Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 128 (1998), 105-142

Excavation of a ring at Cloburn Quarry, Cairngryffe Hill, Lanarkshire Olivia Lelong* & Tony Pollard* with contributions by J A Roberts & IA G Shepherd

ABSTRACT Excavation at Cloburn Quarry, Cairngryffe Hill, Lanarkshire, of a Bronze Age in 1986-7 revealed a monument of considerable complexity. Its earlier phases appear to have consisted of timber and stone rings around a central pit, with other in small pits within the rings. The most intensive period of funerary activity followed the removal of these circular architectural elements and coincided with the deposition offelsite chips across the site. These later interments included a cremation accompanied by an entire Food Vessel Vase. The final phase saw the construction of the outer ring and an irregular platform cairn within it. A number of cremations were later put into the cairn. Radiocarbon dates of 3450 ±50 BP and 3460 + 60 BP (1890-1630 and 1910-1620 cal EC) suggest an Early Bronze Age date for the pre-cairn monument. The project was funded throughout by Historic and its predecessor department (SDD/HBM).

INTRODUCTION This report is a result of Historic Scotland's backlog project, which aims to bring to publication reports on excavations which for a variety of reasons have until now not been published (Barclay & Owen 1995). The excavation reported here was carried out over two seasons in 1986-7 under the direction of Mary Kemp-Clarke. During the first season of work one of the authors (TP) worked on the nearby excavation at Blackshouse Burn (Lelong & Pollard, this vol) and during the second season took part in the cairn excavation.

SITE DISCOVERY AND PROGRAMME OF EXCAVATION The ring cairn on the plateau of Cairngryffe Hill, in Pettinain parish, Lanarkshire (NGR: NS 947 414), was first identified during a survey of the hill carried out in 1985 under the direction of Peter Hill. This work was part of a wider landscape survey initiated during the investigation of the large enclosure at Blackshouse Burn, just over a kilometre to the south-east. The low, grass-covered platform, which lay at 310 m OD, was recorded along with several linear banks, one of which appeared to terminate at the platform (illus 1). As the site was clearly under threat from f o y Universit , Building y Gregor , (GUARD) n Divisio h Researc l Archaeologica y Universit w Glasgo * G1Q w 28Q Glasgo , Glasgow 106 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

quarrying, Historic Scotland's predecessor department (SDD/HBM) provided funds for its excavation. Quarrying had already destroyed a possible multivallate which formerly occupied the plateau just beneath the summit of Cairngryffe Hill, about half a kilometre to the south-west d carrie n excavatio e rescu d limite a f o t resul e th is e sit s thi f o w kno e w e littl t Wha . platform e th f o d Worl d Secon e th g durin g quarryin y b n 193n i destructio t 9l ou (Childtota s it eo t 1941) r prio , War. The proximity of this possible hillfort provided evidence for prehistoric settlement f o n interpretatio l initia n a o t d le , boundaries d fiel f o e presenc e th h wit g alon , which l hil e th n o the platform as a house stance sitting within a contemporary field system. The excavation of the site began in 1986, and was carried out in tandem with the second season of excavation at the Blackshouse Burn enclosure. It did not take long to establish that the site was not a house stance, but a fairly widely recognized form of Bronze Age funerary monument known as a ring cairn. A number of are known in the area, but the only example of an excavated ring cairn in the vicinity is that at Limefield (NMRS: NS93SW 6), several l genera a e whil , report s thi n i r late d discusse s i e sit s Thi . Hill o Tint f o t south-wes e th o t s kilometre summary of the environment and archaeology around Cloburn can be found in the report on the vol)s thi ., Pollard & g (Lelon e enclosur n Bur e Blackshous The monument is built on indurated till, mainly derived from local felsite, on which a shallow, -drained brown forest soil has developed (Macaulay Institute 1982). There was no evidence of buried soil beneath it, although the stones used in the platform come from the local soil. The cairn stood on a gentle, regular slope at the edge of a bench in the eastward descent e th n withi s lie e sit e Th . south o t t north-wes m fro s view e extensiv g commandin , hilltop e th m fro catchment of the Rae Burn. Cairngryffe Hill is formed of felsite intrusions separating basic g bein s i d an n cair e th s underlie e Felsit . age n Devonia r Lowe f o s conglomerate d an s sandstone actively extracted in the quarry around it. The felsite surface is scored by ice striations, trending on bearings between 47 and 58 degrees. A more detailed report on all soils from the site, by David d Scotlan f o d Recor s Monument l Nationa e th t a e archiv t projec e th n i d include n bee s ha , Jordan (RCAHMS). Much of the first season's work was taken up with cleaning and planning the cairn, although e th f o e natur x comple e th f o a ide e som g givin , recorded d an d excavate o als e wer s section l severa monument. Work continued on the site over six weeks in 1987, under the direction of Mary Kemp-Clarke. Unfortunately, the second season of work was beset by heavy rain and the site remained only partly excavated at the end of it. However, further investigation was carried out (LADAS y leadershie th r Societ l f )unde p o Archaeologica t Distric & k Lanar e th f o s member y b Ed Archer (1995). This work continued over several summers as the quarry crept ever closer, and r amateu l loca y b d playe e rol t importan e th f o , needed e wer y an f i , vindication r clea a s provide archaeologists. The preliminary results of LADAS's work have been incorporated into this report and the co-operation of Ed Archer in providing information is gratefully acknowledged here.


THE CAIRN REVEALED During the 1996 season, turf and shallow, peaty topsoil were removed from four quadrants over the platform (A,B,C & D; 2 & 4) with a cruciform baulk left in place to allow additional stratigraphic control. Trowel-cleaning uncovered an extensive spread of stones, while a number 7 10 | L HIL E CAIRNGRYFF , QUARRY N CLOBUR T A N CAIR G RIN : POLLARD & G LELON


I CAIRN SITE ) ,-'5<*fc, \ Pettinain Hill / /'//*X l( \ ! \ k«/ ' \ v,'-.i--—.._,--''• ', ,-, CLOBUR' N QUARRi_, Y\ \', iJ BLACKHOUSE BURN / • HERO'N SCAIR

copyright) Crown © Ordanancethe map on Survey (Based . survey d an p ma n locatio e ILLUSit S1 108 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

of artefacts, including pieces of struck stone and sherds, were recovered from the topsoil s stone f o g rin r subcircula a d reveale s quadrant r fou l al f o g Cleanin . stones e th n betwee d an e abov o tw e (illus Th . s2) stone r smalle f o m platfor t ou d robbe y partl a g enclosin ) 5 & ; illu4 , s2 (008 combined elements had an overall diameter of about 22 m. By this time it was clear to the excavators that the freshly revealed features did not represent the remains of a house stance, as had been first thought, but a ring cairn: essentially a low platform cairn within an enclosing stone ring. e wer e bon d cremate f o s fragment n whe s obviou e becam n functio y funerar s monument' e Th a s wa s void e thes f o l severa n i d Expose . stones e th n betwee s void s numerou e th f o e som n i d foun s i h whic d an y geolog l loca e th f o h muc s characterize h whic k roc e th , chips e felsit d re f o x matri today still quarried from the hill. In other places, charcoal-rich soil was exposed. During the first season of excavation, the cairn stones (007) were partly removed in e th y generall d an , deep e ston e on y onl e b o t d foun s wa n cair e th s place t mos n I . A t quadran stones lay in a matrix of dark humic soil (051) which also underlay them. Although this deposit t i s record e sit m fro , 5) s (illu n seaso 6 198 e th g durin n draw n sectio e th n i d recorde t no s wa appears that it partly consisted of organic material which had percolated down through the cairn, . construction s it e befor p u t buil y entirel g havin n tha r rathe t cu s wa n sectio a , cairn e th g pre-datin y apparentl s deposit f o e natur e th s asses o t r orde n I along the west-facing section of the south baulk in quadrant A (illus 3 & 5). A sondage was also s wa n cair r inne e th r afte e plac n i t lef e wer h whic , A t quadran n i s stone f o g rin r oute e th s acros t cu removed (illus 3). This trench was set at an angle to the baulk section. The deposits exposed in this small cutting demonstrated that the site had a complex stratigraphy, probably resulting from a long history of activity, much of which preceded the construction of the cairn. Both the baulk section and the sondage have played a vital role in illuminating the nature of g followin e th f o h muc , reason s thi r Fo . time h throug t developmen s it d an t monumen e th . sections d recorde e thes m fro e mad s observation n o d base s i n interpretatio c basi d an n descriptio In the second season, excavation was carried out in all four quadrants, with deposits generally taken down in plan, and the results of this work will be used to augment the reconstruction of the site's history suggested by the sections excavated during the first season. phasesc : stratigraphi n mai e th f o y summar a s i g followin e Th s sherd t po c Neolithi d an s pit y Earl 1 e Phas Phase 2 Pre-cairn features: central 'scoop', pits and stone rings Phase 3 Embankments, pits and ash spreads Phase 4 Red chip deposit with cremations g rin n cair r Oute 5 4/ e Phas n cair m Platfor 5 e Phas

S SHERD T PO C NEOLITHI D AN S PIT Y EARL : 1 E PHAS Among the apparently earliest features surviving were a number of pits and post-holes which e absenc e Th . till l glacia e th y overla f itsel h whic , horizon) B ( l subsoi y sand l natura e th d penetrate of a buried A horizon implies that the topsoil was removed across the site before these were cut. t lates d encountere s e th , excavation e th n o d place s constraint e tim o t e du , Unfortunately remain some of the most enigmatic. Even where features were fully excavated and recorded, their e thes t tha d argue e b l wil t i , However . difficult y ver g phasin s make n isolatio c stratigraphi e relativ features are among the earliest on the site. M O o

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cleanedn cair d )an d remove l (topsoi n pla n ILLUPre-excavatio S2 110 I SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998 s sherd 4 7 e wer y quantit y an n i d recovere e assemblag l artefactua e th f o s element t oldes e Th of early pottery from the lower pre-cairn deposits (Lelong, below). These were d an n horizo B d truncate e th f o e surfac e th between ) (065 e interfac e th t a s numerou y particularl the lowest of the accumulated (anthropogenic) layers; thus, they were apparently deposited after the topsoil had been stripped in . While this might have happened in the Neolithic period, the absence of any soil horizon between this thin, pot-rich layer and features related to the f o r characte c Neolithi y earl e Th . puzzling s i t monumen e Ag e Bronz e th f o n constructio n crematio f o g diggin e th d an n depositio s it n betwee d passe e tim h muc t tha s suggest y potter e th e th s a t jus , dug e wer s feature r late e thes e befor y awa d strippe n bee e hav y ma n horizo l soi A . pits t tha y unlikel s seem t i t bu , deposited s wa y potter e th e befor d strippe n bee e hav o t s seem l topsoi such widespread truncation would leave a thin Neolithic horizon in place. An alternative explanation for this apparent stratigraphic irregularity will be proposed later.

S RING E STON D 'SCOOP'L AN S ,PIT CENTRA : 2 E PHAS - post , wall e l 'scoop'ston w lo centra a , a d include ) (065 r laye h pot-ric e th o int t cu s feature e Th holes and an outer ring of stone. Together they can be interpreted as forming the early pre-cairn monument, with two rings of timber posts, each encircled with a ring of stone, and cremation pits within some of the rings.

Central scoop Lying roughly centrally beneath the cairn was a shallow circular scoop (081), approximately 7 198 e th n i e lat l unti e featur r circula y roughl a s a e visibl t no h Althoug . diameter mn 3 i d an p dee m 1 0. e th n withi d expose s wa t i 1986n n i t whe , ligh o t e cam t firs t i , cleared e wer s quadrant r fou l al n whe , season e orang , crumbly a h wit d fille ) (022 l subsoi l natura e th n i t cu a s a d appeare t i e (illun Her . s5) sectio k baul . season 7 198 e th n i e lat d recognize s wa 0 02 h wit 1 08 f o n correlatio e th ; (020) l fil y ston

Post-hole ring Removal of the stony fill (020/081) revealed a shallow, circular depression surrounded by n excavatio s it f o e tim e th t a d unrecognize y apparentl h Althoug . post-holes f o p grou a n bee e hav y ma t wha t no s doe g drawin n sectio e Th . section k baul e th n i d appeare e hav y ma s feature g outlyin e thes (1986) f o e on , show the edges of the post-hole (034), but Polaroids taken at the time clearly show it as a discrete feature containing tipping stones, possibly the packing for a post. A number of similar features are recorded in the site day books but no plans or sections, other than rough sketches, were found among the project archive. The overall impression, gleaned from sketches and photographs, is of a circle of post-holes defining the . scoop w shallo e th f o r perimete

Cremation pit (085) Several features, including a cremation pit (085), were cut into the fill of the central scoop (020/081). This fill was not totally removed during the excavation and another, probably earlier y societ y archaeolog l loca e th y b t ou d carrie k wor r late e th g durin t i h beneat d seale d foun s wa t pi n crematio d an , fill p scoo e th m fro d recovere e wer y potter c Neolithi f o s sherd d abrade f o r numbe A . 1995) r (Arche these may have been redeposited from the general spread of material found elsewhere (Phase 1), disturbed , vertical h wit e hol r circula , dug y neatl , small a s wa ) (085 t pi n crematio e Th . cut s wa p scoo e th n whe e her n brow e loos a h wit d fille s wa e receptacl d prepare y carefull s Thi . bedrock e th o ont n dow t cu s side d clay-line e availabl t no s wa t deposi s thi f o e sampl a , Unfortunately . bone d cremate d an l charcoa g containin t deposi for analysis and so nothing can be said about the nature of the bone and its origin. g containin l soi h wit d fille , (078) t pi l ova , larger a s wa l fil s scoop' e th o int t cu o Als ) 084 , (078 s pit l Centra d cremate e th d an t pi s thi n i l charcoa e th n betwee p relationshi e Th . stones r angula d an l charcoa t abundan o O 3 > P78

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n > 78 O


s feature n pre-cair g showin n pla e ILLUComposit S3 112 I SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

ILLUS 4 Pre-excavation photograph of cairn taken from the east f o s sweeping e th e b d coul h bot t bu , t (085pi uncertain r s i ) smalle e th m fro d recovere l charcoa d an e bon cremation . The pit was later cut by a post-hole (084), which from field sketches appeared to be more uncertains f of t remain is sa te a , post-hol e th f o n functio e Th . scoop e th g surroundin e thos n tha l substantia centre in the ring denned by the encircling posts. y completel e b d coul e featur l centra s thi e befor d expire n seaso d secon e th r fo d allotte e tim e Th recorded. It will be argued below that it represents the earliest, embryonic phase of a monument which developed over time into a ring cairn. In any case, this group of features certainly represented an important focus for the disposal of the remains of the dead.

