375 North Shore Drive www. peoples-gas.com Suilc 600 $ PEOPLES PA 15212

April 9,2013

VIA UPS GROUND SERVICE Ms. Rosemary Chiavetta, Secretary APR 0 9 2013 Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Commonwealth Keystone Building PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION 2nd Floor, RoomN201 SECRETARY'S BUREAU 400 North Street Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

RE: Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission v. Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC Docket No. R-2013-2350914

Dear Secretary Chiavetta:

Pursuant to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission's Regulations under 52 PA Code Section 53.68 and 66 PA C.S. Section 1307(f), a gas utility shall provide public notice for the filing of a tariff reflecting an increase or decrease in natural gas costs. Notice to individual customers may be accomplished by bill inserts. Simultaneously, notice shall be published in major newspapers serving the utility's service area, informing the public of the new or revised tariff filing, where the filing can be inspected, and how comments or complaints should be filed.

Pursuant to these regulations. Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC ("Peoples") was required to provide proof of mailing of billings containing notice to customers and was also required to provide proof of publication of a customer notice in newspapers of general circulation within its service territory. Accordingly, enclosed herewith for filing, please find an original and three (3) copies of the following:

1) Affidavit of Andrew P. Wachter, stating that customer notices were inserted in billings to retail and wholesale customers commencing in March, 2013, and continued to be inserted in envelopes containing billings to retail and wholesale customers until all notice were included in billings addressed to and mailed to all retail and wholesale customers of Peoples;

2) Proof of publication of customer notice in the ;

3) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Beaver Countv Times;

4) Proof of publication of customer notice in the ;

5) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Washington Reporter;

SAFETY CUSTOMEIi COMMITMENT TRUST COMMUNITY 6) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Derrick & Franklin Herald papers;

7) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Sharon Herold;

8) Proof of publication of customer notice in the ;

9) Proof of publication of customer notice in the ;

10) Proof of publication of customer notice in the ;

11) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Johnstown Tribune Democrat;

12) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette;

13) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review:

14) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Greensburg Tribune Review;

15) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Daily Courier;

16) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Valley Independent;

17) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Daily News;

18) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Leader Times; and

19) Proof of publication of customer notice in the Valley News Dispatch.

Please date-stamp the enclosed copy of this letter to indicate receipt of this filing in your office and return the same to me in the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided herein. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. RECEIVED Sincerely, Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC APR 0 9 2013

PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SECRETARY'S BUREAU Andrew P. Wachter Manager - Rates and Regulatory Affairs Enclosures AFFIDAVIT




"Andrew P. Wachter, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is Manager - Rates and Regulatory Affairs of Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC; that he is authorized to and does make this affidavit for it; and that the facts averred in the foregoing letter describing Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC's compliance with the notice requirements under 52 PA Code Section 53.68 are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief.

Andrew P. Wachter Manager - Rates and Regulatory Affairs

SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this 9st day of April, 2013.

RECEIVED Notary Public My commission Expires: APR 0 9 2013

mMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Notarial Seal SECRETARY'S BUREAU Andrew Welsner, Notary Public Hampton Twp., Allegheny County My mmmlsslon Expires Aug. 20, Z013 Member, PBWSWWrtld *ftfe!ttWH bt Notaries Proof of Publication State of Pennsylvania County of Indiana SS Peoples Natural Gas is filing k'Tequest.wih'ihc-Pcrit^l^^iaiPubUc.iJi ''fjK |,'Utility Commission to 'incrcasc'your, natural 'gas ratesa s of Octobcryl, • m • On this 6th day of March 2013 A.D. ^OlS.-^is filing js designed Lto_ recover the costt6f natural, gas which j,-. nHr ;ihc company uscs:> - ^WJX'i-t, •!C-(ii(Ti .-w/W • ' ^^iSSii^X^|i before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared: Theresa Palmer I • percentage depending on usagc anil appIicaBie^ratc scheduie."If Pebp^cs'"- enti re request is^appfrived;' the total bill'for a Tesidential'*customcr|usihg -; •{90'Wtf wliiaihcrease from'$76.34;tof$81:8i;pcr mon^^y ja^^ who being duly sworn according to laws, deposes and says, that (s)he is the '-Hie'toSl1 bill'for a'rommc'rdal'^scomcr ustrig'S 53'Wcf would-inifftase",1V Solicitor of the Indiana Gazette, that the said Indiana Gazette is a daily newspaper of general circulation, published in the borough of Indiana, in the County of Indiana, State of Pennsylvania, by the Indiana Printing & Upon^requesc.Peoples wjll inform .you ofthe:effcct_uLpo'rijyqu ; ; Publishing Company, and was established in said Borough on the second You may examine^acPcoples' officM,'a copy^of the material filcd'with; X f day of July 1890, since which date, said daily newspaper has been regularly the Pen'nsylv'ama Public,Utili ty'Cdm'mission.v/' •'• ~- w: •- ! ; ';'>i t ';i::iv •J.yasr.'j •i:J\, WJVi , . * ^ ;- j issued in said Borough and County, that annexed hereto is a true copy of a . THe prdposed^incrcase'is subject to «arnination' by the Pennsylvania i'Ptiblic Urilitj' GonimiMibS;'which'1 will Khediilc'hearings to'determine'--; notice in the above matter exactly as the same was printed in the regular • •ithc'pro per, rate'leve l "to be"cha*rged.i-"Ibe coin pan y. will have, the burden y.H editions and issues of the said daily newspaper on the following dates, viz: '• to provc thai;tKe'proposed!change.is reasonable..;!' ' ' ni;^^*^ f>HVvi 03/01/13

t .Forms for.the fijing'ofja form'djcomplain^mayjbc obtaincd'by xou^-', c ' 3 .upon request to' the.Pennsylvania jPublic,Utility,Gommission, RO.'' ^,-; Affiant further deposes and says that (s)he is an employee of the publisher VBox 32^57 HaKi^u^PAJ'lzfW " complaint cntitles.you to participate in a hearing at which you may, _ . of the said daily newspaper and has been authorized to verify the foregoing -.i .•s <.-fi i.:\r,-< r-i-.K-.lt'... >: ^ nZtTufr unrTiv-i-' i(t',r.-*',iiiJirriiv mtH present testimony,and question witnesscs tor me company, „• i ... statement and the (s)he is not interested in the subject matter of the !>y. .r^a1 tr. t!?w ^.-ni' j.jni?|.j'-^'' 'im&Z'O ;m nt$v .,.>J^ aforesaid notice or publication and that all allegations in the foregoing statement as to time, place, and character of publication are true. Indiana Printingji Publishing Company

.By:_L Sworfhto and subscribed before methe day and year aforesaid.

COMMONWEALiH Oi PCNNJTWANIA NOTARIAL SEAL BARBARA J SUILINGER Notary Public INDIANA BORO.. INDIANA COUNTY My Commission Expires Dec 3.2016 RECEIVED For publishing notice attached hereto on above stated dates _ Proof of Publication APR 0 9 2013 Proof of Intent. PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Total $0.00 SECRETARY'S BUREAU

Indiana Printing & Publishing Company, publishers of tho Indiana Gazette, a dally newspaper, hereby

acknowledges receipt ol the aforesaid publication costs, and certifies the same have been fully paid.

Indiana Printing and Publishing Co. P.O. Box 10,899 Water Street, Indiana, PA 15701 By. PROOF OF PUBLICATION The^Scaijer Count? Gftmetf, ^tHeg^enp tKtmesf, dEUtooob Citp Hebser, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published by BEAVER NEWSPAPERS, INC., a Pennsylvania corporation, 400 Fair Avenue, West Bridgewater, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, was established in 1946, and has been issued regularly, except legal holidays since said date.

The attached advertisement, which is exactly as printed and published, appeared in the regular Issue on 3/01/13


By STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OF BEAVER, } SS: B^rNOTICE OF PROPOSED^ Before me, a Notary Public in and for such county and state, personally appeared TINA BEQUEATH , who being duly sworn according to law says that she is CONTROLLER of BEAVER NEWSPAPERS, INC.; that neither affiant nor said corporation is interested in the subject matter of the attached advertisement; and that all of the allegations of the foregoing statement including those as to the time, place and character of publication are true.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of March 4, 2013 ,t'ryndei t^|)ti» N^turaKtM jprupa...... ^ _ --l... . f. The costs of advertisin ^li*appro5imatel^7.2%, but'ihe change In )^)'ur'bill imj^vaiy from ^ ihii_p'erccniage dcpefnUng ori'liiage'and applicable rate schedule.'! \ has been paid. ..If Peoples',entire requcii Is approved.'ihe lolal bill for a'raidcnital'^ tj. BEAVER NEWSPAI ''custonier^iiiing i)0 Mcf wonid increase from S7er''/

^monllior by 7.2%Ti'Tlic ideal bill for a wmmcraAl'ai«onierfiiiingi3-.7i

COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVAMTA , 1'253 Mcf would ineieaic from_Sl(i7. l3 10 % 182.158 "per mon'ih oF: '.'.J Notarial Seal by S-l^-Riiei for an indifiiriil cimomcr ujing 4,463 Mcf_would:"i;

JiliThc pioposni iiicreii'c fsi'utijcci (n cxa min alio n by the'Pennsylvania",' • •J-'I^bN^Utilit^Conimiision, which 'will whedule hearings to i .idcicririliic'lhe proper rale level ro'be'chaifjedi/'Ihe company will '^

iVIhc iate ihaatt II.s (iiially delermlued'in thii C;LIC will be recalculaied;!*." ; *io reflect acimal'fU J cbjti on a quarterly basis' and may be mbjecr IOJ ^ ,cha

, rw.wy.^;. '^(•PEOPLES' w^-W A-:


APR 0 9 2013


jajuao UOISIA;

STATE OF P^T^UOljoa^ COUNTYL:- • '---^ .'^.^-..^^ - — - •k- Ray Eckcnrode being duly sworn, says: That he is the General Manager of the ALTOONA MIRROR, a newspaper of general circulation, published at Number 301 Cayuga Avenue, Township of Logan, City of Altoona, County of Blair, and State of Pennsylvania.

