
arXiv:2008.11074v2 [math.DG] 26 Sep 2021 sa nain ftePisnsrcue ti h pc fPisnve Poisson of bracket space the the of is flow it so Hamiltonian structure; steady bracket from Poisson Lie such arise the the all of to of invariant respect an set with is the fields vector that Poisson show of we subalgebra and field, vector Poisson While by he-iesoa oso . Poisson three-dimensional o qaini n nyi ti nmdlr( unimodular is st it non-trivial if a only as and appears if 3- equation a flow on structure Poisson that aihsi oso usaeo h bracket the of subspace Poisson a is vanishes lyarl.Freape h diinlsrcuecridb Poiss a by carried structure additional form the volume example, a For with role. a play eeaigteedffoopim i agn ote(iglr foliat (singular) the to tangent lie diffeomorphisms these generating on PDE a as h pc falPisnbakt o oso tutrs on manifold structures) orientable Poisson (or closed, brackets smooth, Poisson all given of a space on the defined be can odto that condition h bracket the on hc cst eomaygvnPisnstructure, Poisson given any deform to acts which for tef aiyo oso brackets, Poisson of family a itself, h e fuioua oso tutrsfrwihtemdlrvec modular the which for structures Poisson unimodular of set The hsppri ocre ihtecleto faldsic oso brac Poisson distinct all of collection the with concerned is paper This ln ihacoc famsil ucinon admissible of choice a with Along oegnrly o-rva tayslto fteflweuto sg is equation flow the of solution steady non-trivial a generally, More P( π M n oeuvlnl h o on flow the equivalently so and , M h bracket The . F OSO RCE NTESAEO POISSON OF SPACE THE ON BRACKET POISSON A π d Abstract. o nsmlci tutrsi ecie aual nterm in naturally described behavio is the structures that symplectic show sc on On and to bracket flow (up Poisson 3-manifolds. form related and volume further, symplectic 2 a a on vec with structures Poisson manifolds of Poisson symplectic sub-algebra for a computed define equation are flow the of points of diffeomorphisms M famsil ucin on functions admissible of pc fPisnsrcue on structures Poisson of space ) ti o-ier eedn uial ntePisntensor. Poisson the on cubically depending non-linear, is It . + sivratudrteflwo h rce,isgoa rprisnev properties global its bracket, the of flow the under invariant is h aitna o ftebaktat on acts bracket the of flow Hamiltonian The . d 1. Λ {⋅ M , ypetcchmlg rusdfie yTegadYu[18]. Yau and Tseng by defined groups cohomology symplectic nrdcinadsmayo h construction the of summary and Introduction ⋅} F n csb ouepeevn iemrhss h etrfields vector The diffeomorphisms. volume-preserving by acts and , µ π nue aitna o ntesaeo oso structures, Poisson of space the on flow Hamiltonian a induces a edfie yacoe 1-form. closed a by defined be can Let µ {⋅ M , stemdlrvco ed[,9 0,denoted 20], 9, [8, field vector modular the is ⋅} M easot,coe,oinal aiodand manifold orientable closed, smooth, a be µ orsodn oeatguetasomtos Fixed transformations. gauge exact to corresponding , sdfie napriua ls famsil functions admissible of class particular a on defined is P( HMSMACHON THOMAS STRUCTURES M M {⋅ ) ecntutaPisnbaktfraclass a for bracket Poisson a construct We . eedn nacoc fvlm omfor form volume of choice a on depending , , ⋅} P( µ 1 eedn nacoc fvlm form volume of choice a on depending , M ) {⋅ φ csb xc ag transformations. gauge exact by acts , ⋅} µ {⋅ µ sHmloin,euvln othe to equivalent Hamiltonian), is , n ecmuei o w and two for it compute we and , π P( P( ⋅} on , µ M M hsalw st en a define to us allows This . ) ) M yvolume-preserving by ciga Hamiltonian, a as acting hsflwi formulated is flow This . M ro h induced the of ur fthe of s o ed,which fields, tor ln)w define we aling) denoted , h pc of space the M hssubalgebra This . P( aysaei the in state eady eso that show We . dd uin om a forms lutions trfilsthat fields ctor M ion φ Λ ) µ nmanifold on P( and o field tor the eshow We . F vnb a by iven π esthat kets M ertheless defined ) has, , φ µ µ 2 THOMAS MACHON further, related Poisson bracket on the space of symplectic structures on M whose symplectic volume form is equal to µ (up to a constant factor). Deformations of these symplectic structures under the flow of this bracket are naturally described in terms of the d+dΛ and ddΛ symplectic cohomology groups defined by Tseng and Yau [18]. The motivation for this work came from studying the Lie-Poisson bracket of ideal fluid hydrodynamics [1, 17] on 1-forms modulo exact forms, which is associated to the group of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms of the manifold M. This bracket restricts naturally to the space of integrable 1-forms modulo exact forms [12]. An integrable 1-form and volume form on a 3-manifold together define a Poisson struc- ture, hence one finds a Poisson bracket on Poisson structures for 3-manifolds. The present work is the result of trying to extend the idea of a ‘Poisson bracket on the space of Poisson structures’ to arbitrary Poisson manifolds. I would like to acknowledge contributions of the two anonymous referees, whose comments and corrections greatly improved the manuscript.

1.1. Summary of the construction. Let π ∈ A2(M) be an integrable 2-vector field defining a Poisson structure on a closed manifold M, and let P(M) denote the p space of Poisson structures on M. Define the differential on forms δπ,µ ∶ Ω (M) → Ωp−1(M) as the adjoint of the Lichnerowicz differential [11] in Poisson cohomology X ↦ π,X with respect to the natural pairing between p-forms β and p-vectors defined[ by] a choice of volume form µ,

β, π,X µ = ι[π,X]β µ = ιX δπ,µβ µ = δπ,µβ,X µ. ( [ ]) SM ( ) SM ( ) ( ) 2 Now let F ∶ A M → R be a function on 2-vector fields that can be written as an ( )

