JLI retreat 2011 - Program Guide Cover 8/1/2011 5:22 PM Page 1

In appreciation to George & Pamela Rohr In the merit of bringing the concept of the The Luxurious Hyatt Regency Jewish Learning Retreat to fruition and their ongoing efforts to bring the love of Torah to Jews worldwide, Old Greenwich, CT may our words of study here stand them in good stead. August 16–21, 2011 May G-d grant them and all their loved ones ט״ז—כ״א מנחם אב תשע״א health and happiness and may they be blessed with extraordinary success in all their endeavors. Program


Brought to you by: The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute The Adult Education Arm of Lubavitch A Division of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch 822 | , NY 11213 Tel 718.221.6900 Fax 718.221.6907 Web www.myJLI.com


halom, and welcome to the sixth annual National S Jewish Retreat. Our exceptional faculty is drawn from across the world to bring you the best in Jewish learning. Our presenters are leaders in their field and include rabbis, scholars, scientists, musicians, authors, and political pundits. Our program offers you a wide variety of topics, and the sessions vary in style from lecture to interactive to pure entertainment. In order to help you customize your experience, we have classified each session with an identification that reflects the format of the class: These sessions feature a lecture-style presentation of ideas from some of the world’s foremost Jewish thinkers. In text-based sessions, students study a text (which can be found in the student textbook), and benefit from direct access to the conversations of our sages. These practical and hands-on interactive sessions will provide you with the skills and experiences of Jewish life. These sessions focus on Jewish topics from a human interest perspective. Encounter the “story behind the story” as presenters share their personal experiences.


Faculty Rabbi Zalman Abraham Author, Full Devotion; Marketing Director and Course Author, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute Bruce Backman Senior Research Analyst, Fox News; Retreat Coordinator, National Jewish Retreat; Former Aide, Former Governor George Pataki Rabbi Chaim Block Director, Chabad Lubavitch of South Texas; Executive Committee Member, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute Joseph Braude Journalist, Author; Middle East Consultant Avraham Cohen Brother of Eli Cohen, Israeli spy; Senior Economist, Industrial Development Bank, Retired Rabbi Boruch Cohen Director, JLI National Jewish Retreat Neria Cohen Director, Creative Soul Journeys; Artist and Lecturer Mrs. Shifra Aviva Deren Co-Director, Chabad Lubavitch of Connecticut Rabbi Yisroel Deren Director, Chabad Lubavitch of Connecticut Rabbi Yosef Deren Director, Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich, CT Mordecai Dzikansky Law Enforcement Consultant and Lecturer; NYPD Detective; Retired Former Liaison, NYPD Overseas Intelligence Division Ami Eden Editor in Chief, Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) Rabbi David Eliezrie Director, Chabad of North County (Orange County, CA); Board Member, Renaissance and Renewal Pillar of the United Jewish Communities; Member, Advisory Board, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute


Mrs. Stella Eliezrie Co-Director, Chabad of North County (Orange County, CA) Rabbi Baruch Epstein Spiritual Leader, Congregation Bais Menachem, Chicago, IL; Contributor, Chabad.org; Lecturer Mrs. Chavi Epstein Co-Director, Chabad Lubavitch of South Carolina; Lecturer and Musician; Founder, Niggun Workshop Seminar Mrs. Chaya Epstein Founder and Director, Women to Women; Teacher and Assistant Principal, Lubavitch Girls High School of Chicago; Lecturer and Columnist Rabbi Hesh Epstein Director, Chabad Lubavitch of South Carolina; Chairman, JLI Executive Committee; Chairman, The National Jewish Retreat; Executive Director, Columbia Jewish Day School Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein Director, Chabad of Wilmette (Illinois); Instructor, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute Professor Samuel G. Freedman On Religion Columnist, The New York Times; Columnist, The Jerusalem Post; Professor, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism; Award-Winning Author Rabbi Dean, Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies; Host, Torah Forum with Manis Friedman; Author, Lecturer; Social Commentator Professor David Gelernter Professor of Computer Science, Yale University; Chief Scientist, Mirror Worlds Technologies; Contributing Editor, The Weekly Standard; Member, National Council of the Arts; Author Dr. Jon Greenberg Researcher of Agronomy; Professor, University of Phoenix; Webmaster, TorahFlora.org


Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson Director, The Rosh Chodesh Society (JLI); World Lecturer on Jewish Women’s Studies; Musician and Composer Rabbi Director, The Meaningful Life Center; Editor in Chief, The ; Author, Lecturer Mrs. Elka Kaplan Co-director, Jewish Technical Vocational School Rabbi Levi Kaplan Director, JLI Advanced Learning Initiative and worldwide Unity Lectures; Teacher, Cantor, Lecturer Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Founder, Spiritual Leader, Chabad @ Flamingo; Member, Toronto Rabbinical Committee; Chaplain, York Regional Police; Radio Commentator, CHIN FM Rabbi Mendel Katzman Director, Chabad-Lubavitch of Nebraska Mrs. Lévana Kirschenbaum Renowned Kosher Chef Cookbook Author Rabbi Vice Chairman, Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch — Lubavitch World Headquarters; Chairman, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute; Chairman, The International Conference of Shluchim Mrs. Rivkah Kotlarsky Teacher, High School (Brooklyn, NY); Lecturer, Chabad of the Five Towns (NY); Mentor William Kristol Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle; Former Chief of Staff, Secretary of Education William Bennett; Retired Professor: University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University Rabbi Meir Levinger Director, Women’s Program of The Maayonot Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem Mark Mellman CEO, The Mellman Group; Pollster and Political Consultant


Rabbi Efraim Mintz Executive Director, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute Mrs. Shaina B. Mintz Camp Director, National Jewish Retreat; Faculty Member, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute David Nesenoff Independent Filmmaker; Singer/Songwriter; Blogger, RabbiLive.com Yehoshua November Award-Winning Poet; Author, God’s Optimism; Professor: Rutgers University, Touro College Rabbi Efraim Piekarsky Member, Lubavitch Rabbinic Court; Translator of Tosafot, tosfosinenglish.com; Former Dean, Talmudic Seminary Rabbi DovBer Pinson Director, IYYUN Center; Rosh , IYYUN Yeshiva; Author, Scholar, and Lecturer Rabbi Avrohom E. Plotkin Executive Director, Chabad of Markham (Ontario) Mrs. Goldie Plotkin Co-Director, Chabad of Markham (Ontario) Dr. Alexander Poltorak Founder, Chairman, and CEO, General Patent Corporation; Co-Author, Essentials of Licensing Intellectual Property; Author Dr. Leah Poltorak Molecular Biologist; Executive Vice President, Ryogen; Professor and Lecturer Dennis Prager Host, The Dennis Prager Show, Nationally Syndicated Radio Program; Bible Professor, American Jewish University; Author Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Philosophy and History of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Professor of Jewish Medical Ethics, Yeshiva University; Member, Advisory Board, Institute for Genetics and Public Policy


