Archaeologia Cantiana - On-line Index GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUMES CXXXI 2011 (131) to CXXXX (140)

Index being created - years added as they are published

VOLUMES CXXXI 2011 (131) to CXXXV 2014 (135) as at March 2015 Letter M

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This index covers volumes 131–135 inclusive (2011–2014) at present of Archaeologia Cantiana, later volumes up to Vol. 140 will be added as they are published.. It includes all significant persons, places and subjects. Volume numbers are shown in bold type and illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italic type or by (illus.) where figures occur throughout the text. The letter n after a page number indicates that the reference will be found in a footnote. Alphabetisation is word by word. Women are indexed by their maiden name, where known, with cross references from any married name(s). All places within historic are included and are arranged by civil parish. Places that fall within Greater London are to be found listed under their own name i.e. Eltham etc. Places outside Kent that play a significant part in the text are followed by their post 1974 county. Place names with two elements (e.g. East Peckham, Upper Hardres) will be found indexed under their full place name. This cumulative index was compiled by Mr Ted Connell. T. G. LAWSON, Honorary Editor Kent Archaeological Society, March 2015

Abbreviations m. married Ald. Alderman E. Sussex M.P. Member of Parliament b. born ed./eds. editor/editors Notts. Nottinghamshire B. & N.E.S. Bath and North East f facing Oxon. Somerset fl. floruit P.M. Prime Minister Berks. G. London Greater London Pembs. Pembrokeshire Bt. Baronet Gen. General Revd Reverend Bucks. Glam. Glamorgan Sgt Sergeant C Century Glos. Gloucestershire snr. senior C.A.T. Canterbury Archaeological Hants. Som. Somerset Trust Herefs. Herefordshire St Saint Caer. Caerphilly Hon. Honourable Staffs. Staffordshire Cambs. Cambridgeshire illus. illustrated Ven. Venerable Capt. Captain J.P. Justice of the Peace W. Mids. West Midlands Cllr. Councillor jnr. junior W. Sussex West Sussex Co. Company LBK Linearbandkeramik Warks. Warwickshire Col. Colonel Lincs. Lincolnshire Wilts. Wiltshire d. died Lt. Lieutenant Worcs. Worcestershire Derbys. Derbyshire Lt-Col. Lieutenant Colonel Yorks. Yorkshire

MacDougall, Philip, Chatham Dock-yard. The Rise and Fall of a Military Industrial Complex, reviewed 133.352-3 MacDougall, Philip, Chatham Through Time, reviewed 132.371-2; see also Coats, Ann Veronica Macpherson-Grant, Nigel see Wilkinson, Paul 135. Madden, Sir Frederick 131.348 133.101 All Saints Church misericords 133.187, 188, 189, 192, 193, 194, 199, 200, 201, 207, 210, 211 All Saints college 133.119 anti-slavery 133.3 Barton Road, villa 135.255, 256 Battle of (1648) 132.21, 35-9 Bower Lane, villa 135.149, 255, 256 bridge 133.118 Crowhurst’s Stables 135.149 defences 131.161, 186, 187 Earl St/Pudding Lane, RB ‘urns’ 135.149 Florence Road, villa 135.255 Fremlin Walk excavation 135.135, 137, 147-8, 148, 149, 150 Havock Lane 135.149 inhumation burials, Roman 135.149 Kentish Petition’ 132.91 Langley park 132.56 Little Buckland Farm, villa 135.256 marriages 131.386 migration and mobility 135.98 nodal point 132.174 parish registers 135.158, 160, 165, 171, 183 park 132.62 pilgrims 133.119 Roman period, and villas 135.255-6, 259; and see Church St below Roman settlement and villas 134.63 St Faith’s St, RB ‘urns’ 135.149 St Mary’s Church 133.189, 192 St Michael’s Church misericords 133.188 St Peter’s Wharf, medieval hospital excavations 133.115-29 brewery or gas works 132.307 cemetery burials 133.115, 117, 122, 123-7, 124, 128 chapel 133.115, 118, 121 cloth shrouds 133.123 drain, masonry 133.117, 120, 121, 122 