קהילת תפארת ישראל Welcome to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel Parshas Toldos/Mevorchim Kislev

בס״ד Menachem Goldberger

הרב מנחם ראובן הלוי גולדברגר שליטא מרא דאתרא

בלב אחד Pushka total: $484.54 (see p. 3) 29 Cheshvan 5775/November 22, 2014

5746-5775 Celebrating our 28th year 1986-2014

DAVENING SCHEDULE Shlomo Goldberger at [email protected] lithographs will benefit the shul. There will be or call 410-358-4456. Paid reservations are two ways to obtain the lithographs. Friday due by December 8. Higher numbered lithos (26-125) are a flat Candle Lighting: 4:29 pm Ages 12 and older are invited to a special price of $275. First-come, first-served for Mincha: 4:30 pm presentation at 2:30 in the Bais Medrash, lower available numbers. Shabbos Day “Convert or Die,” featuring Rabbi Shlomo There will be a silent auction until Shacharis: 8:30 am Horwitz. All are welcome for dessert, divrei December 21 for lower numbered lithos (6- Shema by: 9:28 am Torah and singing at 1:45 pm. Sponsorships 25) with a minimum bid of $400. The highest Mincha: 4:15 pm are welcome. bids will receive the lowest numbers. Identical Maariv: 5:45 pm bids will be first-come, first-served at that Shabbos is over after: 5:59 pm Looking for Gourmet Chefs level. For numbers below 6, or for more Sunday information, call Scott Parsowith at 410-591- Have you seen our stunning new kitchen? 9773 or email [email protected]. Shacharis: 8:00 am Don’t you want to cook in it? Here’s your Mincha/Maariv: 4:30 pm If you make a bid, you will be charged chance. You can be one of the gourmet chefs $275 now, which will be applied to your bid if Monday-Friday preparing the meal for Tiferes Yisroel’s you win. If you do not win, you will receive a Shacharis: 6:30 am Shabbos Chanuka family seudah. Please email higher-numbered litho, prioritized according Shacharis (Thursday): 8:00 am Rebbetzin Bracha at ggreporting@ verizon.net to the time you made your bid. Mincha/Maariv followed by Malchus to work out the details. For tax and maaser purposes, the value of Shlomo with Rabbi Goldberger: 4:30 pm each picture is $175 with $100 going to the Next Shabbos – Parshas Vayetze Vote shul. For silent bids greater than $275, the Candle Lighting: 4:26 pm The shul election will take place on value of each picture is two-thirds of the Friday Mincha: 4:30 pm Sunday, December 14, at 11 am in the shul purchase price, with one-third going to the Simcha Hall. Please make your presence shul. known at this important event. Tiferes Yisroel To purchase a portrait to benefit the shul or This Shabbos prides itself on inclusion, participation and for additional information, please go to tiferesyisroel.org/app/register/litho.  Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger are in fellowship. Your vote, your voice and your Seattle, leading a Shabbaton. input are vital to the ongoing vitality of our  We welcome HoRav Sheftel Neuberger of unique kehilla. May Hashem see fit to bless Welcome New Members Ner Yisroel who will be giving the our new officers with siyatta di’shmaya in all  Josh and Gitta Meles Shabbos morning drasha. their endeavors.  Shabbos Mevorchim kiddush. Chanuka Carnival  7:30-8:30 pm. Father/Son Learning. Portrait of a Rabbi Our annual Chanuka Carnival will be on For a limited time only, a beautiful pencil Sunday, December 21, from 1 to 3 pm in the Tiferes Yisroel Shabbos lithograph of Rabbi Goldberger, drawn by shul Simcha Hall. Rabbi Hillel Shepard, will be available on a Chanuka Family Seuda Join us for crafts, balloon art, face painting, first-come, first-served basis on the shul’s games, prizes and Chanuka treats. Please join us on December 20, Shabbos website. The pencil drawing was inspired by a If you would like to help with planning, Chanuka, for a family seuda, catered by our photograph of Rabbi Goldberger taken by volunteer for on-site help, or be one of our own Tiferes Yisroel Gourmet Chefs. The cost Frank Storch, and, unbeknownst to the Rabbi, sponsors, please contact Adriana Steinberg at is $20 per person with a family cap of $100. was created for him as a labor of love. Only 202-641-6677 or [email protected]. There is no charge for children under three. 125 signed and numbered lithographs were To reserve your seat(s), please email Reb printed. Proceeds from the sale of the

