Sociable ( gregarius) 2010 Autumn Season Field Report -

December 2010

Cover photograph: Sociable and mixed flock in Erzurum Plain, 2010

All photographs taken by Mümin Gökhan Şenocak, Mustafa Erturhan


Akarsu, F. and Balkız, Ö. 2010. Sociable lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) 2010 Autumn Season Field Report - Turkey. Doğa Derneği, Ankara, Turkey.

This project is supported by the Royal Society for the Protection of (RSPB, Birdlife in the UK), Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in (ACBK, BirdLife in Kazakhstan), the Swarovski Optic, Lush Cosmetics and Doğa Derneği (BirdLife in Turkey).

Doğa Derneği (BirdLife partner in Turkey)

Hürriyet Cad. No: 43/12 Dikmen Ankara Turkey


Table of Contents

Introduction ...... 4

Methodology ...... 5

Results ...... 7

The Surveyed Areas ...... 13

Survey Area # 1 - Erzurum Province ...... 13

Erzurum Plain ...... 13

Karasu Plain ...... 14

Survey Area # 2 - Şanlıurfa Province ...... 15

Ceylanpınar Agricultural Field ...... 15

Akçakale Plain ...... 17

Survey Area # 3 – Muş Province...... 19

Muş Plain ...... 19

Malazgirt and Bulanık Plain ...... 20

Discussion ...... 21

Acknowledgements ...... 23

References...... 24

APPENDIX I. Observations of Sociable in Turkey before 2010 ...... 25

APPENDIX II. Survey Team Contact Details ...... 29

APPENDIX III. Other species recorded during the surveys ...... 30



The sociable lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) is a globally threatened species, classified as “” (CR) on the basis of its continued rapid population decline (Eichhorn and Heinicke 2000, Khrokov and Buketov 2000). The current breeding world population is estimated at as low as 5,600 pairs (Sheldon et al. 2006). The breeding population is now restricted to the steppes of Kazakhstan and neighbouring regions of Russia (Watson et. al. 2006). The sociable lapwings migrate south through , , , , , , , , and Turkey, to key wintering sites in , Syria, , and North-west . Birds winter occasionally in , and . The species is a very rare vagrant in Western , where it is usually observed together with Northern Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus).

In this project, we aimed at collecting detailed information on Sociable lapwings in Eastern Turkey. This report gives detailed information about the field surveys carried out in this respect under the coordination of Doğa Derneği (BirdLife in Turkey), supported by Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB; BirdLife partner in UK), Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Kazakhstan (ACBK, BirdLife in Kazakhstan),the Darwin Initiative, Swarovski Optic, and Lush Cosmetics.

Turkey hosts an important number of sociable lapwings during their spring and autumn migration. There are migration records for this species in Ceylanpınar, the wetlands near Erzurum, Ağrı, the Bulanık and Malazgirt steppes, and in the Hürmetçi marshes (Eken et al. 2006; see Appendix 1). Until 2002, flocks up to 155 individuals were counted in Malazgirt and Bulanık steppes and valleys (Eken et al. 2006). In 2007, an important flock of 3,200 individuals was recorded in Ceylanpınar (Bozdoğan and Balkız 2007). In 2008, 871 individuals were recorded during spring migration season in Ceylanpınar (Biricik et. al. 2008). In 2009, 1,672 individuals were recorded in Ceylanpınar (Akarsu and Balkız 2010).



In our study, we aimed at defining stop-over sites sociable lapwings use along their migration routes and to estimate the number of migrating sociable lapwings during autumn migration in Eastern Turkey. A very extensive field survey was planned and put into action. Different to previous years (where the surveys were always based on information we received from satellite-tagged birds), the timing of the field survey was determined using records of sociable lapwing up to date. Accordingly, a period covering 20 September to 25 October was defined as the period when the sociable lapwings passed over Turkey during autumn migration.

Furthermore, again by taking into account all the observations of the species in Turkey, we have identified the area where the surveys must be carried out. Accordingly, three regions were identified (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The map showing the three areas where the field surveys on sociable lapwings were carried out.