hospital buildings 133.121-2 hospital dedication 133.118 pilgrims 133.119 pottery 133.125 St Peter’s church 133.121, 122 ships and mariners 134.74, 76, 89, 90 tax 131.9 Week St, RB building 135.148, 148, 149 World War I recruitment 133.335-40 see also Mount Villa 135. Maidstone: Church St R-B settlement 135.131-51 animal bone, IA and RB 135.134, 138-41, 147 placed deposits 135.147 bird and fish bone, and eggshell 135.141-2, 145 brooch, LIA 135.132, 136, 137-8, 138 coins, LIA potin 135.132, 137, 147 ditches (boundary; enclosure), IA 135.132, 133, 134, 135-6, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 147, 148, 149 figurine, pipe-clay, Roman 135.134, 138, 138 finds, Roman 135.134, 137-8, 138 hearth or oven 135.132-3, 133, 134, 136, 142, 143-4, 146, 148 hobnails 135.134, 137 iron objects 135.137 key, iron, Roman 135.134, 137, 138 marine molluscs (shell) 135.134, 142 metalworking residues 135.144, 145 pits, RB 135.133-4, 133, 135, 136-7, 139-42, 144-7, 148 plant remains 135.133, 134, 143-7 cereal (spelt) processing 135.144, 145, 146 ‘cumings’/malting waste 135.145, 146-7 radiocarbon dating 135.133, 134 postholes (G9), LIA 135.132, 143 pottery 135.134-7, 147 LIA/’Belgic’ 135.132, 134, 135, 136, 147 Roman 135.132, 133, 134, 135, 136-7, 138, 149 querns 135.134, 138, 148 trackway, Roman 135.132, 134, 137, 148, 149 Maidstone Hospital, Barming, archaeological investigations 134.141-51 prehistoric flint 134.143 Neolithic 134.141, 143, 146 Bronze Age/Late Bronze Age 134.141, 143, 145, 146 Iron Age 134.141, 143, 145, 146 Late Iron Age/Romano-British (Nursery Site) 134.141, 143, 144, 146 Roman/Romano-British 134.141, 145-6 brooch, Romano-British 134.143, 145, 147-8, 147 burials and cemetery, Romano-British 134.145-6 cremation, Romano-British (Renal Unit Site) 134.141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147 human bone, cremated 134.148-9 plant remains 134.143 pottery 134.143, 145, 146-7 maletote lists 131.4, 7, 18 Mallens, Robert 135.99 Malling 131.278 malting ovens 132.287 Malym, Henry and son Richard 135.219 Mandy, William 135.177 manor houses 132.268 manors 135.117, 121, 126 Manston 132.161 Manston family 133.192 Manston, William 133.192 Maplesden, John 135.284 Mar[r]able, Anne and Richard 132.98, 104 Marden 131.66, 70, 73, 74, 80 n.34 parish register 135.165 Marden, Widehurst 132.268 Margaret of Anjou 132.324, 325 Margaret of York 135.38, 41 Margate 131.376, 132.157, 158, 135.93, 94 anti-slavery 133.3, 5-20 archives 134.330, 331 brewery 133.1, 5, 6-7, 8, 22 Holy Trinity 133.21 ships and mariners 134.74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 84, 90, 92 Margetts, Andrew, ‘The medieval hospital of St Mary the Blessed Virgin, Ospringe (Maison Dieu): further details of its original layout revealed by excavations at the Fairways’ 131.129-42 marine molluscs (shell) 135.17, 20, 24, 134, 142 mariners see ports 134. market places 131.225 Marler, James and James senior 135.218, 219 Marmion, William and Loretta 131.312 marriage licence allegations 135.93-4, 96, 98 marriages 131. early modern 131.373-92 patterns 131.7-19 recorded in parish registers 135.153, 155, 156, 158, 162, 163, 165, 166-9, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175-86 Thanet 135.93, 94, 96, 98, 101-2 Marriot, Robert, clerk 135.183 Marsh, Thomas, miller 133.286 Marsh, William (de Marisco), pirate 131.310 Marshall, George 133.17 Marshall, John, escheator 134.287, 289 marshes, marshland 132.268 Marston, John 132.83-109 Marston, John, poet (d.1634) 132.86, 100 Martin, David and Barbara, ‘A reinterpretation of the gatehouse at Tonbridge Castle’ 133.235-76 Martin, David and Barbara, and Jane Clubb, ‘An archaeological interpretative survey of the Old Castle, Scotney, Lamberhurst: Part 1 – the medieval period’ 131.321-43 