Mrs. Molly Resnick Founder and Director, Mothers Against Teaching Children to Kill; Former News Producer, NBC, PBS; International Lecturer George Rohr President, New Century Holdings; Chairman, The Rohr Family Foundation; Principal Benefactor, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute Professor Jonathan Sarna Professor of American Jewish History, Brandeis University; Director, Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet Rabbi, Mill Hill Synagogue; Chairman, Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue; Frequent Panelist, The Big Questions (BBC); Columnist, The Jewish News Dr. Stephen F. Serbin CEO and Medical Director, Family Medicine Centers of South Carolina; Chairman, The National Jewish Retreat Lay Advisory Board Mrs. Bronya Shaffer World Lecturer on Jewish Women’s Studies, Marriage, and Parenting; Resident Scholar, AskMoses.com; Responder, Chabad.org’s “Ask the Rabbi” Mrs. Devorah Shanowitz Co-Director, Chabad of Westmount, QC Rabbi Yossi Shanowitz Director, Chabad of Westmount, QC Rabbi Levi Shemtov Director, American Friends of Lubavitch (Washington, D.C.) Rabbi Yosef Shusterman Spiritual Leader, Chabad of Beverly Hills (L.A., CA); Member, Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch; International Rabbinic Consultant Mrs. Rivkah Slonim Co-Director, at Binghamton University; Author and Lecturer Mrs. Chaya Teldon Co-Director, Chabad of Mid-Suffolk (Long Island, NY)


Rabbi Tuvia Teldon Director, Chabad of Mid-Suffolk (Long Island, NY) Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik Founder and Director, Omek Learning Center for Women; Corporate Trainer; Lecturer; Mentor Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein Director, Jay M. Swartz Jewish Learning Academy; Rabbi, Congregation Kol Yisrael, Newtown, PA; Instructor and Editorial Board Member, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute Rabbi Elie Weinstock Associate Rabbi and Director of Education, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, NY, NY; Instructor, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, NY, NY; Rabbinic Advisor: Heart, Mind & Soul Gabriel Wilensky Author, Six Million Crucifixions; Software Developer Rabbi Chaim Wolosow Director, Chabad of Sharon (MA) Rabbi Elimelech Zweibel Lecturer and Mentor, Rabbinical College of America; Author and Editor of numerous works on Chassidus

Arts and Entertainment Mordechai Ben David Chassidic Singing Sensation; Recording Artist with 39 Albums of Jewish Music Chassidic Artist and Illustrator Marc Weiner Comedian; Puppeteer; Creator; Producer; Creator and Former Host, Weinerville (MTV 1993-1996)

Staff Administration Mrs. Chana’le Dechter Levi Epstein Brooklyn, NY Columbia, SC Chaya Epstein Menachem M. Epstein Columbia, SC Columbia, SC


Mrs. Fraydee Kessler Mrs. Nava Rabinowitz Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY Mrs. Mussie Kesselman Rabbi Mendy Weg Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY Mrs. Shaina Basha Mintz Brooklyn, NY

Hostesses Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson Chava Zviklin TUESDAY Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY Mrs. Ariella Weg Brooklyn, NY AUGUST 16 Torah Café ט”ז מנחם אב Nachman Blizinsky Moshe Raskin Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY Yosef Kramer Yosef Schmalberg Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY Mendy Margolin Mendel Serebryanski Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY Getzy Raskin Brooklyn, NY

Camp Staff

Rabbi Meir Rodal Mrs. Chaya Rodal Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY Chaya Barber Musha Karp Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY Sterni Bell Rochel Karp Montreal, QC Brooklyn, NY Dobi Kalmenson Shterni Levitin Westport, CT New Haven, CT Mussi Kantor Chavie Shizgal Westport, CT Montreal, QC


THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 11 Tuesday 3:00–8:30 p.m.

3:00 p.m. — Registration Lobby

5:00 p.m. — Minchah Winthrop

5:30 p.m. — Dinner Regency Ballroom Foyer and Patio

6:25 p.m. — Orientation A series of community building and ice breaker exercises.

7:15 p.m. — Workshops Beyond the Red String: Superstition or Reality? Sun Court Mrs. Rivkah Slonim The concept of the “evil eye,” or ayin hara, has made headlines with many American celebrities wearing a red string, which they believe to be an anti-demonic device rooted in Judaism. Does the “evil eye” exist in Jewish law? And if so, how does it affect us?

12 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Tuesday 7:15–10:00 p.m.

Terrorist Cop: How a Rabbi’s Son Changed the War on Terror Round Hill Detective Mordecai Dzikansky As an orthodox Jew and a policeman, Dzikansky has faced unique challenges. After 25 years with the New York City Police Department, he was stationed in Israel to gather intelligence on terrorism, as the first NYPD Intelligence Division Overseas Liaison. Drawing on his vast experience, Dzikansky provides first- hand analysis of current terror trends, including ways to respond to and prevent terrorism.

8:30 p.m. — Workshops The Attitude of Gratitude Sun Court Rabbi Mendel Kaplan We take so many things for granted: our ability to see, to walk, to speak, and to eat. A text-based exploration of this week’s parshah reveals how we can express our appreciation for life’s necessities, the advantages of doing so, and practical ways to implement this into our daily lives.

To Live and Live Again: The Revival of Jewish Life in Russia Round Hill Rabbi Baruch and Mrs. Chaya Epstein Join Rabbi Baruch and Mrs. Chaya Epstein as they escort you on their recent tour of the Former Soviet Union. Their journey includes the gravesites of our spiritual ancestors, and the vibrant rebirth of Jewish life throughout the Former Soviet Union. This pictorial portrayal will make you feel like you are there.

10:00 p.m. — Maariv Winthrop



THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 15 Wednesday 7:00–9:00 a.m.