(1) F π = f jrπ µ ( ) SM ( ) 2 R of some smooth function f ∶ Jr Λ TM → , for arbitrary finite r. The ( ) of F with respect to a deformation of the Poisson structure will be a 2-form βF,π, so that dF = βF,π, π˙ µ, dt Vt=0 ( ) whereπ ˙ = dπ dt t=0. Then for two such functions F and G we define the bracket ( ~ )S (2) F, G µ = δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π, π µ, { } ( ) which is once again a function of the form (1). If F is replaced with another function which agrees with F when restricted to P M , the value of the bracket is unchanged, becoming a well-defined operation on(P )M . In fact, (2) defines a Poisson bracket on the space of admissible functions on(P M) (defined precisely in Section 4). ( ) Given an admissible function H, playing the role of Hamiltonian, the bracket (2) generates a flow on the space of Poisson structures, which acts by gauge transformations by the exact 2-form γt with dγt dt = dδπ,µβH,π. Considered as a diffeomorphism, the deformation of π is given~ by flow along the vector field ♯ VH,π = π δπ,µβH,π , which preserves the the volume form µ. Of interest are the ( ) Poisson vector fields arising this way i.e. functions F for which VF,π, π = 0. These [ ] A POISSON BRACKET ON THE SPACE OF POISSON STRUCTURES 3

form a subalgebra, for two functionals F and G giving Poisson vector fields, V{F,G}µ is also Poisson, and we have

VF,π, VG,π = V{F,G} , [ ] µ which can be compared with the relation H ,H = H for Hamiltonian vector f g {f,g}π fields of functions f and g. We compute this[ set of] Poisson vector fields for Poisson 2-manifolds, where it is characterized by functions f satisfying f, ιπµ π = 0, where { } ⋅, ⋅ π is the Poisson bracket on M defined by π. On regular Poisson 3-manifolds we show{ } that the set of Poisson vector fields arising from the bracket (2) is non-trivial if and only if the Poisson structure is unimodular. Several subsets of Poisson structures arise as ‘Poisson subspaces’ of the bracket (2). We consider in detail the subspace Sµ M of symplectic Poisson structures ( ) for which dιπµ = 0. Because the deformation of symplectic Poisson structures is unobstructed in Poisson cohomology (see Ref. [4] Section 18.6) we can give a more complete characterization of the bracket in terms of operations on appropriately defined tangent and cotangent spaces to Sµ M . In this case the flow equation of the bracket becomes ( ) Λ ∂tω = dd βH,π, where ω is the symplectic form defined by π. dΛ = d, Λ , with Λ the dual Lefschetz operator, is the symplectic derivative (see Ref. [15][ Section] 1). In this context the finite-dimensional ddΛ and d + dΛ symplectic cohomology groups defined by Tseng 2 and Yau [18] arise naturally. Hd+dΛ characterizes deformations of symplectic struc- tures in Sµ M that preserve the symplectic volume form, modulo those arising ( ) 2 from the flow of the bracket on Sµ M . In the dual picture the group H Λ char- ( ) dd acterizes distinct elements of the cotangent space of Sµ M that yield symplectic vector fields. ( )

2. Preliminaries Throughout, M will be a smooth, closed, orientable manifold of dimension n, and we will use ‘manifold’ as such. Let A M be the space of multivector fields, and Ω M the space of differential forms on (M.) A Poisson structure on M is specified by( a 2-vector) π ∈ A2 M satisfying the integrability condition ( ) (3) π, π = 0, [ ] where ⋅, ⋅ is the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket (see Refs. [10, 19] for more details on [ ] Poisson structures). The Poisson bracket determined by π is given by f,g π = { } π df, dg . A Poisson structure π defines a (possibly singular) foliation Fπ of M, whose( leaves) carry a symplectic form. π also defines the cotangent Lie algebroid ♯ ∗ M, ⋅, ⋅ π, π on T M (see Ref. [4], Section 17) with the corresponding Lie ( [ ] ) ( ) bracket ⋅, ⋅ π on 1-forms [ ] α, β π = Lπ♯αβ − Lπ♯βα − dπ α, β , [ ] ( ) ♯ ∗ where the anchor map π ∶ T M → TM is given by α ↦ π α, ⋅ . The bracket ⋅, ⋅ π can be rewritten as the Koszul bracket (Ref. [8] Section 1.4,( Ref.) [9] Section 3)[ ]

(4) α, β π = δKBα β − δKBβ α − δKB α ∧ β [ ] ( ) ( ) ( ) where δKB = ιπ, d is the Koszul-Brylinski differential and ⋅, ⋅ is the graded com- [ ] [ ] p mutator of linear endomorphisms on Ω M . The interior product ιX α ∶ A M × ( ) ( ) 4 THOMAS MACHON

q q−p Ω M → Ω M will act on the right, so that for vector fields X and Y , ( ) ( ) ιY ιX α = ιX∧Y α. Proposition 1. The Koszul-Brylinski differential can be ‘twisted’ by the addition of a Poisson vector field V (so V, π = 0) as δKB + ιV . [ ] 2 Proof. We require δKB+ιV = 0. Using Cartan’s formula (see Ref. [10] Proposition 3.6) ( )

(5) ι[P,Q] = ιP , d , ιQ , [[ ] ] shows that this is the case if and only if V is a Poisson vector field. 

The differential δπ,µ we define in Section 3 is such a twisted Koszul-Brylinski differential. Since the interior product acts as a derivation on Ω M , δKB may be replaced in (4) with any twisted differential. We can then define( a) natural subset 1 of Ω M closed under ⋅, ⋅ π. ( ) [ ] Lemma 1. For a Koszul-Brylinski differential δ = δKB +ιV , twisted by the Poisson vector field V , the 1-forms δΩ2 M ⊂ Ω1 M are closed under the Lie algebroid ( ) ( ) bracket ⋅, ⋅ π with explicit formula [ ] δα,δβ π = −δ δα ∧ δβ . [ ] ( ) 2 Proof. This follows by replacing δKB with δ in (4) and using the fact that δ = 0 since V is Poisson. 

Finally, a frequently occurring object in the construction is the modular vector field [20] φµ, defined by the equation = dιπµ ιφµ µ.

The modular vector field φµ preserves both the volume form and the Poisson struc- = = = ture, i.e. Lφµ π φµ, π 0 and divφµ 0. A Poisson structure is unimodular if there is a volume[ form] making the modular vector field vanish. If the modu- lar vector field vanishes for the volume form µ, we say the Poisson structure is µ-unimodular.

