WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE | REGULAR BOARD MEETING Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. ZOOM Meeting Platform**

AGENDA 1. Roll Call

2. Changes to the Agenda

3. Communications

4. Approval of Minutes a. COW - Regular Board Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2020* b. Closed Session Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2020

5. Approve Financials a. July 2020*

6. Approval of August 27, 2020 Vouchers*

7. New Business a. Lloyd Tier II Project* b. Shabica & Assoc. Proposal* c. Indian Hill Easement*

8. Remarks from Visitors

9. Unfinished Business a. Platform Tennis Facility Update b. Future Investment Opportunities Update

10. Matters of the Director

11. Board Liaison Reports

12. Staff Updates

13. Closed Session The Board will enter Closed Session to discuss: a. The purchase or lease of property. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) b. The setting of a price for sale or lease of property. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6) c. Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1 )

14. Return to Open Session

15. Approval of Property Exchange Concept

16. Adjournment

*Items included in packet **Participation instructions available at: or email: [email protected]

Persons with disabilities requiring reasonable accommodations to participate in meetings should contact John Shea, the Park District’s ADA Compliance Coordinator, at the Park District’s Administrative Office by mail at 540 Hibbard Rd, Winnetka, IL, by phone at 847-501-2040, Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or by email to [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Requests for a qualified interpreter require five (5) working days advance notice.



President Archambault called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Mickey Archambault, Teresa Claybrook, Christina Codo, Warren James, Colleen Knupp, David Seaman

Commissioners Absent: Eric Lussen

Staff present in the Winnetka Park District Administrative Office with observance of social distancing practices: John Peterson, Executive Director; John Muno, Transitional Executive Director; John Shea, Superintendent of Recreation; Christine Berman, Superintendent of Finance; Lara Kuechel, Executive Assistant Costa Kutulas, Superintendent of Parks; Kelsey Raftery, Marketing Brand Manager. Via videoconference: Joe Holguin, Asst. Manager, A.C. Tennis Center; Paul Schwartz, Ice Arena Manager.

Audience Present via Zoom: Steve Hole, Winnetka Parks - joined at: 7:35 p.m.

Audience Present: None

CHANGES TO THE AGENDA: The A.C. Nielsen Tennis Lighting Bid was removed from the agenda due to last minute information and the Steve Hole Resolution will take place during the Board Liaison reports.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES Consent agenda to approve:  Special Board Meeting Minutes of June 11, 2020  Closed Session Meeting Minutes of June 11, 2020  COW & Regular Board Meeting Minutes of June 18, 2020  Closed Session Meeting Minutes of June 18, 2020 Commissioner James made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Seaman seconded the motion. Commissioner James noted that the spelling of Michels Material needed to be corrected. A roll call vote was taken.

Ayes: Archambault, Codo, James, Seaman Nays: None Motion Carried


APPROVAL OF FINANCIALS A motion was made by Commissioner James to approve the Financials for June 2020. Commissioner Codo seconded. Superintendent Berman noted a slight rebound in June and projected that the year-end would be pretty good, considering the current economy. Commissioner Seaman questioned expanding on services being down and capital. She used the example of Superintendent Shea’s department, clarifying that some of the recreation programs and services, i.e. camps and bus service and capitals reflect a timing delay. Superintendent Berman could follow-up as she did not have the complete detail at hand. Executive Directory Peterson and Superintended Shea commented further. Superintendent Berman added that the first installment for PDRMA budgeted for June and was paid in for July, thus making about a $100,000 difference as . President Archambault acknowledged the diligent work of the various departments to offset revenue shortfalls. A roll call vote was taken.

Note: Commissioner Teresa Claybrook joined the meeting

Ayes: Archambault, Claybrook, Codo, James, Knupp, Seaman Nays: None Motion Carried

APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS A motion was made by Commissioner James to approve Vouchers for July 23, 2020 in the amount of $479,879.75. Commissioner Seaman seconded the motion. Superintendent Berman noted the high water bill for golf in June and the progress payment for the Tower Rd. project was more than $100,000. A roll call vote was taken.

Ayes: Archambault, Claybrook, Codo, James, Knupp, Seaman Nays: None Motion Carried

NEW BUSINESS: John C. Muno, Jr. Resolution A motion was made by Commissioner Claybrook to approve the John C. Muno, Jr. Resolution. Commissioner James seconded the motion. Executive Director Peterson recognized retiring Executive Director Muno and noted the remarkable admiration and appreciation from the WPD staff. He then read the formal Resolution. President Archambault offered thanks many times over, offered wishes for enjoyment in retirement, and then stated “Sir, job well done”! Commissioner James concurred and said that he was a pleasure to work with, was a great ombudsman and always conducted himself as a high- minded man and a gentleman, then offered all the best wishes and thanks. Commissioner Claybrook noted that she is saving her comments for the “roast” and celebration. John Muno offered his thanks, further saying that the recognition is reflective of a staff team and a supportive Board.


John C. Muno, Jr. Resolution cont’d: A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: Archambault, Claybrook, Codo, James, Knupp, Seaman Nays: None Motion Carried

A.C. Nielsen LED Lighting Project - removed from the agenda.

Northshore Trevian Football Agreement A motion was made by Commissioner Codo to approve the Northshore Trevian Football Agreement. Commissioner Knupp seconded the motion. Superintendent Shea offered thanks to Commissioner Lussen and noted the value of the partnership with Trevian Football, complimented the healthy flag football program and moves towards flag football instead of tackle football given the current circumstances. He added that an increase to a 3 year agreement was due to the strong relationship and that it was a competitive rate. Northshore Trevian Football prefers to play all games on the turf. Commissioner Claybrook said that the ROI analysis highlights the costs of the fields and wanted to know if contracts to 3rd party provider fees would contribute to the improvements. Superintendent Shea responded that our affiliate groups pay a competitive higher rate, to which Commissioner Codo inquired if that was just locally, which was confirmed. Commissioner Seaman questioned legal/liability commitments to which Superintendent Shea responded that our waivers are incorporated into the user groups’ waivers. Executive Director Peterson noted that 3 or 4 iterations of WPD waivers have been enhanced for user groups and had received the attention of Attorney Steve Adams. A roll call vote was taken.

Ayes: Archambault, Claybrook, Codo, James, Knupp, Seaman Nays: None Motion Carried


UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Capital Financing Project Update: Superintended Berman reported on the 2020 Bond issuance and noted that the Lloyd project has started. Each business unit leader presented their Return on Investment (ROI) projects with brief question and answer sessions, documentation had been supplied to the Board prior to the meeting.

Superintendent Shea presented plans for an artificial turf project for Field 4 due to high demand from North Shore Country Day School, Team One Lacrosse, and AYSO. Field 4 is primarily used as more of a multipurpose field than for baseball. Additional lighting would increase usability for more games, not just practices, and a significant increase in hours used. Commissioner Seaman posed the comment that they would not make the initial

4 investment back, to which Superintendent Shea responded that it was a fair assessment. Commissioner Knupp questioned if there is still bond our there for the current turf to which superintendent Berman replied yes, with Commissioner Codo further noting that it is from the 2014 bond sale. Brief discussion took place about Field 5 and Commissioner James expressed concern over errant golf balls from the range, suggesting factoring in costs for a new golf net. Superintendents Shea and Kutulas further addressed those concerns, noting that there would still be some risk and additional netting would cost $300 – 400,000.

President Archambault confirmed that no votes would be taking place and Executive Director John Peterson said that this was an informal presentation by the business unit leaders. Any additional questions will be valued and directed to business leaders.

Winnetka Golf Club Manager, Matt Johnson presented a plan for cart paths as part of the stromwater project. He felt that the numbers were conservative, further noting that carts are a huge asset for revenue. They will be important to protect the conditions of the grass, especially following renovations. The existing path is in poor condition and is slated for replacement. Commissioner Claybrook inquired about having paved paths vs. , but Manager Johnson pointed out that is detrimental for upkeep, although aesthetically better. President Archambault concurred that it is a very high maintenance item. Commissioner Knupp questioned if paths made the course more competitive to which he stated that it would as currently the course is more of a walking course, new and younger golfers favor riding and not using walking as part of exercise and that the fleet is currently an expense in the budget at year 6. They are looking towards electric carts for lower maintenance.

A.C. Nielsen Tennis Center, Asst. Tennis Manager, Joe Holguin reported on the plan for a tennis bubble dome. It would be used for the 4 courts adjacent to the paddle courts and pony field (numbers 4 – 7) and would provide an additional 150 days of use. It is expected to have a 5 – 6 year payback, with $180,000 net per year. Non-peak hours can include other recreational uses and would be installed from October to March, taking three days to put up and three days to take down. President Archambault asked questions regarding the storage and cost and Commissioner Knupp questioned cost of storage and takedown. Commissioner Codo questioned the useful life to which Asst. Manager Holguin responded was 20 years. President Archambault questioned the ability to handle snow loads to which Superintended Kutulas said it would be, self-shedding, but would have to run numbers for the climate to avoid any issues. Commissioner Seaman noted that it is an attractive project and there is a good capitalization rate.

Winnetka Ice Arena Manager, Paul Schwartz is pursuing a covered outdoor ice facility, noting the struggles they have had with weather and its negative impact to the current uncovered outdoor ice rink. A covered pavilion could be used for skating November through March and a number of activities the other nine months of the year. Commissioner James questioned the $6 million cost, to which Manager Schwartz responded with a detailed list of features, such as a new rink/event floor with refrigeration requiring double chillers, the structure, locker rooms, outdoor restrooms for public use and a new Zamboni room, serving both indoor and outdoor rinks. Commissioner Knupp questioned the placement of stormwater tanks to which Executive 5

Director Peterson commented that the village will be grooming the space with that purpose in mind. Commissioner Claybrook questioned the size; which is currently 140’ x 60’ and is proposed to be regulation size 200’ x 85’, an attractive benefit for competitive play. She further inquired about fundraising; Executive Director Peterson further noted that a process similar to that of the Winnetka Platform Tennis Club may be a concept that we could apply to offset investments required for the projects. Brief further discussion took place regarding special interest use, prioritizing return on capital and seeking private funding. Commissioner Codo inquired about timelines for these projects

Note: Commissioner Knupp, Matt Johnson, Joe Holguin and Paul Schwartz left the meeting.

Lloyd Shoreline Project Superintendent Kutulas made a brief presentation regarding the expansion of the Tier II project, which encompasses the Lloyd , boat access, storage and beach access as well as completion of the bluff work per the lakefront plan. It is a cost effective approach with soft costs of around $1 million with some subtle changes from the original plan that is scaled back. He is expecting to have a proposal with renderings from the Lakota Group for review at the August Board meeting. Commissioner James facilitated a discussion on the timing and emphasized the importance of not delaying progress, with concern for the public use. Commissioner Claybrook was in agreement that the repairs to Lloyd should be expedited to coincide with the current project.

Tier II will have to be re-permitted for design changes and involves some soft costs, highlighting the steel . Commissioner James questioned if sufficient fund allocation has taken place for this project to make Lloyd usable. These are not allocated in this budget according to Superintendent Kutulas. President Archambault questioned the costs to which the Superintendent responded that soft costs are around $120 – 130,000. Executive Director Peterson asked for collaboration and President Archambault emphasized that they should not wait. Commissioner James said he is thrilled with moving forward and asked that the Board give latitude to the WPD staff. Superintendent Kutulas said that he will recirculate with the staff and will continue communications with Michels to help expedite the timeline and put a plan in place that is best for the community.

The Elder Centennial project estimated at $7 million, combined soft and construction costs, and is similar in design to the Lloyd site. He is waiting for drawings, but believes it is a high- level estimate. To rebuild the beach is estimated at $1.5 million with soft costs. Due to the uniqueness, further discussion is needed and he has had dialogs with Michels regarding land and marine based operations. There is a need to pace timing, per Commissioner Codo and Commissioner Seaman inquired if it is fair to say that we should wait and see when Lloyd is done to see how that works before moving on due to the high costs. President Archambault said that a respectful amount of time will be given.

Note: Steve Hole joined the meeting.



BOARD LIAISON REPORTS Steve Hole Resolution A motion was made by Commissioner Codo to approve the Steve Hole Resolution. Commissioner Claybrook seconded the motion. Superintendent Shea read the Resolution. Steve Hole said that he was honored to have been involved with the Winnetka Parks Foundation and the Park District and extended future help remotely if needed. Executive Director Peterson further noted Steve Hole’s investment in the community and the intellectual capital, energy, positive attitude & professionalism he brought to the Winnetka Parks Foundation. A roll call vote was taken.

Ayes: Archambault, Claybrook, Codo, James, Seaman Nays: None Motion Carried

STAFF UPDATES Superintendent of Finance, Christine Berman – The Bond closing is coming up July 28, scheduled timing and payoffs and has been in touch with Eric Anderson from Piper Sander. Would really like to see fundraising come to fruition. The 2021 budget process is rolling out in the next few weeks.

Marketing Brand Manager, Kelsey Raftery – The fall brochure is coming out the 31st of July in a digital format, winter will also likely be digital. President Archambault noted the cost savings. Commissioner Codo complimented the videos that were narrated by Kelsey and Costa and would like to share with her students. Commissioner Claybrook also enjoyed it.

Executive Assistant, Lara Kuechel – stated that beach pass sales are all caught up at the front desk and are continuing to be sold.

Superintendent of Recreation, John Shea – Shout out to his staff, especially Toby Ross for running the camp program, numbers and feedback have been great. Also, Marty Kwiatkowski has done a great job with his lifeguard and lakefront staff. Compliments have been received. He further complimented Debbie Zarembski for managing the Administrative Office front desk, stating that $200,000 in beach pass sales exceeds previous years, which were at around $85,000. Commissioner Claybrook was acknowledged for making introductions to Core Power Yoga for new programs. Approximately 40 people have been at each class; it has been a great program and he is looking to advance programming. He also thanked Commissioner James for meeting to review the project at the lakefront. Outdoor concerts have started at Hubbard Woods, with children’s concerts taking place in the afternoon. Superintendent Shea added that staff is looking for creative ways to conduct our usual summer activities with social distancing. A meeting with the school district is forthcoming to review plans for upcoming activities. Commissioner Claybrook questioned attendance policies for the concerts and a brief discussion took place regarding finding ways to manage attendance.


Superintendent of Parks, Costa Kutulas – Lloyd project moving along very well – 3,000 tons of stone have been delivered, testing has taken place and the construction of has commenced. Demolition of the south pier is done and some infrastructure has been constructed that will be helpful for future projects. Visitors are welcome, but must register at the Michels tent if you wish to visit the site for safety and PPE. Completion of the Tower project is nearing with the activity platform now erected, S & K work will be completed and then the carpentry will be able to continue. The project is progressing, but looking to wrap up in September and continue to look for ways to expedite completion.

WPTC lighting project LED retrofits are completed and have had great feedback. LED tennis lighting project has unexpected warranty issues that came up at the last minute and will have to review and finalize; a new vendor is a possibility.

Commissioner Seaman questioned depth testing, to which Superintendent Kutulas said that a sand roadway will allow them to get further out to complete that at the southern arm.

Note: Commissioner James lost connection and returned to the meeting.

Commissioner Codo inquired if each beach is unique and will this project help to make a distinction for the clay base at Elder/Centennial. Superintendent Kutulas is hopeful that it is similar, but said that it is hard to tell. President Archambault complimented the time-lapse video – Superintendent Kutulas noted the team effort and will look to committing to weekly or biweekly posts to reflect progress. Commissioner James will follow-up with Superintendent Kutulas re: info he may have missed due to his loss of video connection.

CLOSED SESSION Commissioner Codo made a motion to go into Closed Session pursuant to Section 2(c)(5) of the Open Meetings Act, for the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, and 2(c)(6) for the setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body. Commissioner Claybrook seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Ayes: Archambault, Claybrook, Codo, James, Seaman Nays: None. Motion carried.

RETURN TO OPEN SESSION At 8:26 p.m. Commissioner Codo made a motion to return to Open Session. Commissioner James seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Ayes: Archambault, Claybrook, Codo, James, Seaman Nays: None. Motion carried.


ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Claybrook made a motion to adjourn the meeting 8:26 p.m. Commissioner Codo seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Ayes: Archambault, Claybrook, Codo, James, Seaman Nays: None. Motion carried.