Three separate teams were identified to carry out field surveys in the identified regions. With this respect all the teams started the surveys at the same time - on 26 September 2010. The length of surveys in each of the three areas was decided mainly based on the size of the areas. Totally 25 days were spent and an area of 139.012 km square (including 13 provinces: Ardahan, Kars, Erzurum, Ağrı, Iğdır, Muş, Bitlis, Batman, Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep) was surveyed with a specific focus on suitable habitats and sites where previous observations were carried out. Three teams did carry out the surveys, also some members of the teams did move between teams when necessary (Table 1 and Appendix II).

Table 1. The details of the survey dates and the team composition

Team # Survey Area Date Survey team Erzurum Province Musa Han, Mümin Gökhan (including Erzurum 26 September-15 October Şenocak, Mikail Topdaş, Ferdi 1 Plain) 2010 Akarsu, Murat Bozdoğan Şanlıurfa Province (including Ceylanpınar, Akçakale, Diyarbakır, Mustafa Erturhan, Nağme Batman, Mardin, 26 September - 3 October Akbaş, Ferdi Akarsu, Murat 2 Gaziantep) 2010 Bozdoğan Muş Province (including Erzurum, Kars, Ardahan, Muş, Ağrı, Iğdır, Bingöl, 26 September - 20 October 3 Bitlis, Urfa) 2010 Ferdi Akarsu, Murat Bozdoğan

During the study, point count methodology was used in the study areas. In order to count the birds, telescopes (20x) and binoculars (10×40 and 8×40) were used. To prevent double counts, the experts did record the movements of the groups and the direction they headed with proper time. Furthermore the teams did carry out repetitive counts from different angles to make sure the counts were done from the best possible view. Other then the number of individuals, information on the habitat type where birds were observed, presence of rings, the rate of birds controlled for rings, threats, feeding biology and finally general information on the behaviour of the birds were recorded.



According to our field survey result, between 26 September and 20 October 2010, several groups with a minimum of 2 and maximum of 652 sociable lapwings were recorded (Figure 2 and Table 2). Throughout the survey, a total of 6,612 sociable lapwings were recorded, 172 of them from Erzurum Province (Survey Area #1) Province, 854 of them from Muş Province (Survey Area #3) and 5,586 of them from Şanlıurfa Province (Survey Area #2).

Throughout the field period, we stayed in contact with RSPB during the field surveys to get information about the coordinates from satellite-tagged birds. On 04.10.2010, information from one satellite-tagged bird information was received from Malazgirt (39.12 N / 42.738 E). The exact location of the bird was controlled where a total of 846 birds were counted during successive days between 9 and 13 October 2010. During the observations, no ringed birds could be seen.

During the field study, other species of birds, such as black kite (Milvus migrans), cream- coloured courser (Cursorius cursor), wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe), calandra lark (Melanocarpha calandra), northern lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) and great bustard (Otis tarda) were recorded (see Appendix III).


Figure 2. The map showing the locations of the sociable lapwing observations in relation to the areas surveyed.


Table 2. The details of the sociable lapwing observation during autumn 2010 in Turkey

Survey Area No Location Name Date Count Time Habitat Inclination Activity Latitute Longitute Name (#) Erzurum 1 Erzurum Plain 26.09.2010 39 08:00 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding 4426661 687253 Province (#1)

Erzurum 2 Erzurum Plain 26.09.2010 32 13:00 Harvested Field Flat Ground Flying 4431913 693922 Province (#1)

Şanlıurfa 3 Ceylanpınar 27.09.2010 2 17:45 Harvested Field Flat Ground Flying 4103082 588157 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 4 Ceylanpınar 27.09.2010 21 17:48 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding-resting 4103670 590130 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 5 Ceylanpınar 27.09.2010 33 17:51 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding-resting 4104230 592101 Province (#2)

Erzurum 6 Erzurum Plain 27.09.2010 2 17:00 Harvested Field Flat Ground Resting 4426279 679723 Province (#1)