Stone-filled trench (025) A number of other negative features were identified beneath the cairn, some of which contained cremated bone and were perhaps created specifically to contain the remains of the dead, while others appear to have been created for rather different purposes. In the baulk section, the feature closest to the central area was an accumulation of large stones (025) lying some 2 m south of the possible , trench n foundatio w shallo a o int t se n bee d ha s stone e Th . scoop l centra e th f o e edg e th t a ) (034 e post-hol a e indicat y ma s thi e Whil . recovered (Vesses y wa ) 6 potter l c Neolithi y earl f o d sher e singl a h whic m fro Neolithic date for this feature, it is just as likely that the sherd was residual, redeposited into the fill of the trench from its original context, perhaps the pot-rich ground surface (065, Phase 1). k baul e th n i d detecte y onl s wa t i s a , difficult s i e featur d stone-fille e th r fo n interpretatio n a g Providin e discret a t represen y ma t I . m) 5 0. c ( h trenc n sectio e th f o h widt e entir e th s acros e visibl s wa t i e wher , section feature of limited dimensions. However, it is also possible that it was much more extensive than this, perhaps s wa e (020/081)featur p s thi scoo t l Tha . centra e th d enclose h whic e featur e wall-lik r circula , low a g formin not detected elsewhere on the site may simply be due to the fact that excavation nowhere else reached the g enclosin r circula r simila r fo s site r othe m fro e evidenc y certainl s i e Ther . section k baul e th n i s a h dept e sam features; these will be discussed in the final section of this report. n a n bee e hav y ma t wha d describe g rin e ston r inne e putativ s thi e outsid s post-hole l Severa g post-rin r Oute e post-hol e larg a s wa e thes f o s obviou t mos e (illun th , s5) sectio k baul e th n I . posts r timbe f o e circl r o c ar LELONG & POLLARD: RING CAIRN AT CLOBURN QUARRY, CAIRNGRYFFE HILL 113

Charcoal rich/ rich' Charcoal rich' Charcoal ashy spread Q07 **7 hy00 spread

ILLUS 5 Baulk section showing pre-cairn features

(023), containing a dark loam with flecks of charcoal and some cremated bone. A single sherd of early Neolithic pottery (Vessel 4) was recovered from its fill. The cut of this pit penetrated the friable bedrock beneath the subsoil. The prior removal of the A horizon had obviously reduced the depth of soil available s builder e th t lef e hav y ma , m) 2 0. < r (diamete t erec o t d planne y the t pos e th f o e siz e th h wit g alon , this d an . subsoil d expose e th h beneat k bedroc e th o int k hac o t t bu n optio o n h wit This post-hole may represent only one element of a much more extensive architectural feature. Further excavation of quadrant A during the second season revealed several more post-holes (023, 073-077), between 0.2-0.5 m in diameter. In plan (illus 3) they trace an arc which roughly echoed the central circular scoop (020/081) and its encircling post-holes, giving the early monument further circular definition. These s thi n i d achieve n excavatio r deepe e th t reflec n agai y ma s thi t bu , A t quadran n i y onl d identifie e wer s feature . site e th s acros s post-hole f o n distributio e tru e th n tha r rathe t quadran A charcoal sample recovered from the fill of one of the outer post-holes (075), identified as Alnus (alder), produced a radiocarbon date range of 1890-1630 cal BC (Beta-111006). That all of the charcoal recovered from the sample was of the same species would be consistent with its origin as a post. This date is x comple a f o t par s a d erecte t pos a : 2) e (Phas e abov d offere e featur e th f o n interpretatio e th h wit s odd t a t no Bronze Age funerary monument pre-dating the construction of the stone cairn. (Beta-111007)C B l ca 0 a m fro , 1910-162 f o e dat r simila a y b d strengthene s i s thi f o y credibilit e Th e th t sugges s date e Thes . Betulam fro charcoal s thi , 082) , 2 e (Phas t deposi n crematio , well-sealed , nearby close chronological succession of the cremation ritual and deposition and the raising of the posts (it should be noted, however, that the standard deviations of the dates make it possible for this sequence to be reversed).

Stone kerb Finally, there is reasonable evidence to suggest that the monument's outer limit in this early w shallo a n i d deposite h eart o int t se , wide m 8 0. t abou , (021) s stone f o g rin w lo a y b d define s wa e phas foundation trench (as were the stones of the putative and possibly contemporary low, inner wall (025)). This outer feature was first detected in the sondage cut through the later stone ring (008; Phase 4) which circled the cairn. In the bottom of the sondage the lower, earlier stone feature (021) appeared to sit outside the perimeter defined by the upper, later ring (008), while in the baulk section the earlier ring appeared to sit inside the later ring. This off-setting of the earlier and later stone rings may reflect a desire to and reinforce the earlier feature, but by the time this was attempted the earlier ring had been obscured beneath a bank of earth, so that the later stone ring, laid down over the bank's outer scarp, traced a slightly different circuit.

Outer cremations Cremation pits dug during this early phase of the monument's use lay within the sub- h Althoug . deposits n crematio s it h wit p scoo l centra e th d aroun , ring e ston r oute e th y b d define a are r circula 114 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

9 082/07 t Pi n Crematio Feature 073


Radio-carbon date y cla n Orange/brow t contex s thi m Fro ) 111007 a (Bet

Feature 068

Cremated bone -^

Key redcnin i r p playe Scoo Stone Charcoal l Crushevesse d dfoo Yellow Clay

1m s feature d Cremation-relate ILLU S6

no direct dating evidence was available for most of the cremations, those outside the central scoop may post- date it, perhaps as the monument was expanded in order to accommodate them. m0 0.3 , profile d bowl-shape a d m7 an 0. f o r diamete a h wit ) 6 ; illu& s3 (073 t pi l ova n a B t quadran n I f o s fragment d an y cla w yello f o s lense d containe h whic l soi y cla n orange/brow n a h wit d fille s wa , deep x se n unknow f o t adul e probabl a m fro , base s it t a e bon d cremate f o t deposi l smal a s wa e ther ; charcoal s post-hole A t quadran e th y b d suggeste g rin r timbe r oute e th r fo e evidenc o n h Althoug . below) , (Roberts was identified in quadrant B (perhaps, as already noted, because excavation did not extend to the same . ring s thi e insid y immediatel n positio a h wit g keepin n i e b d woul t pi s thi f o n locatio e th , here) h dept y incidentall d incorporate y probabl d an d deposite y deliberatel h bot — s cremation f o e evidenc r Othe into pit and post-hole fills — was found outside the central space. Cremated bone was recovered from the e th m fro e bon e Th . (075) s post-hole l smal e th f o e on m fro d an ) (023 n sectio k baul e th n i e post-hol e larg former, larger post-hole, which was mixed with charcoal, may have been but was far too fragmented to allow a positive identification. The bone from the smaller post-hole was positively identified as human, but the fragments were too small to allow further analysis, although their size suggests a child (Roberts, below). LELONG & POLLARD: RING CAIRN AT CLOBURN QUARRY, CAIRNGRYFFE HILL | 115

a s wa ) (021 g rin e ston r oute e th d an ) etc 3 (02 g rin r timbe r oute e putativ e th n betwee e spac e th n I small, circular pit into which was deposited a concentration of cremated bone (082; illus 6). Analysis of the pit'e bonth sn ei lowe r fill (Roberts, below) identifie remaine dth t leas a humane f so on t , possibl middlya e s remain e th , deposited e wer e thes r afte e tim e Som . goat r o p shee a m the f o e on , animals o tw d an , male t adul of a second cremated individual (079), again possibly a middle adult male, were put into the top of the same d burie r thereafte s wa t i d an , fill r uppe s pit' e th r ove d forme r late ) (069 t deposi d iron-panne y heavil A . pit beneath the earth bank which was raised up around the outer edge of the monument (Phase 3, below). k baul e th n i d identifie s wa ) (024 l charcoa n i h ric l soi y ston a h wit d fille d an s side g slopin h wit t pi A section, where it appeared immediately south-east of the large post-hole (023). The origin of this charcoal is uncertain, but it could relate to the cremation rituals evidenced elsewhere, perhaps representing material s it d truncate r forme e th s a , pit e th n tha e featur r late a e b o t s appear e post-hol e Th . a m fro d collecte north-eastern edge.

PHASE 3: EMBANKMENTS, PITS AND ASH SPREADS Some time after the digging and filling of these pits, the monument's appearance and the way it was used began to change. The central scoop (020/081) was backfilled, possibly long before its t (085t cu s pi n )wa crematio a t tha w kno e w d an , removed n bee r o d decaye d ha s post g surroundin through this fill. The putative inner low wall (025) was buried beneath an upcast earth bank (013, 030; illus 3 & 5), perhaps leaving only its uppermost stones visible. The posts which formed the e th y b d suggeste e fir f o n actio e th h wit , removed n bee r o d decaye d ha t i d aroun g rin r timbe r oute presence of charcoal in a number of the post-holes. Finally, the post-holes of the putative outer timber ring were buried beneath another low earthen bank formed from mixed soils (017, 018 & f o e stat a n i n bee e hav o t s appear e tim s thi t a t monumen e Th . 087) s a y genericall o t d referre : 026 transformation, sitting low above the ground and now made up of earth rather than timber and stone.

Miscellaneous pits It is probable that pits continued to be cut into the earth during this phase of the site's e th g durin n tha r rathe e tim s thi t a g du n bee e hav t fac n i y ma e abov d describe e thos f o l severa d an , history monument's earlier phase. The most likely candidates are the larger pits which contained little or no cremated bone, including 073. The small pit (019) cut into the surface of the central scoop fill (020/081) may also have been created and filled at this time, as indeed might the cremation pit (085) and the large pit (078). e th f o g drawin e th n i l leve s thi t a e visibl y clearl o 019als & e 0 )ar 03 g (e s pit e possibl d an s hollow l smal r Othe baulk section, some of them containing concentrations of charcoal. s horizon y ash e th e wer , after n soo e quit t leas t a r o , time s thi t a d deposite o Als s spread l charcoa d an h As s a y onl r appea h whic t bu ) 5 s (illu n sectio k baul e th t throughou d recorde e wer h whic y potter g containin quite isolated patches and lenses on the quadrant plans. While some of this material may have accumulated y ma e som , went y the s a y potter f o s sherd g droppin , monument e th r ove d walke e peopl s a y graduall . pyres y funerar f o s site l actua e th t represen

PHASE 4: RED CHIP (FELSITE) LAYER WITH CREMATED BONE There is no unequivocal evidence for the large scale deposition of cremated human remains on t nex e th , However . noted s exception e possibl e th h wit , above d describe e phas e th g durin e sit e th d Cremate . practice s thi n i e upsurg t distinc a d witnesse t developmen s monument' e th f o e phas , (014) x matri l soi y sand a n i s chip e felsit d re f o n depositio e th r afte d an g durin d interre s wa e bon inside the area defined by the outer earthen bank (illus 5); this matrix was also recorded as 054, and its lower part was defined as 063. 116 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

Not only did the number of cremations increase with the deposition of the red chip layer, y exclusivel d an y discretel s remain d cremate e wer r longe o N . markedly d change r characte r thei t bu placed in pits; instead, many were integrated within the red chip matrix. The felsite chips were s scoop y quarr e possibl d an s depression f o r numbe a ; by e clos e somewher m fro d quarrie y probabl were identified during the pre-excavation survey of the site (illus 1). Even so, moving the material to the monument would have required considerable labour. During excavation, the cremation deposits were encountered in spreads and lenses as the t tha g implyin , discernible were s cut t pi o n s case t mos n I . away d trowelle s wa ) (014 r laye p chi d re a h beneat d seale n the d an r laye s thi f o p to n o d tippe e wer l charcoa d an e bon d cremate f o s spread fresh load of red chips. The presence of numerous cremation deposits suggests that the red chip layer accumulated over a relatively long period of time and, as will be seen below, several post- f o r numbe e th t tha e probabl s i t I . surface s it n o d deposite e wer t leas t a r o , layer e th d date l individua e som h wit , represented r unde y greatl e ar t contex s thi m fro d recorde s cremation unrecorded cremations represented by low densities of bone fragments which could easily have been overlooked during the relatively rapid removal of the red chip layer during the excavation. f o r laye e halo-lik , cm) 8 6- c ( k thic a s wa t deposi p chi d re e th f o e edg e th g Overlappin charcoal-rich, humic soil (052). The thickness of the deposit, along with its organic nature, could suggest it was redeposited turf, perhaps used to contain the red chip layer as it spilled over the f o s patche , However . accumulation d continue s it g durin k ban e th y b d create n basi e th f o s side d repeate h throug p u t buil t i t tha t sugges t i n withi e bon d cremate d an y cla , charcoal y ash deposition and trampling, perhaps as people congregated around the monument. The layer contained four pottery sherds (two from Food Vessel and Encrusted Urns), all very abraded and all showing signs of having been reused, in sherd form, to polish some surface. That act of polishing — of skins, perhaps, or leather-hard pots — might have been carried out around the edges of the monument, and been relevant to whatever else took place there.

layer chip red the within Cremations Cremations incorporated within the red chip matrix included: d an l charcoa f o s lense d an e bon d cremate g containin m loa y sand d re f o h patc r rectangula y Roughl 9 05 ash. Middle adult of possible male sex. r nea y Ver . sex e femal e possibl f o t adul e probabl ; charcoal h wit l materia y ash k blac f o patch e Larg 7 06 Food Vessel interment.

