The celebration at the Denver Ca- worthy?’’ asked the prelate in that Creation of the state of Nevada as It has been known for years that Ithedral last Sunday of the forty-fifth tense and vety dramatic moment in a diocese with Reno as the see was Reno would eventually be a see. The I anniversary as a priest of the Et. Rev. the litur^'. Then from one in posi­ announced at Vatican City Wednes­ Church of St.' Thomas Aquinas, which J. Henry Tihen, D.D., titular Bishop tion to know came the response— day, the news being telegraphed to has a large enough parish that three' of Bosana and retiring Bishop of “ As far as human frailty alloweth me The National Catlfolie Welfare Conference News Service Supplies 'The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. The Register by the N.C.W.C. News priests are stationed there, was built Denver, was a magnificent ceremony. to know I declare him to be worthy.’ ’ W e Have Also^fiur Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the Service. The Rev. Thomas K. Gor- along Cathedral lines. It has a very His Excellency sang Solemn Pontifi- And from his heart the Bishop said J t Fides Service and the California Catholic Press Service fnan, D.Sc.Hist., editor of The Tidings, large sanctuary and is a good-looking I cal Mass and the Rev. Russell J. Klr- — “ Deo Gratias.” Thanks be to God. official Catholic paper of the Los An­ building. About the only thing neces­ F.chenheuter, C.M., professor of Scrip- The liturgy moved on in solemn maj­ geles and San Diego diocese, was an­ sary to make it a real Cathedral is |ture at St. Thomas' seminary,' gave esty— hands were imposed— ^the in­ VOL. X X ?L No. 37. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1931. $2.00 PER YEAR the installation of the episcopal __ , V nounced as the first Bishop. ■ the sermon. Father Kirschenheuter delible character was impressed and The diocese is created out of sec­ throne. [declared: there stood forth another priest in tions of the Dioceses of Sacramento, In the Sacramento diocese, there “ The Lord hath sworn and He will God’s Church— Father John Henry New Bishop of Reno, Nevada California, and Salt Lake City, Utah, have been six Nevada churches with I not repent: Thou art a priest for­ Tihen. That was forty-five years ago. which formerly divided the state of resident pastors. There ar.e a num­ ever according to the order of Mel- I am deeply conscious of the ^eat Nevada between them, the more pop­ ber of places served as missions. In v-f. LISTEING IN jchisedech.” (Ps. 109:4.) honor that is mine in being permitted ulous portion being under Sacramen­ the Salt Lake City diocese, there have We are gathered today here in to open my lips and to speak of the.se ■ News of the creation of the new to. 'The new diocese will not be been five Nevada churches with resi­ I God’s holy temple— one joyous spir­ forty-five years so rich and so fullj*. L’ Diocese of Reno was not unexpected. large in population, having about dent pastors. Also , there is a itual family— to commemorate an but at the same time I am aware o^> The diocese is enormously large ter­ 8,447 Catholics, but other dioceses group of churches and stations served 1 event reaching back almost half a how inadequate are any words tl)^' ritorially and a great deal of this have been successfully conducted as missions. Ely, Nevada, ha^ a mon­ I century. Yes— forty-five years ago man can form on such an occasion'. territory can never be settled, for when they were no larger. Raleigh, signor— the Very Rev. Henry J. this very morning a young Levite It is difficult to speak when Uie ^ r t jt is a desert. The Catholic popula­ for instance, has 8,342 Catholics and Wientjes. He has been in the Salt I knelt before his Bishop— a candidate is full; love does not like to p'lrade tion is small, but not too small for a Baker City has 8,581. Western Lake diocese. for elevation to the sacred priest- itself in public; love rests ratf,^r on diocese. It is to be hoped that Churchmen are gratified to see Ne­ The Register, in its Superior-Cali- [ hood. “ Our Holy Mother the Church actions than on w'ords. Ourj^lieloved rumors of help promised from a more vada made a diocese, for it has been fornia-Nevada edition, has been go­ I asks’’ that you ordain hiVn. Never­ jubilarian of today has graciously per- populous section of the country will the only state, in the Union without ing into many homes of the new Reno theless, “ Dost thou know him to be (Continued on Page '4) he forthcoming. The diocese is to be a Bishop. (Continued on Page 41 congratulated on the scholarly and able Bishop it has been given. Dr. Thomas K. Gorman, editor of The New Paganism Harder to Face/Than Tidings, Los Angeles. St. Rita’s Court, C.D.A., to Celebrate Sometimes, in the Catholic news­ That of Apostles’ Day, Sa^s Priest paper business, we feel like tearing Tenth Anniversary Sunday, May 10 our hair out. This happened in the current, week in regard to the crea­ District Deputy^ Joseph Collopy of 5 ^ ’ The new paganism, which is gain­ tion o f the new Reno diocese. Oiir St. Rita’s court, Catholic Daugh­ tions by Miss Anne O’Neill and Ar­ Fort Collins„^John Butkovitch of ing a foothold in the world today and Superid'h California-Nevada edition, ters of America, will celebrate the thur Alcorn, accompanied by Miss which the is now be­ Pueblo, D e p ^ Grand Knight Joseph tenth anniversary of its organization Sarah Higgins. A feature of the Craven, Wi^am McGlone, Tom Kas- A 5* which reaches half the Catholic homes ing called upon to combat in order in the new diocese and all those of Sunday, May 10. Members will re­ program will be community singing to save present-day civilization, pre­ sis,a m em ^r of the 1930 Notre Dame the Sacramento diocese, went to press ceive Holy Communion that morn­ of old-time songs, with Mrs. Claire sents a far greater and more complex football t ^ ^ and now assistant coach Tuesday and was on its way to Reno ing at the 8:15 o’clock Mass in Holy Connell Martin as soloist. problem than the paganism which con­ at the jbfniversity of Colorado, and Ghost church. The chaplain, the Rev. Banquet arrangements are in and Sacramento when the news of fronted the followers of Christ in Fred g^hurst, who was graduated charge of Miss Margaret Leary, who the new diocese was released from F. P. Cawley, will officiate. Apostolic times, in the opinion of the from J’^tre Dame in the same class A class of thirty will be initiated will be assisted by Mrs. Thomas G. Washington. The paper was deliv­ Rev. Hugh L. McMenamin* rector of as KM te K. Rockne in 191,4. Grand in the afternoon, the ceremony to Barry, Mr?. A. B. Wickstrom and ered in Reno Thursday. the Cathedral, who spoke at a K. of Knig2t W. T. Roche welcomed the take place at 2 o’clock in the Knights Miss Margaret Carroll. Reservations The Lord gives Catholic editors G. banquet Sunday night given in his caijUidates as members of Denver of Columbus hall. The initiation will may be made by calling any mem-^ honor. The new paganism- de'hies the co.?/ncil and introduced Mr. Fairall as special trials to keep them humble. be followed by a banquet at the Ar­ her of the committee. very existence of God, with its com­ t^kstmaster. The only way problems such as faced gonaut hotel, complimentary to the Court St. Rita was organized in munism in Russia and materialism all his opening remarks, the toast­ us in this case can be overcome is newly-received candidates. Charter May, 1921, through the efforts of over the world, while the pagans of -master caHed attention to an inter­ by havingring a Catholic daily press. But members will be especially honored. Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols. Mrs. M. J. the Apostles’ days at least had their esting fact in regard to Grant street (C(ontinued on Page 4) Miss Josephine Woeber will direct O’Fallon was first g;rand regent and deities, even though their gods wew as a Catholic center. With the an­ the music, which will include selec­ (Continued on Page 4) false. ^ nouncement that day of Bishop Sunday evening’s banquet b r o j^ t Tihen’s turning over, the Schleier to a close a red-letter day in th#1iis- property at 1665 Grant to the Cath­ tory of the local K. of C, the olic Charities, the street is now dis­ Silverton, Old Mming Parish, Is afternoon, fifty candidates 1 ^ the tinguished by having the K. of C. second and third degrees exeilplified home at. the corner of 16th and Grant, The Rt. Rev. Thomas K. Gorman, D.Sc.Hist., D.D.‘ Talksabout the for them in the “ Father Mj^enamin the Catholic Charities building at the speed of air mail! The Register wired to Los Angeles "lYednesday lioon for No Longer Able to Keep Pastor class.” Herbert Fairall acteyas toast­ corner of 17th and Grant, the Catho­ this picture. It arrivqd early Thursday afternoon. lic Daughters of America club house master at the banquet and/called up­ Another of the famous old mining to Belgium to visit relatives. It has on the following for sp^'ches: State at the corner of 18th and Grant, and camps' of Colorado is being closed been^ planned to divide- Keensburg Deputy John J. Sullivan,/^istrict Dep­ the Cathedral high school and con­ as a parish with a resident pastor and Roggen into a new parish in the uty Joseph C. MaguipU of Denver, vent at the comer of I9th and Grant. Catholic Workers Meet to Promote fall, this move now depending on the and will be looked after in the future new Bishop. The town? at present The coming of a new Bishop to the on a missionary basis. It is Silver- are served from Brighton, but they World Educational Exhibit Here Diocese of Denver has set many spec­ ton. The Catholic population of are ready for parochial autonomy Diocesan Council Reports Activities, ulative rumors in motion. Several Colorado has been increasing for and have churches and a parochial Catholic schools of Denver are mak­ a new. committee was chosen to carry important decisions will have to be years on the average oT close to residence. ing organized plans to participate in the Catholic plans into action. On made by him. Inasmuch as he has 2,000 a year, but the old mining Theatine Fathers frpm Durango Votes $500 to Vacation Schools the World Conference of Educational the original committee were the Very had a conspicuously successful career cities are dwindling and it is no will look after Ouray and Silverton Associations to be held here July 2'7 Rev. Dr. William Brennan, C.M., pres­ as an educator, it is taken, for granted longer possible to keep a priest at as missions'. It is tragic to see these , (By Mrsr'Joseph C. Hagus) further organization and suggested to August 1. A committee named by ident of St. Thomas’ seminary; th.e that he will show great interest in Silverton. For some years Ouray, old parishes closed, but the fact is The -Denvet Diocesan Council of that the Western slope and other parts Bishop J. Henry Tihen to co-operate Very Rev. A. A. Breen, S.J., presi- Catholic schools and will- continue the itself formerly a mining parish, has, that any settlement devoted wholly Catholic Wlmen held its quarterly of the diocese as yet unvisited be with the public schools in their pre­ ident of Regis college: the Rev. H. L. development program so well carried been 'cared for as a mission from the to mining is necessarily temporary conference in Pueblo Wednesday, given an opportunity to learn the ad­ liminary plans, for the convention McMenamin, rector of the Cathedral, on under Bishop J. Henry Tihen, who place now closed. The Rev. Patrick and Colorado rarely loses the people. April 29.//The business sessions con­ vantages of joining the council. He made its final report at a meeting in and Sister M. Dolorine, Fh, D., dean was responsible for about a fifty per Burke, who has been pastor at Sil­ They simply move elsewhere and, vened in' the Knights of Columbus pronounced study clubs, still in their St. Mary’s academy last Friday, and (Continued on Page 4) cent increase in parish educatiomdur­ verton, is to spend the summer as when they are Catholics, merge with hall ancTwere presided over by the infancy, and vacation schools still in ing his years at the helm of the dfo- locum tenjens of St. Augustine’s, other parishes. Many a parish on presidfl/A of the council, Mrs. T. A. need of assistance. The speaker cese and who saw the establishment Brighton, while the Rev. E. J. Ver-- the plains has been built up by for­ Cosg^Gf. The Rev. Thomas Wolo- closed w ith' the impressive words, OUR NEW BISHOP of Loretto Heights college (the acade­ schraeghen, who sails June 6 and mer dwellers of the districts just be­ han,^^irituql director of the Pueblo “False principles must be met by my was in existence some years be­ leaves Colorado about June 1, goes neath the perpetual snows. , dea/>ry, invoked a blessing on the Catholic women. Organize in every fore he came and is now known as deyo'erations of the assembly and corner; then, with faith in your coun­ This excellent pic­ Pancratia hall), the expansion of foMOwed with a few earnest words cil, hope for its future and love of ture of the Rt. Rev. Regis through Hie building of Carroll stressing the importance of affili- Christ in your hearts, you will carry Monsignor Urban John •hall, a ll,...... the establishment of.... the Abbey - Officers Elected by Students’ on to the end.” school at Canon City, the building of .niion with the council. Father Wolo- Vehr of Cincinnati, the /^an spoke of the quarterly confer- Mrs. Cpsgriff’s message expressed Pancratia hall, and the great develop­ ■ ence as meaning reviving interest in regret at the resignation of Bishop new Bishop of Denver, ment of St. Thomas’ seminary. 'Va­ Crusade to Boost Mission Work work already begun and a stimulus Tihen, at whose wish the Diocesan shows him in his robes rious parishes, during his years here, for further endeavor. He urged (Continued on Page 4) as a domestic prelate. have expanded in a building way in Barry Wogan of St. Thomas’ sem­ A message of congratulation was the promotion of education. It is presented by cour­ inary, James Bruggemann of Regis sent by the conference to Bishop- The diocese has not had a superin­ elect Urban J. 'Vehr, who has been tesy of The Denver college and Miss Anna McGlone of tendent of schools, but it would not Loretto Heights college were chosen president of Mt. St. Mary’s seminary, Noted Author Expected to Address Post. be surprising if the new Bishop were president, vice president and secre­ Cincinnati, the institution that nur­ to name one. The question of cen­ tary-treasurer, respectively, of the tured the infant Catholic Students’ tral high schools has been revived. It Colorado conference of the Catholic Mission Crusade thirteen years ago Joint Graduation of Nurse Schools is known that some favor central high Students’ Mission Crusade at the and by its prestige made the Crusade schools rather than the parish plan quarterly meeting at Loretto Heights a national power for the mission and author of many books, will be in now followed in Denver, but whether college last Sunday afternoon. Mr. cause. Joint graduation exercises for the in a city so,spread out as this one it three Catholic nursing schools of Den­ Colorado about the time and if he is Wog;an has twice conducted the an­ An interesting feature brought out it is likely that he will give the ad­ ■would be possible to develop a large nual conference contest for the sale in the unit activity reports at -Sun­ ver will be held in ^ e Cathedral on central plant (more likely two, as oo- Wednesday, June 3. The schools are dress. If he cannot be here, it will of Holy Childhood Christmas seals day’s meeting was the fact that the ' i ______(Continued on Page 10) '\ t connected with St. Joseph’s, St. An­ be given by one of the Denver pas­ in the parochial schools of the dio- Pancratia hall unit had been corres­ thony’s and Mercy hospitals. An elab­ tors. The arrangements are in the iepse, each time setting a record in ponding with Father Tierney, the St. orate musical pro^am will be pre­ hands of the Rev. H. L. McMenamin. re't^ipts. This year’s Contest pro­ Columban missionary recently mar­ sented under the direction of the Rt. Father Garesche is spiritual director duced a total sale amounting to tyred in China. Another interesting Rev. Monsignor Josepji Bosetti, Ph.D. of th6 national association of Catholic $ 1,6 ^ 00 . The Rev. Mr. Albert revelation of the reports was the It is understood that the Rev. Ed­ nurses and for years has been promi- % Dundas; who will be ordained a priest fact that student delegates of S t ward F. Garesche, S.J., head of the _ nently connected with Catholic hos- this yeai* .for the Diocese of Mon- Thomas’ seminary, Regis high school Catholic Medical Mission, New York, ipital work. terey-Fresftq, is the retiring presi­ and Sacred Heart high school, in ad­ dent. Miss Uilda Gallagher of Lor­ dition to the Rev. F. Gregory Smith, etto Heights college was vice presi­ diocesan mission director, will repre­ i p i w dent and Marguerite Callaghan of sent Colorado at the National Cru­ Annual Collection for Register m m m Holy Family high school was secre­ sade convention at Niagara Falls, tary-treasurer. June 29 to July 1. Subscription Fund is May 10 NINE COLORADO GIRLS TAKE The annuel voluntary lubscription collection for The Denver Catholic Register and The Register will be taken up in all the churches of Denver and suburbs on Sunday, May 10. This collection, which was arranged for STEPS IN ENTERING CONVENT the first time last year and is being continued annually through the co-oper­ ation of the Right Rev. Bishop and the pastors of the various churches, Three Denver girls will be received Colorado Springs, Sister Anita Marie; makes possible one hundred per cent circulation in Catholic homes in' this as novices by the Franciscan Sisters Miss Emily Kelly, Denver, Sister region. Regis Marie; Miss Catherine Rear­ Contribution in the collection by our readers is entirely voluntary, but at St. Anthony’s hospital, St. Louis, don, Denver, daughter of the late everyone is urged to be generous on this occasion. The majority of people , May 19, and three other Coloradoans were received as novices John Reardon, prominent advertising can affofd to contribute the regular subscription price, $2 per year, while man. Sister M. Theresa Ann. Misses others, following the custom set last year, will undoubtedly be able to take of the Sisters of Loretto at the motherhouse in Loretto, Kentucky, McIntyre and Reardon are both for­ care of their own subscription and help with those of less means as well. Those whose finances will not permit the payment of the full rate may give April 25, Loretto Foundation day, mer students of Loretto Heights col­ while three more took their first vows. lege. In addition to these girls, the according, to their means, while the very poor, who cannot give without The trio whd are to be Franciscans following Coloradoans were partici­ personal sacrifice, are kindly requested not to contribute at all. The Register is making every effort to furnish its readers with all the are Misses Frances Sayer, Anna Con­ pants in the Loretto rites, taking don and Helen Yaggie. All formerly their vows for a year after their local, national and international news each week, and is fulfilling its obliga­ m lived at St. Rosa’s home for working novitiate: Sister M. Frances Cecille tion in this regard more fully than any other Catholic paper in the nation. III Hanrahan, Colorado Springs; Sister A ruling from the post office regarding second-class mailing privileges girls, Tenth and Champa streets. Miriam Jerome Stout, Louisnlls; Sis­ and subscriptions calls for the payment of at least fifty per cent of the Miss Sayer spent some years as an ter Kathleen Marie Foley, Denver. advertised subscription price for each subscription. The subscription rate orphan child with the Sisters of the for The Denver Catholic Register is $2 per year and for The Register $1 Good Shepherd in Denver. She was Sister Kathleen Marie was formerly per year. H alf'of the published’price, therefore, is $1.50. A special finan­ a women’s tailor, having learned the very prominent in Catholic alninfiae cial arrangement has been made by the Diocese of Denver and the Catholic trade under the nuns. Miss Condon work in Denver. Among the (Colo­ radoans present at the ceremonies Publishing society, publisher of The Denver Catholic Register and The was prominent in the telephone com­ were Mrs. Mary A. Melntyrs. Colo­ Register, whereby all subscriptions are made bona fide, according to post pany. Miss Yaggie was a high school girl, who came here from Holyoke rado Springs; Mrs. J. F. Reerdon, office regulations. Denver, and Mother Consuele of I-o- Special letters and collection envelopes will be sent to all subscribers to study. retto Heights college. Fourteen girls in Denver and suburbs next week. Contributions may be mailed directly The three Lorettlncs and the were received as novices; eleven sis­ to The Register office, or they may be placed in the collection baskets in names they have* been given in re­ ters took their first vows. the churches on May 10. ligion are Miss Kathleen McIntyre, Thursday, April 30^^31

NEW BISHOP HAS Another Girl Is FOUR BROTHERS Spelling Champion of Nebraska Bishop-elect Urban J. Vehr of PRICES Denver has four brothers— Elmer and Raymond of Norwood, Joe and SALE Omaha.— ^Misa Margaret Morrow, and in the eighth CTade of St. John’s Jack of Price Hill, all in Cincinnati. Omaha champion speller, won the parochial school. She will be given a The Catholic Telegraph of Cincin­ GOOD state spelling contest April 26 at the trip to Washington, D. C., to com- nati, reminding its readers that the City hall by correctly spelling the ete with spellers from all over the first Bishop o f Denver, the Rt. Rev. W om en*s word “ felicific.” Agnes Bowers, 'nited States for the national cham­ J. P. Machebeuf, was a former Cin­ Greeley, also a Catholic school girl, pionship on May 26. cinnati priest, calls attention to the last year’s champion, became runner- Agnes Bowers was awarded $25 fact that the second Bishop o f Den­ HOLEPROOF up when she spelled the word “ fela- as second prize. She is 14 years old ver, the Rt. Rev. Nicholas C. Matz, cyphic.” and in the eighth grade at Greeley. studied at Mt. St. Mary’s seminary Margaret Morrow is 13 years old St. John’s school of Omaha has there, from the rectorship of which won the state championship twice out Bishop Vehr comes to Denver. Silk Hosiery Friday and of four possible times and the city Saturday, PRIESTS. MEET championship three times in the four PROGRAM SUNDAY years. Sister Mary Carmelita of St. $1.95 \ May NEXT TUESDAY John’s convent has trained all three TO HONOR POLAND 1 and 2 of the winning spellers. Quality....;...... ™ ^ The semi-annual conference of (St. Joseph’s Polish Parish) the pair the Northeastern Colorado clergy­ A celebration commemorating the l.t COMMUNION independence of Poland will open this These are perfect in every way men will be held in the Cathedral . . . not seconds ^4 . . only discon­ chapel next Tuesday morning. Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock with AT LITTLETON Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament tinued numbers of this season’s in St. Joseph’s church. East 46th afve- styles because the factory is now Littleton.— Seven boys and three nue and Pennsylvania street. After girls wiy receive their First Holy Benediction, a program will be given running on fall fashions. Silk Commumon at St. Mary’s church in the National Alliance hall, 4837 from top to toe, in fine service HESPERIAN OR BLUHILL this Sunday at the 8 o’clock Mass Washington street. The Rev. Francis weight, picot tops. HILLSDALE 1 lb. for...... 3 8 ^ SCiOOL BIIITII Oil and will be entertained at breakfast Stephenson, S.J., of Regis college and No. 2 can for----- 2 lbs. for...... 75^ ' Omaha, Nebr.— Public school dis­ in the rectory afterwards. The chil­ the Hon. Benjamin C. Hilliard, jus­ Seven of this Spring’s leading shades 2 cans for...... 29^ trict No. 6, Cedar county, has ap­ dren have been trained by the Sis­ tice of the Colorado Supreme court, p lie d to the supreme court from a ters of St. Joseph from St. Francis will be the principal speakers.. They d^ision of District Judge J. H. de Sales’ convent, Denver, who con­ will tell of the role played by Poland duct catechism classes in the Little­ Bfbqdy of Lancaster county, who held in civilizing Europe. Arrangements ton church every Sunday.between the HOUR that^the district is not entitled to for the celebration are in the hands Masses and at the vacation school of a committee consisting of Francis sharex^n the distribution of state every summer. The Sunday school GRAPEFRUIT PIGGLY WIGGLY OR school fi;|^nds. Banca, Stanislaus Szumowicz, Victor 6 2 1 S ix le & U h classes will be discontinued for the Nowowiejski, Mrs. Martha Cuba and MacMARR The diijirict brought suit for a writ season after the First Holy Com­ DROMEDARY FANCY of mandakms to compel State Super­ Mrs. Frances Makowska. « 4 10 lb. bag for...... 24^ munion is held. In a contest conducted by the Nov 2 tall cans, 2 for..35^ 24 lb. bag for...... 54^ intendent claries W. Taylor to place it on the list'of qualified schools to John Bowen III, one of the little arochial schools of the city for the share in the estate apportionment., members of the First Communion Eest painting and decoration of Judge Broady ftfled the school did class, will not be able to receive with schools, St. Joseph’s school won first not meet the retirem ents of the his companions Sunday because he prize. It will be interesting to know state law. was unfortunate enough to contract that the prize was won for the parish VEIVEETA scarlet fever last week. Another by unemployed men who donated all The case w ent''^^fore Judge Broady on a mandamd^ suit brought class will be Jirganized to receive' at of their time to the painting of the Colorado Lace Cleaning Co. HAPPY VALE KRAFT’S the closing of the vacation school at school. The only expense for the by the district to comppl Taylor to decoration was the paint itself. The Med. cans for...... 8^ V2 lb. carton for...... 18^ pay a share of the school fund for the end of July and he will make his recently organized Junior Harmony Our Past Reputation Speaks for Itself 3 cans for...... 23^ 2 cartons for...... 35^ 1929-1930. He had it remdyed from First Holy Communion at that time. Officers of the Altar society for the club, which consists of boys from the the list of public schools to'oreceive age of 12 to 18, easily met the ex­ state funds, contending that pam ent coming year were chosen at the Return Parcel Post Orders PREPAID monthly meeting at the rectory pense by holding a tango party in the would constitute diversion of pULt® school auditorium. Because of the money to a parochial school. Thursday, April 30. The Altar society SPECIAL BARGAINS is the oldest established society 4n success in holding the party, the club Testimony was that the building is,planning to give another social in was owned by the Catholic Church,, the parish, having functioned con- 4100 Federal Blvd. Phone GAIl'up 1000 •tinuously for more than twenty-six the near future. American Beauty Soap but that it was leased to the^ school The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. board for public school purposes, and y^ars. The retiring president, Mrs. R. Blackman, who was not a can- Louis Warshot is recovering from a Products Crystal White that three members of the teaching serious illness. staff are nuns. They are employed didafe io r re-election, has had a bril­ 4 packages, your 10 bars, for...... 28^ by the school board, however. liant a'i£hlinistration. choice ...... 