That said newspaper was established as'a daily newspaper of general circulation . on the Thirteenth Day of June 1874, since which date said newspaper has been published daily- in the City of Altoona; that a copy of the printed notice, hereto attached, is exactly as the same was printed and published in the regular edition of the daily ALTOONA MIRROR published on the following date, viz:

ynar^k ).

The affiant further deposes and declares that he is not interested in the subject matter of the aforesaid notice of publication and that all allegations in the foregoing statement as to time, place and character of publication are true. •

Sworn to and subscribed before me the

RECEIVED Notary Public PJOWWAL SEAL My Commission expires DEBRAD MILLER Notary Public ' APR .0 9 2013 ALTOONA Cin BLAIR COUNTY Jul 25, 2013

PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION, A: SECRETARY'S BUREAU increase etiiciency, anu containers lor msuru- Howdyshellsaid. "We're reaJ- tional, commercial and ly happy that we're receiving multi-family buildings and < it and excited that we're establishments. About going to be able to continue $175,000 was tabbed for pur­ with this program." chasing a new composting About 3.7 million pounds of screen and a skid steer loader material is recycled through for use at the . IRC's the authority's 19 recycling Duncansville facility, he said. Pad-Over Chaise Rec locations each year, And about $54,000 was set Howdyshell said. aside for composting space With FREE POWEH Part of the fiinding will be and various improvements to Recline used to expand the authori­ the Buckhorn facility. ty's educational efforts,' The remaining $5,000 was SALE PRICE s Howdyshellsaid. set aside for educational • "I'm pleased to have assist­ efforts, he said. ed the Cambria County Solid "We still see this grant pro-, Waste Authority on getting gram as'a very important this grant," said State Rep. one," Frederick said.

HAT TRICK Home Tt Collection With Cupht

To Our Cuilomerj;

Pcoplei N:miral CM is filing a itqiicsi wiih the Penn iyl van ia Public Ucilicy Commission u> intieasc your natural gas rates as of October 1, 2013. This filing is deiigncd to recover the cost of natural gas which the company nict.

Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal, ihe overall increase in revenues is approiuniately?.2Wi, hut the change in your bill may wry from this percentage depending on usage and applicable raie schedule, [f Peoples' em ire rcquclt is approved, the total bill for a residential cusiomer using 90 Mcf would increase from $76,54 to 581.81 per month or by 7.2%. Ihe total bill for a commerdal cusiomer uiing 253 Mcf would increase from S IdTAi to J 182.68 per month or by 9. l%.'Raicj for an industrial customer using 4. ACS Mcf would'

Increase from S2.:1 M.79 to 52,(578.76 per month or by 10,9%.

Upon rciiuest, Peoples will inform you nf the cfieet upon your bills. Vou may examine, at Peoples' office!, a copy uf the material filed ' with tlic I'euusylvjnia. Public Utility Conunisiiar,.

'Hie proposed increase is subjcci to ciamiiiatlon by ihe Pcmisylvania Public UtiUty Comtuisiiaii, which will scliedulc headings to determine the proper rate level to be charged. The company will have the burden to prove that the proposed change is reasonable.

Forms for (he filing of a forma! complaint may be obtained by you upon request to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commissioi]. HO. Be™ 3265, Humbmg. PA 17105-3265. The timely filing of a formal complatm cn (ities you to participate in a hearing ai which you may present tesilmony and question witnesses for the company.

The ratetha i is (innily determined in this case will be recalculated to reflect actual ga) costs nn a ([uarlcrly basis and may be subject to change if the recalculated rite difiVu from tile rate that is finally determined in this case by more than 2 percent.

: fi " . No'lnttiitt7iM IZ Month)' (rninlnwrn i \ , . f.asMssuil unlit or itrnilnaifon ol piamn I • tarwlnolsd.'QnWMwltasraniwMfM PEOPLES " .tinon-p'omo talatici,' ttils niny roduco tht fe 1 .•\~ ctwiBM.'PromopurttiainonBilstlnqo


aMrUTlUTV COMMISSION PAPUSTARVS BUREAU OBSERVER-REPORTER Washinpon, Pennsylvania Proof af PubBcntion . IViipl.'s N>inti-.i1 Cn k liliny j retjuot *itli ih,- Pcnmylviiiiia I'liblic In cQmplUacc witlj the Newspaper Advmiiins Aa of July 9,1976,PI-177, No. 160.« amendtd. Utiliiy ' 'riniiiii^iiiu in inticj'.i- yi)ui n.mii.il rates as ol Octiiher COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, COONTY OF WASHINGTON SS: 1. JOI.). 'Iliis litinj; i* iii^ij;iiiii in itoncr tin- LOM .ifn.itur.ii g.u Before me, aNoary Public in and for aid County ind Sine, penoraUy ippored nhiili tliL' tiinip.iiiy

Umlur I'mplo N.iinr.il t i-is' |"i>['inal. thr luvr.ill iiii'iivni: in rovL-iiuo D^vid F. Lvle wbo bemg duly sworn *aajniing to Uw, deposes and ays ttat he iv .ipjii.i\iiii.in:lv l"ii ilu-<'li jnj[i' in ymii hill may vitv Wnm ilik peiti iiia^^ ik'pi'iiJing nn tiv.i^e .mil applieaiili- rnit- « lirJuli-. is tie OFO ofthe ObtcyttPubluhing CompMiy, iPeomyivaiiU corponrion, and Hsagcnl 1 iri'ttipliV cut in. 11-111101 iv .i|'pnivtJ. tiie mt.ii hi] I fur a ii:-iiklili.il in this bchalC thai the aid comfany ii the owner and publiihtr ofthe Obierrer-Reporter, wcoasor to The Washinpon mi lun ICI iislin; !N) MLfuciuld iiKiv.isv limn S7I)..l4 tu SHl.Si'jjei Observer, established September 18.1871. and The Washtopnn Repomr, esablUhcd August IS, 1808.»daily iiiuiiih tix Xty 7,Z"n, Uie toial hill lor a Lornui^ri-i.il LUsuiTiKr usini; newspaper of general dreulaiion, printed and published and having its place of business at Washington. Washington J^.-i ,Vlcf WIHIIII iii.ircasi'. Iruut SIfi?.43 m SIMZ.f-K per momli ur County, Pennsylvania where it or its predecessors have been eaablished and published conu'nuausly for more than hv 1l. I R.m-^ for .in irulu.vlri.il iliivionicT iisini; -i.-lt^^ \lif "(inki six months prior to the publication of the nodes hereto atadnatthat theprinteti notice or ittrariseniem hereto iiii:tt-iM-li,'"i Si, J 14.79 Si.(i7a.7fiiin]|ii)u'il itn'iiMd* i< •.uliji't't ID cvmiin.iiiui! 1>y tlii- IViiinj Ivimia 'advertising and that all ofthe allepriooi of this affidavit as tn the time, place and eharaaer of publicuion arc mie. I'lihlii: Uiiliiv I .'oniniisvinn. ^vllii,]| will S

[;liriin for ilii.' iillny nl'.i liiriii.il i r.injiLiiiu m.n' he iifiuinai hy yon Sworn to and Subscribed before mc this v itpim IL'I|IH'«I in IIK- IVmisylvani.i I'litilli: IJiih'iy Coiiuimiuiu. IIO. \2M. Huniskim. I'A I'ltiVliriVllHMhm-ly filing./:! I'orriul Citrnpl.iini eniitlcj yon hi |iaitici|i;iic in .1 luMihiij.it wlikh vou m:iy pi<:M:nt Kviiinonv ".mil i|iiL'>riiiu ^v iun-wL-s ior IIIL- 11 tuip.inw

'Ilh1 r.ik- tlui is liiialli ilcii'iinineJ in i hh v'ast' will be H'CIILIII.IICII COMMONWEALTH OF PENN^Yt VAMIA lo iirllrei .ii:iii:il yjv c< .IV im .1 c|uarii.ily h.iviv in,I may IHT vuliji v i i Notarial Seal 'IIMIII;!.- il'ilic ICIMIIIII. ol i .in' itiUliv fr-im IIIL' mir lii.n h liually Eleanor 8. Smith, Notary Public •k'leriuiiK'Ll in [his \:.r : hy IIWKC ilian 2 JIUKCIII. City of Washington, Washington County Hy Commission Expires June 2, 2016 MEMBER, PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF NOTARIES £ PEOPLES'


APR 0 9 2013








SIZE OF AD: 2 col. x 6"