065 Below 014, young middle adult of unknown sex.

. sex n unknow f o t adul e Probabl . 014 n withi s len , bone d cremate e spars h wit l soi n brow y gre f o h Patc 0 06

. human y probabl ; only s fragment o tw — e surfac d groun d ol d an p chi d re f o e Interfac C 000/

064 Black fill — thought at first to be small pit. Shallow hollow in red chip.

Cremations post-dating the red chip layer s wa , site e th n o e anywher d indee d an , layer p chi d re e th n i t deposi y funerar e notabl t mos e Th 8 06 . cremation a g accompanyin d foun s wa e Vas l Vesse d Foo d crushe e entir n a e wher , B t quadran n i d discovere LELONG & POLLARD: RING CAIRN AT CLOBURN QUARRY, CAIRNGRYFFE HILL 117

NW Coarse clay capping

Coarse brown sand

Coarse brown sand with flecks e bon d cremate d an l charcoa f o


ILLUS 7 Plan and section of pit 056 The vessel had been placed in a hollow (068; illus 3 & 6) defined by a roughly circular arrangement of stones and the cremated bone placed in a small pit cut into its base. Analysis of the cremated bone identified the remains of a possible middle adult female and a foetus or neonate; they might have been mother and child. This cremation deposit had been cut through the surface of the red chip material (014), apparently after it had ceased being deposited.

C t quadran n i ) (056 t pi l ova n a n i s wa n depositio s chip' d re e th g post-datin n crematio r Anothe 6 05 (illus 7), which penetrated the red chip down into the subsoil beneath; bedrock was exposed in its base. This pit contained several fills, the lowest of which was a coarse brown sand with flecks of charcoal and cremated bone mixed through it. Above this was more coarse brown sand, similar in texture and colour to that which formed the matrix for the red felsite chips. Coarse clay had been placed in the top of the pit, possibly in an attempt to seal it.

Artefacts in the red chip layer Also deposited in the red chip layer were a number of artefacts, including pot sherds, stone and jet beads. Some of these may have found their way into the layer as the result of casual acts; 118 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998 e (se e practic y funerar o t d relate s act l ritua h wit d associate y readil e mor e b n ca e som , however Discussion, below). The recovery of a number of jet beads, found close together (illus 3) within the red chip layer, may indicate the deposition of a string of beads. Their fine condition, however, suggests that they were manufactured specifically for deposition without ever having been strung y the h althoug , contexts y funerar n withi s bead t je d fin o t n uncommo t no s i t I . below) , (Shepherd are most commonly found along with Beakers. Several sherds of Beaker pottery were recovered s thi m fro s type y potter d recovere f o y majorit e th e pre-dat e thes t bu , layer p chi d re e th m fro s site' e th n i e lat y relativel t contex a m fro s form c cerami r late d an earlier f o y recover e Th . context history may appear somewhat problematic, but this juxtaposition may have played an important role in the rituals represented by these artefacts, and will be discussed below.

G RIN N CAIR R 4/5(7)OUTE E E TH : PHAS The stone ring (008) which formed the outer perimeter of the monument's latest incarnation, composed of irregular fragments of felsite, was laid down on top of the organic deposit (052) described above, but in places appeared to rest against the outside edge of the earth bank (illus 2). e som t a h , 0212 e whic ) (Phas g rin e ston r earlie e th h wit n commo n i h muc d ha t i e appearanc n I points it overlay. The pre-existence of a similar feature (021), independent of any kind of stone cairn, could be cited to argue that this later feature need not have been constructed at the same . ring e th y b d enclose a are e th n withi n dow d lai s wa h whic , cairn m platfor e th s a e tim Several sherds of Food Vessel were recovered from the matrix of the ring, which suggests that it is broadly contemporary with the red chip layer (Phase 4, 014) in which Food Vessel sherds had also been incorporated. However, given the stratigraphic relationship between the organic layer (052) and the red chip layer, it is more likely that the stone ring post-dated the deposition of the latter.

PHASE 5: CAIRN In the final act of monument building, the numerous stones (of felsite) constituting the central platform cairn were laid. The stones used to build the cairn were in general slightly smaller than those which made up the stone ring encircling it. It has already been proposed that the stone ring was constructed before much of the enclosed area was infilled by the cairn stones. A ragged gap between the cairn and the enclosing ring preserved the integrity of the latter. A thin deposit of e th e befor r laye p chi d re e th r ove d s (051forme d ha )stone n cair e th h beneat l soi c humi k dar stones were laid and may indicate a period when the red chip layer was actually obscured and perhaps the monument itself unused. However, the presence of dense root matter within this horizon suggests percolation of later material between the stones was at least partly responsible for its formation. The 'platform' cairn was for the most part built from a single layer of stones, in places s i e appearanc d haphazar t almos , irregular s cairn' e Th . spread y thinl s other n i , packed y closel f o r numbe a e se o t e possibl s i t i t bu , 2) s (illu e sit e th f o n pla n pre-excavatio e th n o t eviden o t s perhap , cairn e th f o g robbin r late o t e du e b y ma s Thi . chaos l superficia s thi n withi s pattern n norther s cairn' e th n o g rin r oute e th o int d integrate y actuall s i h whic f o one , walls d fiel d buil r furthe s add h whic , terminal l wal e th o t t closes t tha s wa n cair e th f o t par e diffus t mos e Th . side credence to the stone-robbing hypothesis. Further evidence of later interference with the e th f o l al h throug t cu , trench r robbe a y apparentl , pit r rectangula a f o m for e th k too t monumen | 11 L 9 HIL E CAIRNGRYFF CLOBUR, T A N NCAIR QUARRY G RIN : LELONPOLLARD G& l wil e w s burial r o s artefact f o l remova e th d marke t even s thi r whethe ; D t quadran n i s deposit never know. r late f o t resul e th s a f of n writte e b n ca x matri e ston e th n i s void e th f o l al t no , However robbing. Several are quite circular in plan and some appear to have been edged with deliberately set stones. Cremated bone was observed in exposed patches of dark soil in the voids, which e mor e Th . beneath r laye p chi d re e th h throug t cu s pit f o s fill r uppe e th t represen o t d appeare regular voids in the cairn may have resulted from the removal of stones to allow pits to be dug, r afte e tim e som r fo t intermen f o e plac a s a n functio o t d continue t monumen e th t tha g indicatin the construction of the cairn. e th y b t par n i t leas t a d influence n bee e hav o t m see g sitin d an e appearanc s cairn' e Th , monument e th f o t par n norther e th n i s stone n cair e th f o l Remova . site e th f o y topograph l natura particularly in quadrant C, revealed sub-angular blocks of felsite bedrock protruding through the e integrat o t s builder e th r fo h enoug t prominen e wer s block k bedroc d expose e Thes . beneath s soil . stones g importin f o d instea k bedroc e th g usin s place n i , itself n cair e th f o x matri e th o int m the t sugges d coul n cair e th g coverin l soi e th n i s object e ston d worke s numerou f o e presenc e Th . construction s it g followin y activit r fo s focu a d remaine e sit e th t tha

Satellite cairn s element t importan t mos e th n bee e hav o t r appea g rin r oute e th d an n cair l centra e th h Althoug of the site at this last phase (5), one other intriguing feature was identified. This was a very small e th n o g rin r oute e th e outsid y immediatel g lyin , diameter n i e metr a n (Oil)n tha s cair les ,e satellit m platfor r large h wit n associatio n i d foun n bee e hav s feature h (illue Suc . edg s3) n souther s cairn' cairns; two discovered close to the cairn at Stoneyburn, Crawford, both covered small cremation f o n skeleto e th y onl , cremations o n d foun e featur s thi f o n excavatio , However . 1995) s (Bank s pit a recently deceased rabbit.

S DATE N RADIOCARBO d collecte s sample k bul m fro d wet-sieve l charcoa m fro d obtaine e wer s date n radiocarbo o Tw during the excavations. The charcoal was identified to species by Susan Ramsay of GUARD and submitted to Beta Analytic Inc, Florida, for radiocarbon assay. The results (below) were (Voges allet sample 1993) d . short-live r fo e curv n calibratio a Pretori e th g usin d calibrate

Lab no Material dated yrs BP Cal range (2 sigma) Beta-111006 Alms (alder) charcoal in Phase 2 post-hole 075 3450 ± 50 1890-1630 calBC (birchBetula ) charcoa 7 l in lowe calBBeta-11100 0 r filCl 0821910-162 of Phas 0 6 e ± 2 0 crematio346 t npi


THE CREMATED BONE Julie A Roberts f o e stat e th f o t assessmen n A . examined e wer s context t 1m 7differen fro s deposit 4 2 f o l tota A , elements f o s completenes e th n upo d base e mad s wa t deposi l individua h eac f o n preservatio 075t 763.o )t 1(contex g 2 0. m fro t weigh n i d range s deposit e Th . erosion e surfac d an e siz t fragmen g (context 082). The fragment sizes ranged from less than 2 mm to 85.5 mm maximum diameter, 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O 12 Y 0 SOCIET

although the average maximum fragment size was 32.8 mm in diameter. Generally speaking, the e Th . 079 d an 4 01 , 082 , 068 s context f o n exceptio e th h wit , poor s wa s remain e th f o n preservatio f o r numbe m minimu d an s specie e th y identif o t ) (a : were s analysi l skeleta f o s objective d an s aim individuals present in each deposit; (b) to determine the age at death and sex of those individuals; (c) to identify any non-metric traits (skeletal variants) and pathological conditions present; (d) to gain some insight into the mortuary rituals practised by the people who buried their dead at Cloburn.

Results s context t 1f 7o differen l tota a m fro s 1f 8individual o r numbe m minimu A s individual f o r numbe m Minimu t adul e middl e on d containe h whic , 068 t contex f o n exceptio e th h wit s burial e singl e wer l Al . identified e wer of probable female sex, and one foetus/neonate. The sub adult bones which were identified in context 068 were very small and fragmentary and no juvenile dentition was identified. It is possible, if the two were related, that this foetus/neonate was still in utero.

Age at death Only one immature individual was identified, the foetus/neonate from context 068. No deciduous dentition was present, but the few fragments of cranium and long bone present were comparable , 079 , (082 s adult e middl o t g youn s a d identifie e wer s individual r Fou . neonate r o s foetu a f o e thos o t e siz n i 059, 065), one as a middle adult (068) and one as a middle to mature adult (014). Six individuals could only e interfac e th m fro e bon , (056 s adult e probabl s a e thre d an , 28) , 060 , 067 , 073 , 052 , (049 t adul s a d describe e b of the red chip layer and the old ground surface, and bone retrieved in 1994 by the local archaeology society (Archer 1995)). Preservation of the bone from contexts 075 and 023 was so poor that no age could be assigned.

