St. Agnes Parish Council Parish Clerk: Lee Dunkley BA (Hons), MPhil Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Road St Agnes, TR5 0TL

01872 553801 [email protected]

Council meeting – 4th June 2018 Minutes of the meeting of St Agnes Parish Council as above, held in the Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Rd, St. Agnes, 19:15.

Present: Cllrs Barrow (Chairing the meeting), Barry, Brown, Bunt, Forbes, Johns, Lane, Ripper, Rodda, Slater, Stackhouse. Absent: Cllr Clark, Drew, Palmer. In attendance: L Dunkley, Clerk; 2 members of the public; Cwll Cllr Mitchell. ------28/18 Apologies for absence RECEIVED from Cllrs Clark, Drew, Palmer. Cwll Cllr Duffin.

29/18 Declarations of interest/ Requests for dispensation. None.

30/18 Public participation. C Goldsmith spoke about increased traffic pressure on a private road by Lansdowne Park and asked the Council to consider listing this as a priority for spending from the Community Network Highways budget.

31/18 Annual Council meeting minutes: 8th May 2018 RESOLVED that the minutes of the Annual meeting of the Council, as above, having been previously circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed. Cllrs Slater/Bunt. 8 voted in favour, 3 abstained Cllrs: Lane, Barry, Forbes.

32/18 Matters arising from these minutes. None.

33/18 Environment Committee meeting minutes: 8th May 2018 NOTED the draft minutes and resolutions therein as above.

34/18 Planning Committee meeting minutes: 21st May 2018 NOTED the draft minutes and resolutions therein as above.

35/18 Cornwall Councillor’s reports. NOTED a report from Cwll Cllr Mitchell including his resignation as Chair of the transport working group; verges at junctions being cut as fast as possible; funding given to the Rose Garden at Cheqwyn Gardens.

36/18 Accounts RESOLVED to approve payment of the Accounts Outstanding except the Cormac invoice for septic tank emptying, which is to be clarified and placed on the July Full Council agenda (Appendix A). Cllrs Forbes/Slater. Unanimous.

37/18 Transport working group reorganisation RECEIVED details as above and CONSIDERED the Council’s position. The distinctions between working groups and committees were discussed and it was decided to bring to Full Council in July for resolution.

38/18 “Walking to School” RESOLVED to appoint Cllrs Slater and Bunt to work alongside Cwll Cllr Mitchell and other partners to progress a project encouraging safe walking to school at St Agnes Primary. Cllrs Lane/Rodda. Unanimous. Signed ……………………………. Date…………………………………..

39/18 Community Network Highways budget CONSIDERED recommendations from the St Agnes Transport Working Group for items for potential inclusion on a list of Highways works to be addressed by the earmarked Community Network budget, and to RESOLVED to approve a list to present to the Community Network Panel which included the following areas to be speed assessed by Cormac: • Blackwater, main road • , Church Road • , • St Agnes, Trevaunance Road • St Agnes, Town Hill • St Agnes, Penwinnick Road • St Agnes, Goonown • St Agnes, Goonbell • St Agnes, Quay Road • Mount Hawke, Short Cross Road • Rose Hill/Chapel Hill The following to be included in the Network Traffic Regulation Order (Cllrs Forbes and Barrow to ascertain further detail): • Sites from Review • Double yellow lines opposite Rosemundy House Hotel entrance • Bottlenek on British Road • Waiting restricted to 30mins outside Barbers/Coffee Shop • Loading Bay to be provided outside the St Agnes Hotel/Church • Bus Stops need to be better signed

Cllrs Forbes/Barrow. Unanimous.

40/18 Community Emergency Plan RESOLVED to appoint Cllrs Clark, Forbes and Rodda to form a working party to update the document, finalise the plan and ensure compliance with new legislation. Cllrs Lane/Stackhouse. Unanimous. Cllr Clark to pursue.

41/18 Annual Return Section 1: Annual Governance Statement 2017/18 RESOLVED to approve the above as circulated. Cllrs Stackhouse/Ripper. Unanimous.

42/18 Annual Return Section 2: Accounting Statements 2017/18 RESOLVED to approve the above as circulated. Cllrs Ripper/Rodda. Unanimous.

43/18 Internal Auditors report year end 2017/18 NOTED the above.