VERIFIED BY: PauMrH^ss, Advertising Manager

Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of March, 2013

NOTARIAL SEAL Michelle M. Schwab, Notary Public RECEIVED Oil City, Venango County, Pennsylvania My Commission Expires Deceinb^rOS, 2014 APR 0 9 2013

PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SECRETARY'S BUREAU VENANGO COUNTY COURT REPORTER •' Arraignment court pairment and. disorderly con- • DUI-highest rate of alcohol guilty pleas duct-engaging in fighting. A (first offense), failure to use sentencing date has noVbeen President Judge Oliver a seat belt and restrictions scheduled. ^"'"^ on alcoholic beverages. Lobaugh presiding Melissa Lynn Becker, 28, Sentencing is scheduled J Donria A. Clayton, 42, of of Titusville; pleaded guilty to Aprils. Franklin; pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct-engaging Patti Jo Frank, 56, of Oil , fleeing or aUempling to elude in fighting. Sentencing., is City; pleaded guilty to access law. enforcement officers, scheduled April 26. device fraud and identity recklessly endangering anoth- Bruce E. Nevel, 43, of theft. Sentencing is scheduled PERS .er person, DUI-general im­ Parker; pleaded guilty to April 5. i

NOTICE TO - GAS WEST PENN POWER CUSTOMERS WITH i RIGHT-OF-WAY ACROSS THEIR JED RATE PROPERTY West Penn Power has contracted for the ground application of herbicide solutions on electric line Rights-of-way in parts of Clarion county. Both the herbicide solution and the application method are specified "Simply ttm Bmt tor low" WINDOWS • SIDING • GUTTERS • DOORS by West Penn Power. The herbicides are registered and approved for this use by the U.S. Environmental . Protection Agency and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

The. application will be To Our Customers: performed on electric line rights- of-way during the period Peoples Natural Gas is filing a request with the Pennsylvania Public commencing 14 days from the Utility Commission to increase your natural gas rates as of October date of publication of this notice 1, 2013. Ihis filing is designed to recover the cost of natural gas and extending to 45 days from which the company uses. * the date of publication. Prior to the application, an attempt' will g Manager Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal, the overall increase in revenues be made to contact property is approximately 7-2%, but the change in your bill may vary from owners residing on the property this percentage depending on usage and applicable rate schedule. scheduled for treatment of If Peoples' entire request is approved, the total bill for a residential woody vegetation. Additional customer using 90 Mcf would increase from $76.34 to $81.81 per Information will be furnished month or.by 7.2%. Ihe total bill for a commercial customer using during this contact. 253 Mcf would increase from $167.43 to $182.68 per month or by 9.1%. Rates for an industrial customer using 4,469 Mcf would Requests ' for additional increase from $2,414.79 to $2,678.76 per month or by 10.9%. information should be directed to: • • Upon request. Peoples will inform you ofthe effect upon your bills. You may examine, at Peoples' offices, a copy of the material filed with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. Mark Wilson Distribution Specialist, I013 The proposed increase is subject to examination by the Pennsylvania West Penn Power Public Utility Commission, which will schedule hearings to 109 A Briar Hill Road determine the proper race level to be charged. Hie company will have the burden to'prove that the proposed change is reasonable. Kittanning, PA 16201 1-800-686-0021 Forriis for the filing of a formal complaint may be obtained by you upon request to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P.O. Box 3265. Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265.1116 timely'filing of a formal complaint entitles you to participate in a hearing at which you may , WestPenn present testimony and question witnesses for the company. Power RECEIVED The rate that is finally determined in this case will be recalculated to reflect actual gas costs on a quarterly basis and may be subject to change if the recalculated rate differs from the rate that is finally determined in this case by more than 2 percent. APR 0 9 20)3


Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

County of Mercer

Laurie Doyle, of The Herald, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says The Herald is a newspaper of general circulation published at 52 South Dock Street, Sharon, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. The Herald was establishecl May 13,1935 and has been regularly published and issued in Mercer County since that time. The printed notice attached to this affidavit is exactly the same as was printed and published in the regular edition and issue The Herald on the dates listed below, i certify that I am duly authorized to verify this statement under oath and am not interested in the subject matter of the attached notice or advertisement. All allegations in this affidavit as to time, place'and character of publication are true.

Laurie Doyle RECEIVED

Advertising Manager APR 0 9 2013


Sworn to and subscribed to before me this

1st day of March, 2013

Karen Nestor

My commission expires C^^S'XJ^-' ^C)} 5"

Date Ad Caption ff Times

03/01/13 People's Natural Gas/Proposed Rate Change 1 NOTARIAL SEAL KAREN A NESTOR Notary Public SHARON CITY; MERCER COUNTY ^yCommission Expires Apr 10, 2015 RECEIVED

XAPR 0 9 2013 \ - PA PUBLIC UTIUTY COMMISSION au uoci-iiiusL-* uc -lUiu wii*,ior' a crcates-sifiEiGfibSTAJ^tS' SU-^^AU^'-i-^**-^!.^** case to satisfy the state's def­fense attorneys can make he white flag-Thursda y oiT "Ctuld.deatlis point inition of abuse. - "atrocious arguments," Heck­ extending domestic violence , Because of this definition, ler said. protections' to gays,' lesbians • '. to Holes- in system • when an infant is brought to The task force suggested and " transsexuals : after - : -. '. • •from page A-1th e hospital with injuries that that the definition" of "abuse" months .of, resisting ari" ex- " • appear be from abuse, a doc­would .be much more effec­ parisiph' ^ of.', the.' "Violence To Our Customers; tor must •try, to .-detemime tive -if the-desmptipn.of'-'se-jrAgairis t Women'Act- ' - college," said-Bucks County. '•/.j.GOP'cleaders; who. had Peoples Natural Gas is filing a request wiih ihe Pennsylvania Public ' • / District Attorney Dave,-Heck- how. painful" - the injuries-,vere . pain" ••was'.replaced Jby Uliiity Commission to increase your natural gas rates as of October ' : v ^ed-tp' iimit; die-bill'before " would have been .-tib.,.9ie •."^vere'injury.".',!-! ! w-. \ 1, 2013: Tliis filing is designed'to recover the cost of natural gas : ler,.-- whp;i chaired'-the .'chpd : last-'/Noyembe'r's election, • which the company uses. '- • ' y •.}>:^{ ..^Rep.v;^y,,Watsph,^ t protection task-force.; • ^gave^the-lgo^^iead for.- the - rf, •Hennsylvania" child' welfare ' PennsyWama'sl mettiod^pf. i44,Tlp f ;j Bucks f Gpunty^^said-' Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal!.the overall.increase'iri rCTemiesV- 'tHat..; lawmakers..(are j woriang -Hpup • to] accept a 'more am- defiiiirig, abuse translates; intp/i'' ^iidpus-^ Seriate version -writ- is approximately 7.2%, but'the ch'an'ge in your bill.may.vary from;* misleading: Hata: when^PeniKpn 'legislaliprito/correct:; tiie. this-percentage depending^qn iisa'ge'ahd'applic^ ; Jterilmainly- by, Democrats. .If Peoples' entire requcst'is approved, the'tqtal bill'fofia rcsidchuan'^oj , sylyarua's -r abuse ^ rates. A 'defihitidrS-e'y i rpf-.abuse.ijusC phe" : x01n' neglect- cases, the • focus • ^.:;^Demoqats, -with a minori- aistomer using90 Mcfwdtild increase from'JT^MVo'JSl-iSlip^-'.tf-'i of ^.'. numerous^' -' legislktiye.; comparecf' ;pther,). states';, 'that^ 1 .:iil'6n'iielping..to;impr6v^ • ty"of Republicans, were key • month or by 7.2%. The total Bill fo r" a'comm eraa! feus to mer'using ^j'-;^ . ..ditibns}ih «'the, Home,' but*, of'haye^different^efimtions'jfo- remedies'that'•. - are-.expected 253 Mcf would increase from $167-43 to $182.68 per mohth'or.v j :: ; : -tpMhe.' 286-138. House, vote •• child-ab*useV;!.'.;?.-:•> [•-:•["to- come out'-•of-''the--' task- , .by 9.1%." Rates for'an industrial customer; us ing 4,469 Mcf would;'. force's . recrin^eridations.'-:^: that sent to President Barack., _.QbaiM;-;^ of^tiie;.. .,pn^cMd{ mytfeatment., mdi-..- i/.cbpperate^.c^^ : ^1994^lawitiiat!;has j;s"et^e (t . \^;^ejappro^ ' cafe's^tKat^Pem^ylvania.' 'i&.sstat e ! ^pida^Cfor^jKcrafirto^protect;: '• pted^S^t ^pn^:cerhs". ; about--tiie"rea)rd:kee^: ; M ! ;i'Ba^lbn^tiier ; nafipnal|fate;^ ing vAiri^n^l^'^^es.'^p) 'twomen;^?. ah'd^'- some:''T'men, i. • •SMies.r'' ':V/ - r>.L'- : , P^^tra^-'iunHCT^pbrted' come; next, week; when..; pifi*;from;-; ; domestic ;Vabuse '^aiid _;:.ff.j;Butiffie^^y;^tins^^ ; -rcHiidtmal^tfriOTt;^\about dais'with the Department of: pfo^oiteiabusers. '. '):- ;. | Public Utility Commission, which will schedule hearings to ; ." •, 'i . - - •' employsme % strategy; pro- . determine the proper rate level to be charged:The compaiiy"will;.= ; '-U.S.-Rep. Mike.Kelly. But-. ;25;()0P'tases^20n.-.-: ; . Public Welfere appear before^ " • ••wdes;npJ;iimf6nn. metiiod.'.of \ : have the burden to prove that die proposed change is reasonable'.' '-'i •• • -vr^ord-k'eeping".oh. database .-- ^Advpcates^'say that :the the- House •.'appropriations; ler/; •'. R3rd J;District,voted : against tiie legislation.. . - . Forms for the'filing of a formal complaint may be obtained.by. yo^ ); 1 so^^ffiat''dtiierfcaseworkers or lack"'of. uniformity- in' the; way coriimittee. . '..:« ' . * 7 states • define . and count , At that .time. -it .will.'b^ . It was the •'third -time this . upon request to the Pennsylvania Public.Utility Commission, P.Ox^), ^ adhiims^atprsV.; can.... • easily 1 ". shareV ffiririatibh' . or • ikeep.abus e makes-it. exceedingly, come dear if the department, year . that -House - Speaker , Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. The timely filing of a'fdrii^l-^ difficult to compare'how one 'is. looking", to .invest in.'the" John-Boehner-,.Has allowed'-" 'complaint entitles you to participate in a hearing at which you may-"is ,• easpy-accessible. files. after'a • present testimony and question witnesses for the company.-.j r- "state's' child protection efforts computer systems needed to Dembcratd and moderates in : r.;casewprker leaves. • ' : his own party to preyap over- 1 1 '^{Hiis/alsb' creates problems are doing compared to oth- manage the case files and .The rate that is finally determined in this case will be recalculated - ' " . the OOP's much larger con-. to reflect actual gas costs on a quarterly basis and may be subject to:' ? • inj .|erms .of- oversight, be- ers. * '; •'• store them appropriately. t ; . .But,. more • importantly .'to. ; Watson - said., that task servative .wing..-As -with a change if the recalculated "rate differs from "the rate that is finally;." ' ^ V^use^it•'may..be, difficuit'to, determined in this case by more than 2 percent. / \ . . f reMew^^cfl^.-.what; avcase? the state's child protection ef-, force has< provided a, road Jan. 1 vote to avoid the fiscal . worker, found or was told. '. • forts, the challenging defini-'-ma p that. the. legislature can; cliff and legislation to extend •"' .• •. i '^el^have', no; ability., • totion deters doctors and-'case- use. to make, significant Superstorm Sandy aid, a ma­ ^look'back, in-'^e/'.rHeckler iworkers from • sometimes changes to the way children jority of House Republicans 7 . labeling a: ' child's • injuries are protected in Pennsylva­ : voted: against the • final.anti-vi ­ P PEOPLES ' ••"'^tLO/^ ';'>"',';- ; : ! "abuse," out of concemtthat nia. : L- •"' olence bill.. •-; • ..• ' jk'Aiid .wheri;?m'u'ch . of; the - /dpcumeritatipnMS .being gen-•it may .be too. difficult to • "We. think the stars, are 'erated - ''by.^;:mexperienced prove. aligning," Watson said. "We .-.'caseworkers/ '•' the •' record- It is a guessing ganie that think we can get this done."' .-keepin^-i^ues.'make it diffi- I'cultoto'. experts "to help inter: ;. yerie^to,' imprpye^ rnatters^Jie 1 NEW CASTLE NEWS OF NEW CASTLE, PA . ..jplcs Namral Gas is.fiUhg'a^Wt.wriA^^.Pb'ni^^la.^ub NEW CASTLE NEWS Utility Commission;io increase your natural gas rates'as ofpoober-Y; a'.'Zpis.^s'fiii^ J f : - which'tiie company uses. ' • J^"ri - '-'''ij' . :? Cxs$x$...?iA'i':: ': •• •'"•V ' i^Xl^h(^'^i, Z BRAND Under Peoples Natural Gas- proposal, the overall jncrnse in > revenues - 707 GRANT ST. is approximately 7.2%, ijuuhechange in you? billrnay"wy from^'.

