15 June 1999 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 112(21:443-450. 1999. Diagnoses of hybrid (Aves: Trochilidae). 7. Probable parentage of Calliphlox iridescens Gould, 1860

Gary R. Graves Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC. 20560, U.S.A.

Abstract.—Calliphlox iridescens Gould, 1860 is hypothesized to be a hybrid between Calliphlox amethystina and Chlorostilhon aureoventris. The hybrid, collected at Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, exhibits a blended mosaic of plumage characters of the presumed parental . External measurements of the hybrid fall between the character means of the parental species and approach the values expected from least squares regression of parental mea- surements.

The miniature woodstar, Calliphlox iri- taxonomic status of C. iridescens is still un- descens Gould, 1860, was described from a certain, however, because the accounts of unique specimen collected at Nova Fribur- Butler (1931) and Berlioz (1932. 1938) did go. about 100 km northeast of Rio de Ja- not adequately review the morphological neiro, Brazil. Gould (1860:310) observed. characters of the specimen in question and those of its putative parental species. In this "If. as 1 believe. I am right in referring this little to the genus Calliphlox, it is one of the most paper, 1 confirm the hybrid origin of Calli- remarkable Humming- that it has fallen to my phlox iridescens employing the methods lot to describe. In its SUS and form it is very similar outlined in Graves (1990) and Graves & to C. ameShystirux, hut in colouring it is like a Chlti- Zusi (1990). rostilbon." The singular appearance of the specimen Material and Methods prompted Gould (1861:p!ate 359) to make it the type of a new genus. Smaragdochry- The type of Calliphlox iridescens sis, which was adopted by Elliot (1878) and (BMNH 1888.7.25.102 in The Natural His- Salvin (1892). The taxonomic validity of ir- tory Museum, formerly British Museum of idescens was not questioned until Butler Natural History) appears to be an adult (1931:347) remarked in a brief note: male in definitive plumage. This opinion is based upon the absence of striations on the "'May I regard my belief that the little Humming- maxillary ramphotheca (Ortiz-Crespo bird which Could described (P.Z.S. I860, p. 310) as Calliphlox'! iridescens ... is really a hybrid be- 1972), the presence of an iridescent gorget, tween Calliphlox amethystina lGm.1 and Chlorostil- and moderately elongated outer rectrices hon [aureoventris] prasinus (Less.)'.' ... I have ex- which lack terminal spots or markings. amined it repeatedly, anil to my eye its external I compared the specimen with series of characters are entirely a mixture of those of these all species in the subfamily Trochilinae, the two species," typical hummingbirds (Zusi & Bentz 1982, Subsequent authorities listed Calliphlox Sibley & Monroe 1990. Bleiweiss et al. iridescens as a hybrid (e.g.. Berlioz 1932, 1997), in the collection of The Natural His- 1938; Peters 1945; Gray 1958; Wolters tory Museum. Color transparencies and 1976) or omitted it altogether (e.g., Morony videotape of the specimen were also com- et al. 1975. Sibley & Monroe 1990). The pared with the collections of the National 444 PROCEEDINGS OK THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON

Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian 1 Institution. A second specimen of Calli- I phlox iridescens. reported by Ruschi (1951) u and deposited in the Museu Nacional, Rio r-j rr, o 0\ & ^ de Janeiro (M. N. 18275; "Brasil), was not Em* examined. For the purposes of hybrid di- El agnosis (Graves 1990), I considered all hummingbirds (Trochilinae) that occur in the state of Rio de Janeiro as potential pa- rental species (Appendix 1). 2 ^ —• r- c o M m —• Measurements of wing chord, bill length fl fl -r-l il fl +-I +l (from anterior extension of feathers), and c oo 33 DO *ct fN n rectrix length (from point of insertion of the - s EN r i f\ 5 •f. _ m If, central rectrices to the tip of each rectrix) -| I=i ir. •tr M a JZ C were taken with digital calipers and round- ^ 7 r- ": 4 ^ if, > r-\ 3 ed to the nearest 0.1 mm (Table 1). Color Ti- r- t-^ o <: I/J - n IN n r-J m descriptions were made under natural light. I considered four alternatives—the spec- S 3 imen represents an unrecognized color 1$ morph of a species listed in Appendix 1, a chemically-altered artifact, a hybrid, or a valid species. Because Caliiphtox irides- ~ » - o c o - — - — cent differs significantly in size and shape 41 +i H ii +1 II ! from all species in the subfamily Trochili- '- .c_ © u-. EN C3» © M X rl cN - i f, Tf in II II II through parental measurements to illustrate 1 a C£ ££ C£ Q£ C£ the relationship of hybrids to their hypoth- , - fl ffl t /I E" •- •C e 0 esized parental species (e.g., Graves & H - m a £ ? 5 r.^. j_ IJ ij ij ^ ij Newfield 1996, Graves 1998a, 1998b). a U ;£ (2 tf Cc; =E! od as VOLUME 1 12, NUMBER 2 445

