Contact Information SAINT MARY THE VIRGIN, Vicar: Revd. Daniel Stroud Sunday 8th December The New Rectory Rectory Lane Advent 2 CH7 5SR Tel: 01352 810694 email: [email protected] Assistant Curate: Revd Kathy Stewart Tel: 01352 753374 Readers: John Foxlee Tel: 01352 810677 Valerie Salvoni 01352 750734 Dr Wendy Shillito Tel: 01352 720377 Churchwardens: Kathleen Mason Tel: 01352 740724 Amanda Griffiths Holy Communion Tel: 01352 740872 8.00 a.m. ______Future Services forforfor Cilcain Future Events Sunday 15th December ––– Third Sunday of Advent St. Mary’s next Hymn Practice will be on 10.30a.m. Service with our chapel friends at Capel Gad Tuesday 10th December at 2.00 p.m . Anyone is

most welcome to come and join us in the North Aisle. Sunday 22nd December ––– Fourth Sunday of Advent 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion Friday 13th December at 1.30 p.m. in Church followed by coffee and fellowship Dress rehearsal of School Christmas performance ...... Open to everyone ...... Tuesday 24th December ––– Christmas Eve 6.30 p.m. Family Carols & Crib making Monday 16th December 6.00 p.m. School Christmas Performance in church. Do come Sunday 29th December ––– 1st Sunday of Christmas and join everyone.

10.30a.m. Holy Communion Wednesday 18th December 7.00 p.m. Joint service for the Bro Famau group at Carols and Christmas songs with Buckley Town Band in church. A big welcome is extended to Weekday Service everyone of all ages.

A service is held every Wednesday in church at 10.30. Please Decorated Christmas Trees These can be put up in note that the service on the first Wednesday of every month church anytime between Monday 2nd Dec. and Sat is Breakfast Church when we enjoy tea, coffee and toast 14th Dec. before the service starts.

Services in rest of group on 15th December 11.00 Holy Communion

16.00 Messy Church in the Church Hall

Christmas Services 18.00 Evensong Llanferres 9.30 Holy Communion

in the rest of Moel Famau Group 9.30 Morning Worship

Christmas Eve: Midnight Communion 11.00 p.m. Rhydymwyn 9.30 Morning Worship

in Rhydymwyn 15.00 Carol Service Christmas DayDay: Holy Communion 10.30 a.m. in Nannerch Please take this pew sheet home for reference and remember that any items for this sheet should be sent to Glen or Mike 01352 740946 simkins21@aol. com