free Volume 36 • #24 • December 15, 2012

Happy Holidays to Our Troops and Their Families!

INSIDE: ZERO DARK THIRTY A Soldier’s Story Christmas Trivia + More

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The Military Press Decmber 15, 2012 Publisher Richard T. Matz Editor / Design Trevor Watson Customer Service Manager Carol Williams Advertising Manager Valerie Swaine Sales Director — Multimedia Mike Miller Account Representatives: Michelle Hull Mandie Matz Michael Riches Public Relations ‘Zero Dark Thirty’: Hunting Down Lisa Matz Osama Bin Laden All Over Again Production / Web Manager By Richard Lawson | The Atlantic Wire Sandra Powers hen, late on a Sunday night, Barack Distribution Obama went on television to announce Ernest Moralez, Dennis Winks Wthat Osama bin Laden, mastermind of the September 11th terrorist attacks, had been 9715 Carroll Centre Road, killed by Navy SEALs, Americans, or at least Suite #104 those paying attention, were seized by a strange San Diego, CA 92126 dichotomy. There were those who celebrated — Tel 858.537.2280 most famously, right outside the White House — and those who felt that maybe celebration was the wrong response, inexact and tasteless. Our biggest bogeyman — an emblem, terror- ism incarnate — had been taken out, but did we WIN MOVIE TICKETS continues on page 9> continues on page 12> Who played ‘Kris Kringle’ in the movie “Miracle On 34th St.”? The Military Press Newsmagazine is published semi-monthly on the 1st and the 15th by Military Press Newspaper, a commercial, free-enterprise news- Email answer, name and address to: paper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial [email protected] objective of the Military Press is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of the writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publisher. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Military Press Newspaper. Consumers Entry automatically signs you up should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. for our newsletter. Subscription by mail is $50 per year to CONUS or FPO addresses. For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 3 Commentary We Say ‘Bah Humbug’ to OBAMACARE By Aylene Senger, In a 2009 in- the other. a reminder of the other promises the Morning Bell terview, Presi- The man- President and his health care law are This year, House Minority Leader dent Obama date is in fact responsible for breaking: Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) almost called argued that a tax, and it’s Obamacare’s individual mandate a his individual just one of Promise #1: “Under my tax, stopping mid-word to call it a mandate was many new tax- “penalty”. White House Chief of Staff not a tax in- es that hit the plan, no family making Jack Lew and other spokespersons crease, stating, middle class less than $250,000 a year echoed this talking point. This is in “I absolutely in Obamacare. spite of last week’s Supreme Court rul- reject that no- Lo and be- will see any form of tax ing that deemed the mandate uncon- tion.” hold, another increase.” stitutional under both the Commerce But now, broken prom- Reality: The individual mandate is Clause and the Necessary and Proper President ise. President far from alone on Heritage’s lengthy Clause, but ruled that it could stand Obama must Obama claims list of Obamacare’s new taxes and as part of Congress’s authority to “lay now admit it’s that the man- penalties, many of which will heavily and collect taxes.” a tax or admit date is holding impact the middle class. Altogether, Dubbing the individual mandate a the mandate people respon- Obamacare’s taxes and penalties will tax saved the President’s health care is unconstitu- sible, keep- accumulate an additional $500 billion law, but it’s a concept that President tional. It’s can ing with that in new revenue over a 10-year period. Obama himself has strongly denied. only be one or spirit, here’s Yesterday, a senior economist for The Wall Street Journal revealed that 75 percent of Obamacare’s new taxes will be paid for by American families mak- ing under $120,000 a year. Among the taxes that will hit the middle class are WE HONOR OUR MILITARY the individual mandate, a 2.3 percent excise tax on medical devices, a 10 percent excise tax on indoor tanning, As Much As An Honor and an increase of the floor on medical It Was For You To Serve deductions from 7.5 percent of adjust- ed gross income to 10 percent. Our Country... It Is Our Honor Promise #2: “If you like your health care plan, To Serve You! you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period.” KIDS WELCOME Reality: Research continues to SENIOR & STUDENT DISCOUNTS! show that as many as 30 percent of PROFESSIONAL TRAINED STAFF! employers will dump their employees from their existing health care cov- GRAND OPENING erage. The Administration itself has admitted that “as a practical matter, • Cosmetic Bonding & Veneers a majority of group health plans will • Oral Cancer Screening WE ACCEPT lose their grandfather status by 2013.” • Teeth Whitening TRI-CARE • Crowns & Bridges INSURANCE FREE Promise #3: “I will not • Extractions sign a plan that adds one • Emergency Care Teeth Whitening dime to our deficits— • Mercury-Free Restoration For ALL MILITARY DEPENDENTS • Root anal Therapy Now either now or in the fu- 18 Years & Up. Limited Time Only. • Preventive Care Open ture.” • Dentures Reality: As Heritage analysts ex- Saturdays! plain, “A close examination of what • Gum Therapy Your insurance covers of your initial visit [the Congressional Budget Office] 100% said, as well as other evidence, makes it clear that the deficit reduction as- Visit Us At Our NEW & CONVENIENT LOCATION NEAREST YOU! sociated with [Obamacare] is based on budget gimmicks, sleights of hand, accounting tricks, and completely im- plausible assumptions. A more honest accounting reveals the new law as a Make trillion-dollar budget buster.” your Promise #4: “I will pro- appointment tect Medicare.” 3753 Mission Ave., Suite 116 today! 138 Civic Center Dr. Suite 115 Reality: A Heritage Factsheet Oceanside, CA 92058 Vista, CA 92084 shows the various ways Obamacare ends Medicare as we know it, includ- 760-721-8888 760-630-5000 ing severe physician reimbursement Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. cuts that threaten seniors’ access to Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. care and putting an unelected board of bureaucrats in charge of meeting PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY Medicare’s new spending cap. FOR OVER 20 YEARS 4 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS Promise #5: “I will sign increase premiums instead of reduc- ing health care costs. Requirements a universal health care that plans allow young adults to stay bill into law by the end on their parents’ coverage and of- fer preventive services with no cost of my first term as presi- sharing are already leading to higher dent that will cover ev- growth in premiums. When polled, 70 percent of Ameri- ery American and cut cans held an unfavorable view of the the cost of a typical fam- individual mandate. It’s doubtful that ily’s premium by up to calling it a “tax” will dramatically change their opinion. Now that Obam- $2,500 a year.” acare and its broken promises remain Reality: Obamacare does not ac- the law of the land, it’s up to the Amer- complish universal coverage; it leaves ican people to see to it that the law 26 million Americans without insur- is ultimately repealed by Congress. ance. Moreover, Heritage research Then, they can move forward with real outlines 12 ways that Obamacare will reform that puts patients’ need From Readers The following letter is a response correspondence between Richard Matz, Military Press Publisher, and one of our readers, printed in the Dec. 1, 2012 issu.