______Mickey Archambault, Board President John Peterson, Board Secretary


Net Surplus/(Deficit) is $1,219,222 above year-to-date budget

 Revenues are $1,234,279 below year-to-date  Operating Expenses are $1,015,014 below year-to-date budget  Capitals/Contracts Payable are $1,438,487 below year-to-date budget


Revenues are $1,234,279 below year-to-date budget:

 Total revenues are 197% above year-to-date budget  Property Taxes are $335,720 below year to date budget, due in part to the extension of late filing fees from August to October  Interest income is $23,202 above year-to-date budget  User Fees are $540,850 below year-to-date budget:  Sailing – $59,053 below budget  Beaches – $56,323 above budget  Boat Launch – $142,398 below budget  Golf – $39,103 above budget  Paddle – $1,032 below budget  Tennis – $159,565 below budget . Indoor Tennis – $331,887 below budget . Outdoor Tennis – $172,322 above budget  Ice - $178,016 below budget  Rec Program Fees are $277,647 below year-to-date budget  Miscellaneous Income is $75,858 below year-to-date budget


Operating expenses are $1,015,014, or 16.7% below year-to-date budget:  Salaries & Wages are $263,764 below year-to-date budget  Supplies are $218,937 below budget across all funds  Services are $400,858 below budget across all funds  Repairs & Maintenance are $126,048 below budget across all funds  Utilities are $16,901 above budget across all funds


Capitals/ Contracts Payable are $1,438,487 below year-to-date budget:

 Capitals are $1,429,000 below budget  Contracts Payable are $9,488 under budget due to distribution timing of loan payment

13 Winnetka Park District Statement of Cash and Investments For The Month Ended July 31, 2020

Bank Name Amount Annual Rate CASH Petty Cash 1,750.00 Harris Bank - Holiday Savings 18,632.71 Illinois Funds 78,701.21 0.45% N Corwin Fund 38,110.88 0.10% Harris Bank - Operating 93,978.42 Harris - Money Market 242,954.44 0.15% Harris Bank - Payroll 45,182.17

Total Cash 519,309.83

INVESTMENTS Harris Bank - CD's 0.00 IPDLAF - 2020 Bond Proceeds 9,298,074.23 0.06% IPDLAF - Money Market 3,974,186.98 0.06% Pacific Western Bank, CA - CD 248,000.00 0.45% Cibic, MI - CD 248,000.00 0.25% North Shore Community Bank Max Safe Money Market 5,058,356.84 0.30% North Shore Community Bank CD 0.00

Total Investments 18,826,618.05 0.13%


14 Winnetka Park District YTD Revenue Analysis Dashboard As of 07/31/2020

Total Revenue Winnetka Park District

Actual Total $7,318,817 80% 120% Total 40% 160% Revenue Revenue Budget 0% 86% 200% $8,553,096

% of Budget $4.000M $6.000M $8.000M $10.000M $12.000M $14.000M $16.000M $18.000M

Taxes Winnetka Park District

Actual 80% 120% $4,143,298 Taxes Taxes 40% 160% Budget $4,479,017 0% 93% 200%

% of Budget $1.000M $2.000M $3.000M $4.000M $5.000M $6.000M

User Fees Winnetka Park District

Actual User 80% 120% $2,516,013 User 40% 160% Fees Fees Budget 0% 82% 200% $3,056,863

% of Budget $1.000M $2.000M $3.000M $4.000M $5.000M

15 Winnetka Park District YTD Revenue Analysis Dashboard As of 07/31/2020

Rec Program Fees Winnetka Park District

Actual Rec Rec $396,856 80% 120% Program Fees 40% 160% Budget Program $674,503 0% 59% 200%

% of Budget $250.000K $500.000K $750.000K $1.000M

Other: Pro, Interest, Misc Winnetka Park District

Other: Actual $262,651 80% 120% Other: Pro, Interest, 40% 160% Pro, Misc, Misc Budget $342,713 Interest 0% 77% 200% % of Budget $2.000M $4.000M $6.000M $8.000M $10.000M

16 Winnetka Park District YTD Expense Analysis Dashboard As of 07/31/2020

Total Expense Winnetka Park District

Total Actual 80% 120% $5,075,342 Total 40% 160% Expense Expense Budget 0% 83% 200% $6,090,356

% of Budget $3.000M $4.000M $5.000M $6.000M $7.000M $8.000M

Salaries & Wages Winnetka Park District

Salaries & Actual 80% 120% Salaries $2,667,153 & 40% 160% Wages Wages Budget 0% 91% 200% $2,930,917

% of Budget $1.000M $2.000M $3.000M $4.000M

Services Winnetka Park District

Actual Services 80% 120% $1,611,684 Services 40% 160% Budget 0% 80% 200% $2,012,542

% of Budget $1.000M $2.000M $3.000M $4.000M

17 Winnetka Park District YTD Expense Analysis Dashboard As of 07/31/2020

Supplies Winnetka Park District

Actual Supplies 80% 120% $323,269 Supplies 40% 160% Budget 0% 60% 200% $542,207

% of Budget $250.000K $500.000K $750.000K $1.000M

Other: Repairs/ Utilities / Winnetka Park District

Other: Actual 80% 120% Other: $473,236 Repairs Repairs / 40% 160% /Utilities / Pro Shop Budget $604,690 Utilities / 0% 78% 200%

% of Budget $250.00K $500.00K $750.00K $1.00M

18 Winnetka Park District YTD Operating Income Dashboard As of 07/31/2020

All Funds Operating Income Winnetka Park District Actual Revenue $7,318,817 Budget $8,553,096

All 80% 120% Actual Expenses $5,075,342 40% 160% Budget Funds $6,090,355 0% 91% 200% Actual Operating $2,243,475 Income Budget $2,462,742 % of Budget $2.0M $4.0M $6.0M $8.0M $10.0M $12.0M $14.0M $16.0M $18.0M

General Fund Operating Income Winnetka Park District Actual $2,413,891 Revenue Budget $2,618,003

General 80% 120% Actual $1,239,256 40% 160% Expenses Budget Fund $1,372,693 0% 94% 200% Actual Operating $1,174,635 Income Budget $1,245,309 % of Budget $1.0M $2.0M $3.0M $4.0M

Rec Fund Operating Income Winnetka Park District Actual $1,353,188 Revenue Budget $1,903,452

80% Rec 120% Actual Expenses $814,116 40% 160% Budget Fund $1,377,502 0% 102% 200% Actual Operating $539,071 Income Budget $525,951 % of Budget $500.0K $1.0M $1.5M $2.0M $2.5M $3.0M

Misc. Fund Operating Income Winnetka Park District Actual $1,113,252 Revenue Budget $1,186,719

Misc 80% 120% Actual Expenses $786,266 40% 160% Budget Fund $887,145 0% 109% 200% Actual Operating $326,985 Income Budget $299,574 % of Budget $2.0M $4.0M $6.0M $8.0M $10.0M

19 Winnetka Park District YTD Operating Income Dashboard As of 07/31/2020

Golf Fund Operating Income Winnetka Park District Actual Revenue $1,117,871 Budget $1,115,020

Golf 100% 150% Actual Expenses $884,810 50.0% 200% Budget Fund $1,007,411 250% 0% 217% Actual Operating $233,061 Income Budget $107,608 % of Budget $500.0K $1.0M $1.5M $2.0M

Paddle Fund Operating Income Winnetka Park District Actual Revenue $85,999 Budget $87,139

Paddle 280% 420% Actual $71,231 Expenses 140% 560% Budget Fund $90,276 0% 671% 700% Actual Operating $14,769 Income Budget $(3,136) % of Budget $50.0K $100.0K $150.0K

Tennis Fund Operating Income Winnetka Park District Actual $870,865 Revenue Budget $1,071,743

Tennis 80% 120% Actual $840,338 Expenses 40% 160% Budget Fund $850,803 0% 14% 200% Actual Operating $30,527 Income Budget $220,939 % of Budget $250.0K $500.0K $750.0K $1.0M $1.3M $1.5M

Arena Fund Operating Income Winnetka Park District Actual $363,752 Revenue Budget $571,021

Arena -10% 60% Actual Expenses $439,324 -80% 130% Budget Fund $504,525 -150% -114% 200% Actual Operating $(75,572) Income Budget $66,496 % of Budget $100.0K $200.0K $300.0K $400.0K $500.0K $600.0K

20 Winnetka Park District YTD Other Metrics Dashboard As of 07/31/2020

Capitals Winnetka Park District

Capitals Actual 80% 120% $964,464 Capitals 40% 160% Budget 0% 40% 200% $2,393,464

% of Budget $500.000K $1.000M $1.500M $2.000M $2.500M $3.000M


Net Surplus/(Deficit) is $10,517,270 above year-to-date budget

 These numbers include the 2020 bond proceeds and issuance costs  Bond proceeds totaled $9,050,000  Premium on bond proceeds totaled $444,840  Bond issuance costs totaled $80,771  Discount on bond proceeds totaled $116,020  Revenues are $8,260,560 above year-to-date budget  Operating Expenses are $934,243 below year-to-date budget  Capitals/Contracts Payable are $1,322,467 below year-to-date budget

22 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Winnetka Park District By Vendor Name

Payment Dates 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020

Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount Vendor: 22138 - A BLOCK MARKETING CO A BLOCK MARKETING CO 105152 14208 01-0400-0000-52540 MULCH 1,996.75 Vendor 22138 - A BLOCK MARKETING CO Total: 1,996.75 Vendor: 00027 - A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105153 16442 20-2100-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-GOLF MTC 75.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105153 16443 01-0300-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-SERVICE CENTER 95.00

A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105153 16440 27-2700-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-ICE 40.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105153 16456 25-2500-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-TENNIS 70.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105153 16487 01-0100-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-ADMIN 30.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105153 16487 10-1000-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-ADMIN 30.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105153 16491 23-2300-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-PADDLE 40.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105153 16500 10-1500-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-MAPLE 75.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105215 16502 01-0400-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-HUBBARD 55.00 WOODS A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105362 16713 23-2300-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-PADDLE 40.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105362 16714 27-2700-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-ICE 40.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105305 16715 25-2500-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-TENNIS 70.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105305 16716 10-1000-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-ADMIN 60.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105305 16717 20-2100-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-GOLF MTC 75.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105305 16718 01-0400-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-PARKS SC 95.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105305 16736 10-1500-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-ELDER 75.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105305 16737 10-1500-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-MAPLE 75.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105305 16738 10-1500-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-TOWER 75.00 A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. 105305 16739 01-0400-0000-54250 PEST CONTROL-PARKS 55.00 Vendor 00027 - A-1 PEST CONTROL, INC. Total: 1,170.00 Vendor: 00055 - AAA LOCK & KEY, INC. AAA LOCK & KEY, INC. 105154 0000035796 20-2100-0000-52002 NEW KEYS-GOLF MTC STORAGE 41.25

Vendor 00055 - AAA LOCK & KEY, INC. Total: 41.25 Vendor: 21924 - ACCESS ONE ACCESS ONE 105306 4605940 01-0100-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE 121.74 ACCESS ONE 105306 4605940 01-0200-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE 95.65 ACCESS ONE 105306 4605940 01-0400-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE 95.65 ACCESS ONE 105306 4605940 10-1000-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE 95.65 ACCESS ONE 105306 4605940 10-1500-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE 26.09 ACCESS ONE 105306 4605940 10-1600-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE 26.09 ACCESS ONE 105306 4605940 20-2000-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE 113.04 ACCESS ONE 105306 4605940 20-2100-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE 113.04 ACCESS ONE 105306 4605940 25-2500-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE 113.04 ACCESS ONE 105306 4605940 27-2700-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE 69.58 Vendor 21924 - ACCESS ONE Total: 869.57 Vendor: 21519 - ACRODAZZLE ENTERTAINMENT ACRODAZZLE ENTERTAINMENT 105307 200017 10-1500-0000-54250 EVENT HELP 1,100.00 Vendor 21519 - ACRODAZZLE ENTERTAINMENT Total: 1,100.00 Vendor: 19990 - ACTIVE SPORTS ACTIVE SPORTS 105308 0125381 25-2500-0000-56100 BALL MACHINE REPAIR 410.50 Vendor 19990 - ACTIVE SPORTS Total: 410.50 Vendor: 00130 - ACUSHNET COMPANY ACUSHNET COMPANY 105309 300276176 20-10700 CREDIT MEMO-GOLF -1,776.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105155 300277104 20-10700 CREDIT MEMO -1,332.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105155 909184511 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 1,389.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105155 909184511 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -69.45

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 1 of 26 23 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount ACUSHNET COMPANY 105155 909184511 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 17.11 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105216 909219017 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 390.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105216 909219017 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -7.80 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105216 909219017 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 13.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105309 909282668 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 373.50 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105309 909282668 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -7.47 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105309 909282668 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 43.25 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105309 909325345 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 1,086.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105309 909325345 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -54.30 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105309 909325345 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 13.62 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105309 909367059 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 366.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105309 909367059 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 13.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105309 909367059 25-2500-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -7.32 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105363 909367487 20-10700 Merchandise For Resale 290.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105363 909367487 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -5.80 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105363 909367487 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise For Resale 13.02 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105363 909374761 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 1,158.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105363 909374761 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -57.90 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105363 909374761 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 15.84 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105363 909390174 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 492.00 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105363 909390174 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -9.84 ACUSHNET COMPANY 105363 909390174 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 15.00 Vendor 00130 - ACUSHNET COMPANY Total: 2,360.46 Vendor: 22393 - ADVANCED TREE CARE ADVANCED TREE CARE 105260 7041 01-0400-0000-54250 LOG REMOVAL PINE TREES 800.00 CROW ISLAND Vendor 22393 - ADVANCED TREE CARE Total: 800.00 Vendor: 22162 - ADVANCED TURF SOLUTIONS ADVANCED TURF SOLUTIONS 105310 SO851102 20-2100-0000-52562 HERBICIDES 322.00 ADVANCED TURF SOLUTIONS 105261 SO851267 20-2100-0000-52565 HERBICIDE 63.00 Vendor 22162 - ADVANCED TURF SOLUTIONS Total: 385.00 Vendor: 10930 - AMERICAN WELDING & GAS INC AMERICAN WELDING & GAS INC 105364 07141955 01-0300-0000-54250 WELDING TANK RENTAL MAY 143.88 2020 AMERICAN WELDING & GAS INC 105156 07201788 01-0300-0000-54250 WELDING TANK RENTAL 139.75 AMERICAN WELDING & GAS INC 105364 07260570 01-0300-0000-54250 WELDING TANK RENTAL JULY 143.88 2020 Vendor 10930 - AMERICAN WELDING & GAS INC Total: 427.51 Vendor: 10590 - ANDERSON LOCK ANDERSON LOCK 105311 1045406 01-0400-0000-56001 DOOR CLOSER FOR INDIAN HILL 367.98 SHELTER Vendor 10590 - ANDERSON LOCK Total: 367.98 Vendor: 21225 - ANDREW CABRERA ANDREW CABRERA 105312 INV0011471 01-0400-0000-52525 REIMB FOR BOOTS 87.10 Vendor 21225 - ANDREW CABRERA Total: 87.10 Vendor: 06871 - ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 105217 22514617 35-3500-0000-52002 CLOTH FACE COVERINGS STAFF 769.41 Vendor 06871 - ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Total: 769.41 Vendor: 12335 - ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPMENT INC ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPME… 105313 29908 01-0400-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 9.00 ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPME… 105262 36078 01-0400-0000-52810 TOOL 99.95 ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPME… 105157 37087 20-2100-0000-52002 NEW HEADS FOR WEEDWHIPS 223.98 ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPME… 105157 38605 20-2100-0000-52002 WEEDWHIP STRING 109.26 ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPME… 105262 41589 20-2100-0000-52505 LUBRICANTS 45.54 Vendor 12335 - ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPMENT INC Total: 487.73 Vendor: 07515 - ARTHUR CLESEN INC. ARTHUR CLESEN INC. 105263 352904 10-1200-0000-52562 BACKPACK SPRAYER 165.00 ARTHUR CLESEN INC. 105158 352959 20-2100-0000-52563 POND DYE 534.40

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 2 of 26 24 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount ARTHUR CLESEN INC. 105314 353687 01-0400-0000-52540 TURF SEED BLANKET 98.00 ARTHUR CLESEN INC. 105314 353687 01-0400-0000-52566 TURF SEED EROSION BLANKET 330.00 ARTHUR CLESEN INC. 105314 353761 20-2100-0000-52560 TEE AND FAIRWAY SEED 1,095.00 Vendor 07515 - ARTHUR CLESEN INC. Total: 2,222.40 Vendor: 00441 - AUTOMATIC DOORS, INC. AUTOMATIC DOORS, INC. 105218 07-312-T 27-2700-0000-56001 AUTOMATIC DOOR REPAIR 849.86 Vendor 00441 - AUTOMATIC DOORS, INC. Total: 849.86 Vendor: 11232 - BASS/SCHULER ENTERTMT BASS/SCHULER ENTERTMT 105219 INV0011421 10-1100-7843-54305 WEDNESDAY IN THE WOODS- 3,000.00 7TH HEAVEN Vendor 11232 - BASS/SCHULER ENTERTMT Total: 3,000.00 Vendor: 00341 - BESS HARDWARE & SPORTS BESS HARDWARE & SPORTS 105264 JULY 2020 10-1100-7668-52404 WATER SHUTOFF-REC 9.89 BESS HARDWARE & SPORTS 105264 JULY 2020 20-2000-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES-GOLF 33.22 BESS HARDWARE & SPORTS 105264 JULY 2020 20-2100-0000-52002 GOLF MTC SUPPLIES 94.86 BESS HARDWARE & SPORTS 105264 JULY 2020 20-2100-0000-52002 GOLF MTC SUPPLIES 78.52 BESS HARDWARE & SPORTS 105264 JULY 2020 27-2700-0000-52002 BATTERIES-IC 30.58 Vendor 00341 - BESS HARDWARE & SPORTS Total: 247.07 Vendor: 07660 - BLUE CROSS AND BLUES SHIELD OF ILLINOIS BLUE CROSS AND BLUES SHIELD…105265 INV0011436 01-0100-0000-54051 HEALTH INSURANCE-AUG 2020 52,592.86 Vendor 07660 - BLUE CROSS AND BLUES SHIELD OF ILLINOIS Total: 52,592.86 Vendor: 10970 - BLUEMACK, INC. BLUEMACK, INC. 105315 7113 01-0100-0000-52525 BOARD NAME PLATES 65.90 Vendor 10970 - BLUEMACK, INC. Total: 65.90 Vendor: 12620 - BMO CORP. MASTERCARD BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-22 35-3500-0000-56100 AED PADS AND BATTERY 281.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-01 01-0100-0000-54001 ZOOM MEMBERSHIP - JULY 2020 199.90

BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-04 01-0200-0000-52011 Mailchimp monthly 114.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-38 10-1100-7605-52404 POOL NOODLES (CAMP 62.68 SUPPLIES) BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-38 10-1100-7765-52404 POOL NOODLES (CAMP 62.68 SUPPLIES) BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-39 10-1100-7605-52404 CAMP MARKERS 50.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-39 10-1100-7668-52404 CAMP MARKERS 50.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-39 10-1100-7765-52404 CAMP MARKERS 25.83 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-05 01-0200-0000-52011 Playground Signs 287.99 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-17 10-1500-0000-54250 BAREFOOT HAWAIIA DEPOSIT 492.50 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-23 10-1100-7841-52405 JULY FOURTH SHIRTS REVERSE 504.62 PARADE BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-24 01-0400-0000-54001 MEMBERSHIP DUES ILCA 395.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-06 20-2000-0000-54201 Golf Course Google AdWords 174.46 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-12 01-0200-0000-52002 FAREWELL LUNCH - JOHN MUNO 210.00

BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-40 10-1100-7605-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 87.61 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-40 10-1100-7668-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 87.60 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-41 10-1100-7606-52404 SPIKEBALLS 29.97 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-41 10-1100-7765-52404 WALKIE TALKIES 103.27 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-25 35-3500-0000-56100 AED SUPPLIES 656.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-07 01-0200-0000-52011 WPD Envelopes 200.45 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-13 01-0200-0000-52002 FAREWELL LUNCH - JM 240.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-13 01-10550 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 60.00 EXPENSE BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-26 01-0400-0000-56200 PAINT 194.65 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-42 01-0100-0000-52001 MASKING TAPE 21.25 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-42 10-1000-0000-52002 MASKING TAPE + PHONE CORDS 34.63

BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-42 10-1100-7605-52404 CAMP EQUIPMENT 33.03

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 3 of 26 25 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-42 10-1100-7606-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES + 45.00 EQUIPMENT BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-42 10-1100-7765-52404 CAMP EQUIPMENT 22.17 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-43 10-1100-7606-52404 CAMP EQUIPMENT 143.41 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-44 01-0100-0000-54260 CAMP CPR CERTIFICATIONS 118.80 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-08 10-1100-7999-54201 Summer Wed in the Woods 205.17 Banners BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-27 01-0400-0000-56003 MISTING STATION 135.19 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-28 01-0400-0000-56003 FENCE MATERIAL 1,834.94 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-29 35-3500-0000-56100 AED SUPPLIES - TENNIS 112.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-21 20-2000-0000-56150 Golf Cart R&M 351.92 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-02 01-0100-0000-54210 Time Clock Monthly Subscription 713.00

BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-14 01-0100-0000-52015 COMPUTER DOCKING 109.99 EQUIPMENT BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-30 01-0200-0000-52011 GoPro 566.98 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-37 10-1500-0000-52002 STAFF MEETING 124.98 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-03 01-0400-0000-52015 SKETCH-UP SOFTWARE - RICK 299.00 SCHRAM BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-09 01-0200-0000-52001 SD Cards 120.03 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-18 10-1100-7843-52405 EVENT GIVEAWAYS 503.35 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-18 10-1100-7843-52405 EVENT GIVEAWAYS 0.17 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-19 10-1500-0000-54260 LIFEGUARD AND OXYGEN 102.60 CERTIFICATION BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-35 01-0100-0000-52999 MUNO/HOLE RESOLUTION 146.86 FRAMING BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-31 10-1500-0000-56001 PLUMBING PARTS - LAKEFRONT 148.24 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-32 20-2100-0000-56001 STEEL FOR GATE AT GOLF 1,131.73 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-11 27-2700-0000-52901 FUNERAL ARRANGEMENT - H. 128.53 METZINGER BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-15 01-0200-0000-52090 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION 200.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-45 10-1100-7605-52404 CAMP SUPPLIES 25.57 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-45 10-1100-7668-52404 CAMP SUPPLIES 84.38 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-45 10-1100-7765-52404 CAMP SUPPLIES 25.57 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-10 20-2000-0000-54201 Google AdWords 500.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-16 01-0100-0000-54005 NSSRA FOUNDATION GOLF 600.00 OUTING BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-16 01-0200-0000-54001 NSSRA FOUNDATION GOLF 600.00 OUTING BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-20 10-1200-0000-52801 YOGA SCULPT EQUIPMENT 311.29 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020-36 01-0200-0000-52090 BOARD DINNER 64.99 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0100-0000-52007 ONLINE WAIVER FORMS 59.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0100-0000-54005 SHRM HOTEL REFUND -334.13 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0100-0000-54005 SHRM HOTEL REFUND -250.60 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0100-0000-56100 SHREDDER OIL 95.60 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52001 TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION 27.72 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52001 BUSINESS CARDS 44.91 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52001 SIGN HOLDER 25.89 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52001 MARKETING SUPPLIES 20.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52002 STAFF MEETING 31.71 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52002 MEETING 32.16 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52002 JOHN M RETIREMENT 30.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52002 JOHN M RETIREMENT 57.34 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52011 CAMERA BATTERY 28.68 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52011 MONTHLY LINK IN PROFILE 9.99 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52011 STOCK IMAGES 29.99 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52011 MARKETING SUPPLIES 49.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52011 STOCK VIDEO 33.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52011 REFUND -17.79 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52011 REFUND -16.55 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52011 CALAMEO 54.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52090 MEETING 65.00

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 4 of 26 26 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-52090 BOARD MATTER DISCUSSIONS 68.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0200-0000-54005 SHRM HOTEL REFUND -83.53 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0300-0000-52002 LIGHT 35.96 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0300-0000-52002 TIRES 51.98 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0300-0000-52002 LABLES 72.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0400-0000-52002 WATER & ICE-4TH OF JULY 55.93 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0400-0000-52002 ICE FOR PARKS 11.75 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0400-0000-52002 DOUGHNUTS 42.87 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0400-0000-52810 BLADES FOR SAW 44.97 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0400-0000-52810 RETURN BLADES FOR SAW -44.97 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0400-0000-56001 SIGN 75.80 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0400-0000-56100 AIR FILTERS 61.94 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0400-0000-56100 FILTERS 23.79 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 01-0400-0000-56100 PARTS 23.10 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1000-0000-52001 LABEL MAKER TAPE 26.41 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1000-0000-52002 CLEANING SUPPLIES 7.91 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1000-0000-52002 LIGHTERS 15.18 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1000-0000-52002 CLEANING SUPPLIES 14.85 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1000-0000-52002 BATTERIES 51.96 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-10550 REFUND FRAUDULENT CHARGE -676.48 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7605-52404 DODGEBALLS 74.36 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7605-52404 DODGEBALLS 37.18 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7605-52404 CRAFT SUPPLIES 9.98 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7605-52404 CHALK 39.77 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7605-52404 SUNSCREEN/WATER 41.55 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7605-52404 CHALK 26.51 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7605-52404 SEEDS & EQUIPMENT 24.86 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7606-52404 TIE-DYE 35.01 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7606-52404 TIE DYE 47.79 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7606-52404 CRAFT SUPPLIES 26.99 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7606-52404 BADMINTON EQUIPMENT 5.95 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7606-52404 LADDER TOSS 51.65 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7606-52404 KAN JAM 38.24 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7606-52404 BADMINTON EQUIPMENT 11.25 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7606-52404 AIR PUMP 84.42 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7606-52404 PORTABLE BKE PUMPS 21.92 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7606-52404 STAFF UNIFORM 17.47 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7668-52404 CHALK 39.76 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7668-52404 CHALK 26.51 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7668-52404 SUNSCREEN/WATER 41.54 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7668-52404 CRAFT SUPPLIES 42.22 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7668-52404 CRAFT SUPPLIES 6.08 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7668-52404 CRAFT SUPPLIES 9.98 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7765-52404 CRAFT SUPPLIES 26.99 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7765-52404 DODGEBALLS 74.36 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7765-52404 FRISBEES 20.59 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7765-52404 TIE DYE 47.79 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7765-52404 TIE DYE 63.72 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7843-52405 MOVIE FOR MOVIE IN THE PARK 19.99

BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1100-7843-54305 DVDS FOR MOVIE IN THE PARK 74.97 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1200-0000-52002 GRASS SEED FOR CORWIN 28.44 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1200-0000-52002 GRASS SEED FOR CORWIN 16.98 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1200-0000-52002 WATER FOR FIELD OFFICE 8.37 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1200-0000-52002 YOGA SCULPT EQUIPMENT 26.55 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1200-0000-52002 WATER FOR FIELDS 9.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1200-0000-52002 LOCK BOX CORWIN 84.95 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1200-0000-52002 RETURN GRASS SEED -16.48 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1500-0000-52002 LAKEFRONT SUPPLIES 72.20 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1500-0000-52002 LAKEFRONT SUPPLIES 31.56

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 5 of 26 27 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1500-0000-52002 LAKEFRONT SUPPLIES 30.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1500-0000-52002 STAFF APPRECIATION 45.72 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1500-0000-52002 STAFF RECOGNITION 54.46 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1500-0000-52320 WATER CARNIVAL SUPPLIES 35.99 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1500-0000-52320 WATER CARNIVAL SUPPLIES 27.60 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1500-0000-52320 WATER CARNIVAL DECOR 61.93 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1500-0000-52320 WATER CARNIVAL SUPPLIES 71.98 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 10-1500-0000-52320 SUPPLIES FOR WATER CARNIVAL 19.99

BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 20-2000-0000-52320 GOLF SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES 75.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 20-2000-0000-52320 GOLF SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES 84.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 20-2000-0000-54001 GOLF PROFESSIONAL DUES 736.00 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 20-2000-0000-56150 GOLF CART R&M 44.95 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 20-2000-0000-56150 GOLF CART R&M 27.99 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 20-2000-0000-56150 GOLF CART R&M 84.26 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 20-2100-0000-52002 WORK PHONE CASE 13.85 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 20-2100-0000-52525 UNIFORMS 11.49 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 23-2300-0000-52002 PADDLE SUPPLIES 97.78 BMO CORP. MASTERCARD 105266 JULY2020 25-2400-0000-52002 OFFICE SUPPLIES 45.94 Vendor 12620 - BMO CORP. MASTERCARD Total: 17,009.22 Vendor: 21231 - BMO HARRIS BANK NA BMO HARRIS BANK NA 105269 INV0011449 25-2500-0000-62001 PRINCIPAL & INTEREST TENNIS 50,000.00 CENTER LOAN BMO HARRIS BANK NA 105269 INV0011449 25-2500-0000-62003 PRINCIPAL & INTEREST TENNIS 8,937.50 CENTER LOAN Vendor 21231 - BMO HARRIS BANK NA Total: 58,937.50 Vendor: 00344 - BRATSCHI PLUMBING COMPANY BRATSCHI PLUMBING COMPANY 105159 29625 27-2700-0000-56001 SINK REPAIR 225.00 Vendor 00344 - BRATSCHI PLUMBING COMPANY Total: 225.00 Vendor: 00580 - BTSI BTSI 105270 63591 20-2100-0000-52566 FERTILIZER 4,595.00 BTSI 105160 63911 20-2100-0000-52565 FUNGICIDE (EOP) 8,012.81 BTSI 105316 64088 20-2100-0000-52565 FUNGICIDE 2,000.00 Vendor 00580 - BTSI Total: 14,607.81 Vendor: 06740 - BURRIS EQUIPMENT BURRIS EQUIPMENT 105161 WI10225 20-2100-0000-60247 EQUIPMENT (TOP DRESSER 24,070.00 CHASSIS) BURRIS EQUIPMENT 105161 WS10224 20-2100-0000-60247 EQUIPMENT (TOP DRESSER) 12,370.00 BURRIS EQUIPMENT 105317 PS29976 20-2100-0000-56200 PARTS TO FIX KUBOTA TRACTOR 302.76

BURRIS EQUIPMENT 105317 PI10736 01-0400-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 54.10 BURRIS EQUIPMENT 105317 PS30166 20-2100-0000-56200 PARTS TO FIX KUBOTA TRACTOR 270.63

Vendor 06740 - BURRIS EQUIPMENT Total: 37,067.49 Vendor: 00770 - CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY 105162 931747456 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 588.46 CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY 105162 931747456 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 16.82 CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY 105271 931789572 20-10700 Merchandise For Resale 182.00 CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY 105271 931789572 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise For Resale 13.21 CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY 105365 931831640 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 1,292.76 CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY 105365 931831640 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 45.00 Vendor 00770 - CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY Total: 2,138.25 Vendor: 00872 - CHICAGO DISTRICT GOLF ASSOCIATION CHICAGO DISTRICT GOLF ASSOC…105318 2154-201 20-2000-0000-54210 COMPUTER SERVICES 60.00 Vendor 00872 - CHICAGO DISTRICT GOLF ASSOCIATION Total: 60.00 Vendor: 21417 - CHICAGO LOVES DANCE INC CHICAGO LOVES DANCE INC 105272 WPD-S2020 10-1100-7213-45200 CHICAGO LOVES DANCE JULY 210.00 SUMMER CLASSES

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 6 of 26 28 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount CHICAGO LOVES DANCE INC 105272 WPD-VS2020 10-1100-7213-45200 CHICAGO LOVES DANCE 70/30 279.30 SPLIT VIRTUAL CLASSES Vendor 21417 - CHICAGO LOVES DANCE INC Total: 489.30 Vendor: 21124 - CHICAGO PARTS & SOUND, LLC CHICAGO PARTS & SOUND, LLC 105220 1-0150659 01-0400-0000-56200 FILTERS FOR TRUCKS 330.79 Vendor 21124 - CHICAGO PARTS & SOUND, LLC Total: 330.79 Vendor: 20929 - CHICAGO TRIBUNE MEDIA GROUP CHICAGO TRIBUNE MEDIA GRO… 105163 021982242000 01-0200-0000-54225 LEGAL NOTICES - 2020 BOND 937.33 ISSUE CHICAGO TRIBUNE MEDIA GRO… 105163 021982242000 01-0200-0000-54225 LEGAL NOTICES - 2020 BOND 39.74 ISSUE CHICAGO TRIBUNE MEDIA GRO… 105163 021982242000 25-2500-0000-60380 LEGAL NOTICE - LED LIGHTING 56.02 BID AT TENNIS CHICAGO TRIBUNE MEDIA GRO… 105319 023174241000 01-0200-0000-54225 LEGAL NOTICE-AUDIT 20.02 Vendor 20929 - CHICAGO TRIBUNE MEDIA GROUP Total: 1,053.11 Vendor: 22203 - CHRISTINE CONDON CHRISTINE CONDON 105221 INV0011423 27-2700-0000-52002 LTS, SUPPLIES 18.94 CHRISTINE CONDON 105221 INV0011423 27-2700-0000-52002 LTS, SUPPLIES 41.70 CHRISTINE CONDON 105221 INV0011423 27-2700-0000-54001 LTS, SUPPLIES 49.25 Vendor 22203 - CHRISTINE CONDON Total: 109.89 Vendor: 22566 - CHRISTINE MURDOCH CHRISTINE MURDOCH 105273 INV0011450 01-0100-0000-54250 INTERPRETATION SERVICES 37.50 Vendor 22566 - CHRISTINE MURDOCH Total: 37.50 Vendor: 22210 - CLARKE AQUATIC SERVICES, INC CLARKE AQUATIC SERVICES, INC 105164 000006911 20-2100-0000-54250 4TH PAYMENT FOR POND 1,999.20 MAINTENANCE CLARKE AQUATIC SERVICES, INC 105320 000007219 20-2100-0000-54250 POND MANAGEMENT 1,999.20 (PAYMENT 5 OF 5) Vendor 22210 - CLARKE AQUATIC SERVICES, INC Total: 3,998.40 Vendor: 22372 - CLICGEAR USA CLICGEAR USA 105165 1129820-00 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 815.00 CLICGEAR USA 105165 1129820-00 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 80.00 Vendor 22372 - CLICGEAR USA Total: 895.00 Vendor: 00993 - COMCAST COMCAST 105166 3267JUN2020 27-2700-0000-54250 CABLE TV-ICE 30.49 COMCAST 105166 4518JUL2020 23-2300-0000-54250 INTERNET SERVICE-PADDLE 228.35 COMCAST 105166 4516JUL2020 25-2400-0000-54250 INTERNET SERVICE-TENNIS 243.35 COMCAST 105166 3317JUL2020 20-2000-0000-54250 CABLE TV-GOLF 69.46 COMCAST 105166 3545JUL2020 01-0100-0000-54210 INTERNET SERVICE-ADMIN 164.90 COMCAST 105166 0399JUL2020 01-0100-0000-54210 INTERNET SERVICE-ADMIN 308.35 COMCAST 105222 3259JUL2020 23-2300-0000-54250 CABLE TV-PADDLE 39.93 COMCAST 105366 3267JUL2020 27-2700-0000-54250 CABLE TV-ICE 60.94 COMCAST 105321 4128JUL2020 25-2500-0000-54250 CABLE TV-TENNIS 184.33 COMCAST 105321 0868AUG2020 10-1500-0000-54250 INTERNET SERVICE-TOWER 188.35 COMCAST 105321 4518AUG2020 23-2300-0000-54250 INTERNET SERVICE-PADDLE 263.74 COMCAST 105321 4516AUG2020 25-2400-0000-54250 INTERNET SERVICE-TENNIS 243.35 COMCAST 105366 3317AUG2020 20-2000-0000-54250 CABLE TV-GOLF 69.46 COMCAST 105366 3545AUG2020 01-0100-0000-54250 INTERNET SERVICE-ADMIN 164.90 Vendor 00993 - COMCAST Total: 2,259.90 Vendor: 01000 - COMED COMED 105167 INV0011395 01-0400-0000-56530 ELECTRIC SERVICE-PARKS 20.39 Vendor 01000 - COMED Total: 20.39 Vendor: 02462 - CONSERV FS, INC CONSERV FS, INC 105223 65090348 10-1200-0000-54005 SEMINAR 65.00 Vendor 02462 - CONSERV FS, INC Total: 65.00 Vendor: 06007 - COVERALL NORTH AMERICA, COVERALL NORTH AMERICA, 105322 1010663171 01-0100-0000-54250 2020 ADMIN CLEANING SERVICE 349.00