3. The differential δπ,µ

The Poisson bracket we construct relies heavily on the differential δπ,µ. To define δπ,µ we first note that the volume form µ defines a pairing between any p-form β and p-vector field X given by

(6) β,X µ = ιX β µ. ( ) SM ( ) ∗ ∗−1 Definition 1. δπ,µ ∶ Ω M → Ω M is the adjoint of the Lichnerowicz differ- ( ) ( ) ential in Poisson cohomology [11], X ↦ π,X , on multivectors with respect to the pairing (6). [ ]

An explicit formula for δπ,µ can be given in terms of the Koszul-Brylinski differ- ential δKB = ιπ, d . [ ] Lemma 2. The differential δπ,µ is given by p (7) δπ,µ = −1 δKB − ιφ , ( ) ( µ ) A POISSON BRACKET ON THE SPACE OF POISSON STRUCTURES 5

Proof. = = β, π,X µ ι[π,X]βµ β ∧ ι[π,X]µ. ( [ ]) SM SM Using Cartan’s formula (5), this is given by

p−1 β ∧ ιπdιX µ − β ∧ dιπιX µ + −1 β ∧ ιX ιφµ µ. SM ( ) Now for α ∈ Ωp M , β ∈ Ωn−p+q M , X ∈ Aq M , q ≤ p, we have ( ) ( ) ( ) (p+1)q ιX α ∧ β = −1 α ∧ ιX β. ( ) Using Stokes’ theorem and the above formula on each of the three terms yields

p+1 p+1 p−1 −1 ιX dιπβ ∧ µ − −1 ιX ιπdβµ + −1 ιX ιφµ βµ. SM ( ) ( ) ( ) 

2 It follows immediately from Lemma 1 that the 1-forms δKBΩ M are closed ( ) under the bracket ⋅, ⋅ π . Of use will be the observation that the differential δπ,µ can be used to compute[ ] the of a vector field π♯ α . ( ) Lemma 3. The divergence of the vector field π♯ α with respect to the volume form µ is given by ( ) ♯ div π α = δπ,µα. ( ) Proof. The divergence of a vector field V is defined as divV µ = dιV µ. By standard ( ) manipulations of interior products (see e.g. Ref. [10], Proposition 3.4), ιπ♯(α)µ = −α ∧ ιπµ. Then

divπ α, ⋅ = −dα ∧ ιπµ + α ∧ dιπµ = δπ,µα µ. ( ) ( ) 

Remark 1. To avoid confusion we note that a very similar, but different, differential has been considered previously [5,21]. The volume form µ induces an isomorphism q n−q ∗ ∶ A M → Ω M given by ∗ ∶ X ↦ ιX µ. A differential operator can then be ( ) ( −)1 defined as δL = ∗ π, ∗ ⋅ . A short calculation shows that this operator is given by [ ] p ιπ, d + ιφ . Note that, ignoring the factor of −1 , the sign of ιφ differs between [ ] µ ( ) µ δπ,µ and δL, and they are not the same differential when φµ ≠ 0.

4. Admissible functions and the space of Poisson structures Definition 2. The space of Poisson structures, P M , on M is the set ( ) P M = X ∈ A2 M X,X = 0 . ( ) { ( ) S [ ] } In order to define a Poisson bracket on P M we need an appropriate notion of function and derivative on the space of Poisson( ) structures. We define the vector 2 space A (over R) as functions F ∶ A M → R that can be written as an integral ( ) F π = f jrπ µ ( ) SM ( ) 2 R of some smooth function f ∶ Jr Λ TM → , for finite r ≥ 0. We define the subspace ( ) A0 ⊂ A as those functions that restrict to zero on P M), ( A0 = F ∈ A π ∈ P M ⇒ F π = 0 . { S ( ) ( ) } 6 THOMAS MACHON

Definition 3. A primitive admissible function F ∶P M → R is an element of the ( ) quotient space A A0. An admissible function is an element of the commutative algebra generated~ by the primitive admissible functions. Given a differentiable one-parameter family of 2-vectors π t ∈ A2 M (not nec- essarily Poisson structures), the derivative of a primitive admissible( ) (function) F is the 2-form βF,π given by dF (8) = βF,π, π˙ µ, dt Vt=0 ( ) whereπ ˙ = dπ dt t=0. The derivative extends to all admissible functions by the chain rule.( For~ any)S primitive admissible function F , the set of representative el- ements of A all differ by an element of A0. That is, given a primitive admissible function F with two representatives F˜1 and F˜2, we have G˜ = F˜1 − F˜2 ∈ A0.

Lemma 4. Let G˜ be a function in A0, then ∈ = π P M ⇒ δπ,µβG˜,π 0. ( ) Proof. Consider the one-parameter family of Poisson structures πt, t ≥ 0, generated by the flow of an arbitrary vector field V , so that ∂tπt = V, πt . As πt is a one- [ ] parameter family of Poisson structures and G˜ ∈ A0 we have dG˜ 0 = = β , π˙ = β , π , V = δ β , V , G˜,π0 µ G˜,π0 0 µ π,µ G˜,π µ dt Wt=0 ( ) ( [ ]) ( ) whereπ ˙ = ∂tπ t=0. Since V is arbitrary, the fundamental lemma of the calculus of ( ) =  variations implies δπ,µβG˜,π 0.

Corollary 1. Let F be an admissible function, then the 1-form δπ,µβF,π does not depend on the choice of representative element of A. Example 1. A useful class of admissible functions on P M are linear functions. Given some fixed 1-form β these are given as ( )

ιπβ µ. SM ( ) The derivative of such a linear function can be represented by the 2-form β.

5. The Poisson bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ { } Recall that a commutative algebra is a Poisson algebra if it is equipped with a Lie bracket, ⋅, ⋅ which is a derivation, so that fg,h = f g,h + g f,h . { } { } { } { } Theorem 1. The bracket on admissible functions P M → R given by ( ) (9) F, G µ = δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π, π , { } ( )µ for two admissible functions F and G, makes the commutative algebra of admissible functions on P M a Poisson algebra. ( ) F, G µ is clearly once again an admissible function, and by Lemma 4, does { } not depend on the choice of representative 2-forms βF,π and βG,π. To prove we now show (9) obeys the axioms of a Poisson bracket. R-bilinearity and the Leibniz formula follow from properties of the derivative of admissible functions. Anti- commutativity follows from the properties of the wedge product. All that remains is to establish the Jacobi identity. To do so we first introduce a characteristic vector field associated to an admissible function F . A POISSON BRACKET ON THE SPACE OF POISSON STRUCTURES 7