Sex Two probable males (082, 079), one probable female (068), two possible males (059, 052), and one o t e du d determine e b t no d coul s individual g remainin e th f o x se e Th . identified e wer ) (067 e femal e possibl . metrics l post-crania s ambiguou r o , elements c diagnosti f o k lac a d an n preservatio r poo

TABLE 1 s specie l fauna f o n identificatio s plu ; data x se d MNIf an o e y ag , Summar Context MNI Age Sex e Bon l Anima e Foetus/neonat t adul e Middl 2 8 06 ?Female Sheep/goat 082 t Younadul e g — middl ?Male Sheep/goat, also a larger animal present 079 Young — middle adult ?Male 023 Unknown Unknown (poss. faunal) 014 Middle — mature adult Unknown 049 Adult Unknown ?[28] 1 Adult Unknown 056 ?Adult Unknown Sheep/goat 075 Unknown Unknown 052 Adult ?Male 059 Young — middle adult ?Male 073 Adult Unknown 067 Adult ?Female 065 Young — middle adult Unknown 060 Adult Unknown 000/C ?Adult Unknown 1994 ?Adult Unknown

Young adult 18-25 yrs; middle adult 26-45 yrs; (mature) adult 45 yrs + 1 12 | L HIL E CAIRNGRYFF , QUARRY N CLOBUR T A N CAIR G RIN : POLLARD & G LELON

Mortuary practice The predominant colour of almost all the fragments was white, indicating that they had been heated to temperatures in excess of 700°C. The most notable exceptions to this were fragments from three vertebrae in context 014, a fragment of an articular facet and a costal facet from vertebrae in context 082, a distal phalanx and animal occipital condyle from that same deposit and a fragment of greater trochanter from context 049. The incomplete cremation of the vertebrae may be related to the position of the body on the pyre. If the individual had been lain supine on the ground with the pyre built over him or her, oxygen circulation to the spine would have been reduced and combustion of this region would have o t t though s wa s Thi . trochanter r greate e th o t d applie e hav d woul e principl e sam s Thi . effective s les n bee have been the case at Kirkton in Fife, where the posterior aspects of the calcaneii and the occipital bones were also dark grey (Roberts 1996a). Unfortunately, these elements were not sufficiently well preserved in any of the deposits from Cloburn, and so there is really insufficient evidence to support this theory. The distal phalanx, which was light grey in colour, may have been lying toward the edge of the pyre, r orde n I . calcined y completel e wer t deposi e th n i s phalange r othe e th h althoug , part t hottes e th m fro y awa e whol e th t throughou g tendin d require e hav d woul e pyr e th d cremate y properl s wa y bod e th t tha e ensur o t n bee e hav d woul n oxyge f o n circulatio e adequat d an e temperatur t correc e th f o e maintenanc s a , process a s implie e assemblag n Clobur e th n i s fragment e th f o y majorit e th f o n crematio e Complet . necessary consistently efficient system of cremation, which may have developed from a long tradition of use. The transverse curved cracking and warpage of the larger fragments indicates that the bodies were fleshed at the . timcremation f eo Surface erosion of some of the fragments was evident (056, 067 & 079). This would suggest that the bones had been left above the ground for some time, exposed to the wind and the rain. This may represent a period of time after the bones were cremated but before they were buried (ie a deliberate delay in burial) or be a consequence of disturbance by later burials or burrowing animals. The inclusion of black ashy material in context 082 implies that these bones were lifted straight from the pyre and buried immediately in the pit. Several of the fragments, however, not only displayed evidence of surface erosion, but also the effects of some kind of fungal growth, characterised by lytic lesions occurring on the outer cortex of the bone, surrounded by greenish-brown discolouration. It is possible that these remains were exposed prior to the deposition of 079 (the upper fill of the pit), and it may have been during this period that certain skeletal elements were removed or lost. Alternatively, they may have been deliberately picked out before the bones were placed in the ground. Two of the contexts which contained bone were post-holes (023 & 075). Unfortunately, these remains y ma y the , animal r o n huma e wer y the r Whethe . species f o n certai e b o t e possibl t no s wa t i d degrade o s e wer have been deliberate burials which formed part of the mortuary ritual. The vertebrae and phalanges are amongst the most frequently found elements in human cremation deposits, together with fragments from the shafts of long bones (Hoick 1986). In the Bronze Age cremations from Kirkton in Fife and Benderloch in Argyll all skeletal elements were well represented (Roberts 1996a; 1997), as they were at Ratho, Midlothian (McSweeney 1995). At Cloburn, however, the situation was different. While it might be expected that long bone would be the most frequently occurring element, there did appear to be a disproportionate amount of these in comparison to the other types of skeletal element. Fragments of vertebra, pelvis and rib were particularly under represented. The four largest deposits (068, 082, 014 & 079) and the smaller deposits (052 & soil sample 028), all f o n exceptio e th h (wit s element r othe e th h althoug , cranium o t e bon g lon f o o rati e sam e th y roughl d ha r unde o als e wer s fragment l crania , 049 d an 6 05 , 073 s context n I . represented r unde y consistentl e wer ) teeth . whole a s a s deposit e th f o n preservatio r poo e th o t t par n i e du e b y ma s thi h althoug , represented Determining whether or not the lack of certain elements is due to differential preservation or selective burial . damage o t e susceptibl e mor e therefor d an s urn n i d containe t no e wer s remain e Th . problematic s i s practice Also, differential preservation may be related to bone type, as cortical and long bone are more resilient than trabecular bone (Roberts 1995). It does seem unusual, though, that in the larger deposits (eg 082), where f o s fragment l smal e thre y onl e wer e ther , fragments l crania e th f o n preservatio d goo y particularl s wa e ther vertebra. Given these results, the possibility that only selected skeletal elements were being buried should be considered. 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 2 12

With the exception of the cremated animal bone (below), no additional material or were e mandibl , fibula f o t fragmen a n o t eviden e wer s speckle n blue/gree e pal , However . burials e th n i d identifie and long bone from context 068 and on a fragment of long bone from context 056. This type of discoloration has been observed at other sites where it has been attributed to staining from copper-alloy body adornments . 1997) s Robert ; 1994 y McKinle (Kuhn ; 1983 l crematio g durin n wor e diseas t join e degenerativ : identified s wa n conditio l pathologica e on y Onl s trait c non-metri d an y Patholog s wa r disorde e th , elbow e th n I . 014 t contex n i , vertebrae g survivin o tw y onl f o e on d an w elbo e th f o characterised by marked grooving of the trochlea, which could signify quite advanced osteoarthritis. Unfortunately, the other elements which together comprise the elbow joint were not preserved for assessment. The affected vertebra was probably cervical, although it was difficult to be certain, as only part of the superior and posterior aspects of the body were preserved. There was evidence of porosity on the superior surface, and osteophytes around the superior joint margin of the body. Degenerative joint disease is one of the most commonly identified conditions in archaeological populations (Ortner & Putschar 1981) and the lack of it in this assemblage was almost certainly related to the lack of joint surfaces present, in t bu , complex s i e diseas t join e degenerativ y primar f o y aetiolog e Th . spine e th o t g belongin e thos r particula e on f o n obliteratio l partia d an e closur e Th . stress d repeate d an e ag e ar s cause t prominen t mos e th t amongs of the cranial sutures belonging to the individual from 014 might indicate that in this instance the condition was age related, although other factors may have been involved. A double occipital condylar facet from context 068 was the only non-metric trait identified. This was undoubtedly due to differential preservation.

Animal bone Animal bone was identified in three contexts (068, 082 & 056). In 068 fragments of long bone, scapula and cranium, belonging to a sheep/goat-sized animal were identified. These fragments were completely cremated, having been burnt at the same temperature as the associated human bone. In deposit 082, sheep/goat tibia was identified. It, too, was completely calcined and showed extensive transverse curved cracking, indicating that it had been burnt while still fleshed. Also in this deposit was an occipital condyle which may have belonged to the same animal, or something larger (as it was incomplete it was not possible to tell). This fragment from the base of the skull was unlikely to have been burnt for food; it seems probable, therefore, that the animal from which it came was deliberately cremated as part of the mortuary ritual. The occipital r othe f o y majorit e th n tha d cremate l wel s les y slightl d an r colou n i y gre t ligh s wa e condyl fragments. This may have been due to its anatomical position, or the position of the skull on the pyre. The animal bone from context 014 was a fragment of the axis of a sheep/goat. Again, this . bone n huma e th s a e temperatur e sam e th t a d cremate s wa

Conclusions The individuals from Cloburn were cremated while their bodies were still fleshed, at temperatures in excess of 700°C. They were then buried individually, the exception being the double burial of an adult female and foetus/neonate (possibly in utero). It was possible to assign a probable or possible s'ex to only one-third of the individuals from Cloburn, and no sex-specific mortality patterns were identified. The majority of adults whose age could be determined were classified as 'young-middle adults'. The predominance in many of the deposits of long bone and cranium, and the under- s implie , vertebrae d an s rib , pelvis e th y notabl t mos , elements l skeleta n certai f o n representatio . burial e selectiv f o e practic e th LELONG & POLLARD: RING CAIRN AT CLOBURN QUARRY, CAIRNGRYFFE HILL | 123

The lack of pathological conditions was surprising despite the fact that preservation, of joint surfaces in particular, was poor. If the absence of pathology was real and not merely apparent, this does not necessarily mean that this was an exceptionally healthy population. Skeletal manifestations of any disease generally represent long-term illness, where an individual has been able to survive for some length of time. Where no bony changes are visible, it may be because that person was not strong enough to survive the initial stages of a disease and progress e th f o t bu e rif n bee e hav y ma e diseas , alternatively ; involved s become e bon e th e wher e stag e th o t type that does not affect the skeleton or kills quickly. The correct interpretation must remain unknown. Cremated animal bone was included with three of the burials. The colour and texture of the bone suggest that they were burnt in the same manner as the with whom they were buried, perhaps even on the same pyre. Cremated animal bone mixed with human remains has - Anglo e th g includin , Britain n i s period t differen f o s site r othe f o r numbe a t a d identifie n bee Saxon cemetery at Spong Hill (McKinley 1989), the Roman cemetery at Cross Farm, Harpenden (Roberts 1996b), the Bronze Age barrow cemetery at Linga Fold, Orkney (J Downes, pers comm), and the Neolithic settlement/ritual site at Beckton Farm, Lockerbie (McKinley 1997).

THE POTTERY (1LLUS 8) Olivia Lelong Sixteen of the contexts observed during excavation of the cairn in 1986-87 and in subsequent investigations by LADAS contained sherds of pottery. These are estimated to represent 77 vessels, although the number may be higher. This discussion groups the sherds by phase and context, describing them in terms of the manufacture, use and stylistic parallels of the vessels they represent and the condition of the sherds themselves. Their condition, in particular, sheds some further light on the monument's formation processes.

Phase 1 Several of the stratigraphically earliest contexts produced sherds of a similar nature and condition.

065 This layer, a surface formed on the exposed B horizon and later sealed by the red chip deposit, contained 74 sherds, the remains of an estimated 31 vessels. They fall into four fabrics and came from both coarse and relatively fine pots. They all display a similar degree of abrasion, however, indicating they had similar taphonomic histories. Most of the sherds (56, from an estimated 21 vessels) were of a distinctive fabric (A): fine, hard and micaceous, with sparse, subangular stone grits. The vessels were smoothly finished, 10 of them burnished and 16 coated internally, externally or on both sides with a dark slip. They were thin-walled (most between 5-7 mm) and their profiles generally oxidized. They were almost certainly fired in the open, in pits or bonfires (Gibson & Woods 1997, 49), but with the skill to control and prolong firing conditions enough to produce this evenly oxidized fabric. d flare y slightl a d ha 1 l Vesse . rims g survivin m fro s case l severa n i t apparen s wa s vessel e th f o m for e Th and thickened rim with a faint internal bead and external bevel; it was probably an open bowl, as was Vessel 3, which had a comparable rim lacking the internal bead. Both rims had had diameters of 340 mm. Two other rims (Vessels 23 & 27) were simple and straight, not thickened at all, and a third (Vessel 28) was rolled a little outward; all three were very thin-walled, but the sherds were too small to establish diameters. Sherds 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 4 12 d an l smal e wer c fabri s thi n i s sherd e th . Al f o l carinations t fain d showe ) 25 & 4 (2 s vessel r othe o tw m fro fairly abraded. , thickness l wal n i s similaritie e th , sherds e thes g amon m for r fo e evidenc t direc d limite e th f o e spit n I e th t suppor s sherd y bod e th d an s shoulder d an s rim e th n betwee n conditio d an c fabri , treatment e surfac r earlie e th e b o t y likel t mos s seem s Thi . tradition c cerami e sam e th o t g belon l al y the t tha n contentio n o s site c Neolithi y earl e th g includin , 1993) e (Cowi d Scotlan n easter d an l centra n i d foun y potter c Neolithi Biggar Common, across the River Clyde from Cloburn (Sheridan 1989; Johnston 1997). Plain carinated bowls and related forms characterize that tradition most strongly, and generally date from the first half of the fourth millennium BC (Cowie 1993, 15-19). The thin-walled, fine sherds from this context might be . 1965) n Simpso & s (Cole e Pitnacre d an ) 1986 s (Close-Brook g Crai d Clatchar t a d foun e thos o t e comparabl Also found in this layer were seven sherds from four vessels of a hard, coarse, micaceous fabric (B), tempered in three cases (Vessels 15, 16 & 20) with grog. One vessel had been crudely burnished, and all seem e wer s vessel o tw m fro s sherd o Tw . firing f o d en e th t a n oxyge o t d expose d an n dow e upsid d fire n bee e hav o t d burnishe s e (Vessewa ) thes f 20 lo e on d an , (D) c fabri s micaceou y slightl , sandy , soft , fine y relativel a f o and slipped. h wit ) (E c fabri t sof , sandy , coarse y ver a f o l al , sherds e nin y b d represente e wer s vessel r fou r Anothe stone inclusions and (in Vessel 40) grog. Both of these sandy fabrics were almost entirely oxidized, again suggesting good control of firing conditions and length. One of the coarse sherds (Vessel 19) was from a , rim e th ; slip n brow t ligh a h wit e insid d coate d an e outsid e th n o y slightl d thickene , rim e simpl , straight extremely weathered, originally had a diameter of 120 mm. Given its provenance, condition and association y (1993e heav s Cowi call ) s clas e th o t d belonge e hav y ma d sher m ri e th , pottery c Neolithi r earlie r fine h wit d an , Dunblane , Quarry h Barbus m fro n know d an , BC m millenniu h fourt d mi e th m fro e dat h whic s bowl from early features west of the Balfarg in Fife (Barclay & Russell-White 1993). Allowing for differences in wall thickness and coarseness of fabric, all of the sherds found embedded in the layer were consistently small and well abraded. Very few sherds survived per vessel from the estimated 31 pots represented, an average of about two from each. This, coupled with their general and consistent , time e som r fo g lyin n bee d ha y the e wher , a m fro n i t brough e wer s sherd e th n mea t migh , condition e ar s sherd e th t tha e possibl o als s i t i e Whil . ground e th n o y formall e mor d deposite r o d scattere d an occupation debris in their primary context of deposition, scattered and trampled in situ, the excavation results (above) make it more likely they were redeposited on the site.