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 7 of 26 29 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount COVERALL NORTH AMERICA, 105322 1010663171 10-1000-0000-54250 2020 ADMIN CLEANING SERVICE 349.00

Vendor 06007 - COVERALL NORTH AMERICA, Total: 698.00 Vendor: 22109 - DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SE… 105168 68692714 01-0100-0000-56100 AUG 2020 COPIER LEASE 1,976.65 DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SE… 105323 69050305 01-0100-0000-56100 SEPT 2020 COPIER LEASE 1,976.65 Vendor 22109 - DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC Total: 3,953.30 Vendor: 21361 - DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 105169 INV0011396 01-0100-0000-52001 PCORI FEE-2020 FORM 720 111.76 Vendor 21361 - DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Total: 111.76 Vendor: 09405 - DURABILT FENCE DURABILT FENCE 105224 12492 25-2400-0000-56001 OUTDOOR FENCE REPAIRS 825.00 Vendor 09405 - DURABILT FENCE Total: 825.00 Vendor: 21960 - EMPIRE COOLER SERVICE, INC EMPIRE COOLER SERVICE, INC 105324 0000340908 20-2000-0000-54255 Contract Services Clubhouse- 125.00 Rental of Ice Maker EMPIRE COOLER SERVICE, INC 105170 0000349675 20-2000-0000-54255 Contract Services Clubhouse- 125.00 Rental of Ice Maker EMPIRE COOLER SERVICE, INC 105324 0000358213 20-2000-0000-54255 Contract Services Clubhouse- 125.00 Rental of Ice Maker Vendor 21960 - EMPIRE COOLER SERVICE, INC Total: 375.00 Vendor: 01332 - ENERSTAR, INC. ENERSTAR, INC. 105367 082029 27-2700-0000-54250 WATER TREATMENT 2,900.00 Vendor 01332 - ENERSTAR, INC. Total: 2,900.00 Vendor: 21935 - EUCLID MANAGERS EUCLID MANAGERS 105274 INV0011437 01-21255 LIFELOCK PREMIUM 80.93 Vendor 21935 - EUCLID MANAGERS Total: 80.93 Vendor: 22277 - EVARTS SWENSON EVARTS SWENSON 105275 INV0011451 01-0100-0000-52999 REIMB FOR STAFF 54.95 APPRECIATION SUPPLIES Vendor 22277 - EVARTS SWENSON Total: 54.95 Vendor: 21701 - EXCALIBUR TECHNOLOGY CORP EXCALIBUR TECHNOLOGY CORP 105171 187583 01-0100-0000-54210 IT Monthly Services- August 5,515.00 EXCALIBUR TECHNOLOGY CORP 105225 187847 01-0100-0000-54210 IT- WatchGuard License Renewal 1,716.00

EXCALIBUR TECHNOLOGY CORP 105225 187847 01-0100-0000-54210 IT- Veeam Renewal 1,621.77 EXCALIBUR TECHNOLOGY CORP 105225 187847 01-0100-0000-54210 IT-HP Server Warranty 5,478.00 Vendor 21701 - EXCALIBUR TECHNOLOGY CORP Total: 14,330.77 Vendor: 22078 - FASTSIGNS FASTSIGNS 105226 29-73257 27-2700-0000-52002 PHASE 3 SIGNAGE 848.84 Vendor 22078 - FASTSIGNS Total: 848.84 Vendor: 21113 - FE MORAN, INC FE MORAN, INC 105227 5057803-1 25-2500-0000-56100 GEOTHERMAL PUMP MAINT. - 322.00 TENNIS CENTER FE MORAN, INC 105325 5057857-1 25-2500-0000-56100 GEOTHERMAL PUMP 3,425.00 REPLACEMENT - TENNIS CENTER

Vendor 21113 - FE MORAN, INC Total: 3,747.00 Vendor: 00345 - FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004019 INV0011417 01-21200 Federal Withholding 21,658.66 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004021 INV0011419 33-21220 FICA Withholding 34,487.06 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004022 INV0011420 33-21220 Medicare Withholding 8,065.52 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004028 INV0011445 01-21200 Federal Withholding 19,222.61 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004030 INV0011447 33-21220 FICA Withholding 32,557.62 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004031 INV0011448 33-21220 Medicare Withholding 7,614.32 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004036 INV0011460 33-21220 FICA Withholding 35.96 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004037 INV0011461 33-21220 Medicare Withholding 8.42 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004043 INV0011486 01-21200 Federal Withholding 18,570.26

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 8 of 26 30 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004045 INV0011488 33-21220 FICA Withholding 30,409.08 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX DFT0004046 INV0011489 33-21220 Medicare Withholding 7,111.74 Vendor 00345 - FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX Total: 179,741.25 Vendor: 05823 - FOREST AWARDS & ENGRAVING FOREST AWARDS & ENGRAVING 105276 10572 01-0100-0000-52525 STAFF NAMETAGS 152.67 Vendor 05823 - FOREST AWARDS & ENGRAVING Total: 152.67 Vendor: 22458 - FOUNDATION MECHANICS FOUNDATION MECHANICS 105326 19027-7 37-3700-0000-60120 TOWER BLUFF 139,129.16 RESTORATION TIER ONE (7) Vendor 22458 - FOUNDATION MECHANICS Total: 139,129.16 Vendor: 01167 - FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 105172 IN00358723 01-0100-0000-56001 FIRE SPRINKLER REPAIR - ADMIN 117.00

FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 105172 IN00358723 10-1000-0000-56001 FIRE SPRINKLER REPAIR - ADMIN 117.00

FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 105277 IN00363151 20-2000-0000-54255 ANNUAL FIRE ALARM 250.00 INSPECTION FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 105277 IN000363399 20-2100-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICE 69.50 Vendor 01167 - FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY Total: 553.50 Vendor: 20955 - FUN EXPRESS FUN EXPRESS 105228 704047605-01 10-1100-7605-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 60.79 FUN EXPRESS 105228 704047605-01 10-1100-7668-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 126.90 FUN EXPRESS 105228 704105946-01 10-1100-7668-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 179.08 FUN EXPRESS 105228 704157459-01 10-1100-7605-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 115.27 FUN EXPRESS 105228 704157459-01 10-1100-7668-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 151.22 FUN EXPRESS 105228 704251816-01 10-1100-7605-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 111.93 FUN EXPRESS 105228 704251816-01 10-1100-7668-52404 CAMP CRAFT CARNIVAL 127.92 SUPPLIES FUN EXPRESS 105228 704251816-01 10-1500-0000-52320 WATER CARNIVAL SUPPLIES 54.62 FUN EXPRESS 105228 704321048-01 10-1100-7668-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 281.18 Vendor 20955 - FUN EXPRESS Total: 1,208.91 Vendor: 01550 - G.B. ELECTRIC COMPANY G.B. ELECTRIC COMPANY 105368 19104 27-2700-0000-56001 ELECTRICAL REPAIR 106.00 Vendor 01550 - G.B. ELECTRIC COMPANY Total: 106.00 Vendor: 21074 - GARVEY'S OFFICE PRODUCTS GARVEY'S OFFICE PRODUCTS 105278 PINV1949367 01-0100-0000-52001 LAMINATOR FILM 0.45 GARVEY'S OFFICE PRODUCTS 105278 PINV1949367 01-0100-0000-52001 Laminater Film 229.27 Vendor 21074 - GARVEY'S OFFICE PRODUCTS Total: 229.72 Vendor: 01727 - GRAINGER GRAINGER 105173 9563772046 10-1500-0000-52002 CLEANING SUPPLIES - 166.32 LAKEFRONT GRAINGER 105173 9565769743 35-3500-0000-56100 SAFETY SUPPLIES 50.72 GRAINGER 105173 9570913872 25-2500-0000-56001 TENNIS FACILITY REPAIRS 22.43 GRAINGER 105173 9573187805 10-1500-0000-56001 FACILITY REPAIRS-LAKEFRONT 12.16 GRAINGER 105229 9573187813 01-0300-0000-56100 EMERGENCY LIGHT BATTERIES 207.66 GRAINGER 105173 9591893889 01-0400-0000-52810 TOOLS 55.42 GRAINGER 105327 9603165979 01-0400-0000-52002 PRUNING SAW BLADES 29.50 GRAINGER 105327 9603526279 01-0400-0000-52002 BATTERIES 10.80 Vendor 01727 - GRAINGER Total: 555.01 Vendor: 01170 - GRAND FOOD CENTER GRAND FOOD CENTER 105230 JULY2020 25-2500-0000-52015 BATTERIES 10.99 Vendor 01170 - GRAND FOOD CENTER Total: 10.99 Vendor: 21224 - GREG SAUBER GREG SAUBER 105231 INV0011426 01-21255 REIMB FOR LIFELOCK 4.50 DEDUCTION Vendor 21224 - GREG SAUBER Total: 4.50 Vendor: 01810 - HALLORAN & YAUCH HALLORAN & YAUCH 105175 19102 01-0400-0000-54250 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIRS 276.26

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 9 of 26 31 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount HALLORAN & YAUCH 105176 19217 20-2100-0000-56125 IRRIGATION PARTS 41.60 HALLORAN & YAUCH 105174 19223 20-2100-0000-56125 IRRIGATION HEADS 2,092.78 HALLORAN & YAUCH 105279 19500 20-2100-0000-56125 IRRIGATION HEADS 60.40 HALLORAN & YAUCH 105328 19722 20-2100-0000-56125 IRRIGATION PARTS 276.30 Vendor 01810 - HALLORAN & YAUCH Total: 2,747.34 Vendor: 09930 - HERITAGE-CRYSTAL CLEAN HERITAGE-CRYSTAL CLEAN 105177 16234365 01-0300-0000-54250 PARTS CLEANER 518.34 HERITAGE-CRYSTAL CLEAN 105177 16330215 01-0300-0000-54250 PARTS CLEANER 330.99 Vendor 09930 - HERITAGE-CRYSTAL CLEAN Total: 849.33 Vendor: 01947 - HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 105232 JULY2020 20-2100-0000-52002 SUPPLIES FOR CUTTING 120.56 AROUND DRAINAGE AND IRR. HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 105232 JUL2020 01-0400-0000-56001 FACILITY REPAIRS 85.49 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 105232 JUL2020 10-1500-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT PARTS 36.92 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 105232 JUL2020 20-2000-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 41.60 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 105232 JUL2020 20-2100-0000-52002 GOLF MTC SUPPLIES 54.93 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 105232 JUL2020 25-2500-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES-TENNIS 8.25 Vendor 01947 - HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES Total: 347.75 Vendor: 21067 - HOT SHOTS SPORTS HOT SHOTS SPORTS 105233 1801 10-1100-7214-54302 JUNE ZOOM CLASSES 78.40 HOT SHOTS SPORTS 105329 1826 10-1100-7214-54302 JULY ZOOM CLASS 39.20 Vendor 21067 - HOT SHOTS SPORTS Total: 117.60 Vendor: 00350 - ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST-457 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST-457 DFT0004015 INV0011412 01-21235 457K Contribution 4,034.41 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST-457 DFT0004024 INV0011440 01-21235 457K Contribution 4,034.41 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST-457 DFT0004039 INV0011481 01-21235 457K Contribution 3,256.65 Vendor 00350 - ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST-457 Total: 11,325.47 Vendor: 05745 - IL DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IL DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 105330 INV0011472 20-2000-0000-54990 SALES TAX-JULY 2020 2,589.00 IL DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 105330 INV0011472 25-2500-0000-54990 SALES TAX-JULY 2020 153.00 Vendor 05745 - IL DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Total: 2,742.00 Vendor: 00410 - IL DEPT OF REVENUE IL DEPT OF REVENUE DFT0004018 INV0011416 01-21210 State Withholding 11,906.95 IL DEPT OF REVENUE DFT0004027 INV0011444 01-21210 State Withholding 11,302.83 IL DEPT OF REVENUE DFT0004035 INV0011459 01-21210 State Withholding 9.93 IL DEPT OF REVENUE DFT0004042 INV0011485 01-21210 State Withholding 10,420.72 Vendor 00410 - IL DEPT OF REVENUE Total: 33,640.43 Vendor: 21139 - ILLINOIS BASEBALL ACADEMY ILLINOIS BASEBALL ACADEMY 105234 R30717_I 10-1100-7613-54304 IBA Mini Majors camp 7.20-7.24 1,148.00

ILLINOIS BASEBALL ACADEMY 105234 R30714_M 10-1100-7613-54304 MVP SUMMER CAMP 70/30 2,240.00 SPLIT ILLINOIS BASEBALL ACADEMY 105331 INV0011462 10-1100-7613-54304 EXTRA INNINGS SUMMER CAMP 3,668.00 70/30 SPLIT Vendor 21139 - ILLINOIS BASEBALL ACADEMY Total: 7,056.00 Vendor: 12390 - ILLINOIS CHILD SUPPORT ILLINOIS CHILD SUPPORT 105178 INV0011415 01-21298 1709700/17-D000104 461.54 ILLINOIS CHILD SUPPORT 105280 INV0011443 01-21298 1709700/17-D000104 461.54 ILLINOIS CHILD SUPPORT 105369 INV0011484 01-21298 1709700/17-D000104 461.54 Vendor 12390 - ILLINOIS CHILD SUPPORT Total: 1,384.62 Vendor: 06605 - ILLINOIS STATE POLICE ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 105235 INV0011427 01-0100-0000-54250 CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK 400.00

Vendor 06605 - ILLINOIS STATE POLICE Total: 400.00

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 10 of 26 32 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount Vendor: 22563 - IMAGINE NATION, LLC IMAGINE NATION, LLC 105332 483 01-0400-0000-56003 PLAYGROUND SURFACE 1,780.00 MATERIAL Vendor 22563 - IMAGINE NATION, LLC Total: 1,780.00 Vendor: 00347 - IMRF IMRF 105179 INV0011397 33-21215 PAYMENT FOR JUNE 2020 48,760.70 IMRF 105333 INV0011463 33-21215 PAYMENT FOR JULY 2020 54,898.46 Vendor 00347 - IMRF Total: 103,659.16 Vendor: 22559 - JACK SPRUILL JACK SPRUILL 105180 1107942 10-1100-7668-45400 REC REFUND 1,240.00 Vendor 22559 - JACK SPRUILL Total: 1,240.00 Vendor: 22551 - JOELLYN SUMNER JOELLYN SUMNER 105181 INV0011408 10-1100-7843-54305 WEDNESDAY IN THE WOODS- 1,000.00 PEARLS MAHONE Vendor 22551 - JOELLYN SUMNER Total: 1,000.00 Vendor: 00282 - JOHN BARRETT JOHN BARRETT 105182 INV0011392 01-0400-0000-52002 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 68.34 JOHN BARRETT 105182 INV0011392 01-0400-0000-52810 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 37.82 Vendor 00282 - JOHN BARRETT Total: 106.16 Vendor: 22149 - JONATHAN GODINEZ JONATHAN GODINEZ 105183 INV0011398 20-2100-0000-52525 REIMB FOR BOOTS 99.99 Vendor 22149 - JONATHAN GODINEZ Total: 99.99 Vendor: 02220 - JORSON & CARLSON CO., INC JORSON & CARLSON CO., INC 105236 0618700 27-2700-0000-56200 BLADE SHARPENING 41.92 JORSON & CARLSON CO., INC 105184 0619223 27-2700-0000-54250 BLADE SHARPENING 77.34 JORSON & CARLSON CO., INC 105236 0619791 27-2700-0000-56200 BLADE SHARPENING 41.92 JORSON & CARLSON CO., INC 105370 0620869 27-2700-0000-56200 BLADE SHARPENING 41.92 Vendor 02220 - JORSON & CARLSON CO., INC Total: 203.10 Vendor: 21283 - JUAN CASTILLO JUAN CASTILLO 105281 INV0011458 01-0400-0000-52525 REIMB FOR BOOTS 99.99 Vendor 21283 - JUAN CASTILLO Total: 99.99 Vendor: 21794 - JULIA MELIO JULIA MELIO 105237 INV0011428 10-1100-7605-52404 REIMB FOR STAFF BREAKFAST 30.24 JULIA MELIO 105237 INV0011428 10-1100-7668-52404 REIMB FOR STAFF BREAKFAST 10.08 JULIA MELIO 105282 INV0011452 10-1100-7605-52404 REIMB FOR CAMP SUPPLIES 26.31 JULIA MELIO 105371 INV0011474 10-1100-7605-52404 REIMB FOR CAMP SUPPLIES 20.26 Vendor 21794 - JULIA MELIO Total: 86.89 Vendor: 06280 - JW TURF JW TURF 105334 P31309 20-2100-0000-56100 PARTS FOR JOHN DEERE 614.68 SURROUNDS MOWER JW TURF 105334 P31797 20-2100-0000-56200 PARTS FOR JOHN DEERE SPRAY 1,008.69 RIG JW TURF 105334 P32356 20-2100-0000-56200 PARTS FOR JOHN DEERE SPRAY 716.06 RIG Vendor 06280 - JW TURF Total: 2,339.43 Vendor: 22553 - KATELYN CODY KATELYN CODY 105283 INV0011453 10-1100-7668-52404 REIMB FOR CAMP SUPPLIES 62.81 KATELYN CODY 105335 INV0011464 10-1100-7668-52404 REIMB-CAMP STAFF MEETING 25.98 Vendor 22553 - KATELYN CODY Total: 88.79 Vendor: 22560 - KATIE MOOR KATIE MOOR 105185 1111812 10-1100-7668-45400 REC REFUND 1,357.00 Vendor 22560 - KATIE MOOR Total: 1,357.00 Vendor: 22356 - LAKESHORE RECYCLING SYSTEMS LAKESHORE RECYCLING SYSTE… 105336 0004476487 20-2100-0000-54250 LANDSCAPE DUMPSTER 562.10 Vendor 22356 - LAKESHORE RECYCLING SYSTEMS Total: 562.10