28^^ Paul P. Goeden, a director o f the The Rev*. Russell I. Wilbur of Notre ■Ii 1 package Airship Balloon....FREE district, testified at the district court Dame de Lourdes’ parish, St. Louis, The Argonaut Hotel Elbo-Roni...... H hearing that no religrious services are a guest spea'lteic at the Catholic Con­ held during school hours, but that ference on Ind^trial Problems, held TREMONT BATHS OPPOSITE THE CAPITOL 5 packages for...... 29^ Mass and religious instruction are in Denver last week, was a guest at Frankie Murphy Permanents and Transients^ scheduled fprty-five minutes before St. Mary’s rectohy^ver the week­ Wedding Breakfasta— Bridge Luncheons— Dinner Parties regular school sessions. end and celebrated * the 8 o’clock TimKISH. MINERAL AND CABINET Sugar Mass last Sunday. \'^.- BATHS— HOT AND COLD TUB AND FRANK J. HABERL, Owner Par Colfax and Grant Phona TAbor 2361 52 WILL RECEIVE STAY ALL NIGHT______Perfect Concentrated Great Western Fine FIRST COMMUNION C. D. OF A. TEN BATH TICKETS n Soap Granulated Open Day and Night MUSIC PROGl ;MS PHONE KE. 8008 1 package for...... 48^^ (St. Patrick’s Parish) 1651 Tramont S t Denver, Colo. The hour of Masses for this Sun­ THE MILES & DRYER PRINTING CO. 1 package...... FREE 10 lb. cloth bag..... 49^ The senior and junior menqjwrs day only will be 7, 8:30, 10:30 i(nd the Catholic Daughters of America, BQCCCODBCCCQOtt Over 20 Years of Satisfactory Service 12 o’clock. A Ma^ will be offered are sponsoring programs for the at 8:30 o’clock to accommodate the 1$ The Oldest Printing Plant in Denver Specializing in Catholic Work First Holy Communion class. _ Fifty- Queen of Heaven memorial school Established 1906 two children, twenty-three girls and and St. Clara’s orphanage. The twenty-nine boys, are receiving final seniors will appear on a program at 1936-38 Lawrence St. Phones: KEystone 6348, 6349 instructions this ' week. May, the the Queen of Heaven memorial month of Our Lady, will be beauti­ school, 4825 Federal Blvd., May 3 at fully ushered in with this inspiring 7 o’clock. The following ladies will MATAS and edifying ceremony. Appropriate take part: Mabel Greule, Mildred A FOX FF«'r-NULY THEATRE ;.x, first' AVFNje hymns will be sung by the children’s Connell, Alice McElhinney, Claire TYPEWRITERS Martin Connell and Louise and Mary THS 'DAsm ns choir. The Communicants will be ac­ All Makes and Prices companied to the altar by little an­ Hegelheimer. Friday, Saturdl^x May 1-2 SOLD—RENTED—REPAIRED The juniors will give a program P O R 'D Luxe \O A D S T £ R gels— Evelyn Fabrizio, Martha Mon- RICHARD a M ^ AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., INC. gone, Rose Marie Yacovetta and Mad­ at St. Clara’s orphanage, 3800, West FAY WRAY in-'Xx eline Longi. 29th Ave., Wednesday evening. May Established 1880 At a recent meeting of the St. 6, at 7 o’clock. Those who will take “Conquering ^ 1643 California St. KEyitone 3047 Denver, Colo. John Berchmans’ Altar Boys’ sodal­ part are Marie Burke, reader; Ger­ ity, Freddie Frank and John Horn maine Haskins, vocalist; Louise and H o r d g ” X received the honor of serving at the Mary Hegelheimer, in songs and (jr. 0, B. Vstnd; First Communion Mass. Election dances. The Junior glee club will Sunday, Monday, May 3-4 YOURS FOR HEALTH pUu jniahl Taryi deiiptrjf. Sport iirt of officers for next term resulted as also appear, with Germaine Haskins BARBARA STANWYCK in Dr. Wright’s Sulphur Baths gxira at hio eofO follows: President, Wm. Hooney; as director. Miss Josephine Woeber Recommended for vice president, Freddie Frank; treas­ is chairman of Music week programs “ILLICIT” urer, Pasqual Frank. Leonard Rheumatism and Chronic Diseases for the C. D. A. Programs are also Tuei., Wed., Thun., May 5-6-7 A rruriKO sport car. Fioiabed in Raven Black, Washington Blue, and Stone Losasso was appointed secretary and being planned for St. Vincent’s home J. R. W RIGHT— Osteopath Brown, with steel'^poke wheels in a harmonizing color. Driver's seat uphoU sergeant-at-arms. and St. Anthony’s neighborhood CONSTANCE BENNETT in Phone MAin 3772. 1823 Welton St., Denver, Colo. stered in genuine leather. Distinctive tan top has natural wood bows. Rutnble St. Patrick’s school has entered a house. seat, cowl lif^ts, trunk rack, tide fender.w^ for spare wheel, and front and team in the North Denver Catholic “ The Easiest Way” rear bumpers are standard equipment. School baseball league. Its represen­ ‘CIMARRON’-JO OPEN AT tatives at the league council meet­ GRANADA SUNDAY Come In and Drive One ings are Wm. Looney and Wm. Even superlatives are insufficient “Enjoy the Show** Where Your Patronage Iij^j)preciated We Call For and Deliver icholl. A meeting of the boys’ club to describe it on the screen, but per­ Your Car Reg;ardle8s of Age or Make Accepted in Trade was held Tuesday evening. Wm. haps some facts concerning "Cimar­ And Eat That Good THE CASCADE HUNDRY Looney and Leonard Losasso re­ ron,” Radio- Pictures’ spectacular “Jolly Time” Pop Corn •‘Denver’* Moit Progressive laundry”— Soft Water Tabor 6379 cently became members of the only romance of Oklahoma, will give some Catholic Boy Scout troop in Denver. After the Show Branch Offices: 1642 Tremont Street,17th Street. 1946 Broadway idea of its vastness. A company of 1123 East Ninth Ave., 425 East 17th Ave.', York, 604 East 13th Ave. The 12 o’clock Mass last Sunday thirty stars, headed by Richard Dix, REFRESH YOURSELF AT was offered for all deceased" mem­ in the role of “ Yancex Cravat,” ap­ MAYAN ORANGE BAR bers of the parish and relatives of pears in “ Cimarron,” at the Granada •it parishioners. theater, starting Sunday. Thirty-five * 4 High Masses for the week were Sales Department 14th and Broadway hundred horses, mules and oxen take Tuesday for Jas. P. Gafney, Wednes part in the various scenes. The time MURRAY AND CHRISTOPHER Service Department 1314-1336 Acoma St. day for the poor souls and Thurs­ covered by-the picture, in seven pe­ Federal Cadillac - La Salle - Packard Specialists day for deceased members of the riods, is from 1889 to 1930.— Adv. DISTINCTIVE REPAIRING ON THE BETTER GRADE CARS BOTH ON CIVIC CENTER Looney family. 17 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE TELEPHONE MAIN 6446 The May meeting of the Altar and NEW THEATER — THEATER Rosary society will be held Wednes-. 3830 Federal Bird. day, May 6, at 2.30 p.m., at the home RANADA GALLUP 4967 PLUMBING AND HEATING of Mrs. James O’Drain, 3408 Zuni G EAGAN & RECORD GAS BURNERS INSTALLED street. Mrs. James Marshall will be OFFFICE PHONE: TABOR 8515. RESIDENCE PHONE: YORK 7497-W assistant hostess. Members will re­ 25TH A FEDERAL GALLUP 7S76 Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon., CHAS. L. RECORD 722 12TH STREET ceive Holy Communion in a body May 1-2-3-4 “ Why Pay More?” this Sunday at the 7 o’clock Mass. Perfect RCA Photophone Friday, Saturday, May 1-2 Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Lucy have re­ BIG DOUBLE FEATURE HELEN TWELVETREES in (Trademark) turned from a week’s visit with their daughter, Mrs. Henry Jacques, at “AIR POLICE” “MILLIE” Rock Springs, Wyoming. AND A B C DIRECTORY Prayers were offered at all the *Rogue of the Rio Grande*^ Tuei., Wed., Thun., May 5-6-7 WM.W.MYER DRUG STORES, Inc. Masses last Sunday for the speedy Sun., Mon., Tuei., May 3-4-5 THRILL OF FINDING EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN HARDWARE. recovery of Mother Aghna, superior YOU MUST SEE IT “ The Royal Family Colorado Owned Stores of the convent and teacher of the SPORTING GOODS, TOYS, ETC., AWAITS YOU HERE. DENVER’S GREAT seventh and eighth ^ades in St. Pat­ of Broadway” A HARDWARE DEPARTMENT STORE. 17th and Broadway 15th and Welton GEORGE MAYER HARDWARE CO. rick’s school, who is seriously ill at INA CLAIRE ‘ Broadway and Ellsworth St. Joseph’s hospital of complications IS20 Arapahoe St. KEystone 4291 800 Santa Fe Dr. FREDERIC MARCH 15th and California 16th and California following a severe attack of the flu. Isabel O’Drain is recovering from hiropractor — JAMES h . h ig h a bad attack of throat trouble. LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR W e do not have special aales but sell yon at onr lowast prices every Holy Hour will be held this Sun­ C 607 Central Savinga Bank Bldg. Res.: 2736 West 82nd Avenue day on all dmg merchandise. day afternoon 3 o’clock.- TABOR 5665 ______GALLUP 2885 SOCIETY’S CARD BAGNiXL*S l e c t r ic a l contracting •«! I PARTY SUCCESS Billiards E REPAIRING AND FIXTURES The Denver Dry Goods Co. tea Phone MAin 2303 H. G. REID 317 Fourteenth St THE PIERCE HOTEL room was taxed to capacity at the “The Business Men*s Junior Tabernacle society’s card DENHAM GARAGE COMPANY CALIFORNIA AT THIRTEENTH party Wednesday evening. One hun­ Recreation.” BRINKHOUSE CO., Proprietors dred and fifty tables were occupied BILLIARDS POOL % Block From Holy Ghdtt Church at the brilliant function, held under Phone KEystone 4561 1826 CalifomU SUeet “Comfort Without Extravagance* the direction of Miss Dorothy Meiken- Snooker - Luncheonette 24 HOUR SERVICE— EVERY SERVICE FOR THE AUTO GUARANTEED WORK— THEATER AND DAY PARKING Next Time You Visit Denver Make This Your Home hous of the Guardian Angel circle 1523 Curtis Plenty Parking Space with the co-operation of the nine Wad., Thun., May 6-7 circles making up the society. A Opposite Baur’s NANCY CARROLL 1612 Glenarm h e JOHNSON STORAGE AND MOVING CO. Courtesy and Service Our Slogan life membership in the Junior Taber­ “STOLEN HEAVEN” Located Close to Theaters, Stores and Business District nacle society was offered as a prize Opposite Paramount MOVING, PACKING AND SHIPPING i--. to the member- selling the most TPhone So. 0100— After 6. P. it.. South 2064 221 Broadway, Denver - - Our Ratei Ar« Moderate— $1.50 to $2.50 Par Day, With Special Ratei by Week or Month tickets. The winner of the contest COSTUMES Modem Fireproof'Warehouse— Fumigating Vault will be determined at the council TWENTYrTHIRD and meeting of the society at the home of TUXEDOS Miss Louise Krabacher Tuesday eye- in n e r s— TIN, tioppER, g a l v a n iz e d w o r k , AVE. CREAMERY Rented ning. May 5, and the prize will be Why Not Initill Modern Plumbinf? S to 24 Me. to Pay. special Every Saturday and Sunday GUTTERS, f u r n a c e s , SKY LIGHTS A . W . CARD conferred at the general iheeting at QT. BRICK ICE CREAM, 25c Colorado T PLUMBING AND HEATING the Argonaut hotel on Tuesday, May SPECIAL BABY MILK, QT. lie SOUTit DENVER METAL AND FURNACE WORKS Garden Farm Dairy Producte Costume Co- ' . G. Bader, Mgr. RepaiiB Promptly Attended To— A. W. Card, Mgr. 12. Mrs. J. J. Lynch is president 3008 W. 23rd Ph. GA. 8547 1751 Champa St. 1415 SO,,BROADWAY PHONE SO. 1827 . RES. SO. 6051-J Shop, 1044 Santa Fe Drive— MAin 4915 4324 W . 35ta Ave. of the Junior Tabernacle society. PAGE THREE. Thursday, April 30, 1931

VACATION SCHOOL Local News FUND IS GROWINffi Lewis’ rr St. Vincent’s Aid society will hold Early returns from the mite b^xes Downstairs Colorado’s Home Store for Forty-Two Yean its regular monthly meeting at the for the vacation school fund se^t out Sixteenth Street at Stout ^ home of Mrs. M. J. Dunleavy, 767 recently to members of the iSibcesan Garment Shops & Williams street, on Tuesday, May 5. Mission society indicate & generous The Rev. William O’Ryan, LL.D., response to the vacation/school ap­ pastor of St. Leo’s church, will speak. peal. The mite boxes were, marked A musical program has also been ar­ to be returned to the .-fnissiori office ranged. All members are urged to in Littleton May 1. JRddeipts to date PAY LESS HERE attend. are from those who*,wished to make Downstairs Anniversary Sale Mr. and Mrs. Bayard K. Sweeney some contribution to the fund though FOR GOOD USED CARS are home from Canada. they could not m^ke use of the mite Mrs. John M. Mulvihill and Mrs* box at this time/ Now is the time to buy a good Used Car from the large, collection Arnold Gurtler, who had been vis­ The following recent contributions iting in the East for the past three to the vacatipft school fund are ac­ of popular makes and models we are showing. months, returned home Tuesday. knowledged by the Diocesan Mission 300 New Dresses When you buy a car from us you ^et more than just looks. You Mrs. Oscar Malo is expected home society: Sirs. P. M. Edwards, ?1.10; Sunday from Coronado Beach, where Mrs. J..M. Whyte, ?1; A friend, 50c; An Event Long Awaited by Thriftwise Shoppers get performance that is dependable, that your motoring days are she has been.for several months. Mrs. J. B, Hunter, $5; Jos. Leykam, joyous days. Mrs. M. D. McEniry has just re^ $2; }ir. and Mrs. John H. Willem, Offering Tremendous Sayings on Fashionable Frocks turned from Alliance, Ohio, where j l ; Mrs. Eugenia Griebling, ?1.10; her son, John J. McEniry, was Anna M. Adams, $1; Mrs. A. Radyx, stricken by typhoid fever. He has 7,5e*; Mrs. Mary F. Ryan, $1; Celeste recovered from the attack and has Dean, ?1; R.'Varley, $1; Jane F. $7-45 , Murphy - Mahoney returned tg Pittsburgh, Pa., where Riordan, $1; J. A. S. Burnett, ?1; he is permanently located. Mrs. L. J. Walsh, f l ; the Rev. Ed­ J ft £e0n9micel Tren$p9rt*ti9n 2986 North Mrs. Josesph Walsh entertaifted her ward S. Muenich, ?5; Frances M. oAiiup bridge club at luncheon Tuesday.' Rourke, $5; A friend, 25c; Mrs. B. “ Just Unpacked” — For this Value Speer Blvd. Mrs. Lenore Mattingly Webef,.one F. Sheridan, ?2.10\Miss Maude Dick­ Next to North 1457 of Colorado’s most distinguished son, $1; Mrs. K. T. Leonard, ?1.30; Event of the Season. Copies of higher m Side High School young writers, will be the sMaker at Miss E. Hegarty, ?1.30; Mrs. S. W. the Writers’ forum of the umversity Ryan, $1; Clara E. O’Toole, ?1; the priced dresses— all of them outstand­ of Colorado, short story department, Rev. J. P. Carrigan, ?5; F. W. Bur- ing. Fashion successes— Dresses ordi- at its regular meeting t^s Friday tis, $1.10; Mrs. Hattie F. Culver, $1; evening in the Y.W.C.A. building. Hannah Martiny, $1; Denis O’Con- . narily selling for much more. Georg­ Mrs. Weber has beep contributing Ijell, $1; a friend, $1; Mrs. J. A. fiction to The Good' Housekeeping rThompson, 50c; Norman Kasther, ettes, crepes, chiffons— jacket dresses, You may Magazine, has written two juvenile $2, and Mamie O’Connell, $2. ■Vof novels, “ Wind on the Prairie’’ and A central fund of two thousand suits. Wide color range. V have this “ The Gypsy Bridle^’’ and is also the dollars is needed this summer to keep superior author of many Juvenile stories the development of the vacation P A card party,, sponsored by the school movement in the diocese apace I)' laundry Holy Name society for the benefit of with the growth here in past years •0/ service at no the Honaso boys’ organization, will and with the advancement of the be held in the Oscar Malo, Jr., mem movement in other parts of the MAin more than orial hall/at 8 o’clock this Friday country. evening.. -Admission will be fifty 4 2 6 1 regular cents. The public is cordially in­ ORPHANS MOURN New Coats laundry vited to attend. Margaret Mary Mangan, junior MOTHER SUPERIOR VAJH CVCRYTHIN6 IN<^ I prices. high' school student at Sacred Heart high school here, was the only Den Albuquerque, N. M.— Sadness per .75 v » entrant who won a prize in the vades the atmosphere of St. An­ seventh national art and literature thony’s orphanage in Albuquerque, contest for high schools, sponsored due to the sudden death of Sister by the magazine, “ Scholastic,” it was Theonilla, mother superior of the in­ Stunning Models— Tweeds and spongy McVEIGH & SCHEUERMAN announced Wednesday from Pitts­ stitution. This great loss is felt keen­ burgh, Pa. Miss Mangan won an hon­ ly by the entire Archdiocese of Santa wools— Sports and Dress Types— Painting and Interior Decorating orable mention award for her essay, Fe, by the Franciscan order, to which Estimates Given on All Interior or Exterior Painting “ Gangsters,” in the current events she belonged, but probably most of Every accepted style note— Truly division. Miss Mangan is the daugh­ Phone GAllup 2848 4401 Vallejo Street all by several hundred boys, to whom Styles and Sizes ter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Man­ she had been a mother and a friend. Amazing Values. gan, 595 Gilpin street. Sister Theonilla was only fifty-three for Women Amid the dainty shades of green years of age, but her eighteen years and pink, class colors for Sacred in the Albuquerque orphanage had Downstairs Garment Shops and Misses Heart high, ’31, and the fragrance been very eventful and she had great — at Lewis’ THE DeSELLEM FUEL t c FEED ,CO. of their class flower, the American ly endeared herself to all with whom CHARIilB A. DeBEDLIU / Beauty rose, a group of girls was she came in contact. This estimable FIRST CLASS FUEL AND FEED / entertained at a dinner given re­ woman had just completed a new cently by Miss Nadine McNally, 2716 wing at St. Anthony’s at a cost of Office Phones Tabor 3205, TaborJ206 35th and Walnut Sts. West 25th avenue. The three tables $53,000.00. In this new section is a Denver, Colorado B o n n : 9 to 12; 1 to 5. Phone Main 3437 Residence Phone Franklin 1058-W. were presided over by a doll dressed beautiful chapel and the • first Mas#] SHRINE SOCIETY Residence Phone, York 2388 in the white cap and gown which offered within its walls was the ELECTS OFFICERS the graduates will wear. The roses funeral Mass for the beloved Sis­ were tied in the class colors and ter Theonilla. The Requieni Mass (St. Therese’s Parish) DR. J. J. O’NEIL, DENTIST placed across each plate. T.lm guests was celebrated by Father Barnabas,.] Friends of the Little Flower shrine at Aurora will meet at the Argonaut at the dinner were Ailene Kiley, El­ O.P.M., rector of the Cath^ra| in Suite 722 Mack Building, l€th and California Sts. DIAMOND A M iW KET len Barry, Anne Lonskey, Thelma Santa Fe, in the absence of Hi^Jgx- hotel, Denver, Tuesday, May 5, at Erdman, Rosemary Sutton, Eleanor cellenc^ the Most Rev. Albert T. Dae- 8 o’clock p.m., and regular meetings Quality Corn Fed IVfeats Heeren, Laura Hammel, Marie O’Con­ ger, O.F.M., Archbishop o^ Santh Fe. will be held thereafter at the same time and place on the first Tuesday ONE-HALF BLOCK FROM BUS DEPOT Groceries and Bakery Goods nor, Genevieve McCarty, Margaret Sister Theonilla belonged to the Boor Street Cars Nos. 11-13-40 at Depot Stop 1501 LAWRENCE FREE DELIVERY / PHONE TABOR 7295 Lowery, Beatrice King, Wilma Stipe, Sisters of St. Francis Seraph of Ter- of each month. The officers elected at- Hotel Door Trilla Anne Morgan, Florence Mora- petual Adoration, whose mother-house for the current year are Mrs. Charles Colorado Hotel A. L. SMITH, Prop., han, Mary Shietler, Margaret Lynch is in Lafayette, Indiana. The order Carter, president; Mrs. W. J. Duteaii, 17th Street at Tremont Phone Keystone 2391 and Agnes Kimmet. was well represented at her funeral, vice president; Mrs. John B. Cusack, Mr. and Mrs, Joseub P. Dprjp, Jp., which was one of the largest ever secretary, and Mrs. Mary Goll, treas­ THE JOHN A. MARTIN DRUG CO. are the parents of a daughter born held in Albuquerque. Notable among urer. Following the business of the PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS meeting next Tuesday, the Rev. H. A. Comer Fifteeatli and Carti^ "Charles BaHdlBg Sunday at St. Joseph’s hospital. those in attendance were the assist­ An invalid boy, 15 years old, in ant mother provincial from Lafay­ Geisert will address the members on Reliable Drugt and . ]Faimily Medicines whom Miss, Marie, Carter of St. An. ette and the Venerable Mother Emer- the subject of “ Communism.” Cahn-Forster Depandable Prescription Service i(^ Telephone Main IfOO thony’s Neighborhood house is es­ entia, superior of the community in Doyle’s Pharmacy pecially interested, is in need of an Gallpp, New Mexico. A brother and ORPHANS WILL The Particular Druggist Electric Co. invalid chair. Anyone having such sister from her old home in the Mid­ CAMERAS AND FILMS a chair and willing to donate or lend dle West also came for the funeral REPEAT PROGRAM 17th Ave. and Grant it will do a great favor by telephon­ The children of St. Clara’s orphan­ 1524 FREDERICK & NIL^ON— Groceries and Meats ing Miss Carter at Gallup 0271. She age will repeat the program they TAbor 8936— TAbor 8937 Glenarm will arrange for its delivery to the boy. CHILDREN LEAVE gave ajt the orphanage April 22 this Formerly, 18th and Clarkson The Redrjk White Store Free Delivery Place Mrs. Ella Mullen Weckbaugh, 450 FOR BEET FIELDS Sunday evening at 7 ;45 o’clock in MAin Appliances Phones: York 0646—»York 4349/ 2958 Josephine Street East 9th avenue, will entertain the ~______// St. Catherine’s hall, West 43rd ave­ Repairing Cathedral Altar and Rosary society (Denver Deanery) nue and Federal boulevard. The use 4207 Sunshine Quality RADIO Friday, May 8, at 2 p.m. The, children of the Little Flower of the hall has been generously given Lieutenant and Mrs. William F. M. center ace gradually but reluctantly by the Rev. E. J. Mannix. He and Kod2dk Finishing Gcnerators-Motors Holy Fmnily Parish Lbngwell will be patrons for the leaving for the beet fields. The members of the parish and other AT Rewound— Repaired Loretto Heights college senior prom­ twenty-two little girls in the sewing friends and benefactors of the or­ and Rented enade Friday at the Lakewood Coun­ group are busily plying their needles j phanage are uniting to make the ben­ Doyle’s Pharmacy ORIENTAL CLEANERS AND DYERS try club. before departing. efit a big success. EIGHT-HOUR SERVICE H. L. McGovern Dan Gaffy SUITS TO ORDER ^ETRINO BROTHERS WE CALL AND DELIVER The senior boys’ club met April The members of St. Clara’s Or­ GENTS’ AND TAILORING. CLEANING AND PRESSING 40 HOURS’ BEING 23. It has a membership of twenty, phanage Aid society will give their GAllup 2276 : )0 % Oft for C«»h and Carry 4327 W. 44th Ave. ranging from seventeen to twenty- annual card party at the orphan'ag'e, QUALITY MEATS ARE HELD AT CHAPEL one years of age. After an enjoy­ 3800 West 29th avenue, on the aft­ MORE ECONOMICAL N/^'tlONAL SHOE SHOP able evening, the members were ernoon and evening of Monday, May Sandberg Motor Co. The P’orty Hours’ devotion opened served hot chocolate and rolls. 11. Tickets may be secured at the Rabtoay & Simering Qualify. Service and Expert Workmanship at the Queen of Heaven orphanage The Tuesday night club for boys orphanage or from members of the De Soto 1030 West Colfax 4414 YATES DENVER, COLORADO on Wednesday morning with High of eight to sixteen years had an in­ Aid society. Across from St. Leo’s Ckurcli Mass at 8 o’clock, celebrated by the teresting program and enjoyed a and Plymouth Sales FQR A REAL HAMBURGER SANDWICH Very Rev. A. A. Breen, S.J., presi­ popcorn treat April 21. MRS. MARY CAHILL Phone KEystone 3638 j.!j “ They’re Good Because They’re Toasted” dent of Regis college. The Rev. J. The little folks still left at tfie Chrysler Service -PIES - CAKES - HOME-MADE CHILI - COFFEE F. McDonough, pastor of Blessed center are looking forward to .Music DIES AT CHEYENNE T h e TENNYSON SANDWICH SHOP General Repairing & Storage Sacrament church, was the speaker week, when a program will be given Cheyenne, Wyo.