Recent Mutations in Cockatiels

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Recent Mutations in Cockatiels Budgerigars, lovebirds, Indian Ring­ necked Parakeets and others. Color Pigmentation QENETICS FOR For the purpose of this .discussion, VICULTURISTS we will divide Cockatiel color pig­ A ments into two major groups. The first group, melanins, is com­ prised of the darker or shaded pig­ Recent Mutations ments'as found in the ground colors of standard mutations e.g. gray, cinna­ in Cockatiels mon, silver, fallow, etc. The second by Linda S. Rubin, Chestnut Hill, MA group, carotenoids, is composed ofthe All Rights Reserved red-yellow-orange pigments occasion­ ally referred to as lipochromes. The Introduction and diligence, arrives at its final form third listing is simply headed as white ramatic increase in Cockatiel only after many years of work. This which, for the sake of this discussion, color mutations over the last gradual and timely process which the is the absence of pigment and is there­ ~ecade has spiraled forth a aviculturist controls by deliberate pair­ fore simply, the absence of all color. plethora ofmyriad color combinations. ing of affected individuals, is better • Melanins: any of the group of It is no longer a simple task to outline known as selective breeding. For darker or shaded pigments, e.g. gray, or discuss individual Cockatiel muta­ example, the deliberate pairing ofvery cinnamon, silver, fallow, etc. Melanins tions, as the number of colors and pat­ yellow Pied stock, correctly linebred, may vary in shade and intensity which terns continues to grow, challenging will usually yield a predominant strain breeders commonly refer to as the Cockatiel breeders and enthusiasts to of heavy yellow "golden" Pieds. lack, or presence, of dark factors. keep pace. One paper cannot begin to • Carotenoids: any of the group of cover each individual new mutation, Inheritance red and yellow pigments, often and its now multitudinous combina­ The majority ofCockatiel mutations, referred to as lipochromes, when dis­ tions, to the depth and degree which until very recently, dealt only with cussing orange and yellow coloration. would do each one justice. Instead, autosomal recessive inheritance (ie. • White is the lack of pigment or this paper will limit its scope to dis­ Pied, Fallow, Recessive Silver, absence of all color. cussing each new major mutation by Whiteface, etc.) or sex-linked recessive category, and attempt to provide a inheritance (e.g. Lutino, Cinnamon, Spontaneous Mutations basis for which the mutation can best Pearl, etc.). More recently, with the be understood, and applied to the advent of the u.K.'s new Dominant Whiteface growing number of cross, triple and Silver mutation, a new mode of inher­ No discussion of recent mutations multiple color combinations. itance in Cockatiels was introduced in Cockatiels would be complete with­ known as the dominant mode of out addressing the arrival and effect of Mutation Modes reproduction. What makes dominant the Whiteface mutation. Although inheritance even more interesting is appearing as a spontaneous mutation Spontaneous Mutations the appearance of both single factor in Europe during the mid-1970s, the Mutations commonly arise in and double factor birds which, like any Whiteface mutation was imported into aviaries under one of two conditions. other mode, is predictable by Mendel's the United States in the early 1980s by In the majority ofmutations, the affect­ laws of inheritance. American aviculturist, Dale R. ed trait usually occurs as a sudden vari­ More specifically, Mendel's law of Thompson, who recognized the ation of an inherited characteristic. dominance states that one factor in a importance of the variety and the dra­ Such color mutations are usually a wel­ pair of traits dominates the other in matic impact it would have on future come surprise to the breeder and are inheritance, unless both factors in the combinations. so different or obviously deviant, that pair are recessive. This works as well The Whiteface Cockatiel is not only anyone slightly familiar with the basic for any mutation or trait recessive to a relatively new color variety, but the colors will recognize its unnatural and the Normal Gray (i.e. including both rules governing its color production anomalous appearance almost imme­ recessive autosomes and recessive sex­ are exceptional. While the Normal diately. linked traits), but takes on new mean­ Gray varies in color depth (e.g. dark ing for dominant, codominant and par­ factors), the Whiteface, or Charcoal Selective Breeding tially dominant mutations. Although Cockatiel (as it was originally named The second less commonly seen the dominant mode of inheritance is in Europe), has a sooty "charcoal" mutation which must be considered is new to Cockatiels, dominant inheri­ color appearance. It differs from all the gradual appearance of an unusual tance is routinely worked within other other existing mutations in that it voids trait which, through painstaking work species in aviculture, including the variety of all carotenoids, or afa WATCHBIRD 17 orange and yellow pigment. Hence, the mid-to-late 19805, cross