Richard, I just finished reading the 1 Decem- dollars of debt ber 12 edition of The Military Press. and no budget I respect the “unsigned author’s re- for the past four buttal to your commentary piece (1 years and none in Richard Matz, July 2012 issue). I also value his ser- sight for the fore- Publisher vice to our nation and to his contin- seeable future? ued service in the community as a so- Why should we “support” a com- cial worker and probation officer. He’s plete lack of transparency? a servant and patriot and I know you Why should we “support” those agree that those two facts alone are to who don’t support our U.S. Constitu- be respected and admired... tion? However, I’m continually flabber- We’re NOT “Sheople!” As such, gasted nowadays at how some of our “We the People” SHOULD exercise military members (active duty and our voices and votes MORE and loud- veteran) seem to feel that there’s an er... obligated allegiance to the POTUS. As you’re aware, in our military I served my country 30 plus years Oaths of Enlistment/Office, we swear and proudly wore the uniform of a (or affirm) to SUPPORT AND DE- United States Marine. During that FEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE time, I led, gave and followed orders. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA However, I readily admit that I AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN didn’t “like” or agree with many of AND DOMESTIC...We do NOT swear those orders and policies. I followed (or affirm) to “support and defend” those that were “lawful.” Nor did I the POTUS. “respect” ALL Presidents or all elect- Richard, I “salute” you on exercis- ed officials... Instead, I respected my ing your rights and responsibilities country, our flag, our way of life, etc. as an American citizen - Freedom of And to this day, I still do! Speech. I beg to differ with the unnamed Richard, please continue to “tell reader... Our system DOES NOT “put it like it is”...Please continue to state them in charge” of our country. In- the case and share the facts. Shy away stead, it’s “We the People” who are from being “PC” and sugar-coating (or should be) “in charge” of our coun- the message or medicine. There aren’t try. They “serve” us not the other way many others left who have the will around. or courage to do so...The main (lame) And “We the People” should be stream media sure doesn’t! plenty “angry” with the lack of ac- Lastly, and in all fairness maybe countability in OUR current “system.” that’s why the unnamed reader takes Regarding “support,” in good con- exception with your commentary. science how (why) should we support Semper Fidelis, rampant corruption, greed, etc.? Frank Pulley Why should we support trillions Sergeant Major, USMC (Ret.)

For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 5 Sports

muhammaduhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay,ali Jr.; January 17, 1942) is an American former professional boxer, philanthro- Mpist and social activist. Considered a cultural icon, Ali has both been idolized and vilified. Originally known as Cassius Clay, at the age of 22 he won the world heavyweight championship from Sonny Liston. Ali changed his name after joining the Nation of Islam in 1964, subsequently converting to Sunni Islam in 1975. In 1967, three years after Ali had won the heavy- weight championship, he was publicly vilified for his refusal to be con- scripted into the U.S. military, based on his religious beliefs and opposi- tion to the Vietnam War. His 1966 statement, “Man, I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong”, was one of the more telling remarks of that era. Ali was eventually arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges; he was stripped of his boxing title, and his boxing license was suspended. He was not imprisoned, but did not fight again for nearly four years while his appeal worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it was eventually successful. Ali would go on to become the first and only three-time lineal World Heavyweight Champion. Nicknamed “The Greatest,” Ali was involved in sev- eral historic boxing matches. Notable among these were three with rival Joe Frazier, which are considered among the greatest in boxing history, and one with George Fore- man, where he finally regained his stripped titles seven years later. Ali was well known for his unorthodox fight- ing style, epitomized by his catchphrase “float like a but- terfly, sting like a bee”, and employing techniques such as the Ali Shuffle and the rope-a-dope. Ali brought beauty and grace to the most uncompromising of sports and through the wonderful excesses of skill and character, he became the most famous athlete in the world. He was also known for his pre-match hype, where he would “trash talk” opponents, often with rhymes. In 1999, Ali was crowned “Sportsman of the Century” by Sports Illustrated and “Sports Personality of the Century” by the BBC.


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Manny Pacquiao returns to Philippines after defeat: “We will rise again”

anny Pacquiao has returned to the Philippines after his knockout loss to MJuan Manuel Marquez, saying he will fight again despite some members of his family imploring him to retire. Shortly after arriving in Manila on Wednesday, Pacquiao told fans “we will rise again” and “there will be future fights.” He says he will rest for five months before going back to the ring. Government officials and fans carrying signs that read “you’re still our great- est champion and hero” welcomed Pacquiao and his wife Jinkee at the airport.

