IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 9 (2),1988: 203-252


William Louis Stern

Department of Botany, Florida State Museum, and School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 U.S.A.

THIS THIRD EDITION of the Index Xylariorum. Institutional Wood Collections ofthe World, is an outgrowth of the Guide to Institutional Wood Collections which appeared in 1957. As with the first compilation, the second published in 1967, and the third in 1978, the present work is an attempt to satisfy a need among botanists, wood technologists, foresters, and others to whom wood is a research and study medium, and to provide a basis for solving problems in archreol­ ogy, anthropology, law, wood technology, and other applied fields where identified wood specimens are required for examination and comparison. The objectives of this edition, as of the former ones, are to bring together in one pi ace information about the existence, staff, and contents of the world's public wood collections, and to record the changes which have taken place over the years with respect to these collections. Addresses of some wood collections listed here, and formerly in the second edition of the Index Xylariorum, are followed by the designation "(outdated)." In these instances, replies to requests for information were not received for this third edition, sometimes even after duplicated . mailings, and text from the second edition of the Index has been reprinted verbatim except that personnel are not included. In the descriptions, where there are no entries under certain categories, respondents may have not replied to specific questions, the response was negative, or the response was ambiguous. The questionnaire from which the information contained in this compilation was gleaned is reprinted below for convenience. A complete history of this venture appears in the first Index Xylariorum and interested readers are referred to that publication for details. Information about previous indices and wood collections in general may be sought in the works listed in the Bibliography below. Data in the present Index are up-to-date as of January 31, 1988, as far as could be determined at that time. It is noteworthy that this edition of Index Xylariorum contains the first entries for the nations of Iran, Nicaragua, and The People' s Republic of China. The Guide contained information for 66 institutions, the first Index Xylariorum for 113 institutions, Index Xylariorum. 2 for 130 institutions, and the current Index for 134 institutions. Since the Guide was published in 1957, several collections have gone out of existence, others have come into being, and still others have been transferred from institution to institution and become amalgamated to form more compre­ hensive collections. The establishment and activities of wood collections have often been based on the personal interests of their founders and have persisted largely for this reason. The continued vigour of activities surrounding wood collections, thus, reflects the dedication of personnel charged with the responsibilities of maintenance. As these people move or take up other responsibilities main­ tenance of the wood collection may be jeopardised. Wood collections have also been brought into existence to satisfy needs for instruction, research, and service. As these needs change, so the impetus for continuing the wood collection may also change. The activities of wood collec­ tions are also influenced by policy shifts in supporting institutions and by budget constraints.

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Thus, the pennanency of wood collections can only be assured by an unwavering institution al cornrnitment toward this end. In the final analysis, perhaps, only collection-oriented museums will satisfy this requirement. I want to thank the curators and other officials who responded generously to the question­ naire on which the infonnation below is based. Without the support of the several units of the University of Florida noted in my address above, it would have been most difficult to accom­ plish the task of compiling this work. Finally, the International Association of Wood Anato­ mists, publisher of this Index, and especially Professor Pieter Baas of the University of Leiden, deserve my sincerest acknowledgement for their support and encouragement.


Index Xylariorwn, Institutional Wood Collections of the World

1. Complete name and address of the institution in which the wood collection is housed. 2. If your wood collection has a special name, please state it. 3. Year of foundation of the collection. 4. Name of curator or individual direcdy in charge of the collection, his/her official insti­ tutional tide (e.g., Prof., Curator, Keeper); degree tide (e.g., Dr., Ing.), and area of research. 5. Other staff personnel associated with the collection, their tides, and areas of research if appropriate. 6. Number of specimens in the wood collection. 7. Number of genera represented in the collection. 8. Regions, countries, or taxa in which your wood collection specialises. 9. Is a herbarium containing vouchers for the wood specimens associated with the wood collection? a. If so, how many specimens are in the whole herbarium? b. If there is no herbarium dtrectly associated with the wood collection, do you maintain records showing where herbarium vouchers for wood specirnens are deposited? 10. About what proportion of the wood collection is associated with herbarium vouchers? 11. List any major special collections, e.g., Desch's Malayan Woods, Gamble's Indian Woods, Jesup Collection of Woods of North America, Krukoff's Brazilian Woods, Koorders' Javanese Woods. 12. Are any periodicals dealing wholly or in part with woods published by your institution? If so, please name them. 13. Will you make available small sampIes of wood suitable for research to qualified scientists? 14. Do you maintain a rnicroscope slide collection of woods? a. How many slides are in the collection? b. Are these slides available on loan to qualified investigators? 15. Are duplicate wood specimens available for exchange or distribution? a. From what areas or taxa are wood specimens desired? b. From what areas or taxa can wood specimens be provided? 16. Please record below any other information of importance conceming your wood collection. 17. Do you know of any institutional wood collections wh ich are not included on the enclosed list? If so, please give the names and addresses of these below.

* To provide data for "Index Xylariorum 3." Please type or print all entries clearly. Attach additional sheets if needed.

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Stern, W.L. 1957. Guide to institution al wood collections. Tropical Woods 106: 1-29. 1962. Supplement to "Guide to institutional wood collections." Taxon 11: 105, 106. 1967. Index xylariorum. Institutional wood collections of the world. Regnum Vegetabile 49: 1-36. 1973. The wood collection - What should its future be? Arnoldia 33: 67-80. 1976. Multiple uses of institutional wood collections. Curator 19: 265-270. 1978. Index xylariorum. Institutional wood collections of the world. 2. Taxon 27: 233- 269. 1982. Highlights in the early history of the International Association of Wood Anatomists. Pp. 1-21, in P. Baas (ed.). New perspectives in wood anatomy. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague. & K. L. Chambers. 1960. The citation of wood specimens and herbarium vouchers in anatomical research. Taxon 9: 7-13. Wetmore, R.H., E.S. Barghoorn, & W.L. Stern. 1974. The Harvard University Wood Col­ lection in the rejuvenation of systematic wood anatomy. Taxon 23: 739-745.


ADELAIDE: Woods and Forests Department (WFw), Box 1604 G.P.O., Adelaide 5001, South Australia. Foundation: Early 1900s. Curator: ROBERTBOARDMAN, Principal Research Officer (Silviculture). StaJfmembers: DAVID B. BOOMSMA, Senior Research Officer (Silviculture). Collection: Over 1,000 specimens; over 150 genera. Specialisation: Australian native commercial species; Papua-New Guinea native species; prin­ cipal commercial species imported into South Australia. Herbarium vouchers: For native Eucalyptus of South Australia only; 96 species; about 3 per cent overall. Herbarium transferred in 1986 to State Herbarium of South Australia, Ade­ laide. lmportant collections: Desch's "Principal commercial species of the world"; New York State College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse; Malaya, 1968. Associated with grading rules part IV. SamplesJor sectioning: Yes. Only South Australian native species and exotic species of Pinus grown in plantations. Exchange: Yes. Available: Eucalyptus, Acacia, South Australia native species.


ALCOBACA: Departamento de Tecnologia Fisico-meciinica dos Produtos Florestais, Esta~äo de Experimenta~äo Florestal, (ALCw), A1coba~a, Portugal (outdated). Foundation: 1954. Collection: 150 specimens; 70 genera. Specialisation: Portugal, continental and insular (Madeira, A~ores). Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 100; about 80 per cent. Samples Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 100; yes. Exchange: Yes.

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AMLAI: Birla Museum oJ Forestry and Forest Products, Birla Institute oJ Scientific Research, (AMw), P. O. Amlai Paper Mills-484 117, Dist. Shahdol (M. P.), India. Foundation: 1979. Curator: Mr. MOHAN C. PANDE, Director of Research (Forestry and agriculture). Collection: 1,140 specimens; 530 genera. Specialisation: Museum exhibits woods from all over the world. Present collection comprises 581 species of Indian region and 433 species from countries in Africa, South and North America, Australian region, and Europe. Herbarium vouchers: Museum herbarium projected for fall 1987. For Indian species vouchers now maintained in herbarium, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun; about 90 per cent. SamplesJor sectioning: Yes. Indian species only. Exchange: Yes. Available: India. Wanted: From all regions of world except India. Remarks: Wood specimens from the Indian region in the museum are exhibited in natural form of smalilogs with bark intact and logs sectioned to show wood structure in various planes. The museum is a member of the Museums Association of India.

AMSTERDAM: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (RTIw), Mauritskade 63, 1092 AD Amsterdam, Netherlands. Foundation: 1913. Curator: S.1. WISELIUS, Wood Specialist (Identification, anatomy, documentation, end uses). Collection: 33,000 specimens; about 10,000 genera. Specialisation: Tropics. Herbarium vouchers: No, records maintained ofvouchers deposited elsewhere; 50 per cent. Important collections: Koorders (Java); Stahel (Surinam); Boswezen (New Guinea, West Irian, Indonesia). Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes, by special request and in exchange for microscope slides of the sampies concerned. Microscope sUdes: Yes; about 1500; yes. Exchange: Yes, but limited. Available: Surinam, South America. Wanted: Tropics, authenti­ cated sampies.

ANN ARBOR: University Herbarium, North University Building, University oJ Michigan, (MICHw), Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1057 U.S.A. Foundation: 1921. Curator: Dr. WILLIAM R. ANDERS ON, Director, Curator of Vascular and Professor of Botany ( of Malpighiaceae; flora of Mexico). Collection: About 2,500 specimens. Herbarium vouchers: Yes. 800,000. Important collections: H.H. Bartlett (Sumatra, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize); Rahmat (Suma­ tra); B.A. Krukoff (Sumatra); W.R. Taylor (Bikini). SampIes Jor sectioning: Yes.

BANGKOK: Wood Research Institute, Forest Products Research Division, Royal Forest De­ partment, (BKFw), Bangkhen, Bangkok 9, Thailand (outdated). Foundation: 1953. Collection: 2,617 specimens; 209 genera. Specialisation: Thailand and Southeast Asian countries. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, in Section of Botany, Royal Forest Department; most of the com­ mercial timbers are in the herbarium; 30 per cent of our wood specimens in the collection came from many countries by exchange; about 50 per cent are supported by herbarium vouchers. SampIes Jor sectioning: Yes.

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Microscope sUdes: Yes; 1,200; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India, Malaysia. Wanted: U.S.A., Europe, Africa.

BANGOR: Department of Forestry and Wood Science, University College of North Wales, (UCNWw), Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2UW, Wales, U. K. Foundation: About 1970. Curator: Dr. M. PAT DENNE (Environmental control of wood structure). StaJ! members: Dr. JAMES BOLTON. Collection: About 4,800 specimens; about 825 genera. Specialisation: Ghana, South America. Herbarium vouchers: Very small percentage. lmportant collections: G. Stahel (Surinam). Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes. About 1,000. Available on loan. Exchange: Yes, limited number. Remarks: The catalogue of this collection has recently been computerised allowing sampies to be selected by scientific name, farnily, country of origin, wood features (such as figure, colour, presence of bark), and collector/donor. For further details, please write to the Curator.

BEECROFT: Wood Technology & Forest Research Division, Forestry Commission of New South Wales, (SFCw), P.O. Box 100, Beecroft, N.S. W., Australia. Foundation: 1881. Curator: Mr. ANTHONY P. WILKINS, Research Officer (Identification of timbers, growth stress, general wood structure). Staffmembers: Dr. JOHN F. WILKES, Research Officer (Identification of timbers, wood prop- erties ofradiata pine, general wood structure). Collection: 12,454 specimens; 1,380 genera. Specialisation: Australia, with emphasis on vines; Acacia spp. and Eucalyptus spp. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 75 per cent of general collection; 99 per cent of Acacia collection. Important collections: C.E. Lane-Poole's (New Guinea) collection; M. Tindale's Acacia wood collection. Periodical or serial publications: Wood Catalogue published four times yearly. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 8,000; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Acacia spp., most Australian species. Wanted: South America, Pacific region.

BEIJING: Department of Wood Properties, Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, (CAFw), Wan Shou Shan, Beijing, People's Republic of China. Foundation: About 1930. Curator: LIu PENG, Assistant in Research (Wood structure, identification, and utilisation of woods). StaJf members: HONG DIAO-YAN. Collection: 17,600 specimens (15,600 angiosperms, 2,000 gymnosperms); 970 genera (921 angiosperms, 49 gymnosperms). Specialisation: Worldwide. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 6,000; about 50 per cent of indigenous species. Periodical or serial publications: Forestry Science; Wood Industry. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 1,300; yes, but limited.

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Exchange: Yes. Available: Commercial timbers of China; about 100 species in hand-sample size, 12 x 6 x 1.5 cm. Wanted: Worldwide, especially commercial timbers of Africa and South America. Remarks: Specimens are collected with sapwood and heartwood whenever possible.

BELEM: Museu Paraense Em{/io Goeldi, (MGw), Avenida Magalhäes Barata, 376-C.P. 399, BeIem, Para, Brazil. Foundation: 1979. Curator: PEDRO LUIZ BRAGA LISBOA (Wood anatomy). StaJf members: UBIRAIARA NERY MACIEL; JOÄO CEZAR A. DA SILVA; CILENO DE SOUZA FuRTADO. Collection: 5,132 specimens; 504 genera. Specialisation: Amazonian region. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, included in the general herbarium of 130,000 specimens; 100 per cent. Periodicalor serial publications: Boletim do Museu Paraense Emflio Goeldi, serie Botanica. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 500; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Amazonian region. Wanted: Amazonian region.

BERLIN: Paläontologisches Museum, Museumfür Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, (BHUw), Invalidenstrasse 43, 1040 Berlin, German Democratic RepubIic, DDR. Foundation: 1949. Curator: Dr. CARSTEN SCHIRAREND, Keeper for Wood Research (Systematic wood anatomy, palaeoxy lotomy). Collection: 3,000 specimens; 1,000 genera. Specialisation: General; Cuba, Rharnnaceae, Buxaceae. Herbarium vouchers: Only for Cuban material deposited in BHU; no records kept of material deposited elsewhere. About 10 per cent of the woods are associated with herbarium vouch­ ers. Important collections: Schmöger's Brazilian woods. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 3,000; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: General. Wanted: General, Rhamnaceae, Vitaceae, Buxaceae. Remarks: The extant wood collection is associated with an extensive collection of fossil woods.

BERLIN-DAHLEM: Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, (Bw), Königin-Luise-Strasse 6-8, D-loo0 Berlin 33, Federal RepubIic of Germany, BRD. Foundation: About 1850. Curator: Dr. PAUL HIEPKO, Curator of the Herbarium (Flora of the Guianas). Collection: 9,000 specimens; 1,550 genera. Specialisation: Worldwide. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; some vouchers in the general herbarium; only a very small propor­ tion since the herbarium was destroyed in 1943; duplicates of original voucher specimens may be in other herbaria. Important collections: Tessmann (Peru); Vageier, Karsten (Colombia); Philippi, Arendt (Chile); Sintenis (Puerto Rico); Curtiss (Florida, U.S.A.); Volkens, Warburg (Java); Volkens, Schlieben Holst v. Trotha (East Africa); Zenker, Mildbraed (Cameroon); Kersting (Togo); Forest Departrnent, India; Krukoff (Brazil). Periodical or serial publications: Willdenowia, Englera. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes (small collection of gifts).

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Exchange: Yes. Available: A limited number of duplicates of older collections from different areas.

BOGOR: Forest Products Research and Development Center, (BZFw), 11. Gunung Batu No. 1, Bogor, Indonesia. F oundation: 1914. Curator: Ir. Y.I. MADANG (Wood anatomy). StaJf members: Dra NENY SUMARLIANI; Dra USMAN SY AH; Dra Sri RULLIA TY MUSLICH. Collection: 41,679 specimens; 785 genera. Specialisation: lndonesia. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; in the Botany Division ofthe Center; 81 per cent. Important collections: Endert, Thorenaar, Heyne (lndonesia). Periodical or serial publications: Forest Products Research Journal. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Commercial species.

BOGOTA: Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales y Madereras, Universidad Distrital, (BOFw), Apartado Aereo 8668, Bogota, Colombia. Foundation: 1963. Curator: Professor JOSE A. LASTRA-RIVERA (Wood technology). Staff members: lug. ARIEL RUIZ, Curator. Collection: 1,400 specimens; 616 genera. Specialisation: Magdalena Valley, Pacific coast, Amazon region. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 2,500; 90 per cent. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 235.

BOROKO: Forest Products Research and Development Centre, (PMPw), P.O. Box 1358, Boroko, Papua New Guinea. F oundation: 1944. Curator: Dr. ANDREW OTENG-AMOAKO (Wood structure and properties). StaJf members: ANNA AGLUA, Senior Technical Officer; JOHN BOR!, Senior Technical Officer. Collection: 13,000 specimens; 250 genera. SpeciaUsation: Papua New Guinea. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, at LAE Herbarium. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 1,000; yes, by special arrangement only. Exchange: Yes. Available: Papua New Guinea. Wanted: Southeast Asia, southwest Pacific area, Mrica, South and Middle America. Remarks: A wood collection known as the "W" series totals 3,000-odd specimens of which only 400 are supported by botanical vouchers. All have been determined microscopically to generic level and in case of voucher specimens, to species level.