Fig. 1. Ventral and dorsal views of adult male Chlnrnsiilbtm tmreweiuris (top), Caitiphlox amethystinu (bottom), and their putative hybrid, C. uurevvemris x C. amethvsima. { = Ctttliphlox iridescent Gould, 1860: BMNH 1888.7,25,102). 446 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON


ao 30 30 35 Length Rectrii 1 Length Reclfix 5

30 35 Lenglh Recrrii 5

Fig. 2. Bivariate plots of selected measurements (see Table I) of adult male Chloreslilbon uureaventris (A>, CalUphlox amethyXtina (•), and their putative hybrid (•), C. tiurenvemrix X C. ametliysiina. [ = CallipMox iridescent Gould. I860; BMNH I SS8.7.25.102). Least squares regression lines are illustrated for comparison.

Table 2.—The percent difference between measurements (mm) of the hybrid (—CalUphlox iridescens Gould, 1860; BMNH 18KH.7.25.102) and the mensural midpoints (average of character means from Table 1) of species combinations.

&. Chiftrtwiifiwn mttt,t>v?fttri.i & Hjhrid Caltiftfttttx HfiH'ifiytfinn Hybrid PflTPtltul Midpoint Din'erencc Midpoint [}it'fereTice

Wing chord 40.4 3.2 39.3 0.4 Bill Length 14.4 0.5 13.7 3.8 Rt 21.5 24.0 17.7 2.3 R2 23.2 10.2 19.7 6.7 R3 26.1 9.2 23.7 0.9 R4 29.2 2.0 28.3 1.0 R5 30.5 0.8 31.3 3.3 VOLUME I 12. NUMBER 1 447