44/18 Change of account signatories for Co-op bank account RESOLVED to change the account signatories per section 2a (“Personal details of all new signatories”) and 2b (“Removal of signatories”) and agree to the points in section 3 (“Declaration”) of the form. New signatories were agreed as: Cllrs Clark, Barrow, Ripper, Bunt and L Dunkley. Cllrs Slater/Forbes. Unanimous.

45/18 NALC Discussion paper: Shaping our future RECEIVED as above and CONSIDERED. It was decided to emphasise that Councils should be legally obliged to commit to staff training. The response was agreed.

46/18 Councillor name badges/cards

Signed ……………………………. Date…………………………………..

RECEIVED drafts from Cllr Rodda and approved for use by Cllrs. Cllrs Rodda and Bunt to pursue.

47/18 Councillor email addresses CONSIDERED options regarding the use of official Council email addresses for all Cllrs. The Council felt that formal addresses were desirable. Clerk to add statement online saying that email addresses will be live as of July.

48/18 Items for Bolster magazine RECEIVED suggested items for the next edition: Climbing on bus shelters to be reported to police; Plastic-free Porthtowan; Litter issues and damage to the environment.

49/18 Notification of meeting/Suggested items for agenda: 2nd July NOTED suggested items: Resolution on transport working group reorganisation; Cllr email addresses.

50/18 Reports from Council representatives NOTED updates from representatives of: Network Panel – attendance by Cllr Forbes; Mount Hawke Millennium Green – a Summer fair will take place and the group will be seeking funds for replacing play equipment; North Coast Cluster Group – attendance by Cllr Forbes; A meeting about parking issues in Porthtowan will be attended by Cllr Barrow later in June. Clerk to liaise with the Porthtowan group and inform them of the work of the Transport Working Group.

51/18 Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960. None.

Meeting closed at 20:35

Signed ……………………………. Date…………………………………..

APPENDIX A - SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS TO 8TH MAY 2018 South West Water Water & sewerage fixed charges for Flat 17B (Feb - May 2018) £7.93 Mt Hawke Church NDP Public Consultation Event - hire of main Chapel room *NDP £35.00 St Agnes MMI NDP Public Consultation Event - room hire & facilities *NDP £40.00 Cornwall ALC Ltd GDPR training for the Chair on 16/05/18 £54.00 Print out printing Full page The Bolster - June 2018 issue £72.00 J Grimwood Materials for arch in gardens *Chegwyn Gardens £120.00 Cornwall ALC Ltd GDPR training for office staff on 09/03/18 £145.80 Royal British Legion Payment of grant request to St Agnes branch, as per minute 13/18 £200.00 ADT Fire & Security Maintenance/monitoring of Intruder Alarm System to April 2019 £288.70 Hudson Accounting Year-end Internal Audit 2017/18 fee £300.00 Bunzl Cleaning & hygiene supplies for public toilets £387.34 Target Geomatics Survey of cremation mound (St Agnes Cem), map and index record £405.00 Walsh Roofing Repairs to Goonbell bus shelter roof £425.00 St Agnes Xmas Lights Payment of grant request to Committee, as per minute 14/18 £500.00 Review/appraisal of settlement boundary consultation Evans Planning *NDP £700.00 Kern. Gardeners Ltd Cutting of Open Spaces as per contract x 2 cuts March, x 2 cuts April £840.00 Liberty Political Design/formatting of Draft NDP & Consultation Statement *NDP £1,250.00 C Kalber Cemetery maintenance (May 18) & building of a soakaway on path £1,566.66 Datasharp IT Support cover from May 2018 - May 2019 as agreed £1,708.80 M & R Construction Instalment 5 of renovation works to the Parish rooms and flat £2,977.59 Staffing costs Total expenditure - June 2018 £6,993.27

RECEIPTS D Dyer Memorials Inscription £25.00 Car park donations Porthtowan collection £82.00 M Carveth Interment of ashes £100.00 Car park donations Porthtowan collection £121.00 Car park donations St Agnes collection (x 4 honesty boxes) £122.98 Car park donations St Agnes collection (x 4 honesty boxes) £196.73 Car park donations St Agnes collection (x 4 honesty boxes) £229.68 Car park donations St Agnes collection (x 4 honesty boxes) £239.02 Car park donations St Agnes collection (x 4 honesty boxes) x 2 weeks £306.90

Signed ……………………………. Date…………………………………..