Phase 2 e sam e th f o ) crumbs , accurately e mor , (or s 1d 0sherd produce p scoo l centra w shallo s thi f o l fil e Th 1 08 fabric and possibly the same vessel. The fabric (E) is soft, powdery and coarse, with angular inclusions of o t s profile r thei f o l al y nearl r fo h enoug g lon r fo t bu , low-fired n bee e hav o t m see y The . stone y gre k dar n o y activit d survive g havin s perhap , residual e ar y the s suggest n conditio d weathere y extremel r Thei . oxidize . it d line h whic y cla e th n i d incorporate e becom d an p scoo e th g precedin e sit e th o tw , bone t burn f o s fragment l severa d hel , 1989) r (Arche 9 198 n i S LADA y b d investigate , pit s Thi 8 08 n i d foun e wer h whic f o s sherd , (B) c fabri e discret a f o e wer e Thes . sherds l wal o tw d an s flake t flin y tin several other contexts: coarse and micaceous, with characteristic cracks around protruding stone inclusions, and with a reduced interior and core and an evenly oxidized surface, indicating the pots were fired upside down and allowed contact with oxygen at the last minute. Their surfaces were wiped before firing, and the thickness of the sherds suggests they belonged to a large vessel. Both sherds are quite abraded, as are the . bone f o s fragment c fabri s micaceou , coarse , hard a n i ) 4 l (Vesse d sher l wal e on e cam e post-hol h charcoal-ric s thi m Fro 3 02 (B), reduced except for its buff surface. Its interior had been roughly wiped while damp and coated with a y fairl s i d sher e Th . surface r oute s it o t g clin o als e residu e possibl r o p sli k dar a f o s trace d an , slip y gre k dar 5 12 | L HIL E CAIRNGRYFF , QUARRY N CLOBUR T A N CAIR G RIN : POLLARD & G LELON

8 V4 2 05 023 V4

026 5V

3 V4 4 05 057 2V

Key Zones of polish ill!!!

052 V49

50mm s polisher s a d reuse s sherd t ILLUPo S8 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 6 12

, object l smal a t agains d rubbe n bee e hav s edge s it f o o tw : broke l vesse s it r afte d reuse s wa t I . abraded s area e thes f o ) (1h 0mm widt d an n positio d angle e Th . section e th f o t par d an k brea p shar e th n dow g wearin d striate r rathe s thi g producin , e bon a s perhap , narrow g somethin t agains d rubbe s wa d sher e th t sugges polish.

025 From the foundation trench which accommodated the low inner wall, one sherd was recovered (Vessel 6). Its fabric (C) is unique in the Cloburn assemblage. A rim sherd, it is composed of a soft, soapy, dark- grey fabric with a clearly laminated fracture. The clay has been tempered with fragments of grog from another pot of the same fabric: small lumps of laminated grog, their layers running across those of the sherd, y externall n a h wit l bow n ope , coarse a n bee e hav o t s seem m for l origina s vessel' e Th . section e th n i e visibl e ar bevelled rim, the bevel joining the vessel's wall gently rather than abruptly. It was coated inside with a brown slip, perhaps to make it less permeable. The vessel is likely to have been a heavy bowl, perhaps similar to those described by Cowie (1993) from the earlier Neolithic, although too little remains of it to say for certain. h polis o t e breakag r afte d use s wa d (023)e sher s thi , post-hol h charcoal-ric e th m fro d sher e th e Lik e th f o e edg e on n o d polishe d an n wor n bee s ha , square m m 5 y roughl , area e discret , small A . something interior, perhaps by rubbing it against a narrow, squared-off piece of bone or wood. The softly rounded e surfac s it f o s ridge d an s peak e th : surface r anothe t agains d rubbe n bee f itsel s ha r exterio e th f o e surfac e hav o t h polis t tha g provin , edge d sher e th o ont t jus s extend h whic h polis h hig a n o n take e hav s irregularitie been acquired after the vessel broke. The surface against which it was rubbed must have been relatively soft and smooth, as the fabric is not robust and has not been worn away or striated by the friction; it might have been used to burnish a leather-hard pot or smooth an animal skin.

Phase 4 From this phase, the red chip deposit (014) with its lenses of ash and cremated bone and its e Th . sherds t po d produce l al ) (052 e surfac f tur d trample g surroundin e th d an ) (068 t pi n crematio . centre s it r nea s context o t t monumen e th f o e edg r oute e th m fro s move n discussio g followin

052 The ring of dark trample surrounding the red chip layer produced four sherds, the remains of four d tempere e on , micaceous d an e coars , hard : fabrics r simila y ver f o e wer s sherd l wal o Tw . vessels t differen with grog and both oxidized only externally. Both sherds, moreover, were reused after their vessels broke. t a s facet o tw g formin h polis e th , edge n broke e on g alon h smoot n wor n bee s ha ) 7 l (Vesse e on r large e Th different angles and the striations showing the sherd was rubbed across its profile (see illus 8). One facet is h squaris h wit s mark w narro , long o tw s ha o als e surfac r interio s sherd' e th d an , mm 0 1 r othe e th , wide m m 5 d bir r o g twi t cu a f o d en e th g alon d sher e th g rubbin y b d cause n bee e hav t migh s mark e Thes . terminals bone in order to smooth it. The other sherd (from Vessel 8) is very small and abraded. Rubbing has worn one edge down to a e th h wit , finger e middl d an b thum e th n betwee y perfectl t fi t i e mak e siz l smal d an e shap s sherd' e Th . wedge s wa e fac d polishe e th w sho e surfac e th n o s striation , this e lik d Hel . edge n unwor n a n o g restin r forefinge used to rub a vertical surface, perhaps a leather-hard pot. The middle finger's pressure has worn away the . sherd e th f o e sid e on n i w hollo d polishe , faint a d forme d an p sli f buf n bee o als e hav h bot d an , sherds m ri h bot e ar r laye s thi o int d trample d foun s sherd o tw r othe e Th reused as polishers. One (from Vessel 49) is steeply bevelled internally with a narrow external bevel, in a f orange-buf n a o t t ou d an e insid d oxidize s i t i ; grog h wit d tempere , (F) c fabri y gritt d an e coars y remarkabl , bevel l externa e th o ont d impresse n bee e hav s Chevron . profile l interna s it t throughou d reduce s i t bu , colour h wit , vessel e th p u r anothe d an s acros g runnin e on , d incise l diagona f o s row s bear r exterio e th d an a third row of tiny diagonal grooves also running a short distance up the wall. This vessel had walls 16 mm thick and its rim had an estimated diameter of 300 mm. Its size, decoration and bevels place it within the categories of Food Vessel Urns (Cowie 1978). LELONG & POLLARD: RING CAIRN AT CLOBURN QUARRY, CAIRNGRYFFE HILL 127 s i t i ; grog h wit d tempere , fabric s micaceou , sandy r rathe , coarse a (Vesses d ha ) sher 48 l m ri r othe e Th reduced throughout its core but oxidized on both surfaces. It also has a steep internal bevel and a narrow . chevron d applie n a s i , rim e th w belo t jus , Outside . latter e th o int d impresse s chevron h wit , one l externa This pot, then, can be classed as an Encrusted Urn (Morrison 1968). d sher e th n O . edges n broke r thei r ove d exten h whic h polis f o s patche l smal e hav s sherd e thes f o h Bot from Vessel 49, rubbing has worn away the slip and smoothed the surface and sherd break along one end of d woul t i f o t par s thi n o h polis d an , grip o t y eas t i e mak g bevellin p dee d an e siz e larg s sherd' e Th . interior e th have resulted from holding it in the most comfortable position possible, its long axis aligned with the fingers. On the other sherd (Vessel 48) there is a small, worn patch on the lower edge of the interior and another just , finger e middl d an b thum e th n betwee s lengthway d brace y probabl s wa d sher e Th . side e on n o m ri e th w belo . action g rubbin e th g guidin d an m ri e th g alon g restin r forefinge e th h wit It is striking that this trampled surface contained only four sherds, and that all had been reused to rub and polish small objects or larger surfaces. It seems likely they were being used in this way on the site, around the red chip-filled centre, for activities such as smoothing small bones (perhaps for ornament?) and burnishing pots before their final hardening.

014 The 31 sherds found mixed with the red felsite chips came from an estimated 25 vessels. Most of them e wer h whic s context n i d foun e thos m fro n decoratio d an c fabri , y differenform n i tmarkedl e wer n a , site e th n o s sherd g depositin f o e practic e th n i k brea l chronologica a g suggestin , earlier y stratigraphicall s pot e th f o e purpos e th n i e chang a s perhap r o , it d visite o wh e thos y b d use s ceramic e th n i e chang t abrup (or sherds) they brought there. One wall sherd of a fine, hard, slightly micaceous fabric (A) was present. It had come from a thin- walled vessel, its profile thoroughly oxidized and its interior slipped dark-grey. The sherd — solitary, small s thicknes l wal d an t treatmen e surfac , fabric s it f o y residuals similarit e appear Th . — d abrade y extremel d an , phase r earlie n a m fro d survive e hav t migh t i s suggest s context r earlie y stratigraphicall m fro s sherd o t . found e wer s sherd c Neolithi y earl h whic n i e surfac e th o t g datin s perhap Among the rest of the sherds from this context, several others were in a similar condition. There were t throughou d reduce , (B) c fabri s micaceou , coarse , hard y fairl a n i , vessels r fou g representin , sherds l wal r fou d ha ) 43 l grog-temperea ( Vesse e m thes f fro o d e dOn sher . abraded y highl e wer l Al . exteriors r thei r fo t excep e shap r triangula s sherd' e Th . edge n broke e on g alon h polis g producin , surface r anothe t agains d rubbe n bee and particular curvature make it fit well between the thumb and first two fingers, with the polished edge pointing outwards; it appears to have been rubbed along (rather than across) its profile. The way the polish , edge s it n tha r broade e surfac a t agains d rubbe y probabl s wa t i s indicate e edg n broke e entir e th s cover . sherd 6 l Vesse e th f o t par d an d sher 4 l Vesse e th e wer s a , object w narro , small a n tha r rathe The remaining 23 sherds found in the red chip deposit came from 17 vessels. These were distinctly different from the other sherds found in this context, and fell into two related fabrics groups. Two sherds e profil s it , fracture y hackl a h wit ) (F c fabri h roug , hard , coarse y extraordinaril n a f o e wer s vessel o tw m fro bristling with large stone grits and (in the case of Vessel 64) lumps of grog. The outsides of both vessels had been oxidized to orange-brown, but otherwise their profiles were reduced. One of the sherds (Vessel 57) was , pot d bucket-shape a o t d belonge y clearl t i t bu , diameter s it e determin o t l smal o to , base f o t fragmen a possibly a Food Vessel or Food Vessel Urn (Cowie 1978). The other (Vessel 64) was a wall sherd 21 mm . vessel e coars , heavy y ver a m fro , thick . decoration d an c fabri , forms r thei n i p grou a s a n cohesio e remarkabl d exhibite s sherd 1 2 r othe e Th They came from 15 vessels, no more than three sherds per vessel. They were all made of a very coarse fabric t throughou d oxidize y generall t bu , (above) F c fabri o t s inclusion s it f o y densit d an e siz e th n i r simila , (G) h enoug g lon e quit d laste t no d ha g firin e th g indicatin e cor k blac n thi a y onl h wit s sometime , profile g firin e th l al e wer s vessel e Th . 53) , 1997 s Wood & n (Gibso t combus o t y cla e th n i l materia s carbonaceou e th f o l al r fo s context r othe d an s thi m fro s vessel F c fabri coarser e th n tha ) thinner-walle 10-1y thick m 3m d(consistentl . below) d (discusse 128 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998 y possibl e som , grooves l diagona r o l vertica , deep f o s row h wit d decorate n bee d ha s vessel e th f o t Eigh incised with fingernails. In four cases (Vessels 42, 61, 63 & 67) an upper and lower row of diagonal grooves met or overlapped slightly, creating hatched or herringbone patterns. Vessel 42 survived as a shoulder sherd from a large, subtly carinated pot decorated with a zone of herringbone along the shoulder; finger impressions are perceptible on its rough interior surface. d represente s wa 8 5 l Vesse . pots o tw f o m for e th o t s clue r furthe e gav c fabri s thi n i s sherd m ri l Severa by two rim sherds, forming 20 per cent of the original rim, an estimated 200 mm in diameter. The pot had been a tripartite vessel, with two carinations beneath a straight, internally bevelled rim; a row of short diagonal grooves occupied the bevel, and rows of long, curving grooves had been carved on the cavetto zones between the carinations. This pot's size, decoration and several carinations leading up to a vertical rim indicate it was probably a Food Vessel Vase (Cowie 1978). One other vessel (75), represented by three small sherds, had a straight, simple rim with a slight internal bevel. It had been decorated with rows of stabbed impressions.

063 One very small, abraded wall sherd of a fine, hard, slightly micaceous fabric (A) came from this context, the lower part of the red chip deposit. Its vessel had been thin-walled and its exterior slipped dark- s Thi . 1970) e (Clark ) impressed d (all-over-cor r Beake C AO n a n bee e hav o t s appear l vesse l origina e Th . grey sherd's solitary and weathered state suggests it had lain exposed for some time before being incorporated in e th g fillin l materia r othe d an s chip d re e th h wit d redeposite d an n i t brough n bee e hav y ma t I . layer e th scoop. The collapse of the established chronological schemes of Beaker typology mean we can no longer assign date brackets to particular forms with any confidence, but Kinnes et al (1991) has placed the Beaker tradition within the broader bracket of 2600-1800 BC.