Erzurum 7 Erzurum Plain 27.09.2010 18 10:00 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding 4431913 693922 Province (#1)

Şanlıurfa 8 Ceylanpınar 28.09.2010 141 12:05 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding-resting 4104716 593731 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 9 Ceylanpınar 28.09.2010 88 09:10 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding-resting 4102293 592611 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 10 Ceylanpınar 28.09.2010 498 09:35 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding-resting 4102797 594054 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 11 Ceylanpınar 28.09.2010 144 10:14 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding-resting 4103305 596010 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 12 Ceylanpınar 28.09.2010 4 15:05 Harvested Field Flat Ground Flying 4098912 580044 Province (#2)

Erzurum 13 Erzurum Plain 28.09.2010 25 11:14 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding 4427778 690989 Province (#1)


No Province Name Location Name Date Count Time Habitat Inclination Activity Latitute Longitute

Erzurum 14 Erzurum Plain 28.09.2010 8 11:32 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding 4428594 691129 Province (#1)

Karasu Plain - Erzurum 15 Erzurum, Hınıs 28.09.2010 24 16:40 Steppe area Low slope Feeding 4395400 752920 Province (#1) Road

Erzurum 16 Erzurum Plain 28.09.2010 19 07:48 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding 4426273 684931 Province (#1)

Erzurum 17 Erzurum Plain 28.09.2010 3 12:55 Harvested Field Flat Ground Resting 4431915 693921 Province (#1)

Erzurum 18 Erzurum Plain 28.09.2010 2 09:13 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding 4426661 687253 Province (#1)

Muş Province Harvested Field 19 Bulanık 29.09.2010 6 11:28 Flat Ground Flying 4337944 258074 (#3) near a river

Muş Plain - Muş Province 20 Tigem 29.09.2010 2 17:59 Harvested Field Flat Ground Resting 4296092 726251 (#3) Agricultural Field

Şanlıurfa 21 Ceylanpınar 01.10.2010 45 17:30 Harvested Field Flat Ground Feeding-Resting 4105218 595363 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 22 Ceylanpınar 03.10.2010 123 10:26 Harvested Field Flat Ground Resting 4104720 592773 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 23 Ceylanpınar 03.10.2010 57 16:58 Harvested Field Flat Ground Flying 4103363 588607 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 24 Ceylanpınar 04.10.2010 5 07:50 Harvested Field Flat Ground Flying 4100527 582425 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 25 Ceylanpınar 04.10.2010 45 07:15 Ploughed land Flat Ground Feeding 4103320 588456 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 26 Ceylanpınar 04.10.2010 20 08:43 Harvested Field Flat Ground Flying 4104511 592848 Province (#2)


No Province Name Location Name Date Count Time Habitat Inclination Activity Latitute Longitute

Şanlıurfa 27 Ceylanpınar 04.10.2010 157 09:12 Ploughed land Flat ground Feeding 4105243 588034 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 28 Ceylanpınar 05.10.2010 474 09:10 Ploughed land Flat ground Feeding 4105243 588034 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 29 Ceylanpınar 05.10.2010 12 10:30 Ploughed land Flat ground Feeding-resting 4107674 593178 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 30 Ceylanpınar 05.10.2010 265 11:00 Ploughed land Flat ground Resting 4105345 593609 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 31 Ceylanpınar 06.10.2010 129 10:00 Ploughed land Flat ground Feeding 4103352 588598 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 32 Ceylanpınar 06.10.2010 524 10:20 Ploughed land Flat ground Feeding 4105243 588034 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa Flat ground, 33 Ceylanpınar 07.10.2010 10 16:12 Ploughed land Flying 4101625 584219 Province (#2) low slope

Şanlıurfa Flat ground, 34 Ceylanpınar 07.10.2010 167 17:21 Harvested Field Feeding 4103295 588413 Province (#2) low slope