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8 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS dren — and yet we are still, maybe shamefully, rah-rah-ing along with our guys. I suppose that, as in the analysis scenes, we may simply be cheering for jobs done as well as they can be done, but I also felt an uncomfortable twinge of jingoism rising up in me while I watched this Continued hushed, nighttime raid. Bigelow’s really want to cheer for death? And film resonates and connects on mul- what did Osama bin Laden amount to, tiple levels. We have the prodigous- exactly, in 2011, nearly ten years after ly answered intellectual curiosity he’d pulled off his most infamous act? about how this guy got found, there’s We were quickly distracted from that the cool vision of investigative and quandary by the action-movie plot of it technical mastery, and there’s a qui- all, as we learned details about a place eter vein of introspection that car- called Abbottabad, about ries the film the mighty SEAL Team 6, to its mysteri- about the strange things In its length and up-close intensity, Zero Dark Thirty struck me as almost a geopolitical ous final shot. found in bin Laden’s com- version of David Fincher’s Zodiac, another movie about an individual consumed with Bigelow closes pound (porn, namely). But her film not what was lost in all these a hunt that most others have given up. Of course that story ends, excruciatingly, with with a grand exciting bits of narrative, nothing but a big and shadowy question mark, whereas we know where Zero Dark pullback on perhaps, and in the torn the World emotions of a country un- Thirty is ultimately headed. Trade Center sure of what, exactly, it had or some bit of “won,” were the real nuts where Zero Dark Thirty is ultimately world — Maya realizes she may have follow-up text. Instead we are with and bolts and process of the years-long headed. Still, Bigelow and Boal make just stumbled on bin Laden himself. one person, on an airplane, heading to hunt for this Big Bad Man. And so, in some salient points by highlighting Though the eventual raid on the Ab- destination unknown. There’s a sense an effort to sift through the histori- Maya’s near-crazed fixation and alien- bottabad compound is a foregone con- of weariness here, and also a faint cal data and explain to us how this all ation; what good is chasing down one clusion, the lead-up to the event is still note of dissatisfaction. What have we went down, director Kathryn Bigelow symbol at the expense of ignoring all freighted with a kind of logistical sus- just watched, really? Or rather, what has made Zero Dark Thirty, a long and of that for which it stands? Of course pense. By now we’ve spent two hours does what we just watched actually sober and thoroughly compelling ac- other arms of the CIA were investigat- rattling around inside Maya’s head, signify? That we spent these millions count of CIA people treading moral ing elsewhere while Maya was buried and so the notion she might finally be of dollars to finally track down this lines and sifting through piles of noth- in a pile of satellite images and nom- proven right feels of vital importance. one man has been used as a warning ing to find one seven-foot Saudi. mes de guerre, but the film does point And of course she is, and the film’s to other would-be terrorist leaders, as Our follow car through this nearly- to unthwarted post-9/11 terrorist at- climax shows us the SEALs — among a key talking point for a beleaguered a-decade span is a young CIA officer tacks like the 7/7 bombings in London them Joel Edgerton and a disarmingly president, and perhaps as a means of named Maya, played with theatrical as a way of dismayingly suggesting goofy Chris Pratt — doing their thrill- closure for those grieving for loved vigor by Jessica Chastain and based that the Western world’s intelligence ing, deadly work. It’s honestly difficult ones lost eleven years ago. And yet, on a real person — a lot of this movie is agencies were perhaps looking in the to not forget one’s political convictions it was just a man, despite Maya’s con- real, and in new and surprising ways, wrong direction, toward revenge and at this point in the movie, so awed are tinued insistence that he represented which makes it newsy and relevant reprisal rather than larger-reaching we by the majesty and efficiency of something bigger. I don’t think the air here and now, three weeks before its prevention. But somehow, despite all our sleek, technological armed forces. of anticlimax and unsettlement in the release. At the beginning of the film, that, we are still instep with Maya, Oh, how those stealth helicopters whir film’s final moments is unintentional. Maya is new to the field, arriving in even as she suffers setback after set- through the night! My, how precise and To mangle a line from Saving Private Pakistan and going straight to a brutal back, essentially relegated to the Fox forceful these highly skilled killing Ryan, another movie about brave peo- water-boarding interrogation. She’s Mulder crackpot wing of the agency. machines look as they bust open doors ple searching for an individual in the hesitant and off-put — she looks away Eventually, though, she gets a and clear rooms! Bigelow does not shy midst of anonymous chaos, in all this at particularly gnarly moments — but break. While trying to find a guy who away from the fact that these men mess, what does one man really mean? Maya is not, it’s carefully pointed out, she believes to be bin Laden’s chief are invading a home filled with non- without spine or conviction. That the courier — his liaison to the outside combatants — namely wives and chil- film opens with such a graphic depic- tion of torture is both unnerving and oddly welcome. Yes, OK, here you go. Right out front for all to see. This is how information was found, this is $ Hurry! 2999 Limited Time the anonymous, spirited away origin The Clear Alternative to Braces FREE Consultation Offer! of the great patriotic deed. And Big- Payment’s as low as $125/mo interest free. Military Insurance accepted elow is careful not to editorialize on the matter. We are simply seeing $ what happened. But there is a sense, 25% off 35 Oral HPV & throughout the opening sequence, Veneers that bigger issues are afoot. Whether Cancer Screening As seen on Bigelow or her screenwriter Mark Boal $ ® are pro-torture in cases like these, or 199 Zoom The Doctors & Dr. Oz vehemently against it entirely, is not (Regularly $75) really the point; that America em- Teeth whitening ployed such ugly means, by way of our Military Experienced, version of the good guys, very much PREFERRED Military Proud, is: The usefulness of torture is one of PROVIDER Military Friendly Zero Dark Thirty’s several hard and FOR MILITARY unflinching and deliberately present- DEPENDENTS ed truths. In its length and up-close intensity, Zero Dark Thirty struck me as almost a geopolitical version of Da- vid Fincher’s Zodiac, another movie about an individual consumed with a hunt that most others have given up. Of course that story ends, excruciat- ingly, with nothing but a big and shad- Most Insurance accepted & payment plans available. owy question mark, whereas we know In-House Insurance plans available. Call for details on all offers. For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 9 Gossip JENNIFER LAWRENCE “World’s Most Desirable Woman”

fter more than 2.4 million votes most closely match their ideals. These were cast internationally, Hun- men were tasked with voting on more Ager Games’ humble yet fierce than just sex appeal, taking into ac- Jennifer Lawrence took the number count character, intelligence, talent, one position on AskMen’s “Top 99 sense of humor, professional success, Most Desirable Women” list. In the achievements in 2012 and potential poll, which surveyed AskMen readers, for 2013. Lawrence shot up ahead of her Holly- Lawrence’s victory follows an in- wood peers, including Kristen Stewart credible 2012 for the 22-year-old star- (No. 7), Jessica Biel (No. 24), Charlize let, whose breakout performances in Theron (No.97) and reality TV star Hunger Games and Silver Lining Play- Kim Kardashian, who dropped from book turned the heads of men world- No. 8 on last year’s list to No. 98 this wide and pinned her as the next big year. thing. Lawrence is followed by TED The 12th edition of the Top 99 actress Mila Kunis, who has consis- Most Desirable Women poll, calls on tently appeared on AskMen’s Top 99 AskMen readers to elect women who since 2008 a Sports Illustrated turned

