IJIHB LADIES’ COLLEGE AND KINDERGARTEN, MARY H. COOPER, Court Dressmaker. . President i . GRA STGTON ROAD,. . ______THB DUKE Or DEVONSHIRE, Sell Tour Old Gold. BRUFORD & SON, n Smart COAT DRESSES, SUITS & RESTAURANT GOWNS for Spring Wear. A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. Is it advisable to store old gold articles W atchmakers, Principal.: MISS HITCHCOCK. | of no further bee when the gold can Tha REV V. 8. WILLIAMS, M.A. be exchanged for money ? Tele. 763. 6, LISMORE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Pupils prepared, If desired, fir the Preliminary, Junior. JEWELLERS k SILVERSMITHS Senior and Higher Cambridge Local Examinations, also We are prepared to value old gold In for Matrioulatton London University, and for tho large or small quantities free of cost The School la a nROT-GRADM SCHOOL tor t h e B o n a and to give cash or cheque payments E xammlnation ination by _the the ^ AascKilated. Associated Board of the Royal in exchange for it. BEST VALUE. Academ y of Muslo and Royal College of Mueio. (Proprietors, Bora a n prepared for the U nlvenittee, the Army, Navy QUALITY GUARANTEED. DICKER a n d CO. 8 . & F. SLOCOMBE), Students didesirous of pursuing their studies after leaving a n d CI t O OeMluee. Profeoalona and Com m ercial Life. School ma;.7 join Advanced Classes Id English Literature W. Bruford & Boa, R e p a ir s by Expert Men. D a n are apeetal A b u t a n d N a v y O u o n . and Hisiitory, French, Italian. Latin, Mathematics,Mathematics. Singing, &o. | ’ HIGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS GROCERS, Toe Rwapeetnaaad Inform ation aa to reoent Successes, 1 00, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne application should be m ade to th e H b a d M a s t b b . FROEBEL TRAINED TEACHER for the YOUNGER . ■ and 241, High-street, Exeter. CHILDREN. P h y s i c a l D anx la com pulsory for the whole BohooL Telephone 452. d ren ’s A n d a t Opposite Town Hall, Eastboi ,e. Hookey and Tennis Clubs. riLOTILLT-EIPPLESTONS, A FEW BOARDERS ARE RECEIVED. EASTBOURNE a n d WINES, SPIRITS MINERAL WALTERS. V 8TAVEUBY ROAD. MBAD8. BABTBOURNB. R E E N C R O F T - E L L E S M E R E, T % /riS S LIZZIE BARTHOLOMEW 1, SPENCER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. SCHOOL pF COMMERCE, Telephone V o. 68. , j j . Telephone No. 118. •v* (Cert. Pianist, T.C.L, and Cert. Senior R.A.M, G N o te S c h o o l for Girls (Preparatory and Finishing). and R.O.M.) i jives Lessons in . Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. 6 3 f , Terminus-road PIANOFORTE, THEORY OI MUSIC and MISS LLOYDS, assiated by Miss C. A. Davies, Over the Capital and Counties Bank, opposite Bolton-read). Browno and HIM Tait-Reid, B.A., i HARMONY. M ian ^'eac^ers’ diploma, aua “ of Trained Pupils 8UIcoessfnllr . prepared for Local School A: Centre 5 WT.i«am v ! Examinations8 of Associated Board of R.A.M. &jfR.031. 1 Typewriting, Book-keeping | • • ***** Teachers. and other Co(lieges. Schools visited. Receives or visits Business Training. B A K E R & — Apply, by letter, Crookham l House, U nder R otal P atronaqe. Baalitbourne (near Town Hall), or Clift’s M usic Saloo: Gildredge-road, Eastbourne. | D A N C IN G and RHYTHMIC EXERCISES. I l fenses W. H. ROBERTS, F.R.S.A., f.o.tj*., n o . MACHINE MADE BREAD M I S S E L E A N O R R A T C LIFFB tP I (Awarded Gold and Silver M edals). TVI188 MINA HUDSON. Cert. Voc. T.OX., 10 years Assistant to M rs. WORDSWORTH, •1FJL Mem. LS.M., - i H as R esumed her Classes at the GRAND HOTEL4 P I ILL 8IDE ST. ANNE'S BOAD, DELIVERIES TO ALL FPARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. RECEIVES PUPILS for SINGING. VOICE CULTURB S aturday, at 2.45; Juveniles, II o’clock. F. M seJOj., end jjn. HomniTBie Bar.O. and MiaWsburgh. and PIANOFORTE PLAYING In London and East­ TOURNE. B all"- gig- sd jfc A o m h o , W . J. a Umr, Emi., M .D . Also W ednesday, at 3 o’clock. Prepa S5 ECTf. aelhaBiejaa. pa., end Mu. On, the Bar. UrUn# bourne. [ School for Boys. an^Sto, Whafrtoa, the a«T. rTa. WHlUm., St A. (Bead Haata L adies’ Ch o ib . , Choir Training given bv arrangem„u„.ement. .I ^ _DEVONSHIRE ------PARK,, T------ransition C—lass! .a ., r j 19 & 21, CHURCH STREETT 15, PEYENSEY ROAD and 175, SEASIDE. Preparation for Mnsloal Examinations. Many successes W ednesday, 2.45; Special Baby Class, 1L15. ___ Cam bri _ p r e p a r e d f a r T e l. 1 6 9 . jQRAWING AND PAINTING CLASSES. c^zszsz 2^=s*s^£-tr,.». ^„stFpw a a | p e r y d . its for Day Pupils and the Bone of I WATER- ROAD jte S rS Playing Field Ini OfGUdrodge ~ - -Park. - 1S B MARSARBT BHNBOKB (a pupO of Hiss 1 l / l l i y d . Bw M eelbdiM ta and Mr. W . Bothenatetm) HOLDS ------— ------Deportment and Ball-room Dancing (for Girls over 15), Special Clauses tor Operatic Technique o b o s o u g h p u ™ STUDIO, BATH ROAD TVflSS ELSIE S. M. REED, Certificated I Monuay> 5-30- 3 | per yd. SCHOOL, T e l e p h o n e 623. ( ■ o u t t o m, GROVE BOAD). U P P E R A V EN U E. B. “OURNH. FREDK. S. SHELLEY, "A Advanced Grade Associated Board R.A.M. and Daily. / 6 p e r y d . R HOum dally 10—4 end on Tueedays and Thursdays 7.45 (Honobre), Organist of the A D ance P ractice Class for Adults, W ednesday "••Id p.m. Eastbourne College, Assistant Organist at Sh Saviour e and F riday E vening at 8 45 • ‘^ ^ I dI g. gu^ S « ! i . Builder, Decorator, Plumber, Gas, Hot Water and Elelctrical Engineer. Classes tor chOdren. Special arrangements made with Churoh, Eastbourne, Accompanist to the Eastbourne .. , Private School for Boys. •eboole. Full particulars oa appUoauon. Amateur Ojperati^ Society. Open for Engagement as A n A merican T ea and D ance, T uesday, 4.30, Contractor for General House Repairs. n m S W m ihESSO^ In P^NOFORTK and at T he L odge, B lackwater-road (opposite the 8 acres of ground. Chemical and ' - - 8, TERMINUS PLACE IS S M . GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, StudentspreparodtorrtheTOrtOT?MudralEsanSmtions Presbyterlan ? hurch)> partlGl,lar3 may ** O ffice a n d S h o w r o o m s D lp lO m d e , Paris and n ftmhridgfl TiOffllP. M 4, K ilbu bn Terbaos (3 minutes from Station), 48, MILL ROAD. Personal attention given to all orders. M (let Class Certificate), Hastbourite. ■______Fees M oderate and Inclusive. AND AT DRK88CUTT1NQ DANCING, DEPORTMENT and EURHYTHMIC and MAKING, FRENCH PATTERN MODELLING B. NNOAKES, Certificated in Harmony 11 g * . GEORGE'S SCHOOL (UPPKRTON). EXERCISES. Ld. T H E - EASTBOURNE And MILLINERY. Mk v J- I8Bu n i ConnterpolntCounl (Senior Ikioal, Associated Board JkAJLROia Miss Bohoflald has had 16 years' experience w ith private pupils and in class teaching In aohoola. PIANOF^^BaMdIiSjie^ia?IO rgan^i^iIHaSiot^y 1VTISS HUTTON-MOSS a n d MISS PAINE r o s B O Y S ED FOR BUSINESS LITE. L im it e d . and Counterpoint.—B or Terms apply 8, Calvorley-road. JLTjL I Subjects of in elude those taught at SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY O., Blouse Patterns a Speciality. PRIVATE LESSONS, Ac. Schools and^ In addition, special 8, CORNFIELD TERRACE paid to- Commercial Subjects and‘ M o d e m Works: 146, LATIMER ROAD, EA8TB0 NE. ■piANOFORTES, AMERICAN ORGANS, Special arrangements made for Schools. I I I7ie best & most then •ought; y up-to-date ndry on the South Ooast. Fitted with the Latest Machinery. HARMONIUMS AND HARPK roe Prospectus, apply H e a d M a b t s b . SAVIOUR’S OHblE SCHOOL, For particulars apply— i Flannels Washed In Rain Water after the Jaeger System. Provision made for B y the . on the Lowest Terms, or Sale, , „„ „ Hand Washing when required. S• SOUTH STREET, and on the Three Years’System. 39a, H abrington-road, L ondon, S.W ., or flfUNICIPAL SCHOOL OF ART | BOYS ABB TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF BIGHT. IwsriTirru, Gbovk-boad). EXTENSIVE OPEN-AIR DRYING GROUND B. LYON & HALL, Warwick Mansion, I 8’ Goiuungk-road, E astbourne. F n a OS p u b A n n u m . Punctuality. Correctness. Special Terms for Hotels, Sohools, &o. 6, KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. CE COURT, DAY a a d ____ G GLASSES are held- In all M a m t C h o b l l SoBOhABSHZPB, som e of w hioh cover Bran oh ee of Art. Olaaaes In Metal Work, M b s . K. B o ssitk b H il l , Manageress. Telephone 95. Uie whole am ount of the Fees. Experie, Tuners sent to all parts of the Country. I S S MARGARET GARDNER Wood “ _ Leather Work, j Training for Business Life. trated Catalogues Free by Post. M Receives P u pils for C lasses (Elementary and Advanced) in M usicianship and* Singing, and for ___!’S C A S E S . join for short periods. For Prospectus and other Information apply P lano Lessons. MONEY. E s t a b l is h e d 1879. WARDROBES. IL’f_ MUNICIPAL ECONDARY DAY SCHOOL THE WARDEN. FOR GIRLS MONEY. I WARDROBES. the chair), Sir Steyning LAMB & SON, . iKoland Burke, Mr. C. A. (I PPEBTON-BOAD). I W. T. ing according to the Rhythmic System. ej Hudson. V I Address: 1, COLLEGE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. MUNICIPAL fcCONDARY DAY SCHOOL Pawnbro•toers, Jewellers and Genera] Salesmen, FOB BOYS YE FROM THE SEA. 104, SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOUENB. rn-terrace, was summoned (T e c h n ic a l I n b ti I, Gbove-road), LIGHTING j OEBEB, 1918 ; SINGING, VOICE PRODUCTION & CULTURE light on the 24th ult. i and full particulars of these Schools « « I Always ON SALI! a Large of NEW and SECOND-HAND WATCHES, CLOCKS, R. C. WYNDHAM ROBINSON receives wearing V.AiD. uniform, from THE SECRET ARY, Eduoafelon Com- "Jew ellery. B uyer ' " ^ ®W (GAS RESTRICTIONS). and Visits Pupils. Town H all, Eastbourne. M a special constable said T ehms :—Single Lessons, 10s. 6d.; 10 Lessons, SA. 4s. to ; tho W ish Tower. Ceu^ Adeem*** on every description o f Property. Lodi**’ and Gentlemen’! Wardrobe*. ?*re) a n d fo r Prompt Oath. Special Terms for Sohools. , defendant 6sid she was j A. E. SI PARTIES WAT ON AT ANY TIME AT O RISID KNOB. K ya L ami, T he G reys, E astbourne. I hospital and oh the date is M 8* The Coal Controller states that it will not be possible to supply iff. j I, SILVERDALB I AD. EASTBOURNE, London, Wednesdays, Weekes & Co.’s Studios, 14, from thb'sea a fine of 3 0 s , the quantity of Coals hitherto received. Hanover-street, W. .A.M.C.L East Dean-road-, LANGUAGES. “ EXTRA - ADVANTAGE Apart, therefore, from the question of )enalties for infringement Patronised by Royalty. t of a light visible from Young Pupils prepared, by the best and soundest methods, far the Public Schools Entrance Examination. of the Order, it becomes imperative upon al 1 consumers to reduce the KS’EK THE GYMNASIA absolutely unconscious of ______Special attention given to LANG UA OES. NATIONAL WAR BO NDS Gas used, so as to prevent the necessity fo • more drastic methods of a n d S ch oo ls o f 'P h y s ic a l E d u c a t io n i showing, and he added YORK ROAD, Hastboubnk (near Town Hall), Tal. 9171 sea from hia window. W ith Interest Already Started. TeL 264. Under Royal Patronage. Eat. 1899. curtailing the supply. and DERWENT ROAD, MEADS The sea can see you, I Also a t BEXHIL l . !L H E CENTRAL GYMNASIUM, Every branchbi of Physical Education scientifically taught :tbd, the Chairm an rem arking CORNFIELD ROAD. Eastbourne. £5,000 ADDED TO THE PURCHASING POWER OF .£100,000. .At least one-sixth less should he uaejd than in 1917 or 1916 by fullj^“ qualified and experienced Instructor and Lady d a case as the previous one.- T Proprietor, P b o f. GEORGE RABEY date) Sergt- (whichever was the greater). A reference to your meter card will eachers, under the direction of Mr. Moss. ^ JEWELLERY. i- Instructor ELM. Coldstream Guards. j * There la a Medical Gymnasium attached for Remedial The Subjects of Instruction are: Gymnastics, Deport- ] Full particulars from W ar Bond Dept., assist you. Exercises and Swodlsn Massage, nndor the direction ol |Bf> nface, Dennis-road, was meat. Military, Physical and Swedish Drill, Boxing, Miss F. O. CharlesworthrM.G.T.L, M.N.8.P.B. ith stealing a quantity of Fencing, Swoid, Single-stick, Life Saving, Resuscitation, 1 the’ 10th ult., the property F irst Aid, &o. E astbourne Gas Co. 1 0 , S ussex G ardens. H O T C H K IS S & SO N . First-class Army Instructors. Sohodls attended. t d It;t and elected to be dealt and Juvenile Classes are -held dally in Deport­ OETZMANN & CO., L . n g i n e e r s , millwrights , m e n t , Physical and Swedish Exercises, and are under E PATTERN MAKERS, that on the day in question"; t h e personal supervision of Mrs. George R abbv. T O T T E N H A M OOTJR'T R O A D , L O N D 03 N .W 1, R I S & furniture removed from For Particulars apply at the Gymnasium. E. MOE 30NS, To1-440- BLACKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKERS, And Repairers of all, kinds of Maohlnery such as ririinus-road and prisoner was ------, . p - j r i ~ 2 1, SBASIDE BOAD, ic in., the wprk. OFFICIAL AGENTS for the Sale of EASTBOUHNE. T el. 260x. ■> Steam, Ga* A W ater Engines, Hydraulic Lifts,dbe» If .flrank Jones, a soldier, said Ironmongers, Cutlers, Electric and Gas Eitters, silver chain and pendant, R . N. COLLINS, Sports Outfitter, 5% NATIONAL WAR I ONDS ASHFORD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. I the missing property) from the £ 5 : Hot Water and Sanitary Engineers. : Engineering Works at Rear, laid she gave £3. 10s. fo r SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE Can be paid for at the rate of £1 per month per ond 5-:d by Mrs. Jones. Near Town Hall). without loss of interest. Barmaid] of the Pier Hotel, (TELEPH O N E 10(5). QOKE. £JOKE.| Lfh A (ml the prisoner asked CRICKET AND TENNIS. Makes the H ottest F ir e . aj.brooeH which he produced, httlep. She took the brooch arid MARK MAR TI & S O N S N ever B locks the Kitchener F lues, He said a lady gave hint CASH ADVANCED PROMPTLY Mixed w ith a Little Coal Makes Splendid 1 FOR ier jewellery as well. j ] APPLY to the Oldest Resident Lender, t D ining and D rawing R oom F ires. Chief Detective Inspector m E ’VE DONE REALLY HIGH - CLfASS w o r k ] ■ . . as traced to the prisoner TVfTSS A. JEWELL, IN lollowing upon* the fact, th a t umiture in our Home comes from PE P e r C h a l d r o n , D e l iv e e e d ...... 17/8 'grmaid in a restaurant wejart •_ -a n d e v ery article of F 1, WILMINGTON SQUARE, Eastbourne. Building, Decorating, Electric lighting, H ot W ater „ „ M e a d s & H a m pd e n P a r k 1 8 / - cry. . . j BABY REPAYMENTS. FOR It la better hi, deal with I proved two previous convu)- LOTOAL LENDER than with Agents or Finandal Furniture to last many life1im es P e b S a c k , 1 /1 1 ; M e a d s , 8 /-. ; or larceny, and the accused I and Sanitary Work. iths’ hard labour, the Chair- iras a very bad case. — to ad d _ctioni to the Home, to be pleasing to the eye, and of comfort to the body, The above Prices are subject to Alteration without Notice, MONEY 0A SH i ADVANCED DAILY to » lewnesswuess to the last, to always proclaim that none butDut tnethe bestDost materials were CHARLES BREACH, H “* E N ’S COU RT. £ 1 0 S j£ dSn^the8W ar, K S e o f S I used in its manufacture, and only the most-skilled labour executed it, and withal to Eastbourne Gas Company. ——' * j—j oner you a luilder, Contractor and Sanitary Plumber. EFT BY A BOY. , i to or Furniture without removal. Advice Leonards-road, ten years of and inform ation Free. Strictly con- West En|d Building Works, Meads. Residence; 1, Matlock-rcad, Meads. stealing a lady’s gold watch OOO fldenUal- I Saving of 3/- in every £1 spent. FOR REMOVING ALL SUPERFLUOUS HAIR s, the property of MiSe Joteb.- M. LANCASTER, 4, P ark L ane, ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR GENERAL BOUSE REPAIRS. ctor Wells said he 6a w tha “ SJSIA* Olissold P ark, L ondon, N . U S E D A K A, to tho matter and he admitted Call and rajmble through our Entire Store. All visits are free from importunity I ! SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION.TIC HE RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT. Sure, i i tjhings and had exchanged the A l A UPWARDS lent at aj Safe and Painless. Price 10s. 6d. and 21s. Gd. lejr boy for a Scout’s knife and a & lu few hours’ notice tipon T youf own signature, also on furni- i ’P h o n e 9 x . E stim ates Pres, To be obtained at A dair G anesu E stablishment, MONEY ture! without removal. No fees or ¥{• L ondon, 92, New Bond-street, W. (Oxford-street end), , boy occupied a bedroom at railway fares charged. Easy repay­ MILLER & SELMES, was kept in a jewel case in a: Telephone: Gerrard 3732. WITHOUT ments. Reruovo Superfluous Hair comfortably in your own which adjoined th a t occupied W r it e : R. HARRIS, PETERS & SONS, B uilders. Decorators. risers. home. !•» 42, LANSDOWNE PLACE, H ove, j |tp iain ed th at tho Boy could; n o t SECURITY. Every Description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Chargi i imployed and 6be had there- Manager attends Eastbourne Daily. Special attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work. fir him. Ho was a good boy COMP LETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, |itruitcd him with the j money to Office and Works: 75, TIDESWEHL HOAD, EASTBOUENE. CHEALS1! HEONICLE ” PRINTING WORKS.' the watch,, the boy replied, E 6 to 10 and 24 to 27, Kensington Gardens, Brighton. “C |Ldjotirned until Monday, and the?; FOB FIRST-CLASS Five minutes’ walk from Central Station. Trains stop at Corner. _ A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED HISTORY AND rjotlicr of the other boy mpst ~ T i ; - I OBNAMENTAL T ^ EES T e l , : P.O , 218; N ational, 830x. WE CLOSE at ONE o’clock on SATURDAY. YCK H A N D GANG. GUIDE TO HERSTM ONCEUX CASTLE g e n e r a l p r i n t i n g |rictor Weston and Charles Hurd, BOSES, (O c m ia c T ) a f the Black Hand Gang, who OP EVERY DESCRIPTION . | fortnight ago of breaking and By IBB R hv, E. E. CRAKE, M.A, lip i’(j School and the Willowfield Fruit Trees and Hardy Flowers, &c DOLPHIN SOAP |oTl,| were mentioned by , the Tojwri F'ovargue), | who stated that ther : One of the most Interesting and Picturesque C a s tle s in the County of Exeouted in the Beat Style at Reasonable Prices School was willing to receive THE HOME ECONOMISER. icjhj accordingly'' ’ made ' an ordei ' for NUBSBKIHS 113 AORSS. PBIOH SIXPXNOS. BY to that school until they' are per Bar. id , per Bar. OATALOGUBS FBBB. May be obtained of the Printers and Pnblishers, FARNCOMBE & CO., Ltd.,j l . •. ■ . :' "j. . -|j- FARNCOMBE & CO., L im ited, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE M LIT ARY HOSPITAL, " CHRONICLE ” PRINTING WORKS, J . O H S A D & S O N S , L td . D I I E Y S i j lasihility of a leading Eastbourne *0, 21, KLNQ’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. Branch k Workshops i m, Western Road, Hove* U; a P1 THE NUBSERIE8 OBAWLKY. SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. I ( eered” by the Government with OPTICIANS FABNCOMBE & CO., L i m i t e d , bition,m as a- military hospital, a n u f ACTURINQ iti m is believed to be particularly £ To the B u.texi Bye and Countyty HondtaU,H ondtaU . Bnrgieal Aid Boouty, dee., fcc. EXECUTE ALL KINDBKINDS OF OOMMEROlCOMMERCIAL AND ARTISTIC PRINTING AT use indicated, and its position gives EMORIAL CARDS. — Artistic Folded ______ftnd EYEGLASSES a Speolallte. S pk o ta clbs and E y k sla sseb from2/8, la ions. ! M Cards: 12, 4s.; 25, 5s. 6d.; 36, 7s., 50, 93., 100, R MODERATE (CHARGES, lfis. Black Edged Folded Carda: 12, 2s. 6d., 25, 4s., No Charge fir Sight Testing. i r e c t i o n l a b e l s o f aii Mnda matmi&t - SOTAOLES ai h t o n 60, 6s. 6d. ; 100, 11 s. 6d. Cash w ith order. ,*c(j M ic r o sc o pe s, & c. Estd over 70 years. : Hours, 9.tUl 7; Th tered at Leadun IVice.; at Farnoombc a Co.'. Include Envelopes.—F abncombe & Co., Ltd., Printers’ 9 till 7; Saturdays, 9 till 1. Tele.: 4,482 Shops. "CHRONICLE” PRINTING WORKS, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. (Llmltod)D Printing Workc, Suuth-streot Eastbourne,' ‘[prevailing conditions,” just raake T A