This week’s Lev Echad is in honor of: Ari and Caryn Blum

Visit us at tiferesyisroel.org Parshas Toldos/Mevorchim Kislev

The Weekly Parsha eventually cause us pain. The pasuk teaches amount of time the store is a tremendous us that Hashem listens twice — before and success. The store, always packed with after — we ask for something. At first, it is customers, consistently sells all the goods that good. Then we realize — or become aware — the owner puts in. You can bet that someone that the ramifications are not good. We pray who notices this will open a store in that same again. He listens — once again. May our neighborhood. That person figures it’s the prayers be heard, and may we know for what great location, therefore he opens a store close Jersey Shore Torah Bulletin to pray. (Peninim on the Torah) by. That person is thinking like the Philistines. He attributes the success to some physical BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH factor and wants to duplicate it. This shows a “Yitzhak entreated Hashem … Hashem “And Ya’akob said, ‘Sell this day your lack of understanding of the true source of allowed Himself to be entreated by him, and birthright to me.’ ” (Beresheet 25:31) blessing. his wife Ribkah conceived.” (Beresheet The Midrash cites that Ya’akob resorted to Whenever we see success try to find the 25:21) self-sacrifice in order to attain the birthright merit that causes that success, instead of a Rashi explains that the implication of the from Esav. It continues to justify Ya’akob’s talent. If we copy that merit, we can gain masculine singular form lo, “by him,” is that desire for the birthright. This seems puzzling, success too. Shalom. Rabbi Reuven Hashem responded specifically to Yitzhak for we have no indication of self-sacrifice on Semah Abinu’s prayer, as opposed to that of his wife, Ya’akob’s part in order to gain the birthright. This article is provided as part of Shema Yisrael Torah Network. Ribkah Imenu. In addition, he explains that Permission is granted to redistribute electronically or on paper, The Torah only mentions that Ya’akob was provided that this notice is included intact. the root of the word, va’ye’etar, “and he able to exact the birthright from Esav through Graphic courtesy of Chinuch.org. entreated,” is the word atar, which denotes cunning and guile. We may suggest that abundance. The sense of the pasuk is that Ya’akob indeed displayed a magnificent Women’s with Rabbi Yitzhak prayed abundantly — every which sublime form of self-sacrifice. The attribute Goldberger way, in order to effect a positive response which characterized Ya’akob is emet (truth) from the Almighty. Why was it necessary to and he excelled in it. For Ya’akob to resort to Beginning Sunday night, December 14, pray so hard in every manner possible? what seems to be subterfuge, even justifiably, there will be a new women’s shiur with Rabbi Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, z”l, gives us goes against the very essence of his Goldberger. We will be learning Navi, a powerful — almost frightening — insight personality. His inability to act with complete “Shmuel,” about Dovid HaMelech both prior into the concept and efficacy of prayer and its veracity at that point is tantamount to the most to his becoming king and during his reign. far-reaching implications. Rashi teaches us supreme form of self-sacrifice. (Peninim on Please bring a Sefer Shmuel with Rashi. The that on the day that Esav went out l’tarbut the Torah) shiur will be held in the Nancy Taffel Annex, ra’ah, left the fold and publicly displayed his time to be announced. true malevolent character, Abraham Abinu RABBI’S MESSAGE died. The Patriarch was originally supposed to “The man became great