32ND FLOOR this pcrccnr^edcpendingon t^age'-^applicable rate-s^ed^e:.'...jj-5tii PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 If Peoples' entire retiu^t is app^ fyl.; customer 'using 90 Mcf would increase Irom $76-34. to $8 V.Slper ATTN: MONICA EARLY month or by 7.2%. The total bill for.a.e6mmcraal;^tpinCT.iMmg,i'- ' REFERENCE:PEOPLES NATURAL GAS • 253 Mcf Would:iiicr^e from $i^7;43t^ Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said 'by 9;t%: RiitesfeVan'ind^triid County and State, duly authorized to administer •'increase fro'm:S2,'4i4'.79,to'$2,678.76 iwr,.nibMhw»w.lp.9%/ oaths, affirmation, etc., personally appeared Linda Craig being duly sworn or affirmed Upon rcqutsti'Peopic^will'informtyouo^ Vnii'miV'i^nmine.at PCODICS' "6fficcsi'a'fcopV'' 6f thV'fnaterial'filcti.^'/''t'. I according to law, doth depose and say that she > is representative of Community Newspaper Holdings Inc., Corporation organized and doing .'determine,the proper rate level to'bc.digged.'Ihe compafip; w'M^^,;^' , business under the laws of the State of . Kavc:'thcburticnito;prove that the prb^^jchange is rcaso'nablc. . Pennsylvania, and publishing a newspaper know as r The New Castle News in the City of New Castle, Forms fb? the filing of a formal .^t^nt/jM^^pbtwmrf^yqi^^ upoiVrequew'to thcTwn^ivania'Public\UtiIi^ : and that as such she is familiar with the books, ! Dox!3265i Harrisburg, PA 17105:3265^^^ records, files, and business of said Corporation and jatc in a hearing at.vvhich you^thay by reference to the files of said publication that attached advertisement was inserted. The following correctly copied from the books and files of the aforesaid Corporation.

PUBLISHED ON: March 1,201,3 NAl^^^ LU^~g TITLE: Legal Advertising Clerk In Testimony Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affix my official seal, the day and year aforesaid:

NOTARY: sfL^ My Commission Expires: <2//o//fr


APR 0 9 2013


STATE OF Pennsylvania) COUNTY OF Butler ) CITY OF Butler )

I, Keith Graham, being duly sworn on oath now and during all times herein stated, have been the publisher and designated agent of the publication known as, Butler Eagle ("Publication') and have full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows:

The advertisement for Peoples Natural Gas, ("Advertiser") was published in the Butler Eagle on the 1st day of March, 2013.

Notary information:

Subscribed to and sworn to before me this 1 st . day of March . 2013.


APR 0 9 2013


/Notary Public Signature

NOTARIAL SEAL Commission Expires: RONALD A VODENICHAR Notary Public BUTLER CITY, BUTLER COUNTY My Commission Expires Jul 17, 2016 Poker fundraiser includes a silent auction, raffles, bake sale, food, and to help Parker child beverages: A poker benefit to help For information, call the a Parker child with a rare Moose Lodge at 724-285- genetic abnormality will 4129. be at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Loyal Order of Moose EC fire department. ssociated Press Lodge 64, 225 W. Jefferson receives grant SHINGTON — In a St., Butler. EVANS CITY — The Ev-- :ic argument for gay • The fundraiser is for i, President Barack ans City Volunteer. Fire 8-month-old Avery Sue Department has been ia on Thursday urged Cooper, daughter of Kevin • upreme Court to over- awarded 'a grant of $124;830: California's same-sex and Alisha Cooper of Park­ from the Federal Emer­ iage ban and turn a er, who has had several gency Management Agency ical eye pn similar pro- surgeries, many "tests and under the Department of ons across the country. frequent hospitalizations. Homeland Security during all times herein 3 Obama administra- Avery Sue has Trisomy The money is for depart-: the publication known ; friend-of-the-court 17 Mosaicism, and the ben­ ment operations and safe-;' marked the first time efit will support the family ty, according to U.S. Sen.-' the facts herein stated !. president has urged as members care for her. Bob Casey, D-Pa., who an: igh court to expand the Admission is free with a nounced the grant Thurs­ of gays and lesbians to donation to play. The event day afternoon. The filing uneqmvo- calls on the justices rtiser") was published rike down California's ositioii '8 ballot mea- although it stops short .e soaring rhetoric on iage equality Obama essed in his inaugural To Our Customers: ess in January, lifornia is one of eight Peoples Natural Gas is filing a request with the Pennsylvania Public s'that give gay couples Utility Commission to increase your natural gas rates as of October .ie benefits of marriage 1, 2013. "Hiis filing is designed to. recover the cost of natural gas igh civil unions or do­ which the company uses. le partnership, but don't Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal, the.overall increase in revenues v them to wed. The brief is approximately 7.2%, but the change in your bill may vary from - es that in granting same- this percentage depending on usage and applicable rate schedule. RECEIVED tuples those rights, Cal- If Peoples' eniirc requcst'is approved, the total bill fora residential lia has already acknowl- customer using 90 Mcf would increase from $76.34 to $81.81 per d that gay relationships momli or by 7.2%. The toia] bill for a commercial customer using ' the same hallmarks as 253 Mcf would increase from $167.43 to $182.68 per month or APR 0 9 Z013 ght ones. by 9.1%. Rates for an i nd ustri a leu stonier using 4,469 Mcf would increase from $2,414.79 to $2,678.76 per month or by 10.9%. PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION 'hey establish homes Upon request, Peoples will inform you ofthe effect upon your bills. SECRETARY'S BUREAU lives together, sup- You may examine, at Peoples' offices, a copy of the materia) filed each other financially, with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. e the joys and bur- 5 of raising children, 'Iheproposed increase is subject to examination by tlic Pennsylvania (SEAL) provide care through Public Utility Commission, which will schedule hearings to iss and comfort at the determine the proper rate level to be charged. Hie company will lent of death," the ad- have the burden to prove that the proposed change is reasonable. . istration wrote. ' Forms for the filing of a formal complaint may be obtained by'you ie brief marks the upon request to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P.O. ;ident's most expansive Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA ]7]05-3265. "The timely filing of a formal / of gay marriage and complaint entitles you to participate in a hearing at which you may als he is moving away present tcsiimony and qrfesrion witnesses for the company. 3 his previous assertion : states should deter- The rate that is finally determined in this case will be recalculated to reflect actual gas costs on a quarterly basis and may be subject to e their own marriage change if the recalculated rate differs from the rate thai is finally s. Obama signed off on determined in this'case by more than 2 percent. administration's legal jment last week fol- NOTARIAL SEAL ing lengthy discussions RONALD A VODENICHAR i Attorney General Eric Notary Public der and Solicitor Gen- $ PEOPLES BUTLER CITY, BUTLER COUNTY I Donald Verrilli. My Commission Expires Jul 17. 2016 SSHI