7:00 a.m. — Workshops Service of the Heart: Prayer According to Chassidic Teachings Winthrop Rabbi Baruch Epstein Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with G-d. Beyond a mere translation of the words, what is the experience meant to be? This text-based study of A Tract on Prayer, by the Fifth Lubavitcher , is a guide to finding a balm for the maladies of the soul.

7:30 a.m. — Shacharit Beginners’ Service for Men Mead Rabbi Baruch Epstein Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.

Beginners’ Service for Women Laddins Rock Mrs. Chaya Epstein Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.

Advanced Service Winthrop A traditional minyan, designed for men and women fluent in Hebrew reading who regularly participate in organized prayer.

8:00 a.m. — Breakfast Regency Ballroom

16 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Wednesday 9:00–10:25 a.m.

9:00 a.m. — Workshops Total Immersion: The Mystery and Magic of Mikvah Sun Court Mrs. Rivkah Slonim A frank discussion for couples of all backgrounds, about the impact of Family Purity on marriage and intimacy. Uncover the many misconceptions about mikvah and family relations, and gain a deeper understanding of the timeless nature of this sacred mitzvah. Not for women only!

Id or Yid: Who Are You? Round Hill Rabbi Simon Jacobson Is the driving force within us selfish or selfless? While Freud, Darwin, and others weigh in on defining the human psyche, this session will reveal the surprising true father of modern psychology. Your expectations of yourself and others will never be the same.

The Da Vinci Con: A Hard Look at Christianity’s Jewish Roots Riverside Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Although everyone agrees that Christianity has Jewish origins, controversies abound. Who was Jesus, and is he mentioned in Jewish sources? Do 2000-year-old Talmudic commentaries agree with conclusions drawn by modern historians? Most importantly, how does it make a difference to you as a Jew, and can history repeat itself?

Leaving a Living Legacy: Should You Have an Ethical Will? Part I Mead Dr. Stephen F. Serbin What are your real priorities and core values? How can you transmit your spiritual legacy to your loved ones? This interactive workshop will enable you to compose your own Jewish ethical will.

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 17 Wednesday 10:25–11:50 a.m.

10:25 a.m. — Workshops American Anti-Semitism in the Twentieth Century Sun Court Professor Jonathan Sarna From Henry Ford to the Ku Klux Klan, from World War II to contemporary times: Professor Sarna, the foremost authority on American Jewish history, shares examples of anti-Semitic propaganda and how best to understand it.

The Paradox of Ownership Round Hill Rabbi Efraim Piekarsky Is it yours because you have it, or do you have it because it’s yours? Discover a new relationship with your possessions, as a combination of legal drama and Kabbalistic wisdom weaves a fascinating tapestry around the relationship we have with our stuff.

The Power of the Feminine Riverside Mrs. Chaya Epstein Jewish women have three special mitzvot which serve as spiritual channels for their unique feminine energy. Explore the biblical sources, mystical dimensions, and practical applications of these mitzvot, which represent the core of all of life’s endeavors.

Tiffany, Cartier, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe Mead Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson What do the world’s leading jewelers and the Sixth Rebbe of Chabad have in common? When viewed through the lens of Jewish mysticism, diamonds, pearls, and precious stones reveal gems in the hidden dimensions of the soul. Discover the value of your inner treasure chest.

18 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Wednesday 11:50 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

11:50 a.m. — Workshops Mastering Your Inner Self Riverside Rabbi DovBer Pinson Kabbalistic imagery and positive affirmations can be used to reprogram the way we live our lives. This mystical methodology reveals how to live from the inside out and become a master rather than a victim of circumstance.

Raising Happy Children and Grandchildren Round Hill Mrs. Rivkah Slonim Raising a child is one of life’s greatest privileges and also one of its greatest challenges. A frank, down-to-earth presentation of the most important things we need to know about raising healthy, happy, fulfilled children. For parents and grandparents of children of all ages.

Judaism: A Way of Being Sun Court Professor David Gelernter David Gelernter is a professor of computer science at Yale. He has published and lectured on Judaism’s core themes, including an impassioned and provocative plea for Jews to recognize their religion’s unique relationship to G-d and to Western civilization.

Moshiach: Just the Facts Mead Rabbi Baruch Epstein What will the world look like when Moshiach comes? How can we identify the Moshiach? Many people have misconceptions about the notion of the Redemption, but what are the facts? Maimonides, in his Code of Law, gives specific halachic guidelines that clarify this enigmatic subject.

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 19 Wednesday 1:00–3:30 p.m.

1:00 p.m. — Lunch Regency Ballroom

Poetry Reading: G-d’s Optimism Award winning poet, Yehoshua November, shares his unique style of religious poetry. His poems capture the human drama as the invisible spiritual world and the mundane reality intertwine. November is the winner of the Main Street Rag Poetry Book Award and a finalist for the 2010 L.A. Times Poetry Book Prize.

2:00 p.m. — Workshops Ulysses S. Grant, the Jews, and American Diplomacy Round Hill Professor Jonathan Sarna Discover the story of an American president who both expelled the Jews and came to their aid. In 1870, when Jews in Romania were being massacred, their brethren in the United States found a surprising ally in the President of the United States. Ulysses S. Grant had a history of anti-Semitism but emerged as a strong proponent of human rights.

Is Your Self-Worth Defined by Your Net Worth? Sun Court Rabbi Simon Jacobson From Aristotle to Karl Marx, philosophers throughout history have grappled with the meaning of money and the challenge of building coexisting communities within the context of self-interest and financial competition. The Torah offers a revolutionary economic model, which synthesizes the best of all approaches.

Quantum Entanglement and Torah Mead Professor Alex Poltorak Explore the Torah and Talmud through the eyes of a physicist, and via the prism of quantum mechanics. Professor Poltorak presents “un-orthodox” interpretations of biblical topics such as ritual impurity and the Red Heifer, from the perspective of quantum entanglement.

20 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Wednesday 2:00–4:45 p.m.

A Band of Brothers: Jacob and Esau — A Clash of Civilizations Riverside Mrs. Rivkah Slonim The future of nations is at stake, as Isaac’s twin sons jostle for their father’s legacy blessing. A fascinating text-based study of this dramatic Biblical saga.

3:30 p.m. — Workshops Letters of Light: The Mysticism of the Hebrew Alphabet Round Hill Mrs. Chaya Epstein Unlike most languages, Hebrew letters have multiple meanings and deep symbolism. Discover the secret beauty of the alef bet and its cosmic effect on the physical and spiritual worlds.