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 11 of 26 33 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount Vendor: 22355 - LAKESIDE GLASS AND MIRROR INC LAKESIDE GLASS AND MIRROR I… 105186 I60986 27-2700-0000-56001 GLASE REPAIR/UPGRADE 1,251.00 Vendor 22355 - LAKESIDE GLASS AND MIRROR INC Total: 1,251.00 Vendor: 22564 - LAURA SWENSON LAURA SWENSON 105284 INV0011454 25-2400-0000-54250 ASSIST TENNIS TORNAMENT 336.00 DIRECTOR Vendor 22564 - LAURA SWENSON Total: 336.00 Vendor: 02532 - LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 105238 9307665413 01-0300-0000-52002 NUTS AND BOLTS 703.75 Vendor 02532 - LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. Total: 703.75 Vendor: 11465 - LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 105372 JULY2020-01 10-1100-7841-52405 FOURTH OF JULY SUPPLIES & 175.30 MAPLE RACK LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 105372 JULY2020-01 10-1500-0000-52002 FOURTH OF JULY SUPPLIES & 59.43 MAPLE RACK LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 105372 JULY2020 01-0400-0000-52002 SUPPLIES 36.09 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 105372 JULY2020-02 01-0400-0000-52002 LUMBER SUPPLIES FOR PARKS 131.62 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 105372 JULY2020-03 01-0400-0000-56003 PLAYGROUND REPAIR TOOLS 106.72 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 105372 JULY2020-04 01-0400-0000-52002 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR 145.64 FACILITY LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 105372 JULY2020-04 01-0400-0000-56001 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR 223.33 FACILITY Vendor 11465 - LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT Total: 878.13 Vendor: 22568 - LUIS GODINEZ JR LUIS GODINEZ JR 105338 INV0011466 20-2100-0000-52525 REIMB FOR BOOTS 99.99 Vendor 22568 - LUIS GODINEZ JR Total: 99.99 Vendor: 21606 - LUIS GODINEZ LUIS GODINEZ 105337 INV0011465 20-2100-0000-52525 REIMB FOR BOOTS 99.99 Vendor 21606 - LUIS GODINEZ Total: 99.99 Vendor: 21711 - MAGGIE SPEAKS, INC MAGGIE SPEAKS, INC 105239 INV0011424 10-1100-7843-54305 WEDNESDAY IN THE WOODS- 1,000.00 SPOKEN FOUR Vendor 21711 - MAGGIE SPEAKS, INC Total: 1,000.00 Vendor: 22567 - MARINE CORPS SCHOLARSHIP FUND MARINE CORPS SCHOLARSHIP … 105285 INV0011455 01-0100-0000-52999 MEMORIAL DONATION 100.00 Vendor 22567 - MARINE CORPS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Total: 100.00 Vendor: 22558 - MAROUS & COMPANY MAROUS & COMPANY 105240 20-162 01-0200-0000-54250 PROPERTY APPRAISAL 9,055.00 MAROUS & COMPANY 105187 20-199 01-0200-0000-54250 PROPERTY APPRAISAL 1,600.00 Vendor 22558 - MAROUS & COMPANY Total: 10,655.00 Vendor: 02782 - MARTIN IMPLEMENT MARTIN IMPLEMENT 105339 R23570 01-0400-0000-54250 TREE SPADE RENTAL 1,020.00 Vendor 02782 - MARTIN IMPLEMENT Total: 1,020.00 Vendor: 02890 - MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105188 41041817 01-0400-0000-56003 SPRAY PAD AND RESTROOM 50.30 PARTS MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105188 41041817 10-1500-0000-56001 SPRAY PAD AND RESTROOM 55.64 PARTS MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105188 41090281 10-1500-0000-52801 BUOY HARDWARE 139.82 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105188 41178158 01-0400-0000-56001 PARKS FACILITY REPAIRS 22.78 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105188 41245167 01-0400-0000-56001 PARKS FACILITY REPAIRS 23.71 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105188 41250809 01-0400-0000-56001 PARKS FACILITY REPAIRS 2.46 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105188 41259157 01-0400-0000-56001 PARKS FACILITY REPAIRS 45.86 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105188 41531825 01-0400-0000-56003 PLAYGROUND REPAIRS 18.87 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105340 42055070 10-1100-7843-52404 ROPE FOR HUBBARD WOODS 385.07 REC EVENTS MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105241 42147720 01-0300-0000-52810 SAW BLADES 69.96 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105188 42545009 01-0400-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT PARTS-PARKS 63.18

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 12 of 26 34 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105286 42689361 01-0300-0000-52002 SANDING DISCS 50.92 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 105340 42959929 20-2000-0000-56001 FACILITY REPAIRS-GOLF 14.69 Vendor 02890 - MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. Total: 943.26 Vendor: 02930 - MENONI & MOCOGNI, INC. MENONI & MOCOGNI, INC. 105189 1380030 20-2100-0000-52008 DRAINAGE SUPPLIES 55.15 MENONI & MOCOGNI, INC. 105189 1381251 20-2100-0000-52008 DRAINAGE PARTS 139.70 Vendor 02930 - MENONI & MOCOGNI, INC. Total: 194.85 Vendor: 21965 - MICHAEL BACULIK MICHAEL BACULIK 105190 INV0011411 01-0400-0000-52525 REIMB FOR BOOTS 99.99 Vendor 21965 - MICHAEL BACULIK Total: 99.99 Vendor: 22562 - MICHAEL MCGOOHAN MICHAEL MCGOOHAN 105242 1113137 10-1100-7613-45400 REC REFUND 172.00 Vendor 22562 - MICHAEL MCGOOHAN Total: 172.00 Vendor: 22565 - MOLLY RUETH MOLLY RUETH 105287 INV0011456 25-2400-0000-54250 TENNIS STAFF 75.00 Vendor 22565 - MOLLY RUETH Total: 75.00 Vendor: 03240 - NADLER GOLF CAR SALES NADLER GOLF CAR SALES 105191 3934231 20-2100-0000-56200 NEW TIRES FOR CARTS 519.91 Vendor 03240 - NADLER GOLF CAR SALES Total: 519.91 Vendor: 03250 - NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS 105192 284973 01-0400-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT PART 36.10 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105192 285897 01-0300-0000-52002 SUPPLIES 13.63 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105192 285998 01-0400-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT PARTS 32.25 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105341 286550 20-2100-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT R&M 125.91 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105192 286842 01-0400-0000-56200 AUTO PARTS 38.38 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105288 287183 01-0400-0000-56100 AUTO PARTS 10.54 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105288 287198 01-0400-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT PARTS 61.69 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105341 289269 27-2700-0000-56100 BATTERY FOR ZAMBONI 132.02 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105341 289443 01-0400-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 89.51 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105341 289445 01-0400-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT PARTS 29.26 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105341 289450 01-0300-0000-52505 LUBRICANT 51.74 NAPA AUTO PARTS 105341 290595 01-0400-0000-56100 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 7.74 Vendor 03250 - NAPA AUTO PARTS Total: 628.77 Vendor: 00348 - NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. 105289 3320082020 01-21230 VOLUNTARY LIFE INSURANCE- 16.00 AUG 2020 Vendor 00348 - NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. Total: 16.00 Vendor: 03302 - NELS J. JOHNSON TREE NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105193 1318108 01-0400-0000-54250 TREE REMOVALS - LLOYD 2,190.00 NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105243 1318173 01-0400-0000-54250 STUMP GRINDING - CROW 255.00 ISLAND NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105243 1318185 01-0400-0000-54250 STUMP GRINDING - CROW 1,795.00 ISLAND NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105243 1318599 01-0400-0000-54250 TREE MAINTENANCE - HW AND 620.00 MERRILL NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105243 1318600 01-0400-0000-54250 TREE MAINTENANCE - HW AND 985.00 MERRILL NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105243 1318657 01-0400-0000-54250 TREE MAINTENANCE - LLOYD & 155.00 ELDER NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105243 1318658 01-0400-0000-54250 TREE MAINTENANCE - LLOYD & 425.00 ELDER NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105290 1318685 01-0400-0000-54250 TREE MAINTENANCE - DWYER 495.00 NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105342 1319093 01-0400-0000-54250 SOIL TREATMENT FOR VARIOUS 380.00 TREES NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105342 1319094 01-0400-0000-54250 SOIL TREATMENT FOR VARIOUS 395.00 TREES NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105342 1319095 01-0400-0000-54250 SOIL TREATMENT FOR VARIOUS 235.00 TREES

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 13 of 26 35 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount NELS J. JOHNSON TREE 105342 1319100 01-0400-0000-54250 SOIL TREATMENT FOR VARIOUS 645.00 TREES Vendor 03302 - NELS J. JOHNSON TREE Total: 8,575.00 Vendor: 08070 - NORTH SHORE GAS NORTH SHORE GAS 105194 INV0011399 23-2300-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE 468.54 NORTH SHORE GAS 105194 INV0011400 20-2100-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-GOLF 52.69 MTC NORTH SHORE GAS 105194 INV0011401 01-0100-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-ADMIN 57.92 NORTH SHORE GAS 105194 INV0011402 20-2000-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-GOLF 123.21 NORTH SHORE GAS 105194 INV0011403 25-2500-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-TENNIS 291.43 NORTH SHORE GAS 105194 INV0011404 27-2700-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-ICE 394.17 NORTH SHORE GAS 105244 INV0011429 10-1300-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-IH PARK 33.77 NORTH SHORE GAS 105244 INV0011430 20-2000-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-GOLF 38.09 NORTH SHORE GAS 105244 INV0011431 01-0300-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-PARKS 95.42 SC NORTH SHORE GAS 105244 INV0011432 01-0400-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-PARKS 33.77 NORTH SHORE GAS 105373 INV0011475 27-2700-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-ICE 384.75 NORTH SHORE GAS 105373 INV0011476 25-2500-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-TENNIS 289.16 NORTH SHORE GAS 105373 INV0011477 20-2000-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-GOLF 132.11 NORTH SHORE GAS 105373 INV0011478 01-0100-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-ADMIN 43.14 NORTH SHORE GAS 105373 INV0011479 20-2100-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-GOLF 52.22 MTC NORTH SHORE GAS 105343 INV0011467 23-2300-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-PADDLE 416.16 Vendor 08070 - NORTH SHORE GAS Total: 2,906.55 Vendor: 03400 - NORTHFIELD HEATING & AIR NORTHFIELD HEATING & AIR 105195 IN1423 20-2000-0000-56001 HVAC REPAIRS - ICE ARENA AND 180.00 CLUBHOUSE NORTHFIELD HEATING & AIR 105195 IN1423 27-2700-0000-56001 HVAC REPAIRS - ICE ARENA AND 180.00 CLUBHOUSE Vendor 03400 - NORTHFIELD HEATING & AIR Total: 360.00 Vendor: 05090 - P&W GOLF SUPPLY, LLC P&W GOLF SUPPLY, LLC 105196 INV62421 20-2000-0000-52320 Special Event Supplies/R&M 329.70 Facility General P&W GOLF SUPPLY, LLC 105196 INV62421 20-2000-0000-56001 Special Event Supplies/R&M 42.69 Facility General P&W GOLF SUPPLY, LLC 105196 INV62444 20-2000-0000-56001 R&M Facility General-Starter 111.35 Switch-Ball Washer P&W GOLF SUPPLY, LLC 105291 INV63037 20-2000-0000-52006 Supplies Clubhouse- 2,799.99 P&W GOLF SUPPLY, LLC 105374 INV63737 20-2000-0000-52320 Special Event Supplies 483.73 Vendor 05090 - P&W GOLF SUPPLY, LLC Total: 3,767.46 Vendor: 05973 - PACT ADMINISTRATIVE PACT ADMINISTRATIVE 105292 INV0011438 01-0100-0000-54051 ADMIN FEES-AUG 2020 234.00 Vendor 05973 - PACT ADMINISTRATIVE Total: 234.00 Vendor: 05974 - PACT ADMINISTRATIVE PACT ADMINISTRATIVE 105197 INV0011405 01-0100-0000-54051 HRA MEDICAL CLAIMS FUNDED 874.03 PACT ADMINISTRATIVE 105197 INV0011406 01-0100-0000-54051 HRA MEDICAL CLAIMS FUNDED 125.08 PACT ADMINISTRATIVE 105245 INV0011433 01-0100-0000-54051 HRA MEDICAL CLAIMS FUNDED 443.34 PACT ADMINISTRATIVE 105245 INV0011434 01-0100-0000-54051 HRA MEDICAL CLAIMS FUNDED 1,765.18 PACT ADMINISTRATIVE 105344 INV0011468 01-0100-0000-54051 HRA MEDICAL CLAIMS FUNDED 3.00 PACT ADMINISTRATIVE 105344 INV0011469 01-0100-0000-54051 HRA MEDICAL CLAIMS FUNDED 3,264.94 Vendor 05974 - PACT ADMINISTRATIVE Total: 6,475.57 Vendor: 22446 - PAGCO INCORPORATED PAGCO INCORPORATED 105246 122209 35-3500-0000-52002 DISINFECTANT SUPPLIES AND 467.53 GLOVES PAGCO INCORPORATED 105198 122212 20-2100-0000-52505 LUBRICANTS 196.35 Vendor 22446 - PAGCO INCORPORATED Total: 663.88 Vendor: 01663 - PAUL GODEK PAUL GODEK 105345 INV0011473 01-0400-0000-52525 REIMB FOR BOOTS 99.99 Vendor 01663 - PAUL GODEK Total: 99.99

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 14 of 26 36 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount Vendor: 20658 - PAULS WINNETKA TV PAULS WINNETKA TV 105375 9782 20-2000-0000-56001 FINAL CAMERA INSTALL 184.00 CHARGES PAULS WINNETKA TV 105375 9782 23-2300-0000-56001 FINAL CAMERA INSTALL 1,200.00 CHARGES PAULS WINNETKA TV 105375 9782 25-2500-0000-56001 FINAL CAMERA INSTALL 338.00 CHARGES PAULS WINNETKA TV 105375 9782 27-2700-0000-56001 FINAL CAMERA INSTALL 896.00 CHARGES PAULS WINNETKA TV 105375 9783 10-1200-0000-52801 CAMERAS FOR CORWIN 1,321.00 Vendor 20658 - PAULS WINNETKA TV Total: 3,939.00 Vendor: 03575 - PDRMA PDRMA 105199 FH20044 01-0100-0000-54075 1ST INSTALLMENT 2020 38,652.72 CONTRIBUTION PDRMA 105199 FH20044 01-0100-0000-54075 1ST INSTALLMENT 2020 7,257.72 CONTRIBUTION PDRMA 105199 FH20044 32-3200-0000-54065 1ST INSTALLMENT 2020 36,857.10 CONTRIBUTION PDRMA 105199 FH20044 35-3500-0000-54080 1ST INSTALLMENT 2020 1,163.22 CONTRIBUTION PDRMA 105199 FH20044 35-3500-0000-54080 1ST INSTALLMENT 2020 18,619.32 CONTRIBUTION Vendor 03575 - PDRMA Total: 102,550.08 Vendor: 03577 - PEBSCO PEBSCO DFT0004016 INV0011413 01-21235 457K Contribution 25.00 PEBSCO DFT0004025 INV0011441 01-21235 457K Contribution 25.00 PEBSCO DFT0004040 INV0011482 01-21235 457K Contribution 25.00 Vendor 03577 - PEBSCO Total: 75.00 Vendor: 06345 - PENDELTON TURF SUPPLY INC PENDELTON TURF SUPPLY INC 105346 11576 20-2100-0000-56200 TIRES FOR TORO 72 255.87 Vendor 06345 - PENDELTON TURF SUPPLY INC Total: 255.87 Vendor: 02260 - PING PING 105200 15231550 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 798.00 PING 105200 15231550 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -39.90 PING 105200 15231550 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 11.36 PING 105200 15234049 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 1,360.00 PING 105200 15234049 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -68.00 PING 105200 15234049 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 100.00 PING 105200 15240947 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 1,360.00 PING 105200 15240947 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -68.00 PING 105200 15240947 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 100.00 Vendor 02260 - PING Total: 3,553.46 Vendor: 15245 - PRESTO-X PRESTO-X 105293 7391923 20-2000-0000-54255 Contract Services Clubhouse- 145.98 Pest Control for Club Vendor 15245 - PRESTO-X Total: 145.98 Vendor: 22086 - PRINCIPLE FINANCIAL GROUP PRINCIPLE FINANCIAL GROUP 105294 INV0011439 01-0100-0000-54051 LIFE, AD&D AND LTD/DENTAL- 5,081.27 AUG 2020 Vendor 22086 - PRINCIPLE FINANCIAL GROUP Total: 5,081.27 Vendor: 03763 - PURCHASE POWER PURCHASE POWER 105201 INV0011394 01-0100-0000-52025 POSTAGE METER REFILL 2,000.00 Vendor 03763 - PURCHASE POWER Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 03780 - R & R PRODUCTS, INC R & R PRODUCTS, INC 105347 CD2466254 10-1100-7843-52404 STAKES FOR HUBBARD WOODS 424.96 EVENTS Vendor 03780 - R & R PRODUCTS, INC Total: 424.96