'I 1 i I i Proof of Publication of Notice in Daily American i • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) ! • County of Somerset ) ss

.^iilT^".}:..^.?.?^.?"^.?.'.?.1!:.^1!', being duly sworn, says: That he is editor, general manager, advertising director of the Daily American, a newspaper of general circulation, published at 334 West Main Street, in the Borough of Somerset, County of Somerset and State of Pennsylvania.

That said newspaper was established as a daily newspaper of general circulation on the First day of July, 1929, since which date said newspaper has been published daily in the Borough of Somerset; that a copy of the printed notice, hereto attached, is exactly as the same was printed and published in the regular edition of the Daily American, published on the following dates, viz: March 1,2013

That affiant further deposes and declares that he is not interested in the subject matter of thejjfiwe* in the foregoing statement os to time, place and character of publication arc true. ^S*^

1" Sworn to and subscribed before mc this day of

C0WM0HBE Bartoatt GMfiey, Nettry Public , SommftBffo.SunerMtCumv . My CoflimMon fapim Oct M. «»3 My Commission Expires

Copy of Notice of Publication, STATEMENT OF ADVERTISING COSTS NOTICE OF PROPOSED ^ Notice of Proposed Rate Changes IRATE CHANGES <


To Daily American, Somerset

' publishing the notice or advertisement attached heretofore the above stated dates $

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^Iliivc the buriden to prove lhat'the promoted chingc _

'"lipcm reqfieii to'ihc Penrii^rinisi Public Utility]CommisiibnTRQ. * - ceipt for Advertising Costs ^ " -, '"-^"• ••"•"V.iieV.^'^umely'filinttofiirorW'.

'chinge'l ,.„.--.-. I^deiermintil in'ihii caw b^ropnTihan 2perccm. RECEIVED hi. [T APR 0 9 2013


Please Fill out Information Below:

Name of Publication: The Tribune-Democrat

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Client name: '(V) ^ J^l/ 0l1( RECEIVED ^ 0 9 20(3 Insertion Order #: FO^ZS' Date of Insertion: 3^ ~-\3 •""sssssgar* Caption: NoTiCCOF P^oFoSeO^ATE CHMOC-CS

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I verify that the aforementioned ad ran as noted above. Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared

rn^MAMWFAITH OF PENNSYLVArtlA Notarial Seal Vivian Ohs, Notary Public City of Johnstown, Cambria County Mv Commission Expires Dec. 6, 2016 MEMBER, PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF NOTARIES

The Name (Pldase Print) Notary Public Seal

State of: P^U^y/Lt/A/M ' ^

County of: DWP-i/^ / Sworn to and subscribed before me Notary Public Signature jLum iu me Lunch will be included. - For information or to rej Infant of Prague ter, call 472-2872. or visit www.francis.edu/renewab] energy-expos.'. March 3-11, 2013 Hess will address ' Sf. Hrodhrew's Cbmrcb raDSy to save train 1621 Ferndale Ave., Johnstown HUNTINGDON - State Devotions (Mass) Each Evening at 7:00 P.M. Dick Hess, R-Bedford, mai Confessions Each Evening After Devotion chairman of the state Hou; Ask the Infant For The Fawr Yon Heed! - Mark the Petition, Fill In, Clip and Mail - Please place my petition before the Infant of Prague during the Novena • Employment - • Happy Marr/age • Protection from Flood • Peace ol Mind - ••• World Peace jCold & Hunger • Financial Help _ • Special Intentions • Heallh • Return to Sacraments • Thanksgiving • Peaceful Death • Family Unity • End lo Abortions • Personal Intention Name • ; ' Address ' • / . ^_ City State Zip Mafll Tto: St. Andrew's Chuirclh 1621 Ferndale Ave., Johnstown, PA 15905 ,

To Oii'r Gustomers:' .••>••' • \,

Peoples Natural Gas is filing a-request with the Peimsylvania Public Utility Gommission to increase your natural gas'rates as of October I, 2013- This filing is designed to recover the cost of natural gas . which the company ^ses.

Under.Peoples Rmirai'Gas proposal.Mhc ovcniU'incrcasi; in revenues is approximately 7.2%,but tbc.diatige iii your bill may vary from this percentage depending on usage and'applicable rate schedule. If Peoples entire request isapptoved, die-total bill fora residential customer using 90 Mcf would' increase from 576.34 to $81.8 !• per nionth or by'7.2%. 'the totnl bill for a conimorcial customer using • Become .a trusted .pr 253: Mcf would increase from $167.43 to 5182.68 per month or _ training and the.opp cC by 9.1%. Rates'for an' industrial custoiiicr tising 4,469 Mcf woiitd your hoirie and fa'mi increase fromJ$2 414.79 tp.S2,678.76 per mo'nrh or by ip:9%. ( casual arid weekend S-; Upon request, Peoples will inform you ofthe effect upon'your.bilb; available. Schedule t Yoii'may. ataminc, at;Pcoples' offices, si copy ofthe material'filed with on your availability. the PcnnsylvaniaPublic Utility Com mission, f • ,

'iKc proposed increase, is subject to cxaminaiidri by the l'eriiisylv:iiHa Public Udlity Comriiissioii, which will schedule hearings to dcrerminc the proper rate level to be charged. Tiie company will have the burden to prove*that the,proposed dunue is,reasonable.

PorniS'for the filing of a formal complaint may be obtained by you upon request to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Conmiission, PO;-' Box 3265; Harrisbui^. PA.17l6.5-3265. The timely filing oFa formal complaint cntitles.you to participate in a hearing at which you'may present testimony and question witnesses'for die com pari)':

The.rate that is finally determined in this.case.will.be recalculated to reflect acntil gas costs on a quarterly basis and may be subjecr to change if "the recalculated irate differs from the rate that is filially determined in'this case by more than 2 percent.;-, , il P PEOPLES post-gazette.coM




I, BLAISE PANIZZI, being duly sworn on oath says he is and during all times herein stated has been the publisher of the publisher's designated agent in charge of the publication known as


and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows:

The 2 x 6 rop ad for Peoples Natural Gas ("Advertiser") was distributed to Publisher's full circulation on the 1st day of March, 2013.




