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Tenterden-Archive-Clippings-Vol-1.Pdf tbe chugb toweq whiob or 5sltl. Tnr Nrw Croox in ( orbiENrrqltht d,t bt Wtt hag been ."o"i*t*gd at Merlrg' $enro.n'er ii"ail;i;t t[; l;bil* committoe, strrtog,:P r?c\y TO BE LET, 1967 Wffi;Jd'y li'iuoiT-i'ti-p"'t 6ve'-wrg tul d:!" -fl.t -iii-*.r, igir bf coivexconvex rbrper otrand Scnnps ITIWO exeellont HOUSAS and SHOPS, well "i"";il;%;i" in iiimeter, -bf I situated in the town of TENTERDEN, offeriug- [ii&, *itn sitt fig** and bandr. n tlre notice of a good opcning tor a -Grocol., &nd werth Sr, Mrcserr,'g Junnrtr FoT"..Axq TTryo1; &ny one J busineds.-Enquire of Mr. Catt, ve ( includ ing. fi n6h iuF f l,'o i"t J"o"t'oid; ;b" . it Vot l. butcher, ntljoining"*qor'ting bouse. [reeg. etc. ] wru amounE Eo -::::::-:::::-.-_- Tff oittee appbet to those -*--:::-::::::-:- lf;'t Bk- ;'s:H {lltre ;!?{,I.6i*$-ltiporirh,-wbo ;;;il.Ct a i'ittr-* intor-.ttiaiot"t"rtid in tbe pori.h' t9to r YOUNG .WIRALESS *it-*ffi fsg$,rffi i$tliruf;*Jffi TANTERDEIT'S Sec.-Adut', {ow87 ,r \ EI{TITUSIAST. He,5 uEc ruriiE;6-su. lggT Frb Tnn JusrLm CrooK.-Througb tbe zeal snd /^ energy of Mr.' C. E, Brkcr (Moyor) and tho com- i rnittee, of whiob Mesgrs. E. Winscr and 'f[. trARTI{. Lovpnce woro honorary aecretariea, tubacriptionr K.I).K.A. WITI{OUT AERIAL OR I wero raieed to erect & netry clock in placo of the i old one in the church tower, as o Jubilee memorial. 'Ihe tender acceptod war that of Mr. J.'W'. Benson, I its clockmaker to the Queen, Ludgate'hill, London, holder of several ro' time the cheanest valve ' cost 2616. On rvho har mado a clock specinlly guited to ths tower. Tenterdon is the - -il delighted cords in one way the other, but what i{pril, .1923, hs Yas This {irm is well hnown in Kent, having made 'and to""*pt"ti;n ieceive an- Amet'ican transurlssJorl' tho following Btrrhrm, may safely be added to the list ie the wire' further al- the cfockr at fplaces : r lhousli not vcr.y distinct. After.'autumn Ilildonborongb, Meopham, Patrlxbourne, Seven'Sevcnl less record. of Aloxander Frank Rogers, i;:"tT;;; t.-i.ii: tti6 witing, in tho of oaks, W*hner Bariackr, .Brompton Barracka, eighteen-year'old. son of I\Ir. Il. Rogers, I[" ii."io- h-o clear siq]qls the -ge-cerved' K.I). Shesrnose Dockyard, end Wi[esborough loeal butcher. IIe was ths ifur" W-.J.:C.: w.c.Y., - W.o4,, ag{. churcb, and Iforsmondon Workmen's Institute, the w"tt known 1923, he erect a wire' aira- bn Decerirber z8th' . ntomorials. All tbo latest improvo' /n second. person in the town to - ii.A-, during for Jubilee [uss. aerial, which he did when he was 15 i;il;'.I in- twelvei American stations ments brve been introduced. The fnme ir on ths ono valve' v"tt" old.' The object-his of this was to -t1v th;--n.itiitg night, - alt horizontal, wbich allows sny psrt to bs romoved 6ut a crystal set of own making' which, tho sulnrner " of ' 1924 ho designed for clecuing or repair without disturbing tho rest No cast-iron wheolr ar€ uced, but tbe whole of the wheolg are of bard brars, cut by rbeam I macbiuery. Tbe escepcuont ir Grrbcm's dead- .boat of tho higbert- finisb' Ths dial is 9ft. in diameter, of stout shcst eoppr, weighing about tbreo of,t., hrving r raiced g:ilt bead ontthe rtruck ori a bell of 36 cwt. The striking part f ie on an iurproved syrtom, the hamne.r !,ejog raised by the great