Vogue model Kate Upton stayed high up on the list, landing at No. 3, drop- ping only one spot from the 11th edi- tion of the list. With more than 40% of the women on the list appearing for the first time, it’s fair to say there is a new breed of strong and independent women tak- ing over. Take Lawrence’s No. 1 rank- ing after her fearless roles, or Claire Danes, who earned an Emmy this year for her standout performance on Homeland, at No. 20. Anne Hathaway shaved her head for her dramatic role in Les Miserables and came in at No. 47. Other powerful women on the list include Marissa Mayer, President and CEO of Yahoo!, at No. 59, First Lady Michelle Obama at No. 33 and Nadezh- da Tolokonnikova of Russian activist- punk group Pussy Riot at No. 85. James Bassil, Editor-In-Chief of AskMen, commented, “The top-rated women on AskMen’s 12th edition of the Top 99 Most Desirable Women list speaks to men’s growing comfort with strong and independent partners. While undeniably successful candi- dates like Marissa Mayer have rock- eted up the list, the more ambiguous “career” women – like Kim Kardashi- an – have plummeted on it.”

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For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 11 Christmas Classics

Kris Kringle aka Edmund Gwen

Born Edmund John Kellaway in Wandsworth, London and educated at St. Olave’s School and later at King’s College London, Gwenn began his acting career in the theatre in 1895. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) the main Macy’s outlet. While he is to notice there is something special Gwenn’s career was interrupted by his successful, Ms. Walker learns that about Kris and his determination to military service during World War I; At the Macy’s Department Store he calls himself Kris Kringle and he advance the true spirit of Christmas however, after the war, he began ap- Thanksgiving Day parade, the ac- claims to be the actual . amidst the rampant commercialism pearing in films in London. (Cecil Kel- tor playing Santa is discovered to be Despite reassurances by Kringle’s around him and succeeding in improb- laway was his cousin and Arthur Ches- drunk by a whiskered old man. Do- doctor that he is harmless, Doris still able ways. ney was his brother.) ris Walker, the no nonsense special has misgivings, especially when she He is perhaps best remembered for events director, persuades the old has cynically trained herself, and es- Starring Maureen O’Hara. Edmund his role as Kris Kringle in Miracle on man to take his place. The old man pecially her daughter, Susan, to reject Gwenn and 34th Street, for which he won an Aca- proves to be a sensation and is quick- all notions of belief and fantasy. And demy Award for Best Supporting Ac- ly recruited to be the store Santa at yet, people, especially Susan, begin tor. THE MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF NATALIE WOOD By Frank Wilkins By the time she had reached 18 years old, Natalie Wood was already a veteran of the screen with more than 30 movies in Foul Play on Catalina Island the can. In 1955, at a mere 17 years old, she or Massive Cover-up? starred in “Rebel Without a Cause” oppo- site James Dean. The Academy would hon- atalie Gurdin was born in San Fran- or her with a nomination for best support- cisco in 1938, to Russian immi- ing actress in this film. grants Nikolai and Maria. When she On her 18th birthday, Natalie would N go on a studio-arranged date with Robert was just four years old she appeared as an extra in her first movie, Happy Land,” with Wagner. After a year-long courtship, Nata- her mother. Convince”d her daughter had lie and Robert would marry on December that special screen presence, Maria moved 28, 1957. But Natalie would soon discover her family to Los Angeles and changed that juggling the fame of her movie-star Natalie’s named to Natalie Wood. Although lifestyle with her desire to lead a private she would eventually go on to appear in life would be too much. She soon found her- over 50 movies, she is probably best known self confused and depressed. After her di- for her role as little Susan Walker in the vorce, brought about by the discovery of Christmas classic Miracle on 34th Street. her husband’s sexual indiscretions with an- Continues on page 23>

