Message-Based Study Guide for Small Groups and Individuals

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Message-Based Study Guide for Small Groups and Individuals Message-Based Study Guide for Small Groups and Individuals At What Cost? "Count the Cost" Luke 14:28-33; Matthew 13:44-45 (January 19-25, 2020) We may experience both a fear of and a longing for living life on the edge. Read these excerpted lyrics. Livin' on the Edge - Aerosmith ​ There's somethin' wrong with the world today | I don't know what it is Something's wrong with our eyes | We're seein' things in a different way And God knows it ain't his | It sure ain't no surprise Livin' on the edge AND Livin' on the edge | You can't help yourself from fallin' Livin' on the edge | You can't help yourself at all Recorded in 1993 by Aerosmith. Written by Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, and Mark Hudson. Answer and discuss the following question with your group. Some people experience living life on the edge as living on the edge of an emotional or economic cliff. Others experience living on the edge as an exciting, risk-taking, and fulfilling life. 1. Read the lyrics above. Describe a time in your life (if ever) when the Aerosmith song was written about your situation. Read the following excerpt out loud or watch message segment #1. An excerpt from the StoneBridge message, “Count the Cost”. Jesus is taking us to this place – a place of decision. He is on his way to Easter. He is on the road to Jerusalem and has a crowd of people following him – a large crowd. They are hoping that the is the Messiah that would bring about revolution; that Israel would finally be free from the Roman government. It doesn’t seem like a bad idea at all. Who wouldn’t want freedom? But Jesus is going to disappoint them. He did not come to earth for that reason. He has something else in mind that will bring freedom, but it will come with a huge price tag. He knows that and by the way, he has counted the cost. He has considered how his teaching would affect some people. He knows that it is just a matter of time before he will be killed. He knows what it costs. It will cost everything, so he is telling his followers if you want to follow me… It will cost you. He said if you want to follow me, not just listen to me. If you want to follow me you have to be willing to love me more than anyone else on the planet. You have to be willing to carry a cross. And you better count the cost. At What Cost? – Lesson 3, page 1 Message-Based Study Guide for Small Groups and Individuals Read Luke 14:28-33 and Matthew 13:44-45 and answer/discuss the following questions. Jesus gave two parables describing the importance of counting the cost. 2. A Builder. What parallels do you see for a builder counting the cost of a project and a follower of Christ counting the cost of the risk of following Jesus? 3. A Builder. What parallels do you see in the consequences of a builder who does not count the cost and a follower of Christ who does not count the cost of following Jesus? 4. A King Going to War. What parallels do you see for a king counting the cost of a war and a follower of Christ counting the cost of the risk of following Jesus? 5. A King Going to War. What parallels do you see in the consequences of a king who does not count the cost and a follower of Christ who does not count the cost of following Jesus? Read the following excerpt out loud or watch message segment #2. An excerpt from the StoneBridge message, "Count The Cost?” Such a troubling verse! Here a man, a young man, a rich young leader, asks the ultimate question. He is sincere. I don’t think he was trying to show off or trick Jesus. He wanted to know. Again if you were to ask Jesus a question what would you ask? ● What must I do to inherit eternal life? ● How are you doing with the commandments? ● I have kept those since I was little. OK, then you need to sell your stuff and give it to the poor. And in one of the most disheartening moments in the Bible, the man turns in the opposite direction; walks away, unwilling to leave it all. You can feel the disappointment as Jesus watches him walk away. “It is so hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.” “Then who can be saved?” To these people, riches equaled God’s blessing. If rich people struggle, then how in the world are we supposed to get in? It wasn’t so much that he was rich; it was that he was selfish with what he had. Even though he decided to keep what he had he still hadn’t found what he was looking for. Jesus, through these verses, has let us know. If we want to be his disciple, we will have to make the sacrifice. At What Cost? – Lesson 3, page 2 Message-Based Study Guide for Small Groups and Individuals Read Luke 18:18-30 and answer/discuss the following questions. 6. “At what cost?” The rich, young man asked how much cost is enough to secure his future eternal life. Do you think he was sincerely asking Jesus or merely testing Jesus? Why or why not? 7. Why do you think the young man walked away rather than follow Jesus? Reflection and Wrap-up We may experience both a fear of and a longing for living life on the edge. Everyone considering following Jesus should expect difficulties and sacrifice as we live life on the edge with and for him. 8. What kind of difficulties and sacrifices have you experienced (or know you may experience) as you are following Jesus? 9. Jesus calls us to walk by faith but also calls us to count the cost. What is it costing you to follow Jesus? Some possibilities may be turning away from some sin/sins, pursuing a life of self-denial, resisting your harmful impulses, or facing the ridicule of others. Perhaps it may cost you your reputation or even all that is dear to you. What is following Jesus costing you? Pray Together as a Group Additional Study If you have time during your Small Group or you want to study more about the message topic, read and consider the following passages: ● Matthew 13:44-46 ● Philippians 3:7-14 Just Thinking ● Jesus offers what cannot be bought, inherited, or learned. ● Jesus gives what no one can take away from us – eternal life. ● “You cannot be my disciple without giving up everything.” – Jesus At What Cost? – Lesson 3, page 3 .
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