1 Proposition 2. Let F be an admissible function, and denote by VF,π ∈ A M the ♯ ( ) vector field VF,π = π δπ,µβF,π . Then VF,π has the following properties: ( ) VF,π is tangent to the symplectic foliation defined by π, = VF,π is volume preserving with respect to µ dιVF,π µ 0 , = 1 ( ) VF,π, π π dδπ,µβF,π π − 2 π ∧ π dδπ,µβF,π, ⋅ , [ ] = ( ♯ ) ( ) VF,π, φµ −π Lφµ δπ,µβF,π , [For two functions] ( F , G, the) corresponding vector fields satisfy ♯ VF,π, VG,π = −π δπ,µ δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π . [ ] ( ( )) Proof. The first property follows as VF,π is of the form π α, ⋅ for some 1-form α. The second property is a consequence of Lemma 3. To see( the) third observe that ♯ VF,π, π = π δπ,µβF,π , π . [ ] [ ( ) ] Now for P,Q ∈ A2 M , α ∈ Ω1 M , the following identity holds ( ) ( ) P,Q α = − P α ,Q − Q α , P − P ∧ Q dα + P dα Q + PQ dα . [ ]( ) [ ( ) ] [ ( ) ] ( )( ) ( ) ( ) Along with the fact that π, π = 0, this gives the third property. The fourth follows from observing that [ ] = = = ι[V ,φ ]µ −Lφµ ιVF,π µ Lφµ δπ,µβF,π ∧ ιπµ −ιπ♯(L δ β )µ, F,π µ ( ) φµ π,µ F,π = along with the property Lφµ π 0. The fifth is a consequence of (4) and the fact that the anchor map π♯ of the cotangent Lie algebroid preserves Lie brackets (see e.g. Ref. [4], Proposition 17.1). 

With these vector fields we may rewrite the Poisson bracket in a number of different ways (10) F, G µ = δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π, π = δπ,µβG,π, VF,π = βG,π, π, VF,π = LV βG,π, π . { } ( )µ ( )µ ( [ ])µ ‰ F,𠎵 Now we compute the derivative of F, G µ. { } Lemma 5. The derivative of F, G µ with respect to π is represented by the 2-form { } β{F,G}µ,π, given by

β{F,G} ,π = δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π + µ ( ) (11) LV βG,π − LV βF,π + ‰ F,π G,π Ž γG π, VF,π , ⋅ − γF π, VG,π , ⋅ , ( ([ ] ) ([ ] )) 2 2 ∞ where the operator γF,π ∶ A M ×A M → C M is a linear differential operator in the first argument and linear( ) in the( second) with( ) symmetry

γF,π X, ⋅ , Y µ = γF,π Y, ⋅ ,X µ ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) for all 2-vector fields X and Y . Proof. Using dot to denote time derivative, we have

d F, G µ { } = δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π, π˙ µ+ dt Wt=0 ( )

δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µ˙ βG,π + δπ,µβG,π˙ − δπ,µβG,π ∧ δπ,µ˙ βF,π + δπ,µβF,π˙ , π . ‰ ( ) ( ) Žµ 8 THOMAS MACHON

The first term in the above equation gives the first term in (11). Now we compute the δπ,µ˙ βG,π term. This is given by

δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µ˙ βG,π, π µ = δπ,µ˙ βG,π, VF,π µ = βG,π, π,˙ VF,π µ = LV βG,π, π˙ µ. ( ) ( ) ( [ ]) ( F,π ) Finally we must compute β˙G,π, the second variation of G with respect to π. Given a 1-parameter family of Poisson structures π t and an admissible function F the second derivative is given by ( ) d2F = β˙ π,˙ π˙ µ = γ π,˙ π˙ µ, 2 S F,π S F,π dt Wt=0 M ( ) M ( ) 2 2 ∞ where γF,π ∶ A M × A M → C M is a linear differential operator in the first argument and linear( ) in the( second.) ( The) symmetries of γ (see Ref. [17], page 478) imply

γF,π X, Y µ = γF,π Y,X µ SM ( ) SM ( ) for any 2-vector fields X, Y ∈ A2 M . This can be rewritten as ( ) γF,π X, ⋅ , Y µ = γF,π Y, ⋅ ,X µ. ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) Antisymmetry in F, G gives all terms in (11).  We need one more technical lemma before we establish the Jacobi identity Lemma 6. Let α, β, γ ∈ Ω1 M . Then ( ) δπ,µ α ∧ β ∧ γ = −δπ,µ α ∧ β ∧ γ − δπ,µγ α ∧ β+ ↻, ( ) ( ) ( ) where ↻ denotes the sum of cyclic permutations with respect to α, β, γ. Proof. We have

δπ,µ α ∧ β ∧ γ = − ιπd − dιπ − ιφ α ∧ β ∧ γ ( ) ( µ ) = d π α, β γ − ιπ dα ∧ β ∧ γ + ιφµ γ α ∧ β+ ↻ ( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) We then find = δπ,µ α ∧ β ∧ γ dπ α, β + ιπ♯(α)dβ − ιπ♯(β)dα ∧ γ + α ∧ β −ιπdγ + ιφµ γ + ↻ . ( ) ( ( ) ) ( ) = Using δπ,µα −ιπdα + ιφµ α and the relation

δπ,µ α ∧ β = − δπ,µα β + δπ,µβ α − dιπ α ∧ β + ιπ♯βdα − ιπ♯αdβ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) gives the result.  Lemma 7. The bracket (9) satisfies the Jacobi identity. Proof. We must show that the Jacobiator F, G ,H + G, H , F + H, F , G = {{ } } {{ } } {{ } } F, G ,H + ↻ vanishes. The terms in the Jacobiator involving the γ tensors from {{Lemma} 5 are} dealt with separately first. We find these are given by

γG,π π, VF,π , ⋅ , π, VH,π µ − γF,π π, VG,π , ⋅ , π, VH,π µ+ ↻= 0, ( ([ ] ) [ ]) ( ([ ] ) [ ]) where we use the symmetries of γ. Now consider terms in the Jacobiator involving the first line of (11). Using (10) these are given by ♯ δπ,µβH,π, π δπ,µ δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π µ+ ↻= − δπ,µβH,π, VF,π, VG,π µ+ ↻, ( ( ( ))) ( [ ]) where we have used Proposition 2. Cyclic permutations of terms in the Jacobiator involving the second line of (11) give = LVH,π LVG,π βF,π − LVH,π LVF,π βG,π, π µ+ ↻ L[VG,π ,VF,π]βH,π, π + ↻, ( ) ( ) A POISSON BRACKET ON THE SPACE OF POISSON STRUCTURES 9 and we have used LX LY − LY LX = L[X,Y ]. Manipulating the above expression gives δπ,µβH,π, − VF,π, VG,π µ+ ↻, ( [ ]) which equals the contribution from the first line of (11). Using the formula (4) ♯ for δπ,µ and the fact that the anchor π preserves Lie brackets we can write the remaining expression as

2 δπ,µβH,π, − VF,π, VG,π µ+ ↻= 2 π δπ,µ δπ,µβF,π∧δπ,µβG,π ,δπ,µβH,π µ+ ↻ . ( [ ]) SM ( ( ) ) We then use Lemma 6, finding

2 π δπ,µ δπ,µβF,π∧δπ,µβG,π ,δπ,µβH,π µ+ ↻ = −2 δπ,µ δπ,µβF,π∧δπ,µβG,π∧δπ,µβH,π , π µ. SM ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) Using the definition of δπ,µ this is given by

−2 δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π ∧ δπ,µβH,π, π, π µ, ( [ ]) which vanishes by the integrability of π.  This completes the proof of Theorem 1.