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nstead of opening presents, sit- ting down to a big dinner or Iattending religious services, retired Sgt. 1st Class Frederick Mc- Clellan Sr. spent Christmas 1950 on a hillside in Korea pretending to be they’re just so sudden and so vio- dead. The huge spread lent,” he said. After first serving in Japan, he The worst part, Swilling said, was was discharged on June 24, 1950. at Christmas knowing that every time they left The war in Korea started the next their base, something was probably day, and he decided to reenlist. brings cheer to going to happen. He couldn’t even en- McClellan wanted to go to war tirely blame the insurgents, because with his buddies from the occupa- weary troops in he knew many of them were only tion of Japan, but not only was he there because al Qaeda threatened assigned to a different unit, he be- Iraq their families. came the point man, which meant And then, the surge came to Diya- he had to walk 10 to 15 yards in Korean KP decorates Christmas tree set up in la and Swilling said things changed front of the rest of his squad, con- front of serving counter of HQs as Christmas Operation Iraqi Freedom: overnight. Al Qaeda disappeared, stantly exposed to the enemy. Day dinner is readied for men of the Co. Korea. 25 December 1951 Andrew D. Swilling roads were safe and markets re- “It was real scary,” he said of opened. It was a huge relief, he said, the squad’s almost nightly patrols. ith three deployments to especially because he volunteered “I was trying to make contact Iraq under his belt, Staff for his next two assignments, in part with the enemy.” WSgt. Andrew D. Swilling, a because of his Soldiers. He said he Instead, the enemy found him on Dec. 25, 1950. But he wasn’t on patrol and military policeman with the 3rd In- was supposed to lead them, but in- most of his unit was asleep when Chinese soldiers fantry Division’s 293rd MP Company, stead they constantly amazed him overran their position. has seen the war go from invasion to with their bravery and dedication. Stationed at the top of insurgency to surge to relative calm. It was worth eating the same meals a hill, all of the machine Of the three, his most recent tour, over and over again, although accord- gunners were practically from November 2006 to February ing to Swilling, the food improved killed in their sleeping bags, 2008, sticks with him most. Located after his first deployment, when he he said. Part way down the in Muqdadiyah in Diyala Province had meals-ready-to-eat for months at hill, McClellan heard their in northern Iraq, he said it was par- a time. Swilling said Soldiers got so screams and had time to ticularly violent. With the town taken sick of them that they started buying roll out of his sleeping bag over by insurgents and only one route food from Iraqis: kebobs, chicken and and stretch out on the frozen back to the main base, they were fair- even pizza. ground, to keep a low profile. ly easy targets. There were special shipments of “All I was thinking was “For about 10 months it was a fight food for holidays, however. Accord- that if they see me, they’re every day,” Swilling said. “Someone ing to Swilling the chow hall put going to come over and bayo- was getting hit every single day. A lot on a huge spread at Christmas, and net me or shoot me to make of people were injured. It was a nasty Soldiers were able to relax and play sure I’m dead. So I just started situation. A lot of times it was very games instead of heading out on pa- praying and hoping that they’d scary. But it’s one of those things that trol. A small shopette had everything never see me.” nobody lets on to. The last thing you they needed, or Soldiers could go to If he fixed bayonet and want someone to think is that you’re several stores on base run by Iraqis. Christmas Eve these soldiers perched atop their charged the Chinese, he knew scared. Everyone else who’s with And unlike Soldiers before him, hut embankment and serenaded all passers by he would die. If he ran back you is thinking the same thing. They phones and Internet provided instant with Christmas Carols. Iceland, Dec. 24, 1942. toward his unit at the bottom don’t want their buddies to think that connections home. Camp Hickham, Iceland. of the hill, he knew they might they’re scared.” mistake him for the enemy and There were several attacks shoot him. that should have killed him, Of the seven men on that hill, Swilling said. One improvised he was the only one who walked explosive device blew the back off, after laying motionless for off his vehicle. Another deto- about three hours without gloves nated next to his seat and was in subzero temperatures. The re- so strong it burned all the hair sulting frostbite was so severe off his gunner’s arms. No one that doctors told him if he had was seriously hurt either time, been outside another 15 minutes, a fact that still amazes Swill- he would have lost his hands. ing. He was evacuated to Japan “My first thought was ‘I’m after only four months in Kore- dead.’ Then I thought, ‘Well, I’m an and was awarded the Purple thinking, so I’m probably not Heart, before spending the rest of dead.’ It’s one of those things his career in the Army and civil that I think about, not every service. McClellan still takes day, but pretty often. It was just pain medication for his hands and one of those experiences where Fort Campbell, Ky. Santa Claus (Sgt Robert has post-traumatic stress disorder you don’t know how you lived Youmans, Advanced Airborne School) lands Fort Leonard Wood Chapel at Christmas from the attack. through it. That one stays with at Fort Campbell. 16 Dec 1963. time. Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. you. A lot of the IEDs do because 18 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS A Soldier’s Christmas Story Continued from page 3 By Michael Connelly, U.S. Army Veteran MILITARY.ASHFORD.EDU/MP soldier nervously finders his weapon and stares into “ , Athe darkness watching for I WAS IN KABUL any sign of the enemy. He is alone this night because yesterday his best friend, who usually shared AFGHANISTAN this position with him, was killed. He misses him, he was a brave man who left a wife and two small chil- WHILE COMPLETING dren behind. The soldier hopes that he will survive this war and some- day be able to tell the little ones how bravely their father had died defend- MY DEGREE.” ing freedom. AU 1918 He doesn’t know exactly what time – James Grady, Ashford graduate it is but his instincts tell him that it is VISIT MILITARY.ASHFORD.EDU/MP OR CALL 800.548.1624 approaching midnight on this Christ- - mas Eve. Soon it will be Christmas Seated at a box in a storehouse for ar morning at home and his own family tillery shells, in Germany, Pvt. Walter E.- will be getting up to have breakfast Prsybyla, member of the 2nd Infantry Di and open presents. His breakfast will vision, addresses Christmas cards to the consist of some cold sparse rations and folks back home. 11/30/44. B Btry, 37th a sip of water from his canteen. There FA, 2nd Inf. Div., FUSA, Heckhalenfeld, will be no hot cider or coffee for him Germany. and no turkey dinner later in the day. Valley He hopes his family enjoys the Forge, Northern Virginia, the Ar- Christmas celebration and understands dennes, the Chosin Reservoir, the Me- why he can’t be with them. There are kong Delta, or somewhere near Kabul or people in the world that would destroy Baghdad. For over 200 years, there have the things he is fighting to defend, and been American soldiers far away from he faces them this night. He would rather home every Christmas watching our be home, but this is his choice and his re- backs. Today they are of both genders and sponsibility. He hopes his countrymen ap- many races and religions. preciate what he is doing, but sometimes On this Christmas Eve, the soldier he wonders. Then he tells himself that it quietly hums Silent Night and again won- doesn’t matter, he would be here anyway. ders if anybody really cares. The he hears The soldier takes a moment to reach a voice from the darkness. It is a sooth- out and gently touch the Christmas tree ing and pleasant voice and admonishes he and his buddy had set up shortly before him gently for his doubts. “I was born on he died. It’s not really a tree at all, just this night to bring my Father’s word to a branch that had been blown off a real the world.” says the voice. “My Father is tree by an artillery shell. They had dug a called by many different names and wor- hole in the hard ground and set it up. Of shiped by many people in different ways, DISTANCE IS NO LONGER A BARRIER. COURSES CAN START course, they had no tinsel or ornaments but you are still his protector. You guard ON YOUR SCHEDULE. THE MILITARY CAN TAKE YOU AROUND the right to believe and you are not alone. so they decorated it with empty cartridge THE GLOBE; ASHFORD UNIVERSITY CAN BRING YOUR shells and hoped that the Lord would un- WELL DONE AMERICAN SOLDIER!” derstand. It was the only way they had to EDUCATION ALONG. THE WORLD IS YOUR CAMPUS. honor his birth. By now, you may be wondering what place this is and who this soldier fights for. He is an American soldier and the name of the place doesn’t matter. It could be