— Mrs. Mary C. 4410 Tennyson St. ______Ho!y Family Parish at the services on Wednesday eve­ for them. 950 Bannock St. KE. 8521 KEEP YOUR HOME IN Cahill, 80 years old and a pioneer GOOD REPAIR ning, and the Rev. Gerald A. Walsh, Oije' should see the waiting line resident of Wyoming, died at her When you buy Building Material BURGRAF PHARMACY S.J., principal of Regis high school, of patients on Fridays at the St. home here Tuesday after a long ill­ Remember 38TH AND YATES spoke on Thursday evening. The Cajetan’s clinic ffclly to. realize how ness. Mrs. Cahill was born at Mit- E. W . ROBINSON closing of the devotion will take much is being done with the funds chellstown, Ireland. She came to SPRINGTIME! Phone GAllup 0621 Free Delivery place on Friday evening at 7 :30 with received at the Catholic Benefit LUMBER CO. America in 1866 and in 1887 to Fruits and Vegetables 201 W, Iowa Phone SO. 0030 a procession, sermon and Solemn shop. Dr. Theodore Stander, who is an Here’ s the Place to Get Thera— COLLEGE DELICATESSEN 4 916 bo^ULEVARD Wyoming. She first lived at Pine Benediction. The Rev. W. J eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, Bluffs, then the western terminus of Fresh and a wide range of choice. / Our Hot Noonday Lunches and Short Orders V/ill Please You O’Shaughnessy, S.J., of Regis college has given his services there for years, the Union Pacific railroad. When the tvill be the speaker. The Rev. Wm. as has his brother. Dr. Thomas Denver Sea Food Co. Bakery Goods - Milk - Cream - Corbetta Ice Cream______line reached here she moved to the Higgins, pastor of St. Philomena’s Stander, who also si>ecializes in eye, town when it was founded. In 1870, 521 15th St. > G. MAPELLI, Mer. YOUR BABY church, will be master of ceremonies ear, nose and throat aiseases. Not she married Thomas J. Cahill, whom CLARK & SON at the closing exercises. Friends of the enough praise can be given to these she met at Camp Carlin, west of here. two very busy men, who are gener­ Hardware, Paint, Glass and Radio institution are> invited to come to the He also was born in Ireland. Mr. MADE WELL chapel in the hours of exposition. ously giving their time and services Cahill died in 1889. Mrs. Cahill is EYES EXAMINED 4034 Tennyson Gal. 1086 to relieving sufferers. survived by four sons,' a daughter, The ladies at the Catholic Benefit Intestinal troubles that SOCIETY SEEKS five grandchildren and a great grand­ Glasses shop are wondering what has caused child. The sons are T. Joe Cahill ravage children often the delay in house-cleaning, for the That MORE MEMBERS and John M. Cahill of Cheyenner disappear quickly when Palmer Market Cullen’s Independent bundles which they had expected Frank A. Cahill of Ogden, Utah, and ’ Satisfy QUALITY MEATS (Holy Family Parish) have not come in. Those having Charles H. Cahill of Athabasca, Al­ PURE Drinking Water Grocery and Market clothing and articles which they do Reasonable Fresh Fish and Oysters In an effort to increase its mem­ berta, Canada. The daughter is Mrs. is used. In Season Quality Meats and Groceries bership the conference of the Socirty not need are requested to phone Charles Fitz of Cheyenne. Prices Tabor 2916. FRESH ETGGS 4923 W . 3Sth Ave. Denver of St. Vincent de Paul of the parish 4028 Tennyson _ GAllup 3701 held a meeting Tuesday evening. The PASTOR TALKS ON Conscientious — and your own health conference finds itself handicapped WM. M’LAIN NAMED Service depends on PURE in its work through lack of members CREDIT UNIONS W M . E. Water, too. LOOK FOR THE H;LECTRIC SIGN but there are a good many young TO STATE BOARD Alamosa.— Father McCarthy, pas­ men in the parish who would make * ______McLAIN Announcement was made Thurs­ tor of Sacred Heart church, attended TENNYSON fine Vincentians and they will be the Industrial conference in Denver Optometrist PHONE TABOR 5121 Cleaning Dyeing invited to join the organization. day of the appointment by Governor last week. Sunday evening he gave Repairing Altering SANDWICH SHOP The sale of tickets was large for Adams of- William E. McLain, Den­ a resume of the talks delivered at the 1509 WILLIAil E. McLAIN Plate Lunchci, Hot Sandwiches, the seventh annual social 6f the par­ ver optometrist who is active in Hi­ conference on credit unions, which CHAMPA Optometrist bernian and K. of C. circles, as a Er-' Soft Drinks ish, scheduled for Thursday, April was interesting and instructive. The Years for Service member of the state board of op- W. A. GRIERSON, Prop. Open 8 A. M. Until 1 P. M. 30, at Elitch’s gardens. Children’s choir sang at the Benedic­ 4410 Tennyson St. Gladys Beach, Prop. Sunday will be Communion day for tom etric examiners. Phone Gal. 5084 4120 Tennyson St. tion. the Altar and Rosary society and for minute talk on the Blessed Virgin Masses for the week were an­ all the married women of the nounced as follows: Monday for the The firms listed here de- parish. and Benediction of the Blessed Sac­ VOSS BROS. rament, all taking about a half hour. repose of the soul of Albino Lujan, The Mesdames Handy and Boll- 406 East Colfax serve to be remembered' CASH FEED PRICES Mr. and Mrs. C. Karns of the par­ Tuesday for the intention of Mr. and back have charge of the sanctuary Mrs. Ajchuleta, Wednesday for the S621 W. IZnit Ava. Wheat ...... 95c Corn ..$1.15 this week. ish are the happy parents of a baby 2936 W. 25th Ava. when you are distributing boy. repose of tiie soul of Mrs. Rudolph Homa Public Market Mix feed, $1.40 Lay mash, $1.85 Members of the committee to se­ Mondragon and Thursday for the Grand Public Market cure candidates for the “ Holy Family Mrs. M. Koehel wishes to thank your patronage in the dif­ her many friends for their kindness intention of Margaret Valdez. Comer 9tb and Downing SALINE class” in Denver council, Knights of This Friday is the first Friday of Corner SSth and Federal Bird. S8TH AND. WOLFF GAL. 4669 Columbus, are calling upon prospects to her in her recent illness. ferent lines of business. The committee on visiting the sick the month. Exposition of the Blessed Phane— Main Office—Gallup 1190 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS this week and are meeting with en­ Sacrament will take place all day. couragement. It is the hope of the reports the following ill: Mrs. S. De­ laney, Mrs. Goode, Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. The ladies o f the Tabernacle society TW a u l c a r p e t BLUE FRONT committee that the class will be com­ will be in attendance from 8 a. m. posed largely of actual residents in Elms and Mrs. Van Heitzman. The When in Need of Help committee wishes to thank Mrs. W until 2 p. m. and the ladies of the « CLEANING CO. SHOE REPAIR SHOP th^ parish, so that it will be a Holy Altar society from 2 p. m. until 7.30 of any kind, permanent or odd job, Onr Comntiinity Cara Family class in the strict sense of the Keober for the geperous use of her Joseph M. Cavalier car in making the sick, calls. p. m. call Employment Department, to East and West 1st CARPETS CLEANED & WASHED word. Saturday ij the anniversary of the id ISth of each month May devotions will begin this Fri Mrs. W. Keober and Mrs. Brady w Better Quality Shoe Repairing death of little Robert Diederick. CATHOLIC CHARITIES day night at 7:30 and will .be held will be hostesses for the Altar society Office a Warehouse, 1021 20th St. Best Workmanship in the City SHINE Masses on Sunday are at 7:30 and Service***KCystone 6228 every night in May. The devotions May 7, at the home of Mrs. A, I Lantzy. 9:30, on week days at 7 o’clock. |612 Exchange Bldg. Keystone 6386 851 Zuni 1529 Curtis St. Phone TAbor 3601 will consist 9*! the Rosary, a five^ I Ph. TA . 0579 ST. RITA’S COURT, C.D.A. The Denver Catholic Renter Beautiful Sermon on True Priest TO KEEP ANNIVERSARY Preiident o f Board.. .Rt. Rev. J. Heary Tfltea, D.D. (Continued From Page 1) The Way To Vote!! Bditor...... M»M.H».M.....»H.>n...... «..M....«...,Rev. Sini^h, Bh.P., T.T..T^. Associate Editors...... Hubert A. Smith, Joseph Nevmian, Millard P. Everett Given at Bishop’s 45th Anniversary served in that capacity for seven years. Other officers elected in 1921 When a family thinks it all over were: 'Vice grand regent, Mrs. C. J. (Continued From Page 1) the immortal invisible High Priest and begins to budget their income Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. Dunn; prophetess, Mrs. Ella Loritz; .mitted this celebration not for human Jesus Christ be honor and glory power they will win in Life’s Election. historian, Miss Mary Brummel; lec­ praise nor for self-glorification, for and benediction for ever and ever. turer, Mrs. Jennie Wilde; financial to him it is a small thing to be judged Amen. “ Returni” of $2,000 comes in 120 secretary, Mrs. J. P. Donley; treas­ Published Weekly by by us or by man’s day, but he grants months by saving $12.00 it for your benefit ana for mine— ^that DIOCESAN COUNCIL VOTES urer, Miss Kathryn Neenan; monitor, Miss Rose Longan; sentinel, Miss J per month. THE CATHOLIC PUBLISHING SOCIETY. (Inc.) motive which always actuated him. VACATION SCHOOLS $500 938 Bannock Street How often has he said that his care Alice Johnson; organist, Mrs. Mary and solicitude for the ceremonies and (Continued From Page 1) f. Halter. People’s Building and Phone Main 5418 P. 0 . 6ox 1497 his desire to have the sacred liturgy council had been organized, and to The present officers are Mrs. J. solemnly and publicly celebrated were his successor pledged allegiance and C. Hagus, grand regent, who is senr­ Loan Assn. ing her third term; Mrs. C. D. Lip- for the edification of you— his faith­ loyalty. She commended the work Home Office: $2 a year. Sold only in club arrangement with The Register, ful children. And surely no one can of the various committfees and voiced incott, vice regent; Miss Margaret Tuesday edition. $2 covers subscription to both weeklies. be part of today’s festivity without gratification at the success of Miss Eleary, prophetess; Mrs. James Jack- 236 Continental Oil BMg. son, lecturer; Mrs. HarVey J. Smith, growing in faith and respect and love Loyola Fernandez among the Mex­ BRANCHES: treasurer; Misa^Sarah Schreiner, his­ for the priesthood of Jesus Christ, icans. Mrs. Cosgriff declared the North Denver, 4860 Newton Thursday, April 30, 1931 council would persevere, secure in the torian; Miss Lumina Miller, financial Yes, to speak of the past forty-five South Denver, 142 Broadway years is to speak of the Eternal Priest­ assurance o f the Holy Father that it secretary; Miss Mary Donohue, mon­ itor; Miss Martha Loran, correspond­ In Block with Msrsn Thuter hood of Christ, for the priest is an is doing God’s work. OFFICIAL NOTICE Alter Christus— Another Christ. 1 Regret was expressed at the illness ing secretary; Miss Anna Limacher, repeat verily the priest is Another of the secretary, Mrs. Harry C. sentinel; Miss Mary Flood, organist. The Catholic Register has our fullest approval as to its puraose The work of St. Rita’s court as and method of publication. We declare it tne official Organ oi the Christ. For see you— Jesus Christ, D^nne, and Mrs. S. J. Lewis was ap­ our true High Priest', offered sacri­ pointed secreta^ pro tern. expressed through its study clubs, Diocese of Denver and earnestly bespeak for it the whole-hearted sewing group and hospital visitation support o f our priests and people. That support will make Tho fice— the holy and spotless sacrifice The financial secretary, Mrs. George McDevitt, in her report stated committee has attracted attention in Register a strong power for the spread of God’s Kingdom in Colorado. on the altar of the cross. And lo for forty-five years, morning by morning, that 78 organizations are affiliated the community. The Junior Cath­ +J. HENRY TIHEN, our beloved jubilarian has gone up with the Diocesan council. Mrs. olic Daughters were organized in 1927 and have a present membership to the altar, called as Aaron was, and Thomas Kerrigan of Pueblo read the Roman Catholic Church May 1, 1»18. Bishop of Denver. treasurer’s statement. Mrs. Thomas of 100, divided into four troops. offered the self-same sacrifice, that Early in the history of the court of the Mass. Day after day has he Garrison and Mrs. George Shearer, president o f Denver and Pueblo it acquired its own club house OF THE said: “ This is My Body;” “ This is My ,throu^ the efforts and donations Blood”— doing what the Master had deaneries respectively, gave their re-; ports. Mrs. Garrison took especial of the members, supplemented by done, in commemoration of Him. Giv­ generous contributions from Mr. and IIS T E N IN G IN ing infinite glory to God; joy to the pride in the number of First Com­ Diocese of Tucson angels and saints in heaven; bringing municants among the Mexican chil­ Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon and Mrs. J. K. (Continued From Page 1) find any I bo at your office at said dren— 187 to date— while Mrs. Mullen. suffrage to the souls in purgatory; The Catholic Daughters’ Luncheon even the dailies are sometimes neces­ time but in case that I find work I obtaining countless graces and helps Shearer’s gratification centered in the sarily scooped. One brilliant reporter can not be there. In case, that yon Mexican welfare work is her viciqity. Study club -will meet Thursday, May for the Church militant and striking 7, at noon, in the club house. Im­ confided to us not so long ago that do not remember my family consists terror into the powers of darkness. Mrs. M. J, Dunlea, chairman on Mexican welfare, gave a very com­ pressions of a day at the convent the daily staffs in Denver sometimes of seven and my wife and I.” Jesus Christ, the true Priest, of the Cenacle at Lake Ronkonkoma, 5\% GOLD BONDS grit their teeth at the scoops we hand Here is the letter the Weld county opened His mouth and taught the plete account o f work acomplished and suggested means of advancing L. I., -will be presented by Mrs. T. them. investigator sent back to the mani people .... taught them the truth G. Barry, Mrs. J. C. Hagus and Miss “ Mr. —— — , you will ndt get any taught them the words of eter­ this activity. Mrs. Georgia Zeiger reported 44 study clubs. Mrs, C. L. Teresa Courtney. This retreat house Due Serially May 1, 1933, to May 1, 1944 Only a mild interest seems to be help from the county. There is work nal life. And for almost a half cen­ is not only known nationally as a now, and you will have to get a beet tury our celebrant of today exercised Ducy’s efforts in verifying war rec­ manifested so far in the coming city ords continue worthy of a comment place of spiritual retirement, but has elections in Denver, despite the great contract and go to work.’’ that sacerdotal function, preaching a romantic background as the home Mahony comments: “ This corre­ the word of God in season and out once made on them by Bishop Tihen, Denominations $1,000 and $500 amount of publicity spilled. The that that activity alone justified the o f Maude Adams, the actress. It was politicians frankly admit it. W e hope spondence gives some indication of of season— fearlessly setting forth the presented by her to the Sisters of the the co-operation that may be given truth and courageously unmasking existence of the council. Other re­ that tho religious question is kept ports were made by Mrs. Anna Flem­ Cenacle. severely out of the mayoralty fight, in forcing tho destitute poor to get and denouncing error and evil .... The Catholic ^-Daughters’ study preaching not himself but Christ and ing, for the Catholic Daughters of for there is no reason to introduce into the beet fields, and the help clubs will sponsor a lecture on Cath The Denver National Bank, Trustee Him Crucified, not folly and a America; Miss Margaret Fallon, for it. One of the candidates, it is true, given to put over tho slash in beet olic art, to be given by Mrs. Augusta stumbling, but the power o f God alumnae associations: Mrs. Kerrigan, was in the Klan for a time, but he workers’ wages.” for the L.C.B.A., and Mrs, J, G, Ha- M. Wider May 22. The “ Mexican” in this case is an which gained countless souls to The biennial state convention of has not shown himself anti-CathoIic Christ. Jesus Christ, the true gus, on publicity. Mrs. C. P. Byrne, and the campaign should be decided American citizen born in . He for Aid societies; Mrs. M. Klatten- the C. D. of A. will be held in Pueblo, These bonds are the direct, legal obligations of has a list of 22 farmers he has so­ priest, had compassion on the May 11-12. The state regent, Mrs. only on other lines. A rumor involv­ multitudes— how often do we read hoff, on immigration, and Mrs. G. A. the Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of ing another candidate in an unfor­ licited in vain for work. He has 16 Graveline, for P.-T.A., were unable Anna Fleming of Colorado Springs, acres of beet work contracted, but this as a sweet refrain from the Gos­ •will preside. At this assembly, dele­ tunate affair wherein a priest was re­ pel. His Sacred Heaiit went out to to attend the conference but sent re­ Tucson. The Diocese of Tucson is co-extensive with fused admittance to a sanatorium to can get no advance l4 wages. Neigh­ ports. The reports of Mrs. John gates will be chosen to represent Colo­ bors sent the “ Mexican” to the indus­ all misery and suffering. How often rado at the national convention in the State of Arizona, and the properties owned by care for a dying person has been did that tender message fall from His Mueller on legislation and Mrs. P. J. trial conference here last week. He Atlantic City, July 7 to 10 inclusive. thoroughly investigated by us and the lips-—“ Be of good heart, thy sins are Sullivan on vacation schools at­ the Diocese are conservatively valued at in excess cendidate, a high-class man, has been had to borrow a neighbor’s suit to forgiven thee.” Our beloved jubi­ tracted special attention and showed of $3,500,000, while' the total indebtedness, includ­ found wholly* blameless. So don’t the wide range of work being accom­ Sermons and Manuscripts larian for many of these forty-five ing this issue, is only $416,000. let anybody trick you with religio- years spoke. that selfsame message plished under these classifications. Accurately Typed politico propaganda. In tho school NEVADA MADE DIOCESE to hearts weighted down with sorrow At luncheon, which was served at the Congress hotel and at which 110 5 0 ^ per Thousand Words board race, two persons who were WITH RENO AS SEE CITY and pain and stained with sin. Long The issuance of these bonds has been approved prominent in Klan work are running tedious hours did he sit in the confes persons were seated, the speaker was EDNA STEWART — Rex B. Yeager, who lost his un­ sional saying over and over again, the Rev. F. Gregory Smith, who gave Public Stenographer by the Rt. Rev. Daniel J. Gercke, D.D., Bishop of (Continued From Page 1) some high points from the recent, dertaking business seemingly as a re­ diocese, as this edition reachesicne all the “ Thy sins are forgiven thee.” He did Brown Palace Hotel Lobbr. Tucson, and the individual bonds will be signed by sult of his Klan activities, and Minnie Industrial conference. They were Next to Cigar Stand Catholic homes of the Sacramento not wait for those alone who came to TABOR 8111 C. T. Love, who was elected in the him, but he too like his Master sought of particular interest to those who him as Bishop. diocese. Reno itself, as this edition’s were unable to visit Denver last Klan wave and is up' for re-election. files show, has a very normal and ac­ out those who were lost and who had strayed far from the fold. His foot­ week for that important gathering. tive Catholic life. The name of the Musical numbers at the luncjieon To the best of our knowledge, there has never Thomas F. Mahony, state chairman city has been connected with the steps of mercy sounded in dark prison corridors and even mounted the gal­ were a violin selection by Miss Ei­ of the K. o f C. Committee on Mexi- loose divorce laws, but Reno is a leen McDonnell and a vocal solo by been a default in a bond of this kind in the history ,can Welfare, was not using a “ cuss” thriving place and he who thinks of lows with the unfortunate ones- F. J. Kirchhof faithful pastor unto the end. His Mrs. Ray McCarthy, acompanied by of the Church and as a consequence, bonds of this ' word but merely stating a fact when it only as a divorce center does not Mrs. J. J. McDonnell. he wrote to us that “ it is bad enough know much about it. St. Thomas heart too is Christlike— full of com­ type are entitled to the very highest investment passion for all. Priest and people At the afternoon session, the Rev. to be poor anywhere, but it is hell Aquinas’ church, how the Cathedral, Patrick Conway of Rocky Ford spoke Construction standing. to bo poor in Weld county” if oi has the Very Rev. Dean M. J. alike could seek him out and find in him compassion, understanding and on “ Mexican Welfare,” Miss Mary happens to be a Mexican. The county Hynes as pastor, with the Rev. M. Coughlin on “ Higher Catholic Edu­ is becoming notorious for its neglect Donaghue and the Rev. W. Devlin as help. Nay, our non-Catholic friends We recommend these bonds as an investment have but recently given proof that cation,” Miss Helen A ’Hern on “ Co­ Company of the poor Mexicans who are brought assistants. St. Mary’s hospital, Reno, operation of Social Agencies,” Mrs. is conducted by the Third Order Do­ his compassion and sympathy ex­ of unquestioned safety and attractive return. there for sugar beet work. “ I was tended everywhere in the kingdom of Lawrence Langdon on “ Parent- given a list of twenty-six destitute minican Sisters, whose seven nuns are Teachers’ Associations,-" and Mrs. J, the only Catholic sisters in Nevada. human hearts and far beyond the families, all beet workers, a while confines o f the true fold. He was al­ C. Hagus on “ Necessity o f Study PRICE: 100 and interest to yield 5i/^%.. ago,” says Mahony, “ and twelve more There is a resident chaplain, the Rev, Clubs and Simplicity of Formation.” M. O’Meara. ways the champion of every good last week. In the first group were work and of any project that would On motion o f Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon, BUILDERS 136 persons. Most of them live The first Bishop of Reno is a dis­ $500 was voted the Rev. F. Gregory We will be pleased to tell you more about this tinguished and able young priest, who bring aid and comfort and betterment Weld county.” The following pathetic to the poor and lowly and needy. Smith for assistance in financing security if 3'ou will call at our office or upon your letter was written by a Mexican to is younger than even the newly-ap- vacation schools. Minted Bishop a f Denver. The Rev. Of a truth in telling the stary of request, we will be pleased to mail you a circular the town clerk of Fort Lupton. It the past forty-five years we narrate Father Conway made a plea for a We W ould it printed just as written. W e know Thomas K. German was born August visiting nurse with a knowledge of 30, 1892, at Pasadena, California, and the history of Another Christ. Ah which describes the issue in detail. that the man it not a beggar, hut could the ordaining Bishop forty-five Spanish to visit the Mexicans in Appreciate attended parochial schools at Pasa­ Rocky Ford and instruct them in high-class man willing to work: dena and Pomona. He was grad­ years ago this morning have pene­ “Dear Miss: trated the future — could he have health regulations. The council took Your Patronage uated by the Pomona high school in this under consideration. “ In dropping yon this few lines 1920; attended St. Patrick’s seminary, known and seen how his admonition o m p a n y it to ask once more for your assist- would be received— “ My son receive The Pueblo deanery wishing to SuLuvAN & C Menlo Park, California, four years; retain the services of Miss Loyola eoce I may be bodying you to much. studied at St. Mary’? seminary, Balti­ the priesthood .worthily and fulfill its But circustance have forced me to duties praiseworthily”— how fervent­ Fernandez as social worker among 700, Lawrence Street I n v e s t m e n t Se c u r it ie s more, for four years in theology; was the Mexicans in that district. Miss dp so at you know how hard it to get ordained to the priesthood June 23, ly and joyously would he have pro- MAin 5314 to this stage of asking for help, but nouncedTmiinro/? ViiBhis “ Deo Gratias. Adelaide Martinez was appointed to SECURITY BUILDING DENVER, COLORADO 1917, at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fall succeed her in the work around Fort 1 can’t see my family starve. W e River, Mass.; spent a year at the Cath­ But Almighty God saw and beheld. been without flour, lard, sugar, cof­ Collins. Denver Colorado TELEPHONE TABOR 4264 olic University of America, Washing­ And so the great day dawned when A thought was given to the Rev. fee, soap, rice, spuds, salt, in fact ton, D. C., where he received the de this loyal priest of God was called to everything.