5.1. Varying the volume form. The Poisson bracket F, G µ depends on the volume form, which we have thus far held fixed. We now{ consider} varying the volume form. Let ν = fµ, for non-zero f ∈ C∞ M , be an another volume form. = ( ) The modular vector field φν satisfies dιπν ιφν ν, and is related to φµ by

φν = φµ − Hlog f , where Hf is the Hamiltonian vector field of f. The value of an admissible function F does not change under the replacement µ → ν, but its derivate βF,π does. An ′ = examination of (8) shows that the derivative is replaced with βF βF,π f. We then find the following. ~ ′ Lemma 8. The differential δν βF is given by ′ −1 δν βF = f δπ,µβF,π. Proof. ′ = ′ ′ = ′ δν βF δπ,µβF − ιHlog f βF δπ,µβF + ιH1~f βF,π. 

We then have the following corollary of Theorem 1 giving the form of brackets arising from different choices of volume form. Corollary 2. The family of brackets on P M given by ( ) g δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π ∧ ιπµ , SM (( ) ) with g ∈ C∞ M a non-zero function are all Poisson. ( ) Proof. Using Lemma 8, under a change of volume form µ → ν = fµ the Poisson bracket F, G ν is given by { } = ′ ′ = 1 F, G ν δν βF,π ∧ δν βG,π ∧ ιπν δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π ∧ ιπµ . { } SM ( ) SM f (( ) ) Setting g = 1 f gives the result.  ~ 10 THOMAS MACHON

6. Gauge transformations and the flow on P M ( ) Given a choice of an admissible Hamiltonian H, we obtain a Hamiltonian flow on the space of Poisson structures. By (10) this flow is given by

∂tπ = VH,π, π = LV π. [ ] H,π Let πt, t ≥ 0 be a one-parameter family of Poisson structures generated by such a flow, then we have the following.

Proposition 3. The Hamiltonian flow on P M of the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ with Hamil- tonian function H acts by exact gauge transformations( ) on π as { } dγ π = πγt , t = dδ β . t 0 dt π,µ H,π Proof. This follows from the Moser argument for Poisson manifolds. We recall the definition of an exact gauge transformation of a Poisson structure (see Ref. [14] Section 2.3). Let γt, t ≥ 0 be a one-parameter family of exact 2-forms with γ0 = 0 γt and dγt dt = −dat. Then the gauge transformation πt = π is defined as ~ φ∗ πγt = π, t ( ) ♯ where φt is the family of diffeomorphisms generated by the vector fields πt αt . The result follows. ( )

Example 2. In the case of a linear function

F = ιπβ µ, SM ( ) with fixed 2-form β, the evolution of the Poisson structure can be explicitly calcu- = tdδπ,µβ lated as πt π0 (see Ref. [6], Lemma 4). The observation that the flow acts by gauge transformations implies that the foliation Fπ does not change under the flow of the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ. It allows us to { } define several natural ‘Poisson subsets’ of P M with respect to the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ. ( ) { } Theorem 2. The following subsets and their intersections are Poisson subsets of the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ: { } Regular Poisson structures of rank 2r, Poisson structures with a fixed foliation, Unimodular Poisson structures, µ-unimodular Poisson structures. Remark 2. Note that the set of µ-unimodular Poisson structures is not, in general, a Poisson subspace of the bracket ⋅, ⋅ ν for ν ≠ µ. { } Of interest are steady solutions to the flow equation, that is, the set of Poisson vector fields VF,π satisfying VF,π, π = 0 for vector fields VF,π arising from the [ ] bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ. { } Proposition 4. The set of Poisson vector fields arising from the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ form a Lie subalgebra of Poisson vector fields, denoted X µ, π and satisfy { } ( ) VF,π, VG,π = V{F,G} ,π. [ ] µ A POISSON BRACKET ON THE SPACE OF POISSON STRUCTURES 11

Proof. Using Proposition 2 we have ♯ VF,π, VG,π = −π δπ,µ δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π . [ ] ( ( )) = = = Now we have VF,π, π 0 and VF,π, φµ 0 which implies δπ,µ, LVF,π 0, and ♯ [ ♯] [ ] [ ] that VF,π, π α = π LV α . This allows us to write [ ( )] ( F,π ) ♯ ♯ ♯ VF,π, VG,π = π LV δπ,µβG,π = π δπ,µLV βG,π = −π δπ,µLV βF,π , [ ] ( F,π ) ( F,π ) ( G,π ) where the last equality follows from antisymmetry of the Lie bracket. Finally, using Lemma 5, and noting that the γ-terms vanish by our assumption VF,π, π = [ ] VG,π, π = 0, we have [ ] ♯ V{F,G} ,π = π δπ,µ δπ,µβF,π ∧ δπ,µβG,π + LV βG,π − LV βF,π . µ ( ( F,π G,π )) Which is rewritten as

V{F,G} ,π = − VF,π, VG,π + VF,π, VG,π + VF,π, VG,π = VF,π, VG,π . µ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 

This subalgebra of Poisson vector fields is a natural object associated to the pair π,µ . We now characterize it for Poisson structures on 2-manifolds and regular Poisson( ) structures on 3-manifolds. Proposition 5. On a Poisson 2-manifold with volume form µ, let C π,µ be the set of functions f satisfying ( ) f,g π = 0, { } where g = ιπµ and ⋅, ⋅ π is the Poisson bracket defined by π. Then the surjective ♯ { } map f ↦ −π fdg + d fg sends C π,µ to the set of Poisson vector fields arising ( ( )) ( ) from the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ. { } = Proof. In this case the modular vector field satisfies ιφµ µ dg. The derivative of an admissible function F is given by βF,π = fµ, for some function f. Then we find ♯ δπ,µβF,π = −d fg −fdg, so that VF,π = −π d fg +fdg . Then using Proposition 2 we find ( ) ( ( ) ) ∂tπ = −π df ∧ dg π = − f,g ππ ( ) { } setting ∂tπ to zero gives the result.  Proposition 6. On a regular Poisson 3-manifold, the set of Poisson vector fields arising from the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ is non-trivial if and only if the Poisson structure is unimodular. { }

