region Erbil: Under the threat of heavy drugs, the Region warns local organizations on drug awareness and prevention. Ibrahim Ramazan Khoshnaw, the head of the Kurdish Organization for Drug Awareness and Prevention in the Kurdish capital of Erbil, has said that unofficial data shows drug users in the region number close to 28,000. basnews.com


December 10, 2014

PUK and Gorran reach agreement about formation of Slêmanî local government

Slêmanî: Both negotiating teams of PUK and signed an agreement in relation to the distribution of all administrative positions across the Slêmanî (Sulaimaniyah) governorate on Tuesday, December 9th, at the headquarters of PUK Political Bureau. According to the deal, PUK and Gorran agreed upon the formation of the local government in Slêmanîi (Slêmanî provincial council), and distribution of the entire posts as follows: For the first two years, the posts of Slêmanî Governor and Administrator of Garmyian are designated for PUK and the posts of Hallabja Governor and Administrator of Rapareen are for Gorran. The agreement was reached in a special gathering where several officials from both sides were present including Member of PUK negotiating team Hakim Qadir Hama Jan, head of Gorran negotiating team Omer saed Ali, member of Gorran negotiating team Jalal Jawhar, head of PUK negotiating team Latif Sheikh Omer, head of PUK Bloc Dr. Aso Faraidun and head of Gorran Bloc Dr. Haval Abubakir. pukpb.org | Ekurd.net

December 11, 2014

Parts of Nineveh belong to Kurdistan Region: Kurdish deputy Erbil: A Kurdish deputy in Iraqi parliament claimed that parts of the Iraqi northern province of Nineveh belong to the northern autonomous region of Kurdistan. kurdpress.ir

PUK and Change get a number of local positions in Erbil Erbil: Erbil administration announced on Thursday, positions that the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Change (Gorran) movement got in the local government of the province.

IS fighting forces Kurds to skip New-Year celebration Erbil: Kurdistan regional government official has admitted that there would little celebration for New-Year in Iraqi Kurdistan, with the region busy battling the Islamic State IS group militants. basnews.com

December 14, 2014

Gorran leader Nawshirwan Mustafa intends to step down: party source Slêmanî: The head of the Change Movement (Gorran), Nawshirwan Mustafa, has announced he is ready to step down from his post, a party source told Rudaw. rudaw.net

Kurdistan deputy PM tells Washington, ‘This is Iraq’s last chance’ Washington - Erbil" During a speech to an audience of top Washington scholars and officials at the Center from Strategic International Studies, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani said, ‘Iraq can only be saved if Baghdad is willing to devolve some of its powers to regional authorities and be more inclusive of minorities. krg.org

Kirkuk is a red line: KDP official Erbil: A leading member of Kurdistan Region’s ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) reiterated on Kurdish identity of Iraqi northern province of Kirkuk and said the province is a red line and no one but Kurdish forces of Peshmerga are allowed to defend the province. kurdpress.ir

December 15, 2014

Nawshirwan Mustafa has not resigned from Gorran leadership: official Slêmanî: The chief of Gorran (Change Movement) Nawshirwan Mustafa continues to be the leader of the movement and reports over his resignation are denied, the movement’s public relation chief told Kurd press. .kurdpress.ir



December 1, 2014

Shiite paramilitary forces arrive outside Kirkuk

Kirkuk: Two convoys of Shiite paramilitary forces arrived in Kirkuk’s southern outskirts as assaults on the Islamic State (IS) gunmen in the area intensified during the weekend. Rudaw.net

Iraqi Kurdistan government to send 150 Peshmerga fresh troops to Kobani

Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government has announced it will soon send replacements for its 150 Peshmerga fighters who were recently sent to the Kurdish town of Kobani in Syrian Kurdistan through Turkey.Ekurd.net

December 2, 2014

Kurdistan Alliance: Without Kurdish Peshmerga there will not no liberation for Mosul

Baghdad: Kurdistan Alliance said that the battle to liberate Iraqi Mosul city need the intervention of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces. Ekurd.net

5000 Peshmerga receiving training to attack Mosul: Yawar

Erbil: The Secretary General of the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga in Kurdistan Jabbar Yawar said 5000 Kurdish forces are receiving trainings to launch attack against the militants of the Islamic State (IS) that are in full control of the northern province of Mosul since June. kurdpress.ir | Ekurd.net

December 6, 2014

Kurdish security arrest suspects behind Erbil, Kirkuk bombings

Erbil: Kurdistan National security authorities said Saturday that they have arrested members of the Islamic State (ISIS) responsible for the recent bombings in Erbil and Kirkuk.rudaw.net

Peshmerga defused 3,000 IS bombs: official Erbil: Kurdish Peshmerga forces have cleared as many as 3,000 bombs in the areas they liberated from the Islamic State IS group, a military official said. Ekurd.net

Iraqi army does not take control of Mosul's dam: Jabbar Yawar Erbil: The secretary general of the Peshmerga ministry in Kurdistan Region Jabbar Yawar blames Iraqi army for not taking control of Mosul’s dam from the Kurdish Peshmerga forces. Kurdpress.ir

Arabs have joined Peshmerga ranks to fight IS: commander Erbil: A commander of the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga said a large number of Arab ethnics have joined the Kurdish forces that are at fight with the militants of the Islamic State (IS) since September. Kurdpress.ir

