At a meeting of the Area Forum for Broadheath, Ditton and Hough Green held on 24th February 2004 at Upton Community Centre, .

Present: Councillor Nolan (in the Chair) and Councillors Gilligan, Harris, Lloyd- Jones, McDermott, K. Morley, Osborne, Wainwright and Wright.

Apologies for absence: None.

Absence declared on Council business: None.

Also in attendance: Councillor Wharton A. Hill – Executive Director – Resources & Corporate Services A. Grant – Committee Services Manager J. Unsworth – Head of Waste Management P. Sinnott – Senior Community Development Officer G. Marchment – Senior Trading Standards Officer A. Pownall – Community Safety Officer S. Eccles – Section Leader, Highways D. Cleary – Policy Officer 33 members of the public Action BDH1 MINUTES

The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd October 2003 having been printed and circulated, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


Questions on the following topics had been submitted:

Mr. B. Allen asked the following questions:

A weight limit on Road plus a 30 mph limit from the junction of Hale Road to the crossroads of Carr Lane and Lower Lane.

UPVC windows and doors for pensioners’ bungalows on Hale Road to suppress noise of HGV wagons.

Structural tests on houses on Hale Road from the bottom of Ditton Bridge to crossroads at Merseyview Road, Hale Road, Halegate Road, Halebank Road.

How much funding does the Area Forum have to spend each year.

Are records kept of where money has been allocated and how much.

AF/24/2/sah Wards that had been allocated money and how much to each.

Would traffic calming measures be appropriate for Area Forum money.

Has Area Forum money been used for traffic calming measures and if so how much and for what area.

Community Wardens to patrol Ditton/Halebank Ward.

Irrespective of the UDP report will the Council pursue a relief road to take all HGV off Hale Road from Ditton Junction to crossroads of Merseyview Road, Halegate Road and Halebank Road because nothing in the UDP would do this as everyone knows. A relief road was part of the original planning permission, i.e. via Westbank.

Why all along Hale Road from Chesnut Lodge to the junction of Hale Road and Ditton Road are HGV discouraged from using it yet the Halebank section of Hale Road is a free-for-all.

What classification is Halebank – residential or industrial.

Enforce the speed limit on Ditton Junction bridge.

Speed ramps through Heathview Road past school entrance into Baguley Avenue through to junction of Baguley Avenue and Hale Road, again past school entrance.

In response to the issues involving highways, it was agreed that a meeting would be arranged with Mr. Allen and two other representatives of the area and Highways Officers.

It was noted that the Environment & Development Directorate were in the process of arranging a meeting and it was agreed that the two meetings would be combined.

The Executive Director responded that the Area Forum budget was just under £100,000 for the current financial year, rising to £109,000 in 2004/5. Records regarding the allocations of fund were kept. Traffic calming schemes had been implemented using the Area Forum’s budget.

The Community Safety Officer outlined details of additional Community Wardens that would shortly be recruited by Police.

Mrs. Roberts asked the following question:

Has there been any progress on 386 Hale Road – it is an absolute eyesore. Could the rubbish not be removed and the area made tidy. This problem has been going on for years. It really needs demolishing.

AF/24/2/sah The Executive Director – Resources and Corporate Services advised that discussions were ongoing with the owner of the property and it was anticipated that the Council would purchase the property in the near future and carry out renovation works.

Kim Longmire asked the following question:

The street light outside the Youth Club in Baguley Avenue is broken and has been for three years. I have reported it as have other user groups. Please could someone get it mended. We have phoned, written and spoken to HBC Works and nothing has been done.

The Executive Director – Resources and Corporate Services advised that the light in Baguley Avenue had been experiencing problems since last October. The Council were currently in dispute with MANWEB with regard to the location of the fault and this would be rectified as soon as possible.