Brutally Honest: The Power of Speech Riverside Rabbi Efraim Piekarsky Do you say what you mean, or are you saying it because you are mean? Sometimes telling the truth can be more harmful than helpful. A text-based discussion on the ethics of speech in Jewish Law, including how to improve relationships by avoiding destructive communication.

Reincarnation and the Afterlife Mead Rabbi DovBer Pinson Can we remember past lives? What happens after we die? A glimpse into the journey of the soul on the other side of life’s curtain, including insights into near-death experiences, heaven and hell, and the afterlife journey.

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 21 Wednesday 3:30–6:00 p.m.

Lessons from the Olive Tree: Lecture and Olive Tasting Workshop Sun Court Professor Jon Greenberg An expert botanist uncovers the delights and mystical symbolism of the olive tree. Savor the flavor of a variety of exotic olives and discover the olive’s lessons on faith, Jewish history, and cultivating meaningful relationships.

4:45 p.m. — Workshops Was Moses Orthodox? Round Hill Rabbi Simon Jacobson Or Conservative? Or Reform? For that matter, is G-d Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform? Explore Judaism’s cornerstone theme of unity, and discover fresh ways to introduce a spirit of love and the recognition that we are all part of one spiritual organism.

Poetry Writing Workshop: Session One Riverside Yehoshua November Access your inner poet, as Yehoshua November leads a writing workshop using the Bible as inspiration. November will share insights on writing and creativity, to enable you to compose a poem of your own. In Session Two (tonight at 9:45), bring your poem along to be critiqued. Yehoshua November is the winner of the Main Street Rag Poetry Book Award and a finalist for the 2010 L.A. Times Poetry Book Prize.

Meet a Profound Mentor and Internationally-Recognized Expert on Jewish Philosophy and Mysticism Sun Court Rabbi Elimelech Zweibel Moderator: Rabbi Yisroel Deren A unique opportunity to glimpse behind the scenes and meet with one of Chabad’s most influential thinkers. For the past thirty-five years Rabbi Zweibel has been the teacher and spiritual mentor of a generation of Chabad Rabbis, at the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, NJ. He is a major contributor to this generation’s leading works on chassidic philosophy.

22 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Wednesday 6:00–9:45 p.m.

6:00 p.m. — Minchah Winthrop

6:15 p.m. — Dinner Regency Ballroom

7:45 p.m. Undercover in Damascus: A movie about the life and times of Israel’s greatest spy, Eli Cohen. Sun Court Commentary and insights from guest speaker, Avraham Cohen, brother of Eli Cohen The true story of Eli Cohen, Israel’s most famous spy: Cohen successfully entered the upper echelons of the Syrian government as a double agent. The secrets he obtained proved crucial in Israel’s victory in the 1967 Six-Day War.

9:30 p.m. — Maariv Winthrop

9:45 p.m. — Workshops Poetry Writing Workshop: Session Two Round Hill Yehoshua November Award-winning poet, Yehoshua November, will explore poetry writing techniques and themes. Poems written by participants in Session One (see today at 4:45 p.m.) will be discussed and analyzed. November is the winner of the Main Street Rag Poetry Book Award and a finalist for the 2010 L.A. Times Poetry Book Prize. Come along and access your inner poet!

Late Night with the Scholars Mead Informal Q&A with Rabbi DovBer Pinson on reincarnation, the afterlife, and other matters of the soul.



THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 25 Thursday 7:00–8:00 a.m.

7:00 a.m. — Workshops

Jewish Meditation (women only) Laddins Rock Neria Cohen Begin the day by quieting your mind and focusing your heart. Jewish meditation allows you to experience a profound awareness of your soul. It is deeply relaxing and simultaneously revitalizing.

Service of the Heart: Prayer According to Chassidic Teachings Winthrop Rabbi Baruch Epstein Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with G-d. Beyond a mere translation of the words, what is the experience meant to be? This text-based study of A Tract on Prayer, by the Fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, is a guide to finding a balm for the maladies of the soul.

7:30 a.m. — Shacharit Beginners’ Service for Men Mead Rabbi Chaim Wolosow Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.

Beginners’ Service for Women Laddins Rock Mrs. Chaya Epstein Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.

Advanced Service Winthrop A traditional minyan, designed for men and women fluent in Hebrew reading who regularly participate in organized prayer.

26 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Thursday 8:00–10:25 a.m.

8:00 a.m. — Breakfast Regency Ballroom

9:00 a.m. — Workshops The Kosher Pig Sun Court Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet In the Messianic Era, the pig will be vindicated as a kosher animal. Is it really possible that Jews will be permitted to eat pork? An explanation of the immutability of Torah and the status of the pig in the Messianic Era.

Biblical Botany Round Hill Professor Jon Greenberg In their poetic visions, the biblical prophets make reference to several plant species. What did the prophets intend to convey and how is it relevant to our lives today? Professor Jon Greenberg explores the human psyche through metaphors of agricultural life in the books of the Prophets.

Staying in Touch: You and Your Teenager Riverside Mrs. Bronya Shaffer Discover how you can help your child navigate the passageway between childhood and adulthood. Enable them to find their own unique individual voice, and help them to grow into fully independent individuals, all the while transmitting timeless Torah values.

Defining Our Destinies Mead Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein What role do our beliefs play in the way our lives unfold? A text- based lesson on belief, faith, and optimism, and how they impact our lives.

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 27 Thursday 10:25–11:50 a.m.

10:25 a.m. — Workshops Age of the Universe: Cosmology vs. Torah Riverside Professor Alex Poltorak How do we reconcile the 13-billion-year gap between modern cosmological and traditional Torah calculations of the age of the universe? Dr. Poltorak explores quantum mechanics in search of an answer.

Life as Art: Lessons on Living from the Artistic Process Sun Court Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik Each of us is created in the image of the Ultimate Artist — the Creator of our world. Thus, creating is a core drive within each human being. The artistic process can become Divine service, a vehicle through which we actualize our purpose.

Money Matters: Jewish Business Ethics Round Hill Rabbi Efraim Piekarsky The concerns of the world of commerce and the world of ethics often seem divergent. Gain insight into the fascinating topic of Jewish business ethics, through the lens of the Talmud.

Stairway to Heaven Mead Rabbi Elie Weinstock The order of Jewish prayer is exciting to some and sleep-inducing to others. But when properly understood, it contains the secret for our souls to soar. Examine the structure of the Siddur, and make prayer a meaningful and effective part of your life.