- W e haven’t had for the Aloysius Brucker, S.J., friend and grees of Bachelor in Sacred Theology a (matchless honor, the plenitude of adviser o f the council, and to Mrs. past four days hardly any food, to and Licentiate in Canon Law; did the priesthood— when he was conse­ you can see for yourself by this how Patrick Mulrooney, whose deaths had parochial work in Los Angeles 1918 crated a Successor of the Apostles occurred since the last quarterly 1 am and my family nearly starving, to 1922; studied at the University of themselves. The mitre meant for our conference. and without means to get any thing Louvain, Belgium, 1922 to 1926, be beloved father only larger fields of Among the priests at the meeting to eat because I haven’t been able ing awarded the rare degree of Doc endeavor— meant the further and were Fathers F. Gregory Smith of to get work. tor of Moral and Historical Sciences more intense spending of himself and Littleton, L. J. Grohman of Denver, “ Now the county only told me or "avec la plus grande distinction,” his being spent for Jesus Christ. Lincoln Patrick Conway of Rocky Ford, 1 r\ r% r\ m ^ Mr. Beers that he was going to tee thesis book being “ America and Bel first experienced the effects of his Cyril, O.S.B., o f Canon City, and episcopal zeal. And at last he came Can Y ou Locate about, but he hasn’t done nothing at gium: a Study of the Influence of Thomas Wolohan, A. J. Miller, Bene- all to help me in any way the only the United States Upon the Belgian to us. Here in our own- beloved Col­ diet, O.S.B, and John Lohan of thing that 1 got was what you sent Revolution of 1789-1790;” returned orado he has labored and toiled— at Pueblo. last Feb. 15 and Feb. 25 and after to Los Angeles in December, 1925, the beck and call of even the least All Your Valuables of his children. He spent himself The largest representation came that I haven’t received nothing. So and has been editor of The Tidings from Denver and besides those men­ knowing your good faith and willing­ since. Few men in the nation can even against th« protest of his priests — “ the people have a right to see tioned included Mesdames J. B. Hun­ ness— that you have to help the necr claim a record o f thirteen years’ ter, J. P. Donley, J. A. Seubert, J, cssitous I have come to you for as­ study after high school. His paro their Bishop and to be served by him” in a Few Minutes? was ever his defense. But above all E. Alvey, Peter Golden, Eva Collins, sistance because I know you are the chial work in Los Angeles before he and Katherina Dougherty and Misses his works was he solicitous for the only one who I can depend on so went to Belgium was in the Cathe­ Anna Fallon and Grohman. From eternal priesthood he had received. Do you have to hunt for them please .see what you can do for me dral parish; since his return, he has Canon City were Mesdames D. J. Hol­ And so he has reared his seminary— I need your help badly I hope you been on the staff of Holy Cross par­ lister, J. A. Dougherty, Thomas Horri- or are they where you KNOW he has provided for generations yet don’t forget it. ish, in addition to his editorial work. ■an, J. S. Holden, J. Leo Sterling, unborn who will arise to qall him they are SAFE and where you “ Also all my childrens are out of The Tidings under Dr. Gorman’s Idith J. Hayes and G. G. Shumway. blessed because he has made it possi­ school because they haven’t got any care has bein a live-wire paper, con- Littleton was represented by Mrs. can lay your hands on them ble to send forth into the mountains shoes. Inclose you find tho list of s|)icuous for its scholarly editorials. P. H, Blackman, Mrs. W. Jones and and down into the plains priests in AT ONCE? groceries that I got last Feb. 15-25. e was a fellow-student at St. Mary’s, Miss Catherine Maloney. ever increasing numbers to do what I am at Mr. E. B. Davis Farm, 2 , with the Rev. Michael Sul­ It was decided to hold the next livan of Fresno, editor of the Central he has done so faithfully during near­ ^ miles So. and half mile East of Town. ly half a century. quarterly conference in Sterling Our Safe Deposit Vaults are “ Please excuse my writafng and California edition of The Register, the •mised speatd words. Also I will who has constantly spoken in the Dearly beloved jubilarian, we offer the last word in PROTECTION ke at yonr office tomorrow afternoon highest terms of him. Reno has been you our loving congratulations on this and CONVENIENCE. about 2 p. m. In the morning 1 am giimn an able Bishop. forty-fifth anniversary of your eleva­ going to look for work if I do not Nevada, admitted to statehood tion to the sacred prhesthood. 'We can­ when its precious metal mining indus­ not express our wishes for you today try was at its heights, is larger terri­ in more words, for our hearts are full. 12U*4« CATHOLIC WORKERS TO But we shall do so in the way you A u m u m tit We also invite you to make use of the storage torially than even Colorado. Colora­ Ownnob w OOU)KADO . PROMOTE EXHIBIT HERE do has 103,645 square miles. Nevada would prefer. W e shall join you in vaults for safe keeping of your bulky valuables has 110,590. Catholicity goes back the offering of the Holy Sacrifice and (Continued From Page 1) to the year 1861, when the first pray to the Divine 'Victim soon to be such articles as rugs, silverware, trunks, suit-' of Loretto Heights college. The Rev. church was built at Genoa. One of on the altar that you may be spared cases, etc. C. M, Johnson of the Cathedral was the most famous names in the Catho­ long beyond the mellow hour of your named chairman of the new commit­ lic history of the state is that of golden jubilee. It is true you are tee and Sister Franhis Regina of the Bishop Manogue, who after heroic about to leave us— but we know it These may be placed here for any length of time Charity order, ^superior of the Ca­ work among the Nevada miners be­ will be only in body, for we are sure thedral convaht, was named secre­ came the Bishop of Sacramento, Cali­ that in love and in spirit you shall for a very nominal charge. tary. It decided' that all local fornia, and built the giant Cathedral ever be with us and as long as you Catholic colleges and schools will there, chiefly out of his own private continue to go unto the altar of God have exhibits at the^ convention, the funds. In 1906, the Catholic popu­ you will have us in loving remem­ exact nature of which is to be de­ lation was 9,970, but it has dropped brance. A Safe Deport Box Costs cided; but it is expected that in ad­ some since then, owing to poor- con­ And the prayer of all who love dition to ordinary lines of school ditions in the mining industry. The you is your own heart’s greatest de­ Less Than One Cent a Day work, any special features promoted figure of 8,447 Catholics for the sire— fidelity to the end and a happy by a school will be shown. . The fol­ state at present is th^t of the United and...... blessed death in the Lord.'To lowing committee was chosen on these States religious census of 1926. The exhibits: Father Johnson, Sister Fran­ general census of 1930 gave Nevada a there are a number of fallen- cis Regina, Father W. M. Brennan, total population of 91,058 on April away Catholics in the state and Father Gerald Walsh, S.J., Sister 1, 1930. Catholics in 1926 were more it has been believed by Church­ Dolorine and the superiors of St. numer9us in Nevad? than any other men that the intensity of Catholic ac­ THE AHatiGur pttoim iM iiK Mary’s academy. Sacred Heart school, denomination. Mormons, ranking tion which follows the creation of a St. Joseph’s school, St. Francis de second, totalled 4,889 and Episco­ diocese will do much to bring them 17th at Lawrence Sts. ^ Frank Kirchhof, Pres. Sales’ school and Annunciation palians third, with 2,933. ’Kidny, back. Likewise the presence of a school. The exhibit will be arranged the trend of population in Nevada is Bishop will probably have some ef at the West Denver public high upward. A good gain was shown by feet, in time, of ameliorating the achooU » — the 1930 census. It is knqwn that serious divorce condition. wiimm wmm

Thursday, April 30, 1931 PAGE FIVE

i s r s ALTAR SOCIETY Regis High School Accre^ted TO MEET MAY 8 by North Central Association (St. John’s Parish) The regular monthly meeting of the Altar society will be held at the MAY > The Rev. Gerald ,P. Walsh, S.J., undertaking. Membership in this as­ school hall Friday, May 8. Luncheon principal of Rems high school, has sociation is purely voluntary. It will be served at 1 p.m. The hostesses just been noticed that the school has must be the desire of the local au­ will be the Mesdames Kohl, Koch, been accredited by the North Cen­ thorities of a high school to have the Hayden and Plunkett. The Rev. tral association of colleges and sec­ school accredited by the ^sociation William V. Powers will be the TH E M ONTH ondary schools for the period ending in order to have it considered for speaker. Tickets for the theater March 20, 1932. In explanation of accrediting. benefit May 6 and 7 have been dis­ the term of accrediting, the local Advantages that high schools _ re­ tributed and returns are coming in school authorities have been informed alize as a result of being accredited satisfactorily. The attraction at the that it is the established policy of by the North Central association can Aladdin theater will be Frank Fay in OF TH E the association to prepare each year be summarized as follows: “ God’s Gift to Women,” and at the a new list of approved secondary 1. The graduates of an accredited Tabor theater, “ Chicago Widows.” schools accorded this honor and that high school are privileged to enter Mrs. S. J. Lewis attended the quar­ no school is accredited by the North institutions of higher education with­ terly conference of the Denver Di­ Central association for a period in the North Central states without ocesan Council of Catholic Women in BLESSED longer than one year. entrance examinations, provided that Pueblo Wednesday as a representa­ Before any school in Colorado can they have studied in the high school tive of St. John’s parish. be considered for accrediting by the subjects required by the college or H. H. Vanclief of 2526 East 7th North Central association it must be university for admission. Since other avenue is much improved after his on the highest list of schools approved accrediting agencies recognize schools illness of the past few weeks. He is and accredited by the school authori­ accredited by the North Central asso­ at the Porter sanitarium. VIRGIN ties of this state. In addition, it must ciation, this privilege of entering in­ Regarding Price meet the high standards which the stitutions of higher education with­ CARD PARTY AT association maintains with respect to out examination is extended prac­ the school building and its equipment, tically throughout the United States. CANON SUCCESS We have a beautiful line of Blessed Virgin Statues for the school library, laboratories and 2. The graduates of accredited instructional equipment and appa­ high schools have the assurance that Canon City.— The ladies of St. the Home Shrine in Composition, finished in Natural . The superiority of oui' equipment ratus, school records, the require­ their high school diplomas will be ac­ Michael’s church sponsored a card Colors or Cream and Gold, Ivory, Bisque, Metal Silver, ments for graduation, instructian and ceptable to state boards having to do party in the school hall Thursday and facilities might easily tend to spirit, salaries of teachers, the train­ with the Ranting of certificates for evening, April 23, at which time and Gold Plated. ing and preparations of teachers, the the various professions of medicine, $31.50 was cleared. Bridge and five leave the impression that our fees teaching load, pupil loads and the dentistry, law, etc. In states requir­ hundred were played. Prizes were Prices from 7 5 ^ to ^lO.OO school’s program with reference to ing graduation from an approved high awarded and refreshments were are beyond the reach of those in physical education and to its athletic school as prerequisite to the obtain­ served. Mrs. H. C. Sprinkle and relationship with other high schools ing of a teaching certificate, the Mrs. J. Leo Sterling were the hos­ moderate circumstances. as determined by the state athletic graduates of schools accredited by tesses for the affair. association. the North Central association meet Miss Agnes Doherty was hostess to The North Central association of the requirements of such a law. the M. S. S. A. club in her home Mon­ VIGIL GLASSES for the Candles in This is not the case. 'A complete colleges and secondary schools is an 3. A high school approved by the day evening of this week. Miss Elois accrediting agency comprising twenty North Central association must main' Meade was elected president and Mrs. isa Ruby, Green Amber, Blue, Turquoise, and beautiful tribute may be had states and is the largest regional ac­ tain high standards and consequently Russell Hundley was chosen secre­ crediting agency in the United the community is assured of a pro­ tary. Bridge was played and Miss Opal. at the Horan Mortuary at a price States. The object of the association gram of modern high school educa Doherty served dainty refreshments. Those present were Mrs. Ellen Col­ is to ‘establish closer relations be^ tion. lins of Russell, Mrs. Russell Hundley, well within the means of anyone. tween the secondary schools and the 4. The examination of the school Mrs. Susan O’Hanlon, Mrs. J. A. BRASS STANDS for 10, 15, 24 hour institutions of higher education with­ at regular intervals by inspectbrs and The service rendered in our $115 supervisors serves to stimulate prog­ Doherty,-Miss Clara Esser, Miss Marie in the North Central states and in Prescott, Miss Mary Ann Smith, Miss Glasses ress and to prevent the development funeral is identical with that o f a such other territory as the North Anna Hein, Miss Katherine Fitzger­ Central association may recognize of questionable practices and ten ald, Miss Lorraine Schmitt, Miss Jo­ service costing hundreds of dollars. All decisions of the association bear dencies. sephine Ursich, Miss Eloise Meade, VOTIVE LIGHTS to burn before the ^ ing on the policies and management 6. A high school accredited by the Miss Anna Doherty and Miss Agnes of secondary schools and institutions North Central association enjoys Doherty. S MAY altar; 10, 15, 24 hour sizes. of higher education are understood to greater prestige in the surrounding Miss Frances Morrissey of Flor­ be advisory in their character. The country and, ^ r e fo r e , finds it easier ence visited friends in Canon City accrediting of schools by the North to attract n olff esident pupils. Thursday of last week. Central association is a co-operative 6. The patrons have more confi­ The Rev. Robert Hennessy of Den­ dence in, and are generally more will­ ver spent the week-end in Canon City MEETING HELD TO ing to support an accredited high and attended the home-coming fes­ school. tivities at Mt. St. Scholastica’s acade­ PLAN FOR BAZAAR my. James Clarke 68 WILL RECEIVE Miss Beth Boland and Miss Irene W. P. HORAN (St. Dominic’s Parish) Rouse motored to Colorado Springs A very enthusiastic meeting of the FIRST COMMUNION Friday evening. They were accom­ officers of the various parish societies panied home by Miss Frances Busch Church Goods House and Miss Angela Bolin of •Colorado was held in the rectory recently to (Blessed Sacrament Parish) adopt plans for the 1931 St. Dom­ Springs, who spent the week-end vis­ 1636-38 Tremont Street Denver, Colorado AND SON Sixty-eight children of the parish, iting at Mt. St. Scholastica’s acade­ inic’ s bazaar, which will be held June who have been receiving instructions my. Miss Dorothy McCarthy, a stu­ INCORPORATED 25, 26 and 27. Owing to the very Phone ,TAhor 3789 satisfactory results which have been under the direction of Sister Mary dent at the University of Colorado made in past capital prizes awarded Flora, popular teacher of the first at Boulder, also spent the week-end FUNERAL CHAPELS in St. Dominic’s bazaars, the Chev­ grade, will receive their First Holy at the academy. Other visitors were rolet car has again been selected as Communion Sunday, May 10, at the Miss Mary Parks of Pueblo and Miss an award. The members of the 8:30 Mass. This is the largest First Josephine Kartky of Florence. Ample Parking Space— Central Location Blessed Virgin’s sodality are pre­ Communion cla^ in the history of Leo Cunningham, who is employed paring a fully-equipped hope chest the parish. ThS sisters of the school in Denver, spent the week-end in which will be awarded. As in past will serve breakfast to, the children Canon City visiting his parents, Mr. 1527 Cleveland Place KEystone 6297 years, the ladies of the parish will of the class. and Mrs. Henry Cunningham. again tempt the many patrons of the The many friends of Mrs. Harry Miss Ellen Flynn of Florence, a famous St. Dominic’s dinners with Peterson, formerly Madelyn Hardy student nurse at St. Mary’s hospital another of their delectable menus at of the Blessed Sacrament parish, will in Pueblo, visited friends in Canon the opening of the bazaar, June 25. be sorry to learn of her death in City over Sunday. Miss Margaret Last year, eleven hundred people Pueblo Sunday. McGee, also a student at St. Mary’s were served, much to their satisfac­ St. Jude’s circle met with Mrs. hospital, visited in Canon City over tion and that of the parish at large. Joseph Bonomo Friday afternoon. the week-end and attended the home­ This dinner is something which has There were nine members present. coming festivities at the academy. Blessed Sacrament Parish always been a self-advertising affair. The hostesses served a delicious The pupils of St. Michael’s paro­ The members of the Altar and luncheon. Mrs. O’Flaherty won the chial school are preparing for the BOULEVARD GROCERY Rosary society will receive Commun­ prize for high score. commencement exercises to be held ion at the 7:30 Mass this Sunday. A The Altar and Rosary society will the latter part of May. A little play FANCY GROCERIES J. W. Queary, Owner FRUITS, VEGETABLES very important meeting of the soci­ receive Communion in a body at the will be the feature of the program 2801 Colorado Boulevard Phones, YOrk 0869-0870 ety will be held Tuesday, May 5, at which the children will offer. These Look for Home-Owned Ad Each Friday lor Specials 8 :30 Mass this Sunday. 7:45 p.m. Mrs. N. Steinbruner is confined to children are noted for the excellent programs which they present at this Speer & Bannock A REGISTERED PHARMACIST The card social held in the base­ her home by a severe cold. Est. 17 Years BROTHER’S PHARMACY IN CHARGE AT ALL TIMES ment of the church Tuesday evening, Edmund Pigeon, who won the Con­ time every year. a April 28, under the auspices of the James Sterling celebrated his fif­ COURTESY Prescriptions Carefully Compounded RELIABLE ner medal in the recent Regis high Altar and Rosary society, was a school elocution contest, is a gradu­ teenth birthday anniversary by enter­ 5001 Emit Colfax Avenue Telephone YOrk 2171 marked success. Mrs. J. P. Kummer, ate of Blessed Sacrament school. taining the children of St. Michael’s LIBERAL TRADES school in the main hall after school the very active chairman, was ably Mrs. R. M. Creel is moving from April 22. A huge birthday cake PARK HILL HAND LAUNDRY assisted by the following ladies: The the parish this week. graced the large table, from which 1B18 COLORADO BLVD.— PHONE' YORK 0317-W Mesdames John Barry, A. C. Carroll, The Blessed Sao-ament Choral club James Coursey, Walter Egan, Walter the children were served ice cream Speclalizlnf in Silk*, Fancy Linens and Lact Curtains— Ruffled Curtains 30c each and up. will meet this Friday evening at the and cake. Dickman, Fenerborn, Chris. Farrell, home of Mrs. Robert Brown, 2609 Edwin B.Clayton Plumbing and Heating Co. WOOL BLANKETS LAUNDERED EQUAL TO NEW Konike, Kumstedt, Edward O’Grady, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. O’Mara re­ Elm street. None Better— A 20 Gallon Ineulated Automatic Gas Water Heater— S T 1 . 5 0 John Phelan, Kriley, Wm. Sheehan, turned to Denver Sunday after spend­ DI 1TI7 lU inriM PAFF UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT St. Joan of Arc’s circle met at a Installed Complete— 80 Days...... — ------ISLUIL MUlJlN L.ArlL quality food at reasonable prices Thos. Sullivan, Sr., P. B. Thurmes ing a short time visiting friends here. With Safety 8 8 1 . 5 0 bridge luncheon recently with Mrs. Miss Ellen Collins of Russell, Colo., Automatic Pilot Lisht...... ^ Special Sunday Chicken Dinner, and Andrew Tonguish. This latest effort of the ladies was one of the Daniel Bate, assisted by Mrs. Swee­ is a visitor .at Mt. St. Scholastica’s At $6.00 Down, 8 1 0 . 0 0 Open From 6 A. M. to 10 P. M .______1512 COLO. BLVD. ney. There were twenty-five mem­ most successful socials held in a long academy. 2408 Eaat Colfax Avenue— Phone YOrk 5000 Residence Phone YOrk 0298 time. bers present. Mrs. T. Kelly won the Funeral services for Ray Beuchard, Plenty of Hot Water Any Hour— Repair Work a SpecUlty— Estimates Furnished K > f The firms listed here de­ This Sunday afternoon at 3 :30, the prize for high score. 21-year-old Westcliffe man, who died Blessed Virgin’s sodality will con­ The bridge tournament under the Friday morning in a Canon City hos­ serve to be remembered duct the annual May crowning cere­ auspices of the Altar and Rosary so­ pital as a result o f burns incurred ciety opened Monday night. A con­ C. A. WHITE when you are distributing mony. Miss Jean Stapleton has been when the costume he was wearing in selected to place the garland of genial gathering of men and women the rehearsal of a play at the West' Annunciation Parish your patronage in the dif­ spring flowers on the statue of the was present. Thirty-eight tables were cliffe high school Thursday night Blessed Mother. A very appj4|JriAte filled. First prize for high score was caught fire, were held Monday at 10 FRANKLIN PHARMACY MARKET ferent lines of business. won by Mrs. A. Horne, second, by shrine has been prepared by Father o’clock at the Westcliffe Catholic The REXALL Store, 34th and Franklin St. Regan, wherein the festivities are to Mrs. Kellogg: third, by Mrs. Charles church. The Rev. Raymond Layton, be centered. Mahoney; fourth, by Mrs. Phoenix, O.S.B., of Canon City had charge of Bert C. Corgan, Mgn ______KE. 1753______^Immediate Delivery” Quality Meats Sister Henry Suso, O.S.D., is re­ and fifth, by Mrs. A. B. 'Wickstrom. the services. Mr. Beuchard leaves a covering at St. Joseph’s hospital, Monday evening. May 4, St. Theresa’s wife and two little children. Mr. and SUNSHINE QUALITY KODAK FINISHING W e StStore Household where she underwent a very serious circle will be in charge. Mrs. Joseph Esser and Frank Barthel J 2803 COLO. BLVD. operation last Saturday. of Canon City attended the funeral. EIGHT-HOUR,SERVICE U r Goods aand Merchandise Sister Bertina, O.S.D., has re­ at FRANKLIN PHARMACY______E YOrk 0869 DUFFY STORAGE AND turned to the Dominican convent on ACADEMY HOLDS DELEGATE’S RETURN REVIVES MOVING CO. West 25th avenue from Mercy hos­ 1st HOME-COMING CONSIS-TORY RUMOR THE FRANKLIN LUNCH m k *»******'t*****W ******^ pital, where she had been seriously Archbishop Giardini, former Apos­ I “ 6 YEARS ON THIS CORNER” ill for several weeks. A marked im­ tolic Delegate to Japan, is expected provement is noted in her condition. Canon City. — April 25 and 26 in Naples on May 2, and his return Open 22 Hours Each Day ______1620 E. 34th Ave. found Mt. St. Scholastica’s halls filled Miss Rosemary Stock has returned revives the rumor of a consistory for with the sounds of happy voices wel­ to her home on Decatur street from the creation of Cardinals in June. JUST CALI^WE WILL DELIVER St. Dominic’s Parish St. Joseph’s hospital, where she re­ coming and being welcomed to the JACKS ceived treatment for an infection of first home-coming that has been held the h^el. other than at commencement time. STAR MARKET QUALITY BAKERY The largest delegation came from Henry Kremp, who recently under­ QUALITY MEATS LAKE’S QUALITY MARKET went an operation for appendicitis, Denver. There were also former stu­ PIES, CAKES, DONUTS, Formerly in Pisgly Wiggly, 25th and Elliott is still confined to Mercy hospital, dents from Pueblo, Colorado Springs, A. BRADSHAW’S REASONABLE PRICED BREAD AND ROLLS WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF QUALITY MEATS, FRESH EGGS, Boulder, Salida and Canon City. With but is reported to be recovering. 144347 Stout St. SALT AND SMOKED MEATS, FISH AND OYSTERS ' A. M. Holland, manager of the the Sister alumnae the number pres­ 2230 E. 34th Phone YOrk 4289 2231 E. 34th Ave. Phone YOrk 7856 3617 West 32nd Ave. Phone Gallup 4405 Pueblo Super-service stores, made a ent was more than fifty. Father Hen­ A New Line of Matrons’ Hats brief visit recently to his sister, Mrs. nessy, the former chaplain at the Just Received. WE DELIVER J. M. Harrington, on West Douglas academy, came with the Denver con­ CANARY DRUG CO. COR. 34TH AND GILPIN place, tingent. Saturday was spent in re­ Silk Underwear, All Styles, WHEN YOU WANT DRUG SERVICE Pinion Fuel and Supply Co. newing old acquaintances and enjoy­ LUMP COAL, $5.50 UP Mrs. Lucy Gerard, a longtiipe par­ Reduced to 50f) PHONE KEYSTONE 1461 ishioner of St. Dominic’s, has left ing the thrill o f once more being COAL STEAM COAL, $2.50 UP boarding school girls. Saturday Long Sleeve Dresses, CAllup 5125 for Los Angeles, where she will make ? . A . Mumferd, Mgr. W. 25th and Decatur her home. evening the members of the cast of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruwart, Jr., “ The Red Mill,” which is .to be pro­ Corsets, ?1 .0 0 and up have departed for Excelsior Springs, duced on May 8 by the students of Egyptian Cafe Mo., where they will enjoy a vaca­ Mt. St. Scholastica’s academy and the St. ParM i tion of several weeks. Abbey school, entertained with a Eleanor’s Beauty Special Plate Lunch, 2Sc-35e The Misses Rita Ducey, Patricia number of song and dance selections THE STOBBE DRY GOODS CO. STOBBE*** ■■'-■A Chicken Dinner Sunday, 50c Jean Harrln^on and Catherine from the play. Expert Shop MareeUing Mr. and Mrs. Z. N. Cox Rowan are taking part in the “ Ballet Sunday morning, Father Gilbert Ladies’ & Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Corsets, Hosiery for Family 2638 W. 32nd O’Maley, O.S.B., the present chaplain, 278-280 Detroit Street We Stand Back of Our Goods Tel. YOrk 3953 Finger Waving - Beauty Work of the Seasons,” which will be held in VAN-ZANT 8 A. M. Open Sundays 7 P. M. sang the Mass and preached a very Granada Theater Bldg. GA. 2367 the City auditorium Monday evening. May 4, under the auspices of the appropriate sermon. Trips over the JEWELERS Allen school of dancing. high bridge at the top of the gorge E. IL RONINGER and to the Abbey school occupied the Eighth and Santa Fe Drive Ray Flint, a pupil of thd* eighth Sumner’s Bakery eraeariM, Maate and VagaUMaa The firms listed here de­ grade of St. Dominic’s school, who morning. Dinner was nerved at 1 p Phone TAhor 7770 ROGERS SERVICE sprained his ankle several weeks ago, m. and then the members reluctantly A Complete Line of serve to be remembered said good-bye and headed their cars is again able to attend school. Quality Bakery Products STATION jyhen you are distributing J. J. Keniery is ill at his home, for home. Everyone whb attended Dulcie Shoppe IBEST voted the affair a success and hoped 2422 King street. 782 Colo. Blvd. YOrk 6622 FRANXUN 0604 AND 0008 GAS, OILS AND EXPERT your patronage in the dif­ that it would be held annually here­ TIRE REPAIRING On Sunday, May 10, the children DRESSMAKING 1710 E.^Sth Ava. Oenvar, Celal of the parish will receive their First after. The home-coming, however, West 2Sth at Decatur ferent lines of business. Holy Cfommunion. The youngsters is not to supplant the regular meet-] have been rehearsing with the girls ing of the alumnae and reception o f' 716 Santa Ph. MA. 1407 the new graduates, which will be held June 6, PAG E SIX Office, 9S8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER

