Prepared for:

Dexter Estates (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 485 8001

Prepared by: Guillaume Nel Environmental Consultants cc P.O. Box 3253 Durbanville 7551

Tel: 021 9790838 Fax: 086 6933 802 Cell: 072 1571 321 E-Mail: [email protected]

Gui[[aume Ne[ ~ environmental consu ltants

Date: 23 January 2009 I TABLE OF CONTENTS

Notification of Intent to Develop

Figure 1 - Locality Map

Figure 2 - Google Image

Figure 3 - Site Development Plan

Addendum 1 - Heritage Report I Draft 3: 0212006 I

Heritage Western Cape

Notification of Intent to Develop Section 38 ofthe National Heritage Resources Act (Act No. 25,1999)

Section 38 of the National Heritage Resources Act requires that any person who intends to undertake certain categories of development in the Western Cape (see Part 1) must notify Heritage Western Cape at the very earliest stage of initiating such a development and must furnish details of the location, nature and extent of the proposed development.

This form is designed to assist the developer to provide the necessary information to enable Heritage Western Cape to decide whether a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) will be required, and to establish the appropriate scope of and range of skills reqnired for the HIA.

Note: This form mnst be completed when the proposed development does not fulfil the criteria for Environmental Impact Assessment as set out in the EIA regulations. Its completion is recommended as part of the EIA process to assist in establishing the requirements of Heritage Western Cape with respect to the heritage component of the EIA.

1. It is recommended that the form be completed by a professional familiar with heritage conservation issues. 2. The completion of Section 7 by heritage specialists is not mandatory, but is recommended in order to expedite decision-making at notification stage. IfSection 7 is completed: • Section 7.1 must be completed by a professional heritage practitioner with skills and experience appropriate to the nature of the property and the development proposals. • Section 7.2 must be completed by a professional archaeologist or palaeontologist. • Each page of the form must be signed by the heritage practitioner and arebaeologist! palaeontologist. 3. Additional iuformation may be provided on separate sheets. 4. This form is available in electronic format so that it can be completed on computer.

OFFICIAL USE Date received: I Response date:



Name of property

Street address or location off R302 , Durbanville (e.g. offR44) Ert or farm numberl s Ert 1691 and ert 1740

Town or District Durbanville

Responsible Local Aut hority

Magisterial District Bellville

Current use Vacant

Current zoning Ert 1691: Cem etary Ert 1740: General Industrial Predom inant land use of Vacant I light industrial I memorial garden surrounding properties Extent of the property Combined area approx: 11.8 Ha

1.2 CATEGORY OF DEVELOPMENT X Brief description of the nature and extent of (S. 38 (1)) the proposed development or activity (See also Part 3. 1) 1. Construction of a road, wal l, powerline, pipeline , canal or other similar form of linea r Ert 1691 (currently zoned for a cemetery but development or barrier over 300m in lenqth not used for burials) will be split in two 2. Construction of a bridge or similar structure portions; exceedinc 50 m in lenoth 3. Any development or activity that will change the The northern portion will be consolid ated with chara cter of a site- ert 1740 (currently zoned general industrial); a) exceeding 5 000 m" in extent X r-- The new property thus formed will be rezon ed b) involving three or more existing erven or and subdivided to allow for the development of subdivisions thereof appro ximately 38 light industrial erven and a c) involving three or more erven or road . divisions thereof which have been consolidated within the cast five vears 4. Rezon ing of a site exceeding 10 000 m X 5. Other (state)

1.3 INITIATION STAGE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Exploratory (e.g. viability study) Notes: Conceptual Outline proposals Draft I Sketch plans X Other (state)


2.1 CONTEXT X (check box of all relevanl categories) Briefdescription/explanation X Urban environmen tal context Urban in that neighbouring sites are being built up steadily but some neighbouring properties still retain a X Rural environmental context rural atmosphere. Most of the surrounding site are Natural environmental context zoned for industrial use

Formal protection (NHRA) Is the property part of a protected area (5 . 28)? Is the property part of a heritage area (5 . 31i? Other Is the property near to or visible from anv orotected heritage sites? Is the property part of a conservation area or special area in terms of the Zoninq Scheme? Does the site form part of an historical settlement or townscape? Does the site form part of a rural cultural landscaoe? Does the site form part of a natural landscape of cultural siqniflcance? Is the site within or adjacent to a scenic route? Is the property within or adjacent to any other area which has special environmental or heritaoe orotection? Do the general context or any adjoining properties have cultural significance' ?