059 From this lens of ash and cremated bone in the red chip deposit came sherds from two vessels. Vessel y heav r thei f o e spit n I . (G) c fabri d oxidize , coarse , hard a n i s wald sherd lvero tw yabrade s a d survive 5 5 weathering, one sherd retained just a hint of a carination. Vessel 56, remaining as five wall sherds, had an extremely coarse, partly oxidized fabric, fairly thick walls (13 mm) and incised rows of hatching. Although l materia e th s indicate s sherd e thes f o e stat e Th . abraded y reasonabl e wer s edge r thei , large e wer s sherd e th s surface e th h althoug , pyre a n i d expose s (perhap e tim e som r fo d expose g lyin n bee d ha s len s thi p u g makin n decoratio , fabric r Thei . chips d re e th , of t par s a r o , in d dumpe e wer y the e befor ) sooting f o s sign o n d showe p chi d re e th t throughou d scattere s sherd n i d represente s type l Vesse d Foo e th h wit t consisten m see m for d an layer.

064 Another discrete lens in the red chip layer, this context held one wall sherd in a coarse, hard, mostly oxidized fabric richly studded with stone grits (G). The sherd, small and weathered, had probably lain exposed or been otherwise abused before, separated from the other sherds from its vessel, it was dumped in this context.

068 This feature, a hollow in the red chip layer, contained a cremation and a complete pot which had been e mad y finel t illus a no s i ; ) (76 l post-depositionah vesse e Th throug y probabl processes. l situ, in d crushe bipartite Food Vessel Vase (Cowie 1978), of a fairly coarse, hard fabric, oxidized except for a central dark core. It has a carination punctuated by solid lugs beneath a cavetto zone which leads up to a gently flaring rim, 140 mm in diameter. The rim has a steep internal bevel, decorated with an incised herringbone pattern. It also has a small external bevel, and three incised lines run around the rim. The vessel's entire body is t i s a , ring-built r o - coil y probabl s wa t po e Th . herringbone d incise , executed y neatl f o s row h wit d decorate appears to have fractured horizontally along the breaks between the rings, one just below the carination, and another about 40 mm below that. The base was not recovered during the excavation (the fabric, though hard, is quite crumbly), but what remains of the body shows it must have been very small, under 40 mm in t a d foun s wa l vesse r simila y ver A . 1978) e (Cowi e vas e Yorkshir e th s i y affinit t closes s vessel' e Th . diameter LELONG & POLLARD: RING CAIRN AT CLOBURN QUARRY, CAIRNGRYFFE HILL 129

& e (Ritchi g settin e ston d sand-fille , pear-shaped a f o s stone e th f o e on h beneat , KnappersDunbartonshire , Adamsonl981). This pot was deliberately set in its hollow in the red chip layer, along with the cremated remains of a female adult and a foetus/neonate (Roberts, above). It may have held these remains as they were carried to t po e th o t n attentio l specia f o e sens a e evok h finis l carefu d an s proportion , delicacy s vessel' e Th . site e th g treatin n o d bestowe e car e th h wit d associate r o m fro d extende s perhap y sensibilit a , formed s wa t i n whe the remains of a woman and baby (or foetus). The pot and other members of its class earned the name of 'Food Vessel' because they did not seem suitable for drinking, with their thick, bevelled rims. What they do seem entirely suited for is holding, cupped between both hands and carried before oneself.

056 This pit, cut through the red chip layer and containing cremated bone from at least one human and a f o e wer s sherd e th f o l Al . vessel e sam e th m fro l al y possibl , pottery f o s sherd w fe a d hel o als , animal e on e Surfac . slip n brow t ligh a h wit y externall d slippe d an t throughou d oxidize , fabric y sand , fine y relativel erosion on the bone fragments indicated they may have lain above ground for some time before burial in the pit (Roberts, above); the sherds' high degree of abrasion suggests they may have had a similar history. That only one or a few sherds from each vessel ended up in the red chip layer and the lenses and hollows it contained, and that all were somewhat abraded, suggests that they had lain in the open for a period of time after breaking — long enough for the sherds from each vessel to scatter and weather. These sherds, consistently of the Food Vessel family, might have been used in funerary rituals such as cremations (although none actually in pyres) and then broken. Redepositing them along with dumps of ash and , fire y b d transforme w someho e wer s remain e th t tha f belie e th d represente e hav t migh e bon d cremate exposure and breakage. (The final section of the report explores this possibility further.)

Phase 4/5? y fairl e on e cam , chips d re e th d aroun , layer d trample k dar e th e abov t se s boulder f o g rin e th m Fro 8 00 abraded sherd of an extremely coarse, gritty, grog-tempered fabric (F). It was fired upside down, reduced e surfac s it , shoulder a m fro s i d sher e Th . red-orange o t y externall d oxidize t bu e cor s it t throughou d an e insid e Th . lines l diagona d incise f o w ro t fain a s i r latte e th n o ; it w belo x conve d an n carinatio e th e abov e concav vessel was probably very large; the wall is 16 mm thick. The sherd's form, fabric and decoration all indicate . Urn l Vesse d Foo a y probabl s wa t i

016 From the soil beyond the ring of boulders came several sherds representing an estimated two vessels. e wer l Al . remained d sher e on y onl r othe e th f o e whil , sherds d weathere e quit d an l smal e fiv s a d survive e On s vessel h bot f o s sherd n o s slashe vessele d (on d )incise grog-temperean d y an , gritt (F) , c dfabri coarse y ver f o . Vessels d Foo m fro e com e hav t migh y the d indicate

Discussion The range of forms, fabrics and condition of the sherds illuminates the formation processes as s context t earlies y stratigraphicall e th m fro e Thos . contexts s variou r thei f o g phasin e th s a l wel were generally small and well abraded, in hard, micaceous, mostly fine fabrics. The few clues to form suggest their vessels were open and sometimes carinated bowls, with a possible heavy bowl or two, belonging to the traditions of early Neolithic pottery. This, coupled with their evident residuality, supports the view of a long sequence of activity on the site of which these are the . residues c cerami t earlies f o s sherd g bringin e wer e peopl , laid e wer s lense y man s it d an r laye p chi d re e th e tim e th y B s a y probabl , bone d cremate d an h as h wit m the g incorporatin d an s pot r simila d an s Vessel d Foo 130 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998 h eac m fro t brough e wer t mos t a s sherd w fe a y Onl . cremation g involvin s ritual f o s remain e th broken vessel, and their somewhat abraded condition shows they had been left lying for some time. d ha h whic s sherd l severa f o e presenc e th s i e assemblag n Clobur e th n i g strikin y Particularl e Thes . surfaces r large r o s object l smal h smoot r o h polis o t , broke s vessel r thei r afte , used n bee l soi d trample f o g rin e th m fro y especiall t bu , phase y ever f o s context m fro e cam s sherd contemporary with the red chip layer. It seems likely, given their remarkable concentration, that these sherds were reused at the monument and dropped or discarded there. They may have been used to prepare objects for use in funerary rituals, such as pots, bones or skins. The preparation of such things could itself have been an important ritual, and the use of pieces of old pots in the process may well have been significant: the old, fragmentary pots might have had specific , them e mad o wh e peopl e th m fro d derive r o e us l origina r thei g durin d accumulate , meanings . objects d prepare y newl e th d an s ritual e th o int d fe h whic

ILLUST (NO )N BUTTO D AN S BEAD T JE lan A G Shepherd Twenty jet disc beads and one jet button were recovered from the red chip layer (Phase 4) during h suc s a e us n i n bee d ha n butto e Th . made y carefull e wer e Thes . excavation f o n seaso 7 198 e th prior to burial but the majority of the disc beads may have been made specifically for deposition. n consultatio r fo e availabl s i d an e archiv e sit e th h wit d place n bee s ha e catalogu e descriptiv l ful A (RCAHMS)d Scotlan f o d . Recor s Monument l Nationa e th t a

Technology All the beads, except for no 13, are in the same type of high quality, lustrous jet and all, except for f o s perforation e Th . metal f o y probabl , bit l cylindrica one e th y b d drille e wer , 14 d an 3 1 s no nos 13 and 14 have probably been redrilled; no 13 is in a slightly different jet. The beads have been o t e therefor r appea y The . wear h muc t exhibi t no o d d an d standar h hig y consistentl a o t e mad have been drilled and finished not long before deposition, with one or two exceptions. The manufacturing process probably involved the shaping of suitable jet lumps into rods, which were then drilled. The individual beads would then have been cut out and finely shaped. A consistent feature of the group is evidence of damage, in the form of small flake scars to e th e indicat d coul t i t bu , interpret o t t difficul s i s Thi . sides e th f o s area r oute e th r o s edge e th m see t no s doe e damag e Th . beads) g strun y tightl f o t apar g forcin e (i e necklac e th f o g dismantlin e Th . off n wor r o d polishe n bee t no s ha t i e becaus s proces g manufacturin e th m fro t resul o t polishing evident on the sides of some beads (eg no 17) may suggest that they were either the end beads in a string or that they were single beads which had not been strung. At any rate, the very small amount of necklace wear round the perforations may reinforce the possibility that these beads were made for deposition. The mean diameter of the beads is 9.71 mm (range = 8-10.75 mm), and their mean thickness is 1.64 mm (range = 1-2.75 mm). Plotting the dimensions of the disc beads shows two e rang e th n i e ar % 55 r o n Eleve . 13) & 4 s (no s odditie t sligh o tw s plu s grouping l principa 10-10.75 mm in diameter while seven (35%) are either 9 mm (six) or 9.25 mm (one) in diameter. e larg f o e : 11ar discerned e b n agai n ca s group o tw e th , width t agains d plotte e ar s diameter n Whe n betwee e ar n seve s wherea , mm) 5 (1-2. s thicknesse f o e rang a h wit d an ) mm 5 (10-10.7 r diamete LELONG & POLLARD: RING CAIRN AT CLOBURN QUARRY, CAIRNGRYFFE HILL | 131

1-1.5 mm thick, with a tight concentration (four) at 1.5mm (all 9mm in diameter). The extraordinarily consistent diameter of the perforations in both groups has already been e th f o r wea e th n i e differenc r majo y an e b o t r appea t no s doe e ther , Similarly . upon d commente two groups, so the variation discerned in the dimensions does not seem to indicate any . manufacture f o s date r thei n betwee n separatio l chronologica The button, which is a Shepherd Type 4 (1973, 8-9), has been competently made; its V- perforation was probably made with a flint point (for a discussion of craftsmanship in jet, see Shepherd 1985). It is considerably more worn than the beads and has been tightly attached to a . clear y unusuall s i g thon e doubl a y b t attachmen f o e evidenc e Th . time e som r fo t garmen

Comparanda and discussion The dimensions of the disc beads compare with disc beads from short burials at Dalgety, Fife, and Almondbank, Perthshire, as follows. Almondbank Cist VII had 37 disc beads with a mean . mm) 3 1.25- = e (rang m m 2 2.0 f o s thicknes n mea a d an ) mm 7 5- = e (rang m m 6 6.3 f o r diamete Cist IX at Almondbank had 218 disc beads with a mean diameter of 7.06 mm (range = 4.75-7.75 k Almondban e th n o r wea =1-e e th f 3(rang o 1.5f mm)t m o 5s m Mos . thicknes n mea a d an ) mm 2 3 I VI t Cis ; worn 0 6 : unworn 1 4 : indeterminate 6 11 X I t (Cis e indeterminat s wa s bead c dis indeterminate, 2 unworn and 3 worn) (Shepherd 1997). At Dalgety (Shepherd 1982,104) the disc a d = ) e 5mm (rang m m 3 9.6 f o r diamete n mea a d ha s bead 0 21 f o e necklac a n i s bead . mm) 5 1-3. e (rang m m 7 2.4 f o s thicknes n mea

TABLE 2 Comparative dimensions of jet disc beads from Cloburn, Almondbank, Dalgety and Achnacreebeag Mean diam Mean thickness (mm) (mm) Cloburn 9.71 1.54 Almondbank VII 6.36 2.02 5 1.5 6 7.0 Dalgety 4 9.63 2.47

Achnacreebeag diam thickness perforation x ma 3 93 min 52 2 t throughou d foun e wer , Argyll , cairn d chambere g Achnacreebea m fro s bead c dis 7 1 e Th 1970,49e . p6) i& 4 g (Ritchi fi , r chambe e th f o n portio d disturbe e th n i d an g blockin e th Such comparisons show the Cloburn beads to be very accomplished pieces of work, being larger but thinner than those from other sites The Cloburn button belongs to the oval type (Kingston Deverill: Hoare 1812, 456, pi 111) which is found most often in . However, the only other Scottish example, from Oxgangs m fro e on e th s i s a , jet n i o als s i , 351-2) , (1933-4) 8 6 AntiqSoc Scot, (Proc h Edinburg , Road m fro , known o als s i e exampl e bon A . , pxix) i 172 , 1812 e (Hoar e Wiltshir , Walls n Durringto r fo s parallel e th t tha t significan s perhap s i t I . 274-9) , 1877 l (Greenwel e LXXIn ,Yorkshir Folkto s axi e Scottish/Yorkshir h wit s (Button . Scotland o t n tha r rathe x Wesse o t k loo e typ n butto s thi w belo , series l conica l smal e th n i e thos s wherea , diameter n i m m 5 2 r ove , larger y generall e ar 25 mm in diameter, cf Cloburn, are of the Yorkshire/Wessex axis). Although in terms of Beaker typology, this button type was present during steps 4 and 5 d (Shepher 6 p ste y undoubtedl s wa e us t greates s it f o d perio e th , Waalr de n s1972) Va & g (Lantin 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 2 13

1973, 34), ie in a late Beaker/Wessex milieu. The small, slightly domed button in various materials is basic to the whole of Europe (Shepherd 1985, 215). d recorde n bee e hav s bead c dis d an n butto t je a f o s association t direc r othe e thre y Onl , Derbyshire , Hill p To y Ha n o w barro d roun a n i l buria y vn)n secondar A . appe , 1973 d (Shepher may have been accompanied by a small conical button, three disc beads and six fusiform beads, d accompanie s wa , t Sohaa Cambridgeshire , n mFen inhumatio n a ; 74) , 1861 n (Batema t je f o l al by two spacer plates, 11 fusiform and 20 disc beads as well as an unusual biconvex button, all of jet (Thurnam 1871, 515); a short cist on Culduthel Farm, , contained a female inhumation and a necklace of 520 jet disc beads with a fastener in the form of a triangular jet . 1929) w (Lo n butto The context of the Cloburn find, being some kind of formal disposal if not actual burial, is unusual, although one of the other Lanarkshire jet buttons, the large conical example from Limefield, not far from Cloburn, was also found in an atypical context, a step 6 Beaker cremation burial (MacLaren 1984, 99). The only other button from the county was found 'in a moss' on Crawford Moor (Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 2 (1857, 306-7).