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 15 of 26 37 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount Vendor: 03821 - RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS 105348 782262 20-2100-0000-52515 SAFETY GLASSES AND 274.50 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS 105348 782262 20-2100-0000-52525 SAFETY GLASSES AND 221.65 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS 105295 782262-1 20-2100-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 3.16 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS 105348 781784-2 20-2100-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 120.00 Vendor 03821 - RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS Total: 619.31 Vendor: 21931 - REACH MEDIA NETWORK REACH MEDIA NETWORK 105376 68403 23-2300-0000-52015 Reach Display 500.00 Vendor 21931 - REACH MEDIA NETWORK Total: 500.00 Vendor: 07153 - READY REFRESH BY NESTLE READY REFRESH BY NESTLE 105247 10F8104749190 25-2500-0000-54250 READY REFRESH WATER 107.90 READY REFRESH BY NESTLE 105247 10F8104749190-B 27-2700-0000-54250 DRINKING WATER 8.00 READY REFRESH BY NESTLE 105349 10G8104749190 25-2500-0000-54250 READY REFRESH WATER 193.86 READY REFRESH BY NESTLE 105349 10G8104749190-B 27-2700-0000-54250 DRINKING WATER 38.95 Vendor 07153 - READY REFRESH BY NESTLE Total: 348.71 Vendor: 03861 - REINDERS, INC. REINDERS, INC. 105296 1809062-00 20-2100-0000-52565 EOP FUNGICIDES 6,057.80 REINDERS, INC. 105350 1839944-00 20-2100-0000-56200 PARTS TO FIX WORKMAN 260.53 REINDERS, INC. 105350 1840776-00 20-2100-0000-56200 RADIATOR FOR WORKMAN 767.84 REINDERS, INC. 105350 4271711-00 20-2100-0000-52570 SPRAY INDICATOR DYE AND 484.20 DEFOAMER FOR SPRAYER REINDERS, INC. 105350 1841932-00 20-2100-0000-56100 PARTS FOR EQUIPMENT 165.72 REINDERS, INC. 105350 1841932-01 20-2100-0000-56100 MOWER PARTS 39.78 Vendor 03861 - REINDERS, INC. Total: 7,775.87 Vendor: 22229 - RETHYNC RETHYNC 105377 INV-0050 01-0100-0000-54210 JUNE IT SERVICES - RETHYNC 3,830.00 Vendor 22229 - RETHYNC Total: 3,830.00 Vendor: 03940 - RMC, INC. RMC, INC. 105248 SI2090481 27-2700-0000-54250 MONTHLY SERVICE - JUNE 769.00 RMC, INC. 105248 SI2092353 27-2700-0000-54250 MONTHLY SERVICE - AUG 769.00 Vendor 03940 - RMC, INC. Total: 1,538.00 Vendor: 21942 - ROBBINS SCHWARTZ ROBBINS SCHWARTZ 105202 01002-09 01-0200-0000-54220 MAY LEGAL SERVICES 7,771.00 ROBBINS SCHWARTZ 105202 06002 01-0200-0000-54220 APRIL LEGAL SERIVES 6,555.00 ROBBINS SCHWARTZ 105351 016002-6 01-0200-0000-54220 LEGAL SERVICES - JUNE 2020 6,574.00 Vendor 21942 - ROBBINS SCHWARTZ Total: 20,900.00 Vendor: 04015 - S & S WORLDWIDE, INC. S & S WORLDWIDE, INC. 105249 IN100550672 10-1100-7605-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 115.90 S & S WORLDWIDE, INC. 105249 IN100550672 10-1100-7668-52404 CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES 115.90 Vendor 04015 - S & S WORLDWIDE, INC. Total: 231.80 Vendor: 22569 - SAMANTHA THOMPSON SAMANTHA THOMPSON 105352 1120714 10-1100-7668-45400 CAMP REFUND 650.00 Vendor 22569 - SAMANTHA THOMPSON Total: 650.00 Vendor: 22289 - SARAH KLENKAR SARAH KLENKAR 105250 INV0011435 10-1100-7765-52404 REIMB FOR CAMP SUPPLIES 49.41 SARAH KLENKAR 105378 INV0011480 10-1100-7765-52404 REIMB FOR CAMP SUPPLIES 28.65 Vendor 22289 - SARAH KLENKAR Total: 78.06 Vendor: 04138 - SECURITY BNFT GROUP OF CO SECURITY BNFT GROUP OF CO DFT0004017 INV0011414 01-21235 457K Retirement Plan 700.00 SECURITY BNFT GROUP OF CO DFT0004026 INV0011442 01-21235 457K Retirement Plan 700.00 SECURITY BNFT GROUP OF CO DFT0004041 INV0011483 01-21235 457K Retirement Plan 700.00 Vendor 04138 - SECURITY BNFT GROUP OF CO Total: 2,100.00

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 16 of 26 38 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount Vendor: 04158 - SHABICA & ASSOCIATES, INC SHABICA & ASSOCIATES, INC 105251 3145 37-3700-0000-60120 FINAL PAYMENT FOR SHABICA 13,600.00 CONTRACT DATED 5/10/2019 Vendor 04158 - SHABICA & ASSOCIATES, INC Total: 13,600.00 Vendor: 22561 - SHANNON BERNARD SHANNON BERNARD 105203 1111509 10-1100-7605-45400 REC REFUND 620.00 SHANNON BERNARD 105203 1111509 10-1100-7668-45400 REC REFUND 620.00 Vendor 22561 - SHANNON BERNARD Total: 1,240.00 Vendor: 21267 - SIGNARAMA SIGNARAMA 105204 INV-1128 10-1500-0000-56001 SIGNS FOR LAKEFRONT 400.27 SIGNARAMA 105379 INV-1149 27-2700-0000-54201 Winnetka Ice Arena Hall of Fame 452.32 Wall - Correction Vendor 21267 - SIGNARAMA Total: 852.59 Vendor: 22095 - SPECTROTEL SPECTROTEL 105252 9776524 01-0100-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE-POTS LINES 7.76 SPECTROTEL 105252 9776524 01-0100-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE-POTS LINES 474.83 SPECTROTEL 105252 9776524 10-1600-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE-POTS LINES 80.80 SPECTROTEL 105252 9776524 20-2000-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE-POTS LINES 161.60 SPECTROTEL 105252 9776524 25-2500-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE-POTS LINES 80.80 SPECTROTEL 105252 9776524 27-2700-0000-56501 PHONE SERVICE-POTS LINES 242.40 Vendor 22095 - SPECTROTEL Total: 1,048.19 Vendor: 15870 - STANDARD IND & AUTO EQUIP STANDARD IND & AUTO EQUIP 105353 WO5847 01-0300-0000-54250 LIFT INSPECTIONS 335.00 STANDARD IND & AUTO EQUIP 105353 WO5848 20-2100-0000-54250 LIFT INSPECTIONS 235.00 Vendor 15870 - STANDARD IND & AUTO EQUIP Total: 570.00 Vendor: 13210 - STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 105354 7309314087-0-1 25-2500-0000-52001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 62.35 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 105354 7309773597-0-1 25-2500-0000-52001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 72.85 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 105354 7309850122-0-1 01-0300-0000-52001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 36.05 Vendor 13210 - STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT Total: 171.25 Vendor: 22402 - STITCH MINE STITCH MINE 105297 S 15223 01-0400-0000-52525 UNIFORMS FOR STAFF 1,869.27 Vendor 22402 - STITCH MINE Total: 1,869.27 Vendor: 04435 - SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS 105205 673911 20-2000-0000-47325 GOLF ITEMS FOR RESALE -0.28 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS 105205 673911 20-2000-0000-57325 GOLF ITEMS FOR RESALE 5.50 Vendor 04435 - SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS Total: 5.22 Vendor: 12330 - THE ALLIANCE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD THE ALLIANCE FOR EARLY CHIL… 105254 INV0011425 10-10699 AEC 2021 SPONSORING 2,000.00 PARTNERSHIP Vendor 12330 - THE ALLIANCE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 06757 - THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE 105255 INV0011422 10-1400-0000-50450 FULL MOON KAYAKING INVOICE 378.00 (6/7) Vendor 06757 - THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE Total: 378.00 Vendor: 22294 - THE RIGHT STUFF ENTERTAINMENT, INC THE RIGHT STUFF ENTERTAINM… 105206 INV0011409 10-1100-7843-54305 WEDNESDAY IN THE WOODS - 2,500.00 THE BOY BAND Vendor 22294 - THE RIGHT STUFF ENTERTAINMENT, INC Total: 2,500.00 Vendor: 20687 - TOTAL PLATFORM TENNIS LLC TOTAL PLATFORM TENNIS LLC 105207 20090 23-2300-0000-60360 LED LIGHTS 24,400.00 Vendor 20687 - TOTAL PLATFORM TENNIS LLC Total: 24,400.00 Vendor: 22451 - TRENT ANDERSON TRENT ANDERSON 105208 INV0011410 10-1100-7843-54305 WEDNEDAY IN THE WOODS 1,000.00 Vendor 22451 - TRENT ANDERSON Total: 1,000.00 Vendor: 20788 - ULINE, INC ULINE, INC 105209 120893700 01-0400-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 383.90

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 17 of 26 39 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount ULINE, INC 105209 12111036 01-0300-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 78.14 ULINE, INC 105209 12111036 01-0400-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 78.15 ULINE, INC 105209 121110613 10-1500-0000-52002 SUPPLIES 81.93 ULINE, INC 105355 121780980 20-2100-0000-52002 EARPLUGS, PAINT PENS, PLASTIC 288.28 WRAP ULINE, INC 105355 121780980 20-2100-0000-52525 EARPLUGS, PAINT PENS, PLASTIC 258.00 WRAP Vendor 20788 - ULINE, INC Total: 1,168.40 Vendor: 00675 - US KIDS GOLF US KIDS GOLF 105256 IN1409952 20-10700 GOLF ITEMS FOR RESALE 48.75 US KIDS GOLF 105256 IN1409952 20-2000-0000-47325 GOLF ITEMS FOR RESALE -1.46 US KIDS GOLF 105256 IN1409952 20-2000-0000-57325 GOLF ITEMS FOR RESALE 10.15 US KIDS GOLF 105298 IN1411217 20-10700 Merchandise for Resale 260.00 US KIDS GOLF 105298 IN1411217 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -7.80 US KIDS GOLF 105298 IN1411217 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise for Resale 17.33 US KIDS GOLF 105356 IN1413057 20-10700 Merchandise For Resale 611.00 US KIDS GOLF 105356 IN1413057 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -18.33 US KIDS GOLF 105356 IN1413057 20-2000-0000-57325 Merchandise For Resale 40.58 Vendor 00675 - US KIDS GOLF Total: 960.22 Vendor: 20775 - US SIGNAL US SIGNAL 105299 20080190184 01-0100-0000-54250 T1 INTERNET CONNECTION 51.69 US SIGNAL 105299 20080190184 01-0200-0000-54250 T1 INTERNET CONNECTION 51.69 US SIGNAL 105299 20080190184 01-0400-0000-54250 T1 INTERNET CONNECTION 51.69 US SIGNAL 105299 20080190184 10-1000-0000-54250 T1 INTERNET CONNECTION 51.69 US SIGNAL 105299 20080190184 20-2000-0000-54250 T1 INTERNET CONNECTION 51.69 US SIGNAL 105299 20080190184 20-2100-0000-54250 T1 INTERNET CONNECTION 51.69 US SIGNAL 105299 20080190184 25-2500-0000-54250 T1 INTERNET CONNECTION 51.69 US SIGNAL 105299 20080190184 27-2700-0000-54250 T1 INTERNET CONNECTION 51.69 Vendor 20775 - US SIGNAL Total: 413.52 Vendor: 21571 - USABLUEBOOK USABLUEBOOK 105210 261550 10-1500-0000-56100 BACKFLOW PREVENTER REPAIR 167.07 USABLUEBOOK 105357 299270 01-0400-0000-52002 SUPPLIES 42.74 USABLUEBOOK 105357 300908 01-0400-0000-52002 SUPPLIES 80.72 Vendor 21571 - USABLUEBOOK Total: 290.53 Vendor: 04765 - VANGUARD ENERGY SERVICES VANGUARD ENERGY SERVICES 105358 G400621071720 20-2000-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-JUNE 33.79 2020 VANGUARD ENERGY SERVICES 105358 G400621071720 20-2100-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-JUNE 2.81 2020 VANGUARD ENERGY SERVICES 105358 G400621071720 23-2300-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-JUNE 33.61 2020 VANGUARD ENERGY SERVICES 105358 G400621071720 25-2500-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-JUNE 9.84 2020 VANGUARD ENERGY SERVICES 105358 G400621071720 25-2500-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-JUNE 0.46 2020 VANGUARD ENERGY SERVICES 105358 G400621071720 27-2700-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS SERVICE-JUNE 600.24 2020 Vendor 04765 - VANGUARD ENERGY SERVICES Total: 680.75 Vendor: 04778 - VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS 105257 9858867230 01-0100-0000-56502 CELL PHONE SERVICE 1,936.98 Vendor 04778 - VERIZON WIRELESS Total: 1,936.98 Vendor: 22172 - VICTORIA RICHTER VICTORIA RICHTER 105258 1115168 27-2700-0000-41370 ICE REFUND 375.00 Vendor 22172 - VICTORIA RICHTER Total: 375.00 Vendor: 04805 - VILLAGE OF WINNETKA VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 01-0100-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 487.41 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 01-0200-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 2,696.01 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 01-0300-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 265.27 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 01-0300-0000-56530 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 811.91

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 18 of 26 40 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 01-0400-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 5,537.11 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 01-0400-0000-56530 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 493.76 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 10-1200-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 17.35 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 10-1500-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 173.28 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 10-1500-0000-56530 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 652.67 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 10-1600-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 12.80 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 10-1600-0000-56530 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 88.91 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 20-2000-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 155.06 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 20-2000-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 622.16 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 20-2000-0000-56530 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 3,222.11 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 20-2100-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 21,528.87 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 20-2100-0000-56530 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 3,968.86 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 23-2300-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 16.89 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 23-2300-0000-56530 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 732.34 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 25-2400-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 16.89 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 25-2400-0000-56530 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 188.57 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 25-2500-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 120.63 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 25-2500-0000-56530 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 7,563.64 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 27-2700-0000-56525 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 1,134.02 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 105300 JULY 2020 27-2700-0000-56530 WATER & ELECTRIC-JULY 2020 13,562.25 Vendor 04805 - VILLAGE OF WINNETKA Total: 64,068.77 Vendor: 21284 - VIRGINIO CASTILLO VIRGINIO CASTILLO 105301 INV0011457 01-0400-0000-52525 REIMB FOR BOOTS 99.99 Vendor 21284 - VIRGINIO CASTILLO Total: 99.99 Vendor: 00425 - VISION SERVICE PLAN (IL) VISION SERVICE PLAN (IL) 105302 809937980 01-0100-0000-54051 VISION INSURANCE-AUG 2020 608.41 Vendor 00425 - VISION SERVICE PLAN (IL) Total: 608.41 Vendor: 04882 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105380 IN343436 27-2700-0000-56100 SCRUBBER REPAIR - BATTERY 821.18 CHARGER WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105380 IN349475 27-2700-0000-56100 SCRUBBER MAINTENANCE 699.69 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105211 4686267-0 01-0100-0000-52001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 42.09 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105259 4688200-0 10-1500-0000-52002 SAFETY & CLEANING SUPPLIES 49.98 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105259 4688200-0 35-3500-0000-52002 SAFETY & CLEANING SUPPLIES 129.90 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105380 46903434-0 10-1000-0000-52515 PAPER TOWELS 66.18 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105380 46903434-0 10-1500-0000-52002 PAPER TOWELS 66.18 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105211 4696116-0 01-0300-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - PARKS 105.22 SVC CTR WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105211 4696412-0 35-3500-0000-52002 HAND SANITIZER 179.98 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105259 4702067-0 01-0100-0000-52001 COPY PAPER/GENERAL OFFICE 58.18 SUPPLIES WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105259 4702067-0 01-0100-0000-52005 COPY PAPER/GENERAL OFFICE 225.00 SUPPLIES WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105211 4655054-0 27-2700-0000-52002 NITRILE GLOVES 188.60 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105380 4710362-0 01-0400-0000-52002 WATER 85.60 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105211 4711050-0 20-2000-0000-52006 CLUBHOUSE SUPPLIES 6.59 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105211 4711050-0 20-2000-0000-52515 CLUBHOUSE SUPPLIES 82.58 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105259 4711233-0 01-0300-0000-52001 FACILITY REPAIRS & OFFICE 37.50 SUPPLIES WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105259 4711233-0 10-1500-0000-56001 FACILITY REPAIRS & OFFICE 25.29 SUPPLIES WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105359 4714020-0 10-1000-0000-52515 HAND SOAP 105.22 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105259 4715564-0 01-0100-0000-52002 SUPPLIES 40.19 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105259 4682751-1 10-1500-0000-52002 SUPPLIES 35.98 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105259 4717717-0 01-0400-0000-52002 WATER 85.60 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105259 4720363-0 01-0100-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 105.90 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105303 4724202-0 10-1500-0000-52002 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 40.92 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105303 4728498-0 20-2000-0000-52006 Supplies Clubhouse & Custodial 29.97 Supplies