whoel, -wh_ere_by a-bervier blow end rnoie rcuud tro obtained tban ic possible by the old mecbaniem, Improved rack repcating work ir urod, which ie safo and relisble. The psn' with zinc'and irou tubes for dulum ie compenseted- \ variationg of temperature ; the time'keeping is, tberofore, most accurate, sPd the cloc! will be ths standard'for tbo neighbourbood' There il an 6n' sravodnraved endand eilvercileilvorcil plate ou utovoment,movoment, asa,g fol'fol- (* lows 3-t'Thic'-rr Thir clook vasrvas orooted by voluutart Eon'son' tributions, in 188?, to commemorate tbe Jubilee Year of Queen Victorirr. L. Cempbell Lepard (vicar). B: P. Apps, F. Stanbridge (ohuncb- ivardoirs),irmdens)^ivsrde;rs), C. E^toEaton Baker (Moyorr-(Movor,- prceident), Ed. Wiilser, Levonco (hon. locb. to tbe Jubilse Commitbee).FJ.-, A CauuoN ro Bots.-At the petty.reeaione, on Mondry, before Mr. O. D. Baker (mayor)t Mesars.'- M. Rogers rnd X'.- J. Dennyr, Eony r were ch-arged ,Sfo,tes, 16, snd Somucl, Ballg'rd', 13, 'Wsst witb maliciodslv damasing s tree at Croas, tbo proporty of-the Coipoiation. Tbe practioe of cuttins- the bark of the treer brs boen Yory provalintproverenE lately,latorJrt and tbo boyr lYero finsd 6d. and 2s. 6d. eailh. Photo. Ashdowu. Teuterden. I yery-- satisfactorq, gnty and constmctcd the experimental one to aND r however, w&s not -IIo (iltustrated)' all the com' M^qrryRs CO., MorJ;-[Lids ieceived.--saturdav persovered, bo*- fivo valvo set "o"u night Septem- rronents,- including the loud -bpeaker.. ex- ;;;;.- -in 6e"t *alttes. batt-eries and. phones, beipg t8?,7 b"t,' !922,-t-hu'nidol"fo*Et,""4 he wa.e gratified t9, .hoPr. ulusrc tfou cX1i,T.1."J;i . fio* 1'aris, this being tho mia" and assembled by him.- This set'rvill f which wireless t-elep[oll *or:k cfficiently on wavo lengths f rom 40 first occasion on and I(.D.K.A. on 68 rnetres for tiho SPOIITS. ;; h-e-a-rd-i" ttru town on a _crystal set. On to 24,000 nretrcJ, T\VERY REQUISITE rec.'iveti any' evening oyr tho loud ,-ta--. MAN.tllJallr r . g'f; c"" be - - -[,l Jf I' t Yil,til: s;eaker. This station hns been received AMIIUNITION of EverY DxcriPtion. t*ii' Txir# *i:kt- ^t il rvithout aerial or earth. The and Joyce's CARTRIDGES. i,u*t- li'tn"mission f"o4f 2l ) ' Eley's, Kynock'r commen-ced cgn' ciicuit"ii"*atuatv uied is n sirnple straight eircuit, us- CASE$ tn all Colourg. Thus uncourag"ct bg one det., and 2 L.F. structin g---a,";i";tu t'ai"e set, and at this ing two II.Ii'., 8.C., SCEULTZE, antl BLACK POIVDER CIIILLED ond Other SIIOT. - --- '= CANTRIDGES.. r . .- j:'-'--- - -- . i BIEI,D LOADED LOADBD CARTRIDGES. NOTICE, I ' HEREBY GIVE r I P.tu\cE, TTENTEBDET{' Block Powder from Es, 6d. Per 100. mv I}READ will continue to be of .ELECT8IC A.C. or Schultzg '' 98. 6d. rr rt fT\I{AT Steps. Electric tbrouSb0ul ,r'" ,r ilr; r*..'"*rellent qualiby ond sire as heretofgro--; Fkcproof.- No .tt$ll : protspt-lv executo9. -f Acb, All TiP'u-P Upholstered-- Seats' 4tl 9UN FEPAIRfI tt;;Auirenients i,t tUo Broarl lshull _-.-J^--_- Uit, tl iil ANTMATED r -nte ieli auy m,ore Q^ua'b or 1l*lf'Gatlou trHE ryoRLDsr?,If8I tq i.;;'d"*iitro. -iiit- rii{u^q.b"or- *itt qbl,u-1t'y \vIiIGIIt ll+ -i;ltf.-: frorn-u" 2rI. to 5.I,1., accordiug From 3 p.m. to lo'50 -Chlldren-p-'m-'- dally'. iiriiY, ut p.t Prico balt-prlo4 to weight' PRICES-:--U': 6al anC 5-d. I JAI\tEs PDAR.'N. cxrupi---ctiuprnrn Saturd'ai -bn-lfr-cu Nights and plcrqhE!Holidays' - or EvEBr : High-street, Tenterden, jltr, a.