Karen Turner asked the following question:

Recently independent surveyors had visited the old conversions of Bankfield Road. These surveyors had told tenants of work that is to be carried out within the next twelve months. The work is to include extensions to the kitchens, converting the bathrooms and toilets into one unit and also UPVC windows. Once again these people are building up the hopes of all tenants. Please could you let us know what is happening and who these people are.

The Executive Director – Resources and Corporate Services advised that the Council had asked a company to carry out a sample stock survey for valuation purposes relating to the proposed local stock voluntary transfer. No improvement plans have been decided on and this would be a matter for the new housing body if the local stock voluntary transfer took place.

Mr. Kelly asked the following question:

- Lack of police presence on the estate; - Lack of cleaners on estate; - Cracked and broken flags caused by contractors’ wagons’ - Mess left by contractors; and - Unfinished tarmac.

It was agreed that Officers from the Street Cleansing and Highways Division would be asked to contact Mr. Kelly in order to advise on his specific areas of concern.

Mrs. Farrer asked the following question:

In February 2003 I wrote asking if something could be done to clear the rubbish accumulated on the derelict property on Hale Road facing

AF/24/2/sah Foundry Lane. The Cleansing Manager replied that it was not the Council’s responsibility, but would try to use the powers of the Untidy Land Act. To date nothing has been done and the site is obviously a health hazard. Could the Council clear the accumulation of moss on the roofs of the pensioners’ bungalows by Clapgate Crescent. It is so thick it looks like a field and must make the bungalows feel damp. In places it is also clogging the gutters.

In response the Executive Director responded as previously regarding the property on Hale Road.

The moss on the pensioners’ bungalows would only be cleared if there were maintenance issues and this would be passed onto Housing for further investigation.

Mr. Johnson asked the following question:

I would like to ask what could be done about the increasing incidence of anti-social behaviour in the Afton area of the Hough Green estate. We suffer damaged to homes, gardens and walls; threats, constant harassment; stone throwing at windows almost every night.

In response the questioner was advised that the Council would shortly be appointing an Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator who would deal with these types of situations. It was vital that members of the public reported these incidents to the police. The police had a “Tasking Co-ordination” meeting every two weeks where they looked into what types of anti-social behaviour was mainly happening in the Borough.


The Executive Director – Resources and Corporate Services gave a presentation on the proposed Council budget for 2004/5.

It was noted 2004/5 would be a year of consolidation for the Council and there would therefore be limited growth. Savings had been made across the Council to limit the amount of Council Tax increase, although front-line services had been protected.

It was anticipated that Halton’s Council Tax rise would be less than 5%, although the police and fire precepts were expected to be higher.

RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted.


The Section Leader for Transport Planning and Policy gave a presentation on the Local Transport Plan and the progress on the New Mersey Crossing.

AF/24/2/sah RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted.


A representative from the Council’s Consumer Protection Division gave a presentation on doorstep crime.

RESOLVED: That the present be noted.


The Executive Director – Resources and Corporate Services gave a brief presentation on the Local Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy.

RESOLVED: That the presentation be received.


The Forum had received the following requests for funding:

Widnes Recreation Club to financially support the “Ladies Shower” project in conjunction with Area Forum 2 – the cost of the project was approximately £15,000 and Area Forum 1 were asked to contribute £5,000.

There was general support for the application pending further investigations.

A request from a member of the public for a light at the bottom of Canterbury Road in Widnes.

The request was supported subject to a possible contribution from Area Forum 2.

Traffic calming on Cradley/Radnor Drive.

A cost for the scheme would be drawn up.

A noticeboard for the village in the grounds of Halebank Youth Club.

The request was approved.

Street lighting outside of 8 Crossway.

The request was approved subject to access to the garden of 8 Crossway being granted.


RESOLVED: That dates of future meetings of the Forum be noted as follows:

- Monday, 6th September 2004 at 7.00 pm; - Monday, 1st November 2004 at 7.00 pm; and - Monday 31st January 2005 at 7.00 pm.

Venues will be confirmed as soon as possible.

Meeting ended at 9.05 pm