Şanlıurfa 35 Ceylanpınar 08.10.2010 289 08:50 Fallow land Low slope Feeding 4103295 588413 Province (#2)

Şanlıurfa 36 Ceylanpınar 08.10.2010 184 10:45 Fallow land Low slope Feeding 4104486 592846 Province (#2) Grassland, Muş Province 37 Malazgirt Plain 09.10.2010 101 17:16 stony field, Low slope Flying 4329290 297442 (#3) ploughed land Grassland, Muş Province 38 Malazgirt Plain 10.10.2010 107 07:37 stony field, Low slope Feeding 4332420 291559 (#3) ploughed land Grassland, Muş Province 39 Malazgirt Plain 10.10.2010 454 08:45 stony field, Flat ground Feeding 4332961 292171 (#3) ploughed land


No Province Name Location Name Date Count Time Habitat Inclination Activity Latitute Longitute

Şanlıurfa Flat ground, 40 Ceylanpınar 11.10.2010 429 16:27 Ploughed land Feeding 4104628 592764 Province (#2) low slope Grassland, Muş Province 41 Malazgirt Plain 12.10.2010 88 16:55 stony field, Flat ground Feeding 4332961 292171 (#3) ploughed land Grassland, Muş Province 42 Malazgirt Plain 13.10.2010 96 08:05 stony field, Flat ground Feeding 4332961 292171 (#3) ploughed land Şanlıurfa Open and Flat ground, 43 Ceylanpınar 14.10.2010 652 15:50 Feeding 4103147 588435 Province (#2) ploughed land low slope

Şanlıurfa Open and Flat ground, 44 Ceylanpınar 15.10.2010 477 08:00 Feeding 4103147 588435 Province (#2) ploughed land low slope

Şanlıurfa Open and Flat ground, 45 Ceylanpınar 15.10.2010 304 09:55 Feeding 4102259 588669 Province (#2) ploughed land low slope

Şanlıurfa Open and Flat ground, 46 Ceylanpınar 18.10.2010 92 16:40 Feeding 4103160 588485 Province (#2) ploughed land low slope

Şanlıurfa Open and Flat ground, 47 Ceylanpınar 19.10.2010 78 07:40 Feeding 4103152 588426 Province (#2) ploughed land low slope

Şanlıurfa Open and Flat ground, 48 Ceylanpınar 20.10.2010 85 08:20 Feeding 4103148 588446 Province (#2) ploughed land low slope Ploughed land, open area, Şanlıurfa 49 Akçakale Plain 20.10.2010 9 15:00 irrigated Flat ground Feeding 4079752 477630 Province (#2) agricultural field Grassland, Şanlıurfa 50 Akçakale Plain 20.10.2010 23 17:45 open stony Flat ground Flying 4075930 477467 Province (#2) field


The Surveyed Areas

Survey Area # 1 - Erzurum Province

Erzurum Plain

9 different records were taken in Erzurum Plain during which a total of 148 sociable lapwings were observed (Figure 3 and Table 2). First record was from 26 September 2010 and last one was taken on 28 September 2010. After 28 September no birds were seen in Erzurum Plain. During the observations, birds were observed on harvested fields (graminae; Table 2). All birds were observed on flat areas. According to the observations, the majority of the sociable lapwings were observed in areas where medium level of grazing pressure was present (138; Figure 4).

Figure 3. The map showing the locations of the sociable lapwing observations in Erzurum Plain (the numbers correspond to the raw number in Table 2 detailing the observation)


160 138 140






20 8 2 0 Low Medium No

Figure 4. The number of birds observed in areas where different types of grazing pressure were present.

Karasu Plain

1 record of 24 sociable lapwings was observed the 28 September 2010 in Karasu Plain (Figure 5 and Table 2). This was the first time sociable lapwings were ever recorded in Karasu Plain. The record was from steppe areas. As for inclination structure, all birds were observed on sloped grounds where grazing pressure was low.

