NOWLEDGE 1. Manganin is an of: 12. Calverite is composed of: a) and a) Gold

K b) Copper and b) Silver c) Copper, manganese and nickel c) Tin d) Manganese, aluminum and iron

OUR d) Titanium Y

2. is an alloy of: 13. Magnesium is present in which of the following? a) Aluminium and Copper a) Karnalite b) Aluminium and iron b) Limestone EST c) Aluminium and Carbon c) Syvanite

T d) Aluminium and mercury d) Anglesite

3. Brass is an alloy of: 14. Limestone is:

a) Copper and n a) CaCO3 b) Ca(OH)2

b) Copper and nickel c) CaO d) Ca2SO4 c) Copper and Aluminium d) Copper and 15. Cassiterite contains: a) Potassium 4. Bronze is an alloy of: b) Lead a) Copper and Nickel c) Vanadium b) Copper and iron d) Tin c) Copper and Tin d) Copper and Aluminium 16. Calamine is composed of: a) Zinc 5. The alloy used for dental fi lling is: b) Sodium a) Amalgam b) Brass c) Potassium c) Bronze d) Manganin d) Lead

6. Which of the following is an alloy of n? 17. Galena is made up of: a) a) Mercury b) Amalgam b) Lead c) Babbi metal (White metal) c) Magnesium d) Brass d) Copper

7. Which of the following alloy has copper as a major 18. Which of the following contains Copper? cons tuent? a) Malachite a) Gun metal b) Petre b) c) Syvanite c) Nichrome d) Bauxite d) Muntz metal 19. Calamine is: 8. Which of the following alloys is used in cutlery? a) ZnO b) ZnS a) Solder b) Stainless steel c) ZnSO d) ZnCO c) Bronze d) Brass 4 3

9. Corundum is an ore of: 20. Which of the following is an ore of Fe? a) Aluminium b) Zinc a) Siderite c) Tin d) Magnesium b) Malachite c) Bauxite 10. Floreape te contains: d) Anglesite a) Magnesium b) Lead ANSWERS: c) Phosphorus 1)c 2)a 3)d 4)c 5)a 6)c 7)a 8)b 9)a 10)c d) Sodium 11)d 12)a 13)a 14)a 15)d 16)a 17)b 18)a 19)d 20)a 11. Which of the following contains Mercury? a) Dolomite b) Limestone Contributed by Ashwini Malla, 13, Priya Colony, AOC Gate, Near Kakaguda, c) Karnalite d) Calomel Secunderabad–500015. Email: [email protected] Science Reporter, APRIL 2016 58 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE


1. Forest Research Ins tute (FRI) is located at: 15. The Na onal Tree of India is: a) Jodhpur b) Dehradun a) Banyan b) Peepal c) Lucknow d) Kanpur c) Neem d) Teak

2. Who is considered as Father of Tropical Forestry? 16. World Forestry Day is celebrated on: a) K. M. Munshi b) Sir Dietrich Brandis a) 22nd March b) 22nd April c) R. S. Troup d) Sir S. Eardley-Wilmot c) 5th June d) 21st March

3. Gir Na onal Park is situated in which state of India? 17. Silviculture is the: a) Gujarat b) U arakhand a) Art and science of cul va ng herbs c) Maharashtra d) Kerala b) Art and science of cul va ng grasses c) Art and science of cul va ng fl owers 4. The Forest Conserva on Act was enacted in India in: d) Art and science of cul va ng forest trees a) 2001 b) 1985 c) 1990 d) 1980 18. ICFRE stands for: a) Indian Council of Fodder Research and Educa on 5. Wildlife Protec on Act was launched in the year: b) Indian Council of Forestry Research and Educa on a) 1975 b) 1980 c) Indian Centre of Forestry Research and Educa on c) 1988 d) 1972 d) Indian Centre of Fodder Research and Economics

6. The fi rst Na onal Forest Policy was adopted in India in the year: 19. Ins tute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST) is located at: a) 1952 b) 1894 a) Pune b) Bangalore c) 1988 d) 1980 c) Coimbatore d) Thiruvananthapuram 20. Name the state having the largest forest cover in India: 7. Forest cover of India as % of geographical area is: a) Haryana b) U ar Pradesh a) 24.01 b) 21.34 c) Madhya Pradesh d) Maharashtra c) 20.05 d) 25.00 21. Central Agroforestry Research Ins tute (CAFRI) is located at: 8. Which is one of the oldest journals of forestry in India? a) Bangalore b) Jhansi a) Van Vigyan c) Coimbatore d) Pune b) Indian Journal of Forestry c) The Indian Forester 22. Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Ins tute (IGFRI) is d) Indian Journal of Agroforestry situated at: a) Allahabad b) Jhansi 9. Indian Forest Act was enacted in the year: c) Indore d) Dehradun a) 1878 b) 1888 c) 1924 d) 1927 23. Rain Forest Research Ins tute (RFRI) is situated at: a) Shillong b) Gauha 10. Indian Ins tute of Forest Management (IIFM) is located at: c) Jorhat d) Kolkata a) Dehradun b) Bangalore c) Bhopal d) Lucknow 24. Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilita on (CSFER) is located at: 11. Tropical Forest Research Ins tute (TFRI) is located at: a) Shimla b) Allahabad a) Bhopal b) Indore c) Bangalore d) Hyderabad c) Jabalpur d) Gwalior 25. Arid Forest Research Ins tute (AFRI) is situated at: 12. Na onal Agroforestry Policy in India was launched in the year: a) Nagpur b) Jodhpur a) 2012 b) 2000 c) Kanpur d) Fatehpur c) 2014 d) 2015 ANSWERS: 1) b 2)b 3)a 4)d 5)d 6)b 7)b 8)c 9)d 10)c 13. Himalayan Forest Research Ins tute (HFRI) is situated at: 11)c 12)c 13)b 14)d 15)a 16)d 17)d 18)b 19)b 20)c a) Nainital b) Shimla 21)b 22)b 23)c 24)b 25)b c) Mussoorie d) Shilong Contributed by Dr. Arvind Bijalwan, Faculty, Indian Institute of Forest 14. Project Tiger was started in the year: Management, Bhopal, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal–462003, Madhya Pradesh, a) 1972 b) 1982 [email protected] and c) 1988 d) 1973 Sarika Bahuguna Bijalwan, Assistant Teacher, Government School, Dang Talla, Thauldhar, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand 59 Science Reporter, APRIL 2016