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 19 of 26 41 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105303 4728498-0 20-2000-0000-52515 Supplies Clubhouse & Custodial 145.45 Supplies WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105359 4732523-0 01-0100-0000-52005 COPY PAPER 225.00 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105359 4677782-0 35-3500-0000-52002 CLEANING SUPPLIES 94.18 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105359 4680067-0 35-3500-0000-52002 CLEANING SUPPLIES-GOLF 93.98 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105359 4735552-0 20-2000-0000-52515 Custodial Supplies & Supplies 20.63 Clubhouse WAREHOUSE DIRECT 105359 4735552-0 20-2000-0000-52515 Custodial Supplies & Supplies 295.58 Clubhouse Vendor 04882 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT Total: 4,188.34 Vendor: 17415 - WEBLINX, INC. WEBLINX, INC. 105212 28967 01-0100-0000-54210 DOMAIN NAME RENEWAL 38.00 Vendor 17415 - WEBLINX, INC. Total: 38.00 Vendor: 05020 - WILSON SPORTING GOODS WILSON SPORTING GOODS 105360 4531575564 25-10700 OVERGRIPS 151.20 WILSON SPORTING GOODS 105360 4531575564 25-2500-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -8.78 WILSON SPORTING GOODS 105360 4531575564 25-2500-0000-52002 PROGRAM RACQUETS 288.00 WILSON SPORTING GOODS 105360 4531575564 25-2500-0000-57325 FREIGHT 36.68 Vendor 05020 - WILSON SPORTING GOODS Total: 467.10 Vendor: 03677 - WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETTY CASH WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 01-0100-0000-52002 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 12.00 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 01-0100-0000-52002 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 41.44 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 01-0100-0000-52002 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 9.72 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 01-0100-0000-52025 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 5.10 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 01-0200-0000-52025 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 10.18 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 01-0200-0000-54260 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 38.39 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 01-0200-0000-54260 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 10.21 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 01-0400-0000-52025 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 50.00 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 10-1100-7421-52403 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 4.20 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 10-1100-7844-52405 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 24.99 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETT…105361 INV0011470 10-1100-7844-52405 PETTY CASH REPLENISH 9.98 Vendor 03677 - WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT PETTY CASH Total: 216.21 Vendor: 03680 - WINNETKA POSTMASTER WINNETKA POSTMASTER 105213 INV0011393 10-1100-7999-52025 Postage for mailing Fall Program 679.00 Guide Postcards WINNETKA POSTMASTER 105213 INV0011393 20-2000-0000-52025 Postage for mailing Fall Program 207.00 Guide Postcards WINNETKA POSTMASTER 105213 INV0011393 23-2300-0000-52025 Postage for mailing Fall Program 148.00 Guide Postcards WINNETKA POSTMASTER 105213 INV0011393 25-2500-0000-52025 Postage for mailing Fall Program 413.00 Guide Postcards WINNETKA POSTMASTER 105213 INV0011393 27-2700-0000-52025 Postage for mailing Fall Program 353.00 Guide Postcards Vendor 03680 - WINNETKA POSTMASTER Total: 1,800.00 Vendor: 07480 - WINNETKA YOUTH ORGANIZATION WINNETKA YOUTH ORGANIZAT… 105381 WYO-SP-200 10-1000-0000-54240 2020 WYO CONTRIBUTION 10,000.00 Vendor 07480 - WINNETKA YOUTH ORGANIZATION Total: 10,000.00 Vendor: 05040 - WINNETKA-NORTHFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WINNETKA-NORTHFIELD CHAM… 105382 44176 01-0200-0000-54251 BANNER DISPLAY FOR 4 200.00 SEASONS Vendor 05040 - WINNETKA-NORTHFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Total: 200.00 Vendor: 05075 - WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF R… DFT0004020 INV0011418 01-21210 State Withholding 616.62 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF R… DFT0004029 INV0011446 01-21210 State Withholding 436.69 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF R… DFT0004044 INV0011487 01-21210 State Withholding 432.70 Vendor 05075 - WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Total: 1,486.01

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 20 of 26 42 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Vendor Name Payment Number Payable Number Account Number Description (Item) Amount Vendor: 22419 - WMVP-AM WMVP-AM 105304 485810-3 20-2000-0000-54201 Golf Radio 2,820.00 Vendor 22419 - WMVP-AM Total: 2,820.00 Vendor: 22255 - WOODWARD PRINTING SERVICES WOODWARD PRINTING SERVIC… 105383 5252021 10-1100-7999-52020 FALL BROCHURE - POSTCARD 161.38 MAILER WOODWARD PRINTING SERVIC… 105383 5252021 20-2000-0000-52020 FALL BROCHURE - POSTCARD 161.38 MAILER WOODWARD PRINTING SERVIC… 105383 5252021 23-2300-0000-52020 FALL BROCHURE - POSTCARD 161.38 MAILER WOODWARD PRINTING SERVIC… 105383 5252021 25-2500-0000-52020 FALL BROCHURE - POSTCARD 161.38 MAILER WOODWARD PRINTING SERVIC… 105383 5252021 27-2700-0000-52020 FALL BROCHURE - POSTCARD 161.39 MAILER Vendor 22255 - WOODWARD PRINTING SERVICES Total: 806.91 Vendor: 05667 - YOUR ADVANTAGE TENNIS YOUR ADVANTAGE TENNIS 105214 INV0011407 25-2500-0000-57650 RACQUET STRINGING 15.00 Vendor 05667 - YOUR ADVANTAGE TENNIS Total: 15.00

Grand Total: 1,073,154.43

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 21 of 26 43 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020 Report Summary Fund Summary Fund Payment Amount 01 - GENERAL / PAYROLL REVOLVING 325,489.25 10 - RECREATION FUND 47,737.67 20 - GOLF OPERATIONS 129,892.00 23 - PLATFORM TENNIS 28,786.72 25 - TENNIS FUND 75,988.93 27 - INDOOR ICE ARENA 29,107.48 32 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 36,857.10 33 - IMRF PENSION & FICA 223,948.88 35 - LIABILITY FUND 22,617.24 37 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 152,729.16 Grand Total: 1,073,154.43

Account Summary Account Number Account Name Payment Amount 01-0100-0000-52001 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 463.00 01-0100-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 103.35 01-0100-0000-52005 COPY PAPER 450.00 01-0100-0000-52007 STATIONERY/ENVELOPES 59.00 01-0100-0000-52015 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 109.99 01-0100-0000-52025 POSTAGE 2,005.10 01-0100-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 105.90 01-0100-0000-52525 UNIFORMS 218.57 01-0100-0000-52999 MISCELLANEOUS 301.81 01-0100-0000-54001 PROFESSIONAL DUES 199.90 01-0100-0000-54005 CONFERENCES/EDUCATI… 15.27 01-0100-0000-54051 MEDICAL INSURANCE 64,992.11 01-0100-0000-54075 PROPERTY INSURANCE 45,910.44 01-0100-0000-54210 COMPUTER SERVICE 19,385.02 01-0100-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 1,033.09 01-0100-0000-54260 118.80 01-0100-0000-56001 R & M-FACILITY-GENERAL 117.00 01-0100-0000-56100 R & M-EQUIPMENT 4,048.90 01-0100-0000-56501 TELEPHONE/COMMUNIC… 604.33 01-0100-0000-56502 RADIO-PHONE COMMUN… 1,936.98 01-0100-0000-56525 WATER 487.41 01-0100-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS 101.06 01-0200-0000-52001 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 238.55 01-0200-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 601.21 01-0200-0000-52011 MARKETING SUPPLIES 1,339.74 01-0200-0000-52025 POSTAGE 10.18 01-0200-0000-52090 BOARD EXPENSES 397.99 01-0200-0000-54001 PROFESSIONAL DUES 600.00 01-0200-0000-54005 CONFERENCES/EDUCATI… -83.53 01-0200-0000-54220 LEGAL 20,900.00 01-0200-0000-54225 LEGAL ADS 997.09 01-0200-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 10,706.69 01-0200-0000-54251 MARKETING SERVICES 200.00 01-0200-0000-54260 TRAINING 48.60 01-0200-0000-56501 TELEPHONE/COMMUNIC… 95.65 01-0200-0000-56525 WATER 2,696.01 01-0300-0000-52001 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 73.55 01-0300-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 928.24 01-0300-0000-52505 LUBRICANTS 51.74 01-0300-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 183.36 01-0300-0000-52810 TOOLS 69.96 01-0300-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 1,706.84 01-0300-0000-56100 R & M-EQUIPMENT 207.66

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Account Summary Account Number Account Name Payment Amount 01-0300-0000-56525 WATER 265.27 01-0300-0000-56530 ELECTRIC 811.91 01-0300-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS 95.42 01-0400-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 827.20 01-0400-0000-52015 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 299.00 01-0400-0000-52025 POSTAGE 50.00 01-0400-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 462.05 01-0400-0000-52525 UNIFORMS 2,356.33 01-0400-0000-52540 PLANT MATERIALS 2,094.75 01-0400-0000-52566 FERTILIZERS 330.00 01-0400-0000-52810 TOOLS 193.19 01-0400-0000-54001 PROFESSIONAL DUES 395.00 01-0400-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 10,927.95 01-0400-0000-56001 R & M-FACILITY-GENERAL 847.41 01-0400-0000-56003 R & M-PLAYGROUND EQU… 3,926.02 01-0400-0000-56100 R & M-EQUIPMENT 502.20 01-0400-0000-56200 VEHICLE R & M 563.82 01-0400-0000-56501 TELEPHONE/COMMUNIC… 95.65 01-0400-0000-56525 WATER 5,537.11 01-0400-0000-56530 ELECTRIC 514.15 01-0400-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS 33.77 01-10550 ACCTS REC.-3RD PARTIES 60.00 01-21200 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING … 59,451.53 01-21210 STATE WITHHOLDING TAX 35,126.44 01-21230 IMRF VOLUNTARY LIFE W… 16.00 01-21235 I.C.M.A. RETIREMENT W/H 13,500.47 01-21255 LIFELOCK DED 85.43 01-21298 CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN… 1,384.62 10-1000-0000-52001 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 26.41 10-1000-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 124.53 10-1000-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 171.40 10-1000-0000-54240 WINNETKA YOUTH ORG 10,000.00 10-1000-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 490.69 10-1000-0000-56001 R & M-FACILITY-GENERAL 117.00 10-1000-0000-56501 TELEPHONE/COMMUNIC… 95.65 10-10550 ACCTS REC.-3RD PARTIES -676.48 10-10699 PRE-PAID MISCELLANEOUS 2,000.00 10-1100-7213-45200 REC PROG FEES - ATHL IN… 489.30 10-1100-7214-54302 SERVICES-REC ATHL INST 117.60 10-1100-7421-52403 SUPPLIES 4.20 10-1100-7605-45400 REC PROG FEES - CAMPS 620.00 10-1100-7605-52404 SUPPLIES-REC CAMPS 993.80 10-1100-7606-52404 SUPPLIES-REC CAMPS 559.07 10-1100-7613-45400 REC PROG FEES - CAMPS 172.00 10-1100-7613-54304 SERVICES-REC CAMPS 7,056.00 10-1100-7668-45400 REC PROG FEES - CAMPS 3,867.00 10-1100-7668-52404 SUPPLIES-REC CAMPS 1,479.03 10-1100-7765-52404 SUPPLIES-REC CAMPS 551.03 10-1100-7841-52405 SUPPLIES-REC SPEC EVEN… 679.92 10-1100-7843-52404 SUPPLIES-REC CAMPS 810.03 10-1100-7843-52405 SUPPLIES-REC SPEC EVEN… 523.51 10-1100-7843-54305 SERVICES-REC SPEC EVEN… 8,574.97 10-1100-7844-52405 SUPPLIES-REC SPEC EVEN… 34.97 10-1100-7999-52020 PRINTING (. & NE… 161.38 10-1100-7999-52025 POSTAGE 679.00 10-1100-7999-54201 ADVERTISEMENTS 205.17 10-1200-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 157.81 10-1200-0000-52562 HERBICIDES 165.00

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 23 of 26 45 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020

Account Summary Account Number Account Name Payment Amount 10-1200-0000-52801 EQUIPMENT > $100 1,632.29 10-1200-0000-54005 CONFERENCES/EDUCATI… 65.00 10-1200-0000-56525 WATER 17.35 10-1300-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS 33.77 10-1400-0000-50450 INSTRUCTORS - GROUP LE… 378.00 10-1500-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 859.66 10-1500-0000-52320 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES 272.11 10-1500-0000-52801 EQUIPMENT > $100 139.82 10-1500-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 2,080.85 10-1500-0000-54260 TRAINING 102.60 10-1500-0000-56001 R & M-FACILITY-GENERAL 641.60 10-1500-0000-56100 R & M-EQUIPMENT 203.99 10-1500-0000-56501 TELEPHONE/COMMUNIC… 26.09 10-1500-0000-56525 WATER 173.28 10-1500-0000-56530 ELECTRIC 652.67 10-1600-0000-56501 TELEPHONE/COMMUNIC… 106.89 10-1600-0000-56525 WATER 12.80 10-1600-0000-56530 ELECTRIC 88.91 20-10700 PRO-SHOP-ALL INCLUSIVE 9,752.47 20-2000-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -416.33 20-2000-0000-52006 SUPPLIES - CLUBHOUSE 2,836.55 20-2000-0000-52020 PRINTING (BROCH. & NE… 161.38 20-2000-0000-52025 POSTAGE 207.00 20-2000-0000-52320 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES 972.43 20-2000-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 619.06 20-2000-0000-54001 PROFESSIONAL DUES 736.00 20-2000-0000-54201 ADVERTISEMENTS 3,494.46 20-2000-0000-54210 COMPUTER SERVICE 60.00 20-2000-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 190.61 20-2000-0000-54255 CONTRACT SERV - CLBHSE 770.98 20-2000-0000-54990 SALES TAXES-PRO-SHOP 2,589.00 20-2000-0000-56001 R & M-FACILITY-GENERAL 532.73 20-2000-0000-56150 GOLF CART-R & M 509.12 20-2000-0000-56501 TELEPHONE/COMMUNIC… 274.64 20-2000-0000-56525 WATER 777.22 20-2000-0000-56530 ELECTRIC 3,222.11 20-2000-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS 327.20 20-2000-0000-57325 FREIGHT - IN 583.79 20-2100-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 1,025.49 20-2100-0000-52008 DRAINAGE SUPPLIES 194.85 20-2100-0000-52505 LUBRICANTS 241.89 20-2100-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 397.66 20-2100-0000-52525 UNIFORMS 791.11 20-2100-0000-52560 TURFGRASS SEED 1,095.00 20-2100-0000-52562 HERBICIDES 322.00 20-2100-0000-52563 AQUATIC HERBICIDES 534.40 20-2100-0000-52565 FUNGICIDES 16,133.61 20-2100-0000-52566 FERTILIZERS 4,595.00 20-2100-0000-52570 SPECIALIZED GROUND CH… 484.20 20-2100-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 5,066.69 20-2100-0000-56001 R & M-FACILITY-GENERAL 1,131.73 20-2100-0000-56100 R & M-EQUIPMENT 946.09 20-2100-0000-56125 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT 2,471.08 20-2100-0000-56200 R & M - VEHICLE 4,102.29 20-2100-0000-56501 TELEPHONE/COMMUNIC… 113.04 20-2100-0000-56525 WATER 21,528.87 20-2100-0000-56530 ELECTRIC 3,968.86 20-2100-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS 107.72

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 24 of 26 46 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020

Account Summary Account Number Account Name Payment Amount 20-2100-0000-60247 EQUIPMENT 36,440.00 23-2300-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 97.78 23-2300-0000-52015 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 500.00 23-2300-0000-52020 PRINTING (BROCH. & NE… 161.38 23-2300-0000-52025 POSTAGE 148.00 23-2300-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 612.02 23-2300-0000-56001 R & M-FACILITY-GENERAL 1,200.00 23-2300-0000-56525 WATER 16.89 23-2300-0000-56530 ELECTRIC 732.34 23-2300-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS 918.31 23-2300-0000-60360 PLATFORM TENNIS LIGHT… 24,400.00 25-10700 PRO-SHOP-ALL INCLUSIVE 151.20 25-2400-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 45.94 25-2400-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 897.70 25-2400-0000-56001 R & M-FACILITY-GENERAL 825.00 25-2400-0000-56525 WATER 16.89 25-2400-0000-56530 ELECTRIC 188.57 25-2500-0000-47325 SALES DISCOUNT -16.10 25-2500-0000-52001 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 135.20 25-2500-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 288.00 25-2500-0000-52015 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 10.99 25-2500-0000-52020 PRINTING (BROCH. & NE… 161.38 25-2500-0000-52025 POSTAGE 413.00 25-2500-0000-52515 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 8.25 25-2500-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 677.78 25-2500-0000-54990 SALES TAXES-PRO-SHOP 153.00 25-2500-0000-56001 R & M-FACILITY-GENERAL 360.43 25-2500-0000-56100 R & M-EQUIPMENT 4,157.50 25-2500-0000-56501 TELEPHONE/COMMUNIC… 193.84 25-2500-0000-56525 WATER 120.63 25-2500-0000-56530 ELECTRIC 7,563.64 25-2500-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS 590.89 25-2500-0000-57325 FREIGHT - IN 36.68 25-2500-0000-57650 RACKET RESTRINGING 15.00 25-2500-0000-60380 OVERHEAD LIGHTING 56.02 25-2500-0000-62001 CONTRACT PAYABLE - PRI… 50,000.00 25-2500-0000-62003 CONTRACT PAYABLE - INT… 8,937.50 27-2700-0000-41370 ICE ARENA CAMPS 375.00 27-2700-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 1,128.66 27-2700-0000-52020 PRINTING (BROCH. & NE… 161.39 27-2700-0000-52025 POSTAGE 353.00 27-2700-0000-52901 SPECIAL PROJECTS 128.53 27-2700-0000-54001 PROFESSIONAL DUES 49.25 27-2700-0000-54201 ADVERTISEMENTS 452.32 27-2700-0000-54250 CONTRACT SERVICES-GEN… 4,785.41 27-2700-0000-56001 R & M-FACILITY-GENERAL 3,507.86 27-2700-0000-56100 R & M-EQUIPMENT 1,652.89 27-2700-0000-56200 VEHICLE R & M 125.76 27-2700-0000-56501 TELEPHONE/COMMUNIC… 311.98 27-2700-0000-56525 WATER 1,134.02 27-2700-0000-56530 ELECTRIC 13,562.25 27-2700-0000-56550 NATURAL GAS 1,379.16 32-3200-0000-54065 WORKERS COMPENSATI… 36,857.10 33-21215 I.M.R.F. PAYABLE 103,659.16 33-21220 F.I.C.A. PAYABLE 120,289.72 35-3500-0000-52002 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 1,734.98 35-3500-0000-54080 GENERAL LIABILITY 19,782.54 35-3500-0000-56100 R & M-EQUIPMENT 1,099.72

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 25 of 26 47 VOUCHER LIST OF PAID BILLS FOR APPROVAL ON AUGUST 27, 2020 Payment Dates: 7/18/2020 - 8/21/2020

Account Summary Account Number Account Name Payment Amount 37-3700-0000-60120 LAKEFRONT RENOVATIONS 152,729.16 Grand Total: 1,073,154.43

Project Account Summary Project Account Key Payment Amount **None** 1,073,154.43 Grand Total: 1,073,154.43

8/20/2020 1:27:59 PM Page 26 of 26 48 Winnetka Park District

Board Summary

Date: August 20, 2020 To: Board of Commissioners Subject: Lloyd Shoreline Tier Two Planning From: Costa Kutulas, Superintendent of Parks John Shea, Superintendent of Recreation Through: John Peterson, Executive Director


As the district continues to progress with the Lloyd Breakwater project, we must look to the next step of development for that site. As discussed at the July 23, 2020 Park Board meeting consultants and staff have been working to make sure that construction of Tier Two is completed in time for the 2021 boating season. Due to the removal of the steel seawall in the current breakwater project, the plan design will need to change to allow for the completion of the tier two project.