2.2 PROPERTY FEATURES AND CHARACTERISTICS X (check box if YES) Brief description It is old farmland, probably grazing and currently has a Has the site been previously cultivated X modern cement dam on it. Part is developed as a or developed? memorial oark. Are there any significant landscape features on the property? Are there any sites or features of qeolouical siqnlficance on the orocertv ? Does the property have any rocky outcrops on it? Does the property have any fresh water An earthen dam (stormwater retention pond)is present X sources (springs, streams, rivers) on or which catches storm water run-off.. alonqside it? Does the property have any sea frontace? Does the property form part of a coastal dune system? Are there any marine shell heaps or scatters on the property? Is the property or part thereof on land reclaimed from the sea?

3 2.3 HERITAGE RESOURCES 2 ON THE PROPERTY X (check box if present on the property) Name / List / Brief description Formal protections (NHRA) National heritage site (5. 27) Provincial heritage site (5. 27) Provisional protection (s.29) Place listed in heritage register (5 . 30) General protections (NHRA) structures older than 60 years (5 . 34) archaeological site or material (5 . 35) palaeontological site or material (5 . 35) graves or burial grounds (5. 36) public monuments or memorials" (5 . 37) Other Any heritage resource identified in a heritage survey (state author and date of survev and survev oradino/sl x Any other heritage resources (describe) Two gum tree lines are present, one just inside and one just outside the boundaries of erf 1691.

2.4 PROPERTY HISTORY AND ASSOCIATIONS X (check box if YES) Brief description/explanation Provide a brief history of the property Currentiy vacant land that is not likely to have had any (e.g. when granted. previous owners use besides farming (probably grazing). and uses).

Is the property associated with any important persons or qroups? Is the property associated with any important events, activities or public memory? Does the property have any direct association with the historv of slavery? Is the property associated with or used for livinQ herttaqe''? Are there any oral traditions attached to the property?

2.6 SUMMARY OF CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROPERTY (OR ANY PART OF THE PROPERTY) (5. 3(3)) X (check box of all relevant categories) Brief description/explanation Important in the community or pattern of 's (or Western Cape's, or local) history.

4 Associated with the life or work of a person, group or organisation of importance in history. Associated with the history of slavery. Strong or special association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cu ltural or spiritual reasons Exhibits particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community or cultural orouo Demonstrates a high degree of creative or technical ach ievement at a particular period Has poten tial to yield informati on that will contribute to an understanding of natural or cultural heritaqe Typical: Demonstrates the principal characteristics of a particular class of natural or cultural places Rare : Possesses uncommon, rare or en- dangered aspects of natural or cullural heritage Please provide a brief statement of significance

The two tree lines relate to previous agricultural use of the landscape. That along the road is deemed more significant. No other heritage is present.


3.1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Brief description of proposed Consolidation, rezoning and subdivision to allow for light development industrial development as well as a road. It is important to note that no burials have occurred on this land and that the memorial park (the section which will remain part of the memorial park and therefore undeveloped) is only used for the scattering of ashes . Much of the surrounding area has already been developed for light industrial use. The two erven together are approximately 11.85 Ha in extent, while only 5.60 Ha will be developed (only half of erf 1691). One half of erf 1691 will continue to function as the memorial park while half of the site (the part which has not been used for scattering of ashes) will be consolidated with erf 1740 and will be rezoned to general industrial. The site is located off the R302 within the Fisantekraal industrial area (Durbanville) just south of its intersection with the R312 and a little north of Durbanville (Figure 1).