Close proximity of hybrids and regression lections of birds from Nova Friburgo often lines (for all pairwise combinations of var- contained species from nearby lowlands iables) was interpreted as evidence consis- (fide J. F Pacheco, pers. comm.). C. notatus tent with the specified hybrid hypothesis, and C. aureoventris are similar in size and assuming polygenie inheritance of external plumage color, differing most noticeably in morphology. Concordance of results from tail shape—square or slightly rounded in C. plumage and size analyses is regarded as notatus, shallow!y forked in C. aureoventris strong support for the hypothesis (Graves (Table 1). 1990. Graves & Zusi 1990). External measurements.—I evaluated the two parental hypotheses by inspecting raw Results and Discussion data, bivariate plots, and least squares re- gressions of measurements. Measurements Plumage characters.—The hybrid pos- of the hybrid fell within the character sesses several characters that facilitate the means of both possible parental combina- identification of its parental species: (a) tions, Chiorestes notatus X Calliphlox ame- brilliant silvery-green gorget: (b) moderate- thystina and Chlorostilbon aureoventris X ly forked tail (fork depth = 43% of tail Calliphlox amethystina. External measure- length); and (c) mandibutar ramphotheca ments of the hybrid most closely approxi- yellowish-brown (Fig. 1). Perhaps as infor- mate the values expected from least squares mative, the hybrid lacks several conspicu- regression of measurements of Chlorostil- ous traits that are present among source bon aureoventris X Calliphlox amethystina pool species (Appendix 1): (a) contrasting (Fig. 2. Appendix 2). Hybrid characters dif- rump band; (b) brilliant frontlet or coronal fer from the parental midpoints (average of patch; (c) rufous or chestnut pigmentation parental character means. Table 2) of C, au- on rectrices; (d) pronounced blue or violet reoventris X C. amethystina by 0.4-6.7%, iridescence on body plumage; (e) white rec- and from C. notatus x C. amethystina by tricial spots; (f) white bases or margins of 0.5-24%, Measurements of the hybrid are gorget feathers; (g) thickened primary ra- closer to the parental midpoint of C. au- chises; and (h) racket-tipped or attenuated reoventris x C. amethystina for 5 of the 7 recfrix tips. characters. This association of characters can be de- In summary, both plumage and external rived from only two of the possible pair- morphology are consistent with the hypoth- wise combinations of species (Appendix 1): esis that Calliphlox iridescens represents a Chiorestes notatus X Calliphlox amethys- hybrid between Chlorostilbon aureoventris tine! and Chlorostilbon aureoventris X Cal- and Calliphlox amethystina. For taxonomic liphlox amethystina. Other combinations of purposes, Calliphlox iridescens Gould is species can be eliminated from consider- available only for the purpose of homony- ation because they either lack characters ex- my. hibited by the hybrid, or possess one or more distinctive characters that are not ex- Acknowledgments pressed, even subtly, in the hybrid. The geographic ranges of C. aureoventris and I thank Robert Prys-Jones, Michael Wal- C. amethystina overlap extensively in Bra- ters, and Mark Adams of The Natural His- zil, and both are found in the vicinity of tory Museum, Tring, for permitting me to Nova Friburgo. C. notatus appears to reach study the type of Calliphlox iridescens on its southern limit on the Atlantic coastal two different occasions, and Jose Fernando plain near the city of Rio de Janeiro and is Pacheco (Rio de Janeiro) for providing the not known to occur in the uplands near list of species in Appendix 1 and distribu- Nova Friburgo. However, 19th century col- tional data for Chiorestes notatus. The man- 448 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON uscript was reviewed by Richard Banks, Morony, J. L, Jr.. W. J. Bock. & J. Farrand, Jr. 1975. Jose Fernando Pacheco, Robert Pry s-Jones. Reference list of the birds of the world. Amer- ican Museum of Natural History, New York. Michael Walters, and Richard Zusi. whom Ortiz.-Crespo. E I. 1972. A new method to separate I thank for their comments. Leslie Over- immature and adult hummingbirds.-—-Auk 89: street helped with literature. The Smithson- 851-857. ian photographic services prepared the Peters, J. 1945. Check-list of birds of the world, vol. prints. Travel was supported by the Alex- 5, Museum of Comparative Zoology. Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, 306 pp. ander Wet mo re Fund and the Research Op- Ruschi. A. 1951. Trochilideos do Museu Nacional.— portunities Fund. Smithsonian Institution. Boletim do Museu de Biologia Prof. Mello-Lei- tao, Serie Biologia 10:1-1 I 1. Literature Cited Salvin. O. 1892. Catalogue of the Picariae in I he col- lection of the British Museum. Upupae and Tro- Berlin*. J. 1932, Notes critiques sur quelques Trochil- chili. Catalogue of birds of the British Museum, idcs 4lu British Museum,—L'Oiseau (new se- vol. 16:1-433. ries) 2:530-534, Sibley. C G., & B. L. Monroe. Jr. 1990. Distribution . 1438. Notes critiques sur des Trochilidtfs.— and of birds of the world. Yale Uni- LOiscau (new series) 8:3-19. versity Press. New Haven, Connecticut, 1111 Bleiweiss, R.. J. A. W. Kitsch. & J. C. Mathetis. 1997. pp. DNA hybridization evidence lor the principal Wilkinson, L. 1989. SYSTAT; the system for statistics. lineages of hummingirds (Aves: Trochilidae).