Subscribed and sworn to before me this ^fl^L day of A//LUUw , 2013- Notary Seal: RECEIVED iomry Public COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Notarial Seal APR 0 9 2Q'13 Linda M. Gaertner, Notary Public City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County r^ommlSslonExplresJan.'Sl, 2015 PA PUBLIC UTIU TY COMMISSION MEwiMrMrtNSviWrJiA nSJ.vci:Se4NfetvdJ"ibMtf, e Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 SECRETARY'S BUREAU 412-263-1100 as d yuuug uicui, juiira ueu Jones as the killer. ; •. • to follow a recommended i Jones told Judge Emery that ment " program and' ins Recidivism he has been undergoing treat­ turned to a-life of drug A ment for anger management and crime, Judge Emery and bipolardisorder,along with becomingaddicted toheroii high in Pa., other mental health issues. cocaine. Court recprds ind "I'm very sorry.for what Jones had been arrested sei happened and I will take full times for various crimes. report shows responsibility for my actions," "Your selfish and lan; he told the judge in his only behavior has led you here,' statement before sentencing. 'said. REPORT, FROM PAGE A-8 Judge Emery said Bedil- Hon's last moments must have 'Jani&GromptoKjavmpti 60 percent — to continue their. been full of "pure fright." post-gazettexom or 412-851-M • relationship with the state. "They'll be required to main- A-9 '• tain that'baseline and will be i— incentivized if they reduce . [recidivism,]" Mr. Bucklen said. WHY PAY MORE: If a facility is able to reduce reoffense rates by 10 percent, it -SflfiVlPLE will get paid more per offender. "We want to measure perfor­ CREMATDON mance. We want quantifiable performance," Mr. Bucklen said. • IMMEDIATE BURIAL $975 The measurements will be conducted by the state, which will collect and compare all GARY V. BALL, SUPVR. data. 412-343-1506 • www.balltc.co ' The. new contracts being' awarded are for three years, and the first measurement will be done after one year, Mr. Bucklen said. ' • , "We want to force the system to think hard on how to reduce the recidivism rate." In Pennsylvania, there are 4,313 beds available in commu­ nity corrections centers, some­ Peoples Natural Gas is filing a r^qucsc with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to incrcast: your natural gas rates as of October ! - times characterized as half-way houses. In Allegheny County, I, 2013. 'Ihis fiting is eloigned to recover the cost of natural gas there are 581.. which the company uses." Although these facilities haye Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal, the overall increase m revenues long been used to help transition is approximately 7.2%. but the change in your bill may vary from people leaving prisons back into this percentage depending on usage and applicable rate schedule. society, they are now also being If Peoples' entire request is approved, the total bilf for a residential used to house parole violators, customer using 90 Mcf would increase from $76.34 to $81.81 per instead of sending those people , month or by 7.2%. The total bill for a commercial customer using directly back into a state institu­ • 253 Mcf would increase from $167.43 to S182.68 per month or by tion, Mr. Bucklen said. .. 9.1%. Rates for an industrial customer using "1,469 Mcf would "Research has shown in other increase from $2,414.79 ro 52,678.76 per month or by 10.9%. places these community correc­ tions facilities can work," he Upon request, Peoples will inform you ofthe effect upon your bills. continued. "We really believe,. You may examine, at Peoples' offices, a copy ofthe material filed philosophically, there's a lot of with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. potential." The proposed increase is subject to examination by the Pennsylvania • They typically cost $60 to $70 Public Utility Commission, which will schedule hearings to per day per inmate. The cost to determine ilie proper rate level to be charged. 'Hie company will house a person in a state prison have the burden to prove that the proposed change is reasonable. is $90 per day. -'; In looking at as many as 4,500 Forms for the filing of a formal complaint may be obtained by you •people, that difference in cost is upon" request to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. PO­ r- significant, Mr. Bucklen said. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. 'Ibe timely filing of a formal .... "Obviously, anything that complaint entitles you to participate in a hearing at which you may e • improves an inmate in any way present testimony and question witnesses for the company. ie - before he's released full-blown 7hc rate that is finally determined in this case will be recalculated s back into the neighborhood is to reflect actual gas costs on a quarterly basis and may be subject to i beneficial," Judge Manning said. change if the recalculated rate differs from the rate that is finally "Maybe we should be pleased determined in this case by more lhan 2 percent- that four out of 10 people aren't committing another crime. "I'm not." ' V_ PEOPLES 52: " Paula Reed WairLpward^post- gazett&comor412-263-2620. • AFFIDAVIT OF INSERTION lib'IAL 101

Please Fill out Information Below:

Name of Publication: Pittsburgh Tribune Review City, State: Pittsburgh, PA Client Name: PEOPLES GAS Z BRAND GROUP Publication date: 03/01/2013 Order Information; 5506751, RE: PEOPLES GAS

Subscribed and sworn to and before me this Sicnatilire Date dOft\ day of (f\GJ\ ch olO/J?

Gloria Olvido

Name (Printed) Notary Public

Notary Seal: COjvlMONWEMLTh OR PENNSYLVANIA Nolarinl Ses. Donna M. Bachetti, Notary Public Pern Hills Twp., Allegheny County My Commission Expires Jan. 9, 2015 MEMBER, PfcrtNbYLVANIAASSOCWTlOa OFNOWRIK RECEIVED

APR 0 9 2013

PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SECRETARY'S BUREAU HUCH AOOVt NOK UAL BELOW IIUCH mADOVB HOBUAmL NOBU*L BELOW two polls simultaneously, one NORMAL HOFIUAL users, the other from telephone Temperature lonscientific polls often do not •me results. KQV updates its ime to time, so the results on its nry from these results. '.stian ment of Homeland Security is p. ndreds of illegal immigrants ^ise^F/z/^^gi-ation jails in anticipation ; budget cuts in a move one ^ame of PF hj ^f calle(* politically motivated "''us. Immigration officials say C'ty. State- [migrants are being placed on _ te, more cost-effective form of UUCH ADOS NORMAL BELOW MUCH AOOVt hORUAL NORMAL BELOW ^''ent Name- elease. Pinal County Sheriff NORMAL NORMAL p , ' says 500 detainees in his county ver the uo/ication dat^ o weekend in a move he ACCUWEATHER

Ordp a "mass budget pardon." r 'wormatiee with the Arizona sheriff who se of hundreds of illegal immi- '.icipation of automatic budget ally motivated and dangerous? 12-333-9190 2-333-9192 isults can be heard on KQV-AM p.m.

Peoples Natural Gas is filing a request with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to increase your natural gas rates as of October 1, 2013. "This filing is designed to recover the cost of natural gas which the company uses.

Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal, the overall increase in revenues is approximately 7.2%, but the change in your bill may vary from this percentage depending on usage and applicable rate schedule._ If Peoples' entire request is approved, the total bill for a residential customer using 90 Mcf would increase from $7634 to $81.81 per month or by 7.2%. The total bill for a commercial customer using 253 Mcf would increase from $167,43 to $182.68 per month or by 9.1 %. Rates for an industrial customer using 4,469 Mcf would incrcasc from $2,414.79 to $2,678.76 per month or by 10.9%.

Upon request, Peoples will inform you of the effect upon your bills. Vou may examine, at Peoples' offices, a copy of the material filed with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.

The proposed increase is subject'to examination by the Pennsytvania Public Utility Commission, which will schedule hearings to determine the proper rate level to be charged. The company will have the burden ^o prove that the proposed change is reasonable, i Forms for the filing of a formal complaint may be obtained by you upon request to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, PO. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. The timely filing of a formal complaint cmhles you to participvue in a hearing ar which you may present testimony and question witnesses for the company, i cei\/£D The rate that is finally determined in this case will be recalculated RE to reflect actual gas coses on a quarrcrly basis and may be subject to change if the recalculated rate differs from the rate that is finally determined in this case by more than 2 percent. i rr.^issi<8f Institute f_ PEOPLES lion's top 10 hospitals by US. News & tVo/M tfeport.


Please Fill out Information Below:

Name of Publication: Greensburg Tribune Review City, State: Pittsburgh, PA Client Name: PEOPLES GAS Z BRAND GROUP Publication date; 03/01/2013 Order Information: 5506751, RE: PEOPLES GAS

Subscribed and sworn to and before me this Date o?0#) day of f^QA c/, c?00

Gloria Olvido

Name (Printed) Notary Public

COMMONWEALTH OH PEMivSYLVANIA Motari.")! Seai Notary Seal: Dcnna M. Bachetli, Motary Public Penn Hills Twp., Allegheny County RECEIVED My Commission Expires )en. 9, 2015 MEMBER, PENilSYLWWrA ASSOCIAUOI! OF HiTTARIES

/\PR 0 9 20tt

.r„ COMMISSION jor ino latai Meaio. it Other areas of Westmoreland ! Keith Martin Distribution Specialist, West IMAGESj) Penn Power STORE CLOSING 143 West Penn Drive spi Jeannette, PA 15644-3098 1-800-686-0021 ' fic for Midwest said the company tial may not learn until next week Jeff Bogdan when a closing could occur. Distribution Specialist, West by The airport has fielded calls .'BridaLGowns and Penn Power rol from concerned passengers, 1307 Mission Road id, Monzosaid. j Party Dresses . | Latrobe,Pa 15650 rol 1-800-686-0021. ler Joe Napsha is a staff writer for Trib Total ted Media. He can be reached at 724-836- lan [email protected]. Famous f Designers! }

306 Depot St., Youngwood.PA A FirstEnergy Company | iers take pay cuts 724-925-3728 J: in- man and his attorney, ice Council had been consider- nd ingfiling for municipal bank­ ruptcy until officials learned is that by seeking bankruptcy ay protection, the city automati- Peoples Natural Gas is filing a request with the Pennsylvania Public iry cally would fall into Act 47. ' Utility Commission to increase your natural gas rates as of October ;n- 1, 2013. This filing is designed to recover the cost of natural gas which the company uses. v ire RkbardGazahkisastaffwriterforTribTotal nd Media.Hecanbereacbedat72A-830- Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal, the overall increase in revenues, SS- . [email protected]. is approximately 7-2%, but the change in your bill may vary from this percentage depending on usage and applicable 'rate schedule. If Pcoplcs' cntire request is approved, the total bill for a residential customer using 90 Mcf would increase from $76.34 to $81:81 per month or by 7.2%. The total bill for a commercial customer using 253 Mcf would inctcasc from $167.43 to $182.68 per month or by 9.1 %. Rates for an industrial customer using 4,469 Mcf would >rtunities still available increase from $2,414.79 to $2,678.76 per month or by 10.9%. prmation, contact lcommunitydays.com'

,-The proposed inctcasc is subject w.examination by the Pennsylvania Public Uliiity Commission, which will schedule'hearings to . determine the proper rate level to be charged. The company will have the burden to prove that the proposed change is reasonable.