Remark 3. This is equivalent to the foliation Fπ being defined by a closed 1-form. Proof. Consider the subset of regular Poisson structures on a 3-manifold M. We now seek steady solutions of the flow equation. This implies there is a function = = f π βF,π satisfying Lφµ f 0. Now consider the modular form [20] η, defined by (= ) ιφµ µ ιπµ ∧ η. The modular form is defined only up to addition of a term of the form gα for a function g, and dη = α∧γ for some 1-form γ, so that the restriction of η to the leaves of the symplectic foliation Fπ is closed. Hence η defines a class η 1 [ ] in the foliated cohomology group H Fπ [3]. Now the existence of a non-trivial steady solution to the flow equation implies( ) f satisfies π df, η = 0, and furthermore ( ) that the Hamiltonian vector field Hf commutes with the modular vector field, i.e. φµ,Hf = 0. In particular, this implies η = df + gα. We then find that dα = α ∧ df [ ] 12 THOMAS MACHON

f f f f so that d e α = df ∧ e α + e α ∧ df = 0, hence the form ιπe µ is closed and the Poisson structure( ) is unimodular with respect to the volume form ef µ. Now suppose π is unimodular then the modular vector field is Hamiltonian, given by φµ = Hlog g for some non-zero function g. Then note that the modular form can be chosen as η = d log g. We may write βF,π = fgσ + ρ, where α ∧ ρ = 0 and σ is a symplectic form on the leaves of Fπ, satisfying ιπσ = 1. Then the flow equation becomes ∂tπ = f,g ππ. { } We may then choose any function f Poisson commuting with g to obtain a non- trivial steady solution with a given βF,π, and hence a linear admissible function yielding said steady solution. 

Remark 4. Since there are no foliations on S3 defined by closed 1-forms, this implies that there are no non-trivial steady solutions to the flow equation of the bracket 3 ⋅, ⋅ µ for regular Poisson structures on S . { } Remark 5. Recall the definition of the Godbillon-Vey invariant GV (see Example 4). It is easy to see that GV = 0 if η = df + gα, hence GV ≠ 0 is an obstruction to the existence of non-trivial steady solutions to the flow equation of the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ for regular Poisson structures on 3-manifolds. It is known that the Godbillon-Vey{ } invariant obstructs unimodularity on Poisson 3-manifolds [7, 20], here we find that it obstructs the existence of steady solutions of the flow equation. This mirrors its application in ideal fluids, where under certain conditions it provides an obstruction to steady flow [13].

7. Casimirs

A Casimir of the bracket is an admissible function C satisfying C, F µ = 0 for all admissible functions F . From (10) we see that the condition for C{ to be} a Casimir is for VC,π to be Poisson, VC,π, π = 0. [ ] We now give two examples of Casimir invariants. Example 3. Symplectic volume. Let M be a 2m-dimensional manifold, and take the bracket on the Poisson subspace S M , the space of symplectic structures on M, i.e. non-degenerate closed 2-forms(ω.) This defines the Poisson structure via ♯ ♯ ♯ ∗ the relation ω π ⋅ = −Id, where ω ∶ TM → T M is the map induced by the symplectic form.( The( )) symplectic volume form ν is related to our chosen volume form µ by the function f, ν = ωm m! = fµ. Then the symplectic volume is given as ~( ) ωm S = . SM m! ( ) Since the symplectic volume is invariant under volume diffeomorphism, and the flow of the bracket acts by diffeomorphism, it must be preserved (and is hence a Casimir). However, we can give an explicit calculation. First note that the equation m 2 m−1 ιπ ω = −m implies ιπ˙ ω +ιπω˙ = 0. Finally note that ιπω = −m ω . This implies ( ) that the derivative is given by βS = fω m. We then have the short calculation ~ δν,πβS,π = ιπdβS,π − dιπβS,π = df. A POISSON BRACKET ON THE SPACE OF POISSON STRUCTURES 13

Since π is ν-unimodular, the modular vector field for µ must be Hamiltonian with = respect to ω, hence ιφµ ω dg for some function g, and we have

δπ,µβS,π = df − dg.

This implies that VS is a Hamiltonian vector field, hence VS,π, π = 0 and so S is a Casimir. [ ] Example 4. Godbillon-Vey invariant. Since a Poisson structure π defines a folia- tion Fπ, diffeomorphism invariants of Fπ are also invariants of π. The Godbillon- Vey invariant is one such example (as considered by Mikami [16]). Let M be a 3-manifold, and P2 M the space of regular (rank 2) Poisson structures on M. ( ) Then the non-zero 1-form α = ιπµ defines the foliation Fπ, satisfying the integrabil- ity condition α ∧ dα = 0. This implies that there is a 1-form η such that dα = α ∧ η and then GV = η ∧ dη, SM is the Godbillon-Vey invariant [3], depending only on the foliation defined by α (under the transformations α → fα for f a non-zero function, and η → η + hα for h a function, η ∧ dη changes by an exact form). In order to formulate GV as an admissible function we need to extend it to all non-zero 2-vector fields in A2 M . To this we pick a Riemannian metric g, and let ∗ be the associated Hodge( star.) Then we may pick η as ∗ ∗dα ∧ α (12) ηg = ( ). α 2 S S When α ∧ dα = 0, ηg serves as a choice of η for the Godbillon-Vey invariant, when α ∧ dα ≠ 0, the integral of ηg ∧ dηg is a metric-dependent number. In what follows we restrict to P M , so may use η without direct reference to (12) To compute the derivative of GV( we) consider two variations of the Poisson structure (see also [12] for a discussion of this calculation). The variation of GV with respect to π can be computed by first noting that dη = α ∧ γ for some 1-form γ. Then observe that dα = α ∧ β implies dα˙ = α˙ ∧ η + α ∧ η˙. This allows us to write