Monetary value 10 Mil Rand Anticipated starting date August 2009 Anticipated duration of work 6 Months Does it involve change in land use? yes Extent of land coverage of the - 5,6 ha proposed development

5 Does it require the provis ion of yes additional services? (e.g. roads , seweraoe, water, electricity) Does it involve excavation or earth yes movina? Does it involve landscaping? Daes it involve construction work? yes Wha t is the total fioor area? Unknown at this stage How many storeys including parking? Maximum of two What is the maximum height above natural oround level? 3.2 POTENTIAL IMPACT What impact will the proposed It will continue the steady erosion of the rural character of the development have on the heritage area. It will increase the density of buildings on the landscape. values of the context of the property? le.a. visibi litv, chanae in character) Are any heritage resou rces listed in Part 2 affected by the proposed development? If so, how? Please summarise any publiclsocial benefits of the propose d development.

Provision of job opportunities as new businesses move in.


X (check box if YES) Details/explanation Does the proposed development conform with approved regional and local planning policies? (e.q . SDF, Sectoral Plans) Does the deve lopmen t require any departures or consent use in terms of the f- ];Q .~ !~ g . ~.c; ~~. ':':' ~7 _ __ _._...... _. ._...... _ Has an application been submitted to the f--- _planningil.Llth.Q£i.ty! ...... __.._ ...... m.. . Has their comment or approval been obtained? (attach copy) Is planning permission required for any subdiv ision or consolidation? _ ...•...... •....._.....•..•..•...... •...... •__.....•_.._••••.•...... •• _•... •...... •..• ...... •...... •...... •...... •...... _..•..•. .•.....- Has an application been submitted to the _ ..JlI

6 ,------_.".•._-_._---- -_."._-_.•.__._--- _...... _...•"" '- - _...... •._,.•.....•..__.•.__.__.•.•..__...... _-_...__....•.,. ,.•....•.•.__.•..,...... __...•.•.• •..•,..•...,,_ ...... _-- .•.•.•...... __.__...... •.__._...... __.•.•._-_. __.•." •..•.•.•.•.__.._---_._--_..._-- are the requirements of DEA&DP? r-- ...... _-_.. ,-.._---_.__...__ .._-_.._.•.•.•.•.•.•_---- '._--_.- ~ - ._.,-._-- ._--_._. ." , ' ...'.'..._----'_.---.- ..._._.__•...•-_._.'_._-.--.'._--.'------.-..._---...__...... At what stage in the IEM process Is the application (scopinq phase, EIA etc.) Has any assessment of the heritage impact of the proposed development been under- taken in terms of the EIA or planning ..p~()~E'> ~sL___ ~__~ ______~ _ ' -, - - •..•...._-._- - ~ •....__....._-.'.-- _._.'.'-. --,'-.. ._-.._..•__._....._._-.-,-_._-'... .._.....-."."._--.._"._-_."_.-- _...... _•....••..••..••.•.•... Are any such studies currently being undertaken? Is approval from any other authority required? Has permission for similar development on this sile been refused by any authority in the past? Have interested and affected bodies have been consulted? Please list them and attach anv responses .



Telephone Fax E-mail Signature IDate I

DEVELOPER Name Address

Telephone Fax E-mail Signature I Date I

8 PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETING THE FORM Name Jayson Orton Address Archaeology Contracts Office, Department of Archaeology, Beattie Building, Upper Campus, UCT, Private Bag , , 7701

Telephone (021) 650 2357 Fax (021) 650 2352 E-mail [email protected] Field of exp ertise MA (Archaeology), CRM work since 1999, ASAPA accredited. & Qualifications

.~ ;/// 'Ill'..

Signature Date 21.01 .2009

PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETING THE FORM Name Jayson Orton Address Archaeology Contracts Office, Department of Archaeology, Beattie Building, Upper Campus, UCT, Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701

Telephone (021) 650 2357 Fax (021) 650 2352 E-mail [email protected] Field of expertise MA (Archaeology), CRM work since 1999, ASAPA accredited. & qualifications

l A V;t Signature ~ Date 21.01 .2009


X Plan, aerial photo and/or orthophoto clearly showlnq location and context of property. X Site plan or aerial photograph clearly indicating the position of all heritage resources and features. X Photographs of the site, showing its characteristics and heritage resources. Relevant sketch proposals, development plans, architectural and engineering drawings and landscaoino plans. Responses from other authorities. Responses from any interested and affected parties. Any archaeological reports or other reports that may have been carried out on the property or properties within the immediate area. Any other pertinent information to assist with decision-making.