The project design team of Lakota Group as the project manager and lead designer will be supported by Spaceco civil engineering, Christopher Burke structural engineering, and Cardno ecological restoration consultant. We’ll also consult with both TSC Corporation for geotechnical requirements and soil borings and Urban Forest Management as well. This is the same design team that we used through the previous Tier One design work at Tower and planners of the Winnetka Waterfront 2030 Plan (Lakota Group). In this project scope we are looking to contract for the design of a new elevated boardwalk, wash station, gabion basket , all required grading and stabilization for the bluff and layout for non-motorized storage and ADA beach mats which all can be seen on the attached plan. Bluff restoration for Lloyd, Elder and Centennial is also included in this scope of services. The scope includes three phases of work, Design Development, Construction Documents and Permitting and bid assistance.

Staff has reviewed the project scope and preliminary design onsite with the project team and will look to have the design and construction drawings once approved, completed in early November. Once we’re far enough along, staff will work with contractors to price out the project and have that back for Park Board approval in November for approval. The goal is to have all construction completed prior to the park opening in May of 2021.


At this time staff, is recommending to the Park Board to approve the scope of services of Winnetka Park District Bluff Restoration Tier Two Implementation Landscape Architectural Consulting Services from The Lakota Group, from Chicago Illinois for the total of $131,921.00.



August 10, 2020


Professional Services Agreement between THE LAKOTA GROUP and the WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT (WPD)


The Lakota Group (Lakota) is pleased to provide our professional landscape architectural design proposal to Winnetka Park District (WPD) to assist with preparation of landscape and site design documents for the Tier Two Implementation Plans for the following WPD parks:

 Lloyd Park  Elder Lane Park  Centennial Park

Targeted features, as illustrated in the following documents and refined lakefront implementation plan, will be developed, and/or sited, by our team and include:

 Bluff Vegetation Restoration and Enhancement at all Parks  Physical Site Improvements at Lloyd Park, including: o New Partially Elevated Boardwalk and Washing Station Platform o North Concrete Access Ramp to Boardwalk o Gabion Retaining Walls at Toe of Bluff o Grading, Stabilization, and Revegetation for Shoulder of Ramp built as part of ongoing Slope Stabilization Project o Relocated Paddle Racks (By owner, grading and layout only) o ADA Compliant Beach Mats (By owner, grading and layout only)

More specifically, our team will prepare Design Development (DD) and Construction Documentation (CD) level drawings and will assist WPD in permitting and bidding (as needed).



Lakota and their multi-disciplinary team will perform the following tasks/responsibilities:

. Phase 1-2 - Design Development/Construction Documentation for each of the identified target enhancement elements, including:

o Bluff restoration and enhancement plans for bluff lands at Elder Lane Park and Centennial Park, as well as Lloyd Park areas that were not addressed in tier one, including: . Tree preservation plan for Lloyd Park construction . Bluff reforestation, selective tree removals and replacements . Bluff native plant restoration and enhancement plan, including plant inventory review, selective clearing details, and low maintenance native planting design o Site Improvements at Lloyd Park including: . Partially Elevated Boardwalk . Gabion Retaining Walls at toe of bluff . Grading, stabilization, and revegetation for shoulder of ramp built as part of ongoing Slope Stabilization Project . Site layout and grading for Paddle Racks . Site layout and grading for ADA Compliant Beach Mats o Related Specifications

. Specific Engineering Services to include work at Lloyd Park only:

o Structural Engineering design and documentation for the following: . Partially elevated boardwalk and footings at beach/base of bluff . Gabion basket retaining walls . Support at shoulder of ramp as needed o Civil Engineer design and documentation for the following . Site survey and grades . Concrete ramp cross section and detailing . Targeted grading and drainage plans, as needed . and fill material recommendations for ramp shoulder and gabion wall slopes. o Geotechnical Services to include borings and supporting analysis at 2 locations to identify underlying conditions at proposed elevated boardwalk.

. Phase 3 – Permitting and Bid Assistance



Task 1.1: Conduct initial site kick off walkthrough - (MEETING 1) Tour the site with the project team to review site issues, project scope, and target areas.


Task 1.2: Conduct new topographic surveys at targeted locations and compile existing survey information to support construction document improvements.

Lloyd Park: Civil engineer to collect current site data at Lloyd Park as it relates to proposed site improvements as defined on the attached scope documents. Improvement locations to be staked out in the field by the project team for survey by the civil engineer. Existing survey information to be compiled with new survey data to create base information necessary to support construction document improvements.

Centennial and Elder Lane Parks: Existing topographic survey information will be used for the restoration plans. Tree tag identification will be based on the existing surveys and information previously provided by Urban Forest Management.

Task 1.3: Conduct soil borings, lab testing, , and soils report for targeted areas.

Task 1.4: Design development of target area plans. Based on Client comments, the Lakota team will further refine and develop more detailed site/landscape plans, and details/material choices for specific landscape elements. Drawings will include dimensions and quantities of the site features and provide a basis for establishing a more detailed estimate of construction costs.

Task 1.5: Develop materials/furnishing palette. Develop a palette of equipment options and materials to be approved by STAFF and Park BOARD Members

Task 1.6: Conduct progress presentation to STAFF - (MEETING 2) Lakota will present progress package to STAFF to review progress and design direction/budgets. Package revisions will be made based on comments.

Task 1.7: Coordinate with the consultant team to further refine details of the site/landscape plan, engineering requirements, and specific site elements.

Task 1.8: Review any ancillary drainage, grading and site elevation issues.

Task 1.9: Develop and refine design development level cost estimates.

Task 1.10: Finalize design development package based on Park BOARD, and STAFF comments for the proposed improvements Submit design development set, outline specifications/preliminary plant lists, site elements, furnishings and materials palette, cost opinions and quantities to STAFF for review and approval prior to initiating the construction document and specifications phase.

Task 1.11: Present final DD Package for STAFF and Park BOARD review - (MEETING 3) Lakota will present progress package to Park BOARD to review project design direction, budgets, and timelines. Package revisions will be made based on comments.




Task 2.1: Design Team coordination meeting to review STAFF and Park BOARD input - (MEETING 4) Meet with the Team to further refine details of the site/landscape plan, specific site elements, and refine planting design/palette. Further identify specific landscape and site issues involving plant material, hardscape, and bluff restoration.

Task 2.2: Prepare construction documents Develop final site/landscape plans for all focus areas. Several drawings will be prepared which address all site element locations, sizes, and quantities. A preliminary planting schedule will be prepared which identifies suggested species, sizes, and quantities of any softscape materials.

Plans, sketches, elevations, and sections will be prepared to further define the character of individual elements, such as, but not limited to:

. Related landscape treatments . Bluff restoration work . Site elements and features . Hardscape and paving . Stormwater, utility and civil engineering site needs . Structural engineering site needs . Site equipment, furnishings and features

Task 2.3: Refine project cost opinions Develop a refined cost opinion for the overall landscape/site and related elements.

Task 2.4: Review construction document / cost opinion package with STAFF at 80% - (MEETING 5) Lakota will conduct a team working meeting with park STAFF to review CD set progress and design direction/budgets. CD package revisions will be made based on comments.

Task 2.5: Prepare any necessary specifications, construction document/cost opinions/specification package at 100%.

Task 2.6: Review construction document / cost opinions / specification package with STAFF at 100% - (MEETING 6) Lakota will a conduct team working meeting with park STAFF to review CD set progress and design direction/budgets. CD package revisions will be made based on comments.

Task 2.7: Present final landscape / site construction package to STAFF and park BOARD - (MEETING 7) Prepare full set of landscape construction documents to include the following:

. Detailed final landscape plan(s) . Site layout and dimension plans . Related planting details, plant schedules, and general notes . Site furnishing specifications . Site detail sheets - layout/dimensioning of all related special site elements if applicable . Related technical specifications. (As required) . Tree preservation plan


. Bluff native plant restoration and enhancement plan (restoration consultant) . Site grading/drainage/hardscape plans and related details. (civil engineer) . Site utility/foundation plans and related details (civil/structural engineer) . Coordination of site/landscape plan with engineer's plans

Prepare minor revisions to final site/landscape plan prior to any resubmission to WPD. Minor revisions to final plans and detail drawings are included as part of this work scope and fee proposal. Substantial changes to the general design intent, site plan, or its related elements/features shall be considered outside of the work scope of this proposal. Lakota will be pleased to provide a more specific fee estimate/proposal for any additional services as requested by the client as determined necessary due to project conditions.



The goal of permitting and bid assistance is to help package and distribute construction drawing sets and specifications to selected contractors for pricing. Bids will be reviewed, assessed, and clarified with the client to assist in the selection of a contractor(s). Time tables and schedules for construction will be established with selected contractors.

Task 3.1: Submit construction document set for Village review Submit Final Site/Landscape Plan Construction set to Village for review.

Task 3.2: Issue addenda (as necessary) Issue addenda as appropriate to interpret, clarify, or expand the construction documents.

Task 3.3: Pre-bid meeting with Project Team – (MEETING 9)

Task 3.4: Bid analysis – (MEETING 10)

Task 3.5: Prepare final site/landscape design bid package for incorporation into overall construction set



Lakota will work with the Client to assure completion of the above tasks in a reasonable timeframe.



The above services will be provided on a fixed fee basis of $131,921, per the firm’s current rates, based on the current approved scope of work, plus reimbursable expenses. Total estimated fees are as follows:

Professional Fees:

The Lakota Group – Landscape Architect $ 43,000 Phase 1: $ 14,900 Phase 2: $ 25,500 Phase 3: $ 2,600

Spaceco, Inc. - Civil Engineer $ 23,500 Survey: $ 4,500 Phase 1: $ 6,400 Phase 2: $ 12,200 Phase 3: $ 400

Christopher B. Burke, Ltd. - Structural Engineer $ 38,640 Phase 1: $ 7,280 Phase 2: $ 27,200 Phase 3: $ 4,160

Cardno - Ecological Restoration Consultant $ 11,381 Phase 1: $ 0 Phase 2: $ 9,440 Phase 3: $ 1,941

TSC Corporation - Geotechnical Consultant $ 5,700

Urban Forestry Management - Forestry Consultant $ 3,500

Reimbursable expenses (5%): $ 6,200

Total: $ 131,921

Any additional services requested of Lakota beyond those listed above will be conducted on an hourly basis and billed according to Lakota's current billing rates. If requested, a fee estimate will be provided for a task or an assignment based on a defined work scope.

Lakota Billing Rates (2020): President $310 Principal $270 Associate Principal $235 Vice President $215 Senior Associate $195 Project Designer/Manager $170 Landscape Architect $135 Research/Operations STAFF $90


Reimbursable expenses will be billed at 1.1 times direct expense to cover administration and will include:

. Travel for field work/site visits to review landscape installation . Delivery (postage/messenger/express) . Copying/Reproduction . Computer Plots . Renderings/3D Models (if requested by client) . Miscellaneous (municipal documents, special reports, data)


This proposal does not include the following tasks: . Electrical, mechanical and plumbing engineering/details (by others) . Irrigation design (by others) . Traffic studies and engineering (by engineers) . Property or legal surveys outside of defined project limits (by surveyor) . Professional 3D marketing renderings/illustrations (additional services, if requested) . Wetland permitting (if required) . Environmental engineering (PH1, PH2, etc.) . Lighting design or photometrics (additional services, if requested) . Shoreline design and engineering coordination efforts

Professional fees and expenses will be billed monthly for work completed.

Either party may terminate this agreement 15 days after written notice. Lakota shall be compensated for all services performed up to this date.

Please indicate acceptance of this agreement by signing one copy and returning it to our office listed above. Lakota will begin work after receiving written authorization to proceed via fax, mail or email.

The Lakota Group appreciates the opportunity to provide The Winnetka Park District with Professional Landscape Architectural Design Services.

______Scott Freres, PLA, ASLA Signature Principal The Lakota Group Printed Name
























Board Summary

Date: August 21, 2020 To: Board of Commissioners Subject: Coastal Consulting for Elder Lane & Centennial Beach From: Costa Kutulas, Superintendent of Parks John Shea, Superintendent of Recreation Through: John Peterson, Executive Director


Over the past few years we’ve observed Lake Michigan continue to rise and impact all of our lakefront beaches. Elder Lane and Centennial Beaches are still impacted significantly with the current state of the Lake. Elder Lane Beach still remains closed and the use of the Centennial Dog Beach is monitored daily.

As we progress through the Winnetka Waterfront 2030 Plan, future planning and development, is required for us to reopen Elder Lane Beach and allow for future use of Centennial under these current lake conditions.

With some early discussions with Shabica & Associates, we’ve requested a proposal for a scope of work to include the following services, design plans for Elder and Centennial based off of the original master plan, coordination and outreach for adjacent property owners, current bathometry and topographic survey review for the two beaches, cost estimates, and required meetings to facilitate this work.

These services will be almost identical in nature to the work that was performed for the Lloyd breakwater project, and is the first step down the path to reopening Elder Lane Beach, and sustaining Centennial Beach.

The timeline for this work is estimated to be completed over the next few months, allowing staff to review the plan design with the Park Board in late fall and move into permitting once approved.


At this time staff, is recommending to the Park Board to approve the scope of services of Coastal Consulting for Elder Lane & Centennial Beach from Shabica & Associates, from Northfield Illinois for the total amount of 42,000.00.



Shabica & Associates, Inc. WE BUILD BEACHES

Winnetka Park District Mr. Costa Kutulas, Superintendent of Parks 540 Hibbard Road Winnetka, Illinois 60093

Dear Mr. Kutulas: July 22, 2020

We are pleased to submit this proposal for coastal consulting at Elder Lane beach and Centennial beach in Winnetka. Shabica & Associates (SA) can provide services for preliminary design, preliminary coastal engineering, and construction cost estimates for the work detailed below.  SA will work with the Park District to help implement the master plan design for both Elder and Centennial beach breakwaters encompassing the approximately 1,000 feet of shoreline  SA will work with both the north and south neighbors to help coordinate a mutually supportable breakwater plan for the Park District as well as the adjacent neighbors  SA will examine background information including bathymetric and topographic survey, existing shore protection, coastal , wave analysis, previously completed engineering reports, prototypes, and air photos as necessary to design a concept plan  Preliminary coastal engineering will be prepared to develop construction cost estimates  The location of the existing and future stormwater outfall pipes will be integrated into the breakwater designs (stormwater pipe engineering and cost estimates by others)  Material and mobilization costs will be prepared using the bid packet for Lloyd and discussions with contractors for estimated 2021 construction by land  Includes up to 10 meetings with the neighbors and Park District Staff to review the design (estimate 2 meetings with each neighbor and potentially 6 PD meetings)  Estimate 4 weeks to complete once the survey is completed SA Fee: $42,000

Additional fees to be paid directly by client:  A topographic and bathymetric survey of the shoreline showing the shoreline conditions, water depths, and all existing structures along the shoreline. Estimated cost $8,500 (work completed by others and billed directly to you)

Please sign a copy of this letter and return it to us with a check for $10,000 as your authorization to proceed. All further fees will be invoiced on a monthly basis, based on work completed. This proposal is good through October 31, 2020. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Jon Shabica, Vice President

Acceptance: ______Date:______

550 Frontage Road  Suite 3735  Northfield, Illinois 60093  Tel 847.446.1436  [email protected] 60

Winnetka Park District

Board Summary

Date: August 21, 2020

To: Board of Commissioners

Subject: Indian Hill Park - Utility Easement Consideration

From: Costa Kutulas, Superintendent of Parks

Through: John Peterson, Executive Director


The Village of Winnetka’s Water & Electric Department is requesting an underground utility easement in the northeast corner of Indian Hill Park to allow for an improvement to the electric distribution system. That corner of the park currently has very little to no use and is landscaped with bushes and grasses that help soften the fencing along the east property line.

The project would consist of the installation of underground conduit, cable and a pad mount transformer in the northeast corner of the park. Once completed the four cables of 7200 volt overhead conductor and overhead transformer along the east property line of the park would be removed. The existing poles would be “topped” to reduce their overall height but remain to support the 120/240 volt overhead electric lines and communication conductors.

Staff is in support of this project and the proposed easement agreement. The removal of the overhead conductors will help the overall visual look for the eastern property line. Upon completion of the utility installation, both Village and Park District staff will work together to make sure the new transformer is landscaped appropriately to help soften the new pad mounted transformer.

The easement agreement has been reviewed by the Districts legal counsel, there are no concerns that need to be addressed.

Once the project is formally approved through the Villages Council, we’ll bring the proposal back for approval from the Park Board. At this time no approval is needed, but a consensus of support from the Park Board will allow the Village staff to continue on to the Village Council Meeting.


No Action need at this time.


61 62 63 64 65