i - n EASTBOUBNJB OHBONIOIiE. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 19H LIMITED, DEVONSHIRE PARK. ROYAL HIPPODROME. ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. “ RING O’ ROSES.” 13 & 15, Carlis so M eads (T. 316). Good audiences evinced hearty appreciation of the W ith the most fragile plot imaginable, but sparkling m* ■ programmes presented on Saturday and Sunday even­ with excellent comedy, R ing o’ Roses is having an Vi ings. On both occasions the orohestra was heard at its entirely successful rnn at the Royal Hippodrome this best. The special artists on Sunday were Mr. John,v week.wee*, Thej. ne outstanding feature of the production is its ! BAKERS, CONFECTIONERS; CATERERS. Perry, the able tenor vocalist, who was very successful, hom humour; onr • jokeinlrA WI followsaoto joke •-in —- quick succession,- -- and No Coupons required t in the whqje of his contributions; and Miss Elsie; regular salvoes of laughter ring out from the auditorium. Davidson, who was heard to: advantage in several! What------—„ the production laoksau&o luin plotpiui is raaaemade up in setting PBES3NT PRICES OP B R E A D . . J 4-lb. dramatic recitations.reoitations. Concerts of characteristic excel­excel* andnd dressing, which is certainly remarkably effective.— f o r (a.) Purchased, paid for, and taken from shop 9& lence have been given during the-week, As usnaj, if A bevy of pretty girls in tasteful array disport them­ popular programme was snbjmitted on Wednesday selves on the stage gracefully throughout, and even the (b) Delivered for cash, and booked for weekly account only 9 Jd. night, selections from numerous light operas being perf chief comedian pays a tribute to the indispensability of formed in a pleasing and stimulating manner. a “ beauty chorus.” All the members are clever dancers, ■ >■ (c ) Delivered and hooked for credit beyond .. .. lOd. As the members of the orchestra are taking a rest which also contributes to the success of the entertain­ Mi next week, the attraction to-morrow evening will be* ment. Some familiar and many new vocal numbers are FLOUR SEPARATELY QUOTED ON APPLICATION. supplied by the combined Hjisaars’ and Summerdown worked into the piece, one being the latest rage i Camp bands. .Mr. Jackson Bitter (baritone) has been H o u r s o f B u s in e s s ;— 7 a.m . until 6 p.m., W ednesdays included (Saturdays, 8 o’clock). amongst Uncle Sam’s! recruits. The brunt of the work | engaged as the vocalist. From Satnrday next, the 18th, falls on Mr. George Barry, who labours manfully with Luncheons and Teas served -Daily, except on Sundays. when the summer orchestral arrangements will com­ very excellent results. He is Beldom out of hearing, Sk.it i S ' mence, concerts will be given t vice daily. and bis witticisms are greatly appreciated by his All classes and forms of Confectionery and Catering according to opportunity and f‘PIERROT, PIERRETTE AND PIANO.” hearers. His fooling in the role of Food Controller is ! P u r e Restriction. exceedingly funny, and indeed he misses not the'slightest This popular combination Ilf cf talent 1—has 1----- been-- vary opportunity to administer a large dose, of his“ anti- ; warmly welcomed on its return(visit _____ to'_____ the Pavilion.. .______this gloom medicine. ” His humorous sallies are ably N o t e .— Until further notice our shop, No. 15, Carlisle-road, is C l o s e d D a il y from 1,15 to 2.15. j week. Unfortunately through the illness of Mr. M h 1b *-l „ :n—— -« »«•- seconded by Dann Cribb, whose eccentricities are Donovan Russell the company were deprived i highly amusing. Mr. Leo Rene sings ajnd acts admir­ I servioes of an excellent baritone vocalist. Mr...... ably in many parts, and is a decided acquisition to the G ane and his bevy of ladies, however, have presented company. Chief of the feminine stars is charming Miss | rollicking programmes which never fail to meet with Eva Ellis, who invariably presents a fascinating picture, | appreciation. Many of the songs are written and com­ and never more so than in the oriental scena which c o a posed by Mr. Will Gane, who [is a man of many parts. opens the-third act. Her songs include the popular AN IMPERATIVE NECESSITY! As the sole pierrot he has had to work even harder than ‘‘Samoa” and “ Over There.” The company also i ■■■■■■■■ j — ■■ M ■■ ■ ■ i ■■■■■■ iji usual this week, but his quips and cranks are as include another talented soprano vocalis i in the person delightful as ever. One never gets tired of hearing his of Miss Connie Harker. Her voice is of considerable inimitable rendering of that popular____^ song „UD “ On sweetness the and range, and her contributions of senti- T h e s u s s e x w a s t e ' p a p e r c o m p a n y , Staff.” His hearers are alway"s loth to1------seej him — depart, ' mental ballads most acceptable. , J and double encores have bat ...... ______6 7 a , T i d e s w e l l - b o a d , E a s t b o u r n e , to be, responded to-at, The whole production keeps to its reputation of being | would urge almost every performance.! Miss AliceA lino WWaldie, .Mi. merry and bright and provides splendid diversion. upon the Public the pressing need there is for L.R, A.M.,contributes sentimental balladsand American ,,.There are, as usual, a couple of performances to-night] ragtime numbers with equal facility, her duets with [ p e r the saving of every description of Waste Paper and [■ 1 Mir.-Will Gane being ever a popular feature of thej “THE -CINPIA GIR1 enntertainment. torts______Miss Alma Robson is a oharming d an " Only — Cardboard, for re-pulping into Paper and utilising for seuse, who sings with piquancy. Miss Jennifer GwynnGv Next week’s attraction will be an up-to-date revue, i-Ifo. is an accomplished soubrette, (while M iss Linda Brooke The production, whiph is by Charles M unitions. gives monologues in an effective and forceful manner. ire combination of mirth, rimsic and Finest nualiJ T he companv have the crond f<,rt.nm,_ _ r ______r.f __ c.nn.i.ir., ______j .u l .Int. a . j Mr. j u w a A. r u Edwards’ — Company r —*------j — is i Sacks are provided. Prompt Collections are made on T he company have th e go^a. fo*'jrtune i “*of =*securing ... ■-. the appearing in the revue, which will be staged with full stCel blades, i services of Miss umLilianau RizziAwlibiul at the piano. She is a scenic effect, each of the four scenes hjaving a prettily receipt of postcard, and Cash is paid at the Office sympathetic-----— accompanist■ and lia la talented solo pianist. designed environment. t pay more. There is a matinee to-day as !well Ss the usual perform- giiinmimHimmiiiiii immediately after purchase. anoe a t 8. 'Lipton’s Pure Cocoa Essence is rich in M D M E. j y ALVAREZ’S RECITAL TO-NIGHT. Note ress: TeU. 5 8 8 . To-night’sTo-night’a audience in the Winter Garden, where j ; PICTURE HALLS. the nourishing fat of the Cocoa bean, Mdmel. D’Alvarez, the distinguished operatic contralto, is to give a'■recital, are likely Ro be favoured with an and is specially suitable for children-^— ‘ 67a, Tideswell-road, Eastbourne artistic treat.iirent. The «»cmni.'%edacoompli ihe____ singer gave a recital CENTRAL CINEMA. they like it and thrive on it. last Saturday in the New Qu sen’s' H "all, ah ,London,______, ______and'in “TRANSGRESSION”—“RE b |e CCA O F its notice the" D aily Telegrm phi speaks of the event as SUNNYBROOK FARM.” one “ of unalloyed enjoymen :.” Y It was,” observes the writer, “ a wonderfully interesting programme, and one Attractive films have again distinguished the week’s that served to reveal in full measure the wide range of programmes, “ The Varmint” and “ The Law of the the singer’s powers of expression, dramatic and lyrical, Land” being the principal presentments. The latter, Cheap; Articles of 'Fond. EDUCATION AND THE CHILD. and the superb rescources she has at command. Between an engrossing drama, with which a strong cast, headed by Olga Petrova, is associated, is being exhibited for Bach at the beginning, and Borodin at the end, of her the last times to-day. For real food value you will find the following THE SCOTTISH INSURANCE CORPOBATJON list, she drew largely upon things operatic, and of these the more interesting, undeniably, were drawn from the ‘ ‘ Transgression,” the title of a photo-play containing a splendid selectfon. If you want your food to Are prepared to issue Policies as under WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION. For an long-distant past—such, for example, as “ Tus6 m orti,” an abundance of dramatic episodes, has been secured be thoroughly go.bd, nourishing— and cheap, buy Annual Premium of £10 the following options can be secured:— from Monteverde’s “ Orfeo”—music which it seems for exhibition on Monday and two following days. In n r almost unbelievable could have been written more than the interesting story, Hal Page becomes entangled it at Lipton’s. (Quality is Lipton’s watchword. ■ r ii three centuries ago—“ Dido’s Lament,” and a lovely air with an adventuress, Caroline Shrefton. .Subsequently Special Accommodation fol Continue Premium Cease Prem ium s at the Cease Prem ium s at the from Rameau’s “ (pastor et Pollux,” and these were sung the latter, who marries a crook, threatens to expose Storing; IPrT a n d se c u re a g e o f 2 1 a n d ta k e a g e o f 2 1 a n d ta k e with a beauty of. tone, stylo; and feeling of whioh the Hal as the murderer of one Staley, i nless certain con­ Rangoon j Slice Option 1. Option If. t. effect was the greater by reason of the rather unaccus­ ditions are agreed to. Gripping scenes follow, a satis­ Brink and ' MODERATE CHAIJ Option 7. Option 10. i factory ending being reached when (taroline confesses £50 per annum at the age .£695—Endowment Insur­ tomed restraint the singer brought to them.” her own guilt. Enjoy of 10, 17, 18 and 19, ■ ance, with Profits payable £672 — Paid - up Policy, £484 — P aid - up Policy, Mdme. D’Alvarez will be assisted this evening by 3 Sl>s. .for l@ d. at Death or age 45. payable at Death. payable at Death or age Miss Marjorie Hayward, a talented violiniste, and Mr. A very pleasing choice of pictures (or Thursday and ■. . , OR 55, OB Fredk. W. Kiddle will be at the piano. following days has been made. “ Rebecca of Sunny- Option 2: Option 5. brooke Farm,” a film adaptation of Douglas Wiggin’s L ip to n ’s Option 8 : HALF CASH at age of £263 at the age of 21, £800—Endowment Insur­ “MOONSHINE” COMPANY. famous story, is sure to prove especially popular. The Haricot lleans DO N O T M ■(I ance, with Profits payable £362 — P a id -u p Policy, 21, H alf Pplioy continued Next week.a return visit is to be made by the various scenes depicting the life of Rebecca (played by Tr; OB at Death or age 50. payable at1 Death’ or age at Half Premium, “ Moonshine” company, a smart ( vaudeville combina­ charming Mary Pickford) while in the care of her ■'-Tea ’ Continue Preminm 45. straight-laced aunts, are filled with an irresistible sense 3 lf» S . f o r i m until you are really ill beioip Option 6 . ,To b '' tion, which includes such pc pular artists as Miss Gladys treatm ent. Im mediate ajtt^l ’ and secure Rennards, Miss Gwen Alban, Miss Phyllis Rose, Mr. of humour. No weary spots are [contained in the £905—Endow m ent Insur­ Option 9. H alf of Options Nos. 1 & 2 the picture, though it subsequently turns from humour alwaye be given to minor ail; Option 8 . ance, with Promts payable Jackson Potter and Mr, John Perry. i> ».ei, to pathos. Rebecca’s efforts to keep off the polished Butter Beans 2 / 8 leadito more serious trouble. jJ £1188—Whole Life insur­ a t D eath or age 55. £424 — Paid - up Policy, ROLLER SKATING ENDS. —a tendency to^onstipa :imfort after eating— i m encing a t age 21. Amounts p.t pro rata. the age of 16, to 21. assembly. The Hussars’ .) EASTERN CINEMA. 1 1 3 It)S. for 1/11J nnesa during working, land will play during the Controlled.) site—these are all syrnpjk proceedings, which will extend from 3 to 5.15 p.m. “DURAND OF THE BAD L aIn DS”—“WHEN Full Prospectus from— | ! ’Phone 859. no«t important organs IT WAS LIGHT)” ALFRED E. KETT, District Manager Southern Counties, 37, Upperton Gardena, Eastbourne. Ach and the liverf^are rjotj DEVONSHIRE PARK, THEATRE’_ | “The Man who was Afraid,” a thrilling military urily. The right remedy ' ^ proved very acceptable to large audiences, is showing The B ishop of C helmsford, in a spirited speech, to-day,. I | ’T O N ’ S LONDON DAY. pressed the needs of London-over-the-Bbrder—the real “THE THREE DAUGHTERS O F MONS. The management of this popular cinema are to be I [I TAK E | East End. j He agreed with the Bishop of Southwark’s The largest Tea Growers, Manufacturers, and D U P p N T .” congratulated on securing “ Durand of the Bad Lands,” wheneverJfaeie is the sligL.._ remarks about the industrial unrest. Behind it there a “ Foif ” production which depicts a gripping phase of ; Retailers of Food Products in the World. PLEA FOR SUPPORT OF .CHURffH WORK was a real desire for development of ihdividual lives. Another Brieux play will be presented for the first Many thousand employees-are engaged on Lipton’s Tea and Cocoa all ia not well with tho orgjar. time to Eastbourne playgoers next week. The Three life in the far west. The role of the hero, Durand, is j AMONGST THE POOR. It was their business as a Church to lay down principles --— — ------—- TOA. , i i a . xn c anree | piayed by Dustin Farnum, and the many admirers of 1 Estates', Ceylon. is Beecham’s' PiUs—th at well on which a programme could be formed. He was not Dan ----ughtersw ----- of' ”Mons. Dupont " ' was written with the idea.idea't tLis famous star should not fail po see this picture, worthy preparation which l ------.—.—s „v, -ua. i.ouoh nation the folly of Tea Merchants by Special Appointment to H.M. King George V., enoi-mous success in tho trial Sunday Was set aside in all Eastbourne churches as going to discuss the question of the exemption of the of demonstrating to. the. |French nation the folly of 1 which will be exhibited from Monday to Wednesday. clergy, but they could not gtet away from the fact that permitting the French race to dwindle and decay. The T.M. the King and Queen of Italy, and H.M. the King of Spain, tive disorders. Those who a day of special intercession and almsgiving for the delicate"...... subject of matern ty is handled with the same Several teflse scenes are contained in this film, and remedy—and ; they now jiul the whole' future of the country depended upon the include raids made by Indians on a white settlement and work of the Church ini the poor districts of London. spiritual and moral character of the |men who came delicacy that characterises Damaged Goods. Though multitude—are entirely eaty the language is firm and outspoken, there is nothing onatrain. Thestory centresroundian outlaw, Durand, 63, TERMINUS ROAD. correcting ii'Tnenfs of theietl Numerous clergy who work in the South and East of back. Continuing, he gave striking instances of the who, after passing through many adventures, turns r ■ I dearth of Clergy, an ' offensive. The company 1 as been specially selected by \ liver, .there is nothing the Metropolis, headed by the Bishop of Southwark, Miss Ethel Irving, whose performance in the London “------straight.”n— A pretty love lULoiBHu interest isis alsoalso aa icaturcfeature ofof Chelmsford and Colchester, made fervent appeals for sonal toi the film. In “ The Warning on the Ring,” the fourth because . I . production called forth the highest praise from all who =LIPTON, LTD - financial and spiritual support. 1 saw it. I ■ episode of the great serial, “ The Fatal Ring.” which is n si At a public meeting in the Town Hall on Monday More women workers were needed, and they must be also to be screened, further surprising events take adequately paid. Their stipends in the past had been There will be the usual numbor of evening perform­ BEECH afternoon, over which the Mayor (Alderman C. O’Brien ances at 7.30, and a couple of matinees on Wednesday place. The diamond obtained by Pearl is found to be Harding, J.P. ), presided,the claims of the South London a scandal to the Church. The Church was badly in need and Saturday. 1 a fake, and Knox is therefore punished. By the laws of of money. That applied to the three funds, all of which Fund were urged by the Bishop of Southwark, of the “COOK.” the Order he receives fifty lashes. ! Subsequently Pearl PILL London-over-the-Border jFundby the Bishop of Chelms­ were in debt. But it was not merely money they asked is placed in peril of drowning. I ■ ford, and the East London Fund by Rev! A. J. Smith, for. Their prayers were, after allkmuch more valuable. Mr. Jerome’s diverting farce is one of several suc­ ;j Thursday’s programme will be pf strong attractive- THE PIER. Concluding, he expressed the gratitude of the Church cessful plays that have Ibeen. produced at the Park WEDDING. the vicar of St. Paul’s, Old Ford.. Other clergy on the I ness, “ When it was Light” being the chief film A . ■— ------j latform were Rev, Canon Bayne, Rev. Canon W. O. people of London for the sympathy and help which had Theatre during the past twelve months. Its re-appear­ ‘special feature of the programme will be the .... P r e p a r e d / o n Jv already been extended. ’ I j - ance this week is; therefore, especially welcome, and it . T H E B IR T H O F A N A T IO N .” In- the presence of many friends and well-wishers, Mr. §treatfeild (who occupied the chair when the Mayor episode of a new serial, entitled “ The Fighting Trail. BEECH AM, Si. 16ft to preside at the monthly meeting of the Corpora­ The meeting concluded . with the! singing of the goes without saying that the piece has met with an This week we have a return to the cinematograph Alfred George Moppett (only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. THOMAS appreciative arid cordial reception. Cook is being tion), Rev. Canon H. Urling Whelpton, Revi G. M. National . ELYSIUM OINJ form of entertainment, and good audiences have been Moppett, 41, South-street), and Miss Madeline Onella Sold everywhere }r. Hanks (who had organised the meeting^ Rev. Evan J. presented by Messrs. Herbert Jay and Anthony Ellis, attracted by that exceptionally flue film, “ The Birth of Winifred Parkhouse (only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ’ ’ * ’* r\f o LinLl ------?kt Seleoted with the customary care, the programmes a NationJ’l Hopkins, Rhv. W, P. Jay, Rev. J. Salwey, Rev. Harold h provided at the Elysium Cinema this week have won Albert' Parkhouse, 35, Ocklynge-road), were united in Pain and-Rev. W. F. Aston. popular favour. A pioture that w 11 appeal to all lovers A fascinating historical romance, “ The Birth of a marriage at Eastbourne Parish Ohurch (St. Mary’s) on VICAR AND HIS STAFF. Nation” Is adapted from Thomas Dixon’s “ The Clans­ Saturday afternoon. The bride, who was escorted to Following a hymn and intercessions 'led by Canon of sport will be screened for tlje last times to-day. men,” anp possesses a plot of tense and lasting interest. church and subsequently given away by her father, W helpton, the M ayor expressed admiration of the “ Pride and the Man” is an Amerioan production in * — " " *•' ! ---- r *7 “““ vu-^/iurua- The stori', which is one of love and warfare, is written looked well in a dress of white crepe - de - chene, unity of spirit whioh led the three funds; they were met “ TOO OLD” FOR MILITARY SERVICE. i ing qualities. The plot is thin, though not thinner than which “ Handsome ” William Rjussell is seen at his around tjhe American Civil W ar. The “ Cameron embroidered in silver, with tulle veil and wreath of to support to make a joint appeal at the present time. the plots of such plays generally, and eaoh aot is made best. The story unfolded is thal of a splendid young Boys ” of the South find themselves opposed to their ; orange blossom. There were two bridesmaids, Miss It was most necessary that the funds should be up of scenes and episodeawhich appeal strongly to one’s athlete who has achieved fame and fortune as a cham­ northernleousins the Stonemans, and their meeting on Doris Winter, Brighton ( cousin) and Miss Ethel Raw­ adequately supported, for. the Church would have to In his monthly letter to parishioners, the Vicar of I sense of humour. The ahthor has shown once more the pion heavyweight and who wins the love of a rich sooiety girl. Their marriage leads to a rupture with the battlefield is intensely dramatic. Ben Cameron, lings, Wolverhampton'. The dresses of both were of prepare to assist in the solution of the problem that St. Peter’s (the Rev. Canon Carr Smith) emphasises ■weakness of human native where the gentle pasaion is “ the little colonel,” is taken prisoner and nursed by crepe-de-chene, the colour in the former case being pale would arise with greater force after the war—of Labour .ithe____ notedLj for<_------rinited intercession-■— by those at homo. ~ He 1 concerned; but John Parables subjugation to the the girl’s father and other- misfortunes crowd on them. Elsie Stoneman, an attachment springing up between blue and in the latter pale pink, and both wore hats to and Christianity.; They needed a strong, pure, socialist praised {the splendid endurance of lour soldiers and amorous influences of [Comfort Pryce is the more The husband unselfishly aots in such a way that his wife returns to her own home. ! Broken-hearted, the them. A moving scene is, that in which the mother of match. Bride and bridesmaids eaoh carried a bouquet Christian society lor party in' the country, one based on affirms Ifhat past events prove the justice of the Allied remarkable by reason of the man’s natural austerity and Ben Cameron, pleads for her son’s life from President of pink carnations and heather. Cadet Harold good Christian faith, bne that would endeavour to cause. Every week that passes shows,” he writes, his temperamental disdain for the frivolous and young hero returns to the ring, arid wins a great battle Lincoln,! who eventually: grants it. Stirring events Parkhouse, Machine Gun Corps (brother of the bride) lessen the divisions which existed between the rich and “ more conclusively than ever what a brutal and emotional. Mr.: Knox-Orde supplies a capital portrait which brings not only money, but re-union with his succeed the war, a reign of terror being established in acted as best man to the bridegroom, who is an active the poor, and at the same time make for the greater wife. Mies Francelia Billington jably plays the role of devilish foe confronts us, and that there can be no of the transformed sociologist, and brings out the the society girl. the south by the blacks and “ carpet-baggers,” under member of theV.A.D., and assists at one of the Red :< - - hi economic security of the whole country. A purely compromisenise or patched up peace with such a,a menace to ididsyncracies of the part with great effect. Miss Hope the leadership of the rascally. Lieutenant-Governor of Cross Hospitals several days a week. The immediate CONGREcklI 0 N A L -1)1 1 social democracy was generally unohristlike, and some­ the woi'“•Id’s welfare.” . . Dealing further with the need I.Estrange is a bewitdhmg Comfort Pryce,’’ whose The well-known drama, “ The Lady of the Camelias,” Piedmont, Lynch, in an endeavour to oust, the white wedding party included a number of relatives from a times unpatriotic. He believed that Christian fellow­ with which the name ol Sarah Bernhardt is intimately for morej men in theine Forces,x orces, uanonCanon ruarr Carr Smith sayssays: . °5ance meering with her unknown employer has such residents. As a counter influence, a mysterious band, distance. A t ai special meeting of the " V;;. ship would have to be more thoroughly understood. “ The St. Peter’s clergy are, alas!- too old -- to come under strange------and embarrassing------xmsequencea Mr. Alfred S. associated, has been translated fdr the screen under the known as the Ku Klux Klan, is originated by Ben. The Vicar (Oanoh Streatfeild) officiated, and at the We should not have to be satisfied with almsgiving and Barber is excellent as title of “ Camille,” and will be the chief attraction in gational Churcljiiit wa> decided the Defence of the Realm Act; but we Have assured our Parable’s journalistic friend, Thrilling episodes take place before their ultimate altar gave an earnest and appropriate addresa After |o act with the eight d. u.v-us. helping the helpless; pur sense of Christian fellowship Bishop tha,t we are ready to undertake any extra work “ Archibald Quincey,” and the part of the “new the early day s of next week. | The character of Camille, victory,[ana include the rescuing from Lynch’s clutches the ceremony, at the residence of the bride’s parents, should oall on us to contribute to the new industrial for which j we are capable. It mhy be necessary to woman” aspirant, “ Mi; is Bulstrode,” is filled with the the matchless beauty who' reigns' supreme over the of Elsie, and the revenge taken for the., death of Flora Mrs. Parkhouse had an informal reoeption, and later in in tLe monthly j i i ; ^ '' • the issues. j •) , reduce ;the number of services at church, though we necessary sternness anc1 aggressiveness by Miss Elfie smartest set in Gay Paris, gives Miss Clara Kimball Cameron. the afternoon the newly-wedded couple left for Brighton the minister, observes:— The B ishop -of Southwark, in a thi _ appeal, shall try to avoid this if we can. so as to help with other Leigh-Hunt. Young a fine opportunity of Iwhioh she takes full “ The Birth of a Nation,” which portrays the coming for their honeymoon, the bride being attired in a navy “ Women are in a iron.-id era asked his hearers to imagine themselves in the shoes>es of parishes if required.” The farce is preceded by a one-act play, Pals, by ____advantage.______D In _ a u sumptuous u i u ^/VUUUD mounting Miss Young into existence of a great power, forcibly emphasises blue costume, with large pale blue hat. Mr. and Mrs. members of thejChri.-tian Chu R very poor man or woman imprisoned in the turmoil gives a splendid periormanee vhich will add to her The .Vicar evidently intends his reference to apply to Stanley Cooke, the tWo characters in a pathetio and reputation. the evils arising from war, especially civil war. and Alfred Moppebt have been the recipients of numerous and in all land!-. Fr-un thei of a large oity with no hope of social betterment. What the new Man Power Act. All, of course, are subject amusing little sketch being praiseworthily filled by Miss shows how relations may be pitted against each other presents of a handsome and useful character.'1 church they hate rendered it did the Church mean! to them ? Consciously or uncon­ Marie Ault and Miss Nadine Marsh. “ Skinner’s Baby,” which comes to the Elysium at somehow they have ahv.-.ys ot to the provisions of, the Defence of the Realm Act, the week-end, is a sequel to “ Skinner’s Dress Suit,” and lovprs divided. The battle scenes are very realistic ; sciously the presence [of their parish [ church was the irrespective of age.- ' j - ■ | • ; | ‘ | The company conoluae their visit to-day, when there the his orical scenes also, which depict tho bombard- always been' dun tens t,! symbol that every being was not only human but are to be performances at 2:30 and 17.30 p.m. which patrons approved some weeks ago. This film is a m ent f .Atalanta, the surrender of the Confederates josition inihe.councils and ■ spiritual. The church reminded the passers-by of the masterpiece of fun in five acts. The advent of a little under A BATH, CHAIR BRIGADE. stranger into the Skinner household causes a host of eneral Lee at Appomatox Court House, atid the £lave almost mioip'poh-■! t only real kind of brotherhood that could possibly exist ..grippi: . . —pj scene in which the great president meets his influence, althojigh v.«i;-,n amongst men, C0NGREGATI0NALIST LOSSES. amusing complications. Bryant Washburn and Hazel death,ith, gre of special interest. finest! and hardest woik. .W roblems was either i along the line that all relations Daly feature in this really delieiius story. To the E ditor. ADVERTISE! CENTS at SPECIAL The two concluding exhibitions of the film take place ness, jin part at (least.” getween master and man must only treat with material Elysium patrons are notified that owing to the electric to-day. .- S i r In order that convalescing officers and men may In his monthly pastoral letter to the Pevensey-road power restrictions the management are forced to omit get out in the fresh air as much as possible (motors things or on the line that the only real basis was P E E Pi lI D r a t e s . “FIVE NIGHTS.”. : spiritual fellowship. I All social problems were ulti­ Congregationalists, thje Rev. J . G. Henderson w rites:— two matinees in each week. There will therefore bo no oeing out of fashion), I propose to try and start a Bath afternoon performances on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Mondayrr.**--.j next and Turing tunthe hcda week itu an upporiunu-yopportunity Chair Brigade in Eastbourne as a branch of V.A.D. mately religious problems. The Church stood for the “ During the past month we have had a succession of willtII behfi I[given eri VPtl nfof Q0fi.ir»0»seeing a Hnadramatised mofL-oJ version of TT!Victoria .. I'L A i; i> \ principle that everyhuman being really counted. At heavy blows owing to tjie war, casualties. Our friend, Sussex /15. • ^ • > Cross------novel,, *Five Nights. io.ia I t . is beinguenig prouuceaproduced asat I AW / the back of all unrest were good human instincts Mrs. Gander, of 18, Commercial-road, has had news of WANTS IF ALL KINDS, OLD TOWN CINEMA. It seems to me it ought not to be a difficult m \tter. S' S i Eastbourne and obhor towns for a few weeks before it Many, though willing, cannot join my detachme it on striving to expre is themselves. The Church did touch th e death bf her son A lbert, aged 29, who was connected S E R V A N T S ’’AN TE D , “EVELYN THE BEAUTIFUL.”—PEGGY" A|>: licati *nsif,.r the lives of a certain number, and made them feel they makes a bid for London’s support. Tho company pro­ the score of their own health, and it occurred to me Watcu Committee, Lwith the iA.S.C. George Gower, j of 14, St. Mary’s- SITUATIONS REQUIRED, HYLAND IN “BABETTE.” ducing the play is an all star one, and includes Capt. were really wanted, j — . cottages, a member of the church and a member of Mr. that were a Bath Chair Brigade started it would give Itdlian Reel C The management must be congratulated on securing Philip Anthony, who plays the leading part of V Trevor,” those who are not able to ,do, very strenuous work, and The R ev. A. J . Smith entered into! details of Church Tbomas’ Bible Class, a thoughtful,: reverent and very a r t i c l e s W a n t e d ob f o r s a l e , the artist. He has served in Franco and Gallipoli, and France’s 1 ' geriuitie young man, has been killed. Jack Foord, such a really good production as was “ Aladdin from others, the opportunity to come forward and help in this work in his own particular parish, where seven years PROPERTY WANTED ob F O R SA LE, is now discharged from the army, having been wounded easy way. ‘ * ... .* Sailers’ S.iculiv. ago the attitude to the clergy was openly hostile. After of J 16J Dudley-road, the youngest I of five brothers, Broadway,” shown at the beginning of this week. That TJnipn, r»th j < '• • HOUSES OR APARTMENTS TO LET, this film was much appreciated was evident from the by a bomb. He will be supported by Miss Notts, West- Will those who feel so disposed, and approve of my considerable labour, the usual machinery connected joined up when he was 18, and has now laid down his cott, Mr. Tim Rvley and Betty Chama, and other well- Society, 2 Ith > lifb. Miss Florence Payne, of 30,; Enys-road, has had A re Advertised ip the W hole of the following weU-filled appearance of the theatre. Mr. Percy Lunch suggestion, send me their names and any helpful ideas Church Am.vj i! v with a parish church had been set up, and he and his informs us that since he started the screening of two big known members of the profession. that , occur to them, in order that a B.C.B. may be workers were getting into personal touch with the news that one of her brothers has been killed and that There will'be a performance every evening, and Wai^.s an d Stjr • \ another has been gassed. Then the Rev. Henry and Widely Circulated Sussex Newspapers exclusives each week the cinema has enjoyed marked organised as soon as possible now that the. spring has people. That was the only way tb win them and, for matimes will take place on Wednesday and Saturday. set in.? - : : Yours truly, (W omen’s 1>?.1‘ u . that reason, little could be done till the church was Mrs. Hewett have received official1 notification that Eastboxurne Chronicle, prosperity. Next week “ Evelyn the Beautiful”.is the League of Fjn} .o their son John is ‘ missing,’ and they have heard from special attraction for the first half. It tells a story KNUTS KONCERT. r O. W. O W E N , I resolved that ti! } more adequately staffed. The war had given them News, '' , which keeps the imagination unloosened fight through more opportunities for coming into closer communion an officer that when last seen hej was lying seriously Two new Knuts made eminently successful debuts on .J Commandant, Sussex /15. hold Hag dayhji'e i ■ wounded, and was being attended to by one of onr own the foyr reels of superb artistry of which it consists, The Horns* Hankham, Pevensey, with the people. The men who had gone away wrote 'East Grinstead Observer, and is played by the artists in realistic fashion. Sunday. Private Arnold Borri is an accoinplished ing the ani 'iij • to the Vicar, and six hundred letters were sent out R.A.M.C. men. I ask for the friends thus bereaved lightnjing artist. . His sketches included “ Off East­ 6th May.. incurred. the sympathy and prayers of, all the members of our Sussex and Surrey Courier, For the latter half of next week “ Babette,” featur­ twice a year to those with the forces. Interest in the ing that well-known favourite Peggy Hyland, lias been bourne,” “ The Downs—Evening” and “ Moon Rise.” soldiers gave them entry to the homes, and the elder congregation. The men who have died, have died as A t One Charge, ylz.: | Private Twinberrow won much favour.by ms"musical martyrs for the world’s deliverance and advancement. secured. The fact that the film was just lately screened men they met mostly through air raid patrols, to which On e I n s e r t io n ...Q n e Sh il l in g , fo r 12 W o r d s at the West-erid Cinema, Lone on, is pleasing evidence monologues. The programme included many other A UATTj.l many of them belonged. 'H e was extremely grateful Our great sadness is relieved by j a great and solemn excellent items, while that arranged for this week is PARISH CHURCH . CURATES- pride in. their valour and sacrifice.; Reverently and And Id. fob each additional word. of the excellent fare now beir g submitted at the Old for the support he received from the East London Town theatre. quite)as attractive. Patrons will have hn opportunity Fight for and Ohurch Fund. He had now the maximum grant of confidently we commend them to the care of Almighty T hree I nsertions for Double this Charge. of seeing the talent which has been found amongst the Eastbourne Parish Monthly Magazine says :— - God."-1 . T-i ■'![".) "" As will be seen from our advertisement columns, The shield; th £200 per annum to provide an assistant curate and Special Quotations for Longer Periods on application at another all-British production in “ Flames,” from the latest arrivals at the camp. j' “ We have happy letters from France from Rev. G. Are Thin*-, L i certain other workij. To supplement that be had to either of our Offices. novel by Robert Hitchens, with an all-star caste, is due H. West, Who is acting as a. temporary chaplaiu to the ri write begging letters, which occupied time which he ! j BLUE BOY BAND. . Yea, Thiu-jti . N aval P igeon Service.—-It is stated that 95 per TherebyTsocuring, a ta small cost, an amount of publicity here in W hit-week. forces. He finds, the wo^k very full of interest and of All, even tie- ■ could, hardly afford to spare from his cb work. H e throughout tho large------and’ ’ important' district of East ” i excellent programme was provided in the theatro cent, of messages sent by tho naval pigeon service have (Sussex, among Patrons will be pleased to know that in addition to on Sunday afternoon by the Summerdown Military opportunities for real usefulness.1 It is not certain to Thev all tVr appealed also for spiritual support^ for 5 disappoint- been delivered’, and the highly-trained birds have been he most influential inhabitants, the “ Bndd Fisher ” Cartoons, featuring Mutt and Jeff, what duty Rev. J. H'. fe. Kenyon and Rev. H. S. T h eU y o iv L 4 ments of the work were many. That was so particu- the m eans of saving a great num ber of lives a t sea. UNEQUALLED VALUE BY ANY OTHER Con-'alescenb Hospital Band, under the skilled direction the management have now secured the exclusive rights of T rumpet-Major W. J. McOonnel. To morrow’s pro­ Blythe-Critchley will be called.. They are to be inter­ ___„larly ...now with l the soldiers. Men who wrote beautiful ADVE iTISING MEDIUM.. for Eastbourne of the new “ Ham and Bud ” comedies; viewed by the Chaplain-General about June 1st. What Fight for u’j i letters from the trenches were lured away by evil the great “ Billy W est” comadies, and the wonderful gramme will include the following selections: March, is to be done "by the. clergy of military age who are : And stand ] v influences when they returned. L e a p H o m e o p a t h ic C o tta ge H o s pit a l .— “ Moy-Toy ” anim ated doll films. “ E Albanieo” (Javaloyes); overture, “ Aroldo” Uot required as jphaplaius will be decided, we under­ W e only a -(-. ; Note.—If this class of Advertisement is not prepaid, (Verdi); valse, “ Luna” (Liucke); selection from tho In fiery ii^i| v n m . • At this -stage a collection, which amounted to Patients in the Hospital on^ April. 29th, 12 (including stand, by the b.ishops under whom they are now £13. 7s. 7d. was taken, and to this was later added a an extra chapjge will be m ade for booking, opera, “ La Boheme” (Puccini); entr’acte, “ Mignon” And gun-pin; i m 0 wounded); discharged during bhe week, 1; died, 0; serving. Meanwhile we hope that no one thinks for a cheque for £10. admitted during the week, 1; remaining in Hospital on Orders and Remittlances i should be sent to F arnoombe (Thbmas) ; three Irish dances' (Ansell); intermezzo, moment that the clergy wished the clause removed Be Thou oiir and Co.’s (Ltd.) Offlqijes at Market-street, Lewes; South- love dance from “ Madame Sherry,” “ Every Little A nd our Orje- i; The Rev. G. M. ! H anks inentioned that this was the May 6tb, 12 (including 0 wounded). Out-Patients’ street, Eastbourne; or 64, London-road, East Grinstead. from the.new Man Power Act which called them up second year in sucisuccession in which ” Donaon nay " had visits during the week, 34.! The institution is open to Movement” (Hoschna); czardas, “ Zsambeki ” (Gung’l); for service; its removal is very muoh .objected to by Fight for and with I visitors on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays and patients’ Egyptian serenade, “ Amina” (Lincke); selection, “ La been held. Last year nearly £240 had been raised. He Fille du Tambour M ajor” (Offenbaoh). them.-” *- We havoriji 1< could give no forecast of this year’s total, b u t he under­ friends Sundays and Wednesdays from 2 till 4.—Mr. T hrifty (Th rift, — f?he: “ How have iu _ been____ And onto vi«.-i stood that the Parish Ohurch had done better than on A lfbed T abob, Hon. Treasurer,: Sunnydene, Grassing- economising?” He “ Used last year’s resolutionso over Alone on-'llho the previous occasion. ton-road. again 1 ’’ S After a lapse of 100 years, the ancient custom of’bless- Through Upri (60s. an ounce was paid for a silver cream jug dated ing the crops at Rogat ion tide was revived at Alphing- 172S at Christie’s on Wednesday. ton, Devon, on Monday. (Dome do>n in M l A ^d lead; i:(s safe! EA8TBOUBNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MAT U, 1918

— ninim iltH llSillM llllllllllllM IlilH liilllM lIlllllllillH lM H lllllM iilllliillllliilM lim ijjih

Many other exclusive and / Charming Designs m Gold Bracelet Watches are inclu­ ded in the''-magnificent display at Saqui & Lawrence’s.

Lady’s fashionable W rist Watch. Tonneau design. ' 1 5 jewel, lever Magnificent Gold - Bracelet movement, compensation balance. 389j \|Vatch, with luminous dial. Straps in various colours. War- Fully jewelled, keyless lever nutted for five years. £ 9 9 0 movement. Warranted 5 / ears. Genuine e « T HE magnificent display at Saqui & Lawrence’s afgain. *3 u O includes a wonderful profusion of beautiful Jewel- Every article guaranteed. Money Y.V returned in fall if not completely WEDDING RINGS. lery, set with Diamonds, Sapphiries, Rubies, pearls, High-grade W rist Watch, Luminous dial. Reliable EXQUISITE PENDANT. Latest fashionable Court Exclusive design in and precious gems, marked at pri

London Branches: LTD. Piccadilly Circus. 5 4 , Strand, W .C-4- " 2 8 -3 0 ,Liverpool St. 3 , King St., Hammersmith. SILVER 2 7 6 -7 , PentonviUe Road, etc., etc.- f/i\X > B I B BRUSH. iety of designs DIAMOND AND RUBT MAGNIFICENT FIRE! h a l f - h o o p 110, T If unable to pay a personal' visit S ’t; RING. 1 8 -ct. Gold. CLUSTER RING. RINGj 5 fine D ia­ beautifully hall-marked write to-day for Free A rt Catalogue- F in e s t quality S e t w ith 4 D ia­ Set with exqui monds in handsome (Opposite the Station), URNE. m o n d s a n d 3 lu s­ t e flin g ste e l bl-lades, i D iam o n d s. trous Rubies. 6 3 /- Rare value. C' * lav • ^ 1 * 5 0 / . * * , “ • 7 / 6 And at 75, NORTH STREET (Nai /□ So, o. BRIGHTON., ?iiiimnnnnnmmnnmniniininiiininmninEiiini!mimnimnm!isninniiinninimuiimiinminminiinimiimininiiiHininiinuininnni mmmiiiiHmiHniiminmiiimiimiiniii n Hillfn