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For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 21 Jokes How do snowmen travel around? Answer: By icicle! How one snowman greets the other one? Answer: Ice to meet you. What is the popular name of the snow- man in summers? Answer: A puddle. What is the favorite Mexican food of snowman? Answer: Brrrr- itos. Why does it take longer to build a blonde snowman? Answer: You have to hollow out its head first. What kind of money snowmen use in Elves use what kind of money? the North Pole? Answer:Jingle bills! Answer: Cold cash! What’s the first thing learnt by elves How do you get to know if the snow- in school? man is in your bed? Answer: The “elf”-abet! Answer: You wake up wet! What would you call the twelfth elf What snowman likes to eat on Chris- that comes to help other 11 elves in the tmas Eve? workshop? Answer: The twelf Answer: Turkey with snow topping. Who makes toys and rides around in a Where does a snowman keep his mo- pumpkin and lives at the North Pole? ney? Answer: Cinder-”elf”-a! Answer: In a snow bank. Santa rides in a sleigh. What do elves What did Adam say on the day before ride in? Christmas? Answer: Mini vans! Answer: It’s Christmas, Eve! What do you call an elf that tells silly What did the big angel say to the little jokes? angel on Christmas Eve? Answer: A real Christmas card! Answer: Halo there! Where do you find elves? If Santa Claus is crossed with a detec- Answer: Depends where you left them! tive then you would get what? What would you call an elf who just Answer: Santa Clues! has won the lottery? A snowman loses weight in what way? Answer: Welfy Answer: He waits for the weather to get warmer!