and kept becoming live five more years — to age 180. He died greater” (Beresheet 26:13) Shul Kiddush prematurely, so that he should not be privy to Yitzhak Abinu becomes fabulously As part of the initiative mentioned by Ari the infamy wrought by his evil grandson. This wealthy. Rashi says that the Philistines who Blum, we are having a shul kiddush today for means, explains Rav Yosef Chaim, that lived with Yitzhak said, “Better the dung Shabbos Mevorchim. Thank you to our Yitzhak’s and Ribkah’s prayers had severe (fertilizer) from Yitzhak’s mules than the sponsors: Ari and Henia Gruner, Mordechai ramifications for the Patriarch. Had the silver and gold of Abimelech.” They said this Beleck, Yaakov and Batsheva Goldman (in prodigal twins been born five years later, because in the previous verse it says that when honor of Ruthie Goldman’s 18th birthday), Abraham could have lived out his entire pre- Yitzhak planted in the land, the yield was Fred and Rena Levi, Jay and Devorah Taffel, determined lifespan. Their prayer — if me’ah she’arim, one hundred fold more than Eli and Esther Weiner and Mr. and Mrs. accepted — would be the indirect cause of normal. The gentiles were idolaters, and when Anonymous. Abraham’s premature demise. Frightening! they saw this tremendous abundance, they If you would like to help sponsor our next We see now why Yitzhak had to pray with attributed this to Yitzhak having some miracle Shabbos Mevorchim kiddush, please contact such fervor. He was not simply asking for a formulas. They thought he put it in the dung [email protected]. child. It was much more. He did not know of his mules that was used to fertilize the land. this, but Hashem, Who knows all, was well Therefore they said that this dung was worth aware of the difficulty of this decision. more than gold and silver. Father/Son Learning What a powerful lesson for us. We all pray They weren’t completely wrong. Yitzhak and, while Hashem certainly listens to each Join us for Father/Son Learning this Motzei used these mules to dig his wells of water. Shabbos, from 7:30 to 8:30. It’s a wonderful and every prayer, the reply is not always, in These wells all provided precious water, an our limited perception, positive. Sometimes, way to hold onto the Kedusha from Shabbos unusual feat. Many times wells are dug as you and your son(s)/grandsons share this the answer is “no!” We have difficulty without success, but here they always hit understanding His ways, but, He has reasons special time together. water, which sanctified Hashem’s name. Pizza and refreshments will be available at for everything. Since these mules were blessed, because they Rav Yosef Chaim adds that this idea is the end of learning, from 8 to 8:30, along with brought about the sanctification of Hashem’s stories of our holy Tzaddikim. We will meet underscored in the pasuk in Ashrei — Retzon name, their dung provided tremendous yere’av yaaseh, v’et shav’atam yishma upstairs in our beautiful Bais Medrash. amounts of produce. The gentiles attributed Thank you to this week’s sponsor, Lev v’yoshi’em, “The will of those who fear Him, the success to some miracle potion, but it He will do; and their cry He will hear, and Avraham and Rachel Rosenstock, in honor of wasn’t that at all. It was the spiritual greatness Rosh Chodesh Kislev and in memory of those save them.” This verse seems redundant. With of Yitzhak. the above, we understand that there are times who were murdered in the recent terrorist Imagine today, if someone we know opens attack in Yerushalayim. when we ask for something which we a store in a certain neighborhood. In a short ultimately might regret or which will Daven with us at 6201 Park Heights Avenue Parshas Toldos/Mevorchim Kislev