Forms for the filing of a formal complaint may be obtained by you upon request to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, PO. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. The timely filing of a formal complaint entitles you to participate in a hearing at which you may present testimony and question witnesses for'thc company. R Hie rate that is finally determined in this case will be recalculated to reflect actual gns costs on a quarterly basis and may be subject to change if the recalculated rate differs from the rate that is finally determined in rhis case by more than 2 percent.


Please Fill out Information Below:

Name of Publication: Daily Courier City, State: Pittsburgh, PA Client Name: PEOPLES GAS Z BRAND GROUP Publication date: 03/01/2013 Order Information: 5506751, RE: PEOPLES GAS

MM * Subscribed and sworn to and before me this Date cXW) day of nhhch o?^A3

Gloria Olvido

Name (Printed) Notary Public

COMMONWEALTH CR PENi'-imVANIA Nolarinl Sua! Notary Seal: Donna M. Bachetti, Motary Public Penn Hills Twp., Allegheny Covnty My Commission Expires Jan. y, A015 RECEIVED MEMBER, PENHSYLVANIA ASSOCWTION OF NCrTAFIES

APR 0 9 2013

PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SECRETARY'S BUREAU * drowsiness and /But if your head- yare migraine head- -es, they are much less -Kely to respond to muscle relaxant treatments. 1 : [Dr. Komamffis a physician and professor-" i / m • ' k • f at Harvard Medical School. Tosend questions, go toAskDoctorK.com, or write: Ask Doctor K, IDShattuckSt., Second Floor, Boston, MA 02115.

Name of Public Stay connected. Slgplly City, State: Client Name: publication ds Visit the Trib Store today for tjaoks, DVDs, mint collectibles, Order Inform; historic front page editions, and so much more for every

'Burgh sports fan! : Great gifts for home and office. LOG ON TODAY!' .. > • •

Pcuplcs N;imral Gas is filing a request with the Pennsylvania Public Urility Commission to increase your n:miral gas rates as ofOctober 1, 2013- This filing is designed to recover the cost of nsmtral gas which the company uses.

Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal, the overall increase in revenues is approximately 7.2%, but the change in yovir bill may vary from this percentage depending on usage and applicable rate schedule. If Peoples' entire request is approved, rhc total bill for a residential customer using 90 Mcf would increase from $76.34 to $81.81 per month or by 7.2%. Ihe rota) bill for a commercial customer using 253 Mcf would increase from $167.43 to $182.68 per month or by 9-1 %. Rates for an industrial customer using 4,469 Mcf would increase from $2,414.79 ro $2,678.76 per moiuh or by 10.9%.

Upon rct|uest, Peoples will inlbrm you ofthe eflcct upon your bills. You may cxnmine, at Peoples' offices, n copy ofthe material filed with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.

Tiie proposed increase is subject io examination by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, which will schedule hearings to determine die proper rate level to he charged. The company will have the burden co prove that die proposed change is reasonable.

Forms for the filing ofa formal cnmplainr may he obtained by you upon request ro the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, PO. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. Hie timely filing ofa formal compiainr entitles you to participate in a hearing at which you may present testimony and question witnesses for the company.

The rate that is finally determined in this c;ise will be recalculated to rellccr actual gas costs on a quarterly basis atul'may be subjecr to change if the recalculated raw dttlcrs from the rate that is finally dererniined in this case by more than 2 percent.


Please Fill out Information Below:

Name of Publication: Valley Independent City, State: Pittsburgh, PA Client Name: PEOPLES GAS Z BRAND GROUP Publication date: 03/01/2013 Order Information: 5506751, RE: PEOPLES GAS

3-i6~t3>Subscribe d and sworn to and before me this Signature Date d&h day of moA Ch o?0/J

Gloria Olvido

Name (Printed) Notary Public

CCPIMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Nolarinl Seal Notary Seal: Dcnnrt M. Bachetti, Notary Public Penn Hills Twp., Allegheny County RECEIVED My Commission Expires Jan. 0, 2015 MEMBER, PENNSYLVA'ilA ASSOCIA'nON OF NCFTAMEB APR 0 9 2013

PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SECRETARY'S BUREAU iSuhathad T^securors-ciaanrtjiane .0^ McClelland is involvecl. ^ice Cpl. Joseph Although Diane McClel­ o testified that land has appeared com­ ^•searching the posed throughout the trial, 'efland home, he she'broke down and was [d-feceipts for various comforted by friendsa t the :pehsiye items the couple midday break. •had purchased. Chris Buckley is a staff writer for Trib •^Jp"return records he Total Media. He can be reached at feund ^indicated a com­ 724-684-2642occbuddey@tfibweb. bined'annual income of com. bbixbri; i


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VTo Our.Customers:

jPcoplK'Natural Gas is filing a request with the Pennsylvania Public .jUtility Commission to increase your natural gas rates as of October " l,.2013.'This filing is designed to recover the cost of natural gas •j^which .jhe company uses.

iPeopIes Natural Gas' proposal, the overall increase in revenues r !;ts apptoKimately 7.2%, but the change in your bill may vary from GVorii - .•.this^rccmage depending on usage and applicable rateschedule , ^'rlf Peoples/entire request is approved, the total bill for a residential cusrbmer.iising 90 Mcf would increase from $76.34 to $81.81 per •Imontlrbr by 7.2%. The' total bill for a commercial customer using • /253^Mcf would increase from $167.43 to $182.68 per month or 'by,9.1%. Rates for an industrial customer using 4,469 Mcf would ^incre£efr'om;$2,414.79 to 52,678.76 per month or by 10.9%.

' Upon request, Peoples will inform you of che effect upon your bills. You may oamine, at Peoples' offices, a copy ofthe material filed • with'thc Pcntuylvania Public Utility Commission/

( ITKVproposed'increase is subject to examination by the Pennsylvania .^Publtc'.Utility Commission, which will schedule hearings to 2I3MS[ ifil^ f(H$tf'™IK$1'.pF0Pct 1316 'cvc'lo ^ charged. The company will ^^^M^'i 'f ^af^1?^^f" lo Prove t^c proposed change is reasonable. MioiljiiiT.^TO • ^Fofnis for'^ic filing ofa formal complaint may be obtained by you "• •» •. upon'requcst to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P.O. ' ^6x5265, Hirrisburg, PA 17105-3265. The timely filing of a formal complaint entitles you to participate in a hearing at which you may 9^ ; • present testimony and question witnesses for the company.

• Thc^ratc tKat is finally determined in this case will'be recalculated '^to'teflcct; actual[gas costs on a quarterly basis and may be subject to - change if (he'rccalciilatcd rate differs from the rate that is finally ore i deter mined iii this case by more than 2 percent. nT-. •v-j^h ^ PEOPLES' AFFIDAVIT OF INSERTION


Please Fill out Information Below:

Name of Publication: Daily News City, State: Pittsburgh, PA Client Name: PEOPLES GAS Z BRAND GROUP Publication date: 03/01/2013 Order Information: 5506751, RE: PEOPLES GAS

Subscribed and sworn to and before me this ature Date

Gloria Olvido

Name (Printed) Notary Public

_TOMIjONyV£ALT ri OF PENNSYLVANIA Motarial Seal Notary Seal: Donna M. Bachetti, Notary Public Penn Hills Twp., Allegheny County My Commission Expires Jan. 9, 2015 MEMBER, PEMNSYLMniA f&SOOATION OF rjCTARJES R 0 9

CO SECRt marriage cases, same-sex marriage bans through civil unions or domestic around the country could be imperiled. same-se ,rtnership, but don't allow them to Friend-of-the-court briefs are not legally an issue ^ed. The brief argues that in granting binding. But the government's opinion in ment, si Public /''same-sex couples those rights, Califor- particular could carry some weight with : nia has already acknowledged that gay the justices when they hear oral arguments gay mar • relationships bear the same hallmarks in the case on March'26. in Ma as straight ones. Despite.the" potentially wide-ranging centofi "They establish homes and lives impUcations of the administration's brief, should : together, support each other financially it still falls short of what gay rights advo­ valid. Bi share the joys, and burdens of raising cates and the attorneys who will argue should! children, and provide care through against Proposition 8 had hoped for. Those Gay ; illness and comfort at the moment of parties had pressed the president to urge Suprem : death," the administration wrote. the Supreme Court to not only overturn 8, as we The brief marks the president's most California's ban, but also declare all gay of Marr expansive view of gay marriage and sig­ marriage bans unconstitutional. moment nals that he is moving away from his pre­ Still, marriage equality advocates pub­ Inaw( vious assertion that states should deter­ licly welcomed the president's legal posi­ theCaliJ mine their own marriage laws. Obama, tioning. friend-o] a former constitutional,law professor, "President Obama and the soUcitor. gen­ Amon signed off on the administration's legal eral have taken another historic step for­ includin argument last week following lengthy ward consistent with the great civil rights couples discussions with Attorney General Eric battles of our nation's history" said Chad nent Ref Holder and Solicitor General Donald Griffin, president of the Human Rights candida; Verrilli. Campaign and co-founder of the Ameri- DeanaR


Peoples Natural Gas is filing aTcqucst with the Pennsylvania Public HARTFORD — The family Utility Commission to increase your natural gas rates as ofOctober of two young boys killed in 1, 2013. This filing is designed ta recover the cost of natural gas an apparent-murder suicide . which the company uses. r' — and state police — said Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal, the overall increase in revenues • Thursday they want to know is approximately 7.2%, but the change in your bill may vary from why the boys' grandmother, this percentage depending on usage and applicable rate schedule. If Peoples' entire request is approved,' the total bill for a residential customer using 90 Mcfwould increase from $76.34 to $81,81 per month or by 7.2%. The total bill for a commercial customer using- 253 Mcfwould increase from $167.43 to $182.68 per month or • 5100 Old (lairton Rd, Baldwb by 9.1%. Rates for an industrial'customer using 4,469 Mcfwould Monday- Wednesday, Noon.- 4pm increase from $2,414.79 to$2,678.76 per'month or by 10.9%. ^ (412)667-9849 Upon request,, Pcpples__ will'mform you ofthe effect upon your bills.

