No. Acctt/NIB2020-21/ Date :

The Director Department of information & Public Relations , Jaipur

Sub:- Regarding Publication of E-Proc NIB No. 01-03 of 2020-21


Kindly find enclosed herewith the copies of NIB No. 01-03 of 2020-21 for publication in news papers as a brief note and as a detail note for uploading on concerning websites. You are requested to make it convenient to publish the NIB at the earliest and in minimum appropriate space as per provisions of PWF & AR and rule-43 of Rajasthan Transparency & Public Procurement rules, 2013 please.The NIB has been published on SPP Portal on dated 02.07.2020.

Enclosures : Yours faithfully 1 - 6 Nos. of NIB for publication in News papers 2 - 1 CD & 2 copy of detailed NIB for Executive Engineer uploading on website Suratgarh Branch W.R.DivisionIst Suratgarh

No. Acctt/NIB2020-21/ Date : Copy Submitted to The Chief Engineer, Quality Control & EAP/IDR, Rajasthan, Jaipur with CD for uploading on departmental websites please.

Enclosures : 1 - Copy of NIB 2 - 1 CD ofNIB for uploading on Executive Engineer website Suratgarh Branch W.R.DivisionIst Suratgarh OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SURATGARH BRANCH W.R.DIVISION-Ist SURATGARH

Phone: 01509-220101 Mobile : 7339908045 eMail: [email protected], [email protected] E-Procurement NIB NO. - 01-03/2020-21

This office invites e-tenders from eligible contractors, for the works of Regulation work on Head & Cross Regulator at RD 196.000 of SOG Br. etc. Rs. 4.69 Lacs, Work of Pucca Water course at Sardarpura Disty Chak 18 SPD'A' Rs. 4.98 Lacs & Earthwork for Deepening & Widening of the drain Rs. 41.38 Lacs as per detailed NIB published on websites of Rajasthan & Tender documents can be downloaded from & UBN No. WRN2021WSOB00103 WRN2021WSOB00104 WRN2021WSOB00105 Executive Engineer, Suratgarh Branch W.R.Division Ist Suratgarh OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE NGINEER SURATGARH BRANCH W.R.DIVISION Ist SURATGARH

Phone: 01509-220101 Mobile : 7339908045 eMail: [email protected], [email protected]

No. Acctt/NIB2020-21/ Date : E-Procurement NIB No. 01-03/2020-21 Detailed NIB for uploading on Websites only Not to publish in Newspapers

On behalf of the Governor of Rajasthan this office invites e-tender from registered, experienced, qualified & eligible contractors to submit proposal as per tender documents for the following works :-

NIB Name of work Estimated Time of Bid security Tender Cost Date of End date of Date and time No. amount completion down-loading down- of online /Sale of Bid loading/ Sale (in lacs) opening @ 2% @ 0.5 Document of Bid % of Tender 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Regulation Work on Head 4.69 upto 9380.00 2345.00 300.00 03.07.2020 13.07.2020 14.07.2020 & cross regulator at RD 31.03.2021 to 6 PM At 11 AM 196.000 of SOG Br, 13.07.2020 GMD RD 190.854(R) and Escape at RD 186.500(L).

2 Work of Pucca Water 4.98 2 Months 9960.00 2500.00 300.00 03.07.2020 13.07.2020 14.07.2020 course construction at 18 to 6 PM At 11 AM SPD-A of Sardarpura 13.07.2020 Disty. (Supply of Material)

3 Earthwork for deepening 41.38 3 Months 82760.00 20690 500.00 03.07.2020 13.07.2020 14.07.2020 and widening of the drain to 6 PM At 11 AM in water logged area 13.07.2020 between chak labana road & pump house.