— SYSTAT. Inc.. Evanston, Illinois. 822 pp. Molecular Biology and Evolution 14:325-343. Wolters, H. E, 1976. Die Vogelarten der Erdc: eine Butler. A. L. 1431, On the types of two Humming- system a tischc Lisle mil Verbreitungsangaben birds,—[bis (Thirteenth Series) 1:347-348. sowie deutschen und englischen Namen. Num- Elliot. D. G. 1878. A classification and synopsis or the ber 2. Pp. 161-240. Parey, Hamburg & Berlin. Trochilidae.—Smithsonian Contributions to Germany. Knowledge 317. 277 pp. Zusi. R. L„ & G. D. Benrz. 1982. Variation of a muscle Gould, J. 1860. Descriptions of twenty-two new spe- in hummingbirds and swifts and its systematic cies of humming-birds.—Proceedings of the implications.—Proceedings of the Biological Zoological Society of London 28:304-312. Society of Washington 95:412-420. . [861. Monograph of the Trochilidae, part 5. Published by the author. London, unpaginated. Graves, G. R. 1990. Systematic: of the "green-throat- Appendix 1 ed sunangels" I Aves: Trochilidae): valid taxa or hybrids?—Proceedings of the Biological Soci- Species of trochiline hummingbirds that occur in the ety of Washington 103:6-25, state of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil (fide J. F Pacheco. pers. . 1998a. Diagnoses of hybrid hummingbirds L'omm.l, Vagrant species (less than three records in Rio (Avcs: Trochilidae). 5, Probable hybrid origin de Janeiro) are marked hy an asterisk. Parentheses en- of Anmdiki dislana Wetmore & Phelps.—Pro- close a representative list of characters or traits that ceedings of the Biological Society of Washing- would probably be expressed in hybrid progeny of ton 110:314-319. these species, but that do not occur in CalUphiox iri- . 1948b. Diagnoses of hybrid hummingbirds deicstaGould. I860 (BMNH 1S88.7.25.102). Taxon- (Aves: Trochilidae). 6. An intergeneric hybrid, omy follows Sibley & Monroe (1990): Eupnomena Aglairicercus kingi X Metalluru lyrhmlhina. macrouta (violet-blue head and breast, thickened pri- from Venezuela.—Proceedings of the Biologi- mary raehises); Mclaiwirochilus fuxctis (black body cal Society of Washington 111:511-520. plumage, white outer rectrices): Colibri serrirostris , & N. L. Newfield. 1996. Diagnoses of hybrid (purple auricular tufts, subterminal band on reetrices); hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae). 1. Charac- AnfkracothoraX fflgricdBls (black ventral plumage, ru- terization of Calypte anna X Steliuki calliope fous pigmentation on reetrices I: *Ckrysoiampis m»s- and the possible effects of egg volume on hy- quitus (brilliant coronal patch, rufous pigmentation on bridization potential.—Proceedings of the Bio- reetrices); Sieplut'ltixis kilandi (brilliant coronal patch. logical Society of Washington 109:755-763. elongated crest plumes, blue ventral plumage): La- , & R. L. Zusi. 1940. An intergeneric hybrid phorrtis mtignificus (rufous crest, contrasting rump {lleiiodtixa Icudbctiieri x Helian- band): Lophornis ckaiybetis (white-tipped gorget grlus amethyslicot/ix] from northern Colom- feathers, contrasting rump band): Pi/petairhi langs- bia.—Condor 92:754-760. liorffi (contrasting rump band, attenuated reetrices): Gray. A. P. 1958. Bird hybrids. Commonwealth Agri- *Biscosura longifauda (contrasting rump band, rack- cultural Bureaux, Bucks, England. 390 pp. ci-tipped reetrices), Chtirrexres notatus. Chlvrosiilhim VOLUME I 12. NUMBER 2 14') clureoYftUris, LiThttlitrtmiu furcatci (violet breast Lind ial plumes, which extend past the base of the hallux, belly): Thaturtmia glaucopix (brilliant coronal patch). are dark gray, broadly tipped with huffy-white. Un- dylacharis sapphirina (rufous chin and rectrices, vio- dcrtail coverts arc grayish-buff fading to white or pale let head and breast): Hylocharis t-yutius (white chiii. bully-white at the margins (subterminally glossed wilh violet head and upper breast); *Hyhnhtiris tlirysura green in some individuals). (cinnamomeus chin, go I den-bronze (ail); Leuctifhloris With the exception of white vent plumes, die ventral albicollis (white throat, white-tipped reel rices): Palyt- plumage of miretivent/is exhibits brilliant iridescence mus KUiiitsu/iibi (white-tipped rectrices): Amtizilia ver- when viewed head-on. Although there is considerable sicolor (white throat, dark subtermmal band on outer color variation among individuals, iridescence is pre- rectrices); AmazilUi jimhriaui (white-margined throat dominately bluish-green on the throal, upper breast. feathers): Ainttziliti lattea (violet-blue throat and upper and undertail coverts, tending toward golden-green on breast); AphunTor.hrou I'irrorhhtris (dull plumage. the lower breast, sides and belly. Throat feathers arc large size): Clytolaenw rubricauda (rufous rec(rice.s); medium gray hasally, becoming dark gray distally, and Heliothry.x aurita (brilliant coronal patch, white outer abruptly tipped with a bluish-green disk (from lower rectrices); Heli/iinuxter xquanitmts (brilliant coronal throat, 1.6-2.0 mm deep, 3.U-3.3 mm wide). Gorget patch, white malar mark, while medial stripe from up- feathers (5.1-5.8 mm) are relatively shorter than in per breast to vent); CaBtphtox oonethystina. ameittystina. Tibial feathers are dark gray and reach but do not exceed the base of the hallux. The gorget of irideiccns, similar in shape to that of Appendix 2 ametkystina, exhibits a peculiar pattern of iridescence, predominately pale silvery-green viewed head-on, but General comparative description of definitive plum- irregularly marked with a coppery hue, especially on ages of male CklOTOStilbon aureoventris, Cettiiphlitx the sides of the throat. Closer inspection reveals this amethysttna, and the hybrid, C. Littreovemris x C. is due to coppery or bronze iridescence emanating amelhy.stinu ( = CaHipkiox iridescins Gould. 