BRASILlA: Laborat6rio de Produtos Florestais-LPF, Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal-IBDF, Setor de Areas Isoladas Norte, (FPBw), Avenida L4 Norte, Lote 4, CEP 70770, Brasilia, D. F., Brazil. F oundation: 1977. Curator: VERA TERESINHA RAUBER CORADIN, Biologist (Wood anatomy). StafJ members: JOSE ARLETE A. CAMARGOS, Technologist (Wood identification); OSNIL JOSE NEPOMUCENO, Technologist (Wood identifcation). Collection: 2,000 specimens; 244 genera. Specialisation: Amazon region, Brazil.

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Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 703; duplicates in the herbaria of the Museu Goeldi, Belern, CPATU, Belern, and INPA, Manaus; 90 per cent. lmportant collections: Amazonian woods. Sampies jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 1,700; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Amazon region of Brazil. Wanted: Commercial woods of the world. Remarks: This collection was recorded under BrasHia in the 1978 edition of Index Xylario- rum by its English name, Forest Products Laboratory (W.L.S.).

BRISBANE: Queensland Department oj Forestry, (CQTw), 388-400 Ann Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Australia (outdated). Foundation: 1922. Collection: 4,500 specimens; 200 genera. Specialisation: Queensland species attaining 30 cm in diameter. Herbarium vouchers: Most specimens are based on botanical material identified by Govern­ ment Botanist who keeps his own herbarium, together with a small herbarium of our own. lmportant collections: F.M. Bailey (Queensland). Samplesjor sectioning: Yes; application should be made to the Secretary, Department of For­ estry. Microscope slides: Yes; not available for loan. Exchange: Yes; application should be made to the Secretary, Department of Forestry. Avail­ able: Queensland. N.B. Sampies for sale or reciprocal exchange are 15 x 7 x 9 cm with a descriptive label. Wanted: Worldwide.

BRISBANE: Queensland Herbarium, Department oj Primary lndustries, (BRIw), Meiers Road, Indooroopilly, Brisbane, 4068 Australia. Foundation: 1880. Curator: Dr. R.W. JOHNSON, Director, Queensland Herbarium. Staff members: Mr. T.D. STANLEY, Senior Botanist. Collection: 2,300 specimens. Specia/isation: Queensland and Papua New Guinea, mainly rain forest species. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 470,000; 75 per cent. Important collections: Queensland Woods (Colonial and Indian Expedition 1886, Colonial International Exhibition, Melbourne 1888); New Guinea Forests Collection; L.S. Smith Collection. Sampies jor sectioning: Yes.

BRONX: The New York Botanical Garden, (NYw), Bronx, New York 10458 U.S.A. F oundation: 1944. Curator: Dr. PATRICIA K. HOLMGREN, Director of the Herbarium. Remarks: The wood collections of Bassett Maguire and collaborators have been distributed to the Smithsonian Institution (USw), Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies [now housed at the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory (MADw)], The College ofEnviron­ mental Science and Forestry, Syracuse University (BCWw), and the State University of Utrecht (Uw). The wood collections of Ghillean T. Prance and collaborators have been dis­ tributed to the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazönia INPAw, BCWw, and Uw. The wood collections of Howard S. Irwin have been distributed to USw, BCWw, and MADw. The general wood collections of Scott Mori are deposited at MADw and his wood collections of are housed at BCWw. The wood collections of James Luteyn are at the New York Botanical Garden. The herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden houses the voucher specimens for all these collections. The wood collections of Michael Nee are deposited at MADw and vouchers for Nee's collections are at various places.

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BUDAPEST: Collectio Dendrologica, Botanical Department oJ the Hungarian Natural History Museum, (BPw), Budapest VIII. Könyves KaIman krt. 40, H-1476 Budapest Pf. 222, Hungary. Foundation: 1902. Curator: Dr. DEZSÖ KOv ATS, Curator (Anatomy and taxonomy of flowering plants). Collection: 1,500 to 1,700 specimens. Specialisation: Mostly Hungary. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 1,500. Important collections: Nördlinger, Fiori (Italy). Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes, partly. Microscope slides: Yes; Nördlinger and Fiori thick slides; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Mostly from Hungary. Remarks: Part of the collection is undocumented but it is known that some of the specimens came from the botanical garden of Budapest.

BULOLO: Bu/olo Herbarium, Papua New Guinea Forestry College, (BULHw), P.O. Box 92, Bulolo, Papua New Guinea (outdated). Foundation: 1965. Collection: About 7,000 specimens; about 300 genera. Specialisation: Mainly Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 16,000; proportion of wood specimens associated with her­ barium vouchers unknown, but most are held at the Forest Products Research Centre, Bo­ roko (Port Moresby) and at the Division of Botany, Lae. Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes, but prefer that all requests be made to Forest Products Research Centre, Boroko (Port Moresby), Papua New Guinea. }1icroscope slides: Yes; 200; for intern al instructional purposes only. Exchange: Duplicates of wood specimens are only distributed with the duplicates of herbarium specimens.

CAMBRIDGE: Bailey-Wetmore Laboratory oJ Anatomy and Morphology, Harvard University Herbaria, (Aw), 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 U.S.A. Foundation: About 1938. Curator: The Director, Harvard University Herbaria. Collection: Over 31,000 specimens. Specialisation: General, but strong in tropical Asia, Australasia, and America. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; in the Harvard University Herbaria and elsewhere; between 60 and 70 per cent. Important collections: Borneo and Sarawak forestry departments; Jesup (U.S.A); Krukoff (Brazil);AC.Smith(Fiji); Brass; Surinam woods; E.H. Wilson; J.G.Jack; C.S.Sargent. Periodical or serial publications: Journal oJthe Arnold Arboretum. Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes; reasonable requests. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 35,000; by arrangement only. Exchange: Yes, some.

CANBERRA: Australian National Herbarium, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Re­ search Organization, (CANBw), GPO Box 1600, Canberra, AC. T. 2601 AustraIia. Foundation: 1954. Curator: Dr. BRY AN BARLOW. Collection: About 5,000 specimens; about 400 genera. SpeciaUsation: Papua New Guinea and Bougainville. Herbarium vouchers: Yes (CANB); 360,000; 97 per cent. Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes.

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Microscope slides: Yes; 350; yes. Remarks: Owing to staffing difficulties, expansion and update of the Canberra wood collection have had to be suspended until further notice. The main CSIRO wood collection is in FPAw.

CARACAS: Instituto Botanico, (VENw), Apartado 2156, Caracas, Venezuela (outdated). Foundation: 1940. Collection: 2,397 specimens; 87 genera. Specialisation: Principally Venezuela. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 115,000; less than 20 per cent. Important collections: Llewelyn Williams (Venezuela). Remarks: There is no special interest in wood collections at the Instituto BoUinico nor is there anyone on the staff with the time or interest to curate this collection.

CARDIFF: Department oJ Botany, National Museum oJWales, (NMWw), Cardiff CFl 3NP, Wales, U.K. Foundation: 1920. Curator: Dr. B.A. THOMAS, Keeper of Botany (Pteridophytes, evolution). StafJ members: R.G. ELLIS, Assistant Keeper (Head of the Vascular Section; Welsh flow­ ering plants); A.R. PERRY, Assistant Keeper (Head of Cryptogamic Section; mycology); A. D. TIPPER, Senior Museum Assistant (Identification of charcoals and woods). Collection: 5,792 specimens; 730 genera. Specialisation: Worldwide. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 228,000; few are vouchers for wood specimens. Important collections: Nördlinger; Hough (U.S.A.); Wesley & Whe1don; Conservator of Forests, Rangoon; Weale & Pritchard Collection of Microslides (2,000). Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 2,600; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Wales, mainly cultivated. Wanted: Temperate zone species.

CHITTAGONG: Forest Resedrch Institute, (CHITw), P.O. Box 273, Chittagong, Bangla­ desh (outdated). Foundation: 1960. Callection: about 1,400 specimens; about 960 genera. Specialisation: Bangladesh. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 2,000; about 80 per cent of the indigenous species. Important collections: Bangladesh Forest Tree Species. Periodicalor serial publications: Bana Biggyan (Forestry Science). Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; over 500; yes, as a special case. Exchange: Yes. Available: Bangladesh. Wanted: Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Burma, Africa, Australia, India, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia, South America-mainly tropical species.

CHRISTCHURCH: Botany Division, Department oJ Scientific and Industrial Research, (CHRw), Private Bag, Christchurch, New Zealand. Foundation: 1974. Curator: Mr. RAJNI N. PATEL, Wood Anatomist (Wood anatomy of New Zealand shrubs and trees; identification of stern and root wood). Collection: 1,400 specimens; more than 110 genera. Specialisation: New Zealand. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 900 specimens; 65 per cent. Sampies Jor sectioning: Usually, no.

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Microscope slides: Yes; 1,600; no. Remarks: A collection of 900 wood sampies, all with vouchers lodged with the wood collec­ tion, forms the basis of anatomical studies. There is also a collection of 500 wood speci­ mens from the Canterbury Museum in Christchurch which do not have voucher specimens. Aseries of papers on the anatomy of New Zealand woods has been published in a DSIR publication and in the New Zealand Journal oJ Botany since 1967. Information contained in these papers is used for the identification service provided to museums, universities, several government departments, and the general public.

CHRISTCHURCH: Department oJ Plant and Microbial Sciences, University oJ Canterbury, (CHNw), Private Bag, Christchurch, New Zealand. F oundation: 1962. Curator: Dr. RG. BUTI'ERFIELD, Head of Department (Wood science). StafJ members: Mrs. S. KIBBLEWHITE, Technician. Collection: 2,000 specimens; 200 genera. Specialisation: New Zealand. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 1,200; 60 per cent. Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 800; yes. Exchange: Sometimes. Available: New Zealand. Remarks: We have in excess of 2,000 wood sampies mounted on Cambridge-type aluminum stubs for scanning electron microscopy and more than 16,000 scanning electron micro­ graphs on file as negatives and contact prints.

CLAREMONT: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, (RSAw), 1500 North College Avenue, Claremont, California 91711 U.S.A. Foundation: 1960. Curator: Dr. SHERWIN CARLQUIST (Comparative anatomy of angiosperms, especially wood anatomy). Collection: 7,300 specimens; about 2,500 genera. Specialisation: Hawaii; Australia; South Africa; southern California; "woody herbs," vines, and other non-arborescent plants are stressed in this collection. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, in RSA; in combined RSA and POM 1,200,000; more than 90 per cent. Important collections: Stahel (Surinam); Stern and Carlquist (Hawaii); Carlquist (Hawaii, South Africa, Australia, Chile, New Caledonia, California); duplicates from USw. Periodicalor serial publications: Aliso. Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; more than 4,500; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: From areas of specialisation noted above. Wanted: Specimens from taxa not ordinarily considered for inclusion in wood collections; woody material from non­ tree species preferred.

COLLEGE: Housing and Materials Research and Development Division, Forest Products Re­ search and Development Institute, Department 0/ Science and Technology, (CLPw), College, Laguna 3720, Philippines. Foundation: 1954. The collection consists mostly of original and duplicate authentie woods from the collection of the Philippine Bureau of Forestry which was started in 1901. The wood sampies were salvaged from the fires during World War n. Curator: Dr. JUSTO P. ROJO, Chief, Anatomy and Dendrology Section (Anatomy, dendrol­ ogy, and plant systematics).

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StaJfmembers: WILFREDO AMERICA (Wood anatomy and identification); DOMINADOR ALON- ZO (Structure-property relations); JOSEFA ADAY (Fibre morphology). Collection: 11,318 specimens; 1,003 genera. SpeciaUsation: Philippines. Herbarium vouchers: Yes. Present wood collections are associated with herbarium vouchers housed in CLP. The Philippine Bureau of Forestry collections had vouchers deposited in the former Bureau of Science (now National Museum), Manila, all of which were bumed during World War 11. Duplicate vouchers rnay be found in the herbaria at Kew, University of Califomia, Berkeley; U.S. National Herbarium, Washington, D.C.; and eIsewhere; about 20 per cent in CLP. Important collections: E.D. Merrill and A.D.E. EImer (Philippines). Periodical or serial publications: FPRDI Journal; Forest Products Technoflow; FPRDITimber Series. Samples for sectioning: Yes; upon request and with the approval of the Curator and Director, Forest Products Research and Development Institute. Microscope slides: Yes; 6,399; yes. Exchange: Yes, but lirnited. Available: Commercial and non-commercial woods ofthe Philip­ pines. Wanted: Authentie commercial and non-commercial woods from exchanging institu­ tions.

COLLEGE PARK (MARYw): Collections transferred to GAINESVILLE (FLASw).

CONCEPCION: Departamento de Botanica, Facultad de Ciencias Biol6gicas y de Recursos Naturales, Universidad de Concepci6n, (CONCw), Casilla 2407, Concepci6n, Chile. Foundation: 1973. Curator: Professor ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ (faxonomy and anatomy of vascular plants). Collection: 217 specimens; 58 genera. SpeciaUsation: Chile. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 150,000; Iess than 1 per cent. Samples for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 1,600. Exchange: Yes. Wanted: South America.

DEHRA DUN: Forest Research Institute and Colleges, (DDw), Dehra Dun 248006, India (outdated). Foundation: 1836 (by Dr. Griffith). Collection: 15,000 specimens; 1,500 genera. SpeciaUsation: Indian region. Herbarium vouchers: No; records kept of vouchers deposited eIsewhere; about 20 per cent of the collection from the Indian region. Important collections: Griffith, Wallich, Brandis, Gamble, KanjilaI, Chowdhury (Indian re- gion). Samples for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; about 6,000; not normally. Exchange: Yes. Available: India. Wanted: Southeast Asia and Africa.

DELFT: TNO Timber Research Institute, (Dw), P.O. Box 151, 2600 AD Delft, Nether· lands. Foundation: 1939. Curator: P.B. LAMING (Identification, wood quality, microtechnoIogy). StaJf members: Drs. P. ESSER (Mycology, preservation). Collection: 10,600 specimens; 850 genera.

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Specialisation: Surinarn, Indonesia, Irian Jaya, Thailand, Amazonian Brazil. Herbarium vouchers: No; records kept ofvoilchers deposited elsewhere; about 85 per cent. Important collections: G. Stahel (Surinam), B.A. Krukoff (Brazil); Lam (Thailand, Irian Jaya); van Royen (Irian Jaya); Vink (Irian Jaya); Koorders (Java). Periodical or serial publications: Houtbladen (Leaflets); Houtnotities. Samplesfor sectioning: Yes, available occasionally by special request. Microscope slides: Yes; about 9,500; yes, available occasionally by special request. Exchange: Yes. Available: New Guinea (Irian Jaya). Wanted: Africa, Southeast Asia, Japan.

DRESDEN: WTZ Holz-Xylothek, Holzanatomisches Laboratorium, VEB Wissenschaftlich­ technisches Zentrum der holzverarbeitenden Industrie, (DREw), Zellescher Weg 24, Dresden 8020, German Democratic Republic, DDR. Foundation: 1956. Curator: Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Biologe Rum WAGENFÜHR. Collection: 1,200 specimens; 470 genera. Specialisation: Europe, Africa, Central America, New Zealand, Indochina, Indonesia. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 900; no. Exchange: Yes. Available: Europe, West Africa, Indochina. Wanted: Australia, South Amer­ ica, Madagascar, Peru, Mexico, Cuba, Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea.

DUBLIN: The Powerscourt Collection ofWorld Timbers, Department of Forestry, Universiry College, (DBw), Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Foundation: 1930. Curator: Dr. JOHN J. GARDINER. StafJ members: Dr. P.M. JOYCE. Collection: 900 specimens. Specialisation: General. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 100; yes. Remarks: This is an amateur collection upon which no research has been carried out.

FLORENCE: Herbarium Universitatis Florentinae and Erbario Tropicale di Firenze, (Flw), Via Lamarmora 4, 1-50121 Firenze, Italy (outdated). Foundation: 1842 (Same as that of the Herbarium Universitatis Aorentinae). Collection: 5,400-5,500 specimens. Specialisation: Worldwide with special emphasis on tropical Africa. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, in the herbaria; 4,000,000; 30-40 per cent. Important collections: Bavazzano (Somalia, Mozambique, Kenya, Cameroon); Beccari (Ma­ lesia); Corti (Fezzan, Libya); Fenaroli (Brazil); Fiori (Eritrea); Pichi Sermolli (Ethiopia); Senni (Peru). Samplesfor sectioning: Yes, for some specimens only. Exchange: Yes. Available: Tropical East Africa, Italy. Wanted: Worldwide, especially tropical Africa.

FLORENCE: Istituto per la Ricerca sul Legno, (FLw), Piazza Tommaso Alva Edison 11, Firenze, Italy. Foundation: 1954. Curator: Dr. MARIA LAURA EDLMANN. Staff members: Dr. ANNA GAMBETIA MORIONDO (Wood preservation). Collection: 10,000 specimens; about 6,500 genera.