Figure 5. The map showing the locations of the sociable lapwing observations in Karasu Plain (the numbers correspond to the raw number in Table 2 detailing the observation)


Survey Area # 2 - Şanlıurfa Province

Ceylanpınar Agricultural Field

31 different records were taken during which a total of 5,554 sociable lapwings were counted in Ceylanpınar Agricultural Field (max. of 524 individuals during one count, Figure 6 and Table 2). First record was taken on 27 September 2010 and last birds were observed on 20 October 2010.

Figure 6. The map showing the locations of the sociable lapwing observations in Ceylanpınar Agricultural Field (the numbers correspond to the raw number in Table 2 detailing the observation)

During the surveys, all sociable lapwings were observed to be present on lentil fields at different stage (i.e. fallow land, ploughed field, harvested field etc.; Figure 7).


Fallow land 9%

Ploughed land Harvested 37% Field 24%

Open and plowed land 30%

Figure 7. The pie chart showing the different habitat types where birds were observed, and the relevant proportions.

Birds generally were observed on flat areas and only a tiny fraction of them were recorded at sloped grounds (Figure 8).

Low slope 9%

Flat Flat ground, Ground Low slope 50% 41%

Figure 8. The pie chart showing the different inclination types where birds were observed, and the relevant proportions.

In Ceylanpınar, a small group of sociable lapwings were recorded in areas with a lot of grazing pressure (279). This was the site where the highest numbers of birds were observed in the last years. Most of the birds were observed in sites where low or no grazing activity was present (5,275; Figure 9).


5000 4380 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 895 1000 500 279 0 High Medium No

Figure 9. The number of birds observed in areas where different types grazing pressure was present.

Akçakale Plain

A small group of sociable lapwings (9 and 23) were observed from 2 different locations during 20 October 2010 in Akçakale Plain (Figure 10, Table 2). This was the first time sociable lapwings were ever recorded during autumn migration in Akçakale Plain (previous observations were from spring migration). During the observations, birds were recorded at ploughed land, open field, grasslands, open stony fields and few irrigated agricultural fields (Table 2). All birds were observed on flat areas. According to observation results, sociable lapwings were observed only at sites with low grazing pressure.


Figure 10. The map showing the locations of the sociable lapwing observations in Akçakale Plain (the numbers correspond to the raw number in Table 2 detailing the observation)


Survey Area # 3 – Muş Province

Muş Plain

During the surveys, only once 2 sociable lapwings were recorded in Muş Plain during 29 September 2010 (Figure 11 and Table 2). This was the first time sociable lapwings were ever recorded in Muş Plain. The birds were observed on harvested fields (graminae) inside the Muş Tigem Agricultural Land. The birds were present on flat grounds where no grazing pressure was existing.

Figure 11. The map showing the locations of the sociable lapwing observations in Muş Plain (the numbers correspond to the raw number in Table 2 detailing the observation)


Malazgirt and Bulanık Plain

5 different records were taken during which a total of 846 sociable lapwings were counted in Malazgirt Plain between 9 – 13 September 2010 (max. of 454 individuals during one count; Figure 12 and Table 2). In Bulanık Plain, 6 birds were recorded on 29 September 2010 (Figure 12 and Table 2). The observations were from grasslands, stony fields, ploughed land in Malazgirt Plain and in a harvested field near a river in Bulanık Plain (Table 2). As for inclination structure, most of birds were observed on flat areas however a few of them were observed on low sloped grounds. According to observations, all of the sociable lapwings were observed at sites where medium level of grazing pressure was present, both in Bulanık and Malazgirt Plain.

Figure 12. The map showing the locations of the sociable lapwing observations in Bulanık and Malazgirt Plain (the numbers correspond to the raw number in Table 2 detailing the observation)


Discussion Sociable lapwing is a species of global conservation importance and is mainly threatened with hunting pressure and habitat degradation especially on their migration route. With this survey, we aimed at increasing our limited knowledge on the stop-over sites used by the species during migration in Turkey. Through the survey, in addition to the known important stopover site (namely Ceylanpınar), two new important sites were identified: the Malazgirt Plain and the Erzurum Plain. For the first time, the species were recorded in Muş Plain and Karasu Plain. Furthermore for the first time the species was recorded in Akçakale Plain in autumn migration (previous observations were from spring migration period).