PARISH WILL GIVE FINE CAST FdR AID LADIES PLAN Matinees CARD PARTY MAY 7 PLAY, ‘KINDLING^ DINNER ON MAY 21 Saturday and OGDEN (St. Francis de Sales’ Parish) (St. Joseph’s Parish) At the meeting of the Queen of JOSEPHI^ AT F)FTH “ Kindling” , a play of New York Heaven Orphanage Aid society held Sunday Colfax at Ogden Members of St. Francis de Sales’ parish are very enthusiastic about the tenement life, which members of St. at the orphanage April 21, arrange­ card party, to te held May 7 at 8 Joseph’s Dramatic club have been re­ ments were con^)leted for the annual Friday, Saturday, Sunday, p. m. in the school gymnasium, at 235 hearsing for the past six weeks, under benefit dinner, which will be served ' St. Joseph’s Parish Tuesday and Wednesday— Monday—7-May 1, 2, 3, 4 South Sherman street Friends of the direction of George P. Hackethal, at the home Thursday, May 21, from m uM gu from o«tr practical friandt ia this, tlia Kadanqttoriat parltli, aa tba Waal May 5 and 6 will be presented in the West Denver 5 to 8 p.m. A delicious menu has Side. Gira theaa thi prelcraaca RICHARD ARLEN and other parishes are cordially invited high school auditorium Tuesday been prepared. Mrs. J. M. Harring­ FAY WRAY in RUTH CHATTERTON to attend. There will be awards for each table, a door award and several evening, May 12. It is one of the ton has been appointed chairmaii of “ The Conquering in extra awards for high schore and low most difficult plays the club has ever arrangements. Mrs. W. J. Kirk will score. Refreshments will be served undertaken, but the members of the have charge of the dining room. In SANTA FE PUBLIC MARKET cast are putting forth their best ef­ Horde” “UNFAITHFUL” by the ladies of the Altar society. connection with the dinner a linen 646 SANTA FE— FBEE PARKING— OUT OF CONGESTED AREA The tickets are 50 cents each. Fol­ forts and a smooth and finished per­ sale will be conducted under the lowing is a list of . hostesses for the formance may be expected. Miss Dot direction of Mrs. Harry Greeley. party: The Mesdames M. A. Abell, Beautiful new linen pieces may be STOP AND SHOP A. F. App, E. Anesi, J. P. Balken- obtained at very reasonable prices. Leader Bakery bush, F. 0. Barnes, J. Brady, C. M. At the meeting April 21, Bishop GROCERY Butler, J. C. Bechtold, E. G. Berg, C. Tihen spoke on “ Charity,” and com­ No. 3 Bowman, F. P. Bicknell, H. Brady, J. plimented the sisters and members of E. Bergeron, F. F. Campbell, N. Con­ the Aid society on the good work Sugar Cherry Pie way, C. B. Clark, J. J. Connors, J. D. they are doing. The president, Mrs. Cummings, 0. A. Carter, T. Charlton, Loretta M. Daugherty, presided*. 1 0 lbs. . 5 0 c 1 5 c B. J. Cullen, E. A, Cullen, M. Cham­ Welcome visitors were Mrs. E. J. 10-l b ; l im it berlain, P. Daly, T. Doyle, E. L. Fuity, Mrs. J. E. Howe, Mrs. J. J. Pineapple Layer Cake Doyle, W. W. Dean, F. J. Eagan. Jas. Gallagher,Mrs. Elizabeth Mueller and MILK Eakins, Sr., Jas. Eakins, Jr., Hugh Miss Philomena Domenico. The soci­ 2Qc Fennelly, J. N. Flood, M. Fitzgerald, ety is very much indebted to Mrs. Harvey W. French, A. J. Fregeau, 0. A. H. Seep for a donation of a bolt 3 as,..__ .„.123C Assorted Sweet Rolls F. Folkner, John Finnigan, A. F. Fos­ of outing flannel to the Needlework ter, G. A. Graveline, M. Cully, A. guild. There was an interesting dis­ COFFEE . Doz. 1 5 c Glodt, C. A. Grant, A. E. Gallagher, play of small garments for some of GOOD o e - Cake & Sugar Do Nuts Annie Gow, G .'A . Gillett, Margaret the ti^y tots that were made and BRAZIL, 2 LBS...... a j Graven, Mrs. Gault, F. W. Gushurst, donated by two very active mem­ Doz. 1 5 c M. S. Greeley, T. J. Hannigan, Jr., bers of the society. Some members FRUITS ••S’, 0. H. Hencmann, B. H. Hitt D. J. of the society were reported ill and Bread— 3 Loaves Healy, H. J. Healy, 0. C. Hurd, J. their speedy recovery is hoped for. LBS...... 1 I C ■ ^ - I • • Harrington, W. Harnby, J. Henry, The president expressed deep sorrow lO c 4 ♦ ■' ■ ^ Luke Higgins, Bernard Hynes, L. J. at the . death of Mrs. Domenico Gaddo, Holmes, M. J. Hurley, M. J. Halter, a valued member of the society. The R. J. Joncke, Jully, T. F.^ Kerin, society was represented at the recent PURITY MEAT D.&R. V •• V F. L. Kelly, T. P. Kinney, R. Keleher, Industrial conference by Mrs. A. J. W. C. Kimmins, A. B. Linnet, L. G. Reynolds, Mrs. Harvey Smith, Mrs. MARKET CREAMERY Loeffel, G. Long, J. E. Lowe, G. P. MISS BERNADETTE GEIGER, R. J. Konicke and Mrs. Loretta M. Mahoney, Mary Motch, W. H. Mur­ Who will be seen as the tenement Daugherty. At the conclusion of the PQT ROAST MILK, HOLSTEIN phy, G. Mesch, J. Mulqueen, J. Men- house owner in “ Kindlihg.” business session, the sisters served BEST I ff ^ Quart...... DOROTHY WALSH DR. WM. D. McCa r t h y sik, 0. H. Maxwell, P. W. Marsh, Rose delicious refreshments. CUTS, LB...... X Meehan, M. P. Masterson, K. McCar­ Walsh and Dr. William McCarthy EGGS, Who are carrying the leads in the 3-act drama, “KINDLING,” to be pre­ thy, Michael McEahern, W. F. Mc- will be seen in the leading roles. LARD Fresh Ranch, doz.. sented by the St. Joe players on Tuesday evening. May 12, at West High Glone, M. P. McDonough, J. A. Others in the cast are Tom Kavanagh, MOTHERS’ CLUB Auditorium, under the direction of Geo. P. Hackethal. Noonan, D. P. Noonan, L. Norton, E. Peggy Mcf^ughlin, Bernadette Gei­ TO MEET MAY 4 1 5 c 2 Dozen for 2 3 ^ 4 : Noonan, J. 0. O’Keefe, C. J. O’Leary, ger, Betty Rust, Bert McCloskey, D. & R. BUTTER, 2 3 ^ J. Petrun, D. Plunkett, G. P. Pyle, 0. Emmet Goggin and Len Brayton. Re­ STEAK W e Handle the Best of Everything at G. Place, E. M. Rowland, L. J. Rab- served seats and tickets of general The Regis Mothers’ club will hold toay, N. Ray, L. W. Raedel, J. P. its regular monthly meeting Monday, BEEF OR admission may now be secured at the PORK, LB...... 1 8 c 2 Poiinds for 45^ . YOUNGERS GROCERY & DELICATESSEN Ready, W. R. Rowland, C. 0. Reed, rectory. The Misses Mary, Amelia May 4, at 2:30 p. m. in the high B. Rupnik, J. S. Reiter, E. E. Schei- school library at Regis. A report of ICE CREAM, TEL. MAIN 9724 First Class Goods and Service 4030 W . COLFAX and Catherine Andrasik will entertain BACON f mann, F. E. Smith, F. Scherrer, J. H. the members of the cast after the the recent card party will be read by Qt., 27^; Pt...... Spillman, C. P. Saunders, E. D. Spil- the chairman. Final plans for the MORRELL’S performance at their ^ ^ e, 25 Coro­ SLICED, LB...... 3 0 c “ Under New Management” ler, L. W. Sheridan, T. Schierburg, na street. junior prom will be made. There PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS M. C. Springer, J. K. Stewart, P. will be Benediction of the Blessed KEEN LUNCH ROOM FOR NOON DAY LUNCH— OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Schwirtberger, A. C. Tremlett, C. J. The High Masses for the week were announced as follows: Monday for Sacrament in the chapel following Toner, Rita Turilli, Matt Verlinden, the meeting. THEY ARE RELIABLE H. H. White, G. B. Wilson, D. White, Mary Healy', 27th anniversary; Fri­ day for the Purgatorian society. • R. E. Woodman, A. M. Watermolen, assistant, Betty Medae; business man­ NATIONAL OUTLET SHOE STORE A. G. Werle, T. L. Yorger and E. M. Mary Ann Rust, infant daughter ager, Loretto Burke; assistant busi­ of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rust, was Yaggie and Mr. R. J, Yaggie and a ness manager, John Norris; advertis­ 760 Santa Fe Drive KEyatone 2575 baptized Sunday by Father Berberich. ^ St. Francis de Sales* ^ friend. ing manager, Edward Rider; in charge BEAUTIFUL SPRING STYLES S t Francis’ P.-T. A is very proud Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patterson were the sponsors. of photographs, Helen Barth. of its Mothers’ chorus, directed by Six students of St* Joseph’s who Especially Priced at $ 2 .9 5 - THE~CUT RATE DRUG COMPANY Miss Josephine Woeber, and copi- The Rev. M. P. Moriarity, C.SS.R., WE DELIVER— South Denver’s Leading Cut Rate Druggists arrived home Friday after conducting will be gp’aduated in June hive at­ posed of the Mesdames W. P. Boi^e, tended the school for twelve years. * Owned and Operated by C* E. J. Crawford and G. W. Miles J. Buchen, E. M. Haney, Louis a series of missions and retreats. They are Betty Medae, Loretto 294 So. Penn., at Alameda— SO. 6433 201 Broadway, at 2nd A v e.*^ 0 . 0154 Johnson, W. C. Kimmins, M. E. Kline, MESSENGER’S SERVICE STATipN The card party sponsored by the Burke, Margaret Hastings, Gerard 0. C. McCurdy, C. W. Sullivan, W. Altar and Rosary society on Friday Batteries - Tires - Accessories - Gas - Oil - Greasing Walsh, G. H. Williamson and Leo' Mally, Lillian Walden and Joe Turner. THE BROADWAY HARDWARE COMPANY evening last was a success. Two weeks ago, one- of the daily Wenzinger, with Mrs. Arthur Turner FOURTH AND ELATI______SOUTH 0800 84 SOUTH BROADWAY TELEPHONE SOUTH 1064 The first joint oratorical contest papers carried a news item which as accompanist. The members con­ A Complete Line of MINTRA Paints for students of the high school and gave the impression that Miss Ruth VOGUE MILLINERY SHOPPE— 766 Santa Fe Drive WE CUT AND SET YOUR WINDOW GLASS FOR YOU sider themselves fortunate in secur­ members of St. Joseph’s Dramatic Sloan and Richard Ochs had been ing the services of Miss Woeber as NETTIE MAE HAT SHOP— 860 Santa Fe Drive club, an event inaugurated and spon­ secretly married. The report was un­ Two Store*. NETTIE MAE SHEPHARD, Prop. Phone TA. 8660 director. She has the reputation of sored by therclub, will be held this u DE LUX CREAMERY being one of the best in choral work founded except for the fact that a AFTER EASTER SALE ON ALL HATS USE OUR WILL CALL FOUNTAIN SERVICE. LUNCHES AND SANDWICHES Friday evening in the church hall license had been secured in Golden. in Denver. The little group of singers There will be no admission charge On Tuesday, April 21, these young GROCERIES, BAKERY GOODS. CANDIES, ICE CREAM will be seen and heard for the first and all parishioners are cordially in­ people were married at a Nuptial B & R GROCERY AND MARKET 540 EAST ALAMEDA ______ALWAYS OPEN ______PHONE SOUTH 0818 time at the regular P.-T. A meeting vited to attend. Fifty high school Mass, celebrated by the ’Very Rev. to be held May 12, at 8 p. m. in the “A Home-Owned Store’* THE BIGGEST PAINT VALUE EVER OFFERED— «I*Q STK students entered the preliminary con­ Joseph P. Fagen, C.SS.R. Miss Sloan, FALBY’S SUN TESTED HOUSE PAINT, GALLON...... jp ^ S .O O school auditorium. The last meeting SOuth 2067-W ______Free Delivery ______246 W . 6th Ave. test and by process of elimination the who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EALBY’S— Sold for More Than 40 Years in Denver and Colorado of the school year of the Study and number was narrowed down to 14, Wm. Sloan of 735 Lipan street, was “ The-Best in Painte, Varnishes, Etc.” Discussion club will be held Friday, who entered the semi-finals. The charmingly attired in orchid chiffon SANTA FE SHOE HOSPITAL 32 BROADWAY SOUTH 2940 May 8, at 1 :30 p. m. in the library. judges who selected the four best and dress with hat and slippers to match The commercial department of St. one alternate from the fourteen were and carried a shower bouquet of pink SHOE REBUILDING Francis de Sales’ high school is proud the Rev. James Dries, the Rev. M. P. roses and sweet peas. Gertrude Sloan 742 Santa Fe Drive TAbor 7782 THE BROADWAY CREAMERY to announce the winners in the com­ Moriarity and Emmet Goggin. The was the bridesmaid and wore a green Call and Delivery Service BUTTER, EGGS, ICE CREAM, CREAMY CHEESE mercial contests held in Greeley last contestants chosen were Dolores dress and carried roses and sweet 66 §outh Brpadway 1037 15th St. week in competition with public and Secor, who spoke on “ Patriotism;” peas. Frederich Ochs attended the MAC’S GENERAL SHOE REPAIR private schools of Colorado. St. Fran­ Desmond Hackethal on “ Internation­ groom. Many members of both fam­ cis de Sales’ took four out of thirty alism,” Billy Sloan on “ The Elements Now Open for and Fully Equipped for First data Shoe Repairing ilies were present.at the ceremony. A Why Go Downtown When We Do It Better Here? FIELD DRUG STORE ratings for the entire contest and of Citizenship,” and Amanda Rich wedding breakfast was served at the 604 ELATI STREET 2 BLOCKS FROM CHURCH ECONOMICAL DRUGS, SUNDRIES, CIGARS AND CANDIES stood second in the state. In the ards on “ Finalities of the American home of the bride’s mother. The senior class, Frances Alfli won first Character.” Edward Kuhn was bride attended St. Joseph’s school for Located at National Tea Company The Best Goods— The Best Service Eat and Drink at Our Fountain 744 SANTA FE DRIVE, TABOR 9103 place in peninanship, Mary Fitzpat­ chosen as alternate. The Dramatic 12 years and was graduated last June. MARY; FRANCIS SHOP VUit Our Fountain South Broadway and Dakota Avenue rick second in shorthand and Mary club entrants are Emmet Goggin, The groom is a graduate of the class Specializing in Children’s and Ladies’ Out-Sizes in Dresses Alma Fregeau fourth in spelling. In who will give “ Robert Emmet’s Last of ’29 and was an outstanding star Made to Measure and Satisfaction Guaranteed SUNSHINE QUALITY KODAK FINISHING the junior class, Margaret Ferry took Speech;” Larry Sexton, “ Thurston’s in athletics. Miss Gertrude Sloan at FIELD’S DRUG STORE third place in penmanship, Mildred Intervention in Cuba;” Ernest Ber­ gave a miscellaneous shower in honor EIGHT-HOUR SERVICE Watkins second in typing and Elaine berich, “ Spartacus to the Gladiators,” of her sister Thursday, April 30 DENVER GARDENS DAIRY Johnson second in shorthand. and William Sanders, ‘Tlea for Mer­ Members of the 11:30 choir, to which Clean Pasteurized Milk— Put Up Under Certified Conditions cy” by Clarence Darrow. The judges Mr. and Mrs. Ochs belong, and other The sophomore and freshmen Phone SOuth 2939 A. Andeison, Prop. 175 Vallejo HOLLAND BAKERY classes sent representatives to Pueb­ will.be Milton Morris, law partner of guests were present. James W. Creamer; Joseph Newman Try Our Delicious Home Made Layer Cakes lo, Colorado, Tuesday, for the state Mass of Requiem was offered Tues­ contests held there. Miles Gillies and of The Register staff and Miss Electra day by Father Berberich for John T. Bardwell, teacher of dramatics and 1893 South Pearl Phone South 3337 John Petrum, sophomores, contested Perrine, Sr., who died at a local hos­ public speaking. The program will in general science, and Mart___ pital Friday after a short illness. A St. Louis Parish include musical numbers. WERNER’S DELICATESSEN Weadick and Margaret Fitzpatrick in Rosary service was said at the home algebra and English. Sixty members of St. Joseph’s Dra­ of one of'h is daughters, 1160 Dela­ IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Foreign and Domestic Luncheon Meats, Cheese, matic club received Communion in a ware, Monday evening and a large THE O. K. BARBER SHOP J. M. BURGESS. Proprietor The senior class play, “ June,” di body at the 8:30 Mass last Sunday. Cordials and Beverages rected by Mrs. Herrick, will be pre­ number of friends attended. Up-to-Date, Clean Service 84 South Broadway— Near Bayaud— in the Werner Building They afterwards enjoyed a delicious sented on the evenings o f May 3 and breakfast prepared by Charles Rust, Mrs. Margaret Downey, a resident 3456 So. Broadway______- ______Englewood, Colo. of Deliver for 45 years, died Friday 4, and at a matinee May 3. The cast Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. Burns. Betty of injuries incurred a month ago LOGAN MOTOR COMPANY includes Mary Fitzpatrick, Mary and Dorothy Medae, Maxine Sweeney There Is No Substitute for a Savings Account in a Bank when she fell downstairs at her Iiome, 275 So. Logan— Day or Night— So. 6660 Scherer, James McEnany, Frances Helen Worms and Loretto Burke, 954 'West 5th avenue. She was 65 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Alff, Naomi Maroney, Patsy Dwyer, high school students, served the meal, BATTERY REPAIRS TOWING SERVICE years old and had been a member of Arthur Aymami, Fern Kraemer, Rob A unique entertainment program con St. Joseph’s parish for many years. OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO ert Walker, Evelyn Smyth, Mary ceived by William “ Doc” McCarthy The Rev. F. J. Mahoney, S.J., a friend SOUTH DENVER MOVING & STORAGE CO. Howes, Virrel Walker and Mary Alma president of the club, was provided WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE GET OUR PRICES Fregeau. Those who attend are A trick radio reception on a special of the family, offered Requiem Mass THE COFFEE SHOP 3500 BROADWAY ENGLEWOOD Wednesday morning and preached the promised a rare treat. hook-up brought out characteristic 369*71 So. Broadway Phone Day and Night SO. 1227 sermon. Mrs. Downey, is survived by Oh! Boy! They’re Good— 5 and 10 Cent Hamburgers Robert Lakas, a former student of jokes on the members. Talks were a son, Martin of Los Angeles. St. Francis’ school, was awarded a broadcast through the “ mike” by CANDY AND SOFT DRINKS PROGRESSIVE SHOE SHOP medal in the annual oratorical con­ Fathers Zeller and Fagen, and Dr. Requiem Mass was offered Monday J82 S. PENN. ST. GIVE US A RING. SO. 5SH1 KOBT. R. HILL, MGR test held at Regis college recently. McCarthy. Rick McNicholas told of ^ the Rev. A. Zeller, C.SS.R., for Home or Studio Sittings Work Called For and Delivered The society of the League of the Tony’s impression of his first baseball William Ford, 1007 Acoma street, We Go Anywhere to Photograph Anything V E E N ’S SOLES— 75c. $1.00, $1.25 LADIES’ SOLES— 60c, 75c, $1.00 Sacred Heart will receive Communion aged 62, who died Friday. Mr. Ford Other Work Priced Accordintly game. Bert McCloskey gave a clever PHONE ENG. 1654 in a body at the 7:30 Mass this Sun­ recitation, entitled “ Little Nell,” and was born in Michigan, March 12, WOODWARD’S PHOTO SHOPPE 3616 SO. BROADWAY day. There should be a good repre­ George P. Hackethal closed the prO' 1869. He was a trusted and well- Smith’s Dry Goods DR. CHAS. J. SMITE sentation Sunday of the members of gram with a happy speech. liked employ of the Public Service SUNSHINE QUALITY KODAK FINISHING the Young Ladies’ sodality. As it is “ Who Wouldn’t be Crazy,” a three Co. 1126 East Alameda the first Sunday in May, special devo­ At W OODW ARD’S PHOTO SHOPPE Chiropractor act farce, has been selected by the EIGHTtHOUR SERVICE W e Specialize in Hoiiery for tion will be given the Blessed Mother. senior class for presentation on the 203-5 Collini BId$. 1 E. Bayaud at Bdwy, It is hoped that all the members will Men, Women and Children OflSce Hour. 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 P. M. evening of Friday, May 22. George APIF’^ PAFF MODERN Eveninzs by Appointment approach the Communion railing in a P. Hackethal will direct the produC' UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN ENGLEWOOD” New, Fast Color, Fine Count Prints, body at the 8:30 Maze. HARTLEY SERVICE M 2Sc a yard X-Ray Service tion, assisted by Bert McCloskey, Chicken Raviolis, Chicken Tamales, Italian Spaghetti No Charee for Consultation and Examination The Boys’ choir will, sing Sunday prominent member of St. Joseph’s STATION School Supplies— Toys PHONE SOUTH 6357 at the 10:30 Mass. Dramatic club. In the cast will be ROBAR, ETHYL GAS 3510 So. Broadway Open 6 A. M. Until Midnight Englewood, Colo. Martin Ruybal, Margaret Hastings, Oil - Greazing Service FIRST COMMUNION Andy Stewart, Lillian Walden, Helen Cars Called For and Delivered NICK STREWLER SERVICE STATION Guilfoyle, Lawrence Ochs, John Nor COLf AX a p e a r l PH. YORK 7013 "TEXACO PRODUCTS” St. Philomena’s Parish AT GOLDEN MAY 24 ris, Edward Rider, Dolores Secor, Washing, Greasing, Polishing— Drive In— Courteous Service Walter Epson, Nora Weaver, Cecelia SO. BROADWAY AT HAMPDEN PHONE ENG, 392 Golden.— A number of children’ of Kuhn, Loretto Burke, Mary Downing, COURTESY CORNER St. Joseph’s parish will receive their Gerard Malley and Joe Turner, CARPET CARS W ASH ED Sl.OO— GREASED $1.00 First Holy Communion on Pentecost Matter for the ninety-page school AUTO TRIMMING New and Modern Waabini and Greasinz Equipment Sunday, May 24. Classes are also year book, San Jose, was assembled CLEANERS Glasses at PHONE YORK 8998. Storaze and Expert Repairinz- I. N. Riley, Prop. 3300 E. COLFAX Monday and was turned over to the under instruction at the Girls’ In­ First Class Work Always dustrial school at Morrison and the printers for publication. This book, Honest Prices the third of its kind for St. Joseph’s That Clean YORK-COLFAX HARDWARE COMPANY Boys’ Industrial school at Golden. No patient allowed to leave my office RIGHT ON THE CORNER John Plank is seriously ill at his school, will undoubtedly excel the Prompt, Reasonablh with the least feelinit of dissatisfaction Harris Auto Works Lawn Hose— Seed— Mowers— Tools home. charm of the other two publications, Personal Service — yon must be pleased I Over 20 years* because of the untiring efforts of speeializin? in the refraction of the hu* 34 W. 13th Ave. MAin 4728 REPAIR EVERYTHING * YORK 9239 A baked ham supper will be served man .eye in Colorado. by the ladies of the Altar society Father Zeller, the director-in-chief, on Wednesday 'evening, May 13, at and the unselfish work of the staff Je T. UPTON Broken Lenses Duplicated the high school cafeteria. and students. Five students placed on from pieces Francis J. FisKer, Inc. Miss Mary Gargan represented the an honor roll for aiding the book are RENOVATING CO. See Adv. in Sunday Post MAIN 5708 WE MOVE Golden high school in the state type' Betty Burns and Mary Joe Kerwin, Quality Shoppe TAbor 5223 765 Tejon writing' contest in Greeley Friday freshmen; Florine Kellog, sophomore; Haney’s Exclusive LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER 813 15th St. Frame Houta and Garages of last week. Desmond IJackethal, junior, and Ed­ For Strvice— KEyateaa 6228 ward Rider, senior. Leo Canavan did Optical Shop METAL LATH Delicious Office 4 Warehouie, lS2t 20th St. MAUL CARPET RELIGIOUS SURVEY OF ALUMNI the art work, which is a great credit to lOlO'lSth St. Phone TAbor 2690 Plate Lunches Notre Dame, Ind.— A religious sur­ him. The staff is indebted to Maxine CLEANING CO. Denver, Colo. Azzarille, Teaat Salads and vey of the alumni inaugurated by the Sweeney and Helen Corbett for sec­ CARPETS CLEANED & WASHED University of Notre Dame only sev­ retarial work and to Walter Epson Sandwiches PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. Best Workmanship in the City M. E. RATEKIN, Owner eral weeks ago already has brought for assistance in the business' end. IT PAYS The editop-in-chief is Nora Weaver; Ph. TA . 0579 851 Zuni OflSice, 938 Bannock Street