7.1 RECOMMENDATIONS OF GENERALIST HERITA G E PRACTITIONER Further investigation required Yes/No Describe issues and concerns Existing Conservation and No Planninq Documentation Planning No Urban Design No Built Environment No Architecture/building fabric No Cultural Landscape Yes The tree line along the road verge must be retained. Should damage be required in order to access the site this should be kept to an absolute minimum. Visual Impact No None foreseen provided that new buildinqs are similar heicht to those on surroundina industrial erven. History No Published Information Title Deeds Survey Archival Oral History Social History Other specialist study (specify) No Public Consultation Will be part of the EIA process. Specialist Groups Neighbours Open House Public Meeting Public Advertisement Other (specify) No further specialist No conservation studies required Alternative development options No and rnitiqation measures No development option No Heritage Impact Assessment No required, co-ordinated by a aeneraJist heritaae oractitianer Development inappropriate No and should not be permitted. Further HIA not required.

10 Other recommendations (use The tree line along the road verge must be retained. Should additional pages if necessary) damage be required in order to access the site this should be kept to an absolute minimum. I have reviewed the property and the proposed development and this completed form and make the recommendations above.

Name of Heritage Practitioner Jayson Orton

Qualifications, field of expertise MA (Archaeology), CRM work since 1999, ASAPA accredited .

Signature...... Date 21.01.2009 .

7.2 RECOMMENDATIONS OF ARCHAEOLOGIST/PALAEONTOLOGIST Further investigation required Yes/No Describe issues and concerns Palaeontology No Pre-colonial archaeology No Historical archaeology No Industrial archaeology No No further archaeological or No palaeontoloqical investiqation Other recommendations (use The tree line along the road verge must be retained. Should damage additional pages if necessary) be required in order to access the site this should be kept to an absolute minimum. I have reviewed the property and the proposed development and this completed form and make the recommendations above.

Name of ArchaeologistlPalaeontologist Jayson Orton

Qualifications, field of expert ise MA (Archaeology), CRM work since 1999, ASAPA accred ited. . AWJ II Signature...... Date...... 21.01.2009 ......

11 Notes:

Cultural significance means aesthetic, architectural , historical, scientific, social, spiritual, linguistic or technolog ical value or significance.

2 Heritage resource means any place or object of cultural significance. "Place" includes - (a) a site, area or region; (b) a building or other structure which may include equipment, furniture, fittings and other articles associated with or connected with such building or other structure; (c) a group of buildings or other structures [and associated equipment, fittings, etc]; (d) an open space, including a public square, street or park; and (e) in relation to the management of a place, includes the immediate surroundings .

3 Archaeolog ical means - - (a) material remains resulting from human activity which are in a state of disuse and are in or on land and which are older than 100 years, including artefacts, human and hominid remains and artificial features and structures; (b) rock art, being any form of painting, engraving or other graphic representation on a fixed rock surface or loose rock or stone, which was executed by human agency and which is older than 100 years, including any area with in 10m of such representation; (c) wrecks , being any vessel or aircraft, or any part thereof, which was wrecked in South Africa or in the maritime zone of the Republic, any cargo, debris or artefacts found or associated therewith, which is older than 60 years or which Heritage Western Cape considers to be worthy of conservation ; and (d) features, structures and artefacts associated with military history which are older than 75 years and the site on which they are found .

4 Palaeontological means any fossilised remains or fossil trace of animals or plants which lived in the geological past, other than fossil fuels or fossilifero us rock intended for industrial use, and any site which contains such fossilised remains or trace.