GV˙ = 2 η˙ ∧ dη = 2 η˙ ∧ α ∧ γ = 2 α˙ ∧ η − dα˙ ∧ γ = 2 α˙ ∧ η ∧ γ − dγ SM SM SM ( ) SM ( ) So that the derivative of GV can be identified with the 2-form χ = 2 η ∧ γ − dγ . ( ) Now we compute the derivative δπ,µ of χ. Note that χ satisfies dχ = η ∧ σ and α ∧ χ = 0, the second of these implies ιπχ = 0. A direct computation then shows that δπ,µχ = ιπ η ∧ χ − ιφ χ = 0 ( ) µ ♯ which follows as φµ is defined as π η for a regular Poisson 3-manifold. Hence GV is a Casimir of the bracket ⋅, ⋅ . Note( ) that while the Godbillon-Vey invariant can be defined for any corank 1{ Poisson} structure, it gives an element in the third de Rham cohomology group in all cases. In order to define it as an admissible function for dimensions n > 3, we pick a fixed de Rham cohomology class τ ∈ Hn−3 M; R with representative n − 3 form τ. Then if π is a regular corank 1[ Poisson] structure( ) of rank 2m = n − 1, the 1-form α = ιπm µ defines a codimension-1 foliation of M. Then we can define the admissible function

GVτ = ηg ∧ dηg ∧ τ SM 14 THOMAS MACHON which computes the de Rham class GV ⌣ τ ∈ Hn M, R . While we do not give a direct proof, this will be a Casimir. More[ generally] ( there) are further Godbillon- Vey invariants of codimension q foliations, living in the de Rham cohomology group H1+2q. For these to give Casimirs of Poisson structures akin to the case 3-manifolds we require n = 1 + 2q, and n − q = 2s. Hence we find Casimirs of regular rank 2s Poisson structures on manifolds of dimension 4s − 1. In other dimensions one can take the cup product with some fixed cohomology class.

8. The symplectic case When π defines a symplectic structure additional phenomena arise. Theorem 2 tells us that Poisson structures which are µ-unimodular are a Poisson subset of the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ. It further tells us that non-degenerate (symplectic) µ-unimodular { } Poisson structures form a Poisson subset of the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ. In this section we explore the bracket on this subset. Let S M be the space{ } of Poisson structures on M that are symplectic, i.e. for a 2m-dimensional( ) manifold M, we have S M = π ∈ P M πm ≠ 0 . ( ) { ( ) S } Now define Sµ M as the subspace of S M of those π ∈ S M which are µ- unimodular. ( ) ( ) ( )

Sµ M = π ∈ S M d ιπ µ = 0 . ( ) { ( ) S ( ) } This can be characterised in terms of the symplectic volume form induced by π. For a given π ∈ Sµ M let ω be the associated symplectic form, defined as before ♯ ♯ ( ) by π ○ ω = −Id.

Lemma 9. For a Poisson structure π ∈ Sµ M , the associated symplectic volume form ν = ωm m! is equal to cµ, where c ∈ R (is constant.) ~ Proof. The volume form µ is equal to fν, where f is a non-zero smooth function. We then have m−1 ιπµ = fιπν = fω m − 1 ! ~( ) Hence = m−1 = dιπµ df ∧ ω m − 1 ! ιπ♯(df)µ ~( ) ♯ This vanishes only if the Hamiltonian vector field Hf = π df vanishes. Since π is symplectic, this implies df = 0, hence f = 1 c is a (non-zero)( constant.)  ~ In the symplectic language, the operators we have been using are known differ- Λ ently. The derivative δπ,µ is equal to the symplectic derivative d defined in terms k k−2 of the Lefschetz operator Λ = ιπ ∶ Ω M → Ω M by contraction with the Poisson tensor (for more detail see, for( example) [18],( though) note sign conventions differ). The symplectic derivative is defined as dΛ = d, Λ , with sign conventions [ ] k Λ δπ,µ = −1 d , ( ) where we consider the of δπ,µ on k-forms. Henceforth we will replace δπ,µ with dΛ. For a given π ∈ S M , any X ∈ A2 M satisfying π,X = 0 arises as the linear term in a formal deformation( ) of π (when( ) π is not symplectic[ ] this is not always true, and there are obstructions in Poisson cohomology, see for example Ref. [4] Section 18.6). Moreover, a given infinitesimal deformation X ∈ A2 M will ( ) A POISSON BRACKET ON THE SPACE OF POISSON STRUCTURES 15 preserve µ-unimodularity provided dιX µ = 0. This lack of obstruction allows us to define the tangent space of Sµ M at π as ( ) 2 TπSµ M = X ∈ A M π,X = 0, d ιX µ = 0 . ( ) { ( ) S [ ] ( ) } We once again define the space of admissible functions analogously to Section 4. Recalling the definition of the vector spaces A and A0 of functions, we define the subspace AS ⊂ A as those functions that restrict to zero on 2-vector fields X that 2 satisfy dιX µ = 0. Let D µ ⊂ A M be the space of such 2-vector fields. Then we define ( ) ( ) Aµ = F ∈ A X ∈ D µ ⇒ F X = 0 . { S ( ) ( ) } R Definition 4. A primitive admissible function F ∶ Sµ M → is an element of ( ) the quotient space A A0 + Aµ . An admissible function is an element of the commutative algebra generated~( by) the primitive admissible functions. The additional structure of the symplectic case allows us to characterize the of admissible functions with greater precision. We start by defining the ∗ admissible cotangent space Tπ Sµ M as the vector space spanned by the possible derivatives of admissible functions.( ) Proposition 7. The admissible cotangent space can be identified as ∗ ≅ 2 1 Λ 3 Tπ Sµ M Ω M dΩ M + d Ω M . ( ) ( )~( ( ) ( )) We prove in three steps. Firstly, by considering linear functions of π, it is clear that any 2-form may arise as the derivative of an admissible function. It remains to characterize the derivatives of functions in A0 and Aµ.

Lemma 10. Evaluated at a symplectic structure, the space of derivatives βG,π of Λ 3 functions in A0 can be identified with the space d Ω M . ( ) Λ Proof. From Lemma 4 we know that βG,π is d closed, hence defines a homology Λ class in H2 M, d . In the symplectic case this group is isomorphic to the de Rahm cohomology( ) group H2m−2 M with explicit map given by the ‘symplectic star’ operator (see e.g. [2] Cor. 2.2.2).( ) Moreover, since any X satisfying X, π = 0 can arise as a deformation of the symplectic structure π, we have [ ]

(13) 0 = ιX βG,πµ SM for all X satisfying X, π = 0. Any 2-vector X satisfying X, π = 0 defines an element of the second[ Poisson] cohomology group, which in the[ symple] ctic case is isomorphic to the de Rham cohomology group H2 M with explicit isomorphism ♯ −1 ∗ ●( ) given by π ∶ TM → T M extended to all of Λ TM. Under the mapping to de Rham cohomology,( ) the pairing (13) is just the cup product pairing between the de Rham cohomology groups H2 and H2m−2 on a closed 2m manifold. By Poincar´e duality this pairing is non-degenerate. Therefore βG,π must be null-homologous Λ Λ in the homology group H2 M, d , hence it is d exact. By constructing a linear function, any dΛ exact 2-form( may) arise as a derivative. 