(as k necessary sequence to tiheir new independence) The Raleigh is fcaxlt to t dal dedtfila”, which » make© tt almost oelf-oti a. It 2* *c Tribunals to that the( proc-,‘ediugs are not delayed THE GOOD OLD TIM their responsibility to jthe State. 1 . beautifully balanced that It can 1 ! ridden al4°S tha aaxroweMt field path, with lightest touch. by unnecessary speeches and by. the introduction’of , D r. M cK e c s n ie expressed the thanks of the P rices: | . irrelevant mattbrs.. - ^ | - | audience to Mr. Marohant for the very instructive llB\U!n!!lUl////7TM; £ 1 1 . 1 0 a. Provision is now made for appeal, subject to the usual An 18th Century Eastbourne Incident, and; illuminating address and/his own satisfaction and I conditions, from the decision,of 'a Tribunal granting or pleasure that such a lecture should have been given r l l -: £11. 19s. 6d. refusing leave to apply for. the renewal or variation .of a at the Elysium Theatre, as it was the ambition of £ 1 6 . 1 6 s. certificate of exemption. Every] appeal must be heard ..j ' I f j T o ' t h e E d it o r . the I directors that residents and visitors should find BIC by the Appeal Tribunal, and if Isave is granted they are a t the Elysium nothing thaf wae not elevating and — First—fieee it evidence,qtr to proceed forthwith to decide she case ou its merits,-se­ S ir : The following extract from the second volume refined, as well as recreative of i“ M em oirs of W illiam H ic k e y ” (1775-1782) just M rujca It s ittt to local nderO as to-avoid delay. • published Will be read with interest. Possibly one of i WLitestile-road, Brentfc) your readers might be able td say what ihri existed Ralefih I have had my Raleigh 20 months and EASTBOURNE : in those days and who the hospitable landlady might Cytrlc Co. U . % travelled 5,000 miles on all roads and aui still Beeney Sc Co., ROLL OF [OffOUR. Nottintiham. - doing iqq miles a week to and from work All Jnnction-road. have been. - tl e bearings are just as when new and the plat- POLICE COURT. The Crmt> g is ex cellen t'S ig n ed ) A. C. Putto ck. I ami Sir, yours obediently, CAPT. P. •CAMERON, H A T L 3 H A M Special Accommodation for ■IVof/Wi % M onday;- rBefore the Mayor;' Alderman C. O’Brien ' ■ > .1 EDGAR HOMER. and Mra. Cameron, Gildredge House, The Goffs, A- F. Smith. \ Y Storing Private Effects. GUARAMTEEri % S, High^treet. Harding (in the chair), Major H. P. Molineux, Tj, Elvoeton-pfc.ee, London, S.W . j j , • lost their elder son, Capb. Peter Cameron, M.C., Alderman H. W . Keay, Gol. A. B. Mein. Councillor MODERATE: CHARGES. who died of wounds bn April 29th. The deceased C. W. Bolton, Mr. Claude Bishop' and Mr. Sydney After describing a voyage from Boulogne in com­ . who was brigade-major at the staff head quarters, Hudson. pany with three friends and their landing : at Eaet- was!33 years of age, and Reaves a widow and two sons. LIGHTS SEEN AT SEA 1 "7 x>urne through stress of weather, the author goes He had been in the army for twelve years, six of which Mary Gauntlett admitted that lights over which she on to say:— - - ■> ' ’• '' . 1 ? were served with the K.G. Ai in Hong Kong, and the Mr. Hugill esioecially asked that Mr". Wilson should had control were showing towards; the sea from the *j‘ Eastbourne yva© then only an insignificant fishing last 13$ years in France. About a year ago he was LOCAL TRIBUNAL. be required to join up, as he was not a wheelwright Chatsworth Hotel on April 2Sth. town consisting of about eight or tenj scattered awarded the M.C. for devotion to duty. A brother, himself. u , 1 . Parade-Inspector Dann said thp blind was drawn, buh DO NOT WAIT Lieut. Ewen Cameron, of the; Cameron Highlanders, is Mr. Wilson said be was a carpenter, fin which housee. The boatmen conducted ua to jthe only BLACKSMITHS OjNCE MORE. not a thick curtain. 1 j. «■ public-house in the _ village, as miserable looking a at the Western Front, and was lately home on leave. capacity he assisted in the wheelwright’s .work. He A fine of 80s. was imjxjsed.. ] until you are really ill. before resorting to was full of work for some months to come, and he and dwelling, from the outside, as I ever beheld, where, CAPT. G. B. VERNON. treatment. 1 Immediate attention should from its appearance, we expected neither; victuals, EASTBOURNE’S 1,200 SHOES A W EEK Budd were kept going for folly twelve hours a day. UNDRAWN BjLINDS. always be given to minor ailments lest they drink, or any sort of comfortable refreshment. Upon Capti Grenville Bertie Vernon, Northamptonshire In reply to tae Tribunal, Bndd said he could not : Isabella M. Pead, of Royal-pairadeuadmitted a similar Regiment, who was killed on 25th April, was the J ; lead to mare serious trouble. A bilious head­ entering,: however, we were) shown into ajvery'clean undertake, the management of the business' if his. offence committed on 30th ApriL She did not appear^ /Iff;; U ache—a tendency to constipation—a feeling of room, where thd landlady, I in five minutes, made a younger son of the late Mr. H. C. E. Vernon and of ALL EXEMPTED MEN TO JOIN employer had tc go. but was represented by the occupier of the room. discomfort after eating—a sensation of ohjeeijul and blazing fire. Whilst employed in dry­ Mrs. Vernon, Stanmore Hours, Burlington-place, East­ VOLUNTEERS. The certifieatos were varied from ** conditional ” to Inspector Dann said the iJht;.’showed in three rer n m e n t drowsiness during working hours—impaired ing our clothes* Mr. Cane made inquire^ whether bourne. Capt. Vernon was 3S years of age. six months, both men to join the Volunteers. directions out to sea. The bHh*diu ^ in the bay windup appetite—these are all .symptoms that two of we could have anything-to eat. The hoetees replied | CAPT. FRANK N. HARSTON. M.C. were- undrawn. l t r o l l e d . ) the most important organs in the body—the could put up with fish and poultry she could The Local Tribunal sat at the Town Hall on Wed­ LA IR’S*MEN’S OASES. Fined £2. A former head pnpil of 1 lastboarne College, Capt. stomach and the liver—are not working satis­ y us, b u t 6he had no butcher’s megt j remaining. nesday, when there were present Major! I. P. Molinenx, In the adjourned case of C. F. Tilbury (manager to INC^PABlLE. Frank Northey Harston, M.Q., has been killed in action factorily. The right remedy to Being told we should be content with whatever she J.P. (chairman), the Mayor (Alderman C. O’Brien Cowley’s Dairies) it appeared the medical examination Margaret ^Foster, married woman, was fined os. coluld produce, she promised to do her best, and in at the age of 27. He had been twice mentioned in was not complele. On this account the application was dispatches and was a brigade major at the time of his Harding, J.P.), the. Deputy Mayor (Councillor O. W. for being drunk and incapably ip - Cornfield-road at 9; i»> h^lf an hour we sat down to a beautifully white table­ put back for a further week. p.m. on M ay 4ch. cloth and ©he brought m a© fine a dish of fish as ever death. A high tribute to his ability and personal Bolton, J.P.), Alderman E. Duke, J. Mr. Claude A. R. Kenwaid (41), grade 2, married, eight children, was seen at Billingsgate, with excellent d'obster and -cter has been paid !by 1 is Brigadier. He was the Bishop, J.P., Mrs. A. Campbell, Mr. 11. J, Mines and is a roundsman and station caiman in the emolqy of the A SERIOUS, ALLEGATION. oyster sauce. This was followed by a pair- of tender, d son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harston, of Olton Councillor T. B. Hasdell. The N ational Service Aylesbury Dsir'. - . . /1 d Rose Savage, of 3, Parsonage-road, was summoned whenever there is the slightest suspicion that well-dressed chickens, and wer finished an ample Warwickshire. Representative present was Mr. W. W. Hugill. Mr. Hngill'objected to further exemption. for exposing her five-year-old daughter to the risk of all is not well with the. organs of digestion, repast with good old Cheshire cheese. LIEUT. C. ST. J. NEVILL. Applicant sai 1 he had two sons in the army. The is Beocham’s Pills—that well-known trust­ CHEMISTS' CASES ADJOURNED. seduction. . •' v L " • ‘Concluding! no wine was procurable in such a 1 iiient. Cuthbert St. John Nevill, R.F. A (killed in other six ehildreln were under 16 years of age. He was Evidence -was given by Chief Detective-Inspector worthy preparation which has had such house, we washed down our food with tolerable ale, The cases of two chemisrs were on the list, and it working 13 or 14 hours a day and gave time to the duties Wells and P.C. Dean concerning visits of soldiers to th e;; enormous success in the treatment of diges­ actiontiouion on AptA pril___ 18,, aged______29), (was elder son of Sir W alter appeared that by arrangement these bad been further of a fireman. - , 1 1 - | ; but one of thd gentlemen asking if they ever sold and-nd L ady Nevill, 142, H"Highbury,. New Park, London. house, during some of., which tshe child was alleged to tive disorders. Those who have tried this wine of Any sort, the landlady answered, i Yes, eome- adjourned for a week. Twelve weeks’ exemption wa3 granted cm personal have been present. Inspector; Weils said the woman remedy—and they now number a great fie! was educated at St. In-brew's School, Meads, and grounds, the Fite Brigade duty to be continued. b u t sh e 1 could not expect such gentry as we ^ jh t ing on the Eastern fronta, SIX MONTHS’ EXEMPTION FOR SIX was t“he wife of a soljdier.. j-. -f ■- v multitude—are entirely satisfied that, for be able- to drink it.’ A bottle wtis (thereupon The case was dismissed, bhtj. the ‘Mayer uttered a correcting ailments of tile stomach and the his commission and went to France, where he BLACKSMITHS. WORK OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. ordered, not with any intention of! drinking it, but killed at the end of eighteen months’ continuous strong reproof. * liver, there is nothing to surpass merely for the benefit of. the mistress of ihe mansion The National Service Representative’^’ 3 application for Adjoarnj?d from a .previous sitting to erig.ble him to A similar summons- had been issued against Elizai^th service. His major writes: ’ I have looked on him as the review of the certificates of find work of national importance, on.the case of C.,’W. who had furnished us with eo admirable! a i meal. A my responsible right-hand officer, and particularly r umber of local W eston, of Parsonage-read, in. iresp.ect of her daughter, bottle being opened, I poured out a glass, which, blacksmiths were now dis I of. Th a cases had been Noakes, C3, shoo assistant, comin? np^Jt was stated he aged ten. - J ] during the last three weeks he has1 been invaluable to adjourned for representat had now obtained work at Caffyns’ wo*ks. This BEECH AM’S sihelling, I found to be claret, and tasting, pren us.” He married in 1916 Eunice May Le Bas. fives of the trsde to interview Chief Detective-Inspector Wells amd P.C. Dean jrav© nounced.it very fair wine Mr. Cane thereupon took a sub-committee of the Tribunal. Mr. A. C. Hillman arrangement was accepted, and six mohths’ exemption evidence in. this case, theLornifi* witness having f'i>und some, ^hich he instantly declared to be a© high G U N N E R O. O. P IP E R . appeared for several of the respondents was granted. the child in Savage’s ,house7sifcting on the knee of a .Hv ■; -l flavoured claret a© any in hiis own cellar. Therconse- A. F. Gearing (37), married, three children (son of A. E. Hunnis^tt(oT), grade 2, married, three children, drunken soidiei*. Defendant aljso adm itted to him th a t PILLS. Mrs. Piper, of 28, Willow! ield-road, Eastbourne, wife a gardener in pr: vat§ employment!, was ordered to find quence was a liberal potation, each of ua drinking of Gunner C. O. Piper, R F.A., has just received a Mr. S. Gearing), was stated to be in Giade 1. she had left the girl alone in the house with a Canadian. full two bottles. - ^ ^ | j Mr. Hngill sngested that the resaondent, or his work of nationall importance. The case was adjourned Chief - Inspector Taylor ^xid there had repeatedly letter from her husband’s captain stating that “ he lost for a month for this purpose. “ Another matter of surprise awaited us. for upon his life doing his duty, and died as an Englishman representative, should be asked to sa/ what reason he been trouble because the W eston children were not shnfr NO. HTIY BY had to give for not being called up. E)I calling for a bill, ’the landlady made a demand for would wish to die.” Gunner Piper was a postman and THE LAST MAN. regularly to school. A similar e'barge to the present eighteenpenee apiece, amounting ! to six j ©hilling©. Mr. Hillman objected to this, saying the obligation' One‘was';-preferred in June, 19lo,"and the. woman bound THOMAS St. Helens, Lane. well known in the town.' He joined the army about W. Balcombe, 32,1 married, applied through Mr, W. rietids and wel. l-wiahers, M r. ‘ Six shillings,; my good lady” said Mr. Cane, 4 is two years ago, and went tc France as recently as 3rd was on the National Service Representative to satisfy over; 1 • of M r. a nd Mrs. A. indeed a mos^ moderate demand, but ypu Imuet tell the Tribunal that the man ought to lie removed from Davenport Jonqs for a furtherrther term of exe^ijition. H e After a retirement the Bench decided to make an on G. Sold everywhere In boxes, April last. _ had been rejectled ihree times, passed ahd now "jd Miss YL ideline Onella. u® what we are to pay for drink as well a© eating . 7 ; PRIVATE] T. H. BEALL. what was a certified occupation. order that the woman should take due care of the child. 1 Oh, dear gentlemen,’ replied the woman!, ‘ I can Mr. Gearing in reply) to a questioii, said ’there was graded 3. She.was accordingly bound vQver in.'her own recognis- aaugaser or j u . Private Thomas H. Beall has been killed in action in dypge-road), were united] in make no chargk for that. You are heartily welcome one other employe,—a man of 65. His employer, Mr. Strange, printer, wrote Supporting arices of € 10, and was given.seven ia vs in which to find to the wine, and I’m clad you were able to drink it. France. Previous to the war he was for several years Mr. H ngill: You have yonr father. the application, and pointing; out that 27 out-of 28 another surety acceptable to the \> dice. In default she> Lrish Church (St. Mary’s) an employed by Messrs. Cave it Austin, South-street. In employes had joined up. This man was his machinist. ] bride, Vho -was escorted to The case i© ray poor-boys now and then run over tb , Mr. Gearing :. He is quite unable to help in the will go to prison for 21 days. ’.Sh1 j had also to pay the J given away by her father, Guernsey on little matter© of,business, and generally Septem ber, 1914, he joined ;he Royal Sussex Regim ent, business. We do shoeing for farmers’ horses. Mr. Davenpor; Jones said the applicant w^s cultivat­ Court costs—fis. bring homo with them a few dozen of winei which I proceeded to France in M ay, 1915, where he E G. Chatfield (35), m arried, one child, whose case ing allotmehts fcrtwo men who hadgoheintc the army. ■of | white crepe - de - chene, ined until he was killei on March 27th. He was A SERVANT'S .TilEFT. 1 th tulle veil and wreath of sieldom find occasion to use, anjl as it cost© me came next, said he had not yet bien graded, but Twelve weeks- exemption w as granted, i-vith the (rere two bridesmaids. Miss nothing you are-heartily welcome and m uch good led the Military Mec al last spring for carrying had been riven to understand his class would be proviso that th^ man must do Red Cross work. Amy Kate. Bacon, of ElAs-a venue, was charged -tches under the enemy’s fire. with stealing four yards of-giiberidii^e.and sundry under- cusin) and Miss Ethel Raw- may yoti do with it.’ By a few more questions we reduced. He was working with his father, no other REDUCED IN GRADE. " _he! dresses of both were of ascertained that her * poor boys ’ were neither more man being employed. clathing,’ valued, at .€4.j^42s.y 1 the property of Eva M The following names bare appeared in the durrent Mr. Hillman: He is acting as a substitute for bis T. J. Crick, 40, laundry engineer, was applied for by Burman. She adm itted Une offoii-je., * lin the former case being pale nor less than professed smugglers. With consider­ the Royal Marine Laundry Company. *5 pink, and both wore hate to able difficulty we prevailed upon- her to accept a week’s official lists of casualties:— brother. Prosecutrix was a visitor and noticed prisoner, who [aids j each carried a bouquet guinea for asi excellent a repaet a© ever four hungry The Deputy Mayor: Does yonr father work 'With It was stated that the man was married, j had nine was a serv an t wearing her bjlouse (.q, Sunday- evening. ROYAL SU3SIX REGIMENT. you ? children, and had been reduced from A to grtule 2. The She made further inquiries, and found other misSmg I heather. Cadet Harold fellows sat down to.” i laundry was) working for Red Cross hospitals.!. _ ! r l . Corps (brother of the bnde) WOC S’DED. Chatfield : Very little. He is 74 years of age. articles ip prisoner’s box. _ P ri^ n e r had cut fo.ur yards Private C. Ayres, Eastbourne^ % E G. A kehurst (35), grade 1, m arried, two children, Twelve weeks’ exemption was given, With the Volun­ from ai length of, gaberdine and taken it to a dress­ I bridegroom, who is^an^active teer condition attached. • j' assists at me of‘ the’ Red CONGREGATIONAL DEACON ESSES, Lance-UorpL A. J. Babb . Eastbourne, is a .Corporation employe, and with the assistance of a maker fco‘he made into a coat freek. Chief Deteo&ive-Inspectpr Wehls said the girl -had ays a week, The im m ediate WOMEN AND THEIR VOTES. Private W. T. Bushel], ! itbourne^. man of 49 is responsible for the shoeing of 38 horses. ON iPERSONAL GROUNDS. number of datives from a Private J. Castle, Eastb ime. A. E P artridge (31), grade 2, is e mployed by Mr. been in that employ -only t wo days. Previously she held At a special meeting of the Pevensey-road Oongrega- Mr. A. (Lb Hillman applied on behalf pot T. A. a goodr-character. - ' . ! • ! Private W. V. Eden, . bbourne. Wood, and has the whole of the shoeing to do. Wheeler, hair specialist, for exemptiori. j He was gational Church it was decided to elect four deaconesses INTERESTING GATHERING AT A CINEMA. jtbonrne. Originally he was classified Cl. . Prisoner, who was?‘ very distressed, was remauded Va __(Id) officiated, and a t th e to act writh the eight deacons. Referring to this matter* . Private W. J. Gausden, married man with,/eight children, aad his wife was in appropriate address. After Private A. G. Huhnisett Eastbourne. In the case of E. Pagett, the National Service custody until Thursday for i.hbuirL"?s to be made. -in Hie monthly miS?“ ner Bet. J. G, Henderson, Representative,asked for the certificate to be with­ delicate heailth. The man had beefi working in East­ ■dehce of the'bride’s parente, Private W. T. Smith, Eastbourne. bourne until recently, on account of his wife’s |health. A C H IL D R E N ’S COU RT, iformal reception, and. later in the minister, observes:— There was a full hbuae at the Elyeium Cinema CorpL J. P. Loomes, Eastbourne. drawn, the man being now outside the jurisdiction of this Theatre on Tuesday afternoon, where a special'free T rib u n al 7 business in I Lot don established by [his. late father had Before Alderman' Keay. (in the chair; and Mr. Sydney -■e ided couple left for Brighton “ W om en are inini a considerable majority among the Acting-Corpl. W. Standing, Eastbourne. been managed by brother who was/calied up. He now’ I bride being attired in a navy members of thes C_Christian______y_ Church____ _ in____ all____ denominations______matinee had been arranged juntier the auspices cl the Private W. H. Tanner, Eastbourne. J. R. Clark was’ stated by Mr. Hillman to be ..! H u d so n h " employed at the hardest-worked shop in the town, had to mauage that for the'benefit of the beneficiaries I pale blue hat.! Mr. and. M ra an d in all lands. From the very beginnings of the Eastbourne Women’s 1 Suffrage Society. In addition under the will. W alter3 Hawkins, of St.-. Lv.onards-read, who had i the recipients of numerous church they have rendered it splendid service. Yet to an introductory organ recital and the usual dis­ OTHER UNITS. owing to the heavy nature of the business. Father and admitted stealing a gold watch from Miss Josh, was | K illed. Twelve weekfe, exemption was given on “ personal 1! useful character. . somehow they have always occupied, and they have play of excellent films, for which this Elyeium is son constituted the entire staff. Re spondent is doing grounds,” aind t he | applicant was ordered to continue again before the'Court. . always bden content to , occupy,/ a very subordinate already noted, an- addiesaTifas given by the Rev. Private E. Bickers^Duk-1 of Wellington’s Regiment), useful Red Cress work. the Red Cross vfo'i’k he had been doing; M rs.’Cullwick, mother of the bov who had received 1 position in the councils andj offices of the church. Men James Marchant, F.R.&; Ivthoee recent lectures at Eastbonrne. W . A. W hiting (31), grade 2, whitesm ith, works for thfe watch -ip exchange for a" seouce d id no-: ta k e iLu jq finest and hardest work. We are to rectify that unfair­ m ake4; Private R. G. Douch (( ueen’s Royal West Surrey), G. E Brooks (31) is a grade 3 ma i, and Mr. Hugill Hookham , foreman plasterer,— which he saiid was on heed of it at the time. i E m ro a , ness, in part at least.” The Speaker reminded his audience of the vast Ejastbocrne. said under the circumstances he did not press for the medical grbund:. The man suffered from ejezema, but H aw kins1 mother, "gavh'him ;a g'- )d character, Ivaleecing oncers and men may amount of effort, spread over fifty yeaiB, which had Sapper L. H. Gillam (I E.), Eastbourne. respondent’s release for military duty. Brooks is a tiad been place! in grade 2. Although he had shown Thb .Magistrates ordered the oy to receive u r ; s as much as possible (motors been necessary t-o win the vote for women, and he substitute for another man. t|ie doctors the-affected aim, he was told that a cure strokes of tho birch. ' . , recalled the names of some of the pidneer workers, D ied oi W ounds. The Deputy Mayor: Are there other blacksmiths propose to try and start a Bath DAYS. might be effected by-means of X-rays. Hookham was W-EiDkssnAY. — Before Dr. W. M uir Sm ith. journo as a branch of V.A.D. FLAG Florence Nightingale, Harriet Martineau, Mrs. Private J. Clarke (London Regiment), Eastbonrne. besides these in the town? 41, married, anq had two children. He was pn Govern­ Josephine Butler, and, )n our own times, Mrs. Henry B.S.M. A. H. W ickens(R.H. A.), Eastbourne. Mr. Hillman: Yes. As we told the sub-committee, ment WGi ALLEGED £H aP LIFTING. I h t ! not to be a diflBcult m -tter. _A pt )lications for “ flag days” were, submitted to the Fawcett and Mrs. Pa ikhurst. Male fears as to' Died. there are in all 12 proprietors and 15 assistants. The Mr. Hugill pointed out that the easel had been j> Nellie' Jordeo, 3, Yllen-st'r-.tcj,. Clerikenwelb'-^clliel pancot join my detach me it on Watcn Committee, and the following granted, viz.:— what might happen if women were admitted into ths Shoeing-Smith P. W. RL Baker (R.F.A.), Eastbourne great difficulty we experience—and it; is. the, point I repeatedly adjourned- for the man to be protected. IlShort, 42, W arner - stre e t,: Olerkenwdll and Auaie' fhealth, and it occurred to me sacred realm ot politics were shown to be groundless, wish to emphasise—is that there is an insufficient staff The application was refused, but thecaliiagmp notice !i5Lti‘ine, -5U», S pencer-street^ C ler ken weljU were charged; Italian Red Cross Day, 22nd or 29th June; Died as P risoner, P reviously R eported M issisg . J Brigade started it would give in view of the effect of women’s votes in other in the town to cope with the work, vhich is increasing. 3 v—thetc from; France’s Da A 13th July; British and Foreign delayed till Jun 15th. { I ' kvith being concerned together in jth 1 to ido very strenuous work, and countries, (wjiere it was found that there were fewer Private D. Pierson (Middlesex Regiment), East- No fewer than 1,200 shoes per week are required for (Messrs. M ilter & F ranklin of./'eight •.lupuses,:.ses, valuvak id at) Sailors’ Society, 17 th August; | Sunday School local horses. The great point is we are already Itp totbe forward and help in th is divorces and separaticn orders, better men Were ijoume. ANOTHER REFUSAL. l€10. 13s. 4d. ' _ . J' Union, 5th October; and British R^d Gross elected (according to ti e testimony of jjudges, magis­ WOUNDED. under staffed and cannot spare a single man. Objection to renewal of Exemption-was njadb by Mr. Society, 24tti24th October. Applications in respect of I P.C. Simmons said on /the'previous^ay r-e wen Iso orafc~out that in all i, IPevensey, incurred. Sapper M. Carter (R. .), Eastbonrne. R E E t'S E D , time Chief Detective-Inspbc.b plead’ed specially for co-operation between men and Sapper R. Cooper (R.E.), Eastbonrne. cases where exemption was granted the applicant must on' was ke pt and t-he & th women, as opposed to any spirit of antagonism and Private H. H. Clark (Durham Light Infantry), East­ join the Volunteer Regiment. T|ihat was necessary A. Honeysetp gard- er in private employment, h e S jo ia Immediately they vSiiw w itn e ss th ev competition, and especially warned women in industry bonrne. ,i _ under the new Act. If they ielt it impossible to under­ asked for further exemp tiep. The case had be^n to go oiiu again. One waS n b y In sp e cto r \V A BATTLE HYMN. not to do anything to bring down m en’s wages.;* A Sergt. J. Field (E. Yorks), Eastbourne. take such duty, or were engaged on other war work, adjourned fo^ medical examination and the niarr th e o ther by witness. .Jordan s-aid-. “ I ne they must give their reasons to the Tribunal and apply i $.] CURATES- special message from Lady Willoughby de Broke to ,nee-Corpl. B. Gander (R.E), Polegate. was placed in jgrade 2 . U was stated to be a married U p,” and' brou gk f from npde.r j r ’ Fight for and with ns, Sovran Lord of Hosts; that meeting contained the following: We want „janer D. Gatehouse R.F.A.), Hailsham. to be excused. He then gave the T tribunal's decision in man, 39 years o : je,i w ith wo children. i D ie >arcel in cha'rge of" the ’ r s t 4>ris --Ar c T h e shield, the sword, i;he b attle !- • . both, men and . women to work together for their Lance-CorpL A.- Hawkins(Middlesex), Eastbourne. the cases just heard. Mr. Hugill : W e dissent iew of his iige and grade. n uin >er of blouses arid,two c»:>c" ifotithly Magazine says:— Are Thine, who art the guardian of our coasts; mutual benefit, and, above all, ior the benefit of the Private B\ Holly (Middlesex), Eastbourne. In the cases of Gearing, Chatfield, Partridge, Clark, The application was refused, but the man wjiri not bo Or the application_ u>f 0 it:i I n j e c t >r TTaylor utters from France from Rev. G . Yea, Thine the weary watchers at their posts— future race. It is thte future generation td whicn Sergt. F. Jennings (Middlesex), Eastbourne. W hiting and Brooks the certificates were reviewed, and called up till .Ju ne 15xh. remt nd ih custody until |yIon la y . w as ordered in lieu of conditional exemption all fix were granted six W\ F. Kitchi 41, foreman warehouseman,! grade 3,. -g ai a. temporary chaplain to the All, even the child ren’d prattle. we must look for the Restoration of prosperity to our Trooper H. R. Keeleyl (Grenadiers), Hailsham. ALLEGED FGK rEK Y . ■ work very full of interest and of beloved country. . . We must always .ke^pj before months from the present date, the Whole of the men to married, four children, months* .exemjption on T hey a ll fit in to Thy great cosmic Plan, Sapper E- W. Maynard (R E ), Eastbonrne. Jvhii' Stewart, of the- kb r*:-; I usefulness. It is not “Certain to The bayonet, the babe, the soldier man. us the common good rather than the individual good. Po.l93S (S) G. Parsons (R.M.L.I.), Hailsham. join the Volunteers. Fourteen d*ys’ notice must be domestic grounds. 1 / S. Kenyon and Rev. H. 9- W om en's lives a re already so full of sjidf-sacriffee that Sapper A. C. Pnttee (R.E.), Eastbourne. given of any application for leave to appeal. A. E. Wake rs, C2, labourer,* adj -ed tacioned at Wukir-g, was jri; d. be called. They are to be inter- Fight for and with us, oe our Captain still. I know wo shall .not appeal to them in. vain. This Akehurst was given exemption tc the middle : ! 1 of June month td be ie raded. forging a c» itain document 'or. r And stand by us in bre iches, ' - Sapper J. R. P&lethorpe (R.E), Eastoonrne. withdrawn. "t with intent io du'au l Pr. m-Gerieral about June 1s t . h a t is my message to my sister women. ' 1 History showed Gunner S. G. Pawsey ;R.F.A.), Eastbourne. (final), and Pagett’s certificate was W e only ask to know and do Thy W ill; that man rises as woman rises. If womenjs In reply to the Chairman, Mr. Turner said the trade same regiment. clergy of military age who are Private H. Penfold (Royal West Kents), Eastbourne. •r; a « y C. aiiks will be decided, we under- In fiery hollow and on shell-swept hill, morals were low, -men’s were low, if women s minds Private H. A. Randall (Royal Fusiliers), Eastbourne. would do its best to fill up any gaps anda also to do work LAWY ERS Ail’ I k i DUS YES. Formal evidence i.i. } ■psTunder whom they _are now And gnn-rent ghastly reaches. were weak, men’s were weak. timing to the required by the Corporation. Detective-Inspector Le«:.ar*'i i iud a ret.i.,-. Be Thou our Rampart-- for in Thee we rest, Sapper P. J. Richardson (R.E), Eastbourne. until Mon.d ty was -.•rdered* th t- l no nines/ trap vel hope th at no one thinks for a immediate! occasion '■ of the enfranchisement ^ of Sapper S. T. G. Reed (R.E). Eastbourne. THE WHEELWRIGHT BUSINESS. prgv wished the clause removed And our one Bulwark is the Father’s Breast. women, Mr. Marchant said that the |old "physical Private W. Smith (Loadon Regiment), Eastbourne. THE NEW -REGULATION e made. Bower Act which called them up Fight for and with os, 13 accept onr, trust, fore-- ’’ argument of the anti-suffragi|sts had entirely Pioneer E H. Streete - (R.E). Eastbonrne. C. H . W ilson (38), B2, m arried, t wo children, builder ttiJI is! very much objected to by W e have no less, no ot ler, lost its point, for if 1 vomen were now ? to stop work and decorator, Old Town, and J. Budd (39), grade 2, Private G, E Veness (Grenadiers), Eastbourne. married, seven children, employed by Mr. Wilson as a M r. Hayes Fisher [“hals' issued new r^; lations to F t f p .y V is it o j; *i :\tl “ T om FL.\DP0!.P And onto victory guide onr Freedom’s thrust; we should lose the war. Every soldier, tod, took Sapper F.| Wells (R.E ), Eastbonrne. on to allow and mothers Lad the first and wheelwright, attended to show a :.use why their ‘4 con- Tribunafs, cons •nt up4n the recent dcdis.i .T l'KS U Y TO L f N N • N, *’ Alone on Thee the glory falls, that must, twenty years to make Second-Corpl. A. W. Wenban (R.E.), Eastbourne, professionalrotessionai representation of applicants continue- its class ever pubi:?ne< Through Christ who,is onr Brother. agreatest______share____ in the _ making. Fnilly, the vote PrivateF. Wissam (loyal West Kent), Eastbourne. ditional ” certificates should not be withdrawn, le ancient custom of blees- t is poi|._pointed.. “ cujt th " at .,parties | ,ud representatives mus1 Price, od.: by p<:>st; 7 IVhokselh Come down in Mercy and come down in Might, given to women was a 6ymboi of the changed attitude Mr. Fovargue (the clerk) read a letter from Mr. Lav’, f was revived at Alphing- Miss ing. confine themselves to the) presentation of‘ 'ev evidence and r«nd the Publishers, : e a: e b, CKroni And lead us safely upward to the Light. of the nation towards women, and a symbol of the farmer, strongly urging the retention of Budd, as being Private A. E Tingley (Suffolk Regiment), Eastbourne indispensable to the farmers of the district. the elucidation! of facts, and it is for chairmen of Works, Eastbourne. F . W . Obde W abd. changing attitude of women, in which they realised