5 Public monuments and memorials means all monuments and memorials - (a) erected on land belonging to any branch of .. . government or on land belonging to any organisation funded by or established in terms of the legislation of such a branch of government; or (b) which were paid for by public subscription, government funds, or a public-spirited or military organisation , and are on land belonging to any private individual.

6 Living heritage means the intangible aspects of inherited culture, and may include cultural tradition, oral history, performance , ritual, popular memory, skills and techniques, indigenous knowledge systems and the holistic approach to nature, society and social relationsh ips.

12 I .I

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~, ~'!'<"-~ " ! - -S ~ .. .. ~.: \ "'-:'_ ' - - . _ ~ \ Locality Map Guillaume Nel ~ Light Industrial Development e n v i ro nmenla l co n sulta n t s on Remainder Erf 1691 Durbanville .- .- T~i~ - ( ii21 ) 975 4444 I Fax: 021975 4426 i Cell: 0721571321 Flours 1 ~ roi> .... ' - ,

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.., Google Image for Remainder Erf 1691 (Fisantekraal) Durbanville :Gui{[aume Ne[ IT en v ironm en t a l c o ns u l ta nls Durbanville Light Industria l Development Figure 1 TAl' m?1' 97!i 4444 F;'Ix' ORR n 9~::1 RO? (';Flll' on 1fi71 ~ ?1 LEGE N L....ND u s E BUDGET: \ Extent 01Area 11 .8467 ha 1. 5rnSe rvit ude / _ .; P'peline ~ '7,., No I Zoning Area{hai % 1-38 IGENERALINDUSTRIAU 4.1626 ha I35.t4'4 3, PrQpc f ed 3m / , Eled f lcaJSe rvitucn ~ REMAINDER 6,2467 hoI52.731.1 , 39 I PUBLICROAb 1.4374 ho 11 2.131. ,, / TOTAL 11.84 67 hal100.00 / servitudes;

1. RepresenTs a 5m pipeline sltr virtlid e as per diagram 2667/ 2002.

2. Represen ts 0 se rvices ser vitude as pitt diogran 2667/2002.

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l!'Jo Zoning Area (ha % '1-38 GENERAL INDUSTRIAl 4.1626 ha 35.1470 ~ 3 REMAINDER 6.2467 ha 52.73 70 39 PUBLIC ROAD 1.4374 ha 12.137, / pTAL I 11.8467 ha 100 .00 I I 2. S ervice 5 / I / , jervitudes:

I. Represents a 5m pipeline set-vir-tude as per diagram .:} 2667/2002. ~.:ff .Represents a services servitude as per diagram ~ 2667/2002.

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All Dntc are opproxirnot e and subje ct I to th e f inal survey. .... 11 Cadastral Data Il5 per Dee ds Office I and CouncIl re cord s. True extent to be , determ ined with Final Survey I





I APPLICANT 1 :3 000 ter,,rapta_....n.. $ J! 't Oo": M ~~ ',o;,':, ,:~' ,~ ' !:C><>"CI

(Assessment conducted under Section 38 (8) of the National Heritage Resources Act as part of an EIA.)

Prepared for

Guillaume Nel Environmental Consultants P.O. Box 3253, Durbanville, 7551 Phone: (021) 9754444 Fax: (021) 9754426 [email protected]

19 January 2009

Prepared by

Jayson Orton

Archaeology Contracts Office Department of Archaeology Private Bag Rondebosch 7701

Phone (021) 650 2357 Fax (021) 650 2352 Email [email protected] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The Archaeology Contracts Office was asked by Guillaume Nel Environmental Consultants to conduct an assessment of erf 1691 and erf 1740, Fisantekraal , in the Durbanville area. The following process is envisaged: • Erf 1691 (currently zoned for a cemetery but not used for burials) will be split in two portions; • The northern portion will be consolidated with erf 1740 (currently zoned general industrial) ; • The new property (the vacant section with no burials present) thus formed will be rezoned and subdivided to allow for the development of approximately 38 light industrial erven and a road.

Much of the surrounding area has already been developed for light industrial use. The two erven together are approximately 11.85 Ha in extent, while only 5.60 Ha (the vacant area that has not been used for burials) will be developed . The project is part of an Environmental Impact Assessment.

