Sermon by Rev. Dr. Daesun Chung The Source of Security 1

The Source of Security Matthew 19:16-22 March 26, 2017

We live in a world where technology is constantly advancing to the point where an average person cannot quite keep up with it. Every few weeks, we have a new device or a new gadget that can do so much more than the previous versions that were once the state-of-the-art and are now an obsolete item.

These technological advancements are capable of making our homes and lives much more secure and safe than ever before. We now have all kinds of alarm systems and security cameras much more advanced than the previous versions. In recent years we have attached the word “smart” to a lot of objects: smart phones, smart televisions, smart cars, and even smart toilets.

The smart toilet is called “Intelligence Toilet” made by Toto. Now we have a second version, called “Intelligence Toilet II.” This toilet makes your bathroom time a mini-physical exam time. This toilet has a bidet, heated seat, and air dryer like some other high-end bidet products. But it does a lot more than that. It records and analyzes important data like body weight, BMI, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, and a lot more. It has a built in “sample catcher”. While you are sitting on your porcelain seat, you are having your daily physical exam. And this information is sent to your computer through Wi-Fi. Once it is in your computer, you can send that information to your doctor.1 And the doctor will tell you if you have any issue you need to address - all this from a toilet. Isn’t that amazing?

Another amazing technology is the smart lock. It is a fascinating piece of equipment.

By synchronizing the smart lock with your smartphone, your doors will unlock automatically as you approach them. You don’t have to use your keys. That is only the half of its capability. The more expensive ones have the ability to connect to a central hub at your work place. The hub could then communicate with the central heating and air conditioning unit in your work place. When you are near the work place, your heater or air conditioner will turn on automatically. Once you and all the workers leave the building at the end of the day and the building is locked up, the central heating/air conditioning unit goes to energy saving mode. Not only that, when you arrive home and you don’t remember


East Whittier United Methodist Church 562-698-2241 10005 South Cole Road, Whittier, CA 90603 Sunday Worship: 10 AM Sermon by Rev. Dr. Daesun Chung The Source of Security 2 whether you have locked your office building, you can lock it using your smartphone.2

However, a downside of much of this technology is if your internet connection is not good, then there is always the chance that these technologies will not work. Also, these technologies can be vulnerable to cyberattacks and cyberterrorism.

So what could provide us true security we need?

When we think of security, we can think of a lot of things: internet security, security from crime, security in relationships, financial security, and others.

In our text this morning, a young man came to and asked, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” According to the , this man was a very wealthy young ruler.3 He had three things that people of all generations want: youth, wealth and power. Based on the worldly standards, his present life was very secure. There was no indication that he had any health issues. So we can assume that he was healthy. What this means is that he had everything he needed for a secure life. But this was not enough for him. What he wanted was the eternal security.

This young man not only had youth, wealth and power, but he also was morally upright. He said he had kept all the moral codes of the Law. Hearing that, Jesus tested this man on obeying the first commandment. The first commandment is “You shall have no other gods before me.”4 Jesus tested him to see whether he had other gods more important to him than God the creator. That is why Jesus told him to sell all his possessions and give it to the poor and to follow him.

Jesus once said, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”5 Jesus said these two commandments, loving God and loving people are the summary of God’s entire Law. In fact, loving humanity should be the result of loving God.

2 3 :18 describes him as a ruler. 4 Exodus 20:3. 5 :34-40

East Whittier United Methodist Church 562-698-2241 10005 South Cole Road, Whittier, CA 90603 Sunday Worship: 10 AM Sermon by Rev. Dr. Daesun Chung The Source of Security 3

When we truly love God, we also learn to truly love other people. Not the other way around. This young man kept the law for the sake of keeping the law and not because he truly loved humanity. Jesus wanted him to learn to love God so that he may truly love people as well. When he truly loves God, keeping his law would become a joy for him.

When that happens the security for both here and hereafter becomes a sure confidence for him. Jesus once said, “Strive first for the kingdom of God and all his righteousness, then all things you need will be given to you as well.”6

When we seek for security, what do we look for first? What do we rely on to give us security? Is it our retirement savings or income? It is important to have that. But does that give you true security? What about your alarm system? Again it would be a good idea to have a home security system. But then again, that does not guarantee safety. The retirement savings and income, home security system, and technological advancement may provide limited security. Let the Lord our God be the source of true security.

Jesus once said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”7 All the riches of the world will not give you the sense of true security. He said it would be difficult for the rich and the wealthy to enter the kingdom of God. Does this mean that if you are rich, if you have a financial security, you cannot enter the kingdom of God?

Actually, no one can enter the kingdom of God by his or her own effort. The kingdom of God is God’s gift we receive through our faith. No one can enter the kingdom of God whether you have money or not, whether you have done many good things or not. It is impossible for people to earn the eternal life. That is why Jesus’ disciples asked him, “Then who can be saved?” And Jesus answered, “For mortals, it is impossible. No one can enter the kingdom of God; but for God all things are possible.” The says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith. And this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.”8 But the ones who have great possessions tend to rely on their possessions more than relying on the Lord. That is why Jesus said it would be difficult for the wealthy to enter the kingdom of God.

6 :33. 7 Matthew 19:24. 8 Ephesians 2:8.

East Whittier United Methodist Church 562-698-2241 10005 South Cole Road, Whittier, CA 90603 Sunday Worship: 10 AM Sermon by Rev. Dr. Daesun Chung The Source of Security 4

A group of botanists went on an expedition deep into the Alps, searching for new species of flowers. One day as a scientist looked through his binoculars, he saw a beautiful flower he had never seen before. It was growing at the bottom of a deep ravine. In order to reach it, someone would have to go down there. For an adult it would be impossible. It had to be a small child. Noticing a local young boy standing nearby, the scientist asked him if he would help them get the flower. He told the boy that they would put a rope around him and slowly lower him to the floor of the canyon. Then pull him back up when he has the flower. The boy was willing but was apprehensive about the adventure. The youngster looked down into the chasm. “Wait,” he said, “I’ll be back,” and he took off. When he returned, he was accompanied by an older man. Approaching the head botanist, the boy said, “I’ll go down and get the flower for you, but this man must hold onto the rope. He’s my Dad!”9

This boy trusted his father for the unknown adventure and future. His father was his security. Our heavenly Father, our God, also need to be our security for our adventure and future.

During the initial construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, no safety nets or devices were used. Twenty-three men fell and died. For the final part of the project, however, a large net was used as a safety precaution. At least 10 men fell into it and were saved from certain death. What is really interesting is that the workers accomplished 25% more work after the net was installed. The workers had the assurance of their safety, and they were free to work wholeheartedly.

When you have the assurance of your security both here and hereafter, you can truly live each day with confidence. Let the Lord be your source of security.

9 From Our Daily Bread. Date is unknown.

East Whittier United Methodist Church 562-698-2241 10005 South Cole Road, Whittier, CA 90603 Sunday Worship: 10 AM