28 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Thursday 11:50 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

11:50 a.m. — Workshops The Honored Dead: A Story of Friendship, Murder, and the Search for Truth in the Arab World Round Hill Joseph Braude The Arab Islamic world is known for religious extremism, ethnic conflicts, and revolution, yet it remains shrouded in mystery. Author Joseph Braude shares behind-the-scenes insights and personal stories, based on four months spent embedded with the Moroccan police in Casablanca.

The Binding of Isaac: Ultimate Sacrifice Sun Court Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet Would a compassionate and loving G-d order the murder of a man’s only son? An in-depth look at the enigmatic tale of Abraham’s sacrifice, its role as a turning point in Jewish thought, and its meaning to each of us in our daily lives.

Torah vs. Science: From Conflict to Partnership Riverside Professor Jon Greenberg Science and Torah are often considered rivals. However, some Biblical puzzles that are usually seen as battlegrounds for science and Judaism reveal surprising ways that Torah and science enrich each other. In addition, taste the original maror plant (the bitter herb of the Passover seder).

Homosexuality and the Jewish Community Mead Mrs. Bronya Shaffer With homosexuality no longer hidden under the Jewish rug, what issues does this raise for the Jewish community, and what is the response? A wise, compassionate, and open discussion of this provocative moral and social issue.


THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 31 Thursday 1:00–3:15 p.m.

1:00 p.m. — Lunch Regency Ballroom

Greetings: David Nesenoff David Nesenoff gained national attention in June 2010 when he posted to his website a video he had made of columnist Helen Thomas making outrageous statements about Jews and Israel. Over the next several days, the video went viral, Thomas resigned her job over this, and Nesenoff received over 25,000 pieces of hate mail, including several death threats.

2:00 p.m. — Workshops Well Over the Past Riverside Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik We all have aspects of our past we wish we could change, even if it’s only regret for what we did not do. How do we get over the past and even transform it into a vital part of today?

The Kabbalah of Cheeseburgers Round Hill Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Did the Torah always forbid mixing milk and meat, or was it originally only a “kid in its mother’s milk”? Is the rationale for the prohibition health-related? This taste of Kabbalistic wisdom will provide mystical insight into Judaism’s most famous culinary mystery. Guaranteed to whet the appetite of scholars and lay people alike.

To Catch an Anti-Semite Sun Court David Nesenoff The viral video of White House correspondent Helen Thomas, proclaiming that Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine” and “go home [to] Poland and Germany,” forced Thomas to resign and catapulted her interviewer, David Nesenoff, into the limelight.

32 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Thursday 2:00–4:30 p.m.

Bris-less in San Francisco Mead Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie The potential ban on circumcision in an American city raises many disturbing questions. What does it mean for the future of Jewish freedom in the U.S.? Who is behind it, and what liberties will be lost next? Explore these questions, as well as the history and mysticism of brit milah.

3:15 p.m. — Workshops Israel and Judaism in the Media Sun Court Featuring Ami Eden and Professor Sam Freedman Moderator: Rabbi David Eliezrie Is Israel its own worst PR enemy or is the mainstream media biased in its reporting? How is Judaism portrayed in the media? Join us for an animated discussion with two media experts: Ami Eden, editor in chief of the Jewish Telegraphic Association (JTA), and Sam Freedman, Religion Columnist for The New York Times and professor of journalism at Columbia University.

Is It a Boy or a Girl? Gender Determination in Talmudic Law Mead Dr. Leah Poltorak When is a child’s gender determined? Does the Talmud’s assertion — that the determination of male gender takes forty days, and female gender, eighty days — conflict with modern scientific research? Biologist Leah Poltorak will address how new genetic research sheds light on this fascinating subject, and its ramification in Jewish law and practice.

Cooking Demonstration: Adventures in Kosher Cuisine Round Hill Mrs. Lévana Kirschenbaum As a mother and a restaurateur, Lévana understands that even gourmet chefs don’t want to spend all day in the kitchen. She therefore keeps the recipes simple, insisting that fresh, natural ingredients will yield fantastic results without a lot of fuss. Learn practical tips and tricks to take home to your kitchen, and taste Lévana’s spectacular creations.

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 33 Thursday 3:15–5:30 p.m.

Jewish Werewolves Riverside Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein Learn about the relationship between the Jewish people and the moon. Where it began, how it affects us, and how it shines the way to a brighter future.

4:30 p.m. — Workshops How American News Affects the Jewish Community Sun Court Featuring William Kristol and Mark Mellman Moderator: Rabbi Levi Shemtov A panel discussion with two of America’s most informed political pundits discussing U.S. policy and Jewish-related issues, from diverse perspectives. William Kristol is a political analyst and editor of The Weekly Standard. He was Chief of Staff for Vice President Dan Quayle and is a regular commentator on Fox News. Mark Mellman is C.E.O. of the polling and consulting firm that has guided the campaigns of sixteen U.S. Senators, eight Governors, and numerous Members of Congress.

Chassidic Song: Language of the Soul (women only) Laddins Rock Mrs. Chavi Epstein In this interactive workshop, Chavi Epstein weaves a tapestry of joy and inspiration, with short stories, mystical insights, and chassidic melodies. Be empowered to find your own inner wellspring of simchah and forge a deeper connection to your soul and to G-d.

The Protective Power of the Mezuzah Round Hill Rabbi Zalman Moshe Abraham Did you ever wonder how a strip of parchment on your doorpost could provide Divine protection? A text-based exploration of primary sources and chassidic insights into the mitzvah of mezuzah.

34 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Thursday 5:30–10:00 p.m.

5:30 p.m. — Minchah Winthrop

Wine Tasting and Chassidic Art Exhibit Regency Ballroom Foyer A variety of wines from the Kedem Company are available for your tasting pleasure. Michoel Muchnik is renowned for his unique style of Jewish art. His paintings, murals, and mosaics depict Jewish symbolism and mysticism, and provide a profound and beautiful window into the spirituality of Judaism.

6:00 p.m. — Dinner Regency Ballroom

Greetings: Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky George Rohr

Presentation: The George Rohr JLI Teen of the Year Award JLI Teens is a dynamic extracurricular program for Jewish High School students, designed to empower teens with a sense of purpose and direction through the study of Torah. This year, two teens are being honored for their leadership initiatives.

Keynote Address: Dennis Prager From Yavneh to Greenwich: The Centrality of Learning in Jewish Life

8:30 p.m. Mordechai Ben David in Concert Regency Ballroom Join chassidic superstar Mordechai Ben David, for an unforgettable mix of traditional and modern Jewish music. Not to be missed, this concert is sure to be a highlight of your stay!