1861I; BMNH 1888.7.25.102). Descriptions of structural col- from barb tips of otherwise silvery-green disks (or sil- ors are unusually subjective, as color seen by the ob- very-blue in certain lights]. Lateral gorget feathers server varies according to the angle of inspection and (5.9-6.0 mm long) are dark gray hasally. broadly direction of light. For diis reason I use general color lipped wilh a silvery-green disk (2.1-2.2 mm deep, descriptions. 2.7-2.8 mm wide). The depth (usually < 1.0 mm i and The dorsal plumage in timethyxtimi. from crown to intensity of coppery disk margins increase laterally, a uppeitail coverts, is weakly iridescent and dull green few gorget feathers lacking coppery iridescence are to pale bronzy-green in coloration: (he iridescence is juxtaposed among margined feathers in the center of brighter from a "tail-on" view, as opposed to a "head- the throat. The breast and sides of itidescens are dark on'" view. The crown is dull dark green viewed head- green (dark gray with only a hint of green iridescence on. The dorstim of aurenvemrix is significantly more viewed head-on I: feather bases are dark gray and gray- iridescent than that of ametkystina, appearing golden- ish feather margins are largely restricted to the lower green to hluish-green. depending on the angle of ob- midline above the vent. Evidence of the white pectoral servation. The crown is brilliant golden-green, viewed band of amethysttna is limited in iridexcens to a scat- head-on, with coppery reflections on the periphery. tering of white and pale gray basal feather barbs. Tibial The quality and brightness of dorsal iridescence in plumes, which are dark brownish-gray lightly tipped irhlescens is intermediate to those of the parental spe- pale huffy-gray, arc intermediate in length between cies, but closer in overall appearance to amethystina. those tg amethysttna and aureavettffis, narrowly pass- The crown reflects a pale, but variable, bluish-green ing the base of the hallux. Undertail coverts are but'fy iridescence when viewed head-on. gray with a weakly-de fined suhterminal green spot of The brilliant rosy-red to purplish-red gorget of ame- variable size and extensively margined wilh pale huf- thystina, which extends from (be chin laterally lo (he fy-gray. eye and posterior to the upper throat, is bordered pos- The tail of amethystine) is moderately forked. The teriorly by a while or grayish-while pectoral hand lhai outer reel rices (R2-R5) are narrow (3.3-3,6 mm wide) blends posteriorly into dull green on the sides. Gorget and dull purplish-black in coloration. The outer vane feathers are of moderate length (6.1 7.0 mm), medium is faintly (R3) or moderately i R2) glossed with green. gray basal ly bordered distal ly by a narrow transitional R3-R5 are faintly lipped wilh green in some individ- band of gray glossed with green and tipped with a uals dm striated ramphotheca). Both vanes of R I arc rosy-red terminal disk (from posterior margin of gor- extensively glossed with dark green. Rachises are dark get: 2.1-2.4 mm deep, 1.7-2.9 mm wide). Feathers of brown on both surfaces. The shallow ly forked tail of the lower breast, sides, and flanks are dark gray ba- aureoventris. which is shining steel-blue on both sur- sally, tipped subterminally with a weakly-iridescent faces, contrasts highly with the brilliant bluish-green green disk, and fringed (heavily along the midline) tail coverts. Outer rectrices are 5,4-6.8 mm wide. with grayish-buff or buff. Vent leathers are white, Tib- The color and shape of the hybrid's (ail are inter- 450 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON mediate between those of ameihystina and tmreovtn- ls medium brown ;i; the base of the bill. Feathering rris. The right outer rectrix (R5) is 4.11 mm wide. The on the maxillary ramphotheca extends to the anterior outer vane of R2 and both vanes of Rt arc glossed edge of the nasal operculum but does not obscure it. with green. The mandibular ramphotheca and the proximal % of Remises of amethystine are dark purplish-brown, the maxillary ramphotheca of uuretiveniris is light yel- whereas those of tiureoveturis are bluish-black and sig- lowish-brown (red in life). Feathering does not reach nificantly glossier. Neither species shows unusual the anterior edge of the nasal operculum, which is fully exposed. The bill of the hybrid is almost perfectly in- notching or emargination of the primaries and second- termediate in color. The maxillary ramphotheca is dark aries. The remiges of the hybrid are intermediate in brown proximally becoming black distally. The man- color between those of the hypothesized parental spe- dibular ramphotheca is pale yellowish-brown, gradu- cies. ally darkening to brownish-black on the distal fifth. The maxillary ramphot.heca in umeihystina is black, Feathering extends to the anterior edge of the nasal the mandibular ramphotheca is brownish-black distal- operculum, which is slightly inflated.