Ananda Travels Ltd

Domestic flight Public prices Prices from In (including 3 USD 1st October 2004 to per segment) 30th April 2005

Yangon - 188 108 Yangon - Bagan 178 103 Yangon - Heho 178 103 Yangon - 198 133 Yangon - Kyaingtong 198 133 Yangon - Thandwe (Ngapali) 131 77 Yangon - 181 99 Mandalay - Yangon 188 108 Mandalay - Bagan 78 47 Mandalay - Heho 78 47 Mandalay - Tachileik 178 95 Mandalay - Kyaingtong 178 95 Bagan - Yangon 178 103 Bagan - Mandalay 78 47 Bagan - Heho 118 72 Bagan - Thandwe (Ngapali) 201 122 Heho (Inle) - Yangon 178 103 Heho (Inle) - Mandalay 78 47 Heho (Inle) - Bagan 118 72 Heho (Inle) - Tachileik 128 84 Heho (Inle) - Kyaingtong 128 84 Heho (Inle) - Thandwe (Ngapali) 201 115 Tachileik - Yangon 198 133 Tachileik - Mandalay 178 95 Tachileik - Heho 128 84 Tachileik - Kyaingtong 78 37 Thandwe - Yangon 131 77 Kyaingtong - Yangon 198 133 Kyaingtong - Mandalay 178 95 Kyaingtong - Heho 128 84 Kyaingtong - Tachileik 78 37 Sittwe - Yangon 181 99

* Our prices are based on Air Mandalay and price list. They can be modifed at any time without prior notice.

* Our prices are in USD, and valid only for Air Mandalay or Yangon Airways. * Air ticket must be paid in USD cash to our office in Yangon.

* A booking is confirmed only when you will have received a valid fax or email from Ananda Travels Yangon. We are not responsible for any flight schedule modification decided by Air Mandalay or Yangon Airways. We are not responsible for schedule modification due to Force Majeur, weather condition or security reasons. We will always do our best to provide you a secure and effective solution to resume your journey in Myanmar.

Ananda Travels Yangon Ltd Email : [email protected] ou [email protected] Site Internet : Official Myanmar travel agency license: N° 365 -Ka-0923