10:00 p.m. — Maariv Winthrop



THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 37 Friday 7:00–9:00 a.m.

7:00 a.m. — Workshops

Jewish Meditation (women only) Laddins Rock Neria Cohen Begin the day by quieting your mind and focusing your heart. Jewish meditation allows you to experience a profound awareness of your soul. It is deeply relaxing and simultaneously revitalizing.

Food for Thought: Chassidic Text Studies Winthrop Rabbi Levi Kaplan Study the daily portion of , the handbook of chassidic philosophy, and begin your morning with an expanded mind.

7:30 a.m. — Shacharit Beginners’ Service for Men Mead Rabbi Sholom Raichik Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.

Beginners’ Service for Women Laddins Rock Mrs. Elka Kaplan Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.

Advanced Service Winthrop A traditional minyan, designed for men and women fluent in Hebrew reading who regularly participate in organized prayer.

8:00 a.m. — Breakfast Regency Ballroom

38 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Friday 9:00–11:50 a.m.

9:00 a.m. — Workshops Happiness Is a Serious Problem Sun Court Dennis Prager Is it human nature to never be completely satisfied with anything? If so, is it possible to really be happy? This nationally syndicated radio host and author offers empowering advice on how to live with joy under any circumstances.

Purpose-Driven Life Round Hill Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein What is your purpose? Or, better yet, what is G-d’s purpose for you? The Torah suggests that our individual purpose has already been set out for us. Be inspired to refocus and commit to your personal mission statement.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…. Riverside Mrs. Rivkah Kotlarsky When the Jewish women contributed their copper mirrors for use in the construction of the Tabernacle, Moses rejected them but G-d loved it and accepted them. Explore the duality and mystery of the mirrors.

The Great Debates Mead Rabbi Tuvia Teldon Finding the right balance between physical and spiritual, and between theoretical and practical, has challenged people since creation. Join us as we delve into four great Talmudic debates to uncover the Jewish answer to these dilemmas.

10:25 a.m. — Workshops The Most Interesting Halachic Questions of the Twentieth Century Riverside Rabbi Yosef Shusterman A variety of fascinating queries brought before rabbis in the last one hundred years. Presented by one of America’s leading halachic authorities.

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 39 Friday 10:25 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Life After Life: Where-To From Here? Sun Court Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet What happens to the body and the soul in the afterlife? A realistic and practical look at Torah sources for this fundamental Jewish belief.

Six Million Crucifixions: The Role of Christian Teachings in the Holocaust Round Hill Gabriel Wilensky What motivated ordinary citizens throughout Europe to drag thousands of Jewish men, women, and children to forests and shoot them at close range, day after day? An in-depth look at the role of Christian ideology and the Church during the Holocaust, as well as the Vatican’s involvement in helping war criminals escape after the war.

Challah Baking With the Rebbetzins Regency Ballroom Mrs. Goldie Plotkin and Mrs. Chavi Epstein The aroma of freshly baked challah wafting through a home on Friday afternoon is a spiritual and physical delight to the senses. Mix, knead, and braid in this hands-on, elbow-deep workshop on traditional challah baking, with a few mystical secrets thrown in for good measure.

11:50 a.m. — Workshops The Chassidic Version of Healthy Self-Esteem Round Hill Rabbi Manis Friedman Rabbi Manis Friedman takes us on a journey where psychology ends and Kabbalah begins. Explore the classic chassidic text known as the Tanya, which teaches us how to understand and maximize the power of our soul.

40 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Friday 11:50 a.m.–3:15 p.m.

Jewish Medical Ethics Through the Eyes of Maimonides Sun Court Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman Join an expert in Jewish medical ethics, to discover what Maimonides has to say about preventative medicine, the separation of Siamese twins, stem cell research, end of life issues, and more.

King Solomon’s Seven Secrets to a Successful Marriage Riverside Rabbi Avraham and Mrs. Goldie Plotkin A panel discussion on the laughter and pain of getting along with your soul mate.

GPS: Great Parenting Strategies Torah Tools for Future Leaders Mead Mrs. Chaya Teldon What does Judaism have to offer in terms of concrete parenting tools? Is there really such a thing as a blessing in a skinned knee?

1:00 p.m. — Lunch Regency Ballroom

Special Greetings: David Magerman President and founder of the Kohelet Foundation

2:00 p.m. — Workshops The History of Jewish Medical Students Through the Ages Riverside Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman Edward Reichman has the unique perspective of being both an ordained rabbi and a doctor (at Montefiore Medical Center, in the Bronx, N.Y.). Throughout the centuries, Jewish medical practitioners have faced unique challenges ranging from the social and cultural to the halachic.

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 41 Friday 2:00–5:00 p.m.

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? A Novel Approach to an Age-Old Question Round Hill Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet From personal to global suffering, this lecture explores a sensitive approach to dealing with adversity, to make sense of seemingly senseless suffering. The Jewish perspective enables us to lay the groundwork for understanding G-d’s justice.

The Transparent Self Sun Court Rabbi Manis Friedman In the classic chassidic text, the Tanya, the Alter Rebbe reveals the deepest levels of the soul. He explains that due to the spark of infinity in the soul of every Jew, everyone, regardless of their level of knowledge, is prepared to sacrifice their life for the sanctity of G-d’s Name, and to suffer harsh torture rather than deny G-d’s unity.

Cooking Demonstration: Lévana’s Table Mead Mrs. Lévana Kirschenbaum A demonstration in natural, nutritious kosher cuisine with celebrity chef Lévana Kirschenbaum, focusing on Shabbat cooking. Lévana’s humor and style make the preparation of exotic gourmet cuisine seem easy. Learn practical tips and tricks to take home to your kitchen, and taste Lévana’s spectacular creations.

3:30 p.m. — Free Time Nature Hike and Chat: The Challenges and Rewards of the Ba’al Teshuvah (by advanced reservation only) Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie A special nature excursion to The Greenwich Audubon Center. This 295-acre sanctuary has miles of trails that lead to a hardwood forest, old fields, lake, streams and vernal ponds. Reminders of the past are the stone walks, an old apple orchard and original New England homestead buildings. Rabbi Eliezrie will provide an opportunity to candidly discuss issues that face the recently observant.

42 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Friday 3:30–8:45 p.m.