By taking into consideration all previous records and those from 2010, a migration corridor used by the sociable lapwings might be passing from Erzurum, Muş, Diyarbakır and Şanlıurfa in Turkey (Figure 13). In this survey, no birds wew recorded in Diyarbakır, however there are observations from there in 1997. New surveys should be concentrated in Diyarbakır province to identify if the region is still used by the species during migration. Furthermore, Bitlis, Ağrı and Ardahan provinces were used irregularly in the past by small groups of sociable lapwings.

Figure 13. The map showing the possible migration corridor of sociable lapwings in Eastern Turkey.


Ceylanpınar is the site where the highest number of birds has always been recorded during migration. In the past, the birds were recorded mainly in fallow lands and harvested fields. However, since last year, water was brought to the site with channels (Figure 14) and sociable lapwings were mainly observed on the ploughed fields. This is mainly because, with the construction of the water channel, the former site started to be used heavily by sheep as a feeding and resting place (at night time). We believe, this change in the habitat of the species should be searched in more detail to better understand its influence on the species. This in turn can be used to identify the action that needs to be taken at the site to conserve this important stop-over site.

Figure 14. New irrigation canal constructed on the main sociable lapwing stop-over area in Ceylanpınar.



We would like to thank the Ceylanpınar and Muş TİGEM officers who helped us to carry out the field surveys, Murat Bozdoğan, Mustafa Erturhan, Nağme Akbaş, Musa Han, Mümin Gökhan Şenocak and Mikail Topdaş for carrying out such efficient field surveys under hard field conditions, Soner Bekir and Jose Tavares for their support and the information they shared with us throughout the study. For acquiring the permit for the survey, we would like thank to Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ceylanpınar Gendarmerie Commandership.



Akarsu, F. and Balkız, Ö. 2010. Sociable lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) in Ceylanpınar Southeast Turkey 2009 Autumn Season Field Report. Doğa Derneği, Ankara, Turkey.

Biricik, M., Deniz, H., Mungan, R., Akarsu, F., Ataol, M., and Balkız, Ö. 2008. Sociable lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) 2008 Field Report.

Bozdoğan, M. and Ö. Balkız. 2007. Sociable lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) Field Report. Doğa Derneği, Ankara, Turkey.

Eichhorn, G. and Heinicke, T. 2000. Notable observations of the Sociable Plover Vanellus gregarius from the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn area, central Kazakhstan. Study Group Bull. 93: 73–76.

Eken, G., Bozdoğan, M., İsfendiyaroğlu, S., Kılıç, D.T., Lise, Y. 2006. Key Biodiversity Areas of Turkey. Doğa Derneği, Ankara.

Khrokov, V.V. & Buketov, M.E. 2000. The Sociable Plover in Kazakhstan: the situation causes alarm. of East Europe and North Asia at the Turn of Centuries: Fifth Meeting on Issues Concerning Research and Conservation of Waders. Moscow: Working Group on Waders (CIS).

Sheldon, R.D., Grishina, K.V., Kamp, J., Khrokov, V.V., Knight, A. & Koshkin, M.A. 2006. Revising the breeding population estimate and distribution of the Critically Endangered Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius. Wader Study Group Bull. 111: 3.

Watson, M., Wilson, J. M., Koshkin, M., Sherbakov, B., Karpov, F., Gavrilov, A., Schıelzeth, H., Brombacher, M., Collar, N. J., & W. Cresswell. 2006. Nest Survival and Productivity of the Critically Endangered Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius. Ibis (2006),148, 489–502.