, r ■ ■ m m


,187*. f l n m i BK K D E N f t o o . . Jr 6 . TOWHJBB AUCTIONEERS. ! ; H. W . HASKINGS a n d SONS, AUCTIONEERS, ' o A o u s e a n d e s t a t e a g e n t s , HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE CLERICAL, NAVAT,, MILITARY AND LADIES’ TAIIDBS, H SURVEYORS AND VAL1 SURVEYORS. VALUERS, ION MART, 67, ROAD, Offices - . . . 10, C O R N F IE L D [/. 84, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. ,r . .■ . j | | EASTBOURNE. anager and Secretary rs of Properties To Let and, for Sale Telephone Eastbourne 1284. ~ • ite Ircaty see page 7. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. T el eph o n e : NINE (3 Lines). ^ PROMENADE COSTUMES AND RIDING HABITS A SPECIALITY. ON THURSDAY NEXT. All Garments Made on the Prem ises by First-class W orkmen u THE AUCTION THE [WINTER GARDEN 57, TERM IN U S ROAD, iURNE. DEVONSHIRE PARK J. C. TOWNEE, ft O M L X Y X T elep h o n e N o. 441. THEATRE. TO-DAY a t E i g h t . J O H N N I X JO H N N I X W ill Sel l by P ublic) Auction, i Auction Mart, on THURSDAY NEXT, ’ 19th, 1918, Sole Lessees—M urray K in s & Cl a r e. GRAND RECITAL. G o ld sm ith T TOUSEHOLD t FU: ,E f t E f f e c t s ^ Telephone 121 bourne. ____■ 1 Including____ brass andid ,lroi_.— -----ich bedsteads T and Silversmith bebedding,dding. 5-ft. well-made mahogany,mt wardrobe,; walnut, mahogany and painted chests of !draw ers and other bed MATINEE TO -D A Y (Saturday) at 2.30, and 7.30. Terminus Road n appointments, dining ~ i suite, mahogany MADAME D’ALYAEEZ indlng-frame dining table, walnut chiffoniers, THE RETURN VISIT OF The Famous Operatio Contralto. W a tc h m a k e r g ateleg table. Bet m ahogan; . _., tables, w ork table, revolving bookcase, 7-fL carv, mahogany .sideboard, MISS MARJORIE HAYWARD J e w e lle r . grand and ,_ jfo rte 8j oak bnrean, valuable “ COOK.” -JmpireEmp suite of couch and six arm chairs, Persian rug, Solo Violin. ’ carpicarpets, fenders, two Chesterfield settees, grandfather T he G reat J erome K . J erome F arcical P lay. JOHN NIX and other clocks', oil paintings, I tea services, MR. F. B. KIDDLE, sewing machines, deed box, fc towers, knife At the Piano. m achine, w ringing and m angling ma< shine and effects. M O N D A Y , M ay 13th, for Six N ights a 1 7.30, and PREMIER VAUDEVILLE COMPANY. E s t a b l is h e d 1860. Sale to coknmence at TWO o’clock. Two Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, at 2.30. Annilal, etc., Tickets n o t A v a ila b le . On View the Day previous. FIRST TIME IN EASTBOURNE. R. FRANCIS a n d tors. S U N D A Y at E ight. MOONSHINE, EASTBOUKNE CEMETERY MASONS BO THE COMBINED BANDS THE BROMLEY The THREE DAUGHTERS Monumental Sculptors and Engravers. X, C. TOWNER OF THE ' WITH NEW BEAMS. IN OONJUNOTII WITH »» M E S S R S , b a k e : & B A K E R , OF M0NS. DUPONT. 13th H ussars Show Booms and Studio : 37, UPPERTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Under the direction of JACKSON POTTER. A re Instructed to Se l iI by jo A uction, a t T h e DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES SUPPLIKD. TELEPHONE 579. A uction M art, E astbou: on MONDAY, 3rd a n d Sum m erdown. J u n e, 1918, at Three o'clock, the Special Attraction for W hit-sun. Vocalist: JACKSON POTTER, S;} REEHOLD CORNE k BUSINESS F 1 PREMII M O N D A Y , M ay 20th, for Six N ights a t 7.30, and Baritone (of the Moonshine Co.). SEPARATE SUITES OF rpHE PRIMROSE LEAGUE No. 07, TERMINUS ROAD, Two Matinees W ednesday and Saturday, a t 2.30. (Borough of Eastbourne Habitation, No. 2216). The WINTER GARDEN will be CLOSED Private Baths tor Ladies & Gentlemen And No. 1,"TERMINUS j PLACE, adjoining. Return Visit of this Great Spy Play, B. & W . B E N N E T T , Ltd. ' ! * i— j— - ' - i- j . Together producing £265 per annum. Also the from M onday to F riday. S C U L P T O R S a n d M A S O N S , AN ENTERTAINMENT, FREEHOLD CORNER BUSINESS PREMISES, No. 10, PEVENSEY ROAD, “ INSIDE THE LINES.” ROLLER SKATING. THE DEVONSHIRE BATHS. On MONDAY, M AY ISth, at Eight p.m., 120, LEWES ROAD, BRIGHTON. And No. 21, SUSANS Ir OAD, adjoining, 3LOSE, OF THE SEASON, j Together producing £llo) per annum . WARM FRESH WATER BATHS, 9d. each. FIRLE ROAD MISSION HALL TO-DAY. MEMORIALS P articulars and Conditions oil Sale to b 6 had of F r e d s . S ix for 4 s . By the kind permission of the Vicar of Christ Ohurcb).t H. Stapley, Esq., Solicitor, Bank Chambers, Eastbourne; 1 1 i o 1 — BIJOU ORCBESTRAj. Of E very D escription E xecuted, and.Intensive of Messrs. Ba ker & Baker, Estate Agents, Horley, PIER THEATRE, Estimates given^for^hffir^rectlon in any part ADDRID D R E S S BY H. CROWE Surrey; and- of - the AUCTIO kerb, ~ The a luAuction e tic "Mart, 3 to 5 .1 5 — 13th HUSSARS BAND. NO E xtra Charge for Towels, Soap, &c. (Organiinislng Secretary Primrose League). 57, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. EASTBOURNE. T H E W A R A l TUB FUTURE. M a n a g e r ...... O. .YES. Illustrated Catalogue Submitted Free, Seats m ay be Booked at the Box Office, or Clift's, 4 , G ild r e d g e R o a d . " A Call Citizenship.” B EKRYS AUC TION ROOMS I if|i And at Hove, Hastings, Ore, Bexhill, Tunbridge \ THE ANTONIAN PIERROTS, in their Original and T T O -D A Y (Saturday) a t 2.30 and 7.30. ^ 101 ^E3i1D1CEQ * & * 1 q • 122] 1 {} * ^£313' EXO' B1103 * & ’ B29' &1 1 K 9 * fi1 CDS ’ ft' EDZEI1C * Efi9 * t* Wells and Chichester. Up-to-date Songs and Danoes. and SALK YARD, D . W . G r iffit h 's M ighty Spectacle, T he R oll of H onour will be S hown. 19, CORNFIELD ROAD , EASTBOURNE. T hone 844. 9J VTOE-RULpa COUNCILLOR in t h e . Chair. ^ ■ - I. * . ; i “ T he B irth of a N ation. TERRYS — Auctions Mondays. firths, ^triages an* gtaths. All Members of the Haiitation and their TERRYS — Furniture Reoeived Daily. | Families lleartily welcome and A d m it t e d :: SUNDAY, MAY 12fH. TERRYS—Furniture Bought. No Expenses. E L Y S I U M , 2 3 8 , S E A S I D E . F r e e . BIRTH. TERRYS — Moderns and Antiques Valued. AFTERNOON AT 3 - £ KIT.LICK.—May i . at Cooperville. Burgess Hill, the Badges to be Worn. Smoking Allowed. M r s . E . H . R o c k e t t . wife of Lieut. R. J. Douglas Killick, K.A.F., !ot a TERRYS — Auction Roonis always on View. THE BLUE BOY BAND. daughter. 1______'______. I______TERRYS—Valuations for Estate Duty. j 'l E V E N IN G A T 8 . a s t i n g s m u s i c a l f e s t i v a l TERRYS — Auotions at Private Residences. WILL BE HELD ON m a r r i a g e s . H TERRYS — Estate and House Agency. T h u r s d a y , Kntits Kamp Koncert Kompany Monday], Tuesday, Wednesday M ay 13 th, 14 th, 16 th . TERRYS — Exclusive Lists of Furnished and Unfur­ (By kind permission of C9I. J . S. Bostook, r .a.m.o.). Jtt.D., A irrea ueorRe. uiuy suu m -p\V M TTi"; m in i i nished Residences. MouDett, 41, South-street, to Madeline Onella Wini- j 48 COD PETITIONS. TERRYS — Insurances iij the Norwich Union effected £re<^, only daughter of Mr. land Mrs. Albert Parkhouse, Chief Adjudicator Dr . W alford D avies. only. M O N D A Y , M ay 13th. Six N ights a t 7.30. “ C A M I L L E . On the 7th Mav at Holy Trinity I D ay Competitions are held in H ashings P ier TERRYS—Rents Collect , Properties Managed. M atinees, Wednesday and Saturday, at 2.30. A beautiful picture yersion of Dumas’ yvorld-renowned dram a, “ The Lady of the Camellias,’ a Chnre^ Stotnf sqn^re. aW . R ^ r t James Soddyto P avilion, . the_ Queen’s H otel R ecreation R oom TERRYS — Agents for Eastbourne Houses. T H E P L A Y , E dith May only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. (entrance in Harold-plioe | only), and in the D rill and, as m ost people know, it is the story of a matchless beauty who reigned supreme in the H eale, Walmer, Reading.1 I H all, Middle-street, Hastings. 57 By V ictoria sm artest set of gay Paris. , [■ „ j' I “FIVE NIGHTS TRILL—ASHDOWN.—Ma^ 1, at the Central Wesleyan OoNUsnTS take place on M onday and T uesday on the R . B A R R A T T TERRY, F.AI. Cross. Church, Eastbourne, by^he Rev. H astings P i e r : W ednesday and T hursday in tHe From her World-famous Novel. As “ Camille” M iss CLARA KIMBAlLL YOUNG exceeds all her .former efforts as a screen d r il l H all, Middle-street, Hastings. ($0 Years' Local Experience). actress, ;,hd comes out with flying colbrs through the m any poignant and testing situations Skats ...... 3/- to |6d. in the drama. ~ William Ashdown, of Old Town, Eastbourne. | GRAND CONCUR? EACH EVENING BY Seats at 3/-, 2A, and 1/6 may he reserved in advance ~ ~ ~ TKE PRIZE-WINNERS, at Six | o'clock. TERRYS AUCTION ROOMS, a t the Pier Oates or by- Tele. 574. The story is flawlessly told and the settings are sumptuous. DEATHS. I Competitions Commeiice Monday and Tuesday at 9.1 ; W ednesday and T hursday a t 9 a.m. j 19, CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Admission fir Day Competitions,JiUUO| 2s., SO*, Is.lO* andwliu TERRYS (F.A.I.) R O Y A X, ______. ______num ber only). ^For Concerts (including Tax), (SO Years' L ocal Experience) 2nd Bedfords, aged 23 yeaTS. ■. | 2s. Id. (Booked and Reserved); Unreserv-:ved, Is. 3d. and Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 16 th, 17th, 18th W ill Sell a t th e A uction Rooms, as above, on Shops Scheme WEAVER. — April 30th, Henry Weaver, sculptor, of I gd. (limitednumber only), i MONDAY NEXT, M at 13t h , 150 Lots of useful HIPPODR OME Hereford, the dearly-beloved eldest son of Mrs. Weaver, I Hon. Secretaries: L ady I sham and Mr. J ohn Lockey, 'Messrs, G eorge Don.i, te C 143, Langney-road, Eastbourne, aged oOj | 471 Havelock-road, Hastings. URNITURE AND EFFECTS EASTBOURNE. M anaging Director ... Mr. Sidney W . W in ter . ^ SKINNER’S BABY. I n t e r n ATU5XAL S t o r e s *' F M anager ... E rnest Bridgen. M r . E . W . K n i|:mt ... flN MEMORIAM. I ■> A L L S O U L S ’ CHURCH Sale to commence a t 2.: p.m. Now on View. Messis. 1!. J l. l.Al-OSTF. ET F e a t u r in g MITCHELL.—In Joving memory of Oliver Mitchell, who | V icar: R ev. E van J . H o pk in s, M.A. MONDAY. M ay 13t h , and during the Week. BBYANT WASHBURN. Messrs. L. M i i .i.ku S on passed aw ay M ay 7th, 1914. • DRGAN RECITAL will be given by Established 1880. ] Twice Nightly. | M r. LARTiirri M jiu .s ... P. CONWAY, F.R.O.O., A.R.O.M. NEW THEATRE ORDER: M r . IAl f r e iS P r o c t e r . , CHARLES E. HORNE, F.A.I., Messrs. W . jH. ..Sm ith & Sd>: Early doors, 6.15 and 8.30. C urtain rises a t 6.45 and 8.45. A UOTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AGENT ISIr. T . D o v e r IW i l u a m s / V AND GAUGER, MR. A. EDWARD’S COMPANY. (The Latest Original 8E H elp— The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Easthonme. Up-to-Dato M usical Revue— Solo V iolin ... 1, TIDES WELL ROAD, EASTBOURNE. ’WO SPECIAL MATIN EES, THE HIPPODROME, E a s t b o u r n e . Collection for the Organ Restoration Fund. CERTIFICATED BAILIFF. “THE CINEMA GIRL, . TUESDAY, M AY 21at, and FRIDAY, M AY 24th,"at 2.30 p.m. DAY.—April 21, killed in France, Pte. Charles William Appointed by H is Honour Judge M artlneau to Levy A Wheel of Mirth and Melody, in Four Scenes. By D istraints under the A m endm ent Aot, 1888. Charles Danvers. Cast ii lcludes :— E V E E Y T H I H i Gay, Northants Regt., second son of J. Gay, d 2, m T . A N N E ’S C H U R j C H Seats m ay now be hooked, 2/0 to 7/0, a t Box Office (Telephone 336), F u l l P a r t i c u l a r s N e x t W e e k . Waterworks-cottages, Friston. * , , | | o UPpERTON, ^GARDENS. E very Description fo b D isposal. LEN NORTON, P ro m p l S idney W . W inter, Esq has kindly lent the Hippodrome free of charge. MARSH.—March 21 st, kiHed in action in France, Private By kind permission of Colonel Bostock. R.A.M.O. Jack Waring, ■, .. Albert Le George, A C C l William James Marsh, dearly - beloved hi^band of THE WORKSHOP at| r ea r of JUNCTION ROAD, Nlta Van Biene, Dora Eastlake, Molly Marsh, 102, Langney - road, Eastbourne, also NEW INNEP. TUBI second beloved son of Mrs. Marsh, of Rye. ._____ An O rgan R ecital EASTBOURNE. H arry Trevor, The Four Clro Dancers, VERA REJANE, * WILL BE GIVEN ON OHAS. B. HORNE, F.A.I., D0ULL, tlie q And a Full West End Beauty Chorus. R. AND' M RSJW . J. BROWN wish fcJo TUESDAY NEXT, M AY Uth, at S p.m., W ill Sell by P ublic A uction, at the above Premises, ’Phone 608. on TUESDAY NEXT, M ay 14t h , commencing 2.30 Note the Prices : Private Boxes 12s. 6d. and 10s, 6d. thank all kind friends for letters of dr 'maybe booked); Orchestra Stalls 2s.; Fauteuils, Is. 6d. athy received in the very sad bereavement °oF theh ' ’ | ■ j T . 1 iBT ■ ' • i ’ : if f • i": sharp, an assemblage of good useful GEO. B R O W n & GO., Lt) • > 'reserved, 2s.); Grand Circle, Is. 6d. Pit Stalls and Circle, C o r p l . F. E. "(VILSON, F.R.cj.o., l .r .a .m . OUSEHOLD FURNITURE & OTHER I (early doors, la. 3d.); Pit, 6d. (early doors, 9d.); Upper ______. T jj « _ • v A. _ 4-VtotiTr I (ACtlug-UrgBUIBI*(Acting-Organist Olef the lUC VUUTLU/.Church). ! H EFFECTS, comprising carved walnut-framed Circle, 3d. (early doors, 4d.). Tax Extra. Tele. No. 336. drawing room suite in saddlebags, mahogany-framed REGENT HOUSE, M Ranfrien^sfOTthblTtodaefpressiousVsj4pathy Vocalist MR LEONARD F. HUBBARD (late couch in monquette. (patent rocking chair in rep. in...... their bereavement. - i Lbndon Regiment). massive brass onrb fender and implements, a capital E L Y S I U M , S e a s i d e , E a s t b o u r n e . ; / ' j - treadle sewing machihe, satin walnut washstand with Vicar-Choral, Westminster Abboy. marble top, painted washatands. Iron bedsteads, Pem­ Opposite Christ Church. TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. | A Collection will be made on behalf of the Sick Lines broke and other tables, copper tea and coffee urns with MRS. E. - ROOKETT .. Makaobhebs. 5 B e l K. f AMES ANDREWS, M a so n a n d S c u l p t o r , brass tops, electro-plated goods, pictures, books, chamber of the Camp and the Choir Fund of the Church. T H E 1918 CINEMA, J Works : Bakbb’S-eoad (near St. Mary’s Churoh). pedestals, commodes,, chairs and a quantity of other item s too num erous to mention. Come and hear the CLAyORCHESTER. |3h/iidfflcff Office and Show-room : Carrara Villa, Gore On View Afternoon (Prior and M orning of Sale. Toflay (Saturn P ark (adjoining the Cemetery), E astbourne. ENTRAL WESLEYAN CHURCH For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at Designs and Estimates Furnished. c FEVENSEY ROAD, his Offices 1, TldesweU-road, Eastbourne. * Pride and the Ma: Officers’ Complete Kit All BUND. Y NEXT. M AY 12th, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 13, 14 and 15. WaUUiad 78 Yean. Telephone Nos. 801 sod 802. 1L<) a.m. and 6.30 p.m. H. . CHARTRES, for the East. E d i S t b o ] T T A I N E ft j SON, Preaohers: ! a l u e r n d AUCTIONEER, “ C A M IL L E ■ Iciara^IimbaU Young.Youn M L_- ti/7 18 U N D K R T J 11.0—R E V . E. O. LANSDOWN. HOUSE, F i AND ESTATE AGENT, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 16,17 and (18. T Service Khaki Drill Jackets, 35/- to Carriage and 6.30—R E V . HUGH M. BROOK, B.So. Offices: 59, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE, and “ S k in n e r’s B abjj? Bryant Waslfbum Hearse Proprietors. 1,6, South Side, Olapham C ommon, S.W . POPULAR PRICES, 1/3, 8d. & 4d. (including Tax). TeL Noe. : Eastbourne 956; Battersea 920. » i> m Slacks, 14/6 to 18, CAVENDISH PLACE ft 19, SOUTH STREET | PERTON CONGREGATIONAL Owing to the Electric Power Restrictions we are forced TJP CHURCH, UPPERTON ROAD. Valuations fo r ProbfUe and other purposes a speciality to omit Two Matinees in each week. There will there­ I • fore be No Afternoon Performance on Tuesdays and Cel. 788. J. R . A . H AYLAND, TeL788. SUNDAY NEXT, MAY 12th, By Order of Executor. Thursdays. ,, ,, Biding Breeches, 21/-to, 5j CORN FI AT 11.0 A.M. AND 6.30 P.M. 29, JEVINGTON GARDENS, EASTBOURNE. DAILY at 2.30 till 4.30, and 6 till 10 Non-Stop. TTNDERTAKER ft FUNERAL OASEIAGE I T e l . T tiJ U PROPRIETOR. 1 Preacher—REV. W. MAOFADYEN SOOTT. o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e >> .» Shorts, 10/6 to H a n d EFFECTS, which MR. U OPEN OARS, GLASS OR CLOSED HEARSES. On Thursday, Intercessory Service at 7.30 p.m. :|j H . J. O.H A R T R E S OLD TOWN CINEMA, Trench Coats Light in Texture\ h - C X X X X K H tO Years’ London Experience. Has received instructions to Sel l by A uction, on the HIG H STR EET. 1? Premises, on WEDNESDAY, 29th M ay, a t 2 p.m. ARTIFICIAL WREATHS IN GREAT VARIETY. EVENSEY lOAD CONGREGATIONAL Catalogues a t the Auctioneer’s Offioes in due course: M anager ...... Ml* P e r c y V . L u n c h . U, PEVENSEY ROAD, EASTBOURNE. P CHURCH. 59, South-street, Eastbourne, and 6, South-side, Clapham, Kit Bags, Wolsey 'Valises, Camp Beds, Chairs, 8 .W. Tel. Nos.: Eastbourne 956; Battersea 920. THIS DA Y, at 2.30 and 5.30 to 10. SUNDAY, NEXT, MAY 12th, Tripod Stands with Bath and Basin, Buckets, ' Established 1874. j FLORENCE LA BADIE in IAVater Bottles, Map Cases, Holdalls, Hussifs, F O R A L L 1 at 11 a.m. and 6.80 p.m. SUSSEX.-r-NEAR EASTBOURNE. R O B E T 8. HAH T, “ T he Life W orth W hile.” I Combination Knife, Fork and Spoon, Waterproof ATE of parti of the GILBERT ESTATE, BOVI j I a, Til j J N D K R T AKTCR ft COMPLETE FUNERAL | - REV- J. G. HENDERSON. Ground Sheets, Haversacks, Linen Bags, Mosquito Preacher - kS i beingFREEHbLD 08102 FivltiiijlAULD FARMS, r AxvlVlo, SMALLOinnuju HOLDINGS,n o u v ii'iu o , MONDAY, TUESDAY L d WEDNESDAY, FURNISHER, COTTAGES, ACCOMMODATION LAND and CHALK Nets, Putties of the best makes, Uniform Car. ;s, Parcels se: PIT, in a beautiful part of a favourite district, with M ay 13th, 14 th and 15 th, 14, H io h -stb b k t, Ol d E ajstbourvk. a s t b o u r n e b a p t i s t c h u r c h , great sporting and social advantages. Kapok and Fleece Sleeping Bags and Blankets, E v e l y n t h e B eautiful.” e e H I F unerals Conducted to A ll P arts. E CEYLON PLAICE (first turning right. Cavendish- THURGOOD ft MARTIN all a t b o tto m p ric e s. — E s t im a t e s F r e e . place, from Pier). A Superb Production that w 11 hold your imagination Have been instructed to Sel l by A uction, a t the Auc­ e r v i c e s n e x t u n d a y m a y 1 2 from start tp finish. -:o:- rATI-ili-VlTV a : S S , th, tion Mart. Tokknhouse Yard, E.C., on 25th J u ne, M at 1 1 . 0 a.m. and 6.80 p.ni. 1918, a t Two o’clook precisely, in 12 Lots, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, WANNOCK FARM, with excellent House and Build­ Nr-Hss TYUUEI td P reaches ...... REV. DAVID BARRON. M ay 16th, Ylth and 18th. ATTEN: Ai' ■>: .11 ■ • V • HUDSONS.-IT h ' L • _ . . ’ : ings and Arable, Pasture G EO EG E BB.OW KF & CO., L td. Mr. Barron lectures on The International Sunday School acres, in Two Lots. :: a glorious production. I Floor) i < livtfii Lessons on Tuesday evenings a t 8 o clock. 1 THE ASfl, JEVINGTON: Farm with House and REGENT HOUSE, for M.-t- n! o r, HOUSEHOLD REMOYALS Buildings and a boot 26 acres. “ B atoette.” for ■ X •- ' . -.it AOCOMMODAl ION LAND at Wannock and Pole Featuring PEGQi Y HYLAND. EASTBOURNE. ties, Xiir-e-' lit. i-’t On WEDNESDAY, M AY 15th, at 8 p.m g a te : A bout 40 acres. Large-i-'e. r.;. ,;i ; ! Alto STORAGE. able, ami utliers in vie c o t t a g e s , p I d d o o k and a l l o t m e n t s at Special W hit-Moiiday Attraction J Surgse: ! AI ; : SERVICE OF SONG, Trusse- H!-stv ! I MARSHLAND at Polegate and Pevensey: About ^ BBITI8H I n d u c tio n . EXPERT PACKERS.. E le c : i i a 'Li. in . u i ■ 1 8 and 85 acres respectively. _ _ (_•_ | (I FLAMES.” 1^4 ARNED INCOME.—Form 11a is now W a te r am i “ An Unseen Singer,’ O H A L K P IT and KILNS, Jevington, and the well- e m o v a l s under personal supervision. 4 being posted to many persons with Earned S ale). known From the Novel by R ob: rt H itchens, featuring A i . TFX-S. WANNOOK GLEN, including valuable Timber. ! R AREHOUSING in Inpome. As it is essential that theso Forms be JUENITUBE DEPOSITORIES : | Illustrated by Views, win be rendered by ED. O’NEILL, OWEN NARES, New Central Look-up Stores. Excellent purchases for investment or early occupation. filled in correctly in order to 1 ensure correct! Assess­ 5. STATION l-’AKAM MARGARET BAiNNERMAN, &c. W ment and allowances M essrs. BRADLEY and The Properties may be Viewed by permission of the For Lowest Quotations apply V ic t o r ia S t a t io n LONDON, S.W. ST. JOHN’S GIRLS’ GUILD. Tenants, with Orders to be had of the A uctioneers ; DAILY at 5.45 to 10. M atinees: Monday, Wed LFRED WRIGHT. i VAUGHAN invite their Clients and others to send ill T h r m in u s G a t b s ...... - BRIGHTON. and Particulars and Conditions of Sale, with ------nesday, Thursday— ' * dnd Saturday, 2.30. 85, 87, 101, 103 and 108, SOUTH STREET, these Form s a t once to their Offices a t ;Boltro T he V icar will give the connected Readings. he had of MessraJWiLLiAMS & J ames, ° - ’=— and W ish Road. C ham bers, H ayw ard s Hea th . C vclc . P opular P rices : 1/-, 9d. 6d., 4d.; Balcony, l/:, 9d. 65, G r o v e H o a d EASTBOURNE, House, Thames Embankment, W W e li,r. 1: Sale; and of the A uctioneers, Tax Extra. AIRMAN... ,|. ... R EV . DAVID BARRON. bourne, and 27, Chancery-lane, W .0.2. A cce ss, m i MESSRS. LLOYDS p u rcht .iso h ’ Established 1875J AP PLY FOR FREE ESTIMATES. Silver Collection. B. W. H. HAMBLYN, u c t i o n e e r s , v a l u e r s and e s t a t e Eelclo w p v » ‘ MESSRS. KHilAOK ft DAVIES, EASTER ft WRIGHT, A AGENTS, lin e s in Tele. 4811 Eastbourne, JJO U S E AGENT, BU|ILDING SURVEYOR, Corels, ; 1 . - * ) l T. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN UCTIONEERS a n d VALUERS, HOUSE 6, GILDREDGE ROAD, EASTBOURNE A UOTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, Stain lai I CHURCH, B LAOKWATKR-ROAD. LAND and ESTATE AGENTS, (Road Facing the Railway Station). .1 I I S SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. ELMS BUILDINGS, 51, S E A S ID E R O A D , 1M. ; 1. . i-nr AN CLADPOLE’S TRIP TO ’MERRICUR. SUNDAY NEXT,' MAY 12th, Estates Managed and Rents Oolleoted Weekly and Furniture Scdeh Conducted. Sales of Property and EASTBOURNE. Telephone 896. 1X0, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE 2d. ; F i :: • i : • i n. m J Next to the world-wide popularity of “ Oladpole s 11 a.m. and 6 .SO p.m . (Adjoining the London and County Bank), Quarterly. Promp( Settlements. l it ■ 11: .,'1 Shares at . Mr. H., having had over 38 years' local experience Cleaning !' Jum ey to Lunmin,” this work has had a larger sale than Preacher ...... REV. JAMES REID, M. (during. «he ______first 13 of______whichj'he was occupied’ in practical Valuations for Probate, Transfer and other purposes C:11 > d .: 1 - , a,--. ; W< I >: i i t any other Sussex Book. The interest in both these works THE PROPERTY AUCTION MART, W eek-night Servloe. work inn the Building Trac e), is specially qualified for IRECTION LABELS of all kinds manu­ Temains. • _____ XTnn. AilifionNew hawedition rpndv now tinnfl ready, fin* price 6d.; THURSDAY, at 7.30 p.m. Wee! TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Valuing and Managing House Property; or Supervising P ropertius for S ale. W. ilnabal minutes before the V a lu in e ______„ ___ D factured at London Prices at Farncombe and C a’S RTJDGn - WK-I b y post, 7d.—Fi combe & Oo., Lim ited, and all Book AU vacant Boats a re j^ ffim l Valuations for Probate and other Purposes. Pt"operlles — rue - during ereotioh.---- F urnished and U nfurnished R esidences, (Limited) Printing Works, South-street, Eastbourne, ...ii Sellers. 10, Terminus-Jj

■ ■ f - ■■■ , - i EABTBOUB CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1918

CE P hoct 1183. CINEMA.

D A IL Y —Ma t in e e 2.15. Doors open 2.30. —E v e n in g 0.30 to 10.30. D oors open 6. Present approved Casta. Prices for Coals: F A . R X E B ’ 8 SUB CAL 8UPPOBT8 | P E R T O N . TO-DAY (SATURDAY), May 11th, Best Silkstones I - - “LAW OF T b(e LAND.” F eaturing OLGA THE LICENSING (CONSOLIDATION) ACT, 19X0. Piano | NOTICE OF PRINCIPAL MEETING. Cannock Chase Brights HONDA Y, M ay 13th, an d Two following Days, “ TRANSGRESSION.” 0OUNTY BOROUGH OF E. F eaturing EARLE WILLIAMS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that thi Hucknall Brights MEETING to be held pursuant to the Litenainr Rules, 1910, by the COMPENSATION AUTHORITY for the T h^e.- j above Area will be held at the Tow n H a u JE astbourne, THURSDAY, M ay IBth, a n l Two f(Mowing days, on th e 28th day of May, 1918, a t 10.30 a.m. Hucknall Cobbles - A nd N otice is H ereby also Giv en , MARY PICKFOED sensation Authority will at the Meeting be prepared to d O M P ih T . hear, with reference to the renewal of thejldcense of the AS Premises specified in the subjoined list, au those Persons to whom under the Licensing (Consolidation) Act, 1910, nail Nuts - they are bound to l in opportunity of being he “REBEC CA of that is to say, the } ons interested in the Lice: Premises in question and, unless it appears to the Com­ SUNNYBROOK FARM.” pensation Authority unnecessary, any other Persons appearing to them to be interested in the question of the renewal of the License of those Premises (including the SAMUEL BRADFORD & SEATS—4d., 8d. and Is. 3d. (including Tax). Justices of the Licensing District). LIST OF LICENSED PREMISES. i»N P O T T E R . 2, STATION PAEADE, EASTBOURNE. 'Telephone 705. S aad Situation of Nature of Telephone 864 (Two tines). EASTERN Premises. licence. SEASIDE. JENTEMA. The Cosmopolite, Beerhouse Tower-street (on) Gentlemen TO-DAY (SA TU R D A Y ), M ay 11th, W e are pleased to devote this space to an Appeal for the BED CBOSS THE MAN Wtao E. O. LANGHAM, EQUIPMENT SOCIETY, GONVELLE HOUSE, for their Weekly BATHS. was AFRAID.” Clerk to ttae Com] ion Authority. W a n ts of F eaturing BRYANT WASHBURN. D ated 8th M ay, 1918. IH3, 94. each. j “ Ttato Tocsin.” FLANNELETTE for Bed Socks. Order under the Defence of Episode 15 of “ THE SECRET KINGDOM.” Regulations. els, Soap, &c. MONDAY, May ISth, and Two following Days, a s t b o u r n e r o y a l Road. “DURAND of ttae E STATION. fitrsonal anb Social. S3 *3' BAD BANDS.” NOTICE OF CLOSING of the PLBLIC RIGHT- WAB SAYINGS ASSOCIATIONS eaturing DUSTIN FARNUM. F OF-WAY ON FOOT AND FOR VEHICULAR THE SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ HOMES. TRAFFIC ALONG LOTTBRIDGE ROAD, marriage arranged between the Rev. Ernest J. Where Bonds and Certificates m ay be purchased. * Ttae Warning: on ttae Ring'.’ Vicar of Westfield, Battle, and late Rieetor of EASTBOURNE. Episode4of “THEFATAL RING.’ on, Hove, and Lottie Frances, twin daughter Two special matinees are to be given on May 21 and Thomas Cooper, of Finmere, 5, College-road, 24 respectively in aid of that admirable institution, the TH URSDAY, M ay 16th, and Two following days, By virtue of the powers conferred upon me under rarne, will take place at St. Saviour’s Church, Soldiers and Sailors’ Home, Uppertou-road. The Royal Name of Association. -r ■ Address and Hour of Meeting. Regulation 29 of the Defence of the fiealm (Consolida­ irne, on Thursday, May 23rd, at 1.30 pjm. All Hippodrome has been kindly lent by Mr. Sidney W. tion) Regulatjohs, 1914, I, F R E D E R IC K G O R E will be welcome at the church. I'v 4, Hanover-street, Saturday, 7 to 9 p.m. ‘ . “ WHEN it ras LIGHT.” Winter, free of charge, for both-occasions. The Home R edoubt W ard ... ANLEY, C.B., C.M.G., Brigadier General in His hear that Lieut. S. R. Pocock, M.G.C., who left S t. Mary’s W ard Pitman Institute, Monday, 7 to 8 p.m. F eaturing EN] BENNETT. Majesty’s Army, being a competent Military Authority, is an especially deserving charity, .and should make a Avenue House, Thursday, 5.30 to 6 p.m. Messrs. Samuel Bradford & Sons’ employ to jo n the particular appeal to the sympathy and support of the U ppebton W abd □nder the said Regulations DO HERE BY PROHIBIT i 1914, has been awarded the Croix do .Guerre general public at this juncture. An influential coml ' H ampden P ark W ard Corporation Offices, Rosebery-a venue, Monday, 7.30 to 830 p.m. ‘Ttae FIGHTING TRAIL.* any Person or Persons from enterin' or approaching The School. Monday, during School and [mentioned twice: in despatches mittee of ladies has been formed, with the Hon. Mrs. H ampden P ark (W ulungdon) Hours. Episode L the E astbourne ROYAL AIR FORCE STATION Rupert GWynne as chairman, and they are working A ll Souls’ Church Room, Tuesday, 7.45 to 8.30 p.m. by way of LOTTBRIDGE ROAD, Eastbourne, and __ ,-Col. Millward. who is making slow bub satis- 13th, 14th, 15th. PATHE GAZETTE and other Interesting Films. >ry progress after his late serious war wounds, has hard to make the entertainment in every way an artistie A ll Souls’ Schools . The School, Bourne-street, Monday, 3 to 4.30 p.m. farther give notice that as from this date the said W i ■ School Room, Ceylon-plaee, Tuesday, 7.45 p.m. DAILY at 2.45 s.nd 6.30 to 10.30. awarded the Croix de Guerre, and financial success. They have been fortunate in B aptist C hurch LOTTBRIDGE. ROAD is CLOSED to all FOOT and securing the services of several well-known artists. C ompton P lace School The School, Meads-road, Monday, 9" to 10 a.m., 3 to 4 p.m. Doors open at 220 and 6. VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. I do further prohibit any smporary Major C. D. Jay, D.S.O., Machine Gun ? i Reading Room of Club, Tuesday, 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. rices son of the Rev. W. P. Jay and Mrs. Jay, Those appearing at both performances include Miss Constitutional Club P : Is., 3d., Sd. and 4d. (including Tax). Person or Persons, other than thoei specified in the Margaret Copper, Miss Ratcliffe’s pupils (who will H an-kh am • Schedule given below, from approaching or entering by in the trenches about a fortnight ago. 1 He1 is Parish Room, Trinity-place, Friday, 6 to 6.30 p.m. favourably. present “ Monte Carlo,” a delightful dancingscena and A H oly T rinity P arish way of Lottbridge-road, or at any point, the Eastbourne series of classical dances), and Lance-Corpl. Nutter, r of the Camellias,” St. Andrew’s P resbyterian The Church, Blackwater-road, Friday, 6.45 to 7.30 p.m. L L SOULS’ P A R IS H ROOM. Royal Air Force Station. H. W. Hay land, son of Mr. W. I. J. Hpyland, Old School Rooms, Monday, 12 noon to 1 p.m. humorist! (by kind permission of Col. Bostock); in led supreme in the S t. J ohn’s, M eads ...... ’he Briers, Rattle-road, Westham, and nephew of addition, ’on Tuesday, Lady Elliott, solo violin, will S t . Mart’s Boys’ School ... The School, Monday, School Hours. JUMBLE SALE SCHEDULE. | J. R. A Hayland, of Pevensey-road, -Ea! The School, Monday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, 2 to 2.45 p.m. appear, and Capt. Towse, V.C., will speak on behalf of ! St . M ary’s G irls’ School... In aid of All Souls’ Parish Nurse Fund, was severelyly gassedn------—, while------in France,, ------is mr - the discharged and disabled soldiers. On Friday Miss S t . M ary’s I nfant School The School, Monday, School Hours. Any Officer or man of His MajeMajesty’s Royal Air, lorts as a screen TUESDAYS M AY Lfth. Naval or Military Forces on duty; or any member of irtb nR " ed ’ Cross ”Hospital, ’ ’ where ’ he is prbgressing Elsie Davidson will recite and- Mr. Fedor Otscharkoff, ad testing situ atio n s S t. P hilip’s School... Boys’ School, Monday, 12 noogato 12.30 p.m. ,bly. Girls’ School, Monday, 9 to 9. wra.ro. Articles of all descriptions will be gratefully received the Police Forces on duty; or any other persons who the violoncellist, will appear, arid Lieot.-Col. Spencer S t . P hilip’s School ... e late Lieut. C. D. Fenelon de la Mothe, Eastbourne Follett will speak on behalf of the home. S t. Saviour’s Church Guild Room, South-street, 12 noon to 1 p.m., 8 to 9;p.m. and will be sent for onn receiptrera ’ of ” a Post ’ Card to Mrs. may be duly authorized by the Commanding Officer of E van H o pk in s. All S Souls’ o u s’ Vicarage, not later than the said Air Station to approach the said Station by ,te valued for probate at £3,791. Being a soldiers and sailors’ charity, anyone anxious T unbridge W ells E quitable F riendly Saturday, M ay 11th. Pitman Institute, Tuesday, Fortnightly, 1 .30 Ito 9.30 p.m. way of Lottbridge-road. for wounded soldiers to attend may send a donation to (Old T own Agency) ... ,,.i IDs. Rupert Gwynne, who will be pleased to see that • U ppertOn Congregational Church School Room, Thursday, 8.30 p.m. D ated this 7th day of M ay, 1918. tickets are sent to the hospitals, &c. Messrs. Chapman, W illowfield H igher G rade Sc^, Grove-road. should write the Conductor, Mr. F rancis J . F oote, self,[and it will be sung by Mr. Hubbard, arii ex-Blue entirely new programme,-which included the largo from 3U B N . Messrs. L. Miller & So n ... fand 8, Pevensev-road. A.B.A.M. (above address). ,® Boy, who was one of the soloists at Westminster Abbey. Dvorak’s “ New World ” symphony, Hollins’ “ Grand M r. Arthur M ills ... 35, Terminus-road. QJFTS OF B 00KS CorpL Wilson’s choir won the prize at the tratford Chceur,” Coleridge-TayloFs march, “ Ethiopia Saluting M r. Alfred P rocter 5, Station-parade. East London Festival for five years runn ig, 1909- the Colours,” transcriptions of two pianoforte pieces by Messrs. W. H. Smith Son 72, Term inus-road. FOR and that is a fine record. A collectio: will be the late Edward Mac Dowell and other acceptable M r. T. D over W tlt.ia 87, Terminus-road. on behalf of the Sick Lines of the Cam and the numbers. The .vocalist was Gunner E. Cunningham Eastbourne. WOUNDED AUSTRALIA^ SOLDIERS St. ne’s Choir F and. (from the Summerdown Camp), vyho appeared with , effect in three well-chosen pieces, one of which, was the CMBLE S a l e .—T he annual jumble sale in E a s t b o u Rn e . new song, “ The Dawn of Hope” (words by.Kev. E. O. The V ictoria League . coi lection with St. Michael’s Church, by which funds Lansdown and music by Joseph Adams). 'This after­ .30 p.m. Fine Shoes. are | raisedlised for the upkeep of the Church Room: and the noon’s recital commences at three’ o!clock. EVERYTHING for CYCLES and MOTOR CYCLES. Collects Books for the Libraries of Australian Hospital Room, took placemen W ednesday and agam proved culars Nest W eek. ipt Cycle, and Motor Cycle Repairs. Ships, including gifts of books from ,_cess. : The attractive and useful articles displayed, T u r n Y o u r W a s t e . P a p e r in t o C a s h .— ch had all been contributed by friends, were in the The Sussex Waste Paper Company, 67a, Tideswell- of charge. i ACCESSORIES, HIRING, PETROL, O IL TYRES. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. "sot,M rs. C. E. P ra tt and ladies who hlud Offered road, hold a Government permit to collect waste paper NEW INNER TUBES,TUBBS, 2/6 TOto 6/-. COVERS, 5/- TOto U/-fll/-i SPECIAL LINES. services, and found quick and eager purchasers, for monitions. We collect promptly, pay good prices FURTHER SUPPLIES of Novels, Travels, Poet result of the sale £36 will be added to tie funds. and provide sacks. Tele 58S. DOULL, the Cycle and Motorman, 48, GR0VE fiOAD. and Monthly Magazines are URG ENTLY NEEDE to while away the tedium of the long voyage, and will Garage and W orkshop: ~ be gratefully acknowledged if sent to O., L td , MISS REDPATH, H arbledown L odge, S o u r IFIELDS-KOAD, E astbourne. Furrier and ■ i i’ - ^ L* Particulars of the work of the League in London in RTHUR Costumier, connection with their Clubs for O' erseas Soldiers from all the Dominions can be had from Miss E lizabeth OUBNE. P ringle, No. l,Enys-road, Eastbor rne, Hon. Organizing ] Special Offers of following Secretary of the Eastbourne Brant :b of the League. E X T E N S IV E DISPLAY OF NEW MODELS. SEE WINDOWS. ■RATIONAL UNION o f WOMEN WORKERS. IOSTUMES, COATS AND FURS, j . . '■ - ! le te K its J. A. R. MARRIOTT, E s q ., m . a ., m .p . (Fellow & Lecturer Worcester College, Oxford Member ast. ■ of Parliament for the Cit y of Oxford), M o n d a y RUSSELL I WILL LECTURE ON “ The Supreme Issue: The Wider Aspects of -f-—r— AND t H Jackets, 35/- to 42/- the present World-Conflict." j - !i ■ Smart Costumes, Many Colors^ also Black and Navy. THE TOWN HALL. | No. \L. Every Garment made Best All Wool Cloths. Slacks, 14/6 to 22/- BROMLEY WEDNESDAY, MAY l i r a . T h r e e p . m . £ 3 .19s. 6d. £ 4 .19s. 6d. £ 5 .15s. 6d. i: lg Breeches, 21/- to 2 5 /- C h airm an ...... His v ' orship th e Ma y o r Tickets may be had of Kenwari & Co., 13, Grove-road ; 200 Ladies’ Weatherproof Coats and T ren ch A. G. Ryder, 51, South-street; aid GowJand Bros., 52, Shorts, 10/6 to 16/6 Seaside-road. I 1 No. 2. C oats. 6 colorings and 7 different sizes. 15s. 6d. to 1 9 S . 6d. Also in Black and Navy Blue. : Light in Texture:. 1 ■ EASTBOURNE DIVISION GENERAL Costume Skirts. Best Tailor-made. Many C' dors, also ■ M EQUIPMENT RED CROSS AND WAR ssl, Camp Beds, Chairs, TO No. 3. Black and l^avy Blue. Also Pleated Skirts. 21/-, | and Basin, Buckets, A L L HOSPITAL SUPPLY DEPOT. 2 9 / 6 , FOR KINDS OF TOBACCO, CIGARS and CIGARETTES 35/6. Best Tailor-made. $a, H oldalls, H ussifa, GONVILLE HOUSE, CARLISLE ROAD. ind Spoon, Waterproof DOULL, The Tobacconist, 56b, GROVE ROAD, IPhone 608. s, Linen Bags, Mosquito P a r c e ls sent to Our Troops in any part of the World. Goods despatched during quarter, February Black and Colored All Wool CoatS- A fine collection. pakes, Uniform Cases, ■ CARRIAGE PAID AND POST FREE. , r March, April:— No 4. ; ■ r By order'of Articles, £2. 9s. 6d. to 84/- ' Bags and Blankets, KEEP THE TRENCH PIPES: BURNING. Director General Voluntary nisations. 6.031 — E s t im a t e s P e e k . To B .E.F...... 10,952 Local Hospitals ...... ^ ...... U65 Black Tailor-made Costumes a speciality. ATERNITY CASE REQUIREMENTS. I R. WILLIAM A. HALL, M u s . D. (Oxon.), Local Hospitals, per order D. G.V.O...... 1,153 F.R.C.O., I Hailsham V.AD. Hospital 81 Prices J to Guineas. M D 113 o • 0. 3 5/~ NURSE TYRRELL (Certificated) is in Organist and Choirmaster of All Saints’ Mr. Abram’s orders...... ;.....