You may exV^^ine^at'Pcoplcs^)o^I^ces1' a copy of the material filed with the Pennsylvania public (Utility Commission. SUDDENLV IT'S SPRING! The proposed increase is subject to examination by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, which will schedule hearings to determine the proper rate level to be charged. The company will have the burden to prove that the proposed change is reasonable.

Forms for the filing ofa formal complaint may be obtained by you upon request to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P.O. Box 3265..Harrisburg,?PA' 17105-3265. The timely filing of a formal complainl entitles you to participate in a hearing at which you may present testimony and question witnesses for the" company.

The rate that is finally determined in this case will be recalculated to reflect actual gas cosrs on a quarterly basis and may be subject to change if the recalculated rate differs from the rate that is finally detetmincd in this case by more than 2 percent. Pittsburgh Convention Center PEOPLES Downtown AFFIDAVIT OF INSERTION

Please Fill out Information Below:

Name of Publication: Leader Times City, State: Pittsburgh, PA Client Name: PEOPLES GAS 2 BRAND GROUP Publication date: 03/01/2013 Order Information: 5506751, RE; PEOPLES GAS

Subscribed and sworn to and before me this c^&fh day of rHahdn <£0/J?

Gloria Olvido

Name (Printed) Notary Public

COMMONWEALTH OR PENNSYLVANIA Notarin! Seal Notary Seal: Donna M. Bachetti, Notary Public Penn Hills Twp., Allegheny County My Commission Expires Jan. 9, 2015 MEMBER, PENNSYLVANIA ASSOOATTON OF NOTARIES

5S\0* . set the church on a more traditional course, convinced that aU'.the? ills 1 r- . afflicting it—sexual abuse! dwindling .Benedict has tried t&address!those numbers of priests and empty pews — worries oyer the past trwo.weeks, saying - were1 ajres'ulfbf-al misreading; bf- the . .that once retired he.woujd.be "hidden ,/iood • reforms of- the Second Vatican Council. from the world" and living a life of ^tican His successor is likely to follow ih his, prayer. On Thursday he' took a step (•seat of footsteps.given that the vast majority, further with his. own public pledge -tearfully bf the 115 cardinals who will elect the to place himself entirely under the in scenes next pope were appointed by Benedict authority of the new pope. • •


OTAL United Way of ,. All Viclinu In Nood Wcstmatciand County . uiltedwn^U.D'B


To Out Customers: ;: Peoples Natural Gas is filing a rcquesc.with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to increase your.naiurai gas rates as ofOctober ' 1, 2013. This filing is designed to recover the cost of natural gas; which the company uses. ,

Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal, the overall increase in revenues is approximately 7.2%, but the change in your bill may vary from"-' this percentage depending on usage and applicable rate schedule., ..r^ If Peoples' entire request is approved, the total bill for. a residential customer using 90 Mcfwould increase from $76.34 to $81.81 per..-' month or by 7.2%. The total bill for a commercial customer using . 253 Mcfwould increase from $167.43 to $182.68 per month or ' :> v by 9-1%. Rates for an industrial customer using 4,469 Mcfwould ' •f * increase from $2,414.79 to $2,678.76 per month or by 10:9%.'

Upon request, Peoples willinform you ofthe effect upon your bills'.'' You may examine, at Peoples' offices, ,3 copy of the material filed • with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. •

The proposed increase is subject to examination by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, which will schedule hearings to_. •' '. \ determine the proper rate level to,be charged. The company will,?'' •'• have the burden to prove that the proposed change is' reasonable.

Forms for the filing ofa formal complaint may be obtained by you upon request to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, PO.. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. The timely filihgof a formal complaint entitles you to participate in a hearing at which you may present testimony and question witnesses for the company. ...

The rate that is finally.determinedi n this case will be recalculated \ to reflect actual gas costs'on a quarterly basis arid may 6c subject to change if the recalculated rate differs from the rate that is finally ' determined in this case by more than 2 percent.


Please Fill out Information Below;

Name of Publication: Valley News Dispatch City, State: Pittsburgh, PA Client Name: PEOPLES GAS Z BRAND GROUP Publication date: 03/01/2013 Order Information: 5506751, RE: PEOPLES GAS

Subscribed and sworn to and before me this Date o?£>-|A) day of rDc^dh ^OO

Gloria Olvido

Name (Printed) Notary Public

Notary Seal: Nolarinl Seal Donna M. BacheHi, Notary Public Penn mis Twp., Allegneny counts J^Commlssio—v"n Expires JdllJan. 39 20'^'JJsb

APR 0 9 Mtt

T,n-rv COMMISSION /fOSS1-* oriaef. order, of Delta mayoral candidate j a beard., > vLTITLEROCK^ArkansasV ,d be told-' • became the eighth state on Thufs-. . JACKSON 22^ear;Old. ^ancewhen day to enact a near-ban on abor­ man was charged with'murder ' tions starting in the 20th week of on Thursday in the death of a ; v-^f hursday on pregnancy and hy next week it mayoral candidate in the Missis- ' • ' ect jurors from could outlaw most procedures from sippi Delta. • : nch instead of the 12th week onward, which would The Coahoma County Sheriff s * pented action give it the most restrictive abortion Department said in a news release: pr to move the laws in the country that Lawrence Reed of Shelby was? food. . The Republican-led Senate voted charged in the death of Marco ) f, lead defense 19-14 along party lines to override McMillian, 34, a candidate for • lent could not Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe's mayor of Clarksdale who was . [Hood because . veto of a bill barring most abor­ well-known in the community and-- f, such as the. tions starting in the 2pth week of • beyond; . iures that seem pregnancy that was based on the An investigation began Tuesday ja target or is disputed notion that a fetus can feel when a man crashed McMillian's d jurors should pain by that point. The Arkansas vehicle into another car on U.S. | or Air Force House voted to override the veto • Highway 49 near the.Coahoma .' :ers had been Wednesday A simple majority was and Tallahatchie county lines. The trial publicity needed in each chamber. candidate was not in the car That law, which took effect imme- —From wire reports

lutgh history enthusiasts, cooks, kids, r!()- oil th•e time•• .

Peoples Natural Gas is filing a request with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to increase your natural gas rates as of October ,1,2013. .This filing is designed to recover the cost of na tural gas

which the company uses. i

Under Peoples Natural Gas' proposal, the overall increase in revenues is approximately 7.2%, hut the change in your bill may vary from this percentage depending on usage and applicable rate schedule. If Peoples' entire request is approved, the total bill for a residential customer using" 90 Mcfwould increase from $76.34 to $81.81 per month or by 7-2%. The total bill for a commercial customer using - .. 253 Mcf would increase from $167.43 to $182.68 per month or by 9-1 %. Rates for an industrial customer using 4,469 Mcfwould increase from $2,414.79 to $2,678.76 per month or by 10.9%.

Upon request, Peoples will inform you of the effect upon your bills. You may examine, at Peoples' offices, a copy of the material filed, with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.

Ihe proposed increase is subject to examination by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, which will schedule hearings to " determine the proper rate level to be charged. The company will have the burden to prove thai rhc proposed change is reasonable, • .,

Forms for the filing ofa formal complaint may be obtained by you upon tcquest to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P.O.' Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265..The timely filing ofa formal' complaint cntides you to participate in a hearing at which you may ' • present testimony and qucstion'witnesses' for the company. '?••;•] • *, '' • . jj'tj The rate chat is filially determined in this case will be recalculated tojeflect actual gas costs on a quarterly basis and. may be subject to change if^the recalculated rate differs from the rate that is finally''^,-, determined in this case.by more':than 2 percent':'' ! , '.'*,•. TRACY MARTIN -SPROWLS 2 LBS PAK 1 OF 1 PEOPLES NATURAL GAS . 375 N SHORE DR PITTSBURGH PA152J2 ' SHIP TO: ROSEMARY CHIAVETTA PA PUBLIC UTILTY COMMISSION COMMONWEALTH KEYSTONE BUILDING ; 400'NORTH STREET!', 2ND FLOOR . HARRISBURG PA 17120-0093

PA 171 9-20 m •••• UPS NEXT DAY AIR TRACKING #: 1Z.17A 0E2 01 9342 2846 1 ^ 1


APR 0 9'ZC:3


o 1