Coming Up

Focus on Chesed  December 14: Shul election.  December 20: Family seuda. Rebbetzin Bracha is passing along these names for us to pray for  December 21: Chanuka Carnival. the refuah shelayma of the following men who were wounded in the Shul Roster Har Nof massacre: We recently emailed the shul roster to all Shmuel Yerucham ben Bayla members. If you did not receive the roster, or if your information is incorrect, please contact Chaim Yechiel ben Malka Glenna at [email protected]. Etan ben Sarah Used Book Sale Yitzchak ben Chaya Come check out our used book sale located upstairs outside the Bais Medrash. Everything is $5 or less. If you would like to donate any gently used Sefarim or Jewish books, please contact Steve Schwarz at 410-446-8330 or [email protected]. All proceeds go to the shul.

Men’s Bais Medrash Our Bais Medrash Program for men is on Monday and Wednesday nights from 8 to 9, followed by maariv. There are several different learning opportunities of varying lengths to make it possible for everyone to participate. As an added incentive, there will be freshly brewed coffee and refreshments.  Monday  8-8:35, Reb Shlomo Goldberger, Mishna Brura  8-9, Jay Taffel, Rambam Hilchos Tzitzis  8:45-9, Shuki Nissan, Chovos Hatal- midim  Wednesday  8-8:35, Reb Shlomo Goldberger, the Weekly Parsha  8:45-9, Shuki Nissan, Chovos Hatal- midim Participants: Hillorie Morrison Zussman family PUSHKA CAMPAIGN Ed and Mesa Leventhal Esther Barak Rabbi and Rebbetzin Zvi and Rochelle Yosef and Tova Community Sign up by emailing [email protected]. Goldberger Kushner Schuerholz The pushka challenge is to put whatever Shlomo and Ahuva Kenneth Hendon and Dvora Childress  November 22: Women’s shiur in memory amount of money one is able into a pushka Goldberger Aliza Swain Suzanne Kayne every day or as often as possible. The Howard and Dvora Sora Avrum Weiss and Joan Jared and Stephanie of Chaya Malka Barkai and Esther recommended amount is only 36 cents a day. Reznick Kristall Ezra Nechama Margolese. Sefer HaChinnuch, When your pushka is full, please empty it Moshe and Shelly Cohen Ida Goldberger Binyomin and Elisheva into a ziplock bag marked with your name, Jerry and Eileen Gregg Levitan Perlstein led by Dr. Dovid Clay. Home of Joyce and drop it into our locked mailbox at 3310 Rosenbaum Tim Ryan Nisan and Meira Dreyfuss, 3820 Menlo Drive, each Shabbos W. Strathmore Avenue. If it is difficult for Jonathan and Talia Raun Steven and Shari Rosen Blaxberg you to drop it off, please contact Shlomo and Ari and Caryn Blum Trofimov Saul and Toby Passe at 3:30 pm. All women and high school girls Ahuva Goldberger at 410-358-4456 to Ken and Chana Birnbaum Steven and Kayla Halon Jon and Ila Bierer are invited. arrange a pickup. If you need a shul pushka, Bob Rosenfelt Binny Margolese Yaakov and Ester Gur you may take one from the shul window sill, Lenny and Glenna Ross Morty and Beth Aaron and Shoshana  November 23: Jewish Genealogy Society of and they will be replenished as needed. Keely and Jillian Tenenbaum Shamberg . “Finding a Family’s Town: A Goldberger Ann Stiller Sarah Friedman Latest contributors: Fred and Rena Levi Yisrael and Rina Bethea Rabbi Howard and Case Study,” and “Beyond Ancestry.com: It Jonathan and Talia Raun Elie and Esther Levi Saul and Raizy Cohen Felicia Graber Isn’t All Online!” Free for paid members Bob Rosenfelt Sima Cooperman Efraim Katz and Judy Aryeh Leib and Simy Sima Cooperman Betzalel and Esther Huff Schnidman Mittleman and $5 for nonmembers (applied to Chaim and Rivka Bluestein Lev Avraham and Rachel Rafi Kristall-Weiss Samira Bethea membership fee when a visitor joins Elie and Esther Weiner Rosenstock Dov and Tayna Goldstein Ben Kristall-Weiss Itchy and Sara Weingot Nisan and Marietta Jaffee Dov and Karen Pear Mayer and Atarah JGSMD). Refreshments will be available. Mo and Shaina Margolese Mordechai Beleck Berman Barbara Landsman Ze’ev Beleck Nosson and Aviva Please check our website at www.jgsmd.org Running total: $484.54 Rottman family Elie and Esther Weiner Weisbord for late updates and for the time, location, Yisroel and Yaffa Addess Rabbi Chaim Tzvi and Fred Petersen and Alisa Tehilla Rottman Libbi Kakon Mandel and program of future meetings. 1:30-3:30 Chaim and Rivka Mordecai Zev and Aviva Ken and Yocheved pm, Pikesville Library meeting room. Bluestein Margolese Gelula Shulamis Heldoorn Yaakov and Batsheva Itchy and Sara Weingot  November 28: Flossing Day. Moshe and Joyce Dreyfuss Goldman