STONE ARTEFACT ASSEMBLAGE Tony Pollard Struck stone (illus 9) A total of 222 pieces of struck stone was recovered; the majority were of chert, although 15 pieces (1986/7)n A . excavatio n mai e th g durin d recovere o als e wer e pitchston f o s piece o tw d an t flin f o number of stone tools were also found during the later excavation of the site by the local archaeological society, including a and a leaf shaped (the latter was not available for examination by the writer). A full catalogue of these artefacts has been prepared as part of the site archive which is available for consultation at the National Monuments Record of Scotland (RCAHMS). By far the largest proportion of the assemblage was recovered from the f o e plac a s a d serve n cair e th t tha s suggest s thi ; (13n 4pieces) cair e th f o x matri e th d an l topsoi social congregation perhaps long after its construction.

TABLE 3 Contexts containing struck stone objects Context no Description Phase No pieces 001 topsoil - 134 007 platform cairn 5 5 008 ring cairn 4/5? 2 3 ? ? 5 01 3 4 5 n cair m 051 platfor f o e bas t a r humilaye l csoi 014 red chip layer 4 20 4 4 r laye p chi d re n o n crematio 6 05 4 ? ? 8 05 063 =014, red chip layer 4 7

Two were recovered, one from the topsoil above the cairn and one from the top t flin n o s point d blunte y obliquel e ar h Bot . LADAS e th y b d excavate n cair e th w belo t pi a f o blades, with the example from beneath the cairn coming closest to an isosceles triangle (not illus). n bee e hav y ma h whic e damag c microscopi y displa h bot e piec r latte s thi f o s edge g lon e Th n bee e hav s piece h Bot . thereafter e us s it r o , n a n i y haftings it g probabl , durin d incurre 3 13 | L HIL E CAIRNGRYFF , QUARRY N CLOBUR T A N CAIR G RIN : POLLARD & G LELON





ILLUS 9 Struck stone 134 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998 s ha r write e th h Althoug . percussion f o s bulb e th g removin , end l proxima e th s acros d snappe commented on the need to consider the maintenance of microlith into later periods, given the levels of ground disturbance and material movement/deposition related to the g anythin t represen y the t tha t doub o t n reaso e littl s seem e ther t monumen e th f o n constructio s it g durin t monumen e th n withi d integrate y inadvertentl , artefacts c Mesolithi e lat n tha r othe construction. Both of the microliths are of flint and this is true of the majority of the regular blades within f o t coas t south-wes e th m fro y probabl , area e th o t d importe s e assemblagewa th t flin e Th . s exposure m fro p u d picke e b n ca t i e wher , locally d foun s i , hand r othe e th n o , chert e Th . Scotland . nodules r o s pebble d water-rolle d an d weathere s a h wit , activity c Neolithi r o c Mesolithi t represen y ma s r regula f o r numbe l smal A s ha ) (illue b , 9 sthes f o e On . production h microlit o t d relate s perhap , snaps g displayin l severa g micro-notchin g displayin r othe e th h wit , edge one g alon y irregularl d retouche y denticulatel n bee d snappe l severa n o e visibl o als s i e damag e edg e possibl r o h Retouc . use y b d cause y probabl n tha r rathe e us h throug g snappin t sugges d woul h whic r facto a ) j & h , g , d , 9 s (illu s blade microlith production. One flint blade is heavily retouched along both edges with its proximal tip snapped away (illus 9, a). This is a fabricator, thought to be used for retouching or other e Ag e Bronz d an c Neolithi e lat f o e featur n commo a e ar s Fabricator . purposes g manufacturin f o r characte r irregula e th y displa n agai e thes d an d recovere e wer s r fou y Onl . assemblages . m) & k , 9 s illu g (e s flake e th f o y man e ar h whic f o y s (122)majorit e th flake , t cher y b d dominate s i e assemblag e th f o t res e Th very irregular, a factor largely due to the generally poor quality of the material. The by-products of blade production are present, with several platform (illus 9, f) and multifaceted cores present e large-scal t tha t sugges t no s doe e debitag f o s quantitie t grea f o k lac e th , However . 1) , 9 s (illu manufacturing was taking place in the immediate vicinity of the cairn. The largest flake (illus 10, n) was recovered from the red chip layer (014) and is of good- quality chert. It has been heavily modified, with steep invasive retouch on three edges creating an irregular trapeze. This retouch appears to have blunted the piece, perhaps in order to ease its fit in s represent y probabl d an , damaged d an d notche s i e edg d right-han e th f o f hal r lowe e Th . hand e th e th n o h retouc e Th . a s a d use n bee e hav o t s appear h whic , piece e th f o e edg g workin e th upper part of this edge is less steep than elsewhere and may represent an attempt to sharpen rather than blunt.

Coarse stone tools (not illus) f o y majorit e Th . excavation n Clobur e th m fro d recovere e wer s tool e ston e coars 3 3 f o l tota A l stil n ca y the e wher y locall d collecte n bee e hav d woul h whic , pebbles z quart d rounde were e thes e thos f o t Mos . drains d fiel d an s stream f o s bank e th n i d expose l til e th m fro g erodin n see e b r fo e evidenc o n r o e littl h wit , stones r hamme s a e us r fo e evidenc d displaye e sit e th m fro d recovere modification other than the scars resulting from percussion. Exceptions were a broken sandstone , stone) k (struc s lithic e th f o y majorit e th e Lik . stone r hamme e sandston a d an e blad k mattoc w fe y relativel h wit , cairn e th d covere h whic l topsoi e th m fro d recovere e wer s piece e th f o t mos . contexts r earlie m fro Twenty-six of the hammer stones are fragmented to some degree, with breakage probably resulting from their use. Only one of the few complete examples displays percussive peck marks s suggest s example d fragmente n o e zon k pec e on n tha e mor f o e occurrenc e th t bu , ends h bot n o that various parts of the stones were used to apply impact. Some pieces display irregular peck LELONG & POLLARD: RING CAIRN AT CLOBURN QUARRY, CAIRNGRYFFE HILL | 135


0 ___m _5m s artefact e Ston ILLU 0 S1 t mos e th f o e on , However . working t flin n i d use s stone r hamme g amon d standar y fairl , zones interesting features of this small assemblage is the appearance of depressed circular peck zones on f o e techniqu e th e imagin o t d har s i t I . island n a s a t lef a are l centra e th h wit , stones l severa working which would leave such regular scars, but a circularity of motion is certainly implied. e th m fro t distinc , polish d accentuate f o s area y displa s stone r hamme z quart e th f o e Fiv , uncertain s i g polishin s thi f o e caus e Th . on e tak n ca z quart h whic e appearanc d polishe y naturall r o y potter r fo s perhap , burnishers s a e purpos e doubl a d serve s stone e thes t tha y likel s seem t i t bu leather. A similar function has been suggested for a number of the pot sherds (Lelong, above). m fro e mad s i (illun s , p)sThi .10 unknow t contex , recovered o als s wa l whor e spindl e singl A e surfac e th d an d rounde n bee e hav s edge e Th . off-centre y slightl d drille n bee s ha d an e sandston . polishing g indicatin s mark n striatio s display

10) (illus stone Polished A polished stone axe (illus 10, o) was recovered during the first season of excavation in the vicinity of the central scoop (Phase 1, 020/081). It is made of mudstone and measures 30 mm by 20 mm. Its small size and the soft raw material used may suggest that it served a ritual or symbolic function rather than as a woodworking tool. However, despite the apparently friable nature of 136 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

the raw material, the sharp edge does display scars which indicate its damage through use. Other e sid r eithe n o s zone h polis l diagona t Offse . end t but e th d an s side e th n o , visible o als e ar s fracture n i r ove d turne n the d an e sid e on n o t firs d polishe s wa e piec e th w ho w sho y clearl d en t but e th f o the hand and polished in the same direction. The sharp end displays a similar but less obvious bias. The flat surfaces of the piece had only been partly polished, as opposed to the sides, the . seen e b l stil n ca s striation e surfac l origina e th d an , end t but e th d an e edg p shar t importan n a d forme h whic s post r timbe e th e shap o t s perhap , site e th n o l too s thi f o e Us element of the monument, may have imbued it with a special meaning, that use perhaps polluting . context r othe y an n i e unusabl t i g makin d an t i

DISCUSSION t lates e th y onl s wa n cair g rin e Ag e Bronz e th t tha d reveale y Quarr n Clobur t a n excavatio e Th microlitho tw e Th . s rituals y funerar r fo s focu e th n bee g lon d ha h whic t monumen a f o n incarnatio recovered are limited evidence for the use of the hilltop as far back as the period, when . groups r hunter-gathere l loca r fo d groun g huntin h ric d provide y probabl t environmen d uplan e th However, the earliest evidence in any quantity comes from the early Neolithic period, in the form y b d expose y freshl n horizo B a n bee e hav o t s appear t wha s acros d scattere y potter d abrade e th f o e th d an , condition d abrade y highl s pottery' e th e Whil . topsoil d an f tur e th y awa g strippin presence of only one or two sherds per vessel, may be due to its having been trampled under foot s perhap , elsewhere m fro d redeposite e wer s sherd e thes t tha w sho o als t migh t i , deposition r afte after having been collected from an earlier midden or habitation site. The presence of early Neolithic material beneath a Bronze Age cairn is certainly not unique to Cloburn; for example, in d an s feature n sub-cair m fro d recovere s wa y potter c t Stoneyburna n Neolithi cair y e th earl , e th m fro d lingere t importan s wa e sit e th t tha n notio a , there t tha d suggeste n bee s ha t I . surfaces d moun h eart n a g raisin y b d maintaine s perhap s wa d an , Age e Bronz e th l unti c Neolithi y earl over Neolithic material before the construction of the stone cairn in the Early Bronze Age (Banks 1995). Similarly, at Cloburn a complex monument occupied the site before the cairn was built. However, the evidence here points to a Bronze Age rather than Neolithic origin for the embryonic pre-cairn monument, with radiocarbon dates indicating that the pre-cairn features date to the Early or Middle Bronze Age. While Cloburn appears unique among excavated ring cairns in Scotland, some comparisons o Tint f o t south-wes e th o t m k 2 c , Limefield t a n cair g rin r smalle e th d an t i n betwee n draw e b n ca e th g removin , ring e ston e th y b d define a are e entir e th d fille n cair m platfor r interio e th , Here . Hill d Limefiel e th r fo d postulate e sequenc e th , However . Cloburn t a s 'haloe obviou th f o s o ' t effec cairn (MacLaren 1984) is similar, with an early cremation in a central, shallow pit surrounded by . cairn m platfor w lo e th h beneat d seale y finall l al , f o n insertio e th y b d followe , ring e ston a Cloburn could also be compared to the platform cairn at Lyles Hill, in . Beneath , charcoal t abundan d containe h whic t deposi h ric y organicall , thick a s wa n cair t tha f o s stone e th y apparentl , sherds t po d an s flint k struc , bone t burn f o s fragment , stone f o s splinter t burn , ash resulting from cremation pyres on the site (Evans 1953, 11). At Cloburn, one could argue that Neolithic pottery sherds were imported to the monument s appear t wha s acros s sherd e th g Scatterin . elsewhere n depositio l origina r thei r afte g 1e )lon (Phas n foundatio d charge y symbolicall a d create e hav y ma e surfac d groun d create y newl a n bee e hav o t h wit t i g sprinklin y b — g meanin c specifi e mor a n give r o — r familia e mad s wa w ne e th : deposit the old. The origin of this material will never be known, but it is likely that the remains of older LELON: RING CAIRQUARRYGN &POLLARD N AT,CLOBUR CAIRNGRYFF7 13 | L EHIL