December 7, 2014

Danish soldiers begin training Kurdish Peshmerga troops Erbil - Copenhagen: Thirty Danish soldiers have begun training Kurdish Peshmerga troops in Kurdistan and Iraqi security forces in Iraq, the Ministry of Defence said in a press release. Ekurd.net


Following airstrike 22 Kurds escape IS territory Kjazar: Taking advantage of coalition airstrikes on Sunday 22 Kurds, including women and children escaped the Islamic State (IS) and reached Kurdish-controlled areas, a Peshmerga commander said. rudaw.net | Ekurd.net

December 8, 2014

Yawar: A shipment of arms and ammunition arrives to Erbil to use them in liberalization of Mosul process Erbil: Peshmerga Ministry secretary-general of Kurdistan Regional Government announced on Monday, the arrival of a shipment of arms and ammunition to Erbil and will be used in the liberation of all of the city of Mosul, the center of Nineveh province from the control of Islamic State IS group militants. shafaaq.com

December 10, 2014 Massoud Barzani meets with the returning Peshmerga forces from Kobani Erbil: Kurdistan President Barzani held a meeting Tuesday at his office in Salahadin where he welcomed the returning Peshmerga forces who had been stationed in Kobani, Syrian Kurdistan .krp.org

So far 500 Kurds Have Joined Islamic State From Kurdistan Region Erbil: The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Minister of Endowment and Religious Affairs believes that fewer people have joined the group from the Kurdistan Region than other areas and countries. basnews.com

December 12, 2014

IS suicide bomber attacks Sherfedin in Sinjar

Shingal: The Islamic State IS group militants launched Thursday a massive attacks on the Kurdish Yazidi pilgrimage site Sherfedin north of Sinjar (Shingal) mountains. Ekurd.net

December 13, 2014

Kurdish Yezidi force trained for recapture of Shingal Duhok: The Kurdish Peshmerga Ministry has formed a Yezidi armed force in preparation for the recapture of the Yezidi Kurdish town of Shingal (Sinjar) that fell to the Islamic State (IS) last summer. Rudaw.net

Kurdish forces find unmanned drone near Saadiya Kirkuk: Kurdish Peshmerga forces have found an unmanned drone near Saadiya in northern Diyala, a field commander told Rudaw. rudaw.net



December 8, 2014

New aid distributed for displaced people in Erbil

Erbil: Relief operations and sheltering room of displaced people in Kurdistan and Kirkuk province announced on Monday, that it has in coordination and follow-up with the presidency of the Representation of Displacement and Migration in Kurdistan Region distributed in -kind materials to displaced people of Nineveh plain in Ankawa town in Erbil. Ekurd.net

December 10, 2014

China's humanitarian aid items arrive in Iraqi Kurdistan

Erbil: Two aircraft carrying the China's humanitarian aid items arrived in Erbil, the capital city of Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan Region on Tuesday. Ekurd.net



December 1, 2014

French Total Makes 2nd Discovery in Iraqi Kurdistan Paris: French oil major Total said on Monday it had struck oil near the city of Erbil in the autonomous Kurdistan region of Iraq, its second discovery in the Harir block in two years. The Jisik-1 well was tested with flow rates of 6,100 barrels per day, the company said in a statement. Total has a 35 percent share in the Harir Block, alongside Marathon Oil, with 45 percent, and the Kurdistan Regional government, which owns 20 percent. Reuters

Marathon Oil announces jisik discovery in Kurdistan Region Marathon Oil Corporation MRO 0%, through its wholly owned subsidiary Marathon Oil KDV B.V., announced today that the Jisik-1 exploration well has discovered multiple stacked oil and natural gas producing zones on the Company's operated Harir Block in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Located approximately 40 miles northeast of Erbil, the Jisik-1 well was drilled to a total depth of approximately 15,000 feet. Oil and natural gas shows were noted over an extensive gross interval of both Jurassic and Triassic reservoirs.

December 2, 2014

Hungarian MOL group looking for an agreement to buy oil from Kurdistan region

Budapest: Hungarian oil group MOL will start the construction of a new synthetic rubber plant at its chemical unit TVK next year with an investment of $100 million, the head of its downstream business told business daily Napi Gazdasag on Monday. Reuters

December 3, 2014

Norway's DNO confirms payment from Kurdistan for Tawke oil exports Oslo - Erbil: DNO ASA, the Norwegian oil and gas operator, today confirmed receipt of USD 30 million as first payment for oil exported by the Kurdistan Regional Government from the Tawke field during 2014. Nrttv.com

December 9, 2014

2014 Erbil International Fair kicks off

Erbil: The 2014 Erbil International Fair kicked off Tuesday with the participation of more than 250 companies from 16 countries. Pukmedia.com

December 12, 2014

Iraq's Kurdistan wants further Chinese investment

Erbil: Iraq's semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan expected to attract more Chinese firms, Governor of Erbil province Nawzad Hadi told Xinhua news agency in an interview on Thursday. "The Chinese firms have made a presence in the Kurdistan region and we do wish to attract more Chinese firms here," he said, adding that "we know that China has enormous economic and productive share in the world economy and has great potentials.xinhuanet.com / Ekurd.net