The members of the Institute of | Catholic Culture, meeting in the li­ brary of Regis college last Sunday afternoon, listened to addresses on I “The Background of Poverty” by the] Aev. H. V. Campbell, Denver social welfare worker, and on “Philosophy I for the Catholic Layman” by the! Rev. A. Patrick Madgett, S.J., of the] PEANUT Reris faculty. Father Campbell in his lucid expo­ sition of the background of poverty COFFEE SUGAR began by sketching the present situ­ LARD BUTTER CLOTH BAG ation in the country in the' matter HILLS BROS. PURE FRESH GROUND of a living wage for the worker, "niis ROLLS BUTTER living wage is not to be interpreted CINNAMON SALTED OR SWEET as the amount of money which will 10 furnish the bare necessities of exist­ ence to the laborer, but one which] will maintain him in moderate com­ Lb. 7k Doz. 11c Lb. 24c 1 2 k fort so that he has some time left! RED STAR ADDISON’S for the higher things of life. From PELLO’S SWAFFORD & WISE WEE SHOP BAKERY KATRINKA’S abundant statistics Father Campbell showed that such a living wage was j not being received by the vast ma­ jority of American workers. He I traced the reason for this to the so­ cial philosophy o f individualism, or laissez-faire, which implies the sur­ ! ALBERT E.^ FRANK.. vival of the fittest and the abstention o f government from all supervisory KATBIMKA'S Oh, Boy! How Good!! activities in the field of economic iPW relations. Father Campbell saw the | .^BUTTER’^ ^ last hope of bettering present condi­ H O M E 'S ECCS S LOOP A Genuine Tasty Flavored tions in the intervention o f an en-1 / ) PUBLIC ^ C H E E S E , MARKET market lightened governmental policy. But ^ the only principles which can hope 545 SANTA FE to guide such a policy to success are j CHERRY P E those championed by the Catholic Katrinka’s Salted or social proCTam. Sweet, lb...... “It Cost No More to Trade in ITiis Better Market” Father Madgett began by pointing | BUTTER 2 4 c 2 0 c out the close connection between his own paper and that of Father Camp­ bell. The first paper had vividly BUTTER 2 2 c drawn attention to one of the many ^P ride* CARTON problems facing the Catholic layman PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE BACON 1' 29c of today. But the whole field of in RANCH EGGSSo” ^ : A2k dividual and social ethics presents many more problems of equal im­ 2 5 c portance. The speaker traced the CHEESE £lf,™it?...... 1 4 c prevalent confusion of standards to PICNICS S . lb. lU c its cause in the “ modern mind,” f U C C C I ? Sharp English 1 which is shot through with subjectiv­ U u E i L O L Cheddar...... 1 OC FRESH STRAWBERRY TARTS ism and latent skepticism. Before 82 the Catholic solutions to these prob­ t lb. C lems can receive a fair hearing the /^IjnrCr New York OO — Ea. 10c 3 for 25c “ modern mind” .must be won back to U n i L L O L Mild Cream...... Z s 5 C POT ROAST lb. 12k admitting an objective body of phil­ osophic principles, and this is to be LOIN ROAST . . . lb. 15c largely the work of the Catholic lay­ LEADER BAKERY s t e a k . . . . , . lb. 15c man who is in direct touch with con­ BROOKS FRUIT PORK SHOULDER ROAST ditions as they exist. The layman of . lb. 10c some education,^ said Father Mad­ CAKE & PRODUCE CO. ‘THE ACME BAKERS” gett, must become interested in (YOUR BAKERS) •scholastic philosophy 'and a large Maple Nut...... 20c FREE DELIVERY part of the success o f the program Home Public Market PHONE TABOR 1369 HENS lb. 18c of Catholic Action will depend on how well he assimilates these basic PIE 15c ALSO AT principles and on the enthusiasm Blueberry & Apple. * ' Quality is the first consideration 23rd and Dexter 1032 15th Street with which he expresses them to his when buying Fresh Fruits and non-Catholic neighbors. The speaker TATER-FLAKES , , „„„„ then drew special attention to the Vegetables. We have the largest philosophic content of the Papal En­ ROLLS See Them Made 1 LEWIS FISH SHOP cyclicals and urged their study by all Assorted and most ^omplete stock of The only place in Colorado like Catholic laymen. At the conclusion Sweet, doz...... 15c gpiaranteed Fresh Fruits and PACIFIC COFFEE STORE it. Always fresh...... 2 0 ^ of the lecture, a list of references on Picnic Packages Our Specialty Vegetables in the city. NUT MEATS— HofTrom the Kittle to You Catholic philosophy and a limited Free Delivery KEyttone 9210 HOME DRESSED 1U OQA number of copies of Pope Leo’s En­ Try Our Assorted ' ^ 1 A A BELGIAN HARES...... * 0 . DONUTS - - R. B. COOK, Prop. cyclical “ On the Condition of Labor” Cake or I Nuts—Salted, lb...... were distributed to those present. Sugar, do?...... We Are Experienced and Largest Retailers GREEN TREE P.-T. A. DINNER AT Home Made Cottage Fagan’s in Nut Meats in State SHOE REPAIR ENGLEWOOD MAY 2 Devoted SANTOS COFFEE O” Special Coffee ORNET’S BREAD lOc Exclusively to Pound, Comer 14th Street 3 Large Loaves.... the Marketing (St. Louis’ Parish, Englewood) of Quality Fish Fancy Santos C of-1 ttg* Men’s C C . Reservations for the dinner to be for Many Years. fee, lb...... Pacific Blend j ^ One o f the largest and most given under the auspices of the P.-T. Coffee, lb., and Half Soles...... 0 0 4 YEE QUALITY Large Assortment ,5 for 3 5 ^ 1 complete stocked Delicatessens A. this Saturday, May 2, should be 2 2 lbs. Sugar free..... Men’s Half q A, Rubber Heels...... OU 4 in the West. Specializing in the made at once. The dinner is being CANDY SHOP Phone handled as a demonstration of Colo­ Ladies’ C C importing of fine Sea Foods and rado products by the Colorado Food MOTHER’S D A Y CANDY MAin 3518 Half Soles...... O D i association and the tickets will be Cheese. A Denver owned busi­ Box Chocolate Creams, Composition and O A . 50 cents. The dinner will be fol­ DELIVERY Shop ness. We. beli/ve in Denver. lowed by a (^ard party. The chair­ 75f), ?1.00, ?1.50 A Leather Lifts...... « V 4 man of the dinner is Mrs. M. Buege. Leather, Panco or Uskide ■ The ladies who 'are handling the sale B ^ e r y of tickets are Mrs. M. Buege, Mrs. POTTED These Prices Good Every Day Give Us a Trial, J. McGovern, Mrs. Sheets and Mrs. HOME PUBLIC MARKET We Guarantee to Satisfy W. Pytlinski. The ladies who will act as hostesses for the card party MCHDAY PLANT Devils Food Open Saturday Until 9 P. are Mrs. L. Sauers, Mrs. H. Sheetz, Mrs. J. Skul. Mrs. W. Smyth, Mrs. J Brewer’s Rabbit Shop Soran and Mrs. Sullivan. Mrs. Sheetz 5 % CAKE i The Needle Work Shop will act as chairman. -/ FOR Belgian Hares ...... Ib. 30c , ’ Run Mender Needles, 75c Ea. The Daughters of Mary sodality 40c and 20c Roasting Sire ...... lb. 19c ''Gusnnteed------Perfect held its re^ltk' meeting at the home Stewing Size ...... lb. 15c Mail Orders FUUd of the Misses Sausa last Monday HER DAY night. The sodality will take part in Strawberry Whip Also Fresh Eggs, Fresh Dressed Hens HOSE MENDING DONE the May procession on Sunday, May PHONE KE. 0388 2 5 ^ and 35^^ a Run 10. Flowers for the shrine of the A Y TENTH Blessed Virgin will be provided by PIES the member/ of the sodality. Those Ssy it with Each...... 20c' appointed to decorate the shrine are POLLYANNA BAKERY Elizabeth Beckley, Josephine Karlin, Marcella Tunze and Margaret Nolan. FLOWERS Cinnamon The new treasurer elected to fill the Hot Cross Buns, dozen...... 15^ vacancy left by Lucille Powell, now ROLLS Mrs. R. Langan, is Dolores Nolan. FARRELL Cinnamon RoUs, dozen...... 1 5 ^ Members of the sodality who are en­ Dozen...... lie tertaining with a party in their homes FLORAL SHOPPE to help raise funds are Elizabeth HONE PUBLIC NARKEI 3 Large Loaves Bread...... • .1 0 ^ Beckley, Prances Nolan, Laura Bell 1456 California St. Wee Shop' and Cecelia Nolan. Pies, aU flavors, Special, Saturday only, ea...... 1 5 ^ Members of the junior choir have TEL. MAIN 1026" been invited by Father Steidle to DONUTS ui_i—n/~~,r A s~ m riW * ii"~"V“ - f r ^ * * ‘ * sing at a High Mass in St. Francis’ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Sugar or I Sp church at Castle Rock in the near Cake, 'doz...... future. The school children will take part THEY ARE RELIABLE in the Arapahoe county May fete on DO YOUR May 8. The fete is being conducted BREAD 1 Hr i f RED STAR i f under the auspices of the county 3 Large Loaves...... * V V CASH STORES P.-T. A. The St. Louis’ P.-T. A, will have charge of the ice cream SHOPING Honie Public Market 2320 E. Colfax 979 Broadway booth. " Members of the Altar society who entertained at the card party 'Thurs­ PROFIT BY USING THE day afternoon were Mrs. Cudney, IN THIS SUGAR 1 0 Mrs. F. Lynch, Mrs. F. Wells and HOME PUBLIC MARKET Mrs. M. Pitt. oz. Devotions in honor of the Blessed FOR YOUR PEANUT BUTTER JL Virgin will be held in the church BROWN SUGAR...... 2 lbs. 1 0 c MARKET SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS every Wednesday and Friday eve­ 3 lb. Can and ning at 7:46 throughout the month CRISCO Mixing Bowl- of May. Fresh Bulk Cocoanut___ Ib. 2 9 c

123 SJCK POOR Macaroni or Spaghetti... 3 lbs. 2 5 c THE MONTEREY COFFEE SHOP SPAGHETTI 3 Cans.. AIDED IN MONTH CLUB BREAKFAST, And 1 Can MACKEREL Tall Cans...... 3 for 2 5 c 20c, 25c,,35c 5 Bars Wool Soap Sunbrite Cleanser...^ The Rev. W. A. O’Connell, O.P., gave an inspiring talk on “ Charity” COMPLETE PLATE LUNCH AT NOON, Pork Sale at Home Public Only at the Dominican Sisters of the Sick FELS-NAPTHA SOAP .3 for 1 7 c Poor meeting held Tuesday after­ Pot Roast...... lb. 11 30c noon. The society was glad to wel­ Loin or Round Steak...... lb. 2 5 ^ Waffles Served All Day come Mrs. John Muell^ as a visitor BEEF Hamburger ...... lb. 12^/^^ and Mrs. J. R. Alcorn and Mrs. Sadie MAY FRANCIS, Prop. HOME PUBLIC MARKET Newell as new members. It was re­ ported that the sisters visited 123 Qt. Kraut and 1 Ib. Weiners— 1 5 c SPRING CHICKENS Dressed. Ib. 2 9 c cases in the past month and rendered Don’t Buy Snbntitute*—Buy material assistance amounting to _ _ _ . _ Chops ...... lb. 19^ MARKET — — Rolled Roast...... lb. 22Vz4^ ?119.99. Mrs. T. C. McElroy‘ap­ HYDRATED ORANGE K H H Id Loin or Round Steak...... lb. 25if^ pointed Mrs. Richard Morrissey chair­ VFAIf L i /i i j Stew ...... —-...... lbs. 25f^ Unde from Fresh Orange* 3 CIGAR SHOPPE Also All Fresh Fruits Drinks ' Pot Roast...... lb. man of the annual A.O.H. benefit, A Full Line of to be held at Elitch’s on the evening Watch U* Mak* It «t th* o f June 7. Arthur Alcorn, accom­ BACON SQUARES lb . 9 c Cigar* and Tobacco PURE LARD tendered...... I l l b . 8 c panied by Mrs. John R. Schilling, Monthly and Weekly Msgasine* ORANGE BAR entertained with th^ee beautiful W e Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Candy Bar* and Gum Sold by the Glasi, Pint, Quart or Gal. W e Reaerve the Right to Limit Quantitie* vocal selections, “ ValUe,” “ Down by the Sea” and “ Ave Maria.” PAGE EIGHT Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Main 5418


The Safety (St. Catherine’s Parish) (St. Philoraena’s Parish), (St. Elizabeth’s Parish) At this week’s meeting of the A signal honor was conferred upon Altar and Rosary society definite A delightful evening was enjoyed Miss Gertrude Hill last January when plans were t\)ade for the forthcoming by the senior Girls’ sodality Thurs­ she was elected by the members of Factor in carnival. Sewing material was dis­ day evening of last week at the home the Young Ladies’ sodality to be tributed for the booths. The mem­ of Miss Charlotte O’Reilly, 1363 Mil­ queen of the May procession and bers of the society have generously waukee street, with the Misses Made­ crowning this year. St. Elizabeth’s volunteered to serve the annual line Carey, Katherine Mohan, Louise leaves nothing undone to make this breakfast for the fathers and sons Dooling and Catherine Fitzpatrick as a very solemn service each year in Investments assistant hostesses. Miss Minnie of the parish after their annual Com­ honor of the great Mother of God. munion Sunday, May 10. Duray presided in the absence of the The Children of Mary will take part Putting your funds in the Re­ The parish rejoices that one of its president. Miss Evelyn Taylor, and in the procession, which is scheduled public Building and Loan Associ­ best-known and most faithful mem' Miss Myrl Nevin acted as secretary. to start at the school at 7:30 JJiis ation is one of the surest ways of hers, Joseph McMeel, has been pro­ Satisfactory reports were read from Sunday evening. May 3. After the moted to the position of city editor the resolution and the sick commit­ enjoying that feeling of Safety— crowning, new members will be re­ of The Rocky Mountain News. Mr. tees. Miss Duray welcomed a new ceived into the sodality by the pas­ plus earnings of 7% . Here are McMeel," who lives at 4445 Grove member. Miss Daisy Smith. Thirty- tor, the Rev. Eusebius Schlingmann, two of the most desirable factors street, is a past president of the Holy two members were present. Father O.F.M. The Rev. H. L. McMenamin, Name society. He has children' in Hig^ns, the spiritual director, gave rector of the Cathedral, has kindly in investments —- SAFETY and St. Catherine’s school. a stimulating talk, in which he quoted Safety GOOD INCOME. If you are not accepted an invitation from Father Sunday, May 24, has. been set as from a speech of Senator Walsh gpven Eusebius to preach the sermon on familiar with the investment serv­ the date for the children of the par­ at a "Jefferson banquet in New York this occasion. Benediction of the ice of the Republic Building and ish to receive their First Holy Com­ recently. On the occasion mentioned. Blessed Sqcrament will be given at munion. , Loan Association we ' will be Senator Walsh said that four Ameri­ the close of the services. The children of St, Clara’s orphan­ cans paid an income tax on more Throughout the month of May, the A PATHWAY TO YOUR DOOR pleased to explain without'obli­ age will present in St. Catherine’s than a billion dollars, the aggregate Rosary and Litany of the B.V.M. will hall this Sunday evening “ The Shep­ gation .... value of the wheat and cotton crop be recited on Sunday evenings at 7 :30 “ If you can preach a better sermon, write a better book, or build a herdess of Lourdes,’’ or “ The Blind of the United States. These four and cn Tuesday and Friday evenings Princess.” The play will be inter- men, he said, could control the pur­ better service— |ven though your home is but a cottage the world ^ r s e d with folk songs and drills. at 7 :45. On the ^her week days, these chase of the crop. Father Higgins prayers will be laid at the children’s will beat a pathway to your door.” Emerson. The play is being produced under the urged the sodality members either to management of Mrs. J. M. Keegan. Mass at 8 o’clock. The faithful of ^ in the N.C.C.W. or to subsftibe to the parish are exhorted to be present REPUBLIC The price of admission will be but The N.C.W.C. Review, which gives 25 cents. statistics and summarizes in a short at these devotions. T i|e members of the Young Ladies’ Tuesday, May 5, will be the fourth Building and 'Loan Association form important current events of the of the novena of Tuesdays before the Boulevard Mortuary society have taken over the Oriental country. Miss Dorothy Meikenhous A. B. Willifims, President Feast of St. Anthony. Devotions in KEystone 2357 theater fot the evening of Wednes­ appealed to the members to attend JAMES P. McCONATY T. E. Greene, Sec’y-Treas. day, May 6. The attraction will be honor of the saint will be held after 1711 California L. C. Skelly, Asst. Sec’y-Treas. the Junior Tabernacle society card all three Masses and again in the “ East Lynne,” with a star cast, of party scheduled for April 29. Fol­ Federal Blvd. at No. Speer GAIlup 0407 film favorites. evening at 7:45. There wll be ex­ lowing the business meeting, bridge position of the Blessed Sacrament in The Honaso young men were was played and enjoyed by the Misses served a delightful breakfast follow­ the morning hours, ending with Bene­ Margaret McGroarty, Adele Nichols, diction after the 8 o’clock Mass. ing their Communion last Sunday Irene Keefe, Mathilda Krier, Mary morning. Benediction will also be given at the Rose O’Brien, Agnes O’Brien, Ruth May devotions will start this Fri­ close of the evening services. Kiene, Edith Kiene, Minnie Duray, day. The Rosary will be recited at The Altar society will receive Com­ CORPORATE TRUST SH-^RES Ethel Doss, Lucille Mix, Mary Mc­ the Masses and there will be special munion in. a body this Sunday. A SPECIAL OFFER services in the evening at 7:45. Glone, Clara Koster, Dorothy Meiken­ Market About $5 Vi— Write for Descriptive Booklet hous, Myrtle Higgins, Teresa Court­ large meeting of the members will be We will move your furniture to our warehouse and give you six This Sunday, the Altar and Rosary looked for at the school hall on Tues­ months to pay your bill. Private room or open storage. We have society will receive Communion' at ney, Marie Bresnehan, Valentine Mix, day afternoon. the 7 o’clock Mass. Sarah Higgins, Ethel Brady, Anne low rate of insurance. Baby Betty Margaret Ehlers of Call KEystone 6228 and we will call and give you estimate on PEDLEY-RYAN & CO. Mrs. . McGlone died Wednes­ O’Neill, Evelyn Kiene, Margaret 2129 Downing street was baptized your work. day morning at Mercy hospital. Mohan, Helen Gallagher, Daisy Smith, Rosa McGlone, Neva Wakeman and last Sunday by Fathjer Eusebius. * Dealers in High Grade Investments Mjs. Harry Denne of 4100 Julian MOVING, STORING AND PACKING Marie Sheehy. Miss Edith Kiene won The following boys, after some street is in Mercy hospital recovering weeks of training by Sister Marianne, 709 Seventeenth Street, Denver MAin S#41 the honors. The hostesses served from a throat infection. S.S.F., have been admitted ^to serve No Money Needed for Six Months I • dainty refreshments. The May meet­ TIMOTHY A. PEDLEY Mrs. Margaret Coan, well known at the altar: Peter Lambrecht, Paul in the parish, arrived in Denver Tues­ ing will be a mothers’ party. DUFFY STORAGE & MOVING CO. THOMAS A. RYAN JOSEPH A. RYAN Sullivan, Joseph Martinesky, Samuel day morning to be at the bedside of The seventh and eighth grade Marsalli, William Snyder, Thomas 1521 20th St. Office and Warehouse her son, Raymond Coan, in St. Jos­ pupils of St. Philomena’s school are Hart, Adam Heit, Albert Gorman and eph’s hospital. now rehearsing a High Mass in the William Mumford. Last Sunday evening, several Gregorian chant, which they will friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. M. F. render this Sunday at the 8 o’clock vJ’Brien of West Scott place, the Mass. The children have been re­ 300 TO DANCE AT occasion being ■ their twenty-fifth hearsing under the direction of Sister Cathedral Parish St. Catherine's Parish wedding anniversary. Marie, teacher of music at St. Philo­ MAY DAY FETE Little Virginia Grout, daughter""’ of mena’s school. Splendid work is being done by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grout of 4224 Mrs. Charles Cassidy had the mis­ DAILY RATE SCHEDULE THE ZIMMERMAN MERCANTILE CO. Clay street, is seriously ill at her Mrs. Edgar Wilson Mumford at the fortune to break several of her ribs Queen of Heaven and St. Vincent’s Single with Lavatory...... $1, $1,25, $1.60 3700 Navajo Street home following an infection. Double with Lavatory...... $1.50 to $2.5u W .,t 38lh «nd Irving ■ w.i.h'o.r“ . f S ” la^week and is confined to her home. orphanages. Boys’ athletic clubs have Single with Bath...... $2 to $3 Call Gallup 0741 The r e d a w h i t e s t o r « Call Gallup 0936 Baby Donald Joseph, son of Mr. been organized by her and the chil­ AVENUE*' and Mrs. Joseph R. Nesladek, was dren are being trained in folk danc­ Double with Bath...... $2.50 to $3.50 SOC’Y TO MEET HOTEL NEAR EVERYTHING baptized last Sunday by the Rev. ing for a park fete to he held in North Denver Poultry Supply House AT ELDORADO Francis P. Cawley. Miss Mary Per- May. Children froi^ the Colorado Feeds, Seeds, Fertilizers— Bird Seed and Supplies chirske and Walter Fleish were the State home will also participate in The Queen’s Daughters will go to sponsors. , the event. About three hundred PEARL GROCERY AND MARKET 38th Avenue and Stuart St. Phone GAIlup 2671 Eldorado Springs for their meeting Mr. and Mrs. John M. McGold- children will gather at Washington S31 E. 17TH AVE. PHONE MA. 4622 on Sunday, May 3. The Sullivan rick’s infant daughter, Arline Alice, park and all will do the saipe folk cottage, with the Misses Margaret was baptized last Sunday by the Rev. dances and play the same games. Each K: ...... 4 9 ^ ...... 2 2 ^ and Elsie Sullivan and Minnie Duray Francis P. Cawley. The sponsors school will also offer a special num­ CREAM^ERY BUTTER, . 3 Q ^ 2 2 ^ as hostesses, will be the lodge house were Miss E. Doeling and Lawrence ber. The public is cordially invited St. Vincent de Paul's . that day. C#rs will leave the Cath­ DEL MONTE...... POT RO A sf;...... -g H. Doeling. to see the orphans dance. The affair c o f f Ee , l b ...... o c r e . l b ...... ?...... olic Daughters’ home at 9:30 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Parslow and will be held on some day of the last There will be ample transportation ULLERY AND DRINKWATER SOUTH S156 family have moved to their home, 740 week in May and the date will be an­ for all, so members are invited to be Olive street, where they will be nounced later. Brin^ Us Your Prescriptions for Scientific Handling on hand. If the weather does not plea.sed to see their friends. jMrS. Brownie Creameiy & Delicatessen 7?67° sMElnVh av“: PROMPT FREE DEUVERY______permit of such an excursion, the reg­ Parslow will be very much missed by Sacrament will be given in addition Brick Ice Cream, 29c Qt.— 15c P t.. ular meeting will be held at 2:30 109S SO. GAYLORD the ladies of the Altar and Rosary to the devotions mentioned. DELICIOUS BAKED CHICKEN. HOT ALL DAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY . THE CHRYSLER GROCERY CO. PHONE SOUTH OUl o’clock at the home of the Misses society, as she was a zealous and Sister Mary Paul, formerly Miss HOT BREAD, FRESH MEATS AND GROCERIES Sullivan, 1120 Jackson street. untiring worker. a Margaret Fitzgerald of St. Philo­ F a n c y Corn-Fed Meats— Groceries— Fruits and Vegetables Banns of marriage are announced mena’s parish, spent last Sunday with NEWHOUSE CAFE TRY OUR REGULAR DINNERS QUALITY— SERVICE— PRICE______FREE DELIVERY GERTRUDE BROWN for the first time between James J. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Fitz­ THEY WILL PLEASE YOU Palmer and Miss Gertrude Margaret gerald, 1133 Detroit street. A DISTINCTIVE PLACE TO EAT DIES AT LA JUNTA Manion, both of St. Philomena’s This Friday, the first Friday of the 308 E. Colfax MAin 9777 parish. month, there will be Holy Hour and Lace Curtains, Draperies, Laces, Center Pieces and All Table Linens BONNIE ,BRAE La Junta. — Mrs. Gertrude F. Mrs. J. H. O’Neill, who had been May devotions beginning at 7:30 ill of pneumonia at St. Joseph’s hos­ p. m. Cleaned and Hand Pressed. * Brown, for more than twenty years NO PIN HOLES CALL FOR AND DELIVER Service Station a member of St. Patrick’s parish, pital, is now at her home, 1336 Prayers were offered at all the NOW OPEN died at the Mennonite hospital here Adam# street. Although still con­ Masses Sunday for the repose of the 218 E. Seventh Ave. CITY LACE CLEANERS Phone TAbor 7907 Dealer in Phillips Products Thursday of last week. The Rosary fined to her bed, she is improving. soul of Mrs. Mary Schirk of 1171 S. Univernity »t E. Ohio. Denver, was recited at the Mayer funeral ThiS'.Friday, the young people of Detroit street, who passed away on IHpW MAJESTIC RESTAURANT home on Friday evening and funeral St. Philomena’s will give a benefit Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Schirk Featuring SCIENTIFIC COOKING— 40c Luncheon, 50c Dinner PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. Sa GAYLORD CREAMERY CO. services with Requiem High Mass at social at the school hall. East 1,0th was an active member of the Altar ) Open Every Day— 11 A. M. to 9 P. M. 1022 So. Gaylord St. Phone SOuth 4648 St. Patrick’s church, in charge of avenue and Fillmore street. The and Rosary society. The members 210 SIXTEENTH. STREET______TELEPHONE MAIN 9U8 IT PAYS the pastor, the Rev. W. E. Larkin, tickets will be 35 cents and may be attended the funeral, held at S t Phil­ were held Saturday. Interment took procured from Mrs. E. C. Henry, omena’s church Monday. The Rev. C. DE BERRY GARMENT GO. place in the cemetery at Rocky Franklin 2561-W, or Mrs. T. C. W. M. Higgins offered the Requiem Coats, Quality, Exclusiveness, at Lower Prices— Corsets W e Fit St. Patrick's Parish Ford. Mrs. Brown’s mother, Mrs. Rhoades, Franklin 5701-W, who are Mass. Dresses, Negligees, Silk Underwear, Holeproof Hosiery Christina Regnier, a widow, had in charge and who will appreciate the Servers at the 6 :30 Mass thm week 2022 E. COLFAX AVENUE Open till 9 p.m. DENVER, COLORADO, been making her home with Mrs. support of others in the parish. were Masters James Carrel and TEJON a u t o p a i n t s h o p ™ bbasombl* Brown. Two brothers, P. A. Regnier SATISFACTORY WORK Mrs. Rosemary Beck is recovering George Porter and at the 8 o’clock BRISBOIS HAND LAUNDRY A. DISTEFANO. Prop. of Kinsley, Kans., and J. H. Regnier from an attack of influenza. Masses Masters Robert and Francis DUCO REFINISHING STATION of Burdett, Kans., were called last, Mrs. E. T. Mulcahey entertained Syrianey. All Kindt of Laundry Work at Reasonable Prices - PHONE GAL. 7878 week to her bedside. Her sisters. Linens and Silks a Specialty S561 TEJON ST. ' the members of Mrs. John T. Tier­ The pastor was pleased at the num­ WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER PHONE a'ABOR 9337 Mrs. Catherine Rupin of Topeka, ney’s club Tuesday at the Wellshire ber of parishioners who obtained TEJON DRUG COMPANY Kans.; Mrs. Marie Olson of Kinkley, Country club. their cartons of envelopes last Sun­ KanL, and Mrs. A. R. Ellis of Hollis, W INDSOR w a t e r a n d BOTTLING COMPANY Cor. 33rd and Tejon— Phone GAIlup 6770 Mrs. Rusho’s club met at the home day. The remaining few may secure Long Island, N. Y., were with her at of Mrs. Charles Lamberty Thursday, theirs this Suhdav. ARTESIAN AND DISTILLED WATER COLORADO the last. Mrs. Brown was born Root Beer, Ginger Ale, Near Beer and Soda Water DEN’VER April 23. Mrs. Peny Williams made 3030 DOWNING ST. PHONE YORK 8556 forty-eight years ago in Alshce- high score. Mrs. McDermott substi­ Lorraine and came to this country ANNOUNCEMENT GEORGE QUEDENS tuted for Mrs. Eugene O’Fallon, who when a small child. In 1904, she was The Dublin Tailors & Cleaners Watch for Opening— • FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES married to Harry G. Brown of was ill. Father Higgins was a very PreTiousIy at 516 E. Colfax Fruits in Semon— Choice Meat* Pueblo. Mr. Brown was sent to welcome visitor in the afternoon. We want to thank our friends and 406 E. Colfax 4402-0* UMATILLA______FREE DELIVERY PHONE GALLUP 2936 Rocky Ford as superintendent of the Mrs. H. W. Struck and Mrs. N. customers for their past patronage Cathedral Food Shop Sullivan entertained Mrs. Rosemary Mrs. Geo. Costake light company there. It was in and hope that you will continue to Opposite Cathedral Prop. SULLIVAN COAL CO. Rocky Ford that Mr. Brown, while in Beck’s club Thursday afternoon, patronize us at our new location Murphy^s the discharge of his duties, met with April 23. Mrs. Elizabeth Schwenger, 423 E. 17th Are. MAin 9881 2239 We»t 30th Ave. Ph. GAIlup 1476 a tragic .death. Afterwards Mrs. Mrs. A. Millett and Mathilda Krier Service Station substituted. Fertilizer— Lawns $1.00 and up Brown came to La Junta to live. Buford Gas” Her life had been saddened by her Mrs. Otto Kiene’s club met Tues­ LOUISE HAT SHOP This {ertiliier is Iree from weeds day of last week at the home of Mrs. Shrine of St. Anne Parish Firit Clan Greating and Service loss, but it was rich in her devotion to Sheep Fertilizer— Lawns $2.00 and up her faith— a priceless heritage from Amalia Ott. Mrs. Dan McQuaid, Hats Moulded to the Head Free Crank Case Service her native land— and to the little Mrs. D. E. McCurtain and Mrs. Kala- ASHTON MOTOR CO. ARVA-PRIDE FLOUR 3 H Yds. Load $4.50 Screelfed Madam LOUISE BROWN 36th and Tejon St. Wm. Murphy mother, whose companionship meant nay substituted. Mrs. McQuaid and Automobiles and Trucks \ Mrs. P. R. edis won the prizes. The Room 214 McCIintock Bldg. so much to her. Mrs. Brown was of For Economical Transportation A Real Household Friend— Constant an exceptionally kindly nature and next meeting will be with Mrs. Luke 16th and California Denver, Colo. —Trustworthy— ^Never Failing—for ■ :a was greatly loved by all who knew Parslow at 740 Olive street May 6. i Serrtce Sales Biscuits— for Bread— for Pastry. St. Teresa's Parish her. Requiem Masses for the week were Mr. and ^ rs . W. F. Morrison of announced as follows: Tuesday at BEDDING PLANTS Ph. Arvada 232 145 Wadsworth Ave, Grain and Poultry Feed at Rocky Ford were in La Junta Satur­ 7:30 for Mrs. Lena M. Meikenhous,' ARVADA, COLORADO Denver Prices COFFEE SPIKES If You Don’ t Drink Our Coffee day to attend the funeral of Mrs. seventh anniversary, requested by For Porch Boxes, Baskets and Garden You Are Cheating Yourself Gertrude Brown. Miss Dorothy Meikenhous; Thursday » 9625 EAST COLFAX AVENUE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gavagan and at 6:30 for Mrs. John D. O’Haire, PLATE LUNCHES AND SANDWICHES family