settlements were still visible in the surrounding landscape, and indeed some of them may have , Burn e Blackshous t a e enclosur c Neolithi e lat e massiv e Th . Age e Bronz e th o int d occupie n bee visible from parts of Cairngryffe Hill, if not from the cairn itself, would have provided a constant k ban s it o int d inserte s wa n crematio d urne e Ag e Bronz a ; endeavour n huma t pas f o r reminde long after that monument was built (Lelong & Pollard, this vol). k too y activit y funerar s a o t r refe d woul e w t wha r fo n Clobur t a e evidenc s obviou t firs e Th t cu n bee d ha h whic p scoo l centra w shallo a o int g du t pi a n i d place , cremation a f o m for e th through the pot-strewn subsoil (Phase 2). The scoop within its ring of posts and the cremation pit y the e circl e approximat e th d aroun e tim r ove w gre h whic t monumen c embryoni n a d forme described. Outside the central area, that space was repeatedly defined and enclosed, first by a low s post-hole e th r nea g du e wer s Pit . stones f o g rin w lo a y finall d an s post f o g rin r anothe n the , wall d groun d ol e th n o y potter c Neolithi y earl f o s Sherd . bone n huma d cremate n contai o t e cam d an surface found their way into some of these features. Despite the limited evidence for some of the architectural elements proposed above, the overall impression of pre-cairn activity is of an imposing monument created by combining various architectural elements. Entering the inner parts of the monument could have involved walking g passin , barrier a n tha d threshol a s a e effectiv e mor s wa h whic , stones f o g rin r oute e th s acros e th h throug g passin e befor l wal r inne w lo e th r ove g steppin d an s post f o g rin r oute e th h throug d an t elemen r circula h eac d breache t monumen e th g penetratin e someon s A . posts f o g rin r inne advanced toward the centre, his or her movements and actions would have become increasingly difficult for an outside observer to distinguish. Thus, their movements at different depths within the monument could have carried an increasing sense of mystery the deeper they took place. n take e hav y ma e chang s Thi . significantly d change e appearanc s monument' e th , Later place over a prolonged period of time, with the posts slowly decaying rather than being removed, or possibly burnt (from the charcoal in some of the fills). During this process of transformation e wer , pit n crematio e on t leas t a d an , rings r timbe r oute e putativ d an e ston r oute e th , 3) e (Phas w lo e putativ e th f o s side e th t agains n throw o als s wa h eart d an , bank n earthe n a h beneat d burie a d an , time s thi t a d backfille n bee e hav o als y ma p scoo l centra e Th . it g obscurin , wall e ston r inne . fill s thi o int g du t pi n crematio g fillin , monument e th f o e surfac e th r ove d accumulate l soi y ash , dark f o d sprea n thi a , Next e th n o s pyre n crematio f o e residu e th n bee e hav y ma t i t bu , uncertain s i n origi s It . it n i s hollow site or perhaps charcoal-rich debris from nearby pyres. This horizon was later sealed beneath a deposit of red felsite chips, dumped in the shallow basin created by the outer bank (Phase 4). e hav t migh s chip d re e th h wit d mixe e bon d cremate d an h as , charcoal f o s lense y man e Th e W . by e clos y ver r o t i n o t li e wer s pyre t tha e possibl s i t i t bu , elsewhere s pyre m fro t brough n bee d cremate e littl y ver d containe h whic f o w fe a , deposits e thes f o l al r whethe n certai e b t canno bone, represent 'burials' in the same sense as dense deposits of bone placed in pits cut into the n the d an e sit e th ) on d fire n eve r (o o t t brough s cremation f o s residue e th e b y ma e Som . ground swept away. A similar act may have been responsible for the deposition of small quantities of d Groove f o s sherd d an e bon d cremate , 1997) y (MacKinle s sweeping e pyr s a d interprete , charcoal Ware pottery in a pit at Beckton Farm, (Pollard 1997). Lynch (1979, 10) has also cemetery, g Breni e th n i , 44 g Breni , cairn g rin e th h beneat s pit n i l charcoa e th t tha d suggeste . bones d cremate e th m fro y separatel d burie s sweeping e pyr d represente e hav y ma , Denbighshire The relatively large number of pot sherds in the red chip layer may have been similarly deposited after their participation in a cremation or other funerary ritual. Anthropological studies have r thereafte e ar , offerings d foo n contai o t s perhap , rituals y funerar n i d use s vessel t tha n show regarded as polluted by some peoples and so must be disposed of in certain ways (Downes 1999). 138 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998 h wit g alon d cremate e wer s animal t tha w sho ) above , (Roberts s analysi l skeleta e th f o s result e Th humans, and their remains also brought here. The lenses and pockets of ash, charcoal, cremated bone, pot sherds, jet beads and worked p dum s homogeneou one t impor y simpl t no d di e peopl t tha w sho x matri p chi d re e th n withi e ston of the red chips, but instead seem to have brought different loads of material at different times, so n cair g rin e th t a s exist s thi r fo l paralle A . fashion l piecemea n i d accumulate t deposi e th t tha s wa p dee 0. c 1m h eart d importe f o r laye a e wher , n i 1 e Circl g Moes a n Goedo l know p chi d re e th h throug g du e wer s pit e nin f o l tota A . 1979) h (Lync t monumen e th n i d deposite t deposi s thi t tha s show n agai s level t differen t a h throug t cu e wer y the t tha t fac e th t bu , layer h throug t cu e wer s pit f o r numbe a , Similarly . event e singl a n i n tha r rathe e tim r ove d accumulate f o e sit e th t a g rin stone a f o e fac r inne e th t agains p u t buil k ban g slopin a n i s level s variou t a Brenig 44, Denbighshire, mentioned above (ibid). Cairngryffs comprise eh whic e felsit e th m fro d quarrie e b o t d ha e hav d woul s chip d re e Th Hill; breaking the ground and excavating it, the builders used the stone they removed from the earth to cover the traces of earlier activities on the site. In doing so they effectively reversed the t tha h wit e surfac s earth' e th n o e plac k too h whic t tha f o s trace e th g sealin , stratigraphy l natura fetched up from below. This might in itself have expressed a profound shift in world views from . construction s monument' n pre-cair e th d motivate h whic e thos As time passed, the layer of dark, greasy soil accumulated around the monument, creeping d gathere e hav y ma e Peopl . activity d concentrate m fro g resultin , bank e th f o e edg r oute e th r ove around the monument's edges in remembrance, mourning or celebration. From the presence in this layer of several pounders, possibly used to prepare food, and pot sherds which had been , feasts l ritua f o n preparatio e th : activities e productiv e possibl e envisag n ca e w , polishers s a d reuse r o s ornament , pots , skins f o t treatmen e th d an , dead e th r fo r o s participant e liv e th r fo r eithe tools for new rituals. Whatever the details, these artefacts were almost certainly linked to rituals . dead e th d an g livin e th r fo t ou d carrie k dar e th n i l charcoa h wit g alon , monument e th e outsid e bon d cremate f o e presenc e Th s thi , Alternatively . it d aroun t li y actuall e wer s pyre n crematio t tha s l 'halo'soi y suggest , greas s perhap , site e th s acros d scattere n bee g havin e bon d cremate m fro d resulte e hav t migh l materia e mor e Th . today e elsewher d an a se t a d scattere e ar s ashe n huma t tha y wa e sam e th n i y the e befor e tim e som r fo d lefn expose t bee e hav y ma r laye p chi d re e th n i s deposit d concentrate were buried beneath more chips, so that fragments of bone were blown onto the monument's outer edge. The abraded condition of much of the cremated bone strongly suggests its exposure e exposur s thi t tha e possibl e cours f o s i t i d an ) above , (Roberts e tim e som r fo s element e th o t occurred on the site. s deposit e discret , earlier e th o t t differen y ver s i n depositio f o n patter e diffus t somewha s Thi of cremated bone in pits. In the earlier phase, one or a few individuals were cremated, and their s pit l smal e Th . monument e th o int g du , pit e discret a n i t pu d an p u t swep y immediatel s remain were closed, intimate receptacles for the bone and pyre charcoal, and their position within a space e th d emphasize r furthe stone d an r timbe f o s ring y b d worl e outsid e th m fro d separate y clearl s 3-5)y b , (Phase d perio r late e Th . living e th f o n domai e th m fro s remain e thes f o l remova contrast, saw cremated bone placed in shallow, ill-defined scoops within a red chip deposit which was continually augmented. s change e th d an , intertwined e wer n constructio f o s proces d an e us s monument' e th , Clearly , intimacy m fro t shif a e illuminat s deposit n crematio e th f o e natur e th d an e architectur s it h bot n i f o r numbe e th h Althoug . practice l communa e mor a o t e presenc l individua d an y privac e th o t e du d under-represente n bee e hav y ma t monumen e th f o s phase r earlie e th n i s cremation LELONG & POLLARD: RING CAIRN AT CLOBURN QUARRY, CAIRNGRYFFE HILL | 139 y likel s seem t i e balanc n o d an , deposit p chi d re e th f o e tru o als s i e sam e th , excavation d limite that this later phase saw an upsurge in the number of burials taking place. This increase implies e mor y man o t n ope e becam t bu , few a o t d limite r longe o n s wa t monumen e th n withi l buria t tha members of the community. There is still, however, some evidence for an emphasis on the individual continuing well e th : it m fro d recovere s wa e sit e th n o l buria e impressiv t mos e Th . (4) e phas p chi d re e th o int r o s foetu a d an n woma a f o s remain e th g accompanyin e Vas l Vesse d Foo e mad y delicatel , entire neonate. This double burial, evoking death in childbirth, suggests special treatment of the dead, perhaps for emotional reasons rather than the functionalist, status-related motives more often . goods e grav m fro d conjure s phase r late s it n i t monumen e th o int e peopl e mor f o s remain d cremate e th f o n inclusio e Th need not have meant the privileges of burial, as we understand them today; surely the disposal of the dead during the monument's use was highly complex. During its early phases, the incorporation of a few scraps of cremated bone might have been incidental rather than deliberate a n bee e hav t no t migh n incorporatio t Tha . ritual d complicate e mor d an r large a f o t par , burial privilege at all, but might have had other implications for those whose remains were selected for it. The range of potential interpretations must be broader than our usual repertoire allows. d an y continuit f o e sens a e reinforc o t p hel d di n evolutio d an e us g lon s monument' e th f I g datin e cultur l materia f o s element f o n manipulatio e th d involve e hav o als t migh t i , tradition back to some earlier time. (The use of midden material in funerary rituals has been discussed elsewhere (Pollard 1995).) Thus, initially depositing Neolithic pottery sherds on the freshly exposed ground surface might have in some sense consecrated the site, identifying it with a genealogy stretching far back into the past. Similar motives may explain the incorporation of a Beaker sherd along with Food Vessel sherds in the red chip deposit. The reuse of a number of sherds as polishers (Lelong, above) is further evidence for the retention and reuse of old pieces of material culture. The shift in monumental architecture in the red chip phase (4) away from clearly defined circularity and a compression of its spatial depth may have parallels elsewhere in Scotland. At Middlee th o t k / bac g datin t monumen l ritua e impressiv n a , example r fo , Caithness n i h Dunbeat e ston c concentri f o s serie a f o d consiste e Ag n Iro e th o int e us n i g continuin d an e Ag e Bronz e Lat s ring e ston e th , later ; dug n bee d ha s pit h whic n withi a are l centra a g enclosin s revetment r o s ring were buried beneath a deposit of imported earth which included charcoal, ash and midden h eart h beneat t monumen r circula r earlie n a f o g sealin e Th . 1996) d Pollar & s (Bank l materia which included elements of older material culture may have expressed an attempt to symbolically t a , Similarly . history n ow r thei o t d an n o d live y the d lan e th o t , other h eac o t e peopl d bin e ston d worke d an s bead t je , pottery , remains n huma , remains l anima , materials w ra , Cloburn e th f o m microcos a g representin s perhap denney , dspace carefull e on o int r togethe t brough e wer . lived e peopl e thes h whic n i d worl

CONCLUSIONS t ou d carrie s excavation d limite f o s result e th r togethe g piecin n o s limitation s obviou e th e Despit r ove d change t i s a t monumen e th f o e pictur a t pain o t d attempte e hav e w , ago s t 15year almos s i s thi t bu , evidence e th n o s demand y heav e som e mad e hav d presente s interpretation e Th . time necessary if we are to achieve anything meaningful with the archives from backlog excavations. Other interpretations are, of course, possible and we hope that enough has been presented here to 140 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

allow the construction of alternative ones, particularly ones which address more fully the . activity r earlie o t e relat o t e sit e th f o s element d undate e som r fo l potentia The most striking and incontrovertible conclusion to be drawn from the work at Cloburn is the complex nature of the monument, which was transformed through time as the ways of seeing of those who used it changed. Other excavated ring cairns such as those at Lyles Hill and r thei n i , however , slightly y var l al ; complexity f o s degree r simila d displaye e hav n Stoneybur structure and the nature of funerary rituals in evidence. Clearly these monuments served the particular needs of quite small communities, being altered as those needs changed; we should not, therefore, expect any two monuments to be identical. The future application of micromorpholog- ical analysis on organically rich layers, magnetic susceptibility analysis on charcoal-rich soils and careful sampling and radiocarbon dating of lenses of material on similar sites excavated in future could answer many of the questions raised at Cloburn.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Mary Kemp-Clarke, the director of the Cloburn excavations, for her co-operation during the writing of this report. Ed Archer supervised the additional work by the Lanark & District Archaeological Society and provided information and material for this report. Gordon Barclay managed the project for Historic Scotland and provided comments on the text. Aileen Maule supervised the wet-sieving of the soil samples. The illustrations are by Rob Goller, Jane Russell and Jill Sievewright; revisions were made by Dave Swan. The report was prepared for publication with funding from Historic Scotland.

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This report is published with the aid of a grant from Historic Scotland