Conditions/ Instructions :- 1. Tender document can be downloaded from website & Detail of this tender notification can be seen in NIT exhibited on website, and Tenders are to be submitted only online in electronic form on website 2. The cost of tender form downloaded from the website & Bid Security should be deposited before opening of the bid by the tenderer separately as applicable by way of Demand Drafts as above in favor of Executive Engineer, Suratgarh Branch Water Resources Division-I, Suratgarh. 3. Separate processing fee of 500/- should be deposited in the form of Demand Draft in favour of M.D.RISL payable at Jaipur & to be submitted in the Office of Executive Engineer, Suratgarh Branch Water Resources Division-I., Suratgarh before opening of the tender by tenderer. 4. Scanned copy of D.D. of tender cost, processing fee and EMD should also be uploaded along with the online bid as fee detail. 5. In case any bidder fails to submit the original DD of tender cost, processing fee and EMD before opening of the Tender shall not be opened and liable to be rejected. 6. Tender not uploaded in prescribed form will be rejected without mentioning any specific reason. 7. All pages and schedules of original Tender documents and supporting documents should be essentially filled in and should be digitally signed on each page by the Contractor. 8. Online Tender will be received and opened on dates mentioned above before tender committee or by an officer duly authorized in the presence of intending tenderer or their authorized representative. 9. No physical/off-line Tender/bid shall be accepted in any case. 10. The Tender shall be valid for 50 days from the date of opening of tender documents. 11. The Department reserves right to reject any or all tenders or to accept them in part, without assigning any reason thereof. 12. In case there is a Gazzeted holiday declared on the date of opening of the tenders the same will be opened on next working day at same time. 13. For detailed information regarding e-tendering, the bidders are advised to go through circular No. 19/2011letter No. F-l (l)FD/GF&AR/ 2007 dated 30.09.2011 of finance deptt. GOR Jaipur. 14. The Department shall not be liable for any delay in uploading the tender document on website. Bidders are advised to upload tender and all documents on or before scheduled time. 15. Before submitting the e-tender, the bidder should ensure that all the related documents have been scanned and attached with the bid. 16. Conditional tenders uploaded by the bidder shall not be accepted. 17. Bidders who wish to participate in this tender will have to register on http:// (bidders registered on before 30.09.2011 needs to be registered again). To participate in online tenders, bidders will have to procure Digital Signature Certificate (Type II or type III) as per IT Act 2000 using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from any CCA approved certifying Agency i.e. TCS, Safe crypt. Ncode etc. or they may contract- procurement cell, Department of IT &C, GOR for further assistance. Bidders who already have a valid digital certificate need not procure a new digital certificate. 18. Training for the bidders on the usage of e-tendering system is also being arranged by RISL on regular basis. Bidder interested for training may contract e-procurement cell, RISL for booking the training slot, Contact No. 0141-4022688 (Help desk) 19. The provision/Rules of Rajasthan Transparency in public Procurement Act 2012 and Rules- 2013 will be applicable.

Executive Engineer Suratgarh Branch W.R Dn.Ist Suratgarh-335804 No. Acctt/NIB2020-21/ Date : Copy submitted/forwarded to following for information & necessary action please :-

1- The Chief Engineer, Quality Control & EAP/IDR, Rajasthan, Jaipur 2- The Chief Engineer, Water Resources North, . 3- The Superintending Engineer Water Resources Circle, SriVijaynagar/ Hanumangarh/ Sriganganagar/ Nohar/ Chhattargarh 4- The Executive Engineer, Suratgarh Branch Division- II/ Shakha Division- I/II, SriVijaynagar/ Gharasana, Ghaggar Flood Control & drainage Dn./ Regulation Division-I, Water Resources Division Ist/IInd,/ Hanumangrh Gang Canal(North/South) Dn SriGanganagar, W.R. Division, Bhadra/Nohar 5- Assistant Engineer, W.R./GFC Sub Dn/Lakhuwali/ Nirwana/ Suratgarh Br. Sub Dn. Lakhuwali Head/ Suratgarh 6- Cashier/ Sr.D.M. / Notice Board of this office

Executive Engineer