_ Jjjecial attention to Mourning orders. Attendance Daily a t 5, Station-parade (1st Church, Eastbourne, 19,518 & CO., Ltd. Floor) to supply Outfits and other requirements (Late Organist and Choirmaster of St. James’ Church, Total for same period last year 15,576 _ for Maternity cases, also all necessary articles Gariickhythe, London, E.C., and Vini _ _ Master ] CABLE BRAND HOSE The Depot will close for Whitsuntide on Saturday, manufactured HOUSE, for the Nursery, Southall's Sanitary Speciali­ at the County School, Tottenham, on, N.), May 18th, at 1 p.m., and will re-open on Wednesday, f t j Fu,r Musquash & Seal Coney Coats, ties, Nurses’ Requisites, Sterilized Dressings. (THE LNG LENGTH HOSE Prepares Personally, or by Correspondence, M ay 22nd, a t 10 a. in. special for pay trade, will be offered for 14, 15, 16, IS and EASTBOUBNE. Large selection of; Belts in stock, many adjust­ WITH THE LONGEST'LIFE). able, and others made to measure. for University Degrees and all recognised No. 6. , 20 Guineas, j ! Each garment worth quite 3 to 8 guineas above Surgical Appliances in great . assortment. - - Examinations. fi» P r i n c e s s A l i c e M e m o r i a l H o s p it a l , r contributions.—The following marked prices, j Now at their Very Lowest Prices. Trusses, Elastic Hosiery, Enemas and Syringes. Pupils also' received for the S tn 1 Electrophones and other aids to the Deaf. i* c*‘__:______3 -11 v- ;dy of the Organ, 104d. f t l l | d . ft. 1 1 - f t. la the weekly return of parents for week ended Water and Air Beds and Cushions (Hire or Pianoforte, Singing, and all branches of Theoretical May 8th: Number of mma 1 May 1st, 41; i’OME.—Form 11a is now Sale). ] Music; admitted daring the week, 8 rged during the Rich Fur Sets in Long Stoles and Muffs,. Tango Collarette

[to many persons.with Earned --- c For Terms, See., apply— Combines strength with pliability, and week, 12; died, 0; remaining in hospital a t date, 37. E urs at Real White Fox and Best Arctio

t2l Saif Price. utial that these Forms be inspection of the public ©- “ SUNKYDKNE,” BEDFORD WELL_R o AD, its wearing qualities are greater than This hospital is open to the . 7. order to ensure correct Assess- 5, STATION PARADEEtADJ (1st F lo o r ) , Eastbourne any week-day between the hoars of 2 and 4 p.m. E astbourne. o r d in a r y 4 p ly . F o x from £8. 18s. 6d. - Reduced Price. M e s s r s . BRADLEY and “ No. 740. Patients may be visited by their friends on Sumindays, ... eir Clients and others to send Wednesdays and Bank Hoi day from 2 to 4 p.m. to their Offices a t Bolxbo Comrades Additional annual subscribers arare urgently needed. C ycler tAccessories. It will withstand 50 per cent, more Contributions will be thankfully received by the Hon. ,d s H e a t h . We have a large and well assorted Stock of Cycle m p i r e c l u b , p ressure than old style hose. Treasurer, Mr. 0. O’Brien aiding, J.P., 15, South Accessories at Lowest Cash Prices, and advise you to (Opposite “ C hn Jfflce), Cliff. House visitor: Mr. C. Leatham . while the opportunity offers. The few items E B. LLOYDS H a s t in g s M u s ic a l s s t i v a l . —There will ,w give only a small idea of the many low-priced i I s N ow p e n e d D a i l y itions at this interesting V A L U E R S AND E S T A T E tines in stock. Covers from 3(9 ; Tubes from 2/-; Dress ! be no fewer tban 48 com pet AGENTS, ! Cords, 6d.; Bells, 1/9; Pomps, 2/6; Wrench®, 1/4 ; fo r th e £iris and their W. S. SQUIRE & CO. festival, which takes place on | Monday next and three following days. An advert nient gives further par c ROAD. EASTBOURNE Standard size Spanners, 6d.; Baskets, : Enamel, j that every evening there ig the Railway Station). Lamps, 1/10; Lamp Locks, 9d.; Lamp Brackets, | Under same Old Mai ticnlars, and it will be noticed Old H earty 22, TERMINUS ROAD. will be a special concert by the prize-winners. Rents Collected W e e k ly a n d Frame Protectors, 3d. : Cover Patches, 3d. ; j _l 1 T e l e p h o n e 1157. Prom pt Settlem ents. Brushes, 6d.; Enamel Brashes, Id.; Toe \ L ig h t R efreshments. A r t i s t i c W r e a t h s , C ro ss e s , H e a r ts , H Clips, 8d.; B rake Blocks, 3dL; P am p Clips,| 4d., &C., &c. j M usic, &c. Chaplets, Bouquets, See., 5s., 7& IRECTION ___r.AHRT.H of all kinds mamt- 10s. 6d., 15s. large sizes, 21s. to 63s.—J . O. Ltd. __ factored___ at London _jndon Prices at Farncombe and CCo. s H astings, 10, Pevensey-road, Is, Compton-atreet, r CA R D S, a vi riel D Tele. 580, 708. Farncombe and Co- Ltd, In wes, (Limited) Printing Works, South-street, Eastbourne. Councillor B r ea ch said‘the poultry papers stated of realism, thriils, excitement, fighting, patriotism, 'T he.TO W N Cl e r k gave details of the land pro­ there was no restriction on those Who kept their own SPORT—AND rOTHEK with a love story running through it and a touch APPEAL TRIBUNAL. NATDRAL HISTORY;-Si posed to be acquired, and said the total coat would of comedy here and there by way of relief, by all be £1,050, instead of £650 for the smaller quantity fowls. ‘ I 3 means go to thi Pier to-day (your last opportunity) T he TOWN Cl e r k ; said the Orders from the Food E A S T B O U R N E , C A S E S , AX.N’ L 'i L M E E T IN G reviously intended to be purchased^' Controller numbered thousands [and he could not THINGS! and buy your t eket for “The Birth of a Nation.’’ Councillor E d e n , in reply to Alderman WRIGHT, The monthly meeting of Council was held at the carry them in his head. His impression was that B y SPECTATOR. said it was hoped quite shortly, now to be, in a the maximum number anyone could preserve was 130 Town Hall on Monday, when there were present:— position to use the gas compressors for motor biases. eggs. If they wanted to preserve more they must A sitting of East Sussex Appeal Tribunal was held Tlie an. ; M il ‘:! ! The delay hitherto had been due to war contingencies. nve notice, f otherwise it might be regarded as OFFICERS’ COMMAND DEPOT. at Lewes on . Thursday. Major R. L. T h orn t|on Ilistory. Pin. -i *. T he M ayor {-^Merman 0. O’Brien Harding) in the chairs The motion 'was carried. Beautiful,- weather favoured | the \ openii g of the aoarding.j presided, and there were also present Lieufc-Col. i ) Tluir.-'!,f \ ■. r-iiu tv ' The D eputy M ayor (Councillor C. W . Bolton), Eastbourne cricket season on jSatiirday last. After PLEASURE GROUNDS COMMITTEE. Councillor PRIOR said he believed the kitchen was 0. W. Owen, C.M.G., C.I.E., Mr. XV. Broun, Aider- istitiitu. i .\. I > i. \ N i. A lderman W . Sharp ATHLETIC SPORTS AND CONCERT. man T. B. Rows pnd Mr. T. Pargeter, with tho Clerk Alderman E. Duke Councillor S oddy moved, and Councillor PRIOR a succetis. H e had no details. 1 ;!i the recent heavy rains, however, tho wicket, was soft, ttondaiM-.’. Alderman H. W. Keay Alderman 0. F. Simmons Councillor R u sse l l said Mr. Wood, the hon. the ground was dead and an exceedingly low scoring (Mr. G. Montagh Harris) and tho National Service A lderm an T. B. Rowe Alderman J. 0. Wright seconded, the adoption of the minutes of the com­ Representative (Major W. W. Grantham). Tim <*•• ' 1 f i i i \ mittee’s proceedings. - . . , manager,j considered after the first fhonth e work that tch was the result] Nor was it ientirely the fault Councillor R. Alee Councillor J; Hoadley tlie kitchen had beep a success, j A profit of £5 was Athletic sporls of an attractive nature, arranged I, Arthur Harold Essex (37), Bl, dairy manager, of tlie li> 'ii. . tory Mi-- l). N!. Councillor F. Hollins At tho request of the M ayor, that paragraph which off the wicket that runs were so few and far between. by tho Officers’ Command Depot, took place on titf addition t 25 in w- If..-II b,Tf Councillor A. Avard . shown on' the first month’s-workrag. The number of Eastbourne; application for renewal of exemption by Councillor T. Beal Councillor H. Morgan dealt with shelters on the Western Parade was T he batsm8$ j-'were, m ore or less, obyioukly out of Saturday afternoon on tho Camp- football .ground at leaving t !i.• n^hib.-rihs i» -'t 2-V. Councillor Niedermayer deferred until private and confidential business was dshea 6eijved per day was 5Q0.j Mr. Wood would tpe Southern Counties Dairies, Ltd.—Mr. J. C. Buck- Councillor B. Bradford ha/ve been betted pleased if the niimber had peen 700, practice, anil, as was only to be expected, quite failed Victoria-drive. Beautiful 'weather, prevailed and a j well,Xe|i of Brighton, supported the application and said v as ui the < ! ..f Councillor G. Breach Councillor J. W. Pearson j taken. The remainder of the minutes were passed. large concourse of spectators had tho pleasure! of members b:u .'ii: councillor F. A. Career Councillor J. Prior * and inquiries were being mace with a view to to show thfeir true form or do tjiemselves justice. it had been found impossible to secure a substitute. ’••I* Councillor J. Pulsford PUBLIC LIBRARIES COMMITTEE. increasing it perhaps, to 1,000. It was possible that witnessing som ) really fine sport] Midway through 4-Mr. Essex stated that a meeting of local dairymen either at ixi Councillor C. H. Cave One or two ^managed to knock up a 'few, but naturally the programme a clever exhibition'was given by the touch with tl Councillor A. A.Chapman Councillor J. Rawlea In tho absence of Alderman Easter, the adoption another kitchen virould be established in tne Old Town enough the' majority were dismal failures. The time had been held and it was found impossible tof do Councillor J. Duke .Councillor S. Russell of the minutes of the Public Libraries Committee district, and inquiries were being made in that gymnastic staf:, under the direction of C.S.M.I. anything further in the nature of co-operaliOn. Tho and suvuv.il • Councillor J. Eden Councillor G. B. Soddy for centuries is not yet. i j H arrell ; and S C.M. E lliott (2ndj Life Guards) g^aye dqingf. S<” •n C.’uJ m i Councillor T. B. H^sdell Councillor A. L. Wood was moved by Alderman WRIGHT. direction] ■ v ■ '.|i - 4- * « . whole of the cases of the local dairymen were com­ 3 brdinaifv This was seconded and agreed to. The approval was given. j a brilliant sword display. The latter, who Was ing before the' Local Tribunal ncjxt' week.—Tho lecturee and The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue), the Acting Eastbourne and Summerdown Cdimp were the rival cham pion of tha Arm y and ZSavy in. 1905, perform ed j the year.I 'I’,};.- Ill. j t . ROYAL PARADE LEASES. . - , Tribunal decided to remit' the case to the Local pr«‘vioii^ j \ . Surveyor (Mr. E. N. Keay), the Building Surveyor (Mr. SANITARY -COMMITTEE. teams, the homesters obtaining fiijkt knock for their many difficult feats, including cutting bars of gold. Tribunal to“ be. considered with the other cases. tlhan in. tin*/ C. Field), E le c t r ic a l Sngineer (Mr. J. K. A lderm an Sim m o n s, pursuant to notice, moved the first match of the season. And a qfieer match it was. (one to the riglt, one to the left, and one'in the air); j |. A flowers com ; Brydges),______the Chief Constable (IN kior B. J. J. Teale), the The usual resolution of approval was proposed by A lderm an R o w e , and seconded by Councillor A l c e . following resolution: “ That the j Finance and General Although several good batsmen w?re inolfided in tho cutting sheets of notepaper, showing the contrast in i- L, lam A-' lownsend (38), Grade 1, dairyman, of tUiv, ii. <; • M otor ’Bus M anager ..(Mr. P. Ellison) and the A cting tw enty Week; Borough Accountant (Mr. H, Burrell). j ] , Councillor P earson asked how many patients were Purposes Committee bo instructed to consider and Eastbourne eleven, the whole side were ikittled out the cuts; cutting a,', potato ion‘the hand and neck’;L a s t bourne; appeal against refusal of. Local Tribunal provided for in Gildredge Hospital, and how many report their recommendations f s to the expediency for a paltry total of 41. The Sussex Countiy cricketer, cutting silk ribbons (a.famous-feat of Oriental swords-':1 lurther exemption.— Mr. \y. 1. James said gras«c>. The absentees were Aldermen Easter and: Martin men); cutting i broom handle suspended by loops of l111 ,18 case the Local Tribunal suggested, thnjt %\ J . Hi: iiji Councillors Durell, Huggett, Knight and Thornton, • were on tho waiting list? of the. Corporation selling, providing the whole of Capt. H. S. Scott, could only collect a couple, whilst A lderm an R o w e : There are 24 patients m the •'the lessees of the Royal-parade property belonging Ernest Smith, the ex-Yorkshireman, skied a simple paper on tho edge of razors; cutting a potato inside roundeman could carry on the busintfss, but this man eleven ^t:mi : THE BURIAL OF'SOLDIERS. ' hospital and four women waiting to be admitted. to the Corporation desire to purchase the same, the long hop into the wicketkeeper’s bands aind was out a I handkerchie without in, any way damaging the had since stated that ho would sooner join the Ahny ixistpom-i 1 iy tli.- -a( -I •than do that.—The Tribunal decided to adjourn [tho t«3 the lb v. \v. i :• t il A lderm an R o w e (chairman of the Sanitary.Com­ Councillor I'EARSON : Is it' not tim e you started to fee simple of the property lea^d to them, either in for a blob. And he is so severely iweet on long hops, fabric; cutting a pack of c'ards; cutting a 6heep in consideration of the payment of ak gross sum or a too f halves. Both, exhibitions were loudly applauded, j lease until the next sitting Allowing that at which jBulman. M l: ,v. Alb ; M i mittee), in reply to Councillor Carter, said two publio build accommodation for them? the dairymen’s cases are decided by Eastbourne " * ” ’ ’ been eet apart at the Alderman RowE: We are making every effort to perpetual annual rent charge.’! In “some detail the * * 1 i During the af;ernoon there were several events for • jv'oiunf. eit•; 1 ■rave spaces for soldiers had Tribunal. . - jfrom Siin.m Ucklyngo Cemetery. These w ------>uld in------due course be do so. speaker recalled the circumstances under which, Nor did the Camp do muck better whe i they went the Queen Ma y W.A.A.C., and the band of the 13th I lejv!.-v\ n, b > : Councillor R u ssel l inquired whether .the wages of some 35 years ago, the borough became possessed. in to bat. Colonel Bostock played the first ball sent Hussars, cond ictod by Bandmaster A. E. Hopkins, | ! The same decision was arrived at in the case of from ti e C ina< 1 ian If -| fenced round and a memorial would be erected bear-1 the names, &c., of tho men interred there. Many the gardener at the Sanatorium could not[ be con­ of the ground along the Royal-parade. The erection down correctly, but was clean bowled neck and crop played a prog-ammo of popular music. At the con- i E. G. Lelliott ;42), G rade 2, dairym an, of E astbourne, bu tings T1ie r.iv. n i( '. soldiers dying in Eastbourne were buried in private sidered along with' other gardeners employed by the of the sea wall cost some £20,000, but the Corpora­ by the second. Captain Tudor shaped ]vell, and 60 elusion of the sports Mrs. Follett (wife of the Officer an appeal against withdrawal of conditional exemp­ jNatunii Hi: tory Socif iyi; Corporation? I tion had received in ground refits from the property long as he was at the wickets therd seemed a oertainty Commanding) kindly presented the prizes to the tion certificate, in which Mr. R. A. Niederrrja.yer jtian of a .\Iu*ei;m .Sai l WASTE PAPER. A lderm an D u k e : His duties and responsibilities on the Royal-parade £1,187 k year, representing a that "the -runs would be made,j and made easily. successful coir petitors. appeared. month, ami total income to date of £4|j645. He had cited But when Ernest Smi^h with hiis slow [ball bowled L ib ra ry Coi i;;-.-e njid h -nr Replying to tho Deputy Mi ,yor, Alderman K eay are different. • . . Tho officials were: Judges, Lieut.-Col. H. S. William Edward Coy (39), Grado-2, tailor and! out­ Councillor CARTER asked what duties fell to Miss lalternative methods, out his personal preference was him for 17, the Eastbourne total I was still unreached Follett, Major H. G. S. Young. Major E. C. Rands, fitter, of Eastbourne; appeal against refusal of Local Council of Sueietj\ . id'll.' (chairman of the Highways Com m ittee) Baid th e , for the second suggestion, charging &. perpetual rent, great loV.s i Corporation were pro- Fuller at the Old Town Baths, what time ishe gave and there w ere only th ree m ore j pvickete to fall. Capt. F. A. Hawkins, Capt. H. B. Ellison, C.F., Tribunal to grant further exemption.—Mr. A. J. publio were notified that the to her work, and whether the rise of 5s. per week as he was afraid not half the (tenants would be pro* Capt. A. H. Curtis, M.C., D.C.M., Capt. F. Ie Hart appeared for appellant.—The appeal was!1 dis­ IA. W. An pared to collect waste- paper from the inhabitants, pared to purchase the fee simple outright. The past two y d i i: very inconsiderable was adequate? ' j ■[ !. J Blaber,-the old Haileham playeif,f came in, and by a Feuvre, Capt. G. I. T. Sanders, Capt. E, E. Ruddoll, missed, appellant not to "join, tho Arm y before |Ju ly T he response Was, however, Alderman ROWE said the whole matter was being speaker proceeded to argue the moral claim of lease­ Capt, A. M. Robinson, C.S.M. Green, S.S.M. Coker, 1st. the Society .b!\ .-sf owing to the enterprite of private persons who were hit on the leg 6ide brought the ^cores level. Before jno pains «v tin.-- lb tii'i re-considered by the committee at the present holders to being able to free property in which their another run had been soored, ljiowevex, Sm ith got C.S.M. Wottcn, C.Q.M.S. Copp; timekeepers, RIS.Mj. Herbert Fuller (33), Grade 3, dairy manager, of ' ■undertaking the collection of paper and were paying capital Was invested, and which they might desire to . feoeiety. M O.vSrinlh i 1 householders for tho same. Tile importance pf the moment. They were paying nearly half as much another wicket and the new-conjer, making a. lucky Baxter, S.C.2I. Elliott; stewards, Capt. T. A. Owen, Eastbourne : application |or further' exemption, the again for the same services as they received before hand on to their descendants; and gave instances in Lieut. N. A. Parker, Lieut, R. Symington] 2nd treasurf u* hi tile \b-w:; V, matter had. not, however, been lost sight of lj>y the snick through the slips, ran one and in Attempting a case having previously been adjourned for substitu­ W B the war. |. .. '! , j which |leases were granted subject 1 to a ’right to second was run out. Then Erfiest Smiith captured Lieut. W. A Cliitterbuck-House, 2nd Lieut. D. H. tion.—It was'“Stated that a brother who! was I On the lotion olijMt. < committee. ' 1 [I convert into freehold] He then enumerated the by Mr. T. J. R i MIAJ;I>s. ti rt I BUILDINGS COMMITTEE. Councillor Carter was not satisfied with the reply. the last wicket with the following ball J and a close V. Dray, 2nd Lieut. W. S. Roper, 2nd Lieut. J. previously iri the business and was how in the Army He proposed that the matter be referred back. arguments in favour of securing to the tenants their Whipp-Goode, 2nd Lieut. R. Lambert, 2nd Lieut. was unfit for active service, and an application ha.d j The Qua LKMA^. ir F.'it i:n Mr I W hen th e report of this com m ittee oama u p , CouQ« and exciting finish saw victory fco to the Camp by iBo present the ! ba.ju-n.fe Councillor B ea l seconded. ' ' | I property by making a perpetual rent oharge. the narrow margin of one run. jl see that according A. E. Chapman, 2nd Lieut. L. R. Standen, Sergt. been made to the Military for the release of this ti ,* clllor B r e a c h , the chairman, acceded to a request .by A lderm an R o w e said he was quite willing to take Councillor B radford seconded the motion. Pearce,'Corpl. Hope; clerks of tho course, O.R.S.M. steppin to tile bfi_'i;n!:i < ;iu.-e Li - Councillor Prior to take back fop re-consideration to published scores the Camp ajre retu rned winners brother as a substitute.—It was stated that ncjthing, the whole thing back. j T he j D e p u t y j M ayor endorsed the view as to the by two runs, but according to I my tally the totals Hill, Lance-C'orpl. Flint; starters, Capt. and Adjutant had been heard from the Military Authorities about ideath of Mr. Arnold. } certain plan on the ground that jthe applicant was Councillor H a sd ell said the committee surely justice of enabling leaseholders to convert their M r. S m tTIf til , regulation would were 41 and 42 respectively., . | ' L. W. Lloyd, Lieut, j F. G. H. Johnson; point releasing the brother, and tho Tribunal adjourned tho a cripple, and that insistence on the knew what, hours their employee worked, j leases, but maintained that jthe present time was stewards, Sergt. Harrison, Sergt, Bingham, Sergt. : case for another month. jamount-ed -4A be a hardship. • * I* j 1S 23. 2s. 6 c.'Lh iri-* A lderm an R o w e said as soon as the committee inopportune fori definite action, and that the proper Langford; number stewards, Sergt.-Inst. Jewkes, | Arthur Charles J. Bond (28), Grado 3, uphoh terer,^ Councillor P e a r s o n warmly objected to any jelaxa. were approached they recognised that Miss Fuller course was to await the introduction of legislation by During the tifiie left for thoiijj second innings, the Sergt. White, Sergt. Whittle, Sergt. Godfrey; secre­ jTransactions lS which should, ho urged, be Parliament. Eastbourne men were seen to much bettjer advantage. . employed by Messrs. Maynards, Ltd., at Eastbourne; was a dec’feriri !ji$i Vii tion of. the bye-laws, was underpaid, granted this increase at once, and taries, Capt. II. M. Dobson, Lieut. .E. L, Lazarus. • appeal by National Service Representative ajgainet ■« rr enforced in all cases. Thoy could, he said, all be the wholo position was being re-oonsidCred. Her Councillor H asdelt, thought people anxious to Capt, Scott hit up 50 in fine! style, Iwhilst Lieut. 100 Yards Race, final.—1, Capt.’ J. Craig; 2,'2nd-Lieut. which w’i! i kind, but they had a publio duty to perform. surrender an intereet in valuable leases should first Mai insky—who was sent in much too late for his first i granting of exemption to July 17th by Eastbourne subscript ir -h1- I lie xp< hours had certainly been far too long for tho wage J. M.-Kinghorn ; 3, Lieut. J. R. Currington. j Tribunal'.—It. was stated ‘that the man was registered! Tht- committee’s report, om itting silo received!. practise the principle on thfiir own property. He kfiock—carried out his bat forp a very well played Throwing tjhe Cricket Ball.—1, 2nd-Lleut. T. F. Wood course, ris n and Jifitj ■ could not be a party to bartering away any property 38. The total had reaohed 114:1 for thb loss of four house; 2, Lie it. 8. Steeples. as a substitute and was doing Red Cross work, but iwith £44. -e i.f j| question, was approved T he M ayor 'suggested the paragraph should be the National Service Representative claimed him for retained, as Miss Fuller would then receive an of tho ratepayers. men when time ’was called. I Halt-mile F ace. final;—1, 2nd-Lieut. W. Hooke ; 2, 2nd- /reason w;i n ;t!if EDUCATION O 'MMITTEE. Lient. J. B. Curtis; 3, Sergt.-Major Manley. service with the Royal Air Force, ho being a jskilledi iprintimr. ildieir e x ,'1' immediate increase. j . Alderman EJ D u k e thougjht it a great pity the Sack Race final.—1, Lieut. O. A. W yatt; 2, 2nd-Lieut tradesman.—Mr. A. C. Hillman appeared for the tlierj The report of this Committee, which was largely This was agreed to and the amendment withdrawn. question should have come up now, seeing they had It WS6 a bowlers’ day, with jthe ba 1 beating the F. G. B. Taylor; 3, 2nd-Lleut. J. M. Kinghorn. I income by 15>. id . respondent.—The Tribunal directed that th^ man jVear with ;i surplus cjf' £1% 3*. 10 1. of a routine character, was submitted for adoption Councillor P earson congratulated the Sanitary received no application from the lessees. bat most of the time. Ernest Smith w as _ in wonder- High Jump.