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Specialisation: Italy, North and South America, Central Africa, Japan, Philippines, Europe. Periodicalor serial publications: Contributi Scientifico-Practici per una Migliore Conoscenza ed Utilizzazione del Legno. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; about 4,000. Exchange: Yes. Available: Italy, Central Africa. Wanted: Central and South America, Oceania, Asia.

FRANKFURT AM MAIN: Botanisch-Palaeobotanische Abteilung, Naturmuseum und For­ schungsinstitut Senckenberg, (FRw), Senckenberganlage 25, D-6ooo Frankfurt am Main 1, Federal Republic of Germany, BRD (outdated). F oundation: 1920. Collection: 3,300 specimens, mainly fossil woods. SpeciaUsation: Europe (Recent), South Africa (Tertiary). Periodical or serial publications: Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Senckenbergiana Biologica, Senckenbergiana Lethaea. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 2,200 Recent woods, 2,000 fossil woods; yes.

GAINESVILLE: Herbarium, Florida State Museum, University of Florida, (FLASw), Gainesville, Florida 32611 U.S.A. Foundation: 1980. Curator: Professor WILLIAM LoUIS STERN (Comparative anatomy, especially wood anatomy). StaJf members: Mr. KENT D. PERKINS, Herbarium Registrar. Collection: 12,700 specimens. SpeciaUsation: Worldwide, but especially tropics. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 400,000; records kept of places of deposit of herbarium vouchers. lmportant collections: Duplicate specimens, including many of the B. A. Krukoff Brazilian col- lections, from the Smithsonian Institution; Milton Scon collection (see Remarks). Samples for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; about 1,000; yes. Exchange: Yes. Wanted: Tropics. Remarks: The University of Florida Wood Collection is re1atively new and there is still much work to be done with respect to cataloguing. There are no duplicate specimens available for exchange; however, every effort will be made to fill requests for native woods of Florida. Milton Scott was an amateur collector with a serious interest in maintaining a carefully documented, diverse assemblage of specimens. Those specimens were presented by hirn to the School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, and are now housed in the Florida State Museum.

GEORGETOWN: Xylarium Section, Jonah Boyan Herbarium, Guyana Forestry Commis­ sion, (GTw), Lot 1, Water Street, Kingston, Georgetown, Guyana. Foundation: 1909. Curator: Comrnissioner of Forests. Staff members: GANESHWAR GHARBARRAN (Forest flora of Guyana); Dr. JOHN 1. PIPOLY, m, Honorary Research Associate (Systematics of Myrsinaceae and Clusiaceae, flora of the Guianas, architecture of tropical trees, wood anatomy). Collection: 757 specimens; 322 genera. Specialisation: Guyana. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 7,800; records maintained of vouchers deposited elsewhere; 100 per cent.

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Important collections: B.R. Wood, C.W. Anderson, C.A. Persaud, D.B. Fanshawe, G.G. Brinsley, Ivan Welch, LR. Lockie, J.B. Aitken, L.S. Hohenkerk, N.Y. Sandwith, Rufus Boyan, T.A.W. Davis. Sampfes for sectioning: Yes. Exchange: Yes. Availabfe: Guyana. Wanted: All foreign countries. Remarks: This wood collection specialises mainly in trees of Guyana.

GUANGZHOU: Wood Anatomy Section, Botanical Laboratories, Department of Biology, Sun Yat-Sen University, (SYSw), Guangzhou, Guangdong, People's RepubIic of China. F oundation: 1981. Staffmembers: Ms HVANG GUI-UNG (Plant anatomy); Professor HO 11EN-XIAN (Wood anat- omy). Collection: About 1,800 specimens; about 250 genera and up to 1,000 species. Specialisation: Guangdong Province, including Hainan Island. Herbarium vouchers: No, but vouchers are housed in the South China Institute of Botany, Acadernia Sinica, Guangzhou; about 30 per cent. Sampfes for sectioning: A vailable in the near future. Microscope sUdes: Yes; about 300; no.

GUANGZHOU: Forest Research Institute of Guangdong Province, (FRTGw), Saho, Guangzhou, Guangdong, People's RepubIic of China. Foundation: 1957. Curator: Mr. Sv ZHONG-HAI, Engineer (Wood classification, properties, and utilisation). Staffmembers: Mrs. TAN QUI-ZHV, Assistant Engineer. Collection: 2,212 specimens; about 600 genera. Specialisation: North America and Central Africa and a small portion from Southeast Asia. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 2,000 species; all Guangdong woods are supported by herbarium vouchers. Sampfes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 342 species; no. Exchange: Yes, a few. Available: Tropical and subtropical China. Wanted: American and Asian tropical woods. Remarks: The collections are divided among three main groups: 968 Guangdong woods. 420 from other provinces of China; and 824 foreign woods.

HAMBURG: Bundesforschungsanstaft für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, (RBHw), Leuschner­ strasse 91d, 2050 Hamburg 80, Federal Republic of Germany, BRD. Foundation: 1940. Curator: Dr. HANS GEORG RICHTER. Collection: 19,000 specimens; 2,000 genera. Specialisation: Tropical countries. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 1,300; records kept of herbarium vouchers lodged elsewhere; 50 per cent. Important collections: Krukoff, Schlieben, Kersting, Mildbraed, Cooper, Brandis, Eggers, Stahel, von Müller. Periodicaf or seriaf pubücations: Mitteilungen der Bundesforschungsanstaft. Sampfes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope südes: Yes; 18,000; yes. Exchange: Yes; Availabfe: South Asia, Africa. Wanted: Lauraceae, Meliaceae, Malvales.

HAVANA: Centro de Investigaci6n ForestallINDAF, (HBw), Calle 174, No. 1723 (e) 17b y 17c, Rpto. Siboney, La Habana, Cu ba (See Remarks) (outdated).

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F oundation: 1971. Collection: 250 specimens; 160 genera. Specialisation: Cuba. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 300; about 90 per cent. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 50; no. Exchange: Available: Cuba. Wanted: Africa, America, Soviet Union. Remarks: These data were received in response to a communication addressed to the Escuela Forestal wood collection which appeared in the first edition of Index Xylariorum. It is as­ sumed that the institution listed above is the direct descendant of the Escuela Forestal (W.L.S.).

HAVANA: Xiloteca dei Herbario, Instituto de Botanica, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, (SVw), Calzada del Cerro 1257, Ciudad Habana 6, Cuba (outdated). Foundation: The collection was founded in 1918 by Dr. Juan T. Roig.1n 1969 it was amalga­ rnated with the Botanicallnstitute of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba. Specialisation: Cuba, Eucalyptus. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 200,000; the collection from Santiago de las Vegas, about 50 per cent; new wood specimens, 100 per cent. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 650; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: General. Wanted: Especially from Caribbean region; from all tropi­ cal areas.

HEFEI: Institute of Forest Products Industry, Anhui Agricultural College, (HEFw), Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China. Foundation: 1948. Curator: Professor WEr GUANG-YANG (Wood anatomy and identification). StaJ! members: Professor KE BING FAN (Mechanical properties of wood; founder of the wood collection). Collection: 4,072 specimens; 457 genera. Specia/isation: Eastern and southern China; some from western and northern China and from abroad such as Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and New Guinea. Herbarium vouchers: There are about 2,700 voucher specimens for Chinese woods; vouchers are not maintained for foreign woods but records are kept showing the source of the wood specimens, identifier, etc.; about 66 per cent. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 7,400; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Eastern and southern China. Wanted: Tropical woods of eastern and southern Asia; Lauraceae.

HEREDlA: Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad Nacional, (ECw), Heredia, Costa Rica. F oundation: 1984. Curator: Professor JUAN CARLOS SANCHEZ (Forestry). StaJ! members: JORGE FALLAS, Director, Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales (Natural re- sources). Collection: About 250 specimens (150 native; 100 exotic); 118 genera. Specialisation: Costa Rica. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 600; 15 per cent. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Costa Rica. Wanted: Tropical woods.

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HIGHETT: Division of Chemical and Wood Technology, Commonwealth Scientific and In­ dustrial Research Organization, (FPAw), Graham Road, Highett, Victoria, Australia. (Postal address: P.O. Box 56, Highett, Victoria 3190, Australia). Foundation: 1929. Curator: l lLIC (General wood anatomy, wood quality, wood structure/property relation- ships). Collection: 40,200 specimens; 2,225 genera. Specialisation: Malesia and southwest Pacific area, particularly Australia and New Guinea. Herbarium vouchers: No; records kept ofvouchers deposited elsewhere; about 85 per cent. Important collections: CSIRO Land Research collections (New Guinea); New Guinea Forests collections; BW Series (West Irian); Lane-Poole (New Guinea); Desch (Malaya); A.C. Smith (Fiji); British Solomon Islands collections; B. Maguire (Venezuela); Stern & Chambers (Panama); Stern & Brizicky (Florida Keys); Sabah; New Caledonia. Periodicalor serial publications: Australian Journal ofBotany. Sampies for sectioning: Yes, but limited. Microscope slides: Yes; 8,700 or about 70 per cent of the species in the collection; no. Exchange: Yes, but limited. Available: Southwest Pacific area. Wanted: Pacific area chiefty. Remarks: A check list of species covered by Divisional Collection from the southwest Pacific area is available to research organisations.

HONOLULU: Department of Botany, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, (BISHw), P. O. Box 6037, Honolulu 96818 U.S.A. (outdated). Foundation: 1889. Collection: 4,400 specimens. Specialisation: Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Malaysia. Iferbarium vouchers: Yes; 405,900; a large proportion. Important collections: J. F. Rock, Hosmer (Hawaii). Periodicalor serial publications: Occasional Papers of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum; Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin; Memoirs ofthe Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Sampies for sectioning: To meet this need, duplicates of most of the specimens have been placed in the S.l Record Memorial Collection (now at MADw). Exchange: See above under Sampies for sectioning.

IBADAN: Timber Library, Forest Products Research Division, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, (FHIw), P.M.B. 5054, Ibadan, Nigeria (outdated). F oundation: 1962. Collection: About 2,500 specimens; 400 genera. Specialisation: Nigeria. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 80,000; over 95 per cent. Important collections: See Remarks. Sampies for sectioning: Yes; copies of such research papers are requested. Microscope slides: Yes; 5,000; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Nigeria. Wanted: Temperate hardwoods and softwoods. Remarks: The Timber Library is being built up by collecting specimens to represent the tree species of Nigeria. Slides have been prepared for all the sampIes collected. All collections of wood have herbarium vouchers and are lodged in the Forest Herbarium Ibadan (FHI). Research is concentrated on the anatomy of the lesser-used tree species. Woods are col­ lected from different parts of Nigeria and include those from high forest, savannah, and swamps.

ILANOTH: Forestry Division, Agricultural Research Organisation, (NATw), Ilanoth, D.N. Lev Hasharon, Israel (outdated).

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Foundation: 1950. Collection: 1,820 specimens; 540 genera. Specialisation: Native and introduced timbers. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, but only for local species; 60; records kept of herbarium vouchers deposited elsewhere. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 80; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Native and introduced species. Wanted: Commercial timbers of the world.

ILHEUS: Xiloteca, CEPEC Herbarium, Divisao de Botanica, Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau, (CEPECw), APT CEPLAC 45, 660, Ilheus, Bahia, Brazil. Foundation: 1965. Curator: LUIZ ALBERTO MATIOS SILVA, Biologist (Ecology, taxonomy). StaJ! members: Dr. ANDRE M. VIEIRA DE CARV ALHO (Taxonomy). Collection: 500 specimens. Specialisation: Bahia, Brazil. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 50; 10 per cent. Sampies for sectioning: Yes.

IT AJAI: HerMrio "Barbosa Rodrigues," (HBRw), Itajaf, Santa Catarina, Brazil (outdated). F oundation: 1956. Collection: 298 specimens; 187 genera. Specialisation: Vascular plants of the State of Santa Catarina. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 100 per cent. Important collections: R. Reitz & R. Klein (Santa Catarina, Brazil). Periodicalor serial publications: SeIlowia; Flora llustrada Catarinense. Microscope slides: Yes; 41.


KAMPALA: Nakawa Forest Research Institute, (KNw), P.O. Box 1752, Kampala, Uganda (outdated). Foundation: 1950. StafJmembers: Wood Utilisation Section staff members. Collection: 282 specimens. Specialisation: Uganda. Periodical or serial publications: Uganda Timber Leaflets. Samplesfor sectioning: No, but visiting scientists are welcome to collect as much as they have funds for. Microscope slides: Yes; 90-95; no.

KARAJ: F.P.L. Wood Collection, Forest Products Laboratory, College ofNatural Resources, (KARw), Karaj, Iran. Foundation: 1955. Curator: Professor PARVIZ NILOUFARI. StafJ members: Dr. DAVOUD PARSA-PAJOUH, Dr. KAZEM DOUST-HOSEINI, Dr. SAID AMIRI, Dr. GHANBAR EBRAHIMI, Eng. EBRAHIM AGHA-RAFII. Collection: 1,000 specimens; 20 genera. SpeciaIisation: Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan; Tamarix, Haloxylon. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 3,000; 33 per cent. Important collections: Gauba, Sabeti, and Esfandiari collections.

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Periodical or serial publications: Iranian Journal ofNatural Resources. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 500; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Caspian forests ofIran. Wanted: Fagaceae, Quercus, Carpinus. Remarks: The Forest Products Laboratory was established in 1955 and collections of Euro- pean, African, southeast Asian, and Australian woods were accessioned. Also, there are about 800 woody plants of Iran represented.

KEPONG: Kepong Wood Collection, Forest Research Institute Malaysia, (KEPw), Kepong, Selangor, 52109 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Foundation: 1918. Curator: Ms AN! BINTI SULAIMAN, Wood Anatomist (Anatomy and utilization of Malaysian woods). Staff members: Mr. LrM SENG CHOON, Experimental Officer. Collection: 10,000 specimens; 411 genera. Specialisation: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 130,000; 70 per cent. Periodicalor serial publications: Malaysian Forester; Research Pamphlets; Malayan Forest Records; Timber Trade Leaflets. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 7,500; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Malaysia. Wanted: Tropical regions of the world.

KEW: Economic and Conservation Section, Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, (Kw), Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB, England. Foundation: 1847. Curator: Mr. GRENVILLE LL. LUCAS, Keeper of the Herbarium and Library and Deputy Director of the Gardens. Staff members: Mr. RUPERT B. HASTINGS, Scientific Officer; Miss LAURA H. FITT, Scien­ tific Officer; Mr. DAVID V. FJELD, Senior Scientific Officer. Collection: 28,000 specimens; about 3,200 genera. Specialisation: Former British colonies and dominions are well represented, e.g., India, Ma­ laya, Sri Lanka, tropical Africa, Australia. The complete spread of countries and taxa is very wide. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 5-6 million. Important collections: Gamble's Indian woods; Deseh's Malayan woods; J.B. Worthington's Sri Lankan woods; Schodde's and Craven's Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands woods; G. Stahel's Surinam woods; G. Zenker's Cameroon woods. Periodicalor serial publications: Early reeords were published in the Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, Kew (now the Kew Bulletin). No reeent information has been published. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Housed in the Jodrell Laboratory, K-Jw. Exchange: Yes. Available: There are about 500 duplicate specimens from a broad range of areas and taxa. Remarks: In Index Xylariorum. 2, the wood eolleetion deseribed here was under the adminis­ tration of the Museums of Eeonomie Botany. Owing to a reeent reorganisation, the Collee­ tions ofEeonomie Botany, including the woods, have been transferred to the newly ereated Eeonomic and Conservation Seetion of the Herbarium and will be housed together in a single, large room of the new Sir Joseph Banks Building-Centre for Eeonomie Botany. This arrangement will allow even the largest timbers, some of whieh are as much as two metres high, to be organised in systematie order. Some of these timbers are of historie as weil as seientifie imponanee.

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KEW: Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, (K-Jw), Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3DS, England. Foundation: 1876; the new Jodrell Laboratory building was completed in 1965. Curator: Dr. MICHAEL D. BENNETI, Keeper. StafJ members: Dr. DAVID F. CUTLER, Head, Plant Anatomy Section (Systematic and experi­ mental plant anatomy, especially Liliales); Miss MARY GREGORY (Bibliography, transla­ ting, abstracting, systematic anatomy); Dr. PAULA J. RUDALL (Systematic and experimen­ tal plant anatomy, especially lridaceae and Labiatae; identification); Dr. PETER GASSON (Systematic anatomy, especially of tropical woods and their uses; identification); TIM 1. LAWRENCE (Systematic anatomy, especially Agavaceae; identification). Collection: See Microscope slides. Periodicalor serial publications: Kew Bulletin; Notes from the Jodrell Laboratory. Microscope sUdes: A comprehensive collection used in the preparation and revision of "Anat- omy of the Dicotyledons" by C. R. Metcalfe and L. Chalk (second edition in preparation by various authors; three volumes already published) and "Anatomy of the Monocotyledons" (seven volumes already published by various authors) and as a reference collection for re­ search and identification work. There are approximately 19,000 slides of tirnbers represent­ ing about 4,000 species of angiosperrns and 200 species of gymnosperrns, mainly Coni­ ferae. The slides are arranged in families, alphabetically, and are duplicated in aseparate section arranged according to geographical origin. Other plant parts are also represented, including leaves, sterns, and twigs, together with specialist collections of barks, fibres, medicinal plants, and monocotyledons. The whole collection (including timbers) numbers about 66,000 slides and is being continuously enlarged. Some slides are available for ex­ change. Limited facilities are available at the Laboratory for vi si tors to consult the collec­ tions and bibliographical index.

