Evans Head Continued... Woodburn (1) Mosaic Mural (5) Wave Sculpture Various Artists | Woodburn Visitor Information Centre | 2009 Greg Bowering and Brian Ison | Razorback Lookout | 2013 This mosaic was created through a partnership between Lismore This sculpture was created by Greg Bowering and Brian Ison TAFE Outreach Program, Woodburn Visitor Information Centre, to commemorate 30 years of the Half Tide Board Riders. The Woodburn Chamber of Commerce and Saint Joseph’s Primary sculpture took two months and was carved from a solid rock. School. The mural depicts aspects of Woodburn’s river and farming The monument acknowledges past and present club members history and was inspired from Year 3 students’ drawings. The mural of the Half Tide Board Riders. The sculpture is a tribute to the was originally located on the old Woodburn Riverside Park toilets. Evans Head local area, community and sponsors in thanks of their RICHMOND VALLEY support. When the park was upgraded the mural was cut into pieces and put back together on the new community building. ART TRAIL

Coraki - Evans Head - Woodburn

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CONTACT US: p: 6660 0325 e: [email protected] w: www.discoverrichmondvalley.com.au Coraki (4) Coraki Public School Concrete Mural Evans Head (1) Healing Stones Artist Sharon Walker | Coraki Public School | 1994 (1) Evans Head Recreational Hall Survira McDonald | Riverside Park | 1996 This mural features Dirawong, which is also known as the The Coraki Healing Stones were created by artists and spirit, and is significant to the . In the Dreamtime the Artists Evans River K-12 Students | Recreational Hall | 2006 volunteers as a tribute to reconciliation between culture Rainbow Snake and Goanna worked together to create the area we now This mural was painted by students from Evans River School who were and environment. They were constructed and installed over live in. Goanna was called on by a local cleverman to chase Rainbow part of the environmental team ‘The Stormwater Ambassadors’. The a two-month period using local clay by Goonengerry artist Snake away after it had been bad. As Goanna chased Rainbow Snake mural was created to raise awareness on environmental pollution and Suvira McDonald. Volunteers were involved in workshops away they formed parts of the . You can still see Goanna the effects stormwater pollution has on wetland ecosystems. The mural with the Environmental Science Department of Southern today at Evans Head, forming the Dirawong Reserve. Cross University and learnt about environmental and cultural is set in a playground and the yellow slide depicts a stormwater drain issues in the region. During the workshops volunteers were full of pollution. involved in tracking animals which resulted in an exhibition called “Tracks”. This lead to different tracks being added into (2) Rainforest Mural the Healing Stones. The director of the Lismore Regional Artist Mark Robertson | Reflections Amenities Block | 2005 Gallery asked if the workshops could be continued to create a public artwork. The main feature of the piece are the stones This mural was painted to recreate the rainforests of the North Coast. themselves. These were inspired by scarred bark which was The mural is painted in acrylic and took the artists two weeks to complete used as shields by local Aboriginal people. During the opening with the Ocean Wave mural. of the Healing Stones, community members created tiles which now form a pathway down to the stones. Volunteers from the (3) Ocean Wave workshop and Richmond Valley Council helped to install the artwork, which has survived various floods since its installment. Artist Mark Robertson | Reflections Amenities Block | 2005 In 2018 the piece was restored with the help of Richmond (3) Coraki Public School Canteen Mural The wave is a recreation of the Cyclops Wave in Western Australia. The Valley Council. Artist Samantha Wortelhock | Coraki Public School | 2018 mural symbolises the connection of the park to the water. This mural represents the local stories of Coraki and the traditional knowledge of the Coraki communities.


(2) Cross Sculpture (4) Wooden Boats and Ironmen Dennis Monks | Riverside Park | year unknown Artist Mick Thorman | Evans Head Riverbank | 2003 Dennis and his wife Malina moved to the Northern Rivers in “Wooden boats and iron men” is a term coined in the 1800s which 1977, settling at the Channon and formed a community with reflects a time when ships were made from wood and the men who local potters. Dennis is a woodfirer and has several kilns, one sailed them were iron solid. The sculpture commemorates the centenary based on a double bourry box and a new tail bourry kiln. of Federation of the Australian colonies in 1901. Australia became a nation on January 1 1901 when the British Parliament passed legislation enabling the six Australian colonies to collectively govern in their own right as the Commonwealth of Australia.