—1, Capt. J. Craig: 2, 2nd-Lieut. R. H should be available as a substitute after July 1st. by Councillor H o l l in s. Committee oh their action in the case of . .unsound A discussion ensued, ana ultimately Alderman ful form and-by capturing five' wickete with 21 balls Cumming; 3, 2nd-Lieut. J. B. Curtis. to end it vitdi £8. ’iV.I 9«l. to t leji Councillor B eal complained that tenders were not fish. They- had safeguarded the public interests and Simmons accepted an amendment, moved by Coun­ Putting th; > Weight.—1, Capt. A. M. Robinson; 2, 2nd George S. Kemp (36), “A,” fruit, and potato j-no reason o Sll] ;p« .Cl\-i t jlilt-th.' i><4 for only five runs did a remarkably fine performance. merchant, of Eastbourne; application for renewal of? invited for work required to be carried out at the deserved credit for the manner in which they had cillor R u sse l l and seconded by Councillor H o l l in s , Lieut. Groves, too, met with suooess and struck me Lieut. F. G. ]). Taylor; 3, Staff-8ergt. Harrell. ling ve.ir 220 Yards Race, final.—1, 2nd-Lieut. J. M. Kinghorn exemption.—Applicant said his partner had been j- Mr. F. . St a i’l.ijy.] j 11 pi Girls’ Secondary School, and maintained that, the taken up the case. that the matter be deferred until six months after as being a most useful typo pf bowlbr. He has a 2, Capt. J. Craig; 3, 2nd-Lieut. J. J. H. Wilkinson. outlay being morpi than £50, an advertisement for peace has been declared. This amendment wa© invalided from the Armyivbut would not be j fit for i the timim il si a lei id jd . a i.-« i r> I T he M ayor : T hank you. nice run up to the wicket, an dasy action and is able Inter-Comj lany Boat Place.—X. “ D ” Company. work for 12 months.—Three months’, further exemp- tenders was a statutory necessity.. o w e agreed to by the Council generally. Egg and Spoon Race, final (Q. M. W.A.A.C.)—1, Miss | to the iosr snstaim;rin+,ir-.»Vzr _14, be ildulie A rule, it was their duty to invite tenders, but, in this The adoption of the minutes in so far as it was ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. but is still very fast, whilst Knight, Anderson and and 2nd-Lieut. H. J. Hooke, dead heat; “3. Lieut. J: R. instance the work was urgent, and a reasonable required -was moved by Alderman D u k e , and [ Currington. ( Herbert, Nield, K.C., appeared for appellants and j , Tim Th EA n-V'* -tnr.'f i out the Burr are all good men and promise well. None of { Boot and Puttie Race.—1, Lieut. G. Jacob; 2, Lieu . asked the Tribunal to refer the case to the City of | ing any turati n th. isriin estimate having been received the Committee con­ seconded by the-DEEUTY MAYoB. them, though, to my way of thinking, ore quite of sidered they: were justified in accepting it. More­ A lderm an D u k e said the Cabmen’s Association l Lovelock, j London Appeal Tribunal, as they did in the case of I ae,tho ad eiiiifi A' <-r<.• l-au A most interesting and irisltractive lantern lecturo , the sanie class as Hawkswoilth and; Tyler of last Long Jntfap.- 1, Corpl. Cann; 2, Capt. J. Craig; j another, director of the firm, as the registered offices | T Mr. 18e| Drone 1 it 7 over, a large portion of the expenditure would .be had asked the committee to meet a deputation with on the great j Pan-German ream of eOTabhehmg; a year’s team . In batting, the) j Summerdown prospects Lieut. F. GjJL). Taylor. . . met by Government grant, only about £40 falling reference to their decisiqn to allow Mr. Verrall to Obstacle Kace.—1, 2nd-Lieut. F. D. G. Taylor; 2, Lieut, of the Company were situated in London. The Com­ i Council i line from Hamburg to Consi knfanople and the Persian on this first bhowing are no], nearly 60 promising, pany was a big concern jyith a capital of half a j Mr. B I, MAN itlili, | li* *n acti on the rates. | use the rear postion of the horse cab stand at the Gulf was given at the Tow i Hall on Wednesday by t Excepting Blaber—who is wpll known as a good, , Marshall; 3, Lieut. Lovelock. Councillor' Ca r ter said they oould not get over Railway Station for his taxi. He did not think the Inter-Coippany Tug of War (Q. M. W.A.A.O.), final]— million pounds and had sevoral branches in the South j the prcM it arraji gUjin m ..ii th -the Rev. J. Goodchild, ori amsing secretary of the punishing bat, and who was lent in much too late— j J. ■- ^Company,any. * of England, and Mr. Chartres was tho only member ! absent r mj; (ie.-e iouc the objection that they were favouring one man at committee wore likely to alter their view. S.P.C.K. Tho M ayor (Al erman L. O Bnen Hard- the new men showed disappointing form, to say the j '120 th e expense of the tr.sulo generally. Councillor B eal said ' the oommittee held the Hurdle Race, final.—1, 2nd-Lieut. J of the firm who, had experience of accountancy. The | doings, ing) occupied the chair. least of it. and the Camp wij l haVejto very largely Ourtis; 2, Gapt. J. Craig; 3. Pte. Ayden. Local Tribunal on a review; of the exemption certifi­ f In th-' nb.-oi),e of 11k- Hun. r.iH . The motion was carried. opposite-pposite vie\. view afciut — 12— months ago. . . He could not T he L e c t u r e r , in leai ling" up to his eubjejet, increase tneir batting atrengjbh if they are to! I win Rescue from Harem Race.—1, Lieut. G. Jacob and ! understand why' y thetl privilege was being granted to Strudwicbf: 2, Lieut. Parsons dnd Miss SteeU. cate withdrew the exemption, but directed that Mr. ! was re.u by til-- T,v i- ir. r. It ELECTRIC LIGHT COMMITTEE. expressed the opinion that the present war was the many matches. They have always been at the! top Chartres should not be called upon to join the Colours j tho year d volnueis ii.ui ii i Lrrl one m an. j » I direct outcoi of a gigaintio plan for Germany’s Veteran^’ Race, 100 Yards Handicap, final.—1, >te. A lderm an Sim m o n s moved the adoption of this of the military tree nitherto,! but I fancy thoy may before May 31st.—Major Grantham 6aid he saw no i and 47 r f..•relic© Lkifes . ' fulled. Alderman DUKE: That is not so. It is a public advancement] The fact that there must be no “ next committee’s report. stand. i 1 find formidable rivals for th<( honour this season in ■, reason why that Tribunal should not decide tho case. | A t 1 lie nstauci- 04 Mr. I’-i'i. :a' timje ” was also forcibly Emphasised. Proceeding, the team from the Officers* Command Depot. ______. ______. _ Lortdn ; 2, —The members of the Tribunal, after^ a consultation. S cott, ri i- r.-|«ii.-t ,'v.j-iii p .w <1.1 Councillor A vard seconded.—Carried. CCouncillor o u n c ilL ._____N ie d e r m a y e r pointed to the difference |Mrl Goodchild gave a graphic account of the manner in the allowance for uniformsi forms to Mrs. Kimpton and Boy Thorne; 3. Boy Smith White. I | , decided tow referlclc, the case to the City of London | Mr. F ■). l-.KliKCiifi I:. , tha HIGHWAYS AND DRAINAGE COMMITTEE. in which Germany had risen from that small Consolation Race.—1, Lieut. Parsons; 2. Lieut Stratton. Ar»rw«l TrlKnnnl j ceedingri houbl eonjiii.-iH-e a t 7 pi the special constables. T The he formformer er was to gget et £10, | beginning in tho Duchy of B randenburg 400 years Eastbourne’s matlh to-day at the Saffrons is against Inter-COmpany Championship.-l, “ D ” Company] appeal AriDunai W o rk m en ’s W ages Q u e s t io n . and the (latter 8 tunic and trousers would be bought | ^ ,;nv the 1st Canadian Reserve Battalion from Seaford, p.m .. an ad V. Workers’ Union’s application for a further increase A lderm an D u k e pointed out that Mrs. Kimpton lecturer explained how Germany became the ruling on Saturday at tlie Officers! Command Dep6t, the The talent shown by the artistes both surprised and BE SOLDIERS? in the wages of the Corporation' workmen. He said was on duty eight hours every day and the specials ostyard ] 1'. Power in Austria, having a say in alt important weather being brilliant, the attendarloe large and the delighted tho assembly, who showed their apprecia-" ! on tho sii bject. i, that the committee were somewhat disappointed that four hours each week. Uniform would not be served matters. In referring to Mesopotamia and tho various events keenly ^nteeted.:' There a£e many ,tion infpo uncertain manner. Mr. Stenson llably’ to men who would come under the now Act. In i - Mr. Ledford " ! another application should have -been made after the Persian Gulf, the. rev. gentleman emphasised their fine athletes in the D<^x>tJ and dome remarkably acted aooompanist. Programme : j| . A t the monthly meeting. of the Eastbourne Free amendn; Council had already substantially increased the men’s view of the little wear he thought the sample sub­ Church Council, held on 'Tuesday evening in Ceylon* « lit was l-Ut :LnU great importance to the Bjriffth Empire. They were, good performances were accomplished.! Thus Capt. Song, '*I did not know'* ...... S.S.M. Ooker was def1 •a4ed by u in f tl wages. The request also! oame inopportunely inas­ mitted was quite good enough.'. in fact, “the key ter the kitchen cupboard,” and a J. Craig, the Irish Internaiional, did the Hundred Song, “ (Where the black eyed Susans grow ” ...... place Baptist School Room, tlie following resolution Councillor D u k e said the specials shoiild be given On th (: motioi :Al much as the financial arrangements for the ensuing severe blowj would be administered if Germany were Yards in 10 secs, dead, whilst the [time for the 220 Sergt. Gddfrey was moved by the Rev. W. M.. Scott, seconded by year had been made and the rates decided ..upon. creditable uniform. Blue cloth at such a price would Ventriloquism ...... ,Sergt. Herbage the Rev. J. G. Henderson, and carried unanimously: tribut to his W •supremo there. As showing the work accomplished Yards—won by Lieut. J. Njl. Kinghorn—was given linanimohslv r nt] I However, the committee had given due consideration | loso ltsicoiourits colour triethe nrstfirst sunny day.aay. r , I by the S Pi C K on whose behalf the lecture was as 22 l-5th secs., 1 which is jvithin 2-5tha sec. of the Song, “ I'll sing thee songs of A raby .....Sergt. Harrison “This Council of Free Churchmen wishes to. to the request and their recommendations, at present The MAYOR: Alderman Duke approved the sample ; Mr' G0'odohild men boned that some thousands Song, “ Sussex by the sea ” ..*...... — Sergt. Langford The t HA III MAN briefly' r urnf British record. Lieut. T. F. Woodhouse threw tho Song, “ Veteran’s song” ...... Sergt. Elaerton put on, record the fact that it has not sharec^ propose! the ro-d!i^etli. i.?f M of a general and more or less non-committal nature, | presented to us. 1 of' - —Prayer —Books - •had - been despatched to the Serbs, in, and does not sympathise with, any; pressure ___• ' •__1 'J_J •_ _!_A„ J TT- tttr, r. I Councillor 1rv« TTH asA De l l thought more money should cricket ball 109 yards 8 inches—a mighty good throw Devons hire readings ...... £ergt. Stillman tary, M: . Sm yth-as b-.fi. tr isur w ere included in the printed minutes. Ho was who were unable to print them. The lecturer con­ even with a favourable wind. Monolcgue, “ The coster’s wedding” ...... Sergt] Bingham which may have been brought to bear upon the pleased to learn that there had been a meeting in be allowed for, boots. A! guinea would only buy a horn lan :ernist Mr. (diKfrr. s ill cluded by 'showing that Christianity weis th© only I Comic, “Don’t you think he ought tos^etosqe aaaoctor doctor?” f ii Government for the exemption of ministers of Bulmnn as . hon. ’aerim/ e j'’ the town of employers and employed, and that events rubbishy pair now, , basis for a sound and lasting peace. -j Sergt. Bailey religion from military service. It U glad to were tending towards the adoption of tho Whitley Councillor R u sse l l suggested tha i Alderman The Whit-Monday Spor at Devonshire Rark Song,11 Land of Gra Mac ChreC ” ...... •;.....S.S.M. Poker rustically at*tochI' to, j a t id t.Ij ncc Italian Flag )fficer6’ Command Depot Song, Drake goes West ” Sergt.- Godfrey , believe that any minister of tho Free . Churches den t on the work the. offi rs el Council scheme for the settlement of differences. Duke might be given power to i alter under the auspices of the Idi’D-f TTnipricnn wjll willingly avail himself of any opportunity (to To all appearances the higher rate of wages had Day from June 22nd to 29th if tho prom,oters desired promise to be the be6t and the most attractive that Song, Admiral’s broom ” ..i...... a...... Sergt. Harrison The ^ ih-pn sidi-riu-j w»-r««* Song, 1 Uncle Tom Cobley at war ” ...... C.Q.M.8] Copp engage in some form of national service. ” tiorr of jt »e Rev. W. jlh.nige Come to stay, and what -they had hitherto oalled a it. j. __ , ■ | . | CUNAB p L IN E . .have been held on that popi lar track for quite a long Comic, “ Now lau g h ”...... Sergt. Bailey war bonds would sooner or later become part of the By a Speoial resolution this was agreed to. REGULAR PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES time. Besides the great t< lent to! be found in the Song, “ Sympathy”...... Qergt. El&erton The it'ee retiriuej ib- rnl settled wages. What hat been considered to be the Tho [minutes were passed. Depot itself, International, Varsity and other crack Song, “ My old friend John ” ...... Mr. Bennett A Correspondent writes:— Mr. F. E. F.-rm--jr.L Mi.-s LONDON-NEW YORK. athletes are coming from a 1 parts I of the country to SODg, ' Glorious D evon” ...... L....S.S.ML Coker Richard T 'L * .' \w-ve r> fair district rate of wage had been decided upon, and FINANCE COMMITTEE^ By first including and then excluding the clergy after- careful consideration the committee felt that, LO N D O N —C A N A D A —N E W Y O R K . compete, and there Is even prospect of the meeting Comic,. “ Would you mind passing the salt.” SergtJ iBailey from the new Mat*'P°wer Bill this subject has beeii" mombe; with regard to tho Corporation workmen, this dis­ A lderm an Sim m o n s proposed the approval of the being a huge success. I e lall be! able to give full ‘ Monologue, Dickens’ characters, “ Fagan ” (encore, brought into greater prominence than ever, and two .Will oil1. lby ami Mr, Vi. Council be given to the minutes. | ,. 1 BRISTOL—CANADA—NEW YORK. “ A fallen star ”).J.Sergt, Bingham .It mr-iuh,7i;e.l iil,a. r trict wage should bo the determining factor in their details and particulars next week, j Song, “ My little grey home in the W est,” Sergt. W hittle results have followed. One is that clergymen and scale of wages. He wes glad to find those repre­ Councillor MORGAN seconded. L IV E R P O O L —N E W Y O R K . • » ministers are said to be etilisting in larg£ numberg the Do ns for Ibjmiu.-r. SODg, “ Asleep in the deep ”...... »'.;Sergt. Langford as well senting labour on the Council were prepared to Councillor ;Bea l prgduced a surcharged envelope For Ral of Pi _ ;ht, Dates of Sailing, and It is with the deepest i orrow and regret that I S o n g , “ W hen you come home, dear ” ...... Sergt. Godfrey and that many of them are choosing com batant as t<> o.bt.iin >!-• ; admit that certain sectic ns of workmen couldl not be in which thg minutes had been sent to him. He Parti* as to have to record tho death of Lance-Corporal Reginald Devonshire readings ...... Sergt. Stillman service. Some of these without____ doubt_____ ould have: be arra ■ classified with the more fully qualified and capable thought it was time tho Finanoe Committee took Apply, Ou n a r d Link, Liverpool; London, 51, Bishops- t TV*-Morgan------i]L„ Daly, TVYlJ.Ill of the Middlesex Regiment. He came Song, “ End of a perfect day” ...... C.Q.M.S. Copp enlisted before if they_had been their own masters, men, and that fairness; required that the workmen tho m atter u!p. I- gate, E.C. 2: 29-31, Cooksppr-street, S.W. 1;^65, Baldwin- • of a military family—hie father being Lieut. John So~ ng. " Eighteenpence...... ”_ ..j...... ]....]...Mr. W ilkinson . AIL honour to them. The other result is | th at man: ’ Councillor ’P earson endorsed the complaint, and Recitation, “ Brambler Band” ...... SqrgtH Bailey should be graded. This was a step in advance, and street, Bristol; 1 and 2, Millbay-road, Plymouth; 18a, I Daly and his grandfather Colonel R. Daly—and ho Song] “ In an o ld fashioned...... house' iu afi , w re arc placed in a very unenviable position, he acknowledged with thanks this reasonable admis­ said the ooiqmittee should be ashamed of themselves High-street, Cardiff; 117,. Slew-street, Birminghami or to has met with a soldier’s death, as a brave soldier for allowing the waste of ratepayers’ money on Local Agents. fashioned town"...8ergt.i|Jewkes It lias also again emphasised the question free! sion on the part of the! labour representatives. . The :-l______■ ______j should. I knew him well as a personal friend, a .....- ...... - -- ■' '■ spoken,of in the churches and in the street: Wh; proposal to adopt .foil C orporation workm en -the postage. * ' ■ ] ' kind-hearted, genial companion, a splendid sportsman i ehquld not the younger clergymen and ministers Councillor B eal also asked what the present district rate of wage had been arrived at after oare- I and a gentleman in the true sense of the word. As i military fitness help to dofond tho country • wine ful consideration, and1 ijtit must be understood that it position was in regard to railway season tickets? WORKING MEN’S CLUB. captain of the^ Southbourne 'C.G. and a frequent protects and feeds them? • involved a forfeiture of certain privileges, such as The M ayor explained that the railways had now member of the Eastbourne team, Daly was a familiar which attached to the no power to issue seasons. It was in the hands of If the scope of this Bill had been limited to includ allowance of holid figure at the Saffrons, where his towering form and n -iE n a v y only all voting ministers and those who have At a meeting on Saturday, presided over by Mr. tremendous hitting) powers made him conspicuous. sustaining value ; of church responsibilities in th 3 well understood sen^o D aniel D uly, the prizes won in the billiard handicaps His many good qualities rendered him exceedingly much of the criticism which has now become paragraph sanctioning the dosing of sub-poet and games tournament w ere distributed. The following popular; and a wide circle of friends will feel his loss general wrould have been avoided. I t is adm ittedly the basis of the district rate of wafies, leaving it to at 6 o’clock in the summer months. Ho wished them is a list of the w inners- very keejnly. Dear I]>aly; a brave, useful life and a M a c k i n t o s h ’s; the committee to formulate, and to submit to a ] to remain open till '7, froth June 1st to September . a W'ide and serious', subject,! and so' is the breakin F irst Billiard H andkjap.—1, President’s (Mr. Charles noble ending. But oh! the cruel pjty of it! Toffee de Luxe ' down of businesses and tho breaking up of homes. future meeting, a schedule of the wanes payable to 29th. Jewell) Bilver cup, replica and one guinea, F. Scott; 2, * * * — the food sweetmeat. the various classes of men. Councillor PEARSON seconded. G. A. H unt; 3, S. Croft; 4, J. March. I Another question -is also raised. Why should After a long period of silence and suspense the ! Aldeoman Sh a r p seconded. Councillor W ood said the early dosing was a great Second B illiard H andicap.—1, President’s silver It leech ane Councillor W ood, approval was given to the minutes ] present. The Eastbourne Branch ojf tli National proper- value on tile professional welcome of those Councillor B eal moved, and Councillor PEARSON Cassell^s Tablets I \\ as astonished to find that even delinquent in the Juvenile Court last Wednesday i who purposely stood back and peeped from liej seconded, an amendment adopting the committee’s of the War Pensions Committee. the fir^t dose or two relieved me. Soon I was as Xhiion of Women Workers.has arranged (Jie lecturo. the following testimonial: “ He suffers from!his chest . T[he M ayor has oonsentdd to preside. their vocation when fathers'of families and men . proposals as to district rate of wages and to the FOOD CONTROL COMMITTEE. free from Indigestior a© ever in my life. and his father is dead—otherwise he ie a good boy ! ” j separate treatment of men to [whom such rate- is not Dr. Cassell’s Table s are thie Proved Remedy for heavy business burdens went forward to defend tl 1 i Councillor Thornton being a isent, Councillor PRIOR » * * j country. from a ruthless, enemy and who in r. applicable, deleting tho clause as to retention of Neryqus Breakdo A naem ia cases will never return. privileges. moved that the minutes of the Food Control Com­ Nerve Paralysis Kidney Trouble At tho meeting on Monday jat.tho Town Ha|l Jn j T i^e C l e r g y a n d N a t io n a l S e r v ic e .— On a division this also was1 rejected. mittee,'in [so far as they required it) should be passed. Spinal W eakness Indigestion connecjtion with the London Church- Funds, . the ■ Tihe Bishop of Chichester is this week -holding three j The adoption of tho sub-committee’s recommenda­ Councillor'C hapm an seconded. [ , Infantile Paralysis [Wasting Diseases Bishop of Chelmsford, in appealing for donations and n eetings of Rural Deans, together with jtho l jrchdeacons 2JEST FOR ALL. tions (specifying increases for different classes of (Alderman D u k e asked if people keeping their own] Neurasthenia Palpitation promises of support, said he 'vyas once preeent at a a: id certain representative laity from.eadh Ar mdeaconry, fowls had to ask permission to preserVo eggs? Sleeplessness Vital Exhaustion similar gathering where thtb Rev. Hugh Price F or Childrkn Tsrtk ino . workmen) was moved by Councillor PRIOR, sooondod in orcldr to consider whab immediate I step * should be MES. Tho M a y o r : Yes. It woulc be hoarding otherwise. Specially valuable for Nursing Mothers and Hughes, amongst other promises sent in on slips of If ycur baby Is restless and by Councillor M organ. tnken to free tho younger clergy for National Service. earn od sleep, give ibis old- Alderman DUKE: I don’t think it is generally during the Critical Periods of Life, paper, read out the following from a lady in tho The Bishop, in the course of a letter, sni; es he is not fashioned remedy r. trial, ds A lderm an K eay said hp must oppose this, as it audienco W IN S L O W ’S meant an addition to tho wages bill of some thou­ understood. j [ : j I by Chemiste and Stored in all parts 1 of the P-spared to put any difficulty in the-waiy of :Lhose______clergy ft cures W ind & Tkfthinig sands of pounds C oundllor P r io r said his impression was this did world, including Australia," a , Nelw_ Zealand, Canada, “ As a Thank Offering for, two husbands already who feel it is their duty to take up eomliatai ,t work. Diarrhoca. Yon will all not apply to people who kept their own fowls. SOOTHING have a good night and V-.aby amendment was lost, and tho committee’s Africa and India. in Heaven and a third on the way, U n if o r m f o r S p e c i a l (Jo n s t a b ; -ES^—T h e ‘ Councillor B olton thought nobody was entitled jPrkjes: Is., Is. 3c . and 3b, (the 3e. size being the £500.” j •will w ake up hrighl ann report was then put and carried. East Sussex Standing- Joint Committee hiive decided SYRUP. happy. [ to preserve more than 139 eggs 'per head, even if ytooat economical), It 6odnds a bit thick, but that’js what the Bishop told MOTOR OMNljBUS COMMITTEE, i they kept their own fowls. toj supply a serge jacket and a-pairof bjueclit-h trousers : iM POuT. iNT.' — Dr. Cassell’s Tablets are us, anyway. tc eaohof the special constables doing [patrcl duty. Councillor W ood inquired if the national kitchen guaranteed free from iron and from narcotics. iTTERATURE FOR the F orces. — The Postm aster- had been a success, and, if so, whether others would They can neither constipate nor induce a drug­ Two Magistrates were fined £5 each at the Stratford taking habit. If you desire further information, There is a v»ondcvful thinq in the way of films now be started? sinu exhibited in Eastbourne which everyone should A lderm an D u k e asked for a definite answer to his write to Dr, CasjeU’a Co,,^ Ltd., Chester-road, E“6tbour^ ! ^ ch everyone riioufil ! make a point of going to 6ee. If you like a mixture Defence of the Realm Regulations. i long ui. question about eggs. Manchester. trausniL-sion to sailors and .soldier.-. C EA.STBOUENE CHBONIOLE, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1918.