KINGSTON, The Natural History Division, Institute of Jamaica, (IJw), 12-16 East Street, Kingston, Jamaica. Foundation: 1943. Curator: Mrs. LENA GREEN, Botanist. Collection: 749 specimens; 169 genera (some specirnens identified by common names). Specialisation: Jarnaica, Belize, Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Panama, Haiti, EI Salvador, Egypt, Brazil, Thailand, various states in U.S.A. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 74,811 flowering plants; about 73 per cent. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Jamaica. Wanted: Tropical America. Remarks: The collection is good but needs updating. No one is currently working on this col­ lection and it needs specialist attention.

KUCHING: Timber Research and Technical Training Centre, Forest Department, (SARFw), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (outdated). Foundation: 1956. Collection: 7,418 specimens; 348 genera. Specialisation: Sarawak, Malaysia; Dipterocrupaceae. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; over 55,000; almost 100 per cent. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 2,566; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Anacardiaceae, Annonaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Lautaceae, Meliaceae, Rubiaceae. Wanted: Same asAvailable.

KYOTO: Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, (KYOw), Uji, Kyoto, Japan. Foundation: 1944.

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Curator: Dr. SHOZO HAYASHI (Wood anatomy). StaJfmembers: Dr. TAKAO ITOH (Wood anatomy, cell wall formation). Collection: 10,500 specimens; 1,000 genera. Specialisation: Mostly Japan and tropical regions of the world. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 1,300; all Japanese woods. Periodicalor serial publications: Wood Research (English, annually); Wood Research and Technical Notes (English, Japanese, annually). Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 6,200; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Japan. Wanted: Any areas or taxa.

LAE: PNG National Herbarium, Department of Forests, (LAEw), P.O. Box 314, Lae, Papua New Guinea. F oundation: 1944. Curator: lR. CROFf (Oil botany). Collection: 8,500 specimens; about 1,000 genera. Specialisation: Papua New Guinea. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 275,000; 100 per cent. Samplesfor sectioning: No; such requests should be sent to the Forest Products Research and Development Centre, Boroko (PMPw). Microscope slides: No; all slides transferred to the Forest Products Research and Development Centre (PMPw). Remarks: All wood research is conducted at the Forest Products Research and Development Centre, Boroko. The LAE herbarium curates all voucher specimens.

LEIDEN: Rijksherbarium, (Lw), Schelpenkade 6, 2313 ZT Leiden, Netherlands. Foundation: 1955. Curator: Professor Dr. PIE1ER BAAS (Systematic and ecological vegetative plant anatomy). Collection: About 16,000 specimens; about 1,300 genera. Specialisation: Malesian region (southeast Asian mainland, Indonesia, Philippines, and ad­ joining Pacific areas). Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 2,800,000; of woods not directly associated with the herbarium collection (L), records are kept of vouchers in other institutions as much as possible; 80 per cent. Important collections: BW (formerly Dutch Colonial Forestry Service) series from West New Guinea (Irian Jaya) and several regional collections made by the staff of the Rijksherbarium in the Malesian region (Thailand, Philippines, Sumatra, Borneo, New Guinea, Java). Periodicalor serial publications: Blumea, IAWA Bulletin (published at the Rijksherbarium for the International Association of Wood Anatomists). Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; about 14,000; yes, but restricted. Exchange: Yes. Available: Several regions ofMalesia and the Netherlands. Wanted: Malesian area, from all woody plants-trees, shrubs, climbers, "woody herbs"; also from outside the Malesian region. Remarks: The Leiden wood collection also contains a set of Japanese wood sampies of histori­ cal interest sent to Leiden by von Siebold in the early 19th century (cf., I AWA Bulletin, n.s. 2: 45-47. 1981).

LENINGRAD: Dendrological Collection, Botanical Museum, VL Komarov Botanical Insti­ tute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., (LEw), Professor Popov Street 2, Lenin­ grad 197022, U.S.S.R.

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Foundation: 1823. Curator: Professor Dr. EUGENIA S. CHA VCHA VADZE (Comparative and ecological wood anat- tomy). StaJf members: Dr. ALEXEI A. OSKOLSKY; ZLATA V. GALENKOVSKAJA (Wood anatomy). Collection: 17,400 specimens; 1,414 genera. Specia/isation: Worldwide, but especially strong in U.S.S.R. woods. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 20 per cent. Important collections: B.A Krukoff (Brazil); E. Lobjanidze (Caucasus); M.S. Yacovlev (Ethiopia); N.A Avrorin (Vietnam). SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; about 1,500; some. Exchange: Yes. Available: U.S.S.R. Wanted: Worldwide, but especially tropics. Remarks: The wood collection formed the basis for the following publications (in Russian): E.W. Boedkevitsj. 1961. [Wood fibres of conifers. Anatomy and identification key to genera and species.] M.-L. A.F. Gammerman, AA. Nikitin & T.L. Nikolaeva. 1946. [The identification of wood using microscopic characters.] M.-L. E.C. Chavchavadze. 1979. [Softwoods.] L., Nauka.

LINHARES: Reserva Florestal da CVRD, (CVRDw), Caixa Postal 91, 29,900 Linhares, ES, Brazil. Foundation: 1985. Curator: Forest Engineer RENATO MORAES DE JESUS, Coordinator. StaJfmembers: Forest Engineer M.S. MENANDRO (Tropical forests); D.A FOLLI (Collector). Collection: 400 specimens; 232 genera. Specialisation: Trees of the Atlantic forest in the Reserva Florestal da CVRD. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 1,670 specimens; 100 per cent. SampIes for sectioning: Yes.

LISBON: Divisäo de Madeiras,'Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, (LNECw), Ave­ nida do Brasil, Lisboa, Portugal (outdated). Foundation: 1955. Collection: 600 specimens; 300 genera. Specialisation: Portugal and former Portuguese territories (Guinea-Bissau; Angola; Mozam- bique). SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; about 500; no. Exchange: Yes, limited. Available: According to available lists of specimens from Portugal and tropical Africa. Wanted: Brazil and West Africa, especially from rain forest areas.

LISBON: Xiloteca, Jardim e Museu Agrfcola Tropical, (LlSJCw), Cal~ada do Galviio, Belem-Lisboa, Portugal. Foundation: 1957, but there was a timber collection in the Museum founded in 1914. Curator: CLAuDIO MANUEL BUGALHO SEMEDO. StaJf members: ROGERIO DIAS PEREIRA. Collection: 4,148 specimens; 1,025 genera. Specialisation: Worldwide, especially tropical forests. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 54,800; records not kept of vouchers deposited elsewhere; very few. Exchange: Yes. Available: African tropical forests and Portugal by special request. Remarks: There is a collection of bark specimens used to aid tree identification in the field.

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LIVERPOOL: Liverpool Museum, (LIVw), William Brown Street, Liverpool L3 8EN, England. Foundation: 1851. Curator: Dr. JOHN EDMONDSON, Keeper of Botany. StaJf members: Dr. ANGUS GUNN, Assistant Keeper of Botany. Collection: 11,000 specimens; 400-500 genera. Specialisation: Worldwide. Herbarium vouchers: No, but there is limited information on herbarium specimens at the British Museum (Natural History) for which wood specimens are kept at Liverpool; 1 per cent. Important collections: Nördlinger's Holzquerschnitte; Hough's American Woods; British Mu­ seum (Natural History) reserve timber collection. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Remarks: The collection includes material from the University ofLiverpool's Botanic Garden; Ness (thin sections and rnicrophotographs).

LONDON: Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History), (BMw), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, England (outdated). Remarks: The Department has a small though adequately representative collection of uniform­ sized sampies of wood which is housed in bench drawers in the General Herbarium. This collection is arranged systematically (under the Bentham & Hooker system) and is available to visitors if they wish to see wood of some particular species. We have also a much larger miscellaneous collection of odd-sized wood sampies, but this is presently not available for reference owing to the lack of storage facilities.

LONDON: The Horniman Museum and Library, (HMw), London Road, Forest Hill, London SE23 3PQ, England. Foundation: Windsor Great Park Collection of 1886 acquired in 1986; Horniman collections date from 1896. Curator: Dr. GORDON REID, Keeper. StaJf members: Mr. LEAFORD A. PATRICK, Assistant Keeper. Collection: 170 specimens of the Windsor Great Park and 40 specimens from the conservation collection. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Remarks: The Museum would like to accumulate a general collection of woods mainly of eco­ nornic species, principally for educational purposes and as a reference for art conservation­ ists and restorers. Woods used in musical instruments and for ethnographie artifacts are especially desired. The collection of 170 specimens now held from Windsor Great Park was donated to the Horniman Museum by the Liverpool Museum which originally received it from the British Museum (Natural History).

LUCKNOW: Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, (BSILw), 53, University Road, Luck­ now-226007, India. Foundation: 1950. Curator: Dr. B.S. VENKATACHALA, Director; Dr. H.A. KHAN, Curator. Statt members: Dr. N. A WASTHI, Assistant Director (Fossil and living xylotomy and leaf morphology). Collection: 3,612 specimens; 873 genera. Specialisation: Worldwide. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, a few; records kept of the deposit of some vouchers; about 30 per cent. Important collections: Indian collections from Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.

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Periodical or serial publications: Palaeobotanist. Samples Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 4,009; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: India. Wanted: Tropical regions of the world. Remarks: The wood collection is maintained primarily for the identification of fossil woods.

MADISON: U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, (MADw, MAD·SJRw), One Gifford Pinchot Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53705 U.S.A. Foundation: Present composite collection organised in 1970; Field Museum ofNatural History (Fw) specimens date from 1896; The Record collection (Yw) dates from 1905, and the Forest Products Laboratory collection (MADw) from 1911. Curator: Dr. REGIS B. MILLER (ldentification of native and foreign woods; anatomical re­ search on Legurninosae, Juglandaceae, Flacourtiaceae, and Sapotaceae). StaJf members: DONNA CHRISTENSEN (Identification of native woods; curating xylaria); Dr. LIDUA MURMANIS (TEM and SEM microscopy). Collection: 98,635 (MADw 42,903; MAD-SJRw 55,732) specimens; about 2,700 genera. Specialisation: Worldwide, but especially strong in New World woods. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 29,000; records kept ofvouchers deposited elsewhere; about 40 per cent. lmportant collections: M. Acosta-Solfs (Ecuador); British Guiana Forest Department; G.P. Cooper (Liberia, Panama, Costa Rica); J. Cuatrecasas (Colombia); H. Curran (Argentina, Brazil, Philippines, Venezuela); Desch (Malaya); A. Ducke (Brazil); A. Dugand (Colom­ bia); Forest Research Institute (Malaya); Gamble (India); H. Irwin (Brazil); Janssonius (Java); M.K. Jesup (U.S.A.); Koorders (Java); B.A. Krukoff (Brazil, Bolivia, Africa, Sumatra); C.E. Lane-Poole (New Guinea); B. Maguire, et al. (Venezuela, British Guiana, Brazil); Nee (Panama); New York State College of Forestry, Project I (U.S.A.); H. Pittier (Panama Canal Zone, Venezuela); Pullen, et al. (New Guinea, Bougainville); R. Reitz & R. Klein (Brazil); C. S. Sargent (U. S. A.); Schunke (Peru); A. C. Srnith (Fiji, British Guiana); H.H. Smith (U.S.A.); G. Stahel (Surinam); W.L. Stern & G.K. Brizicky (Flo­ rida Keys, U.S.A.); W.L. Stern & K.L. Chambers (Panama; Florida Keys, U.S.A.); U.S. Forest Products Laboratory PL-480 Project (Peru, Guatemala); Vigne (Gold Coast); H.N. Whitford (Brazil, Colombia, Cuba); LI. Williams (Mexico, Venezuela, Peru). Periodical or serial publications: Forest Products Laboratory Research Papers and N otes. Samples Jor sectioning: res. Microscope slides: Yes; 33,000; no. Exchange: Yes. Available: U.S.A., Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Bangladesh (East Pakistan), Philippines, Ghana. Wanted: Worldwide. Remarks: The Madison Forest Products Laboratory wood collection is a composite of speci­ mens originally from three separate institutions: the original Madison Forest Products Lab­ oratory collection (MADw); Chicago Field Museum ofNatural History collection (Fw); and the New Haven Samuel James Record collection from the Yale School of Forestry (Yw). The Field Museum collections and the original Forest Products Laboratory collections are now integrated into a single collection which bears the designation MADw. The Record collection is maintained in Madison as aseparate, static entity whose specimens are now to be designated MAD-SJRw. The designations Yw and Fw are obsolete.

MADRID: Xiloteca, Laboratorio de Anatomia de Maderas, Departamento de Maderas, lnstituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, (MADRw), Ctra. de la Corufia Km 7, 28040-Madrid, Spain. Foundation: 1940. Curator: Ma. TERESA LÖPEZ DE ROMA.

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StaJf members: Dr. ALEJANDRO LÖPEZ DE ROMA, Chief of the Department of Wood and Cork. Collection: 8,000 specimens; 1,600 genera. Specialisation: Spain in general and especially the Canary Islands. Periodical or serial publications: Anales dei Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 2,800; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Spain, Africa. Wanted: Worldwide.

MANAGUA: Laboratory ofWood Technology "Olof Palme," Nicaraguanlnstitute ofNatural Resources and Environment, (NINw), P.O. Box 5123, Managua, Nicaragua. Foundation: 1983. Curator: ZOILA HERRERA ALEGRfA (Wood anatomy). StaJf members: ALEYDA MORALES VARGAS (Wood anatomy); MARGARITA CASTRO Gu- TIERREZ (Wood anatomy); PETRONll-A AVENDANO MEDRANO (Wood anatomy). Collection: 472 specimens; 133 genera. Specialisation: Nicaragua. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 205; about 50 per cent. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 105; no. Exchange: Yes. Available: Nicaragua. Wanted: Central and South America. Remarks: Herbarium specimens are lodged in the National Herbarium of Nicaragua. Wood specimens have been collected from both tropical rain forest and tropical dry forest areas of Nicaragua.

MANAUS: Xiloteca, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, (INPAw), Alameda Cosme Ferreira 1756, Caixa Postal478, 69,000 Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Foundation: 1954. Curator: ARTHUR ARAUJO LoUREIRO (Anatomy of wood). StaJ! members: FRANCISCO JOSE DE VASCONCELLOS, JORGE ALVES DE FREITAS, KATIA BASTOS LOUREIRO, DARLINDA MARIA BASTOS GONCALVES, MANOEL MOACIR PEREIRA SENA, ADENAUWER FERREIRA GÖES. Collection: 10,120 specimens; 800 genera. Specialisation: Brazilian, Peruvian, Colombian, and Venezuelan Amazon regions, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Portugal. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 7,000 species; 70 per cent. Periodical or serial publications: Acta Amazonica, Boletim Informativo do CPPF IINPA. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 1,000; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Brazilian Amazon region. Remarks: A collection of macro- and microphotographs and microslides associated with the wood collection are all available for exchange with other institutions.

MANAUS: Departamento de Madeira, Instituto de Tecnologia da AmazonialUTAM, (ITAw), Avenida Darcy Vargas 1,200-Parque Dez C.E.P., 69,000 Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. F oundation: 1978. Curator: ADEMIR CASTRO E SILVA (Wood anatomy); NARCISO DA SILVA CARDOSO (Wood anatomy). StaJ! members: ROSA MARIA GONCAL VES VIANEZ, Technician. Collection: 931 specimens; 263 genera. Specialisation: Amazon region. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 2,692; records kept ofvouchers deposited elsewhere; 15 per cent.

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Sampies jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 537; no. Exchange: Yes. Available: Brazilian Amazon region. Wanted: South America.

MEDELLIN: Departamento de Recursos Forestales, Laboratorio de Anatomfa de la Madera, Facultad de Agronomfa, Universidad Nacional, (MEDELw), Apartado Aereo 568, Medellfn, Colombia (outdated). Foundation: 1976. Collection: About 2,000 specimens; about 300 genera. SpeciaUsation: Worldwide. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 100; records kept of vouchers deposited elsewhere; about 50 per cent. SampIes jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: In preparation. Exchange: Yes. Available: Colombia. Wanted: Worldwide.