APPENDIX I. Observations of Sociable lapwings in Turkey before 2010 Date Latin name Number UTM Y X Key Observers Zone Biodiversity Area

12.10.2003 Vanellus gregarius 3 36 4287956 702833 Hürmetçi Nurten Budak, Esra Per, Sazlığı Sinan Per

22.09.2004 Vanellus gregarius 3 36 4286384 702176 Hürmetçi Emin Yoğurtcuoğlu Sazlığı

03.10.2004 Vanellus gregarius 3 36 4286384 702176 Hürmetçi Hülya Alkan, Kadir Baran, Sazlığı Nurten Budak, Behiye Yilmaz

05.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 250 37 557789 4092562 Ceylanpınar Korhan Özkan, Soner Bekir 06.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 615 37 557789 4092562 Ceylanpınar Korhan Özkan, Soner Bekir 07.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 1017 37 557789 4092562 Ceylanpınar Korhan Özkan, Soner Bekir 09.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 48 37 4190797 657701 Bismil Ovası'na Murat Biricik, Hamza çok yakın Deniz 09.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 737 37 598127 4107773 Ceylanpınar Murat Bozdoğan, Ercan Aslan

10.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 203 37 597915 4106645 Ceylanpınar Murat Bozdoğan, Ercan Aslan


Date Latin name Number UTM Y X Key Observers Zone Biodiversity Area 11.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 78 37 597915 4106645 Ceylanpınar Murat Bozdoğan, Ercan Aslan

11.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 6 37 587684 4102883 Ceylanpınar Murat Bozdoğan, Ercan Aslan

12.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 6 37 594589 4104979 Ceylanpınar Murat Bozdoğan, Ercan Aslan

12.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 223 37 596414 4109401 Ceylanpınar Murat Bozdoğan, Ercan Aslan

13.03.2007 Vanellus gregarius 140 37 596414 4109401 Ceylanpınar Murat Bozdoğan, Ercan Aslan

12.10.2007 Vanellus gregarius 1810 37 592018 4104216 Ceylanpınar Murat Biricik, Ercan Aslan

13.10.2007 Vanellus gregarius 3200 37 592215 4101366 Ceylanpınar Murat Biricik, Ercan Aslan

20.10.2007 Vanellus gregarius 24 37 4416387 716210 Palandöken Emrah Çoban Dağları'na yakın 01.03.2008 Vanellus gregarius 200 37 477187 4076618 Akçakale Soner Bekir ve Ali Atahan Bozkırları 01.03.2008 Vanellus gregarius 100 37 551630 4076896 Ceylanpınar Soner Bekir ve Ali Atahan


Date Latin name Number UTM Y X Key Observers Zone Biodiversity Area 08.03.2008 Vanellus gregarius 156 37 4100220 479992 Akçakale Soner Bekir ve Bahar Bozkırları Bilgen 11.03.2008 Vanellus gregarius 313 37 597530 4106292 Ceylanpınar Murat Biricik, Hamza Deniz, Recep Mungan

12.03.2008 Vanellus gregarius 871 37 589570 4103483 Ceylanpınar Murat Biricik, Hamza Deniz, Recep Mungan

13.03.2008 Vanellus gregarius 820 37 589740 4104860 Ceylanpınar Murat Biricik, Hamza Deniz, Recep Mungan

14.03.2008 Vanellus gregarius 201 37 597530 4106292 Ceylanpınar Murat Biricik, Hamza Deniz, Recep Mungan

29.09.2009 Vanellus gregarius 178 37 592824 4104622 Ceylanpınar Ferdi Akarsu, Can Yeniyurt

30.09.2009 Vanellus gregarius 1672 37 594274 4107183 Ceylanpınar Ferdi Akarsu, Can Yeniyurt

01.10.2009 Vanellus gregarius 14 37 594210 4107160 Ceylanpınar Ferdi Akarsu, Can Yeniyurt

01.10.2009 Vanellus gregarius 298 37 594147 4108118 Ceylanpınar Ferdi Akarsu, Can Yeniyurt

01.10.2009 Vanellus gregarius 600 37 593225 4107996 Ceylanpınar Ferdi Akarsu, Can Yeniyurt


Date Latin name Number UTM Y X Key Observers Zone Biodiversity Area 02.10.2009 Vanellus gregarius 18 37 592471 4105516 Ceylanpınar Ferdi Akarsu, Can Yeniyurt