With the exception of the memorial park which occupies the south-western part of the site, the area is covered by grass and has a few parts disturbed by excavations and earth-moving. A small earthen dam and furrow run across the site and a modern cement dam is present. A cluster of gum trees occurs on the site and gum tree lines border the site on its north-western and north-eastern boundaries. The former, however, lies just outside the fence line of the site.

The area has traditionally been farm land with most signs of this indicating a zo" century age. Tree lines occur in many areas but other forms of heritage are scarce. Several recent surveys have reported nothing but tree lines.

The site was inspected on 16 January 2009. Besides the tree lines, no other heritage was noted. The tree line along the road is deemed as being more important, while that along the north-eastern boundary will be difficult to retain due to its position.

It is recommended that, subject to the approval of Heritage Western Cape, the proposed development should be allowed to proceed but subject to the following: • It is important that the tree line along the R302 is retained. It is understood that some trees may need to be removed in order to facilitate access to the site but this must be kept to an absolute minimum.

2 Contents

1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. HERITAGE LEGISLATION 5 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT 5 4. HERITAGE CONTEXT 8 5. METHODS 9 5.1. Limitations 9 6. FINDINGS 9 6.1. One Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.1.1 . One two Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. CONCLUSIONS ...... ••...... 10 8. RECOMMENDATIONS 11 9. REFERENCES 11 10. INVESTIGATION TEAM Error! Bookmark not defined.


The Archaeology Contracts Office was asked by Guillaume Nel Environmental Consultants to conduct an assessment of erf 1691 and erf 1740, Fisantekraal, in the Durbanville area. The following process is envisaged : • Erf 1691 (currently zoned for a cemetery) will be split in two portions; • The northern portion will be consolidated with erf 1740 (currently zoned general industrial); • The new property thus formed will be rezoned and subdivided to allow for the development of approximately 38 light industrial erven and a road. It is important to note that no burials have occurred on this land and that the memorial park (the section which is not to be developed) is only used for the scattering of ashes. Much of the surround ing area has already been developed for light industrial use. The two erven together are approximately 11.85 Ha in extent, while only 5.60 Ha will be developed (only half of erf 1691). One half of erf 1691 will continue to function as the memorial park while half of the site (the part which has not been used for scattering of ashes) will be consolidated with erf 1740 and will be rezoned to general industrial. The site is located off the R302 within the Fisantekraal industrial area (Durbanville) just south of its intersection with the R312 and a little north of Durbanville (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Map showing the location of the study area. More detail is provided in Figure 2.

4 r I


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Figure 2: Aerial photograph taken from Google Earth showing the boundaries of erf 1691. The dotted line shows the approximate position of the proposed subdivision of erf 1691. The small block to the right is erf 1740 .


The National Heritage Resources Act (NHRA) No, 25 of 1999 protects a variety of heritage resources including palaeonto logical, prehistoric and historical material (including ruins) more than 100 years old (Section 35), human remains (Section 36) and non-ruined structures older than 60 years (Section 34). Landscapes with cultural significance are also protected under the definition of the National Estate (Section 3.1d). Under Section 38 (1) of the act the 2 affected property requires heritage assessment based on their size of greater than 5000 m .

Since the project is subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment, Heritage Western Cape (HWC) is required to provide comment on the proposed project in order to facilitate final decision making by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP).


Much of the site is open land with no structures on it but the south-western part is already developed as a memorial park (Figure 2). The area to be developed is predominantly grass­ covered (Figures 3 - 5), although some parts have been disturbed by excavation and dumping (Figures 6 & 7). A modern earthen dam and storm water furrow are present in the western part of the site (Figures 8 & 9).

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Figure 3: View towards the southwest across the small piece of land on the east edge of the erl.

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Figure 4: Panoramic view towards the southwest showing dumped material along the eastern margin of the site.

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A large blue gum tree alignment lies along the edge of the R302 but this is outside of the boundary of the property. Another similar tree line runs inside the north-eastern boundary (Figure 10) and a clump of gum trees is present in the northern area (Figure 11). This latter tree line has been trimmed substantially in recent years but regrowth is occurring.