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THE MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF FOR A LIMITED TIME NATALIE WOOD ONLY! Continued from page 12 other man (Robert would always deny this) and with the aid of therapy, Natalie would With the purchase and get her career back on track. As her acting career began to wane, she installation of ANY 4 Tires!* drifted from one affair to another but was not able to find happiness. She would be- *Premium installation required which includes free road hazard, free rebalanc- ing and free rotations for the life of your tire! See store for complete details. come completely despondent on one sum- Offer not valid with any other discount. mer night in 1966. She awoke in the hos- pital after taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Natalie would later admit, “I didn’t want to live.” GET On July 16, 1972, Natalie and Robert re- married aboard a friend’s yacht harbored REBATES $ in Malibu. Natalie, determined to make her third marriage stick, quit her acting er while untying the dinghy, she slipped, UP TO career and had her second child, Courtney striking her head on the side of the boat on March 9, 1974. and fell into the chilly water. She drowned On Thanksgiving Day, 1981, the Wag- after being pulled under by the heavy, Purchase a set of 4 select Goodyear or Dunlop tires and ners invited Christopher Walken, Natalie’s drenched coat. 80 get a Visa Prepaid Card up to $80 via mail-in rebate! Brainstorm co-star, to an informal thanks- Los Angeles County coroner to the giving weekend aboard their 55-foot cab- stars, Dr. Thomas Noguchi had his own Valid on select Goodyear and Dunlop brand tires. Selection Natalie Wood theory. He concluded the ac- may vary by location. Not valid with any other offers. Instal- in cruiser, the Splendor harbored at Mari- lation additional. See store for details. Offer valid October 1, na del Rey. The one-man crew piloted the tress did indeed escape in the dinghy. She 2012 - December 31, 2012. yacht to Catalina Island, off the Los Ange- then slipped and fell into the harbor wa- les coast of California. They anchored the ters. She attempted to crawl up the sides boat and rode the yacht’s dinghy in to Ava- of the rubber dinghy, but the heavy coat, GOOD BETTER BEST lon. The others stayed on shore in the ho- now weighing 30-40 pounds prevented HERE’S AN 175/70R13.....$45.99 / $55.99 / $65.99 tel as Wagner moved the yacht to a safer her from lifting herself into the boat. As 185/65R14.....$55.99 / $75.99 / $84.99 mooring because of rough water. The next Wood struggled to get into the dinghy, she 195/65R15.....$59.99 / $83.99 / $99.99 day, November 28, the four returned to the noticed it slowly drifting away out into EXAMPLE Splendor that was now anchored at Isth- the harbor. She beca.m.e more and more mus Cove. frightened and began to screa.m. but her OF OUR GOOD BETTER BEST yells were drowned out by the loud stereo 215/60R15...... $79.99 / $89.99 / $99.99 of some local revelers. Natalie grabbed the 205/55R16.....$72.99 / $109.99 / $129.99 side of the dinghy and began to steer it to- INCREDIBLY 225/45R17.....$109.99 / $129.99 / $169.99 ward the shore. She eventually succumbed to the cold, and slipped into death shroud- GOOD BETTER BEST ed in her nightgown and red down coat. LOW PRICES! 205/70R14.....$59.99 / $75.99 / $79.99 Natalie Wood was 43 years old. 205/70R15.....$59.99 / $81.99 / $99.99 We’ll probably never know what really 205/65R15.....$66.99 / $84.99 / $99.99 happened that night. Wagner and Walken refuse to talk about it and eyewitness ac- counts don’t really match up with all the GOOD BETTER BEST facts. The official coroner’s report states 235/75R15..... $99.99 / $110.99 / $119.99 the following: a private searcher who lo- 235/70R16.... $99.99 / $149.99 / $179.99 cated the dinghy says that the key was in 265/70R16.... $131.99 / $149.99 / $159.99 the ignition, which was in the off position. The gear was in neutral and the oars tied Tread shown for illustrative purposes only. down. It appeared the boat had not even been used. Attention: Active Or Retired Military! The condition of Natalie’s body creat- The evening began at about 4:00 p.m. ed a need for a large a.m.ount of cosmet- ASK ABOUT OUR as the trio dined at the Harbor Reef Res- ic work for her funereal presentation. The SPECIAL FINANCING! taurant. Witnesses claim that this is when official coroner’s report states the follow- things began to unravel. Waitresses at the ing about the condition of Natalie’s body: restaurant saw the trio drink several bot- body was taken from the ocean and placed tles of cha.m.pagne and state that the three in the hyperbaric cha.m.ber building for OIL & BRAKE GAS SAVER patrons eventually caused a rude and row- safe keeping. Upon the investigator’s ar- dy ruckus with Natalie openly flirting with rival at location, decedent observed Lying FILTER CHANGE SPECIAL SERVICE Walken. in “stokes litter” (military style stainless $ They left the restaurant in a drunken steel rescue cage). Decedent is wrapped $ $ 99 mess, boarded a small dinghy and motored in plastic sheet, she herself is dressed in 15 OFF to the Splendor. Exactly what happened flannel nightgown and socks. The jacket Up to 5 QTS of 5W30 Synthetic Blend Oil 40 OFF 79 that she was wearing when found floating, from this point forward will probably al- $25 OFF IN-STORE REBATE ANY brake service. • Oil & filter change ways be a bit unclear. Walken, Wagner is no longer on the body, having come off (up to 5 qts. of 5w30 oil) Any Full Synthetic Kendall Oil Change • New air filter and Wood continued their partying as Cap- when she was pulled from the water. At the • Includes free brake inspection • BG 44K fuel system additive to tain Davern began his last rounds of shut- time decedent was pulled from water, sher- INCLUDES: restore fuel economy iff’s personnel says that body was absent • FREE battery check! • 4 tire rotation ting down the boat. At around 12:20 a.m. • FREE 4 tire rotation! • Free vehicle inspection Davern noticed that the dinghy was gone. of any rigor and they noted foa.m. coming • FREE top off fluids! • Fill 4 mounted tires with Davern simply assumed Natalie had taken from mouth. Rigor is now present of a 3 to • FREE brake inspection! Nitrogen 4 throughout entire body. Decedent has Most cars. See store for details. Not valid Most cars. See store for details. Not valid Most cars. See store for details. Not valid it, as was her custom, to view the evening with any other offer. Expires 01/15/13. with any other offer. Expires 01/15/13. with any other offer. Expires 01/15/13. stars. When she didn’t return minutes lat- numerous bruises to legs and arms. Dece- dent’s eyes are also a bit cloudy appearing. er, Davern notified Wagner of her absence Proud sponsor of who immediately set out in another dinghy No other trauma noted and foul play is not NOW A PROUD MEMBER OF to look for her. At about 1:00 a.m. Wagner suspected at this time. Natasha, Natalie’s 11-year-old daughter, notified the harbor patrol to scout for her. OFFERING A COAST TO COAST At around 3:30 a.m. the Coast Guard was requested that her dia.m.ond earrings be NATIONWIDE SERVICE WARRANTY! placed on her mother’s ears. Robert Wag- MON–FRI 8AM–6PM • added to the search party. At 7:30 a.m. he- SAT 8AM–5PM • SUN 9AM–4PM ner insisted on burying her in a fox-fur coat licopters would discover her body, floating face down some two hundred yards from that he had not yet given to her. Her gar- the boat. The small dinghy was discovered denia-clad casket was buried in Westwood adrift, with four life vests aboard, some Memorial Park in Los Angeles on Decem- 499A COLLEGE BLVD. two hundred yards from her body. ber 2, 1981. Attending her funeral were nu- Police concluded that after changing merous celebrities including Sir Laurence 760.940.1100 clothes into a nightgown, knee-highs and Olivier, Rock Hudson, Gregory Peck and IN THE MISSION MARKET PLACE Elizabeth Taylor. Also in attendance were a down jacket, Natalie took the dinghy, FREE WI-FI perhaps to go to the hotel ashore. Howev- Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken. SERVICE For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 23 WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS this swap meet is huge! Lose 8-25 inches A FUN PLACE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY in just one treatment! Carnival Rides, Pony Rides, Farmers Market & Delicious Food! Make Your Measurements! Short-Notice Appointments SHOPPERS ADMISSION Available 7 Days a week

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ACROSS 44. Back 3. Dispatched 38. Pay attention to 1. Craves 46. Eat 4. Threesome 40. Tumbled 6. A lightly-hit baseball 47. Altitude (abbrev.) 5. Postage 42. Grain disease 10. Charity 49. Hog 6. Mixologist 45. Shoulder board 14. Unreactive 50. Sleigh 7. Unassisted 48. Part of a tea 15. Again 51. Hang freely 8. Roman emperor service 16. A young horse 54. Dwarf buffalo 9. Twice ten 51. Greek letter 17. Craze 56. Test 10. Subsequently 52. Lengthways 18. Unusual 57. Mixed with 11. Not tight 53. Nigerian 19. Anagram of “Note” impurities 12. Bread from monetary unit 20. Mechanization 63. 53 in Roman Heaven 55. Long times 22. Feudal worker numerals 13. Mixture of rain 58. Early 20th- 23. Implored 64. Wan and snow century art 24. Menace 65. Lubricated 21. Detached movement 26. Labels 66. Sourish 25. German for 59. Violent 30. Half of a pair 67. Poems “Mister” disturbance 31. A type of evergreen 68. Well-known 26. Clothing 60. Countertenor tree 69. Wings 27. Dogfish 61. Adolescent 32. Leave out 70. Makes lace 28. Lass 62. Countercurrent 33. Probabilities 71. Obdurate 29. A cylinder in a 35. Indian prince cave 39. Long-necked animal DOWN 34. Untarnished 41. Patio 1. City in Peru 36. Prison PUZZLE 43. French for “Room” 2. Two-toed sloth 37. Skin disease

Support These Military-Friendly Businesses!