MERIDA: Laboratorio de Anatomfa de Maderas, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de los Andes, (MERw), Merida, Venezuela. Foundation: 1952. Curator: Ing. ALIRIO PEREZ-MOGOLLÖN, Professor of Wood Anatomy (Latin American tim­ bers). StafJ members: Ing. NARCISANA ESPINOZA OE PERNfA (Wood anatomy); Ing. LUIS MAR- CANO BERTI (Dendrology); Ing. HENRY ROORIGUEZ (Dendrology). Collection: 18,000 specimens; 908 genera. Specialisation: Latin America. Herbarium vouchers: Herbario MER and Instituto Botanico VEN, Caracas; 60 per cent. Important collections: Venezuelan Guiana; Bemardi's woods; Krukoff's Brazilian woods. Periodicalor serial publications: Acta Bottfnica Venezuelica; Revista Forestal Venezolana. Samplesjor sectioning: Yes, but preferably on an exchange basis. Microscope slides: Yes; 25,000; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: NOI1hem South America. Wanted: South American and Caribbean areas.

MEXICO: Departamento de Bottfnica, Instituto de Biologfa, Universidad Nacional Aut6noma de Mhico, (MEXUw), Apartado Postal 70-233, Coyoacan 04510, Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Foundation: 1949. Curator: M. en C. JOSEFINA BARAJAS MORALES, Professor (Descriptive and ecological wood anatomy). Staff members: M. en C. LUIS MANUEL PINZÖN-PICASENO (Forest products pathology); BERTHA GUILLERMINA GÖMEZ (Utilisation and ecological wood anatomy). Collection: 2,400 specimens; 500 genera. Specialisation: Mexico. Herbarium vouchers: The wood collection is part of the Herbario Nacional (MEXU) and all vouchers are deposited there; 100 per cent. Important collections: Faustino Miranda; woods from Chamela in Jalisco; woods from Los Tuxtlas in Veracruz. Periodical or serial pubUcations: Anales de Bottinica dei Instituto de Biologfa and Monograjfas dellnstituto de Biologfa. SampIes Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; about 2,000; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Mexico. Wanted: North, Central, and South America. Remarks: The wood collection was initiated by Dr. Faustino Miranda with specimens from the State of Chiapas.

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MEXICO: Xiloteca Nacional, Seccion de Anatom(a de Maderas, Instituto Nacional de Inves­ tigaciones Forestales, (MEXFw), Avenida Progreso No. 5, Coyoacan, Mexico 21, D.F., Mexico (outdated). Foundation: 1954. Collection: 4,882 specimens; 1,030 genera. Specialisation: General. Herbarium vouchers: All Mexican specimens are represented by herbarium vouchers deposited in the Section of Botany and Ecology of the Institute. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Available on exchange or loan. Exchange: See Remarks. Remarks: Communication andlor exchanges have been initiated with all institutions listed in the 1967 edition of the Index Xylariorum and specimens of native Mexican woods are available on exchange.

MILAN: Civica Siloteca UR. Cormio," Civico Museo de Storia Naturale, (MCSw), Corso Venezia 55, Milano, Italy (outdated). Foundation: 1910. Collection: About 6,000 specimens; about 600 genera. Specialisation: Central and southern Europe; East Africa. Herbarium vouchers: No; 10 per cent or less. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Remarks: The wood collection is in a poor state of conservation because it was neglected for many years. Because many of the specimens are seriously damaged, the collection needs reorganisation and specimens need to be replaced.

MONTE DOURADO: HerMrio e Xiloteca Jari, JARI-Companhia Florestal Monte Doura­ do, Superintendencia de Pesquisa Florestal, (JARIw), 68,240 Monte Dourado, Para, Brazil. Foundation: 1978. Curator: MARIA JOAQUINA PINHEIRO PIRES, Research Coordinator (plant systematics). Staffmembers: NILO TOMAZ DA SILVA, Researcher (Aoristics and dendrology). Collection: 800 specimens; 230 genera. Specialisation: Jari River Basin, Brazil. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 2,000; 95 per cent. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Exchange: Some. Available: Lower Amazon. Wanted: Tropics of New and Old Worlds. Remarks: The JARl herbarium was established in 1986 although vouchers for the wood col- lection have been kept since 1978.

MUNICH: Institut für Holzforschung, Universität München, (MUNw), Winzererstrasse 45, D-8oo0 München, Federal Republic of Germany, BRD. Foundation: 1955. Curator: Dr. DIETGER GROSSER, Head of the Division of Wood Anatomy and Pathology (Wood anatomy, wood biology). Collection: About 10,000 specimens; about 1,250 genera. Specialisation: Worldwide. Herbarium vouchers: No; herbarium vouchers for some South American and African speci­ mens are deposited in herbaria in Munich (M), Berlin-Dahlem (B), and Buenos Aires (Dar­ winion). Periodicalor serial publications: Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, Wood Science and Technology. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; about 20,000; yes, but limited.

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Exchange: Yes. Available: Europe, Mediterranean area, Near East. Wanted: Worldwide. Remarks: The wood collection of the Botanische Staatssammlung, Munich, has been given as a permanent loan to the Institut für Holzforschung . This collection contains inter aHa a historical collection compiled by Candid Huber from 1790 with about 100 Central Euro­ pean specimens from trees and shrubs. The rnicroscope slide collection is especially rich in woods of Central and South Europe and the Near East. An extensive collection of 6,000 photornicrographs and slides is associated with the wood collection. Exchange of duplicate slides with other institutions is desired and those providing small wood sampies suitable for sectioning will receive a duplicate slide in return.

NOGENT-SUR-MARNE: Division d'Anatomie des Bois, Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, (CTFw), 45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 Nogent-sur-Marne, Cedex, France. Foundation: 1937. Curator: PIERRE DETIENNE, Chef de la Division. Collection: 30,250 specimens; 2,050 genera. Specialisation: West Africa, Madagascar, Indochina, New Caledonia, French Guiana. Herbarium vouchers: No, but many vouchers are lodged in the herbarium of the Laboratoire de Phanerogarnie, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; 50 per cent. Important collections: A. Chevalier (Ivory Coast, Gabon, Indochina); D. Normand (Central Africa, French Guiana), Services Forestiers (Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Madagascar, French Guiana); Letouzey (Cameroon); Thouvenot (Madagascar); Sarlin (New Caledonia). Periodicalor serial publications: Bois et Forets des Tropiques. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 5,500; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Tropical Africa. Wanted: Southeast Asia.

OTTAWA: Eastern Laboratory, Forintek Canada Corporation, (OLw), 800 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario, KIG 3Z5, Canada. Foundation: 1917. Staff members: Dr. R.J. BARBOUR, Research Scientist (Wood structure and growth rela- tions); Mr. G. CHAURET, Senior Technology (Microscopy and rnicrotechnique). Collection: 3,829 specimens; 730 genera. Specialisation: Timber species of present and potential commercial importance. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Canadian commercial species. These are also available for purchase in sets of 40 sampies at $ 36.00 Cdn. Remarks: Information on the wood collection is now organised in a computerised catalogue in combination with similar information on the wood collections of the Western Laboratory in Vancouver, B.C. and the University ofBritish Columbia in Vancouver, B.e. (VLw).

OXFORD: The Oxford Forestry Institute Wood Collection, Department of Plant Sciences, Ox­ ford Forestry Institute, University of Oxford, (FHOw), Oxford, England. Foundation: 1924. Curator: J. BURLEY. Collection: 25,000 specimens; 2,100 genera. Specialisation: British Commonwealth. Herbarium vouchers: The Forest Herbarium Oxford has between 80,000 and 90,000 sheets about half of which are African. Some of these are associated with wood specimens in the collection. References to other herbaria are always kept when received; 48 per cent have references to herbarium sheets that are available somewhere.

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Important collections: Desch (Malaya); Gamble (India); Vigne (Gold Coast); Fanshawe (Brit­ ish Guiana); Cooper (Panama, Liberia); Molfino (Argentina); Forest Department, Burma; Krukoff (Sumatra); Walker (British Solomon Islands); Wood (North Borneo). Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes. Exchange: Yes, in limited sets. Wanted: Only material with herbarium backing.

PARAMARIBO: Surinam Forest Service, (BBSw), P.O. Box 436, Paramaribo, Surinam (outdated). Foundation: 1948. Collection: 3,000-4,000 specimens; 500 genera. Specialisation: Surinam. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; duplicates in herbarium Botanical Museum and Herbarium, Utrecht (U). Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Exchange: Yes, of a limited number of species; these not always associated with herbarium vouchers. Available: Surinam. Wanted: Guianas. Remarks: Because space is limited, the wood collection is not easily accessible for the time being.

PARIS: Centre Technique du Bois et de I'Ameublement, (CTBw), 10 avenue de St-Mande, 75,012 Paris, France. Foundation: Between 1930 and 1940. Curator: Mrs. YVONNE TRENARD, Keeper (Wood anatomy). Collection: 1,500 specimens; 200 genera. Specialisation: France, Europe, temperate elimate areas. Important collections: Hardwoods and softwoods of France, U.S.S.R., Japan, Korea, New Guinea, Canada, U.S.A., Chile, Mexico. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 5,000; no. Exchange: Some. Available: France.

PARIS: Laboratoire d' Ethnobotanique, Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, (PATw), 57 rue Cuvier, 75,231 Paris Cedex 05, France. Foundation: 1907. Curator: Miss ARLETTE PLU. Collection: 2,500 specimens; 720 genera. Specialisation: Africa (Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Gabon); Indochina. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; Africa 600, Indochina 275. Periodical or serial publications: Journal d' Agriculture Traditionelle et de Botanique Appliquee. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Collections of Aug. Chevalier from Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Gabon, and Indochina. Wanted: Timbers from savannah areas. Remarks: This collection is maintained in elose cooperation with the Centre Technique Fores­ tier Tropical, Nogent-sur-Mame.

PIRACICABA: Setor de Anatomia e Identifif:äo de Madeiras, Curso de Engenharia Florestal, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz," Universidade de Säo Paulo, (ESAw), Caixa Postal 9, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Foundation: 1972. Curator: Engo. Agro. MARIO FERREIRA, Director, Department of Forestry.

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Staff members: Engo. Agro. MARIO TOMAZELLO FILHO, Chief of the Anatomy and Identifi­ cation Laboratory (Wood identification and wood quality control); PABLO VIElTEZ GAR­ CIA, Research Assistant. Collection: 1,100 specimens; 406 genera. Specialisation: Native and introduced woods of Brazil. Herbarium vouchers: No; records kept of herbarium vouchers deposited elsewhere; about 30 per cent. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 895; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Commercial timbers ofthe State of Säo Paulo. Wanted: Worldwide.


PORTLAND: The Jesup Collection of Woods of North America, World Forestry Center, (NYJw), 4033 S. W. Canyon Road, Portland, Oregon 97221 U.S.A. Foundation: 1890. Curator: JOHN L. BLACKWELL, Executive Director. Collection: 505 specimens. Specialisation: North America. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, at the Arnold Arboretum; 100 per cent. Sampies for sectioning: Perhaps, at cost to the researcher. Remarks: The World Forestry Center also houses the James P. Langdon Wood Plate Collec­ tion consisting of 600 plates representing over 500 species from around the world.

PRAGUE: Wood Anatomy Section, Timber Research and Development Institute, (PTw), Pod plynojemem, 18099 Praha 8-Liben, Czechoslovakia (outdated). Foundation: 1970. Collection: About 2,000 specimens; 550 genera. Specia!isation: Worldwide Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Middle Europe, Czechoslovakia, duplicates of tropical specimens. Wanted: Authentie woods from exchanging institutions in our country. Remarks: In cases of exchange requests, we will send a list of specimens which are available. Standard sizes of sampies for exchange are 145 x 65 x 10 mm; some specimens are 200 x 100 x20 mm.

PRETORIA: South African Forestry Research Institute Wood Collection, South African For­ estry Research Institute, (PFPw), P.O. Box 727, Pretoria 0001, South Africa. Foundation: 1899 by Conservator, Western Conservancy; continued in 1929 by Forest Prod- ucts Institute. Curator: Mrs. S1EPHANIE T. COE1ZEE, Forestry Scientist (Wood anatomy). Staffmembers: Mr. R. GROvE, Technical Assistant (Sectioning). Co llection: 5,055. Specialisation: South Africa. Herbarium vouchers: In part; most local collections since 1968 accompanied by herbarium vouchers; records kept of herbarium vouchers deposited elsewhere; 300; one third. Important collections: Wood collections have been received from the following: Imperial Insti­ tute Collection; Technological Museum, Sydney; Forestry Commission, New South Wales, Sydney; Forest Branch, Victoria, British Columbia; Yale University; Forest Depart­ ment, Brisbane; Joel Hugo (Mexico); Forest Commission, Melbourne; Forest Research

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Institute, Dehra Dun; C. C. Robertson (Australia); Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, Aus­ tralia; C.E. Legat (Australia); Tokyo University; Netherlands Embassy, Pretoria (Dutch Indies); Queensland Forest Service, Brisbane; New York State College of Forestry, Syra­ cuse; Bureau of Forestry, Manila; Forest Products Laboratory, Canada; Forest Products Research Laboratory, Princes Risborough; Agriculture and Forestry, Tokyo; Professor Jaccard, Zürich; Divisional Forest Officer, Northern Rhodesia; Forest Department, Kenya; Conservator of Forests, Gold Coast; Director of Forestry, French West Africa; M. H. Scott (West Africa); South African Railways Administration (Gold Coast); O.ß. Miller (Bechu­ analand); Servi90 Aorestal, Sec9iio Tecnologia, Brazil; E.E. Loock (Mexican pines); J.H. ter Laak, Amsterdam; Conservator of Forests, Tanganyika; Chicago Natural History Mu­ seum; C.W. Scott, Santiago; Smithsonian Institution; Museu Agricola do Ultramar, Por­ tugal; Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Republic of China; Ministry of Agriculture, Poland; W. Mayer, Austria; Abteilung für Biologische Holzforschung, Austria; ß. Gold­ srnith, Zimbabwe; Wood Research Institute, Kyoto, Japan; E.W. Carls, Oregon. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 1,670; yes. Exchange: See Remarks. Wanted: General. Remarks: With respect to exchanges, although the wood specimen division is now situated at the National Timber Research Institute, the sampie collection is still housed at the South African Forestry Research Institute. The two institutes cooperate on the basis of wood specimen exchange.

PRINCES RISBOROUGH: Princes Risborough Laboratory, Building Research Establish­ ment, (PRFw), Princes Risborough, Aylesbury, Bucks., HP17 9PX, England (outdated). Foundation: 1930. Collection: 30,000 specimens; 2,500 genera. SpeciaUsation: Worldwide, but particularly rich in timbers of tropical Africa and Southeast Asia. Herbarium vouchers: No herbarium is connected with the wOod collection. Herbarium material collected with timber specimens is generally deposited in the Forest Herbarium, Oxford (Commonwealth Forestry Institute). Records are kept of herbarium material correlated with wood specimens and deposited elsewhere; about 30 per cent. Important collections: Fujioka (Japan 1929); Vigne (Ghana, ca. 1930-1945); Krukoff (West Africa, Brazil, Sumatra, 1932-1934); Desch (peninsular Malaysia, 1933-1939); Walker (Solomon Islands, 1946); most of the timber collections of the Imperial Institute, South Kensington, London, and the Cambridge School of Forestry including the collections of Elwes & Henry and Herbert Stone; authentic collections made by the Forest Departments of: Burma (1920-1930), Uganda (1933-date), Kenya (1936-date), Guyana (1942-date), Sri Lanka (1944), Sabah (1950-date), Sarawak (l935-date); and others. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; no record - a very large number; yes. Exchange: Yes. Standard size of specimens is 6 in x 43/4 in x 1 in. Remarks: A separate exhibit collection of about 250, 6 ft specimen boards of commercial tim­ bers is also maintained.

QUITO: Dendroxiloteca Ecuatoriana M.A.S., Instituto Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, (DEQw), Apartado 408, Quito, Ecuador (outdated). F oundation: 1940. Collection: About 3,000 specimens. Specialisation: Tropical woods of Ecuador. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, in the herbarium of the Instituto Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, Quito and in the Field Museum of Natural History; 95 per cent.

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Important collections: Acosta-SoHs (Esmeraldas and east, west, and central regions of Ecua- dor. Periodicalor serial publications: Flora (publication suspended in 1953). Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Exchange: Yes. Wanted: Tropical America.