Retreat Lay Leadership Advisory Board Riverside Led by Rabbi Hesh Epstein and Dr. Stephen F. Serbin, Chairman of the National Jewish Retreat Lay Leadership Advisory Board The National Jewish Retreat invites you to share your feedback about the retreat and discuss plans for a Retreat Lay Leadership Advisory Board. A grassroots focus group will help guide the retreat into the future, providing input on topics, location, speakers, and much more. Get involved and impact the future!

5:00 p.m. — Pre-Shabbat Reception Light refreshments will be served. Winfield

6:00 p.m. — Workshop Welcoming Shabbat with Yedid Nefesh Sun Court Rabbi Manis Friedman Open your mind, heart, and soul to the spirit of Shabbat. Yedid Nefesh is a beautiful poem sung prior to the Kabbalat Shabbat service. Explore its mystical meaning and press the weekly reset button in your relationship with G-d.

6:45 p.m. Candle Lighting Regency Ballroom Foyer

Minchah and Kabbalat Shabbat Sun Court

7:45 p.m. — Shabbat Dinner Regency Ballroom

Keynote Address Three Generations of Jewish Leadership in Connecticut Rabbi Yisroel Deren, Rabbi Yossi Deren, and Menachem Deren Three generations of Chabad shluchim in Connecticut share their inspiring story.


SHABBAT AUGUST 20 כ‘ מנחם אב


THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 45 Shabbat 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m. — Light Breakfast Regency Ballroom

8:30 a.m. — Workshops Dew, Manna, and Mercy: A Divine Recipe! Riverside Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Prepare for Shabbat Morning Prayer with a mind-expanding chassidic discourse authored by the first Rebbe of Chabad. Discover the secret of inner spiritual consciousness with this advanced, text-based, kabbalistic analysis of the heavenly food that sustained the Israelites for forty years in the desert.

Torah Portion-Eikev-Keeping the Passion Alive Mead Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie In this week’s Parsha we find the second paragraph of the Shema which instructs us to love G-d with all our heart and all our soul. What does it really mean, what else can this prayer we read daily teach us. Join us for a stimulating conversation.

9:15 a.m. — Shacharit Beginners’ Service for Men Winthrop Rabbi Yossi Schanowitz Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.

Beginners’ Service for Women Laddins Rock Mrs. Devorah Schanowitz Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast paced Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.

Advanced Service Sun Court With Cantor Levi Kaplan A traditional minyan, designed for men and women fluent in Hebrew reading who regularly participate in organized prayer.

46 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Shabbat 9:15 a.m.–2:00 p.m.

No Jew Will Be Left Behind Sermon by Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet Thousands of years ago the prophets foretold of the ingathering of the exiles. But in an ever changing world where so many people seem to have drifted from their Jewish roots, how will this prophetic dream become a reality?

12:00 p.m. — Kiddush Enjoy a light buffet. A full Shabbat lunch will be served at 2:00 p.m. Regency Ballroom Foyer

12:45 p.m. — Workshops Playing by the Rules: Your Guide to a Better Understanding of the Laws of Shabbat Riverside Rabbi Yosef Shusterman Can I play Scrabble, use roller blades, take a shower, wind a watch, or open a box of cereal on Shabbat? This is your chance to get definitive and authoritative answers. No more guessing, asking a friend, or just avoiding the situation entirely.

How to Stay Inspired Sun Court Rabbi Manis Friedman How can we maintain the spark of spiritual inspiration when faced with life’s daily challenges? Deeds devoid of feeling might seem empty and forced, but the story of the prophet Elisha shows how the flow of inspiration is stimulated by an empty vessel.

Future Challenge — When Fathers Become Mothers and Mothers Have Udders Round Hill Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman Unprecedented developments in science and medicine present unique moral and halachic dilemmas. Reichman, who has the unique perspective of being both a physician and a rabbi, will explore issues of maternity, animal-human combinations, population genetics, and new frontiers in the understanding of coma and the persistent vegetative state.

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 47 Shabbat 12:45–6:00 p.m.

Finding True Love: Ancient Advice for a Modern Dilemma Mead Rabbi Mendel Kaplan There is a custom to recite a chapter of Ethics of our Fathers (Pirkei Avot) each Shabbat during the summer. This week, the sages explore a fascinating insight into the nature of unconditional love.

2:00 p.m. — Shabbat Lunch Regency Ballroom

From Peace Rallies to JLI: A Personal Journey Mrs. Gani Goodman

Keynote Address: Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky Vice Chairman, Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch — Lubavitch World Headquarters; Chairman, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute

3:15 p.m. — Free Time

4:00 p.m. — Workshops ! A Traditional Chassidic Repast for Mind, Heart, and Soul A farbrengen is an informal gathering where insightful thoughts and powerful stories are shared in an atmosphere of warmth, camaraderie, and inspiration.

Farbrengen for Men: The New Age Moral Revolution and Torah’s Timeless Response Mead Rabbi Mendel Kaplan and Rabbi Chaim Wolosow What’s learned in a class or lecture is stored in the mind; what’s learned at a farbrengen is engraved in the heart. Join us for an empowering session of unplugged spirituality and Torah wisdom.

Farbrengen for Women: Jewish Cosmology Riverside Rabbi Manis Friedman A mystical discussion about how the universe came to be, and why women should care.

48 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Shabbat 6:00–8:30 p.m.

6:00 p.m. — Workshops The Biggest Losers Mead Mrs. Molly Resnick With the latest spate of politicians destroying promising careers through imprudent choices, many of us may have wondered: What makes famous people do foolish things? Former NBC producer Molly Resnick provides an insider’s perspective.

Myths and Misconceptions in Jewish Law Round Hill Rabbi Yosef Shusterman Over the years, mistaken and fabricated notions concerning Jewish law have slipped into the common knowledge-base of society. In this insightful class, Rabbi Shusterman will debunk many of these myths to set matters straight once and for all.

King David and the Psalms Riverhead Rabbi Chaim Block King David: a king, a warrior, a poet, and a scholar. Relive the trials and triumphs of the most colorful personality in Jewish history. Through this interactive lesson, you will discover why our people have turned to the Psalms for solace and strength throughout the ages.

Can We Really Alter Our Destiny? Sun Court Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet On the High Holidays we reflect on our past and pray for a sweet future. We repeat in unison that Teshuvah (repentance), Tefilah (prayer), and Tzedakah (charity) will avert negative decrees. What is the secret of these three, and how can they change the mind of an omniscient G-d?

