NErd',SLETTER February 1985

IMPORTANT REMINDERI - to al-l potentral team members. Anyone uho tuishes to represent the llub in any of Lhe Area competitions must have the neu Horse Passport urhich snours that a horse is fully covered ag;EGt Equine Influenza. The BHS are being very strict about, this and anyone u,ho cannot produce it before an Area event uill not be able to compete. I am putting this reminder in early in tne year to give you all plenty of time to get the necessary documents. Lindsay Hills urill be our Team Manager again this year. She ruill be ruorking from the 1i"1 ,rf people urho indicated last year that they urould like to compete for the Club plus any ne\u members rvho have also said they urould like to be considered for the teams. If there is anyone else who feels they tuould like to irave a go at any of tne disciplines please let Lindsay knour on hJeyhill 2388 " A neur competitrofi is being incLuded this year - Dressage urith Music. This is open to nov-ce horses i.e. those uho have uon less than 50 BHS Points by the closing dale; the test ryi}l be Novice Free Style l9BZ. The competition is being sponsored by Trent Park Equestrian Centre; there uril-l be special rosettes and prizes for the first J in each qualifier and the first prize overall uill be a three day dressage course uiith one of the ruorl-drs Leading instrueLors; the first 2 in each Area ui]l go through to the final at Southgate, London. Dat,es for our Area Competitions are: - Sunday, ]0th June - Dressage and Prix Caprilli at Nerubury Sunday, 14th July - Equitation Jumping and Shour Jumping at Stocklands. (Date and venue for the Horse Trials is not yet knoun) Sue Bennett uiIl be holding courses again this year for those members uho ruant to take the Riding CIub Grade Tests. The course for Grades 1 and 11 rvill start in March and for Grade IIl in August. Details of the cost, dates etc. from Sue on ldeyhill 234L. Please give her your name as soon as possible so that she earr finalise the details. A reminder thar members nour have to pass the Road Safety Test before taking Grade 111. lle hope to inelude a Road Safety Test in the Ri-ding Club Horse competition in June ruhich ruill be a good practise for those ruanting to take the test proper. Grade test cards are available from the Hon. Secretary - ( 2474).

The neur Stable Management Exam is organised on an Area basis and our Area Iiaison secretary is at preserrt arranging a date and venue* This exarn is for members ryho have passed Grade 111 but not Grade lV. Anyone uanting to take it should contact Carole Glover (Andover 7BL99L) in the first instance. A course of instruction to prepare for the Exam can be arranged uhen ue knoru hour many B.V. members uant t.o have a qo at it. Unfortunately, the rueather turned very nasty on the lAth January and it uas decided to cancel the Social Evening. However, Greg Stokes has kindly said that he uill come and give his tal-k on hunting at a later date. Sorry that not all members uere informed of the cancellation but it is impossible to get i.n touch ruith everyone at short notice - do ring t.he Chairman (tnleyhill 2lBB) or the Hon. Secretary (taJeyhill 2474) in future if you are in any doubt about an event.

T-- There uras a very good entry for the Dressage competition on 27th January. Our thanks to Sheena Kozuba-Kozubska for the use of her super indoor school and outdoor arena at Cholderton. Our thanks too to the judges and uriters, to Ann Sealey ulho organised and MarLie Hoare, the Shorv Secretary, both of uhom uorked hard to put the shoru on, to Lindsay Hills ruho helped urith uorking out the timings, to all members uho helped on the day and, not }east, to all the competit.ors for turning out on such a miserably co1d, uet day.

CLA55 I Prelim No" B

SECTION A SECTION B l- Joss Da1rymple on Fanfare I Sue McGrath on Scotch Mist 2 J. Colurill rr Beau 2 Judy Hyson rr Kellyana f Lindsay Hills rr Charlemagne 3 Sa11y 011iver" Ory1 4 Ann Sealey I' Magic Banjo 4 Sue McGrath rr DuaI Promise 5 Caro1e Glover tr Ba11y Taragan 5 Gi]l Trickett" Pembrena Matty 5 Carole Glover 'r Fina 5 Tamar Sutton " Boot,s Lindsay HilIs ruas best B.V. member Sue McGrath uras best B.V. member

CLASS 11 Novice No.12


1 Lyn Calkin on Goofy I Judy Hyson on Kellyana 2 Carole Gfover I' Fina 2 Sue McGrath rt Scotch Mist I Julie Baker " WinLer Jasmin J Tamar Sutton t' Boots 4 Alison Matyear " Barbarella It Lorna Whitehorn Keep Calm 5 Lindsay Hills 'r Charlemagne 5 SaIJ.y 0lliver" 0ul 6 PaL Sarsfield-Hall" Samantha 6 Eskie Redpath" Queensuay ValIey Carole Glover uas best B.V. member Judy Hyson uas best B.V. member

P. S. Please note that the 'Evening rvith Lucinda Green' on l9th February starts at p6p.m. (doors open 7p.m.) and also that tickets for B.V. members cost. tJ not €1.50 as previousJ-y advertised. TickeLs available from the Chairman, Hon. Sec. or at the door.




SUN 10th Catherston Stud - Stallion Vieving Day fvening lectures throughout February. Tickets f2 at the door- [or detai]s of these and other forthcoming events rurite (ruith 5.A.E.) Lo the Secretary, Catherston Stud, Rhinefield Road, Brockenhurst.

TUES L9th B.V. Social Eveninq - rAn Eveninq ldith Lucinda Green', 7.10p.m. at t,* t*"r" -*1, Andover. Tickets - Members tf Non members t4. Instruction at Cholderton House Equestrian Centre ruith , :::ffi"t';::";5ffi:[;tfu"i;1ii'h,i']":rT::,il::TH::i"p1ease


SAT 2nd Danebury R.C. Dressage Demonstration by Jenny Loriston-Clarke at Chattis Hill Riding Centre, Stockbridge.

MON I}th B.V._So.cial- fveninq - A talk on Shouing by Mrs. Skelton. Bp.m. at the Poplar Farm Inn.

SUN 17th Kennet Vale R.C.- Dressage Day at Rounduay House, Devizes. Prel-im Nos.51 5 & B" Horse Trials A & B. Novice 12 Sehedules from Mrs. J. HambJ-et, I Stobberts Road, Market Lavington, Devizes. S.A.E. Instruction for Riding CIub Grade Tests I & 2. Please contact Sue Bennet.t (WeyhiTL 2341).


SUN 2lst B.V" One Day [vent at Larkhi]l 24Lh/25th Army Horse Trials at Tidruorth


SUN 12th B.V. Combined Training at Tidruorth


SAT l5th B.V. Riding Club Horse Competition incorporating a Prix Caprilli Test and a Road Safety Test follorued by the Barbecue. To be held at B1uebell Farm, by kind permission of Mr. & Mrs. R.

BenneLt "

SUN lQth Area Prix Caprilli & Dressage Competition organised by Tadley R.C. and to be held at Nerubury.




SUN 14th Area Equitation Jumpinq and Shory Jumping Competit.ions at Stocklands.


3 day courses on various subjeets ryill be hel-d once a month - starting on the second Tuesday of each month - at Forulers Farm, .

MARCH 1 lzth, llth, 14th Margery

APRIL 9th, 10th,11th Mrs. Skefton - Side Saddle

MAY l4th, 15th, 15th Meriel Tuffnell


1lth, 12t.h, llth Col-in Wares - Combined Training

AUGUST For Pony Club 0ntry - Mrs. PauL Farrington


Izth, Ilth, 14th Lionel Dunning - Shoru Jumping Further details from Meriel Tuffnell - 244