#3,t ft ; :'tlil ;ei 1?iq"d-J -Nov. 30th, l$g7, $lE, *! 4!'"" l\ lr' YruI,AGA BI,ACKSITITH MADE HIS OWN DIJI.,CIMER DNAD ,q3& F E-b lvll\ la' CHURCHWARDEN FOR 24 YEARS TEN,TERDEN *ft t\ fl f "ttl,fr # l- f, l,t'd,ti't: lr [,ABOURER AI'{D b ,}x ,H?fi:: "fi lr'-$ f r** *'i-fr I" r"i'ifr::'* 4 HIS MTISIC 'Jitfitrr ''*g;llfi: t\ lHt"l""ti"at"iltJan.-.q"d f,*tule b,lf *T"1,fi li Feb n31 tiili, alsp for a considerable livetl nt ; ;3 ll #: ; Xff" *i-'it 8ff " "ilt A long, tttue ngo a little boy who f,t i""t il "x .rsetl to go to sehool at Llrnpne Tr;fi Wept ttl:tne ir'jilltriIf tffi 1."f, 'fIid'trla#l$'.f I'f ancl on' his wsty he passerl & man who t-i$"i:Jilnilu;tdge lh played a strango and rvonclcrful tnstru' Mr. .Gilbert was on the -oI sehool oroot-a dulcimer. nrilf ri"-Uo-ard Quardi&'', - was-& ivistfully m&naser, a- mbmber of ' the GardeTing Ii)rch- dny tho little bgy gye-d it for us hd grerv- olcler h-e tooli moro inter- ffi;fi- bommittee-, en4, ^twgnfr-f.our "nAe*t- i"" it nntil he know how it was- marle, r oti .atto"t the sounding board and- the wir- ffi ;t;tem- As soon as hs lcft echo'l n ncl ;Tf;",itr-F'},llt:l#.H:di#*il'*['ft: l,i,"r"6if u"v money the boy triecl to malie a if;' ( $ ln:" .Ft' tt 133"".1i$t;:'{ ['if dulcimer. f 'Gilbert It[rs. S. C. l) now' an ol{ xqnil, i*tJ' Ai.thn"-an,t -(sq!:*)r. fttut little-iVittiam boy is It t' itiiu".i Urs. A. S-. Walter (daughtgrs)r Georil Kennett, of- Spring -Cot- ffi; --T'- - Gil[ert and Mrs. A. Gilbert 6;;:- Staaion-roatl, - Teiterden. ILoliing ao"t*iher;s has been- his ruling _hobby g-v.er $ the etr-eet player.
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    door to door pick up Payment Scheme details Kent Karrier is a membership-based scheme. Full terms and conditions are available online at This scheme is operated by Compaid The annual membership fee contributes towards the cost www.kent.gov.uk (search Kent Karrier) or by request of administering the scheme, and a fare is payable every from the address below. By applying for the scheme you with financial help from KCC. for ashford time you travel. Please enclose a cheque / postal order acknowledge that you have read and accept these terms. To book the service and for made out to Kent County Council to the value of £5. The information that you provide on this form is collected application forms call Compaid Please do not send cash by post. and dealt with in compliance with the Data Protection Act on 01892 832447 The £5 charge will not be waived under any circumstances. 1998. It will be used by Kent County Council to administer the Kent Karrier Scheme (including the detection and If you wish to check times, fares or have As membership runs for one calendar year, the fee applies prevention of fraud) and will be shared with the transport a comment to make, please call Compaid irrespective of the date of application. Refunds will not be provider(s) of the scheme which you are joining for the on the above number. issued and payments by instalment cannot be accepted. same purposes. Applications New applications can be made at any time. You must be Checklist a Kent resident and can only apply for the scheme which n Have you completed all sections of the form, operates in your area.
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