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Yahrzeits 358-RIDE (7433). We need ride offers when OFFICERS anyone drives interstate, any direction. Not door-to- Giving tzedakah in the name of the departed has  President Ari Blum 410-358-5478 door, just city-to-city. Often, Chesed of Boro Park the power to elevate their soul. When you give [email protected] calls, needing a ride to/from New York for people charity on behalf of your loved one, consider giving  VP Mo Margolese [email protected] with medical appointments in hospitals. to Tiferes Yisroel. And may the soul of your loved  VP Membership Lev Avraham Rosenstock 443- one be bound in the bond of life, together with the  255-4343 [email protected], lrosenstockphoto@ yahoo.com souls of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov; Sarah, Mitzvah Cards. For $18, you get four cards that  Secretary Ari Blum 410-358-5478 Rivka, Rachel and Leah; and together with the other you can mail out yourself. For $10, we will send the [email protected] righteous men and women in Gan Eden. card out for you, and your donation will be  Treasurer Yaakov Gur 410-358-2005 announced in the Lev Echad. [email protected] Arlene Katz, Chai Tova bas Itzchak HaLevi a”h, 29 Contact Glenna Ross at 410-358-1687 or e-mail Cheshvan, mother of Sandra Orman, wife of [email protected]. Bernard Katz a”h CONTACT INFORMATION Sofia Bialecki, Tsia bas Simcha a”h, 29 Cheshvan,   Bais Medrash Reb Shuki Nissan 347-706-5620 mother of Felicia Graber Rebbetzin’s Soup Gmach. To enjoy, when  Calendar Eileen Rosenbaum 410-764-8443 Ian Kahn, Amram Simintov ben Michel HaKohen unfortunately necessary, please contact Rebbetzin [email protected] a”h, 30 Cheshvan, grandson of Harold a”h Goldberger for pick-up at 410-542-9656.  Camp Shabbos Adriana Steinberg 202-641-6677 and Emily R. Lipsitz  [email protected] Ilene Lipsitz Kahn, Ahava Chaya bas Hershel  Candyman Ari Blum Velvel HaLevi a”h, 30 Cheshvan, daughter of Candle Gemach. Need yahrzeit or Shabbos  Chesed Committee Chana Birnbaum (shiva) 410- Harold a”h and Emily R. Lipsitz candles? The Schwartzes have a candle gemach at 358-7736; Ester Gur (births) 410-358-2005; Raizy HaRav Yaakov Ozer ben Reb Eliyakum Gatzil a”h, their house at 3413 Olympia Avenue. Cohen (cholim) 410-764-8852 1 Kislev, grandfather of Chana Kuritsky   Davening Schedule Jay Taffel 410-358-9029 Elizabeth Schwartz, Basya bas Menachem a”h, 4  Father/Son Learning Dov Pear 410-358-9825 Kislev, mother of George Schwartz Sponsorships. To arrange your sponsorship,  Gabbai Rishon Jay Taffel 410-358-9029 William W. Kayne a”h, 5 Kislev, uncle of Suzanne email [email protected] or go to  Gabbai Sheni Hillel Zeitlin 410-358-7316 www.tiferesyisroel.org and click donate. Please Kayne  Gabbai Tzedakah Nathan Franco 240-472-3815 send your donation to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel,  Hospitality Gail Feinstein 410-456-4306 6201 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215.  Kitchen Coordinator Batsheva Goldman Found To sponsor Shemen Lamaor for a month or the  Lev Echad Suzanne Kayne levechad@tiferes Lev Echad or Camp Shabbos for a week, the yisroel.org A large green Frisbee was found at the shul donation is $36. To sponsor Father/Son Learning  Mitzvah Cards Glenna Ross 410-358-1687 picnic. Please contact Toby Passe at 410-585- for a week, the donation is $72. Half-sponsorships  Seforim are also available for $36. 0182 to claim it. Purchase Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943 For the following, please contact Nisan Blaxberg Repair Mark Hart at 410-358-3943 or [email protected].  Shalosh Seudos Coordinator Hinda Blum 410- Refuah Shalaimah to Siddur $50 764-2279 Chumash $75  Simcha Hall Reserve Eileen Rosenbaum 410-764- Raizy Cohen, Raiselle bas Sarah  Yahrzeit Plaque $300 8443 [email protected] Shaya Cohen, Yeshaya Lev ben Shelly Gabriella  Other seforim may be dedicated as well.  Sisterhood Batsheva Goldman 410-358-3768 Hillel Zeitlin, Hillel Mordechai ben Miriam  jenbgold@gmail. com; Elka Rottman 410-358- Risha Saperstein  TY Shiurim Schedule 5427 [email protected]; Devorah Taffel Donations Sunday: 410-358-9029 [email protected]  9:30-10:15 am: Men’s Gemara Megilla shiur  Supplies Ordering Shulamis Heldoorn 410-664-  In memory of Harriet Chana bas Baruch Mendel, given by the Rabbi. Rashi, selected Tosfos and 1212 [email protected] the sister of Shoshana Liebman, by Shoshana Maharsha following Shacharis.  Tzeischem L’Shalom Coordinator Mordechai Be- Liebman  10-10:45 am: Women’s Tehillim gathering for leck 443-570-3850 [email protected]  cholim (Nancy Taffel Annex).  Webmaster Tzadik Vanderhoof 410-764-2258 [email protected] Joblink. Joblink provides job seekers, recruiters Monday:  Yahrzeit Plaques Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943 and employers with valuable information regarding  8-9 pm: Rambam Mishnah Torah, Hilchos  Yahrzeit Records Alisa Mandel 410-963-2977 employment opportunities and career information. Tzitzis, given by Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis [email protected] If you are looking for a job or know of one at Midrash. your office, please contact our shul liaison, David  After mincha/maariv: Ahavas Chesed for men  Shul Business [email protected]