and multi­ unless, perhaps, each color has been the absence of the characteristic yel­ ple Whiteface mutations have worked with individually to correct low mask of the male, yellow facial appeared which integrated the stan­ any inherent weakness, before the spottings on the hen, and yellow spot­ dard colors. Some of the more popu­ recessives are combined. tings under wing flights, and tail bar­ lar combinations have been the It is generally understood among rings, on hens and immature young. appearance of Whiteface-Pied, color breeders that one of the advan­ Nor, fdo either sex carry the usual Whiteface-Pearl, and Whiteface-Pearl­ tages ofworking with sex linked muta­ orange ear covert "cheek patch" feath­ Pied, which, like snowflakes, (and tions is the mutations' linkage with ers. These areas, are all instead, owing to the distinctly varying Pied size. For example, working the replaced by white. In fact, upon close and Pearl patterns), are uniquely indi­ Whiteface mutation into an established inspection of the hen's now absent vidual, with no two birds marked strong Pearl bloodline which normally orange cheek patch, one can detect a exactly alike. produces large individuals, will even­ faint outline or overlay of whitish Also intriguing, and slightly less tually bring the cross mutation (i.e. feathering. Upon maturity, males available, are the Whiteface- Whiteface-Pear!), up to size, while develop the white facial mask, while Cinnamon, Whiteface-Cinnamon- adding hybrid vigor to improve the hens replace any yellow pigment on Pearl, Whiteface-Cinnamon-Pied and variety. While this may be accom­ the face with white. Orice again, yel­ Whiteface-Cinnamon-Pearl-Pied. plished with an exceptional outcross, it low flight feather spottings and under­ However, their lesser availability may is generally only achieved and main­ tail barrings are also replaced by be due, in part, to two principal rea­ tained through the use of healthy, vig­ white. sons. First, the Whiteface- Cinnamon orous, linebred stock. varieties may be somewhat overshad­ The second disadvantage is one of Whiteface Cross Mutations owed by the more "showy" splash of color. When using such colors as While the Whiteface is indeed a the Whiteface-Pied and Whiteface­ Fallow, or Recessive Silver, etc. there is handsome and elegant mutation, the Pearl-Pied. Second, both triple and an increased dilution in the ground real drama unfolds as the variety is quadruple crosses (e.g. Whiteface­ color, especially when other mutations bred into other existing mutations, Cinnamon-Pearl, Whiteface-Cinnamon­ are combined. Although not always when con'ectly paired. Within the first Pied and Whiteface-Cinnamon-Pearl­ fully obvious on its own, the diluted few years of its appearance, around Pied) generally take longer to produce effect may be even more readily (i.e. multiple filial generations will be apparent in future combinations. required unless all traits are present in Dilution is simply mentioned as a dis­ the genotype of the cock and the hen advantage should it effect colors pro­ ~~\ COCKATIELS: in the parental generation). ducing results which do not conform Breeding Smart! $15.95 Yet, the more difficult crosses are, in to existing show standards. However, Selecting Stock· Setting Up An Aviary fact, the double recessives (e.g. they may very well become pleasing Linebreeding • Inbreeding Whiteface-Pied) which usually include and unusual color combinations of the Lethal Genes· New Mutations the "rarer," or new, recessive mutations. future we have yet to recognize. COCKATIEL GENETICS Some such rares include the Whiteface­ Fallow, Whiteface-Recessive Silver and MADE EASY! $39.95 Albino Assumes No Knowledge the triple recessive, Whiteface-Silver­ As yet, there is no spontaneous 15 chapters· chapter quizzes & answers Fallow. Unfortunately, such recessives mutation in Cockatiels which produces • step by step instruction usually deal with two major inherited an Albino, i.e. an all-white, red-eyed THE COMPLETE GUIDE problems. First, double recessives have bird with pink beak and feet col­ the disadvantage of "downsizing," or oration. However, the man made TO COCKATIEL COLOR exhibiting diminished size. This is not crossmutation, known as Whiteface­ MUTATIONS $15.95 uncommon, and is especially prevalent Lutino, results in a stark white bird of II chapters plus appendices, as published in in many new, single, recessive muta­ the above description. Here, the ACBM and Cage & Aviary Birds, U.K. tions in aviculture. Whiteface mutation acts to remove any •All 3 self-piblished works by Such compromised recessives may trace of yellow and orange carotenoid Linda S. Rubin be inherently weak, combat lethal fac­ pigment; while the Lutino mutation Senior Editor, Cockatiel & Parakeet World tors, or other problems, especially acts to mask the melanin or gray pig­ AFA Watchbird Feature Columnist among red-eyed mutations. ment. The result is a snow white bird, Order all 3 and deduct $5.00 Knowledgeable line-breeding tech­ with red eyes, pink feet and beak in AVES COMMUNICATIONS niques, successfully employed, have both sexes.
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