spent a few days in Denver requested by the O'Haire family; Henry J. Bettinger PLANT NOW last week, where Mr. Gavagan at­ My Big Trees* Shrubs. Saturday at 6:30 for Andrew Hag- 466 Pearl Phone SO. 3866-R Vines and Perennials tended a meeting of Rexall represen­ erty, requested by the Knights of AURORA MARTIN J. CULLEN The Aurora tatives from all parts of the state. Columbus. Mrs. J. W. Warner returned re­ Landscape Specialists SERVICE STATION This Sunday Jvill be Communion Walsh Motor Company International Nurseries Hardware Co. cently to her home in Los Angeles day for the Altar and Rosary society Free Cataloz after a visit here with her parents, at the 8 o’clock Mass. 40 years in the same old place, Green Fargo Gas Paint— Field Fence— Stoves Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Spalding. Wyandot St. at W. 46th Ave. Attention is called to the “ Insti­ Authorized FORD Dealers On the No. Side— Denver, Colo. Seiberling Tires and Tubes Glass— Poultry Wire Prayej*s of the congregation were tute of Catholic Culture” on the an­ PHONE AURORA 88 requested Sunday for the repose of nouncement sheet. Meetings are held Sonth 8964 Esflawoo# 163 the souls of James Penrose, a fqrmer Aurora, Colo. Cor. Colfax & Clinton Electrical and Radio Supplies at the Regis collegfe library eTery 38S7 Saath Broadwar CURTINS member of the parish, and of Mrs. second and fourth Sunday of the 3 5 ^ and up Gertrude Brown. Mr. Penrose, who month at 2:30 o’clock. Those who MAKE YOUR OWN GOOD TIMES Experienced man in our rug department JAMES W. CREAMER died recently in Albuquerque after an have attended the lectures have found Wanted, 10,000 Rapresentativea lor tha New Don't forget to send your drapes with tha Attorney and Counselor-at-Law illness ofi several weeks, was well Catholic Dictionary—Ona in Every Parish curtains. them scholarly and instructive. Pre-eminently the book for every home, Its flavor 902-908 Midland Savings Building GUS’S MARKET known to the members of the parish On Wednesday at 8 o’clock, there here. echool,'" library, for non-Cathotiee as well at Reliable Curtain Cleaners Phone Tabor 7755 Denver,' Colo. Catholics. Earn good money by doinz zood makes the — AS GOOD AS THE NAME — All-day adoration of the Blessed was a Nuptial Mass celebrated for For Good Meats Dr. and Mrs. P. F. Florey. work. Part time or ail your time. Write for Sacrament will be held this Friday particulars and send refereneet with the whole meal Phono YOrk 3192 1431 Ogd.on - MORRISSEY, MAHONEY & in St. Patrick’s church. The priests of the parish urge all name of this paper (weekly or monthly) to SCOFIELD 613 East Thirteenth Avenue who can possibly do so to attend the Manazer— THE NEW CATHOUC DICTION­ better Attorneys-at-Law ARY. 16 Union Square, New York City. SHIRLEY GARAGE YORK 2422 OKLAHOMA GETS LAW FOR daily devotions in , honor of the 405-9 Symes Bldg. STERILIZATION Blessed Mother .in the month of Mayi • GENERAL REPAIRING Phone MAin 4106 . Denver, Colo. The governor of Oklahoma has Services will be at 7:30 o’clock on RUSTS PHARMACY' WASHING— TOWING— GAS— OIL PATRONIZE signed a bill passed by the legis­ Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Corner 19th and California ■ JOHN H. REDDIN Saturday. There will be a brief read­ Day and Night Storage lature providing for sterilization of Complete Drug Store Supplies Attorney and Counselor at Law REGISTER insane patients and third-term crim­ ing for meditation. Rosary and Litany TAbor 5911— KEystone 4704' i' 612.614 Ernest & Cranmer Block inals. The Pope in his Encyclical on at the altar of the Blessed Virgin. Prescriptions Carefully Filled Never Closed 1631-37 Lincoln 17th and[ Curtis Marj-iage denied that the State has On Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Across From Holy Ghost Church Phone Main 557 Denver, Colo. ADVERTISERS the right to order such operations. evenings. Benediction of the Blessed TAbor 8925 MAin 9805 PAGE NINE Thursday, April 30, 1931 Office. 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Main 5413

YOU’RE EATING LORETTO ELECTS SIXTY TO RECEIVE POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT REGULARLY ADVISORY BOARD FIRST COMMUNION BUT thousands of deserving men, Register Small Ads right here in Denver, would be A meeting of the advisory board (Sacred HeartrLoyola Parish) THE OCCASION hungry and homeless if it were not of Loretto Heightsj. college was held A class of sixty children will re­ for the St. Vincent de Paul So­ ' THE WAY TO VOTE!I WANTED— Good live-wire salesman, Ap- at the college Saturday. The follow­ ceive First Holy Communion at ciety’s Shelter Home at 1366 *nSlecUon Returns." editorial page. People's ply at room 18, 1641 Stout St. ing officers were elected: President, Sacred Heart church this Sunday at Building and Loan Assn. PRODUCES THE MAN Cherokee Street. Ha v e your piano tuned and serviced cor­ Miss Mary Coughlin; first vice presi­ the 8:30 o’ clock Mass. Father Dev­ rectly by John A. Jinaeio, member of Na­ During 1930 we furnished 4,207 HOLY FAMILY PARISH; $150 DOWN lin will celebrate the Mass and will Pressed brick cottage of 4 rms. and sleep­ tional Association of Piano Tuners. Phone dent, Miss Margaret Fallon; second lodgings, prorided 9,068 meals, ing porch.' Modern except furnace. Lots Gallup 1126. ______vice president, Mrs. William Lebling; give the children their First Com­ The Occasion secured 168 positions and supplied S5xl26. Garage; nice yard; $2,100. Main FOR RENT— Modern 7-room house. $18 secretary, Mrs. F. J. Muschaben; cor­ munion. After the Mass the children large amounts of clothing—rail *214. month. 3529 Franklin St. Call at 8150 responding secretary, Miss Monica will be taken to Loyola hall, where a Marion St. - Is at Hand free of charge. . ST. CATHERINE’S PARISH Hayden; treasurer, Mrs, John Mulvi- delicious breakfast will be served to Help us care for these temporarily 2 story, 8 rooms, hot water heat. All 1614 FRANKLIN— Pleasant single room. them by the Loyola Ladies’ sodality. very large rooms and a real home. Finest $10 a month; board if desired. Nice locution. hill; board of directors. Miss Mary destitute men. Everyone of them condition throughout. Double garage, 2 Vi 1570 ST. PAUL— 1 front bed room with Fallon, Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon, Mrs. Father Devlin will offer the gp:ace and would gladly donate a dollar or lots. Front porch around 2 sides. A real breakfast. Franklin 8393-M. ______Mary O’Fallon and Mrs. P. J. Sul­ will have breakfast with tho young­ two to care for you if circum­ home. $1,000 cash necessary. Price $3,700. FOR RENT— 3 rooms, furnished, private livan. After an interesting discus­ sters. This class of sixty has been D. C. Burns Realty & Trust Co., KiUredge bath, light, heat and garage; newly decorated. thoroughly instructed by the sisters. OTTO stances were reversed. Bldg. Main 3214. 277 So. Pearl S t . ______sion on the ways and means to take Surely you’ll do as much for them care of the expenses of the college, The little ones realize the great jdy CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS’ HOME. 1772 VERMONT APTS.— Two rooms, kitchen which will be theirs on Sunday morn­ by sending your contribution to Grant. Pleasant home for girls. ______and bath, unfumiehed, Frlgidaire. Walking college girls served refreshments. disUnee. 1629 Clarkson St. York 8798. Mother Consuelo, who has been at ing, and they are impatient for the Society of DENVER AUTO TOP CO, HOLY FAMILY; $2,200, $100 DOWN great day to come. The sodality la­ General Uphelsterlng. 1213 Lawrence St. the motherhouse,. Nerinx, Kentucky, BOCK A 6-room comfortable brick home, modem Saint Vincent de Paul is expected to return Thursday. En dies in entertaining the children at DONEHUE PICTURE SHOP except turoace. Just the house and loca­ breakfast hope to add to the pleasure 1665 GRANT ST. tion for the family. No mortgage and easy route to Nerinxj she visited at Santa Formerly of the occasion and to help make the FOR DENVER’S Denver, Colorado Cisler & Oonchue monthly payments; Gallup 5441, evenings. Fe, New Mexico, where she attended The D. C. Bums Realty k Trust Co., 224 day memorable. Pictures and Framing the golden juBilee of Mother Bernard, MAin 0662 S22 12th Streat Kittredge Bldg. Main 8214. This Sunday will be Communion superior of Loretto academy of that day for the Young Ladies’ sodality at A TO Z Express and Moving. Prices city. \\\\\\l 1 >1 / / / / / / $1.00 per hour; 2 men, $1.50. Big truck; PAROCHIAL BALL the 8 :30 o’clock Mass at Loyola. Since trunks and baggage, DOc and up. Phone The Loretto prom will be held this this will be the first Sunday of May, MAYOR KEystone 5741. Stand, 19th and California Friday evening at Lakewood Coun­ street. ______LEAGUE RESULTS the month of Our Lady, the sodality AiODEBATELY P R IC E D / ^ try club. The crowning will tate is expected to be present 100 per 25faPound-4ilb$/l'^y^ WANTED— Party to sell eggs to con­ place at 9 o’clock and will be fol­ sumers. Write Box E. D., Care Catholic Holy Family high school Monday cent. IS THE MAN Othtr GradMsJOfandup ^ Register. ______defeated Annunciation Cardinals iif lowed by the “ Queen’s dance.” The second party of the Loyola Aid \ V.N.\SVW\U !!' ^ ^ m. ^ NEW HOLLAND HOTEL— Wofking peo­ the opening basebaJI game of the The queen, selected from the bridge tournament took place in Loy­ '-SANDERSONS’ ' ple cut expenses. Good board and room, Denver Parochial league season at senior class, is Rose Doyle. Her at­ ola hall Monday night and was a de­ $7.50 up; phone and water in each room. Elitch’s gardens. The score was 13 tendants are: Senior, Jane Winburn; lightful affair. The crowd was larger Election May 19th Cathedral parish; walking distance. Phone 1514 ARAPAHOE - TA. X59«. TAbor 5201, 1760 Pennsylvania street. to 7. junior, Louise Bessler; sophomore, than at the opening party and the spirit of friendship and good-will was MAXEY’S SHOE REPAIR SHOP Cathedral high school won its open­ Susan Cassidy; freshman, Margaret All kinds of Hand Tooled Novelties. ing baseball game, 12-6, from Sacred Connelly. much in evidence. The gentlemen’s Ladies’ and gents’ pocketbooks, belts, ete. The Athletic association has se­ award for high score was given to He Pledges to Citizens of Denver 2808 East 6th Avenue. ______Heart high, Tuesday afternoon. DAY-NITE lected seventeen members to attend John O’Brien, and the ladies’ award READERS OF CATHOLIC REGISTER to Mrs. Gertrude Dugan. Ed Wollen- BEAUTY SHOPPE Secure half rate. Dr. W. A. O’Connell JESUIT COLLEGE EDITORS play day at Boulder this Saturday, 1— A determined and honest effort to reduce taxes to ROSE MATTICK agrees to allow readers of this paper half May 2. The members will partici­ haupt, a popular member of the par­ the minimum. FORM SOCIETY ish, was given the door award. A bul­ 8:30 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. rate on Chiropractic treatments. For free Four Jesuit college literary maga­ pate in the sports in which they ex­ examination you may telephone Keystone letin board, showing the standing of 2— An efficient, nonpartisan business administration Cut Rate Prices on All B ^ u ty cel. The afternoon will be spent en­ 4058 or call at Suite 247 Steele Bldg., zines have formed themselves into all players, was on display when the with a definite determination to make all economies Work by Experienced Operators corner 16tb and Welton. ______the Literary Association ot Jesuit joying the recreational facilities at 1429 Glenarm St. KEystone 7891 party opened. Mrs. J. H. Wiedmaier possible, including the purchase of supplies of every BROWN CHAMBERS HOTEL Colleges arid Universities, it was an­ the Boulder campus. The girls who was in the lead, and Francis R. Bush­ 4 828 17th Street nounced by Charles A. Dunn, editor- will represent Loretto are Helen Col­ natuhe on a competitive basis, to \the end that the Newly remodeled, newly furn.; all rooms man was second. A fine time is an­ in-chief of The Crinjson and Gray of with bath and desk ph.; rates $8 wk. up; lins, Elizabeth Cullen, Regina and ticipated when the third party is people of Denver may enjoy a local government at The Best in transient $2. Opp. Brown Palace. KE. 5208. St. Joseph’s college, Philadelphia, Virginia McMindes, Pauline Smith, staged this Monday night. the lowest possible cost to them. NEW OWNERSHIP MODISTI which sponsored the movement. The Mildred Larsen, Mary Agnes Galvin, DELLA HASKINS. Proprietor This Friday, the first Friday of the 3— To represent the city and its citizens in all relations s Used other magazines included are The Magdalene Klausner, Dorothy Smith, month, there will be evening devo­ • Cleaning by Bodefelt Georgetown College Journal, The and business with public utilities and to protect the 2422 E. 6th Ave. York 4027 Alvena Leversedge, Marguerite tions at both churches beginning at Canisius Monthly, and The Boston Furniture PHONE US FOR PRICES AND APPOINT­ Krause, Marcella Murphy, Regina 7:45. pity’s franchise rights and the rights of citizens to MENTS College Stylus^______Coll, Frances Vettersneck, Sarah Wil­ Cash or Credit Some time ago, the Loyola Ladies’ reasonable service, rates and charges. WEST 29TH AVE. BEAUTY SHOP liams, Anna McGlone and Patricia sodality made plans for a supper, to Ph. CAUup 7158 Hazel Hardie 2746 W. CARDINAL HAYES BLESSES NEW 4— An impartial enforcement of all laws and the refusal" Retail Rooms Open Ph. GAI. 7158. Hazel Hardie. 2746 W. 29tfa Lucy. be given in Loyola hall in May. The SCHOOL IN BRONX of special favors and priviliges to every private Daily TAYLOR’S BAKERY AND CREAMERY In the recent April issue of The members decided to hold card parties HOME BREAD AND ROLLS The new $250,000 building of St. Heightsonian, the staff to take care in their homes, and by this means se­ interest. A FULL LINE OF Fancy Cakes and Pies Anthony’s parochial school, the of the publication of next year’s Full Line of Dairy Products cure money-necessary to pay for 5— To place the city employes on a nonpartisan, non- ^ OFFICE FURNITURE Bronx, New York, was dedicated Heightsonian was named. Maureen provisions for the supper. 'The card 2742 W. 29th Ave. James Teylor, Prop. April 19, with Cardinal Hayes offici­ ^ political basis. ' _ ^ We rent Folding Chairs, Card and ALICE T. LAWLESS Maloney of North Platte, Nebr., will parties so far have been so successful 6— An active participation in the protection of our indus­ Banquet Tables, Dishes, Silverware, CHIROPRACTOR ating. After blessing the exterior of be editor-in-chief; Virginia McMindes that the ladies have abandoned en­ anything in stock. Established 1888. 1232 E. 13th Ave., Denver, Colorado the four-story struclxire, the Cardinal of El Paso, Texas, assistant editor; tirely the idea of the supper. By trial' life in all transportation problems, railroad as Phono YOrk 4962 entered it to hang a crucifix inside Marcella Murphy, Denver, business continuing the home parties for a well as motor vehicle carriers. PHONE KEYSTONE 4852 BON TON BEAUTY SHOP the doorway. The congregation then Learn Beauty Culture manager; Isabelle McNamara, Den­ short time longer, the organization S|>ecial Summer Rates went to the auditorium of the build­ ver, advertising manlger; Regina will raise the amount of money The People of Denver Are Entitled to a Progressive, 604 Fourteenth St. TAbor 9066 ing, where the Cardinal spoke, re­ Montgomery, Denver, circulation needed to turn over to Father Devlin Constructive and Economical Administration TYDINGS marking that the Catholic Church, in manager. iUl these major positions for the organ fund. In holding these OPTOMETRIST HEMSTICH & SPECIALTY SHOP the midst of widespread economic de^ are being filled by sophomores who of Their City Government Dry Goods and Notions— Dressmaking parties the ladies have accomplished pression, was endeavoring to go are members of the journalism class. much for the parish. The people now Your Patronage Solicited— Prompt Service An Earnest Consideration of His Program for the AND OPTICIAN 2604 East 12th Avenue Phone YOrk 3273 ahead with a building program in­ The Historical club held its month­ know one another better and there is WHEN you have traded $15 with us, yon tended to relieve unemployment. ly meeting in the social hall Monday. a finer spirit apparent in every sec­ Development of Denver and a Vote Is Solicited for are entitled to 5 per cent rebate in trade. The meeting was called to make plans tion of the parish. HELEN WALSH Metzger’s, dry goods and notions, hem­ stitching. 20 E. 45th Ave., MAin 4989. POLISH BISHOPS ESTABLISH for a party to be given for the or­ Things at the parish school^ are Associate DAILY PRESS SERVICE PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING phans at St. Clara’s, Queen of humming. One activity after another W. R. JOSEPH by experienced workman. Neat, dependabit In Poland only five per cent of the Heaven and St. Vincent’s orphanages will claim the time and attention of job guaranteed. lapers are hostile to the Church. the students until the uesks are OTTO BOCK May 13. Outdoor games will be ANTON BERINGER These are owned by either Socialists EYES York 8679-J. Shop at 153 Madison St. played and refreshments will be closed for the last time in June. The or Freethinkers. The major part of served. There will be present about public speaking contest for girls took ^ for MAYOR " CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOP, 2031 East the press is Catholic but the social EXAMINED 13th Ave. Naivette Croquignole, Nistle Cir- forty orphans, - ranging in ages from place Wednesday; that for the boys ELECTION MAY 19TH culine and Combination Waves, Only gen­ and politic.”' policies of all these are 4 to 13 years. Each “ big sister” will be held Wednesday, May 6. The 205 16th Street uine Nivette and Nistle supplies used. Call not uniform. To supply the press will give her orphan a present of winner of each division is given a gold Leader Administrator Executive York 2175. with correct information on religious Phone TAbor 1880 marbles or jacks. Interesting reports piece. The awarding of a Howard ■ ORIENT HOTEL, In heart of shopping matters the hierarchy has established watch will take place at the school district. Special permanent rates. 1726 a daily press bulletin to be issued in were pven by some of the members Welton street. Fireproof constraction. on visits made to the orphanages in this Friday afternoon. There are Elevator. Phone KEystone 2256. Polish, and a monthly bulletin to be the Easter vacation. many other fine articles to be KafTer-Chapman FIRST AVE. HOTEL, 115 Broadway, issued in French, Italian, German awarded. Lighting Fixtures Modern rooms, hot and cold water, telephone, and English. The "KAP” — Polish A recital was given Monday by the elevator, free parking. $1.00 day and up. piano and voice students. Piano num­ Confirmation will be administered i Wiring - Repairing Low, permanent rates. Catholic agency— will wage an ener­ at Loyola on the afternoon of May getic campaign against American bers were played by Susan Cassidy, Mazda Lamps EGGS from the farm, delivered Tuesdays Mary Agnes Galvin, Frances Vetters-, 10. Adults who have never received LOOP MARKET TELEPHONE KEYSTONE 1801 propagandists who are seeking to es­ and Fridays, since 1921. Keystone 3888. neck, Margaret Connelly and Mary the sacrament should get in {ouch 1810 Arapahoe Street, Denver, Colo. PAINTING, calcimining, decoration; all re­ tablish different religious sects sup­ with one of the priests at once. Jane Peconi. Alvena Leversedge, pairs on plaster, brick, cement and wood­ ported by American money. The Loyola choir closed its regu­ work; by day or contract. J. J. Gillen, 363 Agnes Fladung, Marguerite Krause Bannock street. Phone South 8389. lar season last Sunday. "The choir NEW JERSEY COLLEGE PLANS and Geraldine Sullivan, voice stu­ Um b r e l l a s repaired, recovered. Gloves will do service at the Confirmation 75TH ANNIVERSARY FETE dents, sang several very beautiful se­ THE A. W. CLARK mended. Humming Bird hosiery. ' Denver and graduation exercises. There will Umbrella Shop, 1604 Arapahoe St. Second Seton Hall college. South Oiange, lections. A violin solo by Evaline be no more High Masses until the DRUG COMPANY floor. Main 8452. N. J., is completing plans for the Miner was well received. fall. The past season for the choir Cornar Eighth Avsnaa aaaV- MONEY TO LOAN on improved city or greatest celebration ever,held at the The crowning of the Blessed Vir­ has been the most successful on rec­ town real estate; no red tape, no delay. Mr, institutioin, tq be on June 4, to com­ gin at Loretto will take place this ^'Quality Plus Quantity Equals Economy” Santa Fa Driva Phelps, 1711 California St. Keystone 2367, ord. The work of the choir has been memorate the seventy-fifth anniver­ Sunday evening. Miss Hilda Galla­ appreciated not only by the priests LOOP MARKET 729 SANTA FE Phana Santh 114 GRAY k ROSE BEAUTt SHOPPE sary of the founding of the college. gher, prefect of the sodality, will EVERYTHING IN DRUGS 429 E. 17th Ave. KE. 3760 and people of the parish, but by visi­ Get your permanent wave now. Perma­ Thousands of alumni from all over carry the wreath of flowers. Repre­ tors as well. Visiting priests have Every Day Prices i nent waving done by Prof. Alphooso, $3.69 the United States, Canada, Mexico sentatives chosen to lead their re­ complimented the pastor highly on and up. Spec, shampoo and finger wave by and the Philippine islands will gather spective classes in the march are: artists, 76c. Give us a trial, we satisfy. the work of the Loyola choir. The CINNAMON ROLLS, doz...... 1 5 ^ CORONADO APARTMENTS — 440 East at the college for the event. There Senior, Mary Moffit; junior, Elizabeth Christmas and Easter programs were Scientific Chirapadists 13th avenue. Furnished bullet and 8-room will be religious services in honor of O’Mera; sophomore, Mary Ellen Ma- splendid, but the work at the Tre Ore DONUTS, cake or sugar, doz...... 1 5 ^ Associate Podiatrists apartments; Frlgidaire. Call Apt. 18 or call the pioneer educators and adminis­ ginnis; freshman, Helen Collins. The service is considered its outstanding Main 9451. trators who conducted the institution DR. BERTHA DE WOLFE crowning will teke place at 7:30 success. HOME MADE BREAD, large loaf...... LAUER’S PRIVATE HOME FOR BABIES. in its early days. A tablet in honor o’clock. D.S.C.— D.C. Undernourished babies a specialty. 8001 of students and alumni who lost their RUSSELL L. BOYD, D.S.C. Vine street. Franklin 8681. Miss Mary M. Weaver, a readers’ HOT CROSS BUNS, doz...... 15^^ lives in the World war will be un­ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 202-203 HeClintock Bldg. MAN, father of 7 children, needs work. adviser of the Denver public library, Will do anything. P. 'Tixier, 716 26tb St. veiled. EXTRA SPECIAL! Come to the Purity Bakery for 3 1554 California St. Phone TAbor 3519 reviewed the play, “ Green Pastures,” POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ROOM snd board in private home; reason* by Marc Connelly, Tuesday after­ loaves of Cottage Bread— for SATURDAY ONLY. able.' 2068 Clarkson atreet. Phone York NOTRE DAME HEAD OPPOSES noon. The play deals with the Ne­ 4278-M. ROCKNE MEMORIAL PLAN For the Good of Denver gro’s conception of God and faith. DENTIST FOR RENT--Single garage, $4.00. 842 The Rev. Charles L. O’Donnell, FRUIT BARS, 2 Dozen...... -...... 25<) The play is written in the Negro Inca street. president of Notre Dame university, DR. F. J. CLAFFEY dialect and Miss Weaver made the and Its Schools FRENCH AND ITALIAN BREAD...... 10$^ f JANITOR and houseman needs permanent is not in sympathy with a movement position. Geo. Worth, 725 Kalamath St« review very interesting by reading 1030 Republic Bldg. for the erection of a memorial to Phone MAin 1008. selections from the play. 16th and Tremont PI. MAN WANTS work half-days or two or Knute Rockne near Bazaar, Kans., three days a week. Gallup 0861-J. where the Notre Dame coach and FRANK ALIOTO’S ’ PHONE MAIN 1824 . FOR SiU*E— Five-room modern bou^e, seven others lost their lives in an DENVERITE DIES loOOP SHOE garage. 8823 Gilpin street: near ebureb and eefaool. aeroplane crash last month. Father REPAIR SHOP FRUIT STAND O’Donnell said that it should be re­ IN CINCINNATI WINDOW SHADES FOR RENT— Strictly modern five-room 15th and Lawo-ence DRAPERIES house, full basement, fine condition; walk­ called that seven other persons per­ QUALITY FRUIT AND ing distance, two blocks from St. Leo’ s ished at this spot. A marker there Word was received in Denver this IN THE LOOP MARKET MADE TO O R D E R - and St. Elizabeth's churches. Adults only. would seem to perpetuate the mem­ week of the death of Miss Susan 911 Champa street. VEGETABLES ALWAYS INSTALLED ory of a gruesome tragedy. A. Coughlin, resident of this city HOLMES AUTO SERVICE for many years, in Cincinnati on Fri­ HALF SOLES H. S. LAY General auto repairing. Est. 1907. Vul­ canizing, tires, accessories and good oil at MARIAN FATHERS BUY ESTATE day, April 17. Miss Coughlin, who THE BLIND MAN 50c a gallon. 2741-48 N. Speer Blvd. GaL FOR PRIESTS’ SCHOOL was prominent in the A.O.H. auxiliary LEATHER, PANCO71- Loop Flower Shop 72P-22 E. Colfax York 4418 6436-J. ______Carolyn hall, the 300-acre estate and other Catholic circles here for or USKIDE...... • J C SPECIAL LITTLE GRAY BEAUTY SHOP years, returned to her native Ohio Freth Cut Carnations, Specializing in Frederich ^Vita Tonic Per­ of the late Norman B. Ream at manent Wave, gives the hair a soft, beauti­ Thompson hill. Conn., has been sold in the early part of last year. Her LADIES’ 5 0 ^ Doz. passing was unexpected, the result of MARRIED LIFE ful wave. Conscientious work guaranteed. to the Marian priests of Chicago for TOP LIFTS...... , 25c Fresh Cut Roses, A FaaOr Hand Book Reasonable pricea. Keystone 2705. 