7:00 p.m. — Minchah Sun Court

7:30 p.m. — Seudah Shelishit (Third Shabbat Meal) Regency Ballroom

Greetings from JLI’s Sinai Scholars Society

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 49 Shabbat 7:30–10:45 p.m.

The Art of Jewish Storytelling Rabbi Manis Friedman Stories are the bedrock of the Jewish tradition. Is there a correct way to tell a Jewish story?

8:30 p.m. — Maariv Sun Court 8:40 p.m. — Havdalah Service SUNDAY Atrium

10:00 p.m. Regency Ballroom AUGUST 21 The National Jewish Retreat: Taking It Home כ“א מנחם אב Rabbi Efraim Mintz Executive Director, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute

“Challenge” In this inspiring video excerpt the Rebbe edifies growth, responsibility, and love. In all matters of life, the Rebbe teaches, one must never cease to strive ever higher.

Jewish Dating, Marriage, and Other Comedies Marc Weiner Comedian Marc Weiner entertains with a hilarious spoof on the often bizarre world of Jewish dating and marriage.

10:45 p.m. Melave Malkah Regency Ballroom Experience the afterglow of Shabbat as we escort the departing Shabbat Queen. The tradition includes telling stories about the Ba’al Shem Tov, the founder of Chassidism.


THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 51 Sunday 7:30–9:15 a.m.

7:30 a.m. — Workshops Food for Thought: Chassidic Text Studies Winthrop Rabbi Levi Kaplan Study the daily portion of Tanya, the handbook of chassidic philosophy, and begin your morning with an expanded mind.

8:00 a.m. — Shacharit Beginners’ Service for Men Mead Rabbi Mendel Katzman Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.

Beginners’ Service for Women Laddins Rock Mrs. Stella Eliezrie Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.

Advanced Service Winthrop A traditional minyan, designed for men and women fluent in Hebrew reading who regularly participate in organized prayer.

8:30 a.m. — Breakfast Regency Ballroom

9:00 a.m. Resource Fair Regency Ballroom Foyer and Hallways An incredible opportunity to shop for Judaica, art, books, kosher foods, wine, and religious articles from nearby vendors, all in one place. We have assembled the top vendors, and they are offering their goods at great prices. So shop a little!

52 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Sunday 9:15–10:30 a.m.

9:15 a.m. — Workshops The Living Torah: Understanding the Relationship Between our Written and Oral Traditions Riverside Rabbi Chaim Block Explore the development of Jewish law and how ancient halachic principals are applied to modern day issues and dilemmas.

Oh Happy Days Sun Court Rabbi Chaim Wolosow A dynamic discussion of the historical events surrounding the most joyful day in Jewish history as recorded in the Talmud. An excellent review for advanced Talmud students and a cogent introduction for the beginner.

Leaving a Living Legacy: Should you have an Ethical Will? Part II Mead Dr. Stephen F. Serbin This interactive workshop will review selections of Jewish ethical wills dating back 1000 years. Audience members will be encouraged to present excerpts from their own spiritual testaments written earlier in the week.

Moshiach: A Spiritual Revolution Round Hill Rabbi Meir Levinger In the messianic age, G-dliness will pervade existence in a revealed way, and our relationship with spirituality will be markedly different from our current experience. Explore the true nature of “the redemption” and what it will be like to live in a spiritual utopia.

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 53 Sunday 10:30–11:45 a.m.

10:30 a.m. — Workshops “My Sister’s Keeper” in Jewish Law Sun Court Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman Jodi Picoult’s fictional novel, about a child born to provide life for her sick sister, raises complex medical ethical dilemmas. Topics for discussion include pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, the savior sibling, living organ donation from minors and adults, and the definition of death. You do not need to have read the book to enjoy this lecture.

Marriage, Divorce, and the Abandoned Wife in Jewish Law Riverside Rabbi Yosef Shusterman A fascinating foray into the complex and often misunderstood world of Jewish marriage and divorce law, through the magnifying lens of the Bible, the Talmud, case law, and chassidic philosophy.

Postmodern Liberalism Round Hill Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein Judaism teaches us how to be an open-minded and accepting person while still maintaining our own unique individuality.

To Pray as a Woman (women only) Meade Mrs. Stella Eliezrie Judaism has a unique tradition of women’s personal supplications. Examine and explore the history of some of these prayers and learn how to compose a personal techinah.

54 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT Sunday 11:45 a.m.–2:00 p.m.

11:45 a.m. — Workshops Crossfire! Sun Court Rabbi Yosef Shusterman, Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, and Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman. Moderator: Mrs. Molly Resnick You’ve got questions, they’ve got answers! An opportunity to debate and pit your wits against four highly intelligent and knowledgeable Rabbis. No subject too controversial, no challenge shirked.

1:00 p.m. — Lunch Regency Ballroom

2:00 p.m. — Farewell

Bus Trip to the

Location: Meet at the Hotel Rear Parking Lot Who is the Rebbe, and why do Jews and non-Jews from all walks of life come from around the world to the Rebbe’s resting place for blessing, spiritual guidance, and inspiration? Join us on a journey to a gravesite in Queens that has become, for so many, a nexus of this world and the next. Please see the front desk by Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. to register. Departure times will be determined by registration.


The Seventh Annual National Jewish Retreat

JULY 31–AUGUST 5, 2012 י“ב-י“ז מנחם אב תשע“ב

We hope and pray that next year’s retreat will be with Moshiach in the holy city of Jerusalem.

לשנה הבאה בירושלים

THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 57 Friends I met at the retreat

58 NATIONAL JEWISH RETREAT THE HYATT REGENCY - GREENWICH, CT 59 JLI retreat 2011 - Program Guide Cover 8/1/2011 5:22 PM Page 1

In appreciation to George & Pamela Rohr In the merit of bringing the concept of the The Luxurious Hyatt Regency Jewish Learning Retreat to fruition and their ongoing efforts to bring the love of Torah to Jews worldwide, Old Greenwich, CT may our words of study here stand them in good stead. August 16–21, 2011 May G-d grant them and all their loved ones ט״ז—כ״א מנחם אב תשע״א health and happiness and may they be blessed with extraordinary success in all their endeavors. Program


Brought to you by: The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute The Adult Education Arm of Chabad Lubavitch A Division of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch 822 Eastern Parkway | Brooklyn, NY 11213 Tel 718.221.6900 Fax 718.221.6907 Web www.myJLI.com