Figure 10: View along the trimmed tree alignment that Figure 11: View of the clump of blue gum trees in runs along the north-eastern edge of the property. the northern part of the site.


The area used to be farmland but this context has been steadily eroded in recent times as a light industrial area has been developed on surrounding erven. Little remains of the previous agricultural context, although a few erven still have clumps or lines of blue gum trees present which no doubt indicated the boundaries of farms, fields and paddocks. These trees were commonly grown in the past for the production of poles for fencing and roofing. There are already several light industrial erven in the vicinity and a memorial garden (which will remain as is) occupies the south-western portion of the site.

8 Several other recent surveys in the immediate area have revealed no heritage material of significance, although in most cases tree lines and clusters were present (Orton 2008a, 2008b, 2008c; Smuts & Orton 2008).

Figure 12: Aerial photograph of the wider area taken from Google Earth. The site is indicated in red and the yellow dotted line indicates the general area in which several other recent surveys have been conducted for similar projects. 5. METHODS

A field inspection of the site was conducted on 16 January 2009. Relevant features were recorded photographically and mapped on an aerial photograph. Note that the area of the memorial park (southwest of the dotted line in Figure 2) was not searched, since this will remain as is.

5.1. Limitations

The grass made surface examination difficult but this is unlikely to have affected the overall outcome of the study.


6.1. Archaeology

No archaeological material, either prehistoric or historical was seen on the site.

9 6.2. Built environment

The only structure present on the portion to be developed is a modern cement dam. An electric pump is present alongside it (Figure 13). This probably relates to relatively recent farming activities and is of no heritage significance.

Figure 13: Modern cement dam and electric pump.

6.3. Cultural landscapes

The tree lines and cluster constitute elements of the cultural landscape. The tree line along the road lies outside of the erf boundary but could still be impacted by the construction of access roads into the site. The second tree line runs the entire length of the north-eastern boundary of the site but is broken in several places. A narrow gravel track runs between it and the fence . The cluster of trees is somewhat scattered and a few isolated trees also occur in the eastern part of the site.

6.4. Visual impact

Given that the general area is being developed as a light industrial area, there are no foreseen visual impacts so long as the height of the buildings is consistent with those on surrounding erven.


The only heritage of concern is the gum tree lines. That along the R302 road is more significant given that it will also shield the proposed development from view. Such tree lines tend to characterise many of the early 20th century agricultural areas of the Western Cape. It is important that damage to this tree line is kept to an absolute minimum. The tree line along the north-eastern edge of the property and the cluster in the northern area will, in all likelihood, be difficult to retain. They are of less significance though.


It is recommended that, subject to the approval of Heritage Western Cape, the proposed development should be allowed to proceed but subject to the following: • It is important that the tree line along the R302 is retained. It is understood that some trees may need to be removed in order to facilitate access to the site but this must be kept to an absolute minimum.


Orton, J . 2008a. Heritage Statement for erf 1693 and erf 1868 Durbanville, Bellville Magisterial District, Western Cape. Unpublished report prepared for Guillaume Nel Environmental Consulting . Archaeology Contracts Office , University of Cape Town .

Orton, J. 2008b. Heritage Statement for Portion 3 of Farm 180 & Remainder Farm 180. Durbanville, Bellville Magisterial District, Western Cape . Unpublished report prepared for Guillaume Nel Environmental Consulting. Archaeology Contracts Office , University of Cape Town .

Orton, J. 2008c. Heritage Statement for Portion 13 of Farm 168 Durbanville, Bellville Magisterial District, Western Cape . Unpublished report prepared for Guillaume Nel Environmental Consulting. Archaeology Contracts Office, University of Cape Town .

Smuts, K. & Orton , J. 2008. Heritage statement for erf 1690, Durbanville, Bellville Magisterial District, Western Cape. Unpublished report prepared for Guillaume Nel Environmental Consulting. Archaeology Contracts Office, University of Cape Town .