Martin, David, Barbara Martin and Jane Clubb, ‘An archaeological interpretative survey of the Old Castle, Scotney: Part II ’ 132.111-51 Martin, Jon, Jorn Schuster and Alistair J. Barclay, ‘Evidence of an Early Bronze Age field system and spelt wheat growing, together with an Anglo-Saxon sunken featured building, at Monkton Road, Minster in Thanet’ 132.43-52 Mary I 132.56, 63, 111 Mason, Martha, schoolmistress 133.47 Masterson, Daniel, alderman 132.99 mathematical tiles 131.140 matrimonial suits 134.266, 276-7 Matthew le Wantier 133.45 Matts Hill 131.170 mausoleum, Roman, Grange 135.15, 16, 18, 20 Maw, Benjamin, grocer 133.15, 16 Mayheu family 134.84 Mayheu, John, mariner 134.82 Mayney, Sir John 132.35, 36 McIntosh, K.H. see Stennett, Heather 131. McNicol, A.J. 133.47 Meddens, Frank, and Gillian Draper, ‘”Out on a limb”: insights into Grange, a small member of the Cinque Ports Confederation’ 135.1-32 medieval 132. climate 132.286-7, 288 industry 132.296 Maidstone 132.307 Minster in Sheppey 132.299, 301 New Romney 132.303, 304 salterns 132.330 Sandwich 132.301 see also Canterbury; Canterbury, Rose Lane; corn-driers; pottery 132. Medway 132.1 marsh 132.268 naval forces and defences 132.155, 156, 181, 183 20th-century military and civil defences 131.159-95 Medway river 133. bridging (crossing) 133.119, 236 19th-century defences and refortifications 133.131, 132 Wester near 133.101, 102 Medway Valley, Roman 134.63 Roman river navigability 135.251-60 Medway, quarrying 135.252-3 Meller, Hamo 132.335 Mendfield, Thomas, school governor 134.208 Meopham, manor 135.77 Mercer, John, pirate 135.8 Merewood (Mereworth), deer park 132.54, 63 Merriman, Ann and Martha 135.224, 225, 228 Mersham 135.98, 180 marriages 131.386Mersham Hatch, park 132.58, 60, 69 Merton Priory 135.34 Mesolithic bladelet 132.47 flint tools 132.299 microliths 131.202, 294, 298, 299, 301 Nonington 131.356, 369 Tonbridge 131.202 Tong’s Meadow, Harrietsham 131.291-303 Whitfield, flint 132.304 Mesolithic activity, at Finglesham 134.221-62 brickearth 134.221, 222, 222, 223, 224-5, 254, 258 burins 134.233, 253-4, 253, 256, 257, 259 calcined flints 134.221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 230, 231-2, 259-60 flanc de nucleus 134.228, 233, 243 hammerstones 134.233, 241, 243, 254 hut-pit? 134.229, 257 knapping debris and process 134.226, 242-3 knives 134.233, 251, 252, 256 log-boat construction? 134.258-60 North Stream and ancient channel 134.221, 222, 225, 259 picks 134.254, 255, 256, 257 piercers 134.233, 252-3, 253, 256, 259 raw material 134.232-4 scrapers 134.233, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 256, 257, 259 thermoluminescence dates 134.225, 230-1, 232, 257 tranchet adzes (and adze flakes, -sharpening flakes) 134.226, 228, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 241, 243-6, 245, 247, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258-9 wedge 134.246, 247, 259 wood-working tools 134.246, 257, 258-9 Mesolithic flints, Furfield Quarry 134.41 Mesolithic, at Grange 135.15; see also flints metalworking see Canterbury: Wincheap suburb; Grange; ironworking; Maidstone: Church St; smithies 135. metalworking see copper-alloy melting; ironworking; slag 133. metalworking waste, Roman 132.293 Meyny, John, escheator 134.289 Middleton, Sampson de 131.219 midwives 135.214, 216, 217 migration and mobility, on the Isle of Thanet 135.93-103 military defences (20th-century), Medway 131.159-95 Military Service Conventions (1917) 133.335, 337, 338 mills 132.277, 287, 338 Brasted 133.308, 310 Dover 133.323 see also Canterbury, Black Mill 133. millstones 133.293 Milton Regis 131.66, 70, 73, 74, 76, 77, 278, 131.80 n.34, 134.191, 135.163, 171, 183, 277 Milton lathe 133.83, 84, 86, 99, 103 Milton (Gravesend) 135.77 Milton (Thanington) 135. 