02.10.2009 Vanellus gregarius 13 37 591484 4107057 Ceylanpınar Ferdi Akarsu, Can Yeniyurt


APPENDIX II. Survey Team Contact Details Survey team E-mail Title

Ferdi Akarsu [email protected] Bird Researcher

Mustafa Erturhan [email protected] Bird Watcher

Nağme Akbaş [email protected] Bird Watcher

Murat Bozdoğan [email protected] Bird Watcher

Musa Han [email protected] Bird Watcher

Mümin Gökhan [email protected] Bird Watcher Şenocak Mikail Topdaş [email protected] Bird Watcher


APPENDIX III. Other bird species recorded during the surveys Province Location Name Date Species name (Numbers) Name Erzurum Erzurum Plain 26.09.2010 Vanellus vanellus (60)

Erzurum Erzurum Plain 27.09.2010 Glareola nordmanni (3) - Vanellus vanellus (45) - Tringa nebularia (1) - Tringa ochropus (1) Erzurum Erzurum Plain 28.09.2010 Vanellus vanellus (150)

Erzurum Erzurum Plain 28.09.2010 Vanellus vanellus (90), Philomachus pugnax (90), Gallinago gallinago (1),Tringa totanus (1), Buteo rufinus (1) Erzurum Karasu Plain - 28.09.2010 Vanellus vanellus (30), Philomachus pugnax (1) Erzurum, Hınıs Road Erzurum Erzurum Plain 28.09.2010 Vanellus vanellus (2)

Erzurum Erzurum Plain 28.09.2010 Vanellus vanellus (2000)

Erzurum Erzurum Plain 28.09.2010 Vanellus vanellus (31), Falco tinnunculus (1), Milvus migrans (1) Urfa Ceylanpınar 04.10.2010 Milvus migrans (1), Melanocorypha calandra (1)

Urfa Ceylanpınar 05.10.2010 Cursorius cursor (5), Aquila nipalensis (1), Milvus migrans (2) Urfa Ceylanpınar 05.10.2010 Milvus migrans (3), Aquila pomarina (1)

Urfa Ceylanpınar 06.10.2010 Oenanthe oenanthe (1)

Urfa Ceylanpınar 07.10.2010 Cursorius cursor (34), Circus macrourus (1), Milvus migrans (5) Urfa Ceylanpınar 08.10.2010 Cursorius cursor (21)

Muş Malazgirt Plain 09.10.2010 Corvus sp. (more then thousand)

Muş Malazgirt Plain 10.10.2010 Vanellus vanellus (10), Pterocles orientalis (3), Sturnus vulgaris and Corvus sp. (more then thousand)

Muş Malazgirt Plain 10.10.2010 Otis tarda (4), Vanellus vanellus (18), Pterocles oriantalis (11), Corvus sp. (more then one thousand individuals) Urfa Ceylanpınar 11.10.2010 Milvus migrans (3)

Muş Malazgirt Plain 12.10.2010 Corvus sp. (more then one thousand individuals)


Province Location Name Date Species name (Numbers) Name Muş Malazgirt Plain 13.10.2010 Corvus sp. (more then one thousand individuals)

Urfa Ceylanpınar 14.10.2010 Cursorius cursor (15), Milvus migrans (4)

Urfa Ceylanpınar 15.10.2010 Cursorius cursor (5), Milvus migrans (4), Circus cyaenus (1) Urfa Ceylanpınar 15.10.2010 Cursorius cursor (13), Milvus migrans (2)

Urfa Ceylanpınar 18.10.2010 Cursorius cursor (6), Milvus migrans (2)

Urfa Ceylanpınar 19.10.2010 Cursorius cursor (7), Milvus migrans (3)

Urfa Ceylanpınar 20.10.2010 Cursorius cursor (7), Milvus migrans (2)