RALEIGH: The David A. Kribs Wood Collection, Department ofWood and Paper Science, College of Forest Resources, North Carolina State University, (PACw), Raleigh, North Caro­ lina 27695-8005 U.S.A. Foundation: 1925 (when establshed at University Park, Pennsylvania). Curator: Professor ELISABETH A. WHEELER. Collection: About 10,000 specimens; about 2,000 genera. Specialisation: U.S.A., Central and South America, Philippines, west coast of Africa. Herbarium vouchers: No. Many specimens are duplicates ofmaterial from the Field Museum, the Record Collection, and the collection at Harvard. The percentage of vouchered material is uncertain (50-80 per cent). Important collections: C. S. Sargent, H. P. Brown, N. Y. State College of Fore stry , H. H. Smith (all U.S.A.); LI. Williams (Venezuela and Mexico). Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; about 3,000; some of the duplicate slides are available on loan. Exchange: Yes. Available: U.S.A., Mexico. Wanted: Southeast Asia, Malaysia, and of Thea- ceae, Ternstroemiaceae, and Vitaceae. Remarks: Most of the collection represents woods collected by David A. Kribs which were used as the basis ofhis book, "Commercial Foreign Woods on the American Market."

RECIFE: /TEP Wood Collection, Fundar;äo Instituto Tecnol6gico do Estado de Pernambuco, (TIPw), Avenida Prof. Luis Freire 700,50,730 Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Foundation: 1961. Curator: Eng. Agr. FERNANDO DA GAMA SERPA, Coordinator, Unidade de Tecnologia da Madeira (Wood preservation). StafJ members: Biologists ANALUCIA LONGMAN MENDON<:A, GLAUCE MARIA DE FREITAS CARV ALHO, ROSA P ALATINIC; Agr. Eng. ERNANDO SIQUElRA DUARTE. Collection: 5,600 specimens. Specialisation: Northeastem Brazil. Remarks: The wood collection of the Technological Institute of Pernambuco State has wood sampIes from various areas in the northeastern and northern parts of Brazil. The associated herbarium of woody plants is also specialised in the same manner and contains 4,094 specimens.

RICHMOND: Univcrsity of California Wood Collection, Forest Products Laboratory, Uni­ versity of California, (UCw), 1301 South 46th Street, Richmond, California 94804 U.S.A. F oundation: 1925, 1926. Curator: Dr. ARNO P. SCHNIEWIND, Professor of Forestry (Mechanical behaviour of wood; conservation of wood artifacts). StafJ members: NELL Y C. REM, Staff Research Associate (Identification, documentation). Collection: 12,000 specimens; 1,180 genera. Specialisation: Worldwide. Herbarium vouchers: No, but records are kept of herbarium vouchers deposited elsewhere; 25 per cent. Important collections: B. A. Krukoff (Brazil, Sumatra); LI. Williams (Peru); R. Reitz & R. Klein (Brazil); W. R. Barbour (Haiti); M. Fujioka (Japan, Korea); H. H. Bartlett-Rahmat (Sumatra); Bureau of Forestry, Manila (Philippines, Malaya); North Borneo Forest Depart-

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ment, Sandakan (Borneo); C.S. Sargent (U.S.A.); Project I, New York State College of Forestry (North America). Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 2,500; limited to duplicates. Exchange: Yes. Available: U.S.A. Wanted: Mexico, Egypt, Europe. Remarks: The entire wood collection was moved from its originallocation in the Forestry Department on the U niversity of Califomia Berkeley campus to a special new wing of the Forest Products Laboratory in nearby Richmond in 1980. The main wood collection is U. C. numbered and labelIed; separate from that system are stored: the woods of Project I, the "Robinson Collection" (privately donated by C.H. Robinson), and a reference collec­ tion established in Richmond by Nelly C. Rem between 1970 and 1980.

RIO DE JANEIRO: Xiloteca da Se9tio de Anatomia Vegetal, Jardim Botdnico do Rio de Janeiro, (RBw), Rua Jardim Botanico, 1008, Gavea 22,460 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. F oundation: 1942. Curator: Dr. ARMANDO DE MATIOS FILHO, Specialist in wood anatomy. Collection: 7,260 specimens; 1,023 genera. Specialisation: Brazil. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 60 per cent. Important collections: Krukoff's Brazilian woods, G.J.H. Amshoff's Surinam woods, Adolpho Ducke's Amazon woods, Mur~a Pires et al. Amazon woods, Mattos Filho & Riz­ zini's southeastem Brazilian woods, Reitz & Klein's Santa Catarina Brazil woods. Periodicalor serial publications: Rodriguesia, Arquivos do Jardim Botdnico do Rio de Janeiro. Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 18,686; no, but they can be consulted at the institution. Exchange: Yes. Available: Southeast Brazil. Wanted: Neotropical woods. Remarks: A great number of wood specimens have vouchers in other herbaria, although rec­ ords are kept at RBw on Kardex files.

RIO PIEDRAS: Institute oJ Tropical Forestry, (RPPRw), P.O. Box 21390, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00928 U.S.A. Foundation: 1939. Curator: Dr. JOHN K. FRANCIS, Soil Scientist. Stajfmembers: CARLOS DOMINGUEZ, Biological Technician. Collection: 1,844 specimens. Specialisation: Tropics. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 3,000; 18 per cent, but only those specimens from the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are associated with vouchers deposited in the Institute herbarium. Remarks: The collection is currently inactive, but would be made available to visiting scientists.

ROSENHEIM: Fachhochschule Rosenheim, (RFw), Marienberger Strasse 26, D-8200 Ro­ senheim, Federal RepubIic of Germany, BRD. F oundation: 1970. Curator: Professor THOMAS 1'RUEBSWETIER (Wood anatomy, pathology, and preservation). Stajf members: Ing. JOSEF SCHMID. Collection: 450 genera; 3,500 species. Herbarium vouchers: No; about 10 per cent. Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 400; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: By arrangement. Remarks: The collection has been established for use of students in wood engineering and to establish voucher specimens for identification and use in European industry and trade.

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ROTORUA: Wood Technology Division, Forest Research Institute, (WZw), Private Bag, Rotorua, New Zealand. Foundation: 1926. Curator: A.D. YOUNG, Technical Officer (Wood quality and conversion). Staffmembers: Dr. D.J. COWN, Scientist (Wood quality and conversion); L.A. DONALDSON, Scientist (Wood materials). Collection: 8,300 specimens; 1,000 genera. SpeciaUsation: New Zealand timbers and minor species. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 20,000; not more than 5 per cent. Important collections: Ll. Williams (Peru, Mexico); Krukoff (Brazil); Acosta-Solfs (Ecuador); Srnith (U.S.A.). Periodicalor serial pubUcations: New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, New Zealand For­ est Research Institute Bulletin, What's New in Forest Research, New Zealand Forest Research Institute Annual Report. Samplesfor sectioning: Yes; New Zealand-grown woods only. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 362 species (222 exotics, 140 indigenous); yes, but not outside the Institute. Exchange: Yes. Available: New Zealand commercial timber species. Wanted: Eastern Europe; U.S.S.R.

SANDAKAN: Wood Technology Section, Forest Research Centre, (SANw), Sepilok, P.O. Box 1407, Sandakan 90008, Sabah, East Malaysia. Foundation: 1946, partly destroyed by fire in January 1961; active collection carried out since 1967. Curator: Dr. ONG SENG HENG, Wood Technologist (Wood structure and properties). StaJ! members: M.P. UDARBE, Senior Research Officer. Collection: 6,845 specimens; 364 genera. SpeciaUsation: Sabah, Malaya, Sarawak, Brunei, for tirnber-producing species only. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 75,000; records kept of vouchers deposited elsewhere; 100 per cent of Sabah specimens. Important collections: Sabah timbers. Samplesfor sectioning: Will be considered. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 513; requests will be considered. Exchange: Yes, but limited and available for Sabah specimens only. Available: Sabah, Dip­ terocarpaceae and associated tree species. Wanted: Flora Malesiana region. Remarks: Most of the data reported here are from Index Xylariorum. 2 owing to receipt of incomplete information from sender (W.L.S.).

SANTIAGO: Xiloteca, Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologfa de la Madera, Facultad de Cien­ cias Forestales, Universidad de Chile, (EIFw), Santa Rosa, Paradero 321/ 2, Casilla 9206, San­ tiago, Chile (outdated). Foundation: 1969. Collection: 1,500 specimens; 20 genera. SpeciaUsation: Native and exotic Chilean woods with special emphasis on commercial spe­ eies. Herbarium vouchers: Records kept of herbarium vouchers deposited elsewhere; about 25 per cent. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 450; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Chilean woods. Wanted: Worldwide, especially from Paraguay and other parts of South America.

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SAO PAULO: Xiloteca Dr. Calvino Mainieri, Divisäo de Madeiras-Agrupamento de Anatomia e Identifica9äo, Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnol6gicas do Estado de Säo Paulo S. A.-IPT, Cidade Universitaria "Armando de Salles Oliveira," (BCTw), Caixa Posta17141 CEP 05508, Säo Paulo, Brazil. Foundation: 1928. Curator: Eng. Agr. Dr. JOÄO PERES CmMELO, Chief of the Wood Anatomy and Identification Group. StaiJ members: Bi6loga VERONICA ANGYALOSSY ALFONSO, Head of the Wood Anatomy and Identification Laboratory; Quimico LAIR NATALINO CmMELo (Wood quality control). Collection: 14,000 specimens; 700 genera. Specialisation: Brazilian woods with special emphasis on commercial species. Herbarium vouchers: No; records kept ofvouchers deposited elsewhere; 30 per cent. Important collections: 1. Mur~a Pires, Museu Paraense "Emilio Goeldi," Belern, Para; William Rodrigues, INPA, Manaus, Amazonas; B.G. Black, EMBRAPA, Belern, Para; Capucho, EMBRAPA; R.D. Froes, EMBRAPA; JARl, Companhia Florestal Monte Dourado (INPA = Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas de Amazönia; EMBRAPA = Empresa Brasileira de Pesqui­ sas Agro-Pecuanas). Periodicalor serial publications: Boletim ABPM (Associa~äo Brasileira de Preservadores de Madeira). Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 3,000; some. Exchange: Yes. Available: Amazon. Wanted: Central America; northern South America. Remarks: The main purpose of the Wood Anatomy and Identification Group of the Wood Division of IPT is to carry out studies in the wood anatomy field for identification of Brazilian commercial woods. This Group is in permanent contact with private and public organisations involved in the study or utilisation of Brazilian woods which provide the sampIes for this collection.

SAO PAULO: Se9äo de Madeiras e Produtos Florestais, Divisäo de Dasonomia, Instituto Florestal de Säo Paulo, (SPSFw), Rua do Horto, 931, Tremembe da Cantareira, Caixa Postal 1322 CEP 02377, Säo Paulo, Capital, BraziI. F oundation: 1931. Curator: SANDRA MONTEIRO BORGES FLÖRSHEIM, Scientific Researcher (Wood anatomy of dicotyledons). StafJ members: ONILDO BARBOSA, Scientific Researcher (Wood anatomy of dicotyledons); JOÄO BATISTA BAlTELLO, Scientific Researcher (Taxonomy of Lauraceae); RICARDO GAETAMONTAGNA, Scientific Researcher (Wood technology). Collection: 4,800 specimens; 510 genera. Specialisation: Wood from trees of southeast and southern Brazil. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 10,324; about 35 per cent. Periodicalor serial publications: Silvicultura em Säo Paulo; Boletim Tecnico de Instituto Florestal. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 1,278; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Tropical and subtropical woods from forests of southeast and southern Brazil. Wanted: Woods from tropical and subtropical forests of South America. Remarks: The wood collection and herbarium, "0. Bento Pickel," are now integrated and ad­ ministered by the Wood and Forest Products Section of the Instituto Florestal.

SAO PAULO: Xiloteca do Instituto de Botanica de Säo Paulo, Instituto de Botanica, (SPw), Caixa Postal 4003, Säo Paulo, BraziI. Foundation: 1940.

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Curator: Professor REINALDO ALVES DE PINHO (Wood anatomy). Staffmembers: Dra. MARIA DA GRA<;A SAJO; Dra. SOLANGE CRISTINA MAZZONI-VlVEIROS. Collection: 400 specimens; 200 genera. Specialisation: State of Säo Paulo. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; more than 230; 100 per cent. Periodicalor serial publications: Hoehnea. Sampies lor sectioning: Yes. Exchange: Yes. Wanted: Worldwide.

SHENYANG: Wood Research Group, Institute 01 Forestry and Pedology, Academia Sinica, (IFPw), P.O. Box 417, Shenyang, Lisoning, People's RepubIic of China. Curator: Professor BEI TONG-REN (Wood Science); Team Leader ZENG QI-YUN. Staff members: Lu HONG-RUA (Wood structure); Guo DE-RONG (Wood structure). Collection: 416 specimens; 185 genera. Specialisation: Northeast, central-south, and southwest China.

STELLENBOSCH: Department 01 Wood Science, University 01 Stellenbosch, (STEw), Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa. F oundation: 1933. Curator: Dr. F.S. MALAN, Senior Lecturer. Staff members: Mrs. E. WAND, Research Assistant. Collection: About 1,600 specimens; 1,465 genera. Specialisation: Africa; South Africa. Sampies lor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 500; no. Remarks: Wood specimens wanted from other institutions. Because of the small size of the collection, exchange is not possible; however, specimens will be purchased. Institutions having specimens to sell, are asked to write to the curator.

STOCKHOLM (SBTw): Collections transferred to STOCKHOLM (SWTw).

STOCKHOLM: Section 01 Palaeobotany, Swedish Museum 01 Natural History, (S-PAw), 10405 Stockholm 50, Sweden (outdated). Foundation: Institution founded in 1884. Collection: 350 specimens; 100 genera. Specialisation: Worldwide, but mostly conifers brought together chiefty by the late Professor R. Florin. Sampies lor sectioning: If possible. Microscope slides: Yes; about 400 (chiefty conifers); yes. Remarks: The wood collection consists of about 30 per cent dry specimens and 70 per cent ftuid-preserved specimens. Of the genera, less than half are angiosperms and more than half gymnosperms, mostly conifers. No active research on wood of recent plants is pres­ ently being carried out in the Seetion of Palaeobotany of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The section contains large colJections of fossil plants, including fossil wood. Par­ ticulars about this may be given on special request.

STOCKHOLM: Swedish Institute lor Wood Technology Research, (SWTw), Box 5609, S -11486 Stockholm, Sweden. F oundation: 1944. Curator: Dr. J.B. BOUTELJE (Wood technology). Collection: About 1,200 specimens; about 300 genera. Specialisation: General.

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Herbarium vouchers: No; some records are kept; very few. SampIes Jor sectioning: No activity. Microscope sUdes: Yes; between 4,000 and 5,000; no. Remarks: Boutelje's "Encylopedia of World Timbers" is based on a card system associated with the collection. The system contains information on about 6,000 species. Editor's note: In Index Xylariorum. 2, this collection was listed as Wood Technology Department, Swedish Forest Products Research Laboratory. In 1985, the collection of woods formerly housed at the Hortus Botanicus Bergianus was incorporated into SWTw.

SYRACUSE: Harry Philip Brown Memorial Wood Collection, College oJ Environmental Science and Forestry, State University oJ New York, (BWCw), Syracuse, New York 13210 U.S.A. Foundation: Prior to 1925. Curator: Dr. ROBERT W. MEYER, Professor and Curator of the Wood Collection (Wood anatomy, physical property relations, and identification). Staff members: Dr. CARL DE ZEEUW, Professor and Curator Emeritus. Collection: About 40,000 specimens; about 2,100 genera. SpeciaUsation: Best representation is in the Neotropics, but there are strong collections from North and Central America; good representation of Asiatic material and moderately good in tropical and temperate Africa. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, but only for the North American special collection known as Wood Technology Project land a small number of other special items; 1,000; records are main­ tained of vouchers deposited elsewhere; about 97 per cent. Important collections: Krukoff (Africa, Brazil, Sumatra); Maguire et al. (Guayana Highlands); Prance (Amazon Basin); Mori (northern South America); Wood Technology Project I (North America); A.C. Smith (Guiana, Fiji); Pittier (Venezuela, Panama); Cuatrecasas (Colombia); Kanehira (Micronesia, east Asia); Lecomte (Madagascar, Indochina); Gamble (India); Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestal (Mexico); Desch (Malaya); Ducke (Brazil); Rimbach (Ecuador); Williams (Peru, Mexico); Stahel (Surinam); Bena (French Guiana). Sampies Jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 5,000; limited. Exchange: Yes; prefer exchange for other authenticated material. Available: North America (Project I, about 800); Amazon Basin, Krukoff and Prance collections (about 1,500); Ma­ guire et al. (Guayana Highlands, about 1,5(0); Central America, miscellaneous collections. Wanted: Africa, southern South America, Southeast Asia, New Caledonia, Lecythidaceae, especially Careya, Crateranthus, , Foetidia, Napoleonaea, and Abdulmajidia.

SZEGED: Institutum Botanicum et Hortus Botanicus, Universitatis Szeged, (SZDw), Egye­ tem u. 2, Szeged 6722, Hungary (outdated). Foundation: 1946. Collection: 50 specimens of Cycadales; 510 specimens of conifers; 10 genera of Cycadales; 70 genera of conifers. Periodical or serial publications: Acta Biologica (Szeged). Microscope sUdes: Yes; 2,500-3,000 conifers; 1,000 conifers; yes. Exchange: Yes. Remarks: From 1980, the collection will be housed in the Pal Greguss Muzeum, Szeged 6722, Becsi krt. l1/a, Hungary.

