* and ** 1 October 20L9

Mr Davíd SASSOLI, President of the European Parliar¡ent

c/c Ms Ursula VON DER LEYEN, President-elect of the

Subiect : Ms Svlvîe GOULARD and the Councíl far the Future of of the Beraqruen Instítute

Dear Mr President,

As corÌìrn¡tted Europeans constantly endeavouring to advance the European project as Heads of Governnrents and longtime nrembers of the European Parliament and the European Commission - we regard integrity and full compliance with the rules as essential prerequisites for those entrustecl \¡/ith posit¡ons of responsibility ¡n EU lnstitut¡óns. We thus r¡.ielcome a rigorous scrutirly of all candidates to such positions.

We write this note as forrner Chair¡r¡en of the CoLrncil for the Future of Europe (CFE), an independent and non- partisan initiative set up try the Berggruen lnstilute on Governance, in orcier to providc infornration on the posiiion of Ms Sylvie GOULARD as S¡recial Adviser to CFE starti¡rg in Octobre 2013 and ending at the beg¡nn¡ng of 2016, while she was a Menrber of the European Parliament, Ms GOULARD, as you know, is currently a CornrÎissior-rer clesignated, soon to appear before the corrpetent Committees of the European Parliament as part of the confirmation procedure.

ln this context, some issues were recently raised about the nature of CFE and Ms GOULARDIs role as SpecialAdviser We wish to provide below sorne factual infornration on the nature of the SpecialAclviser's activ¡ties that may be helpful for an objective assessnrent.

Wc r,villtlrt-.n address the issue of wl.ìether Ms GOULARD's activity for CtE could entail conflicts of interests with her pos¡tion as MEP.

L. On the nature and value of the Special Adviser's activities

The nature of the activlties conducted bv N1s GOULARD is describecl in the attached "OfficialStatemernt of Nicolas Berggruen and ttre Berggruen lnstitute", dated 24 Septernber 201"9 and signed by the Chairnran and the Executive Vice President of the lnstitUte.

Îhe outputs of Ms GOULARD's r¡vork (research, notes, advices, organizational and networking lvork, etc.) were in most cases conlnrissioned and utilized by us as successive Chairnletr of CFE. Therefore, we are in a position to attest that she fully conrplied r,vith the tasks reqLrireo of her r:nder the contract stipulated between her and the Berggruen lnstitutc. Given the nrembership of CFE ("former heads of government, former ministers or heads of international institutions and prestigious academics", i.e. high-level personalities unlikely to spend t¡me in the thorough preparation required by each meeting or event), there was the need of "somebody exper¡enced and competent to work to a very high stalldard, on cornplex issues related to policy developrnerrt arrd public engagenlent in Europe". The assessment ¡n the "Official Statenrent", that Ms GOUI.ARD "did an outstanding job as senior advisor" reflects our eva[ration as well.

The fees perceived by Ms GOULARD have been negotiated directly betr,veen her and the Berggruen lrlst¡tute. We can nevertheless confirm that her track record prior to her election to the Euro¡rean Parliament, as rvell as her skllls are rare. She chaired the European Movenrent in , the first civ¡l society association promoting Europe in a large Member State and with which she organized very successful public events on Europe. She was also co'founder of the that ainred at prornotlng Europe through tolvn halls and was participat¡ng in irrflt¡ential foundations and think-tanks throughout Europe. She can work in four languages and has written several books on European issues.

2. on conflicts of interests

We have the firm v¡ew that there were no conflicts of interests concerning the act¡vity of Ms Goulard as Specìal Aclvisor to CFE.

First, CFE was a non-profit organization, totally separated fro¡rr the business act¡vities of tlre founder and chairrran of the Berggruen lnstitute.

Secondly, CFE's sole objective was the advancement of the European project, through the improvement of EU policies, in particular as regards a more effective goven'ìance systerr and better awareness by Eirropean citizens. One coulcl say that the objectives of CFE, to which Ms GOULARD devoted part of her time, largely coincided r,vith those of EU lnstitutions and notably the European Parliament, to which she was devoting most of her time.

Tlrirdly, CFE was a body advocatirrg European integration and appropriate broad reforms to bring that process forward. Never did CFE go speclfically into the analysis or advocacy of porticular matters being considered by the European Parliament in its legislative or other roles, let alorre of directives or regLrlations with which Ms GOULARD was involved in her parliamentary.functions.

Fourthly, also because of the above, there was never any need, or indeed any occasion, to ask anything of Ms GOUTARD that rnight ilnply confidential infornration olr her activities as MEP or other inside infornlation frorrr other EU lnstitutions.

tor all the reasons above, we firmly conclude that Ms Goulard's activities as Special Adviser to the Council for the FLtture of Europe took place in a context in whrch no actual or potential conflict of interest could arise with her activìt¡es as NlEP. We lh.lnk yot: for yc-),,;r.,ìtientiùrn, l\4r Pr*sidtni. ¡ncl in¡--. sl¡rnd ready to ¡:rrr:;rrídi: .¡n'; f:urtirri:r clariiir.;iiir'rrr i:r.¡t you rìr¿ry deem helplul.

ln faiTh,

it¡,u* k.*f Marío Monti* Verhofstadt**

Clr¡irrn¿n i20f 3-mid 20L5) Chaìr'r¡¿n {nrid,l015' 2-C 1tr)

Ccr¡ncil íor the Futurs of Ëu¡ope Cor.¡nci! lor thr: l-uturc al Luro¡:r:

r Fûr¡rer Prinre Ministerof ltaly (2011"2013)¿itrd fo¡n¡r-tr Menli:,:r of tlrr: luro¡re:.lrr ÇcrnrrniSsion (lS)95- 20û4), curre ntly Senator for iif,: of thc llaii¿rr lìr:publ;i:.

N' Forrner Prrine l¡1i¡ristsì'of ileig;urn (1999 2C081 ;¡nd formcr lltesidellt of thc Iu¡r:¡rslan Councii i20t1), curre ntly Mcr¡rber of the Ëuropean larii¡nrerl.

Attacheci :

Official Stateme nt of l'Jicolas il¿¡ rggi'r"rtn and thr: Ber¡;gruen irt:titutc