99 Mincing Wood 132.349 Minnis (le Menes, Menes) 132.339, 340 Minnis Bay, Beck Hoard found in 132.5 Minster 131.278 Minster in Sheppey, multi-phase occupation 132.299, 301 parish register 135.160, 165, 179 Minster in Thanet 132. Anglo-Saxon sunken featured building and pottery 132.43, 44, 48-50 animal bone 132.45, 49 charter 133.89 Early Neolithic 132.44, 48 EBA field system 132.43, 44, 45-8, 50-1 flint 132.45, 47, 48 ‘the Greate Close’ 132.267 hearth/oven, uncertain date 132.47-8 King George’s Field excavation 132.49 palaeochannel of the Wantsum 132.43-5 plant remains 132.45-6, 50-1 radiocarbon dating 132.43, 46, 47, 49, 50 see also Sherivescourte 132. marriages 131.383 migration and mobility 135.94, 94, 96, 97, 99 St Mary’s Church misericords 133.188, 190, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 199-200, 201, 204, 205, 207, 209, 211 Tothill St 135.191 Minster in Thanet, pottery from the Roman villa 131.231-75 Building 1: 131.235, 246, 248 Rooms 7 & 8: 131.248 Room 10: 131.248 Room 11: 131.247-8 Room 17: 131.245-7, 250, 251, 252 Building 3 131. drainage channel 131.248 (F.3000) 131.252 Room 131.20: 236, 252 stone robbing 131.253 Building 4: 131.238, 252 ditch (F.5003) 131.242-3 ditch recut (F.5014) 131.250-1 (F.4032) 131.252 hypocaust 131.248-50 Building 6A: 131.254 bath-suite 131.244 ditch draining bath suite (F.7246) 131.238 hypocaust 131.240 Building 7 malt-kiln 131.251-3, 256 pit (F.1108) 131.237-8 pit (F4072/F.9038) 131.243-4 pit (F.9075) 131.236 prehistoric 131.231-2, 234-5 shaft (F.821), villa enclosure 131.239-40 villa boundary wall 131.237 well (F.7128) 131.240-2 well shaft (F.7105) 131.244-5 minster, Lyminge 132.334 Minster-in-Thanet: Roman villa 135. architectural reconstruction 135.189-207 Building 1 villa 135.191, 193-202 hearth 135.196 Building 3 bath-house 135. 199, 201, 202-3, 202 Building 4 east pavilion 135.191, 192, 193, 198, 199, 203-6, 204 Building 6 west pavilion 135.191, 192, 194, 198, 199, 203-6, 203 gateway (in south wall) 135.191, 192 glass for windows 135.201 large walled enclosure 135.191, 192, 193, 197, 201, 205 porticus 135.196, 198, 200, 201 trackway 135.191 villa setting 135.189-91 Minter, Ann 135.178 Minton tiles 131.59 misericords, medieval, in parish churches 133.185-213 moated site see Grange 135. Mockerness, John and Roger 131.381 Modelief, Stephen 131.19 Molash 135.165 Molash, Richard 131.280 Molash, William, prior 132.323 molluscs 131.358 Molond, John 131.282 Mongeham 131.279 Monkenland 132.340 Monks Horton, rectory 132.224 Monkton 135.94, 96, 97, 101, 147 memorial in church 131.390 Monkton Marshes 132.172 Monkton see Sherivescourte 132. Mono, Guido de, rector 133.192 Montfichet, Richard de 131.309 Montfort, Hugh de 131.46 Moody, Ges, book review by 133.348-50 Moor, Katherine 131.389 Moore, John, archbishop 132.220, 221, 223 Moore, Richard 131.389 Moraunt, Sir William 135.5 More, John 135.36 More, Sir Thomas 134.10 More, Thomas 134.285, 286, 288, 289 Moreton, Archbishop 133.191 Morgan, David 133.49 Morgan, George 133.49 Morley, Simon, parker 132.337, 337, 338 Morphett family 134.301-4 Morrice, Thomas 135.285 Morris, Roger 134.285 Mortimer Farm 134.125 Mortimer, Roger 134.71 mortmain 134.286-7, 288, 289, 290 Morton, Cardinal 131.283 Mount family 131.387 mount or tack, medieval 133.41, 59 Mount Villa, Roman 135.137, 146, 149, 255 mount, copper-alloy 135.21 mount, openwork, medieval 133.42, 60 mounts, copper alloy 132.244, 255 Mountstevan, John and son Thomas 135.99 Mucking (), corn-drier 131.365 Mundie, George 133.48 Munich Crisis 132.162 Murston 135.171 Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) 133.115, 132.306-8 Mussett family 131.387 Mystole House, Chartham 132.167 Mywelle, William de 133.117

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