•Phon* 844. Inal. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. A REMARKABLE CASE. TOWNER & Bromley, j. N House and Estate Agents. TRRRY8 DEVICE T0 ESCAPE ^ITLITARY SERVICE. ES, AMNTTAI* M EETIN3. 57, TERMINUS ROAD* KuSTBoURNE. (SO years’ Local Experience), r I T' J.: u* .uctioneera, House Agents and Valuer*. MAPLE 8s CO. M A Y N AS D T h e annual m eeting <|>f the Eastbourne ISTatural In consequence of an illegal attempt to evade Messrs. Towner A Bromley are Agents for all Available of LO N D O N ^bunil was held.' liability for military service, Mr. George HayCe,.aged Offices and Auction Room: History, Photographic an!d Ydterary Society, was held Houses in Eastbourne and Neighbourhood, and a Care­ ■ LIMITED L_ T e o r n t o n 43, secretary and manager. to the Eastbourne Pier fully Selected List will learnt, pbsc free.on application. felenc ; Lieut.-Col. on Thursday in the Committee Boom at the Technical Company, hajs been sentenced by the Liverpool 1». CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. ,jV . Brown, AMer- Institute. Dr. A. DEANE presided over a fair Stipendiary to tw o separate term s of: eixj weeks* Have All Houses lce *. With the C lerk imprisonment;|in the second division. The case came IG H POSIT ON. — To te t (Furnished). Detached ANTED, Particulars of Houses or Flats to Let. v attendance. Residence,|compri^iug 3 fecepiion ronm^. 5 bed Furnished or. Unfurnished. TERRYS National Service The Council's fifty-first annua. report was read by up on Tuesday, when Hayee was charged with having rooms,H bath room ; to let for two) or hree momhs: rent W To Let or for Sale REMOVALS ihiim). •1 • conspired with Winifred Gertnide Houghtpn (30), 8 guineas per week. F oio 13202. \\TANTED, Particulars of Houses for Sale with th e H oel Secretary (Mis® D. M. | J ay). < This recorded ▼ t possession. . \ TERRYS iry manager, of the addition of 25 hew members and the^loss of four, also of Eastbourne, to obtain the birth certificate of ENTRAL POSITION.—To Let (Furnish d>, near sea ■ [■' Iif of- exemption by leaving .the membership! at 245 instead of 225 as it one George Hayes, boilermaker,, Vinmorje-etreet, and shops-? accommodation 3 reception reborns, . 1 * TO BE SOLD:— Mr. J. C. Buek- I-iyerpool, wi n a view to so using ‘the same] that he Cbedrooms,|bath room; electric light; cooker; rent PARTMENT HOUSE; double -fron^bd; good sea EASTBOUBNE & DISTRICT AND was at the close of -the previous year. Several more 7 guineas per week, or less for.lo: ig let.' Folio 13104. view; 18 large rooms; low rent; ingoing £800. ipitiication and ©aid ihembers had been called up and were on ^service would escape being called up ,fpr military duty. SA STORAGE. Jure a substitute, plea of gui ty was tendered, and the , woman EADS.—To_ [Let" (Fumishqd)- beaqtifnl y-eituated A TERRYS either at home or abroad, but they still kept in L ocal Opfic*— pt local dairym en touch with the Society I bjv meanb of the Traneactioiie',j Houghfon confessed to having| wilfully acted as the* ____Detached Residence, ic hLffr, pqsiti »*i, sunny WO BLOCKS of SMALL HOUSES on high ground ; male defendant’s agent. Thgre was a further charge asM1pect, comprising m orning root a. •iiningj room, draw ing good weekly tenants; mortgage could remain at impossible to do and several wrote asking for news of the Societv s room, lavatory (hot and ci'ld), clmk r him w.c. 8 b d- low rate.—For price-and full particulars apply do-operation. The ■ asainst both defendants (also admitted) of havin; T 116; TERMINUS ROAD doings. Seven Council meetings seve» .Public: ...... aLLi regia tra ­ rooms, snioke rojom upstairs. >ervants’| quarters with | TERRYS ryrr*eja were com* lectures and 15 ordinary meetings had been held dur^ gi yen false information on a*-Liverpool hotel separate staircase and servant ts’ hall, j 2 1 bar h rooms. Goods Warehoused in Separate tipn form. . i- I 1 825.—BLOCfe of FIVE HOUSK3; close to Th u ; let Opposite the Station n e x t! '(week.—The ing. the year. The meetings had been better attended dressing room; Ihousc newly dtcoraTei. from top to to good tenants; could be sold separately; low Lock-up Compartments, jtse^tjo' tike. Local than in the previous year. The exhibitipn of wild Mr. Cripp?, who prosecuted, said Hayes had bottom and furnished in high rlass style; win^ cellar; £ground rent. TERRYS other cases., flowers commenced, under thej management of * the instructed the female to obtain the birth certificate electric light; telephone ; nice jaiden Hurt lawn; plate EASTBOURNE of “some other George Hayes, but above the military and iinenl couldi be arranged immediate po-session ; S00. —FREEHOLD HOUSE in good residential neigh­ e 1, dairym an, o f’ - Rev. H. Graham, on May: ll5th, and during the rent 16 g week, or neii r offer. • olio 13702. bourhood two reception, five bedrooms, bath room; twenty weeks it was open 478 different plants and 61 age,"- the intention being to use such certificate as a possession Michaelmas. | ■ 1 TERRYS Finest Fireproof Warehouses or I.peal Tribunal means of evading military service. In furtherance ON.—Toj l et (Furni-=ii- d». l >etached £ Telephone 87 Telegrams “ Elpa.m.” W. If. J^mes said' grasses. &c. (this section being in charge- of Mr accommod&t o j T. J. Richards), were ^exhibited. Certain of the- of this device he1'sent the woman to Liverpool, she H 1^ ^ 3 re^iepcion rooms, 5 r TO BE LET, UNFURNISHED in Eastbourne. sucaiested ^ that, a bedrooms, oom, lavatorj (hot < olu.r ground EYlNGTON GARDENS.—One of the bJst houses in eleven summer excursions arranged were marred or being told to there search the directory[ for the floor; g< avatiab.el middle of Jan • ; rent rve-ss. I but j this m an address of the man required, and if not; successful to this road, containing T reception, 10 bedrooms, bath m ner join he Arm y _ postponed by the weather. Thanks were recorded 7 guine; Folio 13701. J room ; furniture could be purchased ; rent £130. to tne Rev. W. Budgen, the Bev. H. Graham, Mr. visit other. pfaces, Blackpool and Dublin .being Smart and Up-to-date Vans. ed ih hd burn he especially mentioned. Provided - with j£3Q fot LOSE|TO G0LF UNKfS.— ’o Lejt (Farnishvi); com- TERRYS ~|~ ^EASEHOLD PROPERTIES FOR SAL®. Lng th at at which Bulman. Air. Rav, Mr. Toms and Mr. Bedford, who prising 2 reception rooms, 4 bei rooms, oath room, TO BE LET. FURNISHED :— • d • ' 7. d by E astbourne volunteered to act as leaders. Wounded soldiers travelling expenses, the female journeyed [ -to Liver- Cnice lounge; electric light; g.Ci.-oker; aval able Ju n e ; F.TACHKD HOUSE, containing 2 reception, 3 bed­ from Summerdown, as well' As officers and nurses pool, where j she discovered and proceeded to the rent 5 guineas per week. _ m~y - Fo io l i6f)4. rooms and bath room; wtfll furnished; very central t-^,r^J?J?rXVROO:vtK " HO0SF8. —Ocklynge D istrict- Experienced and Careinl Men "I address of George Hayes, in Vinmore-sfereet-j-a manL Dand only two minutes from sea; can be (let for longEQUITY to be sold jfor £i5Q ; showing oyer 1*1 per |cen :. d at ih the case of from the Canadian Hospital, had taken part in th ?- I^IENTR ALLY SITU AT F.D.-’■To Let (Flirn- ht-d) F la t; outings The Town Council, jat the request of the as it turned, out. of 51 years of age. She informed V-/ accommodation l rece^tic ini rcom, 2 bedrooms, bat^h period ; rent 5 guineas. TERRYS only Employed. ' ypap-n. of. E astbourne, him she wanted td purchase his birth certificate^, room, kitchen N^th sink (hot imd cold water): electric I ! ! : j 1 ! SIX-ROOMED HOUrEL—Church-street.—£300. Jf |condi.tiqnki exemp-- Natural; History Society, had sanctioned /the formal- taon of a Museum Sub-Comnjifctee to meet once a but he scouted the proposal and indignantly refused light throughout; electric jcooker; relephoi e ; plate and j F ob T E R R Y S A uction A dvertisements TWO COTTAG ES. —Near Christ Church.— £225 tke EBJ’. A. Nicdermayer to have anything to tji> do with the matter when linen included; im m ediate po scScion rent 4^ guineas j see page 4. pair. month, and consist of four members of the Public per week. Folio 13(H) L E S T IM A T E S FEES. Library Committee and four members elected by the learnt what I the object^ * ect of< purchase , ______was. ___ IShe___ . _____ then SMALL SEMI-DETACHED VILLAS.—Near CpDer- 2, tailor and o-ut- Council of the Society. The Society had suffered a w ent on to Black; il, and. ‘ while " there * I was verbally ton-road. Old Town.—£5tO each. j I aijrst refpial of Local informed by] telephcne of a telegram that jhad beeh APPLY , f great loss in the death of their Hon. Treasurer (Mr. CONVENIENT ^T.JRS'^ on Two F loors; long: lea.e 1 •* . [ption.—-jMr. A. J . ‘A. W. Arnold), a member ahce 18S1, who for the received at the Liverpool hotel from the male defen­ eft ant $ettants & J^ssistants eftanteb. lowltit ground r./I .Anf rent. I TV.Price f , . iiotA £350. 0 ” 3 | appedl was dis- past two years had managed jthe financial affairs qf dant. The telegram read, “ Sorry you . failed. Per­ •Army before July the Society so ably and successfully, and who spared haps ybu 'had better try overseas directory.” V TO LET. L t d ., LERK_SB^KS_SITUATIONas OL TDO'R R.EPRE- D V ERTISEMENTS are inserted under either of G. E. MAYNARD, no pains or time to further the interests of thie Evidently the wholp conspiracy had been carefully r i these headings at the following charge, if cash is STABLTNG.—Doublb Co^ch-house and Rooms over, planned. K j SENTATIIVE or COL fiE TOR ; can furnish dairy manager, of Society. -Mr. G. Smyth JiadI kindly acted, as hon. highest references.—Apply, . t ‘-C hronicle” Office, Vlent with the order: One insertion, not exceeding the 12 Upperton-road; rent £35. inclusive. ter exemption-, the words. One shilling; and Id. for each additional word. treasurer! since the New Year.) ^ It appeared the two defendants were; subsequently Eastbourne. Three insertions for double this charge. Special quota Further Particulars]apply to Principal House Agents, I Complete House Furnishers, jjumed fqr substitu- ■& ttlman arrested at J Liverpool, where Houghton made out On the. motiqn of Air. G. 1Y. B , jieeconded l d e r l y p e r s o n s e f e :S SITUATION as HELP dons for Longer periods oa application at eitberiOf. our or 2, Station parade, Eastbourne. pro tiler who wae by M r. T . J . RICHAEDS. th e report was adqipted. she was the wife of the male defendant. The latter in Farm house.—M-, ** c.-b(siserver.•’ Office, East Grin- office-. ;Ls now in the A rm y T3ie Ce a ie m a n , in calling ou[ ilr.,r- G.r' H. tr ^F. Smyth had £170 in | His possession. stead. |v. - f1 A an application had E I BOY WANTED for \YOTk on a Market Garden.— Greystone Buildings, to present the balance- ehi thanked! him for Mr. Lindon. Riley, who defended^ said it; Could not x p e r i e n c e d n u r s e for young bahy ; good ___ Apply, Stream Place Garden, Felbriage, near East the -release of this- stepping into the brealcb ’caused by the be denied (that both defendants had aipted^ .very needlewocaan.—Bol so vep. B jlsover road. Meads, j Griustej Jfor !^k it gx to f>t. stated that nothing, death of Mr. Arnoldi foolishly. In some _remarks mado in mitigation of Eastbourne.E w Authorities about NY LADY WISHING to LEARN MARKET Eastbourne. M r. S m yth stated that the Society's' jn<£orn4 ' punishment,! Mr. “ “ ~' a d y coaid .CCEPT PO -T for few ham s o aiiy to do! GARDEN WORK, in return for her i services, \ LL AVAIL ABLE HOU3ES.—Illustrated itegister buna! adjourned the amounted, to £43. 12s., dei .yed - from, subscriptions Hayes’ long ‘service (twenty years) in a responsible Secretaria or other Gon:i*i»*n ial W ork or as .('om-: Aapply E. Osbo- ne. Stream Place Garden, Felbridge, nearJZj L and Guide.--vselected Lasts! on receipt of require­ £28. 2s. 6d., cash receive' for advertisements position, and to the fact that he had organised and L panion.—ApplyjB. B ;,“ O bserver’’ Office, East Grin- East Grinstead, Sussex. ments. .'(trade 3, upholsterer^. Transactions £?. 7s. 6a., and dividends £8. 2s. That promoted many entertainments on behalf of! wounded stead. T OXFORD REGISTRY, Susans-road. Eaktbourne. ASTBOURNE.--HYDE GARDENS lsu|iny Ltd;, at Eastbourne; was a decrease on last year*g to tal of £58. 1 8 s .__ spldiers. Unfortunately when the Man Power Act HORTHAND TYPIST, -i Young La.iy DESIRES ; — WAN LED, Cook-Generas, ___E side).— One of the-e excellent and well- i^presentative against w hich' was ^accounted j for by the number of ba<|?k was passed |he lost .his sense of patriotism J ; while his POST in Eastbourne.—J.ppl.-, V . D., 63, L-iCLpier- Housemaids,\ Generals, Kitchenmai arranged HOljrSf’.S FOR SALE, with vacant. Jftiscdlimecras. , Sroad, Eastbourne. ] possession in epii:ember next; seven bedrooms, v; 17th by Eastbourne subscriptions paid upL Thi Expenditure had, of courage) had vanished. Hence the measure which hp Oi*K (Plain) or COOK-GENERAL WANTED, bath room. 3 res^e.^tion room s; price £950; ground he-man was registered course, risen and anfoiinted to £53. 7s. Id., compared stupidly took, and for which he was now sorry. ANTED.j- DAILY_____ WORK for LAD just leaving either temporary or permanent; one widow lady; rent £7 10s. V ; S.&L DVERTISEMENTS are inserted under either ot | Red Cross work,, but with £44. 8s.- 4d., an increase >f about £9'. The main Choa.-eparlourmaid kept.—Roselands, 8, Southflelds-road, • Evidence; of character was given by Major Teale, school ;j neighbom hoo d . lawley or in eld ; with For______order to view . __ the above and particulars of all__ these headings at the following charge, if cash La Jrative claimed' him for reason was rhe increase in the cost of paper and Chief Constable of Eastbourne. kindW but firm people.—Apply. Mrs. :nayfo.d, PiiestCToft, East^ourti’-. Asent with the order: One insertion, not exceeding 12 I field, Crawley. ’ Houses To be Let or Sold apply, Messrs. Killiek and words. One Shilling; and Id. for each additional word. rce^ ;he being a skilled printing. Their expenses, therefore, exceeded their The Stipendiary, describing the offence aa a serious VJ »K or LOOK - GENERAL WANTED ; House- Davies, Auctioneers E.nd Estate. Agents, Terminus^rdad, :an appeared for the^ income by £9. 15s. Id., but is they commenced the ANTED, by an expener cod BOAST CO 'E :: goodgooi / parlourmaid and Housemaid ; only two in family ; Eastbourne. Three insertions for double this charge. Special.quota­ one. passed the sentence of imprisonment indicated comfortable place; good wages; General Servants may tions for longer periods on application at either of our jjected that the man year with a surplus of £13. 8s. lOd. they were enabled above." The woman he ordered to pay finCe amount- carver; state wages flven.—Boss, “Chronicle C offices. . ” . ainite after July 1st. , to-end it with £8. 13s. 9t . Ea-siD bourne. OOTS, Left-off-Clothing.- Household Linen', Curtains* :.td.; appeal personally Mr.-'E; J. B e d fo r d secon FUNERAL OF. MR, E. '.J. GORKINGj:. r e e h o l d b u j GALOW I|OR| SALE ; two sitting, |&c.. Wanted tp Purchase for Cash.—dend Postcard* w ith a m em bership of 200 oe:d th e income from , sub­ Company Headquarters: The Drill Ha'l. Junction-road. r a p e r y . — JUNIOR ASSISrANT for Haber- four bedroatpsj jbathKh. and c.i)large garden ; ^ea. idrawal of conditional Eastbourne. darhery Department.—Apply, Miller & Franklin, Fand Down views;jtertiser a< “ da service•” ; price £:q-,' Mrs.!B E. Morgan, 6a,,Ocklynge-rodui. Eastbourne.______r Poume Tribunal.—Sir scriptions should be higher. DLtd , Eastbourne. Apply, Hillhead, Mi unt-pieasant. Newhaven'. USINESS REQUIRED ■ by two ladies ; ingoing d for appellants and T he T r e a s u r e r poi; pointed out the difficulty of mak­ Orders tor week commencing 12th May. 1918. The funera 3rlr. Edvrard Joseph G< rringe, of i -about £400; any part. — Instructions to H. J . RE83M AKING.—WANTED, IMPROVERS.— a y w a r d s H h a t h a n d ______m SIthe case to the City of ing any alteration on the'K sue of the Transactions Battalion Orders. Chyngton, ford, whose sudden death in Seaford Bw { Chaxjtres, 59: South-street, Eastbourne. aid for iri advance, sf-C. Morrish Sc Son, Lewes Drapery! Emporium. Particulars off HOU;dES TO BE LET or ISOL D In , ______ley did in-the case of se the advertisements were I Instructional Camp.—The Battalion will go into camp Baptist Church on the previous Sunday evening caused D this charming and healthy locality, with excellent rail- ! £ ^AdT-_OFF CLOTHING.—Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and M r. B ed ford suggested ; was a matter for the on Saturday. May 12th. Tritin from Eastbourne abont x p e r i e n c e d m i l l i n e r and a s s i s t a n t H | as the registered offices widespread feelings of regri t, took place on Friday. WANTED for Millinery Work Room at once; good way service to London, Brighton, add‘Eastbourne, apply f Children’s Boots, Household Linen. &c., Bought for i London. The Com- Council to decide, and 3.30 p.m. The camp will extend over two week-ends, T. Bannister & Co.. House and E state Agents,fM arket- rCash!—Mrs. ” —^r“’ Hart,—**■ 5,= Station-street,-*■ Lewes. T-----* a capital of half a M r. B u lm an (the hon. j cting editor) advocated but m en-wishing to leave after the first week end can do The first part 'of the service jams held in the house, and E Termmus-road.FastboQro^ place; Haywards He^th. so early on Tuesday morning. May ,21st. There will be the interment followed at ’ " ’ ^ "" «. t-if . ^ tt< tt,. x .» 4"1,r,r' 1 *‘*- OUNTRY.LCOTTAGE WANTED (Unfurnished), [ branches in the South the present arrangement on the ground that it kent Seaford Gemt-tery. The phM A LE HtLl* WANTED; persons with Laundry RICE £1.400, attractive, modern RESIDENCE,] six near a town in Surrey or Sussex, about j acre, four absent members, in ^cloee tbuch w ith the Society's an interesting instruction under the Garrison Com­ service was conducted by ;he Rev. R. M. Hunter, JL' experience preferred ; wages and working con­ was the only member mander's staff, and a.l men who possibly can should dition-* good. — Apply, Seaford Laundry, East-street, bed, three sittjug. bath. large garden; 10 minutes »of accountancy. The- doings. . attend for the first week-end. Namee-mcst be sent in at minister of Seaford Baptis Church, assisted by the Seaford. SP tatio n ; rural surro> tedidgs.—H. J. Chartres, 59, dofuth- of the exemption certifi- - In the absence of the He n. Librarian, his, report once. See Battalion Orders later for details. Rev. J. P. Morris, ministe- of Eastgate Baptist Church, ------: SUstreet, CCl, C.CVS-LEastbourne, W UL11C, j Was read by the Treasurer^reasurerl It stated that during Lewes, f The i family mourffers included Miss Ethel ARDENER REQUIRED. Jobbing or Permanent.— L L steadL i.j but directed that Mr. Co u p a x v Of.ders. _____ Nurris. Twyhui-ot. *3ighfield-road. East Grin; rrfAHRc.E BP.IUGBp. — CAPITAL PAHA HOLSEo. i the year 31 volumes had been {sorrowed by members, Gorringe (dipghter), Mr. Percv Gon-inge and Mr. d u c a t i o n a l . — Br u n s w i c k p l a g e p r e - upon to join the Colours All Parades a t the Drill H all unless otherwise stated. G ------1- ; JL large gardens ; ficehrid, £500.—Milton Bridger, land . antham said he saw no and 47 reference books consulted. Alan Gorringe (sons), Mr. ind Mrs. Stanley Gorringe d vIRL WANTED as GENERAL; country cottage; Agent. Crawley. j j PARATORY SCHOOL. — Certificated Teachers* At the instance of: Mr. B u u man , seconded by Mr. Eastbourne. (sod and.daughter-in-law), Airs. Joseph Gorrinee (step­ VJT two in family; moderate wage.—Nichoils, Little- residentE French Mistress, Dancing.—47, London-road* I iuld not decide the case, Sunday, May 12th.—9.30 a.tn.: Classification range mead, Biindley Heath, S. Godstone, Surtey. ' _____j LAJ>Y, occupying a larger house than she requires ‘ Horshapi (adjoining Carfax). Term begins -May 9th. after a consultation, SCOTT, th e report w as passed. mother), Messrs. J. H. and Roland Gorringe (step- in Sussex, would like to RECElVE Two 6r TUkef* ! ^ . n R ^ ga • Tp n i \ r ' Pg 't p l m M r. ,E. J . B e d fo r d m oved th a t th e ]Society’s pro­ firing: drill order; all men in sections Ai- B and C to brothers), Alisa Gorringe ami Miss E. Gorringe ! OOD COW1I vN W A N TED ; good wages.—Apply, O , v rvp n r i’sro c... ^-oaia Let a suite of iwelljand j bd- your_ TRO laEKijEKS_ can be TREATEDTRfcJ in f|to the City of London &LL0Od« l - j! ' ' - '-Jr. | I. Pcatt, Durham Farm, Tarring Neville, near PAYINGA GUESTS, such a way so that every kin 1 of Trouser Presser. ceedings should commence at 7 p.m. insteadvof 8.15 (step-sisters), j Capt F. C. jorringe, AI C , Royal Air Monday.—7.S0 p.m.: Machine gun dril'. ' i GNewfcaven. ______• ______j ______comfortably Furuishkl Koo_ms ; over- 20 acres of ga: p.m., and adduced many arguments in support of his Tuesday.—7.30 p.m.: Signallers’ instruction: Sergt. Force, and Sffrgt. Kenneth Gurringe, Canadian Forces lawn and wcodfand. . yvitfi small shooting;__ gfflf cejarse j fleldrroad, Eastbourne. witL^Coopor, 20* Corn-' resolution, which was second ed' by Mrl B eulAMY. Balchin. 7230 p.m.: Special instructor; bayonet fighting. (nephews), the Rev. Samuel Schor (vicar of Christ j I 1*>-AD JOBBING COMPUaiTOR (N.S.) WANTED.— ; near.—M. P., “ Observer” Office, Ea-t Grinste; After some discussion,;;which showed that many Wednesday.—7.45 p.m.: Special instructor ; bayonet Church, Blackpool) and t le Rev. J. H. AlarsKall : V i Farncorabe & Go.. Ltd., Lewes. i ETWEE N EASTBOURNE AND SEAFOI _• C^URNISHED APARTMENTS.—Widow and Two ND MINISTERS -- present were in fayour of no change, Mr. B r ig gs fighting, officers and N.C.O.’s. h (Swanley, Kent). |) I ’ j ROCERS’ ASSISTANT REQUIRED; permanent FURNISHED COTTAGE on the Downs Tl BE -*-1 Daughters Require Sitting Room. Double and. Tbu'sday.—7.33 p.m.: Signallers’ instruction. Sergt. e I Single Bedrooms, with full attendance, until about proposed, and iliss IVoodd seconded, an amendment There was a large ar.d r jpresentative attendance at position and good salary offered to suitable m an; LET for several modths. at *2^-gs. ^ week.—lAgement:*l ERS? that a postcard poll-of the members should be taken Balchin. 7.4dp.m.: Special instructor; bayonet fighting. Ga so YoUNG L a d y , with some knowledge of the trade.and Co., 2a , Bolton-rbad, Eastbourne.e. ' October; bath room essential; near sea.—Write full Friday.—7.30 plan.: Mdsketry. 7.3b p.m.: Machine gun the graveside, including Air J. Godwin King (chairman ■ —Apply personally, or by letter, to Baddeley Sc Hewer, 12, particulars, Mrs. M., 30, Coleher tie-road; S.W. 10. on the subject. ! _ | instruction. ' , IV: eEDROOM; Fuenfeshed or Unfurnished, w ith or With- of East Sussex County Con icil), the Rev. Hugh Parry Grove-road, Eastbourne. i; terms moderate.—Apply, 2, URNITURE.-r- WANTED, tio Purchased every Mr. Bedford withdrew hia resolution and I the- Saturday.—Camp at Newhaven—see above. (Congregatioiial minister, Seaford), the Rev. Winfred B out attendar.c East of the Eastbourne Free amendment was put as the substantive motion, but ROCERY and PROVISIONS.—WANTED, MAN as Court-cottages. Lev -road. East Grinstead: . description of FURNIT.UKE for cash ; good prices ay «i?veiling in Ceylon- Pevensey. ^ Rose (Baptist minister,. Newhaven) Alessrs. W F. VX VJ( ococltStock keeperKeeper andan<1 Warehousemanwarenouseman; ; ineligible.—inel Fgiven.—J. T. Wenham Sc Son. 122 and 124, Pevensey- was defeated by a majority of three. Sunday.—Drill, under orders of O.C. No. 12 Platoon. Ingram (chairman ot Last Sussex, Mar Agricultural Apply, W. B. Wood & Son. High street, Seaford. OTTAGE and" IARDEV TO LET.—Apply. Pile, road, Eastbourne, and at. Hailsham. the^ fc llowirfg resolution On the motion ofi Mr. B u t m a n , who paid a high Hazelden Farn East Grinstead. . i Tuesday.—7.15 p.m.: Musketry. URNITURE, P iaxos, &c.—W anted, to P uhchask* ML) ico tt, secontifed by trib u te to his work jpn the past, ,Dr.!. A. Deane was Wednesday. —7.15 p.m : Bayonet fighting at Eastbourne thv ! “T'^BIN O GARDENER WANTED, offe or One and C . s nd dai ried unaninfously r v 5 - j °-f E*8? % j f Farmers L mon), , J Half-Day Wetkly.—Write, N. W. A-, “ Chronicle" a s t b o u r n e . To n e or t w o f u b n i s h l d b e d ­ I large quantities of Furniture, Pianos, See., or the unanimously re-elected president. for allN.C.O.'s. A. Wadmarn (vice-chairmaa), J. Stacey, jun., ana W. , office Ea-tbourne I r o o m s TO BE LET in private house near Station. FContents of a whole House: gr.od prices given; no free Churchmen -wishes t o T h e C h a ir man briefly returned his thanks, and. Thursday.—7.15 p.m.:. Field work and recruits’ drill. —Apply, L. A. Chronicle’* Office. Fastbourne.! expenses incurred.—Wright, 86-^7, South-street,' East­ Saturday.—Camp at Newhaven. E that ^it has not shared proposed the re-election of| Nlise Jay as hon. secre­ i z s s . i jc 4 i^ « s s ^ is? “jsssss: URNISHED APARTMENTS ; sitting room and bourne. I f . althise i with, any pressure tary, Mr. Smyth aa hon. tjreasurer, Mr. Bellamy as 1. | Haflsham. Gurne Bcard of Guardians) Mr."Robert Igmbe, Mr. j fh? rir^heTEalt'oriu^t^T” bedroom ; als<^ bed-sitting room.—34, Grange-road. AM JARS. FRUIT BOTTLES WANTED; any [brought to bear upon the- hon. lantemist. Mr.j Gilbert as hon. editor, and Mr. Sunday.—Drill, under orders of Sergt. Leeson. S. F. Middle con, Mr. T. W . Dan by, Mr. W. P. Morgan, Lewes. quantity ^pqrcha.-ed.—Send. po>tcard Lctheby ana s emotion of ministers of Bulman as hon. acting editor. This was enthus­ Tuesday.—7.30 p m.: Musketry. Dr. C. B. Gervis, Mr. T. Fisher, Messrs. P. and A. G. AUNDRY. — WANTED, at once, PACKER and URNISHED BEDROOM TO LET in return: for house­ Christopher, Ltd., Gres vector Res: 'urant, Ea^t Grin- * service, ’v It is 'glad to iastically agreed to, and the- encomiums of the Presi­ Wednesday.—7.15 p.m.: Bayonet fightingat Eastbourne SORTER: good wages; also CALENDAR RANDS. hold services.]—Apply, 8. High-street; Newh,a.yen. stead. Van will collect and pay cash. for all N.C.O.'s. W. Stapley (East- L—Sun Laundry, Green-street, Eastbourne.______- F j ?r 6f the T ree ChUrchee- dent on the work of the officers endorsed.0 Thursday.—7.30 p.m.: Field work and recruits’ drill. Robin-on (a member O LET, Six )m COTTAGE, w ith garden.—Head, ADY. WISHES TO LET o u r on HIKE beautiful roself of any opportunity to _ The viBoard of Guardians), Miss Robinson, I f A N or WOMAN WANTED ; look after cow and . Surries Farm Ash urs t Wodd. ANGELAS PIANO, either!<:*? piano or with rolls.— ■of! national service.M tion of the Rev. W; Budgen. lTX two pigs; help in garden.—Mr. Percy Pembroke, T LApply, 336. ^C hronicle” Office. F a-thourne. Recruits can betaken at Eastbourne from 8 to 3.30 pan., Miss Lktham/Mrs. R. M. Hunter, Mr. Harry Willett, Hillside, Dormans Park, East Grinstead. WO UN FURN ISHED ROOMS TO LET.—4, Albion- The thlree retiring members of the Council were except Saturdays and Sundays. M r. if. Ken ward, Mr. R. Bannister, Mr. H. Stacey, T_ street; street, Lrice 5s, meatR Holders and Gardeners should .buy from Elphicl: try. Then! why not them- and Lieut. Eden Wallace, Dragoon Guards, and others Sheepfold, I were unable to. return from France for the funeraL situated in South-road, Hailsham, ar.d let a t1 £2 per L im ited, ! per 1,(100 on r til; bags,charged unless returned at once.— and Sod, Corn and Seed Merchants, Cliffe. Lewes; • aj wanted in the ranks to BLADDER ST0SE. annum, no land tax paid, fetched £155. The principal J. Cotnweli c Sod, Barcombe Mills. Sussex, j ’ ht direction; it would also- MALL HOUSE WANTED, in or near High-street “ I feel I must make widely known the debt I owe lot consisted of five pieces of freehold marshland, in all Coventry H ouse, 5, Covkstrv-st., P iccadilly 4~^OS and CABBAGE LETTUCE PLANTS, Sd, per Lewes.—T. A. Carpenter. Lewes Savin s !Sank. of incalculable vaiue^jn. about 38a. 'lr. 25pv, situatsd in Pevensey Level, close to C irccs. Lo sd o s, W . L to Doan’s Backache Kidney KHs. They relieved me 100; Pa rsnip Plants, ls.6d. per 10»)^-Apply, Eade, 3, SCITINGTINGING_NETTLfcS. DandeUo:j« CO; foot. COW of a huge bladder stone—the largest that ever I ON PATROL DUTY. Rickney, and let on a yearly tignancy of £70. This lot The Course. Lewes. ^ • 4- © Slips __ WANTED. — P articulars' (penny stump) he work of the Church may heard of—and there is no doubt in my mind that realised £2.050. The sol: cicors concerned were Messrs. TT3EFUL HELPS WANTED as COOK-GENERAL /CYCLES,! MOTOR CYCLES, ar.d CYCLE CARS.— National'if!. Herb-Growing Association, Yer u lani-st reet \i further reduced. But will they saved my life, for I might not have survived an Hunt, Currey, Nicholson A Co., of Lewes. U and HOUSePARLOU r MAID!; age about 30 ; 1 / We have the Pick ot the Market. Triumph, B.S.A., London. E.C. when thie ranks of the* operation. . ti-.v. . I s M ex o ^t of the F allen op th e R .F .C ., W a r A & ricitltuaal S u b - C o m m t t t e e .— comfortable home ;! wages £26 *28.—Apply, V. O., 12, Sparkbrook and Raleigh. BARGAINS In/SECOND­ 1ALL MEN.'-WANTED. 1 to 15 SECOND-HAND lever increasing, the churches High-street. Crawley, Sussex. HAND MO;TOR CYCLES,—Rags, l-eves. ’Phone H7. ' 4,4 How* long the e^tohe had been forming I do not ESPECIALLY OF M . W. T. ilr. A. Burtenshaw presided at a meeting of this sub­ __ SUITS for tall- men ; also i to 27 in other- sizes.-*- I their hold on the people and. ! know, but for5 many years I have had warning signs committee, at the Georg j Hotel, on Wednesday, there \\T ARE HO US EM AN WANTED at once. — Apply, 17ILEMI3H GIANT RABBITS FOR SALE ; Buck at —Cooper. 20, Corn held-road. Eastbourne.- avy decreases, in the annual being also present Messrs. M. R. Holman, G. Mercer, ▼ T Wightman & Parrish, Ironmerchants, Lewes. stud.—E. Dutt, East Grinstead. pumber will not make matters of kidney weakness—rheumatic pains, dizziness, and ANTED, to PURCHASE, small Freehold country backache. A t last X was advised to enter hospital. lu ether pure, buoyant, and cold and full iof light, I. Mannington, L- Lace, J. Oliver, Christmas, R. 1______OR SALE, STRONG SHED, covered with tarpaulin ; PROPERTY, w ith stabling and grounds ;• buyejr is righteous the churches- “ But when thelpresence of such an enormous stone Hobden and J. S. Ford (bon. secretary). Mr. Hancock, Apply, Heasman Bros., Corn and Coal Merchants, suitable for storing.—Apply, Moppetjt. M A'cacla- Ww aiting.—H. J'.fChartres.-*59; South-s-veot. Eastbourne; who constitute them will The aeroplane, poised steady in its majesty, WEast Grinstead.______' - | j ______road,F DentSm dl P iivate School: wef Backache Kidneyi Pilla bjefore risking an operation. Its brain a m an !- that the Executive Committee were contemplating the a n t e d , houseparlourmaid . 12 tm 8 p.m. T7K)ROR SA(LE,SA|LE, MILK FLOAT.. Rallf Cart. Governess of Eastbourne,—VSchool,” ••Chronicle" Office, whether ordained or other- taking of legal proceedings against farmers alleged to JP Car, |>uit_cob 14 hands.—J. Rice & C’°*» Carriage Eastbourne.W ministers, and especially the “ Four times aj day Ij took these pills, and relief Sudden the hum of other wings —Apply, morning or evening; 25, Grand-parade, was apparent from the- ©tart. pMy back became Assails its ears. Bike mighty eagle s(vift it turns, have beenl guilty of negligence in respect of the Order Eastbourne.W ______if. ______W orks. 39,jCliffe, Lewes. ANTED, CYCLE, Lady’s or Gent'-, any eonditic i plea will not ensure success, affecting the breaking up otland.—Mr. Bolt,, ploughing | opposite direction, since they' easier, the flow from the kidneys increased, and I And scanning clear, with piercing eyes the void \\ r ANTED, GENERAL'SERYANT (good character), UBLICANS’ SPIRIT BriOKS One Shilling and if cheap; also Green’s Lawn Mower.—J. K. > evading service while the gained in strength. . At the end of one week’s treat-.; between, , officer, reported that extensive and useful ploughing f ▼ daily or otherwise ; good wages; help given ; Sixpence each (Postage 2d. extra?. Larger sizes W* Chronicle ” Office. Ea.s t bourne. ment, Doan’a Pills relie ved me of a stone the size \ and sewing work had been performed with the force of small house-—Mrs. Chenneil, 8, Gorringe-road. East- : forP the w ‘ lesale trade.—Earncombe Sc Co.; Ltd., Lewes Brothers of those to whom Adjusts its speed. With muscle strong and braced and East! ANTED, a FURNlffHED COTTAGE for Angus..c. bcice. ' ll j. of a very big walnut. Since my recovery I enjoy like steel, German prisoners operating under his direction. bourne. ., } j j three or four bedrooms1., two fitting ro-S.-tif. ;,t tha cf heiilth. I earnestly hope that my ANTED, experienced NURSE for Wimbledon, to F.gn POTATOES.—May Queen. Us.; Epicure, Us.; MayfieldW or district.—Address,s Mh0koa/.ie, ,.Lmercos|t, th at somei will be found The dauntless plane pursues its prey with rapid flight.. SirlJohn Llewellyn, Us. ;' British Queen. Us. ; Seaside-road, Eastbouruo. * tch instances let the category experience will help others. (S g d .) M ary T ay n to n .” The snap of go ns, quick battle and the sickening take charge of three boys, ages 2, 6, 8 years; SharpsS Express, 10s.; King Edwards, 9s. pier cwt. On 11, Ellery-stree.t, Peckham, London, ■ whirl, • j i ! i LSHAM PETTY SESSIONS. Wunder nurse kept; wages £#>£10; age between 25 and 35 ANTED. TWO nice BEDROOMS a:.d SITTING n by the Army Medical Board L %E. IS. years; can interview between 1 and 2 o'clock any day.— rail, Tuffpridge W ells.Bugs -extra. All direct from ■ ROOM, or small Flat, district, at once, fbr I the case with- other men., then- W riting again an Jan u ary 2nd, 1918, M r i Taynton The cunning move ; the rearguard gained, the plane Apply, Mrs. Carr, 11, Sonth-cliff, Eaatbonrne.______Scotland (or off light soils.—Peacock Bros. Jc Harris, 30, W swift, sure Lower Grjeen-road, Tan bridge \\ elD. \ 1 1 three, possibly five, months;. lady. little girl and nurse. jjmtinue to respect and support said; “ Sixteen months I:a_ye pa.vsed__ since .. . can’s Pills ANTED, at once. Married Man as UNDER —Harrison. 23, Lqndea-road. Bexhill . ______made known .and no effort is restored my health, and I can state that I have had Sends alien down. Then turning swings for home \Y:-:DNESiiay.—B efore VXr. H. -Curteia (in the chair}, HITE LEGHORN EGGS for Setting:; Ward and Mr. W. F. Beauforc, Mr. A. Burtenshaw, Major GARDENER: good wages given, nice cottage ANTED, to PURCHASE:.small HOUSE in Fa.k- e combatant or non-combatant EO sign of kidney troubl-i e since my cure. ” again. Wand garden.—Apply, Money, Ashurst Wood House, East BhU laying -strain^ 7-. dozen, fe rria g e ; extra. — . w . . bourne, six or -eight .rooms.—Moodie, -50, Higjh- form /its own opinion ancT^tho To ensure the same results as Mrs" Tayntoh, insist All cold and numbed, through the keen air it makes de Roejmer, Mr. H. A. James and Mr. G. W. Grinstead. Ockenderf, 15, East-street, Lewes. 'street, Wioibiedon. 1 t its way D eadm an. ' i will not be slaw to put its* upon the same Kidney Medicine 4- DOAJSTS BACK­ ANTED, GIRL to take milk to Station and help j ■ ■ : ANTED (must be central •position). TWo FL’.R- Jlprofessional welcome of those ACHE K ID N E Y PILLS. Sold t>y all Dealers, or 2s. 9d. Met by tbe friends sept up to aid, who gather near I IRBEGUI.AR SCHOLARS. with light farm work;' one who could make N ISH ED ROOMS,’ if «ui^ab]e, for length-of tim Ijhack and .peeped from behind bottle from Faster - MicClelldn Co., S, Wells - street, As nearness goes. . ’ Wbutter preferred.—Freetb, Old Lodge Farm. Lingfield. forW Gentleman only.—Reply., Box 39, *‘ Chro . Office, A clash, a dread mischance—a pause; There wer^ several. s ummonses against parents for ^trfcinis & Assistants £Smvtti> Ifthers of families and men with Oxford-street, London, TFT. 1. !■*■-• having n^glecWi to eend children regularly co school. ANTED, good DAILY SERVANT, for few weeks. Eastbourne. i.went forward to defend their Then shuddering—the homing pilot, spent and worn, —Wheatley, Kosenlani, Park-road, Lewes. Swoops down and scales the height of the great In the case of Georuff Haffenden, Haileham, Mrs. TED, BOY or GIRL for Garden ^Tork and ANTED, to lea-se. Unfurnished Detached Modern enemy and who in many WANTED, an experienced HERDSMAN to attend oultry.—Apply, Mr.'Demusset-Hali, Felbridge. RESIDENCE in the Meads district, compnsi ig CosscnrsTiocs Objjectobs D esocxced. — In the! sacrifice. Haffendeh said she kept her boy at home in order W three or four reception, eight bedrooms * no basemer \ that she might go out and earn money wherewith to and look after Pedigree large Black and Lower House of the (Convocation of York the Dean of ,i R ose M abblin. WMiddle White Pigs; good cottage and garden; state TED, MAN for Coal Wharf, a good carman; pewsession end of September or , earlier ; Adverti.ro Manches'.or moved a resolution disapproving the conduct i to pay a-doctor's bill.--William Muimery, Westham, wages, See.—Apply to Mr. F. Pick, Bailiff, Brownings so a Lad for yard.—Apply. Hall & Co.; Croydon, m ight purchase if suitable.^-Rep’y to^M. B.. ••ChrOpicIa’1 JO B AX*!#. of conscientious objectors, who, he ,-nid, were friends of ! excused his neglect in the case of a girl by stating Manor, Black boys, Sussex, Ltd.. 116, London-road,- East Grinstead. Office, Eastbourne. v tha Kaiser. If there were any conscientious objectors • JSIXX.IONS OF PEOPLE that both he and ms vrife were working, on the land, For Children Tz e t h iso . playing th e cow ard in the Church, they w ere the Rom an ■ AN I ED, GENERAL SERVANT or BETVVEEN- TED, GARDENER (Under): glass and general ANTED, to purchase for cash. (»LD OIL PAlM If ycur baby is restless and Catholic clergy in Ireland (hear, hear). The motion was ; Hava used this economical and ‘ that the girl i remained at home to look after MAID; good wages: five servants kept; easy W i utside work : good, wages to suitable m an.— INGS, Coloured. Prints, Water-colour Drawing canroc Fleep, give this old- carried, and a rider by Canon Rawnsley seriously ques- ; FLOSILIITE I' -ndfrtce V7ich full aaMsfao- other children.—Another defendant was Charles place;W good outings. Lady 7Lane. 21, Cavendish-square, Apply, T he Gardens, Holmestrou. East Griinstead. WScrop Books and Old Needlework Pictures, ar.d fashioned remedy a trial, as tioning the expediency and wisdom of treating bona-fide | tloa. A few drops produce Carter, Polegate. who admitted the default.—An London, W. L ’TED. by Mrs. Austin Chamberlain; a sipgle- China Figures* &c.—Address, W. F. W itt. 72, Ship-street, It cures W in d & Tettheto conseienticus objectors a'S criminals |was defeated. a refreshing : lather and order for regular attendance in future was made in anded KITCHENMA1D with experience; age Brighton. Diarbhola. Yon will an FOE THE ANTED, HOUSEMAID, about 39; betweenmaid W Ai N ot L ikley.—“ Edward, you disobeyed yocr grand- : cleanser, rendering the tee til ach case. I.,, k e p t; wages about £30.—Lady Lane, 21, Cavendish- about Z ; also an U nder Housemaid of tw.—Ajpply, ANTED. CLOTHING, OFFICERS’ OUTFITS, have a good night and baby mother when she told you just now, I not to jtimp down ! white and arrest leg. decay. -! : | LKJKN'SIKG. Wsquare, London, W. 1.______Houseke eper, Thornhill, Ease Grinstead. 1 W TEETH. High prices paid according to condi­ will wake up bright and those stairs." “Grandma didn’t tell us not to, papa. ] TEETH. Also p u t up in Pow der form. The Justices coneenthd to the transfer of the license V ^ o u ; ’G LADY WANTED for Fancy Departn aent, tion. Suits up to £1; Trousers 6s.; Jackets, Js.; Over­ happy. She only came to the door and said, ’ I wouldn't jump W hy cot try it ANTED, experienced CLERK, proficient typist, th experience iin Window Dressing.—M aisoa coats, 15s.;'Boots, 10s. Ladies . good, Clothing, Jewellery oE the Black Horse Inn, Wilmington, from Jesse also quick and accurate in arithmetic.—Apply, X wi and Children’s Underclothing, Bags, Trunks, & down those stairsj boy ; r and I shouldn’t think she would, | Allen. Flora, G rove-road, Eastbourne. a n old k»dy lifce her! ” b i Walder itoto ”Mrs. Mar WStrickland, Ltd., Corn Merchants, Hailsham. ______carriage paid.—Locock, 20b and-^jl, Queen’s-ro kd, Ha F orces. — The Postm aster- Agent: “ This vacuum bottle will keep anything hot ing^s. S u s s e x . C a sh p er r e t u r n .. ; Genius is always a : prise, bat it is born with great 1 or cold for seventy-two hours.” Mr. Hookley : “ Don’t ANTED, YOUNG LADY to assist in Grc ice the beginning of the year Business ; must be experienced.—Full particulars . Exemotion from military service has been granted to average about 9'jO bags a week aff1 vantages____ when . the st­ T.___ck from which it springs ipts f want it. If I have anything worth drinking I don't want Banks are to have I an extra holiday on Whitson 2,636 Russians and 3,089 Italians living in this count ( Continued on page S.J I the public at post offices for free been long under cultivation. | to keep it seventy-two hours ! ” Saturday as they did not have one at Easter. toW A. Am bridge, East Grinstead. ' and Toldiers.