TAIPEI: Herbarium, Department oJ Botany, National Taiwan University, (TAlw), Taipei 107, Taiwan, Republic of China. Curator: Dr. T.C. HUANG.

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Collection: 132 specimens; 95 genera. Specialisation: Taiwan and Japan. Herbarium vouchers: There is a large herbarium associated with the wood collection but there is no policy of collecting vouchers with the woods. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes.

TAIPEI: Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, (T AIFw), Botanical Garden, 53, Nan-Hai Road, Taipei, Taiwan, RepubIie of China (outdated). Foundation: 1972. Collection: 20,000 specimens; 530 genera. Specialisation: Taiwan. Exchange: Yes. Available: Taiwan. Wanted: Worldwide.

TERVUREN: Service d'Anatomie des Bois, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika (Musee Royal de I'Ajrique Centrale), (Tw), B-1980 Tervuren, Belgium. Foundation: 1896. Curator: ROGER DECHAMPS, Head of the Service. Collection: 47,000 specimens; 2,700 genera; about 11,300 species. Specialisation: Worldwide. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; partly in BR; records kept of deposit of vouchers elsewhere; about 70 per cent. Important collections: de Brieyi, Louis, Donis, Delevoy, Dechamps, Couwe, Malaisse, etc. (Zai're); Lewalle (Burundi); Michelson, Troupin, Bamps (Rwanda); Dechamps, Murta and Da Silva (Angola); Krukoff (Brazil); Maguire et al. (Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil); Cuatrecasas (Colombia); Stahel (Surinam); Benie (French Guiana). SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; about 20,000; generally, no. Exchange: Yes. Available: Zaire, Angola. Wanted: Worldwide. Remarks: Studies based primarilyon tropical woods of Africa. Collections of wood from all countries are accessioned. Studies are also carrled out on fossil wood ofrecent age. Wood of African carvings is studied to provide ethnographie information.

THARANDT: Sektion Forstwirtschaft, Bereich Biologie, Forstbotanischer Garten, Tech­ nische Universität Dresden, (TSFw), Pienner Strasse 7, 8223 Tharandt, German Demo­ eratie RepubIie, DDR. Foundation: 1852. Curator: Professor Dr. MANFRED TESCHE, Leiter des Bereiches Biologie und des Forstbota- nischen Gartens (Forest botany, tree pathology). Collection: 2,350 specimens; 563 genera. Specialisation: General. Important collections: Nördlinger (Germany); Shiga (Japan); Vietnamese woods; Spanish woods. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 2,560; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: European woods and woods from Forstbotanischer Garten Tha­ randt. Wanted: Commercial tropical woods. Remarks: The Spanish woods noted above formed the basis for Huber and Rouschal's publi­ cation, "Mikrophotographischer Atlas mediterraner Hölzer."

THESSALONIKI: Laboratory of Forest Utilization, School of Agriculture & Forestry, Aristotelian University, (TAUw), Thessaloniki, Greece.

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Foundation: 1971. Curator: Dr. GEORGE TSOUMIS, Professor of Forest Utilisation (Wood structure of forest trees, growth, identification, properties, and products). StaJf members: E. VOULGARIDIS, Assistant Professor. Collection: 1,127 specirnens; 449 genera; 944 species. Specialisation: Comrnercial woods of the world. Herbarium vouchers: For native Greek species; 80; records kept of vouchers deposited else- where; a11. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; few; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Greek (Mediterranean) forest trees and shrubs. Wanted: American (especia11y tropical), Asia, West Africa, Australia.

TOKYO: DepartmentofForestBotany, University Museum, University ofTokyo, (TOFOw), Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan. Foundation: 1925. Curator: Dr. TOSHIO HAMA YA (Dendrology and forest botany). StafJ members: Dr. MIKIO KAlI (Forest ecology, African trees especially of Cameroon). Collection: 16,000 specimens; 760 genera. Specialisation: Mostly Japan and tropical regions of the world; trade timbers. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; the herbarium of the Section ofForest Botany, University Museum, University ofTokyo (TOFO); about 120,000; a11 from the University Forests. Sampies for sectioning: Yes, but partially. Microscope slides: Yes; about 40,000; yes. Exchange: Yes, but only a sma11 number. Available: Japan. Wanted: Tropics. Remarks: The wood co11ection is temporarily housed in the Laboratory of Forest Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.


TORONTO: Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, (TRTw), Toronto, Ontario, M5S lAI Canada. Foundation: 1913. Curator: Dr. JOHN J. BALATINECZ (Wood anatomy, wood composites). Collection: 2,000 specimens; 96 genera. Specialisation: Canada, U.S.A., British Commonwealth countries. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 120; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: North America. Wanted: Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, Australia.

TSUKUBA: Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, (TWTw), P.O. Box 16, Tsu­ kuba Norin Kenkyu Danchi, Ibaraki, 305 Japan. F oundation: About 1945. Curator: Dr. KEN OGATA, Chief ofWood Anatomy (Systematic wood anatomy and identifi­ cation). StaJf members: Dr. SHOJI SUDO, Chief of Wood Quality Seetion (Systematic wood anatomy and identification); Dr. TOMOYUKI FUJII, Researcher in Wood Anatomy (Anatomy and ul­ trastructure of wood). Collection: 12,900 specimens; 1,258 genera (47 softwoods, 1,211 hardwoods). Specialisation: Worldwide, but especia11y Japan and Southeast Asia.

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Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 3,500 specimens, but only one-third are associated with the wood collection; data are recorded on specimens obtained from other institutions; about 10 per cent of most of the Japanese wood collection. Periodicalor serial publications: Bulletin ofthe Forestry & Forest Products Research Institute. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; almost 10 per cent ofthe total collection; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Japan and a small number from Papua New Guinea. Wanted: World­ wide. Remarks: This collection was formerly listed under, Government Forest Experiment Station, Meguro, Tokyo (W.L.S.).

TUCUMAN: Instituto Miguel Lillo, (LILw), Calle Miguel Lillo 205, Tucuman, Argentina (outdated). Foundation: 1910. Collection: 1,360 specimens; about 200 genera. Specialisation: Northwestem, northeastern, and central Argentina. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, in the general herbarium; 500,000; 50 per cent. Important collections: S. Venturi, Schreiter, Bertoni, Montes, Picrotti, Morel, Huidobro, Schwarz, F. Luna. Periodical or serial publications: Lilloa. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 60; yes. Remarks: The wood collection was started by Dr. Miguel Lillo. The corresponding herbarium specimens are placed in the general herbarium. For many specimens of wood the herbarium vouchers have not been located so that the identification cannot be checked in this way. For the time being there is no wood specialist or curator of the wood collection on the staff.

TURRIALBA: Laboratorio de Productos Forestales deI Centro Agronomico Tropical de In­ vestigaci6n Enseiianza (CATlE), Universidad de Costa Rica, (IICAw), Apartado 36, Turrialba, Costa Rica (outdated). Foundation: 1965. Collection: About 1,350 specimens; about 450 genera. Specialisation: South and Central America, Caribbean regions. Herbarium vouchers: No; records kept of vouchers deposited elsewhere; 95 per cent. Important collections: Musee Royal de l' Afrique Centrale, Belgium; Department of Forestry, Queensland, Australia; Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales de Mexico; Latin America Timber Species; U.S.D.A. Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Periodical or serial publications: Turrialba. Samples for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 2,230; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Central and South America. Wanted: Central and South America. Remarks: Most of the specimens represented in the wood collection have been prepared from material which has been studied anatomically and of which the mechanical properties have been determined.

UTRECHT: Instituut voor Systematische Plantkunde van de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, (Uw), Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, Netherlands. Foundation: 1946. Curator: Ing. BEN J.H. TER WELLE (Systematic anatomy of Annonaceae, Moraceae, and taxa in the "Hora of the Guianas"; identification).

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Staff members: Dr. ALBERTA M. W. MENNEGA (Systematic anatomy of Euphorbiaceae, gen­ eral anatomy, identification); Dr. J. KOEK-NooRMAN (Systematic anatomy ofRubiaceae and Moraceae,leaf anatomy). Collection: 35,000 specimens; about 2,500 genera. Specialisation: Neotropics, especially the Guianas. Herbarium vouchers: Yes, with the herbarium of the institution; 650,000; records kept of vouchers deposited elsewhere; 95 per cent. Important collections: van Donselaar; Florschütz & Maas; Jonker & Daniels; Lindeman & Heide; Lindeman & Stoffers; Maas, Mennega & Koek; Mennega, Oldenburger, Norde & Schulz; Pfeiffer; Schulz; Stahel; Wessels Boer (mainly palms) (all Surinam); Forest Depart­ ment (BBS, LBB, Surinam); Lindeman and Maguire (Surinam, Brazil); British Guiana Forest Departrnent (British Guiana); Breteler (Venezuela, Cameroon); De Bruyn (Vene­ zuela); Krukoff, Morawetz, Prance, and Reitz & Klein (all Brazil); Lindeman & de Haas (Parana, Brazil); Rodrigues (Amazonia); Ellenberg, Maas et al., Mathias & Taylor (all Peru); Cleef, Cuatrecasas, King, Fuchs, van Rooden et al. (all Colombia); Gradstein & Sipman (Galapagos); Meyer (Chile); Stern & Brizicky and Stern & Chambers (Florida Keys); Stern & Wasshausen and Ayensu (Dominica); Breckon & Christman and Inst. Nac. Invest. For. (Mexico); F. Daniels (Greenland); Carlquist & Stern (Hawaii); Schlieben (Africa); Leeuwenberg (West Africa); Dechamps (Angola); Bosnavorsingsinstituut (South Africa); Forest Institute, Tblisi (Georgia, U.S.S.R.); Berg & Akkermans (Ecuador); Jansen-Jacobs et al., Maas et al., and Stoffers et al. (all Guyana); Bur. Agr. For. Guyan. and de Granville et al. (French Guiana); Rollet (Guadeloupe); Simonis & Hahn (Paraguay); Wiemann (Costa Rica), Halle & Le Thomas (Gabon), Mariaux (Senegal). Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 7,000; yes, but also available on exchange. Exchange: Yes. Available: Neotropics, especially from the Guianas. Wanted: Neotropics. Remarks: Dr. J. van der Burgh, a staff member of the Department of Palaeobotany and Palynology of the Institute of Systematic Botany, is studying woods of the Cenozoic.

V ANCOUVER: Western Laboratory, Forintek Canada Corporation, (VLw), 6620 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1X2 Canada. Foundation: 1948. Curator: Dr. R.M. KELLOGG, Manager, Wood Science. Collection:7,500 specimens; 850 genera. Specialisation: General. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 300; yes. Remarks: This collection is jointly administered by the Faculty of Forestry (Dr. R.W. Ken­ nedy, Dean), 270-2357 Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1W5 Canada and is the counterpart of the Eastern Laboratory, Forintek Canada Corporation in Ottawa (OLw).

VIENNA: Abteilung für Biologische Holzforschung an der Forstlichen Bundesversuchsan­ stalt, (VFw), Hauptstrasse 7, A-1140 Wien, Austria. Foundation: 1960. Curator: Dr. HELMUT KREMPL (European and commercial timbers from overseas). Staffmembers: Ing. EDMUND PAUSCH (Wood anatomy). Collection: 1,466 specimens; 636 genera. Specialisation: European and commercial timbers from overseas. Herbarium vouchers: All Austrian and European samples in the collection are associated with vouchers deposited in the herbarium of the Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna.

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SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 60; no, but assistance in special cases is possible. Exchange: Yes. Available: Austria and central Europe. Wanted: Any timbers of commercial importance. Remarks: A wood collection of approximately 300 species, especially from Europe, South America, and West Africa, was assembled by Janka between 1912 and 1914 and was used in his investigations on the hardness of wood. Unfortunately this collection was burned in May and June 1945.

WAGENINGEN: Vakgroep Plantencytologie en morfologie, Botanisch Laboratorium, (WLw), Arboretumlaan 4,6703 BD Wageningen, Netherlands. Foundation: 1948. Curator: Dr. M. T. M. WILLEMSE, Professor of Botany. StaJf members: Dr. R.W. DEN OUTER, Senior Scientific Officer (Wood anatomy); W.L.H. VAN VEENENDAAL, Technical Assistant. Collection: 3,500 specimens; 1,300 genera. Herbarium vouchers: Deposited at Botanical Laboratory and Department of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography, Wageningen; Botanical Laboratory, University of Utrecht; probably at Bosbouwproefstation, Bogor, Indonesia; 65 per cent. Important collections: Stahel, De Hulster, WS (Surlnam), Versteegh and Den Outer (West Africa). SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes, but not available on loan. Exchange: Yes. Wanted: Africa. Remarks: On our wood specimens and microscope slides, the following abbreviations may have been used: de H or De H for de Hulster wood blocks collected by the Forest Service, Paramaribo, Surinam and indicated with Arabic numbers; dHS for wood sectors sampled by de Hulster and indicated with Roman dates (cf., Acta Botanica Neerlandica 4: 461, 462. 1955); WS for Welvaartsfonds Suriname.

WAGENINGEN: Herbarium Vadense, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Agricultural Univer­ sity, (WAGw), 37 Generaal Foulkesweg, 6703 BL Wageningen, Netherlands. Foundation: About 1962. Curator: J. DE BRUIJN. Collection: About 3,500 specimens. Specialisation: Tropical Africa (Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Gabon), especially in Apocynaceae, Dichapetalaceae, and Loganiaceae; tropical America (Venezuela, Colombia); wood sampies of trees and shrubs from the arboretum of the Botanical Garden~ Wageningen. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 75 per cent. SampIes for sectioning: Yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Gabon, Venezuela, Colombia. Wanted: Tropical Afrlca.

WAGENINGEN: Vakgroep Bosbouwtechniek, Instituut voor Bosbouwkundig Onderzoek, Landbouwhogeschool (Department of Forestry Techniques, Agricultural University), (WIBw), 64 Generaal Foulkesweg, 6703 BV Wageningen, Netherlands (outdated). Foundation: 1945, the original collection founded many years ago was destroyed during World War 11. Collection: 5,320 specimens; 1,317 genera. SpeciaUsation: Indonesia, Surinam. Herbarium vouchers: The greater part of the Indonesian specimens are covered by herbarium material in the Botanical Laboratory of Leiden U niversity (Rijksherbarium).

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Important collections: Forest Research Institute, Indonesia; Forest Service, Surinam; Stahel (Surinam); Department of Plant Taxonomy, Wageningen; Forest Products Laboratory, Canada; Forest Products Institute, South Africa; Conservator of Forests, North Borneo; Laboratoire Forestier de I'Etat, Belgium; Musee de Congo Beige, Belgium; Service des Eaux et Forets, New Caledonia; Forest Products Research Institute, Philippines; Division of Forest Products, Australia; New Zealand Forest Service; Timber Development Associa­ tion, New Zealand; Field Museum of Natural History, U.S.A. (tropical America); Bos­ wezen West New Guinea (up to 1962). Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 6,328; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Indonesia, Surinam. Wanted: Worldwide.

WASHINGTON : Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, (USw), Washington, D.C. 20560 U.S.A. Foundation: 1915. Curator: GEORGE F. RUSSELL, Collections Manager. StafJ members: Dr. RrCHARO H. EYOE, Curator (Floral morphology and systematics of an- giosperms). Collection: 40,000 specimens; 3,033 genera. Specialisation: General, but largely tropical America. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 4,210,000 (including specimens of all kinds in all groups of plants); in the U.S. National Herbarium; records kept of specimens deposited elsewhere; 60 per cent. Important collections: B. A. Krukoff (Brazil, West Africa, Sumatra); College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York at Syracuse (U.S.A.); A.F. Wilson (worldwide); J. Cuatrecasas (Colombia); J.E. Ebinger; H. Pittier; W.L. Stern, K.L. Chambers, ID. Dwyer & lE. Ebinger (Panama); Stern & S. Carlquist (Hawaii); Stern & D. Wasshausen (Dominica); M. Acosta-Solfs (Ecuador); W.L. Abbott (Dominican Repub­ lic); K.L. Chambers (western U.S.A., Dominica); H.N. Whitford & L.R. Stadmiller (Guatemala-Honduras boundary); S.l Record & H. Kuylen (Guatemala); R.M. King (Mexico, Thailand, Guatemala, Colombia); A. Ducke, R. Reitz (Brazil); Maguire et al. (Brazil and Guyana); Schunke, LI. Williams, F. Woytkowski (Peru); G.S. Miller (Jamai­ ca); B. Maguire (Surinam, Venezuela); J.J. Wurdack & L.S. Adderly (Venezuela); W.R. Barbour; E.C. Leonard (Haiti); H.H. Bartlett-Rahmat (Sumatra); G.H. Pickles (Sara­ wak); Stern (Philippines); C.S.I.R.O., Australia (West New Guinea); L.A. Craven and R. Schodde (New Guinea); Fan Memorial Institute (China); Dutton (Pacific Islands). Periodicalor serial publications: Smithsonian Contributions to Botany (Contributionsfrom the U.S. National Herbarium has been discontinued); Atoll Research Bulletin. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 5,000; yes. Exchange: No duplicate hand sampies available for exchange. Wanted: Well-documented specimens; worldwide, all taxa. Remarks: The wood collection has been moved to a storage facility in suburban Washington. However, vi si tors may consult the collections (ampie advanced notice is advised) and requests for material for sectioning will be honoured. Reference files and card catalogues of specimens will be maintained in the Department of Botany at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

WINTERTHUR: The Professor E.S. Harrar Wood Collection, The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, (WDw), Winterthur, Delaware 19735 U.S.A. Foundation: 1974. Curator: HARRY A. ALOEN, Wood Researcher.