Sawilowsky at [email protected], or Elly with Rabbi Goldberger for a half hour. Lasson, executive director, at Joblink, 410-602- Wednesday: Lev Echad Deadline: 8700, [email protected].  8-9 pm: Gemara Horayos, given by Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis Midrash. Wednesday, 6:13 pm  [email protected] Shul Rentals. To reserve the use of the shul’s Daily (Monday-Friday): simcha hall or Nancy Taffel Annex, please contact  Every morning following davening — a chabura Eileen Rosenbaum at 410-764-8443 or eileen@ for strengthening Hebrew reading with Nesivos tiferesyisroel.org. There is no fee to reserve the Shalom. With fresh hot coffee! Good Shabbos! date. For availability, go to www.tiferesyisroel.org,  Monday through Thursday between mincha and  and click on the “Calendar” button on the left. This maariv: Rabbi Goldberger, 5 minutes of Mesillas online calendar is kept up-to-date continuously. Yesharim by the Ramchal. Rabbi Goldberger’s Shul  Sunday through Thursday evening after mincha/  Congregation Tiferes Yisroel maariv for 15 minutes — Rabbi Goldberger shiur No Peanuts! The shul is peanut-free. In for men. Malchus Shlomo. 6201 Park Heights Avenue consideration of our members with peanut allergies,  8-9 pm: Men’s bais medrash. Monday and Baltimore, MD 21215 please refrain from bringing peanut products into Wednesday. 410-764-1971 the shul. Shabbos: tiferesyisroel.org   8-8:30 am: Mishnayos Chabura. Nezikin.  Ride G’mach. Call the Ride G’mach at 410-  One hour before mincha: Rabbi’s shiur.