Recall D µ ⊂ A2 M as the set of non-degenerate 2-vector fields satisfying ( ) ( ) dιX µ = 0 for X ∈ D µ . ( ) Lemma 11. Evaluated at an element of D µ , the space of derivatives βG,π of ( ) 1 functions in Aµ can be identified with the space dΩ M . ( ) 16 THOMAS MACHON

Proof. The condition for a deformation Y to induce zero infinitesimal change in µ is dιY µ = 0. For any function in Aµ, the derivative βG,π must satisfy

0 = ιY βGµ SM for all Y satisfying dιY µ = 0. Equivalently, ιY µ is an arbitrary closed n − 2 form. By analogous reasoning to Lemma 10, βG,π must be d-exact. By constructing a linear function, any exact 2-form may arise as a derivative. 

This completes the proof of Proposition 7. We now define the Poisson bracket on Sµ M entirely analogously to Theorem 1. ( ) R Theorem 3. The bracket on admissible functions Sµ M → given by ( ) Λ Λ (14) F, G µ = d βF,π ∧ d βG,π, π , { } ‰ Žµ for two admissible functions F and G, is Poisson. Proof. We only need to show that the value of the bracket does not depend on the choice of representative forms of the derivative, as the remainder of the proof is completely analogous to Theorem 1. Following Lemma 11 we may add an arbitrary Λ Λ exact 2-form to each derivative. Suppose we add dα to βF,π, then d dα = dd α = −d ιπdα , and we can compute ( ) Λ Λ = Λ dd α ∧ d βG,π, π µ d βG,π,Hιπdα µ, ( ) ( ) where Hιπdα is the Hamiltonian vector field of the function ιπdα. Then we find Λ d βG,π,Hι dα µ = βG,π, π,Hι dα µ = 0. ( π ) ( [ π ]) 

9. Steady points of the flow and symplectic cohomology

The flow equation of the bracket on Sµ M is given once again by ( ) ∂tπ = VF,π, π , [ ] but now VF,π is not uniquely specified by the function F , VF,π is defined only up to Hamiltonian vector fields associated to functions of the form ιπdα, for arbitrary 1-forms α, which does not affect the flow. This becomes clearer from the alternate form of the flow equation (see Proposition 2).

Λ 1 Λ ∂tπ = π dd βF,π π − π ∧ π dd βF,π , ( ) 2 ( ) Λ Λ as βF,π is defined only up to the exact 1-form dα and dd α = d dα, the 1-form Λ dd βF,π does not depend on α. In this case the flow equation is more naturally given in terms of the symplectic form ω.

Proposition 8. On S M µ, the flow equation of the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ is ( ) { } Λ (15) ∂tω = dd βF,π. where ω is the symplectic form corresponding to π. A POISSON BRACKET ON THE SPACE OF POISSON STRUCTURES 17

Proof. Since the flow equation acts by diffeomorphisms preserving the symplectic volume, we have = = ∂tω LVF,π ω dιVF,π ω. Now Λ Λ ιV ω = ω π −d βF,π, ⋅ , ⋅ = d βF,π, F,π ( ( ) ) which gives the result.  We now show how the family of symplectic cohomology groups, the d + dΛ and ddΛ groups defined by Tseng and Yau [18] arise naturally when considering sym- plectic structures and their deformations using the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ. Recall that these cohomology groups are defined as { } d ∩ dΛ ddΛ k = ker k ker k k = ker k Hd+dΛ M Λ , HddΛ M Λ . ( ) Im ddk ( ) Im dk−1 + Im dk+1 These cohomology groups satisfy a number of useful properties, in particular there is a Hodge-type decomposition of k forms (Ref. [18] Theorems 3.5, 3.16) for both ddΛ and d + dΛ cohomologies. Lemma 12. A 2-form η is the derivative at t = 0 of a 1-parameter family of symplectic forms ωt ∈ Sµ M if and only if ( ) dη = dΛη = 0. Proof. The requirement dη = 0 is immediate, and since the deformation theory of symplectic forms is unobstructed, any such closed η is the derivative of a 1- parameter family of symplectic forms. The condition that the volume form change by a simple scale factor is n−1 η ∧ ω ∝ ιπη µ = constµ. ⇒ ιπη = Λη = const. ( ) Now suppose that dΛη = 0. This is written explicitly as dΛη − Λdη = 0 since η must be closed, dΛ = 0 implies dΛη = 0, which implies Λη is constant.  Theorem 4. For a symplectic structure ω with symplectic volume form µ, the 2 group H Λ M characterizes infinitesimal deformations of ω in Sµ M , modulo d+d ( ) ( ) those arising from the Hamiltonian flow of the bracket ⋅, ⋅ µ on Sµ M . The group 2 {∗ } ( ) H Λ M characterizes distinct element of the space T Sµ M that preserve ω. dd ( ) π ( ) Proof. The condition for a 2-form β to be an infinitesimal deformation of a symplec- tic structure is dβ = 0. A short calculation shows that it preserves the symplectic volume form if and only if dΛβ = 0. Deformations arising as flow of the bracket Λ ⋅, ⋅ µ are of the form d βF,π by Proposition 8. This yields the first statement. The {second} follows directly from Proposition 8 and Proposition 7.  Remark 6. The first part of Theorem 4 can be compared to the interpretation of the de Rham comology group H2 M, R as the space of infinitesimal deformations of a symplectic structure, modulo( diffeomorphisms.) Remark 7. If the symplectic structure defined by π satisfies the strong Lefschetz property (equivalently the ddΛ Lemma [15]) which states that the map on de Rham Cohomology k 2n−k n−k H M → H , α ↦ ω ∧ α, ( ) 18 THOMAS MACHON is an isomorphism for all k ≤ n. In this case we have (Ref. [18] Proposition 3.13), k k H Λ M ≅ H M, R , d+d ( ) ( ) where Hk is the kth de Rham cohomology group. References

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