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Staffmembers: CHARLES F. HUMMEL, Curator, The H.F. du Pont Winterthur Museum. Collection: 8,799 specimens; 1,156 genera. Specialisation: North America, Philippines, Australia, Indo-Malayan region, South America. Herbarium vouchers: Records kept of vouchers deposited elsewhere; about 35 per cent. Samples for sectioning: Yes. Remarks: The bulk of the Winterthur collection of woods was received from Duke University (DUKEw) where it had been amassed largely by Dr. E.S. Harrar who had, until his retire­ ment, been Dean of the Duke University School of Forestry. The collection, which was transferred to Winterthur in 1974, had been initiated in 1936. Most of the American species are backed by herbarium vouchers deposited in the Duke University Herbarium in Durham, North Carolina; Queensland Australia specimens are associated with herbarium vouchers in Brisbane. A reference collection of 200 specimens had been kept at the Winterthur Museum prior to the accession of the Duke woods.

XALAPA: Xiloteca Dr. Faustino Miranda, Laboratorio de Ciencia y Tecnologfa de la Madera, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Sobre Recursos Bi6ticos, (XALw), Km. 2.5 Carretera Antigua Xalapa-Coatepec, Apartado Postal No. 63, 91000 Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. Foundation: 1981. Curator: ToMAs FERNANDO CARMONA-VALDOVINOS, Biologist (Wood anatomy and rela- tionship ofwood structure and wood properties). Staffmembers: FERNANDO ORTEGA-ESCALONA, Biologist (Wood anatomy). Collection: 1,680 specimens; 1,046 genera. Specialisation: Worldwide, but strong in tropical America. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; all Mexican woods are associated with vouchers deposited in XAL; about 96 per cent of total; records kept of vouchers deposited elsewhere. lmportant collections: L. Williams (Tehuantepec Istmo, Mexico). Periodicalor serial publications: Biotica. Samples for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 13,700; yes, or as duplicates on exchange. Exchange: Yes. Available: Authenticated woods of tropical and temperate Mexican species. Wanted: worldwide, but especially from Central and tropical America. Remarks: Data are banked by computer. Mexican wood specimens in the collection have been prepared from material which has been studied anatornically, mechanically, and physically.

YANGLING: Timber Research Laboratory, Northwestern College of Forestry, (YANw), Yangling, Shensi, People's RepubIic of China. Foundation: 1951. Curator: Professor WUANG BEN-CHUEN (Wood science). Staffmembers: Mr. AN PAr-IUN (Timber technology); Mr. CHOW LI (Wood science engineer). Collection: 1,200 specimens. Specialisation: Northwest provinces of China. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 20 per cent. Samples for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; more than 200; yes. Exchange: Yes. Remarks: Exchange of wood specimens, microscope slides, and information will be appreci­ ated.

YEZIN: Forest Research Institute, (ARw), Yezin, Pyinmana, Burma. F oundation: 1960. Curator: U THEIN KYWE, Research Officer.

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StaJf members: DAW Yl Yl HAN, Deputy Research Offker; U KYAW WIN MG, Technical Assistant. Collection: 1,873 specimens; 444 genera. Specialisation: Burma. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; 1,490; 80 per cent. Sampies jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes; 1,876; yes. Exchange: Yes; Available: Burma. Wanted: Tropica1 Africa, South America, temperate spe­ eies. Remarks: Material formerly at Ah10ne/Rangoon has been moved to the Wood Anatomy Re­ search Seetion of the Forest Research Institute at Yezin. The wood specimens are princi­ pally those collected between 1960 and 1962 by Dr. H. Gottwald and U Ral Lian Sum for projects of FAO. The collections are being expanded and a11 woods collected are associated with herbarium vouchers.

ZAGREB: Wood Structure and Preservation Section, Forestry Faculty, University ojZagreb, (ZAw), P.O. Box 178, Simunska 25, 41,000 Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Foundation: 1947. Curator: Professor Dr. BOZIDAR PETRIC (Wood structure and preservation). StaJf members: Mr. VELIMIR SCUKANEC; Ing. JELENA TRAJKOVIC; Ing. RAOOVAN DESPOT. Collection: 2,427 specimens; 292 genera. Specialisation: Southeast Europe, especial1y the Balkan rnountain area and the Adrlatic coasta1 region. Periodical or serial pubUcations: Bulletin ZIDI. Sampies jor sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 812; yes. Exchange: Yes. Available: Indigenous trees and shrubs. Wanted: Extra-European.

ZURICH: Institut für Wald- und Holzforschung, Fachbereich Holzkunde und Holztechno­ logie, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, (ZTw), ETH-Zentrum, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland. Foundation: 1957. Curator: Professor Dr. H.H. BOSSHARD. Collection: 6,065 specimens; 1,067 genera. SpeciaUsation: Europe and the tropics. Sampies for sectioning: Yes. Microscope sUdes: Yes; 3,920; yes. Exchange: 'yes. Available: Switzerland. Wanted: Tropics.

Xylarium Abbreviations

Aw CAMBRIDGE: Harvard University. ALCw ALCOBA~A: Estacao de Experimentac;:äo Florestal. AMw AMLAI: Bir1a Institute of Scientific Research. ARw YEZIN: Forest Research Institute. Bw BERLIN-DAHLEM: Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem. BBSw PARAMARIBO: Surinam Forest Service. BCTw SÄO PAULO: Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnol6gicas do Estado de Säo Paulo. BHVw BERLIN: Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. BISHw HONOLULU: Bernice P. Bishop Museum. BKFw BANGKOK: Royal Forest Department.

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BMw LoNDON: British Museum (Natural History). BOFw BOOOTA: Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales y Madereras. BPw BUDAPEST: Hungarian Museum of Natural History. BRIw BRlSBANE: Queensland Herbarium. BSILw LUCKNOW: Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany. BULHw BULOLO: Papua New Guinea Forestry College. BWCw SYRACUSE: College of Environmental Science and Forestry. BZFw BOOOR: Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan (Forest Products Research Institute). CAFw BEUING: Chinese Academy ofForestry. CANBw CANBERRA: Australian National Herbarium. CEPECw ILHEUS: Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau. CHITw CHITTAGONG: Forest Research Institute. CHNw CHRlSTCHURCH: University of Canterbury. CHRw CHRlSTCHURCH: Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. CLPw COLLEGE: Forest Products Research and Development Institute. CONCw CONCEPCIÖN: Universidad de Concepci6n. CQTw BRlSBANE: Queensland Department of Forestry. CTBw PARIS: Centre Technique du Bois et de l' Ameublement. CTFw NOOENT-SUR-MARNE: Centre Technique Forestier Tropical. CVRDw LINHARES: Reserva Florestal da CVRD. Dw DELFT: TNO Timber Research Institute. DBw DUBLIN: University College. DDw DEHRA DUN: Forest Research Institute and Colleges. DEQw QurrO: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales. DREw DRESDEN: Wissenschaftlich-technisches Zentrum der holzverarbeitenden Indus­ trie. ECw HEREDIA: Universidad Nacional. EIFw SANTIAGO: Universidad de Chile. ESAw PIRACICABA: Universidade de Säo Paulo. FHIw IBADAN: Forest Re.search Institute of Nigeria. FHOw OXFORD: University of Oxford. FIw FLORENCE: Herbarium Universitatis Florentinae and Erbario Tropicale di Firenze. FLw FLORENCE: Istituto per la Ricerca sul Legno. FLASw GAINESVILLE: University ofFlorida. FPAw HIGHETT: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. FPBw BRASILIA: Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal. FRw FRANKFURT AM MAIN: Naturmuseum und Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. FRIGw GUANGZHOU: Forest Research Institute of Guangdong Province. GTw GEORGETOWN: Guyana Forestry Commission. HBw HAVANA: Centro de Investigaci6n Forestal. HBRw ITAlA!: Herbario "Barbosa Rodrigues." HEFw HEFEI: Anhui Agricultural College. HMw LONDON: The Horniman Museum and Library. IFPw SHENY ANG: Institute of Forestry and Pedology. IICAw TURRIALBA: Universidad de Costa Rica. IJw KINGSTON: Institute of Jamaica. INPAw MANAUS: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazönia. ITAw MANAUS: Instituto de Tecnologia da Amazönia. JARIw MONTE DOURADO: Superintendencia de Pesquisa Florestal. Kw KEw: Royal Botanic Gardens, Economic and Conservation Section. KARw KARAl: College of Natural Resources. KEPw KEPONG: Forest Research Institute Malaysia.

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K-Jw KEW: Royal Botanic Gardens, Jodrell Laboratory. KNw KAMPALA: Nakawa Forest Research Institute. KYOw KYOTO: Kyoto University. Lw LEIDEN: Rijksherbarium. LAEw LAE: Department of Forests. LEw LENINGRAD: V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute. LILw TUCuMAN: Instituto Miguel Lillo. LISJCw LISBON: Jardim e Museu Agrfcola Tropical. LIVw LIVERPOOL: Liverpool Museum. LNECw LISBON: Laborat6rio Nacional de Engenharia Civil. MADw MADISON: U.S. Forest Products Laboratory. MADRw MADRID: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias. MAD-SJRw MADISON: U.S. Forest Products Laboratory. MCSw MILAN: Civico Museo de Storia Naturale. MEDELw MEDELLIN: Universidad Nacional. MERw MERIDA: Universidad de los Andes. MEXFw MEXICO: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales. MEXUw MEXICO: Universidad Nacional Aut6noma de Mexico. MGw BELEM: Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi. MICHw ANN ARBOR: University of Michigan. MUNw MUNICH: Universität München. NATw ILANOTH: Agricultural Research Organisation. NINw MANAGUA: Nicaraguan Institute of Natural Resources and Environment. NMWw CARDIFF: National Museum ofWales. NYw BRONX: The New York Botanical Garden. NYJw PORTLAND: World Forestry Center. OLw OTIAWA: Forintek Canada Corporation. PACw RALEIGH: North Carolina State University. PATw PARIS: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. PFPw PRETORIA: South African Forestry Research Institute. PMPw BOROKO: Forest Products Research and Development Centre. PRFw PRINCES RISBOROUGH: Building Research Establishment. PTw PRAGUE: Timber Research and Development Institute. RBw RIO DE JANEIRO: Jardim Botlinico do Rio de Janeiro. RBHw HAMBURG: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft. RFw ROSENHEIM: Fachhochschule Rosenheim. RPPRw RIO PIEDRAS: Institute of Tropical Forestry. RSAw CLAREMONT: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. RTIw AMSTERDAM: Royal Tropical Institute. SANw SANDAKAN: Forest Research Centre. SARFw KUCHING: Forest Department. SFCw BEECROFr: Forestry Commission of New South Wales. SPw SÄo PAULO: Instituto de Botlinica. S-PAw STOCKHOLM: Swedish Museum of Natural History. SPSFw SÄO PAULO: Instituto Florestal de Säo Paulo. STEw STELLENBOSCH: University of Stellenbosch. SVw HA V ANA: Acadernia de Ciencias de Cuba. SWTw STOCKHOLM: Swedish Institute for Wood Technology Research. SYSw GUANGZHOU: Sun Yat-Sen University. SZDw SZEGED: Universitatis Szeged. Tw TERVUREN: Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika (Musee Royal de l' Afrique Centrale).

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TAIw TAIPEI: National Taiwan University. TAIFw TAIPEI: Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. TAUw THESSALONIKI: Aristotelian University. TIPw RECIFE: Funda~äo Instituto Tecnol6gico do Estado Pemambuco. TOFOw TOKYO: University ofTokyo. TRTw TORONTO: University ofToronto. TSFw THARANDT: Technische Universität Dresden. TWTw TSUKUBA: Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute. Uw UTRECHT: Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. UCw RICHMOND: University of Califomia. UCNWw BANGOR: University College ofNorth Wales. USw WASHINGTON: Smithsonian Institution. VENw CARACAS: Instituto Botanico. VFw VIENNA: Forstlichen Bundesversuchsanstalt. VLw VANCOUVER: Forintek Canada Corporation. WAGw WAGENINGEN: Department of Plant Taxonomy, Agricultural University. WDw WINTERTHUR: The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum. WFw ADELAIDE: Woods and Forest Departrnent. WIBw WAGENINGEN: Department of Forestry Techniques, Agricultural University. WLw WAGENINGEN: Botanisch Laboratorium. WZw ROTORUA: Forest Research Institute. XALw XALAPA: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Sobre Recursos Bi6ticos. YANw Y ANGLING: Northwestem College of Forestry. ZAw ZAGREB: University ofZagreb. ZTw ZÜRICH: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule.

List of Wood Collections by Country

Argentina Itajaf: HBRw Tucuman: LILw Linhares: CVRDw Manaus: INPAw and ITAw Australia Monte Dourado: JARIw Adelaide: WFw Piracicaba: ESA w Beecroft: SFCw Recife: TIPw Brisbane: BRlw and CQTw Rio de Janeiro: RBw Canberra: CANBw Säo Paulo: BCTw, SPw, and SPSFw Highett: FP Aw Burma Austria Yezin: ARw Vienna: VFw Canada Bangladesh Ottawa: OLw Chittagong: CHITw Toronto: TRTw Vancouver: VLw Belgium Tervuren: Tw Chile Concepci6n: CONCw Brazil Santiago: EIFw Belem: MGw Brasilia: FPB w China (People's RepubIic) Ilheus: CEPECw Beijing: CAFw

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(China, People's Republic, continued) India Guangzhou: FRIGw and SYSw Amlai: AMw Hefei: HEFw Dehra Dun: DDw Shenyang: IFPw Lucknow: BSILw Yangling: YANw Indonesia China (Republic of China) Bogor: BZFw Taipei: TAIwand TAIFw Iran Colombia Karaj: KARw Bogota: BOFw Medellin: MEDELw Ireland Dublin: DBw CostaRica Heredia: ECw Israel Turrialba: nCAw Ilanoth: NATw

Cuba Italy Havana: HBw and SVw Florence: FIw and FLw Milan: MCSw Czechoslovakia Prague: PTw Jamaica Kingston: IJw Ecuador Quito: DEQw Japan Kyoto: KYOw France Tokyo: TOFOw Nogent-sur-Mame: CTFw Tsukuba: TWTw Paris: CTBw and PATw Malaysia Germany (Democratic Republic) Kepong: KEPw Berlin: BHUw Kuching: SARFw Dresden: DREw Sandakan: SANw Tharandt: TSFw Mexico Germany (Federal Republic) Mexico: MEXFw and MEXUw Berlin-Dahlem: Bw Xalapa: XALw Frankfurt am Main: FRw Hamburg: RBHw Netherlands Munieh: MUNw Amsterdam: RTIw Rosenheim: RFw Delft: Dw Leiden: Lw Greece Utrecht: Uw Thessaloniki: TAUw Wageningen: WAGw, WIBw, and WLw

Guyana NewZealand Georgetown: GTw Christchurch: CHNw and CHRw Rotorua: WZw Hungary Budapest: BPw Nicaragua Szeged: SZDw Managua: NINw

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Nigeria Uni ted Kingdom Ibadan: FHIw Bangor: UCNWw Cardiff: NMWw Papua New Guinea Kew: Kw and K-Jw Boroko: PMPw Liverpool: LIVw Bulolo: BULHw London: BMw and HMw Lae: LAEw Oxford: FHOw Princes Risborough: PRFw Philippines College: CLPw USA Ann Arbor: MICHw Portugal Bronx: NYw Alcoba<;a: ALCw Cambridge: Aw Lisbon: LISJCw and LNECw Claremont: RSAw Gainesville: FLASw South Africa Honolulu: BISHw Pretoria: PFPw Madison: MADw and MAD-SJRw Stellenbosch: STEw Portland: NYJw Raleigh: PACw Spain Richmond: UCw Madrid: MADRw Rio Piedras: RPPRw Syracuse: BWCw Surinam Washington: USw Paramaribo: BBSw Winterthur: WDw

Sweden USSR Stockholm: S-PAw and SWTw Leningrad: LEw

Switzerland Venezuela Zürich: ZTw Caracas: VENw Merida: MERw Thailand Bangkok: BKFw Yugoslavia Zagreb: ZAw Uganda Kampala: KNw

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