For24 Decadvertisingember 15, information, 2012 THE call MILITARY (858) 537-2280 PRESS December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 23 For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 25 ‘Tis The Season Christmas Gift Ideas For Billionaires Robb Report, a magazine for billionaires, has unveiled its readers’ ultimate Christmas wishlist, featuring yachts, supercars and antiques – worth a staggering $140 million. Here’s some of the most “imaginative and extravagant” gifts for the super-rich

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1. How about a three-week yachting four-on-four fighter jet battle aboard worth $9 million and a Parmigiani Jouberts and other wildlife experts. adventure in which the buyer gets to the 540mph aircraft. watch costing $345,000. keep a 164ft vessel afterwards – for 10. Van Cleef & Arpels His & Hers the jaw-dropping price of $65 million. 4. And then there’s the gift for the 6. Gold chalice from the 17th-century Watches: $1,192,000. His and hers The recipient and nine friends get to billionaire’s inner-child – a $25 mi- Santa Margarita shipwreck: £830,000. one-of-a-kind Van Cleef & Arpels wat- spend three weeks aboard the 148ft llion theme park. The Thinkwell ches designed to tell the story of the expedition vessel Big Fish as it makes Group of California, which built the 7. New and vintage Porsche: $1.1 mi- couple’s romance. a historic journey over the Northeast world’s first indoor ski resort in Dubai, llion. 1958 Porsche 356 1600 Normal Passage next summer. After the expe- will design and oversee the develop- Speedster and a 2011 Porsche 911 11. Charlie Palmer Dining Experien- dition the lucky recipient gets to keep ment and construction of the backyard Speedster. ce: $190,000 A vineyard-to-table trip the Big Fish’s sister yacht, the 164-foot theme park, including a full-size steel for two-created and led by chef Char- Star Fish. roller coaster, a virtual-reality robo- 8. A 12kg chunk of the Willamette me- lie Palmer- that begins in California’s coaster, a rotating hammer swing, a teorite: $1,276,000 Sonoma wine country and ends in two 2. One-of-a-kind Deep Flight Submari- children’s wooden coaster, a carousel, New York temples of haute cuisine. ne: $2 million. and other attractions. 9. Big Cat Rescue Project: $2.12 mi- llion. Co-sponsor and participation in 3. For the adrenalin junkie, the Robb 5. A Bugatti ‘package’ featuring the the Big Cats Flyover, a three-month Report recommends splashing out $3 Veyron supercar is the ultimate boys’. mission to help save lions from ex- million on the Aero L-39 fighter jet With a 1,200bhp engine, the Bugatti is tinction, led by National Geographic deal. The Top Gun-style package pays capable of 0-62mph in just 2.5 seconds Explorers-in-Residence Dereck and for eight people to take part in four and can sprint all the way to 268mph. Beverly Joubert. All-expense-paid tra- days of aerial training in Arizona – The Veyron is assembled as part of vel (via private plane and helicopter) culminating in a stomach-churning the $14 million Bugatti package which for two for all or part of the mission also includes a 1936 Bugatti Type 57SC through 11 African countries with the I wonder what I’m getting this year?

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Events • U.S. Marines occupy Veracruz, Mexico, intervening in civil war to protect American interests • The world’s first red and green traffic lights are installed in Cleveland • World Series: Boston Braves d. Philadelphia A’s (4-0) • Stanley Cup: Toronto Blueshirts (NHA) • Kentucky Derby Champion: Old Rosebud • NCAA Football Champions: Army (9-0-0) • World War I begins: Austria Baseball legend Babe Ruth makes declares war on Serbia; Germany his major league debut on Russia and France; Britain on Charles Chaplin makes his film Germany. debut in the comedy short Making a • Austrian Archduke Francis Living Ferdinand and wife Sophie The first everyday items made assassinated in Sarajevo by Serbian of stainless steel come into public nationalist Gavrilo Princip circulation • Panama Canal is officially opened • In his second big-screen after 10 years of construction appearance, Charlie Chaplin plays • Congress sets up Federal Trade the Little Tramp, his most famous Commission, passes Clayton Antitrust character Act • Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan of the Apes published • Winsor McCay unleashes Gertie the Dinosaur, the first animated cartoon • George Washington Carver begins experimenting with peanuts as a new cash crop for Southern farmers • The last known passenger pigeon dies in the Cincinnati Zoo

“You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.” – Babe Ruth 28 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS Remember When .1914. . .

Cost of Living Average house $6,156 Average car cost $550 Average wage was $577 Dalton adding machine $125 First class stamp 2 cents

Economics • Federal spending: $0.73 billion • Consumer Price Index: 10 • Unemployment: 7.9% Science • Nobel Prizes in Science • Chemistry: Theodore W. Richards (US), for determining atomic weight of many chemical elements • Physics: Max von Laue (Germany), for discovery of diffraction of Roentgen rays passing through crystals “Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.” – Charlie Chaplin For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 29 To place an ad or for more information, call MILITARY PRESS CLASSIFIEDS 858.537.2280

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Coronado/San Diego Part Time or Full Time onsite lndry - no pets Play it Again Sports Flexible Hours Call Diann 619.474.5055 858-490-0222 On the Job Training provided Military No prior exp. Required MOVE IN IMMEDIATELY $9 to $14/hr based on position to RIVER OAKS To place an ad and qualifications. EOE. Military Specials Discounts Changing the way the world Beautiful Newly Renovated Homes. or for more info, Please apply at sees people with autism Free Gar., W/D. In Oceanside, and other developmental located near Camp Pendleton. call Michelle Available disabilities since 1980. Call Today 760.721.8585 858.537.2280 Or, Stop by 3891 San Ramon Drive 30 December 15, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS introducing the all new

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