I. 1* ► VA^4*A»

Respondent; I am quite willing to go into tho ! J $ c r b a n t3 A ssistants SSanteb. LOCAL TRIBUNAL. Army if you think I should be more usefully & LOCAL NEWS. employed there. Last time I lost a job I had been in fourteen yearn and never got any pay from tho ( Continued from page 7,J T i m e s o p H i g h W a t e r a n d S h a d i n g L i g h t s CORPORATION EMPLOYES’ EXEMPTIONS Army. I liave been rejected by tho Medical Board To Shade once since then and ij| .June was passed C2 by one OOK, Houseparlourmaid, Housemaid OP Between- High Water. r e v t e w e Id. C maid WANTED end of June, for about three Mom. Alter. Lights. doctor, who said I. would not do for a soldier. months, for Friston.—Apply, with full particulars, to O., „ 11.58 0.25 „ 9. 6 Replying to questions by Mr. Fovargue, who repre­ care of Myrtleholme Agency, Gildredge-roaa, East­ Sunday, May 12 0.48 a ,, 1.12 . 9. 7 SECONDARY SCHOOL HEADMASTER'S sented the Education Committee, the man said he bourne. Monday, May 13 1.36 1.55 _ 9. 8 was cultivating almost an acre in vegetables and RAPERS PORTER.—WANTED, oapable1 Man or 2.38 _ 9.10 POSITION. fruit. He had offered to be a uniformed special D Youth, ago 17, to drive tri-car motor delivery van. Tuesday, May 14 ... 2.21 constable, but had been refused, as it was pointed —Apply,. . H. — W. Nicholson Ltd., '■’nrnfleld-terrace, Kast- Wednesd— 3. 6 3.20 - 9.11 out he.could not hold any prisoners. bourne;______Thursday , May 3.52 4. 5 - 9.13 M ajor H . P. M olinkox presided at yesterday’s Mr. Hugill said the review was no aspersion on the ' r a PBR’8 PORTER. — WANTED, able Man as Friday, Nlay 17j...... >.. 4.42 am 4.55 - 9.14 sitting of the Tribunal and others members present were man’s patriotism. D useful handy man; good wages.—Apply, H. W. Mr. Claude Bishop, J.P., Mr. J. Mines and Mrs. The conditional exemption was withdrawn, but six Nicholson Ltd., Oornfleld-terrace, Eastbourne.______Alex. Campbell. i months was granted, with the Volunteer condition. rv RAPERY .—WANTED, smart, intelligent GIRL for R o y a l S o c i e t y f o r P r e v e n t i o n o p C r u e l t y Telephone: JL r matching and to attend on lift.—Apply, H. W. to Animals, Eastbourne Branch. Hon. Sec.. Miss OLICEMAN. A MONTH’S GRACE. Nicholson Ltd., Cornfield-terrace. Eastbourne.______Looks P addon, 1, Compton-street. Subscriptions The conditional exemption granted to A. Smith, Adjournment for a month was ordered in the case | Limited 1 0 0 0 . OOD WAGES.—Offer to a willing BOY i m ust ride a are urgently needed, ana may be paid to the Mono single (40), 02, was reviewed at the instance of. the of T. G. Cobb, B2, superintendent of chairs on the ■ bicycle.—Apply, personally, Laposte, .the Wine Treasurer, H knby HoLTOAip, Esq., at Lloyds National Service Representative. Mr. R. A Nieder- front. In that time he will be re-examined. erehant. 60, Grove-road, Eastbourne. ______Bank, Ltd. All complaints should be addressed to Inspector H arwood, a t th e Office, 1a, Compton- mriyer represented the respondent, who is acting A similar decision was come to in the case of A. M. INVITE INSPECTION OF TH: :i r s t o c k o f No. 3,271. JO USKPARLOURMAID WANTSrivthree In family; street, Eastbourne; or 5, St. Jam es s-terrace; Pplegate. sergeant in the Borough Police fForoe. Payne, who had left the employ of the Corporation IX cook-general kept.—Apply, Mrs. Gould, 1, Gran- A medical certificate stated that the man still suffered for that of . Messrs. Cafiyns, Ltd. dle-road, Eastbonrne. G o l d , S i l v e r , J e w e l l e r y , A n t i q u e S i l v e r , from neurasthenia, obstinate facial paralysis and T~f OU8BPARLOURMAID and HOUSEMAID, Kast- 860., Purchased for Cash or Exchange. Spepialite: megraine. ■ ' j : i j '■ , “QUITE REVOLUTIONISED.” J 1 bourne till September.-afterwards London; two in Remounting and Remodelling Jewellery, bring ' The application was grautedand six months’ exemp­ Mr. H. W. Fovargue made a strong appeal for H. * family; personal character.—Apply to-day, after,3, at 2, old Jew ellery up-to-date a t reasonable Tsost. De and estimates free.-F. G. Clemenoe, Gold" tion substituted. In the meantime the man is to be Burrell, whose case was also reviewed. He is now Cppertdn-gardens, Eastbourne, j Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. re-graded. i the Acting Borough Accountant and that department BRHF0ED & ADIES’ MAIDS W ANTED it once, permanent and CORPORATION EMPLOYES. has only two other pre-war employes a t! the present A . temporary .; daily, or sleei i in ; Hair Dressing and N o t i c e .—A il those who wish to W arehouse time, one of these having just'been discharged from king. —. MMyrtleholmerleholme Ag mcy, Gildredge-road, their Furniture should not do so until they have The remainder pf the cases; concerned employes of Wat-chmakei Eastbourne. ’Phone 646.646.; j inspected Messrs. G. E. Maynard’s, Lim ited, W are­ the various departments of the 'Corporation. These the Army. houses, whloh are the finest In Eastbourne. Estimates 'were all under review on account - of the urgent The Chairman remarked that ho knew toe office | ORTER (W ANTED At once.- Apply, W. Brooker, froa—Note the address, G. E. M aynard, Lim ited, Mercerised Artificial Silk JE|WELLERS & SILVEJ Stationer, Terminus-road, Eilastbourne. . national neoessity.’’ was quite revolutionised, m P Removal and Storage Contractors, Oreystone- The first cases to be considered were those of employes I t was mentioned that respondent was cultivating TRONG GIRL for Round; also BOY leaving school buildings. South-street. Eastbourne. | a 10-rod allotment. * BE.MT VALUP —J. P. Hastings.. 10, Foyonseyroad,’ Eastbourne.' in the Acting Borough Surveyor’s Department. They SPQRTS COATS, S T a i l o r i n g for Ladies and Gentlemen were T. W. Dunstall, A '(40) and P. Radley B l (33), Conditional was replaced by six months’ exemp­ and. Wool QUALITY OCAiiA- TTA N H SN WAN TED! for Bi :er Round; or Woman and Son’s, 24, Terminus-road, alsoj-at 184 firemen and relief engine di ■ivers; O." H.” Gasson," A tion, the Volunteer condition being withdrawn. might do,—Apply, R, Oft ipbOll, Ifl, Terutinup-road Regent-strCet,' London, W. T Eftstbourne, Breeches, Coats and Skirts, Rii— (38), engine driver and'boil j attendant; and W. T. Similar decision was come to regarding F. W. 1b all Shades, Repairs hy Expert I Coats, etc. (W est E nd C utter and Holter, C l (34), fireman and clief driver. Rawlings, employed in the same ; departme \~M TANTED, immediately, Young Lady as JUNXOI The Acting Borough Sur yor (Mr. Keay) said the Respondent will, however, continue Red Cross wc SPORTS COATS, 100, Terminus-rd., Ea| W CLERK, knowledge of Post OffloO preferred.- No value.* men were on important work H i g h -C L*™ F o o t w r a b . at the destruotor. I t was SECONDARY SCHOOL HEAD MASTER. Very good value. Apply, by writing only, Dicker 86 Co., Grove-road, F —*■ Now season’s gCpds. —J. J. «ADR. _ Sonth- . «bl« e f jt any dimii qtion of staff, • And at EXIST] bourne. street (between S t Saviour’s Chi and’ Devon- The Tribunal ( ■anted the 6view and substituted 12 The Town Clerk next appealed for an extension In all Colours. ANTED, a Smart Youn; Girl as SHOW ROD sbire-plaoe). . I , weeks in each cai The rtment were wanted that of time for C. J. Blackburn, the head master of the W APPRENTICE; wages from commencement!— Dunstall and Ga in must be prepared to got' The men Municipal Secondary School for Boys. J There was a Apply, Georgette 86 Mayna to., 3, Carlisle-bnildings, S e l l Y o u r Ol d Gold.—I s it) advisable td doubt, he admitted, whether Mr. Blackburn had a _ DASTBOURN1 Eastbourne. _____ . 'j store old/gold articles no longer of use when the gold would be re-graded before (heir next appearance at ban’* be exchanged for money f We are prepares to Tribunal, and the Volunteer condition would- not be right to claim, but he was-only there because of his EfRICES: SCHOOL OF c ANTED, good COOK-QRN BRAL; sleep in or out; value old gold in large or small Quantities ftee of enforced, in view of their long hours of work.. loyalty to the school and the Education Committee. W also HOUSEMAID 7130 until 3 daily.-Apply, cost and to give cash or cheque payments in exchange H e (the speaker) wae in communicatjion with the AAtlreL- 53 f , T e r m i New Hotel, Eastbourne. 1 'for it.—'W. Bruford & Son, .East, FIREMAN RETAINED. Board of Education about the case and he had also ! bourne, and 241, Bigh-stcee PRICES FROM Over the Capital apd dou» ties Bank. I ANTED, a respectableictable YOYOUNG GIRL as a Learner. P. /Dennis, it was stated, had left the Corporation written, the Regional Director of Ri iruiting. He 6 / 1 1 , 2 1 / 9 —Apply, J. HydHyde, Baker and Confectioner, w. asked for a month’s adjournment that the replies Furnees road. Eastbourne, S a v e G a s !—T he “ Ideal” Boaster;does it; employ and was working as bricklayer for Messrs, Shorthand, Typewriting also saves meat Nothing can be lo st ?rom 4a— T* ^ 1—-J— Q ^ntUrjjjon, however, bad been might be received. That would enable the Education ANTED, COOK and IQUSEPARLOURMAID, the Fire Authorities to find a successor. He thought if any 2 9 / 1 1 W early in_____ June; two inf f family J good wages ; no Eastbourne Gas Company. t J man was entitled to a commission it was Mr. Black­ 2 5 / 9 and 'Busint'ss Ti.| basement—Mr4rs. Keighley, 30, Knys-road, Eastbourne, N a t io n a l W a r B o n d s . The i amount burn. Ho had started a Cadet Corps at the school W. H. ROBERTS, F.R lese bonds up to I it. ’J. A. Hounsom pointed out that 35 of the 44 ANTED, at once, good GENERAL; no cooking; subscribed by Eastbourne towards firemen 'had joiried j< up. ”The man was cultivating 20 and had taken command of another outside the no basement; good wages; sleep out.—Mrs. Saturday last was £527,993. ' During the week ending school. . . . . (Awarded Gold and Sil-J Giles, 110, Pevensey-road, Eastbourne. rod of ground.id. |) Saturday last bonds were purchased to the amount of Twelve weeks was substituted for the conditional Mr. Hugill said the Tribunal had 10 jurisdiction £33,738, as compared with £43,060 in the preceding exemption and the man will be re-graded. The Volun­ except on personal grounds, and those Mr. Black- i l l s i d e , h t : a | week. bum did not put forward. The above ILLUSTRATION! shows a well-tailored SHIRT IN “ AZA.” ■ H EA8TBOURNTf teer condition will not applf The Tribunal acceded to the request for a month’s g i t a a t i o n s SEanttb. M o t o r V a n M i s h a p .— On Monday afternoon Preparatory S c f t o c / ] | a motor van belonging to the R.N.A.S., Polegate, was THE OtfLYl PLUMBER. adjournment. Price - - - 10/6 •OB. W, EL JONES, K.A., F.R.G.I being driven along Upperton-road tojwards toe Railway W. T. Tobitt: (41), (he only plumbeij in the depart­ ON IMPORTANT WORK. College, 'Cambridge 1 Station, and, when opposite Moat Croft-road, the car ment, was similarly dealt with, but the V.T.O. condi­ The Town Clerk also opposed the review pf certifi­ “tito ba Prepared for the mounted the near side kerb and po llided with a tree. tion was withdrawn on medical grounds. R.N.C., Osborne. The van was damaged considerably. cates granted to A. E. V. Dennis ahd J. Barrow, BPfclal arrangements for Da? P Y T A rv with Nursing experience DESIRES A LOW CATEGORY. both of whom are employed in his department. ▼lallora. 2i acres of Playing Flelj V . . U -, WORK in an Eastbourne Hospital; P r im r o se L e a g u e .—The annual business Mr. Dennis was, he said, ill Cl arid employed on live in.—S. K„ Smith’s Bookstall, Eastbourne. meeting of the Eastbourne Habitation of the Primrose A. G. Green (41), G3, carman, a married man with seven children, was given six months’exemption instead Government work in connection with war pensions. PLUMMER RODDIS Ltd. K OBOBOU8H , League will take place at the Saffrons Rooms on Wed­ He thought that there was scarcely any need for Mr. I | • A . . j . . . - . v u p p e r a Ye n u e , e a i nesday afternoon next at 3o’clook, and all interest"".are of the conditional certificate'previously'held. The Hugill to ask for review. He knew ikhat good work irs of Volunteer oopdition was dispensed with. PllncIpr.I- i F. G. GILBERT asked to attend. An entertainment, free to meml Mr. Dennis was doing. , 74 to 82, Terminus Koad, Eastbourne, | . t D. G. GILBEr I Jfor «§>*U or to the League and their families, will > held atEirle-road | UNDER T1 E DOCTOR, In regard to Mr. Barrow, ho also was on Govern- ] Mission Hall on Monday evenini 1 next ait 8 o’olook. ' 1 el ■!■ 'i . • Private School /cf 0. King, Cl, was said be under the doctor. His ment work connected with the Tribunal. There was Resident Managing Director, E. C. STRANGE. E a s t b o u r n e .—f ir s t Class b o a r d i n g e s t a b ­ Attention is drawn to the advei ement in this issue | no mar. in a high category left in the Town Hall. Lares Promises with 3 acres of l i s h m e n t , close to Sea; 12 bedrooms, three giving particulars of the program conditional exemption withdrawn and 12 weeks’ months’ exemp­ Physloal Laboratories, Gymnasia. reception rooms ; old established; good connection ; • ■ -j ! /[:!-. ;f< '•: ;■ exemption substituted. .e will be re-graded. The Certificatee were varied to six Preparation for London MatrII very moderate price for the House and Furniture to an B a p t is t Ch u r c h A nnt e r s a r y . |-j- T h o tion in each rase,. without the Volunt jer condition. and. Cambridge B immediate purchaser.—Easter 86 W right, Agents, East­ special preacher at Ceylon-place Baptist Chureh on NOT PRESSED FOR. JA report of Wednesday’s sitting of the Tribunal 1 | - Fey Moderate andl bourne;______:______Sunday, on the occasion of the ■' th anniversary, was In view of his medical c itegory—C3—Mr. Hugill did will be found on page 3.] XJ1ASTBOURNE.—FOR SALE, with possession, non- the Rev. James Marchant, F.R. Ed. In the course not press for S. W. Ric hardson, assistant surveyor. [T. G EORG E’S SCHC M2J basement HOUSE, close to Grand-parade; price of his morning sermon, the preacher made15 n reference to Six months’ exemption v as substituted' for the condi­ s £1,000; ground rent £13.—Ag en ts: L ake 86 Co., 2a, the new spirit of unit----- “— e churches. ml There----- tional exemption and the respondent will be medically SUMMERDOWN CAMP NOTES. UPPERTON ROAD FATALITY. Bolton-road. Easthourno.______was still onea principle of division. I The Rom Roman an pnesta priests I examined again. . BOROUGH POLICE COURT. FOB BOYS INTENDED FOf a s t b o u r n e . — T------ITMENTS,..., ______with balcony, held that the:ley only had the right to preach the Gospel,' S. Fuunell, clerk in ths Education Office, was dealt I of Irietructlon In overlooking Pier; olectno light; piano.—9, Elms- I tjjat they alone were in .the Apostolic Succession. That bright little journal which emanates, in fort- CORONER’S INQUIRY. an rubUo Seoondary Schools ad avenue,E Grand-parade. • ™—— — -...r.--r—j . .-r*/ i with in,the same manner. H eisin the same medical ] YESTERDAY’S OASES. attention Is paid to Commercial Examination of the links stretching back to Peter and I cateirorv ! nightly nuxnbejrs,ere, from the'the Camp hae jthis thi week uogttsm, s. R SALE, Gents’CYCLES; RndgmPremier.B.S.A., (-link onmn r\t flid linlrO i WD1 at a Mr. W. J. Read vrillplay violin behMfofYhe Oorporatioto said the first man on the list MAINTENANCE CASE. as paper-substitute. It ia possible,' to a. motor cycle driven- by Sapper Robert Wynne DAY and EVENING C l AS. I close Sea and Station; reference required.—G. Corporal Willard Reginald Londry, a Canadian. lat commodi^ would. be found to be, Symington, Canadian Engineers. Another toldier Branehes of Art, including Oil Jhronicle” Office. Eastbourne. ■u' • ’ I??108-. The ooUection will be for the Organ Restoration was seated on the rear of the cycle. When opposite "Wood Carving ana L | I Fund. been ill for five months and on that account had left.- Engineer, stationed at Seaford, was summoned by ally than paper. gUNFLOWBB______and SUGAR BEET SEEDS; all The conditional exemption was withdrawn, but the Nellie Naomi Seympur, a single woman, to show the back entrance to ' Ashampstead School tho Visitors oan join for _ plants; Rite in stock.—J. C. Hastings, 10, Peyensdy- G r a n t f o b R o a d C onstruction C o m p a n ie s . accident took place, and the men were thrown case was adjourned for a|month that the man might be cause. ' j MUNICIPAL SECONDAI xoad, Eastbourne. - ‘ ~ i : f '. . —On______the__ recommendation______of Lieut. - Col. Prescott re-graded.^ Previously he- __ had- been in Class A, but Mr. W. T. James represented the complainant, violently out. Symington and Scanes received O FloriBts and Marketdebt Gardeners.—A Quantity of I (Borough Surveyor), the TownOpunoil have voted £15 I Mj*Brvd'ees said hia healthtealthwas was: at present quite broken and Mr. R. A. Niedermayer appeared for the defen- injuries, which were described in the course of th i FOR G IR l good GLASS PLA T~TES, ' 12 inches by 10 inches, FOR I to the Comforts Fund for Road Construction and I „„ 1 T 1 inquiry, but the third man was apparently uninjured (U p p e r t o n -r | T BALE.—Apply to F. Wei dant. ■ ■■ .J ; .■ . y * * ■ - and disappeared. Both Scanes and the unknown bourne. enham. 71, Temunns-road, East- \ Quarrjing Companies in France. w . Jessop, B3, head' engineer, had his conditional After a lengthy hearing the Bench ordered the MUNICIPAL SECONDAI defendant to pay 2e. 6d. a week until the child ia 14 the Knut® have been depleted by soldier had been picked, up on the road from Seaford IWO UN FURN ISHED ROOMS; b ack; no children E v e n in g S chools.—A t th e la st m eetin g of I exemption varied to six months, without the V.T.O. ■cisions of certain medical, gentlemen, by Symington. . i ' .FOR BOL 10s. 6d. weekly.—91, South-street, Eastbourne. the Education Committee & report was read from the | condition and with thp instruction that he is to be years of age. ' I T Assistant School Registrar (Mr. H. O. Jones) on the re-graded. A SERIOUS OFFENCE. nians who habitually repair to the Mary Ellen Scanes, widow; of the deceased, gave (T e c h n ic a l I n st itu te! evidence of identification, stating that her husband I work of the Evening Schoals during the past winter j H RESPONSIBLE POSITIONS. Ellen Carter, a, married woman, of Dennis-road, Pier oif Sunday evenings will miss Bombardier T. C. Prospectus and toll -parrlculn- session, and it was resolved' '‘That“ That the best thanks of Williams,; wh> ha® lately been-thinly disguised on Was attached to the 6th Reserve Canadian Battaliori. be Obtained from TBE SECItEl H. Lees, J. R. Good all and A. W. Jones, engineers, ! and formerly of Alfriston, was charged, on remand, Ho was born In England, but enlisted about March, ■ttttee. Town Hall, IDaatbouriie.| J l r t i c U s Mot g a l e . this Committee be tendered to Mr. H. 0. Jones for the were the next respondents. The first is 34 years of age with communicating venereal disease to two members the programme a® “ One, of the Knuts.” It is many services he has rendered in connection with these schools, monthsWilliams now1 possessed since a he remarkably. commenced retentive to contribute memory, j | 1915, in Canada. He was 42 years of age. Previously and B l and the others are in Class A. _ of His Majeety’s Forces. monologuesand delivered ro his the many, Sunday excerpts evening with programmes. force and,, he had been employed as a carpenter. Witness wie 1 O A EGGS WEEKLY is my present avei and that an honorarium be paid to him in respect of Mr. Brydges said it was absolutely essential that the Dr. Chisholm, medical officer at [Maidstone Prison, TV TR . a . e . St y l e r , | such Services.” A suggestion that certificates should be Thesedramatic, were eff( ct. ever Last a popular Sunday feature a neW monologist, find he was in) living in a furnished house at Walderslade, near L O U three pens (25J birds) of Rhode Isia men in charge.of thousands.of pounds worth of plant and Dr. James Adams gave medical evidence, arid the person cf Private Twinberrow, of Home Service Chatham. She last saw her . husband in February, aYJL Medalist of : Society of nm "White Wyandottes and White Leghorns; eggs from awarded to students at the close of ^the session^ for j^jj0aid be fully trained. Their technical education the two soldier®, were also called. | assured of a warm welcome and a relcall. Bomb. fta Connifcy Modern.Language Ini L these wonderful layers 10s. 6d. sitting; Inspection attendance and work done was referred to the Higher fame, made a successful debut-. | ) , but he had written every week and. as far as 6tie SPANISH, FRENCH, ad took a long time, and he very much doubted whether The prisoner was sentenced to six months’ imprison­ ' • * * vj j j knew was in good health. invited.—Frank Smith, Hauxton-drlve, Hampden Park. Education Sub-Committee for consideration. substitutes oould be obtained. ment in the second division. IEngush, Latin, ItaliJ Mr. Hugill: Less fit men could do the work if they Two other Knuts who have left 'the peaceful Lieut. R-.O.. Mitchell, 6th Canadian Reserve Batta- j T taught by up-to-dd D e a t h o f M r . R id d l e s ., — The death THE THEFT IN ELMS AVENUE. ,precincts of Summerdown are Lance-Corporal Willis U®n* ,saK* “IP deceased was under him in the occurred somewhat suddenly on Sunday of Mr. Richard had the knowledge? Private Lepsons or small Cla^cei * U a n e o t t 0 . Mr. Brydges: Yes. Amy Kate Bacon was charged, on remand, with and Lance-Cforpl. Buick. The former gained a High f ioneen!. He joined that fwrticular battalion in- On donne dee 'lecons d’angl Herbert Riddles, 19, Terminus-road, a well-known reputation as a,, ballad singer, and was frequently but enlisted March 24th, 1915, in Toronto, business man and hon. secretary of the Pier and Boat The Chairman said hp thought every employer must stealing articles of clothing from 29, Elms-avenue. _____ j There is now a ^reat b<| make up his mind to lobe his A men. A letter was received from the prisoner’s father soloist at organ recitals given by Corpl, F. E. Wilson f*e served at the Front as an engineer, and had OST, on Saturday evening, at the Foyer of the Park Angling Society. Deceased leaves a widow and one in various churches. Lance-Corpl. Buick’e stiy at 1 been wounded on April 9th, 1917. After, -being in L Theatre, a ST KING pf AMBER YELLOW BEADS. child. The funeral took place on Thursday at Ooklynge Twelve weeks’ exemption was given in all cases and stating that his daughter had been a source of trouble —Anyonea _____> bringingr-.nr. ttlGP1 to tkathe “ nkvanialaChronicle ”” fHBnnOffice, Woof_East- the men were placed on the lists for substitution. The nee birth. the Camp was of shorter duration. Though he jvas a ' hospital _he had reported at Seaford,- where he had Tel. 261. ; Unckv Royal Pa Rewarded. - ‘ - Cemetery, the attendance including a good number of • • * ’ . ..■ . .r remained. Deceased .had leave to come to East- bourne, will be suitabl the deceased’s angling friends. V.T.C. condition was not imposed, but they will be The Bench passed sentence pf one month’s hard 1 HE C E N T R A L rEW FOR OLD.—Good Second-hand Clothing taken re-graded in the meantime. labour. ■very successful appearance in. the IE 18 edition qf T CORK FIELD JIOAI In part payment for New ;■ or cash down..i.—Cooper, S e a T r a in in g Scholarships ,—As requested Fleic-so the Flier. As “ Daisy. Bell ’ he made a Gunner Michael Cox, South African Heavy Artil­ lery, convalescing afc/Summerdown Camp, said he Propri6tor, P rof. GF.OliGE. Tailor and Outfitter. 20J Cornfield-toad, Eastbonrne. at a previous meeting, the Rev. H. Plume reported to MUST B l SUBSTITUTED. distinct.. hit,... . and, in several of the scopes, presented Instructor H.M, (Joidj ANTED. BOY’S BICYCLE, in good condition.— the Higher Education Sub-Committee the result of the W. Jebbett (31), “ J ’ married, with five children, I quite a fascinating appearance. The good wishes qf was coming from the camp about *5.30 p.m. on Sunday Hann, Garden Graith. Watts-lane, Eastbourne. inquiries made regarding the sea training scholarships RAILWAY TRAGEDY. theireir friends inside and outside Summerdown ’will evening. It bad been rainirig, but had just ceased. The Subjects of Instruction a.- wag elated to be the driver of a steam coal lorry He and his brother were walking on the pavemfent ment, Military, Physical and J W awarded annually under the soheme approved by tne I travelling between the station and the works. follow them. ■ / 1 Fencing, Sword, Single-.-tick, La XTETANTED7WHITE FOX FUR; must be cheap: 1 on the left hand side, having just come from The T T state price, size and condition.—999, “ Chronicle nnmmiktanCommittee in FoVirnoei?February, 1Q151913. TfiI t xxrowas a roonlresolved noil ft “ (a) I fTL-The conditional exemption .... was _ ....'i-l, withdrawn, _ and Firs i Aid;l That the scheme in connection with the award of these . ... too, ' • ’ ~ ' ■ -DECEASED’S PATHETIC LETTER. Summerd owners include at least a couple of Goffs. Thec bicycle with three ipen on it came down Office, Eastbourne. substituting twelve weeks the Chairman said the I the road swaying. Witness remarked there jivaa Firfet-class Army Insti uctorl scholarships be continued; and (b) that the best thanks man would probably have to go at the end of that | Americans. Gunner Ashworth is the “ Little Tich Ladies! and JuvoiAle Cla.-ses :« of the Committee be tendered to the Rev. H. Plume | time. Hearing the hours he worked the Tribunal of the ! Kn its Koncert Kompany, He exchanged going to be an accident. His attention was attracted ment, Physical arid'Swedish for his services in this matter.” Shortly after 9; o’clock on Monday morning a body by the men joking and laughing. The" road being the'personal Mibervi.-ion of I AIEt RAIDS. decided to dispense w ith the Volunteer condition. was discovered lying between the; railway line and the into the R.F.A. from the United States Artillery in wet caused the .machine to skid to the wrong sjide. S. Nichblls (42), < ssistant fitter, could, said Mr. buttress of the Whitley-road Railway Bridge. In a 1914, and has the right to wear five- gold stripes. The driver tried to right it, but it skidded again [and ForTParticglars apply ai Brydges, be replaced if a lower graded competent pocket was a piece of paper with the name of Charles Gunner Gray, of the same branch of jthe Service, is the cycle toppled over on its right side. It somer­ >/-w^ man could be found. a nativq of Boston.' He has lived, however, in Chili \ - | Tkl. 2G| ^hostile or otherwise) or Phelps and the address, 2, Brenthurst-road, Willesden, for mahy years. saulted and in turning over one of the men struck I gifts of books (including “ Twelve weeks, to be re-graded and placed on the written on it. Enquiries elicited the fact that this was . * * * - the lamp-post. The occurrence happened so quifckly from or at Aerial Craft. Australian hospital ships, sent to her for this substitution list ” was the decision arrived at. the name of the deceased and that he was visiting Private W. Mackenzie, of ^the Seaforths, late y that he could not describe in order exactly \yhat R . N. COLLINS, BENEFITS. se will acknowledged bv Miss ; ‘ . TO BE RE-GRADED. Eastbourne for the benefit of bis health. occurred. ' Redpatb, Harbledown Lodgee, South fields-road. The transferred to the M.G.C., is) so the Summerdoem 43IOOO In event of Death. | C. T.'. Crund&n hud been for four months in the Mr. G. Vere Benson enquired into the circumstances Camp [Journal records, one of the first corners from T h e M ed ica l E v id e n c e . SO U T H STREET, 431000 In event of Loss of Hands or Feet, dr Eyesight. League maintains clubs in London'for soldiers from all under which the man met his death on Wednesday at Capt. Home, surgeon ,at the Central Military the Colonies and Dominions; particulars of these can Gildredge Hospital with tuberculosis, and his case the famous 51st Division after the receht big push had ■ Nea^':Towrj 43500 In event of Loss of One Hand or Foot, or One was adjourned for a month that he might be re­ the Town Hall., _ begun.) On the third day he saved the life of Majbr Hospital, Eastbourne, said the driver and tho Eye. | ■”! be had from Miss E. Pringle, 1, Enys-road, hon. Deceased was identified by Florence Amelia Phelps, deceased were admitted to the hospital on Sui iday CRICKET A N l organising secretary of the Eastbourne Branch. graded. Grant,; Machine Gun Corps, by. carrying, him fir 436 per week j during Temporary Total Disable­ MUST BE PHYSICALLY FIT. his wife. He was, she stated, 401 years of ftge and was four miles) under heavy fire to the field dressing vgning last between "six and seven. The driveriver of ment. : J i1 I n c r ea sed B ir t h K a t e .—The return for a pianoforte maker. His home was at 2, Brenthurst- station. The rescuer remembers finally stumhlihg the cycle was suffering from a fracture .of, the i 80/- per week daring Temporary Partial Disable­ April shows a considerable increase in the number of The pf A. Rogers, S. Cooper and G. A. road, Willesden, but- they had been staying in East­ thigh and was quite sober. He was able' to gi CASH ADVANC] IS | ment. ! N Cooper, ill stokers, were considered together. Mr. across, the railway and then woke hp on a stretcher] In addition to above, all M edical Expenses u p to IB, per births in tbe borough, the total for the month being 71 bourne at 27, Avondale-road. Deceased had been ill connected 'account of what had occurred, though (33 males and 38 females). This is a birth rate of 17'04 Brydges) pointed out that in view of the nature of with neurasthenia for five years and had been under, suffering from shock.- Deceased was unconscious, APPLY to the C1dest| cent, of the Compensation otherwise payable. the work the men must necessarily be in superior Private Andrew Aitken, of the Gordons, is. accord­ Larger or Smaller Amounts p ro rata. per 1,000 of the population per annum." Deaths the doctor intermittently. He had been advised to go bleeding profusely from the lright ear and nose, and IVflSS A. JH'1 numbered 48 (20 males, 28 females), 25 being Of persons •physical condition. away for three months’ complete change and they had ing to the same paper, one of six soldier brothi rs had bruises on tries face, especially over the left eye. APPLIOATIiON FOR INSURANCE. 65 years of age and upwards.- The death1 rate was 11'5 come to Eastbourne. About six weeks ago .he had from the Shetland Isles, and four of them are with There was a small cut on the right side of the head. 1, WILMINGTON N a m e in fu ll or, excluding deaths of non-residents, 10 08. 1 wakened her in an hysterical state and had said that Colonial contingents. Andrew is the tallest, with He never regained consciousness. He vomited pome m e nai something was telling him to cut her throat and his his six fee); six inches- of steel and. wjhipcord, and ho blood and bloodstained,..fluid which smelt of seer. EASY REPAYMENTS. FGlj A d d r e s s ...... W h it s u n t id e H o l id a y V is it o r s . — T he list andlithe men rC-graded. was at Looe and other big things. ' ACTUAL LEMfill: Occupation...... Age.. own, but that somebody was protecting her. She sent One half pint of beer recently taken would act ount Companies. Ministry of Food announce that persons who iritend S. Harnier,armer. bricklayer, was given 12 weeks instead j' • *. - * fo r. that. At 3.10 a.ni. on Monday morning Do you at present hold \ spending Whitsuntide in holiday resorts will be well for the doctor and had then brought hiiti to Eastbourne. the of the conditional exemption previously enjoyed. Tbe Coroner, at this stage, produced a letter found Sergeant Ken, of the Highland Light Infantry, l as patient died, without'..recovering. consciousness, The on Accident Policy 1 ) """...... advised to take their sugar Supplies with them. .All been'isix times wounded. He wears also the ribbons 1ASH AD he in took place in the King’s Bench Di vision on Wednesday, said from what he was told by the driver) of his engine S ir : Will you kindly allow me when Mr. Francis John Nicholls, M.R.C.S., of Devon- tion wae not impo led. _ I the road and one on the pavement. The forme r was :. i. v. •. i ____- r - r ____ to “f®ke known hei went to the Whitley-road bridge about 9 a.m. on the one .who had'been seated in the side car, ar d tho tv m i n t through the columns of7 your paper that! the annual shire-place, Eastbourne, sued Mr. Philip Robert De > “ A ” MEN FIRST. Monday morning. A Irian, who appeared to be dead, C.Q.M. 3. W.; T. Pavt’on is a.professional footba ler, latter the. driver. The one On the roadway wa® i T eale of work for the Society for the”Propagation of the Santi (specialist for surgical operations of the throat and A. H. Parker, slid Mr. Brydes, was the only motor was lying there. The body lay between the 6-ft. way and I one if the 500 in the “Footballers’ Battalion, unconscious and was bleeding profusely, while the • • ; LANi Gospel, usually held in May, will not take place this ear) and Mrs. Violet de Santi, his wife, of Silverdale- 1 repairer and; there were 195 motors to be attended t) and the bridge. who! wo: glory at Delville/ Wood. In pre-war days one on the pavement was quite collected, tiough s e c u n i T'! year. j, ■ - / | i ....-, < road; Eastbourne, and Wimpole-streefc, London, for I The Chairmen: Six months, to be re-graded. he was e inside right of the Wist Ham Reserves very white. Ho asked witness to lift him carefully, -J It has been decided instead, as last year, to make an £696, the balance of an account for professional atten­ Wm. Baker, permanent waj/ inspector, corroborated (Souther: League)-. He is now in the 17th Middlesex effort to raise the surd hy donations, &c., so that the dance on the lady. Mr, De Santi denied liability, and Mr. Hugill:-Any substitution? tbe previous witness’s description of the position of the Regiment. as he thought he was suffering from a brokekt leg. Society shall not! suffer. Contributions will be grate- , pleaded alternatively that the charges were unreasonable Mr. Bishop: I ’inish the “ A ” men before you body. There was a slight mark where j the body had -| * * * Witness saw them into the Upperton Red [Cros®; trouble about substituting Cl men. been dragged along the rail. All the engines that Hospital. Later he was summoned by the Sister,j Q M a The Ijlue Boy Band are joining the 13th Hussars and found the deceased considerably worse. It was,1 J. E. Aldridge B2, cable foreman, was given ftix passed at that time had been1 examined, but no signs in confcert at Devonshire Park or ■'Sunday . eveni „ cheque for the amount collected will be presented I attended another medical man, or Ins fam ily,______montHs instead ol conditional exemption, and will were found. During jnext[ week the Blue Boys will bo .‘discoursing at his suggestion that the medical officer came with t'Oif FIS a t a special service at St. Saviour’s Church on Tuesday, fee or reward, and that the action was not maintainable. re-graded in the meantime. Police-Sergt. Lawrence deposed to finding the letter the ambulance and. removed the man to the Military popular! music from the Municipal [Bandstand, either Hospital. In his .opinion Capt. Home’s explainatioiji June 4th, at 7 p.lp.m. ! 1 | —After hearing the plaintiff’s evidence, his Lordship ij TO CONTINUE RED CROSS WORK. Jroduced) in the clothes,'while the body lay at-the in f-he fnorning or the afteiYioon. ' ‘ I Yours...... faithfullyj held that the defendants were not liable, aijd dismissed mortuary. He had made several inquiries amongst of the accident was the correct one. He thought th|e iB N A il E T The Acting Borough Surveyor asked to be allowed ■ * * - ' * j ' ••'.I .accident would'.not have,occurred had the eye the action, with costs. He, however, suggested that the engine drivers and others, bgt withput result. The In ihe Y.M.C.A. hut . on Monday Mr. K. bopq A. J. HOARE (Mrs.), matter should not bejeft there, but that tome arran to retain W. Unsted (28) C3, timekeeper, employed house where deceased lodged was about five minutes’ in running order, as the road 'Ought not to ha e bcq'n Hon. Treasurer S.P.G. Sale Fund. in his department. Sadnddrs, son of Dr. G. J. S. Saunders/ of Silvdrdale- slippery enough to have caused it. ment should be made between thri parties.—Eventually walk from the place where the body was found. There roajd, flectured on his work with * the troops ' iri 32, Upperton-gprdons. > it was agreed that any remuneration to be made to the Tho man vas given six months, with the proviso were severe injuries to the left shoulder, his neck was The Coroner.. asked the jury if. they : wis lioil to that he should continue Red Cross work, and was Meiso] ia. His story, was heard (with the greatest adjourn in order .to. take the evidence of the diivor?/- plaintiff should be decided, on broad lines, by Sir Henry broken and his right ear lacerated. As far as he could i,nt£r< he lecturer i® in chargej of the Mildmay Fruit Tret Morris. ' ' i ■ - ■ ■---")' ordered to be re-graded. tell no other bones were broken. The foreman vsaid they were satisfied that t,he Park draining School.) „ ' _ ; f occurrence was an accident, and that there was Ho ECONOMY IN ELECTRIC LIGHT. “M e n o f S u s s e x ” Com forts F und.—A t ", A PATRIOTIC OFFER. A verdict of “ Suicide whilst of unsound mind” was returned. I 1 , J ground for assuming criminal negligence or i ock!e.-.-- the annual meeting of the Men of Sussex Society, held When the case of R. T. Stevens came up, the TV|> concerts were given in cattip on Thursday ness on the part of the. driver. They were rateful in London on Tuesday, under the chairmrinship of the respondent, whej has lost four fingers on hie right [The sympathy of the L.B, & S.C.R., the jury and iSTU lk £ ,^ 0 the E ditor. the Coroner was conveyed to the widow' and relatives. evening. That in the Y.M.C.A. hut was provided to Dr. Mprr Smith for his evidence, which hid bpen S i r : With refer&noe to your article last week on the Under Sheriff of Sussex (Mr. Walter Bartlett), a vote hand, was said to be 41 years of age and in C2. |He tno Patriotic Concert Party, while tho Knut® most helpful, and in this expression the Coroner Con­ above subject, qo tho Corporation honestly desire to of thanks was passed to Miss Dorothy Boyd, of East­ was partially employed in caretaking at Willowfield- or ei “ operating ” in the theatre, i I curred. C A - : : reduce the consumption of electricity ? If so. why do bourne, who promoted the recent entertainment in aid road; Schools, and, in the remainder of his time, A verdict of ‘’Accidental death / was r?turricd.“ they insist upori charging consumers a minimum of of the “ Men of Sussex” Prisoners of War Comforts cultivated nearly ail acre of land. A n I nnocent Boatman.—Puzzled by the receipt of*'[ and the sympathy of the Coroner and jury offered Fund. I t was mentioned that 70 members of the Respondent said he had no objection to joining the a registered letter—the first of its kind that had reached L acked P ersistence.—A City nWn asked/an oeto- 40 units whether this amount is burnt or pot? A small Society were with the Forces.; Appeal was made for Army. He h"ad| volunteered three times before con­ him—a Ramsgate boatman, aged 41, put it in a letter einarian peasant what to do to live to be eighty! . “ Don’t the widow. :?. ' .■ • ; consumer is thereby penalised if he saves the light. increased subscriptions to the 'Comforts Fund, which scription came in and had once succeeded. They box without reading its contents. Unfortunately the rinlk, don’t smoke, and keep out in fresh air,7 was the Yours faithfully, rovided for parcels to be sent, under the direction Of sent him back, however, after a month. envelope contained his calling-up papers, and last week freply. “ But my father observed all those rulep, and he Printed by the Proprietors, F arnoombf &• Co., Limited, he was charged withfailnre to reportfor military service, died at .sixty.” “ Yes, but he didn’t observe ’ein long and Published by them eyery 8aturd&y at tho: ,r Offleop, t u :-: F-.l: RATEPAYER. Slord Leconfield, to Sussex men in German hands. The Chairman: That was very patriotic of you. rind handed over to an escort. enofugh!” J South-street Eastbourne.

j-|K M ni;i..\ i. CAL 15.4 DiaVk 50. !6s. ui. : 1 incjlude Ei;\ Lewes, East iMm.-Lea.. anal

L' r-r