832 use as a school to train Lithuanian an attack of grippe. Miss Coughlin, Tho only textbook which (Ivee foU In- McClintocIc Bldg. 1564 California St. who V7as known to hundreds of Den­ 75^ Doz. up ■troction on family lift. It traata on the '” MRS7AfKINS0N has moved her millinery students for the Catholic priesthood. Put on While You Wait Also Large Stock of Assorted fandamcntale of the haman raea: qae.ttona to 1645 E. 16th Ava., Apt. 2. Remodeling A price of more than $200,000 was verites as “ Aunt Sue,” conducted a Cut Flowers and Potted Plants ot vital Intereat to tboee eontemplatlng the and order work a apccialty. Agent for Nu- named in a contract of sale reported boarding house in Denver for nearly married atate; acx hygiene, engenna. birth Bone corset and coraeletta; made to your by counsel for the Ream heirs and a thirty years. Burial was in Cincin­ control, etc., all from the pbytiologieal atand- measurement. nati. E. A. Cook & Co. Loop Photo Shop poiot. baaed on Christian prineipici. includ­ woman wants day work. representative of the Marian order. ing a well regulated treatise on dlicaacs met COMPETENT Portrait and Commercial , York 2128. Chas. J. Mullen, Prop. with in the family; prevention and treat­ PAROCHIAL SCHOOL CHILDREN Photographer ment ot Appcndicitli, Adenoids, Diphtheria, ~ GUAI^A^EED rebuilt bitteries, $2.25 PHYSICIANS’ GUILD HOPES WATCH CASE MAKERS wounds, blood poiion, etc.: the moat com­ and yours. Tiras all sizes, slightly used, TO BE NATIONAL SING AT BENEFIT New Low Prices The voices of 800 children of Mil­ Repairing a Specialty plete instrument on prevention and treatment price 81. Tulloh, 588 Santa Fe. Phone So, The Catholic Physicians’ guild of All Work Guaranteed of Conauraption and Pnaumonia; for the laity 1762-W. the Bronx, New York city, hopes waukee parochial schools were raised Room 24, Evans Block and pbyaiciana; training of ebUdren, self 1938 WASHINGTON ST. One front room, in song at the city auditorium Loop Market Bldg., Suite 19 eoatroL and many other subjects for the $12 a month; everything furnished. Hot that guilds will be formed all over 1450 Lawrence St. ^neflt of the human raea. water heat, telephone, walking distance. the nation and a national federation on April 31 for the benefit of Ph. TAbor 3622 Denver, Colo. Ph. KE, 5790 for Appointment Bcv. Fr. VemImoDt, of Denton. Texas, says: will result, according to the Rev. ,1 the St. Vincent de Paul society, -Young men and women should postpons FOR SALE OR FOR RENT— 10-room tbsir marriags until they bavt rtad this house, ^4 block from Loyola church; suit­ W. Cox, S.J., moderator. The guild which has, during the winter of 1930- Vote for wondsrful book, ’ Msrried Lift.'* i t ‘ should able for large family or apt. York 8812-M keeps doctors informed of Catholic 31, experienced an unprecedented CANDY SHOP The firms listed here de­ ba found In tvary boms." FOR SALE— 1863 Milwaukee; 7 rooms, demand for food, fuel and other help principles and establishes contacts COCOANOT DIPS, serve to be reme'mbered W. H. Schmidt. Kremmling. Colo., writes: like new; dble. gar., gaa heat, auto. h. w, with other professions. for the poor. More than $90,000 SPECIAL, lb...... 2 9 ^ -Ssnd two mors books, ‘Marrisd Life,' cO' York 6077-J. has been expended within the last 12 SAMUEL closed $6. ‘This makes four books 1 taavs FRESH CREAMS AND 1 Q a* when you are distributing FOR RENT— 7-room modem house, double CHOa DROPS. SPECIAL, lb.... ordered for our children; It is worth its garage. 2810 Race St. Phone Main 5922 POPE WANTS STATUE IN months in actual relief. weight in gold.” Mrs. J. M. MeCals, Umaha. i^York m 4.______COMFORTABLE POSE BLACK WALNUT FUDGE, your patronage in the dif­ ordering another book, saya: "It Is a work JOHNSON . SPECIAL. lb..„...... O O f : .11 young people absolutely mutt bavs." Dr. HOTEL PLAZA— Near retail center and When Baron Herbert von Wart- ferent lines of business. L. F. Euman, New Lexington, 0 „ eayai "It theaters. European plan, $1 and up. 15th burg, Havarian sculptor, recently The Cathedral , IN THE LCH5P MARKET . Is the best work of Us kind 1 ever rtad. No and Tremont streets. Taka car No 9 from presented a bust of the Holy Father Candidate for family can afford to be without this tmok. Union Station. Oppoaite Court Houst sausre. Athletic Association and it should be In tbs library of every fam TAhnr 5101. Denvar, Colo. to the Pope, a monsignor who was ily phyaician. Price. $3, postpaid. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED by ma present objected because the Pope Will Give a Order from Dr, R. Willman, Anther chine. Celled for and delivered for $1.00. was shown sitting. The Pope recalled School Board 1215 Faraon St.. St. Joaaph. Me. Work guaranteed. Keys, locksmlthlng, grind Statues he had seen in Milan with or write for literature ing, general repairing. Snowder Novelty DANCE Closing Out Sale EUROPE Mention Denver Catholic Regtater Works. 1104 18th St. KE. 8744. the subjects in uncomfortable posi District No. 1 Make Your Rezervations Now f o ^ tions and wittily commented on how in the Furniture, Rugs, Gas and Your Summer Trip* to Europe. VERY DESIRABLE ROOM on ground floor Ferfonally Conducted Tour* for rent to one or two ffentIemeD« Room dreadful it must be to have to main­ Oscar Malo Hall Coal Ranges, Office Furni­ bat Simmons bed and Sealy mattress: no tain these poses perpetually. Don't Forget ture, All Must Go at Cost $340 and up. INO COST other roomers. Convenient to two good car Saturday Evening, or Less. CATHOLIC TRAVEL lines and in good neighborhood. York 14B7-M. CONSULT FRANK J. CONWAY All Registered Voters We Rent Fold. Chairs and LEAGUE TOURS For roan to call and FOR RENT— 1 front bedroomt with break­ A f.n t ot Tha New York Lift (purely mu E. D. Wbitley Steamsbip and give estimates on pack­ fast. 1670 St. Paul S^g or call Franklin tuol) (or information and advice in mattere May 2 Card Tables Tourist Agency. Agents. ing and shipping. 3893-11. pertaining to Life Inaurance. Income Bonds May Vote at This Election Furniture Trading Co. 1744 Welton St.. Denver FOR SALE— Real estate near City park or Annuities. All forme of contracts written Good Music Admission 25 1628 Court FI. Pboije KE. 1568 Pbone KE. 0462 KEystone 6228 and Iroyola church; 5-room modern brick for men. women and children. 200 insur­ This Space Was Donated by Office k. Warehouse, 1521 20tb S t house, garage; good condition; furnished or ance Bldg., 14th and Champa St.., TAbor Monday, May 4 unfurnished. Franklin 1763-J« OUl. TRIANGLE CLEANERS AND DYERS IB PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Tfelephone, Main 5413 Thursday, April 80, 1931

GOING ON A VACATION? REQUIESCANT IN ,<>ACE Medal Winner HALLORAN RITES ALBERT WILLUMS, Derby, Colo. Be- Don’t run the chances of spoiling -your vacation by trust­ quieni Haai was offeriMi Monday at Aa- SET FOR MONDAY aumptioa church, Welhor, Colo. Funeral ar­ ing to just one pair of glasses. Make sure of comfort in rangements leg Horan K Son. Funeral services wil be held at 9 MARY E. Schirk, 1171 Detroit street. a.m. Monday in the Cathedral for emergencies by having an extra pair. .Glasses can’t be Beloved mother of Fred L. Schirk. Re­ fitted in a hurrj\ Sometimes, in some places, they can’t quiem Mass was offered Monday at St. Col. Paul S. Halloran, commander Philomena’s church. Interment ML Olivet. of Fitzsimons hospital, who died Sun­ be had at all. Stop in and let us make you an extra pair Horan A Son service. day night. ANNIE B. LORTON, *42 Detroit street. of glasses to insure every minute’s pleasure on your trip. Beloved mother of Mrs. Irene Gillette- of Solemn Mass will be celebrated Los Angeles. Calif. Requiem Mass was by the Rev. James H. O’Neill, offered Monday at St. John's church. In­ chaplain at Fitzsimons hospital. The terment Mt. Olivet. Horan A Son service. Re'v. Charles M. Johnson will be dea­ Swigert Bros. Optical Co. HARRY R. RUTH, April 24. Remains were forwarded from the Horan A Son con and the Rev, Bernard M, Weak- chapel to Trinidad, Colo., for interment. land,*subdeacon. The sermon will be ROBERT BRUCE MURPHY. 1220 Marion given by the Rev. Hugh L. McMena- Optometrists Opticians street. Funeral services were held at the Horan A Son chapel Monday.. Interment Mt. min, rector of the Cathedral, Olivet. If he returns to Denver from Cin­ 1550 California St. KEystone 7651 JOHN McMAHON, Phoenix, Arizona. Re­ cinnati in time for the funeral, the quiem Mass was offered Tuesday at Holy Who$a Reputation and Equipment Give You the Hifhest Grade of Service Ghost church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Horan Rt. Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen, D.D., A Son service. will mve the absolution. JOSEPH RIDER at the Mullen home for Colonel Halloran’s body will be the aged. Requiem Mass was offered Tues­ day, April 21, at the home chapel. In­ taken to Arlington National ceme­ terment Mt. Olivet. Horan A Son service. tery for burial. Consent for the Special Offer CHARLES P. GORMLEY of 2*40 Forest burial there was obtained from Maj. With This Ring— street. Beloved brother of Mrs. Rose % Price Rates Laundon. Miss Rose Gormley and Mrs. George M. Halloran, brother of Colo­ to Confirmation and Helen Boston of Los Angelqs, Calif. Re­ nel Halloran, who has come here Communion Children quiem Mass was offered Tuesday, April 80, from Nogales, Ariz., for the funeral. at Blessed Sacrament church. ^Interment Colonel Halloran, who was 57 827 I8th St. MA. 4718 Mt. Olivet. Horan A Son service. She Is Betrothed years old, was an army man since STUDIO WILL H. NAST, Prop. LILLIAN M. McGLONE. 4128 Green Ct. Beloved wife of Thomas J. HcGlone, mother 1901, He was the holder of the Dis­ of William, Rosemary and Joseph McGlone, tinguished Service medal for heroic daughter of Mrs. D. T. Powell and sister Therefore it is imperative that the engagement ring be of Mrs. Martha Whelan. Requiem Mass will service in France in the World war, be offered Friday, May 1. at 9 o’clock at St. Although an eye, ear, nose and throat irreproachable— in beauty, quality and traditional cor­ Gatherine’s church. Interment Mt. Olivet. specialist, he had occupied various Horan A Son service. rectness. O’Keefe’s have a varied selection of diamond LAURA RILEY, 2649 Walnut street. Re­ administrative positions in the army Place Your Order With Us Now and quiem Mass was offered Saturday at Sacred since 1916. Besideu his brother. Colo­ and engagement rings which offer the utmost in value in Heart church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boule­ nel Halloran is survived by his sis vard mortuary service. addition to the prestige attached to the name O’KEEFE. W e Can Erect the Memorial Before WILLIAM FORD. Beloved husband of ter, Anne Halloran, who lived with Margaret Ford and brother of Frank Ford. Edward Breen of 4182 King St., him at the hospital and who was with Requiem Hass was offered Monday-at St, him when he died. Flawless Diamonds in Every Ring. Joseph’s church.' Interment Mt. Olivet. a senior at Regis high school, who was George F. Haekethal service. awarded a gold medal for winning Some Marked as Lpw as $20. MARGARET DOWNEY. Beloved mother the senior-junior oratorical contest Decoration Day of Matthew Downey of Los Angeles, Calif. PRESS CLUB WILL Requiem Hass was offered Wednesday at at the college Tuesday night. Mr. St. Joseph’s church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Breen is the brother of Maurice MEET SATURDAY George P. Haekethal service. Breen, manager of the Home Public MA,KY FITZGERALD ^at Long Beach. market.— Cut through courtesy of The May meeting of the Catholic SANTA FE MEMORIAL CO. Calif.; beloved sister of Margaret Morrison, aunt of Rose and Madge Morrison of Long Rocky Mountain News. Press club will be held this Saturday 94 So. Santa Fe Drive Beach, Calif.; John Morrison of McGill, at 12 o’clock noon at the Shirley- Phone SO. 7395 Nevada, and Robert Morrison of Denver. Savoy h o te l' The speaker will be Funeral was held Thursday, April 30, from REGIS CONTEST the Theodore Haekethal mortuary. Requiem Mrs. Joseph Emerson Smith,^ presi­ Mass was offered at St. Leo’s church. In­ WINNERS NAMED dent of the club, who has just re­ terment Mt. Olivet. turned from an interesting trip , in VIRGINIA SEDILLO, AprU 22. Beloved the South. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sedillo. Edward Breen, senior at Regis Requiem Mass was offered Saturday at St. high school, won first place in the Mrs. Louis Hough, chairman of the Cajetan’s church. Interment Mt. Olivet. short story contest, announces an ex­ JOHN WILLIAM WOGRIN. 3118 Hum­ junior-senior oratorical contest held boldt street. Beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. at that school Tuesday night James tension of two weeks for manu­ Conrad Wogrin. Interment took place Tues­ Naughton, junior, placed second. scripts. All entries must be in the RUGBY COAL day at Mt. Olivet. ^ Young Breen was awarded a gold hands of the chairman by May 15, Lignite Lump...... $5.50 Liley Lump...... $5.95 JOHN T. PERRINE. Jr.. April 24, of 800 A highly instructive shop talk will Navajo street. Beloved father of Amelia, medal donated by the Regis high Capitol Lum p...... $6.50 Rugby Lump...... $7.00 Cecilia, Dorothy and Thomas Ferrine and school Mothers’ club. He gave an be given by Mrs. W. L. Reynolds, Wedding Rings Better Grade Lignite, Egg, $5.50 Mrs. C. C. Regan. Requiem Mass was of­ original composition, “ The Cross­ pioneer radio expert of the West. fered Tuesday at St. Joseph’s church. In­ roads of Civilization.’’ Winner of terment Mt. Olivet. Mrs. Reynolds will be presented by As Charming as Nature’s Spring Blooms ROSEMARY KNOBBE, AprU 27, of 1642 the freshman elocution contest, held Mrs. Leo Creagan. #Rud^ Co&rCo. Colorado boulevard. Beloved daughter of at the same time, was Robert Lakas, Reservations fdr the luncheon may Designed by Master Craftsmen Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Knobbe. Interment who recited “ The Vagabonds.” Judges be made up to Friday afternoon G\i&rAi\?eed Cbdl 5ince took place Wednesday at Mt. Olivet. JOE GALLEGOS, 1116 Delaware street. of the contests were Eugene Madden, through Mrs. Meehan. Requiem Mass will be offered Friday, May George Steele and Michael McEnery. Designs That Are Strikingly Modern &6GleMrmKEystone 0121 1, at 8 :30 o’clock at St.' Cajetan’s church. D. V. HARPER, Manager Interment Mt. Olivet. REGIS ORATORS $ 6 and up FORTY HOURS' AT JOSEPH L. JACOBS FALLS DEAD IN TO HOLD CONTEST HOSPITAL Open a Charge Account Funeral services for Joseph L. Jacobs of ACADEMY CHAPEL 1107 Elizabeth street were held at Holy The annual oratorical contest of Ghost church Saturday morning. Burial (St. Mary’s Academy) the college students at Regis -will take took place at Mt. Olivet cemetery, under Forty Hours’ devotion will open in direction of the Boulevard mortuary. Mr. place this Friday afternoon at 2 SAW FILING AND KNIFE GRINDING Jacobs, who was a salesman for tbe Pitts­ the chapel of St. Mary’s academy this o’clock in the little theater of the burgh Plate Glass company, fell dead in the Friday at 6:30 a. m. and will close foyer of the Presbyterian hospital, where he administration building. All the col­ M. O’Keefe Jewelry Co. LAWN MOWER GRINDING on Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. and anotheiVsalesman, Peter Ryan, had gone lege students are to be present and on business Wednesday. April 22. Mr. The eleven boys of Cathedral high parents and friends of the students > HUGH M. MALONE school who ushered at “ The Piper of Denver’s Quality Jewelers Jacobs is survived by his wife, Alice Jacobs are invited. The general subject of Successor to McPhee & McGinnity Co. of Denver; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamelin” were guests of the senior M. O’Keeff, President Margaret O’Keefe, See’y-Treai. George Jacobs, and a brother, Albert Jacobs, the orations this year is “ Religion class at St. Mary’s at a dinner on Walter J. Kerwin, Vice Pres. Fred Braun, Second Vic* Pres. 22ND AND BLAKE STREETS MAIN 0017 all of Detroit, Mich« Wednesday evening. and Education.” The four speakers x>- Miss Raphael Gwynn was hostess who will compete for the Bishop 827 Fifteenth St. KEystone 1440 i DANIEL J. FLAHERTY, PIONEER Tihen medal are Noble Laesch, John DENVER MAN, DIES AT FITZSIMONS to the members at the junior class at Mail Orders Given Prompt, Efficient Attention Daniel J. Flaherty, 63, Denver-born pio­ a dinner and theater party Tuesday. O’Hagan and William Orr, all of neer. died Monday at Fitzsimons hospital. Those who attended were Helen Denver, and Paul Wiesner of Hays, Illness contracted while serving in the . Spanisb-American war resulted in chronic Crowe, Gene'vieve Gregory, Constance stomach ailment. An operation waa per­ Ryan, Helen Harris, Ann Lester, Delta Sigma Initiation and Banquet formed recently as a last resort to save The Delta Sig[ma commerce and MONUMENTS his life. Anna Marie Tolan, Marguerite Walsh, Requiem Mass was offered Wednesday at Marguerite Christopher and Florence finance club held its initiation in Car- the Cathedral. Burial took place in Mt. Bechtold. roll hall last Friday evening. Fifteen Olivet cemetery, under direction of the The members of the senior class new members were received, the two JACQUES BROS. Boulevard mortuary. commerce professors, Messrs. Don- Mr. Flaherty is survived by five sisters were the guests of Mildred Cohn and a O E N V E K and a brother, all of California. They are Myrle Dugan at a steak fry Thurs­ oghue and Dunphy, and thirteen stu­ 28 EAST SIXTH AVENUE Mrs. Catherine Hope, Mrs. George D. Burns day, April 30, in the mountains, Mr. dents. Wednesday, a banquet was and Mrs. C. F. McCallin of Los Angeles; JUST OFF BROADWAY Mrs. Joseph Burton, Santa Monica; Mrs. and Mrs. Gies and Mr. and Mrs. Pic- given at the Parisienne Rotisserie in Mary Lendahl, San Diego, and John H. coli were the chaperones. honor of the new members. Flaherty, Modesto. President at Funeral of Student’s D RY GOODS Co. Order Your Monument or Marker NOW Father OHIO MAN DIES IN BOULDER NEW BISHOP’S COMING for DECORATION DAY Boulder, Colo. — Frank F. 0*Dea, secre­ AND POSSIBLE PLANS The Very Rev. Aloysius Breen, tary of the May company of Cleveland, S.J., president of Regis, was present Ohio, died here April 23, after a long illness, Monday at the funeral Mass of Dr. at the age of 56 years. The funeral was (Continued From Page 1) Rain or Shine— held in Cleveland April 28. Mr. O’Dea was education is not the Catholic ideal) Leo C. Huelsman of Colorado Springs, a trustee of the Holy Family home and the is debated. All who know local con­ the father of Leo Huelsman, a Regis Catholic Charities corporation and a member college student. Color Contrast of tbe Knights of Columbus « t Cleveland. ditions admit that the parish high schools have done a job of educating of which none of us needs to be Is The Important W. W. MARSHALL JUDGE WADE HAD RELjkTIVES IN HARTFORD COLORADO ashamed. Supporters of a continua­ Distribator for Martin J. Wade, United States judge from tion of the present plan would be Fashion Theme Geo. W. C«sweU Co., Coffee end Tea tbe second Iowa district, who died in Los UNDERTAKING Spices, Bakinf Powder, Extracts, Angeles recently, was buried in Iowa City, found numerous; but whatever the Olive Oil Iowa, Thursday, April 28. Bishop H. P. new Bishop decides, he will find the A Caswell man is in your neighbor* Rohlman of Davenpdrt celebrated Pontifical people ■with him. COMPANY hood every day. Mass in St. Patrick’s church. Judge Wade 1836 So. Broadway So. 7205 was a relative of the J. P. McGovern family, It is quite likely that the city will 1455-57 GLENARM ST. 1314 Elizabeth street, Denver, and of Mrs. have to hold a financial campaign bC' Navy &. White A. E. Cole of Foit Morgan, Colorado. fore many years pass to put Regis ITORAOE Phone KEyatone 2779 college on a better financial footing. AT Re*. Phone South 3296 USE CROWD EXPECTED It is an open secret that Bishop Tihen had promised this to the Jesuit THE FROCK CORBETT»S AT CARD PARTY Fathers. One can hardly imagine any worse calamity for Catholic Denver $ ICE (St. James’ Parish) than to have Regis close its doors, as OF VALUATION 3 9 . 5 0 The special meeting of the Altar St. Mary’s, Kansas, is doing, this CREAM and Rosary society held Monday at spring (it will be turned into a Jesuit Includes Glazing, Sewing Rips, the home of Mrs. Dunlea was very theologate). . 11 Fastening Loops and Buttons. • • well attended. Eyerything points to The coming of a new Bishop A Vionnet copy is this navy Theodore arouses speculation about the official Higher Quality at JLower Cost a big attendance at the card party and white ensemble, . Woolen to be held this Monday evening in the family he will name. The Vicar Gen ii NIELSEN’S ;; eralship, held by the beloved and skirt with silk crepe tunic and GILDEA tea room of the Denver Dry Goods Co INCORPORATED St, James’ parish is one of the small­ venerable golden jubilarian, the Rt untrimmed woolen coat. Hackenthal Rev. Godfrey Raber of Colorado Since 1898 e r in the city, but the Altar and MONUMENT CO. Springs, automatically became vacant 1334 E. Colfax YOrk 6563 OPPOSITE MT. OLIVET CEMETERY Rdhary society has a splendid repu­ MORTUARY tation for its social activities as well vrith the resignation of Bishop Tihen JOHN NORMAN as for its parish work. There will be Monsignor Ilaber, on his letterheads, 1449-51 Kalamath St. door awards as well as individual has been scratching out the V.G, after THE HAT & CO. awards for each table. his name. The position of Chancel­ The Cathedral Phone MAin 4006 NEAR RIVERSIDE CEMETERY Mrs. M. J. Dunlea attended the lor, held by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor diocesan meeting of the N. C. C. W. Joseph Bosetti, holds over, as the Athletic Association 4989 Vine St. Ph. YOrk 1805 Chancery work must go on, but the $7 .7 7 held in Pueblo Wednesday. She is Will Give a state chairman of the Mexican Wel­ naming of a Chancellor falls under fare committee. the power of the new Bishop upon his Mrs. W. M. McEnulty and children installation. Likewise other diocesdn DANCE officials are dependent upon the epis­ returned Monday from Kansas City, in the Agnes inspired this chic hat SHRINE OF THE LITTLE FLOWER OF JESUS copal choice. after a visit of two weeks. with crocheted crown and milan THE NEW PARISH OF AURORA, COLORADO Mrs. J. P. Duffy is reported to be The personalities of no two men Oscar Malo Hall doing well after an operation per­ are exactly the same and a change of brim. Here it is copied in na'vy Dear Friends.and Devotees of the Little Flower; Bishops always means some change Saturday Evening,’ You desire to do something for the Little formed Monday at St. Joseph’s hos­ and white. Flower directly. Here is the -chance to obtain pital. of policies. Nothing very radical is May 2 her intercession in an especial manner, by be­ expected, however, as the Diocese of THE BAG coming a Founder of the church which, is dedi­ Denver is in splendid shape and Good Music Admission 25 cated to her in Aurora, Colorado. SERIES ON MASS Bishop Tihen, although he is close to Second Floor Names of all Founders, living or dead, are This Space Waa Donated by ^ I being Inscribed in the Book of Roses o f St. his seventieth birthday anniversary, , Theresa. This book is placed upon the altar BEING BROADCAST has not shown the slightest diminu­ W. T. ROCHE AMBULANCE SERVICE CO. $4.95 and special remembrance made at every Mass, tion of mental vigor. while a particular holy Mass is being offered Bishop Tihen left last Sunday for lor the Jiving and dead membera of Bertram B. Beshoar, who is deliv­ f e via fpunder. Yourself, your children, parents, ering a series of Sunday afternoon Cincinnati, to confer with the new ^ relatives and friends—each and every one— may lectures over KGIW in Trinidad un­ Bishop-elect. He has been the guest Patent leather . . . the smart­ become a Founder of the Church of the Little der the auspices of the Knights of at Cincinnati of Archbishop McNicho- est thing going in bags for r lower. Living and dead may be enrolled. Columbus 6i that city, gave the first las, O.P. A Founder is one who contributes five dol- spring ensembles. ($5.00). or more to the building fund. of a series of talks on the Mass last No definite word has yet come bout ^ of charity for the Little Flower Sunday. Mr. Beshoar traced the tike time of the of Bishop P®' grateful invocation before the Sacred origin of the Holy Sacrifice from the Vehr, but a letter from a teacher bmA . Heart will not /ail you in the hour of your Last Supper. THE UMBRELLA greatest need. ^ at Mt. St. Mary’s seminary to a Den­ Yours sincerely in the Sacred Heart and Little Flower, “ Catholics,” Mr. Beshoar declared, verite said that it would probably oc­ "absolutely believe in the Real Pres­ cur about the time of the seminary’s Ph.— Day KE. 5705, Night MA. 3 6 U NOTE— A copy of a new no^ena will be midled ?^ ^ v «y *R ou n d ef ence of Christ in the sacrament of closing. This would put it in early ’.50 REV. HENRY A. GELSERT, ' the Holy Eucharist. The more en­ June, likely Thursday, June 11, the 400 Santa Fe A. E. Almberg, Prop. Box 246, Aurora, Colorado. lightened and the more intelligent Feast of St. Barnabas. If it occurs , * w».h to become a Founder of tbe Little Flower of Je»u» bnilding fund. u, they become, the more strongly do then, the installation may occur here Enelo.ed plcaae find I ...... Pleaie enter my name in the Little F in n - they believe this, As Catholics, we before the end ■of June or in early Eat>a-Pig Of blue silk with contrasting Book of Rose., that I may have the benefit of the hoiy M ...es" Your, faithful!" are willing and ready to lay down OUr July. Bishop Tihen on hia return to handle. A joy to possess in lives for this belief.” Denver may bring the definite word. Sandwich rainy or sunny weather. NAME..._...... at tha It would be interesting to know Speaking of lonesomeness and soli­ PIG ADDRESS.™...... how the older generations wasted tary confinement, how about the man PARLORS Street Floor their time before golf became a na­ who was put into a cell with a book All Over tho tional epidensi^. of crossword puzzles and no pencil? i Our Trade Mark City